Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Local showers.
For low Komi showers.
For weather report are page 3.
The Limit
SongTess Votes to Aik for Thii Sum
Annually for Fi?e Years for
Boss Tom Runs
Steam Roller
Over Kickers
Head of the Jim Club Re-elected and
His Oppoiition Very Neatly
President Appoints 330 Supervisors
Union Leaden and Officer
porationa Agree on Three.
Half Year Contract
to Direct Work After Consult
ing: Advisors.
New Work.
Forestry and Reclamation Bureaus
Commended in Resolution.
Living1 tn Land Should Not Be Neces
ary to Get Water.
liorrriort Shalleaberger, Brady and
rillchrlat Make Addrriu nl
Meeting? to Be Held la
SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 13. With the
election of officers, the selection of Pueblo,
Colo., as the next meeting place, the p&tf
tag of resolutions commending both tiie
efforts of rinchot and Newell In the for
estry and reclamation bureaus, asking a
110,000,000 Irrigation fund from congress and
commending the Mississippi deep water
ways, the seventh National Irrigation con
gress practically ended today. There will
be no session tomotrow, unlesa John Bar
rett, director of the bureau of American
republic!, arrives to deliver a promUed
address. The business planned for tomorrow
was all transacted today and nothing Is
left except formal adjournment.
The resolutions commending the Newell
and Plnchot administrations of the bureau
of Irrigation and forestry were general, not
lven mentioning the .chiefs of .these
Colonel Martin presented the deep water
ways project before the congress In the
absence of W. U. Kavanaugh, president of
the Lakes-to-the-gulf Deep Waterway asso
ciation. He gave an outline of what Is ex
pected as a result of the prposed fourteen
fcot main trunk waterway.
Shallrnbercer HikH Rseerli.
Governor Shallenberger of Nebraska ap
pealed for the conservation of resources.
Governor Gilchrist of Florida argued for
the abolishment of Mason and Dixon's line
and by the designation of the south J
"sleeping giant now awake."
Governor Brady of Idaho commended
both Secretary Bellinger and Olfford Pln
chot and urged that oil be poured on the
troubled waters in the Interests of the
All remaining trace of the Ballinger
Tinchot hostilities disappeared on the last
day of the congress, with perhaps a men
tion now and then by some kindly disposed
sees k-r.
The following officer. In addition to
B. A. Fouler of Poenlx. Artx., president,
and Arthur Hooker, Spokane, secretary,
were chosen today; .
Vice President Ralph Twitchel, New
, Si:,Miid Vice President R. W. Young.
Third Vice Tresldent L. Newman, Mon
tana. Fourth Vice President F. W. Flem
nilng. New Mexico.
Fifth Vice President K. J. Watson.
Puuih Carolina.
Deep Waterways Commended.
Colonel John I. Martin of St. Louis
Kalned the only victory in the resolution
atlopttd at the morning session. A short
fight was made on the proposition to
commend the deep waterways project In
view of the fact that other waterways
were neglected. But because the Missis
sippi project is one of the general bet
terment of the nation, the motion to strike
out the Martin endorsement was with
drawn and by a unanlmousl vote the reso
- lullons passed.
A synopsis of the resolutions adopted to
day follows:
That homesteader under a government
project shall not be required to establish
a residence before the government Is pre
pared te furnish him with water. '
That the irrinatlon congress aid with
ther conservation organisation to bring
About waterway Improvements, reforesta
tion and other like project.
That the reclamation act be extended to
That the states pas law regulating the
cutting of public and private timber.
That there should be no political lines
with reference to the use of water for ir
rigation. Thnt the Mississippi deep waterway be
The committee turned down the resolu
tion asking a $6,000,000,000 bond Issue after
a sever debate In which some of the
Washington delegation upheld the meas
ure. No hint of the Bellinger-Plnchot diffi
culty came up In committee.
Addressee Sty Tkree Gertrssn,
Three governors of states In widely sep
arated portion of the country delivered
address at the Irrigation congress ses
sion here this afternoon. They are Hay
of Washington. Brady of Idaho and Gll
chrlst Of Florida.
The first subject taken up today, "Gen
eral Purposes o: the Irrigation Congress,"
was discussed from the platform by Sen
ator Heybum of Idaho.
Representative Ransdell of Louisiana,
president of the National River and Har
bor congress, followed Senator Heyburn
In discussion of the general subject, and
W. K. Kavanaugh, president of the Lake-to-the-Gulf
Deep Waterway association,
presented the case of the middle west,
which la endeavoring to secure national
aid In deepening the channel of the Missis
sippi river.
Prof. W. D. Lymn of Whitman college.
spoke on "Deep Waterway for the Inland
Three Men Hold T Bank mt Saatav
Clara, Cel., and sheet at
6ANTA. CLARA, Cel., Aug. 1J -Ths Val
Jf.ty bank wa robbed early today by three
man who escaped in au automobile after
an exchange of shots..
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11-Twc fast
' automobile filled with armed deteotlve
have been sent out through the Mission
road district from here ' to assist In the
capture of the robbers. The number of the
car In which the robber escaped and Its
make la known.
The bank robber were captnred en
Moody creek, seven mile from Santa Clara.
by SherUI Langford and two assistant
Th-w submitted without
The steam roller Is a mechanical con
trivance possessed of neither grace nor
elegance, but capable at times of a cer
tain wild. iclerd effectiveness when prop
erly handled, all of which is apropos to
the meeting of the Dahlman Democracy
club last night for the election of officers.
As the day for the annual election drew
nigh, as such days have a habit of doing,
there were rumors that one Thomas J.
Flynn, alia The Boss, would find oppo
sition for re-election. "Possibly so." quoth
the boss, when he heard the rumors of
treason, "but we will see."
So he called together such of hi lieu
tenants as were known to be faithful, even
unto death, and thoee then and there
congregated brought forth the steam roller
aforesaid which they Introduced Into the
club rooms by means of a rear window
and when the Insurgents began tnsurglng
the engine was set In motion and all that
remained of the opposition was twelve
basketsful of fragments which could be
Identified only by the strawberry mark
on the left arm and the gold fillings In
the teeth. '
Flynn was re-elected president by ac
For vice president there were two can
didates, Thomas J. O'Connor and R. A.
Schneider. The vote showed 76 for O'Con
nor and 35 for Schneider. That was a
total of 111 votes. Instantly a friend of
Schneider was on his feet demanding to
know how, with a total of sixty people
In the room there were 111 votes cast. He
was ruled out of order and was promptly
thrown down the goat chute and the meet
ing proceeded.
Clarence Arthur Hess was again elected
secretary against Dan .Horrlgan with a
total vote of 101 out of the sixty members
Lee Bridges was re-elected treasurer.
Mike Molarity's name was suggested, but
was withdrawn. A friend of Mike's ob
jected. "The chair can do anything It
wants to," was the explanation he ant
from Boss Flynn and Bridges was elected
by a standing vote and was afterward re
quested to give a cash bond of 110,000 to
secure the club funds In his keeping.
Meyer Klein was aaln selected to act
as house committee.
When It came to electing honorary vice
presidents everybody had a chance. All
that was necessary was to mention a
name and lo. It was done. The name of
Governor Bhallenberger was not heard,
but out of the babel of voice and con
fusion of tongues the following were dis
tinguished: W. D. Oldham, Kearney;
Charles W. Poole. Tecumseh: Thomas B.
Garrison, Kearney; Frank Bartos, WU
ber; Fred Voltt, Scribner; George Fitz
gerald, Florence; Douglas Phawven. Lor
etta; Claude Qulgley, Valentine; C. A.
Baldwin. Valentine; J. Bailey. Jr.. Wahoo;
R- B. William. Lincoln; L. J. F. Jeager,
Chadron: W. T. Page, Geneva; Judge
Tucktr, Sidney; P. 1. Lenahan, Omaha;
C. W. Lackard, Erlckson; J. J. Ryan,
Mouth Omaha; William Roberta, Mullen;
John Sink, Grand Island; Fred Mengeth,
Omaha; John Hodspodsky, Wllber; Steve
Ryan, Columbus; Frank Henry, Rogers;
Harry Miller. Stanton; P. M. Barrett, Nor
folk; J. S. Walters, South Omaha; Nick
Frits, Pender; Pat Touhey, Spaulding; J.
J. Byrne, Columbus; A. P. Larson. New
man Grove; Pat Welch, Falrburyj Tom
Towey, Greeley Center; J. G. Maher, Lin
coln, and Henry Scheele, Utlca.
Much Interest in
Alaska Frauds
Government Officials, However, -Refute
to Discuss Evidence in
Absence of Chiefs.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. Much Interest
was manifested here today by Interior de
partment officials In reports from Denver,
Colo., that a hearing In Seattle, Wash.,
next month will disclose proof of gigantic
frauds in connection with mJ lands In
Alaska. They declined, in the absence of
Secretary Balllnger and General Land Com
missioner Dennett, to discuss the nature
of the evidence. It Is learned that upwards
of TOO entries on coal lands In Alaska, in
volving about 112.000 acres and containing
valuable veins, have been suspended by
the department during; the last three years.
The lands are estimated to be worth -.-
Plan a Proposed to End , Trouble
that Hae Been Oat Slaee
NEWARK, N. J.. Aug. IS It was learned
today that a plan for the settlement of tht
strike of hat makers, which has been In
progress In Newark and the Orange since
January, waa agreed upon In a conference
between the hat manufacturer and John
A. Moffat, president of the United Hatters,
held at Sea Girt last night. The terms of
the settlement are not yet made known.
Gets Money Due Half
Friday the 13th was a lucky day for W.
Q. Templeton. secretary and treasurer of
the Union Loan and Investment company,
with office In the Bee building, for on
thai day he received from the United States
treasury department a certificate fur SHU
for back pay due when he was a soldier
of Uncle Sam during the civil war nearly
a half century ago.
Further, the money came a a surprise
to Mr. Templeton, a he did not know until
It receipt that the government owned him
anything. He had always thought that
when he wa discharged from the army he
waa square and bad no Idea the govern
ment wa "holding" out on him. He ha
now taken It for granted that the tlt.U re
ceived from the national treasury 1 ail
right and that It wa Justly earned and he
will therefore keep It.
Mr. Tsmpleton was a member of the
Eighth Iowa cavalry, serving under General
Croxton a brigade commander, and un
era! McCook a division commander, the
Eight cavalry being a part of Sherman's
army on hi memorable march from At
lanl to the sea. In Jul. 144, the Eighth'
New Men Are to Get Twenty-Three
Cents First Six Months.
Strikers Who Resist Being Disarmed
Are Arrested.
General Manager Berr of Canadian
Paclfkn Places Blame for Oat
break on Greek
CHICAGO, Aug. 13. The last shadow of
the trouble between the street railway
companies of this city and their employes,
which threatened to lead to a strike of
great proportions, passed away tonight.
Formal peace under a three and a half
years' contract was agreed at a meeting
between the officials of the companies and
of the unions.
The proposition made yesterday by Presi
dent J. M. Roach of the North and West
Side lines was made to the South Side
unions by President T. E. Mitten of the
South Side lines. It waa accepted by Presi
dent M. E. Buckley, representing the union
The only two hitches In the proposition
as advanced last night were smoothed
away. The new men are given 23 cents an
hour for the first six months, 24 cent for
the next six months, 23 cents for the second
year, 26 cents for the third year and 27
cents until the contract expires on Febru
ary t 1913.
The proposition made and accepted to
night by the South Side Interests I the
same as that made and accepted on behalf
of the North and West Side' Interests to
night. The contract reads:
"The mtn now In the service are to con
tinue at the present rate 23 cent an hour
for six months. 25 cents for the next six
months and 27 cent after one year. All
men In the service one year at 27 cents an
hour are to have 28 cents next year, then
28 cents, and finally 30 cents, the maximum,
after two years.
Work of Disarming: Striker.
FORT WILLIAM, Ont.. Aug. 13-The
only development, In the Canadian Pacific
dock strike were the vigorous step taken
by the military under Colonel Steele In dls
arming striker.
The presence of bayonet and the sight
of men loading rifle with ball cartridges
cowed the leaders. The mob I threatenln
and more trouble I feared when IS strike
breaker start work. Those who resisted
being- disarmed were Jailed.
The 800 soldier patrolling the street In
the dock district tonight are keeping close
watch to prevent any outbreak, as It Is
known that hundreds of weapon are hid
away by the foreigner on strike.
General Manager Bury of the Canadian
Paclflo said: "We don't anticipate any fur
ther interruption of traffic with troops
here. We are ready to rest on arbitration.
These men quit work without notice and
without any effort to confer with the com
pany. We attrlbue this to the Greek ele
ment, of which there are some 200 among
the dock strikers. We had 1,000 men all
together, the rest being Hungarians and
Italians. The Greeks told them Monday
that they must quit work or they would
shoot them,' adding that they were going
to hold the company up. They did not
make any demand and have not done so
yet. We are paying day laborers 18H cents
an hour and 21 cents for night work. It
was from this good pay that they struck.
I cannot say what we will do, except that
we don't propose to have traffic further
Interrupted, as we can bring In all the men
we need."
Under the escort of soldiers the first
strike-breakers arrived today. They were
100 French Canadians, a sturdy lot, well
equipped for muscular work around the
dock or for fight, If necessary.
This evening Colonel Blllman at Winni
peg received word from the minister of
militia at Ottawa to hold the Nineteenth
regiment and machine guns In readiness to
Strikebreaker at Pittsburg;
PITTSBURG. Aug. 11. Two tralnload of
strike breaker were placed In the Pressed
Steel Car company's plant today before the
striking employe of that company were
aware of the coup. The heavy tog which
hung over the Ohio river served a a shield
for the company's men to cover their
operations, and It was not until the last
of the Imported men were being trans
ported across the river that the strike
pickets learned of the move. The strike
breakers were put to work at noon. They
will receive from S1.7S to S2 a day. Tobacco
will be furnished free and a hotel near the
(Continued on Second Page.)
on Friday, 13th
cavalry waa sent out under McCook to
destroy Hood's army train, the maneuver
being known in history a the "McCook
raid." The fighting Eighth wa cut to
piece by the confederate, and Mr. Temple
ton waa taken prisoner and sent to Ander
sonvllle prison on July SO. Eight long
months afterwards he wa exchanged and
sent home on a furlough.
Naturally, the unfortunate In (hat
southern prison paid little attention to af
fairs, and when Mr. Templeton finally got
out he was so pleased to be at liberty
again that he never once thought about
his pay or figured up the time since latt
pay day, to be sure he got all that waa
coming to him. Now after forty-five year
the government ha found that there was
still due the soldier one month's pay, SIS;
a shortage of tl when he waa discharged;
and a shortage In clothing allowance of
37 cent; total $14.43.
"What get me, though." said Mr. Tem
pleton. "is that the government failed to
pay the Interest on this money. JJ I oould
have had this money out at interest these
forty-five years It -would more tbaa tripled
la value evea at I per cent.
The Standard Oil Company
From the Baltimore American.
Famine Threatened as Result of Last
Council's Action.
John Latenser Fears This Scarcity of
Supplies Mar Cripple Build
lnT Operation Before the
Season i Over.
Omaha I now face to face with a brick
Shortage In the brick supply has al
ready been felt by local contractors and
John Latenser, architect for a number of
the larger business ' building now being
' erected, I authority for the statement that
contractor will do well If they get through
the year without having to cut down their
force, to say nothing about stopping work
altogether for a time. .
The shortage In material I largely due
to the legislation of the old democratic
council, which prohibited the location of
more brick yards In Omaha and those now
in the city are utterly unable to furnish
all the brick needed in Omaha this year.
Sioux City brick yards have been "milked
dry" and nearly all the brick from the
natural gas belt in Kansas has been con
tracted for. Freight rates prohibit buying
brick at points farther removed from
Caldwell A Drake, the contractors for
the new court house, are In about the best
shape of any of the contractors, accord
ing to Mr. Latenser, a they have enough
material to keep going for sometime. They
bought about half their brick In Sioux
City, Intending to buy the rest In Omaha.
The Thompson A Starrett company, con
tractor for the Brandel theater and of
fice building, hoped to secure all the brick
they needed In Omaha, but, with the local
yards working night and day, a full sup
ply of material Is away short. Sioux City
brick waa bought exclusively for the large
addition being built to the academy of the
Sacred Heart, while Kansas gas belt brick
wa bought for the block long addition to
the St. Joseph hospital.
No More at Slonx City.
"Sioux City haa no more brick to sell, I
understand," said Mr. Latenser, "and the
giving out of the supply of natural gas In
Kansaa haa practically stopped the manu
facture there. Local yards are utterly un
able to meet the great demand made this
year by building contractors, and with so
many buildings of all kinds, from small
brick flat and store buildings to sky
scraper office buildings, we will do well
if we get through the year.
"The railroads are doing extremely wrell
by Omaha this year and delivery ha not
been a prompt In five year."
E. T. Petersen, chief clerk of the city
engineering department, said that the rush
of building material to Omaha ha thrown
hi department behind some, a it has had
great difficulty In getting through cars of
asphalt and cement The street repair
crew was tied up for several days until
Thursday, when one car of asphalt got
through and two crews were put to work
again on the streets.
Failure to get heavy rails for the street
car company for several streets has de
layed repavlng In some localities, notably
Cuming street, where paving brick has
een piled on the sidewalk for month
while watting for the company to lay new
Please bring your
Sunday Want-Ads
in as early as possi
ble Saturday.
They are received for Sunday as
late at 8:80 p. m. Saturday, but
It la best to aet them in early to
insure proper classification.
If you cannot come down
town use the telephone.
Call Douglas 238 and ask
for the .Want-Ad Department.
is making butter out of petroleum at Alton, 111. News Item.
More of Chinese
Legation Called
Home with Wu
Evidence that Complete Change Will
Be Made to Get Rid of
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 That there will
be a complete change In the Chinese lega
tion here was made evident today by tha
receipt of a cablegram recalling Dr. Ten
Wei Chlng. second secretary, to Peking
Dr. Ten I a graduate of the University
of Virginia and came here with Mr. Wu.
Dr. Ten' sympathy for the reformers of
China wa one of hi distinguishing traits.
"Minister Wu, who 1 now on his mission
to Peru, will hasten to "Washington.
Oflclals who are close to the Chinese
legation, while disavowing any knowledge
of the reasons for Mr. Wu' recall, believe
ho will be engaged at Peking In concluding
the codification of the laws of China, which
work was begun by htm when he was first
recalled several years ago.
Chang Tin Ting, who will become minister
here. Is regarded as In perfect accord with
Mr. Wu In his general view on the de
velopment of China. Both the present
minister and his successor are of the pro
gressive element
Chang Tin Ting ha a brother and a
son who are being educated In this city
preparing for college. Another son of the
new minister was sent to this country ten
years ago. Under the name of Henry
Chang he went through the grades of the
public schools of this city and graduated
from the University of Pennsylvania.
Spanish Navy is
Ordered to Melilla
Will Go to Relief of Troops Threat
ened by Strong Force of
MADRID, Aug. 13. All the vessels of the
Spanish navy have received orders to con
centrate at Melilla -where a Spanish force
of soma 38,000 under General Merlna is
threatened by a strong gathering of Moors;
who resent Spain' punitive expedition for
the murder by the Moors of eight Spanish
MELILLA. Morocco, Aug. IS. Friendly
native bring in report that although the
Spanish artillery fir la destroying the
camp of the Moors, It Is not causing great
loss of Ufa, a the Riffs have built a sene
of subterranean chamber and passages
under their location In which they take
The Moor made an attempt last night
to cut the Spanish railroad. Searchlights,
however, revealed their purpose and they
were driven back.
The Spanish artillery continue to bom
bard Mount Uuruga, the headquarters of
the Moorish position.
13. The Moors who surrounded the Spanish
garrison here kept up an Incessant attack
all day Thursday.
, One by one the telegraph wires connect
ing Alhucemaa and Ceuta with Penon D
La Gomera have been cut by the Moorish
bullets and It Is probable the garrison her
very soon will be Isolated.
Record for Cross-Country
Flight in United States
MINEOLA, L. I., Aug. 18,-What Unsaid
to be a record for cross-country distance
night for an aeroplane In this country wa
mad by C. Foster Wlllard In th Golden
Flyer today, when he covered twelve miles
In 1 minutes. This exceed th ten-mils
flight made br the Wright brothers' aero
plane from Fort Myer to Alexandria, Vs.,
and return several weeks ago. Much longer
flight within a short circle have, however,
been made by the Wright and longer
cross-country flight have been made
Mr. Wlllard, who ha been making short
flight almost dally in th machine belong
ing to th Aeronautic aoclety, started Xr??
Sensational Charge Against Ballinger
Denied at Washington.
Statement Sixteen Thousand Acres of
Land for Power Purposes Had
Been Acqnlred for Trust Re
cently Declared Untrue.
WASHINGTON. Aug. IS. "At no time
during the administration of Secretary Bal
linger have any power site been filed on
In Montana." says Acting Commissioner
Scliwartx of the general Jand office. In
statement today. The statement, which Is
significant at this time In view of the Issue
which has arisen over water power sites,
was Issued as a denial of the story which
alleged that In the Bozeman, Mont., land
district one Jeremiah Collins on June 11
filed on 15.86S acre of land, valuable for
power sites. In the Interest of large power
"The only water power sites on the water
sheds of the Missouri river not now under
the control of the government under Sea
ret ary Balllngcr's order of suspension are
sites which have been In private owner
ship for several years," says Mr. Schwarts,
"and two additional sites which are Im
proved and developed to run the street
cars and lighting of Helena and Butte and
the mines In Butte.
"These rights, however, are mere revok
able permits as distinguished from vested
easements, and these permits were approved
Jointly by the Departments of the Interior
and the forest service in the years 1907 and
Acttnsr Secretary Issue Order Involv.
Ingr Many Acre In Utah.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11-What 1 said to
be the largest number of acres of land
withdrawn for temporary water power situs
In the history of the Interior department
was made today, when Acting Secretary
Wilson withdrew 87,360 acres along the
Colorado river in I'tah. The land was with
drawn to prevent "monopolies" and with a
view to procuring legislation from congress
to preserve it to the government.
Printers Adopt
Insurance Plan
Scheme for Creating Mortuary
Benefit Fund Will Be Sub
mitted to Referendum.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo Aug. IS A plan for
establishing a mortuary benefit fund was
adopted by the fifty-fifth annual conven
tion of the International Typographical
union this afternoon. It provides for bene
fits ranging from ITS to S4O0. according to
the length of membership and will be sub
mitted to the referendum vote of the
Drinters. A tax on all earning of one-
half of 1 per cent is proposed. The mem- j
bers of the union now earn over HO.OOO.OJO
a year, so the income would be about
ti'OO.OOO a year.
Reports show that the union la In pros
perous condition. A resolution to aid the
hatters in their strike was adopted. The
union ha already loaned the hatters $5,000.
A night vesslon was held and the con
vention will close about noon tomorrow.
Mlneola at S.W a. m. today In an attempt
to make a new world's record cross-country
flight. His route lay around an irregu
lar square and carried him from Mineola
over Garden City. Weslbury and Hicks
vllle and ack to Mlneola. Leaving Mln
eola Wlllard sailed the machine about 1j0
feet In the air, and going off at a fast clip
hi machine waa Quickly a speck on the
borUon. Soon it disappeared behind the
trees. Nearly fifteen minutes had elapsed
when the speck again appeared mile away
In the direction of Weetbury. The machine
began to glide alowly downward and landed
In a field between Mlneola and Weslbury,
but the magneto wa deiaoged.
Half Places in Solidly Democratio
States Go to Democrats.
Most of Men Are Endorsed by Com
mercial Bodies.
Teaan Object to Classing His State
with Solid Sonth Charles A, Over
lock Appointed I'nlted State
Marshal In Arlsonn.
BEVERLY, Mass., Aug. 13. At an ex
tended conference tonlpht with Secretary
Nagel of the Department of Commerce and
Labor, Postmantrr General Hitchcock and
I Dana Durand. director of the census.
FreMdent Taft approved the appointment
of S30 supervisors of the thirteenth census.
The list hnd been prepared at Washington
for the president and the qualifications of
every man Inquired Into. There were somi
vacant districts In Kentucky, however.
when the cabinet officers and the director
of the census arrived In Beverly today and
these were put up to the president for
There has been marked discontent anmn?
some southern republicans over the decision
nf the president to divide the census patron
ago in the states of the "solid south."
Colonel Cecil Lyon, republican national
committeeman, came all the way from
Texas to tell the president that he would
rather have the state put In charge of one
supervisor a good republican, of course
than to have to divide the congressional
districts with the democrats. Oklahoma,
he declared, had been Included with Ten
nessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and Mis
court In the list of nearly doubtful states
that had been set apart from the other
southern states for a full list of republican'
"If Oklahoma Is a northern states." de
clared Colonel Lyon today, "I am In favor
of moving the Mason and Dixon line still
further south to le' Texas In.
"When It Is considered that each census
supervisor will have a tremendous field
force of enumerators under him, the ex
tent of the census patronage may be
readily realized. Each of the supervisors
will receive a salary of 12,000 and their
work will extend over eight or ten months.
The enumerators will not have so long a
The states where the supervisor are
divided equally between the democrats
and republicans sre Virginia, South Caro
lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis
sippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas.
Work Ilea-lna In October.
Director Durand said today that he hoped
to have the supervisors actively at work
by the middle of October. He said that
today many of the supervisors appointed
by the president have received the en
dorsement of business organizations In the
communities In which they live and have
been selected more for their capabilities
as officials than for any active part they
have played In politic. In fact. President
Taft, It Is said, laid down the rules, es
pecially In states where a division has
been made between democrats and repub
licans, that supervisors Khali not be active
partisans and that no attempt should be
made to build up political machines out
of the census patronage. Director Durand
haa personally Inquired Into the standing
of every candidate recommended for of
fice and has prepared a little biographical
sketch of each supervisor named by the
president to show exactly what the man
has done to destrve his place In the pub
lic service.
Messrs. Nagel, Hitchcock and Durand
were to have seen the president this after
noon, but In motoring to Beverly from Bos
ton they got lost on the wrong road, were
delayed at the Boston ferry terminals and
did not arrive at the summer capital until
after the president and Mrs. Taft had gone
out for their late afternoon automobile ride.
The conference at the Taft cottage did
not begin until nearly 9 o'clock tonight and
continued until a late hour.
Golf Hoodoo Disappear.
On this Friday, the thirteenth day of the
month, President Taft' golf hoodoo dis
appeared. Under damp and darksome skies
Mr. Taft and John Hayes Hammond got
their revenge against Adelbert Ames and
W. J. Boardman of Washington by win
ning today's presidential foursome on the
links of the Essex Country club, by 1 up.
It was the first time the president had won
a game this week.
Tomorrow the president will play at Essx
against his brother, Charles P. Taft of Cin
cinnati, who, with hi wife, will arrive on
the North Shore tomorrow morning to
spend a week with the Boardman at
Beverly took on much of the aspect of a
teal summer capital this afternoon with thtj
arrival In town of Secretary of Commerce
and Labor Nagel, Postmaster General
Hitchcock and E. Dana Durand, director of
the census. '
Postmasters Appointed.
Mr. Hitchcock took up with the presi
dent the appointment of several postmast
ers whose selection will be announced
later. The postmaster general plans to re
turn to Washington tomorrow. He Is going
to spend his vacation in the far west ami
hopes to be In the saddle most of the time
he Is away from his official duties.
Secretary Nagel will return tomorrow to
Marlon, Mass., where he is spending the
summer. Mr. Durand will stop over Sun
day at Rock Point. Mats, returning to
Washington early next week to continue
work on plans for taking the census.
Colonel Lyon dots not think President
Taft is going to see enough of Texas, ac
cording to the present Itinerary, which
takes him to El I'aso, San Antonio, Corpus
Chrlstl. Houston and Dallas. Furthermore,
the president's trip as planned carries him
through three' congreiinlonal district where
cattle raising Is the chief Industry and
free hides are not popular, and through
two districts devoted to lumber, which
was reduced to tl ?5 on the tariff list.
Two Appointments Made.
President Taft today appointed Charles A.
Over lock of Douglas, Ariz., as United
States marshall for that territory. Mr.
Overlook succeeds Ben F. Daniel, a
"Rough. Rider," appointed by. President