Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Del
Entered at Omibt postoffle aa second
olas mailer.
Dally Be (without Sunday) on ynr..l'J
Dally Bn and Sunday, en year
Dally Be (Including Sunday), per
Dally Be (without Sunday). p wek..o
Evening Be (without Sunday), par week c
F.venlng Baa (with Sunday), par week. .We
Sunday Bee. ona year
Saturday Fes, one yaar
Addres all complaints of Irregularttlee in
delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha Twenty-rourth and N.
Council Bluff la Scott Street
Lincoln M Little Bulldlnir.
Chlcaao 1M Marquette Building
New Tork-Rooma 1101-1103 No. M. Wet
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Communications relating to new and edi
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Only 2-rant stamps received In payment or
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State of Nebraska. Douglas County.
George B. Txschuek, treaaurer of Tne
Be Publishing Company, betng duly sworn,
aaya that the actual number of full ana
complete coplea of The Dally. Mrn,n:
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of July, MO, we a followa:
1 41.T4 17 4l,l
1 4X.W II '"0g
f 4t,0t IS 4LS40
4 4UN 20 41.TS0
1 4S.1M
1 41,080
1 4LOT0
t 4I.81S
10 41.TS0
11 40,888
11 48,880
11 41,740
14 41,710
15 41,870
21 4,30
;j 41.tl0
24 .....4100
ti 40.150
i 41,t70
11 41,880
i 41,640
it 41.040
30 41,880
81. 41,330
l 41,740
helurnej eopia ,i
Net total
, i,sta.4ia
baily average
Subscribed In my presence and iworit to
b. me thla 2d day of Anguat, 1J09.
(Seal) M. P. WALkBB,
Notary Public
8abscrlrs leavlaat ase elty tem
porarily ! hava The Bee
It's cool In Colorado likewise In
Note that not oven midsummer heat
tg wilting Omaha's rising real estate
The beet part of the Seattle exposi
tion la the view from the car windows
while passing through Nebraska.
The Lincoln 8tar complains that
Omaha has been "for years the pet of
Nebraska railroads." We hadn't dis
covered It.
Midnight In Omaha wilt continue to arrive
at I p. m. Lincoln Star.
Lincoln seems to be involved In per
petual midnight, v
The death of Richard Golden takes
away another of the heifer's legs In
"Evangeline." There are not more
that three or four left.
The democrats would, no doubt,
like to help nominate weak candidates
on the republican ticket, but It's a
good deal easier said than done.
Copy for the printed house journal
is said to be ready at last. We
thought our late legislature had given
us a reform clerk of the bouse.
Those Chicago artists, Reulbach and
Brown, have made phenomenal
records, but they must not forget that
as Is the fielding so shall appear the
It is to be noted that Gilford
Plnehot got In his say In the first ses
sion at Spokane. If he had delayed he
might not have been noticed in the
later noise.
All men are equal in America.
Hence alt Americans are glad that
Jeffries and Johnson are matched and
hope that their favorite will win. There
Is no prejudice, but then
The waterway board starts for Eu
rope. After they travel down the
canalized Elbe and the rampant Rhone
they can tell congress how to navigate
the Missouri below Kansas City,
Mr. O'Brien brings to Mr. Taft the
warm personal regards of eminent
orientals. There la good fortune In
having In charge of international af
faire a man who has many friends.
Cleveland Is trying to match up
with Cincinnati, Detroit and other
cities on city directory population.
Omaha will be content to wait until
next year and get the correct figures
from the census taker.
One bunch of yellow Journal stories
tells of a garter snake In a woman's
stomach, a nine-foot rattler, a rattle
snake which chased a cat and five big
and forty-nine Ittle rattlesnakes found
In one stump. It looks like a good
summer for snakes.
The classic Isle of Crete got Its or
iers In a hurry on the Independence
question. Every talkative nation has
by this time had Its fingers burned In
fooling with Turkish dependencies.
None of them will have any part in
Crete's little uprisings.
Two self-styled aid societies have
been driven from business at the New
York Immigration station. Irrespon-
iible societies call for the law's close
vigilance, but a mixture of prudence
Is not amiss. The government of the
United States Is right now making ab
ject apologies to Mrs. Helen Spencer.
Recess Appointments.
President Taft's announcement that
he will make no recess appointments,
particularly of federal Judges, until
congress meets has the elements of
good temper, regard for the quality
of the public service and knowledge of
political practicalities. There is no
friction between the president and the
senate. While Mr. Taft will not idly
provoke a conflict which would be dis
astrous and would offer little prospect
of party or public benefit, neither
would he be apt to yield to senatorial
dictation against his best judgment.
Federal judgeships are positions of
rapidly growing importance. The
spreading business of the country
brings more and more within the
Jurisdiction of these tribunals the af
fairs of the average citizen. It is also
more and more necessary that the fed
eral courts should proceed evenly and
rapidly. It is still more necessary, If
it is fair to say so, they be kept as
clear as possible from controversial
The senate is extremely sensitive
about Judiciary appointments and very
sensitive about recess appointments
made without consultation. Mr. Taft
doubtless recalls previous embarrass
ments and confusion in .the courts
from these causes and wisely he de
cides that the way to escape trouble
is to not let It begin. It may be sus
pected that the president is willing to
escape the pressure during the tension
of travel and labor that he has laid
out for himself this fall. On all ac
counts the announcement touches an
excellent policy.
Foreign Trade.
Secretary Knox, to whom congress
Intrusted $100,000 for the purpose, is
putting at work a force of experts to
collect information on the extension of
foreign commerce. The New York
Evening Post commends the effort, but
reminds the country that it would be
an error to Indulge false hopes of re
sults from this small sum of money.
The Post offers the advice that the
practical way of using the fund would
be to concentrate it on data covering
exactly the kind of goods, the packing
and shipping and the customs of credit
to which the consuming people of each
nation are accustomed. Such data are
already familiar In consular reports,
but the American business man either
has a short memory or he really does
not care about foreign trade.
Last year Mr. J. J. Mill, who is an
observer not to be neglected, said that
the sale of American manufactures In
foreign markets is an idle dream. As
less and less of our agricultural
products can be spared for foreign
countries, the total of our foreign
sales will be smaller, In spite of de
partment literature and consular fig
ures. One public man bas said that
the trade of a state like Illinois is
worth more than that of all Europe.
If the assertion Is true, . it is not
strange that American business " men
are careless of details in sending their
goods abroad to countries of stinted
consumption and small economies. At
any rate we cannot sell goods to these
people when the prices are too high
for them and the styles do not suit
Our national fiscal policy is to cre
ate an Industrial market to consume
the total of our agricultural product.
(Naiurauy, roreign iraae is not me
brand of commerce which flourishes
most luxuriantly. All we can say of
ourselves Is that If we are going to
export we should learn how to do it
to the best advantage. Foodstuffs ex
port themselves. Manufactured goods
are competitive commodities. The
methods of sale must follow the lines
recommended by established trade
customs and common sense.
A Legislative Scon tin? Party.
A commission made up of members7
of the New York legislature is making
a tour of the central west for the pur
pose of investigating the practical op
eration of laws providing for direct
primary nomination in connection
with the legislation on this subject
which has been urged by Governor
Hughes. The commission is Scheduled
to circle through Illinois, Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Kansas, In all of which
states direct primary laws have been
enacted and have been applied for
longer or shorter periods.
The significance of this legislative
scouting expedition is not that it is
looking Into the workings of direct
nomination machinery, but that the
legislature of New York should be
willing to admit that It may have
something to learn from the experi
ence of other states. This concession
is striking principally by contrast, be
cause the average state legislature is
so certain of its own infallible wisdom
and Its own supreme ability that It
undertakes to grapple with the most
momentous problems without inquir
ing, or even caring, what other states
may have done when confronted with
the aame conditions. . Thus one state
after another has often made the same
blunder, and laws with noticeable de
fects have been enacted which could
easily have been remedied oy taking
heed to the course of similar legisla
tion elsewhere.
Only recently a few states have es
tablished legislative reference libraries
and undertaken to give their law
makers access to the material thus
complied, but only occasionally has a
legislature done what the New York
legislature p now doing In sending a
commission out in the field to secure
information that is not In the books
and cannot be gotten out of official re
ports. It is possible we may some day
evolve something like a clearing house
of state legislation, but in the Interval
independent and self-sufficient law fac
tories, will be filling the statute books
with a hodgepodge of half-baked legis
lation for which the people will con
tinue to foot the bills.
" Trained Runes.
Among the new activities of recent
years the trained professional nurse
and the half-trained novice nurse play
a very large part in social economy. Be
ing women, they are inevitably sus
ceptible to social influences and quick
to demand social privileges, not only
in the homes where they are employed,
but In the institutions where they
In the Henrotin hospital of Chicago
the sixty nurses make certain demands
which the doctors dislike, but which
may cause trouble. The nurses wish
to remain away from the school at
night when they are not on duty, to
have pass keys, to have servants for
answering general bells. Other de
mands have a similar object of per
sonal liberty and comfort. They will
probably not win all at once, but the
incident suggests that the modern
business of the trained nurse Is a sub
ject and a class by no means servile
or trifling.
Civilization has apparently stopped
trying to regulate cooks, but nurses
come on a different plane. It Is a
workable problem.
For some reason or other we have
not heard any outcry lately about the
unhealthful water served In Omaha,
although, so far as we know, it Is the
same sort of water that a few months
ago was threatening all sorts of com
municable diseases. But then, that
was while the $6,500,000 water bond
proposition was pending, and as soon
as that was carried It, of course, clari
fied the water.
Cleveland counts up and finds that
It has 620,000 people. It allows Buf
falo 425,000, Detroit 477,000 and Mil
waukee 351,000. Clip this for refer
ence next year. Four lake cities with
2,000,000 population dislocate the cen
ter of gravity too much unless Chicago
is trimmed down. On such a point
nobody's word goes but that of the cen
sus director.
What is Missouri? In the late Mr.
McCullagh's time it was a regular part
of his duty to prove that the state was
not southern, but western. Then
there was a reason for a sort of defiant
assertion, but why should the Globe
Democrat renew the doubt? Missouri
calls Itself southern only when It Is
selling calico In Texas or mules in the
sugar belt.
Nothing small about the Irrigation
congress. Men who need $5,000,000,-
000 in their business have an exhila
rating faith in the future of their
country. Still, they might yield a few
odd dollars for minor considerations
like the legislative, executive and Ju
diciary departments of government.
Miss Jane Addams keeps up a coy
repulse of the presidential nomination
tendered by the suffragists. It would
not hurt Miss Addams a bit to run and
would raise the reputation of the suf
fragists. If she should run and ne'er
attain, she might still raise the tariff
to $250 a lecture.
Accidentally the democratic con
gressman from the First Nebraska dis
trict has come home to tell his constit
uents that the tariff bill is a huge de
ception. This is the first that has
been heard from this eminent demo
crat since he started for Washington
last March.
Psychical researchers make jokes
Instead of history. Prof. Hyslop In
quired about a second marriage and
the spirit of bis first wife answered
that she would never speak to him
again. The professor's head must
have an osseous look as he tells this
on himself.
It is gossiped from Des Moines that
Governor Carroll of Iowa will be con
tent with one term in the executive
chair. Governor Shallenberger will
be tempted to declare a quarantine
against Iowa to keep this one-term
microbe from crossing the Missouri
Our old friend, Edgar Howard, Is
seeing things again, his hobgoblin this
time being an Imaginary attack on the
Oregon plan of senatorial elections
which was stepfathered by Nebraska's
late democratic legislature. These
alarm signals, however, are harmless.
The Charleston News and Courier,
still unreconstructed and unrepentant,
derides the Peerless and Infallible be
cause he writes It "Charleston, N. C."
The News and Courier thinks that the
Peerless may have been thinking of
the faithful Josephus of Raleigh.
Stock buyers have more sporting
blood than have grain speculators.
Nature and good land do not play for
one kind of gamblers and do for an
other. There Is no precept to be ap
plied to the case except that If you are
good you will be happy.
Thaw goes back to Matteawan. Evi
dently judges and juries have settled
into a permanent doctrine that he
must be kept In a jail or an asylum
and the easiest way Is to keep him
where he is In either case.
Teaching; a. Teader Spa.
Philadelphia Record.
One great advanttage of a tax on Incomes
la to make thoa who pay It less indifferent
in regard to the expenditure of public
Aa Inalienable Htgat.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
A rantankerous Alabamlan remind the
duaty and determined legislature of hla
state that "It will still be possible to get
whisky at the drug ator upon the prescrip
tion of a physician." And the Inalienable
right of a southern gentleman to feel
"poorly" cannot be abridged by legislative
o tiaff from affey.
ft. Paul Pioneer Press.
Colonel 3uffey. tho was kicked out of
the democratic national convention at Den
ver Iwt year, dominated the Pennsylvania
democratic convention held last week. The
platform contained no Indorsement of "the
peerless leader."
Wisdom In the Shadows.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Nothing In Don Carlo1 life ao became
him a his last will and testament. In all
Europe there la not so tit a custodian for
11,000,00 worth of rt treasure as his holi
ness the pope. Such treasure are the
common property of civilisation.
Manltlad'a Best Friend.
Chicago Tribune.
We have great admiration for the men
who discoered wireless telegraphy. In
vented airship, discovered radium and did
things of that sort, but our ereatest sratl-
tud Is deserved by the genius who has put
upon the market the nonrolllng collar but
ton. The Limit af Optimises.
Baltimore American.
A New Jersey traveling man of thirty
years' experience declarea that W per cent
of the world is honest. Here Is an optim
ism that few thought could possibly exist
outside of the millennium. Such a man Is
capable of believing that trusts and all
corporations are In business purely from
the philanthropic desire to give their fellow
creatures employment; that Mr. Carnegie
really wants to die poor, and that Mr. John
D. Rockefeller Is the benefactor plus ultra
of the race.
Prrmatare Counting- of Chlekea.
Washington Star.
All estimates of the else of the democratic
majority In the next house are to be re
ceived with caution. Election day Is fifteen
months distant. Not a single nomination
by either party has been made. Borne men
carry elections long before the day set. and
lose them when the day arrives. Let us
all wait and see what the new tariff law
looks like in action. If it performs well
the republican need not worry; If 111 If
the revenue fall short and the treasury
deficit grows, and money must be found
from some new source next winter then
Chairman Lloyd and his lieutenants will
be Justified in wearing a broad smile in
broad daylight.
Democratic Editor Doubts the Wis
dom of the Peerleaa.
Brooklyn Eagle.
In a contribution to The Circle, Mr.
Bryan says that his mother taught him to
recite pieces, and that political success may
be described as the conjunction of prepara
tion and opportunity. He also remarks:
"When I saw that the money question
was likely to be the Issue I purchased
books and studied the subject so that I
was ready when it became the paramount
Apparently, ' the distinguished democrat
regards himself a a political success, but
there Is more than one way of looking at
his case. Three time he has run for the
presidenoy and three times defeat has over
taken htm, to which extent his story is on
of failure. What bock he bought while
tudylng the money question he doe not
ay, but nothing I surer than that his se
lections were unfortunate. He has much
to unlearn.
Record of Wasted Lives Dae to One
Great Caac.
New York World.
In May 621 persons were drowned in the
United States; In June 1,178. The figures
for Jujy will show a larger total. August,
the height of the vacation season, will set
the record of wasted lives. Every Satur
day afternoon and Sunday In every city
and considerable rural region a long roll
is written ofjhe names of the drowned.
Some of these deatha are due to faulty
supervision or management of excursion
boats, but neglect Is the one great cause.
Every child should wlm. The number
of skilled swimmers drowned Is propor
tionately small; and perhapa the most fre
quent cause of the drowning of a swimmer
Is the terror of some nonswlmmer whom
be is trying to save, and who pull him
down. Men are aometime drowned by
diving in shallow water or being thrown
agalnat piers or posts, but with sea room
a good swimmer Is safa even In rough
aurf or waves.
Every army and navy cadet, every stu
dent In the larger colleges, Is taught to
swim. The rule should be universal In
girls' schools. The commonest of fatal
midsummer accident, the swamping or
capsizing of a boat, has no terrors for a
good swimmer on hi ' own account. He
can get ashore if there is no nonswlmmer
to drag him under. A fair swimmer can
keep his head above water until help
come. Even a poor awlmmer get from
hi little knowledge the benefit of keeping
cool In danger. Being thrown Into the
water ahould not mean for him a senseless
panic which menaces hla life and the lives
of bis friends.
Consider how Labradorlans must perspire
in breaking the Ice blockade.
Here Is a new cause for alarm. The
pauper hog of China la competing with the
corn-fed American porker In the London
List to this hot weather sob from the
Boston Transcript: "God made the neck,
man made the collar and the devil made
the starch."
Government publications V. declare the
English sparrow no good. Verdict ac
cepted, but a little tardy. The sparrow Is
noisy, filthy, quarrelsome, destructive, op
posed to an Insect diet, and not even fit
to wear on a hat.
Hermann Bernstein, just home from a
tour of European capitals In the interest
of Zionism, reports the Interesting fact that
the deposed sultan's promise to Dr. Herat
of sympathy with the Zionist desire to com
into control of Palestine, Is now proving
one of the most serious obstacles to Jew
ish hope of aid from the Young Turks.
Molden Bledsoe, who Is said to have been
the last survivor of the Fremont expedi
tion, waa found drowned In a canal in
Denver last week. He was over 1 years
old, and Just after he passed his 90th birth
day he became an ashcart driver, explain
ing to hi friends, of whom he bad many
In Denver, that h couldn't live without
Theodore Roosevelt, in working Into th
heart of British East Africa, soon will
find an Irish girl ruling over an estate
of 176.000 acrea. bb I a daughter of th
eerl of Ennisklllen, and her marriage to
Lord Delaniera was a romance of the bunt
ing field. Delaraere was thrown from bis
horse and th young woman nursed bins la
a farmhouse. Soon they were married and
Detainer took hi bride to Eaat Africa.
Around New York
BHppls oa th Onrreat ef Ufe
a Seea la b Oreat Amsrtoea
Metropolis from XHiy to Pay.
A New York newspaper provoked a
unique midsummer diversion by aaklng th
Innocent question. "What do chorus girls
drink?" In a few hours the flood of an
swers began to pour In. completely swamp
ing the questioner. The range of answer
was almost aa numerous aa the writers,
all of whom proteased to have stage-door
knowledge of the subject. The Interest ex
cited forbid passing It up a a summer
joke, and a commission of Superemlnent
members of the dramatic staff and sea
soned reporters was ordered to select the
most satisfying answer. Thla one, signed
"EX-Rounder." was awarded the prise: "I
beg to say that, from my experience. It
would be easier to tell what they don't
drink. Their, range is wonderful."
The court of appeals has decided in th
case of William F. Downs that th nolle
department has th right to photograph
and measure any person Indicted for fel
ony or other grave crime. The photographs
are to be kept for purposes of Identifica
tion In the event that the Indicted person
should Jump his ball. After a man has
been convicted of crime his picture may
be placed In the "rogues' gallery." but not
before his conviction.
In New York the practice has long pre
vailed of photographing and measuring per
sons arrested for crlm before they were
Indicted by a grand jury. Against this prac
tice Justice Oaynor of the aupreme bench
of New Tork made recently a vigorous
Good luck follow the undeserving as well
a the deserving. A young couple who had
been married so recently that they had
little Interest in the routine of life were
about to start across the continent. Their
round trip ticket were In th husband's
pocket when they went to luncheon at a
downtown restaurant, Then they did a
leisurely errand and started uptown. On
the way the husband discovered that th
tickets, which were worth more money than
they could afford to lose, were gone. A
hasty search of pocket was followed by a
decision to go home and search. Hardly
had they entered the hallway when the ele
vator boy said:
"Mr. , did you lose some railroad tick
ets? The Canadian Pacific just called up
to ask."
Further questioning and the use of the
telephone showed that the cashier of th
downtown restaurant had found them and
had had common sense enough to eall up
the railroad which had a record of the
sale. The rest was easy.
"I was sitting In my office the other
day looking out of the window and think
ing hard about something," said a busi
ness man whose office is high up on the
Broadway side of a tali building, quoted
by the New Tork Sun, "when a little
scene came before my eyes that made me
Jump. Across Broadway in a room Just
below the levet of my own eat a man
busily working at his desk. The door of
hlB office opened and a remarkably good
looking stenographer entered and closed
the door behind her. She advanoed to
the desk, laid some paper on It and
turned to go. tip to that time I hadn't
known that I was watching them, but
right there wa where I Jumped.
"Instead of walking out again as I fully
expected her to do she tat down on the
man' lap with great calmness and he put
hi arm around her waist. There I sat, '
dying to let them know that someone
saw them, but I knew that it I yelled my
voice would be loat In the din of the street.
Then I saw a man' name In gold letter
on the window and thought of the 'phone.
In another minute I had looked up th
name In the book and had given the num
ber to the operator, all the time keeping
one eye on the pair across the way. Their
position remained unchanged or nearly
"Then I saw him reach to his desk with
his free hand and take down the telephone
reoelver. I heard his 'hello!' in my ear.
'Mr. ?' I asked.
" Ts.
"Then I shouted. Take your stenogra
pher off your lap!'
"Did he do it? Not much! He Just
hung up the receiver, reached out that
free hand again and pulled down th
The new summer home of E. H. Harrl
man, at Arden, Orange county, will be In
shape for himself and hi family to move
Into early next week when he return
from abroad. The house stand on th
Tower Hill property, comprising about
209 acre, noted as a signal station in
revolutionary and Indian days.
Mr. Harrlman built this new house of
eton from his own place exclusively, ex
cept for one carved piece over the front
door, and of woodwork out from hi own
wood, after hi old home at Woodbury
became too accessible, according to his
.views. There were too many person
about intruding upon the privacy of his
family, and Mr. Harrlman wa glad to
buy up th rights of way to Insure the
privacy he deelred. Thfs he ha don at
great expenae at hi new place.
"Tower Hill," from whose old tower
beacon flared, warning the farmera and
continental soldiers of the approach of the
enemy, atanda about 900 feet above sea
Mr. Harrlman' new house cost 1 in the
neighborhood of $300,000, It Is said. It is
a comblnattpn of American and Grecian
architecture and within are rooms dona In
Japaneae, French, German, Italian and
colonial styles. They are to be filled with
handsome paintings.
The one stone In the structure which
Mr. Harrlman' quarries could not supply
la a hug block of granite, carved into a
game piece a stag's head, with spreading
antlers to crown the main doorway. It
was brought from Uttca and,' with the
carving and all, report has It, cost 110,000.
Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times.
I dreamed that I dwelt on an Isle of
cracked ice,
In the mlast of a lake of champagne.
Where bloomed the mint Julep in meadows
of green,
Amid showers of llthla rain.
I reullned on a divan of lager beer foam,
With a pillow of froth tor my head.
While the spray from a fountain of spark
ling gin fiss
Descended like dew on my bed.
From far-away mountains of crstallln
A sephyr-refreshlng and cool
Came wafting the Incense of sweet mus
catel Thai sparkled In many a pool.
My sense were aoothed by th soft pur
song of a brooklet of pousse cafe
That rippled along over pebbles of snow
To a river of absinth frapp.
Then, lulled by the music of tinkling glass
From the schooners that danced on the
I dreamily sipped a highball or two
And languidly floated asleep.
And than I awoke on a bed of rocks,
With a bolster aa hard aa a brick,
A wrench In my neck, a rack In my had,
And a atomach detestably alck.
With sand In any eye and grit la my
Wher the taste of last evening still
And felt a bath towel atuffed In my mouth,
Which I afterward found was my tongue:
And 1 groped for the thread of the eve
ning before
In a mystified mass of my brain,
Until a great light burst upon me at last
I'm off of the wagon again.
Hastings Tribune: William Harvard will
prove the right man In th right place as
chairman of the republican stale central
Geneva Signal: About the best thing the
republicans have done lately wa to elect
William Hayward chairman of the state
Beatrice Express: Th Fremont Herald
treats at length the latest democratic slo
gan "Vote for the man, not the party
label." But the Herald doesn't mention
any republicans whom it want democrats
to support. Democratic papers ought to
be more specific, so that democrat will
know where to place their vote. We are
In favor of th nonpartisan plan for the
direction Of democrats, and would gladly
be of assistance In pointing out republi
can candidates who are deserving of sup
port. Tekamah Journal: Governor Shallenber
ger declares that if the state supreme court
shall declare th bank guaranty law un
constitutional, he will eall a special ses
sion of the legislature to enact a law that
Is constitutional. That would indeed be
an act of wisdom, wouldn't It? .Put the
state Into the hole for from $10,000 'to $30,000
to work on a fad of Mr. Bryan's. A few
years hence we will look back and smile
at this fancy of Mr. Bryan', to mak
honest bankers pay for th scheme of
Kearney Hub: All
tho who are out for trouble the most of
the time and are plying the vocation over
time, are very well satisfied with the late
republican atate convention, with It po
sition regarding Taft and the tariff, and
with the shape that tariff revision has
taken during the past week. The fellow
with an over-developed "grouch" or a
morbid propensity to knock has been
abroad in the land since the daya of Adam
and those who formulate pollclea and en
act laws have never been able to appease
Columbus Tribune: The contest for su
preme Judge and regents for th State
university I now on. The World-Herald
la now in favor of a nonpartisan bench, but
a few year ago was running all kinds
of bucollo editorial to make It unani
mously democrats. Circumstance alter
cases, and now th queatlon of a good
supreme Judge I before us, let each party
put to the front their best material and
we will win If we lose. And don't treat
too lightly the position, of regent; these
officer disburse nearly, If not quite, one
fourth of the revenues of the state, and
we need men who will be true to their
Beatrice Express: The Omaha World
Herald breaks out, as expected, In a spasm
of denunciation over the tariff bill a
spasm which was timely, appropriate and
in good form, considering the source. Af
ter discharging nearly two columns of
complaint, the paper shouts What are
honest and Intelligent republicans going
to do about it?" It Is easy to see what
th World-Herald want them to do. Its
first duty Is to make republican dissatis
fied with th tariff measure, and Its sec
ond duty Is to cunningly lead them to
espouse the cause of the democratic party.
Its prime purpose I not to benefit the
people, but benefit the party.
Btromsburg New: In view of the great
stress which the recent democratic state
platform convention placed upon the non
partisan Idea that has recently taken such
deep root In the democrat lo party, it might
be interesting to note the number of laws
passed by the democratic legislature last
winter to legislate republican Cut of Job
and fill their place with democrat. If
the Shallenberger administration want to
follow the old political maxim, "To the
victor belong the spoil," they have the
opportunity to follow it, but they should at
least have enough consistency to monopo
lise the offices, which they did to the ex
treme limit, last winter, and not at the
same time wear th hypocritical mantle
of nonpartisanshlp while thy arc smug
gling the spoil of political partisanship
of th rankest kind ever exhibited in the
history of th auto.
Beatrice Bun: The Omaha World
Herald has been declaring that th
prealdent would do nothing but go
through the motion of insisting upon
downward revision of the tariff. When
we read In the Washington dis
patches that the president had brought
the tariff plunderer Into camp and com
pelled them to tote fair, we at once looked
to the W.-H. for an expreealon of approval.
Unhappily, it isn't ther. The democratic
organ contend that the- tariff bill, as
finally agreed upon, doe not fulfill party
promise. Is revision upward instead of
downward, and Is practically what the
trust wanted. Th plain, common citizen
What I Am and
I waa born and reared on a farm In
eastern Pennsylvania. Educated in
common and normal schools. Taught
school three years. Came to Omaha
spring; of 188. Was at Schuyler
eighteen months as bookkeeper and
stenographer for the Wells and Nelman
mill. Came back to Omaha and held
responsible position in the Omaha Na
tional Bank for eleven years.
For eighteen years I have been agent
or the Ames estate, which has done
much for the upbuilding of Omaha and
bas a large amount of money invested
In Omaha property, most of which is Im
proved by warehouse buildings.
I am alao agent for the East Omaha
Land Trustees, and have done every
thing within my power in furtherance
of the Carter Boulevard around Lake
Nakoma, which In time will be Omaha's
most beautiful park.
I am president of the Omaha Rod and
Oun Club, the largest and most DODular
out door club of young people In Omaha, which is doing so much for the Im
provement of Lake Nakoma. It is my object to keep this club bo the people
of ordinary means can belong.
From the above you can see what I have done and can Judge whether I am
capable of performing the duties of County Commissioner
I respectfully solicit your vote.
Republican Candidate for County Commissioner, First District, 4th, 7tn, Sth
and 11th Wards.
Primary, August 17th, 1909. Polls open until 9 P. M.
V .tiJItiu
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement we can offer
A. L Reat, la-, 1110-Ulg Howard St., OsaaJs)
Is sore perplexed. On one hand he read
of the president great vtetory and th
redemption of campaign promises: on th
other he hears the complaint that th peo
ple have ben duped, sold out. turned down
and that the special, protected Interest
continue to rule.
"Rn you couldn't pump the prisoner at
No. sir. He did not seem to be at all
disturbed hy the pumping process." i
"Perhnpt not. Now I recollect, he is a
milkman." Baltimore American.
"We're galng to have a great time on
our next trip." said the hub to the rim.
"How do you know?" asked the rim.
"I heard one of the tires ssv It was get
ting ready for a blow-out." Houston Post.
"Vht do they put under these corner
stones'" "O, current coins, literature, and the like.
We want posterity to know about our pecu
liar customs.
"Then why not Include one ef the cur
rent hats?" Kansas City Journal.
"What does thla -cat mean by pawing
me so?"
"She's begging for a little tidbit, and Is
adopting the tactic of orators who make
unanswerable argument."
"What that?" f
"Paw for a reply." Indianapolis News.
Some of the servants In your malesty's
household are sple.'
"Oood." answered th oriental monarch.
'Cut down their wages and tell them
we're going to take a house In the country.
If thev are on the enemy's pay roll they
win have to stay with us." Washington
"Mv husband has been out late every
evening this week, attending Important
club meetings."
"Yes. so hss mine they belong to the
same club, you know."
"Why, how queer. My husband ys he
hasn't seen your husband this summer."
Cleveland Leader.
"Isn't your dialect a little mixed?" asked
the publlnher.
"No," aiiMvered the confident author
"You se. my hero Is a man who waa born
In New England but who moved to the
south In an early age and afterward
nunched cattle in the far west. By giving
him this history I disarm criticism of his
dialect." Washington htar.
"That widow Is. a good manager, Isn't
"Manager? I should say o. She got
that house of her practically fixed up
like new for nothing."
"How did she manage It?"
"She was engaged to the carpenter till
all the woodwork was finished, and then
she broke It off and married the plumber."
Baltimore American.
, ., Ji E. COBBEY ,
(Publishe of the Annotlated Statutes of
Rspnblloan Candidate for Supreme 7adge,
ha. been a practising lawyer 22 years.
In that time has taken part In some of
the most important caaea arising In hts
part of the state, both In the Stale and
Federal Courts.
Is the author of the "Law of Replevin"
and the "Law of Chattel Mortgage, two
text book accepted as authority where
ever the English language 1 used In
the courts.
He Is the author of the Annotated
Statutes of Nebraska, a work requiring
the careful reading of every section of
our statutes and every decision ever filed
by the Supreme Court of Nebraaka, and
many decisions by other court.
If nominated and elected, he will take
the offloe untrammeled and will endeevor
to understand the facta of each case and
apply the true principle of law to those
facta without bla or prejudice.
What I Have Done:
r - v.
' f Mi- vv
$ . i " '