Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Oranti Two Requisitions and Starts
for Home.
Internrbaa Denied Privilege of
Petting- In Ten-Cent Far
from Omaha to tooth
crrom a tsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 12 (Special )-Acting
Governor Hopewell, who reached the execu
tire office shortly after noon today, broke
a record and set a precedent In the disposal
Of requisition matters. Immediately after
reading the papers In the requisition Issued
by the governor of Illinois for the return
to Chloago of Edward Pesplall of Omaha
en a charge of wife abandonment, be
honored the same. It required about ten
minutes to read the papers and question
the man's wifs and announce Ms Intentions.
Governor Shallenberger had a hearing on
the matter a week ego and then left It for
Acting Governor Hopewell to finish.
- Poeptsll was convicted of wife abandon
n.ent three years sub In Chicago and was
ordered to pay bis wife 84 a week, giving
a bond to guaranty the payment. After
paying In 820 ha left the city and was lo
cated In Omaha working In a barber shop
and. according to his wife, who followed
him, living with another woman. Under
the statute of Illinois, the attorney general
informed the governor, when bond Is given
to pax money In a case like this, this bond
merely suspends Judgment, and If payment
Is not made thf-n the sentence of the court
msy be csrrled-out and the guilty man
Bint to jail.
"I am going home tonight, said Acting
Governor Hopewell, "for I have a lot of
work to do. I am in the midst of harvest
ing and only came down today to clean up
some business In the offloo of the gov
ernor." Acting Governor Hopewell has only 600
acres In wheat this year and of this about
1A acres Is yet to be cut, ths wet weather
having interrupted the work.
"We axe thrashing and cutting In the
same field," said the governor, "and the
yield on a part of the land is thirty-five
b'isrels to the acre. Crops never In all the
history of the state looked as well as now
In the northeast section of Nebraska. Corn
Is looking flna and the hot weather has not
yet bothered us, though it may have done
some damage In other sections."
. Ten-Cent Fare Denied.
The application of tha Nebraska Trac
tion and Power company to Install a 10
cent passenger rate from Omaha to tiouth
Omaha has been denied by the State Kail
way commission. Tha company, which
has a line from Omaha to Balaton, filed
with the railway commission Its schedule
of rates, which provided for a IS-cent rate
to Ralston and a 10-cent rata to South
Omaha. Inasmuch aa the Omaha A Coun
cil Bluffs Street Railway company has .a
fc-cent rata to South Omaha from Omaha
tha commission balked at giving the, other
company authority to charge M cents.
Tha new company explained that it had
a contract with tha old company by
which It agreed If permitted to use the
tracks of tha eld company it would not
competa for local business between the
two clttea, but would cater strictly to ln
terurban trade. For that reason it desired
to put In tha higher rata.
Haling oat Trmla Law.
Attorney Genera) Thompson has given
an opinion to tha State .-Railway commis
sion regarding tha law providing for a
full erow on trains. Tha attorney general
holds that In referring to a train of five
cars the law means five cars, whether they
be baggage cars or any other kind of
cars, and It Is not necessary for the train
to be composed of five passenger coaches
to come under "the provisions of - the law.
In tha same opinion he holds that the
conductor Is not responsible for the taking
out of a short crew, composed of less
men than the law provides. The officials
responsible under the law are those who
have tha authority to give orders relative
' i
-lu,u lT'" -mwi'wCjCM -i. l ii
f - f I fl:---' " r" ' . ..: 1
"" ' " 1 11 W'irisw V ' i J
Nine Men Can Each Have a
Fifteen Cent Smoke for Fifteen Cents
Each of them will have a four-inch Havana Cigar. Rough
looking but smooth smoking. Fragrant, delicious piece of leaf.
Cobs are regular cigars of irregular shape with the regulation
Havana Taste. You couldn't get anything else that's better.
A YARD OF HAVANA (divided into four-inch lengths)
is wrapped in each package of Cobs. Every dealer everywhere
sells them and sells them as fast as he can get them. You can't
find better than best you can't get more than most you can
only keep on buying fancy boxes and pretty labels and pay
ten to one for a lot of imagination.
Allen Bros.
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Oranitcvill. Vt. "I was pasin
throwrh thr Ohn(reof Life and suffered
from nervouroaBS
and other annoying
symptoms, and I
can truly say that
Vegetable Com
pound has proved
worth mountains
of void to me, as it
restored my health
and strength. I
neTer forget to tell
my friends what
Vegetable Compound has done for me
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so yon may publish
this letter." Mrs. Chas. Barclay,
R.F.D.,Graniteville, Vt.
No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such widespread and un
qualified endorsement. Ko other med
icine we know of has such a record
of cures of female Ills as has Lydia .
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it has been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation, ulceration, local weak
nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic-pains, backache, indigestion
and nervous prostration, ana it is
unequalled for carrying women safely
through the period of change of life.
It costs but little to try Xydia E.
tlnkham's VeiretaM" Comnonnd. and,
aa Mra- Barclay Bays It is "worth. nuoun
taiaa ul fcxild" to guttering women.
to tha makeup of the train and tha crew.
This decision was given aa a result of a
reaueat from the railroad employes for
an Interpretation of the law.
Killed by Live Wire.
Maurice Laughlui, age iU, was killed this
afternoon by coming In contact with a
live wlra at Fourteenth and F streets. The
young man was employed by the traction
company and was engaged In removing
some wire when he was killed. He was
unmarried and has a brother living here
who was present at tbe time of the acci
dent. Kpnorlh Assembly Election.
The Epworth assembly elected officers
today, the vote being as follows:
For President L. M. Grigsbx. 1"; L. O.
Jones, 10b; D. B. Lake. L
For Vice President W. B. Alexander, 7;
R. N. Orrlll, 4s; L. M. Winehlp, 1.
For Secretary 42. . Tobey, UO; Lloyd
Winshlp, 7.
For Treasurer C. . Bsand arson, ISO;
Charles Strader, a
For Auditor C. M. Shepherd, S6; A. B.
Turner, 30; A. A. Randall, L
For junior League Superintendent Mrs.
John Calvert. Mrs. Nellie T. Magee, 107.
For Missionary Secretary A . A. Brooks,
49; J. W. Embree, g.
For Secretary of Christian Cltlsenahip
A. C. Fnlmer, e; W. H. Jackson, 47. ,
TmkU art
Joe MoOraw, former adjutant at the
Soldiers' home as Orand Island, has paid
tha penalty -for objecting to the way Com
mandant Barnes Is running tha Institu
tion. He has been aaked to resign. And
it Is supposed by this time his resignation
Is safely stored away In tba archives of
the governor's office. McQraw, is one of
the men employed at the home who was
popular with the members who objected
to the management. Soma time ago letters
were received by tha state board that
members feared that they would be dis
missed from the home for objecting to
Commandant Barnes and the board prom
ised to see that they were not, but the
Co., Distributers, in t imjp . in
board can do nothing for
former adjutant.
Mr. Mcliraw,
Nebraska lr Hii Alleged to Have
Taken Money to Drop
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Aug. 12.-t8pe-
clal.) Some days since Dusen Pmllenlch, an
Austrian, who mas rooming with three
other men. robbed them and rut up their
clothes, after which he left the city and
was arrested at Omaha and returned here
for trial. Before the case was called to
trial the man who claimed to have been
robbed. John Miller, settled with Smilen
ich's friends snd sgreed not to appear
against him. The county attorney did not
like this manner of doing and had the
sheriff file a complaint against Miller,
charging him with compounding a felony,
and he was arrested and will have his
hearing August 17. Sinilenlch was taken
Into court and pleaded guilty and was
given a Jail sentence.
Want Owarantlne Ha lard.
STROMPBURU, Neb.. Aug. 11 (Special.)
At a public meeting held here last night
aT the Instance of the mayor, to advise
with the local Board of Health as to the
quarantine regulations that have existed
the last month relstlvs to the epidemic of
spinal meningitis, or infantile paralysis,
over auO citizens voiced a protest against the
continuation of the quarantine as to public
assemblages. It was pointed out that the
last cases of paralysis in this city oc
curred nearly three weeks ago, and that all
of the sufferers locally were practically
well; that many of the surrounding towns
had sufffted far more during the same
period than this city, but were permitted
public meetings, nevertheless. Hence the
people of tills city feel that they are being
discriminated against harshly in view of
the now almost complete eradication of the
disease locally. A resolution was unani
mously adopted calling upon the local
Board of Health to revoke the order pro
hibiting public meetings, but approving of
the strictest quarantine of new cases, should
any arise.
Mich Interest la Rnene-erfest.
HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. .12. (Speciat.)-
The state saengerfest, to be held here Au
gust 28 and 39, promises to attract a large
number of visitors from throughout the
state. The concerts will be given in the
pavilion at Chautauqua park if the weather
Is clear, otherwise they will take place in
the auditorium downtown. Mrs. A. H.
Turner and Mrs. H. 8. Dungan, both of this
city, have been engaged as soloists and
Prof. John Rees, also of Hastings, will be
festival director. There will be quartets
here from ths Omaha Maennerchor, Grand
Island Liederkrans and one or two other
organisations. Among the societies that
will participate In the united concerts are
the Omaha Maennerchor, Omaha Orpheus
Grand Island Llederkrans. Columbus Lied-
erkrans, Madison Maennerchor, Germanta
Gesanverein, Arlon and Maennerchor der
Widow Paid Five Thenund Dollars.
MADISON, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.)-C
K. Burnham of the Norfolk National bank.
administrator of the estate of Aaron C
Anderson, deceased, and Assistant Claim
gent J. E. White of the North wea tern rail
way and Bert Mapes, local attorney of the
Northwestern, ail of Norfolk, appeared in
county court yesterday afternoon and af
fee ted a aettlement between Mrs. Ander
son, widow, and the Northwestern railway
whereby she Is to receive 86.000 In cash and
tha company to pay the funeral expenses.
costs of administration and attorneys' fees.
On July S, Mr. Anderson, who waa a brake
man on the Northwestern, was fatally In
jured In a wreck at Stewart, Neb., dying
later In the day at Atchlnson, Neb.
Athlon Haa Bold, Bad Man. .
ALBION, Neb., Aug. 12-(Speclal.)-AI
blon has at least one bed man, but so far
his Identity Is unknown. Tuesday night
someone endeavored to break Into Kaspa
rat'a saloon, but gave the job up before en
trance had been made. The same night an
attempt was made to get Into Papes's
f .
r -it .
Omaha Neb.
clothing store, but here igain the attempt
was umtucctsstul. At one of the butcher
shops the thief, or thieves, gained admit
tance and secured therefrom about 17. Last
night, while on her way home from the
chsutauqua, Mrs. Scott Harner was met by
a man near the school house, who grabbe.l
her pocketbook. but Mrs. Harner held on
to the book and screamed. The thief Jerked
ths handle from the bag. but did not se
cure the pocketbook.
Knaps Held for Shooting.
MADISON. Neb, Aug. 12 (Special Tele
gram. ) Charles Knapp. who seversl weeks
ago shot his wife and then attempted to
take his own life, was brought before
County Judge Bstes this afternoon on the
charge of shooting his wife with Intent to
kill. He waived preliminary examination
and was bound over to the fall term of
he district court, with ball fixed at $2,000,
which was furnished by his two brothers.
M. 8. McDuffie. city attorney, appeared for
the defense, snd County Attorney James
Nichols for the state.
Otoe C'owaty Teachers.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Aug. lt-Bpe-
clal.) The Otoe County Teachers', associa
tion Is holding a meeting In this city this
week. There are 171 teachers enrolled and
a very Interesting program Is being carried
out under the direction of County Superin
tendent R. C. King. Tha teachers ware
given a reception by the teachers of ths
public schools of this city last evening at
the high school - building, at which time
an informal banquet was given. A number
of Instructors are present and aiding in
making the meeting a success.
Actresses Join Companies.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Aug. 11 (Spe
cial.) Misses Gretchen Hpencer, who has
been spending the summer with her mother.
Mrs. F. L. Spencer, and her cousin. Miss
Vivian Rector, who has been visiting here,
have gone east to Join their respective
theatrical companies. One of them goes
with the Red Mill company and the othtr
will play in "Beverly of Graustark."
Panning His Ranch Now.
ELSIE, Neb., Aug. 13. (Special.) Robert
Taylor has just added a separator to his
ranch property, preparatory to doing his
own threshing. Mr. Taylor put a new steam
plow rig at work on his ranch early in
the spring which broke out a large tract
of prairie. Mr. Taylor thinks this Is a
farming country.
Rain Is Needed.
HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 13 (Special.)
Corn in this section is beginning to suffer
from lack of moisture. The rainfall thus
far this month has been far below normel.
The crop Is already damaged slightly In a
few sections, but with fair showers within
the next few days most of the crop will
come out nicely.
farm Sells High.
DORCHESTER, Neb., Aug. 12 .(Special.)
Mr. Ed O. Maxfleld sold his farm, which
was one and a half miles northeast from
Dorchester, to Andrew Kramer, for $121 an
acre. This Is the highest price paid for
land here for' some time.
Jada-e Kstelle Grants Injunction
Against City Where Federal
Coart Raled Other Way.
A permanent injunction has been granted
tha Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway
company to prevent the city authorities
from cutting Its wires under the ordinance
which restricts Its activities to furnishing
electricity for traction purposes only.
Judge Estelle held that the city had no
right to Interfere If the company desired to
furnish light or power to other corpora
tions, although It was not specifically men
tioned in the charter that this is allowable.
In a recent suit on the same question
brought by the Electric Light and Power
company In the federal court the decision
was In favor of the city.
Aged Woman Celebrates Birthday
with Dinner Given at Home of
Son, Dr. R. D. Harris.
Mrs. Frances Virginia Harris celebrated
her 86th birthday Thursday. A dinner was
given In her honor at the home of her son.
Dr. R. D. Harris. 2409 Emmett street.
Mrs. Harris has lived In Nebraska for
twenty-three years. She was born In Vir
ginia Jn 1823. During all her life she has
never had occasion to wear glassea.
When William Henry Harrison was pres
ident of the United States Mrs. Harris w as
a young girl, living In Zanesvllle, O. The
president made a visit to that Ohio city
and Mrs. Harris was selected for a com
mittee of five young women to meet the
president, who then was on his way to
Washington to be inaugurated.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON. Aug.lJ. -Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota--Local
showers Friday; Saturday, fair.
For Iowa Thundtr showers Friday; Sat
urday, fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Aug. U. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding period of the last three
years. 1S00. 1906. 1907. 190b.
Maximum temperature ..9k 79 83 S3
Minimum temperature ..77 M 61 60
Mean temperature S8 71 73 71
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared w ith the last two years:
Normal temperature 76
Excess for the day 12
Total deficiency since March 1 308
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for the day 12 inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .18. 56 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.17 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19.. .08 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 107.. 1.75 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and 8tate Tern. Max. Raln-
of Weather. 7 P.M. Tem. fall
Bismarck, cloudy 80 8s .01
Cheyenne, cloudy 70 86 .08
Chicago, cloudy 74 78 .00
Davenport, part cloudy 88 94 .)
Denver, cloudy "... 78 80 .(
Havre, part cloudy 90 90 .no
Helena, clear 86 8 T
Huron, clear 88 90 . 00
Kansas City, clear 90 94 .00
North Plstte, cloudy 84 94 .00
Omsha, clear 90 98 .00
Rapid City, cloudy 78 84 .06
St Louis, clear M 96 .no
St. Paul, cloudy 72 78 .00
Salt Lake City, part cloudy SO 90 .00
Valentine, cloudy 70 92 t 30
Willlston, clear 90 90 .00
T indicates trace of precipitation.
i A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Hi ur. Deg
6 a. m 78
1 J . lm ' a. m 77
WiiA C')r c T m 77
Vr i m n
SiTL?P m a
effVWrkA w " ra
ALs Q'yh " m M
wri i- p m 5,6
ycifT ul! p- """
, ' i.g; 6 p. m
ZZ 7L-)" '3U' t p. m 94
' "r i p- m si
V ' $ p. m tl
' ' I 8 p. m 84
Omaha's First Complete Fall,
1909, Hat Show is Now Open in
Windows No. 1, 2 and 3
W Inrltr every min at all particular about his hadwer to sea the
display and to note how different ours appear when compared to the
average fall hat show.
tf the display Interest you we will deem It a privilege to ahow them to
you. It may be a little earlv and you may not be ready to buy, but that
should not deter you from trying on a few.
Men who like to keep abreast of Fashion's stride, should ee the new
Blue Derby, the rich Plum and New Sage Green Alpines. The diversity
of styles and colors Is only equalled by the range of prices.
Special low Summer Excursion Fares on sale dally via the Illinois Central to Boston, New York and
many other points In New England States and Canada. Liberal stopovers. Diverse routes permitted on tick
ets to Boston and New York.
For tickets and detailed Information call at City Ticket Office, 1402 Karnam Street, or write,
SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent. Omaha, Neb.
Woman's Work
Activities of ths Orgaalssd
Bodies Along ths Lines of Un
dertaking of Concern to Womsn.
The attractive and comfortable rooms of
the Toung Women's Christian association
have been much used this summer and
l remise to be a valuable addition to
Omaha's entertaining equipment In future.
Many women have been guests in the city
of late with the several conventions that
have been held here and for these the
association has been thrown open, serving
as a general meeting place, resting place
or place for muslcales, luncheons and much
other entertainment that has been extended
the wives and daughters of delegates.
The association is making a special fea
ture of serving luncheons, its club and
assembly rooms being available for this
put pose in addition to It cafe. It Is not
generally understood, however, that the
cafe Is open to men as well ss to women
at the noon hour. The cafeteria is for
women only, but the cafe wss instslled in
addition that others might be accommo
dated. A meeting of the executive committee
for the entertainment of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union convention
has been set for Thursday evening, August
19, at 8 o'clock.
Frances Wlllard Woman's Christian Tem
perance union has embraced the lell of the
summer to push Its educstlonal work, and
To this end Is holding monthly out-of-door
meetings. This week the women met at
the Rod and Gun club, where a program
was given. Rev. P. H. McDowell of Emsn
ual Baptist church discussed the decrease
In the United States revenue from alcoholic
drinks; Mrs. Bhlpman of Sterling, Neb.,
spoke of the work In the state; Mrs. Mary
Andrews gave a review of the American
woman suffrage convention held recently
In Portland, and Mr. C. J. Roberts sang an
1 fft
To be known
t. u Awie. at ik. NATIOHAL CORN EXPOSITION. OMAHA. Dec 6 to
W. effsr s 11000 00 beaattful solid geld sad silver trophy for the persoa growing the best ear of cora in
Hueas. the first ism s speeUnen te be seat to the NstWaal Corn Eiposrtaoa Omaha. Neb., before
Thn effer is opea te every man. woman or child in tae United States. It will be Judged by Ue '
ei Um WMkJ. Prei. i. C. BokUa, natch Uua saae for funaer barbculaia. 1
to $12
original song, "While We Are Drying Ne
braska." Rev. William Gorst spoke of the
responsibility of public officials In enforc
ing the Isws, and advocated Impeachment
where they neglected their sworn duty.
Mrs. Mary Harris Armour, president ofl
the Georgia Woman's Christian Temper
ance union, has been selected to preach the
contention sermon Sunday, October 2, dur
ing the meeting of the National Woman's
ChrlBtlan Temperance union in Omaha.
Mrs. Armour Is not a stranger In Nebraska,
having, spent a month in the state last
year, during which time she spoke before
the Bellevue and other chautauquas, and
once engaged in a debate with Mayor Dahl
man. Mrs. Armour Is one of the con
spicuous workers in the temperance cause
and had an active part In the campaign
that secured prohibition for her native
state of Gtorgta. Mrs. Armour will also
be one of the speakers at the Omaha con
E. 1.. GUI, Sheriff" In Buffalo Bill
Show, and W. T. Canada Discuss
Anelent Train Robberies.
"Well, nil), I see they have had you back
at your old business of chasing bandits,"
said E. L. GUI to his old friend, W. T.
Canada, as the two sat in the rotunda of
the Merchants. Canada, now secret service
agent of the Union Pacific was years ago
head bandit chaser when holdups were
common, snd Gill at that time was his
first lieutenant. "The old gang was glad
to hear of your last capture of the holdup
Several years ago when Colonel Cody
gave a realistic production of a train
holdup and the chase of the bandits In con
nection with the Wild West show, he
searched the west to find men who had
been real bandit chasers and Canada re
ferred him to GUI, who was then living
at Shoshonl, Wyo. For the last three years
Gill has been the sheriff In charge of the
uoia am
the best Ear of Corn
s l ri.i a s
l ouver Award
aa the W. K. Kellogg National Corn Troche
posse which chased the candits in ttie
"Cody is looking forward with a great
deal of pleasure to his trip through Ne
braska in a couple of weeks. He shows
n Council Bluffs August 38, and after a
trip to several Nebraska towns will be In
Omaha Labor day, September . Tha show
has prospered under the new management
of Colonel Cody and Major Lilly (Buffalo
Bill and Pawnee Bill) and Is making a
record run."
Saya the Veterans Were Rwyaliy
Taken Care of While Gaesta
of Bait Lake.
Msjor Church Howe of Auburn, present
consul general of tha United States at
Manchester, came In last night from Salt.
Lake City, where he has been In attend
ance on the reunion of the Grand Army
of the Republic, It being his first In thir
teen years. Major Howe says the old boys
were royally received by the cltlsecs of
Salt Lake City, Mormon and Gentile giving
over their differences for the time te show
honor to 'heir guests. The weather was
very favorable and the veterans had a good
Major Howe's leave of absence continues
for several weeks yet, as he wtU not have
to be at his post till early In October. He
left last night for his home In Nemaha
Babies Strangled
by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. Sold by
Beaton Drug Co.
Horace and Chickens Perish,
YANKTON, 8. D Aug. U.-(SpeolsJ.
In a storm, early this morning the barn of
Rudolph Vonlns was destroyed by light
ning and two horses and 100 chlskeoe were
18. 19097
two different
Nev 27th 19u
eara autaoiiur