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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1909)
! 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909. JIMS SIGHT PERIL AHEAD Go to Extreme of Endorsing Slate, Something New for Them. pT.AT.TZT. DANGER OF DEFEAT fral4 to Tmt Reek rile) of nrmMrarr te Plek tfco Mee. fo rail rieetloa at th Primaries. nrallxlng the nrriainm of the sltua tlon and fearing that tne nomination might go to men weaker than others, the Jlmo crata have overstepped a rule enforoed slnre tha club waa organised and hara endorsed county candidate. This haa nevar been dona before, except In the cane of tha mayor. Tha club has always endorsed Mayor Dahlman, for Mayor Dahlman own the club. But in the city campaign three year ago tha county campaigns of the falls of 1908. 1907 and 1M8, and the city campaign last spring; the Jtmocrata steadfastly refused to endorse a single candidate, though many of the candidates were members of the Jim club. In the primary election to be held next week the democrats hava put up opposing candidates for only three offices county commissioner from tha First district, county Judge and police judge for Omaha. Candidates for two of these offices have been endorsed by the Jim club to the ex clusion of the other candidate, heretofore supposed to be as good democrats aa thoaa who have been endorsed. Fred W. Anheuser has been endorsed for polio judge and George Mertens for county judge. Anheaaer fop Police Jadge. "Our club ha endorsed Anheuser for police judge believing him to be the best man." said Mayor Dahlman, "and Mertens has also been endorsed by os for county judge as being without a doubt tha strong est candidate In the field." Anheuser Is opposed by W. S. Shoe maker, a member of- tha last legislature, and by Frank Chrlstman. Shoemaker's record at Lincoln did not stand him In good stead with tha Jtma and Chrlstman nas never considered by them. But the endorsement of Mertens for county judge aa against George Holmes was a surprise. Holme waa the first secretary of the Jim club, was secretary of the democratic county committee last year and has for years had an office with John E. Reagan, the new democratic county chairman, elected In tha place of Boss Flynn, and ti. J. Plattl. Mertens, on the other hand. Is a new man In the city and county. Nona of tha candidate for county com missioner affiliates with the Jims and therefor they have not tumbled over themselves to offer any endorsement there. Hutton Company Sues Anderson for Lost Money Loan Agent Accuse Their Manager of Appropriating Five Hun dred Dollars. Andrew C. Anderson, manager for J. A. Button Loan company, who filed suit against The Bee for 110,000 for publishing the story of how he claimed to have been robbed of 1500, has been sued by Hutton for this 600. Anderson waa manager of the J. A. Hut ton Loan company In the Paxton block and was found on day In July after what he asserted was an attack by robber. Five hundred dollar waa missing from tha safe and Anderson reported to the detectlvea how he had been assaulted and gagged while the, offloe waa rifled. The detectives failed to find any evidence of theft and when that fact waa printed In The Be to gether with the statement that the alleged robbery occurred just beor an examining auditor of the company was to complete hi work on Anderson's books, Anderson brought a suit against The Be for $10,000, alleging that the published article dam aged his character. A suit wa filed in county court Thursday by tha J. A. Hutton company against An derson for the 500 in question, which di rectly accuse him of appropriating the money. ' ... Receiver May Sue Stockholders Dickinson Given Leave to Bring Action Against Owners of De . fnnct Railroad. C. T. Dickinson, receiver for the defunct Nebraska Central railroad, haa received permission from the court to bring suit gainst tha stockholders for the liabilities of tha oompany. . H. H. Bowea, attorney for Judge Dickinson mad application on the grounda that tha stockholders ar con stitutionally liable for a proportionate share of the company's debt and will bring ult Immediately to recover In this man ner. The liabilities of the company amount to about 19.000 and lta assets from the re cent sale of all Its property, tangible and Imaginary, were 1218. E. STUHT ANSWERS CHARGE Wot Arreotea, aat Altered to Hot Violated a City Balldlagr Ordlaaaeo. The eaa against Ernest Stuht for alleged violation of the city building ordinance waa continued to permit the contractor In charge of the work complained agalnat to appear in police court. Mr. Stuht appeared to answer the alleged complaint, which charged him with illegal construction of a chimney. He waa not arrested, a waa originally stated. Plaa Year Trip Now. Take advantage of the low SO-day summer tourist fares to New Tok City New Jersey sea shore. New England and Canadian resort in effect dally via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE oV 8T. PAUL RAILWAY. Folder and Information free. Let us ar range all the detail of your trip. City Ticket Offlo U34 Fernara street, Omaha. F. A, Nash. General Western Agent CUSTER AIDS HOUSE OF HOPE Old Settler at Callaway Giro Pony Dalian for the Uoaao la . Oswka, The old settlers of Callaway, Cnater county, har contributed HO to th House of Hop. Rev. Charles W. B ridge mad an ad dress to th old settlers at Callaway Tues day and after hi speech he sat down, saying: I want yvi folk to give ma something to tak back to those old peo ple.'" Th attendant cam fur ward aud Store Closes 5 P. M. Until Sept. 1st Saturdays 10 P. M. 0 Every Department in BrandeU Stores Makes EXTRAORDINARY OFFERS for Every Piece Mentioned in This Ad is an Extra Special Bargain. Remnants of Embroideries tin . lit l.h TrtAmv rl V V ui iw aw latuvJ muaj, ju A very fine quality of edgings, insertions, bands and gal loonsworth up to 25c a yard in two big tn 4AA ui ; xv 10c lots, Friday, at, yard and 3c and 5 c REMNANTS OF 10c 15c LACES, at. yard Vals., torchons, imitation clunys and fancy wash la ces insertings and bands of all kinds on bargain squares. All Our Remnants of Imported Wash Goods Lengths Suitable for Skirts, Waists and Children's Dresses. An Immense Variety of Patterns and Most Desirable Materials. Friday at Exactly One-Half Price. REMNANTS in the BASEMENT n col- 61c Flaxette the well-known dress fabric natural linen col ored grounds neat designs dots and stripes 100 full bolts of this regular 18c fabric, at, yd. Sea Island Nainsook Scotch and Chambray Fine linings and vast Ginghams, most de sirable of all ging hams, at, yard very fine would be cheap at double the sala price desirable lengths, yard . .10 Bummer lawns, 1 bar gain square lot as long as they last, at, per yard , . . . .2? Ginghams for school dresses, good pat terns and colors great, new lot, worth 12 He, In waist and dress lengths, at, per yard 8ttt 3-4 size Cotton Blank ets gray, tan and white. These double bed blankets are worth 60c, but slight ly imperfect, at, per pair 10 Fancy white goods, also very fine 36-inch India linon remnants values up to 20c yard, at, yard 7Hc lngs. Such goods seldom sold In rem nant lots, white and colors, for all lining purposes, worth up to 25c yd., at, yd 7V6 We will sell during the forenoon only all kinds small lots of short ends cotton goods, yard Friday afternoon be ginning at 1:30, 36 lnch muslin. Not over 20 yards to a customer. Plenty of salespeople. No wait ing, promptly at 1:30, at, per yard 60 4 Remnant Specials in Linen Dept. 18c Toweling at 7 He yard Rem nants Of linen finish huck towel ing, 18 inches wide, in 1 to 10 yards lengths, yard 7f $1.00 Bed Spreads at 69s Full size crochet bed spreads Mar seilles patterns, worth $1.00, at, each GOtf 27-lnch Cotton Diaper, 69c bolt ten yards In bolt twenty-seven inches wide, worth one dollar, at, bolt G9t Absorbent Cotton Crash at 3 He yard Remnants of cotton crash, worth up to 8'&c 10 yards to customer, yard 3H BRANDEIS STORES If You Drink do not wait until liquor has broken down your health, brought you to financial ruin, driven away your friends, destroyed your usefulness, broken up your home, lost you the love and respect of your family, destroyed your own self-respect and caused you to become a common, worthless, drunken outcast, but sit down right now and think the matter over. Call to mind the men who ten or twenty years ago were known as moderate drinkers. How many of them can be considered such today? How many of them are worthless outcasts? How many are in State Prisons? How many have gone to their last rest ing place as a result of drink? Realize where drink is leading you and see if you cannot make up your mind that it is best to Quit it at once If you find that difficult, if you feel nervous and depressed, if everything in this world is wrong, if you enjoy little or no restful sleep, have a poor and capricious appetite, and find life without the accustomed stimulant is a burden and devoid of comfort and pleasure; that you at times need and must have a drink to overcome these terrible symptoms, you may under stand that you are diseased. You have used alcoholic liquor until alcohol has become a necessity to you. Your nerve cells will no longer perform their functions properly and painlessly except when under its influence; they therefore demand alcohol and you experience a feeling of necessity for it. The cause of these symptoms is readily overcome and the craving or appetite for liquor destroyed by the Keeley Treatment. This is conclu sively proved by thirty years' experience and the cure of thousands. Write now for full particulars. The only place in Omaha or vicinity where the true Keeley Treatment is employed is THE KEELEY INSTITUTE OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Corner 2Bth and Cass Sta. Take Harney Street Car from either depot. 5 () WATCH HIIVI Means to buy htm a watch. We have aorae handsome thin model, It slses, watches, ranging around 120 and 125. Spend a few minutes In our store and see them. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler isie Dotra&As rxut. TTvsTnTTP IP ,TiTn mi We. Close at o'Clock; Saturday at 10 P. M Tuesdays at 1 P. M. During July and August. I Friday Bargain Day The August Clean-up Days Lend a Powerful Fore to the Friday Bar gains. TWO-PIECE WASH SUITS AT HALF Yes, the pick of the stock, the most effective mid-summer styles of linen and repp cleths in white and colors. They have Just weight enough to make them extremely desirable for wear right up to October. $5.00 Suits . .82.50 I 7-5 Suits . . .83.98 I $12-60 Suits . .$.25 $6.95 Suits ..$3.48 I $10.00 Suits . .$5.00 $15.00 Suits ..$7.50 BILK MESS ALIKE DRESSES We shall put in the list of special Fri day bargains our entire line of Dlain all silk messaline one-piece dresses: also a few striped taffetas, the season's newest J models worth 119.50: sizes 88 and 40 only at LAWN KIMONOS AND 8ACQUES These dainty cool house gar ments are made of sheer lawns in delicate floral ef- effects and color orings; also some white lawns with colored borders, large variety, $1.00 and $1.25 value CENTS UNDERMVSLINS Two excep tionally strong Friday bargains and new lots for the day: Short Skirts, Corset Cover. Draw ers, well made and finished, daintily trimmed, ORn 50c values, at Short Skirts, Corset Covers, Draw era, table filled 'with handsome 76c and 89c garments, PCn on sale, at A Run on Corscls !:iu 89c Take a run In Friday if you have a thought of a new corset. The gen erous reduction on a fine line of summer models will make a day of unusual activity in the department. Batiste Corsets with high bust and medium long hip; also one style with extreme long skirt for well developed figures are featured. These are $1.25 and $1.50 models, offered Friday for 9 II rioctJ ti m Birci i i FOOD FOR w" end narrows mo ,v,uw ,utt who find their Dower t NERVFf work and youthful vtgol ' gone aa a result of aver work or mental ezertloa should take Oltxrs NEHVK roOD FILLS. They wlU make you eat and sleep and. be a laaa again. fl Boa S tores S3-SO fey aaafl. CXXKMAJT a lloOQarMXU DlvS OQ Oor. lets n Dodge Street. OWL DlUe OOMCTAJST, cor. lata aa Larar SMa. Osaaaa. TRIUMPH BOTTLED BEER i am . M f ioe amaous amnvi ortw s It is jo pure and of euch exijuisile flavor you will 1 Deiniorewun uirorn i i the first glut HADE IN OMAHA YTMI STORZ N co, Webster ISM. lad, IUIL DUUUUUU: laid their subscription on a plat and the amounted to ttt. Mr. Bavlde made two addressee, one In tha afternoon and on in th evenlnu, and in all he talked ninety minute. He waa given lust 11 a minute, t&O (or him self and HO for th Houe of Hope. HOTELS. la ta Skopplac District. lltn aaa MoOee, OS "rettlooat Irfme." .11 !"r ii'..if i.iKUf . . - 71 Counterfeit Dollar buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Life Pills; for constipation, malaria and Jaundice. Bold by Beaton Drug Co, Hotel Kuppor Uta aad Moo, Kani&t City. Mo ra th Tavplaf XMatrtvfc Hear all the aeta. OO Beaatliul Uovms. 100 anet stka. hat aad oolk watee la aa nm Spacious lehky, pollers. Telepaoa La every reesa. eauuiai Cafe, grtei Colata SI to $2.50 Per Day aTuxepeaat riaa. KUPPER-BENSO!. HOTEL CO. . A XaOK, leg. jo one style W. 89c Great Remnant Sale Hundreds of choice lengths, domestic, sheetings, muslins, calicoes lngs, shakers, sllkolines and cretonnes on table, rear Friday, at OXE-FOURTH AND ONE-HALF out- main aisle REGULAK HUCK TOWELS 100 dozen, hemmed tow els 18x34 heavy 12 c quality at, each -8W TABLE LINEN Full bleached, 80 inch four neat patterns our 25 cent quality, at, each . . . .17 BLEACHED CRASH Union linen toweling with red border worth 10 cents, Fri day, at, yard . .QM$ Canning Needfuls If you are putting up fruit these items may be of interest: Jelly Tumblers, with or without tops. Friday only, per dozen ISO Fruit Jar Rubbers, extra heavy, red or white, 3 dozen for 85o Caps for Mason Jars, porcelain lined, per dozen 18o Mason Fruit Jars, first quality, no seconds, pints, dosen 40o Quarts, per dozen SOo One-half gallon, dosen 65o Enamelware Clearing One large lot miscellaneous cooking utensils, values up to $1.00 each, on sale Friday, at . ...lOo, ISO, 99o $1.60 Oarbage Cans, now Bo 11.76 Oarbage Cans, (16 gal.) tl-sS Elite Blue Japanned Sink Strainer, 25c kind, for 16e Wilson Bread Toaster, 25c regularly, for ISo onszrir boobs Just a few left, any green door 8o Any Fancy Door for $1.85 $1.85 B. O. E. Sad Irona for ...,98o Don't Miss the Phenomenal Bargains From THE COUNCIL BLUFFS STOCK On Sale Saturday See Window Displays. Watch Friday Evening Papers. 50 EXTRA SALES PEOPLE WANTED. IMP. THE RELIABLE STORE 50 EXTRA SALES PEOPLE WANTED. Friday in Remnant Day in Our Famous Domestic Room A carload of New Fall Mill Lengths of the finest export cotton goods made. all new styles. Flannelettes, Outing Flannels. Muslins, India I.lnons, Per sian Lawns, Long Cloths, 40-in. Lawns. Mercerlred White Goods. Poplins. Pongees, etc., Silk and Mercerised Wash Fabrics, Toweling and all kinds of Goods worth up to 60c yard, in six lots: LOT 1 3Vic I L0T3........7V.C LOT 5... 10c LOT 2 5c I LOT 4 8V2C LOT 6 13V.C Six other Extra Specials not mentioned here. Four Magnificent Silk Bargains Friday Remnants of Plain and Fancy Silks in lengths up to 15 yards, regular values to 75c yard, at, per yard 15c $1.50 Black Taffeta, oil boiled, natural finish, yarn dyed, 36 inches wide, on sale Friday, at, per yard $1.00 Natural Pongee, all silk, regular 85c quality, just five pieces in this lot, on sale Friday, at, per yard i.40c White Jap Silks, 36 inches wide, a great snap in Friday's sale, regular 59 cent value, at, per yard 39c " $,,t CQUIJCIL BLUFFS STOCK KfiJ Short Lengths of High Grade Wool Dress Goods In Our Famous Dome tic Room. Broadcloths from $1.00 to $3.00 a yard, Henriettas, Serges, Panamas, Tailor Suitings, Voiles, Zebellns, Chev iots, and all weaves of the new goods, in lots: LOT 1...15C LOT 2... 25c LOT 3... 39c LOT 4. LOT 5. LOT 6. 49c 59c 75c Once More Barefoot Sandals 50c The unprecedented demand for the last lot of children's Sandals caused us to wire our order for another shipment. They are here, pv now and on sale, Friday, all sizes up to 2; for boys tilll and girls, at, pair WW MEN'S WHJtE AND GRAY CANVAS OXFORDS A clean up sale of these hot weather shoes. They are the $1.60 kinds, with Qfin solid leather soles, for JOL Book Buyers; Attention! A Friday Book Sale Foil of Promise for Every Book Lover A gTeat purchase of a thousand or more volumes secured from Fleming, Revell & Co., and the American News Co., by our buyer while in New York last week. The lot embraces a miscellaneous collection of re ligious books, fiction, encyclopedia and other standard books; some are slightly Imperfect. Regular retail prices t ( f Q. C up to $3.00. On three tables at IUC-IC-JC A great bargain day attraction. Every book buyer should see these lota. AND UP. Bedspreads, Sheets, Towels Remnants of Linens, Muslins, Tawel lngs, etc., at most surprising bargain prices: DON'T MISS THESE SNAPS: Linens . . . .25c 39c 49c 59c Toweling 3yac 5c 7V2c 10c Bedspreads . ,59c 69c $1.00 20c Embroideries 5c From the fine Bahy Sets to the 7 and 8 inch Edges, all qualities, e 1 4 4-l 1 Kwiss, .NamsooK ana amonc. Don't miss them. 15c Laces 5c Vals, Torchons, Zion City, Nottinghams, Plat Vals, Cluny and Elyria Laces, all at the same price. Week End Grocery Inducements Items listed on sale balance of week. 1,000 dozen strictly fresh eg-RS, Just In from country, 260 ana su stamps XOO! Golden Coffee, lb, Capitol Coffes, lb. 28c and SO stamps Challenge Coffee, lb. 18c and 10 st'ps Teas, assorted, lb. 68c and 71 stamps Tea Bif tines, lb. 15c and 10 stamps Full Cream cheese, pound 20c Brick Cheese, per pound 20o Roquefort Cheese, pound 40c Bennett's Frlde Plour, Special, at, per sack and 40 stamps. $1.75 and 10 stamps. .25c Bayles' Boned Herring, In jars No. 1 sise 10c and 10 stamps No. 2 slse 16c and 20 stamps Purs Honey, Mason pint Jar ...,26o and 26 stamps. Olives, Mason quart Jar SOo and 80 stamps. Diamond C Soap, 10 bars tSo Mexican Chill' Beans, lb o 12c Seedless Sultanas, I lbs. for 26o 80c Best We Have Cherries for 20o Oil Sardines, per can 4c Alaska Salmon, choice, 2 cans ..26c Capitol Baking; powder, lb. can 24c and 20 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts 18c and 20 stamps. Hippo Washing Powder, pkg-s. 26e and 20 stamps. Iten's Soda Crackers, 8 pkg-. for lta and 10 stamps. Iten's Graham Crackers, for lOo and 10 stamps. Veal, Ham and Beef Loaf, can ..10o and 5 stamps. Armour's Chipped Beef, Jar 24o and 10 stamps. Ice Cream Powder, X for 25a and 10 stamps. Ice Cold Buttermilk served free in Buter Dept. Saturday. AND Tiere land la cheap, to-wns ar new and opportunities are exceptionally good for farming or business. See the Pacific Northwest country for yourself. Take advantage of the LOW HOMESEEKERR'S FARES In effect Extra Specials in Drapery Dept. Roman Striped Couch Cover, 60 Inches wide, different patterns' and colors, same on both sides, fringed all around, special at 9S Tapestry Table Covers, all Ue and colors, worth up to $5.00, Friday, at 59 08 81.98 "d 83.50 Embroidered Swiss, several patterns, some 40 inches wide, worth up to 39c, in one lot Friday, at yd. 15 $1.60 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, new .patterns, white or ecru, Friday, pair 98 All remnants of silks, nets, madras and Swisses at JUST HALF PJUCE Interesting Friday Specials $1.60 Hand Bags at . . 49 76c Silk Elastic Belts 25 Gold Eye Needles, per pkg 1 25c Post Card Albums 10 200-yard Machine Thread . ...1W Finest Black Darning Cotton .... 1 Pearl Buttons, per dozen 1 10c Fine Combs, each 5 Odd lots Embroideries, yard . .2 Fancy Val Laces, yard .......... 1 Big Job Ribbons, yard 2 Children's Handkerchiefs 1 15c Dressing Combs, each 5 Men's and Ladies' Furnishing Specials VALUES YOU WILL MXD IT HARD TO DUPLICATE Men's and Boys' Shirt- Sereral hun dred dozen of them, mostly sort col lar styles, all sizes, 60c and 76c val ues, on sale 29 Men's Summer Underwear Values to 75c garment, maco cotton, porous knit, etc., shirts or drawers ..25 9:80 TO 10:80 A. M. Men's and Ladles' Um brellas, worth 69c; on sale Friday, at each 25 8:80 TO 9:80 A. M. Mnslln Gowns, Skirts, Chemises, Corset Cor era, etc., values to $1.50. at 69 Men's Union Salts Lisle, Egyptian cotton, porous knit, etc., to $1.00 values, sale price -49 Men's, Women's and Children's Hose Black, tans, fancies, embroidered,, etc. Made to sell at 15c and' 19c, on sale Friday, pair ; 5 10:30 TO 11:80 A. M. Ladles' MnsUn Drawers and Corset Covers that sold to 75C Friday, choice 25 See 16th Street Windows for Bargains From the Council Rlnffa Stock, on Sale Saturday. Avurust 14th. - r READ THIS FOR FRIDAY IN GROCERIES ' It's Havden's First for Quality, Freshest Goods and Lowest Prices J - . . T l -ftBkl.' Putt.. IK 20 pounds best Purs Can uranui&iea Sugar for ., 4S pound sack Best High Patent Flour, made from old wheath and every sack guaranteed, per sack 1.60 10 pound sacks best white or yellow Cornmeal, for l6c 6 pounds best Hand Picked Navy Beans, for 5c ( pounds choice Japan Rice for ...,2 6c 7 pounds best Rolled Oatmeal for 26c Large bottles Pure Tomatoe Cstsup. Worcester Sauce or Pickles, assorted kinds, for 8H lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, or Baked Beans for 7 He Tail cans Alaska Salmon 12 He 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can ....4c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg. Sc The best Soda Crackers, per pound . . c The best crisp Pretests, or Ginger Snaps, per pound j The ,best Corn Starch, per pkg 10 bars best brands Laundry Boap for 26o Batter, Cheese aad IMokle Sale The best Fancy Ne. 1 Creamery Butter, per pound lc The best Fancy No. 1 Country Butter. per pound 24c The bost Dairy Table Butter, The best Full Cream white Cheese, per pouna . . Dill Pickles, per dosen ...... Fancy Chow Chow, per quart lb. ..,.28o or colored ,20o ..16o IqO ,Ho ISo .J&o .15o . .6c . .60 Dcmr F-sncv Bour Pickles, per auart Fancy Nudget Sweet Pickles, quart Fancy Queen Olives, per quart rresa Teretables Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck .... Fancy Sweet Corn, per dosen hunches Fresh Radishes . I .. . .. . t bunches fresh Onions ............... So 4 bunches fresh Carrots or Beets ...... 6c 1 heads fresh Cabbage to 5 bunches fresh Parsley 6o 6 Summer Squash for , . . 6o Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans, per lb. ..I Ho Egg Plant, each 6c and 1 He 2 heads fresh Celery to Fresh Peas, per quart 6o reaokaa Peaches . readies Large crates extra fancy , Elbert a Peaches, for 11.10 Large crates extra Tallow Crawford Freestone Peaches, for .6o Large baskets, extra fancy Arkansas Elbert a Peaches, from 1 to I dosea In a basket, per basket 26o IT TRY llAYDECrs FIRST PATO Every First and Third Tuesday of Each Month During 1909 VIA UNION PACIFIC Electric Block Signals all tite way The Safe Road to Travel. Ask about tha Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at Seattle, Waah.. this year. For full Information Inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Pbonea: Bell, Douglaa 1828 and Independent, A -823 1. I Bee Want Ads Boost Your Business Are You a Doubling Thomas? The shrewdest business man is the advertiser. He knows where his ad gets the best results. He knows what paper has the best circulation, as an evidence of the prestige and high standing of the Bee.with the men of Omaha who know their business the management of this paper humbly offers the following as a discriminat ing clientele. The followingad appeared in the ""Want Columns" of The Bee under the head of "Live Stock for Sale" for one month at a cost of $4.50. This ad brought $1,200.00 worth of new business to the advertiser. tOCOND-lUNO landaus. broughams, rocksways, hearses, surreys and buslnesa wagons. A. J. Blmpooa Son. U0 Lodge T17"Lr O Results extraordinary are obtained YV II y through The Bee's "Want Column." 4