Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pleads for Man Who
.. in mjJ . mmii.!.).! u. ii'i.miW'111 .."I , ,1,. ! ! g?
X In ui n s d ai y
Half Price 85c Handsome Black Striped Batiste, 42Yg
A beautiful quality fine, smooth, liifirh clnss in effect.
Other broken lines at sweeping reductions Thursday.
A woman's eye and hef wonderful fingers will tell her
in one second they are very unusual value at Thursday's
special prices.
85c quality, beautiful lustre 49c
$1.25 quality 720 $1.00 quality 62V,C
Main Floor.
li. Den-. i iotb raoni
tlon wealth is rrtaUr than that contained
In tha aoll. . For this reason, It . for no
other, tha work of reclamation of the arid
and aml-arld land of the writ ) worthy
of flnt Importance In the development of
tha nation' resourore. Every acre of Irri
gated land will be needed In the nation's
"In a century we have panned from a
purely agricultural country to an Industrial
and commercial country, but we have not
outgrown the neeeeeHy - for agriculture."
Mr, Balllnger after hie ad drees, would
not be disturbed by. questions. There la a
little note on the published program invit
ing the delegates to ask questions and
enter a discussion with the speakers. Mr.
Bellinger was not aware of this.
Judge John Falrweather of California
asked a question. The secretary answered
it and then left tha platform.
The nest speaker was A. C. Campbell,
who discussed the local aspects of the
property rights In irrigation.
Pardee Attacks Balllnger.
Former Governor Pardee then took the
platform to deliver the address under the
subject assigned to him. But he had no
une i for . his SiaMuscrlpt. He opened by
saying- that he was for Roosevelt and the
' Kaosevelt policies.
"Roosevelt was a president, who did
things first," said he, "and talkes aftrnrt
them afterwards. And that's the kind of
men we .would like to see m public office
Dr. Pardee, told of the activities of former
Secretary Garfield, who, under the Instruc
tion of. President Roosevelt, withdrew
from public entry many traots of land,
under the belief that these lands Should be
held tor the people. Now, he said, Secre-
Exterior of Balduf f 's ' rorm
' ej StaLTAd' ls Rapidly Tak-
Ing on a Modern
A set of contractor's blue prints, a
busy bevy of carpenters, painters and dec
erattors, wielding hammer, saw and brush
this is the combination that is working
wonders with the store formerly occupied
by "Balduff at 1518-1120 Farnatn street.
The new front is already being placed
. the Interior, is; being gone over in a man
ner that will Surprise those even used to
-innovation., .i .-. t
' In -other words,' The Benson and Thorns
company will' be-in the new store on
schedule time Just as advertised. Should
there be any delay it will be a mere mat
ter c-i a few .DAYS and not of weeks aa
Is the case .with so many removals and
femodeltngf . ... . .. .
Stocks , art Frceeat X,eatloa Are Being
wsjrt a (Been a Though WiUl
.......... i . .
An 4ncrdably 'aw I ft closing out of
stocks (a in tke'meanwhtle in order at the
Benson and Thorn company's present lo
cation at HH-1517 Douglas street.
Hug gaps in tables of young men's
and boys' clothe tell af vanishing assort,
inents empty arma are creeping out ev
erywhere in the revolving rack used to
exhibit small women's, 'misses' and girl'
ults, dresses, etc.
Shelf after shelf of "babe's wear" Is
lelng depleted, and, many line of furn
ishings hav slramored down to "empty
bcxea" only. ' '
'HALF PRICK" la . affecting all this;
"HALF PRICE- I th maglo talisman
that comnraride crowds, to appear to buy
to supply present and future need.
a Arc-1st VBrante Demand at
teonfflf lowered Frio.
To glano at the crowds f stoppers
that continually besiege the section of
shoes her, on would think that every
other source of supply had been cut off,
It's a fact that hundreds upon hundreds
of women, girls, youths and boy are be
ing supplied with better footgear than
was ever anticipated, at the radically low
price asked.
Truly, thla is typical outburst of val
ues trotypd reductions are not enough
price hav been revamped, cut down,
and aqueesed until a comparison with
former selling marks la out of the qu
tioa. '-
There's Uf Where There Are Ctoaala
' If you ar a lover of "life" you'll be
pleased to mingle in the present crowds
look around whether you've a positive
need or not. You will have t fairly steel
youraaU ajiaiiuit -WNK-HAUr' reduction
If you don't finally purchase something.
lili-lilT Douglaa Street.
(Will aon remove to "Balduf fa" former
Umum at llll-Ul. rwnam elrl.)
uica au strn-iii a-imi
tary BaJllnger has again put up for entry
these lands, and each traot has la its
boundaries a water power site.
The thing to do, said Dr. Pardee, la to
withdraw the water power sites as did
Roosevelt and hold them for the people.
"When," pleaded the speaker, "are we
aver going to have a chance for the com
mon, hard working cltlsen? Secretary
Balllnger has said Irrigation Is ndVa propo
sition for a poor man. I take Issue with
him and Is particularly a .poor man's
proposition, and If there' is any one tring
to make It not so, let's find out about it."
Tarner Defends Balllnaer, . -
Mr. Turner gained the floor and replied:
"I think," said he, "that the remarks of
Governor Pardee, following those of the
secretary of the Interior, are in bad taxte.
Mr, Balllnger has done in his official ca
pacity only what any man would do under
tha oath of office he has obeyed the law.
No man has the right to act firsthand read
the law afterward."
A resolution was introduced asking the
condemnation of the destruction of birds.
This was followed by a request that the
women In the audience who would agree to
wear nothing but the plumage of the
"ostrich and barnyard fowl" to rise. . a
number complied.
Call for FIT Bllllan? - -
Delegates to the National Irrigation con
gress set about to relieve the arid land
situation today when resolutions begin
ning with a request for "ample funds"
and ending with one for a fund of $5,000
000,000 were introduced.
The resolution asking for a, national 3
per cent bond issue of $6,OOO,O0O,OuO was in
troduced by the secretary of the bord of
control, Arthur Hooler of Spokane, it is
proposed to use this In five portions, Is
One billion dollars for drainage; 11.000,000,
000 for Irrigation; 11.000,000,000 for deep
waterways; $1,000,000,000 for good roads and
$1,000,000,000 for foreet preservation.
It Is asked that a committee present the
request to congress.
A resolution also was introduced planning
that here settlers of arid lands have been
deprived of the right to reclaim their lands
by the action of the reclamation service
in cutting off water rights such settlers
may gain tha right to their lands by. the
reclamation of one acre in their tracts by
means of a well.
Smith on Classlf Icatlen. i
George Otis Smith, dlreotor of the United
States geological survey, and Samuel II.
Lea, state engineer of South Dakota, made
the principal conservation arguments be
fore the National Irrigation congress to
day. Mr. Smith's subject was the classifica
tion of public lands, lie said:
The classification and valuation of coal
land is a special phase of public land work
to which the geological survey is giving
Increased attention. The geologic investi
gations of the last three field seasons have
not only furnished a knowledge of the
quantity and quality of the coal on the
public domain, but have rendered possi
ble the present policy of obtaining coal
prices for coal lands. The general land
offloe now depends on the geological sur
vey to furnish detailed valuations for
every forty acre tract of coal land that is
placed on the market. In the two and a
half months following the adoption bf the
revised scheme of valuation the reports to
the general land office pleased' to agri
cultural entry approximately 3,(00,000 ictes
In Colorado, Wyoming; and Montana and
placed sorting prices on nearly 400,000 acres
of coal land with an aggregate' valuation
of over $15,000,000.
"The price of government' oal land Is
now determined on the basis pf estimated
tonnage, the unit rate varying with the
tauallty of the coal from cent; to S cents
ton zor coai aepoait within fifteen miles
of a railroad. - The prlcjs . average less
than one-tenth the usual Royalty paid in
the, west. Yet this, conservative valuation
will more than double to average price
of public ooal .land. ,In exceptional oases
the prloe based on tonnago represents a
fifteen-fold Increase oven the. old minimum
price. It I oonceded . that this policy of
ummmm ine price on in quantity and qual
ity ot tb article acid -will ool encourage
purchase by speculators, but V maintain
that Uhe government valuation' will not
imped the disposition of the coal deposit
lor purpose of utilisation.. The real de
velopment of th West will 'be promoted,
not retarded. . The Increased -valuation of
the millions of aires of public coal land
must- result In' increased contribution to
the reclamation fund, and greater dobs!
bliltles for local utlllitlonv of the agricul
tural land through Irrigation.
vren-oa Senator Addresses Chicago
Association of Commerce
CHICAGO, Aug. U.-United Stales Sena
tor Chamberlain of Oregon, Carter of
Montana, Warren of Wyoming. Flint of
California, Paynter of Kentucky and Borah
of Idaho, comprising te senate committee
on Irrigation met her- today and started- In
a body for a two months" tour of the jar?
lous reclamation project f th west an 1
northwest. .
Senator Chamberlain wa guest and
speaker at a luncheon given by the Chl
ctO Association of Commerce. . In plead
ing for conservation of watsr power in tht
far west Senator Chamberlain touched
upon tha controversy that has arisen In
Kpokane between G)fford Plnchot and Sec
retary of the Interior Balllnger.
"Cloaely allied with the reclamation
work," he said, "is the conservation of the
natural resources. Without the forests,
without protection against the rav
agca and greed of men, the streams must
soon dry up and the districts where are
now happy home must ceas to exist.
"I do not car what la- said about Mr.
Plnchot I know that he baa given his en
tire time and attention to conserving the
natural resources. In supporting a man of
his caliber politics should not be taken Into
consideration He should be permitted to
Intercede without hindrance or interfer
Forty-Third Annual Parade of Grand
Army at Salt Lake City.
Twenty Old Soldiers nnd Aboat Hnn.
dred Children from LlTlns;
Fluff Taken from
SALT UKB CITY, Utah, Aug. ll.-Mld-ummer
heat thinned the annual parade
of the Grand Army of the Republic, the
feature of the forty-third, reunion today,
and wrought still more suffering among
the hundreds of children who participated
In tha formation of the living flaj. So op
pressive was the heat that the plan of
calling for the living flag In the procession
was abandoned.
At least 100 children and twenty old sol
diers weit taken from the street. Many
of the victims, young and old, recovered
as noon as these were placed In the shade.
Those treated at the emergency stations
numbered about forty, fifteen of them
Grand Army men and thirty children.. There
were no fatalities.
Thre relief stations, attended by trained
nurses. Insured prompt and capable aid
for all sufferers. The hours of the parade
were the hottest hours of the hottest day
Klnce the beginning of the encampment
At 11 o'clock, when the column got under
way, the Weather bureau thermomtcr reg
istered 86 degrees. Notwithstanding the
discomfort the purade was a success. The
6.000 and more old soldiers, walklrig four
abreast, had the complete right-of-way
Fiilly' 100,000 persons saw, or tried to see,
the spectacle.
The Nebraska delegation carried ears of
yellow corn. The Mlnnesotans were bear
ers .. of sheafs' Of wheat and the Green
Mountain boys of Vermont wore sprigs of
pine In their hat bands.
Arkansas had the distinction of sending
the smallest division thre were but four
wearers of its badge. Illinois made tha
largest numerical showing.
At the roer came a little band whose
banners evoked the darkest pictures of the
great civil war. On the white background
the watchers read: "Llbby," "Anderson
ville." "Macon." "Tyler." "Belle Isle" and
the names of other confederate prisons
The division consisted of the former prison'
ers of war. It is estimated that 7,000 vet
eians took part In the parade.
(Continued from First Page.)
mobile ride to Topsfield, Ipswich and re
turn. The weather was so cool this after
noon that the president was muffled up
In an overcoat.
President Taft Is continuing dally to take
an hours exercise at gymnasium worm
He began the practice at Washington the
first of the stammer and found the exer
cise so beneficial that he decided to con
tinue It indefinitely. The president exor
cises before breakfast. He expects to eet
the system so well learned by the' time
he starts on bis western trip that he will
be able to keep up the work on his pri
vate car.
Trip Down Mississippi.
The dates of the president's trip dov.-n
the Mississippi from St. Louis, beginning
October 25, were ' announced today. Sev
eral additional stops have been added to
the Itinerary and InBtead of arriving1 at
New Orleans October 29, as announced
from Washington, he will make several
addresses from the decks of the steam
boat on the way down the famous river.
Tha detailed itinerary of-the trip down
the Mississippi river was announced today.
Arriving in St. Louis at 7:27 a. m., Monday.
October 25, President Taft will be enter
tained at breakfast by the Commercial
club. Later he will make an adress in the
The president will be the guest of the
Business Men's league at luncheon. He will
then go to East bt. Louis, 111., to attend
the dedication of a government building
there. He will return to St. Louis In time
to sail for New Orleans on the steamboat
Mississippi at 6 p. m. Arlvlng at Cape Gi
rardeau, Mo., October 28, the president will
make an address from the upper deck of
the steamboat to the people gathered on
the' wharf. Leaving Cape. Girardeau the
president will continue his trip, speaking: In
various southern cities. -
Appointment of Pando as Forelstn
Minister of Bolivia May
Avert Trouble.
LA PAX. Bolivia, August 11. The
threatening situation growing, out of the
approaching change In presidents Ismael
Monies, who Is not friendly to Argentine,
Is to be succeeded tomorrow by Elldore
Vlllaion, who is in favor-of accepting
Argentine's decision In the boundary dis
pute with Peru has been somewhat im
proved by .the appointment today pf Gen
eral Jose . Manuel , Pando as minister of
foreign affairs.
- General Pando was once president of the
republic. It Is believed his acceptance of
the portfolio of foreign minister will save
the country from serious difficulty with
any of its neighbors.
Kill Ulnglea to Iceland.
NEW YOIIK, Aug. 11. Ella Gingles, the
young Irish lace maker whose trial In Chi
cano for larceny from her employer at
traded national attention because of her
sensational churee that an attempt had
been made to force her Into white Slav
ery," sailed for her home In Ireland today
on the steamer t. ttmpama.
Renew Your
Rosy Cheeks
; V"w. ;. TTV"'nv-v.""f ' 7
- n Imt rTii.
Thin, impoverished blood Is what
makes people pale and anaemic.
This weakened i.nd common con
dition demands prompt attention
to avoid the development of a spe
cific disorder. At this stage
PS&st ExfiHCt
cannot be too highly recommended.
Combining the staunch vigor ol bar
ley malt with the tonic properties of
choicest hops, it forms a liquid food
that is rapidly transformed into rich,
red blood and rebuilds and revital
izes tha muscles and nerve tissues.
liuitt Ufa It Bring Talft.
Order a
Dos a f rouaYour,
Local Drug gut
s yy r i , rv--,
Ran Him Down
Dying- Mini iter Aid Until
Told Driver Will Hot Be
WASHINGTON. Aug. lb Refusing to be
taken to th hospital, although he is fa
tally Injured, until the' promise was mad
to him that th person who Injured him
would not be arrested. Rev. William P.
Jacobs, an Episcopalian clergyman, aged
M years, of Clinton. 8. C, put the golden
rule of life which he ha preached for
many years Into praotlce. The minister. In
Washington on a sight seeing trip, was
run over on Pennsylvania avenue last
night by a two-seated surrey.
"I do not want fch driver prosecuted,"
he sald,"aa I know It was not his fault."
Despite the promise of the police to the
Injured man, however, the driver was ar
rested. White Slave Bill
Is Dismissed
Authorities Admit That Injustice
May Have Seen Done Mri,
Helen Spencer.
NEW YORK, Aug. ll.-That an injustice
has been done Mrs. Helen Spencer, the
woman recently arrested In Ecuador and
brought here on a' charge of having en
gaged In the "white 'slave" trafflo for the
Panama canal sone.'a admitted In court
here today when the ' indictment against
her was dismissed by Judge Rosalsky.
The action was taken on the recommenda
tion of the district attorney'a office. The
recommendation states that since the case
was placed on the calendar of the courts
for trial the girls who are the chief wit
nesses have admitted to the district at
torney that their testimony has been false
In essential particulars.
(Continued from First Page.)
mark as from a blow of some sort over
Roelker's heart.
Todd denied portions of an Interview at
tilbuted to him, but said he did see a man
running and heard' commands to halt,
threats to fire and shots.
Before the shooting he (Todd) had seen
Lieutenant Roelker pass the guard room.
After the shooting, he said, Lieutenant
Roelker came into th guard room and
said: "My God, Archie. I've been shot."
The finding of tha bullet followed. The
witness had heard four shots fired. He
acknowledged having said he had often
wondered why he was not summoned. He
believed It was not his place to speak
until summoned, but said he had never
made any effort to make known to any
officer his possession of knowledge of the
events of Lieutenant Sutton's death.
Adams Asks for Gun.
Mr. Blrney took the witness In detail
over th event of the night. The running
figure, he Bald, was going from the
vicinity of the" camp toward the bridge
over College creek. After the shooting
he raw Lieutenants Adams and Osterman
in the room ot the' officer of the day. In
response to (juentions of Mr. Davit,, Todd
said that It wan Lieutenant Adams, who
asked tha ' witness ""If he had any snare
guns," saying there was trouble in th
camp and he wanted them for protection.
Osterman said nothing whatever. Two
shots preceded the first cry to halt, which
was not replied to, after the second cry,
"Halt, you are under arrest, or I'll shoot,"
there were two mord fchols fired after a
brief interval. Sergeant Mahoney was
sergeant ot the guard, and he aroused him
as soon aa he heapd the first two shots.
The other two shots had beer, fired before
Mahoney started lit the direction from
which th noise of the shots came. He had
gone only a short distance when witness
heard some one challenge Mahoney and tell
him the trouble was all over and that he
might a well return to hi room.
When th witness put on the desk the
bullet that struok Roelker, Lieutenants
Adams, Willing, Btvan and other were
In the room pf the officer of th . day.
Hoelker said nothing whatever as to how
or where he had been fhot and, the witness
averred, made no attempt to find out. Todd
said he did not hear until next morning
that Lieutenant Button had been shot. He
was not asked by any one if he knew any
thing of th trouble. The first time, wit
ness said, that any one had told him that
any information he had wa wanted was
wheu a newkpfcper man did so at Wake
field, Ma., yesterday. To the Judge
advocate th witness said he understood
that hi superior officer having knowl
edge of the firing of the shots, hi duty
did not require him to make further report
to any one.
Art Pushlnsr Work of Reconstruction
of An ton;-Makden Rail
road. PEKING, August 11. Telegraphic reports
received here from Manchuria aay the work
of re-constructlng th Antung-Mukdtn
railroad by Japan from Antung to tin
north is proceeding rapidly and without
BT. PETERSBURG, August lL Appre
hertlon has been aroused In political
circles here by the energy displayed by
th Japanese In puHhing the re-construo-
tlon of the Antung-Mukden railroad, th
strategic importance of which is fully
realized in St. Petersburg. Even a greater
degre of disquietude, however, has been
caused by the Japanese plans for a naval
base at the mouth of the Tumen river to
be connected by a railroad with Klrin.
Workmen Arc Returning In Increasing-
a inner a Dally Riot
t Norbeirg.
STOCKHOLM. Aug. ll.-The belief Is
gaining ground that the backbone of the
general strike has been broken. Work
men of various kinds resumed their duties
today in Increasing numbers and it is ex
pected that th printers will soon return to
work. All th newsrapers in Stockholm
are Issuing hand-printed sheets, while those
In. the south are being printed In Den
mark. Some l.S.000 strikers attended a
meeting In the woods south of Stockholm
this afternoon. There was a strike riot at
Norberg today as a result of which twenty-two
persons were arrested.
. lvrrni.
K P I'M.).
. ()(Dtr
. K. Willwla
Strang-e Coincidence Revealed When
Sun, Earth, Venns and Jupiter Mix.
Father tllcn-e Invites the PoMIr to
Look at th Stransr Slant
Throaa-h Crelshton t'nlvers
Ity Telescope.
Jupiter and Venus co-operated last night
to present a spectacle that might occur any
time, but Which is seldom seen In the
heavens by th inhabitants of th earth.
The people on Mars, If there are any, and
they are not too busy digging canals or
building airships,, also might observe a
similar occurrence if two planets happened
to get places in their orbit that would
throw Uiem on a line or in conjunction
a was th case . with on outer and one
Inner planet last evening, when Jupiter and
Venus attracted the attention of the world
tor a few minutes.
Now, th event that occurred last night
and the reasons for it were these: Jupitsr,
an outer planet, and Venus, an inner planet,
both turning in their respective orbits
around th sun on in a smaller orbit
than the earth's and the other in a larger
orbit came around on the same aide of the
earth, and owing to a certain inclination
of Uielr planes, they were observed ' from
this planet as being close together. They
j-eally were not very near each other nor
the earth, but they were seen at the same
time in the range ot a telescope, and that
Is all the significance there wa to their
It It not always that two planets can be
observed at the same time by gailng
through a telescope. Last night, however,
was on of those rare occasion. Tb two
satellites of th sun did not get Into a
direct line, a the unastromlcal thought.
They simply came to point In their two
orbits, where, although they were several
million miles apart, they were yet so close
together that they both fell within Hit
view of a telescope.
To fully understand th conditions that
brought about this extraordinary happening
it Is necessary to have a Clear conception
ot the true relation of the planets In the
celestial world. When the planets were
made, by the nebular hypothesis, the ring
theory, or any other theory that has been
advanced for their origination, they were
thrown Into space with a certain Initial ve
locity. Some went sailing out many mil
lions of miles from their place ot origin;
others did not go so far, and still others
fell closer to the mother body.
All Go Around the Snn.
Well, one of these planets, Venus, took
an orbit only something over a hundred
million miles from the sun. Then a few
millions beyond Venus the earth took up Its
course, and several million miles huyuiid
the earth Jupiter got in with a big orbit.
So that placed the planets with which
astronomers were concerned last night In
tha following order: sun, Venus, earth and
It Is easy, so astronomers say, for the
laymen to see how Jupiter and Venus
might never conie close enough together
to be seen In the same plane of a telescope.
The two planets could easily be seen on
the same side of the earth, but wide apart,
and this would pot permit the desired
sight I
But last night It happened that both ap
peared on the same side of the earth and
got rather intimate- with each other. As
tronomers throughout the country took
advantage of the occasion to show the
sight to many people . ho had never before
observed such a speotacle.
Prof. William J. Rlgge, of Crelghton uni
versity, had his observatory open tor mo
publlo and, beginning about 7:0 in th,
evening, he showed the planets to several
of the curious. They were plainly distin
guished shortly after the sun set. They
were In the west, and Venus, in the teles
cope,' appeared on the left. It was far
brighter than the outer planet. Shortly
before 1 o'clock this morning they were
nearer together than at any other tlmo
during the night.
While the two planet were going
through this unusual occurrence they
were not close enough to the earth to
cause a preceptlble displacement of this
planet in its orbit. Venus was 160.000,
000 miles away, and Jupiter was distant
600,000,000 miles.
Animal May Be Shipped After
Doable Dipping Without '
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Secretary Wil
son ha amended the Department of Agri
culture order regarding the quarantine
against scabies in sheep In Texas, effect
ive August 18. The effect of the amend
ment la to require that scabby sheep may
be dipped twlc In accordance with the reg
ulations and shipped In the state without
further federal restrictions, or they may be
dipped once and shipped Interstate for Im
mediate slaughter.
All other sheep may be shipped Inter
state without dipping for Immediate slaugh
ter as "exposed sheep for slaughter," or
they may be dipped once and shipped with
out further federal restrictions. Sheep In
Kentucky also ar quarantined against
under an. order effective August 16.
Man Who Killed Juror Was Seeking
Thre Others for Pnrpo. of
Shooting Them.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. James McSor
ley, the ex-oonvlct, who killed Penlel M.
Fenlon, a hotel keeper, in Mlddleton, N.
T., yesterday, had started out with the
Intention of "getting even" with three
other men with whom he was at enm'iy
for having had a hand In sending him to
prison for stealing a tray of diamonds in
Newark, N. J., according to statements
made today by members of the New York
detective fore. McSorlty, they say. men
tioned Chief of Police Coagrove of New
ark; Fenlon, a burglar known as "Iron
Uaul Kid," and another "under world"
member as belonging to "the gang that
had turned against me,' and every mem
ber of which he had vowed to kill.
Th Bubonic IMngne
destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver
and kidney diseases, for which Klectric
Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. tc. Sold
by Ileaton Drug Co. -
Ooorgfn Utiilatart Legislates Oat
Stlrk and fthotgun" Method
of Defense.
ATLANTA, Oa., August U.-Th "stick
nd th shotgun" implements of the "un
written law" were figuratively abollched
today by the Georgia legislature as the
means of defense of a woman's nima,
when the house today passed the bill
already adopted by the senate makln
wilful defamation of a woman's name a
The house also pasxed the bill, which
prevents negro kocial or fraternal organ!
sauon from unit'- the uames, liwltfula oi
Class Linen
and Repp Suits,
Thursday, at
The most extraordinary sale of
in Omaha. About 40 suits left;
Wool Skirts at $4.95
The choice of our entire stack :WF
spring and summer wool sliirts,, for-;
merly marked at
and $1.50; Ihursuay. cnoice
To tho Republican Uolero
' My name will appear fur
County Commissioner on tho
ballot to be voted at the com
lng primary In he Fourth,
Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh
Warda. With utmost effort I
could not personally see all of
you who live in these warda In
the limited time remaining. I
am, therefore, going to address
aa many of you aa I can through
thla aeries of brief cards In The
Bee, calling attention to the
points which I think will im
press you In .my favor. It Is
a little embarrassing to have
to talk about my aelf, but I know of no other way to ha.
you make my acquaintance. For coroboratlon of any rHfiKi
ment about myself I refer you to any one who -knows ir.o
or has had business dealings with me. -
I respectfully solicit your vote. " ' "
Republican Candidate for County CuinmisMoni'r.
First District Fourth, Seventh, Primary August 17, 1609.
Eighth and Eleventh Wards. Polls Open Until 9 P. M.
ritual of established "societies or cor
porations, whether social, benevolent or
charitable." This measure now needs only
the governors signature.
A Horrible Death
results from decaying lungs. Cur coughs
and weak, sore lungs with Pr. King's New
Discovery. 50c and 11.00. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
Italian Befrlende.l by Thnw and Pat.
rick Fnccumb to
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Victim of a ven
detta, Rafael Cascone, defended by Albert
T. Patrick and bcfrleivl-d by Harry K.
Thaw, whom he camu to know In the
Tombs, died today at a hospital, where
he had llnicered since he was shot down
on the street last night by a boy of 18
Amato Santanlello, arrested as his as
sailant, is a ' brother ot Chamarlno San-
taniello and a cousin of Berlglo Seneshall,
who were shot and killed In 1903. Cascone
was twice tried tor the murder of these
men. He was convicted on the first trial,
but through th efforts of Albert T. Pat
rick obtained a new 'trial and wa ac
Father Go to ' Pennsylranla and
Two Children Helg la
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Aug. H.-Whlle Pletro
Vivlano, father of Grace Vlvlano, who
wa 'kidnaped here last week with her
cousin, TommaNso Vlvlano, is speeding to
Duncannon, Pa., expecting to find hi
kidnaped daughter there, the police today
received a clue from Carbondale, 111.,
where' two children, resembling the
Vivianos, were seen In company of a
strolling band of Italian players Sunday.
Th band has since moved.
Ard Tetter.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 11. (Spe
cial.) Ard Yetter, quite well advanced in
years, died at the St. Francis hospital this
morning of hemmorhages. He had been
To Knjoy
the fuU.confidenca of the Well-informed
of the World and tho Commendation of
the most eminent jihybician it was essen
tial that the component part of Syrup
of Figa and Elixir of Senna should be
known to and approved by them; there
fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub
lishes a full statement with evtry package.
The perfect purity and uniformity of pro
duct, which tliey demand in a laxative
remedy of an ethical character, are assured
by the Company' original method of man
ufacture known to the Company only.
The figs of California are u:d in the
production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but
the medicinal principles are obtained from
plant known to act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effect alwayi buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for
y all JjadiJi. druggist.
oS ValnesJ
. .- . . '
$12.50 and
$15.00 Suits, r
Wash Suits ever attempted
choice Thursday at -$3.95;
$7.50, $10 :
'It M.7'
out west In the Interest of h!s hpiiltji. .1u'
the altitude bring too biyh, ntw-uv.i n--turn
to his home In l'eriiiHv lWiu'n. II
stopped of here to vlxlt his son. luit' sud
denly became 111 and was taken in'tlie' lm
pllal before his son real'.y knew ot i ',) .-
apce in the city. Death follow toi tu o f .
dnys. The body will be ti in m'' '
Pennsylvania, acompanl-d by his -V' ..
Mr. McCauley, of the water co:u:iiiiwoiT(-i ,t
Pueblo Trades Speiicrr. ,
Pl'ETlIX), Colo.. AtiKiist 1.-Ci'n;.f
Fielder Hnrt Rpinoer of the P'vehto -ill
club was o1ay tr&ded to Jnillnmmi-rfin' f.n
Outfielder McChesney. Md'heMi' v f 1 1 C.r
Dniiver this mo. nlnur end will ' )."lii the
'.Indians there, tomorrow. HM-n-cr lias? p-
psrently been dissatisfied here nnd thljj wut
one of the reasons for the donl.
Rough. Pimply cm
made clr, imrcu)i,t brniilijnl. I
blotch!, blackhefidl, uoluir. J
Un. tkin-rcmithnett snd redness
quickly reiuoved. SufoftJfrlrjiB-
sntett, moit ettectiv . tujlr.t
preparation on the mailwt.
Sure to cleat- One . lriul
proves Its merit 0 Cents a Bottle ,
Manufactured and for tare by ' ' '
Sharman & McConnell Drug; Co.
16th and Dodge, Omaha.
OWL D R HQ CO. . . i
16th and Harney. :
Ki.ivrV j ?
Wi make all ws sell
Omaha Trunk Factory
W also carry a fin line of X,oathr foods
Son;, 106S ISO rarnam st.Tiid, A-U)6u
A cup of our fin Coffee with a to!
Boston Iinach Bandwlob 1 onauih nj
f of any appetite. !i
Mia Tarnam. . 140. Doaglas
Four day beginning Sunday Matinee,
Shadowed Mrec
Greatest mysterious toryv ,vr .jarltten.
Sox offloe open Thataday KSrhlng s
In. AVlM-b
gQMIaTQ- .
The Cowboy arid Ita Thief
Wednesday Xinht,
Thursday Niiiii't, ' "
.:. . 17...;.' vl. I,