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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUOUST 12, 1000. 10 Don't Miss the Sale of the J. 0. Crcckwell Stock Beginning Saturday, August 14th. Boe the RargtUn TMsplay Watrh Pally rrr for Par In Windows. titulars and friers. TTW T71 TVT TT rgeBaseoa-tLiJ juiifeggii-'g: l 1 u.- ! ui u 'J? j.- sssi jOO MM DP I its P. M. P- -n-u mm mmamrw . J nut ill i ah f & r slightly imperfect worth as high as $3.50; an extraor dinary bargain, at. . . rail IWP $3.00 to $5.00 special sale Thursday at..... WOMEN'S WAISTS, in the Basement, worth up to r 75c and $1.00 each, at . . . JC Some are more or less Imperfect others are somewhat soiled and mussed plain or lace trimmed on big bargain square. v ) Thursday' Great Underwear Sale Women's' Union Suits . ' $1.50 Quality at 69c. Fine ribbed 'French lisle union finished mercerized lisle, silk crochet trimming all sizes, made" umbrella style knee length; worth $1.50. at, suit. . 75c Women's Union Suits, 29c Suit Fine cotton ribbed neatly trimmed with lace, cambric ruffle and lace beading medium and large sizes Oi .worth up to 75c a suit. JmitiJr Q SALE OF WOMEN'S Dutch collars, jabots, stocks, styles; worth up to 75c in one BRANDEIS STORES R Twice as much light for the same money- is, obtained by using Tungsten lamps for electric light. .They are made like any other incandescent lamp, with this difference, that the wire filament in side is. composed of a rare metal called Tungsten, which radiates two or three times as much light with the same amount of current, as the ordinary carbon filament. . . I Ask us to show you Tungsten lamps and prove its economy to you. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co., Y. M. 0. A. Building. Doug. 1062; Ind. A-1278. THURSDAY SPECIAL SALE WAISTS These Are Without Exception the Best Waists We Have Sold This Year for 98c and $1.98. All these waists are the latest styles for this season. Many Dutch, neck styles, tailored waists, lingerie waists many elaborate creations. This lot includes a purchase of some that are 98c SILK WAISTS Worth $3.00 to $5.00 at $1.98 Made of fine Jap silks, taffeta silks and nets many never shown before. All sizes and styles, including waists for evening and party wear blacks, white and colors, they are worth from $J98 Women's Shirt Waists, including many Dutch neck styles white or colors long and short sleeves worth up to $1.50. at, fofG suits silk ribbon and ff ffl IfO " NECKWEAR at 25c etc., hundreds of C big lot at, each. . C ' Oldest and Largest Company In the West "We will pay off any loans you may now have. We will advance you more money. If you want a loans don't forget us. Courteous treatment extended to all. "We want your business and insure you honest methods of same. We loan in large or small amounts on furni ture, pianos, horses, cat tle, wagons, real estate, or any security you may have. If you cannot call,write or telephone us. Pay a little each month. Low rates. Easy pay ments. No publicity given any dealings you may have with us. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Suite 7, Crounse Block, Opposite Postoffice, Douglas 1388. lad. A-1356. We have a South Omaha department which en ables people living in South Omaha to get our regular rates and terms, If you live in South Omaha and want money telephone us. WE URGE YOU TO Hl'RRY ALONG AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THE , REDUCTIONS OFFERED ON OXFORDS ONLY THREE MORE DAYS. $4.25 for ten line of Hanan., Clapv and Boyden $6.00 and IC.60 Men's Oxfords. $3.85 for 15 lines of Hanan. MacDonald and Klley $5.00 and $5.50 Men's Oxfords. $2.00 'or 16 lines of Howard and Foster and Tilt $4.00 and $4.50 Men's Oxfords. $2.55 fr 20 llne of miscel laneous maks of $3.60 Men's Oxfords. $3.85 fr 15 lines of Hanan, Foster and Wright & Peters $5.00 and $5.50 Women's Ox fords. $2.90 fr 20 lines of the cele brated Armstrong $4.00 Wo men's Oxfords. $2.55 fo' 15 lines of Klppen dorf & Selby Shoe Co. $3.50 Women's Oxfords. $2.25 fr 10 lines of miscel laneous makes of $3.00 Wo en's Oxfords. Your Choice of Any Canvas 'or $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street IT KILLS EVERY FLEA This refers to a Llqqnid Prepara tion, VICTOR'S FLKA K1LLKK. Put uy in 25o and 50c (gallon) bottle. Kills Fleas in the garret. KlUs Fleas In the cellar. Kills Fleas on the rug. carpet or bedding. Kills Fleas on the dog or cat. Kills every little or tig Flea every where, SHERMAN ft McCONXELIi DRCQ CO. Corner 10th and Dodge SU. OWL DRUG CO. 16th and Harney SU. Special Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bottled in Oond Gurkenhelmer full quarts AA. for UUC Golden Raveja, full quarts, QQq We are agents for the Calwa Wine Co. of Ban Francisco. C. SCHLAHK 1307 Douglas Street D. C SCOTT, D.V.S. te Dr. SL 1 Baaoaooaettl) STATS omo. aaa KMpiSaX 8SIXO treat. Calls PrwopUy Aaswer.4 at All Hoore MTORK CLOSKH Saturdays at 10 I. M. 1 Long Silk Coats for Fall At Mid-Summer ing Price, $19.50 $25.00 values, at The popularity of the long pongee silk coats for fall wear will bs national In scope. We have about twenty-five of these handsome gar ments, either In tan silk pongee or cloth of gold, from our spring pur chases that we are closing out Thursday at half and less. The garments are fresh and new with just a slight touch of trimming to heighten their pleasing effects. Buy any one of our $1.50 and $25.00 coats now for $lO.O0. LONG LINEN COATS Also a few smart long semi-fitted linen coats. In natural shade, that have sold freely all season nt $10.00 C C HO and $12.50; to close out the balance we offer them at $Jvf The August Blanket Sale The enthusiastic buying since the sale opened Monday proves the public approval of summer blanket sales. Of course we make it of supreme lmporance to you In the way of considerably lessened prices in addition to giving you the first pick from the first shipments of a brand new fall stock. Pine JTew COTTOK BLAKXXTS 59c Blankets S5o 75c Blanket! B9o $1.00 Blankets 7So 11. 9 Blankets 8c tft. Mary's Tin All WOOL BLaKITETB fA.60 Blankets S3. 60 18.75 Blankets (7.50 $12.50 Blankets ...(10.00 $150 Blankets ...918.60 Clean Up Lots No regard for cost or values these broken lots. Women's House Slip persSoft tan and black kid, worth $1.50; to clear, at, pair 50 Children's Shoes and Oxfords, sizes to 7 Vs. hand turned soles $1.00 shoes; on sale, t 50 Clean Up Sale SILKS 60c and 75c sJAJJX U A mlscelaneous assortment of Jap silks, rough silks, foulards, taffe tas, etc., all the odd pieces culled from our regular stock; thrown out on bargain tables, 2C A1l5f' Ribbons Another shipment of 600 pieces fine taffeta and meanallne ribbons, in every conceivable shade now pop ular. It's a splendid chance for you buy at 26c ribbons. 15c DENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound Corslcan Blend Tea, for Iced tea. lb Bennett's Capitol Pepper, can Qalllard's Olive Oil, large bottle Hartley's red and black Currant Jam Yacht Club Salad Dressing Poppy Condenned Milk, cans Dried Grapes, 10c quality, lb California Ripe Olives, 60c cans Sterling Oloss Starch, 6-lb. box Rex Lye. three cans ri.OUX SPECIAL Bennett's Capitol Diamond Crystal salt, two sacks Burnham's Clam Chowder, can Wiggle Stick Wonder Wax, six for Bayles' Horseradish Mustard VY FURS NOW There are several reasons why It is wise to select your winter furs now. you uti a rtrx.x. utd com- PUTS STOCK TO KXU1CT TnVOlt tou wiil run) ibttbb unu AHD BETTXim aCADXl OAKMXITTS rxAir iaT m im basok. It stands to reason that the first purchase of skins will be the best and that garments made when we can take our time will have better workmanship than those made in a rush by gas or electric ugnu tOV WZU aVATB MOKXT. There is an actual saving of 10 per cent to 16 Pr cent over prices you will pay later. WB HATB rLZITT O TXMB BOW TO SIOW TXB Z.XVB, and you n.nd . nrofltable half hour look ing over the stock even If not ready to purchase. We have a full and complete line of mink sets. Also a very large line of foxes. In all shades. Fox will be all the rage this win ter and it will pay you to select now. Tou can make your selection now. have your furs laid away and pay for them when you need tnem. IHUBERMAN Booms 9 and 9 Oonttneattal Blook, M. B. Cox. 16th and Douglas. (Take Fifteenth Street Elevator.) HOTELS. Is tke KnoppUg District. 11th and hfoO... os "Fettloost Xtaae." n: 1W Hotel Kupper llth aad McOes. Kansas City. Mo. ta the 0hoylJ XHstrio. Mmt all the Vh.ators. 100 B.aatUoJ Booaka. 100 Private Baths. Bet aaa eol wat.( ta all svossa. epaotoaa l.shy. paxtora. TUphae la av.rr teeas. BMatliul Oafe. Serlat Oulstia SI to $2.50 Per Day Baropeaa Visa. KUPPER-DENSON HOTEL CO. r. a bbbsob. aars. AT 6 O'CLOCK. Tuesdays at 1 O'clock. Clear- K -fl and M? fl l JL V Whit Cotton rui.4 COMFOKTZBS II. 25 Comforters 11.60 Comforters $1.79 Comforters $2.25 Comforters .81.00 $1.88 .91.60 .91.76 in Shoe Section i in our efforts to clear the stock of Women's Juliets, elas tic side, the Ideal house shoe, cool and easy, $175 value, at, Pair $1.10 BOYS' SHIRTS 9Rr A Clean Up of a 60c Lot Soft cool summer shirts of light and iridium shades of madras, soft attached collar and pockets; faet washable colors, sizes 12 to 14. No better 50c shirts made. Thursday 85c. Main floor. "Cadet 'Wash Suits 89c g 8 to 8 year sizes, worth a.00, 93.60 aod 93.00, for.. Military styles, plain white, cadet, navy and tan; also stripes. Boys' Waists ' of madras, light and blue effects; were 36c, clearing at 170 Second Floor. 48o and 4Bo and 4So and lOo and 700 and 980 and ....... 85c and 85 and ....So 8O0 : 60s and 36o and 40 40 40 6 40 20 10 10 green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps green stamps 20 green stamps 10 green stamps Flour, Including 40 stamps, sack, 9186 , 100 60 -and 10 green stamps ...8S0 and 10 green stamps lOo and 10 green stamps 1 9 HSoWHKa ANOTHER CDANCE AT OUR TAN OXFORDS THURSDAY Ladles' Best $3.50 Tan Oxfords now Ladles' Best $4.00 Tan Oxfords now $2.45 $2.95 $3.75 $3.65 $2.85 Ladles' Best $5.00 Tan Oxfords now Men's Best $5.00 Tan Oxfords now Men's Best $4.00 Patent Oxfords now You cannot afford to miss these bargains. See display of bargains in windows. FRY SHOE CO., THE SHOERS l6th and Douglas St. y is satisfaction. You buy risrht when you buy 1 the Always well done" Quality of cuts. Baker BROs.EKOiM;oCa OMAHA Reliable Dentistry AT I Taft's Dental Rooms H Ml Sales People Wanted. Apply to Stipe rn tenrfent. IMC RSUABLK STORK Surprising Savings in Summer Suits Over 1,000 dainty Wash Suits and Dresses to be closed at less than value of materials alone. WASH SUITS AND DRESSES that sold regularly to $10.00 reps, lingeries, linens, etc.; on sale at, CO choice UbiVV TAILORED WASH SUITS and DRESSES that sold to $20.00, most clever styles in the most wanted colors and Q Q Q K fabrics, at VWiWV HANDSOME LINEN SUITS, strictly tail ored, hand embroidered and trimmed with lace and insertion, $25.00 valutgiY EjQ DAINTY LINGERIE WAISTS that sold up to $4.00, over 50 dozen in the Q I Cft lot for selection VliwU LADIES' $1.50 QUALITY BLACK UN DERSKIRTS Thursday 690 CHILDREN'S JACKETS that sold up to $4.00. all colors and sizes, g QQ See our big showing of NEW FALL SUITS AND COATS. The styles will de light and please you. 25c Laces Thursday 4ic A fine line of extra wide Cluny Laces, worth 25c yard, in both edges and insertings; also a full line of Point Paris and fancy Wash Laces, regular 15c to 25c values. All at one- ll price, yard , . . y. . . ns fl w Extra Specials In Our Famous A 15c India Linon . 10c A 12y2c India, Linon .7VaC A 15c English Long Cloth . 10c A 19c Eng. Long Cloth. .12VaC A full standard Indigo Blue Print .... 3VC A 10c Outing Flannel. . . . .7ViC A 714c Baby Flannel 5c Thursday Is Ico Cream Day QUART RRICKS OF ICE Oslsa I PlVT BRICKS OF ICE : Ifl CREAM sCU C I CREAM I U C IN OUR BUST CANDY DEPARTMENT , . . You Save 25 to 50 rirst onalltr, freshest roods, larrest stock and lowest prto.s. 4S lbs. best High Patent Flour, made Irom old a-heat: special sale price only, pur sack 11.60 20 lbs best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 7. 11.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap.... 26c 6 lbs. choice Japan Kice ror zac 10-lb. sacks best White or Tellow Corn- meal IOC Tlie best Domestic Macaroni, Large bottles Pure Tomato catsup, Wor cester sauce or pickles, aasortea. . . so Condensed Milk, per can "He t-lb. cans Qolden Pumpkin, Hominy or Baked Beans (Vc tH-lb. cans fancy Asparagua 20c Rex Lye, per can tc Larallne Scouring Soap, per can 1c Lu Lu Scouring Soap, per can 6c Tall cana Alaska Salmon 12 He Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c OUaJCA'Sj WXOLZtAIiB TIOITilU MLA.KK.i2T Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck ...... 1 to DOflT FORGOT, TOY HAYDEH'S HOST Endorsed by tho men. as a national Sanitarian Is in the heart of the mystic J;' region of the Black Hills, i at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Its summer climate lst; charming. : ' Its medicinal waters and big plunge baths restore health and provide. ; recreation. t " Its hotel accommodations are good. Direct Train Servico Through Pullman Sleeping Cars jmd Free Reclining Chair Cars to Dead wood daily , leave Union Station KW 1041 Sales People Wanted. . , Apply w BuporliH ' tendesit. For Thursday Domestic Room High Grade Wash Goods. Anderson 's g e nuine Scotch Ginghams i .17ljC A 39c Poplin, all shades. . .25c Wool Dress Goods. - Any $1.50 Tailor Suiting...98o Any $2.00 Broadcloth. . 1S1.50 Several .other specials for all day. on Groceries at Hayden's Fancy Sweet Corn, per desen ' Ic I bunches Fresh Radishes Sc t bunches fresh Onions Sc 4 bunches fresh Carrots or Beets ...... 6c t heads fresh Cabbage ic 5 bunches fresh Parsley n ............. 6c i Summer Squash for ...A....' to Fancy Wax or Oreen Beanwper lb. ,.2Ho Egg Plant, each . la and 7ie i iirvu. i rvti in v ...... am ...... v Fresh Peas, per quart . .jjj. .tt .Ic oajt tottb riAoxas Asro tsavm We have two carloads of Peaches and one of Pears: One car fancy Colorado Freestone Peaches sweet and juicy per crate (too One carload extra fine California Siberia Freestone; this Is extra fins fruit per crate 11.10 One car of extra fancy California Bartlett Pears the most luscious fruit grown, per bushel box 12.11 20 lbs. best Purs Cane Granulated Bussr. for fl.00 PAYO V; ' prirtge U. S. Goycrh V E3otS at J:jj p, m. Illustrated folders nrhh full particular at Ticket Offices 1401-1403 Arsssi Stmt Ommha, Ms.