Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1909, Image 1
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE 1 the Mt powerf nl boelness aettwr Hi the vrat, WtiM It koc to toe boDM f poor and rich. WEATKER TOMCAST. Tor Nebraska Local showers. For Iowa apnerally fair. For weather report see page S. VOL. XXXIX NO. 48. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1H00-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. rOWER-TRUST, SAYSTINCHOT Chief Forester Declares a Combine of Capitalist it Forming to Con trol Water Sites: ADDRESSES IRRIGATION CONGRESS Federal Official . Cheered by Dele gates to Spokane Convention. Thompson Has Papers in the Omaha Case bovernor Refers the Protest of the Anti-Saloon League to the Attorney General. NEW STORY OF The Donkey I guess this old pasture is good enough for me COURT UPHOLDS CLOSING LAW SUTTWS DEATH Sergeant Arthur Todd, in an Inter Daylight Measure Declared Valid by view, Says He Saw the Lieu tenant Shot. Judge Sutton in Overruling Dinuzzo Demurrer. EU5M0 AWAY FROM SLAYERS METHODS OF THE M0N0P0 I - r y. Lobbyists at Every Session of Co " grew Work to Tear Down Ban. ROCKEFELLER AS AIT EXAMFL rcrflur McOm Sara Ofl Kin Greatest Conservator ef Natural RrMircn ' Praties Hla Methods. SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 10-Clfford Pln chot evidently found out where he stands at the National Irrigation congress today, when the 1.200 delegates In the big- armory gave him an ovation laming fully five min utes and winding up with a burst of three cheers. This was the wildest reception yet accorded a speaker before the congress. Mr. .Plnchot directly charged that there Is a water power trust In process cf forma tion. Not only this," said he, "but this water power trust does not havt any hesitancy about appearing before this congress in the persons of Its attorney and thus seeks to break down the list remaining opposition to the ownership of all the .wer In the country." Mr. Plnchot named one power corporation which ha charged la after the control of water power. He paid a tribute to the Roosevelt poli cies and brought another storm of cheers by saying that the Taft administration is irrevocably pledged to the support of those policies. He went Immediately Into h'ts subject, giving, as he announced It. a stewardship of his doings for the last year. He was preceded by T. J. Allen of the forestry service, who demanded that if the west Is to preserve its forests there must be stats laws and men to enforce them. Tnls speech waa heartily seconded by Mr. Plnchot, who In furthering thta sentiment paid a strong tribute to former President Ttuosevelt. Mr. Pinchot'e speech In- part was as follows: Trest Absorbs Water iltee. , "There could be -no- better Mllturtrsttoni af v the eager. Vapid, unwearied absorption by capital of the rights which belong to all the people the, the water, powror trust, not yet formed but In rapid process of formation. This statement la true, but not unchallenged. We. are, met at every, turn by the indignant denial of the water power Interests. They tell us that there is no community of Interest among, them, . and. yet they appear year after year at these 7 congweey Uy, ihmais attorney, oaklng for your Influence to help them remove " few remaining obstacle to their per petual and complete absorption ef the re maining water powers.- They tell us it haa no significance that the General Eleo trlo interests are acquiring great groups of water powers In various parts of the United States, and dominating the power market In the region of each group. And whoever dominates power, domlnatee all Industry. Have you ever seen a few drops of oil scattered on the water spread ing until they formed a continuous film, which put an end at once to all agitation of the surface. The time for us to agitate this question la now, before the separate circles of Centralised control spread Into the uniform, unbroken, nation-wide cov ering of a aingle gigantic trust There k : 1 1 V. - i . . a i . . i milt u. nine viibiiv iui ineie KgiLtLiion : after that. No man at all familiar with the situation can doubt that the time for effective protest la very short. If we do not use It ' to protect ourselves now, we may be very sure that the trust will give hereafter amall consideration to the wel fare of the average eltlsen when in con flict with Its awn. "The man who really counts is the plain Americas eltlsen. This la the man for whom the Roosevelt policies were created, and hla welfare is the end to which the Roosevelt policies lead. As a nation we are fortunate at this time In thla fact above all others, that the great man who gave hla name to theae policies haa for his successor another great president whose Administration la most solemnly pledged to the support of them." Rockefeller a Great Conservator. John D. Rockefeller as a philanthropist and as an example for the nation to copy ' was held tfp to the consideration of the National Irrigation congress today by W. J. McOee, secretary of the Inland Water ways commission ef Washington. - Dr. MeGee frankly said ha admired Mr. Rockefeller. He regarded the Standard Oil magnate as a man among millions and saw no reason why a million other men could not be as successful ea he. Dr. ILcGee was Speaking of water as a thing which In value to the human race In proportion to all other necessaries is j 100 to 1. He urged the conservation of . water on power, irrigation and transporta tion. "And yet," said he, "with water thus valuable and necessary to the human race, John D. Rockefeller charges leas for a gallon ot oil after it haa passed through many processes .than 4 spring water con cern doea tor a gallon of mineral water that haa not been treated In any way. "I regard Mr. Rockefeller as at once a generous public benefactor and wise and careful business man. He haa had all the opportunity In the world to exact aa ex orbitant toll and yet be charges Jess for oil than la paid every day for common . w ater. . f- "I say the United Statea government could no better than profit by the example of a business man so astute and who so well conaervea national reeourcee." Waterways an Paotfte Ceaat. J. N. Teal appealed for enlargement of the scope of waterways on the Pacific coast. Ha Pointed out the poaalblllty of v klng navigable the Columbia river for If i distance of 1.60 miles by applying the ,6t of a single battleship to the work. Ite declared that river transportation is the greatest ot automatic rate adjusters. In part, he said: "Those Whe look on money appropriated for rivers and harbors aa a useless ex penditure know nothing of the economics or transport!. "Who has forgottea the so-called car shortute of twe year ago, when business wes paralraed because there ceuld be no tCootinued on Second Page.) (Frem a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 10. (Special.) Governor ' illenberger has referred to the attorney eral the application of the Antl-Faloon rue of Douglas county for the removal the mayor and police board of Omaha alleged failure to revoke the license of quor dealer who waa convicted of vlo Ig the daylight saloon law. e attorney general will advise the gov r to gram a hearing to the complain and If the evidence Is sufficient to z 'y such action, upon Instructions of r",5 rovernor he will start proceedings In U courts to oust the officers com d of. ice daylight saloon law provides that the board granting a liquor license shall forthwith revoke the license upon convic tion for violation of the law,' whether the accused person appeals or no Accompanying the affidavit of the of ficers of the Antl-saloon league, was a letter signed by B. F. Felmaf and Harry A. Stone, which not only pokes at the gov ernor for.bejng away from his office so much, but also warns him that the board is hostile to him and to the Antl-saloon league. It also reminds the governor of hla responsibility for the enactment of the I o'clock law, and calls on him to ensure its strict enforcement. Taft Will Stop at Milwaukee Cream City ii Placed on Itinerary of Western Tour and Madison Dropped Out BEVERLY. Mass., Aug. 10-Presldent Taft has declared that his Idea of an ideal vacation Is to do the same thing every day. He played golf this morning, attended to a little official business after luncheon and late this afternoon had a long motor rule . w-tth . Mrs,. . Tft. Tomorrow he will duplicate today's routine. Today the president went the round of the eighteen holes at the Myopia lanks In 101, defeating John Hayes Hammond, his opponent and "topside" man In the sum mer golf cabinet, S up. The Myopia course Is the most difficult the president has ever played over and he waa delighted at the excellent showing he made. President Taft today added Milwaukee to the itinerary of his western trip. In or der to accept Milwaukee's urgent Invita tion It was' hAcessary to cut out a brief stop that had been scheduled for Madison, Wis., the home of Senator La Follette of the tariff Insurgents. The presidential party party will be in Milwaukee for six hours September 17. T"h'e' president' also 'ItteliicTefl in the Itin erary of his trip down the Mississippi river, which begins at St. Louis October 28 a stop at Baton Rouge, La. Mrs. Taft continues dally to Improve In health. Bridegroom f Shot at Door John Weaver, Colored, of Des Moines Murdered Soon After His Mar riage to Miss Saunders. DES MOINES, August 10 Following his marriage t Miss Mary Saunders, colored, here tonight and Just after the wedding guests had departed, John Weaver, 35, colored, was called to the door of his home and shot to death by an unknown man. Weaver staggered from the steps and fell dead without uttering a sound. Hla bride of a tew hours fainted. The police are looking for James Watklns, who, they say, was a former admirer of Miss Saunders and who was seen near the house tonight D'ABRUZZI'S NEW RECORD IN MOUNTAIN CLIMBING FEAT Italian Nobleman and Party Scale Moist tiod wtn-Ansten, In 1 Himalayas. ALLAHABAD, India, Aug. 10. The duke of the Abruszl has established another rec ord In mountain climbing. He ascended Mount Godwin-Austen to a height of 14.000 feet. Perfect weather was enjoyed during the ascent. All the members ot the party have arrived at Bandlpur In excellent health. Godwin-Austen la the name given In 18X7 by the Royal Geographical society to the Himalayan peak Kl, In 35 degrees, U minutes north, 7 degrees, St minutes east. In honor of the first explorer of the moun tains of this region. It Is the highest known summit In the world except Mount Everest. Altitude. 2S.MS feet. Two Miss Bessie Browns and One Money Order in Mixup l Bessie Brown of Lemara, la., and Bessie Brown ot Clarlnda, la., ware visiting Omaha friends. It was about the time, a day or two ago, that the two Bessles were to return home. Beesle Brown of Lemurs received a letter from Clarlnda, enclosing a money order for $7 from Charles. Brown. The letter waa couched In endearing terms and called her "Dear Bessie." But Bessie of Lemars did not oars about that. She waa most inter ested In the 17 money order, which looked good to her, so she endorsed It and got the $7- In the. meanwhile Bessie Brown of Clarlnda, who had been expecting 17 to help pay her fare back to Clarlnda, did not get It, so she started Inquiries at 'the poatoffloa. Resale Brown of Lemars was sent for to explain and both ot the Beaales met Tuesday at the postofflce. Postmaster Thomas acted as Solomon In the cae and sought to unravel It Bessie Brown of Lemara confessed eoyly that she knew a Charles Brown of Clarlnda, who Says Shots Were Fired by Lieutenants Ostennan and Adams. HE HEARS CALL TO HALT Sutton Keeps on Running and Four Flashes of Gun Follow. MRS. PARKER'S MEMORY GOOD Mratrnant Sotton Sister Reconnta Interview vrlth Adams, and Hla Attorney Fears to Cross-Examine. POSTON", Mass.. Aug. 10 In an inter view In the Boston Post, attributed to Sergeant Arthur Todd of the United States Marine corps, and made public today. It Is stated that If he should be called In the investigation of the death of Lieutenant James Sutton his testimony would be ex actly opposite to that given by Sutton's fellow officers. Sergeant Todd, who has been on range duty at Wakefield, left early today for Annapolis. In describing the shooting, Ser geant Todd says: "I was corporal of the guard on the night Lieutenant Sutton was shot, and from the place where I was standing I saw a figure about ffiO feet away. "I saw Lieutenants Adams and Osterman and recognised them. They were nearer me. The man who was In shirt sleeves started o run and I heard a voice cry: 'Stop running! You're under arrest.' "The man ran on and once more I heard the same voice cry out loudly: 'Stop run ning or I'll shoot.' "The man paid no attention and ran on, and then the next moment I saw a flash and heard a revolver report. There were three other snots, and the man who was running dropped. "I ran over to him and bent over. It was Lieutenant Sutton. I saw a hole In the man's forehead where there was a ragged entrance and a hole back of the left ear where the bullet came 'out clean. Lieutenant Roelker, who has been so often mentioned In the case, came into the guard room where I then was, a short time before the shooting. He was with a private named Richardson, and they had a drink together. At the time of the shoot ing he was not anywhere In sight. "The next morning an ' enlisted man found a revolver on the ball field, which was not the regular service revolver, but a 33 calibre affair." Ballet That Killed Sntton. Todd said at one time In the conversa tion that he himself had the bullet that killed Sutton,, but later stated that some one alee had taken It.- He refused to state finally whether he knew where "the bullet waa or not. "Just after the shooting, when I returned to the guard room, Roelker came In all out of breath and greatly excited. He said: 'My God, Archie, I think I've been shot.' " I laughted at htm at first, but he waa so earnest about It that I felt In his left hand outside pocket just over his heart. There was a drill regulation book there and a bullet had become mushroomed In the pages. "Roelker was very much excited when I pulled out the bdok and showed him the bullet and the way In which his life had been saved. He stripped down to the skin and there was a reddish tinge Just over his heart, showing Just where the bullet would have gone had the book not Interposed. "Roelker and I talked the matter over, and we agreed that he must have run into the fire ot the bullets, one ot which had killed Sutton. There were four shots that I heard In all and one of them, I am convinced, struck Roelker. "I have wondered more than once why 1 1 have not been called to go before the courc os inquiry ana leu wnat I Know. Mr. Parker's Memory Good. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Aug. 10. Mrs. Rose Sutton Parker, whose testimony has been looked forward to aa of surpassing Inter est in the Investigation ot the death on October 13, 1907, of her brother, Lieutenant James N. Sutton, jr., United Statea Ma rine corps, was the center of attraction at the session of the court of Inquiry to day. She took the stand smilingly, waa a willing witness and demonstrated olearly that her memory ot her Interview with Lieutenant Adams shortly after her broth er's death waa much better than was Lieu tenant Adams' recollection on the same points. In his testimony aa to what waa said during this six-hour Interview, the words, "I do not remember," frequently occurred. , Mrs. Parker was positive in her state ments as to what was said and done. It was notable from Iter testimony that whether or not Adams and Suttoh were friends, Adams and Mrs. Parker parted (Continued on Second Page.) might address her as "Dear Bessie," and that it was more than likely that he had sent her the money order. Bessie Brown of Clarlnda also knew a Charlu Brown of Clarlnda, who had every right to address her as "Dear Bessie," because he was her brother, and declared that he had sent her the 7 postal money order to help pay her fare home to Clarlnda. "This is a Strang case," remarked Post master Thomas, "and at the same time la a serious proposition te the Bessie Brown, who may happen not to be the legal recipient of tha money order. In other words. It may mean the penitentiary to the wrong Brown Bess." Bessie of Lemars gasped Just a little and said: "Oh If the money does not belong to me I want the other Bessie to have it." Postmaster Thomas thought a moment and then concluded that the Bessie of Clarlnda was the rightful owner of the 17 and so Bessie of Lemars surrendered the coin and the incident closed From the St. Louis Olobe-Democrat. TALE OF TANGLED FINANCE Young Note Broker Swindles F. Augustus Heinze Out of $40,000. MEN HIGHER UP IMPLICATED Stocks Pledared for Loan Are Obtained from Trust Company and Sold on Curb Market at Profit. NEW YORK, Aug. Ik-Prm' I. Persch, an ambitious young flnancif r, whose offices constituted merely desk room -in a down town note broker's office. Is In the Tombs tonight In default of 150,100 ball, and thereby hangs a tale of tangled finance through which somebody m Wall street nipped F. Augustus Heiure, the one-time copper king, for HO.0O0. Pef?ch is specifically charged with the larceny of S40.000, a profit obtained by the sale of 15,600 shares of Ohio Copper com mon and 4,600 shares of Davis-Daly Cop per common, which an agent for Heinze placed with the Windsor Trust company of this city as security for a loan of S00,00t. In some manner, as yet unexplained, the stock was not held by the bank, but was turned over to a clerk acting for Persch and at the latter's orders thrown on the curb market and sold for approximately $90,000. How Persch obtained the capital to carry through the deal and why the stock was relinquished by the trust com pany are points yet to be cleared. Men Higher Ip, After his arrest this afternoon Persch Intimated that there were men "higher up" In the transaction, but he refused to say more, upon the advice ot counsel. He was arraigned late this afternoon before a magistrate and, after unsuccessful efforts of his lawyers to have bail reduced to 125,- 000, was committed to the Tombs, although his counsel later produced writ of habeas corpus returnable tomorrow. His examination was set for Friday. Persch was arrested on statements mad by John Sherwood, another note broker, who was called to the district attorney's office this morning. He said that at Persctl's request he procured the securities from the trust company after having ob tained the SaO.QUO for the purpose from L. J. Fields & Co., dealers In curb stocks. He thought the transaction entirely legiti mate and was ready te act for a percent age. He exhibited orders from Persch to redeem tlte securities and t put them on the market. Three hundred dollars was paid to Fields A. Co. for the use of the money. T. J. Fields et the firm main tains that their part In the affair waa a regular business transaction. Hew Did Persch Kaiwl The foregoing features of the case seem to be plain enough, but behind them is the mystery of how Persch knew where M. M. Joyce representing F. Augustus Heinze, placed the securities. It is considered coin cidental by the district attorney's office that Persch had his desk room In the office of W. L. Clark a note broker, who first directed Mr. Joyce to the Windsor Trust company for the purpose of obtaining the loan. While there is nothing to Indicate that the bank Is criminally responsible in any way, Mr. Joyce says that It was stipulated (Continued on Second Page) Telephone your want-ad to Douglas 238. You can save time by using the telephone and every care is used to insert the ad exactly as ordered. Think for a minute probably you have something you should adver tise. Better step over to the tele phone and take care of it njs Printers Aid Fight Against Nonunion Bars Humorous Situation Develops at St. Joseph Over Fight Between Rival Bartenders' Organizations. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 10. A lively fight In the International Typographical conven tion, which Is holding its fifty-fifth annual session In St. Joseph, was precipitated to day over the seating of Charles Carroll- as a delegate from Providence, R. I. A pro test had been filed by John F. Lennon, who alleged that the election of Carroll was Ir regular. The opposition to Carroll was taken up by Delegate Alexander Maclean of Waterbury, Conn., and 6. W. Gamble of New York. Carroll waa seated. A somewhat humorous situation arose when James H. Anderson of Kansas City, an International organizer of the Bartend ers' union, appeared before the convention and asked that no saloon not bearing the international union cards be patronized. . Joseph has two bartenders' union, one of which had seceded from the International and started an organization of Its own. This Is true of no other city. It was against the secessionists that the efforts of Anderson were directed. The printers de cided to stick to the International bar tenders. The bar In the Metropole hotel, headquarters for the delegates. Is presided over by the secessionists, ajii as a result Is receiving no patronage from the printers. Anderson also appealed to the Typograph ical unions to fight the prohibition move ment throughout the country. The Women's Auxiliary to the Interna ttonal Typographical union Is also in ses sion here. Mrs. Gilbert II. Jones, president of No. 41 of Chicago, which recently had its charter revoked. Is fighting for rein statement. If she cannot obtain this In the auxiliary she declares she will take .the fight to the floor of the main convention. Nominations for the next place of meet ing will be made tomorrow morning and the selection Thursday morning. There are three candidates, Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Minneapolis, with the last named city apparently In the lead. NUNS LEAP FROM HIGH BRIDGE Overtaken by Train, Ttaep Drop In Rapids Forty Feet Below and Dronrn. MONTREAL, Aug. lO.-Two nuns, walk ing from Montreal convent to pay a visit to Park Laval today, were overtaken by a train on a bridge a short distance from the city. Terror-stricken, they leaped to the rapids, forty feet below, and were drowned. Affairs at Stockholm Are Becoming Normal STOCKHOM. August 10,-It still Is im possible to foresee the end of the strike, which has been in progress for some days. However, it Is having little Influence on the social life of the capitol. Perfect order is being maintained and no sign Is visible of the special measures that have been taken to prevent outbreaks, though It Is known that the government is keeping extra police and troops close at hand lq case of an emergency. Food again Is plentiful and prices are becoming normal. There has been no serious decline In the prices ot securities on the Bourse. Street car and cab traffic in the city continues, the municipality hav ing ordered the cabmen to resume work or forfeit their licenses. A strike of the railway men la Improbable as the men fear that In case they go out they will lose their rights to pensions. The theaters are tilled nightly and tha cafes and restaurants are being well patronized. From many Industrial centers throughout Sweden come reports of more or less com plete resumption of work. Most of tha newspapers are Issuing small sUed sheets. MEZZO'S LICENSE TAKEN FirC and Police Board Stops His Sale of Liquors. COURSE OF BOARD DEFENDED Commissioner Wapplch Refers to Attack from Epworth Leagrae and. Anti-Saloon I.easjrne aa In tended to Influence Action. The Board of Fire and Police commis sioners last nlghtreroked the liquor license of Frank Dlnuxxo, who has been con ducting a saloon at Twelfth and Dodge streets, and 'ordered the chief of police te see that no more liquor Is sold at that place. Dinuzzo was accused In police court ef violating the daylight saloon law by sell ing liquor after 8 o'clock on the night of July 10. He was fined $100 and costa anil the case was appealed to the district court where it Is still pending. The action of the board last nl&ht was taken upon the advice of the city attorney. Dinuzzo was represented by W. M. Giller of the firm ot Weaver ft Giller. Mr. Giller noted a number of objections to the ac tion of the board, which were overruled, whereupon he gave notice of appeal to the district court and rejustd a copy of the transcript of last night's action. Wapplcb, Defends the Board. Following the decision of the board In this matter Commissioner Wapplck made some extended remarks defending the board against the charge recently made, that it has been derlllct In its duty in not revoking the Dinuzzo license sooner. He stated that In such matters the board acted as a court, and waa entitled to a rea sonable time In which to act He referred In strong language to the recent action of an Fpworth league convention, which passed a resolution asking the governor to institute ouster proceedings against the mayor and the board. He characterised the action of the con vention aa being highly Improper, and In tended to Influence the board and the dis trict court In the hearings in the Dlouazo case. He said the effect of such resolutions was to create a prejudice against Omaha over the state and to hinder the commer cial growth of the city. Routine Matters. Several other matters were also passed on by the board. The question as to the liability of the city for damages to pri vate property by officers of the law while In the pursuit of criminals was raised by a communication from McCoy 4 Flndlay son company which asked the city to pay them flS.M for a plate glass broken by a. (Continued on Second Page.) There wa a stormy meeting today of the railway .telegraphy and telephone em ployes concerning the strike, but Its re sult is being kept secret. The financial weakness of the strikers unions mawe the success of the present movement problema tical. There haa been 'a big demonstration of 30.W0 strikers at Gothenburg. In thla city the labor leaders control all the vehlclea Physicians requiting an ambulance to re move a patient to a hospital are referred by the police to labor headquartera. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS STILL DRAG Little Progress Made la Effort to Settle Traction Wae Troable. CHICAGO, Aug. IS. Peace Negotiations In the street railway situation in this city dragged today. Only one conference was held between the union men and the of ficials ot the companies and this resulted In nothing more than a postponement of the final Issue. Nothing has arisen so far to Indicate other tbaa aa amicable set- tmenu SAYS STATUTE CONSTITUTIONAL Amendment Germane to Provision of Law Aimed At POLICE BOARD NOT PREJUDICED Question of License Revoking Not Involved in Decision. BOTH CONTENTIONS DEFEATED Act Properly Titled, Sara fonrt, aad Does Mot Interfere with or Modify Power of Board of Police Commissioners. The t o'clock closing law has been de clared constitutional by Judge Sutton of the district court. The demurrer entered by the attorneys for Frank Dinuzzo, on trial for violating the law, was overruled and his case will be tried Immediately. The demurrer en tered by Weaver & Ulller was on the con tention that the law was not properly titled and not properly phrased according to the state constitution, but both contentions were disagreed with by the court. In order to expedite the matter for the benefit of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Judge Sutton did not pre pare a written decision. "It is the duty ot the legislature te de cide whether or not a law la good or bad and whether or not It Is for the good of the people," lie said. "It Is tha court's duty to declare It unconstitutional, but only when It Is fundamentally contrary to some provision of the written law. "We have two questions in this case. The law In question Is titled as an amend ment to section 14 ot chapter 50, which deals with the regulation ot the sale of liquor on election and primary days and on Sunday. The contention first made Is that, although It purports to be amenda tory to this section It is In fact not at all germane to It. "The court holds that the section It deals with the question of at what time' liquor may or may not be sold and on that belief holds that the amendment la germane to It and does not violate the section of the constitution whlcjj boldaJCj that an amendment must agrtp substance with the original act, "The second contention is) that the law in question is In fot an amendment to section 25. aUbougM' It does not repeal ot mentioa It In the text or title. Section -6 deals with the powers of excise and fire and polue boards to regulsjte the sale of liquor. But it must be noticed that the boards can regulate the sale of liquor only IP accordance with the reyulatlpg laws of the state. Consequently a new law regard ing that ..regulation doee not in any way Interfere with or change the powers ef th i boards. "The court believes that the law in con stitutional and the demurrer Is overruled. It must be distinctly understood that thU decision does not In any way prejudice the question as to whether or not the fire and police board must revoke the license ot the dealers charged with violating the law, nor would the court Intimate what Its opinion would be If the action of the board were in question." Ten Burned to Death in Hotel at Vernon, B. C. Sixty Persons Were in the Building Which Was Destroyed Within. Few Minutes, VERNON, B. C Aug. 1. Ten lives were lost here today in s, fire which destroyed the Okanagan hotel. TUe flames were discovered about t a. m., and ae Suddenly did they sweep through; the building that when trie firemen arrived the stairways were turning and scarcely had a stream of water been turned on the blase before tb entire building was aflame. Most of the sixty g-uests escaped hut some were unable to get out of their rooms. The dead were all western people. There were many herolo rescues. A man named Hlcklins; lost bis lite in the attempt to save the life ef one of the servants after he had saved the ife ef a daughter of Julius Slgalote, one of the proprietors. The fireman abandoned attempt to save the hotel and after carrying many g-uaeU through the wlndowe they turned their at tentlo nto adjoining buildings, for the fire threatened the entire business) pertlsm ef the town. When daylight came the work ef search ing tbs stilus for the dead began and all the bodies were recovered. fioveral were seriously Injured and were removed to hospitals. The loss on the hotel Is S2S,eoe. Several other buildings were damaged. Gold Discoverer Dies in Poverty Bob Womack, Who "Found" Cripple Creek, Passes Away at Colo rado Springs. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., August Ml "Bob" (Robert) Womack, famous as the discoverer ot Cripple Creek, died her to day, aged 6 years. Womack never profited by hla great discovery and died In comparative poverty. TWO THOUSAND ON STRIKE Labor Tronbl la Nora Scttsi Coal Mines Increased by a New Walkont. SPRING HILL. N. 8.. Aug. 10-The labor trouble In the coal mines of th.s province were further Increased today when about J,00 employes of the Cumberland Hallway and Coal company went on strike at the ' ' isb e, followlcuf tb s t oodV to isse TeewsBlUea mines of the company here. refusal of their employers their demands, principally js TeougoiUea ef the union,