Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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follows; Wheat, t 1 ono bti : Increase,
hu. Corn. 2 ow bu : decrease. .
I'll uats. i.siu.niM bu : drtease fhiT.n hu.
1 Ke i;4 ftiri hu ; Inn ease. 31 (1 bit. Barley,
T o li I 1 "n hu ; decrease, in oho hu
urerpoei LDiei Came Weak and! Tn vsim suppiv of wheat in cnd
Lower Firit Day. u,v,"" """l " 4IW' bu"
r. l uhh t r; it . " "
Trading; I, Rtreedladr Mall t' to
TH Tim Cora I Trifle,
Doll ana Inactive After
the Klrsl.
OMAHA. A uk . W.
the loel market held eteadv during the
1 ' session pending the government r
Po to be I nurd at 1 o'clock. Trading
.7 ",r"iniy inn up to this time
t'fn ct'd trlfl (lull and wan Ina
F'flt ftCteA a trlfl jult nt waa Inarllfa
fter the first bulge, which wan started on
report from IlllnoU that hot, dry weather
had started corn to firing.
V heat "ruled very narrow throughout (he
anion. Trad w a tight owing to the fact
that th government report not coming out
until after 1 o'clock. Wheat eased off at
tha close on tha bearish government estl
ttiate on tha a Inter wheat yield.
Corn ruled unchanged to a shade lower
on both cash and option market. Value
era firm and higher at tha opening be
rauee of firm reports and hot. dry weather
prevailing over the entire com belt. The
government report bullleh on tha con
dition of tha growing crop.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.40010
huahels and shipments were 1.141.000
bushels, against receipt last year of
l.Ht.Onft ..bushels and shlpmenta of T35.0X
Primary corn recelpta were 691.000 buahela
and shipments were 44.noo buahela. against
recelpta laat year o' 879.000 buahela and
ehlpmenta of 463.000 buahela.
f'learancea were 4t OnO buahela of corn,
none of out a and wheat and flour equal
to 24.000 buahela.
Liverpool closed td to Id lower on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
Local range Of options:
Articles.) Open. I High. I low. Close. Safy.
Qaotatlona of the Hay on
t nmmoillllri.
XKW YORK. Aug 9 - FLOl'R -R elpti
H.OfiO bhls.; exports. 40oO bbls Market
quiet and normally loner. Minnesota pat
ents. $.V!;i25, Minnesota bakers. $f i:'ui .iO,
winter patents, $5 4v35 70. winter straights
K.Mriii ; w inter extra. $4 60754 90; winter
Ion gradea. 4 1 4(i 4 xu : Kanaas straignis.
Ir. 0f.-ti5 Rye flour, barely steady; fair to
good. $4 3.Vi4SO; choice to fancy. $4 6fVa4 90.
'( iR.V M EAL Steady ; fine white and yel
low, ti hiVal 70. coarse, fl.6Mil.6w, kiln dried.
'""in :s.
' ' I V 1 . I ... II . V a An,...-.. fit nnmlnil
f. o. b. New York.
BARLEY Stead ; feeding, 707.V, c. 1. f.
New Vork.
.WHEAT Receipts. 12l.i)0 bu. Spot mar
ket weak. N. 2 red, new. I1.11W. nominal,
elevatoa. and II.11V prompt, f. o. b. afloat,
No. I northern Dtiluth. old. $1 t,!. f o. b
afloat; No. 2 hard winter, new. 11.10V f. o.
b. afloat. About the only early feature In
wheat today waa a moderate decline, due
to big lecelpta. weak cahlea and favorable
northwest crop news. Following the crop
report, however, the market broke lc under
liquidation, due to the bearish crop report,
and closed lo to lc net lower. September
cloned at $l.07. December at $1.04 and May
CORN Receipts, 11.000 bu. Seiot market
steady. No. 2, old. 79c, nominal, and 90c de
livered, r. o. h. afloat; No. 2. new. slc.
winter alilpmenta. Option without transau
tlona. cloalng unchanged. September closed
at 72c and December at 64'mc.
u. i s-Receipts. 73.200 bu. spot market
easy. Mixed, 2. to 32 lbs., 48v-. nominal;
patural white, 2 to 32 lbs., 48'ij.tOc; clipped
White, 34 to 42 lbs.. M'aWHr
FaTorit Pecurities Eitabliih New
Records for Low Pricei.
Wheat I
Sept. ..
Oais I
Sept... I
I 'ec... I
M !
7i4 ;
9174 91" W
WW 9VI 90
n9! H94 R94
tvj J.1V, 33',
33W 33HI 3
Outan tail Price.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. ctfjl 'O; No. S
hrd. ,,1j4'.Jc: No. 4 hard. 19.e; No. 3
spring. sncgll.OO.
CORN No. !. Wfifilc; No. X lOfino'ic;
. No. 4. 6!Vffo9,c; No. 2 yellow, filial 4;
No. .1 yellow, (jlfiillc' No '2 white. SS'i'!)'
4c; No. 2 white. iiV. tc.
OATH No. 3 mixed, old, 3U:c: No. S
yellow, old. 34(ku No. 3, while, old. 29 It
10c; No. 4 white. a7R.19c.
R Y 1 1 No. 2. 72ia73c; No. 3. 9Ji70r'.
- Carlol Itaeelpts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chioajio ...: J.V. 19 213
M on apolis 91
(iinai.a ,..'74 211
liu.utli 12
t lilt I.RAIN AMI PHOVlSlO-49
'Wheat' Pl-leea Break Nearly Two
tenia on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. Wheat prices broke
nearly 1 cents today, following the piinil
cation of the government crop report, snil
all day sold below the dollar mark. The
report Indicated a total" yield of winter
wheal tit 434.ti2O.8O0 bushels, much larger
than generally expected. The market closed
weak, at almost the bottom, at net de
cline of l1 to lc. Corn closed steady and
oats and provisions eaay.
Wheat was-Inclined to be weak all day
But lit 1 1 activity -was manifest until the
final fifteen minutes, during which perion
there was general selling, based on the ex
ceedingly bearish showing of the govern
ment statistics. The estimated total yield
of spring and Winter wheat of TIS.SXirt.O'JO
bushels, is. witn one exception, tne largest
on record.
The trad had 'been expecting a bearish
reoort. but was not prepared for such s
ridlcsl one, September gold between 9hc
and 11.00V May, for the first time this
season, sold below the dollar mark, the
price at the bottom being 9ic. The mar
ket closed weak, with September at 9V.c.
. An official forecast of cooler weather for
Illinois and Indiana took the edge off the
-fhot wea4.ber-aca.rt In the-oorn, market, .sen
timent at times belnr bearish. The slump
In wheat also had a depressing effect. The
market closed about steady, with prices '.kc
higher to lower than Saturday a rig
Oats were weak all day. owing to selling
bv country houses fed bv local longa. At
the close prices were off l, to 'Uc.
Provl-lons were weak on selling brouitht
, out bv a 1Be decline In live hogs. Closing
prices were f to 10c lower than Saturday's
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. High.1 Iaiw. Close.' Safy
Wheat I !
Sept. 199HVV
lec. .SI1 !.!
May !l WV!
Corn I I-
Sepl. ! .ft3.
2.. i..3'.
t ' I I
1 OO': 9 9S', 1 00
W ! 9.V. 91'tl.ill l,1 9?
1 01", 9"-, '. 1 OKO1
H4-j, .3 't Wi4 iAW
M'53'iH 53'
54", fStfaj 64'T
V ,3h.t',il 3'i-
Dili,, S, 3J
11 A V Barely ateadv; No. 3. IS.0MS.iO
good to choice, 9.00rgl0 00.
HOI'S Firm: state, common to choice.
1!, I.W19-; lW, nominal; Pacific toaft,
!!. 14"i 17c; 1!i7. ll-jntc.
Ml I iKs Steady: liogota, 22Vff23He; Cen
tral America, 223'c.
.KATHP R Steady : acid. Z2fanc.
PROVISIONS Heef, steady; family, 114 00
T?14..'i); mes. $11 v, ll.RO; beef hams. 324.00
ft 2 00; packet. 12nOW13.00; city extra In
dian meaa. wo.frtHj.l w. Liui meats, quiet;
flckled bellies. JlZ.w; picklea hams.
12 6Vii ia .00. I.ard. enay; western, $11.6641'
11.155; refined, barely ateady; continent. $12.1;
Profits Indicated By galea ot (ireat
Northern Ore Certificates Re-
anoaslble for Murk Advanee
In Railroad Stocks.
NEW VORK. Aug . I nited State Steel
at iSS; I'nion l'aclflc at Reading at
1V,i. Atchison at 1204, tireat Nortnetn
Ore certificates at these were the points
in the day's stock market that centered
attention, showing new record prices for
these leading favorites of the stock mar
ket. The three first named stocks absorbed
an overwhelming proportion of the day's
total dealings.
The only particular Influence bearing on
these movements was the news that the re
maining holdings In the Union Pacific
treasury of Ureal Northern Ore, I'nion Pa
cific and Oreat Northern preferred had
been marketed, thus adding to tha enor
mous free cash In the hands of the Union
Pacific. The Inference from this was that
a block of Great Northern Ore certificates
that had been overhanging the market with
threatening effect having been absorbed,
the slock was entitled to a rise.
The profit indicated to tha Union Pacific
as a help to that slock also. Ieas was
heard of the surmises prevalent since the
reduction of Union Pacific's Investment
holdings of stocks became known, of the
Intended deatlnatlon of the proceeds of
these sales for re-lnvestmenU Buying of
XT. vnrk Central for I'nion Pacific ac
count has been a favorite conjecture of
general fund. $.J6.tMt: current liabilities
$!. 7K7. 322, working balance In treasury of
fices, $ 3H1.964; In banks to credit of trees
urer of the United States, $.$2.3M, sub
sidiary silver coin. t?v4,T7.f4. minor coin.
I2.2v.fcti: total balance In general fund.
FKIOI Steady; scutinit bran. $23.STi; midWl.v,. ,.itiv- element, but It was not
dllngs, $24.. h.nrri tndav. There arose some question
R-,..lh America, $12.: compound. $7.507.75. P". but American o .. -r"":
Pork, firm: family. $21 MWi 22.00: short clear. Uad were amongst the early strong fea
121 C047 23 rV. mexs. $21.7R(ff22 .25. rtuf'S. High expectations naa o-rn ..
TAI.I.tlW Klrm; city, 5 9-1c; country,
. B-if'9T 13-lSc.
t) T . ' L' , ...4 ,ln,u. IbI, tr ..,.
Japan, nominal.
HI TI ER Steady; creamery specials.
2i'ya27c; official price. 2tyjo: creamery ex
tras. 26i52riV4c; creamery, thirds to firsts.
23'2."',ic; process, firsts to specials. 21'8
4tc: western factory, 194i21liC.
CHEKSK Firm; slate, full cream, spe
cials, 14Q15c; state, full cream, fancy.
U-ic; state, full cream, good to prime, iJ1
ifilte: slate, full croam. common to fair.
11W13C; skims, full to specials, HHfffll-.c.
KC;GS Barely stead v; state, Pennsylvania
and nearby, selected, white, hennery, fancy,
30330 ; same, fair to choice, gathered,
white. 2i1T.l0c; same, brown, fancy, hen
nery, 2S(30c; fair to choice gathered, brown
and mixed. 2tff2Se; western, extra firsts,
24iS25lc; western, firsts. 22.t,23V,c; west
ern, seconds, 21 22c. .
POULTRY Alive, firm; weatern chick
ens. 15'.i4i'18v; fowls. lo'Vdl6ci turkeys. 13c.
Dressed, Irregular; western chicken,
broilers. Hfi20c; fowls. ISWie'.c.
Fair and f'onllnued Warm far Toes
dny, Says the Prophet.
OMAHA. Aug. 9. 1.X19.
Light showers were scattered over the
central vallevs within the last twenty-four
hours and rains were general throughout
the southern states and In the southwest.
The showers In Nebraska were very Usht
and widely scattered. Rains continue In
eastern South Dakota and northern Iowa
this morning. The weather continues very
warm over the oentral portions and tem
peratures are rising throughout the eastern
states. Generally fair weather prevails
throughout the west this morning and con
ditions ate favorable for fair and con
tinued warm In this vicinity tonight and
R'cord or temperature and precipitation
compared with the corresponding day of
the last three years:
1909. 190s. 1907. 190H
Minimum temperature ... TV- 7R -
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 76 degrees.
deficiency In precipitation since March 1.
0.R9 of an Inch.
Excess corresponding period In 1908, 0.32
of an Inch.
deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
3.27 Inches.
1.. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
l orn and Wheat Regloa Bulletin.
For omaba. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending st R a. m . 76th meridian
time,' Monday. August 9. 1909:
Temp Rain
Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb 94 9
Aubarn. Neb M M
Instead, whether a policy of liquidation of
Investment holdings was noi in luno v.
Union Pacific. discussion was revived,
also, of tha condition of K. II. Harrlman's
Another Influence on the early stock mar
ket was the news of general rains In Texas
over Saturday and Sunday. The hope of
benefit to the cotton crop was clearly re
flected In the downward plunge In the
price of cotton, and atocks of railroads
which have a large cotton traffic also re
sponded. A rise In the London price of
copper failed to benefit Amaigamatea v op
nf the favorable character to be shown by
the government report, but the report waa
a disappointment, especially In the condi
tion estimate of corn
A firmer tone in the call loan market
was an Incident of the day. which was the
consequence of considerable Inroad upon
the surplus reserves of the banks made by
last- week's decline In cash holdings. The
2H per cent rate was higher than has been
touched since the second week In June,
when the hitch In the plan to list I . S.
Steel on the Paris bourse Induced a stock
market flurry. ,
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value $1.62S.000. United States 4s, coupon,
declined 'i per cent on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Bait,. n.Rii. aj..-..
41 14
20 J 1 20 ifi
lti 40 I 111 40
20 .Hi
Hi J7'i
.1 27 ,1 11 27,1 11 2241
II 2. I II 26 III -O
'.J 87 41 10 $7 .1 10 2'
10 117 ,! 11 00 I 40 92 i
I 10 U4 10 67 m 10 GO
20 42H1 20 47V4
16 371! IS 47H
11 2T 1 11 324.
11 20 I 11 2.1,
10 fSM 10 W
10 6
10 l
It 024
10 70
I ec.
La 1 d -
. Sept
No. V
Cash quotations were as follow:
FLOCK 8tTady winter patent, $5.10y
140; airtight, $4.7$&&.30; spring patents.
$attV6.10; straights, 4.763.0; baker, $336
BARLEY Feed or mixing, Wtfc; fair to
..Choice malting. $2igl0c..
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 outhwstern, $1.3;
No. 1 northwestern. $t.43. Timothy, $3.1(0.
Clover. $11. i50.
PROVISIONS Mee pork, per bbl., $2).42V
fr20 .44. Lard, per HW lbs,, $11.26. Short ribs,
sides (loose). $10 WVrfU.OO. Short clear aide
(boxed). $11.60(311 82 4
BVTTKH Steady; creamerte. Jitfaic,
dairies. aM4jC. .
Kilos Weak, receipt 9 640 cases at mark.
' issea Included 17c; first 2iH4c. prime firsts,
12c. .
CHEEfK-i Steady; daisies 16ij lf.r .
twin, 14Sy3144tc; young Americas, XzSJSt
16c: long horn. HSttliVc.
POTATOE4 Essy ; choke to fancy, tot
Mc; fair to good. 6.l'46ic.
POULTRY Steady; turky. 14c; chlik
n. 14c; springs, 17c.
VEAL Steady; M to B0-lb weight.
SO to So-lb. weight. la".i'o; to 110-lb.
. w sights, Hifirl0c.
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
qua) to $4,000 bu. Primary recelpta were
1,400.000 bu-. compared with l.bJ0,0u0 bu. the
1. corresponding day a year ago. Tha visible
supply 9' wheat in th United States In
.creaaad. 6S0.uuu bu. for tha week. The
amount af breadstuff on ocean passage de
creased $,!60.0UO bu.
Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
424 car; corn, 344 car; oaia, 432 cart; hogs,
1$,000 head.
Mlaaaaaolla Grata Market.
tember, !iStJse; December. (eSb'K'tc.
Cash: No. 1 hard. $3.2ffl ; No. 1 north
ern, $1.2l.$i; No. $ northern, l.Iti 1 27 .
No $ northern. $1 34fil.3.
SEED Flax $1 S7H.
BRAN In 108-lb. ack. $20 20
' FLOUR r1rt Patent, $S 90(ii.10; eecond
patent. iW6 00; first clear. $4 9.'t!i26,
second clears, $J.Sfcfi$ 66.
Llrl Orala Market.
No. $ red weatern winter, nominal; futures,
barely ateady; September, fcsd. December,
7s 7Ud; March. 7, 6Vd.
COHN Spot, new American mixed, via
Galveston, steady, (6Sd; future, quiet
September, 4d; October, 6s 4'4d.
v PEAS Canadian, ateady: 7s loVjd.
FLOUR Winter patent, ateady; $6.
I ! l-aaala Market.
' PEORIA. Aug. . CORN Lower: No. 1
eiiow, oc, ,o. 1 yellow iV
t,c. No. . seVjc; No. . 54c; 11
6AT Lower; gtandard. $8c; No. $ white,
$711 37 Vc; No. 4 whll. MWc.
Toledo teed Market.
TOLEDO. Aug. $. SEEDS Clover, cash,
$7 l; October, $7 D December, $7 SO; March,
$70 Prim timothy, $1.90. Prim alsike.
Visible Sapaly of Craln.
'i--:t- TORK. Aug 9 -The visible supply
of grain falurday, August 7. compiled
by th New York PrcJuce exchange, aaa
Chicago. Ill W 92 70 . 0
Columbus. O..1.... ! 92 66 T
Des Moines, la.... 14 , 90 70 .04
Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 92 K6 .00
Kansas City. Mo.. 22 90 S .00
Louisville. Ky IS 90 6S T
Minneapolis, Minn. SO 60 .12
Omaha. Neb 19 90 (IS .12
St. Louis. Mo 13 94 . (& .00
No. 2.
no grade.
Broken Bow. Neb. sfl
Columbus. Neb... 91
Culbertson, Neb.. 9S
Falrbuny, Neb.... 91
Fairmont, Neb... H
Gr. Island. Neb.. l
Hartlngton. Neb. ff
Hastings, Neb.... 91
Holdrege, Neb... 94
Oakdale. Neb 9
Omaha. Neb 90
Tekamnh, Neb... 93
Alta. la M
Carroll, la..' 89
Clarlnda. la W
Sibley, la 80
Sioux City. Ia... S6
Pt. cloud v
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudv
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudv
Pt. cloudy
Pt. eloudy
Minimum temperatur for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp Rain.
Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches
The weather continues warm throughout
the corn and wheat region. Showera oc
curred within the last twenty-four hours In
all except the Indianapolis, Kansas Clly
and St. Louis districts.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
St. Loots General Market.
ST. I-OUIS, Aug." 9.-WHEAT-Lower;
track, No. 2 red. cash. $1.06'3l.O6Vj: No. t
hard, $1.02?1.0; September, 97c; Decem
ber. 97c.
CORN Lower; track. No. I caah, 644'(J
S6V4C; September. '2c; December, 60(fc
No. 2 white, 6(69c.
OATS Lower, track. No. I cash, 3aVtT
36c; September, 3&v' V ; December, Sstu;
No. 2 whllei 3c, nominal.
RYE Lower, 7c.
KI.OUR Steady; . red winter patents.
IS 1O41O.30; extra fancy and straight. $4.iS
6.06; hard winter clears. $4.3f.tf4.66.
KKED Timothy. $J.0oS3.7S. ,
bRAX dieady; sacked, aask. track, 98c ijf
HAY-Sieady: Timothy, new. $l.Wf 1J.6O;
oio. $13 ouhlk .00; prairie, $10 OiMI 12 36.
liAiHHNU 7V,c. . . v
PROVISIONS F'ork. steady: lohulng.
$.0V). Lard, lower; prime steam. $ltt
11.1. Ui v salt meals, steady; boxed extra
shorts. $ll.t2W; cU-ar ribs, U.iC'i; short
clears. $11.75. Bacon, stead)", boxed extra
shorts, $12 "-j; clear ribs. $12.62; short
clesrs. $1275. ' "
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 12c; sfrings.
16c: lurkevs. 17c; ducks. 10c; geese. R.
Bl'TTER-Steady; creamery, 22'f2ic
EGGS Steady, 19c.
'- Recelpis. Shipnents
Flour, bbl. 1 .n .no
Wheat, bu , .:$:.(
Corn, bu r tMl Vl.wm
Gate, bu ' 4.0u0
rblladelpbla Provision Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 4c; sura
western nearby prims. 39c. I
EGGS Firm: Pennsylvania and 'Hhur
nearby first, fre cases. 25o at mark; J'enn
syivania and oilier nearby currant rnieipis,
returnable case. 2c at mark; wistern
firsts free cases. !& at mark; weatatn cur
rent receipts, fre case. 22it24c aiiark.
CHKKSE Firm: New York f 'ill reams,
choice, MVS"'; flr ood ,1f- -
33."0 1";H
700 IIS1 lis lis VM laS W't
4 in) 113 HiH H2't
I ;) 112 1"'H 1011
60 SS-, 394 3
Mi) US H li4 H '-'"
.7'0 137t U4 13i
fi.T.M 1iH 1194 ll:t
5.7) Wl 'l 4
1.-.10 31V, 3.C4 WVj
lo.asi I1H o4
l..VK 17 18
4.6io a;v4 n-'-s
"Q :0v, I(i9
U.l il Milk 12
1I0 7i 7I id"
1,30.1 47"4 4AVa 44H
300 80S "H ".
1.30 34', 2V
.... i.ino i;h us
.... H.lOO 414 604
.... U.701 '
.VO 40 3
.... IB. 400 3S 37S
J.1'10 i6 ,
J00 l 46S
.... 1.100 1:3.4 ni'j
114 4
4. -.14
12.700 ISiS 154S
!3.'0M 86'., 114 .'.
3.3IIO 1I.7S H'S lti1
HO IAS l&S l'S
AUI-l-h,lmr pfd 5I MS
Amslismtted Coi..r H.H) S M'
Am.rir.n Atrlcultur.1 .... 0 4SH 4JS
Am. Bt Siirsr " 48 4.S
Am. C.n ptrt : -
Am. f. F
Am Cotton Oil S"0 -7V4 "
Am. H. 4V h. Ptd 5 4'" JH
Am. Ire BecurttlM W.4I1 40 3
Amerl.'.n Unwed 4"0 17' 1 .
Amorli-.n Ioomotlve 7.100 S
Am. S A ft
Am. 8. R. pfd
Am. Sugr Retlnlni.
Am. T. 44 T
Am. Tobfccco pfd
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co
Alchlion pfd
Atlantic CoaM bine..
Raltlnwr, Ohio
Bl. A Ohio pfd
BxhWtiem steel
nmnhltn Sftniil Tr...
Canadian Pacific !. 1'S '"'S
Central leather 4.6O0 37S .'S
c.ntral Lath,r pfd 00 :0S K J"S
Oentral of Nw Jerapy '
Chesapeake A Ohio 1S W S
Chlcaso AKod 400 3S l 6
Chicago Ot. W 1.W0 IS
Chlcaxo A N. W '
C. M A St. P
('., C. C. A 8t. L..
Colorado r. a I . . . .
Colorado A 8n
Coin. A So. In pfd.
I'nlo. A 8n Ld Did.
f'on.olldated (las 'O HIS 13S '4'S
Corn Product,
Dalawara A Hudson..
Denver A Rio Grande
D. A R. O. pfd
niillller,' Secutitlas
Kris 1M pfd
En, 2d prd
General Electrio
Great Northern pfd
Oreat Northern Or ctfa.
Illinois Central
InterDoroush Met
Int. Met. pfd 4. S00 IP1, 4I, 4SS
International Harvester .... 4"0 S ft
Int. Marine pfd ' S2S
international Paper .1"0 17S 17 1'
International Pump 100 i'4 40',
Iowa Oentral l.'.Ol) Sit', 32', 32
Kanoaa CUT 8o 4.000 IS US 4714
K. C. So. pfd....; "0 73 73 731,
Loulavllle N 4.110 162 14kS 1M
Minn A c U 1,4'0 6S MS S
M., 81. P. A 8. A M...
Miaaourl Parlflo
M., K. A T
M , K. A T. pfd
National Blecult
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. let pfd
New York Central
N. Y , O. ft W
Norfolk 'A Western
North American
Northern Paclflo
Pacific Mall
People's Oaa
P., C. C. 8t. L
Pressed gtesl Car
Pullman Palace Car....
Railway Steal Spring..
Republic tiee!
Republlo Steel pfd
Rock Island Co
Rock laland Co. pfd ..
81. L. A 8. K. 2d pfd..
81. Uule 8. W
8t. L. 8. W. pfd..
8loaa-8haffald 8. A I .
Southern Pacific
Souibem Railway
tin. Railway pfd
Tenneesee Copper ......
Teiea A Pacific
T.. St. L. A W
T.. 81. U A W. pfd ...
In Ion Pacific
I'nion Pacific pfd
I'. 8. Reahr
I. 8. Rubber
I'. 8. Steel
t . 8. Steel pfd
lllah Copper
V a. -Carolina Cbemlcal
Wabeah pfd
westers Maryland
WeMlnxhouao Electric .
Weatem L'nton
Wheeling A L. C
Wteconalo central
Total Bales for the da, 04.0u0 eharei.
Kew Vark Moae Market.
NEW VORK. Aug. MONET On cell,
essy; IH 2W per cent; ruling rt. 1T,
per rem. closing bid. 21 per cent; offered
at 2 per cent. Times loans, firm and
fslrly sctlve; sixty days. 2V6f per cent;
ninety days. 2V&3 per cent; six months.
a7,fr4 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bill at I4.W10
ftl.M.2S for sixty-day bills and at M M for
demand: commercial bills. M.M, 14
SILVER Bar. Wl'4c; Mexlcsn dollsr. 44c.
I4i )NIa Oovernment. easy; railroad. Ir
t'lnslng quotations on bonds toflsy were
as follows:
V. s ref Je. reg . . Idf S Int Met !- Irs
do rnupon lot Int M M. 4S t"S
V. 8. la. res I'll Japan 4a
do coupon l'l do 4S (4
f. 8. 4S. re 114 K C 8" 1st .... 74S
do coupon 11414 L deb. 4e 111 .... B
Allla-Oial. lat S, A N unl 4a.... 100(4
Am. As. ks V'- M . K. T let 4a ..MO
Am. T T. ct 4 I" do gen. 4Ss. 1(4
Am. Tobacco 4a Mo. Paclflo 4a X'S
do se 112 N R. R. of M 4te..
Armour A Co 4Sa WIN. T C. IS, 14
Atchison sen.
do cv. 4a
do cv. fte
At. C. L. let 4e.
Bel. A Ohio 4a ....
do IS
do 8. W ISa...
Brk. Tr. ct. 4,...,
cn. of f,. la
Cen. Leather Be.,
c. ot N. J s fa
lOI do deb. 4 Mu
..lit K. T., N. H. H.
. .ltn c. a, ls
.. 14 N. A W. tat one. 4a s
..100S do ct. 4a 101
n k. raciria 4a lois.
ao'i do 3a
. ITS 0 l rfdg 4a ...
Ill Penn. ct. Is, 1911
.10014 do eon. 4,
117 reading gen. 4s .... A Ohio 4SS...HM 1 'I
do ref. a U'lS 1)0
Chicago A A ISa... 74 8t. I.. 8 W. oon 4a
C . B A Q J. 4a ... IS 00 ! i1 4a . . .
do gn it lno Seaboard A. t,. 4a
C. M A 8 P. g IS 8H480. Pacific col. 4 .
C. R. I. P. c. 4a.. 80", do ev. 4
do col. ta 3S no tsl ref 4a
do rfdg 4e WS9n Rallwav fa
Colo. Ind. la 2 00 sen. 4a
Colo. Mid. 4 4 I'nion Pacific 4a.
CAS r. A e. 4S sn do ct. la
P. A H ct. 4a 10 do 1st A ref. 4a..
D. A R. O. 4a 7S Rubber ee ...
D. A R. O ref 6a.. 8vt t'. 8 Steel Id 8a. ..
7714 va -caro. itiam. ta
814 'Wabaah lat t,
7I'4 do lat A ei. 4a..
(, Western Md. 4a
ls'4 Weal. Elec. cv. ti,.
IU Wla. Central 4a
niFtlllera' 6a
Krle p 1. 4s
do gen. 4a
flo ev. 4a. aer. A.
do series B...
fn. Klec. cv. Ne. . . .
III. Cen. 1st ret. 4a.
nid. Offered.
104 S
.. US
.. 88(4
.. 8
.. ?s
.. 88
.. SPS
Receipts of Cattle Largest for Mon
day Since January.
Fat keea and lambs of Desirable
Qaallty Generally troasrer, wrllb
lafertor Grade low as4
-Week Feeder Utearly.
Receipts were fa. tie. Hogs.
H ','5
7 Kit
Estimated Mor.dsy 7 X I Ml
Sam day laat week.... 32 I
Same dav 2 weeks ago.. 4 .743 I Of-4
flame day 3 weeks ago.. S.!l l.fc
Same day 4 week ago.. 6 M7 K
Same dav laat vear ... 4.0:13 2.609
The following table shows the lecelpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at fiouth Omaha
for th year to date, comnared with last
190. 1908 mo. l-ec.
Ml.Sul m. .07
1.M1.J01 1.71.449
800. M4 F20.210
12 eoas M I W 4 cows .... 40 S V
eows s-0 ton it bulls ... I?74 t 1
77 steers... .Krjg 4 Ml J steers.. ..l'l IS)
41 Steers. ...l'if.1 4 '41 IS steers. ...1011 (58
10 feeders.. 4 2.S 1 steers. ..1 1 i 2
8 feedets KM 4 7 feeders. .1074 4 70
40 feeders.. 12-4 4 70 1 bull 1t' 1
1 bull 870 t I 24 heifers... ViS t 40
10 heifers... 70S S "0 7 calves .. 40? 3 Hi
1 cslves... SS) 4 fo id calves... ID 8 00
2S feeders.. 6M 4 K cows f2 ISO
H ogs
Tha fnllnwlna lahle shows the avernge
prlc of hog at Couth Omaha for the last
aeveral day, with comparisons:
Date. 190. ilr.!lS07.11Ot.ll90S.1904. ilHOS.
Boston Stock and Bond.
BOSTON. Aug. 9. Money, call loans. 24
4i3 per cent; time loan, 3sS per cent.
Closing quotations were:
. 145 S 144S 114
6,8 7 7Mn 7ft S
43 4
41 S
18.100 2S IS
. I.300 1111, 13S H"S
. 1.700 6t MS 61S
. 1.600 Oo'4 85 86
. 1,000 87 81 8S
. 17.300 IMS 166S 16S
M 8I lis II
. 14.7(A) Hi HIS 16
. 1,000 Uo 116S 1
J"0 I2S Ml 2
. 1,100 64S 3S 63
100 18S 18S 1"4
MO 6.1S 63S fiZS
.12,4 llS 163S 1IS
. 6.IO0 M 3H 36 ion
. U.SiU 40S
ItS 40S
7S 7S
66S 65 '4
2; s
f! 7S
tS KiS
S.'l 136S 1S i:s
6, 400
1. TSI
l.7' 2"rS- ':S ''t
!. 8H, S.1
7 46S 44 45
13S.MK) 71', 7S 77S
6.7t u;s liS IMS
to" 6: 61 S 6!
t. 200
67 S
At.hieon adj. 4a 93 Butte Coalition S
do 4s I" Csl. A rltona W8V4
Atrhlaon R. R 1 Cal. A Heels 76
do pfd 1'S Centennial MS
Boeton A Albany 2"0 Crpper Rang M nn A Maine HI p,ijr West 84
Fllrhburg pfd -.130 Franklin 17
S Y-, N. H. A H...171SGranbr 1"3
Vnlon Pacific S Greene cananea lS
Am. Arse. Chem 48 Lie Rnyele !8'4
do pfd lot Masa Mining Is
Am. Pneu. Tube 8 Michigan 0
Amir. Sugar 1J3S Nevada 24H
do pfd l!SOId Dominion 67S
Am. T. A T ..H2SOerenla .144
Amer. Woolen IS I'arrot 32S
do pfd 108 Qulno HO
Ed.aon Elec. 111. . . ,160 Shannon 1
Maaa. Electric IIS Tamarack 70
do pfd 73S Trinity 1SS
Mass. (laa 44 t S. Mining H
t'. S. Sleel 7T U. g. Oil IS
do prd lleSl'tah 46
Allouel 4 Victoria 4S
Amalgamated 8.SS Winona S
A rltona Com 44 Wolverine 164
Atlantic 10 North Butte 66S
Local Securities 4aotatlonsk
Quotation, furnlahed br Samuel Burna. Jr . 414
New York Life nuiioing. omana:
Alma. Neb., Municipal 6a
Armour A Co. 4Ss 13
Cudahr Packing Co
Colambua. Neb., . I 6a IW.
Omaha Fir Engine 4a 1424
Omaba Renews la 4Sa 1434
Flrrt National Bank, Co. Bluffs 12..
Kanaaa City Rr- a 1IJI
Kansas City By. pfd
Nabbraaks T. A P. 4 1113
Neb. Tel. Stock r
Omaba Oas 6, 1817
Omaha B. L. A P. 6, 13JJ.
Omaha C. B. St. R. 5, 1114
O-naha A C. B. at. Br. 6S ltM
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd 1
Omaba A C. B. tl. Rt com. ITt......
Omaha A C. B. t. Rr A B. ptd 4..
Omaha Wa'er Co. 6 1144
Swift A Co. la 1114 1
go. Omaha Sewer 4Sa 1134
Bloui CKr Block Yarde ptd .,..
, ..,
Bid. Asked
IS 16
S ioo
loos loos
108 lot
17 MS
14 .
90 100
MS I'"
OS '""S
100 101
its loo
70 71
MS 44 S
1M 101 S
loos l''l
61 10
Union Stock Yards, Omaha,
Foreign, Financial.
BERLIN. Aug. 9. Trading on the Bourse
today was hesitating and the tendency
downw ard, ow ing to the uncertainty re
garding the Uraeco-Turklsh situation.
PARIS, Aug. . Prices on the Bourse to
day w ere firm.
Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA. Aug. 9 Bank Clearings for to
day were 2.017,Ob2.71. and for the corres
ponding date last year 12, 222, 178. M.
Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions.
tember. 82c; December, 914; May, sWsc;
earth. No. 2 hard, fl. 001.04; No. I hard,
97c.'(i1.03; No. 2 red. 1.08; No. 3 red,,
I. 03V4.
CORN September. BSVic; December, 4c;
May, b0Vc; caHh. unchanged to He lower;
No. 2 mixed, uSilc; No. t mixed, lc; No.
2 white. 64(a44c; No. 3 whit. 64f64'aC.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 4XX8M3C;
No. 2 mixed. 8840c.
RYE 784cOo.
HA V Unchanged ; choice timothy, $10.50
II. 00; choice prairie, t7.fc4j7.60; cholc al
falfa. 113 Ooy 14.00.
BUTTliR t'reamery extra, 26c; firsts,
23c; seconds, 21c; packing stock, 18V4c.
KGCIS Kxtras. 23c; firsts, 21c; current
receipts, 18c; seconds and dirties, 14c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 391,000 276.000
Corn, bu 129,000 46.000
Oats, bu 21,000 10,000
Kansas City option Closed a follow;
Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.
Wheat- I I I
September ...3S' 93T, 2H1 92SA
Ilecember ...I 93 93S 91il
May V6H W 96S 96 SA
Corn I I i
September... 59 ti M' fAVjjl 6S4jA
December ...l48S49 49 I 48 I 4&HA
May I m WSj 60 60iB
A Asked. B Bid.
l.oadun Slavic Market.
IXJNDON. Aug. 9 American securities
opened from H to S of a point over parity, September, 11. Stic: October, ll.hOc; Novem
out later tne actus Ltsuca declined on Per, ii sue; oecemDer. ii.bdc; January,
1 Cotton Market.
market opened easy at a decline of 1&&19
points In response to lower cables, reports
of rain In the southwest and heavy liquida
tion. It looked as though some large con
centrated line ot long contract wa coin
ing on rhe market, but bear leader were
taking profits, and fluctuations after the
opening were nervoua and Irregular, with
the active months ruling about 13 to 14
point under the closing figure ot laat
week. s
Futures opened easy ; August, ltc; f4ep
tembei. ll.fSc; October. 11. Hoc; December,
11.8'ie; January, ll.fcic; March, llS7c; May,
Futures closed steady; August, 11.83c;
realising sales and at noon the market was
quiet wiin pricea irom above to i belo'
Saturday's New York closing.
London closing stocks:
t'ossele anney 44 J-14 Loimville A N
... SM , K. A T ...
... tSN. Y. central..
. .. 10S Norfolk W...
l'JS do pfd
...l7s Cntano A W ..
121S Pennejlranla
do aoceunt .
maJ. .Copper
do pfd.
Ralllmnre A Ohio
Canadian Pacific ll Hnn4 Mlnea.
Cheeapaake A O MS Reading
Chicago O. W 4, Southern Rjr.
t hi. Mil, A SI. P ..1S4S do pfd
DeBaera US Southern Pacific
Denver A Rio 0 tJSlnlon Paclflo...
do pfd Its do ffd
Erie . as I'. . Steel
do lei pfd H do ptd
de Id pfd 4) Wabaah
Grand Trunk 44S do pfd
Illinois centra! UlWJoanleh
SILVER Bar. ateady at iid per ounce
01 'j r.r.1 , per cent.
The rate of dlacount In th open, market
for short bill 1 lsfcis per cent; for three
months' bill, 1 7-16 1 per cent.
II .
74 S
February. 11.84c; March. 11.86c; April. 11.85c
May. llS.c.
Spot closed mi let. 20 point lower: mid
dling uplands, 12.40c; middling gulf, I2.bc;
salrs. 4 100 bales.
at i2',c.
ST. LOL'IS. Aug 9-COTTON-teady
middling. 12-Sc; sales, none; receipts. 259
hales; shipments, 330 bales; stock, 13.641
Goods .Market.
t4w Vark kllulag Stork.
NEW YORK. Aug. 9 Closing quotations
were a follows:
Alice 16 Leadvllle Can. 4'
Rrunealr Coa I elJtt, cie4 7
Com. Tunnel slock ... 14 Mealoaa wi
So bond II Ontario l&o
Con. Cal. A Va 71 . Opair 115
tiara sliver k4 Siandar 140
lioit S lver 11 Yellow Jacket to
Treaanry statement.
WASHINGTON. Aug. I.-The condition
of th treasury at the bearlnnlna nt h..,
I nes today was as follows: Trust funds:
n.laih Orala Market. I
ni'f t'TH Minn Aug s v 11 rij.x- or-i unio. coin, rm.iw.m; silver nniiars I46
Kicai many buyers were In th dry goods
market at the opening. 1 hey are operat
ing most freely on ready-to-wear goods.
Cotton goods remain firm and In better
general Inquiry, tarns ar quiet and firm
Fancy drexs goods have been ordered can- Staple hav been placed under
order well with the largest manufacturers
Raw silk Is steady and in moderate de
mand. (of fee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 9. COFFEE Future
closed ateady, net unchanged to 10 points
nigiier. bales were reporter or lb.7n0 bags.
Including August st fi lOrfcitl.lBc; September,
8 75c; October, 5 40c: December. bMfai 4fc;
March. 6 4MJ5.50r; May, t 60c; July. 5 55c
Spot market, quiet; Klo No. 7. 7S?r7Wc
No. 4 Santos. 8TgDc. Mild. quiet7 Cordova,
Mllwaakee Uraln Market.
MILWAl'K EE, Aug . WHEAT No. 1
northern. 12SKrjlo: No. 1 northern, $L2
September. 9T,c bid.
OATS 427M)c.
BARLEY Samples. bSfliEo.
July JR ..
July SO...
July tl...
Aug. 1...
Aug. t...
Aug. t...
Aug. 4...
Aug. 5...
Aug. ...
Aug. 7...
Aug. 8...
Aug. ....
7 17
7 40 ,
T 44
7 4W
7 MS
7 61
7 53,,
T M'4
7 58
I 44'
t 461
t 90
Oti t 7
01 St
5 Ml 16!
6 911 111
R 96 23
6 93
6 15
6 77
5 74
6 22
t 20
.. 7 49 I 6 80 08;
6 681
5 P!
I 7t:
6 2
b 4
6 75!
6 841
b 84
6 111 6 06
6 OS 6 06
I 6 02
4 f1 4 9o
4 911
4 94
6 m
6 0s
5 07
6 11
6 0,
i 6 O:
6 04
5 OS
! 5 04
5 12
The official number of cars of slock
brlught in today by each mad was:
Cattle. Hogs Miccp. 11 r s.
C. M. St St. P 1
I'nion Psclflc 24
C. A N. W., east
C. N. W., west.. 43
C, Pt. P. M. & 0 1
C, B. A Q.. east 2
C. B. ti Q , west 11
IIOilS Rrcrlpts of hot were verv light
'oaViiy, only thirty-reven csrs being reported
in, which wss hardly enough to really make
a trst of the market and certainly not
enongn to depress allies. Chicago, how
ever, wsa a disturbing element In the Imde
todiiy, there being large recelpta at lhat
point, with early reports Indicating a break
of l.V as crtmpsred with Saturdsy. Al a
result the market st this point wss gener
ally shout 10c lower. Thore wss s fair de
mand and t lie few hosa In sight rhsm.-ed
hanns In ery good season In tne morning.
A considerable proportion of all the hoes
hroiiKht I7.4.v7 ,'. and on tip as high as $;.&:
for trlctly good hog, both lleht and heavy.
Packing hogs on the rough order sold fiom
17.40 down. It will be remembered lhat on
Saturday ever hslf of all the hogs brought
17 f.Mi7 K And on up as high as 17.94) for a
very choice load.
Representative sales:
temher .: It-cen.tier th : Jv, int);iw,w. stiver nouars or iw. h.mhii:
v.. i .. .. . t. ., a k- rv., z nunnta si m cr ten i i-airs ou.aia 1.1 s ii kTS lain
OATS -44c. I iu" mou. siauuaiu silver uoiiar in, Sal:- for tne week, JOi.vju ila
Rial a Batter Market.
FI.iilN. 111.,
Total receipt 287
The disposition of the dy's receipts W'as
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha Packing Co tv'.S
Swift and company 1.1 .s
Cudahy Packing Co 9S2
Armour Co 1,004
Schwarlt-Bolen Co
Krey Packing Co
St. Louis ind. Packing Co ....
Cudahy & F. Worth 14
W. B. Vansant Co 19
Benton Vansant & Lush.
J. Lohman 186
Stephens Bros 83
Hill & Son..
F. B. Lewis
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
L. F. Hubs
L. Wolf
McCreary & Carey
S. Werthelmer
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
T. J. Inghram
Lee Rothschild
Ctlne-Chrlstl A Smith...
Other buyers
' 43
CATTLF Receipts of cattle this morning
were very large, ltd car being reported In.
This Is the heaviest run for a Monday of
any day since January 11. when 294 cars
were reported In. Wllh that exception. It
la the heaviest since the close of the range
season of last year. As may be surmised
from this, a very large proportion of the
receipts consisted of range steers. With
such sudden Influx of csttle and with
prices high at th close of th week. It
will be readily understood how the gen
eral market today was slow and late In
Feeder buyers were the first to begin
operations, there being a good demand
for desirable grades of feeding cattle, while
the offerings of such were by no means
burdensome. The result was that cattle
of that description were th first to sell,
and they generally commanded prices not
materially different from those prevailing
at the close of last week. Inferior kinds
and trashy light cattle were naturally
alow sellers, but ss a matter of fact that
Is the case during the greater part ot the
The flrt beef steers to sell were the
cornfeds, which being In very light supply
generally commanded fully steady prices.
Strictly well finished beeves sold up to $7.1o,
as high aa has been paid any day this sea
son. On the other hand the great surplus
of grass steers created some weakneas and
buyers stsrted out bidding 10c to 16c Ipwer.
and they succeeded In buying the most of
the cattle as much as 10c lower.
Cowe and heifers came In for more or
less weakness, being slow and around 10c
lower than last week.
After th more urgent order were filled
and buyer learned that there was really
quit a large supply of feeders on sale the
market on that kind of cattle also showed
wee knees, sales In some cases looking as
much as 10c lower.
Quotations on cattle:- Good to cholc
cornfed steers. t.90io7.25; fair to good corn
fed steer, t6.30T$90; common to fair corn
fed steers. $5.00tfjTj 30; good to choice range
steers, 5.00(fi6.60; fair to good range steers,
M.50ti6.0u; common to fair range steers,
$3.7604.60; good to choice cows and heifers,
I4.00ig5.26; fair to good cows and heifers,
$3.264 4.00; common to lair cows and heif
er. tl.75fi3 25; good to choice (tocker and
feeder, l 26Ci5 25; fair to good stockere and
feeder. 13.7664.26; common to fair blockers
and feeder. 13.0(3.76; stock heifers, 2,7&?
160; veal calves, $3,604)7.00; bulls, stags,
etc., $2.754.75.
Representative sales:
i. Pr. No. A Pr.
7 00 II 143 7 It
I 40 14 907 I 56
1 10
I 10
t 16 t 816 I 16
I 06 1 1160 I 16
16 6 76
771 I 71 (t IIS I 16
6t5 t 76 l 771 t 76
ay 00 II 1)0 4 IK
Ill I 10 47 t 4
.. tot
I heifer. .. 620 00 feeders., finfi 8 40
S calves... 190 6 76 1 calf 110 (26
I bull 1120 2 80 15 heifers... 800 S 10
IS steers ... 986 4 20 13 cows 04 3 76
4 calves... 246 4 76 11 steer. ... 918 4 20
5 heifers... 810 t 26 9 heifers... 746 3 26
t heifers... 830 S 00 8 calves... 373 1 80
6 heifers... 788 t 26 7 heifers... 721 3 SO
4 heifers... 660 3 10 t calves... 756 5 00
4 calves... 342 1 76 22 stera. ... 181 3 86
19 cs.A-hfr. 878 8 25 8 cow 918 3 36
20 heifers... 678 8 40 8 steers.... 876 3 60
t steers.... 834 4 00 steers. ... 7H 4 00
Scows 100 2 90 12 cows 948 3 36
26 cows 9-'2 S IW 42 heifers... 496 2 56
6 heifers... 595 2 60 3 calves. . . 4 VI
i calves... 202 6 76 28 cows 629 S 36
19 feeder.. 1077 4 6 4 cows 802 3 50
6 cows 794 S 60 7 calve... 180 25
7 heifer... 761 3 60 17 cows 817 3 60
7 heifers... 796 3 60 10 steers. ...1026 4 26
23 steers. ...1508 4 25 10 cows 975 (40
6 cows 890 3 16 I cows 10 8 IS
14 steers.... 993 11 19 steers. ...1021 4 SO
7 steers.. ..1124 3 75 18 heifers ... 783 3 15
18 feeders.. 1048 4 26 IS feeders.. 8S8 4 00
24 feeders.. 600 3 85 5 cows 928 3 36
cows 967 3 16 II cows 993 3 36
14 eows 878 3 25 24 cows 961 3 50
21 cows 934 3 46 b feeders.. 640 3 76
13 feeders.. 640 3 75 t feeders. . :86 4 15
II feeders . 809 8 90 29 feeders. . S27 4 10
J. II. Thslkln. Nebraska
1 cow 928 3 . 19 steers.. .1075 4 75
H. Ormesher. Nebrask.
6 clve... 168 6 75 I calves... 21 4 60
18 cows 923 3 60 17 heifers... 825 too
42 steers... 1024 4 76 ?S cow s . . .. 927 3 75
W. E Hath, Nebraska.
3 calves... S9 3 75 t calves .. 310 3 76
t calves... 253 4 76 4 fe-ders. . 580 3 80
Mat Schumacker. Nebraska.
22 steers . ..1300 b 00
John Schumacker. Nebraska,
tt steers . .1301 6 16
N. L. Reuter A Co , Nebraska.
steer. ... 128S 6 00
W. If Pullen, Nehraak
15 cows 7-W 3 to 4 cows T7 I 76
2 cow s 1146 3 0
I feeders. . 990 4 40 118 feeders 108 4 40
18 feeders. . 1072 4 80 19 feeders. .10n 4 40
69 feeder.. M l
I cows 960 I Ml 47 cow 1001 I 60
No Av 8h. IT No At. 9h Pr
76 i ... IK 4 t 40 7 60
64 !60 ... 7 .46 7? !H 40 1 60
111 Hi ... 7 ITS 73 $21 ... 1 60
61 276 . . 7 7! 1U 0 7 60
i 3 40 7 40 4 l4 7 6ft
91 10 1 40 74 214 sj T l
sr, . ... 7 to it 121 no i 60
tl '.! ... 7 40 54 ill 1M 1 6.1
44 C70 ... ? ij r 141 10 t f6
: KM 40 7 4?S !? "I 0 7 66
i ra SO 7 4S '7 S" ... 1 66
70 '.46 10 7 46 77 194 40 7 68
SO. ...... . 1I.S 140 7 46 16 172 ... 761
17 211 40 7 46 77 1.17 Sft 7 m
14 ill tt 7 46 90 !ll :M i 46
7 !4 ... 7 46 It C8 ... 7 60
71 In3 170 7 7H 64 ..Jll . . 7 40
41 774 120 1 4714 ' 1,1 M1 7 46
SS 247 1l 7 60 61. 24 4" I'.i
71. 212 so J j.i 6 211 ... 1 "6
14 .-.JiMI ... 7 60 4 ... 7 66
.2 M 1 60
SULKP yuallty commanded a premium
on this 11101 ning s market, whereas common
and inferior gta.les, especially in the fHt
sheep branch of the tri.1e. met with 11101 e
or le.-s disfavor and prices In many cases
wore shaded Receipts were comparatively
ha, consisting. larK''l.v of killing stock,
mostl sheep, from western snd northwest
ern ranges.
The early Hade In fat sheep was a trifle
slow. The Inquiry wss good, however, snd
1. .was only a short time until supplies
began to change hands In pretty fair style.
As was noted above, the butcher sheep
market was rather spotted, packers dis
criminating agiiliiKt the poorer kinds and
paying good strong prices for offerings
with qurfllly lahels. For this reason the
tnsrket is rather difficult to quote con
cisely, but was generally conceded to be
right around strong to a dime higher on
good to choice killers, with fair and com
mon g aries steady to a shade lower. Some
of the best wethers here of Nevada nativity
were good enough to realize 14. 7: Idaho
ewe, changed hands nt 4 25 and Montana
wethers were weighed up at 11.66.
Lambs, while In comparatively light atip
ply, moved at generally strong prices, a
.string of Nevudns tuuoliiK the market at
$7.50. The demand for young killers was
well maintained and the Hade fairly ac
tive. Feeding sheep and lambs, were rather
tardy actors, but a vigorous Inquiry Indi
cated h live deinmid for feeders, howevi r.
and the few early trades were consum
mated at steady to strong figures. Today's
feeder market is quotable as fully steady
with last week's close. One string of feed
ing wethers sold early at 14,16.
Quotations on fat sheep and lambs:
Clood to choice spring lambs. t7.nOry7.60; fair
tu good spring lambs. fn.3iyti7.UO; good to
choice yc-u-linge, f6.UKij.4y; fair to good
earllhgH, I4.rt6jj5.00; good to choice weth
ers, f4.40rg4.75, fair to good wethers, ft.Otrjv
4 40; iraod to choice ewes, $4.2ii450; fair
to good ewes. f4.UO&4 26.
Quolstions on feeder stock: Fair to
choice lambs, $5.2641). 25: fair to choice year
lings. f4. 3500.30; fair to choice sheep, $3.60
Representative sales:
No. Av. Price.
1,266 Montana wethers 163
177 Idaho lambs, feeders 61
310 Idaho lambs, feeders 61
310 Idaho Inmbs. feeders 60
310 Idaho lambs, feeders 62
176 Wyoming wethers 95
267 Wyoming ewes 91
16 Wyoming wethers, culls 81
12 Wyoming ewes, wethers, culls 90
2U0 Wyoming wethers, feeders
262 Wyoming wethers, feeders
26 Wyoming yearlings
161 Wyoming yearlings
273. Wyoming yearlings, feeders
245' Wyoming ewes
13 Wyoming ewes; culls
SOS Nevada lambs ',
291' Nevada wethers
208 Nevada ewes .'
73 Idaho lamba
318 Idaho lamhs
177 Idaho lambs
66 Wyoming wethers.ewes. culls 0
139 Wyoming wethers, feeders .. 97
So Wyoming wethers 97
610 Wyoming wethers 97
30 V yomlng yearlings
17 Wyoming yearlings
249 Wyoming lamhs. feeders ..
207 Wyoming lambs, feeders ...
201 Wyoming wethers
343 Wyoming wethers
124 Wyoming yearlings, feeders
4 66
6 25
6 25
6 26
4 60
4 26
t 50
3 60
4 15
4 15
4 90
5 40
( 20
4 26
.3 10
7 50
4 76
4 26
7 26
7 X
7 2.J
5 00
4 25
4 25
4 25
4 90
6 00
7 00
4 36
4 HO
5 16
4 1.V; No 12 4TV; No. 14 4 10.- Conf. .
loners' A. I.7.V; mould A I V; Cut loof.
6.76c, crushed. 6Pr; powdered. 6fltV, granu
lated. 4 9..c: cubes 6 Jc.
Mi iLASNKS- Sternly. Nrs Orleans open
kettle, goo.l to choice. 2 if l.V.
OMAHA Ot.rTkll. M4C4KET.
Staple and Fancy Prnitaee Price Pare
nlehed kg Bayers nasi Wknleaalers.
Bl'TTFR Cresmery, No. 1 delivered t
th retail trade In l ib carton. I7c; Nn.
1. In 00-lb tubs, 27c; No. 2. In 1-lb ear
tons, 25c; In 60-lb. tubs. 24c: pscklng stock.
I9c; fancy dairy, tubs. 2UT-"c; common
.ill. freth mad. lStfl.'Vi"!. Market change
every Tuedy.
KtitlS Fresh selling tock, candled, ilc.
No storsge stock In Otnsha market.
CHEESI'l Finest Wisconsin full cream,
twins, loo; Young America, 4 In hoop.
16V; favorite, 6 In hoop. 14c; daisies, 2v in
noop, 15SC:; cresm brick, lull esse, 15c;
block 8wls-, V6; full cream llmburaer, lc.
1'Ol'LTUi -Rtollsrs, lc; alive, springs,
ISc; hen, 10"c; cocks, 6V4C; ducks, 8c,
geese, 6c; tin keys, 15c; pigeons, par dos ,
46c; guinea fowls, per dos., I? .VI; squabs,
per dos.. $2. I'reased hons. Ho; spring.
I.stf20c; cock. kVtjUi. ducks, 11c; gae. 11 W;
turkey a, 22c.
FISH Fresh caught almost all ar
dressed: Halibut. 8c; buffalo, ee; trout.
11c; bullheads. 14c; catfish, 17c; crapples,
stinflsh, 6D9o; blsck bass, 25c; whltsflsh.
ISc; pike, lie; salmon, 14c; pickerel, 10c;
frog legs. 350. Fresh froen: Whltsflsh, No.
L 10c; round. 9o; pickerel, dressed and
headless, 7c; round. 6et plk. dressed, 10c;
round, 9c; red snspper, i2ci Spanish mack
erel. 18c; nstlv mack ere!. tie each.
FRESH FRl ITS Florida pineapple, (
to 48s, $2 76 per crate; grape fruit. 94 else,
per box. $6; 46 else, $5 60; 64 alsa, $4; ba
nana, fancy select, $LUJJ.f)0, apple, horn
grown, per bu. basket, 90a; market basket,
MEAT CUTS-No. 1 rib. 164e; No. t
ribs. 13c: No. t ribs. 9c; Nc. 1 loin, 17r;
No. 2 Io n. 14c; No t loin. 10 So; No. t
chuck, 6S0; No. 3 chuck. 6c;. No.. 3
chuck, 4V". No. 1 round, 10c; No. I round,
9St; No. t round, 8Sc; No. 1 plate, 61,40;
No. 2 plate, 5c; No. f plate, 4a
VEUKTARLES Kansas sweel potatoes.
$2.75 per bbl. celery. Michigan, ISO bunch;
smaller, 60c. Cabbage, borne grown, lo
per lb. Wisconsin Red Glob onion, ia
per lb. Ckllforma cauliflower. $300 per
crate. Tomatoes,. Tennessee, 4 basket.
90c;'crate. $4 00. Lettuce, per dos., 90c Par
snips, turnips, carrots, 7ic per doien. Flor
ida new heels, carrots, parsnip, turnips,
to , per dos., 76c.
POTATOES New, 8oa per bu.
HIDES No. 1 green, 10c; No. I cured, lie.
Metal Market.
market for copper on the New York Metal
exchange was quiet today, sales being lim
ited to 100 tons for August delivery at 112.86.
The lone, however, wau firm In sympathy
with the slightly higher cables and stand
ard hpot closed at $l2.66tfl2.80. Closing quo
tations for other dellxerlea follow: Au
gust. $12.iWil2 sr.; September. $12.6243 12 95;
October, $12.tiui.i 13.00; November and De
cember. $l2.75n 13.00. The London market
was steady, with spot quoted at 456 lbs
ami futures at i'& 13s Vd. lncal dealers
quoted Lake copper at $13.12Vfrl3.60; elec
trolytic,; casting, $12.62Vfl 12 90.
The lAindon 111111 kit waa quiet, with spot
at 133 10s and futures at 1135 5s. The local
market was firm with spot quoted at $29 30
(; no sales were reported ,ln any posi
tion. The metal exchange repotted no sales
for lead, but the market closed firm at
$4 904.35 for New York snd at $4.157f4.26
for Last St. Louis delivery. The London
market was unchanged at 12 lis 6d. Spelter
was firm and higher locally, wllh spot
quoted at $5.66r(i5.80 for New York and $5.60
5.75 for East St. Louis delivery; no sales
reported. The London market was un
changed at 22. The English Iron market
was a shade higher, with Cleveland war
rants closing at 49s 6d. No. 1 foundry north
ern. $lj.50u 15.75; No. 1 southern aott. $17.76
fil ls 25.
ST. LOIIS. Aug. 9.-METALS-!,ead,
steady, at, $4.26. Spelter, firm, at $6.65B'.70.
Oils and Itoaln.
NEW YORK. Aug. 9-OILS-Pelroleum,
steady; refined. New York, $8.26; Philadel
phia and Baltimore, $ 20; bulk, $4.90. Cot
tonseed oil. steady; prime crude, nominal;
yellow, $4.5Qi5.70; September, $5.53ga.60.
Tl'RPENTlNE Steady ; 63$63Wc.
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to
guild. $3 20.
-OIL CITY, Aug. .-OILS-Credlt bal
ances, $1.68; runs. 251,573 hbls.; average,
187,440 hhla.; shipments, 208,558 bbl.; Aver
age, 147,300 bbl.
(Hlt'Atill l,lK STUCK 31 A It K HT
Story of lauy's Trading; In tattle,
tOR and sheep.
CHICAGO. Aug. 9. CATTLE Receipts
22.000 head; market steady to 10c lower;
steers, $.'.tj0$t7.66; cows. $3.5005.25; heifers.
S3.6lri76.00; bulls. $3.0045; calves, $3.0003.00;
stockers and feeders. $3.7641 5.15.
HOGS Receipts estimated at 40,000 head;
market, 15'25c lower; choice heavy, $d.0tr3:
8 10; butchers. $7.9Oii8.06: light mixed, $7,503
7.76; choice light. $77. 677.96; packing, $7.26rct
7.60; pigs. $5.604717.76; bulk of sales, $7.557.90.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts estimated
at 20.000 head; market for lamba, steady;
sheep 10c lower; sheep, $4.00o5.uO; lambs,
to. 20 7. 70; yearlings. I6.0O&6.40.
Ions City 1.14 e Stock Market.
ceipts, 21,000 head. Including 6.000 head
southerns; market steady to 15c lower;
yeaullngs, $7.60; calves, 25 higher; choice
export and dressed beef steers, $iJ.5Og'7.50;
fair to good, $4.4084.35; western steers. $4 20
(gtj.20; Blockers and feeders, $3.0t)5.25;
southern as.eetB, $3.5oi&5.00; southern cows,
!2.t'a4 40; native cows, $2.5A'i4 50; native
heifers. $3.26'0'7.00; bulls, UWiiM, calvea,
HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market. 10r?J
15c lower; closed strong; top, $7.60; bulk of
sales, $7.60Jj7.76; heavy, $7.707.80; packers
and butchers. $7.5&S'7.60; light, $7.357.874;
pigs. $6.2fo7.25.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 4.000
head; market steady to 10c higher; lambs,
$6 6O7.t0; yearlius. $4 50Hi5.0u; wetheis.
4 Oo-ul.65. ewes. $3.504.76; stockers and
feeder. $3.005.25.
St. I.011I Live Slock Market.
ST. LOI IS, Aug .-CATTLE-Recelp(,
12.300 head, Including 8.200 head Texan;
market lower; native shipping and export
steers. $64O-&7 00; dressed beef and butch
era' steers, $5.50rtj.40j' steers under 1,000
pounds. $4.26fe5.75; stockers and feeders,
$3.26 6 00; cows and heifers, $3 26660: rau
ners. $1.7T42.50; bulls. 13 S.Vy 4.1.0. calves.
$52537.00: Texas and Indian steers, $3,504
6 20; cows and heifera, $2.25'&4 90.
HOGS Receipts. 5.3U0 head; market
lower: pigs and lights, $o.OO'fj7.76; packers.
$7."0u7 , butchers and best heavy, $7 90u
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts. 3 200
head; market higher; native muttons. $3.50
4i4 60; lambs, t.uiir7.&0: culls and bucks,
$2.254 4.76; stockers, $3.UGft4 00.
St. Josepk Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 9. -CATTLE-Receipts.
3.500 head. Market steady; sleets.
$4.50'(7".00; cows and heifers. 2.&0'aVil;
calves. $3.nofcr7.0u.
HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head. Market 10c.
to 15c lower; top, $7.75; bulk of sales, $7 5.'!
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 1.20
head. Market steady: lambs. $4 OnOi'tyi.
Sioux City l.lva Stock Market.
KlOl'X CITY. la.. Aug. 9. -tSpecial Tele
gram.l CATTLE Receipts. 1.80-) head,
weak: beeves. $4 2,Vci7 16; grass cows. $10.47
4 26; feeders, $4.0iy.H 60; ytarllngs. $3 uo'n 4.00.
HOGS Receipts. 1.W0 head. Matkel Klo
lower; range of prices. $1 2!,f(7.;5. bulk of
sales, $7 30777 45.
Wool Market.
ST. LOIIS. Aug. 9 WOOL Steady:
territory and western medium, 22&2.SO; fine
mediums. 22f24c; fine. 13rjfl9c. .
Stock In Ktitht.
Receipts al the six principal
markets yesterday were:
South Omaha 73 oou
St. Jtrfseph 3..Mi
Sioux City 1 svsy
Kansas City 2l.!i
St. I.OUI I23l
A. Wrhrncr of Army Commissary De
partment Relate Interestlng
Thtnsrs of Old Kansan.
"1 knew H. Miles Moore of tavenworth,
Kan., a few jeara before Bill Canada
atarted to dig the Missouri river." said A.
Wehrner, chief clerk of the commissary
department of the Department of the Mis
souri. "Poor fellow, II makes me a little
tad to think that he has been cut off In
his prime. You know he was killed bv
being run Into by a bakery wagon Satur
day at Leavenworth.
"He was the oldest landmark there,
coming to Leavenworth some little time
after the Iewis and Clark expedition, and
about the time that Colonel Leavenworth
bestowed his name on tha town. H. Miles
Moore first landed In Leavenworth 'about
1854 or 1856. and went to work at once. He
was a good democrat and mixed a little In
politics and law. He used to have a shin
gle stuck out. 'H. Mile Moore.'
"Somebody had the nerve once a number
of years ago to cross out the bar In the
H." making It read '11 Miles Moore.'
"The old man had a good sens of hu
mor, so he never had the sign changed.
He was known better In Leavenworth at
Eleven Miles More than by any other
name and he enjoyed It.
"He dfed In the fullness of his years,
with his boot on. He Was In prime health
at the time of his death, though 83 years
old. He was the best Informed man nn
Kansas history that lived In the (tat. U
was hung once by the Missouri desper
adoes, about fifty years ago, but you ean't
kill a good man and he was cut down be
fore the breath was all out of Mm and
he lived to see his attempted murderer
"He ws a great friend of the lat Col
onel D. R. Anthony, though politically op
posed to him."
Hons Sheep
n !
Demands Explanation of Officer
Abonl lo Arreat Hla
When Probation Officer McCauley of
South Omaha started to arrest lit Lie Myr
tle Decker because lie thought she wa too
much nn the streets small boy with bel
ligerence In hi eye and anger In th swing
of his crutch, demanded her relesse and
an immediate explanation.
Myrtle Decker la 15 year and th boy,
Willie Doyle. Is about the same age, and
in the girl's wands-rings about, picture
show she and (he hive become
such good friends that he wanted to1 stand
between her and th arm of tl law. He
found that Mr. McCauley wa arr old ac
quaintance, however, and passed the mat
ter off wllh great magnanimity, when the
officer promised lo take good care of his
The girl wa taken Into court and her
ifaihei warned to keep her off the streets
' st night.
8,(1.41 '
4 (I.I
22,UUO 40.000 20.()
IJ7.900 bo 650 37. '160
Sugar anC Molasses.
NEW YORK. Aug 9.-SI GAR Raw,
firm, fair refining-. 3ir; refined steady
No. . 4 25c; No. 7. 4 40r; No. . 4.3.V; No. 9
4 3oc; No. 10, 4 30c, No. 11, 4iac, No. 12,
Uerbert E. Good. Co.
Brokers and Dealers
Omaha Office 1 010 at. T. XUf B;4g.
U Telephone. Douglas agl.
ladapaaaeat, A-1131 aaa A-llg.
Oldest and Laigaat feleua la 4b If-aia