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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1909)
The Omaha Daily Bee The Omaha dee etata. reliable awppr that la admitted to Mch an 4 erer horn. WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nebraska Fain, For Iowa Warmer, For weather report pa 3. VOL. XXXIX NO. 47. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, AC1UST 10, 190D TEN TAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SAYS HER SON WAS MURDERED Kame "Wilde BeuU" ii Applied By Mr. Sutton to Annapolis Men. HER LETTERS READ IN COURT Expresses Her Belief That Killing Was Premeditated. BRA2TDS SUICIDE AS FALSE Declares Her Boy Was I ieaten Governor is TARIFF MAKES WATER EXPERTS IN CONVENTION National Irrigation Congress Begins Its Annual Meeting in Spokane. IS AN IMPORTANT SESSION Important Changes Foreshadowed in Working Methods. Guest of Honor at the Opery ISLANDS GLAD Governor Forbes of Manila Cables His Felicitations to President Taft. Executive Discusses 8-0'Clock Closing law and Tries to Square Him self With the Knights. to Death. t. - c - ADAMS, HER SPECIA. IGET Hitter and Aceaslaa- M She Wrot ra Maae Part anal Record la Coat laqalry. X'.'i- ANNAPOLIS, Md., Aug. 9. A ne recon vening today of the court of Inquiry Into the death of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, V. 8. M. C, the judge advocate. Major Henry Leonard, moved that the lettess read at the cloaed session of the court on Saturday, when Mra. Sutton, the mother of the dead lieutenant, wu on the stand, be made publio. This motion was criti cised by Henry E. Davis, counsel for Mrs Sutton, but the court ordered the letters read. The reading; shewed that Mrs. Sutton Identified a number of letters as having been written by her. The first of these was- to Harry M. Swarts of the pay master's office of the marine corps. Wash lngton, D. C, and asked If he was a friend t her son to whom she could write with confidence as to his sympathy. A second letter to Mr. Swarti gave a version of what occurred on the night of Lieutenant Sutton's dearth, ard also detailed wounds on the face and head, which Mrs. Sutton wrote had been inflicted upon her son. She referred freuently to those who were with Lieutenant Button when ha was shot as "wild beauts:" In this letter the name of Miss May E. Stewart of Pittsburg was mentioned. Calls Them "Low Brntes." Mra. Button asked Swart to find out from Osterman and the others who were in the automobile with Sutton what had actually happened preceding the shooting. A third letter to Swarts gave further details of what Mrs. Sutton had, she said, discovered and referred to those who were with ber son when ha died as "low brutes." She referred to a letter from her son in which he described his fellow offi cers as "low cads" and referred in words of bitter criticism to Lieutenants Adams, Otter-man and others. This letter described the receipt of the news by her, at her home, of her son's death and said she felt at that time that her son .. was with her and that ha described to her the jnfinnm7)f-.htr. dcatH, which. h wrote, he declared was due to a ihot fired iT Lieutenant Adams. Mrs. Sutton wept quietly while her own words as to her sun's death were being used. The reading of the record concluded. Mrs. Sutton was eroes-examlned by Mr. Blrney and said she had received here In formation relative to the wounds which she believed to have been suffered by her son from the testimony at the first investi gation. All the letters of Mra. Sutton which were ordered made publle were addressed to Swarts and altogether make about 6.000 words. In the second letter, which was written on April 9. evidently In answer to Swarts, Mrs. Sutton said that "after Jlmmle was killed Captain Maris and Lieutenant Utley took hit keys and went through his trunk and everything. Can you tell me if they had a right to touch anything? To make it more horrible, Utley was with Adams and Osterman when Jlmmle was killed. I believe ba engineered that fight; that it was all planned." Satoldo Story Cat roe. "Jlmmle was beaten to death," the letter continues, "and that shot was fired to hide the crime. His forehead waa crushed, nose broken, lips cut open, teeth knocked out and an incision in the head half an Inch long. Just think what my poor boy's suffering must have been as he was beaten to death by those wild beasts. Good God! Mr. Swarts, the work of wild men, and this on their awn sworn testimony, and atlll they are walking the treats today while by poor boy lies in the grave, stamped a suicide." Referring to the ill-fated automobile ride, Mra. Sutton declared that If "Jlmmle" bad been himself he never would have t asked them (Adams, UUey and Osterman) V ride with him. Adams and Utley hated him, she declarea. Mention la also made ; of Lieutenant Potts, Sumner and Shearer, who were In another automobile on the night of the tragedy. She speaks of a money transaction between her son and Shearer, and several times during her cor responuence wiin nwans expressed a ' strong dislike for him In uncomplimentary : terms. "On October 1," Vhe w rote, "Jlmmle bor rowed $211 from the bahk. On October S he gave Shearer a check for $130, and I wrote Shearer and asked him what It was for. He said he had just cashed It for Jlmmle. I did not believe htm, and wrot and told him what I thought of six men who would let a man In helpless condi tion be taken out and beaten to death. On subsequent occasions, when she had written Shearer, his replies wars curt, she says. Mrs. Sutton says she used to scold her son' for being so generous, and his an war waa: "Mamma, my greatest happl ness Is when I'm making others happy. It .waa 'Jlmmle who loaned him his linen. and It was Adams who sent ntm to bis grave." On May 1 Mra. Button promised to send Swarts a copy of the first Inquest testi mony and a copy of what evidence shs had later obtained. She recites her dlf- lultlea la obtaining anything definite 9out "Jimrnle'a'' death. Iaaalros A boat "Nary" rail. "Do you mean to say that If we prove what we know, thewe men cannot be pun ished simply because they belong to the navy? Those men know why they are so secret about the affair, but we are not sleeping and I think th United States will be compelled to alt up and take notice of what kind of man run the navy and shield pack of low brutes." IConOnuod on Second Page.) Aston C. Shallenberger. governor of Ne braska was the guest of honor at the den Monday night and he and his colonels did homage to King Ak-Sar-Ben. Trie governor arrived a little late and the oprey was late in starting, but when it was once under way it went with an eclat which pleased all. No one seemed to enjoy the fun more than the governor, who sat In his shirt sleeves, surrounded by his colonels In full regimentals. Several parts of the oprey have to deal with the S o'clock cloning law and none ap plauded louder than than did Governor Shallenberger and when he was Introduced by the grand mufti to make a few remarks he told some funny starles about the o'clock closing and tried to square himself with the sir knights for the hand he had In putting- the law upon the statute bonks. There has been a great deal said ahout tha hour of the day, but 'you will learn to like It,' " said Governor Shallenberger, quoting from one of the choruses of the oprey. He told of meeting a rough looking chap In the west who asked him, "Are vou the Shallenberger who shut the boose off at S o'clock?" "No, I'm fhe Shallenberger who turns the booze on at 7 In the morn ing " Other stories of similar nature were told. "Omaha Is to be congratulated on ths great empire which lies back of It. No state in the union can show better for Its population. We never knew of the panic and while traveling with some representa tive men from the a month axo I scarcely knew what they were talking about when they refered to the panic. "I used to look with envy on some of these older states with their mines, but mines some day fall to produce whereas the soil of the great state of Nebraska grows riches as the years roll by. It will produce more In a hundred years from now than It does today." The governor said that he was going to leave Wednesday morning for Seattle, where they had no 8 o'clock closing law. Accompanying Governor Shallenberger were Colonels McPanlels, Getten, Byrne, Berryman. Marshall, Kennedy, McShane and Fetterman. "I come from a city where they have nothing but water and am sorry I did not get to Omaha before S o'clock, said Judge J. B. Barnes of the supreme court of Ne braska. "We of Nebraska are proud of Omaha for the growth of Omaha, means the growth and progress of the etnlre stata. Judge Barnes told of a trip he recently made across the state and of the changed agricultural conditions which he found. John A. Fox, representative of the Klvers and Harbors congress spoke most en thuslastlcslly , of the great advantages, to be a gain for the west by making tha streams navigable. He said he did not know of a single thing which would so work far the development of the northwest as to deepen the Missouri and make it ready for boats. He said that by so doing Omaha would become the gateway to a great empire. Into which the many rail roads centering at Omaha would all be feeders. Grand Mufti Herring announced that Ak-Sar-Ben had a membership of 1,060, whereas a year ago the books showed but 936 members. He said that next Monday was to be hotel men's night when the members of the Northwestern Hotel Men's association would be guests of the king. Labor Trouble is About Over Street Railway Companies and Union Men are Getting Together in Chicago. CHICAGO, Aug. 9 Diplomatic negotia tions marked the progresa of the street railway situation here today. While no definite proposal of peace was offered on either side, conferences which were held justified the conclusion that settlement of the controversy without a strike or arbitration Is only a few days off. Ths union leaders refused the first offer made by the railway officials that of a graded scale, giving the 30 cents an hour maximum to men who have been In the service fifteen years. The union men then put up the proposition of an Increase of 1 cent an hour at once, and an increase of S cents an hour next year, and this prop osition now Is being considered by the pres idents of the two companies. VETERAN ACTRESS IS DYING Mrs. Jan Germon, Sarvlvor of Last Generation, Near Death Was Fanoai 'Once, BALTIMORE, Aug. . Mrs. Jane Ger- roon, the comedienne, who Is 111 at the home of her son. Dr. Frank Germon, of this city, ia believed to be near death. Mrs. Germon, who Is 78 years old, Is suffering from ailments Incident to old age. Mrs. Germon was well known to three genera tions of theater goers throughout this country, she having appeared with all the great stars for more than sixty years prior to her retirement from the stage some eight or ten years ago. Archbishop J. Dubuque ST. LOl'I. Aug. 9 That Archbishop John Joseph Keane of the Roman Catholic archdtecese of Dubuque is to retire from active duty August 18, when a coadjutor is to be recommended. Is the official news re ceived here today from St. Paul, Minn., by Rev. V. S. Phelan. editor of the Western Watchman, a semi-official church publica tion. Ill health. It Is stated, is the cause of the venerable prelate's action. The Irremovable rectora and oonsullorsot the archdiocese have been summoned to meet August IS at the archepiscopal reat denoa In Dubuque and auggest names for a coadjutor. The following day the suffragan bishops are to ratify or change tha list. PROSPERITY IS ROW ASSURED Passage of Bill is Fruition of Hope Long Delayed. TAFT SENDS HAPPY ANSWER Puts in Considerable Part, of Day on Golf Links. MR. BOARD MAN IS HIS PARTNER Hasn't Yet Selected Hta Favorite of Maay Courses A boat Beverly Wants to "elect One and tick to It. BEVERLY, Mass.. Aug. . President Taft today received a message of con gratulations from the Philippines for his efforts to obtain the passage of the Phil ippine tariff bill. The massage came from Acting Governor Forbes st Manila, and the president sent a suitable reply. The exchange of messages were. MANILA, P. I.. Aug. 9. The President, Washington, D. C: The Philippine com mission wishes to express its thanks and appreciation on the success of the years of devoted effort which has resulted In the supreme achievement of August S, which opens the markets of the United States to the Philippine people. "The obstacles to Philippine prosperity are now removM, and we, your represen tatlves here, villi try to do our part In turning the privileges conceded to the great advantage of the Philippines. "FORBES, Acting Governor General." Forbes, Manila, P. I. I thank you and the commission for your expression of congratulation on the passage of the Philippine section of the new tariff bill. It Is a culmination of our united efforts, which I am confident will result in great benefit to the Philippines and the people of the islands. WILLIAM H. TAFT.' President Plays Golf. Following out ths fixed routine of the vacation days, the president this morn Ing went early to the golf links, and on the course of the Essex Country club played eighteen holes with' William J. Boardman of Washington. The Boardmans have a summer place at Beverly farms, a few miles north of here. On the result of today's game much will depend as to where the president will play the greater part of his games. The president regards the Myopia course as one where thorough golf must be played on every stroke If mishaps are to be avoided. One bad shot will put a player far out of the game. , Mr. Taft wants to settle down to one of the many -courses about Beverly and get thoroughly acquainted. He does not believe his game can be improved by a constant change of links. He will set his own bogey score at either Myopia or Essex and will try to play up to It every day. Taft Once a Yachtsman. As President Taft eat in the broad veranda of his summer cottage this after noon overlooking Salem bay, and watched scores of small yachts In training for the regatta to take place this week, he was asked If he were Interested in yachting. The question brought a reminiscent smile as he declared he once was an enthusiast, but lost Interest after an experience years sgo. He was spending a summer along the Long Island shore and one day at Shelton Island was shipped as member of a yacht's crew. The president said he waa put to hauling and letting out the main sail, but when the sail got to flapping, the rope cut his hands and finally slipped through the block, the boom swung violently around, the rigging gave way and the future presi dent of the United States was put ashore as a hopeless landlubber. President Taft has left entirely in the hands of Secretary of State Knox the formation of the far eastern bureau of the State department, recently authorized by congress. Wavy Reorganisation Talk. Secretary of the Navy Meyer will visit Beverly some time next week. He Is now In Canada. Mr. Meyer may take up with the president several matters affecting the Navy department, but any recommenda tions based on the report of the Speery board, or touching the reorganization of the department unquestionably will be left for the late fall, when the president re turns to Washington. The president today sent the following message to George E. Barstow, president of the Seventeenth National Irrigation con gress at Spokane, Wash.: "I greatly regret that I am not able to he present to hear the discussion and get the benefit of your deliberations. I have the deepest sympsthy with the general ob ject of the National Irrigation congress, and yqu can count on my earnest endeavor to further the cause of reclamation by ir rigation in every part of the country with in the jurisdiction of the federal govern ment." Strikers Mast Vacate Homes. PITTSBURG. Aug. 9. Sheriff Gumbert and his deputies today served notice on forty-seven families of the strikers at the Pressed Steel Car company's plant at Mo- Kees Rocks to vacate their homea within twenty-four hours. J. Keane of About to Retire The final selection will be made in Rome. Archbishop Keane, it la aald, had made up his mind to retire only within the last few weeks. He has ranked among the notables of his church for many years. He waa born In Ireland In l&S and ordained in 186a. He waa successively rector of St. Pat rick's church, Washington; bishop of Rich mond. Va., rector of the National Catholic university and then, in Roma, titular arch bishop of tha congregation of the propa ganda. He was transferred to Dubuque in 100. Some weeks ago be accompanied Arch bishop Ireland to St Paul, whence comes his request tor a coadjutor. From the Philadelphia Record. GREER FLAG HAULED DOWN Protest of Powers is Made Effective After Delay. GREECE MAKES DISAVOWAL Informs Turkey of Its Intention to Maintain Strict Neutrality With Respect to Island of Crete. CANE A, Island of Crete, Aug. 9. The Greek flag, which wu fun over the fortress and the Cretan tmljiary barracks here on July 17. the day after the evacua tion of the island by the International troops, was lowered today as a result of the protests of the four protecting pow ers. ATHENS, Aug. 9. The Greek government today handed to the Turkish minister a formal reply to the porte's note, -which asked Greece to express her disapproval of the annexation agitation in Crete, and formally to declare that she had no am bitions regarding the Island. The reply reaffirms Greece's Intention of maintaining an attitude of neutrality with regard to Crete, but It declares it would be ultra vires (beyond her lawful capacity or powers) for Greece to make an announcement respecting the future of Crete, which matter rests entirely with the protecting powers. In official circles It Is considered that the situation has materially Improved. Strike Closes Pueblo Smelter Men Demand Advance, and, When it is Refused, They Walk Out. PUEBLO. Colo., Aug. 9. The Pueblo Zlno amelter, one of the two plants of the American Smelting and Refining Co. in the city, is closed down as the result or a strike called at midnight last night by the furnace men employed at the plant. The men went out after being refused the old scale of two years ago, which was 26 cents a day over the present scale. Dur ing the night it became necessary to guard the plant by a force of deputy sheriffs. There are more than MO men out because of the strike of the furnace men. KILLS BROTHER IN QUARREL Aged Mother, Trying; to Separate Her Sons, Is Sllg-htly Wonnded. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 9. Jap Lindsay, aged a, a stock yards employe, was fatally shot by his brother, Clarence Lindsay, aged 19. this afternoon in a quarrel at their home. The load from a ahotgun entered his left eye. On trying to prevent the shoot ing the aged mother of the brothers re ceived a number of shot from the gun. Clarence Lindsay surrendered to ths police. Do you want a girl for housework? Phone Douglas 238 and get one. That is the "Want-ad Num ber." If you are without help, go do it now. No use drudg ing this hot weather when you can get help so easily. Girls looking- for work know that Tha Bee publishes practically a com plete Hat of people who want help, o tbey look to the Bee Want-ad when looking for a place. Better step to the phone and put in the ad WILL IT COME TO THIS? Flood Takes Out Bridge in Heart of West Denver Loss of Life in Dry Creek Torrent Prevented by Rancher Who Gave Warning. DENVER, Colo.. Aug. 9. Damage result ing from the cloudbursts of Saturday and Sunday afternoons, which sent great walls of water roaring down Dry creek through West Denver, proves more serious than at first estimated and probably. . will . reach 50,000. That no lives were lost Saturday night when a wall oj water fifteen feet high rushed down the creek, was probably due to the coolness and bravery of J. R. Garten, a ranchman, who, when he saw the flood coming, mounted his horse and galloped along the stream shouting warnings to the people living nearby. Hundreds of people reached higher ground barely In time to escape the torrent. Considerable llvs stock was drowned in the valley west of Denver, a, number of farm buildings swept away anil other dam age done. When the flood, carrying on Its crest a huge amount of debris, poured Into the narrow walls of the creek bed In West Denver it roared like a tornado. Near West Twelfth avenue and Newton street a big steel railroad bridge waa cut squarely In two by a big tree which, carried on the crest of the flood, crashed into the bridge like a battering ram and sent one section, ties, rails and all, a hundred feet up the bank. Three blocks of the track of the Denver & Intermountaln electric line were torn up. LETTERS CAUSE OF SUICIDE Man Who Wrote Them to Young Girl la Arrested for His Crime. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 9. As a sequel to the suicide of Marvel Chenoweth, aged 14. at Gower, Mo., which occurred several months ago, Archie Fagan, aged 30, of Gower, who has evaded the officers for some time, is In jail here. Pagan was taken into custody for shoot ing at a policeman at the Union passenger station, and his Identity was then dis closed and the federal warrant served charging him with sending two Improper I letters to the girl. The letters were found under the girl's pillow by her mother, and after the girl had confessed to receiving them, she killed herself for shame. WELLMAN INFLATING BALLOON Newspaper Man Getting: Ready for Long Promised Flight to the Pole. TROMSOE, Norway, Aug. 9 Advices re ceived here from Spitsbergen where the Walter Wellman polar expedition Is being prepared for an attempt to reach the Nortn pole, say the repairs to the airship shed, which was badly damaged by a storm last June have been completed and that a gas apparatus has been installed. Mr. Wellman began the inflation of the balloon July SI. War Clouds Are Gathering Over Peru and Bolivia WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-Is Bolivia seek ing a pretense to bring on a war with Peru? This question is being asked by South American diplomats who are watching every development in the situation in which Argentina, Bolivia and Peru are directly Interested, and Chill and Braxll Indirectly. Some of the diplomats profess to think that the excitement In Bolivia over the Argen tine award, which was favorabls to Peru, Is really a blind on the part of the poli ticians there to bring about an armed con flict with Peru nominally to secure a more satisfactory adjustment of the boundaries uf the disputed tract, but actually aimed at territorial conquest. Bolivia has no sea coast. A successful war with Peru might give it an outlet to MAYOR ON THE WARPATH Dahlman Dares Shallenberger to Try Ousting Him. "ARE A LOT OF FOUR-FLUSHERS" Action of the Epworth Assembly Pats Him in a Rase and He De fies Them to Take the Threatened Action. Mayor Dahlman defies former Senator Patrick and the Epworth assembly and dares Governor Shallenberger to Institute ouster proceedings against himself and the Omaha Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners, composed of W. J. Hoye, C. J. Karbach, W. J. Hunter and W. F. Wap plch. "I am ready any time they are and If they want to file charges my advice to them Is to get busy," said the mayor. "The trouble Is they are all a bunch of four-flushers, who grabbed at the bait held out by that fellow Patrick and adopted this resolution without knowing the first thing about It or the conditions In Omaha. I am not saying anything about former Gover nor Sheldon and do not know why he voted for the resolution, but I have no time for the rest of the bunch and am ready for them any time they want to act. "I am mayor of this city and I Intend to show these four-flushers that I am mayor. I have been here In this chair now nearly four years, have always upheld the law and always intend to. I dare the governor to begin ouster proceedings and 1 dare the whole bunch. "I am chairman of the Board of Ktre and Police Commissioners and the board has never refused to revoke the saloon license of this man pinuxso. We have taken the matter up with the city attorney and are waiting an opinion from him. "We may be ' moving slow, but I .will move slow or just aa fast as I please, .and no man down at Lincoln can make me go slower or faster. I believe in being sure you are right before going ahead." COMPLAINT FILED IN LINCOLN Anti-Saloon League Aska Goveraor to Proceed Against Dahlman. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. 9. (Special Tele gram.) Application was made to Governor ohallenberger today to request the attorney general to bring proceedings to oust Mayor Dahlman and the members of the police board of Omaha for falling to revoke the license of a saloon-keeper who was eon victed in police court of violating the o'clock closing law. The application was signed by B. F. Fellman, president, and Harry Stone, secretary, of the anti-saloon league of Douglas county, and It was sup ported by an affidavit aettlng out the con vlctlon of the saloon-keeper and the failure of the board to revoke his license. The papers were received at tha office of the governor just as he left the building to (Continued on Second Page.) the sea by damage as an Indemnity Mo quegua province, the southernmost In Peru and adjoining the Chilian frontier. In that province Is the harbor of Ilo, at tha mouth of the river of that name. The harbor Is said to be an excellent one and Its acquisi tion by Bolivia would be of great advantage to It. Chili's probable attitude In the event of hostilities between Bolivia and Peru Is also being discussed w ith much animation. With Chill's assistance Bolivia would have a decided advantags and from tha military standpoint, it is believed, could more easily effect the prior occupation of the disputed tract because of the practical Impos sibility of Peru's transporting men and munitions of war over the Andes. MUCH ENERGY GOES TO WASTE Such is Declaration of Chairman of Executive Board. WELCOMED BY THE GOVERNOR Director Francis H. Newell af tha Reclamation Service la Principal Speaker at First Day's Ses sion of Congress. SPOKANE. Wash., Aug 9.-"The govern ment of the United States Is sitting klly whlle millions of dollars" worth of nat ural resources are going to waste. The Appalachian forestry bill, which passed the house and senate twice, was killed by Uncle Joe. Notwithstanding the dispensary systpm In South Carolina, there la too much water there." E. J. Watson, commissioner of th South Carolina department of agriculture, com merce and Industry, before the National Irrigation congress this afternoon, uttered the foregoing with telling effeot He urged that the government take control of such rivers, esst and west, aa might be navigable, for the purpose of making them waterways for smaller battleships. James J. Hill, chairman of the board of directors of the Great Northern railway. whj was to have spoken at tha afternoon session, was not present. The question of a next meeting place has narrowed down to a fight between San Francisco and Pueblo. Cola Illinois probably will throw Its strength to San Francisco. Among the other cities men tioned Is El Paso. The new constitution, provldftig a busi nesslike basis for the congress, waa adopted. Clash Between Factions. A clash between the natural resources preservation policies of the Roosevelt art- mlnlstration and so-called "private Inter ests" got its first Impetus when Mayor N. S. Pratt of Spokane charged that pri vate capital Is being used to Impede the work of the government. A telegram was received from President Taft, expressing his regret at not being able to be present. He expressed deep sympathy with the cause. That the time between conventions of the National Irrigation congress is virtually wasted because of tha lack of a business like plan of procedure waa the declaration of R. Inslnger, chairman of the board of control of the congress, in . his address today' at the opening session. Add re as of Soversiir Hay. '. Governor M. E. Hay of Washington, af ter an allusion to the scope snd Impor tance of tho work of the congress since Its Inception In 1802. spoke of the waste of timber and the threatened shortage with which the country is confronted. Of his own state he said: "Western Washington can boast the heaviest stand of timber in the world. It Is estimated that at present there are 900,- 000,000,000 feet of mercantile timber stand ing In this portion of the state. This Is a magnificent resource, and it Is little won der that It appeared unlimited to the pio neers In the lumber Industry here. "But today, If the heedless methods of the past continue, we can approximate with fair accuracy the time when this great body of timber will be exhausted. In the last fifty years fully 100,000,000 feet of timber has either been cut or destroyed by forest fires. By far the greater por tion of this has disappeared in the last decade. i "The lumberman and tho logger, how ever, have awakened to the gravity of tho situation, and there la reason to believe that henceforth more scientific and eco nomical methods will be adopted In tha harvesting of the timber of this state." President Barstow Speaks. George E. Barstow, president of tho congress, spoke in part as follows: "The national government has passed a law providing for the establlshmen of a bu reau of Immigration, to aid the immigrants to locate upon lands for home building, but should not the national government go a step further. Shall I be regarded aa preaching paternalism, or as socialistic, when suggesting that the duty of the na tional government may be found In provid ing, under proper safeguard, a fond which may be used to make loans to enable this frugal and thrifty class of people to locate homes under government Irrigation plants? The great cities are the maelstroms of our nation. Their citizens would soon become effeminate and decayed save as they can draw upon our country and simple Ufa. "There Is too much unwarranted preju dice against many of tha nationalities com ing to our shores. There are, no doubt, some of the people of each nationality un desirable. But time has shown that whether Huns or Slave, Italians or Chlnaae or Japanese, they meks good cltlsena, 'I desire to Impress upon you the Im portance of giving the federal govern ment to understand that the people of the nation demand that the reclamation fund shall be forthwith supplemented by the creation and sale from time to time of gold bonds to tho total sum of 15.000,000 In order that much more rapid work may proceed in reclaiming tha natlon'a arid lands. This same principle finds Its application as to tha reclaiming of our swamp lands and improvement of our natural waterways. When all these arid lands shall have been cultivated by Irrigation, we shall have opportunity for about 25.000.000 population, with an an nual Increase of agricultural products amounting to t6.WO.000.000." Newell Principal Speaker. Director F. H. Newell of the federal re clamation service waa the next speaker. He ssld in part: "The present situation In national Irriga tion is that homes are being provided for thousands of self-supporting cltiiens at no cost to the taxpayer. Seven years have elapsed since the psssage of the reclama tion act. Under Its operation irrigation works have been built In the thirteen west ern states and two territories, by which waters are conserved and distributed and nearly 700.000 acres already brought under Irrigation, with returns to the fund amount ing already to over 11,000,000. Tbs success obtained may bo aald to Justify tho ho. i