Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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" I -
Iowa Iowa j
Secretary of Pharmacy Commisson
Mast Await Succeisor.
it prt sentutton. Il l claimed tiny Mclt'-I
money fvn f I. mil stif fct ei s In 1 s
when none exlft'd
Peliere of Floor to Tent Itleschlna
Oraler Take Official I niwirri
Senator llronn on the
Tariff mil.
j Harry Van l'r nriil Ukh io- I'ntninon, the
l two men arrested on a Island Iritn
for drinking, were .returned to Josper
'county for trlnl. Police Judtn- Stewart re
1 fused to ta'tc notion, on the around that
they were not arreted In I'olk county
and he hud no Jurisdiction. The crime was
con. nutted In Jasper county.
Anrianrnt Flitnrea.
'The clerks In the office of the ecretatjf
I of th executive council hrve completer!
ihe rlemlls of the assessments m provided
(From a Staff Correspondent ) and orrtcrc I by the council. Increases were
PKS MOINKS. la.. Aug. 7. (Special Tele- I ,,!,, t,,th t-lepr ph and telephone mm
gram.) C. V. Larson, secretary of the , ( The total valuations are a follow s
pharmacy commission whose resignation i TtleKinph tfompnnies
Man to take effect today, has received , twr.i $7ft1 pvno
nn word nf the accritanr of h'.H reslun.i- . 1!" r.4.j01 . ..1
tlon. He haa a letter from representative
Moore of Kldon, who Is Bald to be !lat"d
for the place, that he has had no word
of hi appointment. Consequently Larson
(he home who trie the grounds, if tor
upper. A rsult one of the leading
member of the home has taken a din
charge and other may follow. The com
mandant declares that the practice of
carrying whisky oti the Mate grounds must
telephone companies (toll
must hold over for some days and hn
no knowledge of how lone II- h under
bond and must remain on duty until hi
successor nullifies, (io-rrnor Carroll and
the members, of the board are all out of
Three hundred and slxtv saclt of flour
were se'it.d by I nltid State authorities ot
the dills' InduHiial nchnnl nt MIL hell-vill.-
today for the purpose of ti mHiik the
decision of Secretary Wilson on bleached
flour. Member of the board of control
bad no knowledge of the confiscation and
so were unprepared. The school faced a
famine In flour for a time today. The
stores In Mtchelhllle ere drained of
their supply. Today a linking day and
enough bread and caki had to be made
to feed 2.") hungry girls.
Ilrfliin on Tariff mil.
Senator Noiris I'rown of Nebraska Is In
les Moltus today visiting: his patents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Brown of 1021 West
Ninth strett. "I believe enough state
legislatures will pass the Income tax reso
lution to enable the next congress to
amend the constitution to provide for a
valid Income tax," said Senator Hrown to
day. "Practically all the legislatures will
meet In the winter of 1S11 and I think there
Is little doubt they will pass the resolu
tion. The tariff bill I consider ns giving
substantial reduction of duties on certain
lines, as regards others It Is not satisfac
tory. I have no doubt but President Taft
will take up the matter of revising certain
schedules such as cotton and wool at the
next regular session."
Child Fatally Hurt by Aoto.
Robert Hredlmus, an ll-inonths-old child,
was thrown from a buggy to the pavement
and Its skull fractured by an automobile
running into the buggy. The child may
die. The automobile was driven by II. J.
Baker, who was subsequently arrested and
hep,! under $."00 bonds for criminal careless
ness. Others In the buggy were unhurt.
Baker was the first to pick up the child
and took It and Its grandmother In his ma
chine to a doctor's office and thence to tht
hospital. Baker attempted to turn- out of
the street car tracks and It Is claimed his
automobile skidded and thus crashed Into
the buggy.
VanBnren IMcnlo.
Polk county people who formerly lived In
Van Buret) county will hold a plcnlo In
Greenwood park of this city next Saturday.
Judge C. C. Nourse, Carroll Wright, Cap
tain V. P. Twombly. K. R. Harlan, B. W.
Uarrett and others will speak.
Ilrlile la I. ale.
Hecnuje Mits Myrtle Alice Jones of Osk
loosa was lute In getting to the Rock Island
depot her ir.nviiae to McCager Goodwin of
Omaha l amr if nr being delayed. Site was
to meet hltn there, but not being at the
depot when the ttain came In, they lost
track of each other. Mr
lines only)
ln t T2 n
lims 77.377 17
Commeiclal telephone companies (ex
change onlv) MIL 212. (TO
lWi 131,iVi.34
One Man Killed and Five lajared
Within Few Honrs.
BOONE, la., Aug. 7 (Special Telegram.)
tine man killed, five Injured. Is the rec
ord of the Ogden mine fur the last few
hours. At noon today H. M. Joslln was
hilled by a fall of slate. He was burled
completely and when uncovered he was
dead. Harry Coddlngton was terribly
crushed in the same fall and may die.
Jim Campbell, while driving a mule, was
badly hurt by the mule. The animal's side
touched an electric wire and threw It on
top of Campbell. Charles Grant, Jim
Mitchell and Lumley, all drivers, were
hurt In a serious manner In different ways
about the mine.
Farmer Killed
in Runaway
Team of Lewis P. Whiting of Eldora
Was Frightened by an
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. Aug. 7 (Special
Telegram.) Lewis K. Whiting, a farmer
living near Kldora, was killed this after
noon when his team became frightened by
an automobile and ran away. Whiting was
caught under the wagon and crushed.
Charles Bell, a reform school boy at El
dora, went In bathing this afternoon and
got beyond his depth. The body was re
covered and it was supposed he was
drowned. An undertaker was summoned,
hut before he begun work efforts to revive
Lite boy v el e Mjiccesst ul.
Mrs. I.etta Perrluaton of Iowa City
Acvnsea Lafayette Phillips of
Killing Her Brother.
CHARLES CITY, la.. Aug. 7-(Spcclal
Telegram ) On a warrant sworn out by
Mrs. Perrtngton, sister of Charles Boyer,
supposed to have met with foul play
Lafayette Phillips was arrested and ar
raigned before Justice liiadley charged
with murder.
County Attorney I.ockwood appeared for
the state and Attorney J. II. Lloyd for the
Phillips has been boarding with the
Bo:-ers. Sunday Boyer disappeared and no
trace can be found of him. Mrs. Boyer
and Phillips were preparing to leave, and
Boyer's sister caured the warrant to Issue.
Boyer is an employe of the Parr gasoline
engine factory. Phillips Is a retired engi
neer and is well known as having been
the engineet that made the test runs of
speed on the Northwestern and also on
the Burlington between Chicago and Coun
cil BlufN.
At noon only one witness had been ex
amined. Mrs. Lett a Perrtngton. Others
testified this afternoon.
Parkin Plant at Fort Dodge.
FORT DOrGE, la., Aug. 7. (Special. )
S. P. McMullen of Wichita, Kn., has been
secured by Fort Podge Investors In a pack
ing house proposition and will arrive next
week to assume charge of plans for the
erection of a packing plant which Is to
operate on !00 Onn capital. The contract
Just signed with Mr. McMullen Is a source
of creal pride to the Fort Dodge men,
since they combatted with the Cudahy com
pany in their effort to secure the man
they desired.
Fire Destroys Iowa Elerator.
HARSH A LLTOW N, la., Aug. 7. -(Special
Telegram.) A $10,000 fire here this morning
totally destroyed the Swisher Iand com
pany's grain elevator. The blae was of
unknown origin. The company carried $7,000
Ir.surance and will rebuild at once.
Block Signal
Dining Car
Meals and
"Best in the World1'
Iowa Nun Notes.
A FTON August h, 19 and 20 are
dales for the big Union county soldiers' re
union which will be held at Afton. Ar
rangi nts are under way and committees
are w.nking to make It a big success.
CHO.M WKLL Matt Landon, one of the
old residents of Cromwell, died Thursday
at his home In this city at the age of 72
years. He was on old soldier and had been
a resident of Cromwell for nearly thirty
years. He was born In France.
CRESTON Word has been received here
announcing the marriage of Miss Bessie
Wilson, a Creston girl, and Mr. E. C.
N'orlss, a mining englneerat Ouray, Colo.
They will make their home at that point.
Miss Wilson was well known here and
has many friends In the city.
CRESTON Saturday closed the first
week of the Creston Chautauqua and the
management report that they are just
about even with the record set last yar.
when. In addition to the talent, a fine audi
torium was built and paid for. With sev
eral more good days the assembly will be
a success financially. It has already proved
a success with the people.
Dotton In Throat Four Years.
MASON CITY, la., Aug. 7 (Special.)
Suffering severat years from what doctors
thought was a disease of the throat Miss
Bernice Hunt was last night seiaied with a
most violet cough. It was thought at one
und Mrs. Henry i tlmo that she would choke to death. Her
Miller, friends of the, and the minis- rlsler, who was in the room with her,
ter who wur to perform the ceremony rushed to her side and not knowing what
came to their assistance, and with the aid ; else to do In an emergency of this kind,
of auto-nobiles, after the entire afternoon gave her a hard slap In the middle of
had been spent the young people vereltle back. At that very Instant Miss Hunt
gotten toce: I tr and properly married
Hralster Five Thousand Letters.
Secretary of State W. C. Hayward will
send to the postofflce next week 5,000 let
ters whlch will be io;lKterd. Tluy ate
second notUes to corporations to maLe
their report. They will be registered to be
sure that the corporations gel the letters.
Morton Receives Taft.
General Morton of Omaha will have com
plete charge of the reception to President
Taft on his arrival here to attend the
army maneuvers. This Is because the
visit of the president is official as tho
commander-in-chief of the army and cltl
sens. theiefore, will have r.o part in the
rrest Two Women.
Two women offtci rs of ihe Salvation
army of this city were arrested here tcday
by Constable Hayes of Prattle City and
Detective Jackson of Pes Moines ou the
charge of obtaining money under false
raised from her throat a small white but
ton and the cough instantly ceased. She
had been troubled for the last four years
and had been to the doctor experts in
throat trouble, but they were unable fu
fcssign any cause. About six weeks ago
her voice commenced falling and she could
hardly utter an Intelligent word. Since
the button was dislodged her voice has re
turned and she has no knowledge of when
or how the button got there.
tilrl Drowned lu Cedar Hirer.
WATERLOO, la.. Aug. 7. -(Special Tele
gram.) Miss Francis Allbe, 19 years old,
was drowned in the Cedar river while bath
ing with a party of friends.
Veterans Object to Search.
MARSITALLTOWN, la.. Aug. 7.-(Spe-clal.)
Considerable feeling has been stirred
up at the Iowa Soldiers' Home here becausa
of an order of Commandant Horton to
have the guards search every member of
Council Bluffs
(Continued from Plxth Page.)
day morning for a trip overland In their
automobile to Lake Okobojl. They wer
accompanied by Miss Helen Robinson and
Oonald Mayne, who will be guests at the
Day cottage at the lake for two weeks.
Miss Elizabeth Konigmacher entertained
Tuesday at her suburban home In honor
of Miss Florlnda and M'ss Lenora Young.
The afternoon was pleasantly spent on the
lawn, after which a course dinner was(
served, covers being laid for eight guest.
Miss Florence Anna Yarwood, daughtsr
of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Yarwood. b'Js)
Avenue B, and Mr. Bert Miller, formerly
of this city, were married Thursday In
Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will make
their home In Fort Collins. Colo., where the
former is engaged In business.
Miss Delia Mae Byers entertained at a
house parly Tuesday night -at her home,
"The bungalow," on Sixth avenue. In honor
of Miss Victoria Bender, her guests being
the .Sigma Beta Gamma girls. The guest
list Included the Misses Victoria Bender,
Clara Hart, Mat ion Turner, Geraldlne Hess,
Helen Walker.
The weekly dance of the Council Bluffs
Rowing association at the club house at
Lake Manawa Friday evening was one ot
the most enjoyable of the season. There
was a largo attendance from Omaha as
well as from this city. The cool breexe
from the lake made dancing pleasant.
Miss Clara Hart entertained the Sigma
Beta Ganma girls at a bouse party Mon
day evening in honor of Miss Vlcteaia
Bender. An elaborate dinner was served In
the dining room and an automobile ride was
enjoyed after breakfast Tuesday morning.
The guests were Miss Helen Walker, Miss
National Irrigation Congress
Spokane, Washington,
Aug. 9 to 14, 1909.
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress
Denver, Colorado,
Aug. 16 to 21, 1909.
The Frontier Days Festival
Cheyenne, Wyoming,
Aug. 18 to 21, 1909.
Via HJEifiom IPaicSfiic
"Tho Safo Road to Travel"
For Descriptive Literature, Information Relatlvo
to Rates, Routes, etc., call on or Address
City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, lleb.
Walter Btlllman, Folsom Everest, Robert
Turner, George Williams, Henry Jennings,
Ceorge Clark, Walter Heller. Dick Barstow,
Henry Hart and Eld red Hart.
Miss Blossom Lewis entertained a num
ber of young friends Monday at her home,
2018 Avenue A, In honor of the eleventh
anniversary of her birthday. The afternoon
was spent with games, and at the close re
freshments, were served. The youthful host
ess was the recipient of a number of hand
some presents. The guests were: Misses
Flhel Mellor. Bertha Mellor, Lola Mercer,
Ctertrude Lacey, Bessie Cool. Berenice Bee
man, Ruby Palen. Ruth Miller; and Claude
Mercer, Frank Cool. Lee Kimball. Willie
Handy, Bryan Badger, Harry Mellor, Del
bert Baker, Harold Miller, Karl Sage,
"Buster" Baby and Oeraldine Mellor.
One of the loll lest affairs of last week
was the gathering and entertainment of
the D. D. club Sunday at the oountry
home of Miss Mary McKeown at Honey
Creek. Miss McKeown s guests were con
veyed from and to the train in hayracks,
and this was one of the many enjoyable
features of the day. The afternoon was
spent In boating, fishing and bathing and
after a sumptuous old fashioned farm
dinner, dancing was enjoyed. The guests
Included: Misses Kate O'Kourke, Mollis
O'Kourke, Mame O'Nell, Marie O'Mussen,
LIU O'Nell, Mary Olson, Miss Grimes,
Anne O'Nell, May O'Nell. Agnes Moran,
Grace Moran, Mollie Burke, Nell Howard,
Mary Oullfoyle, Mame Rodd. Carrie Reed,
Clara Detrow. Mabel Leslie, Elizabeth
McKeown and Mabel Owens of Omaha.
Messrs. Harry Moran, Willis Olson, Lee
St. Philomena's Church
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Howard, Royal Miller, John McKeown.
vi,.i. Mun) X4i.. u...k. t... .,..' ui.i John Owens and Ieonard Zwlsler of
Oeraldine Hess and Miss Dela May Byers. 0m.ah Charlea Lewis i of Qrable. Mr.
Mrs. William Kraak of Fifth avenue was
pleasantly surprised Monday afternoon at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Able Allen,
on Woodbury avenue, by about thirty of
her friends, the occasion being the seventy
fourth anniversary of her birthday. The
afternoon was spent socially with music
and games, after which refreshments were
Miss Emma Olllllland entertained the
girls of the Y. X. Y. club Tuesday even
ing at her home on Willow avenue. Prizes
at cards were awarded Miss Ethel Galla
gher and Miss Helen Canning. At the close
of the game a course luncheon was served,
covers being laid for the Misses Gladys
Faus, Nellie Kinzel, Ethel Gallagher, Helen
Canning, Millie Sperling and Erma Olllll
land. j
The Misses Mary Wadsworth, Vine
Binder, Velma Peck. Rleanor Mayne, El
vira Kinnehan, and Messrs. Charles
Ketuhum, George Camp, Roland Otis, Frank
Walker and Dr. G.eun Heed computed a
party of Jolly picnickers Wednesday after
noon and evening at Lake Manawa. After
nenAlnff the afternoon on tha -) llnWa
a picnic lunch was served, followed by i "11 the Chicago Athletic associa-
boatlng j tlon won all the honors with a total of
Mrs. H. A. Qtilnn and Misa Mate Baker 1 110 points out ot a possible 12. The meet
chaperoned a party of young people at a j Berved , 4 tryout for th. Central Athletic
Jolly picnic at Lake Manawa, Friday. The I , , . ' , ,
party went early to the lake and after , association to determine the personnel of
spending the morning bathing a picnic ; the team to compete In th national champ
lunch was served. The party Includsd lonshlps at Seattle next Saturday.
Mildred Fleming, F.llzabeth Qulnn, Jean- , M v. .
ette Greenshlelds. Marian Saunders. Bern- 1 In ,ha rcord breaking category waa
ard Beno. Clyde Lyon. Harold rihubert and i Frank Irons, winner of the broad Jump
Howard Dunning of Omaha. , n the recent Olympic games, who set a
Mrs. H. Tlel of 2018 Sixth avenue was new record with a Jump of H feet 1 Inch,
tendered a verv pleasant surprise party , , .,
Wednesday afternoon by the members of A' B' 8hw- who broke th worId 8 record
Bluff City lodge, No. 362, Ladles' Auxiliary the 110 meter hurdle at London Olympla
of the Brotherhood ot Railway Tralnaien. was defeated by Frank Waller In the low
the occasion being the sixty-third anniver- . hurdles Waller set a new sensational
sary of her birthday. The afternoon was nuia13- "ew sensational
spent socially and refrtshments were recora or v.m. u. r. namey ana f rank
served. As a remembrance of the occasion Hamilton, also members of the recent
rh' lelm BifT"'n.te1 by h'r gUe8U UU O'ymplo team sot new marks. Ramey
running kmi yards In and Hamilton
and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Zwlsler and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Owens
of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oil
more of arable.
Cameras and Photographic Supplies. C.
E. Alexanders, S33 Broadway.
Direct action gas stoves save gas. See
them and know why. P. C. De Vol Hard
ware Co. 604 Broadway.
Seres Sectional Records Are Broken
at A. A. IT. Meet.
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Seven sectional rec
ords were broken In the Central Amateur
Athletic union championship meet her
of New Tork, Mitchell and Oakes ot Cin
cinnati and Ellis of St. Louis.
Ansisial Regatta at Detroit "era Hard
FonKStt Finish.
, DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 7.-The New
York Athletic club this afternoon won th
senior eights championship of the Ameri
can Association of Amateur Oarsmen, th
final event of the thirty-seventh annual
regatta, after a splendid struggle In whloh
they were challenged every Inch of the
way by the Argonaut club of Toronto
and the Detroit Boat club crew. Wind and
water conditions were perfect and Track
won In the fast time of (06. Four firsts
were credited to New York oarsmen of
four different clubs. Canadians took the
remaining three events.
James Cosgrave of Toronto, In the final
of the senior association single sculls, fin
ished first by two lengths, but was dis
qualified for fourths William Merhoff of
the Nassau Boat club, New York, who
was given first place.
The senior eights championship was
conceded by veteran oarsmen to be one of
th hardest fought races In the history of
the association. There waa never a full
boat's length between the three leading
shells throughout the mile and a quarter
of the race. Minnesota spurted at the
start and held a short lead for about an
eighth of a mile. New York, the Argo
nauts and Detroit then passed the western
crew, and theee three shells fought for
the lead from that point to the finish line.
As they passed th mil post th three
shells were lapping, with New Tork lead
ing slightly. Minnesota by that time had
fallen two lengths to th rear of the lead
ers, with Wlndott crew several length
behind them. By hard work the New
Yorker held their lead to the finish line,
across which they swept with the nos
ot th Argonaut boat a dozen feet behind
their boat, and Detroit ten feet behind
the Canadians. ,
Th senior four-oared shells event waa
won by the Ottawa Rowing club four,
who led practically all of th distance.
Th Arundels of Baltimore were third.
John W. O'Neill of Halifax. N. S.. In
the champion senior single sculls, beat
Durando Miller and Fred Shepherd of
New York. O'Neill maintained th lead
from the start.
Champion O'Neill waa defeated by Fr4
Fuessel of th Hartford Rowing club of
New York In the quarter-mile dash for
senior single sculls Just before O'Neill
won hi championship.
In the senior quadruple shell, th W Bet
ter n Rowing club of St. Louis, did not
qualify and a picked crew waa chosen to
give the Nassau Boat club of New York
a race. Th New Yorker won easily.
In the custody of th New York Yacht
club. The schooner Queen and sloop
Avenger, winners In past years, figured
aa competitor In today' race.
In elapsed time the Istalena went over
th course more than twenty minute
faater than its nearest rival, the
Avenger, and In corrected time had a
lead of more than eleven, minutes over
that speedy craft. The course of thirty
eight miles Was covered by the winner
In S. 79:18 elapsed time, or 6:16:25 cor
rected time.
a handsome lodge pin.
At the home of Dr. and Mrs. V. W.
Houghton, Tuesday evening. Miss Laura
Lewis was tendered a farewell party by a
number of her young friends. Those pres
eut were: Misses Edith Long, Eleanor Ful
ler. Laura Iwls. Hazel Reynolds. Haii-1
Hart. All-ura Fuller, Ruth Reynolds of
Chicago; Messrs. John Oltver. Kenneth Sny
der, Wallace Wheeler. Earnest Hart, H. E.
Slegrlst, Joe Grasson and Walter Lewis.
Miss Lewis will leave In a few days to
make her home In Escondldo. Cal.
covering flSO yard In 0:22.
Picked Teasus from Major Lesgsti
Will Visit the West.
CINCINNATI, Aug;. 7, A post season
series of ball games to be played by team
of some of the best known player In the
Miss Burl I. OtlMon, daughter of Mr. and , major leagues In a tour beginning and end-
HuKhen'of"1'" a'n Mr'.. 7oUn F ! " " nu'"b" f m" on
Hughes, wer quietly married Wednesds , roast Is being planned.
afternoon at the Broadway Methodist i Among those heading the movement ar
MUrul;.iiur!1.,,.h.T"t0t ,RV'. Jamr I Rh hard Egan of the Cincinnati National.
M. Williams of flclationg. Following the- j , .... ,
ceremony Mr. Hughes and bride left for nd thrle Irwin, former first baseman
a snort wedding trip to Minneapolis ar.d
Aberdeen. 8. D. They will be at home
at 3M Wat Broadway after August 10.
Mr. Hughes Is vice president of the Stand
ard Manufacturing company.
P. S. I.orlmer Pinnaces Through Fence
In Fort Erie Races.
BUFFALO, Aig. 7.-F. S. Loilmer, driv
ing a forty-horse power Chalmers-Detroit
racet In the Canadian championship at 100
miles over the Fort F.rle track, plunged
through the fence In the ninety-sixth mile
this afternoon and was seriously Injured.
The driver was found unconscloua, pinned
beneath the wreck of his machine. He
waa revived later and taken to Buffalo In
an automobile.
The event was won by Chevrolet, th
French driver, who covered the 100 miles
in 1:44:32H- H shattered a world's record
for fifty miles over a circular track, held
by himself, covering the first fifty miles
In 51 minutes 19 seconds. The previous
record was 61 minutes 22 seconds, made
recently at Grand Rapids.
Another feature today was the three-mile
race between Barney Oldfleld and Walter
Christie. Oldfleld, In a Bens, won th rac
by four lengths, th time being X:M.
Christie, In a mile exhibition, lowered
the track record of 0:64. mad by himself
yesterday. To a flying start he covered
the oval In 64 seconds flat.
Three-mile sweepstakes, first heat, open
to all: Walter Christie, won. B. C. Crocker
second. Time: 8:31. Second heat: Barney
Oltllield won, Christie second Time: 2:64.
Ten-mile open: Louis Chevrolet won, Ed
Jeho second. Time: 11:35.
Five-mile handicap: Chevrolet (46 sec
onds) won, Ed Jeho 1 minute) second,
Barney Oldfield (scratch) third. Time: 5 4H.
Canadian championship, 100 miles: Chev
rolet won. Time: 1:44 :J!H. F. S. Lorlmer
out of race In ninety-sixth mile.
Surpassed br Only Nine Cities for
the Mouth of Jelr In
Only nine cities In the United States an1
Canada show a larger gain In new build
ings for the month of July than does
Omaha, according to a report compiled by
the Construction News, a New York pub
lication. While nine show a larger gatn,
only three of these cities Pittsburg, Kan
sas City and Chicago reported buildings
to cost more than those built . In Omaha
during the month.
Thirteen cities abow a decided deoreaae.
San Francisco and St. Lout are among
these, but most of the cities to report a
loss are In the south.
A Clean Man
Eldred Hart entertained at dinner at the
Boat club cafe Wtdneday evening, prior
to his departure for school in the east thl
fall. The table was prettily decorated In yel
low, golden glow being use In abundance.
Covers mere laid for the Misses Adelaide
Wright. Marie Stewart, Gertrude Tiniey,
Mary Stlllman. Irene Klntz. Gertrude
Wheeler, Lucll McAte. Florlnda and
Lenoia Young of Macedonia, and Messrs
for Cincinnati. Th idea is to organize A
team of former California players to make
the pilgrimage, playing game en tour and
winding up with several games In Cali
fornia. Among those named as prospective play
ers on the ara are: Bliss of St Louts,
Easterly of Cleveland, Stanage of Detroit,
Krause of Philadelphia, Overall of Chicago,
Johnson of Washington, Letfleld of Pitts
burg. Heltmuller ot Philadelphia, Egan nf
Cincinnati, Sweeney of Boston, Hal Chase
II Literally Wear Oat Nearest Cans
patltor. CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 7. C. N. Beard
of Cleveland, In winning the Ohio state
tenntsh championship today, literally
woreout Fred Carr of Youngstown,
forcing Carr, who Is of slight physique,
to default on the last set. Th score
was 1-6. 2-, 1-3. 1-7. dfault.
In the men's double championship II.
F. Pettee and Charles Bsnton, Cleve
land. fested Phil Collins and
Henry Wick, Cleveland. 7-5. 5-6,
4-, 6-2.
The women's doubles championship
went to Mrs T. F. Hannam and Mips
Lois Moyes, both of Toronto, who de
feated Mrs. C. N. Beard. Cleveland, and
Miss Miriam Steever. Chicago, 1-1, AO.
sloop Yacht Owned by New York Man
tiets Tropbr.
NEWPOR, R. I, Aug. 7-The sloop
yacht Istalena. owned by Georg M.
Pyncheon of New York, waa th victor
today In th fourth renewal of th race
for th King's cup and will have ltt
nam Inscribed on th $5,000 gold trophy
presented by King Edward and kept
Outside cleanliness is le than half the battle. A maa sat
orub himself dose time r, and still be unclean. Good
health mean cleanlinee net only utside, but inside. It mean
a clean stomach, clean bowels, oleaa blood. clean liver, and
aew, clean, healthy tissue. Th man who is oleaa la this way
will look it and act it. II will work with energy and think
clean, olaar, healthy thoughts.
He will never b troubled with liver, lunf, stomach or blood
disorder. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stoat
cht. Blood disease ar found whr there is unclean blood.
Csssm ption and bronchitis mean uaotean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prevent these dine. It wake a man's loaid oleaa
and healthy. It oleaa the digestive organ, makes pwtm,
oleaa Mood, aad elean, healthy sash.
It restore tone to th nervous system , and euro nervous exhaustion aad
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-formiag drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean unclsanlincss. Dr. Fierce' Pleasant Pal
lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to tk at candy.
The Pass Word for a perfect "Highball"-
Try It once youH know
th raaton why.
L To aeltzer, ginger ale or aoda, it adds aa
appetizing zest and imparts a richness of
flavor possessed by no other whiskey,
fl, QUAKEK MAID IYE it the winner of three
highest awards St. Louia, 1904; Paris, 1905;
Portland, 1905. It U
"Th Whiskey with Reputation M
for sal at all Orst-euus bars, safes and a rug store
Uen'l Agent, Omaha, Vetj,