The Omaha Sunday. Bee. PART SIX WANT ADS PAGES 1 TO VOL. XXXIX NO. 8. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 8, 1WX SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. " 7r 1 -fi Si ! WANT ADS x - B- 0 r a 'r f XV B I . Want - Ads Ad-rertlaesneate for ne rolasaaa will takes et1l 19 aa. taa avc-alasr edltlaa ul aatll SiSO a. m. far tha Basralas; aa Baadar ' !. Caak ana aeemsiBvaar all aedera far wast ads ui aa ad-revtlaesaaax will vtptr far laaa taaa So seats ar firs lasertlna. lUtn apalr ta eltae Taa natly Bandar Bea. Always eaaat six wtrtU ta llaa. CABH It A TVS rOlt WAJTT AO. REOCLAn CLAlSiriCTIOTT 99 lasertlaa, 1 1-1 ralt f war 1 eeat par ivDrl far each sakeeqaeat laaertloa. Bark laaertlaa saavds am odd lift, l l- eeats aav r( ft. BO per laa ar aaoatk. Waat for Tka Baa mar b left at anr of the followlaa; ira( ataraa one la roar "corner dra-srteM ber are all kraark effleea for Tka Bea aad roar ad will be Inserted Jaat aa promptly aad oa tke aaaaa rataa aa at the mala afflca la Tka Bea BatldtasT, ieveateentk aad Parana etreetai Alback. W. G. 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A. MM 8. 18th BU Bcht Pharmacy, Benaon, Nob. Femls Park Pharmacy, (3d and Cnmlnf. Blake's Pharmacy. 2S35 Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. R.. 6th and Pierce "ta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, nil Military Ave. Coiitr, J. B., 31at Ave. and Farnam St. Crifpev Pharmacy. I4th and Lake Sts. Cfrmak, Emll, 1204-S 8. 11 h St. Hhlera. P. H., 2802 Leavenworth BU Foster A Arnoldl. Jl N. 2th St. Freytag. John J., 1(14 N. 24th St. Flotence Drug Co., Florence Neb. Ureenough. O. A., 1824 8. lth St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. JPth BU Hsyden, William C, 3020 Farnam 8U Hoist, John, $24 N. lth St. Huff. A. L., ?4 Leavenworth 8U King. R. 8.. 28 Farnam St. Kointxe Place Pharmacy. 3601 N. 24th BU Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N.-24th 8U Patrick Drug Co., laftf N. t4th St. Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake St. DEATH AND PINEHAL NOTICKS. JOHNSTON Thomaa, died August T; aged 6 years. Funeral from residence, 4227 Burdetta atreet, Monday, August , 2 p. m. Inter ment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Frlenda in vited. NOROREN-Nela, age 71 yeara. Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the realdence of hla daughter, 981 N.orih Twenty-fifth avenue. Frlenda In vited. Interment Forest Lawn. OXFORD-Dr. Charlea, August , 1909, aged 67 years. 6 montha and 11 days. Funeral services will be held from the family residence, 1702 Vinton street, Mon-if.-U AuIfu,'t at ,, a0 P- m- Friends In el,,d.. R"alna will be taken to Chicago, for cremation. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William Armhrust, Sixteenth and Canton streets, boy; James Flnnsrty, 2732 Fort street, girl; Antonio Sebastlano Man- ruemell, 819 South Sixteenth street, boy; Ifnry Nelson, 2.2 Saylor street, boy; Nathan Hanson, Omaha General hospital, boy; W. A. Nelson, 340 North Thirty-fifth street, girl; Mathiaa Stefan, 2633 Washing ton street, boy; Axel SeartadU 2209 North Twtnty-fltth atreet, girl; Andrew Nelson, 3S.7 Maple street, girl; Vaclav Kocomek. ?: South Fifteenth atreet, girl; Vaclav Halura. 1702 Hickory atreet, girl; Samuel Kauffnld, 111 South Eighteenth street, boy. Deaths William J. Stockham, Thirty-seventh and Cuming streeta, 58; Pan Robin son, 3H10 Camden avenue, 86; Joseph Gor man. Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue. 50; Frank R. Wlthnell. 420 South Twentv slxth street, 39; Mra. Ellxabeth Evana, 2701 Hickory street. 72; unknown man, drowned In Mlfsourl river at' foot of Douglas street 40; unknown man. run over by ChlcaBO, St. Paul, Mlnneapolla ds Omaha train at Florence, about SO. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1HT4; prompt service; get our prlcea. i10 Karnare 8u GANG EST AD. 404 Uee B:dg. Tel, D. S87. :jATNF, 1NV. '-O. first floor N. T. Ufa. BENJAMIN R. K. CO. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL E6TATP' TlTLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President CITY PRUPUIITV FOR SALE. $2850 BUYS A 9 ROOM HOUSE IN CLIFTON HILL 430s Buidette St.. within one block of Benson iar line. The house has C rooms and bath on the first floor and I rooms on the second floor. Owner Is moving out of the city and has made the price vary low for quick sale. Be aura to look this up at once. HASTINGS HATDEN. 1814 Harney St. Your Opportunity to get a first-clasa home of I rooms, readv built, for less than cost. The owner of tula fine home has bought land near Seattle ami has authorised us to sell Immediately. House has large hall, living room and din ing room In oak. kitchen and pantry In flue; 4 good bed rooms and attic; full eel ar. cemented; laundry; porch 9x28 ft.; lot 60x135 ft., south front on paved street, with paving paid. This la only I blocks to car and about 4 blocks to St. Cecelia a cacho dral. If you are In the market for a first class home, investigate thla at once. (,.35) SELBY lsth and Farnam. 438 Board of Trade. Hansom Park Brand new 7-room house, all modern, rtnlshed In oak. birch and maple; best of plumbing, combination lighting fixtures; cemented basement; furnace and laundry sink, close to car. Price, t.W. Terms, half cash. . Benson & Myers Co. ft 1 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglaa 744. ' CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL $787 Capitol Ave. .1. blocks west of High school. Large corner lot, room for another house; paving p,d. Kight rooma. oak flnleh on first and birch and maple oil second floor; built for a home In first class manner by day labor last year. First class Plumbing, combination f la lures, good fur eace, cemented cellar, good attic. Buy from owner and aave commission. Price ga?e TeJ. Doug. 73$. Call and Invest": tlST your property with Chris Boyer. t?d aad Cunuag Slav tU U REAL ESTATE CITT PllOPKRTV FOR SALE. (Continued.) D. V. SH0LES CO. Ill Board of Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sts. , BUNGALOW CITY BBTTEB HOUSES, MORB FOR TOUR MONET. AND THE BEST BUILT AND BEST FINISHED AND ON THE REST TERMS, OF ANY HOUSES IN THE CITT OF OMAHA, FOR MONET. MARBLES OR CHALK. HIGH, SIGHTLY GROUND CLOSE TO THE CAR, AND SOME OF THEM READ V TO MOVE INTO- ALI HANDBOMELT DECORATED; WINDOW SHADES UP, AND NO EXPENSE WHATEVER EXCEPT MOVE IN TOUR FURNITURE. PRICES RANGE FROM 12.900 TO M.800. FROM 5 TO 7 ROOMS EACH STRICT LY MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE. WILL BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. TAKE WALNUT HILL. BENSON OR DEAF INSTITUTE CAR AND EXAMINE THESE. IF NOT AS WE REPRE SENT THEM, COME INTO OUR OFFICE AND WE WILL REFUND " YOUR CAR FARE AND PAT TOU A REASONABLE COMPENSATION FOR YOUR TIME WASTED. WHAT MORE CAN WE OFFER? CREIGHTON'S SECOND ADDITION East of Military Ave. and Between Seward and Parker Sts. Lota 60x130 and 60x150 feet, with aewer. water, gaa and permanent walka; right along the car Una. From $500 to S00. All high and sightly and absolutely good values. A delightful place to live. Wa ma ke easy terms; interest 6 per cenU Or a discount of I per cent for castt. CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION ' South of Hanscom Park About 46 Iota left out of 200, of which 156 have been sold within the past year. Those wa have left run from 1300 to I6t0. All uniform grade, city water and perma nent walks, and some of them with aewer. Take one-fifth cash and balance In 6 equal semi-annual payments, or a discount of t per cent for cash. Close to car and school. MILTON ROGERS' PLACE North of Leavenworth and Between 19th and 20th. The moot dealrabla inside residence or flat property of anything offered. Onlv three minutes to thaaters and down town and within about three blocks of tha new Woodman building. All lots have sower, water, gaa and paving all paid and price is less than S0 per foot. VACANT f LW0 Choice lot on Central boulevard, Crelghton's First addition, sewer, water, gas, permanent walk; no paving tax to pay. High and sightly. $ L200 46x125 feet, west front on 83d, north of Dodge; eastern owner wants to close out and has made this low price. DOWNTOWN. $16,000 Within one block of postofflce, WxlSO feet, with brick improvements, renting 1.500 per year. Sounds good, looks good, and IS GOOD. 116,600 Corner 18th and California, 66x66 feeU with 2-story frame building, bringing about $1,300 per year. Building la good and if now fronts were pat In and generally overhauled this would pay big Interest. Tha ground alone is worth . the price we offer. INVESTMENTS $22,600 Twelve modern new 5-room brick terraces, northwest corner 25d and Nich olas; rent $2,900 per year. Ground 112x170 feet. So located that they are always sure of renting well. Excellent Investment and ona that will pay big in terest $17 600 Two double modern St. Louis flat buildings at the northeast corner of 29th Ave. and Harney; exceptionally well built; fine location and sure renters. Rent $1,800 per year, HOUSES $ 1.500-2218 8. 28th St., nice 6-room cottage, with fruit and garden; lot 49x150 ft Will make easy terms. A good bargain. $ 2 "00 1417 N. 40th St., 6-room cottage, with bath, gas and city wated; paved street, all paid for. Lot 33x127 ft.; half block from Walnut Hill car. $ 2 5003110 Corby St.. 60x110 ft., with 7-room house, all modern; close to car and achool. A good place. Terms, $600 cash, balance earne as rent. $ 3,750-1428 Plnkney St., new -room cottage, thoroughly modern, with oak. finish In two rooms; furnace heat, gas and electric light; full cemented basement .All the rooma extra large; large porch, with concrete ornamental piera, lot 60x130 ft One-half block to car; nice shade. $ 3,800-Handsome new square house, two-story, rooms and reception h all, thor oughly modern; 50-ft. lot. In Benson. wes of the Country club. Block and a half to car; beautiful, high, sightly view; oak finish and well built; no city taxes to pay. . $ 4.000-I228 Farnam St.. nearly new modern t-room house, fronting south; very de sirable neighborhood. Will make reasonable terms. $ 4'.600-22OS Fowler Ave., modem -room house, fronting south; full lot. W- oak finish downstairs; noi wiitr ioti, r.-:-- T, llllfirUV in III, L'l H " - - $ 6.200-On S. Central Blvd., In Crelghton'a with hot water heat; thoroughly I . I . nr.. a fiBir commanding view. An excellent purcnase ana uwnimui $$,200-An handsome new 7-room hotise, east front on Central Blvd. just south of Castellar St. In Creightona First addition: exceptionally well built; fine oalc finish; thoroughly modern; east front lot and only offered for a few daya. $ 6.600-Near 0th and Davenport Sts.. a nearly new and thoroughly modern 8-ro7 dwelling, with oak finish downstairs; largo rooma; full lot; paving all paid. House la handsomely decorated throughout. Combination fixtures; large pantry; comfortable, convenient and cloae In. Possession immediately. $ 4 500-61U Capitol Ave., Dundee, 50x130 ft., with handsome 4-room bungalow, finished In oak, birch and fir. with oak floora; thoroughly modern; handsomely ar ranged. A gem of a place. . t (.500 2309 8. S3d St., Crelghton'e First addition; very handsome 8-room modern residence, exceptionally well built, nicely finished; oak floors; beat plumbing; fireplace and buffet built In; lot 60x140 ft. This will certainly pleace you. t 7 600-On S. 10th, oppoelte St. Mathlas church; east front; a delightful spot; 50-ft. lot; fine shade; nearly new house; $ large rooms; hot water heat; oak finish; good plumbing and most desirable in every particular. J. B. KITCHEN RESIDENCE On KA Ave., one of the handsomest of Omaha's ralattal homes, with large and exceptionally well built brick, alate roof residence; large grounds, 20136 ft. Ground alone Is worth $20.0ti0 to $25,000. and the Improvements coot nearly $76,000. This Is an Ideal chanoe for some wealthy man to acquire a fine home at a great sacrifice. If you want a fine' home or cont emplate building one In the near future, don't fall to investigate thla flret. W e can surely Interest you West Douglas Street New square, 2-story house at 4257 Douglas St., strictly modern, with combination fix tures, full cellar, coiner lot. fine shade, room to build another house Preaent house only 1 year old. Price $3,650; reasonable terms. Payne, Bostwick &Co. Sole Agenta. Main Floor, N. T. Life. $2,000 CASH AND $100 PER MONTH A fine sunny home, modern except elec tricity and In first clasa condition, corner lot Wk146, and barn, near high school', only four blocks from postofflce. Price 111 iofl; no reduction for cash. Any thrifty family can make thla property pay for itself. Full particulars on application. J. H. DUMONT & SON, . Phone Douglas 890, lt06 Farnam St. FOR SALE Modern 8-room house, J0 Emmet St., facing south on the Presby terian seminary campus, one block from the University of Omaha grounds, one half block from Kountse park, one block from Lothrop achool; six churches within four blocks: paved streets (all paid); all taxea paid; lance shade treea. All consid ered one of the most desirable blocks In Omaha, lmiuire of owner, 201$ Emmet St., or phone Webster 10M REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTV FOR SALE. (Contlnjud.) Telephones: Douglas 49; Independent A-2049. First addition; two-story V'oom, J"i modern; cholnce east front lot, high and TA CO T AnOUL II II 1 L CHHII Will UU . Your Last Chance $300 cash, balance the same as rent, will buy the n. w. corner of 15th Ave. and Ohio St.; a good two-story, 10-room house, south front, corner lot; haa city water, sewer and gas; rented to a good tenant for $20 per month; price this week only $1,950. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Elk. Special Bargain New, 6-room house modern desirably lo cated In Dundee district block and half from car. New cement walka Nloely sodded yard. Price $3,500. Will give terma. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block $3.000 One six-room modern, nearly new oottaga. one block from Sherman Ave ; high, alghtly, overlooking Lake Nakoma. $4.400 8-room modern house or bungalow ou Dodge and 4th. A BEAUTY. $2.tiu0 6-roora cottage, modern except heat, N. tb Ave. A BARGAIN. LATHROP TOBIN, 415 Baa Bldg REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 9 A I.E. (Continued.) GARVIN BROS. 318 N. Y. LIFE $ 650415 Dorcas St., 6-room cottage, part terms. $5,600 On N. 19lh boulevard, beautiful home of 10 rooms, improvements atone cost $10,000, large chki front lot, 66x140 ft. Price, $i,ijuo, reasonable terms. BIO SNAP. $2,800 3S30 Seward St. (Orchard Hill), 7 room house, modern, except furnace, newly pnlnted, south front lot. bx 130 ft.; asphalt paving, cement walks. Want ofter, a owner must sell. $5,000 A splendid nearly new dwelling of ( rooms with every modern con venience; paved (street; excellent . neighborhood and good surround ings, near 31st. and t'ass Sts. See about this PART TIM I.: $12,000-1538 S. 27th St., good 8-room house. iiewiy painiea ana modern, except heat, with east front 50-ft. lot; shade, and near Hanscom Park car line. LOOK AT THE PROPERTY AND MAKE US AN OFFER $3,600-2218 N. 18tH St.. ON EAST TERMS; nearly new dwelling; has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms and bath, laundry, stairway to attic, furnace, elec tricity, gas, porcelain bath and everything complete, with nice east front lot and shade. Terms, $500 oown, Daiance to suit purchaser. Can give possession September 1. DON'T BOTHER THE TENANT SEE US. 16TH AND CASS CORNER 66x132 PRICE $35,000 89 FEET Farnam, Near 24th WITH 15-R00M BRICK PRICE $18,000 GARVIN BROS. 318 N. Y. UFE PETERS TRUST COMPANY Ground Floor N. T. Life Rlrt. $1,460 Good five-room cottage In west part ot city; three room and hall down stairs; two rooms up; rooms all of good aiie; full lot, with cement walka: recently rjanered and naJntrri $1,560 South fronl cottage of five rooma at sail Howard St.; this la located on ground 33x124, la in good condition and well rented. $4,000 3S30 Charles St. ; large and all mod ern nouse in excellent condition and located on a fine south front lot 50 ximi; street Is paved and there la plenty of fine shade. We have just painted thla house and, at the price we are oiienng it there is a wide margin of profit to the buyer, either for a home or Investment. The owner has left the city and la anxious to use the money elsewhere and for that reason would consider a reasonable offer. $,200 New home of aeven rooms In Dun- aee; naif block from car; never been occupied; hardwood floors and finish; paneled dining room; full aouth front lot; takes very little cash to handle it. $8,600 One of the best home In Hanscom Park; Is close to park and car; fin ished In light oak; two toilets; fine east front lot; owner wishes to leave the city and will entertain any reasonable offer. INVESTMENT. Two fine cottages within one block of "i. car une; mesa are exceptionally well built and are supplied with a fine system of hot water heat. They are but three yeara old and have never been va cant, with hardly a change of tenanta. They are now paying 10 per cent net on the price we ask, which 1b $.5,600. W'e offer for a abort time only a close In business Investment which Is now pay. lng 16 per cent net. Amount required, $12 NEW DUNDEE HOME ON EASY TERMS 6022 Cuming 8t.. 7 rooms and reception hall, 2-story square house, full basement an,d large attic, modern In every respect; selected oak finish 1st floor, hard pine flniah, 4 bed rooma snd bath on second, stair way to attic, conveniently ar ranged; best combination fix tures; well built; immediate possession, lot 60x136 ft. Price, $4,350. TERMS very reason able. See ua about this. 100 ft frontage can be secured if . desired. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St.' MONEY la what we are trying to get. We can make you money If you buy the 8-room thoroughly modem home we have on 86th Juat nc-ith of Farnam St; beautiful east front lot with trees and shrubbery; you don i have to pay all cash either to buy It It's only $6,000 tf41;. SELBY 436 B. of T. Bldg. lth and Farnam. $5 DOWN . and $2 a month will buy full sized lots In ..harJeT Heights, right next to beautiful t. Omaha. $68 to $80. on graded streets, near schools, on a hill overlooking the city. Only thing cheap about them la the price. Take Florence car to 30th and Fort and walk three "blocks west, through Fort Omaha. Salesmen on top of hill Monday evening ontfl dark. Real Estate-Title Trust Co. Chas. E. Wllllamaon, Pres. 1301 Farnam. BUNGALOW Oak. maple and birch finish; new; 6 rnnrni' ll nr.wn . i t . . . . , ,, , ,,i idiiicp rvtiineno4! district; full lot, east front. Prion. $3.M. Terms. $ cash, balance easy. Let us show it to you. Immediate possession. Benson & Myers Co. 412 N. T. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 746 WHO WILL GET ITT A 6-r. house, 60-bbl. cistern, pump In kitchen. No. 1 well: full corner lot; 2 blka. to Farnam cars. Only 11.400: xaoo ruh hi. ance aa rent J. H. PARROTT, $26 Board of Trade REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPK11I V KOK SALE. (Continued.) Choice Homes $6.200 3310 Hamilton street, eight large rooms, with large vestibule and entrance hall on first floor, aleo Inige reception hall on second floor; room for two more bed rooms on third floor not finished: parlor, (lining room, llhrarV, halls and atalrwav on first floor, finished In finest uuartered sawed oak, trimmed with spectHl himlwa-e made to order; verv fine Imth room fix tures costing over $W: south front lot with sixty feet frontage, with nice terrace, over looking Hemls pnrk: street paved: onlv one lot between this and 3:d Htreet car' line. This house wss built by a contractor for his own home nnd is ponitlvelv right In every respect. Look it over and see what you think of It. $5.700 ;i40 Cuming street, nine rooms, strictly modern, with r.o for at least two more full bed rooms on third floor, If desired; first floor ouk finish, second story birch and maple; hot water heating; large grounds fronting on Hemls park; street paved ami paid, right on car line; an Ideal home for some liumuess man. lnis house has a living room 26 feet long. Look at it today. tS.i.00 ."411 Cuming street, eight rooms and attic, with finish the same as above house; hot water heating; one of the finest ar ranged plans In Omaha, suitable for en tertaining large numbers of people, street paved and paid and two car lines within a block. The above two houses will be completed In about a week. $6,5003712 Hawthorne avenue, new eight room strictly modern house, with hot water heating and oak finish, fine combi nation fixtures, south front, large grounds facing the most beautiful street in Be mil park. If you look at this property you will surely buy it. $0.000 3412 Lafayette avenue, new, eight rooms, strictly modern, with large attio and full basement; oak finish, hot water heating south front parked street with no paving to pay; plenty of large shade-trees; In fact, a very fine house for a small amount of money. Call the owner, G. W. GARLOCH, 3704 Hawthorne Avenue. 'Phones, H. 379. B. 2671 Summer Bargains $700 A 4-room cottage and barn on Elm St., only short distance from South 24th St. car line. Easy payments. , $1,550 A great snap In a 4-room, practically new cottage on 13th St. Just south of Vinton. $2,600 A 4-room cottage on Capitol Ave. be. tween 27th and 2&th. modern except fur nace. Easy terms. $3,000 will buy you an S-room house on S4th St. near Hanscom park, modern except fur nace; large lot. Easy terms. $4,000 Is all we ask for an 8-room all modern resi dence on Mason St near 31st. south front lot, paved street. Easy terms. $17,500 One of the best residences In Omaha Is offered at the above figure, slmplv because the owner must go west for his health. Let us show you through thla elegant home. m So. 3th St. You'll surely like it. The Byron Reed Co. 212 South 14th St. Phones, Doug. 297, A-3834 Entirely Modern $10,000 12-r., Including 2 rooms finished for servants on third floor. 3 extra lavatories, complete laundry, double heating plant, elegant finish, elaborate decorations, lot 66x140, paving paid. Georgia Ave. $6.500 S-r., facing Oakliurst Park, best white oak floors, cement driveway on north side, lot 60x167. 1109 Sp. 33d. $6.000 7-r., Just completed, between Field club and Hanscom park, east front, best oak finish and floora, excellent for small family. 1518 So, 33d. 15.E00 8-V. and hall, concrete eeller lu.i laid, new walks, corner lot, 60xl.V; big snap for location half way between West Far tiam and North 3Sth St. district; street to be paved this year. S. E. cor. 37th and uavenpon bis. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. TWO MODERN 2-story pressed brick houses, 8 rooms, first class condition, full lots, West Farnam dia- iitti, ,.uw mm ii, i nese are line nomi s and very cheap. Strictly modern new 8-room house, hard wood finish, combination light fixtures. .-u.itii dou oi. ocai r hi iidlll, at,uuu. A Dar galn. Alodern 7-room house, partly hardwood finish, first-class condition, good neighbor hood and near car line, only $3,600. AV. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. THINKING Of buying a home or lot? Our list Is large. We have sum very choice lots and houses. Remember SELBY 436 B. of T. Bldg CHOICE WEST FARNAM LOCATION M.000 for T,t ft. fronting east on 32d Ave., near some of Omaha's flnet residences. This is a reduced price for Immediate sale, only V per foot. The cheapest properly In the neighborhood. For further information see George & Co., J GUI Farnam St. $0,150 NOW IIUYS WEST FARNAM HOME Got to sell; going to sacrifice almost new. t-room, strictly modern home, well located, ouk finish; hot water heat; pav ing paid: Just half block of car. If Inter ested see us personally. OLOVEB lit A LTV SYNDICATE REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPF.RTV FOR S ALB (Continued.) $600 LOTS In Dundee We have the best bargains that have been offered in Dundee for a long time. The lots are well located, on good high ground, and ate bargains at $600. TertnB, $100 cash, balance $10 a month. City wat.;r already In. I There are only a few left at this prlVo and you must act quickly If you want one. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Su Conservative Rldr. BARGAINS $1,360 New 6-rnom cottage, in North Omaha, lot 60x128. $1,700 8-room, two-story house, 38th and Parker; lot 60x128. $l,800-e-Six-room cottage, 2107 Ohio; bath, gas, lot 30x119; rent $18. $2,000 Eight-room house at 2864 Ohio, lot 60x127. $2,000 Five-room cottage, 2615 Patrick Ave., bath and gaa. $2,400 Six-room house, most new, well built, on 26th and Franklin, rent ing at $23. $2,600 Eight-room. 2-story mod ern house. 22d and Ohio; hot water heat. $2,800 Six-room house, modern except furnace, 2421 Spencer; lot 40x 127. $2,600 Seven-room, new, modern except heat, east side of Dundee. $3,250 New cottage in Kotintze Place, modern except furnace: full basement; lot 60x124; paved street. $3,400 Eight-room modern house. bath, gas, furnace, cistern, with pump In kitchen; lot 50x124. $3,000 Seven-room modern house. hot water heat, east front lot 60x137, on Z6th. near wool worth Ave. $6,500 Nine-room modern house. at 2024 Wirt, corner 21st, oak finish, 3 mantels and fireplace, large base ment partitioned off, laundry, with sta tionary tubs; vegetable room, toilet, good furnace, finished attic, large porches, ground 100x12 4, large barn, paving paid for. W. H. GATES Room 617 N. T. Life. 'Phone Douglas 1294. Improved Properties $4.000 Fine new home In Kountxe Place; rooms and reception hall, strictly modern, newly papered, combination fixtures, south front, lot 50x12s, on paved street, 1H blocks from car, only 15 minutes' car ride to business center. $3,500 For a fine new home In Boulevard park. 6 rooms and reception hall, shades on all windows, east fronl, bricked up basement under entire house, close to oar line. 1 block from Doulevard, and a bargain. $6,0006 rooms and reception hall, modern situated on SSth St., between CM rago and Cass Sts.. one block frorr Mr. Joslyns $1,000,000 home. A fine little home In Omaha's choicest res! dential district. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. LOOK AND ACT 1317-19 So. 82d St., two 8-room. all modern houses and barn; rent for $27.50 and $30; total $57.50 per month. Price, $i.(0. 7-room house, water, gas and electric lights, large lot. near Vinton and 17th c, Only $2,150. THE MIDLAND INVESTMENT, Main Floor McCague Bldg. 'Phones: Doug. 1152. A-2656. HOME OR INVESTMENT -room house lid and Cuming, renting for $30 and water; all modern; can now sell for $3,000; $600 cash required; rent about takes care of balance; nonresident owner says we got to sell. GLOVKR REALTY SYNDICATE ACRES TEX ACRE TRACTS , On Dode-A Kt mm kst M . n O. at $IU0 per acre. FIVE ACRES on Florence boulevard near Fort St., with good house, barn, etc., $5,000. The Byron Reed Co. Phones, Doug. 297, A-S&34. 212 So. 14th St. One-Half Acre 2708 Blnney St.; 6-room house with u. nr. of ground, for $2,250. Mere Is a snap for some on who wants to get out and raise chickens and have a gurden. The ground alone Is worth what the property la offered for. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. T. Life INVESTIGATE THIS SNAP On beautiful Pratt St.. new 6-room. mod ern cottage; full basement; paved street large lot, handy to 24th St. car. This cot tage Is a landy and will please you and Juat think, only $2,870. Terms. PHIPPEN & EDWARDS, 30H Boston Store Bldg Phones: office, Douglas 22W, Residence, Webster 4658. REAL ESTATE CITY PIUU'KH I V KOH Al,R. (Continued I GOOD HOMES $5,000 Hiiys No. .1116 Chicago St., the best 8-room, modern house In the West Farnam l'l.siiict we lmv ever of fered for the money. Tills house Is all model ti In c-xcllent condition, having been thoroughly repaired and p.ipeitd and painted Insula and out; all the woodwork has hern var nished and rubbed down. This lot alone Is worth $2,000. and we feel confident that this Is the best bargain In Omaha for tha money. $3,500 Buy a good 6-room cottage on Dodge St., Just east of Mr. Henson's home. The house is In good condition, with slate roof. There Is a full lot. If you want a moderate priced home In a district wliero values will double in the next 5 years, don't fall to see this hou.e. $2,750-P.uys 12?2 Po. 27th St., east front lot 50xir0; 6-rooms, modern, except furnace: new plumbing; fireplace In living room; very deep basement, wrre $ or 4 rooms can me made. In an excellent neighborhood and close to park and sotiih 24th street cars. Street will lw paved soon. $1,500 cash, balance easy. $2.200-Poiys 3R10 Dodge St.. lot 50x1,12. 6-mom cottage, In excellent neighborhood. $2,000 Tluys 967 No. Dfith St.-11-rooms ar ranged for 2 families 6 and 6-room apartments; paved street; city water and gas; rents $J5; eHsy terms. $1,750 Buys ! No. Jfith St. neat fl-room house 2 rooms In basement can he siih-let; cltv water and gas; paved street; walking distance and close to car line; eusy terms; rent $20. BUTLDINO SITES $L500 Buys 45 feti eaut front on 24th St Just south of Franklin; stoics or! either side; splendid place for stores and flats; 124 ftet dwp. This Is a bargain and is one of the remaining assest of un Insolvent hank. $3,500Buys 132 feet south front on Cuming ' M at the Northwest coiner of Ave. Splendid place for stores and flats or cottages; price has not In creased In 3 years, while, the prop erly has increased 50 per cent In value. If you want a closeln In vestment, don't overlook thla cor ner. $1,000 Buys 7 lots on the corner of Mth and Pierce Sts., Just 2 blocks south of Leavenworth St.: carllne on top of the high ridge, with level street : magnificent view of the city The corner lot alone Is worth $X0. We sold one lot across the street for $i".0 The carllne will soon be extended on Leavenworth St. If you want a bargain where you can double your money in 2 years, or build cottages for sale, don't fall to see these lots. Remember. It Is the S. K. corner of 54th and Pierce Sts. Easy terms. ACRES ' $3,500 Buys 15 acres on Orphanage Ave., 1 mile north of the Benson car line: mile from paved road, on the east side of Krug Park and also but 1 mile west of 42d and Grand Ave car. High, sightly land, all In grass never had a plow on It. We will buy any acreage as close to Omaha Postofflce as this at thn same price barring all bottom land. SOUTH OMAHA ACRES ' $1,250 Buys 5 acres near 46th and Harrison Sts South Omaha; we also have 8. 9 and 20-acre tracts at $250 an acre on easy terms, In the same location. $ 5.00 Down snd 5 ner month, buys acre ... m i.onge tarn at 44th and Har rison sts.. South Omaha. Wra'k south from the end of the "Q" St car Jin. lo Bep nl) fn,H(, RrrK trarU There are 20 families living on our acre lots, who will be glad to show you the unsold lots. N. P. DODCE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. New St. Louis Flat $8,000 818 and 320 P. 27th Ave., ex ceptionally well built, oak fin ish, combination fixtures, fur nace heat, now rented for $n00 per year, and was leased be fore completion. Close to Far nam car and within walking distance of business district Adjoining corner, 3:ix33 ft., can be secured for $3,300 additional. George & Co., 1(101 Farnam St. $750 Lot on 35th Ave., near Leavenworth. Lot Is ready to build on. Sewer, city water gaa and cement wnlks; ',2 block to car;' fine shade trees. (2:iJ) 1 " W. L. SELBY 436 Hoard of Trade. Sherman Avenue Nearly new 7 rooms, all modern, full l7SMSy,l bpulfu"y finished and decor ated, full lot. fine lawn and shrubbery on paved street, paving t.ald. Owner eavlng city reason for selling, and offers the property at the low price of $1,550. Sea us for terms and further particulars. Benson & Myers Co. 412 N'- v. I'lfe Bldg. Phone Douglas 746. Cheaper Than Renting That new 5-room rottace ou the southeux corner of 2ath and Ames Ave. with modern fiuuiuing. gas. not and cold water, full cel lar, large attio. corner lot, "11 ready to move right In, for $i,r,.V). on easy terms Is much better for you than to pay rent for the next ten years. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. V. Mfe. 5-room coltane, modern ex. heat, south front lot; paved street; near 25th and Price, t2.V); part cash. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 70S New York I.ifu Bldg. Both phones. 3 ACRES The prettiest suburban home site you ever saw. Location Ugh and sKhtlv, unob structed view for f. miles in v. rv direction pnrtly set to fruit and all In prairie od! Price, $1,300; i-at-h. halum e to auu PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. V. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781, A-11'S