Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 4, Image 18

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Monday at Hall
A clean tip of our immense
Handkerchief stock at Just
Half lingular Prices.
2c Handkerchiefs,
5c Handkerchiefs nt. . .2V&C
7c Handkerchiefs at7. .3VgC
lUc Handkerchiefs at. . . ,5c
15c Handkercliiefs at. .7V2C
25c Handkercliiefs at. 12Vic
Don't miss these bargains.
Big assortment for selection.
Matchless Bargains Monday in Nearly Every Dept. of our Dig Store
High Grade Wash Goods
New fall Bengalines, newest out 25c
English Poplins, as .fine as silk 50c
American Poplins ' 25c
American Pongees 25c and 15c
New Silk and Mercerized Novelties 50c
New Silk and Mercerized Novelties 25c
New Madras, for tailor waists, all the new fall colors, 30c, 23c 18
New Fall Wash Goods now on display.
High Grade Woo! Dress Goods
All the new fall weaves now on display. Nun's Veiling, Batiste,
Tailor Suitings, Broadcloths, Novelties, etc., at prices less than any
other house In the west.
75c all wool Batiste 59c
$1.98 Prunella $1.25
$1.98 Poplin $1.25
Ten other specials for all day.
20c Embroideries 9c
A big lot of wide embroideries
and insertings, regular 15c
20c and 25c qualities,, secured
at a great bargain and on sale
Monday, at,
yard C
New Neckwear,
New Hair Goods,
New Leather Goods
at Splendid Saving Prices.
Summer Silks at Less
Than Manufacturers' Cost
All odd bolts and short lengths of our high class Sum
mer Silks must go in the next few days. To accomplish this
quickly we have marked them for Monday without regard
to mill cost, Come early and secure the choicest values.
6,000 yards of plain and fancy
silks foulards, pongees, taffetas
check and stripe silks in Im
mense variety of weaves and col
orings selling price from C9c to
$1.00; all at one price Monday,
jard 30
$1.00 and $1.2.1 Foulards this sea
son's choice styles and colors
dress lengths and short bolts
an immense variety to select
from on sale to cloe at less
than mill cost; Monday, choice,
yard 5Q
$I..V Itlark Taffeta, oil boiled. 36
Inches wide; on sale Monday, a
yard 08
$l.AO Black Sntln Mescaline, 36
Inches wide, rich and lustrous
at. yard $1.15
$2.00 Black Ponu do Soles 36
Inches wide, the season's greatest
value SI. 50
$I.OO Whltf Habutla Wash Silk,
27 Inches wide; In Monday's sale
t 50
7.Tc White Habutla Wash Silk, 27
Inches wide; in Monday's sale
Ribbon Sale
75c Ribbons 29c
All the odd boxes of Extra
Wide Taffeta Ribbon, se
cured from the largest and
best factory in America at
Less Than Half Their Actual
Value. Monday they will be
on salo in three big lots:
35c Ribbons at lDi
50c Ribbons at 25c
75c Ribbons at 29c
Muslin Underwear Bargains
Scores of new lots, the choicest values In snowy undermusllns ever offered In Omaha.
Skirts that would sell regularly up to $5.00, at 08e, $1.50 and $1.98
Gowns that would sell regularly up to$3.00 many different and beautiful de
signs, several hundred dozen in the lot for selection, at 98c
Combination Suits Regular values to $2.00; Saturday, at 98c
Corset Covers and Drawers Regular values to $1.00 49 ttn 25
Clicmiie Regular value to $2.00, at, choice 4C and i8
8 to n. m. Corset Covers, worth to 75c, choice 15
O till 10 a. m. Ladies' Gowns, worth to $2.00. at t)8?
10 till 11a. m. Ladles' Mklrts, worth to $3.50, at, choice OSt
Men's Furnishing Bargains That Should Compel
ready 8 o'clock response from the Omaha buying public. They're without doubt
the choicest values that have been offered you this season.
Muslins, Sheetings, Sheets,
tic, In Our Famous Domestic Room.
Our famous 330 yd. wide Bleached
Muslin, worth 7V4c 5
The best 7c Unbleached Muslin
in the market 5
9-4 Bleached Sheeting 210
Fruit of the Loom, 10-yard limit,
at 7H
Hope MuBlin. 10-yard limit 7H
Lonsdale Muslin, 10-yard limit
at 7M
BeEt Bloached Sheet in the market,
made of superior muslin, 81x90,
for 44
A first class Pillow Slip, worth
12c, 42x36. for 10
15 specials in Towels, Toweling,
Sheetings and yard wide Muslins.
Extra Specials
for Monday In Our Famous
Domestic Room
All the Standard Prints blue,
silver gray, black and white, etc.,
worth 74c; on sale at 5
15c Percales 100
12 c Percales 8H0
10c Percales 7C
A line of odds and ends of good
Percales GH
12 Vic and 15c White Goods 7H
19c and 25c White Goods.. 100
15c India Linons 100
25c Persian Lawns 100
15c New Fall Flannelettes. . 100
Amoskeag Apron Check In a
large variety.
Final Clearing Sale of Lace Curtains
and Summer Draveri Materials. To Close Quick Will Offer the Following Prices
$7.50 Brussels Net Lace Curtains,
at. pair 4.25
$6.50 Ecru Cluny Lace Curtains
at. pair $4.98
$8.00 Cluny Lace Curtains go at,
pair 86.50
Antique Scrim Curtains, go at,
pair $3.50
$7.50 Cable Net, In white go nt
pair S4.9S
$5.00 Ecru Cable Net, pair $3.50
$5.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains
go at. pair 84.25
$3.50 Nottingham Curtains go
at, pair $1.98
$3.00 Cable Net Lace Curtains
go at, pair $1.98
$7.60 Madras Curtains, pr.$5.50
$6.00 Madras Curtains, pr.g5.00
$4.60 Bnrnett Dace Curtains, pr (3.98
$4.00 Striped Scrim Curtains, go at
pair a.B
$3.60 Striped Scrim Curtains go at
pair 1.98
S SO Ruffled Net Curtains, at 91.98
$2.50 Ruffled Swiss Curtalna po at
at $1.85
Oriental Couch Cover, 60 Inches wide,
at, each 81.98
Roman Striped Conch Cover, at.
each fl.00
32 Inch Drapery Silk, Monday only.
at, yard 85o, 7Eo and 490
Wash Suits
& Dresses
M a Small
Fraction of Worth
Linen, Lingerie and Rep
Suits and Dresses, that sold
regularly to $10.00; about
300 of them to select from;
on sale at 2.98
230 Beautiful Wash Suits
and Dresses Regular val
ues to $20.00; princess and
jacket styles, at. . . .7.50
Over 700 dozen fine shirts,
made to sell at $1.00 and
$1.25; plain white or fancy
pleated bosoms, many coat
shirts In the lot, big assort
ment of new colors and stvles.
at 590
Men's Fine Neckwear, 25c
Regular 50c and $1.00 values,
several hundred dozen In the
lot, choicest verslble lined and
wide end styles, in silks and
satins, choice 250
Men's I'nlon Suits Lisle, niaco
cotton, porous knit, etc., all
sizes, values to $1.50, 500
Men's Undershirts and Drawers
that sold to 75c, at, per gar
ment 250 and 350
78c Half Hon, 23c Entire
sample line of Onyx hosiery,
in fine silks, littles, lisle thread
and silk pleated hose, regu
lar values to 75c at, cholco
for 150 and 250
Summer Shirts In the pretty,
popular soft collar styles, big
gest assortment in Omaha, 98c
to 83.50
and Coats
Less Than Actual
Cost of Materials
All newest summer styles
and colors Chiffon Panama
and Serge Suits, clever
styles, in wanted colors
values to $25.00; choice at,
each $9.90
100 Ladies' Coats; all colors
and sizes nobby summer
styles; values to $15.00 at,
choice 3.98
Dainty Lingerie Waists, val
ues to $4.00 fifty dozen in
the lot; on sale Monday at,
each $1.98
Our entire stock of Children's
Dresses Values from $1.98 to
$4.00; on sale Monday at, your
choice 1.39
4.95 on sale Fine Brilliantine Skirts
Ladies' Dressing Sacques
Made of French percales
all sizes and colors, regular
75c values, choice 49c
White Serge Skirts on sale
All new styles and regular values up to $10.00. Don't miss them.
Matchless Bargain Opportunities
In Our High Grade Linen Department for Monday
Pure linen Belfast Table Damask,
dew bleached, 72 Inches wide,
fine assortment of patterns,
worth $1.00 yard; Monday, per
yard 590
Grass Bleached Dinner Napkins,
22x24 Inches square, all pure
flax, worth $3.75 dozen, Monday
six for 1.00
Oriental TurklBh Bath Towels,
extra large size, heavy double
twisted thread, good values at
60c; Monday, each.. 300
A mixed lot of pure linen Huck
and Bleached Bath Towels, extra
large size, worth 35c; Monday,
each 190
One hundred large Sheets, size
81x90, heavy durable . muslin,
French seam, 3-lnch hem, worth
75c; Monday, each 500
One hundred dozen Pillow Slips,
two sizes, made of good muslin,
worth 17c; Monday, each.. 100
Mail orders filled while goods
White Goods Specials
In Our High Grade White
Grand assortment strictly high
grade White Goods, In bt. Gall
Swisses, figured Mull and all
white goods, values to $1.00 yard
special Monday, yard. . . -500
Elegant line fine, sheer White
Goods, In checked and striped
Dimities, figured Swisses and
Nainsooks, values up to 50c
Monday, yard 250
Immense assortment of White
Goods, in fancy Novelty Waist
ings and fine, sheer dress ma
terial, worth 35c yard Monday,
yard 180
Goods Department Monday
Grand collection plain
Lawns, Nainsooks and Per
sian Mulls, with fancy Nov
elties and sheer "White
Goods, worth to 25c Mon
day, yard 12Vc
All our fine Colored Dress Linens,
every Imaginable shade, sold up
to 35c yard -Monday, yd.. 190
Mall orders filled while gooda
rFurniture Specials
Sanitary Steel Couch Regu
lar $4.25 value, a limit of
two to a customer; Monday,
at .2.49
$8.50 Iron Bed Full size.
1-inch post, a splendid
value at regular price; great
snap Monday 5.25
f7.75 Solid Oak Chiffonier Five
large, roomy drawers, nicely fin
ished, a splendid bargain on
sale at $5.50
Sterilized Feather Pillows, weight
5 lbs., regular $1.50 pair values;
Monday at, per par 000
Many Other Splendid Bargain-.
This Grocery Ad Is Special For Monday
Tlour, Canned Goods, Bottled Gooda, Cheese, Batter,
Crackers, Fresb. Veretablee and Fruits.
4S lb. sack bent highest Patent Flour, made from old
wheat, per sack 81.65
20 lba. pure cane Granulated Sugar $11)0
10 bars beat branda l,aundry Soap Zbo
10 lb. sacka beat white or yellow Corn Meal 15c
7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal 25c
lbs. choice Japan Rice K5c
8 oz. bottle fancy Stuffed Olives 12 He
10 oz. bottle fancy Stuffed Olives 15c
11 oz. bottle fancy Stuffed Olives Ho
Life Cocoa, per can -. 10c
Davallne Scouring Soap, per can 3
l,u Lu Scouring Soap, per can 6c
lb. cans fancy Gilt Edge Asparagus 20o
The best fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb 28c
The best Ialry Butter, per lb 2So
The best full cream, white or colored Cheese, per lb. 20c
The best full cream Brick or Dimburger Cheese, lb. 18c
Hon City Lgces
The popularity of these dainty Wash Laces is growing daily
and we have sole Omaha agency for their sale. You can't
duplicate them in beauty or quality at the tZf
prices. See the special offering Monday, at. . . . s2C d VC
Truly rare bargains.
Freslv Corn, per dozen.. 6c
Fresh Cooking Apples, per
peck 15c
4 bunches fresh carrots 5c
4 bunches fresh Beets.. 5o
Fresh Peas, per quart . . . fio
6 Summer Squashes.... So
6 large Cucumbers for 6c
Large Cantaloupes 6c
8 bunches fresh Unions do
S heads fresh Cabbage. 6c
2 heads fresh Celery-.. 6c
3 bunches fresh Parsley 5c
A Carload of Extra Fancy Colorado Freestone Peaches
for Monday This car la extra fancy large and Juicy,
Monday, per box 7 9BO
California Bartlett Fears la Bushel Boxes Pears have
advanced 25c per box and will go higher For this spe
cial sale, per box $2.10
No limit all you want.
Crockery Department Specials Monday
Decorated Covered Dishes and Ces
seroles, odds and ends of stock
each 15.
Decorated Jardinieres 50
Decorated Cuspidors, In blended
colors, each 150
Decorated Dinner Plates 50
Decorated Sugars and Creamers
Monday, each 50
Decorated China Dread and Butter
Plates, Dessert and Fruit Plates,
each 50
Quart size Mason Fruit Jars In Monday's sale at, dozen. .'. 450
fSk, Try HA YD EN'S First PATTS
Monday is Hardware Day
1 quart Tomato or Fruit Cans, dozen 30o
The 26c Wilson Bread Toaster 10
25c Enameled Fruit Jar Funnels 10o
20c Mrs. Vrooman'i Sink Strainer 10o
12 quart Enameled Dish Pan I0
12 quart Enameled Water Pails 8o
25c Grass Hooks, closing out price x. 6c
$1.65 No. 8 all copper, nickel plated Tea Kettles.... SBo
85c Bread Boards, special 1
45c Comet Brass Wash Boards 19o
86c Wooden Chopping Bowl 190
Rice Root Scrub Brushes
Medium size Wash Tubs, only 40o
83.50 boys' Wooden Coaster Wagons fl.98
81.26 galvanized no. waan ijoner
75c Japanned Bread Boxes
Mondav we will close out the famous White Mountain
Refrigerator below cost. This Is the best sale this sea
son. We have only two sizes left.
Size 33 Inches long, 22 Inches deep and 46 Inches hlgti,
holds 100 lbs. of Ice, worth $22.50 at $13.99
Same size enameled, worth $24. 50 at V14.95
Size 86 inches long, 23 Inches deep, 48 Inches high, holds
125 pounds of ice, worth $26.00 at $14.98
Same size enameled, worth $29.00 at $16.95
Large size boys' Steel Wagons 8o
No. 2 Western Washer, only $2.69
14-Inch Lawn Mower, Monday $3.98
Rug Specials
$10.00 High Spire Brussels
Rugs, 9x12 size, good pat
terns, at -.$7.49
$32.50 Body Brussels Rugs
9x12 size, 25 patterns to se
lect from, at $25.00
$25.00 Extra Axminster
Rugs, 8-3x10-0 size, 16 pat
terns for selection; on sale,
choice $17.98
$8.50 Kashmere Rug, fast col
ors, 6x9 size, no wrong side;
special, at $5.49
liet us measure your Windows
for Shades.
you nothing.
An estimate costs
Historical Batlrtl" In City of Mex
ico Saffers from Earth,
It It sad news that the earthquake shocks
In Mexico have rendered the great cathe
dral. as one account says, "practically a
mass of ruins." In an architectural way
this building constituted the chief glory of
Mexico's capital. To command a bird's
eye view of the City of Mexico It has hem
customary for tourists to begin their ob
servations at the Plaza Mayor, the great
central square, by ascending the tower of
the cathedral, whence lay spread out In
splendidly clear panornma the valley, en
circled by an Impressive framework of
mountains. As rem In the rarifled atmos
phere It was a m'ghty qanvas In worthy tan
ting. This lias been the largest cathedral
of North America, and one of the grandest
buildings to be cen anywhere, best me
morial of tjie ancient days of Roman Cath
olic power In Mexico. The edifice, begun
In 1573. was nearly a hundred years In
process of erection, being completed In lt!7
at a L-ost of Utile lees than $!,000,OU), and
Its symmetrical and reposeful architecture
was after the best plans Spain could offer.
The cathedral Is located on the north side
of the city's chief square. Is of the form of
the cross. .4. feet long. 300 feet wide, and
175 feet high at th central dome, and Its
massive twin towers rose to an altitude of
200 feet. Solemn was the vast Interior ef
fect, though the place of worship had been
despoiled of much of old-time splendid In
terior ornamentation. The high altar was
at one time the richest In the world, with
Irs candlestick of gold that one man could
not lift, and golden chalices and pyxes
ludded with precious stones, and the
goldeu cenrera. crocses and statues that
were many cf them plundered In the long
period of Mexico s demoralization. There
are five naves, six altars and fourteen
chapels, where rest the bones of some of
the departed viceroys and great men of the
country. There were ancient paintings on
i ..Hi, nine of them credited to Murlllo,
and In other days the cathedral was a
..ui iitju! huuaie of costly art sucb as
the all dominant church could command.
One It contained a golden statue of the
AfBumptlon, ornamented with diamonds,
said to have been valued at over $1,000,000.
That the place was rich In history and
haunted by memories the most varied, goes
without saying, and must be emphasized
by the fact that this building, which was
begun S3 years ago, occupied the site of
the Aztec teocalll, or temple of sacrifice, up
whose steps Montezuma led Cortez, and,
taking him by the hand, pointed out the
beauties of the city that the Spaniard was
to make desolate. Springfield Republican.
the nearby town of Ronquleres and there.
Instead of being pursued, were requested to
follow out the "Superman" - Idea of be
coming the pursuers and making proposals
of marriage to those men who struck their
Willingly the diffident male permitted
himself to be wooed and won; and now
the young men are clamoring for the per
manent establishment of this scheme which
puts them beyond the danger of hearing
the dreaded "no" from the lips of a woman.
Where Men Are Wooed.
Once upon a time, many, many years ago,
when men and maids used to carry on
their courtships in a manner far different
from that which obtains today, a bashful
suitor entered the town of Kcausslne In
Belgium. At a loss for words, he planted
In the darkness of the night of April 30 a
white birch tree before the doorway of the
house of his beloved ont, in order that It
might plead the purity of the cause to
which the fluttering heart, draining him of
equanimity, prevented him from doing ver-
bal justice. The next morning when the
damsel arose and found the tree, she knew,
by love's unerring Instinct, who had placed
it there and sent to the bashful youth an
Invitation to call. The lad sought out the
lass, was welcomed, entertained and en
couraged. A "happily ever after" ending
followed. Since that day the plan adoptod
by the timorous lover has become a custom
in KcauHHlneu, and suitors both bold and
bashful have eime employed it.
In the last four years, however, there has
evolved from this charming custom a grand
fete, in which all of the eligible men from
towns for miles around Kcaussines have
gathered at the quaint lielgian village and
taken unto themselves wives from the
wards of the municipality. The conveni-
. ences of the occasion are beyond computa
tion for those of the young-men with cour
age enough to propose marriage, but the
hesitating have often come away wifeless
and sad. victims of their own embarrass
ment. To better the lot of these would-be
benedict and give them a chance with their
more fortunate brethren, a new rule in the
matrimonial game was agreed on this year,
and when April 30 came, the blushing maid
ens of Kcausalne were Invited to come to
Long Police Service
(Continued from Page One.)
prised and puzzled and was as innocent
as a new-born babe. "What's the mat
ter?" he asked Whelan. "Open the door
and come on in, nobody is going to hit
you." But Whelan refused to touch the
door again and It required considerable
diplomacy to bring him to understand the
humorous side of the affair.
Another time Whelnn hd a bad cold
and went Into the cell room to soak his
feet In a tub of hot water. Some myster
ious person, let us not say it was cither of
the arch conspirators already mentioned,
threw some alcohol through the bars and
Into Whelan's face. It stung his eyes and
Whelan believed that one of the prisoners
had sought vengeance on him by throwing
vitriol In his face. He sent up a call for
help, which brought every one in the sta
tion to the rescue, and when vitriol was
mentioned the police surgeon, at that time
Ir. Claudius Dlbbern, was brought oil the
run to save the officer's eyes, it possible.
When Uie excitement subsided and it was
found that there was do acid and that
Whtlan was not injured, the latter kicked
over the tub of water In disgust and left
the station.
Another story they tell on Whelan la the
adventure of the "little red bouse," and
this became a phrase around the station
which Whelan heard morning, noon arid
nlgnl. Tbe other actor In the miniature
comedy was one "Sleepy" Hewitt, of much
latter-day fame a an adversary of the
game wardens who guard Cut-Off lake
from seiners. The sleepy one had been
arrested on a charge of stealing some car
penter tools, this as far back as 1&S4. Sleepy
told the Judge that If he would send him
out with an officer he would take' him
to where the tools were hidden. Whelan
was court officer and was sent on the
chase. After , the got started Hewitt told
Whelan that he had sold the tools to a
man who lived In a little red house and for
long hours the two walked looking for such
a place, which afterward proved to be a
product of Sleepy's fertile Imagination.
Finally, near sundown, Sleepy, who all the
lime was looking for a chance to escape,
caught Whelan In an unguarded moment
and made a run for It, getting away.
Whelan returned and told of the trip and
afterward the "little red house" became a
much used expression when he was around
the station.
In the old days when the police station
was located at Sixteenth and Farnam
Whelan played fit. practlcul Joke which gave
him a good scare A southern darkey, who
had been arrested on some minor charge,
served his time there and liked the place
so well that he stayed and paid for hi
board by running errands and working
aiound the building. In the afternoon he
would get a chair In a shady place and go
to sleep. This was an opportunity too good
to be mlhsed by the practical Jokers who
have always abounded around fhe station
and it was an oft-day when something did
did not lappen to the negro. A favorite
trick was to fill a sack with water and
drop It on him from an upstairs window.
One day Whelan got hold of a cement tack
which he filled with water and proceeded
to drop on the sleeping darkey. He over
looked the fact, however, that the sack was
practically waterproof and would not break
as the others had done. He dropped It
from a third-story window and it caught
the darkey on the back of the head and
neck. It knocked him out and for a little
while It was thought he was dead. It Is
told of Whelan that he was busier Just
then fixing an alibi than he was ever seen
to be before or since. The negro son re
covered and was none the worse for the
Such stories might be 'written endlessly,
but they all show the same things In re
gard to the character of the man. Fearless,
kindly and with a love for a Joke and-m
good word for everyone. Sergeant Michael
Whelan will long be remembered by the
Omaha policy.
When he was placed on the retired list
and his pension allowed him the Board of
Fire and 1'ollce Commissioners passed a
lesolutlon thanking him for his long years
of faithful and efficient service and wish
ing him a long life in which to enjoy the
retirement he so well earned, and every In Omaha who knows him wishes the
same thing a long life of ease and freedom
from care and worry.
Mr. Whelan never married, but he was
frugal and has accumulated from his pay
enough property to provide him an income
sufficient, even without his pension, to re
lieve him from any worry as to a com
fortable existence for the remainder of his
A few days after his retirement he left
for Excelsior Springs for a recreation trip
and proposes to take things easy and enjoy
himself from this day forth.
Officer Dennis J. Hyan, who was placed
on the retired list of the Omaha police at
the same time as Officer Whelan, went on
the force July 28, IKS. He served con
tinuously from that date until the first
of the current month. He Is now 67 years
of ago with a wife and two daughters.
During his serylce Officer Ityan never rose
above the tank of patrolman, but he was
one of the best men on the force and wis
as reliable as any officer that has ever
seen service in this city.
Chief lionohue says Officer Ryan was
one of the best men he ever saw in police
service. When sent out to make an arrest
he was fearless of any danger that might
be nitaiUJ In the performance of his duty.
He was called before the police board to
answer charges t.f misconduct or neglect
of duty but once or twice during his twenty
years on the force. Nearly all his years
he had an "Inside" beat and was for sev
eral years detailed to the "tenderloin" dis
trict. During his last year on the force
he was turnkey at the city Jail,
Nance County
(Continued from Page Three.)
fldence of the entire people. The two
bank buildings are among the very best In
northern Nebraska. The First National
Is presided over by Theo. C. Koch, presi
dent, and H. C. Denkmann, cashier, and
The Fullerton Nation bank by Martin I.
Brower, president, and W. P. Hatten,
cashier. These banks have a combined de
posit of $414,000.
Fullerton has a population of 2,Oo0 peo
ple. Most of the business men own their
property and have ample capital for busi
ness purposes. This Is the center of trade
for a Inrge territory and It has a trade
out of all proportion to the size of the
city. Generally the circle of trade from
the country reaches out six to etght miles,
but Fullerlon draws trade from ten miles
on the north, ten miles to the east, .or
eleven miles south and about twenty miles
to the west. This means that about 900
families recognize this city as their trad
ing point, and as the average family spends
about $01 per year, It is plain that about
$;00,000 finds Its way to this city from
these farms annually.
With Hie modern Chautauqua Idea travel
ing westward, Fullerton was among the
first of the smaller cities in the state to
establish one. The beautiful scenery sur
rounding the city has a state-wide repu
tation and the Chautauqua grounds nest
ling at the foot of the famous "lever's
Leap," form a special featuie of attrac
tion. The Fullc-rton Chautauqua was first
started In 1SW under the name of "The
Epworlh Assembly." A few years later
a stock company was organized to manage
the assembly and the name was changed
to "The Fullerlon Chautauqua Assembly."
Those who have watched Its growth have
seen it develop from a small gathering at
the foot of "Lover's Leap" into a large,
modern assembly, to which thousands of
visitors come annually to camp amidst thn
beautiful scenery and enjoy the splendid
programs. Tbe Chautauqua Is managed by
a board of five directors, who are men of
Influence and have the best Interests of the
assembly at heart. The park in which the
Chautauqua la held comprises about sixty
acres of 'natural oak and ash timber, sur
rounded by lofty bills, with the Cedar river
running near.
One of the largest government training
schools for Indiana la located In this
county at Genoa. When the Pawnee
reservation wes thrown open to settlement
one-half section of land and certain build
ings were reserved for school purposes.
The school has grown from a compara
tively small one at that time to Its present
capacity of 3o0 pupils. It Is considered by
the department as one of Its best working
plants. It operates Ita own steam heating,
electric light and water plants. While the
majority of the pupils are enrolled from
the Omaha, Winnebago and Santee
reservations, located within the staie.
quite a number of pupils come from
Michigan, Wisconsin, North and South
Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and Kansas.
They are carried through the eighth grade
work and are taught various useful
trades. All pupils attend class room work
one-half day and devote the other half
to the study of a trade or In farm work.
The boys are taught hlacksmlthlng, car
pentering, shoe and liarnessmaklng, tailor
ing, printing. steam and eleetrleal
engineering farming, fruit culture, dairy
Ins, etc. The girls are taught the useful
tlilnns thnt fit them for good home
makers such as nursing, laundering, dress
making, baking, and above all. especial
training is given them In cooking and
general housekeeping. Quite a number of
the larger boys and girls are permitted
to work in the homes of farmers and
townspeople during the vacation months.
Kvery summer a much larger demand Is
made for the pupils than can be suppdjd.
Thus it will be seen that education of 7'e
hand as well as the mind Is solving the
Indian question.
Their moral welfare and spiritual train
ing Is given every consideration. The
sohool has one of the best brass bands in
the slate and an orchestra second to none
outside the large cities.
What Ms rule Maid.
Margie's mother wax growing some seeds
and explaining how "they would come up
"Oh, yes!" exclaimed Margie, "hy g V
to bed bibles and get up grow a JHJ
i A
' 7