t Instituting Reforms MANCHU Copyright, 199. by Frank O. Carpenter ) CKDEX, Manchuria, :m. (fiperlal rorrPHpondence of The B.) I find Manchuria rapidly awakening to f.io new rlvllln tlon. This country han long been considered tha moat bar barous part of the Chinese empire. The home of the Manrhus. It has been held aa aynonymoiia with brigandage and corrup tion. Tntll recently neither Ufa nor prop erty was safe, and today there ara guer rillas who snoop down from the mountains to levy taxes on travelers In transit and to blackmail the villages. The whistle of the trains on their way from Siberia to the Yellow sea has sounded the death knell of the old clvllliatlon, and the hordes of Rus alansand Japanese, by whom the land has been overrun during tho last few years, have aided In nursing the new Into life. Manchuria has now some of the most pro gressive of the Chinese officials aa Its rulers, and they are Instituting all sorts of reforms. ' The larger cities have been cleaned. Mukden has streets free from filth, and all the way from here to Dalny the Japanese have been Introducing weat ern ways. Mnnrhnrln't New Schools. Hr In Mukden the changes are b.lng made by the Manchurlan Chinese. This country is a part of the Chinese empire, and Its officials are appointed from Teklng. It contains three great provinces, each of which has a governor, and over the whole la a viceroy, who lives at Mukden. Most of the reforms have been largely due to the provincial governor. His Excellency Tnng Shao Yl. who was recently In the TTnlted Slates to return thanks for the re mission of the Boxer Indemnity. This man was for a long tlma director of railroads of North China, and as 'such was closely associated with Yuan Shlh Kal, who until lately held the place of LI Hung Chang In the councils of the empire. Under Tang common schools have betrt started, and the young Chinese mind Is being trained along the lines of western methods. The boys are studying arlthmetlo and the modern sciences, and they have a military drill several times every week. A big Industrial sehoo; has been established, and also the agricultural college of which I have written In a previous letter. I drove out Into the country yesterday to look at the beginnings of a forestry de partment, which may some day clothe the bare, dry hills of southern Manchuria with trees, and from there to an experiment farm where modern agriculture Is being taught. Mukden's Industrial School. Leaving the plantation. I visited the In dustrial school. This has now sixty stu dents who are learning manual training under Chlneae who have been educated al road. It has large carpenter shops in whl h beautiful furniture Is made, and that from the native wood. It Is only the lower part of Manchuria which has no forests to speak of. Along the Sungarl river there ara vast arras of walnuts, oaka and other hardwoods. Some of tha best timber Is only eighty miles from the railroad, but the transportation Is ao bad that Oregon pine can be brought across the Taciflc and up here to Mukden and aold at lower rates tt an the Manchurlan lumber. At present there Is a scheme to build a railroad to connect the forest regions with the South Manchurlan system, and when that Is dona tha Manchurlan wood will be used all along that line from the Yellow sea to Siberia. Omaha Tel Jed Sokol Teams IX YOUNG men and six young SI women will be sent by Tel Jea I Sokol the Omaha Society of KithMtilan turners tn r7htoAln late this month, to compete in the world's Bohemian turner meet. One of the six young men has been chosen a member of a clasa of six to rep resent America In the athletic contest with a plckd team from Bohemia to decide la- S imm. ' 1 s -' Mi' ilA!M v r 1 - From Left to liight Llllle Uioveo. Emms VMous. Mamie Kment. Tlllle Treybal. Mnrie Mlk, Tlllle Kment. UlKLi TEAM OF TEL JED BAKOL TO COMJ'KT. AT CHICAGO. POLICEMAN. Some of the finest of the native timber la walnut. It Is the color of cherry and Its k'raln Is ss close as that of birch. In the Industrial shops this wood Is being used for fine furniture. When stained it closely resembles mahogany. This school teaches all sorts of Iron work ing. It has spinning and weaving depart ments, glass-blowing shops and all the up-to-date appliances of the manual training schools of America. The students ara bright young fellows of from 14 to 1 years of age. They live In the school, sleeping In dormitories, five boys to ths room. Each room has a kang or brick ledsre about two fet high In It. This Is heated by flues which run under the floor. The boys study In their rooms during the day, when not In the class rooms, and sleep there at night. As In all the new schools, the students have a special uniform and are suhject to military drill. They wear trousers. Jackets and cups and their feet are shod with boots of black cloth. Tartar Courts Reformed. A great reform Is going on now In tha Manchurlan courts and as to all matters of law. A well organized police service has been established and there are now uniformed policemen on every block. These men wear padded black clothes of almost Kuropean cut. The long Manchu gown has been abolished and they have coats, trousers and boota. Their pigtails are covered with caps and they carry clubs as btg around as a broomstick and almost as long. The clubs are painted black to make them look Ilka ebony or iron, but, in fact, they arc exceedingly light, and a good blow upon a hard skull would break them in pieces. Tha police men still have strips of whit cotton about four Inches wide wound around their left arms, as a sign of their mourn ing for the lata emperor. For monthe after his majesty's death they dared not shave their heads; and their black hair, except where the pigtail came forth, stood up like a shoe brush all over the calp. Some of the police carry swords. The system of Justice In the Manchu rlan courts is being reformed. The tor turing of prisoners to make them, con fess has been largely done away with, and slicing to death has been abolished. So far I have met no criminals wearing the cangue, although this was a com mon sight during my several previous visits to China. About eight years ago I saw three women locked together In a framework of boards three feet wide and six feet long. Their necks were f 11 ted Into holes, and the framework was such that It could be open and clcsed. The women could not feed themselvea, and they could not move unless the all went together. At the same time I saw men undergoing similar punishment. They were loaded down with heavy planks which rested upon their shoulders, their heads coming out through a hole in the center, some Buch canrjues were further weighted with Iron. I saw one man who was Inclosed in a barrel so tight that his head came out through a hole In the top, and his hands through the sides. The hales were Just largo enough for the wrists; the man could not scratch him self nor convey his fcod to his mouth. At that time no criminal could he pun ished until he had confessed, and every Chinese who was arrested was pounded with a bamboo on his bare thighs or s'ruek ternational championship. This champion is Frank J. ,Rlha, and he and Frank J. Krecek were In a class sent by Omaha to contest in the world's meet held In St. Louis in 1904. One of the six young women, Miss Tlllle Kment. also contested In the St. Louis world's meet and Miss Kment and Mies Mamie Kment, her sister, both hold gold medals won in state athletic contests. The six young men in the one team are V, 1 M 1 :,imm in the Schools, Courts and Prisons of i ii on the lips with a piece of leather, or made to kneel upon sharp chains until he could stand it no longer and ald he was guilty. Such things have been abolished here In Manchuria, and, I understand, in China aa well. Prison Iteforui la Manrhnrla. I spent the greater part of today In going through the new prl-sons which have Just been built her at Mukden. They are far different from those I have visited In China. A few years ago I went through the Jails at Shanghai, notwithstanding a warning that the prisoners might tear my clothes off If I did so. On my wav to thu prisons I saw many men loaded with cangues. One was standing in a frame work so hung by his neck that his toes barely touched the ground. I could smell the prison before I enrne to It, and was al most sickened by the terrible stench as I went through. The buildings wore Ion Chinese structures, without floors or sani tary conveniences. The convicts were chained to the walls like wild bursts, and some had chains about the neck as well as the feet. Tha prison had Its dead house Quaint Bootlegged" In Jail. HE liquor law against the sale """"4 I of intoxicating liquor U more I I or less vigorously enforced in ago .the sheriff of a county seat town seized two barrels of whisky in bottles, nl the Jail where the confiscated whisky was stored was a prisoner who by an ingenious contrivance got Into one of the barrels. It was re called afterwards that tho prisoner had many visitors. One day he announced that he was ready to pay his fine and he was released, it was not until after he had made his "getaway" out of the state that it was discovered that he had sold the liquor taken from tho barrel for enough to pay hia fine and secure his release from jail. A net Ion In a (irnveyurd. The spectacle of a vault wherein lay the owner's dead, being disposed of at a forced public sale wan witnessed at Ureensburg, Pa. at tha old Unity cemetery. The salo was necessitated by the Insistence of cred itors of the owner, once a wealthy land owner of Latrobe, Pa. The creditors de manded that the cemetery property be sold, and the proceeds divided. James Koe.nan of Greenuburg, the authorized ref eree In bankruptcy, after hesitation, dl rgct' d that the sale be held. The auc tioneer and others urged that the sale be held outside, but It was decided that no course was open for the auctioneer but to cry the sale In the plot where lie scores of the pioneer dead. The bidding was atarted at 250. Others raised It to IM. There was a pause. From out the crowd emerged an old woman, whose only daughter and grandson lay In the vault. In a broken voice she bid WIG. A few more bids raised the figure. Several $5 increases offered by her were raised by other bidders. With a sorrowful glance at Frank J. Rlha, a world champion, Frank J. Krecek, John Riha, Rudolph Zikmund. Peter Pecka and Anton Trecka. The six young women are Miss Tlllle Kment, Miss Mamie Kment, Miss Tlllle Treybal, Miss Marie Mlk, Miss Emma Vltous and Miss L'illle Ulovec. ' The world's meet will begin August 24 and continue four days. The young women will take part only in fancy . drills and in calisthenics, bu J. - t -.. Ail . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST Y' -1 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL BOYS. connected with It, ond deaths from starva tion and torture were common. The Jailers got most of their Incomes from squeezing. They had the right to sell food to the criminals, and the prisoners who had no money were likely to starve. The law gave each man certain fixed rations, but the Jailer could furnish less or more as he pleased. Mukden's rr Prisons. The prisons I have visited here are In costly buildings covering acres, and I found the criminals treated like men, not beasts. It was through the courtesy of Liang Yu Ho, the counselor of the viceroy, that I was able to inspect them. Mr. Liang' Is a graduate of Yale college, and as such Is glad to have America know what ills coun try Is doing along the lines of our civiliza tion. He sent two English speaking Chinese officials with me, snd a director of the penitentiary accompanied lis as we went through the wards. We visited two pris ons during the morning, and In one foupd 370 convicts working away at all kinds of labor. v.. -v- . ,. . - -:' - ( o Features of Everyday Life the receptacle of her dead she turned and left the cemetery. The vault was finally sold to J. J. Pep pary for 745. Notice was given on the part of the owner that the sale would be con tested. Mechanical Thief Catcher, Employes of a power plant in Richmond, Ind., after suffering repeated thefts from their clothing planned an effectual remedy. A high tension electric wire was connected with a bunch of keys and fastened to a pocketbook. This waa placed In one of the coats that hung on the wall. Several days paft-fd without development, but a few nights ago the men heard a loud cry in the dressing room and on Investigation found a young man unconscious on the floor. The thief had been caught. Chicken May it I vol Mand S. Judds, a ten-pound Plymouth Rock rooster owned by Abel R. Woodward, a merchant residing on Meadow street, Win stead, Conn., hus been broken to harness by his young son, Irving, who hitches chanticleer to a cart and drives him around. Judds can't trot yet, but he is a fast walker, and steps off with as much grace and style as any well groomed steed. The harness consists of a breast yoke, traces and reins. A whip completes the outfit. Judds will stand patiently while he Is being hitched and then, with a cluck from the driver Is off. He Quits Country for Dogr, Arraigned for allowing his dog to run at large on the streets of Detroit without an official tag on tis collar, John Bark owskl Bald: "I'll take him over to Wlnd Bor and go there and live with him." He said he was opposed to buying a brass sign to hang on Its neck. When the Judge warned him that it will be uccessary for him to purchase, John to Compete in World's Turner the men will participate in almost every known form of athletic exercise, or, ten in number, as follows: Calisthenics, horizontal bars, parallel bars, vaulting horse, side horse, shot put, running Jump, running broad Jump, pole vault and 100 yard dash. The contestants will be divided Into five classes, but under the Bohemian method the first and second classes do not count for much. The fifth class counts the most, the fourth class next and so on down to the fust clos. Ten points wl I be acrtdlted the con'.esiant fr winn.ng out In the fifth class, nine points for win ning out In the fourth ii'(f and el,iht po ll's for winnlrg In the thii d rli? s. It U expected that nore .if lie (tniahu (un tenants will be put in a Cass under the th,rd. ..',11 contestanis will he nbllm'd to go through four kinds of exeicl-e -jn each piece of athletic apptii atus. The contest ants will have the privilege of selecting two of the exeicltes. the other two to bo se lected by the Judges. Two of these y Jges wli come from innaha-tJldiich Jeii.ii and J. ft. Fiala. B fore they can s.rve, how ev r. the J'tdqes must piss examinations In drills to show they are qualified to act. Aside from the regular ten contests from which the rating will be sicurcd in tiie world's meet, the Oninha tesm will . give a specialty drill with base ball buts. This drill will be slniiUr to drills had with Incian clubs, the coi. tectums swinging bats lnttead of clubs. The champli n team to represent America has already been selected This will be corrposid of six men, of whom Frank J. Rll.a of Onviha is one. Mr. Rlha we a member of the American team sent to Bohemia to contest with the old country team in IM. and he' carried off second honors for the United States. Pohtmia is sending seven of Its best turners to contest with the American team fui championship huuora. Thcie tire over P. 1009. 'J J . y This latter prison covers about four acres. It Is surrounded by a wall of gray brick fifteen feet high and Its front gate Is guarded by two six-foot Manchu sol diers, who presented arms as we entered. The buildings are large one-story struc tures made of gray brick and heavy tiled roofs. They are so built that they form a series of wings running out from a central point like the spokes of a wheel, so that the guards standing at the hub can command four or five aisles on each side, and the architecture altogether la not unlike that of our best prison at home. These buildings are situated In courts, one of which we entered as . we came through the gate. At the same time a gang of seventy-five convicts marched In to take their afternoon meal. They had been working on the roads outside the prison. I asked the director to stop them In the sunlight that I might make a snap shot with my camera. He did so and I had a good chance to study them. The convicts are tall, burly fellows, weighing I venture, one-third more than the aver age Chinese of America. They all wear queues and their faces are about tire same declared that It is a change In his country for him. Judge Phelan pleaded with John to stick to the United States, but the lat ter Insisted that he must give bis beast a square deal, A Striking; Coincidence. Lovers of striking coincidences will do well to observe the late submarine boat disaster in Great Britain, says the New York Tribune. The steamer which crashed into the submarine was named, the Eddy stone and one of the victims of the dis aster was named Wlnstanley. It is now more than 200 years since Henry Wlnstan ley went to the Edrtystone rock In order to gratify his often cxpresstd desire to weather the fiercest November gale that ever swept the channel in the famous light house which he had built there. He went and the gale came, but when the storm had passfd Wlnstanley and his lighthouse had vanished forever. That the two un common names should, after the lapse of 2u6 years, again be associated in a marine tragedy is an incident worthy at least of passing notice, I.antpa on llnby Carts. Los Angeles has passed an ordinance, the effect of which is to compel baby buggies and pushcarts to be equipped with lamps like automobiles, two clear lights In front and a red light behind, unlcsa the baby is red-headed. The necessity of hav ing a honk horn on the perambulator was not fell, baby being trusted to do all tha honking necessary. Bumper Suuke Crop. There Is a bumper snake crop In Pikes county, Pennsylvania, this year. Martin Courtrlght, a state game warden of Hunt er's Range, In Pike county, ttated when In Stroudsburg last week that from April 15 to July IS he had killed 115 snakes, most of them being rattlers of large size. The largest number killed in one day was ten. 60,000 turners In Bohemia and 3,500 of these contested in the Luxuraburg meet in June, when the class of seven was chosen to represent the old country in the world's meet to be held In Chicago the latter part of this month. The seven selected are Judged as the best of the 3.500 and there fore America realizes that hard work will have to be done to carry tiff the honors for this country. tft to Right O J. Je'.en. Peter MEN o TEAM f . " j ?' .'."J i-rT sV" ' " rri '-.-'-! f jssn,V 1 i ' .. j, 1 i 1 r t " r i v.;' ic ? V.' 1 . .. m lj J 7 U ,:0 -r ,..:..:rf7J l , ..... :- - j-.. -.. . , - . s- . PRISON OFFICIALS. MUKDEN. as those of the Tartars I see on the strecta. The prison dresa Is of a Jacket or coat which falls to tha hips and a pair of thick trousers which look as though they were made of quilted comfort, such as we use on our beds. The material Is wadded cot ton. The color Is light gray, except on the back, where a cross of dead black Is painted. Each man wear shoes of pigskin, and his legs are so chained together that he can take but one short step at a time. As I looked I asked the director to point out Borne of the bad cases. He replied: "You can tell them by their collars. You see, the moat of the collars are of the same gray color as the rest of the gar ment, but some are red. black and bl ie. Those black-collared fellows are each In for thirty years. The convicts wearing the blue collars are in for twenty years, ihor. wearing red for ten, while the gray rave still shorter sentences. The most ;f our men have been convicted of robbery and assault with Intent to kill. The murderers we have In another prison, which has Just been constructed.". Convicts at Dinner. After making the picture I followed the convicts on Into the wards and saw them eating. As I looked the director told me that he gave them two meals a day, con sisting of a breakfast at t and a dinner at a. Bald he: "The men rise at 6:30 a. m. and stop work at 5 in the evening. It costs us about 6 or 6 cents of your money a day to feed each of them, and we are now spending fifty Mexican dollars, or about $30 In gold, per day for the food we are serving to the 370 men we have here. We make the prison ers pay for their meals by their work. We allow each about 10 cents a day and of this 6 or 7 cents is taken out for his board and clothes. The rest he can put tn his pocket. Oh, I assure you, they are treated quite well." While we waited the food was brought in and served to the prisoners, who had teated themselves in the aisles aa they entered the ward. Before doing so each man took from his back a little brown canvas knapsack, containing all the In dividual furniture he has for his prison life. This consists of a folding camp stool four Inches high, six Inches wide and twelve Inches long; a pair of wooden chopsticks and two porcelain bowls, each of which holds half a pint. At a given signal the men pulled the Ktools from their knapsacks and set them down on the floor, and at a second signal they ar ranged themselves on the stools In two long aisles facing each other. Now a gang of convicts who acted as waiters brought in great water-tight baskets filled with steamed sorghum seed ond vegetable soup. The millet was served first. It was shoveled out Into bowls much like wash basins, and one of these was placed on the floor In each group of four men. There was a spoon In the basin and each convict filled his porcelain bov 1. At the same time a bowl of the soup was handed around, each man helping himself, using his other bowl for the purpose. In eating, the men picked some of the vege tables out of the soup with their chop sticks, and, mixing them with the sorghum, raised the bowl to their mouth and scraped the food In with the chopsticks. They seemed to enjoy the meal, and I was told that It was better than they had Accompanying the class of seven will be twenty-two high Bohemian officials. New York turners will give them a reception upon their arrival In this country and tliey will be .s-orted to Washington and be presented to President Taft. Two hundred ond sixty-five Bohemian Turner organiza tions in New York will take part in this reception. On tho afternoon of Sunday, August 2?, Pecka. Rudolph TtVmTind. FranV 3 Tt'ha. John Rina SVaiik J. Krecek, u TO REPHbENT TEL JEI fcOKOL AT CHICAGO. Manchuria ! been accustomed to before they were caught. Sorghum se4 thus rooked Is the chief food of Manchuria, holding the same plu-e that bread and meat have with us. Look at the Cells. After this I took a walk through the wards and examined the cells. They are about twelve feet square and well arranged as to ventilation and light. They are heated by tha kangs upon which the men sleep. The fire Is put Into a hole at the lower front of each kang. and an armful of straw Bufflcee to keep one room warm the whole night. lire prisoners axe kept in each room. I asked as te punishment, and was told tha. the brbrois cuitor&a had been dona away l:, although the convicts are still bambooed on their base ski-is. For serious c?fr- dA.-fe .' a.- 5.-11. but the di ry.fir ia;s th'. :t Is eiV. a. towed to keep a rri.i ir. c.-.e of ths. fir more than five dajrs a; a t..Tj. At EC 7 rn .-, he showed rr.e ,lA,- en.1 siii tr.e i.isle. The ce.I u i tr-.A-g ;th a base 1 j. U.-ge r.O'ii fir f. :r, and the tao cr.f ',.'. rr.evurT la a-i acute ang.e at ae oS'-.mr r,t T.rfr Is rom for a man t.j l.e n uaea Cr, but could T.:i.T fj-J w.-.-. l it touch::.c the Wi.'.j. Tt r .om t.v.1 ce.-r-.er bed i-.-'r cha'rs. ar d I" . -xt.c:t.4. The food fc.s thrust in through a l:-.t: hole in the d.or. so atrar.:ed i'.h a dou'oie U4 that it cou.d be done without aJ.u.tux.g the light After the door was closed upon me the darkness was such that it could re felt. There was not a ray of light anywhere, and I waa decidedly relieved on being let out. In the Workshops. Leaving the cells, the director took us through the work shops. Until now no labor of any kind has been done in the prisons. Here every man learns a trade and all sorts of things are mads to be sold In the stores. The first shop we entered was devoted to saddlery and shoemaklng. This is about 100 feet square, and scores of these gray-gowned, plg-talled Manchus were la boring In it. Some sat on low stools before shoemakers' benches, pegging and sewing; others were cutting out the fat boots uaed by the army, nnd a third group was work ing on sewing machines, Joining pieces of leather together. I walked over to them and examined the machines. They were all marked "linger" and had been Imported from America. In another factory was a rang of carpenters and cabinet makers, and In a third about two dozen convicts were spinning and weaving. The spinners sat on the floor, turning their wheels with tho hand, and the weavers were using looms worked by the feet. In another place they were weaving car pets and rugs, somo of the latter being twenty feet square. Such rugs are made on n great framwork. The weaving be right Inside the room. The weaving be gins at the bottom, and ns the rug pro gresses the men huvo to use scaffolds upon which to sit while they draw the threads In and out. All the work is done by hand, and that In designs of oriental patterns composed of many colored wools. One of the rugs now on the frames Is to be four teen feet wide and twenty feet long. It la bring made for the American Tobacco com pany's new building In Mukden. FRANK G. CARPENTER. Contests a public athletic exhibition will be held In the Tel Jed Sokol hall, Thirteenth and I'oicas streets, for the purpose of raising money to defray the expenses of the teams to be sent to the Chicago meet. The two teams will go through all the exercises which will be given at the world's meet and thi hall will be open to all lnterctcd In aililotlcs, whether of the Bohemian nationality or not. ' tHI'tfS 4 t II l r Tan 1' sti nl ( i