18 TTTE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1000. 5 BIG BARGAIN SQUARES HOSIERY SALE 50c HOSE at 25c PAIR Women's nnd men's silk finished mercerized lisle in black, tan, white and evening shades many fancy col ors plain black gauze lisle, all-over laces and lace boot patterns wide garter tops, high spliced heels and toe many are embroidered ankles, silk clocked and silk i a 4 4 4 4 S V? . T 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 punted, also very fffktmc high grade men's hose f)0e qual ity, at, pair Hosiery at 15c and Sic Men's and women's lisle, all colors plain and lace effects, also misses' and children's fine and heavy ribbed plain and allover lace, regular price up to 35c, at. per pair 15e-Sic Ii Dasement-25c Women's lisle plain black and fancy colors all kinds of fancy hosiery, also misses' and and children's white, black and plain allover ef fects In all sizes many are 25c quality big sale In basement at, pair A GREAT SALE OF TRAVELERS' SAMPLES WOMEN'S 25c NECKWEAR at 6ic Each Women's Dutch Neck These are the prettiest new styles of or designs ana are worth regularly each . 25c Handkerchiefs at 12Jc each Irish linen with all widths hemstitching, sheer Quality, manv Pure are embroidered scalloped and embroidered, big assort ruent, regular price Z5c, at, each Summer Underwear for women s I'nlon Suits, lace trim med umbrella style, medium and extra sizes, worth 29c 50c, at, suit Children's "M" knit . patent buttons, all sizes, worth 15c, at .. waists, 9c Women's Chamoisette Gloves "Kayser" make, two-clasp effect washable in nat ural colors only, at, pair 50c BRANDE1S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SPECIAL OLD STORE-MAIN FLOOR Mens Low Shoes Worth $3.50 and $4.00 pair, at Ae- All new styles in good serviceable low shoes blacks and tans all sizes, DRUG SPECIALS at BR.ANDEIS 2Se Hj-droRen Peroxide. for - 25c Pr. Grave's Tooth Powdnr, for Ho 2Ro Sunitol Tooth Powder for 130 11.60 Oriental Cream, for ! I5c Sanltol Cream for 14 11.00 fompeian Uawuie, for 7o I&c Bat in Skin Cream lo tec iUnrrn tt GalleX RU' powder, for 1 $1.00 Kofrcr A Gal Let Vera Violet 70 (0c Mnae. Y ale'l Far Powder, for 4e BOc Java Rice Powder 06e 60c Crabapple Bloeaom per ounce SSo toe Locuat Bloaaotn, per ounce BSo fl.00 Pear ITEapagne, at, per ouuee OBo 26c Roger ft Oallet Soap at lo 3o Cutk-ura Boap. at SO 7 cakee Cocoanut OH Ue Colgate's English Proceae OTyoerlne. 8 cakes Sfto ft eakei of Ivory for lo r 75c Hot kj ji J J J J J J J J Police Recover Part of Plunder Get Back Eight Hundred of Two Thousand Dollar Negro Women Took from Beno Victim. The police have recovered M0 of the 12,000 etolen from Charles Falco of Reno, Nv., on the night of July 20. at the room of a colored woman, Quedella Roblnion, alias "Quelle ' Robinson, Thirteenth street and Capitol avenue. The money was returned by Olie Jackson, an acceaory after the fact, on the night of his arrest. The reat of the $2,000 has not been secured by the police. Jackson and Robert Roblneon, an ac complice, were arraigned in police court Friday morning, and their preliminary hearing fixed for next Tuesday morning. Their bond aa set st I't.OOO each. A short time ago "Quelle" Roblneon and Grace Doyle, who stole the money while the Robinson woman entertained Falco, were bound orer to the district court and the bond fixed at 12.000 each. 1 AvertlM la Toe line ad be hupp. 4-4- 4- 4- 4-4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4- 4-4- 4- 4. 4- 4-4-4- Hosiery at 8icpr. colored hose, and men's fancy 8ic Imported collars, embroider ed stocks, turnovers, mull ties, etc. many are made of very fine embroidered madeira and English eyelet effects; over 100 styles and many are worth 25c, at. 6ic and SeJIor Collars the summer. They are In scores up to 50c each, at. and 25 12ic Women's and Children Women's fine ribbed pants, um brella style, wide lace trimmed an szes, worth 19c 25c, at Women's lisle bodice vests, trim med with silk ribbons and fine lace, worth to 25c, at 9c 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4- Sample Lisle Gloves "Kayser" real Venetian long and short, black, and colors, worth up to 50c, Saturday, at pair lisle, white 19c STORES x 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4- 4- r. nr. Special One Week We will develope ay exposure film. Urge or small for - .... . , I ' -. - 15c 111 i)t Kt4ntf,'tt 4xfi l'mrs for ... M.SS 4- 4-4-4- 4- IIS 00 Reneca Rx7 Camera for ...flO-SS $16.00 Beneca 4x6 Camera for ...$a.Oa $1.25 6xT Plate Holders, for 70 76c 3mt' Plate Holders, for o $1.00 Ruby Lamp, for 0 I6o Print Rollera, for lo mVBBXB GOODS 25 Combination Syringe, for 91.M .R0 Marvel Spray, for SS.7S .60 Victor's Spray, for S8.80 Water Bottles, for. . , .40 J J J S J 4 tlt Storms Prove Expensive to City Entail Coit of Five Thousand Dol lar for the Bepair of Sewers. Heavy storms durlnf the last few months have cost the city about tS.OOO in the way of repairs to sewers. Durlnf the first seven months of the year fll.TU S9 was taken out of the sewer main taining fund for repair work. This Is about twice as much as was spent for the same work during a like period last year. The Increase, according to City Engineer Craig, Is due to the excessive rainfall, which on four or five occasions burst sewers In av eral parts of the city. 8eer Foreman Hutton, who has had his crew employed constantly on repair work the last six weeks, reports that the sewers are now In about the same stste ss befors the heavy ralna began last May. A Ble4r Affair ts lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and cure weak lurga. coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60a and 1100. Sold by UMtoo Drug ( DrcxcFs Cut Price Sale of OXFORDS Our great clearance sale of oxfords has been going on all week hundreds of pairs have been taken by buyers who know bargains. There are hundreds of pairs ready for Sat urday buyers. We have your size and width all you have to do is to pick out the style you want, and all the new styles are in this great clearance sale. Note the bargains we are offering. $4.25 For ten lines of Hansn, Clspp and Boyden 16 and $6.60 Men's Ox fords. $3.85 For fifteen line of Hanan, Mac Don aid and Klley $5.00 and $6.60 Men's Oxfords. $2.90 For fifteen lines of Howard & Foster and Tilt $4.00 and $4.50 Men's Oxfords. $2 see for twenty lines oi H) miscellaneous makes of All of our Misses' and Chllds' Oxfords. All of our Misses' Genuine Russia Calf Ankle Strap Pumps. All of our Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Oxfords in the store PER CENT OFF SPECIAL FOR $2.00 Tour choice of sny white canvas or genuine white buck Oxford, $3.60 to $5 values. Orexel Shoe Do. 1419 Farnam St. Alteration SaJe Which Opening I will have on August 15th. Albert Cahn 1322 Farnam St. HOTELS. I the noppln District. kttt tin it mm 1 gjar' Hotel Kupper llth as BfoOee. Kansas City. Mo. ta the RioppUf Sistxlot. Meex all the Theaters. SOO Beautiful Boeata. 100 Private Baths. Bot ana cold water Is all rooms, Bpaoioos lobby, parlors. Telephone la every room. Beau vital Cafe, Ferfect Culalaa, $1 to $2.50 Per Day Buropeaji Plan. KUFPER-BENSON HOTEL CO. p. a xeksov, atfs Uth a4 fngaSV McOee. oa I "Fetuoee 4h jfZ"' '" I '".''"I , "in" l.r""",''.'."7ril7.' . III! P.M.. n.,.,1 .-It MM l We9we Sfliirei tie Towm Our Oxford Sale Has Set tlie WTiole Town Agog! Good Oxfords were never before priced so low and never before sold so rapidly. Been getting your share of the bargains? If you've not, be sure to come here. t once. We are determined to close out all the broken lines and our deeply cut prices on all our good Ox fords will tell you how anxious we are to sell. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Johnson & Murphy's $6.50 and $6.00 patent and tan$ m m m Russia Oxtords, X JL S now TTaTTa McDonald & Kiley's 15.00 patent colt and tan Oxfords, now Howard & Foster patent Oxfords, now 3.65 $4.00 and 2.85 Six lines of men's tan and patent Oxfords, our 3.60 staples, go at, pair All our boys' 12.60 tsn Oxfords go at 2.60 '1.95 Fry Shoe C0 Doug! For fifteen lines of Hsnan, Foster and Wright A Peters' $3.85 $5.00 and $5.50 Women's Oxfords. . For twenty lines of the celebrsted Armstrong $4.00 Wonien'i Ox fords $2.90 For fifteen lines Kippendorf Selby Shoe Com pany $3.(0 Women's Oxfords $2.55 For ten lines of mis cellaneous makes of $3 Women's Oxfords $2.25 PER CENT OFF SATURDAY. Also Men's white can vas Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.60 qualities, at. . . . $2.50 Hosiery 20c, worth 60c. Hosiery 17c, worth 25c and 35c. Shirts 95c, worth $1.60. Shirts $1.45, worth $2.00. Shirts $1.75, worth $2.50 & $3. Shirts $2.50, worth $3.50 & $4. 20 to 60 off on Underwear and Neckwear. Golf and Tennis Trousers. Store will be torn up next week and new fixtures placed to make room for my new Hat department. Roliablo Dontistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms Trunks and Suit Cases MADE RIGHT PRICED RIGHT 1 From the cheapest that Is good to the best made. Our $5.00 suit cases cannot be duplicated in town at this price. FRELING (EL STEINLE (Where Trunks Are Made.) 1803 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 4995. Opposite City Hall. Bee Want Ads Produce Results TOR WOMEN Laird and Shober's $5.00 Imported tan Russia and pat ent Oxfords, now 3.75 All our gray and black$ suede $4.00 Oxfords, go at 2.95 ies. In tan Eight lines of best makes. Russia Oxfords, thatS 2.95 sold for $4.00, are now only Seven lines of tan were $3.50 go now at Stx lines of kid and Oxfords to clean P ixfords that '2.45 patent $2.50 s1.95 I Strife- S(2)J3) Saturday morning we place on sale 285 Men a Suits, suit able for dress or business wear, made from pure woolen fabrics, tailored in the best possible manner and in the latest of fashion, actu al $15.00 values; your choice $8.75. Men's Fine Pants 350 pairs of Men's Fine Pants, tailored by America's foremost pant tailors, correct in fit and style, an actual saving to you of $1.50 to $2.00 on any pair you may choose; your choice Satur day $2.98 Men's Shirts Saturday we place on sale a large line of Men's Shirts with collars attached, made especially for this warm weather. They come in all colors, such as plain white, brown, blue, pink, lavender, green, etc. Your choice 48c. Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St. Little Women and Misses Little women's sizes. 2Vs to 6, $3 tan Russia extension $ w sole Oxfords and J j Pumps, now Little women's sizes, $2.50 tan Russia turn sole Ties and Pumps, now Misses' sizes, 11 to 2 Russia Pumps and Ties. now 2H to 6. M.85 $2.00 tan l1.65 '1.85 Misses' $2.50 Tan ex tension sole Pumps, now Chllds' $1.50 kid and $f f patent Oxfords, sizes I 8 to 11, now V 16th and as Sts. 31 a 4S 1 I Biggest Lien's Suit $760 SIQ S1Q50 SIR I I Baroains Ever at. . J i IOj CLi iu I A H l S I i l.:si. 11 ' ami l " H fcr.fi-.. , j. I 9 ' SI I Your Unrestricted Choice Wash Suit that Sold to $1.50 and $1.75 Boys' Knick erbocker Pants, at. . . .98c Knickerbocker Pants, regu lar $1.00 values 68c All Straw Hats Men's .?;'e,Try HAYOEfl'S First piW Quart Bricks OApl ....ICE.... J BriCsA One more day, Saturday, August 7th, in our busy Candy department Main Saturday In Omaha's Busiest Meat Department Strictly Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, 20c Spring Ducklings, 15c Mutton Legs. Mutton Stew .... fll-JSirloin 02U 4c Steak. Boneless Rib Roast Mcr;.i2ciioc Pot Roast. Cudahv'a Bacon 1 Kr SS.Try MYDEN'S Firsts DETROIT No person of ordinary Judgment will look at a Detroit Ideal Gas Stove and then go and buy some other. No per son that knows anything about the De troit Ideal will buy any other. There is nothing sold In Omaha today In the shape of a gas stove that In any way compares with It. It has the reputation wherever It Is known as being In a class by Itself. If you see It it will make that Impression on you. If you use it It will confirm that Im pression, Always see others first If you contemplate buying a gas stove and then come and see the Detroit Ideal; it will save you the trouble of having to come back. We cannot name all Its good points here so we will name only a few. It is the only gas stove made that has patent shal low onetplece drilled orifice burners. They do make a hotter fire with the same gas. Every burner has a patent gas pressure regulator. It Is the smoothest and finest baking gas stove made. It Is made of the same mate rial that steel ranges are made of and will last a lifetime. , The Morris Brothers, plumbers, formerly of Chi cago, who know what the Detroit Ideal was before they came to Omaha, have provided all their residence property with them, and have an order with us now for more. They say they would not consider any other kind of a gas stove. If they could not get them here they would send for them. THE STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South 16th Street. PeomsylvaimDa Short Lines East Low Round-Trip Fares ji&SL To New York and Return To Jersey Coast Resorts and Return CSF'For Particular Information Tleaae address V. H. ROWLANo. Traveling I'saaentfer Agrut, 213 Board of Trade Building, OMAHA, NKB. The Bee for Rllthe Sporting News Values $12 to $30 rvn I Ml THE RELIABLE STORE The very choicest of the sea son's. styles nnd pntterns, in nearly every imaginable col or and fabric. Examination by you t mil that is ntctaiary to con vine you the superior quality of our ojferinga and remember we guarantee eatieaotion. A general clearance of all Two-Piece Summer Suits, including the world fam ous Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored suits, all at one price; values up to $25.00 SflQr-ri choice, y M Q j of Any Boy's pi K 3C $3.00, at ... Knickerbocker Pants, regu lar 75c values, at 49c Knickerbocker Pants, regu lar 50c values, at 29c and Boys, at Less Than Half. floor. HAYDEHS Specials tnc atxiaaut arena 10ln 1fln Boiling Beef.. ..4c Steak . 15c,12iC Veal Stew 5c Veal nc QC 70 Roast I U 0 1 1 I2U lUb 10c nA n cM ObjObpab Cudahy'a Hams 12lAc u They provide their property with the best of everything in order to get de sirable tenants. We sell them on small monthly pay ments or a cut price for cash. Remember we have the patent gas savers. They do save the gss. , DEAL - eV 1