THK HKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, AU(UTST 6. 1000. OFFERED FOR SALE Farjt tore. PERSONAL (Continued i ) I YOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omht I - ' """ ' I Stranger are Invited to visit the Toon T tS CARI CAPR. 'Woman' ChrUllan association, ITth and tRntM oak ces. made by th Library Homerd Sts.. where ther will b directed l yll eonstnirted office furniture nd will V"t a lifetime. Call Baa office, ITth and CHOICK NltW furniture. Will sacrifice Newly-wed get uy. tact Burt Bl Typewriters. TTTKWPITERK An make, all price, old and tan tad, rant pplled; easy farma; shipped anywher for anamination. Wrlie for Urge bargain Hat and offer. B. F, Swanson Co., 417 P. 16th Bt., Omaha, Nab, Mlseellaaeaaa. TifttTON at cut nnoaxa, tretght tald on M Mil orders; catatonia fra. Pharman it VVcConnell- Pro; Co., Omaha, Nab. roil fUT,F.-Caih register and af. dees 79, car Baa. Ad. FOR RALr-Nw and id-hand billiard and pool tab!. . Wa land th world in cheap bar future; easy payment. Bruns-wlek-Balkc Collender, 407 S. 10th Bt. aultabla boarding place ar atharwla a slated. A deaoonese representing tha asse- elation meets train at tha Unlo station a travalara' aid. Emmalin Brott, MAONFTIC traatmant. Z3 8. 16th. Doug tlM. PRor. oT k. dinjianI! Expert MA PS EUR. rture health, maka you look nlc and plump, remove nervouen, put your atomach, bom els, liver and kid tAwa l. mA a,Jm Imnrovaa tha bhood cir culation by massage. Heva you tried lit REAL ESTATE mitm C'lTTr rHOt'ENTV FUR IALB . 'Continued.) MOO CAPH, 20 TCT. INVESTMENT -room, all modern house, naar BmU park, always rented; non-resident cwn-r says aall; maka a rood . horn or a fin Investment OUVFR REALTY SYNDICATE. Corract maaaacc la to food health. Call especially 6 Baa B eonduclrv ldg. U. Ml. miVATE conflnamant homa. Mr. Dr. King, 1134 N. 14th. Tel. Web. Y, Ind. BARGAINS Id-hand pulley, shafting, hangers, helling, rip aw. forge, boxing ma chine, blarkatnjth tool. A. Murphy A Sons. WE HATR oh hand a tiumfur of Ink barrel whfeh wawH'l aall at Me eoh. Thar ar fin for rain water or she. Call al ' preMroom Be- Publishing Ou. Scholarship If you Intend taking a course tn business fllege. see annul a ecnoiarsnip, nrltl aall vnu ona at a alvlnff to vou. oYess O IS, car Be., Wa Ad- FOR RENT, For 80 nd Furnished flonm cards. - lc each. Coray 4V McKenil Printing Com'prfriT, 113 ft. 4th St, A. I. B REMEDIES are made from th lacted formula or reclpa of 12,000 of th leading retail dnigglata of the United Htatea. There are forty-nin drug tora In Omaha who aall A. D. B. remedlne and vary remedy 1 poeltlvely guaranteed to do all that l elalmed for It. Brhaefer'a atore ar A. D. B. Store. PRINTING THE Quality Preaa. artlatle oommerchtJ Brlntera. have moved from IL1 8. Uth to :i Harnty Si. Uoula M4L HOLLAND printing Co., 110 8. 17th St. CABTLEMAN Printing Co., 1C11 Cap. Av. YAFFB Printing Co., 307 Boaton Su Bldg. Auction! Auction! Tlavlnj doclded lo quit the buggy hual neaa, I will ' ell 'about 2n new top bupslea, lunabonta nd delivery wagon at auction on SATl lU'AY afternoon, AUQl.'ST 7, at 1 o'clock. Tim'glven 'on approved paper. Call any day thl? week and look them .over. Your piicV ttf mine, as the whole atock nntxt be said. CAHL i LLMHV, Si4 Farnam St. Second -Hand Boilers M will Hell two boiler that have been in iiae at the lie .'building. They ara each 175-horeioweT -'return- xubular bollar. 78 t nclt diameter "BV It feet long. They hav INS C. 1. tu lias. I Inches byU feet. Work ing ores'miw If pounds' par auuaro Inch. Hrat am face ln.009 aquar fast. Grata araa sqiiar W are 'PHONE IND. A-2B20 for rood printing Lyngatadt Printing Co. ISth A Capitol Ave. WATERS PRINTINCI CO.. 821 B. 13th t. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Stenog., notary publlo. Hotel Loyal, Stenog.. Hotel Hanahaw. prompt arylc REAL ESTAT REAL IITATI DEAI.KRS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat. lWi, urojrfpl aarvlc: set our price. lilO Farham 8U OANOE8TAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tl.' D. m 22' j sqiiar feet. boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar- very anxious to dispose of these HE FE.E BI.'ILDINO COMPANJ. ITth and Farnam 81., .- -Omaha, Neb. RAI.liOON and parachute for sale. Price t'h. Good (liape. Address Box 221, Belle Fourche, .3. D. '.' For sale. hot water heating plant, good condition and new Inlaid linoleum for atore. Call at Lefrert's, 409 Broadway Council- Bluffs. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON.' INS., 411 M. Y, U Tel. D. li. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa, V N. T. L Hid. PATENTS D. O. BA KNELL, paalon Blk. Tel. Real 7117. HUFFMAN. SIS Neville Bldg., Book free A W1LLAP.D EDDY, registered practitioner ln U. t. 1 stent Office. N. Y. L. Bldg. D. fO. AINE INV. CO.. first floon N. If. LU. BENJAMIN R E. CO.. 477 Brandcls Bldg. REAL E8TATF TlTLK-TRUST CO. CHAR. E. WILLIAMSON, Prastdent, C1TT PROPKKTY KtH tAI.ID. . NEW HOUSE $100 CA,SH balance In rental sum. This Is neat cottatte of 4 vry large room' and recep tion hall on flat floor, nd good attic. In which two additional room can be fin lahed. Choice lot. KhilBJ ft, or. can put In two iota, trice, it vn. BEST HAKGAIK IN CITY Oood 7-room modern house, nicely ter rlced, level lot, south front, 60x130; shad trees; concrete walk, paved street, close to three car lines: choicest residence locality only S1S50; small amount down, balance monthly. Immediate possession. RUSSELL & McKITKICK CO 432 Ramge Bldg. 15lh and Harney St PERSONAL OMAHA Stammer! ' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. I'll li SALVATION ARMY solicits caatofl clothlna, 'n fact, anytiiing you do not need. .o irpHii nnd vil at I'M N. Uth St.. iui oti .t .collection to tha worthyl ior. Can niv 1mmik1j 41J6 and wagaqt i .11 cil fc . I ill. I 'i' jS; private . 1Mb li., .JU IT.TH AND CHARLES STB. The southwest corner, MxL20 feet, with even-room cottage; modern except fur nac. Price reduced from S4.180 to S3.000. W. H. GRIFFITH, Owner, r.23 Chicago 18 1. Tel. Douglas 45SS. REAL ESTATE C IT Y PHOI'KHTY FH SAI.R (Contlnj"d.) New Woodmen Site W offer ltt feet, norih front, on Jack ton atreet; 110 feat, east front on Seven teenlh avenue, and 110 feet, west front, on Eighteenth street, at 1200 per foot for the Jackson street frontage. Thl ground I partially Improved, having three house fronting west on Eighteenth street and some grading ha already been don preparatory to building an apartment house on Jackson atreet. The property lie only on block west tt the new location of th Woodmen of the World building. d a w secured an option upon thl property before th Woodmen of th World decided upon a location, w ar prepared to give very low prlc on the property, nence we place It at only 1200 per front foot. We could probably arrange to divide the prop erty, A. P. TUKEY & SON 444 Board of Trade Bldg. Thone, Douglas 21SL . MODERN COTTAGE CLOSE IN 2207 Mason St., splendid k room cottag. city water, gas. sewer, toll-t and bath. Look at this and submit your offer. Birkett & Tebbens, 423 Be Bldg. Phone. Doug. 4754. A-ll. 1619 Spencer St., $5,000 An Ideal Home in An Ideal Location Read the Description Spencer atreet la one of the nicest street? In this fine addition, built up with Koud hornvs. It Is Just one-half Mock from 8ner man Ave. car line, on paved Kt.. with pav ing Installments all paid, pT.Tian"nt kuiI:s all around. Fine lawn, full lot Mix lit feet. Th foundation Is of a good iu-ility cf le nient block, light and dry basement, lat'ii dry apparatus connected with hot and "old water and th sewer, good nei'ing plant and the beat of modeTn pluiti.iln; flist floor ha large reception halL witn open stair ay, good-slsed parlor ihrt dining room, two oak culonad openings, large butler's pantry with china cljfi. i.oo.l- sited kitchen and rear entry, the living rooms are all finished In th fim-Nt u3k, with narrow oak flooring; the kkci en his maple flooring. on the second rioor tner r-four I ne corner bed rooms, with good' clone s .u.d a complete bath room; linen cloxet in i lie hall; the bed rooms are finisnoj In whit enamel, with stained mahogany .luor lind ceautlful oak floors throughout; there is a large attic with windows on three sides and floored with good flooring. fcvary room in tha. house Is papered with fin paper. Tha house I fitted t.h s iters and shades and has oak and blrc.i fniitli throughout. A tomplete system of electric wiring and beautiful combination lhting fixtures. This house Is complete in every sense of the word, thoroughly 'Hodern in architecture and finish. If you want something good, at lss cost than you could build it, see -Iui rlnce todny. ONLY $l.W0 CASH HEyLiilED, and the balance can be paid in niomhly payment. HASTINOS & IIEYDEN, . 1S14 Harney Street, Conservative Bldg. $3,250 For a new i-room 2-story all modern home on HDaldlng bt.. near inn souin iroin iuh 6I-ft. front; a very neat and attractive home; beapet than you could build It. . v L. Selby, ; 44S B. of T. Bldg. (364). A SACRIFICE SALE The owner of this fin place has bought land near Seattle and has authorised us to cut In price on hi house from 15,600 to IJ.U00. Hous I new and has very large rooms finished In oak on first floor; 4 good bedrooms, bathroom and linen cloaet on second and large attic, fine cellar with laundrv. eto. House is very complete. Porch I x2 feet. Lot is 60x118 feet south front on .paved street, with paving paid In full. Only t block to car and about 4 blocks to St. Cecelia's church. We think thl la a good bargain. If you want a new horn at a caving of tlm and money Investigate this. W. L. KKLBY, 3 B. of T. Bldg. (236). REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAM It I. N l FOR ALB (Continue ) Morth Dakota. INVESTIGATE THIS M QUARTERS IN KIDDER CO., NO. DAKOTA. This lands lavs Junt 36 miles wast of Jamestown, land lsys almost perfect; none of it Is over .I1 miles from railroad station. Iand is adapted to alfalfa and all kinds of grain Was formerly used for white faced cattle ranch. Price, S.D to SS7 per acre. Oood term, lat us arranga to show you this with a small cost. Call or address. lillA HA M-PETERH REALTY CO., i22 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Both Phone. LEGAL NOTICES PALS AT MID-WEST TOURNEY OIT THEY OO TO HAYNK.S AND MOTT. ADAMS AND HKTT1NOKR COl NTIKS NORTH DAKOTA, to buy our low-priced land and see the Mg crops of Dollar Wheat; new railroads bulldlag and new towns, where new hotels and business houses are needed. Sea Wm. H. Brown Co.. Haynes. Adams County, North Dakota, for maps and farts. BEST FARM BARGAIN In the east "part of the state. 'well im- F roved lt-acre rich valley farm. I miles rom town of 2.MH; wheat went SO bushels, corn will make 0. Price, ITS ao acre, easy terms. W. AV. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Pealed proposals will be received hy the Ptai Board of Public Lands mid Hulld Inga. at the offlc of tleo. C J'inkln. Sec retary of State. Htate Capitol, Lincuin, Nebraska, on the 1st day of September, lit. iintH 11 o'clolock, noon, for the erec tion and construction of the following buildings: One fireproof cottage building fir girls and one fireproof cottage building for boys to be erected on the grounds of the Insti tute for Feeble-Minded, Beatrice, Neb. tine fireproof cottage building to he erected on the ground of the Hospital for Insane, at Inglestde. near Hasting. ,Nb One brlrk barn building to be erected on th grounds of the Boys' Industrial School, Kearney, Neb. Plan and specification for th various buildings ran be seen at the office of th Secretary of State, State Capitol Build ing, Lincoln, Nebraska, or at the offlcea of the suiK-rlntendems of tha various Institu tions, or at th office of Oeo. A. Bcrllnghof, Architect. Rooms 001-4 Scrurlty Mutual Life Plans and specifications for private use men-Rube Mayes used to tide the horse may be secured from the architect by mak ing a deposit of Ul for each Dtiliutng Horsemen Will Be Given a Chance to Show Their Ability. ENTRIES ARE COMING IN FAST Present Indications Are that Ik tonilns Meet Will Par Kcllnse All Pre, loos Kf forts at the Field Clan. Omaha sportsmen will be given a chance to see a polo match when the Mid-West tennis tournament is played at the Omaha Field club the week of August 1. Some of the Omaha tennis men ai-e expert horse- 440 ACRES. NO acres creek bottom In alfalfa and wild hay, W) orres cultivated balance grass. Plenty of running water and timber: all fefivcd: S-room frame build ing. barn and outbuildings; miles to good town; telephone; school on . farm. Ideal stock farm, price Z per aere: out) cash, balance easy terms. Box 316. Curtis, Neb. of which 125 00 will be returned to the de posltor upon receipt of the plans and specifications at his office In good order. F.ach bid must be accompanied with a certified check on some bank doing busi ness In Nebraska In the sum of 2 per cent of bid. for the purpose as provided under paragraph No. If, pag I, of the technical specification. Bids must be made out on bidding sheet furnished by the architect. Bids made out otherwise will not be considered. The Board of Public Lands and Build ings reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive defects In same. A Id lot NEW DUNDEE HOME ON EASY TERMS &022 Cumltig 8t., 7. jtooma a.nd . reception hall, 2-story, bill basement and larj: attic.' mod ern In 'every TepaeT, 'leeted ' OHk finish fit t flopr, bArd pin ' ', : ntiish and 4 bed rofiTrls ami ' - y bsth on second1.' at aim ay to ' attic conveniently arranged, best combination fixtures, -well built. Immediate possession, lot 60X13A ft. Price, 4.S60; terms very reasonable. See us about thin. 100 ft. frontage can be secured If 'desired. George & Co., 1GQ1 Farnam St. Phon Douglas "li. and Cum. ' propert ng Bia red (LUI 0 2424 BROWN STREET New, all modern house, 7-r.. hot water heating plant, full basement, ith laundry, nice aouth front lot, only i4 block from 24th tit., two blocks north of Saratoga Park. Owner must sell. .V HI consider J. W. RASP CO., 688-91 Branded Bldg. Doug. )&3, A-S6X On Easy Terms Brand new, 5-room cottage, modern ex cept heat, on the north part of the city, nil ready to move Into. Price $.i,5o0. Come tn and we will show It to you. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sole Agents, Main Floor. Is. Y. Lite. Farnam St Lot, $600 50x128 feet, south aid Farnam, third lot west of 44th St.; sewer, water, gas and curbing In street. Harrison & Morton, 1S N. T. Llf. Both Telephones. confinement noma. JUuugiair (U34. ... HALI,"S sitfa. i aw. td-hand. UK Farnam. PRIVATE bnblee iiCopt' vallum. . 10 I. . horn during confinement; 1. The Oood Samaritan 8auJ t Ave., Council Huffs. Ia. li!Vli'riP treatment. Mm. Bmlth, WAflAGB AND BATHS. Mineral hath, . electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. SO Old Boston Store. MR 8. A M 18 of Wti., r. C, manicuring, naaoag. 1.-4 Cnp. Ave., parlor, basement. RARE BARGAIN. Franklin street home, (even rooms. sewr. water, gas, paved street, shade trees, cloa to car, south front lot 0x127: lot alon worth $1,200; price, ,U0. WRKIHT & LAPBUHY, Tel. Douglaa 151. 604 So. 16th SU Walnut Hill Home One of th prettiest homes In .Walnut Hill 1 to be sold during th next thirty day.- It contain 7 good rooms, striotly modern, with beautiful shade and lawn, paved street,' south front, on block fiom car. We can show the property any day and it will speak for Itself. Price H,rM. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Main Floor. New York Life Bldg. . Investment Chole close-In proposition, paying 16 per cent net; $12,000 required. . . PETERS TRl'ST CO., Real Estate Dept. for quick return, list your real tat for sal ana exenang with ma, no aala, no pay. W. W, Mitchell, Board of Trad Bldg . Omaha. Nab. ,The Writer of This Interesting Story :E-z - - won a Prize r WHAT A BEE WANT AD " ACCOMPLISHED. Emma Peterson, 114 Years, 3iM Mlam street. Father, II. J. Peterson. Eighth B, Omaha. View school. Teacher, Mis L. H. Hunt. Wgnted tilrl to California. asHlst In housework. Betty Wallace wa an orphan. Her father dltd when she was very vmall and less than a ear had paaed since her mother laid beald him. Then Betty had gun to. Mv with an aijnt, but now she would toon, have to earn her own living aa her aunt was a widow and had children of her own.. Betty was now 14 nd had Jual graduated from the eighth trad. One day as she' came into th house with th evening Be, in her hand, she aid; "Oh, Auntie, I've found something I can do. Listen to thl Be want ad. W ANTED Olrl to assist in if I v I' Y housework. - i i .. . N I'm so glad now I won't b dependent o. you any longer. I ahall go - th lady 'this very afternoon." : Sh got ready at one and vary soon was on her way. Sh had no troubl find ing the place. A neat looking lady ad mitted her. After a short conversation, Mr. Roman seemed - well pleased with Btty and told her ah might com th nxt week to begin work. Mrs. Roman became interested In Betty and, after learning her story and her deair fur .an education, decided to send her to high school. Thl mad Betty very happy nd th week passed, Mr,. Ro man learned to love th poor orphan very dearly. A her own little daughter wu dead ah began unconsciously lo think of Betty In her place and, after a llttl while, sh offered to adopt her. Th offer wa gladly accepted a Betty had also learned te love Mr. Roman aa her mother. Thank to th llttl ad In th Be thl poor girl found home. OU... WILL BE. SURPRISED AT YOUR RAPID IMPROVE ' MENT. AVHEN YOU BEGIN TO WRITE STORIES. if g, TO BE SOLD CHEAP . Party leaving city, 8-room house. 4 room and hall on first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor, laundry and dry room In basement; strictly modern; W-foot lot; nice lawn and shade: cement walks: paved street. For particulars, apply at house, 4244 Farnam St., or W. O. 8HRIVER, 1023 New York Life Bldg. Get Out of the Rut Every Dollar in Rent is Lost SOUTH FRONT, 83d and Lafayette Ave.; rooms, fliouvril, usnur, uiniug ivuiii, kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs; I bedrooms up; hardwood finish; nicely dec orated; cistern; large lot; shrubbery and trees; paved atreet; Vi block lo car, TERMS, $1,900. Roal Estate; Company, WALKUPS 876-77 Brandel Bldg. Douglas 289$. $425 BARGAIN South front lot at 27th and Maol.. aewer. water and 'permanent walk. $60 cash, bal ance monthly. F. C. BEST, 10U8 N. Y. Life. New House BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES On Florence Boulevard, t block north of Ames Ave.; large lot 78 feet east faont; In setting of native forest trees; house Just completed; ha hot water heat; large living room, oak finish r.nd many up-to-dat fea ture, fries fi.wu. nous open. Harrison 3c Morton, $18 N. Y. Llf. Both Telephone. EXCELLENT HOME BARGAINS Two cottage on ona lot, . Renting for $30 per month. PRICE, $2,500. Will submit any reasonable offer. Located at 2411 b. lhth St. SEE THIS BARGAIN. WE8TERN HEAL KaTATi CO., 411 Karbach Block. Three Building Lots. In the south part of town we have three fine building lota, adjoining three new cot- tagea lust completed. Price: $426. $4s) and fjk). Come In and get plats of these lota. They are very cheap and In first-class neighborhood. Payne, Bostwick&Co, Sole Agent, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. West Farnam District ' Built by day Iber, J rooms,- hall,- parlor dining room, kitchen downstairs; 8 bed rooms and bath up; oak and hard pin fin 1sh; Combination fixture; hot water heat full cemented basement; laundry; large 191; permanent waiaa; Diocks to Far nam car; cloa to schools and churches. WALKUPSr 176-77-79 Brandeis Did. Doujjlts tS. BRICK HOME $1,800 On block from car line. Lea than half th coat to build house. Full Lot, Easy Terms NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. Suite U N. Y. Lire Bldg, I hone Red UM. Omaha, Neb TWO choice lots at 2th and Ames Av. for sale by owner. Mrs. A. R. McCandless asmana, isso. "JUST A MINUTE" Please take time to notice a real bar- rnin in a home: 6 rooms, ail modern in every way. on a fine paved atreet, close to the new university site, lot 4HxH7H, hmiM la hrand new. never been occupied Will consider $3,250 for a quick sale. If Interested call up owner, Doug. Ii3; even ing, W ebster 46KI. j, w . luor oj. 689-91 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1653 A-2653. s" - 1 - - BEVEN rooms, brand new, modern ex cept heat; largle corner let. near 4Hth and Davenport Ma. trice. J.,k.. smau puy ment down, oaiance use rent. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 708 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. , $3,660 -Yearly . On a cash Investment of $10,500, balance $ per cent; ( flat on loe fn corner, owner might coniaer a - gooa nrm ciear ior first payment, W. L. 8elby, 43 B. of T Bldg. (22S.J ' " NINE-ROOM all modem house, In ex cellent condition: corner lot: 66x134: streets paved, all specials paid. If you are looking for a fine home do not ran to see this one. Located in the beat residence district n the city. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. T. Life Bl(lg. Both Phone. $30,000 $'2.50 PEB ACUE Four sections grazing land. 14 miles north of Hcrshey, on IT. P. R. R., In Lin coln county, Nebraska; 9 mile north of Platte river. $2.E0 per acre. W. L. SELBY, 4.K! Board of Trade' Rldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS 100 to $10 W made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wend Bldg..' Ib'.h and Farnam. 8500 TO tC.000 on homes In Omana. O'Kaef Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Llf. !uug. or A-2152. MONEY TO LOAN -Payne Investment Co. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. REAL estate purchase money, mortgages and contrrcts bought. Antelope Investment company. Old Boston Store Bldg. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. THE ROCK KPRINOS NATIONAL HANK will receive bids for the materials and Construction of a three-story brick hank and office building. 25x100 feet, In accord ance with plans and specifications on flit at tli4r banking office, or at the office of William Iubole, architect. Cheyenne, Wyo onilug. All bids to be sealed and submitted at their banking office on or before 10 o'clock a m. August 12. llxm. and to he ac companied by certified check In the amount of 82.WI0. Privilege reserved to reject anv and all bids. HOCK PPRING8 NATIONAL BANK. a.idllt NOTICK TO FEWF.R CONTRACTORS The city of Fort Hodge, la., will receive sealed bids until ft o'clock p. m on the l'.th day of August. i:i9. for furnishing all ma terial and labor and constructing a sanitary sewer in said city. Estimated length of sewer 11 000 feet. Size of pipe s-10-12 inches Ppeclflcatioim on file in the office of the city clerk and will be furnished upon re Quest therefor. King E. Real, Cltv Clerk. A6d St REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS OARVIN BROS.. 818 N. Y. Life. 1608 to 8200.00U on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1220 Farnam fit. WANTED City loans. Piters Trust Co. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. N. Y. Life Private money, $500 to $5,000; low rate. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated Apply Rooms 417-12 First Nat l Bank Bldg! Bell Phone Douglas 2318. LOWEST RATES ftemle, Brandela Bldg. WANTED-T0 BUY BEST prlc paid for aecond-hand furni ture, carpets, clothe ana shoes. 8U7L Tel. Doug. BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture, stoves, clothing. W. Kosenblatt. Tel. D. 6401. Strictly Modern 7 or 8 Koom House near car. North end.' Kountse Place preferred. NOW ATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Phone Red 10!. HIGHEST price paid for Insurance poli cies in old line companies. The Putnam company, u04 New York Life Bldg. WANTED TO BUY A barn within moving distance of Fortieth and Dodge sis., appiy at -i I'oage Bt., after p. m. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price Zd-Iiand furniture, clothe, etc. D. 42i5. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN desires room, with board In North Omaha; Kountze place preferred; state terms. AQciiess, r nee. Will buy the southeast corner of ISth and Dodge fits , 6x132, with two. brick houses and one frame house, renting for $1.9 per year. Thta corner Is bound to be worth much more money in a very lew years, lr you are looking for a close-In 'Investment which cannot help but enhance In value, Investigate this. Payne, Bostwick&Co., wamlu-t rent, oy gentleman, one, two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms, In private family, with or without breakfast . and dinners. Must be in good location, w est t arnam district preferred Address P. O. Box t35. Sola Agent, Main Floor, N. Life. 13 NET TO YOU One of the beat close rental properties In Omaha; 85.0U0 cash, balance 6 per cent. Don't mis It. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite K24 N. V. Llf Tildg., Fhone Red U90. ' OMAHA, NEB. BOULEVARD HOUSE. 224 North 13th St, t room modern, only - $2,500. Thomas Brcnr au. Room 1 New York Life bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND it A M III LAND FOR SALE Hlssetoia. 324 ACRES well Improved land. Red River Valley. Minnesota. Nothln better on earth, 843.00 per acre. F. J. McMahon, unaicott. St, Paul. Minn. .- - llsk. Idaho Carey Aet Lands. Now open for entry In the choicest agricultural section of the northwest. Th Snak River Valley. Southern Idaho. Stat Government Supervision. For free Information on Irrigated Lands write C. B. Hurtt. Boise. Jddo. WANTED SITUATIONS JAPANESE boy wants a position at gen eral housework or porter. Address 411 N 26i h St., So. Omaha. Tel. South ltl. WANTED Situation, by young man of 25; good habits; am employed but wish, to change. Would like a place In general store. Am willing worker: speak low tier man; can play band instrument.. Address u dox m, bioux uenter, ia. BOOKKEEPER Competent man desires position. Experienced in wholesale lines; capable of filling position a bookkeeper or oasnier; good reterences. Add res y 8ti3, care Omaha Bee. A COMPETENT cook or housekeeper. witn a iv-year-oiu son. Address K 1SJ, Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Ariaus, Washington, D. C, July 7, Sealed proposals for letting District No. 1, in the Crow Creek Indian Reservation, South Dakota, fur grazing purposes, either under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affalra, Wash ington, D. C, until 2 o'clock p. in., on Monday, August it, l'JOs, and will bs Im mediately thereafter opened in the pres ence of such bidylers as may attend. Maps showing the location of tin aisirict and ail necessary Information may be obtained on application to the superintendent of the Crow Creek Indian School, Crow Creek, 6outh Dakota. R. O. Valentine, Commis sioner. J15d26t Grace E. Sturrock and husband to Alice Curtl. lots t and 11. block 6. Soring Lake Paik 8 4.500 Frances H. Williams to C. George Carlberg, lot 7, block 3, Creston 250 Same To same, lot 14. block 13. Or chard Hill 210 Joseph White et al to Ellxabeth White, lot 6. b ock 87. South Omaha. 1 May B. Kountze and husband to Mir- gretha Lange, north 51 feet lot Is, Kountze sub 1 H. D. Heed and wife to L. F. Fra- zell, lot 11. block 4. Sheridan Place. 250 C. C. Westenlahl and wife to Myrle M. (.'hamoeis, lot 5. Howe addition 8.200 George T. Morton and wife to John H. Gantz, part lot 10, George Forbes' lib 2 Same to Caroline Burnell, part same 350 Rudolph Beal and wife to the H. D. Mercer company, lots 5, 6, 9 and 10, block 10, Walnut Hill 3.500 Edward Al. Slater and wife to A. L. Anderson, part lot 7, block L, Lowe s addition 2.B50 Ella E. Latson to Jennie A. Itson. all 1st addition to Pruyn park ex cept lots 1. 2. 7 and 8. block 2 1 John Keegan and wife to J. J. De- right, west 20 feet lot 3, block 1, Cotner tt Archer's addition 30 In front of hayrake on the farm and Oilman of Sioux City rode the mule In front of a ranalhoat In New York atat. This polo match will take the place of the burlesque Olympic games which made such a decided lilt at the tournament last year. Interest In the tournament by. players throughout the state Inst year has con vinced the (lliectots that It I the fin thing to do to offer good prise for state competition, to he played for by tenr nis men of Nebraska outside of Omaha,' This will be done, and alreedy many ap plications arc being received from out In the state. Springfield has entered Seven names. Although the tournament Is two week away entries are pouring in and give Indi cations of being more nunieroii theft at any previous meet of this premier clay court tournament of the country. 'The rules of the United States Lawn Tennl association will govern. It Is now practically assured that Charle Peters and Walter T. Hayes, the present champions, will be on hand to defend titles. Both are In excellent, form and have been making th,e .leading lennls men of the country Rustle .Oils spring! Among those w ho hav already-n.t In ,thlf en tries or have signified' their Intention of coming to the tournement are 'Mayo and Peters of Chicago, Jotie of St. Louis, Oil man and several others from Sioux City, four from Des Moines, three from Kansas City, one from Denver, one from Mitchell, 8. D., one from Sioux Falls, 8. 1., and Itlalherwick. the ambidextrous -one. rum Iowa. . .- , Local Interest In the tournament la also greater than ever before and on hundreds of courts In the city tennis men may be seen practicing up fur the big event. All the large outdoor clubs will have several entries. These with the outsiders should make this the biggest tennis meet ever held In the west. JKFF GOKJ TO ITHH BOILS Total $15,608 OCEAN STEAMERS CANADIAN PACIFIC uias tkajt rovM day at ska. Weekly SsaUiag Betwa atoaireal, tjnetoe aa Ialrpoi. Two days on th beuilfui Be Lajrnoe river and th borlai oceaa rout to' u rope. Nothing better on th Atlantie than em mprssea- Wlrelea on all stramera. First eiaaa, M eend. Mi en imam abln, . Ask your ticket agent, or writ far aall. ttg. rale snd booklet. O. a. BBMJAlaTaT. . A, . 133 Bonta Olark aw Obioar. TAR Unes . gar w Bs j RUUL in M i H ii 1 1 CRUIJLTHE SAILING JANUARY 20,1910 toMiukira Jpain,Mf.diterrrMan .Orient Costing only400andupfor73days. Crui t only400andupfor' 8pt.Wnit Smr LinVNY.! ragenti TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Farm Paper. Oae Dollar Per Year, Prise Flsjhter Hope to Get Rid of Trouble at Carlsbad. NEW YORK. Aug. $. James J. Jeffries, the pugilist, smiled a broad farewell to a crowd of well-wishers thst gathered on the North German Lloyd line pier in tlo boken today and sailed away on the steam ship George Washington for a six weeks' Bojourn In Europe. Jeffries and his wife will go direct to Carlsbad. The big Call fornlan has been troubled recently with bolls and hopes the water there will aid him. Jack Johnson Is expected here today or tomorrow and may talk over arrangement with Sam Bcrger, Jeffries' manager. i n n n n n n n r TRIUMPH BOTTLED BEER "A healthful mellow brvw It nourishes, strengthens, upbuilds. Helps you dig your way to auccesi dad in on An a V TMI FSTORZ IfVG CO. lad. IUIU Phases I uuuuuu Ideal Vacation Tours; noose Yours. Colorado. ' LAND IN COLORADO. Only 25 to SO miles east of Denver, near the Union Pacific R. R. $8.50 TO $12.30 AN ACRE. Thla I all good, rich, level land in a locality where you can see Improved farm all around. Good crops. On crop will pay for th land. Can sell In QUARTER, HALF OR FULL SECTIONS. ' Thir land will surely double in a short time. " - -ut. HA8TINQ3 A. IIEYDfiN.-V- . 1414 Harney St.. .'i , . emaa? "Neb. I ' , . r-t h U Iowa. ' '.- GOOD LAND CHEAP. . 100 acre in Kimball county, Neb., .'our mllea south of Dlx; every acre can b culti vated; $1 per acre. J. G. BONE, 312 Shugart. Blk. 'Phone 814 Bell.. Council Bluffs. Ia. teste). OOOD New Mexico lands, $2 to $10 per sere, in tracts of 4,000 to 200,000 acre Water for Irrigation. Rahte all kinds of grain and fruit. Also Irrigated farms In Colorsdo, and aaf money-making Irriga tion projects. The Hagadorn Investment Company, 1618 Tremont St., Denver, Colo. lasts Osksta, SOUTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral and tiniDer lann for aale or trad, l.tuw acre part Irrigated farm, fine Improvements, one mile eest of Kapid City la Rapid River valley for sale or trade. Bargain. Tell i ruiiy what you wish to buy, jtell or tradi Come west; make money In land. Rep resentatives wanted, farmers preferred. Farrar 4 Jpn, ftapld City, 6. L' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C . Staled proposals for letting District No. 2, in tho Cheyenne River In dian Reservation. South Dakota, for graz ing puipoes. eilher under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office of th ComiiilSHluner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, Until 2 o'clock p. m.. on Monday, August 30, 1009, and will b imme diately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location of the diatrlcta and all necessary Information may be obtained on application to the Superintendent of th Chevenne River Indian achuol, Cheyenne River Agency, South Dakota. R. G. Val entine. Commissioner, . Jy21dS0t DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ' pffice ; of Itidian rAffaira, , Washington, P. C., . Sealed proposals for letting grazing privileges on the Blackfeet Indian Reseratiun, Montana, under the peinilt system, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ing, D. C, until 2 o'clock, p. m., on Mon day. August 'M. ll.0H. and will be Immed iately thereafter opened In the preence of such bidders as may attend. Map showing the location of the reservation and all necessary information may be ob tained on application to the Superintendent of the Blackfeet Indian school, Browning, Mont. R. G. Valentine, Commissioner. Jy21d:iot DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Office of Indian Affaire. Wabhlngton. D. C, July 7, 11 Sealed proposals for letting District No. 1 in the lira i.ake lnaiau Ke ervatlon. Minnesota, for grazing purposts tither under a leave or by permit, a ill be received at the offloe of Commissioner of Indian Affslrs, Washington, I). C, until I o'clock p. m on Monday. August 8. uvs. and will be immediately I hereafter opened in the presence of such Plddeis as may at ten J. Maps showing (he location of the district and all necessary Information may De obtained on application to tne superin tendent of the Red Lake Indian Sel.ool. lUti I-ake, Mliinvbota. it. G. Vaier'ne. Coiiui.lstuoiisr. Jjlwiii Seattle Expogltiou Tour through the Northwest wonderland, one way North am Pacific, the other Great Northern, via the Black HIUs, Yellowstone Park and Spokane $50.00 Blt Lake and Return G. A. R. Reunion. Open excursion rate, August I to 8, inclusive, via Denver and scenic Colorado $29.40 Coat Tour, Seattle and California One way through the Northwest and over the Shaata Route through California, other way via Salt Lake and Scenic Colonio $05.00 Yellowstone Tark Tour Side trip from Livingston. 6 V4 dayB. $55.00; aide trip from Ogden. 6 dayg, $35.00. Going and returning via Gardiner (official entrance) rail, stage and hotels, 5 4 days in the park, $84.S4. Attractive circuit tour, in via Gardiner, out via Salt. I-ake and Scenic Colo rado. 5 days, $107.25. In via Scenic Colorado. Salt Lake. Yellowstone and out via Gardiner, 3 days. $93.50. Personally conducted Park camping tours, via Cody and the scenic entrance, over Sylvan pass. An eighteen-day tour Inviting the highest class of travel from Cody $72.00 Coly, Wyo. Diverging point for Park camping toura and . huntlag C0UDtry $30.75 Sheridan, Wyo. For Big Horn Mountian resorts and Eaton Bros ' Vacation Ranch $25.75 Hot bjirlnirs, 8. 1. Delightful health resort and location of the million dollar .... $15.75 $17.50 All government Army Sanitarium Scenic Colorado Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo TRAIN SERVICE. Denver and Colorado From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and. 11:60 p.,m. ... w ui6U eruuB equipment, tnrougn standard and tourist aWepers. - Northwest and Pujtet Sound Via Billings and Northern, PacJfUs 4:10 p. m.; via Billings and Great Northern, 11:50 p. m. Through standard and tourist sleepers. These are the only through trains Nebraska to Seattle. J. B. Reynold, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. mf--.-m. l m E 11 RUPTURE Rupture of men, woman and chlldrea can b cured In a few day without a surl;J operation, loaa ut tlm or pain. Th cost la goverueU by Ui sis of toe ruptured opsa. Ing to be clor4. The money may be deposited In some Oinaha bank In th nam et be paid until trie cure la completed. Thousand of par. is years and a tioa. M. raxAax th patient oi ,,'iardlao, not to ,wi.uiu pwuyiv iis.v aecepiea mese cerrns auring tne par. js years ant all are com- vyir ""ii. write or call for fur I tier iriwr 0 Baildlas-. OduU foriuaUoa.