THE BEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. 'AUUt'ST P. Y.nV. 1 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wieat Breaki on Opening, but Shortt Tke Profit!. current receipt free cr JJ(Jtr f tnsfk 'HKK.K Firm; New York full creema h.)li. 14piir. fair to good. lVal4"v. tUHt R l TBK -OH t BELT VALUES GO t'P AS A active Market All Oaf, l)n Katlrrly to ta Belna la nr ntlsfle gBOrt t ondltloaa Ahoal Perfect. I Cooler I the finfta wws. I OMAHA. Aug I. 130 RESULT wHVn the lad t.niy-four hours show- re 01 .urred In the extreme northwest end eitiem upper Missouri valley, the lower Mteeourt allev and southwest, ana reins i ere unite genets! In all sections esst Pi the Mississippi river The showers mere generally light throughout the central end western portions, hut were modetstely I heavy at points tn the Ohio valley and ! esstern tate. The weather continues i warm over the cetral vslles And west ! tn the mnnnlilnl hut In cno'er In the ex treme northaest, and will probably be slightly cooler In this vicinity Friday, with NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Profenional Element in Market Working- for Reaction. '- ' OMAHA. Am V 1K9V Wheat- broke again at the openirg torisv. ut shorts began taking profit and value shnaeis tonight and possibly Friday rallied sharply. It wan an active market throughout the session, due entirely to the buying In by satisfied short. Reports from the northwest confirm the Impression that co-ndlthJtit could hardly he more perfect. Tba firmness In corn due more to th strength In wheat and the advance showed, up ah oversold market. There It little or no Improvement In the demand Wheat ld not. hold the aarly advance, owing to renewed selling pressure on the rally. Tha bulge arc not auetalned. es the bearfah pressure Is heavy on the perfect northwest crop prospects, buying wss en tirely jJana by shorts, taking profit. Com wag strong and higher with the early advance In wheat ve!ie. hut eased off later on tha weak. cah demand, and heavy "-laral receipt. . The movement of com I, liberal, owing to tha fin crop outlook. Primary wheat receipt were 944.000 hueh eta' and shlpmenia wara 1 023.000 bushel. J against receipt lilt ver of V,000 bushel and ahlpmenta of 943.000 buhela. primary corn receipt were i:.fWO bushel and shipments Were 3M.O0O hnshel. gainst recefpte' last year of 264000 bushel and shipments' ot 159.000 bushel. Clearances were 7.000 bushel of corn. .0U0. buahels of oata and wheat and flour equal to 185.000 bushel Liverpool closed I'afll'Vid lower on wheat and "Iwwer on corn. Local range of options: Artlelea.l Open. ! Hlgh. Low. C1oe. Yes'y. Wheat fiapc. Dec... Corn fpt. Deo... Oat tMPt.. Dee.,,! av rW lV 49V.! I TVS! 3i 3V ivi 5v 4T Ml' tli 4S'4l 3 Wit ll nmrnr-A nt fl m neret tire and OreClDl t t lOn computed with the corresponding day of the last three years: IMi W 1W 1W Minimum temperature . . 7 TJ "J W I'reclpltatlnn 01 .00 .M .01 Nnrmall temperature for today 7! degrees. Deficiency In precipitation lnce Mrcn l .HO of an Inch. Eicess rorrcspotidlng period In 1. .7 of an Inch teflclency corresponding period In l?"7. 4 IS Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Toreeaater. Cora aad Wheat fteajloa ' Balletla. For Omaha. Neb. for tha twenty-four hour ending at I a. m. . 75 th meridian time, Thursday-.-August V 1909. . OMAHA DlTniCT. Temp Raln- fftatlon" Mstt. Min. fall Ashland. Neb 10 7' .00 WEfD UP WITH BOLD ATTACK (iaald tocka Rise akarply on Re port of Matarlag of Financial Plaa of Roads la that Groap. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Very Small and Pricei Steady. Irg we Inactive t.atr the market :rengthened and closed firm. ?(ev York Moaer Nnrket. NKW VnnK. Aug l.-MONKT-On call. esy, 12 pr cent; ruling rate 1"4 per rent, closing hid. l' per cent; offered at l' per cent. Time Wn very active and firm: sixty days, per cent; ninety Amtm tnl ner ppnl: sis nuinlhs. 3'&4 Mr i ermM mkri'antile PAr-KK-, H0GS S 0 THE UP GRADE per cent. j 1 STKRMNfl EXt'HAXOS Fiesdv. with ,.,4... .Ur. c.eaerall. ai'tuaJ husmess tn gar.kers' bin at It ,M(VJ i Feedlaat Slorh t,eaerau 4 f.2f for stxtv-day bills and at 94 sw for Steady. While 1. a safes Dhow a I. It Auburn. Neb . Broken Bow. Neb. M hk .'i0 Columbus. Neb... a M Ml Culbertson. Neb..li4 . an .n Falrbury. Neb.... n 70 00 Fairmont. Neb... M on Or. Island, Neb . -St .00 TTartlngton. Neb. 00 00 Hastings. Neb.... 10 M 00 Ifoldrege, Neb... JO tf. .00 Oakdale. Neb f7 ..7 , Omaha. Neb on 71 .01 Tekamaii. Neh... l f .no Alta. la T on Carroll, la l 1 mi riarlnda. Ta it Ml "tblev. la V, 1 .M) Sloug City. la... 6 70 . 00 y. Clear lt. clopdy lear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy riear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cear Raining Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Minimum temperature for twelva-hour period ending at 9 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. (Vmaaa Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 Jtard. 93$101; No. S hard. MM: No. 4 hard. WuWc; No. 3 spring. HrtTWiC CORN No. I. rHV5ic: No. 3. fc9M e; No. 4.' Mc; no grade, I7ec; No. 1 vallow. aOHc: No. 3 yellow. MHc; No. 2 whits. 6JMrc; No. 3 white, 3Hc; No. 3 mixed, Svnasc: No. I yellow, 4tt40Wc; No. 3 white, 4A340HC; No. ihlts. 3739c. RTE No. t iaJ74c; No. 3. 717ic. - Owrlot Raeelpte. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chlcagn .r.: ra ui Minneapolis Omaha v- 40 109 4 ruiuth y CHICAGO 'ftHAII AND PROVISIONS .teV aaBaaas. Whfat- PTrteea Pall "Still I.owar on '""Board of Tra4e. CHICAGO. Aug. b. WHEAT Prlcea on the boarvl of -trade broke to a still lower level today, the September delivery at one time selling at 31.00- per bushel, and the Dcemer at -c. Tha net los at the close ranged . frorti mH to l7c. Corn and oat also continued to decline, the for mer .closing M!4 to HHc below eter day a rlhal -ftgurea, tna latter to He lower. Provision closed firm. Tha moat aevere slump In wheat occurred esriy fn the session and waa occasioned by liberal sales by mleoellaneou longs who had bought freely yeaterday on claims of a hig export. business . which were denied today. Weakness of foreign market, par tlcularlsshat at Liverpool- where prices wert off" lro- INd. also Inaplred free sales at th sfgrt. ",'' " Tha' ptflrk'et' was extremely nerVou thj-oggboul trie'eotlr dsy. The range for trie-day ot PepJember waa 11,00 to ll.OlS The closa wa weak at almost the bottom. Raptember- being a 11.094, .December plos;d T--r8cT after aerllng' betwwenr ssa - and 11 00. " ' Claim of damage to the corn crop by hot Arv weather In Iowa and Illinois prompted liberal burrhasea of September, which re sulted in. a material rally following a se ver slump, dua to profit taking aalea. Sep tember was extremely erratic and ranged between and Mo. Tha market closed Mtr. with September at 03c. Tha break In wheat and corn caused an earl slumo In oats. Much of tha loss however, was regained. September old between 3M and agAiGrWPso. The close was rather weak, with Reptember at 3rwo Provisions were firm all day. At the close prlcea'wer C7H to 12H higher. Tha leading futures ranged as follows No. of Stations. Temp. Rain. Mag. Mln Inches. Central. Chicago. Ill Columbus. 0 10 Dee Moines, la 14 Indianapolis. Ind . IS Kansas City. Mo . 17 Louisville. Ky 17 Minneapolis. Minn. 39 Omaha, Neb 19 8t. Louie. Mo 13 The weather contlnuea warm throughout the corn and wheat region. Shower oe curred within the last twenty-four hours In all except the De Molnea district L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. NEW TURK GF.ERAI, MARKET SX .Ml ft 01 .20 90 (it 00 i 10 :t 7 .u t .10 vi so .ta 00 W .01 93 70 03 daotatlons of the Day oa Tarloas (omsnodltlea NEW YOKK. Aug. &.FLOCR Receipt. 10 lfio bbl : exports. 7,K0 bbls. Market waa oareiy ateadv, wttn small jobbing trade; Minnesota patents were quoted at o.9unR40 Minnesota bakers. &. ibti 6. 90 ; winter pat ents, s.tit. ,r; winter straight. 6.60So.ii Artlelea.l 0en. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Tea y Wh't. I Sent. I Deo. May - Corn 1 Sent. - fa Dec. i oim l m i oo NEP YORK. Aug. S.-The professional element In stock , msrket speculation re mained distrustful of the high level of prices today and worked for reaction, as they did yesterday. Their operations were tentative and so cautious ss to hsve Mule effect on prices until a bolder attack tn the last half hour. There was evidence of aubstsntlsl realizing at some point, which ; had to be reckoned with as well as the j enuri selling ok in Dears. Positive strength In other ourter servr-d. however, as a sustaining force. L'nited States Steel In fuel. roe momen tarily through Its previous high record, and Heeding passed J4, Whlcn repret.entea revious maximum, made tn January, he sentimental effect of these two epis odes wss constdersble. The winding up of the tsrlff struggle and the conviction that the reopening of the maiket tomorrow would see the new law enacteo oi some Influence on th late active rcallx-in. i he prevailing nispoeition is in awmi mr resDonse of the country to the paxsage of the tariff bill before proceeding to mucn greater lengths in th stock market. Th heavv pig iron prooucuon ror in month of July pointed to such rapid re operation in that Induatry that an im petus wa given agin to me sirei in dustrial. The fact that th Lnlted Mates Bteel corporation a output oi Iron for that month exceeded that of any previous month was a direct influence In lifting tha Brio of Great Northern ore tertlfi- catee. The Stability manifested by prices encourages operatlona by people In differ- j ent stocks which hsve been lert oormant. The awakening of these Into activity pro fessionally hss no other cause than their claims to readjustment wnn tne general advanced level of the market. There were striking recoveries today In a number of stocks which were scutely depressed through dissatisfaction with plana for re organisation. For Instance. Chicago Great Western sold todsy at tV after having sold last week as low aa 4, when the holders of the stock were afrsld that the drastic rovlsions of reorganisation would. In fact, wipe out the common atock. The estimate In the outside market of nominal quota tlone for the new common and preferred when Issued was the apparent cause of the rise. The stock lost most of a 3-polnt advance later. There were similar but narrower movements In Western Mary land. Wheeling ar Lake Erie and Chicago Terminal Tranafer. The Gould atock rose sharply on re newed reports of the nisturing of the financial plan for the different roads in that group. Denver & Rio Grande was helped specifically by the news that a block of its bonds hsd oeen placed with a crotiD of Oerman Investore and that the full operation of the Western Pacific line was imminent. This evidence of the attractiveness of American bond Issues for foreign Investors Is regarded as hsvlng an Inmortant bearing on the prospects for some large new issues soon to be offered. The crop news wss reassuring and the call loan market remained unaffected by the hardenlna of the time money market and the gradual depletion of bank reserves now commenced. The transfer of gold through the subtreasury to San Francisco for export to Japan opens up a new force demand Commercial bills. 14 MVd M S I I.VtR-Bar. 6Tr; Mexican dollar. 44c. HUXW Government, stead); railroad. firm. rinsing nuotstlons on bonds todsy wets as follows: int. mm 4i n ln M X 4 .... l"t sjitun 4s Kl do tv 114 K. C So In 3l HIV L. S lr 4s Sit. - i I. A N unl 4. . . l"l M K T 1st 4l. XH Mo n Si .. .. Vo. I"t. iflc 4s ... . Ill N R It of M 4a V 9. isf it. rsg do ..euron t S : re dr. 'Ojfon I 9 4. rsg do upon A III s- ha I 1 it Am A. 4 Ar TAT. n. 4s. Am. Tot'cco 4s do ta . Armour 4 Co. 4Ss Alcblson gsn. 4s.... do rv. ts di rr. il . . . . . At I. I.. 1st 4s ... Bsl. A Ohio 4s .... it its dn 9 W ISs Irk. Tf tt 4a I'sn. of Oa. Ss I sn. Lesthsr :s. C of V J . g hi . S N. T l' I 111 0 do Ssh. 4 ! N T . S. H. s lit rr U . ! sN A w ft coo 1.j 1 o rt 4a . . sno, Paol'l' 4 ... 91 S do U 7 O U rff 4 1-1 lens i-i. !', 191, M0- do ron. 4a 2l Sn.lir.l (an 4 . . f Tin A Ohio 4't..H'4v, ss LAST do raf ta !'lt do is. la rhtcago A A Ja ... 9t L 9 W t. I B AW 1 4a SkVi ' 1st gold 4a do n. 4s Sssbosrd A. L. 4s (.'. u t IP g J " So fariflt cel. 4a C. H. I P c 4.. 4 do rv 4 do col. ot d 1st rf 4s ... do rft 4a H 'So Sallwa; it . rolo. Ind te s.t do ssn 4a lolo. Mid. 4s Hi4j t'rlon Parlflo 4a. .. C. 9 r. a iwi n" o-i ct 9-1 ', H 44 1't i, inc h ihi 91 n M .. 95 H. .1144 4 ?H .. 1fll . . t ... ; ...944 .. I7S . l- l-s'H 4a SI . 91 . 19 . S94 . ! K.W :i2H lv.44j .114 . t-H .10 10TH . 9iH 111 tie Mora Streaath Ibis Waa Developed Vsedoesday. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. iV. 1909 Receipt were Offlclsl Mondsv Official Tueedsy Offlclsl Wednesday , Estimated Thursday Cattle. Hogs. Uheep .. m i t I 101.-4 .. X.40 3.077 11. t. .. Is-V. ! 13 1M .. l.btO . Four devs thl week. ll W 17 941 40 JM Same dsvs last week... 1M 93.117 19.6M Asms dava 3 weeka ago..U:3 3i &4 31. M Same dava 3 weeke ago. .13 497 19 4.4 M"J Sams dava t weeks aso.10.7o7 19 .f71 7.U8 Ssm days last year. . . .U.91I 37.099 30 ;fl The following table shows tne reoelpts of csttle. hegs and eheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1909. 1904. Inc. Dec I'attle 9?1 199 40i.:0t 34.423 Huxs 1.970..1SO 1.696.739 115 .'9 Sheep 791.014 119.079 3S.0G The following table snow the sversgu price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several daa. with cvraparisona: Data. 1909. .iMt.iiMn.iitot.ivmim.iw. Kanaas straights. i!. R e flour, in this depletion. The attack on prices May l&r4,W 4 itm V ; I -- sept mrvniKs. De. Mar Pork Sept Jan. Laid Sept. Oct. Nov. Ribs Sept. Oct. 30 ) 19 44.1 tt A 19 . 93H US2V9 11 Sa il I7H 10 34) J lOSTHl Jl 3t M 90 l oov t OlH ' 99H! 1 CWlj 1 91HI I 0N - 1 f.2, 62l 62n 63 i W.'SS'.'"! 38W.I 3H' 39 10 w 16 SB 11 11 17H 11 3iii 11 r 10 93m 10 96 1 f llt . Xl STHI 1100 I 11 06 U7tt,10 tt I 10 67HI 10 71 90 M 30 37H 16 W 16 27 11 2S I 11 32 10 90 I 10 9 10 63H No. t - ' , Caah quotaUong were aa follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patenta. 16 30 4; atralghta, .t0C ; spring patents. 30.OOt76.30; straikt. .H0S bakera. $3 60 9 6 36. BARLET Feed or mixing. 4SS6c; fair to choloa malUng. 9490o. RTS-No. 1, 74rTo. 8ECD8 Flaai. No.. 1 southwestern, 11 38; Nev 1 Borthwsetsrn. 1146. Timothy. U0. nover. all 6. ' PROVISION PorV. fness, per bbl., 330.50 fllOtm. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 311.32V.. Short ribs sides (loose). 311 OtWT 11.10;. short clear iai rboxadW 111 rXVffii.ajvt. Total clearances of wheat and flour were enual t Ml.Ok) bu. Primsry receipts were 944 090 bu . compared with' 9.O0O bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 34J cars: corn, 131 cars; oata. 163 cars; hogs, II 000 head - BCTTEI-fHeadr creameries, JJU36C; dairies. vtf33e,. EOO8 Hacelpts, 6 916 esses: steady: at mark, caaes included. ISfii firsts. 31Vtc; PCHEElBEtcon: dalalee, UV1H!: twins, 14H4T14e; roung Aroeticaa. 05Sc; long home. lMvfflfiNe. POTATOKStteady: choice to fancy, 7 T70c; fair rood, tJttTfoc. POCLTRT-Flrmi, turkeys. 14c; chickens, ,4VEALIus"y; V to 00-lb. wts . SfiSWc; 9 to ai-lh. wta., 9aSc; ' -D- w 9HJ10o. KlaaevaUa Grata Market. MTNXEAPOI.IB. Aug. S-WHEAT-Sep tember. 9c; December. 4c 1 hard. H I 3 northern. barely steady; fair to good. i4 1u4M.tjO; choice to fancy, 94.65434.90. CORNMEAL Quiet: fine white and yel low. tl.6Mil.70: coarse. tl.66'Sl s0: kiln dried. 13.76. RYE Dull: No. 3 western. Mo. nominal. f. o. h.. New York. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. tfi70c. . 1. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts. S3.!0 bu. Spot market was weak; No. 2 red. new. 11.14. nominal. domestic, elevator; No. 3 red. new. 61.1.1H. prompt, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, DM- iuth, old. 11.30-n 1.30'. nominal: No. 1 north ern, Duluth. old. II SH't, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter, new. I1.12V4. nom inal, f. o. b. afloat. Continued pressure on the wheat .market today from Important In terests produced further wtaknes. -valuea declining Over 1c pef buahel. The brilliant spring wheat prospects. Irs active export iraae ana weak cable executed the break. Last prices were l'0lHc net lower. Sep tember. 31 W4.Wl.10i;. dosed 31 OP.'.: Decem ber. ll.OtJttl.OTV closed 31.0S4; May, 31.08H sfl.0. closed 31.065, cuk.-s Keceipts. 7.67S bu.: export. 1.100 bu. Spot market easy: No. 3. old. 79o. ele vator; No. 2. new, 60c, winter ahipment. The option market waa without transac tions, closing MiC lower. September cloaed at n',c. oecemDer Closed at 4o. OA rt Keceipta. M.70 bu.; exports. ITO du. hpot market quiet; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs ."24e. nominal: nsttirst white. Hi to it lha 41K57C; clipped white, 34 to 43 lbs.. &2:Ue. HAY Stesdv: No. 3. HirK,c: rood in choice. 95cUll.(s). HOPS Firm; Psciflc coaat, 190. 1417c: 1907. ll14c. HIDES Firm: Central America. JW'v PROVISIONS Hoef. oulet: fsmllv 114 nfl C14 60; mess. $11.00(911.60: beef hems. U4.W9 26.00; pscket. f i!.6oa U.UOr cltv extra Indian mesa, I20.60aa.fs). Cut meats, ateady; pic kled bellies. $12.&0$il30: pickled hams 112 60312.76. I.ard. weak; western S11 5K-rf H.f3; re'lned. steady: continent. 311 0; South American, S13.75: compound. $7 5o7.7S. Pork, steady; family, . tll.sMtTvw; short clear 100r22ry); mess. tSl.76tT33.15. seofd cm fwv no upunuuuu TALI.OW-Steady; city, 6 9-lc; country. 6 5-lfiifi 6 lJ-ISc RICE Steady: domestic, fair to iBSVc; Japan, nominal. BCTTEll Creamery enrol I UUtv- official price. 3Wc: crea trier v extras KJ 36Vc; cresmery. thirds to firsts, -325Uc inctornmy; siat iuii cream pe clsls. 1H4M64c. t-(G Steady: receipts. 12.394 cases; state. Pennsylvania and nearby brown fancy hennery. 3ug:V. POULTRY Alive, firm: weatern ehlck ena. lfV18c: fowls. 15Slc: turkeys 13c Dreessd. steady: western chickens, brollera, 1643o ; fowls. i;ai7Vijc. In the lest hour left prices as a rule lower than laat night, atlhnugh there were re coveries from the lowest prices. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. 36.9M.000. United tSatea bonds were un chsnged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks todsy were ss follows: Sales High Low Close. Cash: No tl No X:. No. a northern. ll.TIVij 1 hard." M.aJ-V No- 1 northern, tl V No. 1 northern, W 1.33 FLAX -Closed at IIXTA. BRA hi I 100-lb. sacks. 339 V FLOCR-Flrst patent. 90?C.W- second patents. tAsfttW 09: first clesrs. U MM JJ; second cJear. 13 g543 ' Peoria Market. PEORIA" Jll . Aug. I CORN' Higher ; N. 1 yellow, s4t',r; No. 3 yellow. 7Wc: No. 3. S7 We : no. . WV; no grsde. 6Sc. OATS Higher: standard. rsiS.4c: No. 1 Tel ho. t white. 34c; No 3 red. 3Mc. Mllwaakee Grata Market. . MILWAI'KFF. Aig 9-WHKAT-No. I northern, tl 2741 No. 1 northern. 11155 IN September. tl1'. OATS.Mo.-. . ' ' . , ' BARLKY-JBtgswsrd. Wr. PklUalrlyhU TrerUlea Market. Kajasaa City Grata and Provlaloas. KANSA8 CITY. Mo.. Aug. 6 WHEAT Unchanged to lc lower; September, 97Sc sellers; December, 9"c, sellers; Msy, 97W41 97Sc bid; No. I hsrd. IKEaiOS'i; No. 3 hsrd. 974cj6l 02: No. 1 red,; No. 3 red. 9.liM CORN White, unchsnged to He lowr; mixed, unchsnged to 4jc higher; September. 67e67Vrc. sellers; December. 4Sc; Msy, 4S'6S". sellers; No. 3 mixed. 1H: No. 3 mixed. 67VP114C; No. I white, tUQM'ic; No. 3 white. 63SQ4c. OATS Unchsnged to lc lower; No. I wnne. tisr4sc; p.o. z mixed. IMftoc. RYF7iwb-. HAY Unchsnged; choice timothy, 110 MVd- 11 w; cnoice prairie, ii aa: choice a - f 112 Ctvt 11 50. BITTER Creamery extra. ts; flrt. ac; lecotiai. zie; packing stock. 1H" i'tjij a-xirss. aw, rirsts, 30ic; cur rent receipts. 17V:; seconds snd dirties lie. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1.C00 IS? ox) Corn, bu 41.0MI JI.OMt Oats, bu 14.0M) Allts-ftielmeni t'd Amalgamatad Coripar .... Amorlrso AgrKultural ... Am. Bsst Sugar Am. das prd Am. C A r Am. Cotton Oil Am H. li. pf Am. toe gerurttle. ....... A mart can Llnaeed ........ Amarlrsii Loromottva .... Am. S. a K asl 9. a it rfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. T T Am. Tobacco pft Amsiiran W oolsn Anaoonda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchltoa pfd Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Ral tt Ohio pfd Hethleriam Steel . Brooklyn Rapid Tr Ceoadlan Pacific Caoirsl Leathar t'antral Lauiar pfd Central of N. J Chaaapeaks Ohio Chit-ago at Alton Chlcas Ot W Chlrago N. W C, M. A St. P C C . C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado a So Colo. A So. at pfd Colo. A so 9d pfd Consolidated Osa Cora Producu Delavars A Hudson Dsn rar A R: Qraiide.... t) A R. o. pfd Distillers Securities Ens Erie 1st pfd Erie :d pfd General Kiertrla Onaat Northern pfd ureal Northern Or ells. Illinois central Interborough Met Int Mac. pfd International Harteater . I Int. Marina ptd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansaa City So K. C. o. pfd LoulSTtlls A N Minn, a gt. L M . St. P. 9. g. M .. Ulaacort Pacific M.. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Biscuit Nation! Lead N. R. R. of M 1st pfd . New York Central N Y . O. A W Norfolk A W North Amariraa Northern Pact tie Pacific Mall Pennavlvanta Poop 1 a Gas P , C. C. 9t L Praaaed gtaei Car Pullman Palace Car ... Railway Steel 9prlng ... Reading Republic gtael Republic gtael pfd Rock laland Co Rots lsls-4 14. pfd ... St. LAS P. Id pfd . St. L 9 W Si. L. 9. W, prd Sloaa-Sheffteld A I Southern Pacific Southern Railway so. Railwa pfd 1H I'M t.eo wo 7.S00 Tnft J.I i0 1.100 1 JJM t.4n r.4' 4 4 44 ' U IT II 1 M.K 1'a MS IM, 4TS 47 U4 8S 7S 4'4j l 1! T9. lit 6f. 4'V, 44 Ml, S 7M " MS lv ?v s to 1! II1 HS Sf'O 13'1-D l It' l.4n) i4it ltla 14-H 1.700 :o2; iOl l'tl'S fv1 li'a II II 1 4t 4i X II Ml list nit lilt 400 I'1, 1D4 IOIS 2 1S4 114 l. ittn 'is li 00 lit t 91 its) ft 12 1 I 4 sou 'S 7 :' l.TDO 1S7V, 164, l.,s . 37S V n 100 10t 1"t 1' K I'i 31 -S I..SN) ;g'( 71 1 7t 100 II 7t M 4. ton It 't 4 son it its 19 .fmo ),i4 r.stj liH 2M 7.i 75 74 J onn 474 4(t t 400 U M U . sit inn. m, 1.114 4 1.10 145t 144 144 . I.KVI IT.t t4S 4H . LOW UtiU 11.4V 1M 4.400 5. Si tO nOu 1L A H c. 4.... 109 do 1st A ref 4a si). A R (1. ta 1' V. 9 Rattner ta ... do ref. ss Pt I Siaei id ts . . slnlilcra' Si 77 va -aro. hm. it Krla p. I. 4a 9' Waharti 1st fa 'lo gen. 41 't do lat A ai 4a... do cv li aer. Aa Hit aatarn Md. ss do acnes B 77S Waal. K!er c tt 94 Csn. Eiar. c it tu Wis. Central 4s 6V 111 Ccn 1st ref Is . t SBId. "OffarKl. Boston Mocks aad Bonds. BOSTON. Aug o.-Money. .all losns. 3 i63' per cent; time loans. SJ$ per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows: Atchison adj. 4s dn 4s Atchison R. R do prd Boston Elevated Fitch burg pf d N. T., ,N. H. A H. Union Pacific Am. Arse Chcm . ... Am. Pncu. Tube . . . Amr. Sugar do prd Am. T A T Amir. Woolea do pfd lliaon Klec. Ills .. Maaa. Klectrlc do pfd Mass. Oal t r.lted Fruit I nltad Shoe Mach.. do pfd U. 9. Steel do ptd Advamure Amalgamated Arlsona com ti-dlrtcsnd. London Stork Market. I .ON DON. Aug. 6 Americsn securities opened nominally W to ' above parity, but later reacted on reaming sales. At noon the market as dull snd li regular, with prices from higher to ' lower than yes terday New York closing. London closing stocks: Console, money a 3-U lxUlavlll A N l.Vt u;M . K. A T 4t 971, V. T Central -44V, 11 Nor!olk A w s 111; oo pfd It ii:;,Ontlrlo A M 13. , 1144 ISISKsnd Mines 1014 SOS needing 1114 4S Southern Rr US l3t do p'd 74H titsoiHhern Pacific . lsi'a J:Lnion Pacific '.S tlVi do pfd W7 l V . 9. Pieel TTSi y, to pfd ii2t liiaWahssb 9-t 14 1 do pfd IS llH9aalak 4a 9 S1UVEK Lar. steady at 23 per tunce. MONEY per Cent. The rate of discount Jh the open market for short bills is l'1olHer cent; for inrte niontns bills, 1 -lu.&l'di pet cent. . 91 Atlantic 9'a .1CJS Butte Coallt.on i lisstsl A AM too a 109 .104! t emenmal 4t .117 Copper Itsnte I9S 121 risly Weal It Kit Franklin 17 9iS Orsnbr 10! . 47 Craene Cenanaa 10', . I Maes Mining It tt Mlihlfan IAS .119 Mohswk 74 .14t Mont C. A C . M Nerada 94 lttMhUid Dominion MS .la) Oaceola 14t . IS,lJulncy 90 . 71 Shannon Id 44 Tamarark 70 . 14 Trinity 11 .. SltU 9. Oil I4t .30 I 'ah 444, . . 74 4j Victoria 4t ..Kd .Wtnona It 7 Wolrerlne 'M . . 14 Nona Billie I'. .. 4it t dUI I I 99 I sn: I 901 9 Hi 7 -,' 13; I 97) i 44 i M i 11 4 99 J Salt, 9 VI I - I , I all I , 1 n i 37 I f 14. I 04. I 9 60, & 11; D Ob Is) i 9 341 9 09, II , I h 9 7 44V 41, I 01, 13, t t I 6 01 1 44, 993, I lb; I 991 4 W, 4 9f 7 V I 91 4 U! I 73 4 93' 7 MS,; t 33! 9 9ft, I 33; t 9-, 4 4 4 99 T BP1 t9i I I 32, 99, i' 6 J 7 S3 i I3 I 751 9 0d, t 04 July 3... July 37... July 21... July 19... July 30... July 31... Aug. 1... Aug J... Aug. 3... Aug. 4... Aug. 6... Sunday. Tha: official number ef cars of stock brought In todsy were as follows. cattle, nogs, e-neep. a 1 C. M. St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific 9 Union Pacific... - 23 C. N.. W., east I C. N W , west IS C, 8'l. V.. M. & O C, B. A Q . east 2 C, B. At J.. west 19 C . R. I. A P.. east ... 1 . : 4" ! e tt .. . '(li in tw . . . :4 s 1 is 79 . . . W . . T 9 ts .... IS ' t fd 11 9w . 1 an .. .j.s sstie ti ri it t in :i si a IS li I 1 n nil . 7 fci 71 i; ss 1 an M 114 PS) t .-I t4 9t ... 1 SO tw l n it n . 1 1 t; .. . :tj ?r 1 Tl ill no t an 4 744 . tHI ! Ill 1 SO 41 JrM 4 1 ' l ,9-1 ... f 40 . .. .; l J e ti is.-. . . j an 1 ttt lif 1 in It in ... t as r- a tn Hi J' is . art 777 . . J (- "9 Ml 14 1 SS 44 uo to i in 90 ri ei : jt r .. ;-i . . in -t si so ? 7 ji isrj i i:4 it in as 7 is 941 rto f i:t 7 i 4t j f 7' :n lk' ' , 9 tn left i an s .. . l 4 J it 91.. 114 . 1 ;t it ... l:l :u I i... n iw t tru 99 'V 99 . SIS 97 31 T 7t 4 :m ... 1 tit 9 ..-.71 its f ro if s . . 1 :s ti in k t t 41 741 7 4 11 199 . 1 Tit SHKKP Bntcner ineei. moved In shout the same notches as yesterday; lamha were fully steady and feeder atock acted very creditably. Summarised, this morning s market la tight around ateady on butcher eheep and feeder with lamb strong. The trad was reasonably active. There was quite a respectable run of sheep In today about twenty-slg rats from different northwestern rsnges. Oualltv and assortment differed very little from the ,?; guinea fowls, per dos , 93.99; squabs. iftmH further apart, with spot tyjotsd t 3ft atrji 7ft. Ths English Iron market waa uncharged. With Cleveland warrants quoted at 49s Td. locally the market waa steady No I Foundry northern. $17 rflT.W; No. 1. lit a f17 ;,V No 1 e-nithern and No. 14) eeHithern aoft. 17 Mj19 !o. ST. l.Oll.i. Aug 9 M KTAl.S tsd. firm at 14 iXUfl C-v Spelter, higher st IM" OMARA teRsiRKAs. HAUKsTTI. Staple nasi Foaey lrdoee Prtres Tw r alahed 9) flayers anal Wholesalers. BUTTER Cresmery, No. 1 delivered te the retell trsds In l ib cartons. 37o; No. 1. In -lb tuba, tic: No. 1. In 1-lb car tons, Zoo; In 90-lb. tubs, 34c: parking stock. kc: fancy dairy, tubs. HB2Ze. common til. fresh made, lft&lliic. Market change every Tuesday. KiXJti Kresh celling atock, candled, lie. No atorage stock tn Omaha matkeL CHKKVK Klnest Wlsoonsln full cream, talna. l&c; Young Americas. 4 In hoop, lite; favorite, ft in boop. 19c; daisies, so in noon, cream brick, full ease, inc. block Setea. lJc. full oream itmburgtr, I'.c. POl'bTnY-HrolUra. 19c; alive, springs, 1.1c; hena. 10Ho; eocks, 6Hc; duck. e; geese, tVc; turkeys, leo; pigeons, per dns , Chit-ago Gt. Weatern.... t 4 3 y 3 39 11 13 1 1 101 18 10 bulk of supplies that were received the first three dava this week. Idaho lambs brought 37 ft, range ewes sold at 14 39. a small string of feeding yearlings registered at !' and feeding lambs resitted 99.00. Qtiotstions on fst sheep snd lamba: Good to choice spring lambs. 37 ofsnvj 40 : fair to good spring lambs. IS 5TSI57 00; good to choice yearling. 9f(gWK, fslr to good yearlings. 14 9iVj 00; good to choice weth ers 94Ha4 tV.: fair to aood wethers. 34 0O71 4 40: imod to choice ewes. 14 3 04 M); fair! to good ewes. 14 OVtt4 SR. I Quotations on feder stock: Fair to choice lambs. 9f 2MM.3e; f9lr to choice year- I lings. 14 3S44.K: fair to choirs sheep. 33 80; Q4 39. I representative sales: No. Av Price. , lt western ewea s 9 Ml S western ewes, culls 9 2.M So Dak yearlings, feeders. 1 ti Total receipts 69 The oispoaii on of tha day recr Ipi 1 as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of lead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs iSheep. Omaha Parkin Co 103 RH3 !M Swift snd Company 34 1.31S l.bii Cudahy Packing Co 4ft9 Armour dV Co 473 8chwarta-Bolen Co Krey Packing Co St. Louis Ind. Pack. Co I.avton Omaha Pack Co.. 8t. J.. V. B. Vanaant Co 1"0 South Dakota wethers 9 i9 South Pskota wethers i'v 29 South Dakota ewes 10 Idaho ewes, culls li 29 Idaho lambs, culls m 2T1 Idaho lambs 73 250 Idaho ewea Un 244 Wyoming lambs, feeders M 93 Wyoming lambs, culls 47 ifl Wyoming bucks 142 s Idaho lambs, feeders M 179 Idsho lambs 6 ;'90 Idaho yearlings 91 19 Idaho ewes, culls 97 " 44 Idaho yesrllnge 31 j W Idaho ewes, yearlings 33 343 Idaho lsmhs, feeders M j 10 Idsho lamba, breeder W) 1 i 224 Idaho lamb 99 1 71 western tin, cull 73 2M wentern ewes 73 72 western lambs, culls 40 1.912 1.618 313 K0 324 129 1 All 1,2.3 do account Amal. tapper 4,naeonda Atchiao-i do pfJ; Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific... Crisaapeaka A O Chicago G. W Chi.. Mil. A St. T. Te Beera Denver A Rio 0... do prd Krt do lat pfd ... do Id pfd C.rand Trunk Illinois Central. Hiil fc Son. F. B. Lewis J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla McCreary Carey... S. Wertheimer H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Broa T. J. Inghram Lee Rothschild Smith H Other buyers Totals 94 97 M 90 2,1 43 34 4 4 10 3uu ..2.096 9.660 1 V. 3 4 4 sr. s so 3 7 . 4 Jo 9 00 ft 35 l on on 7 90 t no 3 M 4 79 4 2R 1 Oh ft 00 7 10 2 00 4 M ft 3ft oer iio . 12. 1'resseil hons Uc; springs U42OC; cock, c, ducks, lie. gee. llsc; turkevs. 32c. FISH Kresh cat.ghl, aimosi all are dressed: Halibut. 9c. butiaio. 9c . troui. 13c; b.illhrada, 14c; catfisn. 17c, crappiea. sunfirli. "Uc. bisck bsss. tic; whlteils.i. Uo; Dike, lie; salmon, 14c; pickerel, lt:; frog legs. fc. Ten, frottti: Whitefish, No. L 10c; round. 9c, ptckeieL lessee and besdles. 1c; round, be, i-;ke, dressed. la; round, W, red snapper, i:c, epanian tnaca ere!. lie; bstn mackere,. 3.1c each. FRESH rHLlT Morida plnrapplea, lsg -.0 to. 12 7a per ciate; graft nulla. M else, per box. te: sj site. K . .,-. , ta i.anas. fancy select. ILle.Ou, epiiits. home Clown,-per bu. basset rv.-; tuaieet ogSKtt. ti-C. AltAl CUTS-No 1 ri. 1ft .c; No. I ,b. lie: No. ribs. 1 V . -.v. 1 loin, 17r. No. 3 loin. 14c, No I Kin. Wtc; o. i cn.i. k, c; No. 1 chuck, ac; .No . I ch-jek. t ic, No. 1 round. K'. No. I round. c, No. 3 round, 9Sjo, No I piste. a-rc. ,o. 8 plate. 6c; No. 3 piate, lu. VKGKTA BL.IC5 Kansa wci poiatoea ti ib per bbl. celery, Michigan. 3ftc bun. h. mailer, 90c. Cabbage, noma grjwn, li, per Ib. Wisconsin rled Clob onions, J per ib. California cauilflots ei , t.i pa: irate. Tomatoee. Tennessa. 4 bAaaets. ao 90c; crate. 14 00. Lettuce, p. r dot , ).-. Par tnipa. turnips, carrots, 'U; per doxtn. Fior Ida nsw beets, csrruts. parsnip, ijinlp. etc, per doa. 7bc POTATOKS New. loc per bu. H1DKS No. 1 green. 10c; No. I ti.rsd. He. Oil anal Rosla. NEW YORK. Aug. 4 -OILS-Pnr,ileum. eteadv; refined. New York. 320: Pluladel 1 phla and Baltimore. 14 .Si; Philaoe.plila and Baltimore. In bulk, 14.70 Cottonseed oil, leas': prime crude, nominal; pilme yol I low. 3,".tiiilJ.M; Septenibei. j ft7tr,V!; el- low. 3i.SO-il6.421; September. AS 43 if 5 43 1 OIL CIT1. Aug. (..Credit balances. l.S tin. 1U3.664 I. bit..; average. 1SS.P7 bbls.; shipments. 2"3.417; average. Ita.n.1 hhls. SAVANNAH Ca . Aug V TURPEN TINE Firm. iVH-; sales, 10 bbls.; receipt. 47.2 bbls ; shipments. 91 bbls. ROSIN-Firm; B. t3.4W91.10; D, 93 10; B. H.Wfl3S0: F, $.10; 1, 3HS6; H. tt.19 I, 19 30; K. 14 r6; M. li 00; N. S ; WO. f..A; W', 13 00. 7...0 1.400 10,ts) 4.1. 0 1.700 14 4' KS ' 4S14 31 17 MS 4w IS'4 87 44W CM 1T14 174 17'l I tOO lt4t III 15. SOI ti, Ml .4 SOS, S'J liW 100 II 15S lou Local Seearlltea Qaotstloas. Quotsttoos furnished by Samuel Bsma, Jr., gl Naw Tork Ufa building. Omaba: Alma. Nat . Municipal aa Armour Co 4V,s 1J9 , Cudahy Packing Co Columbus. Nab., B. I 6a IKi Omaha Fir Cngln 4s 1IM Omaha Paving 4a 1 6 Omaba Renesrsis 4a 1914 First National Bank. Co. Bluffs 11 Ksnaaa City Ft? 5a 1H Nebbraska T A P. la 1111 Nab. Tale. Stock Omaba Oaa ta 1917 Omaha E. li. A P. Co. Is l Omaha C. B. Hi. Ry. Ss )4 Ouaha A C. B St. Ry. 5a -,3 Omaba A C. B. t. Ry ptd 6 Omaha A C B. 91. Ry. rem. 4 Omshs A C H St. Rr at B. ptd i. Oms na Water Co ia 1144! 9wlft A Co ia .114 9o. Omaba Sever 4a 1IM. 9-.OUI City Stork Yarda pit Vnloa 9tock Tarda. Omaha. 1 at. Atket. . . 1"S 94 I li 4 ieo 94Vt 99 13 100 100 1 IOCS IM 'Oil, 100 97 Mii 9J 100 9 1U0 74 9ii4 90 1-10 1UU IVk HS4 100 ISVj 9414 10 T9 3Uj 4S I4 96 191 101 Vj Ho l"l IS SO 94 97 LAi i i-K Receipts of ca.tle this morning were very small, making the total for tin week to date around 3.0UU head ahott of the same four days laat week and 1,000 head short of a year ago. There were really not enough cattle here thla morning to Interest buyers, with the result thst the trsde was slow and dull throughout. Still prices on desirable beef cattle were generally about steady with, yesterday. There was very little here in the way of good butcher atock and the ttade wa CHICAGO LIK STOCK MARKET Story of nag's Trading; In Cattle, Hotgs and 9 -en, CHICAGO. Aug. ft CAVTLK- P.orolpt. estimated flt 1.000 head; market strong; steers. 36.tfl7.66; cows. 13 5Xtj &0: heifers, 13.5096.00; bulls. t3.40f(i4.: calves, 13 0039.00; Blockers snd feeders. 13 76416.16. HOcltJ Receipts, estimated at 13 000 head; market strong t.o Bc higher; choice heavy, eS.0Ftis.15; butchers. I7JojS.10. light. 76 V.0h; packing. 17.407.75; pigs. 5.SOt?75; bulk.- r7.M7.95. RHKKP AND I.AM Bs' Receipt, ectl msted st 12.000 head; market stesdv; sheep. H.OOfio 60; lsmhs, 14.36i67.7t; yearlings. 15.00 ft 5.40. Kansas City Live Utock Market. KANSAS CITY. A tig S.-CATTI.B -Re ceipts. 6.600 head. Including 2.900 hesd i loaf. 1.7. .c; crusnert. nv.c; powdered. &Ac. southerns; market steady ana active; . granulated. 4 she: cube, a.ivc. lugar anil Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. 8l'aAR-Raw, firm; fair refining. 8 ,vc; centrifugal. 99 test. 4 irv : molasses sugar. 3.33c: refined, steadv; No. . 44'.c, .Vo. 7 . 4 40r; .No s. 4 26c; "No. 9. 4 3c; No 10. 4 23c; No. 11. 4fV; No. 12. 4 1..C: No 13. 4 loc; o. 14 4 10c. eonfectlenei s' A. 4.7.; mould A. l.iOc; cut choice export and dressed beef steers. VJ 7 60; fair to good. 14.6ftri9.36: western steers, 14 00r..96; stocker and feeders. 13 2o fu6 25; southern Steers. 13. 604t ft 16; southern cows. 12 .bOQj.Mi: native 12 I'-fl 4 2,',; native heifers. 13.2&tp.60; bulls. 12.7iVtH.00; calves. 14 0097.00. HOOS Receipts. OHO head; market. i loc higher: top. 17. 8".; bulk of kalee. !7.6j8 7.S6; heavv. 17.9067. &5: packers and butch ers.; light. t;.6uB7.Wi; pltjs. to.iO 7.40. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-RciptS. 2 600 M (LASSES I lull ; Nev. Orleans kettle, good to cii.iic. 2vMr. ( olfer 4lr'--l. NEW YORK. Aug ft.- t)FK open K - P'utut e closed steady, nel utichang'il to 4 piln.l Mghei. SgUs uhh l.pul.... of laO ba.i Imludlng ,fi(( inlxt at .1.0 .Ma., at k. It and July at 9.V4C. .-f.i t iofu . ..i i; N 4' Klo. 7S(i4vc-: iNo. -atit- s . . (j . IM. quiet; CordoxA, .fil2;c. Th vlibls sip ulv statement of Aikiis. i p.'n (. ptcttd. showing an imt-a-e of ba not particularly active at prices thai werejhead; market steady; lamb. li.Wi7 ; i for the month. 10 a u.M m In most cases about steady wltn yeater-, veartlnss. l4WWir.2i: wethers. 94 003 j.(si: day. Now and then there was a msn who enes, t3 604J4.76; stockers and feeders. 12.76 1 thought that he got out to a little ! 5 00. j aavaniage, out aa a ruie 11 was a nu, sieadv market. There were only a few atockera and feeders here, and , no material change tn the market. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed ateers. 16.761(7.16; fair to good corn fed steers. 16.26ft..76; common to fair com ted ateers. liOoqjtl.S; good to choice range steers, tft.OOo.iVO: fair to good range ateers, 14 fttXuf&.OO; common to fair range eteera, 33.7604 60: aood to choice cowa and heifers, 14Csij0.2S; fslr to good cows and heifers, against lt..tol tas latt .111. Ilr t;444l t 1' t-l. NEW. YORK Aug. ti l 'c Market contln,.tn .cite in read -ij tar depanmeuls. . uul e.-a i doing in no: H-.c i.- 4.4i. .jc,,ai .nisnl of ii- Kil t fi.k it be hk o . g it mote fi'.rly. J omnia ta l.i ,v w.l. s3.2iVa4.00: common to fair cows snd hslf- eis. I1.7i&3 26. good to choice stockers snd higher; pigs and lights. l.vif ,..v. pack feedera. 14.264i6.2ft; fair to good atockers " t'iS.06; butchers and best heavy, 1. and feedera. 13 7641-4. 2o; common to fair . t.wi stockers and feeders. 13.0043.76; stock heif ers, !2.'6S3.0: veal calves. t3.oOtf7.00, bulls, ttsgs. etc.. 12 774)4.76. t. I.oala Live atock Market. ST. LOI IS. Aug. t CATTLE Receipls 3.700 .head, including- 2.200 Head Texans market higher; native shipping and ex- Jobbing liuiift&si Don steers. l';.2Sff 7.10: dressed beef snd I mote fitcly. butcher steers, ts fttxjj 40 ; steers under ! ao ance loictgn hum ij at tun n.iif. lbs . f4.2n4rft-tt): atockera and feeders, 13.5 1 fcn.00; coas and heifers. tJtVMjl.M; can ! TIIRN THE RlVER LOOSE ON ners. 1 .75S2.W: bulls. t? 6WS ti0: cslvrs. I ' wml 1 - . . . t"..2.'g7.26; Texas snd Indian steers, li.n v 9.60; cows and heifers. t2.4u0S.on. HOUR Receipts. 3.000 head; maiket higher; pigs and lights. t.0ivtf 7.7.S. packer, Representative sales: u, si gctta. 1.000 (.11. OI TOO rl 1. 00 1.100 jr k4 tl 17V 41 44 X 14t 4. W 17 'a 17 lS II 4 4714 It" 174 40' 1 4. 90 144 IT.100 774 l.l'iO 4S 100 74 it 19.700 , pr, 2fO 574 It tU 14lV 1 1 t'm M H 14 ... M 1' 143 Ik 7 4fS 4: 74k, 74V, l'i74 104. V, i. til '4 til. US, Tretairy Stateineat. WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today waa as follows: Trust funte: Gold coin, Di51.0n9.R6.0; silver dollars. $49. 919.000; silver dollars of 1S5K). 14.162.000; sil v ?r certificates outstanding. 1486.919,000. Oenerol fund: Standard sliver dollars In general fund. t6.2tj.t8; current liabilities. t94.815.lO0; work in balance In treasury offices. 139.031.417; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United States. .tS.0U6,CW; subsldlarv silver coin. t2.529 31$: minor coin. 12.399. 4S5; total balance In general fund, tl09.367.067 New York Mining; stocks. NEW YORK. Aug. 5 Closing quotation tn mining stocks were ns follows V. 7 Mo. A. Pr. N. A. f II ti.3 4 II 14 .1191 I M It 1147 I si II 121 I 90 g lMt ia) 17 161 7 I" hi 1!M I U .1 14.J 1 II tl 1-74 I M COWS. 1 i.9i I to 10 ra in I S7 t 70 11 970 I J in 157 I M 1... lOtt I 40 1 947 2 il 4 100 I 00 1 190 I IS I M140 I 70 i 9:1 I !" HEIFERS. 4 160 t Tfi MJ 1 .1 It US IM I t I I 50 7 tM lit 1 184 I 7k 1 121 lit I IM I 90 4 tWO 3 11 COW8 AND HEIFERS. 8HEKP AND 1.AMB8 Receipts. 6 tWt hesd; market strong; native muttons 3:t 2.' M0; lambs. t".,7."ig7.i-,; culls and bucks, 12.2594.78; stockers, t3.27j34.O0. CONGRESS. SAYS J. L. FOX He I that l arge lleleaatlnn tin to Wsahlnglos sml Talk Vaslastlon. John U Fog. special -dlrei tor of th Na tional River and Harbor congress, tslked to 100 lesdlitg Omshs buslneas men at the Commercial club Thursday afternoon and ..170 I 10 BCL1S. ..n 1 00 1... ..1890 I 16 I.... CALVES l-lO I 90 .1144 I 90 1 r IJV M ' ts l.w Hi, aH 700 15014 4' IM'i 3t0 il ,31 3114 14 . Hl4 14114 14 ' Alice ftrunswtrk Con. Com. Tunnel stixk. slo bonds Con. Cal. A Va..., Horn 9lltr Iron gllTsr .194 l.aadsllla t ea . 1 S ,,, 1. t hle( . 14 Mexlran ....... . i ti'itsrlo . 70 th htr 90 Sundsrd ISO Tello Js.ksl. sei .190 If) . to 1 20 ill 1 ijo I 00 4 3117 4 0 I , 40 I IO 1 4 75 I 10 I 00 4 1U I 00 I JTjo I 10 1 140 I 39 8TOCKKKS AND fEKUKHH. I 431 I 00 10 427 4 1 10 Ml I 10 10 Ml 4 M 1 Ill I It t' 1904 4 14 : ; 414 1 90 10 so 4 n 7 IM I tVl II IS! 4 l 10 I7 I Is 10 913 4 2 t t I 71 1 :f jh ..: 714 II" 1 9.0 4 ia 4 10OJ 4 Oil WESTERNS NEK It A SKA. 9St. Joseph I.Ito Hock Market. RT inSFPH All? IPlTTI.rR.clnl. M hesd; market strong; steers, " 14 M made an even 100 convene. 7 oi: cows and heifers, 12 BOrgS ft), calves. The spesker covered In pert the subjects 1.100(27.25 .... nvir to tha Real Kstate exchange HOUS Hece'pts, B ono hesd . msrket by lOo ... . . 7 . . hiher: top, 17. M,. bulk of nsles, 17 6iVi37.70. Wednesday and snoeveo tne enormous tav- SHEKP AND I -A M BR- Receipts. 3.000 head; market steady; lamba, t4.iAVri7.3e. long Cllr LI'S Stack Market. PIOCX CITY. la.. Aug. 9.ifPeclal Tele gram.) CATTI-E Recelpta, 100 head; mar ket strong; beeves. 14 60tf7 00: grass cows. IS 0064 25; feeders, t3.7tV1J4.S0; yesrllngs, t3 00 a4 10. HOGS Receipts, 1.300 hesd; market ftfclOc higher; range of prlcea, 17.2637.60, bulk of Bales. 17.357.16. Stock In Ssrht. Receipts st the six princlpsl western msrkets yesterday wara: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.500 tj.900 8,200 St. Joaeph 1.300 6 000 2,t0 Sioux City 300 2.300 Kansas City 9.600 fi.6ti 2.501 St. Luis 1,700 3.OD0 6. W0 Chicago 3.tK 12.000 12.000 Totals 16.300 16,700 ,30 sr.) 9J .' 3.4 ss sis ' 4' ll'V, 111 14 l.teo l '4 t.2 t4 94. CIO IMS 1 l3ti ll.Xn Ik 34W V.L $.1(00 j Tasaa A facitic ' IV, t U A W .. . Kanaas City options closed as follows: T. st L w. pt t nion racine 1. 4ts1 3".SO0 i.rK) t . 1.H0 1.1m T0 e 14 ,in 1 Articles. I Open. I High.! Law. Close. iss, 7i, la. 'a 37 w 107 V :i7H S7 71 1 71 S4 MI4 tfi 7V 474 S. I6 ti II V, .v, 31 .V14 flS Wheat September December . Msv Corn S'-ptember I'ecember . Msy A asked. 1 I . 96S 9RH ! -MT, ev I tS 9fS 97S t 937,A . 87S 1 99 I 97k, , 97 HH IP 1.17 I 67 47v 1 ITS I 49S I 4W iit I 4Sa I 48 I t,A Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Aug. I SEEP! Clover, caah. 17 00, October. 17 50. December, 17 10; March, 17.90; No. 3. 1S.76; reje-ted toOO Timothy, prime, 11.90. Alaike. prime. I JO; tjtrtobe . fe 30. Inion patific jilt .. .. I. S. Ream V. 9. Rubber . r. 9 Steel ... t. 9 9teel prt. CA-tiv. I tan Copper a.-i'arullna fkamital Vtabaal Wabsak rt Westa.-ft Maryianrl a'aallnghou-a C:.trlc Waaiera t'nion a ticeang A L g H latonstn t antral Total aaWa lor lha tsy. a. ; Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 9 Bank clearings for to day were 12.2rt5.264.S3 and for the rorrea- 4.9.10 114) 11514 us'i I ponding dste last year 11 154,479 1". 1 loiion nsraei, NEW TORK. Aug. 5. -COTTON Th market npened steady at an advance of 6 points on August, but generally 1 to points lower. The bears were aggressive and over-night margin calls appeared to have resulted in a general raising of atop loss selling limits. The msrket waa under heavy pressure and prices quickly broke to a net losa of 10 to 14 points. Subse- .ttmnrlv 1 iicl un 4 Irtna sro Irravtilar r A 'SI 'Ji1 'M1 ! the msrket nervous, fear of cheaper eouth- J.i, JJ it I fferines end of further llnu.ri.tln K. ing the chief selling motives. Futures opened steady; August. 12 15c; September. Illgl2.1c; October. 2.12c: De cember 12 17c; January, 12.12c; March, 12 13c; Mav. 12 15c bid. Futures closed firm; August. 12 16c; Sep. tember. 12.15c: October, 12 15c; November. 12 15c: December. 12 20c; Januarv. 12.18c; February. 13.19c; March, 12 22o; April, 12 2lc; May. lJ.2;lc. Snot closed steadv: mlddllne untsnds t v 'U : middling gulf. 12 Kc; no sales. 571 O.M.VESTON, Aug. 5.-COTTON-Steady u .at i:c. ST. LOCIS. Aug. 6-OOTTON-I.ower; midllir. YiiC. aa1s. none; receipt. 9 baits, shipments. l.r9 bales; stock. 15.100 bales. il 4' V 41 U, MUI4 10 IU414 I'l, H ) 9 M 91 I ft) 44 45 4.M4 M.7 7-s 744 74S I i.l t) 13714 1.4", i;i, I set . n 11 1 7Vl VS, iot, 5,t, m ::t, ;, t 44 ' i.i"- - r' 57s I :m 7i 514 4 1 v, ii4 i as., ; 74 76'a 7S ', -f H S I f-s s74 T4, it I '1 sharsa I foreign Kln:-ni-lal. Dalntn Orala Market. Dl'Ll'TH. Aug ft.-WH9.Al -ef-ntemher. II IH'S. Dec-mher. 'c: M'-. H., No. 1 northern, 11 t-'S; No. J rcrthern. il 20v OATS 40c. ' ; " . Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 5 WOtI Local wool LONDON. Aug. 5 The eunnlv of monev I trantactlons continue heavy, with oriree lexcerded the denitnd 011 the msrke: todsv well nisintalned- Local deaiera are buty j and dlstounta wet teady. The .-itock ex- opening purchacs from ;h.- aeat and Kr!.1-!. f.e. V. ',lld' l,P-"tu". aidlahlle manufacturers are inclined 10 hold 'iriaVv' r. h1TJ,5hVi ',u:.Ln!ii."Ji b""- ' -ding show, an aciiv. remanj 10 cow 37 alters... 1 cowa.... 9 cow 10 cows.... 7 steers... t cows 1 calves.. 0 t 75 973 3 VI 9.13 3 10 kJ0 70 794 3 26 ,740 8 93 3 25 301 4 00 10 calves. ..193 9 00 1 bull 1410 3 25 4 stceis....1007 I 0 5 cows 1009 8 10 11 steers.... ICg I W lt steers. ... 927 3 W ft cows 9t2 1 25 18 calves .. 3U t 50 26 cs Ahfrs. 802 2 'A 19 heifers... 743 3 i. 30 heifers... 020 I 00 W. b. ftsnbury. Nebraska 13 cows 1101 3 45 2 cows 1126 1 6 1 bull 1710 3 25 7 cows 9D4 1 26 E. M. Searle 4 Son. Nebraska. 4 steers.. ..1225 4 U 82 steers.. . 1270 4 85 SOUTH DAKOTA. 2 cows 1310 1 7ft 9 cows 3 1 70 9 co K91 1 00 cows :00S 1 75 10 cow 902 3 96 1 bull 13S0 3 00 heifers... 734 1 40 calves... 253 4 76 26 cows 96 3 60 23 feeder.. 913 4 56 29 cow 954 1 15 10 cows 034 1 85 1 bull 1150 8 Ji i bulls..... Mb 3 3r frsctionally. but fo'cign bomls a-id ralU In nearly all lines. Kentucky. Indiana and LONDON. Aug 6-Th weekly state ment of the Rank of England shoa the following changes: Total reserve de creased. II 041.000. circulation Increased. tw 1 1 inri ttini Itta? , 1 -t-t it w ! I3;a.0t0; bullion decreased, toul.a; other se- Market' vgl'c tower. F.ilia v. r'stcrn (cream-1 curities. decreased tM4-' o,h,r deposits. trv I.Irs nsSrST OTIIIIS. JSC. . urtirawg luvnw, urr., tir EOtls) Firm; Pennsvlvsuia an4 . 'ther tearby' flrats. free esses. S"h- at mark: PennsvlVama and other nearby current re relpta. Tet unable caaes 13c at mark: weat n rrets. free caees. 25c at mark; western creased H.2lu.0uu, nolias r4era e increasetl. U.tu.vu0. government securities. un changed The prftporllon of the bank re serve to liability thi week Is 60.70 per cent. Isst meek it aa ti ll per ctnk . met el'li good sunpori at a hlahe. le.-ai N"Mun tnree-eigntns bl4.d. S4fi.-K,c; iiir- Consols in at.i h tlie settletm nt ha hee i 'r S2'i.o Sooiiretl value Texas concluded, haidentd l ! Copp-i shares ' 11 "lnn;hs 72ft 7."c; fine i to I months, were uncettain. American se urines opeq -d 'i' v-: fine fall. :c i 'lc ; Calif rrila north nearly t 10 1, at4e paiity, out later r-rn. nrt'i'iTo: middle county, tit't; fail, acted on realliailon At noon the market ' free. .Wi'2c; fill defective. fviOc; Oregon aa dull and Irregular alih prkea from leas-ton. No 2. tnfic. valley, No. 1 67'5sc to 9. loeer than e.teiday 1 f fermg. ten I101 fine staple. 57 a. Vic: fine medium N'w-r,!". sn,,?'Pr" l'".' '! .but Mple- ''fr-'e- ""p clothir.g. .;4A;;0c fine iNn7 caVeV. V.eaS AiX&VZ .V ' ""'"X "i , Weatern as a feature. It touvhed 5S an.l thjc' -eightiis bl.od. 4V7c; Ittlled closed gt 4'j. extra. .i,4c; fine. 4vVijty,c; A super. 55tJ HKHLi.S. Aug ft. -Price on the Rourse!0'0 today aere firm. ST. I.OI H Aug 5 W i. -Stead ; lir- PARIS. Aug 5 -Early prices on tl.e'rltory snd mestern mediums. IVo-Jm , fine Bourse today wers irregular and tut irad I mcdi'iins. 22,c, lain. IC-jTc HOGS Receipts of hogt this morning were somewhat heavier than on previous day Uils week, but atlll the total for the four daya ahowa a falling off a compared with tha saine daya last week of about 17,000 head. The market on shipping hogs was ftfelOc higher than yesterday, hogs of that description selling Isrgelv at 17 64 snd on up as high aa 37.70. The better grades of packing hogs especially those on the light order, aere ground 6c higher. but rough and heavy packing sows were, as noted yesterdsy, very slow sale at prices that certainly were no higher and in some esses possibly weak. The fact la no one is snxious for thst kind of stuff. The msrket wss st no time very active, but atlll pretty much everything changed hands In vry fair season in the morning, the bulk of all the hogs bringing 17 45fj7 6U Representative salee: No. At. th. W. No 1: 2i 11 11 71 4. I.oala t.eaeral Market. ST. VjOCIS. Aug. l-WH EAT Lower; track. No. 1 red. caah. 1105107: No 1 hard tl.Oi-VSl 10; September, WfjWc; De cember. 9.''c. CORN Weak; track. No. t caah. e; September. 41 c; December, 481c; No. t whit. 61V370c. OATS Weak; track. No. 1 caah, 17c; Hep tember, 3ftt43E4c; December, 364c; No. 1 ahlte, 42Vic. RYE-Hlgher at 81c FLOUR Steady ; led winter patenta, 95 .20 115.40; extra fancy and atralght, 14 7045 15; hard winter clears. 14 3f 04 66. SEED Timothy. tlOWt1.76. CORNMEAtV-laSO. BRAN Ixiwer; sacked, east track, eicfl tl 01. HAY Steady; timothy. 113 Ofltttf 00; prairie. 1100O3J1150. B AfiGINU 7sc. HEMI- TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; lobhing. 120 50. Ird. higher; prime ateam, til 07'Tjn.l7W. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts HHc; clesr ribs. 11Sc; short clesrs. !1c. Bacon, stesdv; boxed, extra shorts. 12Nc: clear ribs. 12'c; short clears. 12c. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 12c; springs, 14c; turkeys. 17c; ducks. 10c; geese. 4c. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 237j2tric EUG8 Steady at 19c. Recelpta. Shipments ing in transportstion charges which will result from adequate Improvement ot the waterways of the country. "I want." he ssld In concluding, ' '9.909 men to come to Washington this winter a hen the congress meets and to tell the house of representstlves and the senate tn no uncertain terms thst there shall be An end of political Jockeying with waterways Improvement and ayatematle improvemattt of sll the wster lines of the oountry. Following his addreas the meeting ad journed to ths fool of Douglss street, where the party embarked on the City of Peoria for a trip to Fiorenoe. SOLDIER VISITS AT HOME Lieutenant Hasja D. Rehnlta af Teres-tr-Plret Infantry Gaee la Beatriee. Second Lieutenant Hugo D. Penults of the Twenty-first' L'nited His tea infantry of Fort Logan. Colo., wss in Omaha Thurs day enroute to his home at Beatrice, on a short leave of absence. Lieutenant Srhulti Is a grsduate of West Point and served In ths First Nebraska Infantry In the Philippines aa a member of Company C from Beatrice. After his re turn with hla regiment from the Philippines In I'M he won out In ths competitive ex amination, of applicants for the cadetahla to Weet Point and received the appoint ment through Congressman Stark of the Fourth Nebraska district. Lieutenant Schultg Is a native Kebraskan. and Ig re garded aa on ot thm brightest young of ficers in tha junior grsde of the army. 40 .. 47. .. 90 . f .. !3 . 10 . 17 .. 11. . . t . . 4s. . il ... e .. t' . Ill 14 ... 'li. 41 n . 40 7 441 . . I1 10 7 40 . 34 . . I' ...39 IK) t 40 .. Kit . 144 .. 111 40 t 44 . SSI 9440 T 41 .XI 91 t 4f . .31 40 t 49 . Ill 40 1 4 , i4 ... 7 a .. ?7t 40 1 U ...230 U 14 .. !M I' T li . .m: w f 4 ..14 . 7 45 JH VO 1 47V, ?y . J o . rtt . 1 it . 1.0 1 - ...24 ! 1 W It ; . M . M . 71 . U . te . . I' . 71 . 71 at 9k rr T4 HI 7 ii . 14 9' M .tat 10 I 14 . HI UO T M ..tit . 1 r .140 ... T It ..I I Isl M .31 40 1 ii . i t 11 T 9 tu m im . 7J1 . 7 M . 75 l 1U r . 1 m . 4 ! t ii lit 11 t ri .. 7WI 11 I . 304 1 7 V. . ft I9 t U ; 1 ito t 'I :y T ft', . XJ Uj i 17 a Flr ur. bbl. Wheat, btr. Corn. bu. .. dale, bu. .7t ..IS. 000 .. 87.100 .. 93 9t l 10 41 116.700 6 vy ll.aro Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 6. METALS A de cline In the English tin market, to 113 for spot and 134 10s for futures waa followed by a somewhat easier local market, with the apot market closing at 129 3029 44. The metal exchange reported a aale of aeventy f Is. e tons for November delivery at 120.50. The market for standard copper on the New York metal exchange waa a ahade lower, but closed steadv In tone. lth atan dard spot iiuoted at 112 50 12 76. Sales were reported of 100 tone for November delivery at i?90. Closing prlcea follow: ugust, 112 70(ftl2 7S: September. tl2 .75012 87-v. Oc tober 112 9012 90; November. tll.tT. 812.tO. 9nd December at !J2 !2Vli '3 06 Outside of the exchange I.k-sI dcnlers were uuotlng Isks copper at 113 121 iJI3 50; Electrolytic at t'2 7.V61J. I?1,. and casting st 112 CVi 12 9". Ths London msrket wss a little loser, with quoted at 51 lis 3d. and futures at ail H'S. Lead waa unchanged at 12 10a in lnrrlon. The kical mi s;i adv af 1! 'i4 S.eliei sii iincliai gKi ai I.' tie I..nd..n n.a-kei and. It re- MUST PUT WALKS IN SHAPE Down Ttas Prepertg Oveners An Warned ky City P.asjlneer ta Art at Onee. The downtown district of. Omaha w, 111 have Its sidewslks all repaired before the maaa of visitors arrives for the fall ftatlvt ties. City Engineer Craig hss issued order that all walks In the down torn n section of Omaha which have been battered up by th Ire man and trunka and welghta for holding horses must be put In shape. Mr. Craig aaya that if the of the merchants ere good these wslks a 111 all be repaired at once. The order ia one ths engineer Inaists must be followed end tt is worth a man's life to try to beg off. Quick Action for Tour Money You get thst by using The Bee advertising columns Herbert L Gooch Co. Brokers and Dealers VKOTlSTOsTB. ITOCtl Omaha Offteei 910 W. T. Z.lft U: if. BeU Tslsnheae. Doaglae Ml. lrpeo4rt A "171 a mx I n. auicd firm locally, buyeig and stlina, oiui siw laigeel uuat la lue k'.aAtv mrrm "IT" Ci