Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
1 i '
"Tho OomacU BlaXte Otrvee ( the
OBikt Bee la at II See nml
fcota TbKMt 42.
L)avt. r) ru utk,
CORRIOANf. undertakers. 'Phone? US.
Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Lln Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 37.
yhen you want rellHble want ad adver-
im ' use Tnc tiee-
rx-erlng binder and mowers. Fpeaillng
V Trlplett, ftroadway.
V Wanted a bc.y to curry a B rouie.
Apply IB Scot), street, Omaha Bee.
Undertaken. 'Phone 112, N. Main St.
I)r W. W. Maarell, optometrtat. moved
to 2W-20S city National bank building.
County Attorney J. J. arrived home
yesterday from Chicago and a trip to the
lake region. He was accompanied home by
Mm. Hess, who had been viltlnK In In
diana. The condition of rr. Morgan Cutler, who
was Injured In an automobile aeclflent last
Baturday night, was but eliwlitly changed
yesterday, although what change there waa
appeared to be. for the good.
? .jirr,in fi. runner boo 'trace i . runner,
I tyti of Omaha, a divorced couple, decided
1 Jm fcy It over again and came to Council
f.f n'i:fta yesterday, secured a marriage II
M eein and Justice Cooper tied the new
O. A. Martin, a former member of the
local newspaper fraternity, arrived last
1 evening In the city from his home at Tails
C'tir. Neb., on his way to Terr Haute. Ind .
where he hue obtained a position on one of
the papera.
' dock, several pairs of scissors and two
pairs of women's shoes. He could not prive
a satisfactory account ror tne articles and
Is being held for investigation. Mo far
the police have not Wartiwl where he ob
tained the poods.
Ray Olldey, the youth who was arrested
about two months ago for the theft of
two bicycles. Is In the tolls again. He was
taken Into custody yesterday while trying
to sell at a second-hand goods store on
Uroadway fourteen new Jackknl ves, a
Mrs. J. T. Williams, aged 7 yean, died
ven'.crday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. .1. C. Splndler In Walnut, la. One
oiher daughter. Mrs. flattie Gray of San
FranciMco, and one son, Fred C Williams
of Florence, Colo., survrve her. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon. The body
will be taken direct to the cemetery; where
a short service will be held. interment
will be In the family burial lot In Kalrview
The Board of Commissioners for the In
sane decided yesterday that Charles M.
Panford Is not of unsound mind and or
dered his discharge.. Panford. however,
van returned to the county Jail, as his
bondsmen In the case where he was In
dicted for shooting at and wounding Claude
Qano hnve surrendered him to the authori
ties His bond under this Indictment was
$1,500. Sanfdrd stated that he expected to
be able to secure new bondsmen In a day
or to.
Three Additional Petitions Filed in
District Court.
Men from Ohio, Mlssnfirl and Colo
rado Are Victims of Fake Horse
Races anil Wreetllnef
petitions are still to he filed are:
C. A. Nelson. Aim. Neb., lost 3.KX on a
hore race October 20. 1W
John Koitek. Chicago, lost tS.OnO on a
boxing match November 1S.1!1.
Thomas Agetn. Feigus Falls. Minn , lost
I2i0n on a wrestling match November 10.
H. J. Holllster. Minneapolis lost 110.00)
on a horse race during lvm.
Attornevs Crawford and Wadsworth fUrffl
In the district court yesterday the petitions
In three more of th suits brought by
"Mikes" In an effort to recover tthe money
out of which they were fleeced by J. C.
Mavbray and his associates, known as the
"Big Store Gang."
The plaintiffs In the suits In which the
petitions were filed yesterday are:
C. Nelson Pratt of Toledo. O., who claims
to have been bunkoed out of 4.noo tin Oc
tober 22. 1B08. on a fake wrestling match.
R. !,. King of FowIt. Colo , who claims
to have been bunkoed out of (2 000 on a fake
horse race on May 6.
Z. Plerpont of Maryvtlle. Mo., who claims
to have ben bunkoed cut of 12.101) on a fake
horse race on March 21. IS'.
The list of defendants named In these
tbree suits Is the same as In the petitions
previously filed. They are Berrjamln Marks,
the First National bank of this city. Ernest
E. Hart, president of the First National
bank. J. J. Splndler, cashier of the First
National bank. Hrr.est E. Hsrt (incorpor
ated), ames C. Maybray. John R. Dobbins
and Frank O. Scott.
Walter Parker Is the "steerer" named In
the stilt of R. 1 Kins and Is made one of
the defendants. In Z. Plerpont s case W
J. Connors is the alleged "steerer" and Is
Included In the list of defendants. Win P
Ball Is made one of the defendants In the
case of C. Nelson Pratt. It being alleged
that he acted as the "steerer."
There are no new features In the peti
tions filed yesterday, the allegations and
charges being substantially the same as In
the previous suits.
Messrs. Crawford and Wadsworth served
original notices of twenty-two "Mike" suits
on iune 18 and. Including those filed yes
terday, the petitions In eighteen of these
cases have now been made public.
The plaintiffs In the four suits In which
On Sale Friday Morning, August 6th, and
Continuing Until All Pieces are Sold.
An opportunity for thrifty housekeepers to
add to their family silver.
The stock includes SALAD FORKS, DES
Silver Dessert Forks,' Tea Spoons, Berry
Forks, Oyster Forks, Fruit Knives, Butter
Spreaders, Dessert Spoons, Coffee Spoons,
all guaranteed best quality Rogers' OEnm
silver, each UU
fcl.EV A TOR
. E. Mswonarer Mar Construct 125,
OOO Bushels riant.
Council Bluffs is practically assured of
another large grain elevator, which Is to
be erected by C. E. Nlswonger on the
block between Thirty-sixth and Thirty
seventh streets, fronting on First ave
nue. Mr. Nlswonger. who has offices In
the Brandeis building In Omaha, has been
In communication for some time past with
E. H. Dooltttle. chairman of the executive
committee of the Commercial club, relative
to locating his elevator on this side of
the river, and It Is now practically assured.
All that now remains to assure the erec
tion of the new elevator. It Is stated. Is
the granting by the city council of the
right-of-way for a switch track on First
avenue so that cars can be run direct to
the building. It Is understood that there
will be no opposition to granting this
The elevator which Mr. Nlswonger con
templates erecting In Council Bluffs will
have a capacity of 125,000 bushels.
Our entire stock of wall paper Is on sale
all this week at a big discount. No stock
bought for this occasion. Everything reg
ular stock, up-to-date patterns, all new pa
per. Come In and see for yourself. C. Jen
sen, Masonic Temple.
automobile dealer. They were each required
to put up a 125 cash bond for their ap
pearance In police court this morning. All
four arrests were made by Patrolman
Short, who has been dftatlid for this par
ticular duty on West Broadway.
m m m -fa
Silver Salad Forks, Table Spoons, Soup
Spoons, Bouillon Spoons, Fruit Knives, But
ter Spreaders, Oyster Forks, Dessert Forks,
etc., etc., beautiful patterns, flfl
35 cents each, 3 for vlaUU
Extra Heavy Silver Dinner Forks, Knives,
Table Spoons, Soup Spoons, Cream Ladles,
Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Meat Forks,
etc., etc., handsome designs, guaranteed the
very best silver plate made, 1 QJ?
G2X2C! each, 2 for. . : Dli S-0
m3 TJ
fc0UlNaL"'k BLUFFS
Cameras and Photographic Supplies. C.
E. Alexanders, 333 Broadway.
(ieorae firmer Will Contlnie the Old
Established Jewelry Store.
George Oerner has purchased the Jewelry
business of the late C. B. Jacquemln. of
which he has been manager for a number
of years. He will move to a new location
at 403 West Broadway In the fall, at which
time he will put In an entire new stock
The C. B. Jacquemln Jewelry business was
established In 1866, and In 1867 George
Gerner, sr.. entered Into a partnership and
assumed management of the store when
Mr. Jacquemln went to Helena, Mont.,
where he opened another Jewelry store. On
Mr. Gerner retiring from active business
In 1903 his son. George Gerner, Jr., became
general manager of the business here.
Main Who Killed Himself In Colorado
Belonaed Here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holder of South
Eighth street arrived home yesterday from
Greeley, Colo., where they fully Identified
the man who committed suicide there as
their uncle, James Hasklns, brother of
Mrs. William Holder, sr.
When the first telegram was received
last Saturday from Coroner Macy of
Greeley. Mrs. Holder was of the belief
that the suicide referred to was her
When Mr. and Mrs. Holder reached
Greeley the body of the suicide was ex
humed and they at once Identified It as
that of James Hasklns, formerly of this
Hasklns had about 1250 Insurance and It
Is the Intention of the family to bring
the body back here for burial.
Hasklns disappeared three months ago
from Council Bluffs and his whereabouts
was unknown until after the suicide. He
killed himself at the ranch of a man
named Campbell July 29. He had applied
to Campbell for work and when told there
was nothing to do he said he wanted pro
tection, as soldiers were chsslng him and
would kill him and bury his body on the
plains. He asked Campbell for a razor
and when thJs was refused sharpened his
pocketkntfe and slashed his throat with
It. He then struck himself on the head
with a heavy mallet. Young Campbell
took a gun and with his mother started
to flee, but Hasklns got the gun and let
them go. Before they returned with neigh
bors Hasklns shot himself through th
head. Ho told them his name was William
Notice. F. O. E. 104! Saturday Is the
last day that you can order your uniforms
Order through Metcalf Co. or Joe Smith.
F. E. Deuel, chairman.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
August 4 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Mary Boquet and husband to Ixmls
Simon, lot 2. block 3. Uayllss' 1st
add . w. d $15,000
M. Solomon and wife to A. D. Knapp,
lots 3 and 4. Rice's subdlv. of lots
27 and 28. Johnson's add., w. d 4.500
Edward Ft. Hughes and wife and
Arthur A. Graham to Roy R. Bing
ham, lots 7, 8 and 9. block 2, and
s22 feet of nS feet of lots 12. 13, 14,
15 and 16, block 5, Hancock, la.,
w. d 2,400
James P. Chrlstensen and wife to A.
P. Knapp, lot 4 In auditor's subdlv.
of lot 24. Johnson's add., w. d 1.400
The Pacific Realty company to Chl
capo & Northwestern Railway com
pany, lot 15. block 14. Mullln's
subdlv., w. d 800
Edgar C. Smith and wife to Chicago
& Northwestern Railway company,
lot 15, block 15, Mullln's sb., w. d.. 225
William Arnd and wife to" Edna M.
Teeple, lot , block 26. Everett's add.,
w. d 125
Mary Smith, widow, to Charles Smith,
block 79, Crescent, la., s. w. d 1
Eight transfers, total S24.4S1
Hllst and Co., "Frlze In the Madhouse;
Lillian Scott, singing; Harry Hrlscoll, In
the Irish comedian. A big laugh from start
to finish. Three thousand feet of the latest
moving pictures. Thursday. Friday and
Baturday at the Diamond Theater.
Exercises to Be Held on Anniversary
of F.manclpator'a Visit.
Plans are being made to celebrate on Fri
day, August 13, the fiftieth anniversary of
the occasion of Abraham Lincoln's 'visit to
this city and to "Lincoln Lookout Point
at th west end of what Is now Lafayette
avenue, In connection with the formal pre
sentation of the new city rark, to be known
as Lincoln park, by the city to the Board
of Park Commissioners.
Former Mayor Rohrer, who, with Leon
ard Everett, donated the land now form
tng the park, will preside at the exercises
and Mayor Maloney will make the address
and presentation on behalf of the city
while President Graham of the park board
will make the address of acceptance.
The members of the local chapter of th
Daughters of the American Revolution
who have undertaken to erect a monument
at "Lincoln Lookout" as a memorial of the
martyred president's visit to this spot, will
participate In the exercises.
LIQUOR CO. 619 S. Main. 'Phones 3328.
Big discount on refrigerators, lawn
mowers and hammocks. From 20 to 33H
per cent discount. P. C. Del Val Hard
ware company.
Petit Jury la Drawn.
The names of the forty petit Jurors to
serve at the term of district court which
opens In this city on August 31 were drawn
yesterday by Harry M. Brown, clerk of
the district court; County Auditor R. V.
Innes and County Recorder W. H. Barg
hausen. The list Is as follows:
Nels Btnson. S. J. Whltmore, Boomer
township; August Hlelle. Washington
township; H. E. Plumer. Lewis township;
C. B. Cassldy. Jim Zornlk. Garner town
ship: Henry Wilkens. Adolph Ooose, Silver
Creek township; C. J. Chrlstofferson, Hazel
Dell township; Denver Hough, Crescent
township; Fred Blumer, Mlnden; Guy Her
rlck, J. P. Carllle. M. J. Hanlfan, Nor
walk township; William Thomas, York
township: S. V. Downs. Neola: J. B. Ma
crae. James Hoon. W. H McKlnile. E. 8.
Warner. George L. Wesley. B. B. Dentler,
f. F. Loomls. H Gladwin, Theo. Rosch,
A. R. Chesnut. M. Gallagher, James Mc
Clure. T. H James. C. T. Lvons. James
Norman, Frank Allstrand. O. Younker
man. C. F. Carter, Arthur Pickering,
George Zoller. T. H. Hester. J. D. John
son. H. P. Nelson and J. J. Martin, Coun
cil Bluffs.
will. It is expected, hold a meeting probably
on August 17.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to ned were Issued yesterd
the following:
Name and Residence.
Henry Ganss. Atlantic. la
Anna Witt, Atlantic. Ia
Bert Smith. Omaha
Clara Dah!strom, Omaha
Fred M. Hughes Council Bluffs
Bii.l I. Gllson, Council Bluffs
Joseph S. Puifner. Omaha ,
Grace D. Pugner. Omaha
F. C. Albright. Rising ?lty. Neb
Chris tana 'Adklnson. Rising Ctty, Neb
.. 2
.. 23
.. 25
.. 21
.. 21
.. II
.. 35
.. 24
.. 51
.. 65
N. Y. Plumbing Co Tel. 250 Night. F-1702.
Banqnet for Smith.
At the adlnurned meeting yesterday of
the executive committee of the Commercial
club It was decided that the public banquet
to be tendered Congressman Walter T.
Smith on his return from Washington. D.
C. would be on Fr'day. August 20. It was
also decided that the affair should take the
form of a dollar a-plate dinner. Further
details will be worked out at anotber meet
ing of the committee to be held this even
irg. at which time subcommittees will be
I do first-class work reasonable I make
suits for 15. skirts t5 I also do altering to
suit. Would you give me a trial? The
Fashion, ladies' tailoring. R. H. Emleln.
proprietor. Late fitter Orkln Bros. S3 S
Main St.
Alleged speeders Arrested.
The stationing of an officer on West
Brradway to corral automoblllf ta who ex
ceed the speed limit resulted yesterday In
the arrest of four alleged vlolaters of the
clv rdmanc. Thev were Georg W.
Adams of Walnut, la . prsident of the Iowa
A Omaha Short Line railway: B F. Hast
ings, a real estate, dealer of Omaha; Gould
Diets of Omaha, and F. Anderson, a, local
Girls -rranted.
Girls who can work all fall and winter
will be given employment wrapping Wood
ward's pure sugar stick candy and Wood
wards real butter scotch. John Q. Wood
ward & Co. , "1
Fire Teams Break
World's Record
Clinton and Sioux City Teams Make
New Marks at Iowa State
She 'Appreciates! Attention
Flowers 4 Books Drives
But lie wins tier choicest approval In Hla
imitation to a tete-a-tete luncheon
Her opinion of hU tat U verified at hU
election of
Her Favorite
St PmoL Minn.
' sr Ti i.r... TmsI Jbrk
Commissioners Say Secretary Larson
Would Have Been Asked to Quit
TMfflenlty Arises Orer Collection of
License Fees from Patent Medi
cine Peddlers Baby Kidnaped.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. Aug. 4 -(Special Tel
gram.) The world's record for a half-m
run by fire department teams from bunk
nucn, firemen laying 150 feet of hose
Dreaking coupling and attaching pipe, wt
broken twice at the Iowa State Firemen
tournament this afternoon. Bonnie and
Beauty of Clinton reduced the record from
1:15 to 1:14V. and later Paddy and Prince,
the Sioux City thoroughbreds, lowered It
to 1:13H- The tournament, which lasts
four days, has attracted thousands of vis
itors to the city. Two thousand firemen
were In line In the big parade this morn
ing and eleven paid department teams and
twenty volunteer companies will take part
In the contests at the mile track. Results
of today's events:
Straight away hose race, 2M) yards- VII
llsca won, West Liberty second, Grand
Mound third. Time: 0:29.
Amateur race: VUllsca won. West Lib
erty second, Muscatine third. Time: 0 34
Relay flag race, eighteen men, each fifty
yards: VUllsca won. West Liberty second,
Orand Mound third. Time: 1:54.
Half-mile, paid departments: Sioux City
Paddy and prince, won; Clinton. Ronnv
and Beauty, second; Sioux Citv, Kick and
Dan, third; Davenport. Barney and Bar
nMy'0,,T,n' Cllntn. Pat and Bob; Coun
ell Bluffs Lou and Herb; Davenport
George and Dick; Des Moines, Black and
Tan; Des Moines, Jack and Jack; Red
Oak. Pat and Pat. finished in order numed
Best time: 1:13.
Mrs. Bessie Elliott, Killed In Denver,
Formerly Lived In Slonx
SIOtX CITT. Ia.. Aug. 4.-Mrs. Bessie
Elliott, known also as Mrs Bessie Wat
son and Bessie Brown, who was shot and
killed in Denver last night by T. J. Hal
stead, lived In Sioux City for several
years. While here the woman was known
as Mrs. Elliott and was believed to be the
wife of George Elliott, a barber, but the
latter denies the relationship
John Marker of Des Moines Takes
Poison and Then Jumps
Into Canal.
ROCHESTER. X. Y.. Aug 4 -Atfer tak
ing poison John Mackey, a civil war vet
eran from Des Moines, la.. Jumped Into
the Erie canal. His body Is In the morgue.
Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters.
Iowa na Notes.
ITE Charles Riddle, a firmer residing
near here, while In an Intoxicated condi
tion. tnsiMed on feeding a threshing ma
chine and got his hsnd caught in the cyl
inder. His arm was torn to pieces and
Riddle narrowly escaped being drawn Into
the machine. He may die an a result of his
Gsiassst Csssswl Kasws is Wssrsft si
- iwi il I " niMMi
SWIM l7 iw
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. 4. iSneclal Tele
gram.) Secretary Larsen of the State Phar
macy commission today refused to answer
the charge of the commission concerning
his resignation, that he had Irled to be the
whole board and that his resignation would
have been asked for If he had not produced
It. He claimed he wouldn't engage In per
sonalities and was only claiming that the
board was dilatory In enforcing the law.
It Is learned that the friction In the board
started over the collection of the venders'
licenses amounting under the old board to
about $.10,000 a year. When word reached
the office of a'peddler of patent medicines
having no license, It was formerly the cus
tom for a member to take the train Imme
diately, have the man arrested and collect
the J1O0 license for the stn.:e. fcesldes 1100
fine for the county. Larscn's friends claim
the new board members merely write the
peddler a letter and the peddler then has
an opportunity to leave the state or delay
action by claiming to be sick an'd denying
that he Is peddling. The peddlers' harvest
for patent medicine la in the spring and
unless the license Is collected within a
short time It cannot be collected at all.
It is also charged by Larsen'i friends that
members of the commission wanted to take
the book of blank licenses away from the
office In the state house, which would have
been contrary to law. Following the hold
ing of the examinations In the state house
yesterday, members of the commission left
for their home and could not be seen to
Adopted Child Kidnaped.
A 3-year-old adopted child waa kidnaped
from the home of Rev. John Horn In High
land Park today by a woman who left a
note behind threatening to kill the child If
followed. The note was signed Laura Pole,
which is the name of the child's mother
The woman la believed to be headed for
Iowa Society nf Oklahoma.
Former Iowa citizens living In Oklahoma
have organized the Iowa Society of Okla
homa, with William Mee as president and
Frank W. Smith as secretary. Governor
Carroll and the other state offlcera and
both Iowa senators have been made honor
ary members and have been Invited to at
tend a big gathering at the Oklahoma slats
fair October 8. at which time It Is expected
that fully 7,000 former Iowans will be In
attendance. There are estimated to be 10,00)
in the state.
More Druss,lats Made.
Out of a class of eighteen who took the
state pharmacy examination at Ottumwa
July 6 when the state convention met there,
seven passed successfully and were given
certificates by the state board. The for
tunate seven are: Glen E. White of Dts
Moines, Arch McPhee of Des Moines,
Charles L. Clampltt of Laurens. C. J. Cow
man of Adel, Clifford J. Thoma of Fair
field, D. J. Hanson of Williamsburg and
E. W. Hlna of Red Oak.
C'haraea Haniery with Aaaanlt.
John B. Hammond, who has been Instru
mental In stirring up much of the prosecu
tion against liquor and cigarette selling,
has filed charges of assault against Coun
cilman Hamery of Des Moines, who is
superintendent of the police department.
Hammond waa a caller at the office and
he claims that Hamery unnecessarly ejected
him, and assaulted him while doing so.
Boy Shoots Himself.
Because he had been out of work since
Christmas. Emll Patterson, formerly a
press feeder at the Kenyon Printing com
pany plant, shot himself last night in his
home at 1506 Walker street, where he lived
with his mother and sister. He waa dis
covered an hour or more later nearly dead
from loss of blood and was removed to the
Methodist hospital.
Elopers Canajht.
Helen Haworth. the 16-year-old daughter
of Dr. Haworth of Indlanola, and Judd
Stltt, her 23-year-old lover, who is already
married, were raptured in Dea Moines by
Sheriff Klmmer of Warren county. Stltt
will be charged with wife desertion and
the girl will be returned to her parents.
Maaons Will Bnlld.
Scottish Rite Masons in Dea Moines have
purchased a site at the corner of Four
teenth and High and will shortly erect
thereon a iVA.000 Masonic Temple.
Candidate" for Saperlntendeat.
Formal announcement has been made of
the candidacy of D. E. Bralnard of Logan,
Harrison county, for the position of state
superintendent of public Instruction to suc
ceed Mr. Riggs. This makes the second
candidate to enter the race, the other be
ing A. M. Deyoe of Hancock county. Both
are county auperlntendents.
Keep Detailed Aceoants.
The Iowa Railroad commission wHl en
deavor to hav the railroads keep an ac
curate account of the tonnage of freight
handled over their roads each year In Iowa.
They will bs asked to report the tonnage
and the number of miles hauled of freight
hipped in from outside the state, that
vhipped from Inside the state out, that
shipped tnlUely within tbe state and that
passing through, so aa to gain a correct
Ides of the amount of freight handled In
Itncolns Mayor Pleased.
"Business and amusement places havs
experienced a very great Increase in tha
volume of their business as a result of pro
hibition - In our city," said Mayor Don L.
Love of Lincoln, Neb., this afternoon,
shortly before going to the Chamberlain
hotel to attend the banquet given In his
honor by John M. Read.
"Especially in cash business is the bene
ficial result noticeable and I am sure that
If the question of prohibition were resub
mitted to the voters It would be carried by
an even greater majority than before.
"Of course there are people In Lincoln
who still get their liquor. Havelock, a
little town five miles out, that Is connected
by car line, serves as a sort of an oasis,
and thirsty Individuals go out there by the
carloads. But there Is a pretty good chance
of that going dry next spring.
Former Tabor Man la Instantly
Killed In Accident in
TABOR, Ia.. Aug. 4-(9peiaJ.)-A tele
gram from Sheridan, Wyo., announced tha
sudden death of O. R. Ballard, a former
resident of this place and father of Mrs.
R. H. Clarke,
Mr. Ballard was riding In a carriage
with two other men when the team ran
away, throwing them out, rendering two
of them unconscious and instantly break
ing Mr. Bajlard's neck. The body was
shipped to hla former home at Atlentio
for burial.
Stadent Drowned at Iowa City.
IOWA CITT. Ia., Aug. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Charles MaJey, M years old, a uni
versity student, waa drowned late this
afternoon while bathing in Iowa, river.
His home was at Tipton, Ia. He was a
good swimmer, but was taken with cramps.
TTT"TT T And many other paintm ana
f Inrr distressing ailments from
' ji lySJ vS I which most mothers suffer,
can uc uvuiucu uv uaiuk
11 n Mother's Friend. This rem-
III edy is a God-send to expect
' ant mnthrrs rarrvino- them
with RaFetv. No woman who uses
Mother. PrinnH nH Fear the surTerin? incident to birth : for it robs
INVIIIVI a av- SB - w ....
- . a . ft i i A t.:l.J
the ordeal of its dread and insures sareiy 10 urc or momcr aim wmu,
healthy, strong and gooaijL.'
n ..-. Our bool
iiaiui w,
through the critical ordeal
and food
l containing ralca-
(inr book contalnlnc Ti
ble lnfornatien wtlfbs sent
h bt writlnc to
Atlanta. Ca.
deal Vacation Tours;
hoose Yours.
Seattle Exposition Tour through the Northwest wonderland, one way North
ern Pacific, the other Great Northern, via the Black Hills. Yellowstone Park
and Spokan $50.00
Salt Lake and Return O. A. R. Reunion. Open excursion rate, August 6 to
8, inclusive, via Denver and scenic Colorado $20.40
Coast Tour, Seattle and California One way through the Northwest and over
the Shasta Route through California, other way via Salt Lake and Scenic
Colorado $65.00
Yellowstone Park Tour Side trip from Livingston, 64 days, $55.00; side
trip from Ogden, 5 days, $55.00. Going and returning via Gardiner
(official entrance) rail, stage and hotels, 6Vi days in the park, 184.50.
Attractive circuit tour, In via Gardiner, out via Salt Lake and Scenic Colo
rado, 514 days, $107.25. In via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone and
out via Gardiner, days, $03.50.
Personally conducted Park camping tours, via Cody and the scenic entrance,
over Sylvan pass. An eighteen-day tour inviting the highest class of travel,
from Cody $72.00
Cody, Wyo. Diverging point for Park camping tours and hunting
country $30.75
Sheridan, Wyo. For Big Horn Mountlan resorts and Eaton Bros.' Vacation
Ranch $25.75
Hot Springs, S. D. Delightful health resort and location of the million dollar
government Army Sanitarium $15.75
Scenic Colorado Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo $17.50
Denver and Colorado From Omaha at 4:10 p. m. and 11:50 p. rn. Alt
classes of high grade equipment, through standard and tourist sleepers.
Northwest and Puget Sound Via Billings and Northern Pacific, 4:10 p.
m.; via Billings and Great Northern, 11:60 p. m. Through standard and
tourist sleepers. These are the only through trains Nebraska to Seattle.
J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent, .. ,
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska..'
ia mm 1
Tbe management announces the exclusive teaching engagement
01 ids lonowiDg wen-Known arttsia, wao are now included
in tne faculty ot over 40 teachers o( national reputation:
JL ft
Tha World-Raoowoad Pianist
Eminent Singer and Instructor
Orchestral Conductor
Director School of Acting
school or IwlUdll I
Teachers ol International repatatioe ,n " departments. 1 SO free and partial scholarships.
Fall term brclns Sept. St. Catalogue free 00 application to E. Schweaker, Secretary.
Wben writing state department ia wnlch you are interested.
Tbe Buh Temple Coeservatorr asea the Bash A Oerts Pianos.
Are You Looking
for a Good School?
Yes ill be sIcims wltk tea
Woman's College
at Jacksonville, 111.
Why leu le s Cells tot Woous 1 Mete sm
full College aoe Preparatory Ceuraea, aa4 sine
vaoiagce ia Muatc, Art, Oomeattc tciceca, sae
Btpretaioe,. lapeneca reaeobabie. Svfraansinga
beakthlul. Hon lite Ideal. Location central in
Middle Wear. Very convenient 10 every serf ol the
Mteaieeiopi Valley. BiudentatrooiBaoraibantwenty
(area. Catalogue free. Addrcaa
President Marker, Bos 2. lacbaoovllle. 111.
Klubell HnJL
2 te 25) '
Wabeob Ave.
Carieaae. IB.
Tbe Leasing atkeel si Moale and Draaaaik An. lexer?
esiineet taatnanere. UaeeryoMed eoaeas el eredy. Tea
caer Traistng Pirawi.i. Sue Ik fcrhool atonic. Ileca
rtee, rbyeksi Cetraae. adeeern Lavase.
School ol Acting -Hart Conway, Director.
MenyrVaeveMnfei. K ftm S.aWeriaiei Awttit4
to TtUmttd titt e'lunlri Mttm. Htk Sttiau are
flea raraae, 3'. . Caiaief Free ee Applittutm.
lota j. MATTITAIOT, rraiideat.
The Beet Farm Taprr.
One Dollar Per Year,