TUT, BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY.. AUGUST 4. 1903. "" REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPEKTI FOR SALE CoBtlnjd CITT PROPKRTT POR IAIB. Take This for t- a r r Sv I "Si II I SlZtaWS VS Plre-rpom outrage, water In yard, eleven j lath room, oak finish. clothes shute. out blorka west of potnfflee. one block from I tide screened sleeping roum. also screened Farnem S-r rah. halanc runs three in dining mom. finely constructed, de year at ( per cent. Urably located In fmt-clnss neighborhood. ( ,'KEKFKRKAL ESTATE CO.. ' 10 '"" re.r.bie. 11 N. T. Life. Douglas or A-U'i SEVEN KtMjM mortem house, near Twenty-sixth nd Decatur. Will accept nd Decatur. Will accept first payment Balance by vacant lot aa th month P O NIELSEN at CO . 703 .V. T. Life Bldg. Both Phones. TWO choice lota at Mth and f-ne Ave. for aale by owner. Mrs. A. K. McCandlcss. Nemaha. Neb. .To Be Removed 1SJ4-1M Famam St.. two laree frame hou.. Iff excellent repair Sealed bid re ceived up to Auu.t 1.. 109- The Byron Reed Co. rhones: Dmg. '7; A 3V'i4. 212 B Hth st. ' ' I ROOM 'modern houke at 2i"9 Seward st 'A good tiome. Lot tp0xl27 feet. :r talk. $3,500 Bargain trr a -new. modern, six-room house, veil located In Dundee district; can b sold on reasonable terms, a bar gall and an tractive property for some one not wanting larger l.cuse. Benson & Carmichael S4J TSxte-n Block. EIGHT ROOM BUNGALOW Oak finish, hot water heal,. large grounds. On Flor ence boulevard.. Price 17, M and cheap at that. - P. O. NIELSEN' A CO., 70 PL Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. BRICKHOME S1.800 One. block from car Une. Less than half the coot to build house. Full -Lot,' Easy Terms NOWATA I.ANP LOT CO. Suite f'4 N. T. Life Bldg.. I hone. ltf. 1. .' . Omaha, Neb. New Woodmen Site We offer 1W feet, north front, on Jack son street; U0 feet, eaat front on Sev enteenth avenue, and 110 feet, west front. on .Eighteenth atreet. at $300 per foot for the Jackson street frontage. Thla ground la partially Improved, hav ing 1hre houses fronting west on Eighteenth atreet and some grading has already bfin done preparatory to building an apartment house on Jackson street. The. property lies only one block west of the new location of the Woodmen of the World building, and as we secured an option tipon this' property before the Woodmen of the World decided upon a location. e ere prepared to give a very low price on the property, hence we place It at onty-SAV per front foot. We could probably arrange to divide the property. A. P.TUKEY & SON 444 Board ot Trade Bldg. . . .'Plume, Douglns 2181. DUNDEE RESIDENCE $2,75(1 CASH P.uJauce niun'.hiy. for a prac licaj;' lieu. 10-iuooi sliictly modern home, i c p1 ion illy well built, laice reception hall and IKIr.g r.jom. finished In selected guaettr s.im d white oak..diniitf roou hnd Jen flvt tloor and five laie bel rooms second floor, fil lulled in bitch: Inst ot plumOmji f'jli haFe nient.' hot waur liet. sightly, lot WOxlSJ feet, alfi.-ding an VMennKe View of the sur rounding country. Trice. $7,750. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St. JUST A MINUTE" Please take time to notice a real bar gain In a home; ( rooms, all modern in every way,' on a tine, paved street, close to the new university site, lot 40X147S. house la biand new, never been occupied Will consider $3.2i0 for a quick sale. If Interftted call up owner, Doug, ltkj; even ing. Webster 4W1 . J. W. RASP CO. fJH-H Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1SD3 A-20&1 NEW S-room. on and one-half gtory house, city ier. 5307 North Zllh Ave.. Just noiih of Forr street and three blocks sast of Fori Qmaia. l.o0; only $100 down and monthly payment thereafter, same aa rent. Key second door north. Bemis, Brandeis Bid. . . For This Story Awarded Charlotte Kaufman, lift Pouth Fifteenth Street. Omaha, Neb., aged 13 yeare; Seventh grade. Comenlus school; M. J. Kaufman father: Miss Mullen teacher. FOR SALli A l a" bargVin740 acrea near Harrtaburg, Banner county. Nebraska, practically all level. Mr. Smith had always wanted to buy a farm, but could get none to suit his wife, wbe was very particular. One day while looking through the Omaha Dally Be. Mrs. Smith came acroas the above ad, and calling her husband by phone, told him about It and asked him to look It up. He did so and found that the land, which was well cultivated, contained a large fruit orchard besides quite a bit of gardening and a seven-room house. They decided to buy the farm and went to South Dakota and found It was Just what they wanted, and could get It at a bargain. Mr. Smith Inquired why he wanted to sell such a nice faram and why he advertised tn the Omaha Dally Bee. He told them he Intended to go In busi ness for himself and that so many of his neighbors had advertised with good results that be thought he would do the same. He found It paid to advertise In the On iaka Dally Bee. DOT0U TTTTNK YOU CAN ; THIS! IT COSTS REAL ESTATE PHOPKRTY ro (Cc ntinjed.) $4,250 CITY At! A very attractive, new. e'l nn, t x room house, las sll mod fixtures, the s 1 1 BenSOn & L2XmZXMZ (42 I axton Block. y s SEVEN rooms, brand new, modern ex cept heat; larglv corner lot. near 4.lh and Davenport Ms. Price. $2.7:0. Small pay ment do n. balance like rent. 1'. O. NIELSEN' & CO.. T03 N. T. Life Bldg. Both Phones. $3,660 Yearly On a earn investment of $10..'.OO. balance Per cent; 6 flats on ciose In corner Owner might consider a good farm clear for first pavmer.t. . 1 tflby, 4b U. of 1 . Bldg. W ) ACHES i acres IK SOU. $400 cash. Balance easv monthly payments. Loca tion Ideal; only 1 mile from Benson, close to pared road and In a rapidly (fevHoeir.g neighborhood. i'AYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Tel. Floor Doug. N. Y. i71. ' L. A" Bid?. USS. LIST yuur property with Chits Boyer. td and Curing 8ta ( SOS NINE-ROOM all modem hoase. In ex cellent condition; corner lot. ixH4: streets paved, all specials paid. If you are looking for a fine horrw do not fail to see this one. Located In the bst residence district 'n the city. P. O. NIELSEN & CO.. 70S N. T. LlfeBldg. Both Phones. 13 NET TO YOU One of the best close rental properties In Omaha; 15 OuO cash, balance 5 per cent. Don't miss It NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO,. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg . Ihone Red 19J. OMAHA, NEB" For quick returns. Hat yoilr real estate for sale and exchange with me, no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell, board of Trade Bldg . Omaha. Neb. OWNER SAYS SELL his new all modern 7-room house at 2261 N. 13th St.. only 2 years old, good furnace, full ba.-ement with launary, rooms all newly papered, house nearly like new. Price has been reduced for Quick eale to l.t.150 Sure a cheap home considering the location. J. W. RASP CO. 689-91 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 16T4 A-3653. BOULEVARD HOCSL. rt4 Norm lth St.. I rooms modern, only S2.S0S. Thomas Brennan. Room 1 New York Life Blag. REAL ESTATE FARM AXD RANCH LA5D rOk 9AI.B Iowa. GOOD LAND CHEAP. 1m acres In Kimball county. Neb., Tour miles ninth of Dix; every acre can be cult! vated; $10 per acre. J. O BONE, 312 Shugart. Blk. Phone 14 Bell., Council Bluffs. Ia. lathe. - Idaho Carey Act Lands. Now open for entry In the choicest agricultural section ot the northwest. The Snake River Valley, Southern Idaho. State Government Supervision. For free Information on Irrigated Lands write u. a. Hunt. Boise. leho. Ka FOR SALE Some fine farms. SO to 320 acren, In southeast Kansas; good soil; fair Improvements; plenty water; at low price and op reasonable terma. Long Bros., Fre donia, Kas. Hlaseioia. ACRES well Improved land. Red River Valley Minnesota. Nothing better on earth. $43 00 per acre. PY J. McMahon, Endicott. St. Paul. Minn. Missouri. 3C0-ACRE bottom farm In Barton coun ty. Mo.; fine Improvements; here Is a bar gain; pric- $.M1 per tcr'f-on "eav terms. In vestors Really Co. Aurora, Mo. ateaK-e. GOOD New Mexico lands. $2 to $:0 per acre, In tracts of 4 000 to 300.000 acres. Water for irrigation. Raise all kinds of grain and fruit. Also Irrigated farms in Colorado, and safe money-makrng irriga tion projects The Hagadorn Ineestment Company, Kl Tremont St., Denver. Colo. Boat- Dakota.' SOUTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral and timber land for sale or trade. LM acres part Irrigated farm, fine Improvements, ons mile eat of Rapid City In Rapid River valley for sale or trade. Bargain. .Tell us fully what you wish to buy. sell or trade. Come west; make money tn land. Rep resentatives wanted, farmers preferred. Farrar ac Jepsen. Rapid City. . S. D. the A Writer Was Prize. WRITE AS GOOD A STORY AS NOTHING TO TRY. REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HOill LADS. (Continued ) fbmka. $2.r0 PER ACRE Four aectlons graxing land. 14 miles north of Hershev. on V. P. R R., In Lin coln county, Nebraska; 9 miles north of Platte river 2 50 per acre V. L. SELBY. 4 Board of Trada Bldg CHEAP NEBRASKA LAND. We can offer l.suO acres, about eighteen miles w est of Daltnn. Neb . nearly 1 acres in Laurence Fork Creek valley. Fine water at 15 to 45 feet, good soil for IT an acre HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. Omaha. Only $3,800 20 Acres Nicely Improved Nenr Florence Very ('heap One-fourth mile east of Brandets country home; new. 3-room house and barn; 4 acres fine fruit; l. apple trees; 100 black berries and laspoerrtes: 300 grapes and good patch of strawberries, macadam road nearly to premises. Linahan Realty Co.. 332 N. Y. L. Phone rongla W4 REAL ESTATE LOANS ll to l;.0PO made promptly. F. D. WeadL Weed Bidg.. ls'.h and Famam. 1600 TO K.0OO an homes In Omaba. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or A-I112. FI-E PER CENT MONET to lo.-.n on Omaha ii:slries Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New Vork Life Rldg. PPlt. ne.ota r.tt i!i a mnnav mrfMtf. and w.ntracts bounht Antelope Invest- ment Company, Old Boston Store bldg. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. OARVIN BROS . SIS N. T. Life, $S0 te i S2O0.00II on Improved property. Ne delay. , ; WANTED Oty loans and warrants. W. i Farnam Smith Co.. Uit Farnam BL I WANTED-City Inana. Peters Trust Co. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO.. N. T. Life I Private money, $T00 to $S 000; low rate. j SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated, Apply Rooms 417-11 First Nat l Bank bldg. I Bell Phone Douglas Sail. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandeis Bldg. WANTED-TO BUY BEST price paid for seoond-haad furml ture. carpets elet-ea aaa shoe- lei. Dot-g. S7L BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture. ! stoves, clothing. othlrig. W.Rosenblatt. Tel. D. 6401. HIGHEST prices paid for Insurance poll- es In old line icmpanles The Putnam ! cies company M)4 Mew tork Life. V A VTm T1 Dl'V 4 w.- i . u. i moving distance of Fortieth and Dodge - - .... m.. - A " Uttl IS Mlllllll apply a, 4aa Dodge st., after t p. m. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store cava heat price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 42u6. WANTED TO RENT WANTED An excellent room, with bath, for single gentleman; stale whether house, apartment or private family. Ad dress B 2uu, rare Bee. WANTED Three or four room modern cottage nice neighborhood near car. Good references. Address H-Ul, care Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS JAPANESE boy wants a position at gen eral housework or porter. Address 411 N. P3th St., So. Omaha. Tel. South HIS. WANTED Situation, by young man of 23; good habits: am employed but wish to change. Would like a place In general store. Am willing worker; speak low Ger man; can play band Instrument. Address L box 342. Sioux Center, Ia. BOOKKEEPER Competent man desires Ijv.iuivii. E.Ari iruLm in v.iiuiepaie iinrv; capable of filling position as bookkeeper or cashier; good references. Address Y-J63, care Omaha Bee position. Experienced In wholesale Itnea SHOE SALESMAN AND CARD WRITER Young man desires position. General merchandise preferred. Both wholesale and retail experience. References given. Ad dress box 715, David City. Neb. Quick Action for Your Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Affairs, Washtngtun, D. C, July 7, 1X41. Sealed proposals for letting District No. L In the Crow Creek Indian Reservation, South Dakota, tor grazing purposes, either under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C. until 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday. August , 1909, and will be Im mediately thereafter opened In the pres ence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location ot th district and ail necessary Information may be obtained on application to the superintendent of the Crow Creek Indian School, Crow Creek. South Dakota. R. G. Valentine, Commis sioner. JUdt DEPARTMENT OF THE) INTERIOR, office of Indian Affaire. Washington, D. C Sealed proposals for letting District No. I. In the Cheyenne River In dian Reservation. South Dakota, for grill ing purposes, either under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington. D. C, until 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday, August 30, 190S, and will be Imme diately thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location of the districts and ad necessary Information may be obtained ,.n annlication to the SuDerlntendent of thi Cheyenne River Indian school, Cheyenne j River Agency, souin uaaoia. n. u. val entine. Commissioner. JyZldJOt DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Affairs, Waahlngton. D. C. . Sealed proposals for letting graxing privileges on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Montana, under the permit system, will be received at . the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Wash ing. D. C, until 1 o'clock, p. m.. on Mon day. August SO. SCb. and will be Immed iately thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location of the reservation and all necessary Information may be ob tained on application to the Superintendent of the Plackfeet Indian school. Browning, Mont. 1- u. valentine, commiastoner. Jy21dt DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Office of Indian Affaire. Washington, D. C. July 7, ikjs eaiea proposals for letting District No 1 In the Red Lake Indian Res ervation. Minnesota, for graxing purposes, either under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office of Commies oner of Indian Affairs. asnington, l). c, until t o'clock P. ni on Monday. Auauat t. and will be immediately tbereaf'.er opened in the presence or eucn Diaaers as may al ien 1. Mint showing the location of the district and all necessary Information may De ooiainea on ap.aicaiion to ine superin tendent of the Red Lake Indian School 1UU Lake. - Minnesota. R. Q. Valentine Commissioner. Jld2St Call Us by 'Phone Whenever yon wt something; call 'Phong Doojlgs til and mak tt known t&roufh Bee Wast Ad. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beet Sana Paper. Oae Delias- Per k car, LEGAL NOTICES Net Ire of 9toekkoleere Meetlea. TO the stockholder or THE M l?SOL Kl -ago f"Dre a 7 IS am a 1 4." pm PACIFIC RAILWAT COM FA N Y ; .CM. a.! l.lmlie.1 '. . . a m pm 7 .15 am In coformity with the requirements of -st imi i- n h 7 i. m the Constitutions and laws .f the m: of Missouri, Kansa and Nebraska and the by-Uws of the Company. uV AKi. HSF.tm rsiilih.L mat oy reaoiu ion oi . the Board of llre tor of The Missouri I a meeting of said Board on the 2,h day or May. A. l , l.u. a meeting ef the et k holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company has been called to be held at the office, oT the Company. Room v Missouri Pacific Building. In the City of St. Louis. In the Stale of Missouri, un the aixtn day of August. A. D. at nine o'clock In toe forenoon. 1 For the purpose of considering a Con tract and AriKiea of Consulit'.aUon bearing date the ftth day of May. l.0, heretofuie made and entered Into by and on behalf of The Mlaourl Pacific Railway company ana the following named lot Durations 1y order of their respective Board of Directors; The Kanaaa and Colorado Pacific Rail way Company, a consolidated coiporailon of the State of Kansas, The Central Branch Railway Company, a consolidated corporation of the btate of Kansas, The Rooki County Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Kansas, The Nevada and Mlnden Railway Com pany, a corporation of. the Slate of M.a ourl; Nevada and Mlnden Railway Company of Kansas, a corporation of the Kansas; State of . Kansas City and Southwealern Railway Company of Missouri, a corpoiauon ot Uio Htate of Missouri; Kansaa City and Souths estern Railway Company, a corporation ot the State ot Kansas, The Fort Scott Central Railway Com pany, a consolidated corpoiauon ot the elate ot Kansas; Kanopolls and Kansaa Central Railway Company, a corporation ot the State ot Kansas; - : - The Kairsas Southwestern Railway Com pany, a corporation ot (be State of uaiuas, ailu J he L Roy-and caney alley Air i.ine Rai'road Company, a coTBoratlon ot lbs : dilute of Kaiisee. 'or the purpose ot voting upon the ?u?,Uo", ,h'hr "vh 4.entract and Ar- lered into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap proved and adopted and such consolidation -oiiunin.aied or whether such Contract "' Articles ot Consolidation snail be re- JV.V4a. t3 To consider and vote upon the adop- t,u" of a resolution accepting tu piovl- sions oi Article 11 ol cnapier iz oi rne rte- vised Sutues of the State of Missouri. iTf. ana to autnorixe tne iiitni inereoi, " required by Section numbered 10u of such Revised Statuea in the case of con- oooaii.in ox railway corpoiaiiorra, ana whereby all or any of said corporations d The Missouri Pacific Railway Company lave agreed to consolidate In the whole. and to consolidate the stock of the re spective companies making such consolida tion, and to form and make under and pur suant to the laws of the States of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, a new, consolidated corporation, to be known as The Missouri Pacific Railway Company, owning, con trolling, possessing and bringing under one management all and singular the lines of railroad and other properties, real, personal and ''. Powers rights, privileges, Im- .L na frlcnl,'', belonging ui any 'ne. nd .conl "i0"? , eJ nd "'f , by alJ Contract and Articles of tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed Consolidation (4) To take any other action In the pre mises, and to transact any other business .1 . i . . 'vr"" tu ue uclu,e w'0 "'-ucn Cotnract and Arilcle, of Co-so)lda. Hon will be submitted to the meeting of the stockholders bo called for examination and every stockholder attending will be furnished with a printed copy thereof, and at any time before such meeting any stock holder will be furnished with a printed copy of such Contract and Articles of Con solidation upon application therefor during business hours to the Assistant Secretary of the Company, at the office of the Com pany In the City of St. Louis. Missouri. Dated May th, 1909. GEORGE J. GOULD. President of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. A H CALEF Secretary ot The 'Missouri Pacific Railway Company. JItoAS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Pealed proposals will be received by the State Board of Puhllo .Lands and Build ings, at the office of Geo. C. Junkln, Sec retary of State, Slate Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, on the 1st day of 'September, 1909. until 12 o'cldock. rioon, for trie erec tion and construction ,uL the following buildings; ". AoL One fireproof cottage bnlldtng for girls and one fireproof cotiaf bu'fding for boys to be erected on the grounds of the Insti tute for Feeble-Minded. .Beatrice, Neb. One fireproof cottage, build: ng to be . --. , . I greeted on the grounds of the Hospital for Insane at Ingleside nr Hasting-. NW. I one brick barn building to be erected on the grounds of the Boys', Industrial School, Knriwv Nth . Plans and specifications for the various' buildings can be aeen at the office of the Secretary of State, Mate Capitol Build - Ing. Lincoln. Nebraska, or at the offices of ti,. .,i,wnni..ni. ,.f .... c0,i,,. in.tit.,. tlons. or at the office of Geo. A. Berlinghof. Architect. Rooms )l-4 Security Mutual Life Building. Lincoln. Neb. Plans and specifications for private use may be secured from the architect by man- ing a neposu oi tuo.vsi lor eacn uiiuaiiiK. j l nicKa.'-aw uiu, roweis. a- iu of which $25 00 will be returned to the de- i Democrat (llu, McCarthy, 6 to 1) th;rd. positor upon receipt -of the plans and i Time: LOT.,. Fighting Bob, Scarpia. specifications at his office in good order. I Grasmere and Scarus also ran. Each bid must be accompanied with a; Second race, selling, mile, $ added: certified check on some bank doing busl- i Console tluK. Davenport, 9 to 5) won, Cam ness in Nebraska In the sum of 2 per cent: peon till, Page, 13 to D second. Eschau of bid. for the purpose as provided under; till, McCahey, to 1) thlid. Time: 1 42. paragraph No. Is, page 3. of the technical i Nethermost. Warden. Gieat Heavens, Miss specifications. j Crittenden, Ruxton, Couri Lady and liar- Hid, must he mAde out on biridlnffr sheets lock also ran. furnished by the architect. Bids made out j otherwise will not be considered. The Board of Public Lands and Build ings reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive defects In same. I AldlOt I RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 10TII A MASON Chicago! st North western I NORTHWESTERN LINE-EAST. I Leave. Arrive, j Omaha-Chicago Spe'L.a tl oi pm a 7:40 am i Colorado-Chicago a 6:3) pm a 3 2S pm ; Paclfio Coast-Chicago.. a ti 06 pm a 1.1 pm ' Chicago Daylight Spe'l a 7.40am ali :i",pm Omaha-Chicago Local . a 12 05 am all:35pmj Los Angtlea - Portland Limned a 9 10 pm all.3S pm Overland Limited all.jO pm a i . L am : Fast Mall 9 .04 am . Fast Lucal, Cedar Rapids-Omaha a $.35 pm Omaha-Carroll Local. ..a 145 pm a 910 am NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7 45 am al0.20 pm Minnesota and Dakota. a 7 00 pm Twin City Limited t ) lim a 7:05 am Sioux City Local a 3.45 pm a 3:28 pm Dakuta-Sloux City Omaha :. a 9 30 am Minnesota-Sioux City- Omaha aU:00 am I NORTHWESTERN LINEWEST i Norfolk-Fionesteel -. a 7 i am s 10 V nm :: rw lm Siiiw Lincoln-Long Pine a T Mam all :0) am Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 2 1. pm bS JOpm Hastings-.-Superior b 2 15 pm b " :X pm I . . ..... . ..... 11 ... Un-l rm H 1 r. m - -Vt m Casper-Lander .'. a I.SS pm all 00 am Fremont-Albion b 5.30 pm b 1.35 pin Chicago, Reck Island st Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Lid a 3 10 ara ali os pm Iowa IxjcsI a 40 am a 4 3') pm The Mountaineer a 7 42 am a 2.50 am Dcs Slo.nn Local a 4 0u pm aU 30 pin Iowa Local , blO JL am b ii.io p:n t ricaiso-r.antern ex... - ej pin a i.iu pm ' Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a 6.14 pm a S.05 am ! WF.ST. Tbe Mountaineer a 1:00 am a 7:35 am! Chicago-Nebraska Ltd for Lincoln) a S 30 am a 5.47 pm 1 Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1 JO pin a 4 'O pm 1 Ok!a. and Texas Ex ...a I t) pm a 1:10 pm: Rocky Mountain Ltd . all. Li pm a 3 0j am Chicago, Mllwaekec A St. Paal f Chicago and Colo. Spec. a 7:35 am all 40 pm C-Ul . , I." - n.n a . .- .... I a 6 uu pm a 3 J5 pin all 4 pm a 715 am Overland Limited Perry Local Inlea Pacific u s.iS pin bll:5 am Overland Limited a 7:30 am all 40 pm Colorado Express a S.Jo pm a S Ou pin Atlantic Express a 9. JO m Oregon Express .. .a 4 10 pm a 5 'V pm Is Angeles Limited . ai2 .i5 pm a 8 m pin Vmit t.il a ,n k A-. ..... China and' Japan Mail. . a 4u pm a 5 45 pm .-ortn riaite lots; a is Colo.-Chicago peclal.,.al2.14 a k 15 am a 4 46 i.m m.I :i . I'm a i Beatrice at blromaburg Local bl3 $ pra b 1 Is pm Vauey Local motor via Lane Cut-off) alO 00 am. a 2 45 pm Valley Local imotor)....a iat pin a 9 0 am Haatlngs-Superior b 2:15 pm b S 30 pm Ixical passengers not. -earned on trains Noa. 1 and S. MliMitl Par I fie K C. and t. L. Ex.... 'a 9 at am i: )im K. C. and St. L. a all.la pm a S 60 pro oatlaeed llllaola (entral M:in Paul Ltd a 6 "' m on - aha - PI lode Inrbt 15 pm (hlraeo l.rrst Ur.lrii a 7 !' atu bll X ajn , . ,;,,,,,,, ' f."", i, , , If ,l St. fauI-Mi St Paul-M1 8 ' pm 7 i a n 10 pin f ."0 pm t Ch'.oaa,. Llmit 1 9 15 4.111 I Usknik- St. LiMi!.. El liH pm a ? 2i am all It pm b'.O IS am MASON Si Louts IhiI ifrom t 'Minnl I'.luf (si a I 00 am St a n be i ry l.-tal Council Bluffsi ifiom b 5 00 pm Bl HLIM.TOV T. Bnrllnatnn tener and Ca'lfornia Piifret S vjnd Lx Black H lit Northwest Ex Nebraska points Lincoln Fat Mall.... Nebraska Ex Lincoln Loal Lincoln Local Si'huyler-Plattrmouth P'att.moith-Iow a . . Pe'levue-Plattsmouth Colorado Limited Chicago Limited -lOTII k RAILVtAY TIME CARD" Leave. Arrive. . a 4 10 pm a 3 4'. pm . . a 4 lc pm a S 10 pm .. a 4 M pm a 1" pm .. a'l .v pm a 7 ( am .. a . am a ( 10 pm ,..bl Sipm ah.' 15 pm ...a 9 15 am a 11 pm b J s am . . .a 7 Si pm a 7 :A pm . .b t i pm blO am ...a 9 ! am a 50 am . al? 3" pm a ! 40 pm ...all M pm a 7 ifi am i ...a 7 am all pm I .. .a 4 pi pm a S pm i ...a n pm a -"0 am ... S 1" atn all "0 am ; . a 4 4i pm all V am ! n. a 10 " pm a am o a H C am a 6 10 pm i i f'h Ir a (i V T ... Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St Louis Ex Kansas City and St Jo a 4 40 pm XVF.BTFR ST A 1(11 H A WF.DSTER i Chlpaa-o, SI. Paal, Mlnneapolle Jt Omihi- Leave Arrive b 2 ) pm Ml J 30 pm b d-S" am Ploux City Express ... Omaha Local Sioux Oiy Passerpr. Twin t !t rssencer. . Plnux rity t0i.4i trmriv I-ni-jiJ c S?. am .b 5 f5 pm v. Missouri Pacific Auburn Local b 3 50 pm bll. 30 ara a Daily, day only. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun d Daily except Saturday. OCEAN STEAMERS CLAHK'S CKUISES OK THE "CLKVLLAND tilamburg-American Line) nlS.OOO tons, brand new, superbly littea. D U0IIIVU the W0RL Fim New Tork October IS. 1909; from San Fancisco Feb. S. 1 1 0. nearly four months, coitlng only $650 AND LP. In cluding all expenses afloat and ashore. SPEC-AX. PEATO-asSi Madeira, Egypt, tudla, Ceylon, Burma, Jara, Borneo, Vial lypines Japan. An uauaual chance te Tlsit unusually attractive places. U Anaual Orient Cruise, reb. 8, '10 1 bv North G-r:r.r. Liojii a. s "Gioser Kuifuerst, 73 days. Including 14 days Ecypt and Pslestlne. $400 up. riANI C. CLAHE. TIMES BX.SO.. B. T, W. E. Bock, 1534 Faruam St., Omaha. CANADIAN PACIFIC use tsar rooa DAYS at B-A. jgeekiy SaUlag Betweea Moatxeal. i-elee aaa XUeeryeei. Two days on me Denuilfui St. Laurence river and the shortest ocean route te Ku rope. Nothing better oa the Atlantic than out Lmpretee Wlreleae on all steamer. First claaa. ; second, 5o; one elaae cabin. Ma. Atu yuur ticket agent, or write for aai tr.as. tele end booklet. O. B- BZBJAMZH1. O. Ju taa Sou Clark BL. Chlcaga. SAILING JANUARY ZU.iyiW to rleirapain.rlcditerranean. Orient Costintf only 400anduD for 73daiy$ Cruist Pcpt.Whitt M-rLing.NY.orgflettti EVENTS ON THK RUNNING TRACKS Ocean Bound Wins Ten-Thousand-Dollar Race at Saratoga. sunTiiiU. N. Y.. Aug 3 W. Clav's - . , - . . . , , , , . Ocean Bound eail won the JIUKW ?p n jaay stakes for fnlie. year-oids. at e , and a half furlongs, here toda . 1 he rmy t had been reported to have pulled up lame in hr work which accounts for the lib- eral price of even money lata agamsi iici i at post time. She was heavily supported. . being backed down from 7 to 5. Uhlle at ; the post she was badiy cut down and pulied --rc lume Beaucojp. winner of the third ra. e. was , run up to $2.5ow. an advance of $UAi over I his entered selling pi ice. Summaries: First tace. five and a haif furlongs, S40.J added: Kir.gsliip uiu, i.ani;, . to n o:i. Third race, selling, seven lurionfe's, ttw added : Leaucoup I lu. Creevy. S to 1; w on, Heroin tilj. Ltach. to 5 second, Jeanie D'Arc (106. McCarthy. S to 1) third. Time: UJf,. ' Roval Vane. Gold Note. Verbatim. j Escutcheon, Chief Haves and Gloriole aiao ! ran. i Fourth race, the Splnaway fillies. 2-year-j olds, foals of l:7, guianleed gross ta.ue I of 10. oiu, five and a half furlongs: Ocean Bound GIj, Scovnle, even) won, fccneumarim U12. Muegrave, 7 to ll t-econd. Sticker tlLi. Butwell. -) to 1) third. Time: LOo-y Foliie Levy, Fair Louise, Greenvale and Placide aiso tan. Fifth race. 4- ear-olds and up. selling, mile and an eighth, $jw added: Belleview U07, Taplln. 7 to 5 won. Zipai.yo (105. Davenport, even; second. Rio Giande U, Lllint, 10 to D third Time: 1 :ia. Okeii ite, Kinf of ba.-han. Miss Caiesby aud Killochan also ran. S.xtn ra' e. ma. den 3-year-olds and up, mile. tOou added: practnal tl'Jit. Dugau, to 5 and 7 to lui won. lama (11-. Puueia 7 to li second. Maximum (112 Mugrave, : 10 to II third. Tune. 1.41. Rolando. -iug- j wump. Gold Dust. J. W. Fiyi , i d..)', Su guine and Clockwork also tan. : Races at W iudsur. ' DETROIT. Aug. 3 Two Hack record -fttrc btokeu al Windsor tins afte,noo... . tlrten S.al in the thud race clipped a lull stcotid from the previous mai k w nen lie j c overed the 1 1-16 miles In 1 4oV w hue lien Double, winuii.g the sixtn race in I 1 l-vj,, lowered the old record by one-fiftn of a' second. ravoiits won five or the ; seven events on the card. Summaries: j 1 r " " ' - "r1 '". luioo.ga aui i ; fvis u-. jvy- 10 1 v:i- Brud-1 wuiu 'IV', rveu. u iu it Bt'cunu. Auoien iiv.. . Die.vei to li third. Tin.e: 1 My ; Henry. J. H. Hourhtun. Muster Kugene, , 'y May hue. Jim Miller and Ll.x ran Second race, .'-year olds, five furlongs: The General Armstrong c lt7. Harty, 9 to j) won. Alfred The Great (lor Burns. ( to li scfoud. Colonel Jot tlw, Ward. 5 to D third Time: 1 (-5 Carondelet, I'angei ous. March, Ktlchli Tanaka. Tuiner. Hickory. Slick, mko. Steel Kinic also ran. Third ra1.--. handicap, puise $.'. U-)'is: yid and up. 1 1-lti miles. Green Seal Gil. Howard. 9 to 5 won. W. A. Lea' h do. liufnagel. 11 to 5i second. Granta iH. Reid. 7 to 2i ihird. Time: 1 45H- All Red, Vox Popuil a.sKj ran. Fourth race, selling purse. 2-year olds. (Canadian ow'r.edi five furlor.gs: Iiedmin Ist.r 1 1-4. Reil. 7 to li won. Loru Elatn 1'.'4. Rogers. to f se.-nnd. Iiy Etna (104, L'avis. 12 to li tl.ird Time: 1 fd. spring- steel, Louis Reil. chairman, btarver also ran Fifth race purse. S-year olds and up six furlongs: Monteclair illu. Deverich 7 10 S won Siiverln i PC. Rums. 3 to 1) sec ond Mirnle Bright il"4 Flynn, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1.13V Gold Front Soil, Apologize. Pat Sharp. Potent also ran. Hlooinfleld Real ""artlngton. P.IXKiNtFIEL!) Neb, Aug 3 i Social 1 1 uluumf 7''' defeated Harrington in an unmteresung same, i ne oniy teaiure was , .....i,.., l.lt KV I(rndl. Score: ami - - .. - Bloomfleld ..( 3 4 0 0 1 4 1 0-D 19 S Harting'.on .0 020010003 49 liatteries: Bloomfleld. Brandt and But by. Hariirgton, Peck and Reiss. Up to date the Hoion, field bail team has playvd fourteen games, won ten and lost four. Today's victory was the ever the Rourkea. .core biih straight STATE GOLF AT FIELD (LIB Fifth Annnl Tournament of Ke-, braska Association This Month. SIAXY C0MPITZ FOR HONORS Penetrant o Arranaed thai All Play era May Coafest All Poor llaa of Ike Toarnament for Maey tiood Prlsee. The program Is out trr the f If th nmn' tourrament of the Nebrsk O-iif asso ciation which will be held at 'he Omaha Field club August X. K. 2. and 3. Many prlies are hung up and enouh different flights are arranged so that all may play all through th tournament Sec retary Frank J. Hoel has arranged t!.e different fllEhta In his own way and a splendid week of golf Is assured. A medal will be given for the low score In the qual ifying round: a cup to the winner of the amateur championship with a prle to the runner-up; a prixe to the winner and one to the runner-up In the consolation class and suitable prlies lil be given to the winners and runners-up In thV directors, solace and secretary's class and handicaps Any member of a Nebraska association club In good standing may enter, the f e l 1 and the fee for teams Is U a team En tries may be made t ti i o . a, liie secretary of the player's club or with the secretary j of the association. The entrlts for the qualifying round may be made until 10 I a. tn. August IS. and entries for the handl- ' caps may be made at any time before the fm start. The pairing' will be made at the first 1 tee as the players arrive and players are I requested to register as soon as they ar ! rive at the club so thev may he paired ! promptly. The rules of the Western Golf I association will govern. ) The officers of the Nebraska Golf aso ! elation ar J. B. Rahm, president; W. S Cornutt. vice president and C. F. W. J. Foye. N. H. Reokkrd. C. R Moray, F-egas, Dr. Cox and Mel Uhl directors. The Proa ram. WEDNESDAY MORNING. I Qualifying Round. 7 a. m., !"'. to qualify ! In three flights. 32 each; holes, medal I play. Last pair must get off. by 11 a. m. j THURSDAY MORNING. Amateur Champion: First round S a. m.; lis holes, match play. The beaten 16 play for the consolation prlxe. Directors: Flrt round, 9 a. m.; 1" holes. ', match play. The b.-aten 16 play for the ! solace prlre. Secretary s: First round. 9:30 a. m ; IS holes, match play. The beaten 10 play In consolation handicap. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Amateur Champion: Second round. 1 30 p m. ; IS holes, match play. Consolation: First round. 14D p. m.; IB holes, match play. Directors: Second round, 2 p. ;n.; IS holes, match play. Solace First round. 2:15 p. m.; IS holes, match play. Secretary's: Second round, 2:30 p. m. ; 1 holes, match play. Consolation handicap. 2 4J1 p m ; IS holes. match play against bogey, "holes up For thoe who did not quality and those beaten In first round of Secretary's flight. FRIDAY MORNING. Amateur Champion: Third round. 9 a. m.; 18 holes, match play. Consolation; Second round. 9:15 a. m ; IS holer, match play. Directors: Thud round. 9:90 a. m.; 18 holes, match play. Solace: Second round, 9:45 a. m ; 18 holes, match play. Secretary's: Third round, 10 a. m. ; H hoies. match play. Handicap bail sweepstakes, 10:1' a. m ; 18 holes, match play against bogey, "holes up." For everybody on the grounds. Balls will be divided .10. 25. 2n, 15 and 10 per cent. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Amateur Champion: Semi-final, lJOp. m ; IS holes mateh play. Consolation: Semi-final holes, ma'ch play. Directors: Semi-final. 2 match play. Solace: Semi-final, 2.15 match plav. Secretary s: Semi-final, 1:45 p m. 18 p. m. ; IS holes. m. 18 holes p. m.; 18 2.M holes, match play. Medal handicap, 2:45 p. m IS holes, medal : pav. Everybody that's out. siTfmiAV morning . ' , . , I Amateur Champion: lirst half-final 6:30 a m ; 18 holes, match play. Consolation: Final. 9 45 a. m ; 18 holes. match play. Solace: Final 10 a. m; IS holes, match i pjay Directors: Final, 10 15 a. m.; IS holes, match play. Secretary's: Final, 10;DO J.. 1$ holes. match play. Nebraska club team championship. 10 :4T a. m.; 18 holes, match play against bogey. Teams of four. No limit to team entries. Scores of finalists may hi used in team match. SATURDAY AFT ERNOON. Amateur Champion: Second half-final. 2 p. nr., IS holes, match play. Vanderbilt Mine at Vichy. PARIS, Aug. 3. The Prix Revesdor run at Viejtv today was won by W. K. Vander bilt's Reinhard. (raw ford Officials Win. DENISON, Ia.. Aug 3 Ppclal The court house officials of Harriton and Craw ford rounties met on the ball diamond at Denlson. After an exciting game, to the players, the score stood 10 to 11 for Craw- Our product and reputation are tho best advertisement we can offer A. L Um4. U 1210-1212 H-ward S4 Om PURE 'NUTRITIOUS. PALATABLE. A riCALTM BUILOCH-AatSM fRODUCtR O'trfOOAtyxcAtrj Aare endorsed '. MADt IM OttAMA SOLO BV LEADING DBUOCISTS IViaVWHLSX RUPTURE- Rupture of men, women and children can be cured In a few days without a sural! operation, loee ef time or pain. The cost la governed by ine else of the ruptued wpea Ir.g to be clo The money may be OeposiieU lu soms ouiatia Bank In the name ot the patient ot .uardlan. not to be paid uni.il the cure Is completed Theueaada el ruptured people have accepted these lerins during Urn past It years and al) are com pistely satisfied. Write or call (or further Ipf oriaatloa. Bk. fSAHal & VSAL V ee Builag. Oa aa. . 1 t irt t l,en 'l ' . i i.fi e tat y r utn K.une come mi 1'KM IT IIIC M.f ftuafhern and I'ai MIc ( neat 4 haraploag Winner In Doubles. CHICAGO Ail- ? fi.. "ith.rn snl FaoTc voa; rli.i'iipi. wre the winners , In the ftrr day's pl of tlie national ' doul'lis tennis to : nanv nt al the Outwent, sia c'.uh t.. Ton.otr'w tliv will p,a" loi the rgM to -i-e.-t Fred R Alexander a'ul Hnrol.l II H.n-kett. the present holders ' of the national title, at Newport this month. viie C Giant and The.Mlot-e Roosevelt Veil, tl'e southern champion, defeated , Tr 'ix Emerso'i ami R A HnM.ii. Jr., (he honlers nf the western hoiiois,. by 6-4. 6-2 V6. In the other match M K. Mclaughlin and ti. J ,lne. the Pacific O'ast title holders, defeated Nat . Niles and A. S. 1'ahn.y. toe eastern champions, by IS. i-i. 6 2. Grant and Pell put up the b-t tennis ot the day and are the favorite for tomor row's finals Crams eivt:e was phenom enal and his team did not lose a slnglt game while he was serving Grant s serv. Ice was ahl supported by the brilliant cross-court smashes of Pell, who had thl base lines gauged to a nicer t ail the tir, The team woi k of the southern pair wt developed to a hlirh dearee of accuracy and seldom did they interfere with one another. Emerson and lloliien. a j ounaer pair, wets, lamentably weak at. tuiww and were com pletely outclassed by their more expert. 1 enced opponents. The Pacific coast learn had little trouble 1 In defeating Nlies and Dabney. the lat ter appealed off their game .Mies was LaJiv off and Dahney was poec on his hack-court work all the e, althougli : he shone at net. McI-euKhlln aiul Jams placed steadily, but their wot k at times i la. ked the smoothness and precision of niai uispiayeu oy fell and Graut. EARLY CLOSING LAW ARGUED ON APPEAL OF DINUZZ0 Jndae Patton Aanoanora Derlalow Will Be Handed Dona Next Week ou Coustitatlonallty f Act. The constitutionality ot the S o'clock closing law Is now up to Judge Sutton of the district court and a decision will be handed down early next week. The case against Frank Dlnuxso was brought inio the district courl on appeal from the police court, the facts being ad mitted The fight was made on a demur rer entered by Weaver and, Glller, Dlnux zo's attorneys, to have the case dismissed because of the law s unconstitutionality. In arguing the deuyirrcr Mr. Glller made the contention that the present 8 o'clock law is unconstitutional because It Is sup posed to be ameitdatory to one -law while it is. in fact, amendatory to another. Ac cording to the state cotuuitution a new law must state In Its text tho law which It Is supposed to change, and repeal It If necessary. The S o'clock law was enacted as an amendment to the Slocumb law, which relates to the sale of liquors oti election days and Sundays, and does not dtal with the hours of sale, according to the view taken by Mr. Glller. Section 14 of the liquor law, however, statea the powers of the city hi regulating the sale, and Mr. Glller asserts that it la thla law that the new one really amends. Since It does not mention, nor repeal nor change aectlon 14. the attorneys for ITlnuxxo declare that It is In confusion with the statutes, and Is therefore unconstitutional. In replying Judge Dickenson argued that as a principle of law the stand taken by Mr. Glller was correct, but that In this particular case he had failed to show the amendatory laa- providing for S o'clock closing was not germane to the section of the statute to which It was added. An audience of about twenly-flve listened to the arguments In the case. A Burning Shame Is not to have Bucklen'a Arnica Salve to cure burns, aores. piles, cuts. Wounds and ulcers. 25c Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Bee Want Ads are Buaineaa Boasters. Knalneera In Sessloa. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Aug. I Five thousand delegates and friends are here i attending me international convention oi j the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen I and Engineers, w hich began today. One of the chief matters dlecuseed will be a propo sition to affiliate with the new central controlling body for railway unions, re cently organized In Chicago. KIT'S Toolhacho Gum not only cores toothache Instant ly, but cleans the cavny.remeee sll odor, and prevents decay.. Keep a sup- A S tnll Affair. - pre sd save meuy s aeutist oiii. There are lmtta-ona -tee that yea get Deal's lMtM-k.a, - At all drtiKiisu It oeata, or ey -U. C. S. DENT CO.. B7 Lamed St. Detroit, Mich. - MALT EXTRACT "t5T0RZ MALT tXT. DEFT r PURITY r .v V