Want-Ads A4Trrtljraill far tba want ad rliau wilt be takes til 11m. tba evening HHUa aad aatll 8i3 p. m. for tne aaernlaa; u Seaaar tlWi. I Caah mwat iMMMir all re-ra f b aeaepteal tar less tbaa SO ecaU fleet laaertlea. Rate apply eltber Tba Dally ttiltr Baa. Cauablnatlau af laltlala ar ambers Mtil an aaa word. Alwin (( alz wsrli ta a llaa. CASH HATES TOR WAJTT ADS. RERCUR CLASSIFICTIOIf - Insertion. 1 1-S cents per war aa4 1 pent per war! far enab enbeeaueat Insertion. Each Insertion ait add days, 1 1-3 rents per wri 1.80 per laa per at oat. Want aaa far Tae Bee air be left at stay af tba fallowing; drag atarei i ana la rar "earner ralat" tkey are all branch affleea far Tba Bea 4 yaar a4 will ba Inserted Just aa promptly aal aa fba aame ratea aa at tba nala afflea la Tba Baa BilUltt, Seventeenth aal Faraaa treat! Alhacfc. W. C. h and Famam, ' Beran. 8. A . 14se S. Isih fit. Becht Pharmaey. Benson. Neb. Semis Park Pharmacy, Hd and Cumin', i Blake's Pharmacy. IMS Bherman Ave. ', CoighlIn, C. R., ih and Pierce "la. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Vtt Military Ara. Conte, J. B.. flat Ave. and Farnam St. Crieeey Pharmacy. I4th and Lake Eta. Cermak. EmlL 1J04- S. 13th St. T.hlem, P. H.. 2808 Leavenworth St, Foster A Arnoldl. SIR N. 25th St. Freytag. John J . 1P14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Ox, Florence Neb. Greenough. O. A , 1AM B. 16th ft. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 2th 8t Hayden. William C, 8020 Farnam St. i Hoist, John. KM N. Mh St. . Huff. A. j , JM4 I-eavenworth Bt. Xing. R, 8.. 2fc Farnam Bt Kountie Place Pharmacy, MM N 34th St. ; I-athrop, Charles E , 1324 N. !4th St. Patrick Drug Co.. 1U N. 24th St Bnyder Pharmacy, 20th and La a SU. DEATH AHD FCWERAL NOTICES. BROWN Mrs. Winifred Homl.h. August 1. 1MB, aged 24 years, 4 tnontne ana it days, beloved wife of John J. Brown. Funeral from the family residence, 2401 T.ni.i..nlh .(rut Wednesday. Xorth Twenty-seventh street. Wednesday, August 4, at 3 30 a. m., to Sacred Heart church. Twenty-second and Blnney streets, at I o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery, HUGU8 Mr. WUhur B. died July , 1S09. at hie home In Santa Crus, cai. His wire, meuie nuius, ana nv "" eurvtve him. Mr. Hugus Is a brother of Mrs. Ellen 8. Beau of New York city. Mr. Hugus was well-known to Omaha pioneers and was a brother of John w. .Hugus of Pasadena, Cal., who also resided In Omaha In the early sixties. raMranamnaaaananTaBal BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-John M. Kinney. 1401 South Fifth I BtreeU girl; Samuel Flngret, 2218 Capitol avenue. ooy; wuea eeuia. ii ouum 7.7? .y'IOU44n r,, jr!', "?y; .,5eDmi"rr ZLIiuZL iTo irJ.i.ii .,,.r, -iT C . Ehi" Pi"' -n'?1MKanrIl1...w re!.t:..Flr,L.5: V ti I "at I'Vl HI i utt "'MNah 1 1 US III nUWBIQ, Tt'i rULIiniUll aVV QliUTi sti Earl V. Howard. zn& Decattir etreu ooy; M. Wtllerson. 1343 1 South Twenty-ftfth B,r" - aiiis -iinw ""' w- Deaths-C. L. Thomson, 4724 North Thlrty-seventn street, 67 years; Mrs. uiu Carrie Coburn. Methodist hospital, 37 years: John Farmer, Burlington tracka. 60 years; Bertha Jensen. 2601 Wilson avenue. 2S street, 11 months: James Adams, Fortieth I street and poppieton avenue; 46 years; Mrs. Charles Smith. St. Joseph's hospital. 40 years; Marshall B. Hamilton, Florence, 57 years. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Following marriage licenses were Issued today: Name and Residence Harry C Evernden, Omaha Ethel H. LoraDce, Omaha James B. A ken, Omaha....... , Ada D. Strang, Omaha William J. Leary, Omaha ... Bertilce M. McCarthy, Omaha. Anzone Bowmen, Omaha. .............. Vena Ball. Omaha.......... P. Leon Coulter, Omaha.,.. Bertha Milestone, Omaha Age. Ik 29 2.1 SO 20 32 30 ANNOUNCEMENTS ROD AND OUN CAFE OPEN ALL . -. . . - .Innv.TVri n.l " , . .. vai r..wU.i. - FOR watches and jewelry repairs see GustaXaon & Henari caon, aa no. 16th at. W. J. MURPHY makes cement side walks, atena and basement floor oonatruetlona. t-bone Douglas 6397. UK Davenport SU brick loa ore, hard. hours, 1T Howard J. D. BULGE, aalrrter and aserhanger; paints aa oua. wi o. uu, uoug. auou. PANAMAS bleached, new Stetaoca 13.60, H. Kamaar, pracucai sattar, a o. I4t ; WOOD. Dr. O. &. d N. T. L. Homeopath 1 James H. Cra lock, architect, room I Wead Bidgtf lata aaa Dam am. ttea 6X7. RUGS and everything cleaned with the : vunuey vaouura 1 oieaner. wimr, " MT,i.viMi, ww. - I COMBS, 1620 Douglaa. expert eye fitting. 1 ' I J2EP06IT10N8. F. J. But oil f fa. 62 Bea bldg OMAHA Elwtrto Work repairs electric (-levators. 10$ N. ,11th at, D. 1181. A-154S. I . , 1 WOODMEN picnic Wlsner. Neb.. Wed nesday, Auguat 11, If you want conces sions, write u A. J, west, wisner. Neb. IF. YOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachcnann, 434) -paxton block. RED 613 The Omaha House and Win. f-aow cleaning co.; any atna pi cieaninc Wiolin Too.h0r PIANO TUNER. ... .vuw, Ch4rie, l. Fish, 1314 BL K7t. A V4W, w Vlnr(,fjr IvQO. $ THE M043T attractive drtur uam vin4iu. tn Omaha is at Uth and Douglas ts. 'chapter's where you will always find seasonable anil atore thinea wall hi.. layed at prtoea that talk. Pleaaa remember t bur mora goods than anv mmutitnr anrf ,wa um null f utn InAi BTA-UTED ; I ML Mi UKUVKBI IN THIS CITY. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glaas Co , art fleas, miter cutting, hoveling mirrors of all kinds, reallToting and framing. Office And factory M Cuming bt. Both phones. I WANTEr-rnlval attractions for atreet fair aepu X, a, 4. Jeotno theeiera. vaude- vine euowa, cane ana panv racka. etc. Percentage. ig crowds. Address Concea- vtlle aion Committee Cumberland. la. .M!HT.TlLTECrfIN,0 CO- uuaw wu. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty af flra escapee, shutters, doors and safes, a. Aaareea, rrep.. ua g. inh. PLUMBING A, W. McVea, $11 N. 40th. recent otiy pmrnmng inspector. A-31W. H U I .SB a KiEPEN, funeral dlrectora. Successors to Harry B. Davie, 7u b. 16th. v. ., TiirL a' u' U TZTi SIGN PAINTING li. H. Cole. 1303 Douglas DAVID COLS Creamery Co. REMOVAL aaie monmnenta. 1U7 8. Uth. SHOES called tor and delivered fre. btanaara aaoa atapaur v.a. uw trarnam. HOSE'S STORE, ua DODGE WU"1J u St. Ftamlng at about aif the price there charge. uougiaa rrinung 10. rei. oouglas S44. 1 uins svn cm anarsenea aneeiai BiacAina li; called for and daltvarxt. I Jcnsoa Sob. SM H. 14th Both phonea , OMAHA PASTE CO. cow located at 711 So. liUj iuuf.a , . ANNOUNCEMENTS tContinued.) I ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences chesper than wood. Last a Life Tim. 107 N. 17th. 'Phone Red M4. $5 BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE PE. POSIT VAl'I.TR la huralar and fir rrrf d.tt.r K Maf than tmrv Basement Omaha Nat l. bank. 2 Hi S. 13th 8;. HATS cleaned and reblocked. S' hmarse's Hat Factory, u6 N. lfith St. Tel. Doug 5?0. HEFLIN, expert lorksmlth. 1.18 Douglai St.. upstairs. Doug. 2974 or A-426. PICTURES framed artistically Prompt work. Megeath Sta. Co., Uth and Farnam. ALAMITO buttermilk, retail. 8nh phones GRAVEL ROOKING. J. P. Stevenson P.ooflna Co., gravel and composition roofing. 5T3 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts, Omaha. Tela., Douglas 2176. A-1792; Res., Web. 294 HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen. 50c box. BELL DRUG CO. Missouri flltera made ard sold. 1310 How. HAY RACK PARTIES Call ua up. Are prepared at any time. ROSENBLA TT. Both 'Phones. 1223 Nicholas St. AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second hand cais. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. RAMBLERS New. 4 and 2-eyltnders. 3" per cent discount. Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 l'arnam bt. STORAGE, -centrally located, opposite library. 181J Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. FOR SALE 2-cyllnder Indian motor cycle. See It at A. Hospe Co., Inl3 Doug las St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE A WELL Improved stock and farming ranch, only six miles from Colorado Knrinn. Cnlv. containing 2.000 acres, lay- ng in one square body: plenty of running water; cultivating land and pastrwe; water piped In to the house, tnrousn -.nt oa.ru yard, etc.; about 400 acres of growing crop on the ranch now. Price. M.000; will ex change for good city property. Good rea son for exchange. Address this week Box 804 Henshaw Hotel. City. -SSrAtt St'S! """V "TV" " .."1 Will f on Central houlexard. wul trade for raw land Priced HrM GALLAIjtHKR & NhIU, . 430 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE in orle 0f , he most exclusive residence part9 of Omaha; will trade for smaller house' or land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 821 N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Red lflfW. OMAHA. NEB. BUSINESS CHANCES WESTERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 4US Bee mag. Tel. v. TO GET in or out of , business call on QANOESTAP. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. P-3367 p-on SAI.EAn excentlonallv clean and well-selected stock of jewelry In Bloom- fie d. Neb.; no better opportunity in state. Wrlta to E. W. Pohlmano, Bloomfield, wivTirn-Par.A. k..v Hnif intrt and tak6 ful, char(re f general store, only on In town. Address jUock uox ioA tturg'a- u rnp a41.1r.TV1. inateH hunitrM. w. 41 ah a rrt i 1 m r A ar i n alavstnr In t h A iut( present owner being In business 2 years and wants to retire. Address X 346, t vr a to . . ... j... ni fm nit,,.. .,-i, tn. i.. -nlIr. .n hn eastern Colorado.' Thla stock was new two years agu. Address box 178. Hclyoke. coio COAL and feed business cheap; other business reason lor selling, u. 248, Bee. CAPITAL FURNISHED Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil gas and railway stock and bond issues sold direct to Investors: commission basis. Samuel Graham & Co., Selling Brokers, New York Life building, Montreal, Canada, FOR SKLE A stock of general merchan dise; located center of town. Miller & W acker, Loveland, Colo. FOR SALE The best and largest Plumb- Ing, heating, pump and windmill business or southwestern towa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address Y 181 care Bee. MEAT MARKET for sale in central i uruTlHU. mwii Ul iw pupuiB-llon. Nebraska town of 700 population. Cause I for ning. poor health. Address Y 866, 1 ca re cee. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 1700 eoultr In new 4-room cottave. nleelv located, one block from oar: fruit trees. strawberries, large garden, city water, elec trie lights. Will make an attractive price Iun uiia ie soia quicaiy. 11 aesireq. win sc cept a six months' lease at a liberal fig ur P" payment. L 270, Bee. CHIROPODISTS SEE Monhelt Treatment oa feet, 1411 Far J. W. Bcott. at Neb. barber shop, 1202 Far. CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. ROSS. CONSULTING ENGINEER. CIVIL. ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL 1 Ntreet raiiwav. water works, street im provements; business propositions financed especially lntarurban railways. Consult me K. 12-24, Patterson Bldg., 1628 Farnam Su MtimaB 61g 'Bee Bldg. 'Tele. Doug. 6926. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH, 84 floor, Paxton. D.1085. DR. FICKES. 317 Board of Trade. "He doean't hurt like others." DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2S32. Omaha Det. Ag'y, 428 Paxton Blk. t). 1319. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2677. TERRY College 20th and Farnam Sta. t EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. L DAY AND N1UHT SESSIONS. a .J a.-- LT li IT LV .,rvv f k.i - Bread and Butter Sciencea " nA nrenare to start ypur training for auccess f Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting. TelearaDhy. Civil Service. Railway Mall Service ana an uovernment urade Sub- 1 . . Official Training School for Union Pacific R. R. Address li. B. Boyle,. Presl dent, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. M. G. ROHR BOUGH, Pres E. A. ZARTMAN. Vice. Pres. SUMM'ER SCHOOL Now open. COURSES: All mercantile. SESSIONS Dav and night. FALL TERM: Ooens Sen- tember 1 to 6. Inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER: Sent free. CATALOGUE: 96 pagea-full of Interest-free 'Phone D. 12 or A-2189. Address: M. U. Rohrbough. Prta. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. LADIES wishing to obtain the latest dress cutting system. Learn entttng. Call J4U Dodgs St. "Phone Dougla TOU. . I CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. I Iiinni Tuesday. Thursday and httur 1 days. Firing dally. Children s cl I Saturday mornlna. Mrs. C. C. Hunxale. 1 isu Hnrnia a Bide. Tel. Ked atM. P A T7VS THREE LAYER WHITE mn 1 cmuju uvi I Grocerlea and Meats. Bottom Prlcea. I JOHNSON" k GOOPLETT, 20th and Lake. THE BEE: EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) Silo (Vint inn oil " account of eiten Oaie LOnUUUeU slve remodeling, we will cut 20 per cent on all hair goods. Halrdresslng dept. Is In operation durln repairs. Hobson's Beauty Shop. 1608 Doug' las St. BO-CENT RIRBON NAIK FILES. O'w, HAINES DRUG CO., 1610 Farnamr"v CLEANING and dvelng: biggest and best. Only one office. 1M3 Jones St. THE PANTORl'j'M. "ALWATS THE BEST." Harding's Ice cream. Wedgewood creamery butter. The Harding Co.. Sth and Harney. Douglas 97. ARTISTIC FRAMING At prices Just as cheap as others charge for the other kind. A HOSPE CO.. Ifil3 DOUGLAS ST. The West's Greatest Art Store. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKS. Both Tela. Best work; prompt service. LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 13". CANDT Good candy Is good In summer as well as winter, If vrni get the right kind and know It Is PURE and FRESH. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores carry only fresh csnrly and recommend Balduff's cause It Is always good and made in Omaha. If you want the GENUINE get It at schaefer's. RATH CAPS at reduced prlcea at Schaef- er s Cut Prlro drug stores 4 big drug stores. FLORISTS HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally front our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. 1M9 Farnam HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department. 16th street entrance. Bennett's store. FURNACE REPAIRING WHY not make up your mind now and get your heating plant set In good condi tion for winter. The most expensive thing is a poor working furnace; it consumes coal fast, without heat result. Get our Ideas of repairing and remodeling. New furnaces we carry stands the highest test. Both phones. Omaha stove Kepair works, li06-8 Douglas St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WORK FOR SALESWOMEN. Saleswoman in every town to take orders for made-to-measure petticoats. Outfit free write for particulars. Denver bKtn & ouit Co., Denver, Colo. Factory and Trades. HELP wanted rn all departmenta. Evans Laundry Co.. 207 S. Uth. EXPERIENCED cholocate dippers. Apply Balduff Pure Candy Co., Ill Farnam St. Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED A cook. 841 Dewey Ave. GIRL for general housework; small family. Apply 4006 Harney St. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas 4894. COOK Mrs. Joseph Barbee, 1506 S. 8th St, Phone D-32 GO. GIRL for general housework. 2026 St. Mary's Ave. Tel. Douglas 1125. GOOD girl for general housework. 2824 California SU WANTED Girl for general housework, 3027 Chicago. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply at once: good wages, 1111 So. 31st St. GOOD steady girl for general house work; a nice place: no objection to good WANTED Competent general houseglrl two In family; wagea 15 per week. 'Phone Harney 3376. or call at 128 S. 32d St. GOOD Klrl for aeneral housework: fam 11 y of three; good wages. 2616 Harney. GIRL for general housework; two in family. Mrs. H. S. Cady. 205 8. 36th St. WANTED Girl about 14 to assist with housework; no washing; three in family. can at ita im. aoth St. Tel. Webster 6274. TWO girls for general housework. Tel. Douglas 62. 224 N. 18th St. COMPETENT girl for general house- work, small family, plain cooking. Plain cooklna. 2621 Bristol at. webeter 2414. NEAT, willing girl for general house. work; no washfng, Ironing or baking re- quirea. oirs. jonn u. Iebie, ZibZ a. 10th St WANTED Young girl to assist with housework. 720 S. 22d St., corner 22d and iavenwurtn sis. GIRL for general housework, good wages, mri, vvooaruii, on ts. juin St. WANTED Good girl to assist at general housework. Call evenings. 2uS 8. 36th St. GIRL for general housework; references required. Apply 3019 Pacific St., or tele phone Harney 3639. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. 8. Wettxell, 3323 Harney St. WANTED Experienced kitchen girl to work as helper In small hotel; good propo sition; give address. J 1S2, Bee. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small family; good wages. 4S07 Dodge St. Mrs. C. F. Belman. WANTED Housemaid. 201 Su. 33d St. Apply at once. Mlscellaaeoaa. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Two girls or women to take charge nights of a depot lunch room. In southwestern Iowa. Well located. To par ties looking for a good permnanent place at good pay this offers an exceptional op portunity. Address care tnis paper, slat ing ae. experience, etc. Y 368. WANTED Woman to work on ranch. 702 N. 27th St.. South Omaha. TWENTY-FIVE girls wanted at once; steady work and good pay. Bemla Omaha Bag Co. WOMAN to do washing two days per week. Phone Harney SH92. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework; 1215 N. 23d St., South Omaha. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitors aad Saleamea. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. TRAVELING talesmen earn $1,000 to HO.OuO yearly. Write for free book. "How Salesmen Succeed." and secure position with relfTole firm. Bradatreet System, Dept. 36. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Five first class energetic salesmen for Iowa and Nebraska; excellent proposition; good money; references re quired. J. E. Bailey, 617 Bea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED By old established wholesale house, sober, reliable traveling aaleeman to call on butcher and restaurant trade south half Nebraska, northern part Kan sas; must be a hustler. Address In own handwriting, stating age, experience, sal ary wanted, otherwise no attention will be I paid lo sppllcaUwu. Adrtag F Hi, Bta, OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. ArOUST 4. 1000. Positions of all kinds lire looking for competent men and women. Belter yourself bj Answering Want Ads HELP WANTED MALE Aajeats aa Saleamea Caatlaaed. WANTED General agents and local agents for Nebraska and South Dakota Have you a contract direct with the com pany you represent? Address James A. Keith, supervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 623 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Expert canvassers for Omaha and vicinity. At once. None but hustlers need apply. Call for H. C. Berns tein. 1901 California between 6:30 and 7:30 m. Paetery and Trades. DRUG store and Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. CIGAR MAKERS WANTED Plenty of work and good wages. J. R. Isaacson, Hartlngton. Neb. A BOTTLER wanted at once at the Mineral Springs Bottling works, 724 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. Miscellaneous. LABORERS WANTED 20c per hour. Thompson-Starrett, 17th and Douglas Sts. k WANTFh Ra.il wav mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers, examinations In Omaha. Nov. 17: Drenaratlon free. Frank lin institute. Dept. 8 D. nocnester, rx. x. EXPERIENCED collector, $13 weekly and commissions extra; Hlxenbaugh & Co., 600-613 Ware Blk. YOUNG MAN for position In grocery or general merchandise store, lam nonemian and German also. References given. AO. dress, Y373, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Men to learn barber trade Few weeks completes. Practical experience from start. careful insirttctors. ioois given. DlDlomas granted. Wges Eatur davs. Positions waiting. Wonderful de mand for graduates. Call or write. Moier Barber College. 110 SV 14th St. WANTED AT ONCE Good reliable man owner of five passenger automobiles, to drive for real estate firm either In part nershlp or on sales profit plan. Forsllng & Walker, Kimball. Neb. FREE EmnloymenV Dent. Business Men's Ass'n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of T. Bldg WANTED Government clerks at Wash Ington; $75.00 monthly. Examinations in Omaha, September 21. Coaching free r'rankltn Institute, Dept. 116 Y, Rochester, N. Y. WE SELL COBS Not the kind you burr In a stove, but the kind a good smoker burns In his mouth. Nine for Uic, and every one Is as irood or better than man cigars for which you pay 6c and even lOo eacn. mrr a CHEAP smukis, nut a good smoke, cheap. HELP WANTED MALE AND FBNALH WANTED 25 city solicitors, lsdles and gents, experience unnecessary, good money Call at the office of The Medical Chemical Co.. 415 N. 24th St.. South Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn rear Millard hotel. D. 4096 ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage, 6tanhope and harness slightly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts AUTOMOBILE and wagon repairing painting, trimming and rubber tires. New and second hand wagons; bargains, a. j Simpson A Son, 1409 Dodge street. OATS 66c per bu. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. STILL In the wagon business; charges reasonable. Harry Frost, 14th and Leav. GOOD candy wagon, painted, $u6. Glass side station wagon, $90. Baker electric car, bargain, $650. DRUMMOND, Uth and Harney. FOR SALE. Thoroughbred Angora kittens, male or female, black, orange or tortoise shell and white. Fine coat and plume tall. Five months old. Absolutely house broken. Price $10. Address 414 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday, on Park avenue between Mason and Woolworth, a small camera pic ture. Return to 2911 Woolworth Ave. Re ward. LOST Ladies' stiver mesh pocket book at Burwood theater; return to cashier Klng-Swanson Co.; reward. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man, Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and aurglcal treatment at Creighton'a Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sta.; apeclal attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. MONEY TG LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS Vacation Money Everyone needs It, and thla Is the place to get It. Don't let money stand In your way when It can be so easily obtained on your SALARY, FURNITURE. PIANO. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of value. Our special low rates are still in effect. We advance money quickly and confidentially, and our offices strictly DEAL' WITH THE BIGGEST AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. Id Floor. $07-8 Paxton Block, N. E. Cor ner 16th and Farnam Sta 'Phonea; Douglas 1411 aad A -1411. m$$$$mmmum$muwwm$$$m $1 Money for Vacations $$ $$ $$ flO-$20I $1 at the LOWEST RATES EVER OF- $$ $$ FERED in the city on HOUSEHOLD M $$ GOODS. PIANOS SALARIES, etc. If $$ Paymenta weekly or monthly to suit It II your convenience. Everything strictly 1$ $$ confidential. Open till 6.30 p. m. Tele- 1$ IS phones Douglas 20i6 and Ind. A 2034. II Omaha Financial Co., 1$ 501 Brown Block. Opposite Brandeis. M It 16th St. Entrance II jwumttf!imusja3iJuuwwwwtHBmi LOANS on everything of value; rate. Western Loan Co., 331 Neville Blk. f nVTfV on furniture, pianos, live stock lUtiN I or ,ny eourity. Before mak ing a loan aee us. Both phones 1366. Busi ness strictly confidential. Low rates; small paymenta. Nebraska Loan Co., 16th and Capitol Ave., opposite postofflce. MONET leaned salaried people aad ethers without security; easy paymenta Of Does la f principal cities. Tolmaa, Room U, New York Life Bldg, PRIVATE money te loan on chattels; low I laiaresu Wliuwa. M Branded Bid. SlafaaaaaaMaalaWii ma i si 'artist MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattel :ntlnaed. R"Von DIAMONDS W KLATAU, 1514 Dodge. LOWEST RATE LOANS on furniture, pianos, etc , quickly and con- fidfnllally arranged ny tne oldest estab lished loan company in Omaha. Get our terms and save money. THE "OLD RELIABLE," Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 1 Board of Trade. 'Phone Doug 2296. J06 So. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1S92. LOANS, half ratea 329 Board of Tiade. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., offlce16th and Daven port ens., warenouse vi- iro si. ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY.-E. J Davis, 118 Farnam. Telephone, Doug 363. Residence, Ind. 6701 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES gits TURNER, graduate of Lelpslc. Ger many Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel. Red 6036 or drop me a postal ai 2o74 Harney St. ana ,i wiu u on juu. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Room. EAST and south side rooma with board reasonable ratea. 213 S. 2otb Bt- DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. BT JAMES HOTEL. 41$ 8. 13th. Am. plan; $126 day; $5 week up. Big meala, 26C THE GEORGIA, ".012 Georgia Ave. H. 56L THE ALDEEN, 26th and Farnam. H 2534. DODGE HOTEL; modern; ateam heat. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine lawn, l-i 8. 25th Ave. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, rooms; good bosrd; rates reasonable; meal tickets. TWO connecting rooms, with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen, in modern home; references. 1918 Cass. 'Phone D. 1476. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also largo south room, with alcove. Tel. Harny 4768. Varnished' GOOD rooms, $? per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. SOUTH-front room for two and one sin gle room; rent reasonable. 1618 Webster St. BEAUTIFUL room for rent, modern, cool; reasonable in price. 701 S Z)th St. CLEAN, cool, modern, large, front; also smaller room. 514 No. 23d. NICELY furnished room in good neigh borhood. 4520 Florence boulevard. FURNISHED, front, corner room, with or without board, to young couple or two men: elegant, new, modern home; warn Ing distance. 626 S. H7h Ave. Tel. Douglas 4214. A LARGE, cool room, with all 'modern conveniences. 2001 Burt St. ROOM, with or without board, for two gentlemen. 2712 Cuming. Call Harney 1783. FOR RENT Nice room, one or two ladles private family; use of piano; very rea sonable. 717 N. 28th Ave. MODERN room, private. 324 Park Ave. Harney 2940. LARGE, cool, furnished rooms; reason able. Call 2608 Dodge. THREE nice, large, cool rooms, modern; very reasonable. 2023 Burt St. NICELY furnished front room for two gentlemen. 945ii North 25th St. TWO south rooms, private family. Dodge. 2046 NICE. cool, clean room. 1824 Dodge. SUITE of furnished front rooms, modern; extra fine. 320 No. 20th. No sign on house. NICELY furnished front room, modern. 714 S. 17th Ave. NICELY furnished, cool room, modern private family. 2626 Capitol Ave. SINGLE room; reasonable. 506 N. Uth St. SUITE of extra fine rooms, fine furnl ture, fine lawn. Private family: aouthwest corner 20th and Chicago Sts. No sjgn on nouse. APPLICATION for rooms In The Bel mont. 118 Dodge St.. ara now being re ceived; gentlemen only; everything newly lurmshed and decorated throughout. Ap ply 10 11. t ver Menren, atgr. Doug. lull. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in private family for one or two young men. 2019 Webster Sr. TWO furnished rooms. 2717 Capitol Ave, lei. narney tua. FURNISHED room by the week; ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oma Hotel, 16th and Jackson Sta FURNISHED rooms, house new. plenty 01 not water. 316 N. 19th St. VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. th St. NICE single or suite of rooms, board If desired. 3016 Pacific St. with SALVATION ARMY Worklngmen's hotel 418 S. 13th St. Phone Red 3348. NICELY furnished front room in new modern flat. All convenlencea; walking dis tance. 2406 Harney. ROOMS for rent suitable for two young men; strictly modern. 2608 Dewey Ave lei. Harney 3173. ROOMS for transients, 1707 Dodge. D. 7330 VERY desirable lsrge room: newly furn Ished: also smaller room; fine location. 201 8. 25th Ave. Hoasekeeplas; Rooms. EXCELLENT furnished rooms,- com plete for housekeeping. 'Phone In house. 2574 Harney St. TWO, three or four nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. ROOMS on first floor, modern, good neighborhood. 2.163 Dodge. NICE housekeeping rooms, close in. Davenport. 2010 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms modern. Call Webster 2191 or Webster 3744. 2010 N. 18th. THREE rooms for light housekeeping modern. 2406 Cass. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping 70T S. 11th. THREE nlciely furnlKhed rooms: modern private family. Hanscom Park, 1317 S 32d St. NICELY furnikhed front and back parlor, gas range, 618 So. 16th St. Second floor. TWO nicely furrished rooma, modern no cnuaren. siti so. lMn St. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete. 223 Leavensworth St. 'Phon Douglas 1512. ROOMS Wirt St. for light housekeeping. 1718 TWO furnished housekeeping .rooma,. 7U n. 101 n &u OFFERED FOR RENT Honirkeeplsg Rooms toatlaned HOUSEKEEPING. furnlshd d'Min!' parlor, kitchen and other rooms. 14-4 N Wit. TWO or three furnished rooms tor liKht housekeeping for man and wife. Franklin. TWO housekeeping and one sleeping room. 605 N. 17th St. TWO rooms furnished for housekerplna : bath large yard; one block t, car. ;'". N. 20th St. TWO rooms complete for housekeeping 1920 Capitol Ave. LARGE, cool room. 30i No. 22d. fWO front rooms. 2006 California St. TWO large, alrv rooms on first floor; nicelv furnished; M a week. 424 N. 40th St. Tel. D. 3606. TWO nlrelv furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. $1S a month. 201S Davenport St. NICELY furnished dining room and kitchen, modern. 422 N. 17th. TWO, nicely furnished room for house keeping. 2210 Harney St. CLEAN furnished room for housekeep ing. $6 per month. 613 N. lPth St. Famished Houses. SIX rooms, modern, all conveniences; fine lawn; trees; cement basement; very large rooms; well finished. A bargain. 1425 Plnckney St. Webster 1453. Apartments and Plats. THREE and 6-roon. ftata. "cargo Bldg , 6' N. 24th St.. South Omaha. HalL 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phonea. EXTRA FINE $68 S. 26th St., a dandv new 6-room, strictly modem St Louis flat, nicely dec- orateo, ponsneo rioors. tine lotatton, only $;. Call Monday and let us show this to you. PAYNE, B0STW1CK & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor. N. Y. Life. NEW 4-ROOM APARTMENTS Be sure and look at those new apart ments lust being finished al 21st and How ard Sis. They are easy walking distance, strictly modern, nice large rooms and we rurnisn shades, gas range and gas water heater. The rent Is reasonable and the apartments are very desirable. Look al them today or call and let us show them to you. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Bole Agents. Main Floor. N. Y. Life. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Ample, permanent, private homes. Best arranged apartment in City. 6 rooms, full modern, tine finish, heavy walls, cool summer, warm winter; shades, gas ranges, not water, steam neat; janitors Must see to appreciate. Summer rates, $23 up. Ref erences required. BEMIS. 40 Brandeis. 3 A 4-R. Apt.- mod. 816 So. 22d. Houses and Cottages. 6-ROOMS. bsth room, all in flue condi tion, $20. Near Thirty-fifth and Leaven worth streets. Bemis, Brandeis building. FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 623 N. 22d St., modern except heat. $25, to small family. Also 6-room ground flat, close in, all modern, low rent, to choice tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. 12-R00M STRICTLY MOD. House, close In, cheap to desirable tenan NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Phone Itd 19ft. OMAHA, NEB. HERE Is a snap for some party who wants a nice nome; iurniture or a brand new 7-room house; rent, $35. Two rooms sublet for J2. Old English mission and quarter sawed oak. Everything new. Elegant location. Address c 306, care Bee. OMAHA Truck. Van and Storage Co.. Doug. 1496. Ind., B 2428. Office 1713 Web ster street. FOR RENT Brick house at 1511 S. 291 h St., one block east of Park avenue car line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tlbul on first floor. Inquire at 1509 S. 2uth St. Tel. Harney. 1509. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. $18 N. Y. L. OMAHA Van Lid Storage Co., pack, move. store H. n. goods; storenouse, 1120-24 N. Uth, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. 8-ROOM house, $3C per month, modern except heat, 3220 Burt St., t, block from Harney ana cummings street car line, in quire 3216 Burt St.. or tel Harney 2496. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort all modern. 4 or i-rooro flata. Apply 220 N. 23d. ELEGAN'l 6-room flat, located at 610 8. nth. all modern; price. $35. Bemla, Brandeis Bldg. 2f7 PACIFIC 8T., $-roora thoroughly modern house, oak finish, $40. A. G. Elllck, 602 Bee Bldg. MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. CENTRAL 6-room flat. 7-room. attached house; 8-room detached house. 220 N. 23d. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheep freignt rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Dullvery Ca Tel. Doug. 391 lT-jTTO-pio In all parts of the ,-ltv. I1UUOM Crelgh Bona A Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR RKNTt S-room modern St. Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 712 N. 23d St- $$0. 9-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil lis Ave.-$26. C. M. BACH-MANN. 436 Paxton Black. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR RENT. 5-room cottsge, modern except heat, $15 per month. Roll Decatur St. W. J. UEKMUllY INV. CO., 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phones: Douglaa 6106, A -2033. 6-ROOM house, nice cellar, at No. 4116 Browne street, two blocks from street car. Rent 812 per month. Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. FOR RENT 7 rooms, large reception hall all modern; combination fixtures. $40 and vanter rent. 704 No. 23d. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT Elegant. new 8-room. strictly modern home, furnished or unfur nished. For particulars inquire at house No. 3716 N. 24th St. (24th and Manderson.) FINE NEW HOUSE 2101 Plnkney St., fine 7-room.. strictly modern house, on corner, finished in oak downstairs, maple floors upstairs, fine com bination gas and electric llicht fixtures, fine large porch on two sides of house, full basement with laundry, close to Kountze park, schools, churches, etc. This house can be rented to the right tenant at $10. To see It Is to rent It. If you wish to see It today, call up Webster 3016. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. IIMIWI fVPRITHS tO furnitnr. and plano moving. 416 N. lith. D. 3354. STRICTLY modern 6-room cottsge 2701 Bristol St., $25 00. Phone Weh. 2.VI1 112 SO. 2Mh Ave., 5-r. cottage IIS Mt No. 2th. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $1 3625 Dav enport, 8-r.. all mod , !.i.V O Keefe Kl Estate Ca. 1001 N. Y. Life. Dou. or A-.'l-' 7-ROOM modern house, nicely papere.t floors finished; good location; one-half block from car: references exchanged Rent $30. Address E 247, Bee. Stores. 8AROO Blk . Socth Omaha 530 N. 21'h. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg.; both phones STORE ROOM for rent at Vf 6. Uth St ; read for occupancy Aug. 15 Apply at onoe. Palace Clothing C corner 14in and Douglaa . . OFFERED FOR RENT Stores. -C ontlnned. FOR RENT Modern store room In Hi, snn Neh Prlrk and concrete. 4x70 ft., corner bulMlng. east front, to a good mer r.nt Will rent rhesp. Splend'd lorstion. Address E L. Sandusky, Kails City. Neb. 1.I6 ST. MARY'S AYE., storeroom, closf In in. 612 S. 6th St.. nice new storeroom, fine location. $7K. PAYNE. ROSTWICK A CO.. Sole Agents, Main Floor. N. Y. Llf- OouD store room. 31? V 1Mb St. , Pine office In Wesd Bldg F. D. WEAD. 1S01 FARNAM 3-STORV and basement brick warehouse, U. P. trnckase. Joseph Barker. 312 SOUTH tth St. Enst front and side entrance, y. D. Wead. 101 Farnam Ft. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. 3x5 CARD CAPE. Solid oak esse, made hv the Library Bu reau Furniture Co This Is exceptionally well constructed office furnltur snd will Inst a lifetime. Call Bee office, Kth and Farnam. CHOICE NEW furniture Win sacrifice. Newly-weds get busy. S309 Burt Su Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all price, sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; shipped anvwhere for examination. Write for large bargain list and offer. B. F Swanson Co.. 417 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. PRuns at cut prices, freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. FOU SALE Cah register and safe. Ad dress J 579, care Bee. FOR SALE New and id-hand billiard and pool tables. Ws lesd the world tn cheap bar flTtures: easy payments. Brans- wlck-Balke Coliender. tj s. lmn si. Scholarship If you Intend taking a course In business college, see us about a scholarship We win sell you one st a saving to you. Ad dress O 85, care Bee. FOR RENT. For Sale and Furnished Room cards, 10c each. Corev A McKenzie Printing Company, 113 S. 14th St. BARGAINS 2d-hand pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting, rip saw, forge, boxing ma chine, blacksmith tools. A Murphy A Sons. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at KOc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. Second Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building. They are eacn 175-horsepower return tubular boilers, 7 Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They have 1S8 C. I. tubes. 8 Inches byl3 feet. Work ing pressure 150 pounds per square Inch. Heat surface 19,009 square feet. Orate area S2 square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers immediately and will sell at a bar gain. If taken st once. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 17th end Farnam Sis., Omaha. Neb. BALI)ON and parachute for ssle. Price $75. Good shape. Address Box 221, Belle Fourche. S. D. FOR SALE Second-hand soda fountain. A bargain. E. M. Palmer, 306 W. Pierce, Council Bluffs, la. For sale, a hot water heating plant, good condition and new inlaid linoleum for store. Call at Leffert'a, 409 Broadway Council Bluffs. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 711?. HUFFMAN. 813 Neville Bldg., Book free. W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Patent Office. N. Y. L. Bldg. D. 962. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tal. D. 1604. Dr. Katheryu Nlckolae. 08 N. Y. U Bid. PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg Mrs. Ames of Wash.. D. C, manicuring massage, 1724 Cap. Ave. Parlor, basement. THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits castofl clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. II tn St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and waisoo will call. DR. EGGERS; private confinement nome. 1516 Martha St. el. Douglas 6230. HALL'S safes, ew, 2d-hand. 111$ Farnam. PRIVATE home during confinement, babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Lluffs. la. TOWN HOBE, Tuesday, Wednesday, Paxton. Call L. A TNTlVTTn treatment. Mme. Smith, JlAUlillU 622 s. 16th St., third floor MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating anc Swedish massage. 308 Old Boston Store. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit the You no Women's Christian association, Kth and Howard Sts., where they will be directed Ui suitable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets trains at the Union station ai travelers' aid. PROF. O. K. DINJIAN, EXPERT MASSEUR, resturcs health, makea you look nice and plump, removes nervousness, put your stomach, bowels, liver and kid neys in good order; Improve the blood cir culation by massaga. Have you tried It 7 Correct massage la especially conductive to good health. Call 405 Be Bldg. D. 863 MAGNETIC treatment. Emmelln Brott. 2319 S. 16th. Doug. 6186. PrtlVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. X-59, Ind. H-lr,.3. A. D. S. REMEDIES are made from the selected formula or recipes of 12.000 of the leading retail druggists of the United Ststes. Thern are forty-nine drug stores In Omaha who sell A. D. S. remedlnes and every remedy Is positively guaranteed to do all that is claimed for It. Schaefer's stores are A. D. S. Stores. WHEN vou rcplv to sdvertlserasnts which appear In these Want Ad. column kindle me.-itlon the fact that you saw their ad- PRINTING THE Quality Press, artistic commercial printers, have moved from 313 8. Uth to 1218 Harny Si. Douglas 6641. HOLLAND printing Co. 110 8. 17th St. CASTLE MAN' Printing Co., 1511 Cap. Ave. " YAKFE Printing Co., 307 Boston St. Bldg. ""PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing I.yniiBtarit Printing Co. 16th A Capitol Ave. "WATERS PRINTING CO.. $21 8. 11th Bt. HOLLAND Printing Co.. 117 8. Kth St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Stenog., notary public. Hotel Loyal, fter.og . Hotel Henshaw. prompt sen fie REAL ESTATE REAL tCaTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est IW prompt service, gel our prices. 1U0 Farnam Sl G A NGESTA D. 404 Bee Bldg Tel. D. 13e7. .'AVNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Ufa, BENJAMIN R, E. CO, 477 BraaaMa RB-it. L"OT A -T W TfTT W.TSfTV CHAb. . WlLLlAMbON, Prauo$. (i 1 ft a 4 IT