KJ THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1PM. r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET yHeary Selling; by Large Firms Again Lowers Prices. DECLINE LOWER THAN EXPECT ID resse bu Oat United, ansda. d.Tiw 1 4"O.Ono bu i leading increases and decreaee re-i parted this week follow: Increases: CM- . private elevators. 1 260.nfei bn i St. ' Joseph, ism hu.; Louisville. 970ns bu. ;! Wuln.-v, M. hu.. Nashville. r.7.fT0 bn. ; I Lincoln, outside fljvitnm. MOW) bn l'c-1 t teases: Manitoba. Ki (DM bu. ; I'reacoti, j 112 i") hu.; ooderlrh. 74.000 bu NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Stock Market Demonstrate. Force in OTercoming Obstacles. n;H., .r.-rlinnoN pacific is sold high Tnilrn ew Place Mailt How H array, the Prophet rredlets Cwr RninpllM of Market la London Low rrtres Mill Drof with Xathlag to Paatala Valoeo. OMAHA. Aug 3. IMP. Heavy sell.ng by the Isrgest longs (in lowers wn'ii prices. Thr Is nothing upon which the bulls can atart new buying and the continued heavy tilling on favorable reports In the northweet brought further losses. Tho ds ellne haa reached to a much greater ex tent than most trader had estimated ar.d now there la no limit placed Atmnaplifrf for Witf OMAHA. Aug. S. 1909. Showers occurred within the laat twenty four hour In the lower Rocky mountain district, and esst nvr the upper Mlaaourl and upper Mississippi valleys. Tha rains were moderstelv heavy over the eastern portion of Nehrssks. hut were generally light an'1 scsttered over the western por tion. Showers continue thla morning In the southwest. .i"d sre scattered over the tipper valleys. Tha weather la generally fair throughout the east, except that rain If reported In the south Atlantic states. Warm weather was general over tha cen trHl valleva Monday, but an area of high pressure, accompanied by cooler weather Corn was heavy and weak with what h mov,'1r slwprri over the mountain, and rash valuea suffered under heavy re cetpta from rountry shipper. Wheat waa sold off heavily today by the largest longa and valuea that have taken heavy declines ware again steadily lowered Tha market la not being bought while prospects for the new spring wheat crop Is so favorable. There see tin to be nothing to sustain valura. Torn valuea slumped with wheat and the heavy offerings front country shipper took the gimp out of the market: wnlch n not well supported Cash values wore lower, the decline was gu:ck owing to the slack i demand. v Primary wheat receipt were 1.140 000 bu. land ahlpmenta were 91000 bu., against re Script last year of 1.112.000 bu. and shlp ments of MO ono bu Corn receipts were 60, oof) bu. and ahlp menta were 269.0O) bu., against recclpis last year of 411,000 bu. and shipments of 147.000 bu. tlesrancee were 67 ov) hu of corn. 160. W bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to m ono bu. Liverpool closed 4y?4d lower on wheat nd 4d lower on corn Lapcal range of options: Articles ! Open. High. I Iw. 1 Close.i Yes'y. and this high will cause cooler In thl vicinity tonight, with fair tonight and Wed nesday. Reco.d of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of I the last three) years: l.ms. W. I907. 190B. Minimum temperature ... "7 75 6. Precipitation M "0 .rfl Normal temperature for today, 76 de grees Deficiency ,ln precipitation since March 1, 4 of an inch Excess corresponding period In 1903, .99 of ic a crisis of 1W7, Caaees Many Vales of Storka Which Have Advanced Since It Closed. NEW YORK. Aug 3.-The tock market demonstrated Its force In overcoming oo staclea again today. The chief obstacle is the pressure of stocks on the market to realize ptoflts accrued. In the case of stocka, which have risen higher than ever before. It means that any one wno nap ever purchased the stock can sell It now at a profit. . Union Pacific and both the fnlted States Steel stocks sold sgain at new high rec ords today, and Central Railroad of New Jersev also rose through the 300 mark to new iatitudes. In the case of some of the conspicuous railroad stocks the previous high price In times past were Inclusive or valuable privileges and extra distributions which have since come off to the prejudice of the comparison with the new prices This is notably the case with the present prices, which were lifted to extraordinary figures by the according of valuable sub tcrlptlon rights to new stock, in the scram ble to secure new capital, which preceeded the exhaustion which led up to in jinan- KjaflfW; silver dollars of 1K) l4 1on; silver certificates outstanding. 4K7,'Wb.(XiO. ticneral fund: Standard silver dollars In genet at fund $l.oTjJ4. current liabilities. .521.24. working balance In treasury offices. Ilfi. TJ.JM: in batiks In credit of tressurer of ihe I'nlted states. IU.M4 ; subsidiary sil ver coin. fJMtT.ltt: minor -oin. $-' 4.' 1 . total balance In general fund. I107.6J0.110. .ew lurk Moaeg Market. NEW YORK. Aug t MONK Y On call, easy; IVtili pef cent; ruling rate. V per cent: closing bid. IS per cent; offered at per cent. 1 1 IMF. LOAN'S Very strong: slaty dava. fv rer cent; ninety days. J'rtfl per cent; six months, SJi 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAFER-S1H per cent. 8TERLINH KXCHANOE Steady, with actual business In bankers bills at 14 M40 thMh tor slxtv-dav bills, and at 4 B for demand Commercial bills. 4 Mfi4.S6H SILVER Rar, r.lc; Mexican dollars. 44c. Hi .N DS Government, easy; railroads. Ir regular OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Killing Catte Ten Cents Higher, Feeders Steady. HOGS CONTnniE ON UP GRADE ...ft IM M 5 4 1 t ?', M r . M ' ft ' n ' W M 4 e Ik) le ) J H as ..... fM lio T s . . .i'., : , :i US V J I2 H .... ' I1 J ,M tl 0 . it .. . I 1 V. u 307 44 t .W 4 ''' t '.'i M W .. la M .. . JMt .)!. Liberal Becelgta of Sneen and Lambs, wltfc Trade alow to Ten Centa Lower feeding Lamba Rather Dnll. SOVTH OMAHA. Neb.. Aug S. Receipts were Cattle, riogs Sheep Official Mondav . Estimate Tuesday Two days this week an Inch Deficiency corresponding period In 190B. 4 95 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn nnd Wheat Region Balletln. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four houra ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Tuesday, August S. 1!09: OMAHA P19TR1CT. Temp. Raln- Statlons Max. Mln. fall Ashland. Neb 90 . -.7 Wheat I I I I Sept... IX!S .;4; nr,m asm tn, tec.... 94 W 93s; 93' 4 Corn i 1 ' i l riept... r,' 2', ttV 27s 2' Dec.... 614' ol'f! SO 1 WV 614 Oata ' I 1 I Kept. ,. 34t,' J4V 3.1V MT M1 Dec.... 34V 314 34' 3441 44 t'arlot llt -ys. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 4411 139 132 Minneapolis 1 Omaha 41 154 9 Duluth 36 Anhnrn Neb " Frnken Row. Neb. 91 Columbus. Neb... 9? Culbertson. Neb. 100 Falrbury. Neb ... 91 Fairmont. Neb... 91 Or. Island. Neb . 92 Martlngton. Neb. 90 Hastlnga. Neb ... 93 Holdrege, Neb... 94 Oakdale. Neb.... J Omaha. Neb S Tekamah. Neb... 90 CHICAGO 4ihAl AWD FHOViaiONS Peatarea of the Trading and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. J Further assurances from tho northwest that Ihe spring-sown crop of wheat Is now practically beyond the possibility of Injury by black rust esnseii frexh mIuiiid in wheat today, final quotatlone showing losses of 14c to l'c. compared with yesterday. Coarse grain and provisions also closed weak. The market waa weak the entire session, with Ihe exception of a brief period at the opening, when moderate firmness was manlfent because of the comparative strength at Liverpool, where prlcea were 4d to Sd higher, despite the decline here the previous day. Kevere decline at Min neapolls winter wheat breaking 54c added emDhasIs to these advices. Heptem her ranted between II. 01 , 1.014 and S1.044. The close waa weak and only a trifle above the lowest point, final figures on fcepiem ber belna- at 11.021.. Heavy realizing aales caused a severe slump In corn, the losses at the bottom rane-lna- between lVo and lHc The selling was Inspired by the favorable condition of the new crop and by a break of lc to 14c In cash arraln. The market closed weak, at almost the bottom, with prices lffl-fcc to lHffl1 below yesterday. Free selling by local longa, together with liberal sales by country houses, caused a break of 4c to 4o In oats. Closing prices were w.fiVe to c lower than yesterday. The monthly statement of slocks of pro visions In store here was much less bullish than had been expected by many traders. and. as a result of thla fact, there waa a great deal of realising. Prices at the close were 16&1T4C to &c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcleg.t Open. High.! Low, Close.i Yea'y Wht. Sept. Pee. May Coin Sept. I ec. May Oats Sept. Iiec May rork Sept. Jan. lrd Nov. Sept. Oct. K ibs Sept. t )ct. No. of Temp Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago. Ill 2R M M .04 Columbus. 0 17 M 4 M Dee Moines. la.... 14 93 M .OS TndiHnapolls. Ind.. 12 90 as T Kansas Cltv. Mo.. 21 92 T Ioulavllle. Ky 1 M S .06 Minneapolis. Minn, t 90 M .22 Omaha. Neb 1 90 M .48 St. Louis, Mo 13 92 .00 I I I I I I 1 041 1 0441 1 0141 1 0241 1 4 1 0I4 1 014 1 004i 1 04 1 0)K 1 (6 1 0641 1 0041 0341 1 M4I 56V. 1 374! 374 40 I 1MVSS! ,5l'4 :5i44! I l 37 374(54! iSf4'34l i I 20 4ft I 1 50 I 1 ! I 10 95 I 10 95 I 10 90 I 11 30 I 11 3241 11 10 I 11 274; U 2741 11 05 , I I 10 95 I 10 95 10 SO 44'4''V,!f 53 &34fi'M4fTH 534! 64 156404 SH,!Ki4-37l 874 SM4 364l4 S74 394! JU4l394'340 Alta. la Carroll. la...:... Clarlnda. la Siblcv. la Sioux City, la., 90 99 . 98 fA 4 53 ft M Aft AO : 9 2 7 ftR ft ftft 9 ft 64 .01 on 1 w .10 .23 .3S .45 .45 .12 .00 .99 .M .7S .51 .23 T .ft 1.30 Sky. Pt. cloudy Raining Clear Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at S a. m. Not Included In averagea. DISTRICT AVERAGES. An in.t,ni 'nnrtlon of the realising sales which the market had to absorb to day came from London. i he market re sumed operations todsy arter a tnree-oayn closed Interval, during which some of the most striking sdvanres In prices have been established here. The amount of these ad vances seemed to look formidable to the Londoners, and they sold at the high levels of the opening quotation. The market had become quite generally reactionary during the midday session and It needed tha fnro of the example of a concerted advance in l-nlon Pacific and the two I'nlted States Steel stocks to reassure sen timent and bring about a steadier tone. N'aas ama not much reearded during the day, but received a uniformly favorable In terpretation. Much was made In this way of the grain crop advices. An advance In the price of copper metal In Iortdon corrected a weak point In the situation and brought the copper lndustriala Into line with the upward movement of prices. Mondav market developments received lttiij. attention nwim to the continued plentiful supply of call loan runns. ine rising tendency of time funds, however, continues. A 4 per cent rate was paid tnr i months' funds todnv. although small .amounts loaned at that figure and the amount offered at that rate was re ported largely In excess of the demand. Foreign exchange steadied today and turned from Its recent downward course. Reports were current of some large financ ing In prospect by the New York Central, Pennsylvania and Missouri Pacific, and the effect of these requirements on the money market are to be considered. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, per value, 17,206.000. I'nlted States 4s registered declined 4 per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks today were as follows: S.lei. Mlxn. ljrw i io. closing quotations on bonds today re,gtma jay j weeks ago Same day I weeks ago as follows V. 9. r.r. tl. rfg do coupon I', t. i: re .... do coupon I". S. 4, 11 do coupon Alli.-rnsl. let it Am. 'Ag. 6a l(V),lntsr. M. 4S Int.r M M.rm. 4Vu T)S 10. "JIMS 4. 7 1'"'1 do 4VM t4i l:K C. So. it li .. H 11S I. 8 dt. 4. 1M1.. W t'tl. M unl. 4. 1"i 1l M . K. T. 1st 4. .1V4 Am. T A T. etr. 4.1"1H ! tn 4 ft Am Tobacco 4. Mo. Pacific tn Ill N. . P. of M 4 Hi W Armour Civ 4V... N't N V. Ctntral ( m 2i AtrhlMn ln. 4a :o:4 do deb. At I(V do cr. 4 mi,-, x . . N. H. A H 131'. do cv. b lit c All.mlc - L. 1M 4. SSV. Norfolk A W. lat B. A O. 4a 1094, con. 4a do l'ta M do rv 4a do 8. W. 3a ... ! ' No Pacific H Prockltn T. cv. 4a . S74 do , Omral of Oa 5s.. .1"4 Or. 8 U. rfd 4a central Leather 5. .1i Pnn. en. 8,1. 116 C. of N. J. s if... Ill do con. 4 (In A fXilo 4v,a. .lots Piarttnn sen 4a do ref f Ki'.i. ft I.. s r. f 4a 'tilr-ago A. a. i do n. fm 1 C . B. A q Jt. 4a.. '8t U. 8. W. . 4a do en. 4a ..toKv. do lat aold 4a .. M A 81 P tva lS 8ea hoard A. L. 4a C R I. A P. c. 4a tli. 8o. Pacific col. 4a do col. fta 91 do cv. 4a do rfa u tt do :n ref. 4a... role Ind. it ..: 94 Ralloar Is ll4 Cole. Midland 4s .... H4 do gen 44 Colo. A Southern rf. l'nlon Paciflo 4a om and en. 4v.a tH do c. Ill Dal. Hudaon ct. 4s.1"a do lat and ref. 4a KS D. A R. O. 4a 7Hl'- 8 Riibbar la 101 do ref la MS I 8 Steel id la.... in niatlllera Is.... " V -rare. (hem. la. Mt4 Krle prior lien 4a !4WatMUih lat la 111 do gen. 4a an tai and ett. 4a 7 6.3i If 73 10.131 1 POO .M0 RIOO 7.9 6.071 JO.S;1.! S.9so ii.2ia io.;;5 7.9H2 9019 11.2"6 Bkk 10ftl5 11..H7I i Same day 4 weeks ago.... 4419 11.74 5.375 Same dav last year ll.ica u.t The follow In table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha ror the year to date, comparea wun ia 1909. 1908. Inc. Dec. Cattle 51.0 492.S24 t5.2 .. .... Hogs 1.68.510 1. RTu.nt 11S'W'3 hep 771. 29S 7i. 8V i.on The following teble shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: the fluctuations In the tsw eit,n market The ectlvilj In Ihe ut chase if mens wear untinure. Oil. and Mo. la. NFW YORK. Aug 3 - ) LS - Petroleum, slesdv, n fined. New York. I . riilladel- ?hla and HaUimm c. .v; Philadelphia and laltlttvtre. In hulk. t 70 Cottonseed oil, weak: prime crude, nominal; prime yel low If. I.ViiS e. Set-It nihei . r. 3i.. ,V.; el low. $." !Kii.'. i;4. .September. .4:' !(. 43. OIL CITY. Acg 3 --OILS Cr,-dlt bal ances 11 ,",V tuns August 1 40.430 bbls ; was well along In the morning beio.e shipments. August J. l4 40. bbls : average. anything of consequence nad vnar.gtd ' i.-v. i'i"s nanda. 9HEEP-The earlv trade was featured by the tardy disposition of buying is.ent t. fill their orders Heavy rece.pts. of course, were In a measure responsible for the ap parently slack demand, and the la.e ar-, rival of several cara had a tendency lo give a slower aspect to the general tnsrKei It uk 3.--TL'RPF.NTtNB SAVANNAH, tla -4.'C ROSIN-Firm: H ta'OnS IO; D. MIMlir; F.. l3f06.1V.; F. t.7(VJ3 75; O. 3 7517 3 9i. H. inn miS .1024 u . y I7S 1fS . 1 . M . I . ! .IMS d ct. 4s, aertie A 97 Western Md. do ct. 4s, serlca B 74 Waat. Rise, cv Gen. glectrlo ct la 164 Wla. Central 4a. Ill Central lat ref. 4a i4 Bid. Offered. lava 4 9594 Date. I 1909. !90B.;i07. 1908.. l'6. 1904.; 190 July 23... July 24... July ao... July 2.., July Z7.. July 28.. July 29.. July 30.. July 31.. Aug. 1.. Aug. 1.. Aug. I . 7 5741 5; S 92) I!, j 4 941 I 25 7 674, 211 M. B5; "l ! I 6 24 8 95 62, 6 hj i 04 5 a T 0. i 8 99 f0! 6 90 6 11 7 414; ISi 8 971 441 6 69: 111 4 96 7 94 07' 46, 5 61; 6 19, 4 W J 27 I 4 14' 6 04 I 6 50, 5 Hi 4 O.i 7 40 I 24( 6 0 37 1 1 6 0S 6 O T 444 6 41, ft 01 32, 6 5S I t OJ 6 44. t 92 15 5 9i 4 9M 4 7 44I I 8 91 6 11 5 7 4 92 7 5441 S3! 6 95, 231 6 62, 4 94! 4 99 The bulk of supplies did not differ ven much from yesterday assortment, praa I 1 1 . . t-.nil.ln. trtrrtym fntni a n and northwestern ranaes Oulle a few cars M0: I. 14 .Vfil f . S.'. 10, M of lambs, moatlv feeding stock, weie In- i ": "O. WW. loW. eluded In today's run, but young feeding. nia-T, Market stock, as well ss butcher stutf, si.ow.-d1 Philadelphia Prodare Market, verv poor action. Naturgllv. the trend of PHILADELPHIA. Aug I.-R1TTF.R-valiiea was lower, w ith the easier feeling J Steady; extra western creamery, 29'4C; more especially noticeable In but. her sheep nearby prints, 30c. Karly trades Indicated a steady tj 10 1 KGilS-lo higher: Pennslvanla and lower market, but owing to the slugg s 1 : other nesrbv prints, firsts, free esses. J5 movement. It was late before enougn sne.'p;at mark; current receipta. in teturnaoi had been sold to reflect the actual con-j cases. 23c st msrk; western firsts, free dltlon of the trsde. Wyoming wether cases. 25c. st mark; current receipts, free brought 14 4a4 "ti at the opening and reca- esses, :2a -4c. at mark. Showers occurred In the last twenty-four hours In all portions of the corn and wheat region except the St. Iouls district, being moderately heavy In the Omaha and Mlnne spoils districts. Warmer weather prevailed throughout the corn belt Monday, but the weather la cooler west of the Missouri river thla morning. L. A. WELSH. iOcal Forecaster, Weather Bureau. 20 55 I 20 40 16 50 I 16 SO 20 40 16 40 10 SO 11 15 I 11 124 I I 20 674 16 75 11 324 11 024 11 324 I 10 8 I 11 00 10 6741 10 674! 10 4741 10 6241 W 624 No. I. Cash quotationa were as follows: FLOCK Kasy; winter patents, SS.wTJ ft 40; straights. 8-VOOfi 25; spring patents Sorm.JO; stralghfa. S4.K0U5.s5; bakera, 83.50 .28 RYK-No. 2. 76c. , BA HLKY Feed or mixing, 8ftff66c; fair to choice malting. Mtj48c. SEED Flax. No. 1 southwestern. S1S6; No. 1 northwestern, I1 434tf 1.46; timothy, .t.s0; .-lover. SU.50. PRO ISIONk Mess pork, per bbl., S20.S74 t)50; lard, per 100 lbs. 811.174: ahort ribs sides, (loose) $10. envjg 10.90; short clear sides, thoxed) $11 601rll 624. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 119.000 bu. Primary receipts were 1 140 01)0 bu.. compared with 1.112.004 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply of wheat, as ahown by Brsdstreet e Increased 622.000 bu. Esti mated receipts .or tomorrow: wheat. 194 care; corn. 107 cars; oata, 72 cars; hogs, 21 000 head. Bi'TTKll -Kteady; creameries. 22436c; dslrles. 'Vf(:5itc. V;nt.;s-Receipts. - 15.3TJ eases. Market fittn: at ma'k. rases Included, H'ie; firsts, 22c: "time first g, 23e )'HEV:SE-Strong: daisies. 154e: twins. Itt.OH'-c: Young Americas, 1543164c; long horns lSMemw. POTATOES Fi m' Oholce to fancy, 601S 63c; fair to good. &5.'di8c. POCITRY Steady: turkeys, 14c; ohlck . ens 134e: springs. lic. 1 VEAL Steady; to A-1h. welghte. 1 94c; ) to ftn-lb. weights. 994c; S3 to 110-lb. weights. S'Blva. , St. I.oala Oenerat Market, RT. LOUIS. Aug I WHEAT Iower; track. No. 2 red cash. 81011107; No. 2 hard. $1 0661 114: September, $1004 I.OO4; December, $1004 CORN Lower; track. No. 2 cash. c; September, 614 6 68 4c; December, 60 4 50Sc No. 2 white. 704714c. OATS Lower; track. No. 3 caah, 37 S7i,c; September, 8S4c; December, So',c; No I while. C.'c. RTE Nominal at snc. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET notations of the Dag Tarlssi Com mod It lea. NEW YORK. Aug. 3-FLOt'R-Recelpts. 30.000 bbls.; exports, 697 bbls. Barely steady, with buyers holding off. Minnesota patents. 86 0vg6.60; Minnesota bekers, $6.355.65; winter patents. $5.7506.25; winter straights, $,S.fcOff 5.76: Kansas straights, $5.2.V3'5.S0; Rye flour, bare ly steady, fair to good, $4.364.60; choice to fancy, $465(34.90. CORN MEAL Barely steady; fine white and - yellow, Sl.6wSl.70; coarge, $1.551.60; kiln dried. $3.75. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 83c, nominal, f. o. b., New YorkC BARLET Weak; feeding, $&370c; c t f. New York. WHEAT Receipta, 26,400 bu. Spot mar ket. Irregular: No. 2 red. Ill, elevator: No. 2 red. 81. 15. prompt, f. o. b., afloat; .mi 1 nortnern iniiutn. old, Sl.414, nominal, afloat. No. 2 hard winter, new, 81.144. f. o, b., afloat. Apart from a brief opening ad vance, wheat was generally weak and low er today, liquidation being Induced by increased crop estimates, better northwest ern news and weakness In cash wheat. The close was 414o net lower. September, 31.104(61.124; closed at 8111: December closed at 81.094: May closed at 81.104. CORN Receipts. 7.SO0 bu. ; exports. 67.006 du. Moot market, easy; no. 3, old, KOc, nominal. In elevator; No. S. new, 614c win ter shipment. The option market was weak under liquidation of September, clos Ing 14 to 14 net lower. September, 72 ,2c; cloaca at 724c; December closed at 65C. OATS Receipta. S8.07B bu.: exports. 160 hu.; Spot market, easy; mixed. 2332 lbs. 53c, nominal; natural white, 26732 lbs., 49 6ie; cupped white, 8404Z lbs., f4f0c hay nrm ;iso. 1. S8.was.f. Hldea Oulet; Bogota, 22023c: Central America 23c. PROVISION'S Reef, oulet: family. tl4.flo Iff 14 60; mess, 811 OtVffll 50: beef hams. 824.000 zc.ou; packet, iiz.wiTiJ.go; city extra Indian mess, 120.003.71 on. cut meats, steady; pic kled bellies. 812.60tftl3 M: pickled hams. SIS. 50W12.75. Lard, weak; western. $H.66iffll.75; refined, firm: continent, $11.90; South American, $12 75; compound. $7 rWif? 75. Pork, barely steady; family, $21 5022 00; short clear 121 WilZ2 50: mess. S3L75(322.26. TALLOW Steady; city, 6 S-lc; country, ( 6-ltVf6 13-16c. RICE Steady; domestic fair to extra, 37fh4c; japan, nominal. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, I90XH 14ff19c; 1907, nominal; Paciflo coaat, l'W. Ulc: 1907. fc&12o. Bl'TTER Unsettled; creamery, thirds' to firsts. Si-if .'6c; process, firsts to specials 21fli4C FOOS Steady; state. Pennsylvania and nearby brown, Taney, hennery, 287J29C western extra firsts. S4254c; western firsts. 2242340: western seconds, S022c. POULTRY Dressed. firm; western chickens, broilers. 15921c; fowls, 16 lHc. CHEESE Easy; receipts. 171 pkga ; state full cream, specials. l44t(lA4c; fancy, 14c common to good, 19Vffll44c; aklma. full to specials, 10(g,114c. Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITT. Aog. 8 WHEAT Sep tember, 954 9964c sellers; December. 964954c bid; May. 9844199c bid Caah: Unchanged to lC2o lower: No. bard. 31 001 09 4: No hard, 99c -& 8107; No. 2 red. $1.0501.06: Ne. S red, 7crcsi02. CORN September. 584c bid: December, 4S4(9"484Ci May. (S'ic sellers. Cash Unchanged to 4 le lower; No. S mixed 62 4C6Sc; No. mixed. S24c; No white 66c: No S white. 6c. OATS Unchanged to 12c lower; No. 2 white. 47c; No. 2 mixed. 40 42c. RYE 7 J 80c. FLOUR-Steadv; red winter patents $ 20 HAY Unchanged : choice timothy. 640" extra fancy and sira'ghi, 84 7096.15,1810 601100: choice prairie, 87 80; choice Allls-rtialmera pfd Amalgamated Copper Am. Agricultural Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can pfd Am. Car A Foundry Am. Cotton oil Am. Hide A Leather pfd Am. Ica SecurtUoa Am. Llnaeed Am. LocomotlTa Am. Rmeltlng A Ref do pfd Am. Sugar Ref Am. Tel. A Tal Am. Tohacca pfd Am. Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atrhlaon .-.. do Dfd Atlantic Coaat Lin B. f) do pfd Bsthlaham Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt.. Canadian Pacific Central Leaxhor ds pfd Central of N. J Chea. A Ohio Chicago A Alton , Chicago Great Weatem.. C. A N. W C, M. A 8t. P C. C. C. A 8. L Colorado Fuel A Iron.... Colorado A Southern..... to lat pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Palawan A Hudson D. A R. O do pfd Dimmers' Securities Erl do lat pfd do 14 pfd Ooneral Klartrlc Great Northern pfd do Oregon cue llllnola Central Inter. Met do pfd IrKer. Harraeter Intar. Marina pfd Inur. Papr....A Inter. Pump.....'., Iowa Central K. 0. Southern do pfd U A N Minn. A St. L M.. St. P. A S. But. M. Mlaaourl Paciflo M., K. ft T do pfd National Biscuit N. H. R. of M. 1st pfd. N. Y. Central N. T . O. A W Norfolk ft W North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall PennsvlTanla People' a Oaa P , C, C. A 84. L Pressed ileal Car Pullman Paiera Cat Railwar Steal Spring..,. Reading Republic Steel do pfd Bock laland Co do pfd Bl. L, A I r M pfd... St. Louie A W do pfd Sloaa-Shefrleld S. A 1... Southern Pacific Southern Railwar do pfd Aann. Copper '. ... Teiaa A Pacific. T., St. U ft do pfd inion Pactflo do pfd V. 6. Realty I. S. Rubber..., U. S. 81 eel do pfd I' tab Ooppor Va -tare. Oieralcal We bean do pfd Weetem Maryland Westings. Electric Western I'nlon W. A Laka Erie Wisconsin Central I.DOO 17. M4 544 . S.5 M 44 ' . 1 . 41 4 . K1 40 4tH , . .3 4i ,. ,, 7(1 '. 70) ' ID1 . II inn in. 48v. , . i. HS J7" 100 17 17" a .io rs I' .. M.ftftO 10014 .. .o0 lift1. 11441 lift mo ii' in m . . S to) HIS ! I4 .. l.lnO Ml lot M ion ', a" a:s .. 9 0fl ICV. 4S'I 4H .. 21.300 1 1 W 11SV. 119 ton ins 1044 j(MH -on U4i 1S4 IM" .. 1,700 1 HI1 H9S S3 .. k.V M4 tl4 12. .. 14.1W) ms m1 ii .. .!00 Ji 1 1 .. l) - S 4 IK) lfW44 1084 I'D .. 1.100 03 I'll .. 1,500 ;' ii1 7"1 w .. i.e 14 1 14 .. l.ino 190 1174 not .. 17) W 1M"4) lf.S 400 74 7ii 71 .. I.JII0 4SS 471. 47Uj VVt 14. U 12 I. ,., ; tns .. 1.9 14314 144 142S .. 2.400 24'. 244 11.000 4!"4 I64j 404 S M 41 l.bn 113 I'Oi. 171 too .4T. K.w i:.4 11.700 7IS 77S 71 I.SO0 l.ft iM H4t4 7,5 o ia'4 ih & H 174 41 I24 4 7314 1.104 147 4 144 1441. M4) 7.)0 144 W 14344 144 .. 5. KM 71 741. 7S4 .. I1.4U 44 44 (1 74S 7414 74 . . 7.400 10 IS 4 MS IH. . 321900 1414 ltna, 1404. .. 7 400 624 61V. 52. . . 1,100 U H 96 4 00 lo U .. 11.K0 151V. 164'. 16M. 13', US 4 si .. 29.100 1414 14S 1404 .. I.4.0 i:fi4 1144 I1B4 .. 1.700 I4'4j 34 944 .. 17.200 f.4 ' IS14. II IMS left 1 .. 1. no f . V14 12s ..U2,) 1824 1604 UP. .. 1,700 374 .164 M' .. LOW 104'. I'M 4 li4 .. It. QUO SK', (Ik 4 S .. a.ev rti'. .. 1,4I4 564 56 400 17 4 27'. .. 1.000 S .. l.'.on 1114 its'. London Stock Market, LONDON, Aug. 8 American securities opened slightly higher, Union Pacific ad vanced on good support, but the rest of the list eaaed off on reallxlng. At noon the market waa steady, with prlcea from 4 higher to 4 lower than yesterday's New York closing. London closing etocka: Conaola. money. .. M 16-14 Loulaellla A ! do account I4 1-I4M., K. ft T Amal. Copper WVN. Y. central. Anaconda 10 Norfolk ft W.. Atrhlaon :21 do pfd do pfd 107V. Ogterlo W. Baltimore A Ohio. . . .12-S Penniylranla . Canadian Paciflo II Rand Mlnea... Cheeapeake ft O II S Reading Chicago 0. w '. soutsern y 'Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today were as follows: RECEIPTS. Horses Cattle.Hog. Sheep, and Mulci. C . M. St. P. .. 1 abash Mo Pae. Ry.... Union Fac C. A N. W. eaet C. A N. W. west C.. St. P. M. A O. C, B. & Q., west. C, R. I. & P. esst C.,R. I. A P. w est Illinois Cent.... C. O. W. Ry.... Total recelntH. 63 DISCOSITlON. The disposition of the day's receipts s as follows, each buyer purchasing ihe number of head Indicated; Cattle, nogs onccn Chi.. Mil. A St. P. -.16 Denver A Rio O J, " Erl do 2d pfd ' Orand Trunk ... llllnola Central... i" 74 9S do pfd . ..1604 .. 441. ..141 .. II .. 91S .. MS .. 72S .. 104 .. U .. 114 .. 71 . .ISM. ..MS ..IMS .. 7S ..ins .. 11 .. it .. 94S l.nno 4.50ft 11,7"0 1.500 1 ro u.ioo mo l0 4.400 t-i 1,100 t.sno 100 164 IBS I7S 66S s 47S 74 s 17 US us 47 S 114 M)S 54 IDS S7S I.SS 46 4S IHS "S J'S 40'. 114 4 7S4 KS Southern Paciflo.. liSllnton Pacific M4 do pfd JSL'. S. Steel US do pfd 47 Wabash US do pfd Ill Spanlata 4a SILVER Bar. 23D-l'ia per ounce. MONEY 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 14(f14 P"r cent; for three months bills, l 7-ltulS) per cent. Local Beenrlttea Qaotatleaa. Quotations fnrntahed by Samuel Bama, Jr., 614 1 1 1 1 " ii 8 12 .. 28 3 3 11 6 4 4 4 . 3 8 10 S 2 .... i 1 t .. 63 45 44 S Omaha Packing Co.. Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Behwartx-Bolen Co... Krey Packing Co Sinclair Layton Stephens Bros Hill & Son V. B. Lewis J. H. Bulla L. Wolf McCreary A Carey... M. Hegarty lyhmer Bros Other buyers Total. 306 2M 610 104 6 72 2 116 29 174 IS 1 158 43 4'9 61 .'6 37o 1"2 20) 149 TO? M0 ! 10., 1.0 5 Ing yearlings from the same slate realized 34.80. yucisiions on fat sheep and lambs: Unci to choice spring lambs. 87(ff7.40: fslr lo good tprlng Ismhs. 6 vnjr7 Ki ; good to choite yesrllngj, 5 0i.jC"., Isli to good yearling 4 756O0, good to choice wethers. tti)J 4.76; fair to good wethers. Oo.4 60, good o oholro ewes, (4 i.'i'n 4 Jt.; fair to good e wes. 84 0Pi 1.2;, quotations on feeder stock- Kolt 11 li"lce lambs. 85 .2.' ii1.' 2"' , fulr to cholcu tatlings. 34 X.7J5 li fair lo choice sheefi. $.: hnje ". The trade did not ehow any Improvement toward the close. In fact, trading figures exhibited a more positive decline ai ill? latter end of the session than at the open ing. Easier values In feeding stock were Induced by the slow trade, as well and salesmen as a rule quoted offerings of thin kind as steady to a shade lower. One string of prettv good Ismbs were turned over to a feeder at S'i 00. Butcher stock closed right around weak to 10c lower. '(prfs-mutHe rales. No. Av. , Ft. M Wyoming yearlings 77 6 25 10 Wyoming w ethers, culls 91 3 Oil 131 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. . 96 4 00 293 Wyoming wethers 95 4 60 flllt At.O I.IVK STOCK MARKET Story of Day's Trading In Cattle, Hoga and Sheep. CH1CAOO. Aug. 8.-CATTLE-Recelpts. shout 3.000. Steady. Cows and heifers. 8-1. SO 54 5; calves. 13.0rvj3.00; stockers and feeders, J3.50T5.06. HOOS Receipts about 11.000; market 10 T15e lower; choice heavy, 3S90.fi9.00; light mixed. 375O97.70; choice light. 37.9057. 95; packing. 37..W7.60; pigs. 37.66fa7.tjO. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts sbout 15.009; market weak lo 10c lower; lambs higher. Sheep. S3.5Otfu.00; yearlings. St.OOru 5f0; lambs, 36 50(tf7.l5. CHEESE Firm: fslr demsnd: New York full rreams. choice, 14441 15c; fafr t good, 14al44c. I Irerpool Rraia Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug 8 -WHE AT-Spot. No. 2 red weelern winter, nominal Fu tures, quirt; Sepiember. 8s34d; December, : 1l4d: March. 7s 114d CORN Spot, new American mixed, via Oalveston. steady. 6s 54d. Futures, quiet, September. 6s 61: October. 8s 64d. FLOUR Winter pstents. steady. 36a. PEAS Canadian, steady; 7s lOVtd. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 3 COFFEE -Futures closed quiet st a net decline of 6'ijlfl points. Sales were reported of 10.750 bags. Including August st 6 05c; September. S6.r-c; Decem ber. 6 2"i'3o30c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio. No. 7. 74'&'74e: No. 4 Santos. So; mild quiet; Cordova, 94fl124c. ..1.776 2,415 2.505 6.117 New York Life building. Omaha: Alma. Neb., Municipal ea Armour A Co. 44 1139 - . Cudahy Packing Co Columbua. Neb.. B. U la 19-4 Omaha Fire Engine 4a 1121 Omaha Paving 4a 19.6 Omaha Renewala 4a 1114 rirtt National Bank, Co. Bluffa 12. Kanaaa city Ry. la MM ...A Nabbraaka T ft P. la 1138 Neb. Tele. Stock . Omaha Oaa la 111" Omaha E. L. ft P. Co. la 1033 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. li 1914 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. la l2l Omaha A C. B. St By. pfd 1 Omaha ft C. B. St., Ry. com. t. Omaha ft C. B. SI. By Aj.B,. pIU Omaha water is. oa,i4tf,,H Swift ft Co. la 1114 a So. Omaha Sewer 4Sa 1121....'... Ploui city Btock Yarda pfd Union Stock Yards, Omaha. 6. Aid. Atked. 100 MS II 9tS 100 144 M loos ions 1004 100S 106 ids too 4 100 loo 91 S 1004 1"1 .. 174 .. 90 .. M .. 174 .. 90 ..inn ... MS 100 ... I3S 644 .. 70 75 ... MS 44 S ... I4S ... 101 1014 .'. ions in ,.. ii to ... at 97 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 3 Bank clearings for today were 32,045.446.19 and for the corre sponding date laat year 81.617,234.05. 7 MS 27 S 06. hard winter clears. 84 60-$ 4 90. SEEIV Timothv. S2.763.S. t 'ORNMEAL 83 SO. . BRAN Weak; aacked. east track, 31 00tf 1 2 HAT-Steadvj timothy. IllOOU'l'.oO; prai rie 310 00i)13.00. RAGGINO 74c H FM P TWINE TX PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, 3W.50. jird, lower: prime steam. 810 924 l'ry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, 313 624; clear ribs. 313.6244 short clears, 812 76. POULTRY- Quiet; chickens. lJcr springs, 14c: turkeys, 17c: ducks. 10c: geese, 4c. RUTTER Firmer; creamery. 8218264c. euo-steady at l4c alfalfa. 312 000 13 60. BUTTER Creamery extra. 2S4c; firsts. 23Ur; seconds. 214c: packing Block, 184c. EOOS-Extras. 22o: firsts. SOc; current receipts, 164c; seconds and dirties 14c. receipts. Shipments I Wheat, bu ( orn, bu Oata. lin.. ....152 6 .... 34.000 .... 10000 15S.0TX) 26 000 6.000 Kansaa City options closed aa follows: Articles. Open. ; High.! Low. I Close. Tljur. bbls neat, bu. Corn, bu...., Oats, bu Wheat September December May Receipta. Shipments i Corn ! I I 10 900 201.101 96 40 99..U6 14 OKI laj 8 l 63.600 44.500 Available Sagplg of Grata. NEW YORK, Aug 1-Special cable and telegraphic entnmtinlcatlons received by Bradeireet'a ehow the following rhangea In available supplies, as compared with pre vious account: Available supplies: WYieat. United States, east of Rockies. Increased 3 3.15 .0x0 bu.; Canada, deoeaaa 7l2.0uO bu. Total. United eiiaie. and Canada increase 2 6:3 010 bo. Afli-at for and In Europe, de. re rxi t) l- To ai Ainerltan an-1 European supply fcaor.taag (2:.0uv.,. Cul'Pi . t'njttd niaus ail Sepiember ..I 'lecember ... I May I 97',! 874' 954' 94 974 97'a 954: skl 1 O04 1 004' V 994 III 5941 694 61 I 54 i..l 4K' 4A I 444 Wni 5741 4h' 494A . 54.40.) 1144 llS 1.I6S . 7f. 834 MS 3:V . l.T' 7J 72 4 724 10 IkS 3 11.4 . 11.1"0 36'. 6Vi S4 700 lis 6IS 414 ) 70S 70S s . 75,.V BUS 1"4 tol-, KiO l')4S l'4 10.14 300 IS S-S . !.M0 47 444 4 .ia.ll 7S4 744 74'. .. 1.J0) us i2 4 ms . l.u 62S IIS 6-4 . Ill) 14 IIS ('. .. 1,100 I2S US SI 4 . 1 1.200 US 674 7V 444 . 1 ) 144 11 14 tw ;i ;i 71 too IS i 1 JOO 17 V 17U ai imi aajee lor tne aay, l.Obl.eJO aharea Roaloa llscka and Bonds, BOSTON, Aug. S. Money, call loana, 2 QS per cent; time loana, 34'do per cent Closing auotatlona on stocks" and bonds were aa follows: II Anions Cora 44k Atlantic . . . . e. untie Coalition :4 ...1114 calumet ft Arlaana..lu7 ...104s Calumet a Heel ...171 JZS eniannial 144 ( upper Range ...117 Daly West . . 12' rranklln H 17i4 Granny -loi sOreene Caruinea 44VIle Rorale .102 Maaa Mining.... . IS4U'hlgaa ,l4,eMohawk .Ill Montana o. A C 143 NeTada . IT Old Doulnlea...! .106 Parra . 4M,Quincr .HO Hhannoa ....... . If. Tamarack . II Trinity . 44 laited Copper... 141 C S Mining .... . 14 f S oil . 10 t'tah t4S Victoria .US'non . 7 'W'olvarln . 41 North Butte s Cotton Market. NEW Y'ORK, Aug. 3. The cotton market opened eany at a decline of 915 polnta and soon sold 14(316 polnta net lower, under aggressive bear pressure and scattering liquidation prompted Dy easier cables than expected and apprehensions of depression with the approach of the new crop move ment. There was a big outside demand, however, to take offerings at the decline. The marltet was nervous and Irregular during the middle of the morning, with prices z or 1 points up rrom the lowest. Futures opened steady: August. 12.46c September, 12.50ffll2.53c; October, 12.61c; No- vemDer, 12.4HC; December, 12 64c; January, 12.49c; February, 12.48c, bid; March, 12.60c: Mav. 12 63c. Futures closed bsrely steady; August, u.z4c; nepiemoer, iz isc; uctooer, iz.zsc November, 12.28c; December, 12.32c; Janu ary. 1231c; February. 12.31c; March, 12.32c; April, 12 32c; May, 12.34c. Spot closed quiet, 86 points lower; mid dling uplands, 12.85c; middling gulf, 13.10c sales, 400 bales. OALVESTON. Aug. S.-COTTON-Higher 124c NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 3. COTTON Easy, unchanged; middling. 124c Sales on tne spot, lai) hales; none to arrive. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3. COTTON Steady middling, 124c salea. 1,600 bales; reoelpts, 2.19 bales; shipments. 2,024; stock, 16,309 oaies. Milwaukee- train Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 8-WHEAT-N0 1 northern. 81130; No. 1 northern, 11X79 1 2D: September, 31014 asked. OATS 514c BARLEY New standard. 6A96O0. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Ill . Aug 8-CORN-8teadv; No. 2 yellow, S94c; No. 3 yellow. 64c; No. 2. 694c; No. 3. 694c; No. 4. 664c no grade. 6ai4S'c. OATS Lower; No. I white, 60S404jO. Atchlaoo adj. 4a do 4a Mei. Central 4a. AtcaJaon R. R ... do pfd enoeton ft A I easy Boston ft Maine Boeton Ejleyaled. Pitchburg pfd N. T , N. H. ft Valoa Pacific Am. Arga. Cnemv de pfd Am. rneu. Tube.. Aa. Sugar de pld Am. Tel ft Tel.. Am. Woolen do pfd tv.mlnton 1. ft g. Edlaoa Blae. III... Maaa. Electrlo ... do pfd Mas. uae einited Fmit I'nlted Shoe Mark de pfd V. A Heel de pfd AdTenturs Alleuea Amalgamated .101 354 134 I II 101 l"S s I 10 44 11 244 e'S MS I l4 71 US s 66 U 41 4S . I . 45 . 614 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8 METALS The market for standard copper on the metal exchange was less active today, for while oiaaers ror lots or two and three tons were In the market, sellers seemed unwill ing to meet their views and the actual business reached only fifty tons of Octo ber at 13 uo and twenty-five tone of No vember at 313.15. The market closed firm with spot at 312.50&12.75; August deliveries at 812.674 12 80: September at 3 12. 87 U(& IS Oil: October at 313.004? 13 05; November at 13.15 U3 20 and December at 313.1741S.40. The London copper market waa a shade higher with spot at 58 12s 6d and futures at 59 lis 3d. 1 in was higher In London, with spot at 133 liis and futures at 135 2s 6d. The local market waa aleady. but a little lower on the average at 3'-"9.26r29.60. Lead waa unchanged at 12 12s 6d In London. Lo cally steady wtlh spot closing at 34.2547 4 30. Sales of 50.000 pounds were reported for spot delivery -at 34.30. Iron waa higher at we ra tor 1 levoiano warrants In London. Locally no change was reported. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8 METALS -Lead, firmer at 84 20. Spelter higher, at 85.40. CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were very disappointing. Estimates for today's receipts ranged all the way from luO cara to 250 cars, but, aa a matter of fact, only sixty-three cars put In an ap pearance. The yards are so large that It takes 1O0 cara or more to make much of a showing, so that anything less than that looka pretty small, aucn came aa intra were, however, sold to very good advan tage. Buvers evidently wanted beef cattle of good qflallty thia morning and the mar ket waa fairly active with prices on any thing strictly desirable around lOo higher than yesterday, interior stun was not much aourht after, but still it commanded steady to strong prices. As high as 87. 10 waa paic or a Duncn 01 prime cornieue, thia being the highest price paid for cat tie on this market since December of last year. Good killing cows ana oetiers were aiau free sellers at prlcea mostly 10c higher than yesterday. In fact the general mar ket on the atock eould be quoted aa strong to 10c hleher. with practically everything aelllng in good season In the morning. There were naraiy enougn teeaere in light to talk about, but still there seemed to be a great plenty to supply the de mand. The fact was that apeculatora who were the principal buyers yesterday did not meet with very good success unload ing their purchases, so that they were not very anxious ror cattle tins morning, ntiu what few were her) commanded about steady prices. (Quotations on came: uooa to cnoice corn fed ateers. 36.60497.10; fair to good cornfed steers. t.A.,b.Mj, common to fair cornfed steers, 34 7508 30; good to choice rangers. SS.UO&6 60; fair to good rangers, S4 oOaA.0S, choice rows and heifers, 14 Ou at. 20; fair to good cows and heirera, 33.25(T4.w; common 10 fair cows and heifers, 31. 76433. 26; good to choice stockers and feeders, 34. 2646. 15; fair to good stockers and feeders. 33.764.25; common to fair stockers and feeders, 83 0tv 3.75: stock heifers. 83.863.66; veal calves, $3 SOJjI.OO, bulls, stags, etc., 32 7504.76. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug 3. CATTLE Receipts. 11,000 head, including 2.0U0 south erns; market strong to, 10c higher; year- llni. 87.80; choice export and dreised beef steers. 36.30I&1.80; fair to good. 34 507J6.25 western steers. 34.25ig6.20: stockers and feeders. 83.0O36 4O southern steers. $3.i5f 6.25: southern cows. 82.fOd4 00: native cows. S2.16)4.50; native heifers. 33.257.W; bullx. S3.OOW4.00; calves. 33 5036.75. HOC1S Receipts. 7,0(U head; market steady lo weak: top. 37. SO; bulk of sales. 37. Ift 7.76; heavy, Si.iOtf 7.90; packers and butchers, 87.5f&7.N0; light, $7.40il7.70; pis; 86. jOfv7.:'F.. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 7.000 head; market steady to 15o lower; lambs 88.ltfi7.00; yearlli.gs. 4 60g5.2r.; wethers. 83.7fia6.O0: ewes, 33.50ii4.76, stockers and feeders, 83.0086.00. St. I.oola Lire Stock Market. FT. LOUIS. Mo, Aug 3 CATTLE Re ceipts. 6,300 head. Including 2.100 Texans: msrket steady: native shipping and export steers, 86.10ir7.flO; dressed beef and butcher steers, 85.364f6.26; steers under 1.000 pounds 34.2636.75; stockers and feeders, I1.25W.00 cows and heifers, 33.4O36.50; canners. 31. 76 2.50; bulls, $3.507T6.00; calves, 85 250.7.25; Texas and Indian steers, 83. 6O86.40; cows and heifers. I2.3&35.00. HOOS Receipts, 6.800 hesd, market lower pigs and lights, 85.75'7.70; packers. $7.50tj? 7.70; butchers and best heavy. S7.7V37.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.700 head; market strong; native muttons. 83.25 374.60; lambs. 36.766j7.15; culls and bucks S2.2&4.75; Blockers, 33.2&tI4.00. Ne. 16... :i. . . 1 .. 10... ll... At. Pr. Ms. 103S iM 41 llaft I I'. 17 COWS. W U I V 3 15 17 K.1 t 10 II 144 S 4 901 IS I HEIFERS. mi 3 11 1 Ae. . ...1119 1 Of) ....1111 7 10 .... 711 2 ) .... I II ....141 I W .... r 1 to ....1040 3 4 COWS AND HEIFERS. C4 3 11 117 I H BULLS. 1 1410 I 1 1 1140 i it 1 :i 3 U 1 10M i U CALVES. 3 174 3 00 8 110 t M 3 176 I II STOCrvERS AND FEEDERS. II 141 I (M 17 4 4 09 10 411 I 40 W EOT Erl IN OTi JL tSrvAotv A. Neev York Mining Stneka. 'Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug S.-WOOL I,ocal wool transactions continue heavy with prices well maintained. I,ocal dealers are buav opening put-chafes from the west and while manufacturers are Inclined to hold back still trading shows an active demand In nearly all lines. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri three-eighths blood, 14 & 15c; quar ter blood. 32t3.1o. Scoured values, Texas fine. 12 months. 721T75c; fine. 6 to S months 6i".'dc; fine fall, 6S&60c; California, north ern. 65$j4i7e: middle county. 6365c; fall, free. 50062c; fall, defective, S340c; Oregon, eastern. No. 2. 61662c; valley, No. 1. 674368c; territory, fine ataple. 67sj5gc; fine medium staple 6972c; fine clothing, 6oj70c; fine medium clothing. 64fcc; half-blood. 673 69c: thre-elghths blood. 64t67c. Pulled extra, 70(f74c; fine, ejjjboc; A aupera, 56 d 62c ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug 8 WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 2327c; fine mediums, 2124c; fine. 12b 1S4c. 22 cows 895 3 46 1 bull 1600 3 25 1 bull 1220 3 00 6 stockers. 692 8 76 9 heifers... 821 8 00 7 heifers... 602 2 66 8 cow s M60 I 75 17 feeders.. 801 4 25 4 steers.... 995 4 00 61 steers.. ..1025 4 20 T4 heifers... 710 3 40 27 cows 965 3 to 4 cows 810 S 15 2 bulls 1136 3 00 5 steers.. .1034 4 15 S cows 918 8 46 6 fenders. .1060 4 20 4 heifers... 416 3 75 4 cows m 2 75 3 calves... 176 6 60 28 cows AM 8 40 1 bull 1500 2 75 10 steers. . 6 cows.... 9 cows S3 cows 6 cows.... 19 cows . . . 15 cowa. 932 8 75 924 3 60 977 8 00 M 3 40 8f6 3 15 9' 2 90 S3S 2 M) St. Joseph Live Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 3. CATTLE-Re-celpta, 2.300 head. Market active and strong to 10c higher: steers. 3I.6OH7.00: cows and heifers. 32. 5O86.00; calves. So.60)T7.25. HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market steady to 5c lower; top, 87.76; bulk of sales. 37.60i97.66. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 4.500 head. Market steady; lambs, 3o.SOft7.25. Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 8.-fSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900 head: mar- ket steady; beevee. 84.2MI6.75: arass cows 33.00-64.26; feeders. 83-75.34.M; yearlings. 83.03 ! country HI 4 ug. HOOS Receipts. 2.000 head; market steady to 6c lower; range of prlcea, 87.2081 7.50; bulk of sales. S7.25ft!7.36. Hamilton to Be Made Larger Apsrtments Will Be Expanded Mer- nam & Holmquist Will Add to Elevator. Two large building permits for additions to present structures were Issued Tuesday by City Building Inspector Wlthnell, one for an addition to the Hamilton apartments and the other for an addition to one of the Merrlam A Holmquist elevators. The improvements to the Hamilton apartments at Twenty-fourth and Far- 111m streets, will consist of the addition of three ntorles to the present building. The building Is now four stories high, and with the addition It will be aeven stories high. Elevators will be Installed when the addi tion Is built. The Improvements will cost 326.000, the permit being taken out by the Hamilton Improvement company. An addition seventy-five feet high will b5 built to the Merrlam & Holmquist com pany's elevator "B" at Fifteenth and Man derson streets to cost 830,000. Tbs addition will be 42x100 feet. Stock In Sight. Receipts at the six principal western markets yesterday were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.600 3.6OO 10.509 St. Joseph 2.8U0 t.000 4.600 Sioux City 800 2.000 Kansas City 11.000 7.000 7.000 St. Louis 6.300 S.800 8,700 Chicago 8,0 JO 11,010 15,001 Totals 23,90) 34,300 45.700 WATTLES TELLS HOW AD CLUB SHOULD BOOST CORN SHOW He and Robert H. Nanley Addrees the Clob nt Ita Loyal Hotel Meeting;. "The members of the Omaha Ad club are In a position to do an Immense amount of good for the corn show," said O. W. Wattlea, president of the National Corn ex position, at the regular monthly dinner ot tho Ad club at the Loyal. "There are many ways in which the corn show may be advertised by placing slight mention of. It In your advertisements and In various other ways. One large concern Is adver tlalng the corn show all over Ihe United States by linking Ita product with the corn show and making It a part of the show. "It Is the duty of every clttaen to do those things which are beneficial to him self, but also to do something for the good of the community. It Is sll well enough for us to have our vast resources, but they must be advertised to get the full benefits. The name of the corn snow Is a misnomer, for It really has a deeper purpose than the contest between two eara of corn, or It would not be receiving the splendlM sup port It does from the best men of the The real purpose Is to develop. j Ideaa which will Improve the conditions of loo leviiitiua ciriiieme oil wiiuim we BeurnQ for our own prosperity." Robert 11. Manley told of the plans pro mulgated for sending a delegation from the Omaha Ad club to the meeting of the Na tional Aasuoclatlon of Ad Men's Clubs at Louisville. He said a doicen bad already signified their Intention of going from Omaha and paying their own expenses and that whatever money was raised would be used toward boosting for Omaha and the corn show and to try to get the 1810 con vention In Omaha. 2 eters....KS0 4 15 Minneapolis firala Market. MINNEAPOLIS Minn.. Aug 3 WHEAT September. 11.014; December. 'c; No. 1 View TORlf i, 1 pi... .... , ''". ei inn, -o. j tionnei n. l.sts: no. I nWln..Kck. '': N f.ur,hern.,l U48 FLAX-Closed at 81.84- RHA N In 100-lb. sacks, 830 60. FLOUR First patenla. SS.eom.OO; grnd patenia, 86. 'fro 3 90: first clears, 34 8f96.t", second clears, S3.Kfi!.66. n Alice Bruaael a Can. ... Con. Tunnel .toed ejo bond Con. cal. ft Vs.... Hera Sliver Iran Sliver Ill Leadrllle Con .. 1 unl. Cnif ... .. M Meilcea . . !1 Ontario .. 14 Opelr . . as s.andard .... . . . Ill Tallow Jacket... . 4 . 7 . II V'. lit IV. Trraaarr Statement. WAIH15GTON. Aug. S The condition of October M. Ahrena. Nebraska. 21 feeders.. 760 3 75 12 steers.... 9S0 4 00 g cows 692 8 20 14 cows 1007 3 50 E. P. Meyers, Nebraska. 160 steers. .1202 6 00 Ruf. Haney, Nebraska. 84 feeders.. 1131 S 00 29 steers. ...1213 4 95 M C. Hubbell, Nebraska. 90 steers.. ..1106 4 60 L. Phlpps, Nebrsska. 1 cow 1000 J50 Scows !f72 3 26 2 calves... 210 4 26 26 heifers... 473 2 90 WYOMING 11 cows 1006 3 76 47 steers.. .1061 4 90 4 steers ... 1026 4 00 I W, A. Coleman, Wyoming. 1 heifers . .1095 4 25 2 cows 795 8 00 3 feeders.. 9J0 4 30 1 steer 910 6 30 1 steer 1100 S 30 1 steer 90 6 20 27 steers ... 121 1 8 20 7 feeders. . 973 4 30 O. H. Wallop, Wyoming, r Steers.... 766 4 40 H. F. Smith, Wyoming. N 29 cows ro 3 86 Beaver Creek Cattle Co.. Wyoming 81 steers.... 190 4 90 7 cows 968 8 26 3 steers. ...10l3 4 00 HOOS Receipts or hogs were very small for a Tuesday, only fifty cara being re ported In Thla waa the smallest run of hogs received on this market on a Tues day since November 3 of last year. The market opened with ahippera the chief buyers and with prices on such stuff a. found favor In their eyea around 610 higher than yeaterday. lackers, on the other hand, were not disposed to put on very much, but still they bought their hoga strong to 6c higher. As shippers took i considerable proportion of the hogs, salea oa paper show up lery well, the bulk being At 37.aOi(j7.0 and the top at 17 70 Every thing waa cleaned up In very good season Representative salea: Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Aug 3 -SFED-Clover. 86.974: ictohrr 17.40 neretnher 17 tA U..h the treasury at the beginning of busines- 87 4 7 4; No. 2. 86 65; rejected. 86 90. 'no grade' today waa aa followe: i 8:. 45. Prime tlmothv. 12 ao p,im ?i.,l' Gold coin, 3861,991., s.Iver doUvs. August. 86 M Me. At Sa. Pr Ne. At Ik Pr. II Ml 319 19 K t laS 40 7 M 41 IIS ... 1 tC M .19 It la) M tut ... 7 40 M XI .11 i t',1 ... Iti u. o in 1 its I v . . t t, 17 ..; a) in. it s lift 1 4i n at . t so U i 1"0 14 li t1 49 7 47 T !' t 4TS 41 2S ... t SO 19 371 131 7 474 44 B ... 7 SI OMAHA (i&'KRRAl. MARKETS. Staple and Fancy Prodare Prices Far nlahcd by Bayers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartona, 27c; No, 1, In 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, in 1-lb car tons, 25c; In 60-lb. tubs. 24c; packing stock, lev; fancy dairy, tubs, 2i'022c, common Ml, fresh made, 1S1S4-!. Market changes every Tuesday. KGG8-Fresh selling atock, candled. 21c. No atorage stock In Omaha market. CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream, twins, 16c; Young Americas, 4 In hoop, 164c; favorite, I In hoop, lc; daisies, 2U In noop, 164c; cream brick, full case, loo; block 8wiss, 15c; full cream llmburgrr, 16c. POULTRY Mt oilers. 16c; alive, springe, 12c; bena, 104c; cocks. 64c; ducks, kc; gresa, 6c; turkeys, luc; pigeons, per dux., oc; guinea fowls, por do.. 32 50; squabs, per dox.. 32. Dicseed nous Uc. springs. I(sjjjc; cocks. 4)C; ducks Uc; geeac, llfecj turkeys, 22c FISH -Fresh caught, aimoai ll are dicsaed: Halibut. 6c, buffalo, 9c; trout, 12c; bullheade, 14c; catfi-h, 17c; crapplea, sunfUh, oyac; black bass, 2vc; whlteCsu, Uc; pike, lie.; salmon, 14c; pickerel, 10c; (rog legs, 36c. Fresh frozen: Whllstish, No L 10c; round, 9c; pickerel, dressed and headless, ic; rouna. c; p.ke, dressed, 10c; round, 9c, red snapper, tJc, epaiutti mat-Met el. 13c; native muckers.. 36c each. FREtili r'Ht ITS lorida plneapplea. He ui Us. 12.75 per crate; grape fruita. M aUti, per box, to. 46 site, fu.60 : 64 inr, t, i,g- frown, uer bu. basket, leuc: mantel tmim 1 iuC. MEAT CUTS No. 1 riba, 15 4c; No. 3 ribs. Uc: No. 3 ribs. Sc; .'c. 1 loin, 17c; No. 3 loin, 14c; No 3 loin, 10 e; No. 1 chuck, 64c; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No.. 3 chu-k, 44c; No. 1 round, 10c; No. 3 round, 9ic; No. t round, 9-c; No I plate, 6vo; No. 3 plate. 6c; No. t plate, 4c. VEGETABLES Kansas sweel polatoea, 82.76 per bbl. celery, Michigan. 26c bun. h, smaller, 60c. Cabbage, nniiit grown, lVc per lb. Wisconsin lied Olubs onions, ic per lb California cauliflower. 83 U0 pt; crate. Tomatoes Tennessee. 4 baskets, hij c; crate, 64.00. Lettuce, per dos , 30c. Par snips, turnips, carrots, 'm per duaen. Flor ida new Leeis, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc., per do., 7sc. POTATOES New. Sic per bu. HIDES No. 1 green, 10c; No. I cured. Uc. Hilar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug 3.-Sl'OAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 3 52c, centrifugal. 96 last. 4 02c; molssites sugar. 3 27c; refined. steady; No. 6. 4 46c; No. 7. 4 44k-; No. 6. 4 2ac; No. 9. 4 S0c; No. 10. 4 25c: No. 11. 4 90o; No. 12. 4 16c; No. 13. 4 10c; No. 14, 4 10c; confectioners' A, 4 76c; mould A. 6 30c; cut losf, 176c; crushed. 6 61k-; powdered, t.0f-; granulated, 4 9nc: cubea. 6 2Jc. MOLASSES Dull; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 2xdj42c. REALIGNMENT OF NEBRASKA TELEPHONE OFFICIALS DONE Changes Necessitated by the Central isation Policy Adopted by the Bell Company. Under the readjustment of offices of the Nebraska Telephone company, necessitated by the recent operating agreement' Includ ing Bell Telephone companlea with buslneaa In the three states of Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota, W. R. T. Belt becomes general superintendent of plants for Nebraska. Most of the chief positions with the .com pany In Nebrsska have been determined, but officials are still working on the re organization of company affairs In Iowa and Minnesota. The chief officials In Ne braska under the new operating agreement are aa follows: General Superintendent of Plants W, B. T. Belt. General Superintendent of Traffic Thomas Cotter. Traffic Superintendent A. F. Kelly. Commercial Superintendent Ouy Pratt Assistant General Commercial Superln-tendent-C. E. Hall. Plant Engineer A. S. Rogers. Traffic Engineer Frank Morsmgn. .... I, , muvMl a I 1. . i vv.,M,mivii m Kneaer n. r. Ityner. All are Omaha men with the exception of C. E. Hall, the new assistant general superintendent, who comes from Dei Moines. New York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 3 -DRV OOODS Market shows more activity In the job bing houses Buyers are operating In place goods and ready-to-wear lines The export trade la very quiet. Yarns are quiet. Cutloa goods And yarns are unasiUed by VANDERLIP VISITS IN. OMAHA President ef America's Riga-eat Bank and Family fiacetg o( Frank D. Hrown. Frank A. Vanderllp. president of the Na tional City bank of New York City, the largest bank In America, spent the day In Omaha with his family, stopping over to visit Frank !. Brown., treasurer of the Union Pacific. Luther Drake entertained Mr. Vanderllp at lunch at the Omaha club Monday noon, when Ihe other bank pres idents of Omaha weie Invited to meet Mr. Vanderllp. Those at the luncheon were C. C. Kiiunue. Henry T. Ya(es, J. H. Mil lard. V. H. Caldwell. W. Wattles. Frank Hamilton. Waid M. Burgess. Frank D. Brown, Luther Drake and Mr. Vanderllp. A Plrasant Sarprlae follows the firs' riuse of Dr. King's New Life Pills, (he pslnleas regulators that sirengthrn ou. Guaranteed, ate Sold by Beaion Drug Ca, (i I