T11K BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 4. 1000. 1 Sale filer, Stewart & baton's AiimI August is arousing the greatest interest of any bargain event that has been heM in Omaha for many years. Yesterday the entire store was literally jtacked with Omaha's best people striving to secure some of the bargains which this sale offers. In Sunday's papers we were able to list only a few of the great values. Here is a stock of more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of the best styles of Furniture, Carpets, liugs, Lace Cur tains and Draperies to select from. A visit to our store is necessary to appreciate the magnitude of this sale. - Now is the time to secure your lace curtains and portieres for the fall which is only a few weeks off. Trices reduced 'S'.lVn to .") per cent. Bed room furniture comes in for a big cut in prices. Iron hah-, brass beds, chiffoniers and dressers. Every piece has beon marked for clear ance, and the prices are very interesting. If you are in need of a piece of furniture for par lor or living rooms, don't wait until fall. Your chance to get exceptional valiif is right now. Porch Furniture, Hockers, Settees, Chairs, Swings, Etc., all must be sold. We will rot carry anything over. The prices we name will do the work. We have not mentioned linoleum, the most staple of all floor coverings. AVe have about 100 pieces to dispose of. (iOc Printed Linoleum, large quantities, at, per square yard 29( (iOc Printed Linoleum, suitable for small mom and bath room, per sq. yd 25 7f)c Printed Linoleum, per sq. yd CGv $1.00 Inlaid Linoleum, per sq. yd GBc Inlaid Linoleum, per sq. yd.! Slit $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum, per sq. yd $1.10 Council Bluffs MRS. BUTLER ASKS DIVORCE Young Wife of Old Man Sue for Legal Separation. JIAERIED NINE MONTHS AGO Woman thnrgeK t'rnel anil Infcaaaaa Treatment and 1'etltlona far $75, OOO Fermaneat Alimony, The Inadvlsabllltv of December and Mav mating Is once more marie evident In the suit brought in the district court yester day by Mrs. Hhoda Hutler for divorce from W. H. Butler, to whom ahe was married but nine montha. Mrs. Hutler not only asks for the Judi cial severance of the marital knot, but would have the court decree her 176.000 of her husband's wealth as permanent ali mony. She also asks temporary alimony In the sum of $5,000 and a fee of $2 500 for her attorneys, Reed &. Roberiaon of this city. Mrs. nutler Is 33 year of age. while the defendant Is 74 yeara old. Trior to embarking on the present marital venture Hutler had been married once before, and Mrs. Hutler twice. W. II. Butler Is a wealthy land owner and stock raiser and one of the pioneer residenta of Neola, Pot tawattamie county. Mis. Butler, by her previous marriage, had seven children, while Butler waa with out offspring. The advent of his second wife's seven children Into his home life, It Is said, was deemed by Butler as too much of a burden and hence the trouble whith culminated In Mrs. Butler yesterday filing suit for divorce. Mrs. Hutler charge her aged husband with treating her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and alleges that on July 21 of this yenr, when, she was sick and weak, he struck her several times with a heavy club and drove her and five of her seven children, who happened to be at home, from the house. Mrs. Butler and her chil dren went to live on a little homestead left her by one of her previous husbands t'pon petition of Mrs. Butler, Judge Wheeler yesterday ordered a writ of at tachment upon Butler's property to the amount of $25,000 and an Injunction re st rained the defendant from disposing of any of his property, pending the determina tion of the divorce suit and from annoying t lie plaintiff or going upon her homestead. Council Bluffs ! THE COOLEST FLACE IN TOWN, THE i DIAMOND THEATER. IV- Minor Mention lha OtuoU Blmffa Offlea f MM Omaha Baa U at 18 Both lltoaaa . .lat. drugs. T ', CulUUUANS. . undertakers. 'I'hone US. Wooiliing I'ndertaklng company. Tel. 33'.). Lewi-i Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 37. 1'ALsT UEKK AT llOtiKUS' Hl'KFET. When )n'i w.mi icilaUc want ad adver tising u. e Tin lice. 1 ! Ins- I Inn' i . mill mow ci a. Spearllng ,V Tiliil. it :i.7 liroadwvty. Watuid a boy t'i carry a Bea rouie. A t'pl 1j Scott f iver, Oiuulia Bee. BA 1 HI '. lilM ILXEi'KKK & BO LAND, l uiKi lakers. liiolie 1-2. N. Main Si. It W. W Magarell, optometrist, moved to :ui-.us ftty National h.tuk building. Don lieno left lost evening for Colfax plains for u sojourn In the hope of re cuperating Ills health. Hluff City Masonic lodge will hold a spe cial meeting tills evening al 7 o'clock Uti wi rk In the second degree. The choir of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet Friday evening for re hearsal instead of tonight. The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held Ui 1.4 afternoon In the club rooms at the public library building. The Helping Hand society of St. John's English Lutheran church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. II liaker. J714 Third avenue. Louis Zurmuehlen, president of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners, accom panied by Fred L. Johnson, chief clerk In the poNluffice, went to Davenport last evening to attend the state firemen's tour nament. Mayor Maloney yesterday was spurting a nanosome diamond-studded Elks em JIONKV M2EDKI) FOR SCHOOLS Hoard Derides that a I HO.OOO M ill Br l eii aired for Next Year. That it will require close upon $ls0.000 to run the public schools of Council Bluffs for the next year was the conclusion reached at the meeting of the Board of Education last night. This amount Is about I'.D.OOO more than last year, the Increase being In the sum required for the teachers' fund and the $10,000 to be levied annually henceforth to pay off the school house bonds. The tax levy for the schools last ear was 2T.(Ki mills, but It will requite a lc v of practically 41'j mills to secure the sum needed for the ensuing year. The expenses of the school district for or guardians by the police. Fifteen run away hntses were overtaken through the sprinting abilities of the members of the department, four stray teams were cor ralled and cared for while no less than thirty-seven stray horses, many of which had been turned loose by their owners to pick up their sustenane on the sidewalk parking were taken In charge. RECEPTION FOR WALTER I. SMITH Congressman to Re Tendered Ban qnet on Ills Retara. Congressman Walter I. Smith Is to he tendered a popular reception and a banquet will be given In his honor on his return from Washington. Preliminary steps to thus honor the congressman from the ninth Iowa district were taktn at the weekly meeting of the executive committee of the commercial club yesterday. Another meeting of the committee will be held todays noon at the Orajid hotel to or ganize and take up the work of planning for the reception and tho bnnquet. No formal Invitations will be Issued except to the speakers and prominent guests from outside the state. Announcements, how ever, of the event will be sent to all parts of the district. Inviting all who may desire to participate In the welcome home to the distinguished congressman. Although this matter was not decided at yesterday's meeting a dollar a plate ban quet appeared to be most favored. Should the number of those desiring to participate In the affair warrant It, the reception and banquet will probably be held In the Audi torium, otherwise It will be at the Grand hotel. Cameras and Photographic Supplies. C. E. Alexanders, 833 Broadway. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Oscar R. Thomas. Council Bluffs I'l Beatrice M. Keithley, Omaha 23 Frank H. Hawkins. Council Bluffs 23 Lulu Belle May, Mlneola, la 13 R. F. Heffner, Omaha 32 Nina Ware, Omaha 30 Girls -TT-anteil. Girls who can work all fall and winter will be given employment wrapping Wood ward's pure sugar stick candy and Wood wards real butter scotch. John O. Wood ward & Co. Pardon for Woman Who Tried Arson l.lr.i rtUAr,tu,l ... v,; t I..., by the members of the police department! i ensuing year were estimated as follows: Mrs. W. E. Meyers. 213 South Main street. ! '"ontlngent fund $ 34.000 received w ord yesterday of the death of j Transportation of pupils l.onn her mother, Mrs. Thomas Giltuure, In SanFiee text books 3.000 Diego, Cal.. Monday. Mrs. Uilrnore had I Teachers' fund 90.000 mau Xrlenda in Couwjl Bluffs and Omaha. Interest school house bonds t.000 The hearing in the case of Charles M. ! School house bond fund 22.500 Sanford, charged with being Insane, was! Bend sinking fund 10,000 commenced before the commissioners yea of nine wit- udjumnmenl terday. After the testimony nesses had been heard an was taken until today. John (Julnn, agtd 7b years, died at a late hour Monday night at St. Bernard's hos pital. The body was removed to Corrl gan's undertaking rooms and today will be sent to the former home of the de ceased at Papllllon, Neb. In the court of Justice Gardiner yester day E. T. Killtf waa Dlaccd under bonds hi the sum of to keep the peace towards There are several vacancies in the corps Hattic Gallup, whom It was charged nei(,f teachers to be filled before the schools nan uiieaienea io snoot, ine iniormation upon which King was arrested was filed by Slu-mian Humphrey, janitor of the Total 31W.500 The contract for the plumbing and gas fixtures at the Ook street school was awarded to the New York Plumbing com pany on its bid of $'. J. C. Bixby & Son, the other firm bidding, asked $1.0Stf. The resignation of Miss Nellie L. Hep ford, a teacher, was received and accepted reopen In September. Bids for coal for the school buildings are to be received by August 15 and the board county court house, after..,;,,; a. " the confecTlone, y .tori of ,vl11' 11 H hold a meeting probably Lelfert's Lensts CiimnCsaWsrl aasasat Wa m at a. mr us Li . m. warn, w sixteenth avenue, were yesterday ordered by Justice Cooper de stroyed. Constable Baker will place the machines hors de combat today with ins trusty axe. Ward has been released, It being shown that the machines were the property of an Omaha man. The receipts in the genual fund of the Christian Home lust week Were $4.(Xj.s0. being $:t.s5!t.M above the current needs of the week and reducing the amount needed In the contingent and liiiprovenie.it fund for lli09 to $7,010.11. In the manager's fund the receipts were $104.75. being $if.75 above the needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency in this fund to date to $jJS09. Attorney John M. Galvln. Dr. Charles E. Woodbury and Judge Horace E. Deemer of Red Oak left last evening for a month's fishing trip In the Big Horn mountains Dr. Woodbury took his camera along, while Attorney Galvln provided himself with a set of si ales and the understanding Is that .hidce 1 ifi-tner uus i-.K.-n ,,ui:i-; by the Bluffs men so that affidavits as to the size of the flsli caught might be filed before him. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 200. Night, F-1702. OF rAMitTSHOS STORE J I en Augubt 17. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY L'SE Bl'Y YOUR LIQl'ORS AT ROSENFELD LIQUOR CO. 619 S. Main. 'Phones J323. Real i'.state Tranafera These transfers were reported to The Bee August 3 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: J. W. Squire and wife to O. Newton Martin, lots 3 of Aud's subd. of lots 4 and 5 In block 2 In Williams' subd. of Mill lot In Mill add. In Council Bluffs, w. d $1.3j0 vnaries i. ctnyre ana wire to George B. Folsom, lot 5, Aud's subd. of lot 4. Greenwood add. to Council Bluffs, w. d 1.3H0 v.ny or uouncu inurrs to Board of Park commissioners, lots 1, 2 and 3 In block 1 In Rohrer's park 1st add. and out lot 1 In Mill add. In Council Bluffs, d Jerry C. Vollstedt and wife to James Hoover, lot 9 and s4 of lot 10 In Mock 7 In Walnut, la., w. d 1,000 Agnes Folsom. et al., to M. Wollrnan, lots 9, lu and 11 in block 6 In Central subd. Ill Council Bluffs, q. c. d 1 Montrose L. Lee. et al., heirs of Charles R. Lee, deceased, to Marietta G. Lee, lot 6 In block 9 In Bayllss 2d add. to Council Bluffs, w. d 1 Total, alx transfers Mrs. Anna Meyers, Who Tried Burn Family of Stepdaugh ter Freed. to MT. PLEASANT, la., Aug. 3 (Special.) Mrs. Anna Meyers, an aged woman who has been tinder life sentence for arson. In the attempted burning of the home of her step-daughter, Mrs. Levesey, near Wln fleld, with the Intent to kill the members of the family, has been granted a pardon by Governor Carroll, and will be released Into the care of her family. The pardon pro vides that Mrs. Meyers shall leave the state, and this she Is preparing to do. The alleged crime was committed a year ago, and efforts were made to secure the woman's acquittal on the ground of In sanity. She had not been Imprisoned pend ing an appeal of her case to the supreme, court. Mayor Has Building- Destroyed. MASON CITY, la., Aug. 3. (Special.) Under the supervision of Mayor Klrsch man, firemen and policemen, watched by hundreds of citizens, tore down a large livery barn. This barn was recently par tially destroyed by fire, and the mayor had several times stopped the work of re building the frame structure, which was within the fire limits. The tenant persisted that his lease gave him the privilege of rebuilding and during the night hours the repairs were made. The mayor's action followed and the liveryman has been com pelled to seek quarters elsewhere. f . J THE HOUSE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY CZZZIIIuIIZZ Our Semi-Annual Discount Sale 0 DflSUOT 0 4 He Two months hence you'll more than likely be planning some furniture improve ments. We can't wait and you can't afford to wait until then. It is decidedly to your advantage to give your furniture needs some fruitful thoughts just now. More than likely some of your rooms need a new chair or table or maybe an entirely new set of furniture. This is our Semi-Annual Discount Sale, but bigger and more important than ever one of the greatest money-saving events of the year so by all means don't miss it. GENERAL WITH BUT FEW EXCEPTIONS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 'tw-LVo uroaaway, uouncu Bluffs, Iowa. 21 in LARSON RETIRES SATURDAY I Secretary of Iowa Pharmacy Commis sion Sends in Resignation. HENDERSON TRIAL CONTINUED Charge of Drunkenness and ."Neglect of Doty Against K.s-Mayor ol Marengo to De Heard August IT. Ki plosion In Laboratory. IOWA CITY, la., Aug. 3 (Special.) The heat caused a liquid carbon gas tank In the Btate bacteriological laboratory to explode yesterday with a disastrous effect upon many of the specimens in alcohol In the room. The tank is In effect an Ice machine and fortunately was provided with a safety valve for lust suh emergencies. Joseph Anderson, the laboratory assistant, happened to have left the room Just pre viously or the flying glass blown from the shelves of the room would almost surely have done him great harm. iu2 Pig discount on refrigerators, lawn mowers and hammocks. From 20 to 3;' per cent discount. V, C. Del Val Hard ware company. A. A. CLARK & CO. i nfifi Hnnrv nn horses, cattle and LUJ.. I MUULI Utl HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AJO AST CHATTEL CBCCXZTr AT Otnt-HAUf THTfl USUAL RATES. Tat aatff Tasam af isMoaaafal BaaJnesa. OB UATJT AJTO KBOiOVlT, OVER AMERICAN KXFREHd. Me aprmactloa with lata Cmbb aalrrajr ttia sslvaa Tba Clark Mortgage Ca. BOfH ruCKUbS B17. JSU. F. TIN LEI, 1 ocnxi JWO. P. TIN Mgr. I.lltht C.aard Kendy for Camp. The Dodge Light Hoards, forming Com pany L, Kifty-fifth regiment, Iowa Na tional Guard, will leavo Thursday f r r i Charlton, Khere the reglnunt will hold lis annual encampment tlis year. Captain .am Cireene, commanding the Dodge Light li'iards.. has receivid orders for the com pany to leave Council Bluffs on the i;ur lingiun at fi:45 a. m. This train, whic h wil, pick up other companies enronte. will arrive at Charlton at 12 30. The cricam;. irent uill close August 14 and the Iiluff to.npany will leach home about midnight on that due (ientral J. II Lincoln will be in command of the cemp. IR. E. WELCH 24tti and Farnnm 'J) Vhoaaa, Sell S. 1511. Xnd. A-8S1L Specials fop Wednesday Sirloin Steak, per lb 15. Pot RoTist, per lb gc No. 1 Flour, per 43 lb. sack $1.85 Fresh Eggs, per dozen 20c THE HOME OF QUALITY I do first-class work reasonable. I make suits for (i'l, skirts $6. I also do altering to suit. Would you give me a trial? The Fashion, ladies' tailoring. R. H. Emlein, proprietor. Late fitter Orkln Bros. 33 s Mi.n Si. Monthly lleport of Police. With only ITS arrests during July and of thi.s oi half being "plain drunks." as si, own by the monthly report of Major G. II huhniMiid, chief of police, Council III .fi- continues to enjoy an Immunity fi m crime uf a serious character. Mis HiookK, the city Jail caterer did n.u entirely lack patronage as she fur nilid dur.ng the montH 367 meals to pris oners and lodgtrs at the expense of ti e ..i" u- rainy. During the mon'h eighteen lost rhiMren "T'i h iT "Vi W ai lidW' , v,l": "d returned to their patent.- Town Dry Ihrouah Hrror. ABERDEEN. S. D., Aug. 3.-(Speclal.) Through a misinterpretation of the law on the part of the town board of Java, S. D., that town will be without saloons for a time. The South Dakota law prohibits more than two saloons In towns of tinder 1.000 Inhabitants. Java has about 500 peo ple, but the board granted licenses to three saloons. Later the error was discovered and the board, to get on a legal basis, revoked all three licenses, refunding the money advanced. Two saloon men ac quiesced In the action of the board, but the third. Carl Doerr. refused to close his saloon, claiming the board had no right to revoke the license. He was accordingly ar rested and fined t'O and costs for selling liquor without a permit. The board will let th saloon applicants try again, and will grant but two licenses, In accordance with the law. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la., Aug. 3. "Special Tel egram.) C. W. Larson, secretary of the Pharmacy commission today authorized the statement that he had resigned to take effect August 7. In a written statement, given to the 'press, he criticises what he terms the dilatory tactics of the new members of the commission and gives this as the reason for his resigning. He will return to Ked Oak to look after his drug store there, which Is one of the largest In the city. Members of the commission today ac knowledged they had received the resig nation, but have not acted upon It. Mr. Eaton, chairman of the commission, said the board would likely select for secretary as Larson's successor, E. J. Moore of Eldon, who Is stato representative from Wappello county. By dilatory tactics It Is understood Mr. Larson means that the members have not been as vigilant In getting after violators of the law as he thinks they rhould. In authorizing the announcement of tils resignation Mr. Larson said today that his resignation was due to the "dilatory tac tics" of the new members of the board. He gave out a written statement in which he said: I was a candidate for member of the board, but circumstances prevented me from being appointed and I was elected secretary, which place I have filled under protest, as I did not want the office at I the time. However, I wish to stata to the druggists of the state that I have filled the office to the best of my ability and for the best interests of the majority of our profession. I have had the courage and conviction at all times for a square deal to everybody as the records In the office will show. I have at all times taken the Initiative in suggestions to the board for the betterment of the conditions of the drug trade of Iowa and I find that to tuke this stand Is apt to create friction. It Is my o"ilnlon that some of the new members of the board have ndonteil dilatory tac tics and for this reason I am tendering 1. resignation. Mr. Larson Is one of the most prominent druggists of the state of Iowa. When he look the state examination in he stood the highest In the class of eighty. Only twenty of the class successfully passed the examination. Mr. Larson worked as a drug clerk for many yeurs studying phar macy at nights. He was a traveling sales man for sixteen years, four of which was for a drug company of Omaha. Henderson Trial Continued. On application of the defendant the trial of ex-Mayor Henderson of Marengo for removal from office for drunkenness and neglect of duty under the new state law, has been continued to August 17. Recently Mayor Henderson was badly Injured by a pulley falling on his head while watching telephone linemen at work, and has not recovered sufficiently to stand trial yet. Although not officially announced, It Is learned that Governor Carroll has decided to suspend the sentence of S. K. Smith of Davenport, who Is serving a sentence for embezzlement and larceny of trust funds placed in his hands. He will give him permission to leave the state, which will allow him to return to his relatives in the east. The State Hoard of Parole recom mended a full pardon. Hetrieriiiaer Will Itrtltn, Jack Heffleflnger, for several sessions of the legislature, sergeant-at-arms of the house and for three years postmaster at the state house, will resign his position. It Is understood that Owen Bryne, one of the Janitors at the state house, will bo appointed to the position. Oakley Doesn't I.lkei Woman. The patrons of the Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy railroad at Oakley, la., do not want a woman for station agent because she can't Juggle the baggage and freight around. Several of the citizens there have joined In a protest to the state railroad comrnlsston. The station Is a small on and they claim the company has main tained a "weak man physically" most of the time relieving him occasionally with a woman and now they are about to change to a woman permanently. The station agent complained of Is Miss Esther K. Peterson. No Increase In Polk. It was discovered today that the lnerea of S per cent in the land valuation In Polk county by the executive council was an error of the clerks In trTe offlco uf the secretary of the council. There was 11c increase ordered for Polk county. gnnth Dakota Dralmiie niteh. PIERRE. S. D.. Aug. 3. (Special. I-Stale Engineer Lea, who has just returned from an Inspection of drainage conditions in the eastern portion of the stato, reports sev eral drainage projects of considerable mag nitude under way. In Clark county a dri.lnagi' ditch Is projected which will be fifty-five feet deep at the dpest point, and will involve nearly a mile of cutting which will average twenty fett In depth. While this Is an expensive project, the land to be reclaimed by the project are very fertile and the work will be of great value to that portion of the state. Tears Scalp In Machinery. SIOL'X PALLS, S. D.. Aug. 3.-1 Special.) Mrs. Clarence Llllie. a well known resi dent of Bijou Hills, a small town In the southern part of Brule county, was the victim of a distressing accident. Her hus band operates a ferry boat on the Mis souri river at Bijou Hills. While aiding .ier husband, her hair caught In the n.wrhi iery of the boat, and before her husband or any of the boat's crew could go to her assist ance a great deal of her hair was torn out by the roots and her Jaw and arm were broken. Bit- Yield of Wheat. ABERDEEN. 8 I).. Aug. 3 Special.) Wheat harvest la now well under way In northern South Dakota, and the reports from the harvest fields Indicate an excep tional yield, both In quantity and quality. Hail near Rowdle and hall and wind at Selby yesterday afternoon did some dam age oer a limited area. Men's Summer Trousers Reduced 25 Just once a year do you have an opportunity to save one-fourth the coat of a new pair of summer trousers. You'd better take immediate advantage of this chance, for there'll be many occasions yet this summer when you'll need an extra pair of trousers. These Trousers are made of very fine materials, are correctly cut and shaped and will fit perfectly. They're real bargains at this genuine reduction of ONE FOIKTH. Your choice of $6.00 Trousers at $4.50 $5.00 Trousers at $3.75 $4.00 Trousers at $3.00 $3.00 Trousers at $2.25 $2.50 Trousers at $1.88 $2.00 Trousers at , $1.50 and many others at exactly OXK-FOtKTH OFF. "TH K IIOl'SK OF Ill(;il MF.KIT." lllll II llaWla-sl rtMi UifcWiismfassl BLATZ COMPANY, Wholesale Dealer, HOtl Douglas fit.. Cor. 8th. I'hone nui?1n ftnl' I 1