Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie Omaha Daily Dei-
Entered l Omihi postofflre aa Miond
class matter.
Pslly Pee (without Sunday one year. M
l ' n 1 1 n-" aim runup;, v,,-
teliv Bee (Including Sunday), per k"l
Pally Hee (without Sunday), per w"K.1'k'
K.venlng Bee (without Htinday). per ween e
Esenlng Bm (with Wundayi. per 'oK!VJ
rvinnsy d"-, uo i wi
Haturdav Bee. one ynr...
Address all complalnta of Irregularities in
delivery to City Clrculstlnn Irepertment.
Omht-Th Bee Building.
Houth Omaha-Twenty-fourth and .
Cnunrll Hluffs-U Scott Street.
Lincoln-Ms Little Building ,,A,.
Chlrto-i;4 Marnuetta Building.
w York-Rooms UOI-1102 No. 34.
Thirty-third Rtrwt w
Vashlngton-T28 Fourteenth street, N.
Communication, relating : to new. and edi
torial matter .hnuld be addressed.
Jlee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft. "P
psiabla to The Bee P"'"1.1"" en, of
only ! cn .(amp. rere ved In J1
mall account. Personal 7;'P't,d
Omaha or eaetern enohnnges, not acc-ptea.
State of Nebraska. DouKla. County, ss:
(Jeo-ce R. Trschuck. rB",,r" ,v ' orn
Ree Publishing Company. )d
., that the a-tnal n'.mber f l nA
complete copies of Th D lv. M" ,n:
Evening and undv Bee printed
m-aa II follow..
monwi oi juiy, i.-w. - A
1 41,740 17.
1 41,790 !
X 49,090 1
4 40,130 :o.
5 49,180 21.
41,930 12.
; 41,080 13
a 41,870 24.
9 41.110
10 41,760 26
11 40.680 27.
12 43,630 28
13 41,740 29
11 41,710 30
IS 41,870 SI,
1 41.740
Returned cople.
Net total
. . .1,989.413
Dally average
nvnnh'p'. ' vi ' TZSCHCCK.
Subscribed In my presence and .worn to
before me this 2d day of August, 1909.
(Seal) M. P. WALKER.
Notary Public.
abacrlbera leaving; the? city tem
porarily .how Id hay The Be
mailed to them. Add res. will be
changed aa often ae requested.
King Alfonso is dllllgently looking
for the man who is rocking the boat.
The Moors persistently refuse to be
taken In by the shell game. Evidently
they have seen it worked before.
Those who complain of John D.
Rockefeller's financial logic must ad
mit that he doei not indulge in hair
splitting. Visiting Jewelers who do not nee
what they want should not be bashful
about asking for it. Omaha aims to
please its guests.
A lot of smuggled opium was lo
cated in a shipment of machinery des
tined for Manila. Put there to make
the wheels go 'round.
Dry farming experiments have been
seriously Interfered with this summer,
but the experimenters will not quarrel
with the rain-makers.
Not a single populist running for
office on the state ticket In Nebraska
this year. Tan it be that all the non
partisans are democrats?
Omaha's grain business for July
shows substantial Increases as com
pared with the preceding year. The
Grain exchange li making good.
A horse named Affliction won a rich
stake at the Saratoga races and there
are many horse owners who would lee
willing to have that kind of an afflic
tion. The I'nlted 8tatas and Germany
have negotiated a reciprocal patent
treaty and Germany's troubles com
mence when frauleln collides with the
washing machine man.
I'p to tne hour of going to press
Governor Shallenberger had not issued
bis call for an extra session of the leg
islature aa demanded by the demo
cratic platform makers.
The house is balking on an appro
priation for automobiles for public
officials. Because legislative methods
are slow the house argues that every
thing else must follow suit.
Volcanoes are all right for show
purposes, but Mexico aa well aa several
other localities can testify that when
tbey really take a notion to gat busy
they are not pleasant neighbors.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen One boom
for "Bill'.' Oldham for the nonpartisan
democratic nomination for supreme
judge launched amid great enthusiasm
at that 'famous Kearney banquet.
Speaking of names again, "E. P.
Fruit" ta running for county commis
sioner to Lancaster county, but bis ad
vertisement does not say whether or
not "E. P." atanda for "Easy Picking."
If you have any thrones which are
not securely anchored it would be a
good plan to put them in a safety de
posit vault. Inasmuch aa so many have
been lost within the laat few months.
Henry Clay Pierca, the oil magnate,
has been married in Europe. Evi
dently Mr. Pleica doea not expect to
go to prison la Texas, at last until b
baa had time to complete hla honey
moon. .
Nebraska is handicapped for any
Sort to ba the first to act on the in
come tax amendment. The legisla
tures of Alabama and Georgia are In
aeaslon and the Alabama aolons have
already taken ib first atDs toward
A Bunco Game.
There is Just one thing in the democratic
state platform that doe. not meet our
hearty approval and that Is the nonpartisan
Judiciary plank. It reads well and argues
out well, but has no place In practical poli
tic, and e venture the assertion that not
one of the committee that drafted the
plank ha. the remotest Idea of voting fot
any but democrats for the place and are
confident that In case a party paper .hould
deride to support a republican It. editor
would be branded by the fathera of the
plank a. traitor, to the party. This editor
believe. In picking out our beet democratic
attorney, and electing them to the supreme
bench If we can. No nonpartisan nonsense
In ours. If you please Howell. Journal.
This from the Howells Journal, an
uncompromising democratic organ
whose expressions of disgust with the
"nonpartisan nonsense" we have once
before quoted.
There is not a democratic politician
In Nebraska with sense enough to
come In out of the wet who does not
see through the "nonpartisan" bunco
game Just as clearly as does the editor
of the Howells Journal. Those demo
crats who beat the "nonpartisan"
drum loudest may possibly think they
will be able to fool someone. If they
had any Idea that their democratic
candidates could get more votes by
boldly flying the democratic banner
they would be proclaiming their de
mocracy from the housetops. But
they have persuaded themselves that
the democrats will vote for none but
democrats anyway, and that by mas
querading their democratic candidates
as "nonpartisans" they may get some
votes that they could not get without
the disguise.
That suggests another question. The
democratic state platform embraces a
plank proclaiming fealty to the idea of
"nonpartlsanshlp," and the democratic
oracle Insists that platforms are bind
ing. If a democrat, like the editor of
the Howells Journal for example, re
fuses to foreswear his democracy and
pretend that he Is a nonpartisan, does
he cease' to be a democrat?
Uniform Freight Classification.
Representatives of the railroads,
commercial bodies and the Interstate
Commerce commission are in session
at Chicago discussing one of the most
far-reaching and important problems
of transportation uniform classifi
cation. Under existing freight tariffs
goods appear in one classification In
one section carrying a certain rate, but
are included in a different classifica
tion In another district with a dif
ferent rate. This leads to collusion
and uncertainty in computing freight
rates to the detriment particularly of
shippers whose business does not war
rant employing an expert traffic man,
and even experts often overlook things
which entail loss upon the shipper.
Operating conditions and density of
traffic necessarily Justify differences
in rates in the various sections, but
there is no such good reason for differ
ences in classification. If uniformity
could be estabUhed it would be a great
advantage to shippers.
Another matter fully as important
as uniformity, is stability of classifi
cation. Changing commodities from
one classification to another affords a
most subtle and effective way of rais
ing or manipulating rates. Freight
bills often show an increase when the
railroad men point to the tariff sbeeta
to prove that there has been no in
crease. Classifications are also often
changed opportunely to give a favored
shipper an advantage, which la Just as
pernicious as rebating or cutting rates.
The same stability should attach to
classification and the same checks be
provided against changes as now sur
round changes in schedules.
Enlarging District of Columbia.
Both In and out of congress an agi
tation is going on to extend the bound
aries of the District of Columbia. The
constitution provides for establishing
the seat of government in a district
ten miles square and originally the dis
trict embraced such territory. In 1846
congress, thinking the portion south of
the Potomac river was not needed for
federal purposes, receded it to the
state of Virginia. There is a serious
question whether this act of congress
would stand the test of the courts, but
the consensus of opinion Is that reces
sion by Virginia would be the better
remedy even if the state were to be
recompensed for loss of taxable pro
perty. The reasons for extending the dis
trict are many, the most Important
being that the national capital Is grow
ing so rapidly that the south bank of
the Potomac is needed for expansion
and it is desirable the city on the
south bank should grow up in har
mony with that on the north. National
pcJde, which sustains the beautlfica
tln of the capital, would suffer if an
eyaore should grow up facing it
on the south. The federal gov
ernment has a large Investment in
bridges over the Potomac and much
other property, Including the National
cemetery, on the sovth bank which
properly belongs within the district.
Every consideration from a national
standpoint favors the rcacqulaltlon of
the territory in question and the only
objection la a sentimental one on the
part of the state of Virginia. The
ruall strip is rich in historic associa
tions and Virginians have not ceased
to resent the segregation of West Vir
ginia during war times. It is thought,
however, that these objections would
not be Insuperable If the question were
tactfully handled. A committee of the
Washington Chamber of Commerce
has charge of the movement for en
largement of the district and will pro
bably present the proposal to congress
at the regular session in December.
As usual, the active work of street
paving will not be under full headway
In Omaha until September because of
dla in the preliminary arrange-
mfnts. There ought to be some way
of making September and June ex
change places on the paving contrac
tor's calendar.
Burton for River Improvement
In an Interview, Senator Burton of
Ohio declares improvement of the nav
igable rivers and canal construction an
Imperative necessity. While chairman
of the rivers and harbors committee
of the house Mr. Burton wae generally
charged with opposing waterway im
provements, but this charge wae only
partially founded. As chairman of the
committee be was confronted by two
problems, one to keep appropriations
within bounds, and the other to com
bat visionary and Utopian schemes. In
these two struggles he was doubtless
led to opposing measures which by
themselves might have merit and H is
significant that he now takes a broader
view when the restraint of his chair
manship is removed.
Senator Burton Is conceded to be
one of the best posted men on water
way subjects In public life. He is not
moved by sentiment or prejudiced, but
his conclusions are thought out. For
this reason, hla opinion that systema
tic development of river and canal
transportations Is necessary not only
to check railroad rapacity, but to af
ford facilities which the railroads can
never give in times of heavy traffic,
should carry great weight. He sees,
as have many others, that the time is
coming when heavy bulk freight roust
seek the water routes on account of
both cheapness and inability of the
railroads to handle It expeditiously.
if the river Improvement movement
can direst itself of some of the chim
erical schemes and its advocates will
be willing to start with reasonable ap
propriations, particularly in view of
the treasury situation, there is good
reason to believe something substan
tial can be accomplished.
Railroads and the Panic.
Practically all the railroad reports
Issued within the last year contains a
demonstration that the panic of 1907
was not devoid of compensating bene
fits. Without exception they show a
decrease in expenses In proportion to
the gross revenue and in only a few
instances Is this the result of the cut
ting employes wages. This Is partic
ularly true of the stronger lines which
in spite of greatly decreased earnings
have neither cut wages nor reduced
dividends. The explanation is found
in the elimination of waste and greater
economy of methods.
When traffic was at flood tide prev
ious to the panic extravagancies crept
into management and supplies were
wasted by employes without the checks
now Imposed. A notable proof of this
came later in saving of coal consump
tion through the co-operation of em
ployes and management on one of our
leading roads. The same economy has
been pursued in other lines until the
saving in the aggregate runs into the
millions. In any large business em
ploying many men removed from direct
personal supervision there will always
be much waste, but in the case of rail
roads .'Ms has grown to be enormous
while managers were engrossed in the
larger and seemingly more important
problems of how to move the business
With the knowledge gained by
forced economies and the detailed rec
ords kept by railroads it is not likely
that the old conditions will ever re
turn and the stockholders will be large
gainers without taking anything from
the Income of the man who tolls.
Neither is the , stockholder the only
one interested for every move which
cheapens the cost of transportation
directly or indirectly benefits the ship
per and consumer in the long run.
Our old friend, Edgar Howard, ad
mits that although he served on the
resolutions committee at the late dem
ocratic state convention, "we did not
succeed in getting Just such a platform
as we desired." Accidents sometimes
happen to the best of us.
For the month just closed the births
recorded in Omaha are 226, as against
139 deaths. This makes a natural
population increase of eighty-seven for
the month. Those school census enu
merators must have been careless.
Paul Morton suggests an export tax
on American heiresses as a means of
increasing government revenues. The
great difficulty would be the bankrupt
nobility might dodge the tax by com
ing over here to live with us.
South Carolina has proclaimed a
closed season for the saloons, begin
ning two weeks before the state elec
tion and continuing two weeks after.
How is the victor to celebrate and the
loser to drown his sorrow?
The 8 per cent occupation tax on
franchlsed corporations may fill the
bill for the present, but the city
should have It distinctly understood
that It Is making no contract to stop
at that rate forever.
The United 8tates drank less whisky
and other strong liquor laat year than
during the year before. The tax col
lections were f 4,000,000 less, which
at $1.10 meana several drinks.
fttlff las on Raw Material.
St. Ixuls Globe-Democrat.
Paul Morton proposes an export tax on
'American heiress going abroad to marry
foreign noblemen. An export tariff on
raw material might work as well aa an
Import ona.
A Hryaa Idea.
Charleston News and Courier.
"Ton one opposed a state-wide prohibi
tion law in Nebraska?" "I did, for the
reaaon that tha people In ona end of the
state had no right to dtctatefo those In
another part of the atate. County local
option ceems to be a fair and safe solu
.lon of the prublem." Is 11 a philosopher
who .peaks? It I.. We have quoted from
an Intervled Riven by William J. Bryan.
Mlahtlna Ilia Roosters.
Indianapolis News.
It Is said that Senator Aldrtch does not
read the newspapers. Such a slate of af
fair, would represent another case of
genius falling to profit by It. own efforts
No one man has done mote to make the
newspaper. Interesting than the Rhode
Island senator.
lttlnar oa a Danareroua I. Id.
Baltimore American.
The Spanish authorities are suppressing!
editions and confiscating newspapers. tru:t-
I li it that v r. ..... .... . will 1 ... I
the. excited country. With the Rourhon
tendency to forget nothing and learn noth
ing, they are sitting on the safety valve by
way of preventing the explosion.
A Grievance Averted.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The three soldiers at Omaha who volun
teered as subjects for typhoid fever experi
ments are alive and husiiy. an outcome
gratifying alike to the subjects and to the
experimenters. Had the result been dif
ferent the dead men would have hsd a
Just grievance against the scientists.
Good Thing to Pnah Along.
Chicago Tribune.
Four public highways crossing the
country from the Atlantic to the Taclfle
are to be asked of congress by the League
for Highway Improvement. The nation
could hardly make a better Investment,
and If congress does not consent, the In
dividual states should perform the task
Cheapening! the (iold Hollar.
Springfield Republican.
The July report of gold production in
the Rand district of South Africa shows a
larger monthly output for the season than
ever before and the largest of record for
any season save only last December. This
means more for high prices and cost of
living than our tariff bill as revised by
President Taft. The gold dollar Is rapidly
depreciating to the level of the cheapest
dollar known to the people of this country
since the civil war-time period ofa paper
money standard.
Rising Storm Attains! Militarism.
Baltimore American.
The unpopularity of the Moorish war In
Spain and the demand that the people
whose money and blood are spent In the
contest should have a voice In deciding
their own fate show, the march of repub
lican Ideas In the world. No longer will
the mass of any nation submit to be looked
on merely as tools or food for powder by a
few constituting the government. The
constitutional monarchy, In which there Is
a popular voice In the government. Is the
only one which can weather the socialistic
storm In Europe.
The loll of Years.
Boston Transcript.
A few years ago the pension roll reached
the million mark. The commissioner's
figures thla year will show It below that
by more than fifty thousand, and the low-
eat It has been for sixteen years. During
the month of May nearly three thousand
additions were met by more than four
thousand deaths, the decrease waa con
stant and henceforth the reduction In the
ranks of Its beneficiaries must be rapid.
While this means a lessening of the gov
ernment's burdens the economic gain will
never compensate for the loss of those
whose patriotic service entitles them to
the nation's regard.
Importance of Experiment, of Army
Surgeons In Omaha.
Army surgeons at Fort Omaha announca
the successful use, of "the typhoid serum
In the cases of three soldiers belonging to
the garrison. After Inoculation these
men have stood the severest tests of ex
posure, to the typhoid bacillus.
On June 17 the three men were vaccl
hated with the serum, and within a week
developed mild cases of typhoid, from
which they recovered quickly. A second
vaccination followed, with no trace of the
disease appearing, showing they had be
come Immunes. at least as far as the di
rect Introduction of the poison Into their
blood was concerned.
8o far the army doctors had proved
their caae. It remained to be seen If the
three soldiers could withstand the test of
drinking water containing typhoid bacilli.
A million germs were put Into ordinary
water that had been allowed to aland In
an open vessel for three days. Tha men
drank a gallon of this water and have
suffered no Illness or Inconvenience. If
they had not been immune, the army sur
geons say, tha soldiers would have been
stricken with fever In from thraa to five
The value of this discovery is evidently
great. It seema to place typhoid fever,
on of tha scourges of the world, in the
same class with smallpox, which, by the
use of vaccine, has become one of our
rarest diseases. That the army ahould
develop this . new serum is particularly
fitting? for tha soldier more than any other
class Is subjected to the danger of Impure
water supply. The danger from the enemy
In many campaigns has been slight com
pared with the ravages caused by typhoid
In i the ranks of armies.
The devotion of the army surgeons and
the quiet courage of the men In the ranks
who offered themselves for the tost are
deserving of the gratitude and admiration
of every aoldier and of all mankind.
Mr. Roosevelt Is mentioned as minister to
Mexico. Thla probably completes tha list of
possibilities, although there may remain
one or two positions for which the gentle
man has not been suggested.
Another Salome dancer Is advertised by
arrest at New York for not having the
right kind of basement story to her tights.
The new commissioner of police is deter
mined to give practical proof of his mod
In Alabama It Is now illegal to carry a
pistol less than two feet In length. When
a native Is seen approaching with one of
the legal 24-Inch weapona It may be taken
that he ia in a serous mood and the pru
dent observer will go away.
Jamea Jebuaa Shannon, the portrait
painter, has been elected a royal acade
mician. Shannon was born In Auburn. N.
Y . In He went to England In Ih'H.
He has had paintings in many exhibitions,
receiving first-class medala at Parla. Berlin
and Vienna. y
Oeoige Jamison of Allenwood. I'nlon
county, I'a., holds the record as a salmon
fisherman fer this season. On Monday he
caught three salmon, measuring IS. IV and
14 inches, respectively, and Tuesday he rap
tured the king of all. a salmon measuring
X inches and neighing seven pounds. The
catch was made at the Allenwood bridge
According to the Boston Advertiser's John
Lorance. newspaper rrten are well treated
at tha White House nowadays. Sometimes
Mr. Taft aeea them while senators wait In
tha anterooma. 'On Sunday last." writes
Loranoe. "a large number of correspond
ents were with the president for two houra.
having quite a visit with him and smoking
Taft cigars."
Kansas City Star: Mr. Bryan may have
decided to lemaln In Lincoln for the rea
son that it Is doubtful if Texas needs any
more democrats Just at this time.
St. t.oulK Times: Mr Bryan, who an
nounces definitely that he Is "a future
In Nebraska." thereby logically seems
also to declare that he no longer hopes for
the White Mouse.
New York World; Mr Bryan heatedly
denies the report that he Intends to move
to Texas, so e assume that the time Is
not yet ripe to nominate a southern demo
rial for president. Vet Mr. Bryan would
find that Texas had a salubrious politi
cal climate and a fertile political soil.
New York Tribune: Those who believe
that wits are sharpened and Intellects
broadened by a change of environment
must regret that the story of Mr. Bryan's
Intention to migrate to Texas was not well
founded, the more so that his renunciation
of Texas left no yearning vacuum In Ne
braska for Mr. Bailey to fill. An exchange
of professors has been arranged among
the universities of the chief natlona. Texas
and the northwest might both gain by a
shifting of experts In the interpretation of
up-to-date Jeffei sonlanlsm. We favor the
St. I.ouls Globe-Pemoorat : As a presi
dential aspirant Mr. Bryan Is wise In re
maining In Nebraska. By moving to Texas
he would take himself out of the list of
nomination possibilities. In Nebraska he
has won some prestige. He has made that
state doubtful In national elections. While
Nebraska has not as many electoral votes
as Texas. It has a far better chance than
Texas to name democratic candidates.
In Penver In 1908 nobody asked or cared
who Texas favored for the nomination.
Nebraska's voice was dominant, and It
promises to be decisive In 1912 also.
Knbatantlal Ground for Criticism
Made by Justice Brewer.
New York Press.
When Justim Brewer sticks to his old
text of the laws delays he will not in
vite such attacks as Senator Brown's. As
a member of the tribunal which may b
vitally concerned with the construction of
Income tax laws the able Justice can af
ford to leave the questions of legislation
on this subject to congress and the people
of the states. Nothing Is gained by his
Intrusion upon the debate, whether he Is
right or wrong In his views.
We are glad, for this reason no less
than for the sake of the cause of reform
In our Judicial precedure. that In hla In
terview at Milwaukee, Justice Brewer re
turned to his mutton and condemned as
outrageous the reversals of Judgments on
technicalities when substantial Justice has
been done. All the country agrees with
him. too, that the farce, of prolonging the
simple process of picking a Jury to many
weeks is one of which an end ought to be
made. Fortunately the president In hts
tlme on the bench has seen and felt tha
evils of this kind, and may be counted on
to procure from congress some action
which will set the states a good example.
At the same time that Justice Brewer
was denouncing the delays of the law
In the I'nlted States, the lord chief
Justice of England, sitting in Old Bailey,
was showing us how much better the
English deal with their criminals. The
trial, conviction, and sentence to death
of Dhlngra, assassin of Lieutenant Colonel
Wylie. consumed altogether Just one hour.
In this country it is doubtful If the Jury
would have been Impaneled Inside of a
week. The trial would go on for a
month or two. and If the culprit went
to the death chair In two or three years
It would be because he lacked money to
employ counsel skilled In the hairsplitting
that brings our system Into contempt.
Lincoln Dries Its Tears and Lifts the
Lid of Joy.
Kansas City Star.
The country can Just take it from Mr.
Bryan to fall Into the vernacular that
the democratic leader has no Intention of
deserting Lincoln as his place of residence.
In an Interview In Chicago Mr. Bryan put
to rest the report that he was planning to
make his home In Texas.
Added to the convincing strength of this
denial coming straight from Mr. Bryan
nlmself, is what the politicians call the
logic of the situation. The country was
greatly surprised to read that Mr. Bryan
contemplated the desertion of Nebraska for
Texas, because there appeared no reason
foy such a move. Mr. Bryan has become
thoroughly Identified with Nebraska. In
the minds of the people he "belongs" there,
and politicians do not "pull up stakes" and
leave a constituency such as Mr. Bryan has
created for himself In that state without
some potent reason which they are willing
to share with the public.
In a political way Texas holds no ad
vantage for Mr. Bryan which he does not
appear to enjoy in Nebraska. It Is doubt
ful even if Texas with Its democratic ma
jority always represented In the six figure
column, 'm at heart In such close sympathy
with the things Mr. Bryan stands for In
public life as Nebraska with its very slight
margin of votes between the two parties.
The ease with which stories obtain circula
latlon passes comprehension. The report
of Mr. Bryan's Intention to desert Nebraska
bore every Indication of absolute authen
ticity. But for all that It laVkert plausi
bility. Some way or other the country Juat
knew that Bryan would never part com
pany with Lincoln. Neb. not, at least, for
anything lesa than a temporary residence,
in an official way, down In Washington,
D. C.
Wbat'a Thief Head It.
Philadelphia Record.
The republicans of Nebraska are a good
deal more progressive than their senators,
Brown and Itiirkett. although these cannot
be clanked with the tariff rtactiixiarles. as
they have on seeial occasions displayed
their hostility to the Aldrlch bill. But the
Nebraska members of the house are the
true representatives of their constituencies.
Don't Worry Abool T. R.
Minneapolis Journal.
Ciood people, don't worry about Teddy.
Me wasn't born to perish by the Jaws of
any "wilde beeste" In an African Jungle,
providence haa not confided to us. hut un
less we are very much mistaken It haa
several very good Jobe cut out for him
here at h'ome, which he will tackle later.
also the "Crystal Lithium" water from
Kxcelblor Springs, Mo. In 6-galloo
sealed Jugs.
5-gallon Jug Crystal Llthla Water. .$
o-gallon Jug Salt-Sulphur water S2.SWJ
Buy at either store. We sell over 100
kinds mineral water.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.
Sixteenth and Do! Sta.
Owl Drug Co.
Sixteenth and Harney Sta.
Omaha Fake Makes London Ht I p
aad Take omrihlna.
New Yoik Post.
General Allen, chief of the slunsl corps
of the t'nlted States army, Is quottd as
salng that a wild tale sent to the pi ess
from Ixjndon aSout a wonderful Yankee
Inventor at Fort Omaha, who has rroie,l
our army with an electrical machine capa
ble of defeating any enemy, Is "completely
without foundation." He Is mlsiaken,
though the news has a sound foundation
In a sensational novel published a few
years ago. Thla Is the time of year in
which all the Ingenious and thrilling ro
mances Which have passed by Just long
enough to be forgotten, are turned Into
newspaper fakes, most of them coming
from abroad. It must constitute quite an
extensive Industry. . In the present case the
wonderful Yankee Invention consists of a
powerful beam of electricity which tan ba
projected at a hostile fleet, putting the
apparatus out of action, and even exploding
the magazine. It la a good yarn, but It
would be better If It were fresher.
"Does you husband write to you often?"
"Twice a day."
"Good gracious' I should think he'd use
a little discretion."
"No, he uses a mlmeogra ph." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"What will you give tne, sir. for this
article for your paper on the relation of
i in
Mars to the solar system?''
I guess we can give you space rates.
rianimore American.
iieili- Mather-1 Just dote on Browning,
don't you?
Fair Hather-I don't mind browning as
long aa It doesn't freckle Judge.
"My doctor ordered a trip to Europe fot
' And you took It?"
"No; he presented his bill and took a trlj
to Europe himself." Boston Transcript.
"The voice of envy Is sure to be pro
voked by success," said the sensitive per
son. "Don't let that worry you, son," an
swered Grandpa Whetstone. "If you've
Foil Term of tire
Mosher-Lampman Business College
Begins September 1
Our course In 20th Century Bookkeeping and general business studies
will fit you for a first-class business position.
A course in Mosher Shorthand and Touch Typewriting will prepare you
to hold the best stenographic positions in Nebraska.
Thorough courses In Business. English and Special Penmanship.
Plenty of good positions for graduates.
Our teaching la not done by advanced students, but by the most exper
ienced and skilled corps of Instructors In the west.
Our little booklet, entitled "GUARANTEED STATEMENTS" la brimful
of valuable Information regarding business education. You should get one
right away. It contalna soma of the finest specimens of penmanship ever
published. y
Cut out this ad and mall It to us and we will send you "GUARANTEED
STATEMENTS" free. If you do this at once we wilt credit your account
with 11.00, payable to you in booka and stationery when vou enter our school.
It will pay you to read this booklet before you decide what school to attend.
Work lor
rowne 1 1
For Young Women
And Girls
fjollege preparatory, academic and collegiate courses. Native French and Oer
man teachers. Kxnerlenced instructors In music, all educated In Europe. Ex
cellent advantages 1n Fine Arts. Thorough courses In domestic economy Sew
ing. Cooking, etc. Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports under profes
sional supervision. Illustrated year book sent on application.
IVentworth Military Academy
Oldest and Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision.
Highest rating by War Department. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry
Drills. Courses of study prepare for Universities, Government
Academies or for Business Life. Accredited by North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separata
Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address .
Tha Secretary. Bog A. I.r ylnqton. Me.
Hastings, Nebraska
a live: college for young men and women
IK. o surra ey
A place where manly boys are made
with seml-mllKary discipline. Prepares
Location healthful and building fire proof.
Writs for Illustrated catalogue.
HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master,
Western Military Academy Up,W,,.,on
Ideal location near St. Louis, s-lx modern buildings. Fira proof Barrack. Excep
tionally strong academic and military departments. Highest accredited oollegs rela
tione. Rated Clasa "A" by War Department Athletics encouraged. Waiting Hat annu
ally. Immediate application advisable. COI AX.BXBT at. JACXaOB. - at. Bap.
EVERY parent has ideals
i in regard to the kind of
training his boy should receive
when he goes away to school.
Racine College has a remark
able record in the matter.
Write for our little book "The right
school for your boy." Wa send It and
our catalogue free.
Racine, Collftge
Racine. Wis.
Summer camp affiliated. -
Writ far in Ira Wok ans kaow
vr roa abouia aauis lol huuara III' U
Uacola. Noailosiu ktra. A workini aikoal
tbat tarn, eat toe irmduatr. who aeorrvt ana
uu Oic kif paviof Boaiuoat. WO uarnt loot
year, wi ara coaMantlf alacinf oar fraaaaiea
la tooa sarlnf Moanooi. I borough, prac
tical. Ckojcc of courata. aeubltanel
Msmm Uaoole Isaas Ool loss
a Nona IWrMak atrl
Usool. Hob.
rrallv got the good" the vnl.-a of amy
will unintentionally advettise em for )tt.
-Washington ft sr.
o" said the fussv old ba.-heior. "I'm
not" aii advocate of boarding house social-
!ri , Ml IttiO (1 ' . . .
"What do you mean by boarding house
so, lallsm?' ou. rled the ''' l'ri .
it's the kind.'' explained the f o b
t a . . auhbI i hani Bk I
"thai gives evervnonv n,, -!- -
t the piano." Chicago I'aily ews.
Patience -Before she msrried that maj
she thought he was the most graieful of
"Tairlce-And is she disappointed In him'
Patience-I lsappointed I Say. you Just
ought to see him try to carve a cnlcKeni
: Yonkcie Siatesman.
1 went a flshin' one fine day
I think twas in July
Soft summer clouds wet sailing
Across the blue, blue sky:
The threatening pine grove bristled
I pon i lie slope af It 'twould
Ho! a Jerk a bite! I landed
A great big piece of driftwood.
I went to fish snoiher day.
The sky nar scowling Mark:
A cold rain wet my shoulders,
A cold wind chilled my hack;
The distant lightning quivered.
The sudden thunder rolled;
I fished the livelong day and eaugh
A most tremendous cold
I went a flshin. sure I did
One day not long ago
The bluejays ecretimed above my head,
The ssnd-plpers skimmed low;
The whole wood chorus their refrain
Were ready to begin Oh!
A twlch. a Jerk! I wound my reel
And lo a good-sled minnow.
I went n flshin' oh. how blue
The sky beyond the cliff.
With a white cloud sailing on It
Like to a fairy's skiff:
The picture was reflected
In the water at mv feet Oh!
A hlte-a bite! my flesh the bait
The fish? A big mosquito.
I went a flshin'-found a fin
Where pine deep shadows cast;
1 had a feelln' that fine day
I'd catch s fish st last:
I snled a belted kingfisher
Close-watching on a stump.
The hook got tangled In mv sleeve.
Id raught a great Mg chump.
Oms h.
St. Rev. Arthur L.WIIllams.L. L. D.
President of Trustees.
Certificate admits without ex
amination to Wellealev Smith,
Vassar, University of Chicago
and high eastern institutions.
jVI 111 (a ry
Into manly men. Horn. Ufa combined
for all colleges and for business life.
All athletics, and ail carefully gupervlsed.
Kearney, Nebraska.
wur boxooXi
Information concerning tha ad
vantages, rates, extent of cur
riculum and other data about the
beat schools imd colleges can ba
ohtalned from tha
Bobool aad Oollaga Xaforraatloa, Bnrm
of The Omaha Bea.
All Information absolutely fraa
and Impartial. Catalogue of any
particular school cheerfully fur
nished upon requeat,
Ifift I 'I lalT'JkTal Ills'
lalnoola, Msbraaka.
A huh grtils tchael caaiMUe:
troug (Acuity to4 srvptrlnf 'or (fit
bw position. IdSftl lr.4tlns. No
aloona In Llneoia. fall Opealol
Sopt. 1. Wruo for booutlful o-li-fuo
A4arou W. M Brjtnt. ft,,
O IUML Lincoln. Not,
Tabor College
T'Jkbor, Iowa.
York College
Strong, First Clasa. Loweat Bates
Collei-iate, Normal. Huslness. Musle,
repression and Art 1 iepart menta
Issues all gratl. s of state certlfl
catea. Year opena September Hth.
WM. B. BCBBLX.. rras., Tarfc, Be.