Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    TJII-: T'.KK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. AT'ftfST 4. im
11 OTM rgtOWBg HC LI. DfT. A-IKI
$1-00 Gray Panama Wednesday
50c a Yard
Just Half Price -Great Value
fJlanrrt Ht lh- klrul nf roods to be sold Panama, f Inchon wide,
regular 11.00 fnbrlr.. n otnfnrnl It wllh i nrifldenrn a being ori
of lh. rrMif-Mt values wo havo ovt nhnvn.
NOTK - Annfh r lot of $1 25 60 Inc h (renin Worm Sprite at 8c
yard for W id 1 1 inlay.
$1 2ft niw:k Mains Tiiffcta, rifl Inrlicn wldt, Wednesday Oae. a yard.
HtralcM td us from the) mill H-aut1ful tcxturo, fine black. Not
a largo quantity. IVtur rom) rarly.
Umbrellas for Traveling.
fn not rarn to bother with on umbrella wbon traveling.
Iluy mi of'th nc-w rtotiwhabln handlo tinibrolln and put It In your
tt rsa or trunk. IUiip, gr!n, rod, gray or black. rrlr.n, each,
3 00, fa.Eu, 14.00 and $0.00.
Finn Sale of Gingham Street Dresses.
Wf bnvo about three dozoti one-ploro Gingham IiresBPg that aold
at $1:00 oath; to innko a quick sale, your cholco Wdncaday, $ 2.r0
rah. Ccirne early. Sold In Hnm'tuciit.
Coroner'i Jury Believes He Fired
Shot that Killed Hamilton.
bereabouta of th supposed murd'rr and
hla brother.
Psvla ha been under suspicion for over
a day row and It In hinted that he msy be
feeding the two philips hiolhera In the
woods near Florence.
Another thing thnt ha aroused suspicion
was the sal of th hog belonging to
PATE THE PRINCIPAL WITNESS ; J'" "bllips to Pavle by Avery. An part
payment In the deal tavla paid Avery S
rrlenri of Head Man filve Mini Tes
timony Brother Admit l'hllla
Wti Jmlcini f Wife Because
of Hamilton.
Former President Boosts Africa a
Farming Country.
Mealdenl of Nairobi Make II I in Pres
ent of Tobacco Bos, Made from
Hoof of Ithlnncrroa and
nuffalo Head.
Nairobi, n k. a. auk. s.-Theodnrn
Konaevelt and hla aotl, Kcrinlt, were gucsta
if honor at a public banquet given In
Nairobi tonight.
Frederick J. Jackson, governor of British
I'.iist Africa, was chairman am! 17ft persons
sh! at tli labia. Captain Sanderson, I lie
town clerk (if Nairobi, rrad itn address of
welcniiw to III f(irniir president of the
I nltadJ ttaia,.'n4 SJtPrwards handed hhn
I tin address, eiclosed In a section of ele
' pliant tuek, tnounlpd In allvrr mid with a
Mlvor rlialn. Tlio American rraldnnta of
llio prolootorato prcm nlrl Mr. ltnoMrvrlt
Willi a totiaoio box niiiilc of tlio hoof of a
I hlnnrrma, allvrr inmititrd ; thr akull of a
ilihKH'rroa, aim nioiintpd on allvrr ami a
buffalo head.
Mr. Honvrlt. In rrply to tlia lonut pro
poiipd by Oovrtnor .larkann. aald:
"I wlah to taka filial opportunity to thank
Hi popl(i of llrltlah Knat Afrl.a for tlixlr
Hi'tioroua and rourti-oiia hoMpltalliy. I hav
bad k thorniiKh (rood tllna. t am lin
inonaply Intviratrd In tli country and Itn
pimallillltlpa aa an abod for wbltn inon.
"rv lara trai'ta ar fit for a large
population arid healthy mid prnapornii opt-
How to Make the Fat
Comfortable in Summer
, IX you tare, fat and bava difficulty In
hK-allilna- o walkliiK or rutins and If you
find that thu hear la rxhauatluK to you liir
Ina th haatpil tii m you will hp IiiIpi-pmIpiI
In kiuiHliiK thnt the famoua Murtnola pr
rrlptloi In now bpliut prpai(t lu tnllit
form and that imp of (Iipmp lit t In tublrta
tnW.n after rkoh niral and at tu-dilum will
iPilma your fat at Dip rata of from 11 to
in oumop par tlay. Tliaaa Uhlrla atop fut
fVoin hPlng ma1a and thry analat Xfin boily
to throw away th fut alrradv nmdo In a
tiHtural niannrr. Tbay arp hnrmlpia and
you will find that tliplr imn will build tip
your fyatpni to a hlfc-hpr iIchipp of prrfpo
llon than pvpr bpfoip. Thpy havt. pprhapa
Ilia arratwal army of raaponallila iiipii ami
wonipu who hava wtlttpn of thalr pirpcilva
nraa than any ulnar prpaoi Iptlon pvpi
wrlttan. You m-ad not dlPt or pxcorlaa and
you way pat whu you and what vou will
Tha fcmj you now pat turna Into fat. Th
food rU pat will niaka no fat If you takp
a Mrfrmola tablat aflpr thp nioal; and mora
than Utat, ynn will ao atrenalhi'ii vour dl
Ko"lv ovana that you will npd 4ii aa a ahnrt tlmn pvan from Mar
mola TaMeta. Kvary drug rtorp arlla tham
or you 4iiay wrlta thp Martnola ronipnnr
lppt.. tt Uptrott, Mlrh. A t-aaa of Mar
niola Tableia CmU, ouiy 16 renta evry-whoia.
tlPinonta and tt would hn a ralamlty to
lipglprt thf in. Hut ttie arttlcra mual ba of
tha rlKbl typa.
"I lialiPvp Hint one of Hip. brat fpata ppr
fortnod by invinhprN of tha whlta race In
tl. Inat tun ypara la tha building of the
I'Kmida rnllroud. I am convinced that t It In
country ha a aicnt acrlcultural future,
and II la thp grcatcnt playground In thn
w in Id. It prrartita irTPat oppiilnga for cup
ItallHta n ml ainiila Inducriiipnta ahould b
offered tluun to coma harp. Thn honie
uinUpr and actiml not Hit and not thn appel
lator ahould bi pnciirn.KPd In making thla
a whlla tnnu'a country.
"llcinninhpr that rlghtPonaiiPaa and our
ullliiwiti ai'lf-lntcrrat d-'inund that Hit
blucka bn trvatPd Juatly. I hnva no pA
tli'ucn wllh apntliucnlnllata, and I think
that anntlnicntiillty dopa morn bnrm to In
dlvlilunla tlmn brutality. Tharpforp, 1 !
IIpv In halplng thp mlaalonut y, of wlwit-pvi-r
crpcd. who la Inboring rlnccrply and
dlalntri ratPrily w llh practical good aonap..
"It la imlinnl thnt I ahould bnve a prcu
llnr f-rllng for thr apttlcra. Thry ratnlnd
tun of tha nii'ii In our waal with whom I
workrd and In whoaa- aaptratloha I art
di i ply HJ tnputhlr.p."
In conrlnalon, Mr Rooaavplt draw a rom
parlaon of tha rondlttona aa ho had found
thriu In Ht lllhh Maat Africa with thoHp
thai oonfrontcd Hip plonrpia of waatcrn
A mcrlcn.
Bolt Kills in
Harvest Field
Young Farmer Struck Dead by Light
ning Near Mitchell Several
Houses Destroyed.
fact that Avary wanted to gat away acpma,
to thP pollcp, to Indhntp that h know
aomcthlng about thla murrjarpr.
Iavla la atlll at Fbirpncr. but Avpry wptit
to Urand iHlnnd tbl morning
Mrs. Philips Says
She Knows Naught
of the Murder
MITPHKM., S. !., Aug S (Special TpIo-gram.)-In
a vary never elpctrlcal atorm
luat evening - Hlchai d Lxiprlng, aged . 'X
ycura. waa killed at hta fatliur'a arm a,outh
of thla city. Th young man waa ataudlng
on a wagon when at ruck, but .two brother
and the fa I her atundlng In tho fclj three
roda rllHtunt w ar not Injured. . LlKhlnlng
alao Htruck thn realdencp of l'r. K. H.
King, ti'urlng a bole through th roof and
celling ami rendering iho pliyalolan uricoti
ailoua fur a tuomptit. lightning alao eli
te red tho ipalilance of J. 1". Kelhsen, atrlk
Ing a tree, and entering through a window.
Mia. Kelhaen waa partially atuuned. A
heavy rain fell, the precipitation amounting
to 1.4.1 Inchon lu forty-five mlftutea.
PI Kit HIS. 8. P., Aug. 2-, Axel Peara.m
a young farmer, waa killed by lightning
four inllea north of th city todxy while
operating a hpader. HI only relatlvea
are a brother and alater living lu Sully
county. i i
A Ton of t.old
could buy nothing belter for female wank
nrfcewa, lame Unck and kidney trouble tjian
K.lecli Ic ltltter. . Mk'.' Mold by Heaton
Prug Co. 'i
and with thla money the brothat -In-law
waa going to firand laland Monday after
noon. Mn waa atoppd tiy Maratial Marr
of Florence. The rnarahal brought pavla
and Avery together and took what money
they had. which amounted to 15". No In-
j formation rould bp aertired from theae fel-
Wp. the tinderalgned. gathered before inw a ahool Iho I'lilllim hrothera. but the
oroner iiearpy aa a ,)ury. nnn inai aiiti-11
llamlltnn enrne to hla deatn rrorn a
frunahot wound fired by ona auppoad to
Jmnea I'hlllpa on the morning of Au
gnat 1, l'or. aliout 12 30 o'clock We rec
ommend that the proper county anthorl
tlea Inveatlgata the i aae and punish the
guilty party or partli'a to tha full extent
of tha law.
Thla waa the verdict rendered bv the
coroner'i Jury Pitting In the murder ra p
of Marah '. Hamilton, who waa killed
at Floranrp In hla mill early Pundny morn
Tha mamhera of the Jurv were William
Kennedy, .Vlt Miami atrcet; W. J. Mount,
2M California atreet; Henry V. Phirmner,
Tt. X. Peaae. the Merrlain; Joaeph Te.ih.on,
W North Twenty-aecond atipvt. and M. J.
Mprrlll. I'axtnn ho'et.
Hl wltneaaea wre called to teatlfy be
for the Jury. Thay were Chartca Pnte,
who waa aleepjng In the mill office wlih
Hamilton at thp time nf the murder;
f'hailea . Hamilton, a brother of tho mur
dered man; Thomaa II rml!h, a friend of
the dead man, who wan aleeplng In a boat
on the river not far from the mill office;
Deputy Sheriff Thompson, -Hherlff K
Hralley and tr. A. P. Putin.
Ncene nf lb M order.
Pat waa the flrat witneai culled and bo
rehearaed the acenea of the nlglit of the
murder, telling whut be an. I llumllton did
befor they went to bed; relullng how h
arnuaed from hla aleep by a rap on
th door and how Hamilton waa calbd
and two ahota fired In the office and Inler
three more fired outdoora.
According to l'nte a atory, Hamilton alepi
on a bed Juat a few reet north of tho door
of th office, whllo be (I'nte) Hlept on thu
floor, with hla hcucl reatlng near tho acraen
door. Th other door wita open on the
night of th murder and i'ato wuh right
up agalnat the acreen.
He waa awakened by the rupa on the
door and aaked who waa there Then he
anld, aa ha glanced up and aaw a man
(landing In th moonlight, "That'a you.
lan't It, l'hlllp7" Then, ba aald, the reply
came, "Yen, thla la 1'hlllpa."
II unlatched the door and I'hlllpa walked
In and I'ato went out tn front of the office.
Ho aaw a man alumllng at the north aide
of tho atoop, but did not know who It wa.
A few aeconda after liu went outdouric
he heard two rhota fired mid then ho
atarted to run; he glnnoud back aa he fled
and kiiw I'll II I iih and 1 luinllliui Bliutllng
on tho atoop outside the door. Then liu
lieuld three more ahota fired.
Ileporta to llrolher.
Pate ran to Cbatiea Hnmilton'a bouae
and told hint of the aboutlng. They re
t in lied and fuund the (lend body of Marah
Chnrlea Hamilton In hla testimony anld
he did not know of any ill feeling between
hla brother and I'hlllpa. He auid he had
never heard of a uuarrel and thought
they were filenda. He auid. howpver, he
had heard 1'htllps waa Jealoua over III
wife Uccuiimc of attention:) paid Marah
Hamilton. ,
Thotnaa H. Smith Bold be wna told of
tho murder by 1'harlen Pate and got to
th aceii before the body waa cold. Ho
had nothing new to add to the evidence.
Sheriff Hralley and hla deputy simply re
lated theU' experience In making a aeaicti
for the murderer.
Pr. Punn anld two wounds were found
on III dead man' body. Only one of
theae was fatal, he said. It waa the one
cuuned by a bullet pnaalng through the
akull In two place Junt buck of the eara.
It entered on the left aide und cume out
on I he right. The aecoud bullet fractured
th left Jaw and the other simply perfor
ated the left ear.
The Jurora were convinced .that Philips
committed the murder, for he wn seen
by Pal. They could not lay any of the
Idume on the aecond man because Pat
did not ncoK.nI.e him. lie la stippoxed
to be a brother of I'hlllpa'. but rate doe
not know any of I'hlllpa' relatlvea.
Officer Intercept Frlenda Who Sold
Hon on I'hlllpa" Fnrni.
The sheriff and bis officers are keeping
a close watch on Kdward Pavlaaand l.odie
Avery, the brother-in-law of James Philips,
fur they believe Huso men know of the
Woman Over Whom Husband is Be
lieved to Have Killed Man is
Prostrated at Grand Island.
"I know nothing of th crime."
Thla statement was made by Mrs. Philips,
wife of the man auppoard to huv killed
Marshall C. Hamilton at Florence ,ecuue
he waa Jealoua of the retatlona between
hla wife and Hamilton. The aiatetnetit
given lo Tho Hee correapondent at Hi and
I idii nd through Mr. Ollllam of Omaha,
brother of Mra. Philips and alao throufth
Mra. tleorge Hollltia, her alater, at whoso
home In Oraud laland she la staying.
Mra. .lames Philip In proatralvd und la
not likely to com to Otnnha for a day
or two. Kb baa been advised by her
relatlvea In Grand laland and by Mr. t-i II
I tu in, a brother of Mra. Philips, of Omnhii.
who went to Grand laland Monday, to re
main ut the place until eh Is fully re
covered. Itelutlves nf Mrs. I'hlllpa bnve refuaed
to permit her to be Been and the only
statement In addition to the brief one
above given out from the Immediate
housa where alio la staying, waa one hy
Mr. (Illllam. who anld to The Iteo'a cor
respondent: "We will go to Oinnhn lis soon ns Mr.
Philips Is sufficiently strong to go. My
alater la aa innocent of giving any real
cnuHO for the murder aa you or I."
It has been learrted that Mrs. Philips In
tended to return to- her homo at Florence
from rit. Paul last Suturday and that she
war) perau.'ided toremnln over Sunday.
Kim now repealed! ays ahe wished alio
had gone Saturday as ahe hud planned.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
replied to by Flrat Vice President A. H.
Paegel of Minneapolis. The reports of tho
national secretary and treasurer were
skipped and C. . H... Williams of Condon,
Ore., delivered ail address on "Why Are
We Here."
(tnnal-Parliiershlp of City (ilvea Of
ficial Chance to Intervene In
Ntrret Car Trouble.
CHICAGO, Atitf. 3. Hy reason of the
riunal-partnersblp 6r thla city lu Its sur
face tructlon litre the difficulties between
the street rar 'ttoAcprtiiln and "their men
probably will' reeelv- the attention of
Mayor Ituaae.' ' '
The mayor, Acting Chief of Police
Kchuettler and M.'It. Merely, the municipal
traction expert held a conference today on
the subject of the threatened strlka after
which It was stated that the mayor would
uso every endeavor to preserve pence be
tween the employers and employes.
Alienists Declare that He is "Degen
erate Paranoiac."
HIM fc
Many Wltneaaea Are Heady
Present nt the
to He
ANNAPOLIS. Md., Aug. 8-Th naval
board of Inquiry which Is re-lnvestlgattng
th death of Lieutenant Jamca N. Sutton.
IT. 8. M. C which occurred her about
two year ago under mysterious circum
stances, will r-convene on Thursday morn
ing of this week. Lieut. H. H. Ptley and
Surgeon F. C. Cook will appear as wit
nesses at the inquiry.
1 11 Wijll pirfiii if
Today's crowds and crushes at this store, proclaim that the "Removal Sale" is really "on". Hundreds
upon hundreds are at this writing exulting over some seasonable, high grade items purchased at HALF
v '. . PRICE with most of the wearing season yet to come.
Small women's suits and dresses girls' coats and dresses infants' wearables boys' clothing young
, men's clothing ladies', misses' boys' and children's shoes and scores of other lines are included in a
"Removal Sale" that must be limited to 14 days. Mind you, most EVERYTHING, at least ALL season
able lines, at HALF PRI0E.
" ' "We haven't the time to say more than this we are too busy but you cannot afford to miss this we
" ' . have always kept faith with you and WE advise you to buy liberally.
We are going to move over to Farnam Street to the "BMuff" stand.
p t'y
lm nova! Sale is on!
H ar conduct- y Furly It u p r H H THI your frlcuils arc kiK a f t'ulln't you um R Hdp u liuri). j
y Inn and will cmi- Kj have fiery nil- H R that "Ikenaou H j ninko the n. B I some wcaruMo c Q We ltae ouly 14 f
H lltnip to roiiltict, H nl4gi. KIMS I' R H Thoriif arc gi- I More llic popular H I other $,hhU at , B days u iimke tills
H Ui ,,U 1 (1 U 1 1" H t'MOlt'K MKST H H ln to move otrr j khjI Hi liu- lieurt U I MAM' I'HICK? i I move. Xo pre nt
H ramly lil pahU H I'll O 1 I' IC A te H H to the MUJduff 1 of Uie slioppin H r t'ourve you inn. 1 piedn si Ihr new I
tBBHL1KfeKBSs2BaE f ijrmin jjiaaMBaMaasf - '-anlfcss mm JlfTI HI I isSISSBEBHaasBnr3 SCSsLnOsSnaWKU ,,l,,r
Jerome Give Hint Urtlllna, Whleh
Ureatly ntstnrb Ilia Rqannlmltr
nialneresed Doctor I
Agalnat film.
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. Aug S -Three
alienists, united In the supreme Court today
to make It unpleasant for Harry K. Thaw,
who klllPd Stanford White, and was ad- i
Judged Inaane, but now demands release j
from the Mntteawan asylum aa a mentally
normal man.
All three testlflpd that h wna Insane
and whpn Thaw took thp atand brtpfly.
after some dleconeprtlr.g tpatlmony he waa
plainly rufflPd and nprvous. but Mr.
Jerome rtlemlaeed blm after a few compar
atively unimportant questions.
Of the alienists who teatlfled waa Pr.
Austin Flint, Pr. William Hlrsch and Pr.
Amos T. Haker, thP Inst named gave testi
mony of the moat Importance. He Is act
ing superintendent of Mattcawan, and ap
pears aa a wltneaa without compenaatlon,
the only allenlHt In the case with this dis
tinction. Justice Mills called attention to
this fnct and took a hand In questioning
him. Pr. Haker said that In hla opinion
Thaw was Insane now, and a dangerous
person to be at large.
Thaw nadir Hattled.
It waa shortly after thl declaration that
Mr. Jerome called Thaw to the atand. Hp
was pnle and apparently shaken, and kept
moving and wiping his eye glasses. The
district attorney put some rather Incoher
ent notes written by the prisoner In evi
dence and aaked him to explain them.
After parries back and forth and laborious
explanations by Thaw aa to the meaning
of certain writings he aald:
"I want you to know, Mr. Perome, that
many of theae notes you call suggestion
were written at the request of my law
yers." Mr. Jerome pointed his finger at the
witness and said:
"Po you mean to sit there and tell us,
who observed you In both homicide trluls,
thnt you did not believe you knew more
about the case than your lawyers did?"
"I do," was Thaw'a quick reply.
"You were nlc and docile all the time?"
"I think I behaved myself."
"Nvor discharged any lawyers?"
"oh, yes; I discharged some lawyers."
"And yet you did not Interfere at all?"
"Only when I thought it was absolutely
"Then you did offer aome suggestions,
t tako It?" aald the dtatrlct attorney,
"Oh, yea some," was the reply.
Thaw was excused after a bit more of
this ordeal, and Pr. Austin Flint was
called. Pr. Flint described a paranoiac aa
a person dominated by certain delusions,
whoso mental and physical state might not
otherwise he affected, except In-so-far an
these di-luslons Influence him.
Th progress of the disease was usually
very slow, he said. It rarely caused
death, and except tn the Inst stnges, tho
patient might retain faculties unimpaired.
"Paranolacs." he concluded Impressively,
"never recover."
anya Thaw la Paranoiac
Pr. Hlrsch varied the general verdict by
declaring Thaw a "degenerate paranoiac."
Charles Morschauser, Thaw's attorney,
attacked this testimony -with every legal
xpedlent. In pr. Flint's case he en
deavored to show that ho had given
contradictory testimony In two previous
cases where he appeared as an expert. He
caused Pr. Hlrsch some unhappy moments
by Inquiring about a book ha Is writing.
"Po you, in this book, claim that Jesus
Christ was a paranoiac?" he asked.
The alienist's reply was that be would
not like to give any opinion on the sub
ject. The allenltits today delivered their
opinions of Thaw In answer to Jerome's
hypothetical question, only a smull part, of
which was read. It dealt mainly with
Thaw's family history and his early life.
Tho state's alienists will probably oo
Cupy the center of the stage for two days
more. Mr. Morschauser will continue to
morrow his cross-examination of either
Pr. Flint or Pr. llirsch, both of which
are left" unfinished. Pr. Carlos F. Mac
Donald haa yet to testify. He will be
called by Mr. Jerome. -
Former Senator Harris m.
LAWRENCE, Kan.. Aug. 3.-W. A. Har
ris, formerly United States senator from
Kansaa, Is dangerously Hi at his home
here, suffering from a heart attack. Hi
weakened condition, due to the effect of
the heat while horseback riding, Is thought
to have brought on the attack.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3-Forecast
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska and Iowa Generally fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Generally
For Kansas and Missouri Partly cloudy
Wednesday. Thursday fair.
For South Dakota Genet ally "fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesteiday;
It n. in
a. m
" a. m
N a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. in
12 m
1 p. tn
2 p. m
5 p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
6 p. m
7 p. m
k p. m
9 p. m
s"tv'''JVr' J
! Special Sale Wednesday
F of panama, serge $ C) C worth A
t and imported IS formerly j
F worsted skirts, at L up to $15.00
i Wash Suits at Halt Price
t Our entire stock of wash suits, sacri-3
heed for immediate clearance
All our $7.50 Suits, now $3.75
All our $12.50 Suits, now $6.25
All our $15.00 Suits, now $7.50
If you want a loaf of bread that is
always good made by experienced
bakers, in a clean, sanitary shop of.
the best and highest priced ingre
dients one that is rich, flaky and
contains a maximum of nutriment.
Ask your grocer (or
Nulro Bread and In
sist upon getting it.
Gentle Dentistry
Should the gentleman from
tVyomtng read these lines, I'm
sure he'll not mind my refer
ring to hla case.
Ha had three teeth extracted,
three nerves removed and a
seven-tooth bridge Inserted, all
In two sittings. "They can't
do It In our country, Doc," said
The only reason I could do so
much for him In so short a
time la that 1 did not hurt him.
Oentle Denteatry Pays.
Dr. j. B. Fickes
216-217 Bonrd of Trade.
Itoth Phones. and Farnam St., S. W.
Our Pasteurized Buttermilk Is I
1618 yaruajn. 1408 Soaglaa.
aiwaji upo.
si i
Local llfoord.
OMAHA. Aug. I. Official record of tern
peratur and precipitation, compared wl'h
th corresponding period of the last three
year. HW. lsOs. W7. lwM
Maximum temperature ... s7 '. 7H ai
Minimum temperature ... 67 75 5 iW
Mean temperature 77 W t7 7ti
Precipitation M 00 "0 .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
fr..m l.a n.kroi.1 at I Imahu altice March 1.
and compared with the last two year: i hibits will also compete In th Juvenile da-
Normal temperatur 74 . priment at th National Corn exposition.
peficrncv (or the day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 lii
Normal precipitation 11 inch
Deficiency for the day 73 Inch
Total rainfall since M.trch K&S inch
Corn Palace Big
Feature of Show
Mitchell ' Corn Belt Association to
Send Decorations for Exhibit at
National Exposition.
MITCHELL. 8. D..' Aug". . Sppcial.)
The Mitchell Corn Belt, association la to
contribute to the National Corn Exposition
this year, arrangement being; mad to
send to Omaha tha decorative articles of
thv Corn Palace, which I tha mot spec
tacular harvest carnival held In tha oorn
belt. '
This Was decldpd today after a number
of the manager of th Com Palac were
Interviewed by a representative of th Na
tional. Corn exposition.' The Corn Palace
Is to be held In Mitchell. September 17 to
October 1. A large number of South Da
kota counties' ar to be represented ai
usual, tha following bav spoken for space:
Putte. Clarke, Clay, Hansen, Hyde, Hand,
Kingsbury, Miner, Minnehaha, Perklne,
Stanley and Turner. Davidson county will
also hav a special xhlblt.
Among th decorative exhibits to be sent
to Omaha In December will be a corn
palac In mlnitnre. It Is one of th most
artietic piece of work ever hown at th
corn palac.
The twelfth harvest carnival held here
during the corn palace weeka la to be the
largest which, ba ever been held In Mit
chell, th I'nlted State marine band hav
ing ben secured for the occasion.
John M'chels will plan the decoration
which ar to be aeen in Mitchell and then
taken to Omaba. Some of the school ex-
Deflclency since March 1 inch
Deficiency for cor. period in MS. . Inch
Deficiency for cor. period in lw; 5.W inches
Itepori From 8tatlona at T p. ra.
Station and Stat
of Weather.
Bismarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Denver, cloudy
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Huron, clear
Kansas City, cloudy.
North Platte, clear...
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear
St. lxnus, part cloud
s:. Paul, clear
It Lake t 'u v. clear
alenttne. clear
tlllaton. clear
T indicates trcp of precipitation
m. Max. Raln-
M. Tern. fall
Si V.
7 s: .oo !
0 i T
W M ' 00
K2 hi .00 '
W .00
H M .00 .
hi kl .00 I
ft i .'
M W .00 ,
an !' i ;
U St .uu
. (t
M .0)
Artesian Vell Threatens Prrsho.
PIERRE, S P., Aug. S. (Special ) The
people of Presho are becoming somewhat
alarmed t condition which have de
veloped at their artesian well. A large crack
la tpenlng up at the well and they fear
that the reeulta may be serious. At th
present th crack la about ten Inches wide,
and two hundred feet In length and of un
known depth. It I feared that the water
boa carried out enough of the sand near
th bottom to leave a Urge hole, and that
the crack may Increase and cause them
Nearly Drown, la Cream Fi eeaer.
IiVKI.U, Wyo , Aug. Special )
of R .1 Ulschoff fell head foremost Into
a f-gal!on lo crtam freeaer and nearly
drowned before ahe a rescued. Whn
x. WtLill, Local rVrct.r. j found th child waa unconscious and al-
BOYD'S, tha COOL Theater
Performances. 1 O'clock tq 5.
Night Performances. 7 O'clock to 11.
Positively the best moving picture
exhibition In tho city theater cool
and absolutely fireproof. ' Non-inflammable
films used. -
Prloe, 100 Children Accompanied by
Partnts, So.
5. "The Maid of the .Mill"
Mxt Wk Bharlook Holmes in "A Study
in Bcarlat.
Admission. lOo and 80o.
Omaba'p Only grammar Movaity.
ciiMM ra i """""" -?. "-.
iauDF. I
Chris Crlatopber, Two . lag-
rams, mas.
Pictures, Btf . Pip Organ.
most dead from suffocation and strangling
on th thick salty brine. Ira. Walters, a.
neighbor, brought the little One back to
" I
Hoekr Mountain Base 11.11 League.
CHEYENNE. Wyoj, Aug. 3. (Special. )
Th preliminary stepa looking to the organ
isation of a Hocky Mountain base ball
league are now being taken. It 1 pro
posed to take In Qrelcy, Fort Collins,
Louisville and Longmont, Colo., and Chey
enne, Laramie ana nawuns, wyo., ana
Sidney, Neb. All of theae tow ns have 'good
teams, and should the Ninth cavalry re
main at Fort Russell, that 'team rimy be
given a berth In the" league.
Port. Arrlrpd. " s.ilrd.
CHERBOURG K. Wllhelm II. . ., .
BHkmkN r wiuraw....,
ANTWBRP Vsd.rlan sr,.-
Mad Ovr by Qulttln, -?off. ,
Coffee probably wrecks' a", greater per
centage of Southerners than of Northern
people fur Southerner us It mi- freely.
Th work It does la distrusting-enough
In some Instances; aa an Jllilft raluui, a
woman of Richmond, Va,., wrtt;
"I waa a coffee drinker for yer and
for about sir year ' my heaKh was com
pletely shattered. I suffered fearfully with
headaches and nervousness, also palpita
tion of the heart and loss of apeptlte.
"My sight gradually began to fU aul fin
ally I lost th sight of one eye altogether.
The ye was operated upon and the: sight
partially restored, then I became totally
blind In the other eye.
"My doctor used to urged m to.glv up
coffe but I was wiful and continued to
drink It until finally In a case tf saver.
Illness th doctor Insisted that I must
give up the coffee, ao I began using Poatum
and in a month I fell like a hew creature.
"I ateadtly gained In healUi and strepgth.
About a month ago I began using Orape
Nusl food and the effect haa been wonder
ful. I really feel like a uew uonjan and
hav gained about 2i pounds.
"I am quit, an elderly lady and befor
using Postum and Grape-Nuts I could
not walk a aquar without exceeding fa
tigue, now I walk ten or twelve without
feeling It. Formerly In reading I" o v
remember but little but now my memoiy
holds fast what I read. .
"Several friends who hav .wn th re
markable effects of Postum and (irape
Nuts on me hav urged that I give th.
facts to th public for th sake of suffering
humanity, so, although I dislike publicity
you can publish this letter If you, ilk."
Read "Th. Road to Wellvtlle," In pkga.
There's a Reason." . .
Bt read th abov letter f ', A new
on appears from tliu to tlia.- Tiiey
ar g.culc, tru, and lull oi i huoLsa,