Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
The Omaha dee
go to th homa li rl bj tb
women sells good (or advertiser.
Vor teor;isUfi Fair.
For loa Kali.
For weather report fo page 2.
Populace Ignorant of or Indifferent
to Fearful Slaughter at
Don Jaime Sayi He Will Lead No
Invading Host.
Moon Attack Blockhouse ' ?
Severe Repulse. 't
) " '-
amber Killed at Barcelona
niots la Now Placed at Two
snnd and Wounded at Twei
Fir Hundred.
LONDON. Aug. 4. The Dally Telegraph's
correspondent, who haa Just arrived in
Barcelona, sends to his paper a dispatch
giving a curious picture of the Indiffer
ence or Ignorance the Spanish people
evinced throughout his Journey from the
frontier, even In Madrid, to tbe events In
"The tranquillity and gayety of the popu
lace of Madrid." the correspondent says,
"seems to me Incongruous and absurd.
Barcelona Is not much loved In the rest of
Spain, and the old, deep hatred between
Catatonia and Madrid Is aroused on every
occasion. The cannonades In Bercelnna
disturbed Madrid about as much as if they
had occurred In a foreign country."
Kven In approaching Barcelona the cor
espondent observed few Indications of the
recent bloody events there. The railways
were running and work and amusements
were being resumed. Entering Barcelona
at night little out of the ordinary was
noticeable, except the blackened and
burned churchea and convents. The streets
and cafes were gay, noisy and brilliant.
There was nothing to recall the revolt, an occasional military fanfare.
"Somewhat surprised and disillusioned,"
the correspondent continues, "I made a
tour of observation. Everything surprised
me. One sees that the interruption of
normal life has been slight. The revolu
tion must have been superficial, for It
has not even upset the good humor of the
Pretender la Interviewed.
LISBON, Aug. S. Don Jaime, the pre
tender to the Spanish throne, declared In
an Interview her yesterday that he had
no Intention of Interfering In the present
crisis of Spain and that his retirement to
Frohsdorf In lower Austria, far from tha
Spanish frontier, was proof of his peace
ful purposes.
"The Carllsts party Is a party of order,"
said Don Jaime. "I never will take upon
' myself to bring an entire people Into
danger for my own ends. Never will I
lead Spaniards Against Spaniards. Should
1 return to Spain at the head of an army,
tt would be only to restore order. This
might happen should the revolutionaries
drive out King Alfonso, or the welfare of
the country require It. The popularity of
'King Alfonso Is declining through no fault
't his own, and Queen Victoria Is certainly
less liked than the kln&. Spaniards dred
foreign Influence; Victoria haa remained
a stranger too long, and the people never
will forgive her."
Don Jaime la of tha opinion that the war
'.n Morocco was unavoidable, and he fears
It will last a long Urns.
Spain la Tranquil.
MADRID, Aug. S. Tranquility now reigns
throughout Spain, except In certain Isolated
localities of Catalonia, according to an
announcement made early today by the
minister of tha Interior.
A column of troops composed of artil
lery, calvary and Infantry is todsy march
ing on Sabadell, ten miles from Barcelona,
w here tha Insurgents are still holding out.
The general strike at Madrid and Bilbao,
announced for yesterday, failed owing to
the precautionary measurea taken by the
General Marina, the Spanish military
commander In Morocco, Is awaiting rein
forcements. As soon as the necessary
troops arrive the advanced Spanish posi
tions at Mount Atalayou and Sldiamet will
be strengthened preparatory to an advance
upon Zeluan, the Spanish objective.
The Red Cross and other organizations
are working ceaselessly to care for the
sick and wounded both at Melllla and at
Spanish ports.
The bank of Spain has contributed S1O.000
to the queen's fund.
Moors Are Repalaed.
Official dispatchea received from Melllla
today say that the Moors last night at
tacked a blockhouse In course of construc
tion. They were repulsed by the Spaniards,
ho lost one officer killed and fourteen
men wounded.
A report received this afternoon from
General Marina related a successful Span
ish maneuver. The Spanish commander
set a trap for the Moors, who were In the
foothills of Mount Ouruga late yesterday
afternoon. While ha maneuvered several
battalions In front of the Moorish position
the battleship Numancla moved down the
coast to be In a position to take the enemy
In U.e rear.
Tt't Moors took the bait, moved forward
and At ones fell under the concentrated
fire ct tha fort and the Numancia. They
broke and retreated In disorder, leaving
many dead on tha field.
New Estimate of Dead.
HEN DA YE. Aug. S.-A copy of Kl Mondo,
a newspaper of Madrid, received here to
day, placaa tha number of killed at Bar
celona during the rioting of last week at
il. OA) and the wounded at 1500.
Moute Clemency shown.
LONDON, Aug. 4. Telegraphing from
Madrid the correspondent of the Times
tjtys that the release of Scnor Igieeiaa,
cultor of the revolutionary El Progeso,
and other persons arrested for being Im
plicated In tha Insurrection, and the sud
ion relaxing of the censorship, proves that
tha government Is convinced that the trou
h is ended. The last embers of the ria-
g In Catalonia were stamped out at Se
tadell yesterday.
Paailat at Mascatlae Palls lato Hirer
wait uyes at
Pretty Girl.
MISCATINE. Ia.. Aug. t. -Charles Mc
Vey. a local pugilist, while flirting with a
pretty girl on the upper deck of tha
steamer Helen Blair, leaned too far over
the rail, lost hie balance and was drowned
'ore boats could be lowered.
Hinshavv Tells
Why He Voted
for the Report
Says the President's Bill is Vast Im
provement on Both the Payne
and Aldrich Bills.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3 (Special Tele
gramsRepresentative lllnshaw today
made the following statement as to his
vote on the tariff conference report:
"The tariff conference report as adopted
by the house is a vast Improvement over
the senate bill and an improvement over
the original house bill. It is. In its main
features, revision downward. It should be
called the Taft bill. The president won a
notable triumph In his fight against the
high protectionists. The fight made by
the Insurgents In both house and senate
helped to bring about this resultt. To have
recommitted the bill or defeated the con
ference report would at this stage of the
proceedings have been calamitous. The
bill as passed reduces the duty on nails,
lumber, wood pulp, print paper, oil, coal,
hides, leather, harness, sugar, agricultural
Implements, boots and shoes, varnishes,
white lead. Iron ore. pig and scrap iron,
all structural steels except highly manu
factured forms, steel rails and barb wire.
The expressed fear that the imposition of
a maximum tariff of 2S per cent ad valorem
Increase over the rates named In the bill
will add materially to tariff rates Is not
welt founded. Canada does not Impose on
pulp wood, wood pulp or lumher any ex
port duty which discriminates against the
United States in favor of any other nation.
Therefore the maximum rate could not be
"The president was exceedingly anxious
that the conference report be adopted, be
cause he believed It a substantial reduc
tion downward, and that to defeat It would
result In continued tariff agitation to the
detriment of business and probably to the
prevention of any tariff legislation. Some
of the opponents of the bill hoped that
there would be no bill, as they preferred
the Dingley rates. It Is impossible that
all sections of our vast country can ever
be fully satisfied with a tariff measure.
This Is as nearly perfect a measure as
can be devised under present conditions."
Senators Gamble and Crawford of South
Dakota took breakfast this morning with
President Taft and afterwards Senator
Crawford declared his intention to vote for
the conference report on the tariff bill.
C. J. Duceman of L?mon, S. D., Is In
Washington to confer with officials of the
Interior department to urge that Lemon
be designated as a registration place when
the surplus land of the Cheyenne and
Standing Rock Indian reservations ai-e
thrown open to white settlement. Mr.
Duceman has filed claims of his town
for recognition with Secreiary Balllnger.
accompanying the same with maps and
other data to show Its accessibility as to
railroad facilities and Its ability to com
fortably house and feed large crowds. The
department has under advisement the bid
of Lemon, as well as other towns con
tiguous to the reservation soon to be opened
to settlement.
Voters Turn Down
Tom Johnson Plan
Franchise Ordinance, Backed by His
Administration, Beaten
at Polls.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 3. The Schmidt ord
inance providing for the granting of a
franchise to Herman Schmidt and Insuring
three cent fares on a part of the city
street car lines was defeated In a referen
dum election here today by a majority of
8.9S2. The total vote was 30.944 to 34,926.
The Schmidt ordinance was fostered by
Mayor Tom L. Johnson.
The campaign, which has waged for the
last two months has been particularly bit
ter. Mayor Johnson, municipal office
holders and others held hundreds of tent
meetings. A committee of WO businessmen
opposed It. Thousands of people crowded
the streets tonight to hear the returns.
When the result was announced automo
bile horns tooted, cowbells were rung,
whistles were blown and throngs of peo
ple paraded the streets. Mayor Johnson re
ceived the returns at his office, guarded
by several policemen.
An attempt will now be made to secure
the passage of an ordinance for the set
tlement of the car fight along the line pro
posed by Federal Judge Tayler. His plan
provides for a revaluation of the entire
street car property by a committee of un
biased citizens. He would then put Into
force a 3-cent fare plan, charging one
cent for a transfer. In case this plan
failed to pay a per cent dividend on the
valuation set by the committee, the price
of the fare might be raised to seven tick
ets for 2& cents.
Prior to the passage of the Schmidt ordi
nance by the city counotl an attempt was
made to pass the Tayler ordinance, but it
Carmlchael Measure In Alabama Is
Favored by Lower
Carmlchael bill for state wide prohibition
was passed by the house today by a vote
of 75 to 19.
Pretty Woman Shoots Man
in Swell New York Hotel
NEW YORK, Aug. 1 In the crowded
Yi aldorf-Astoi la hotel this afternoon Mrs.
Mary A. c .tie. 36 years old and pretty,
shot William D. Cr..g, a lawyer. She used
a K-caliber revolver and the bullet, after
striking a silver fountain pen. Inflicted a
slight flesh wound and dropped harmlessly
In Craig's coat pocket.
Craig, who la a member of the Rocky
Mountain club, which has a suite of rooms
In the hotel, was on his way to the club
rooms. Mrs. Castle, who had been waiting
for him, tried to detain him, but Craig
shook her off and went to the elevator.
Mrs. Castle, as be was about to step into
the elevator, shot at him when the inusxle
Governor Johnson of Minnesota Would
Drop Lead of the
Should Assert Its Rights in Halls of
Presidential Candidate Condemns
Protection Tariff System.
Minnesota day nt Seattle Kxpoeltlon
Is Celebrated with Ceremony,
Gorfrnnr Being Orator
of Occasion.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. S "It Is time
that the west threw off the shackles of
the east. I would preach no sectional
divisions and no sectional strifes; but Min
nesota and Washington and the states be
tween them with those to the south of us
should arise in their might and claim for
themselves that fair share of Influence In
the halls of congress and In the admin
istration of national affairs to which they
are entitled by every law of common
sense as well as of political economy."
This was the declaration of Governor
John A. Johnson In his address at the
Minnesota day celebration at the Seattle
exposition today.
"We as an Integral part of the American
people should cast our Influence and our
votes not only to advance the material In
terest of our own particular section, but
we should be broad enough and big
enough to labor for the common good of
our country," said the governor.
Hold Balnnee of Powers.
"We have In the states west of the
Mississippi the undoubted balance of
power no matter under what name the
national administration at Washington
exists. In the years that have passed our
population and our material wealth have
not enjoyed that representation to which
they are entitled, and furthermore our
leaders have been content to follow In no
small measure the leadership of men who
represent relatively smaller constituencies
and smaller commonwealths."
The speaker declared that the call of the
west among other things is the call for
patriotism and progress for emancipation
from every form of old world and new
world caste and privilege from the
tyranny of wealth and birth and alike
from the dominion of the trust and politi
cal machine.
nest aa Natural Factor.
"Not only in foreign commerce, but In
the progress of American shipping. Is the
west a prime factor In national develop
ment," said he Incidentally, "fifty years of
national folly In the enactment of laws
and high protective tariffs have crippled
American shipping until over 90 per cent
of our Atlantic commerce la carried In
foreign bottoms. Notwithstanding this
half century of maritime shame, the
United States flag floats today over a
merchant marine of about 4,000,000
registered steam tonnage, which carries
to the markets of the world 200,000,000 tons
of American products. But on what
waters float the colors of this merchant
marine and what freight do these Amer
ican ships carry? One-half of this vessel
tonnage Is on the Great Lakes, while the
Pacific coast, the Great Lakes and the
Mississippi combined boast nearly 70 per
cent of. the total. And the freight which
It carries consists of the great staple
productions of the west on their way to
the great eastern markets the products of
that great army of western yeomen de
mand no fostering hand of government
and ask only for that Justice and freedom
to which they are entitled by
right under the guaranty of our constitu
tion and our flag."
I nvrll Rnst of Hill.
Minnesota celebrated her day at the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition by un
veiling a bronze bust of her most dis
tinguished citizen, James J. Hill, the rail
road builder. Governor Johnson loosed the
cord that bound the flags of Japan, Great
Britain and the United States about the
New Orleans Convention to Be Held
First Three Days In o.
NEW ORLEANS. La., Aug. 1 It was
announced here this afternoon that No
vember 1. 2 and S had been definitely de
cided on as the dates of the Lakes-to-the-gulf
deep waterway convention to be held
In New Orleans. The change is mads In
order to conform with the plana of Presl
dent Taft. who arrives here October 31,
Illinois Jurist Passes Away After an
Illness of Several
STERLING, Aug. J.-S. li. Bethea. United
States Judge for the Northern District of
Illinois, died early this morning of paralysis
of the heart. He had been sick for sev
eral months. He was appointed to the
bench by President Roosevelt In 1903.
of the little revolver was within an inch
of his coat.
When detectives arrived the woman was
sitting on a lounge weeping hysterically.
She said ahe was an Insurance agent and
had a brother, Captain Henry Kcotl, sta
tioned at Fort Morgan, near Mobil. Ala.
Shs pointed to Craig, who was standing
nearby, and said:
"He la the cause of my trouble. He has
thrown me over."
Craig said he would not prosecute her.
Mrs. Cestles husband, who Is said to be
wealthy, ia traveling at present In Alaska.
Shs and Craig. It Is said, wwe.obiltuan
together In Sau Francisco,
From the Washington Star.
President Will Spend September 20
as Guest of City.
Chief Fxecntlve Will Go from Dinner
Party to Den and Thence to Spe
cial Train at Station
Pen fori Oeta Word.
President William H. Taft will visit
Omaha Monday, September !0. arriving at
4:30 In the afternoon and remaining until
11 o'clock that evening. ' '
This word came to Omaha yesterday In
telegrams from Senators Burkett and
Brown, who had taken breakfast with the
president, and to whom he announced his
Intention of paying Omaha one more visit.
The Invitation was originally presented to
President Taft last December, when Victor
Rosewater, on behalf of tha Omaha Com
mercial club, asked the then president
elect to Include Omaha as one of his stop
ping places In event of his making a west
ern tour this summer. Since then the mat
ter has been placed before the president
on several occasions. While in Washington
recently President C. H. Pickens of Ak-Sar-Ben
and Colonel Penfold, secretary of
the order, personally presented to the pres
ident an Invitation to visit the city of
the king.
Colonel Penfold has been corresponding
with the Nebraska senator for several
weeks trying to Induce the president to
come here. He wanted him to spend sev
eral hours In Omaha and wanted him to
come on a Monday during Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival week. If possible. For a while It
was doubted whether he would be able
to stop here at all. but the presi
dent finally consented yesterday to give
this city several hours of his time on
September 10.
On tbe occasion of his visit here next
month the president will be entertained at
a dinner and later In the evening will be
taken to the den to see many special fea
tures that will be arranged for his benefit.
From the den the president will be
escorted directly to his train which will
be in awaiting at the Union station.
Mr. Penfold announced yesterday even
ing that a apeclal program will soon be
arranged for entertaining President Taft.
This will be given out later, probably
within a week or two.
Admiral Ignores
State Officials
He Refuses to Turn Over Negro Who
Participated in Fatal
PROVTNCETOWX, Mass., Aug 3 Rear
Admiral Schroeder tonight refused to sur
render Davis W. Williams, of Marietta,
Ga., to the state police, who tried to arrest
Williams aa a result of the boxing bout
held on the Vermont on Friday night,
when his opponent. Harrison H. Foster,
was so badly Injured that he died soon
after. Both men were negro mess hands
on the ship.
The warrant charged Williams with man
slaughter. Admiral Schroeder said that
he did not deny the Jurisdiction of the
state, but that the government had Insti
tuted an Inquiry and he preferred to wait
until that Investigation had been concluded
before acting further.
Call Douglas 238
and ask for Want
ad Department.
A vacant room wUl lose you from
40 cents to a dollar every day It li
vacant. Oiw day's rent will find a
Better step to the telephone
and Dut the ad in now.
Schaof Buys
Nebraska Central
at Auction Sale
Lincoln Man Hopes to Be Able to Re
organize Company and Build
the Road.
F. E. Fchaaf of Lincoln yesterday bought
at auction all the tangible assets of the
Omaha & Nebraska Central railroad com
pany, except the unpaid stock subscription
list. Mr. Schaaf said he wanted nothing
to do with this. He paid, or proposes to
pay J100 for tho right-of-way, survey com
pleted grade and other things that go to
make up this material property of the de
funct company.
T. K. Brady, formerly general counsel
for the company, bought the stock subscrip
tions, having a face value of IS.OflO for
The sale was conducted by H. H. Bowes,
attorney for C. T. Dickinson, the receiver,
on the east steps of the court house. It
was the subject of some comment and not
a little fun was poked at the proposition.
One offer of I7..V) was made for the tang
ible property of the company, but this was
not taken Into consideration.
Mr. Schaaf will wait until the court has
passed on the sale and If It Is confirmed
will try to put the breath of life anew Into
the enterprise. The Omaha A Nebraska
Central was projected several years ago.
and considerable stock was disposed of.
Right-of-way along the route from Omaha
to Hastings was looked up, several miles
was purchased, and about four miles of the
road was actually graded. A complete
survey of the line la a portion of the as
sets that has passed to Mr. Schaaf. He
hopes to be able to Interest eastern capital
In the venture, believing that the electric
line will be as successful out of Omaha
as It is in other parts of the west. He
says he has much encouragement from the
people he Is dealing with. If he can make
the proper showing, the reorganization of
the company on a sound financial footing
is assured. It will be several weeks yet
before this can be determined upon.
Taft and Dlas A r ran are to Bee Each
Other on the
WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. S.-Presl-dent
Taft of the United States and Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico are to meet at El
Paso, Texas. October IS. This program
has been arranged as the result of cor
respondence between the United States
and Mexico.
Airship Forced to Retarn to Frank
fort When Machinery
FRANK FORT. Aug S The airship Zep
pelin II left here today for Cologne, a dis
tance of 110 miles, but was obliged to re
turn on account of an accident to its ma
chinery. This Is the second unsuccessful
attempt the airship has mads to reach Co
Irate Kentucky General
Canes Offending Editor
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 3-AdJutant
General P. P. Johnston of the Kentucky
National Guard today caned Denny B.
Uoode, editor of a weekly social-political
paper here.
The general took umbrage at an editorial
reference In the paper to him as "General
Peacock P. Johnston," and an epigramma
tic remark that Johnston Is a man who
spells "ma" In capitals, and "you" In agate
The editorial referred to the recent resig
nation of Colonel W. B. Haldeman and
over thirty ef the officers (it tbe First
Archibald Delivers Annual Address
to Convention Delegates.
Rate Cutting; and Fraudulent Adver
tising; Denounced by I'enneyl
vanlan Delegates Seek Open
Air When Evening Comes.
"The slogan of the last year has been
'the fixed selling price.' We desire such
a fixed price on certain articles of stand
ard makes In silverware, watch movements-and
gold fined watch cases. This
Is a weapon whleh will get our business
back In legitimate channels and this con
vention should go on record In favor of a
living-profit, fixed selling price."
President J. P. Archibald of the Retail
Jewelers' association was vigorously ap
plauded for his remarks yesterday after
noon favoring the standardizing of the
Jewelry business In the respect Indicated
and for his denunciation of cutthroat ten
dencies ruinous alike to manufacturer. Job
ber and retailer.
President Archibald told the assembled
Jewelers that their association has been
growing rapidly. "During the last year,"
said he, "the states of Texas, Wisconsin,
New- Jersey, Delaware, Colorado and New-
York and the District of Columbia came
Into the fold. The first year we had 678
members, the next 1,730, and now the roll
shows 2.M0."
Attacks Fraudulent Advertising.
Another part of his address called for
action with regard to fraudulent advertis
ing, and the speaker Intimated that a good
deal of mall order Jewelry advertising was
of this nature.
His address was followed by five papers
given as follows:
"Trlala end Tribulations of a Country
Jeweler." Senator Henry Zilllken (Jeweler).
Wellsburg, W. Va.
"The Retail Jeweler as an Advertiser."
R. D. Worrell, Missouri.
"The Social Life of the Retail Jeweler."
A. r. Jahnke. Richmond. Va.
"The Financial Advantages of Local Jew
elers; Clubs." John C. Plerlck, Spring
field, 111.
"The value of Horologlcal Education and
Horologlral Laws." T. L. Combs.
This concluded the afternoon session. In
the evening a technical address was given
In the auditorium of the Roma by C. T.
Hlgginbotham, consulting expert of the
South Bend Watch company.
Some of the delegates and their wives
were guests at the midweek hop at the
Happy Hollow club. Others went to Man
ama, where the Boat club had been thrown
open to them.
The women visitors will be given an au
tomobile ride this afternoon and will be
present at the banquet in the evening.
Delegates Shed Coats.
President Archibald opened the conven
tion yesterday morning with the following
Injunction to take things easy:
"The convention will come to order. Del
egates may remove their coats and smoke
up If they like. The weather la pieity
warm and we won't stand much on cere
mony." An Invocation was pronounced by Rev.
R. Scott Hyde, and then the presiding of
ficer Introduced Mayor Dahlman, who de
livered the address of welcome. This wan
(Continued on Second Page.)
Kentucky regiment after friction with the
office of General Johnston.
With one of his Lexington officers Gen
eral Johnston entered Mr. Goode's office
here today and, when Mr. Goods admitted
writing the objectionable statement, Gen
eral Johnston struck him over the head
and ears with a, thick black cane. He was
arrested. The trial will be held tomorrow.
The affair has created a sensation all
over the state General Johnston Is a citi
zen of Lexington and Is famed as a
breeder of fine horses and as a lavish en
tertainer In bla ante-bellum mansion, Ht
aerved gallantly U tbe Confederate army.
Range Senators Are Not Entirely Sat
isfied, but Will Favor Con
ference Report.
Senators Agree Unanimously to End
it Thursday.
Minnesota Man Will Oppose Measure
to Last.
lown's Mentor Senator, It la Said. Will
Vote with Hrnnhllran Majority
Senate Adjourns After
Short Session.
WASHINGTON. Aur. S The complete
collapse of all important objection to the
conference Mil wun evidenced, today when
the senate agreed to vote on that measure
at 2 o'clock next Thursday.
Half an hour after unanimous consent
had been given fur the adoption of that
couise a general disinclination on the part
of senators to speak brought an early ad
journment until noon tomorrow.
When tho senate met today the lack of
Interest In the proceedings was very evi
dent. This had been caused by an agree
ment m the fait of western senators to
vote on the conference report and to correct
the hide and leather schedule by means of
a concurrent rerolultou to be actud upon
The form of tha concurrent resolution
was agreed rp-.m at an Informal conference
today In Senator Aldrlch's committee room.
Change In Leather Schedule.
Irstructlons are given by this ruling to
enrolling clerks of the senate and the house
to chance the language of the proviso
reducing duties on boots and shoes and
harness. The change will make dutiable
at 10 per cent boots and shoes, the upper
leather of which is mado wholly or In
thief value f r m the hides or skins of
cattle. Including cult skins. A similar
change will be niHde In relation to harness,
saddles and saddlery.
The effect of the amendment Is to make
the reduced duties on boots and shoes and
harness and saddlery apply to such articles
hs are composed of leather from the hides
and skins of cattle and calf skins, Instead
of confining the reductions to articles made
from hides, which have hitherto been duti
able. The ranne of the reduction is greatly
The suggestion for an agreement to
vote was made In the senate by Mr. Bailey
representing tho minority ahd at once
concurred in by the chairman of the
finance cpmmiuee. The Texas senator Inti
mated that there might be considerable
debate on the concurrent resolution, but It
Is not believed that the discussion can be
continued many hours.
Cotton Banging Asraln.
Senator Culberson gave notice that he
would seek to amend the concurrent reso
lution by placing cotton bagging on the
free list, that article having been placed
there by the. senate and received by the
Resolutions by Senator New-lands In de
bate on the conference debate called forth
a statement from Mr. Aldrich to the effect
that he believed the conferees provision
giving the president authority to gather
Information relating to the enforcement of
the maximum and minimum clause was
broader and would be found to be mora
effective than contemplative than the
clause originally adopted by the senate. It
would he thought authorize the collection
of statistics of cost of production at hom
and abroad.
Announcing that he could not vote for
the conferees' report Senator Clapp spoke
at length In denunciation or the pending
measure and Senator McCumber spoke
briefly In Us support.
Working on Insurgents.
Many of the senate leaders are seeklns,
to make the- republican vote against th
adoption of the conference reports as small
as possible.
President Taft, It Is said, has Joined in
this campaign. , Today he Invited Senators
Borah. Brown and Beverldge and Dolllver
to have luncheon with him at the White
House. It was rumored about the capltol
that all of the senators would be asked to
vote for the conference reporl
Messrs. Borah and Brown nave already
decided that they will vote for the report,
and it Is generally believed Mr, Dolllver
will do likewise.
Trouble Threatens to Engulf Stock
holm lu Miniature HtT
STOCKHOLM, Aug. I. A. labor "war
throughout Sweden that Is scheduled to
begin tomorrow threatens to develop In
Stockholm Into something approaching a
miniature revolution. The trouble will be
enormously aggravated by the present
general strike and lockout.
The members of the Youngs Socialist
party are striving to give the movement
a revolutionary character and the govern
ment at the same time lias taken steps
to nip the expected disorders In the bud.
The authorities have decided at the first
signs of the Insurrection to declare Stock
holm In a slate of siege.
Soldiers are being quartered In different
sections of the city and suburbs and tha
entire standing army of Sweden la ready
for eventualities.
King Gustave has summoned the mem
bers of Purllarnent to Stockholm and a
special session of the Klgsdsk is ex
Demand that Ma) or Allow Them to
Prepare to Resist Attacks
of I'ollce.
PITTSBI'RG. Pa.. Aug. S A strlks of
street labureis which has been of small
propoitlons for some days has become
widespread and gangs of the men are
parading the streets. Steps, It ia said,
have been taken to form an organisation
among the 15.iyj It.illan workmen of Al
legheny county.
A letter received by Mayor William Ma
gee today 1. ihjikI.i that the strikers bs
allowed to drill iirttparatory te resisting
police attacks.