Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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i , .t
(Com In j d )
On of -.he best
close rental properties
-4 in Owih; V.,000 cash.
1 IAH't r-lB- It
balance S per cent.
Hnltt.C4 N.
Ule H HH
one lied liro.
for quick return, list your real eaiat
for pa Iff nd exchange with- me, no l.
no pay. W. W. Ml.c.ball. board of Trad
Bid.. Omaha. Neb.- '
Ma new all modern 7-room house at 22M
.V-j "th St., .only I year old, good furnace.
,!f' basement with laundrv, rooms all
nowlj papered, house nearly like new
Prlr ha ben reduced for quick rale to
t-l.lW. Sure a cheap home conildei Ing the
J. W. RASP cn
m-n Brandr's Bid. Hon. 153 A-2nM
i, FdH SAT.PPModem. 7 Toomi, bain, els-
j tern, rurnaee, paved street, walk, neiir ear
line; 11.400 cash, balance IK) per month. In
terest Included. Address T 3R1. carp He.
BOULKVARD HfNTBR. ?4s x..rih Pi a
room roodarn, only 12 600 Thomti
Brnr.u, .Boom 1 Maw Tort Uf Bldg.
ron saik
..ooon UNn cheap.
10 acres In Kimball county, Neb., ."our
miles south of DU; wvery acre san be Culti
vated; 110 per" mere.
j. O. BONE, J12 Phugart. Big.
Phone 814 Bell.. Council Bluffs. Ia.
IOWA corrr and' alfalfa- farms. 320-aore
Improved farm, 4 miles, from town, . K
per acre.
VA-acre well .tmproved fsrui, 4 nilles
from town, per. acre. .
lifl-acre Improved farm, 2 miles from
town, ITS per acre.
BfKI-acre Improved farm, 1 mUe. from town,
IfiT.Bv per acre.
-nor Improved farm, 3 miles from town,
lK per acta.
'120-aere unimproved farm. 1 .miles from
I town, (0 per Acre....
iw-acre unimproved rarm. 4 miles from
town, ItO pel1 acre.
OO-acr unimproved farm, ' 3 miles from
town, f4n per cr. ' '
TjO-avra unimproved- farmjrfralf mile from
town, IV) per aere.
Cut this out-and write to .
II. U CRAVEN-A CO., Onawa. Ia.
Third Prize. Story
Lost, But Found bv The Bee
. Ruth oliiiKer, AkmI 11 years, Ovwion, Neb.;
daughter of Mr. L. A. Olinger. Patrd to
seventh grade. Last teacner was Mlsa
Lauy's sum wmcu. rnuu, aner-
... c nopn; initial on case. Adcutss .
' ' Z Reward.
"Oh, jfl'ls. you Just can't guess what I
have," exclaimed Lillian Hand, bursting
into the library where, before the fire, sat
little group of girls.
"No, we can't, Lilly, so tell us and don't
Tt so excited," answered a tall, slender
girl who was sitting before the fire warm- .
Jng her bands. .
"Wefl, It was this way," began Lilly.
'' ','Yoii. know yesterday .was my birthday and
t-1 was wishing for something nice, and this
Ms what '.I found on my dresser this morn
ing, with a letter beside," and she '
, allowed a pretty little gold watch with en
"frarlngeand 'the Inivlal on the case.
h, Isn't it pretty," exclaimed the girls.
"You must have a nice father and
mother, Lilly," said Irene Grant, Lillian'
best friend.
'. . 'Wb, I have." answered Lillian, "the best
' In the world." i
. These girls went to a girl's academy Just
putslde the city' of Omaha. About fifteen
' girl attended.
IJlllan's watch was admired, by all the
girls, especially those who had none.
But one day a sad thing happened. Irene
Grant, who roomed with Lillian, was look
ing for something on their bureau. The
walfh was laying under a handkerchief
and Irene could not see It, She pushed
th& handkerchief to one side and, crash
WDnt the watch on the floor.
, Irene felt very bad about It and said
she would pay fur having It fixed, but
Lillian would not let her.
They went that yery day to the Jeweler'
. to have It fixed. When they got there Lil
lian asked the Jeweler If he could fix the
watch for her. lie said he could, and' sha
put her hand In her pocket to get her
watch, but It was not there.
"Where can It be?" exclaimed Lillian. "I
must have dropped It. Let us look in
bere." '
But Ahey could not find It and so they
'"ktsrted back to the academy.
On their way back they had to go by
The Omaha Be office. .
'"Oh, I know what I shall do," said Lil
lian. "I'll have an ad put In the paper;
that Will help me out."
"Oh, that I fin," answered Irene.
Bo they went In. and had the above ad
put la the paper.
Th next day a small girt appeared at
the academy door asking fur "the young
lady who lost th watch.
Lillian earn down and th little girt
lady " who lost th watch."
"Oh, where did you find ltT" asked Lil
lian. ','WTell, yesterday as I was walkln' along
th streets." began th little girl, "I saw
omethtn a ehlnin' . on th walk . an'' I
, '. picked It up, an' It was this watch. An'
last night pa he was readln' out loud to
. ma, an' he read somethln' about someone
' losln' a watch, an' I showed him this and
' asked If that letter wasn't L. an' he asld.
' yes, but told me to keep the watch. But
t said I wasn't no thief an' told him I
,'? We' comtn' out here this morntn'. So I
. did. an' b's waltln' outside for me. , .
.'Thank -you- vr so much, little girl; I
-" waa afraid I had lost It for sure." said Lil
lian. i
' Tie 'little girl started to go, but Lillian
topped her. saying she had sometlng for
her. . -
Lillian ran upstairs and soon cam down
holding up two dollars, which sh gave' to
her llttl friend.
'''I thank you. ma'm." said th llttl girl
as sh went out th door.
"Come and e me again," called Lillian
after her. .
. Th watch was taken to th Jeweler'
again "and fixed.
Lillian was very glad they had passed
. The Omaha Bee office that day, for if sh
hadn't, would sh ever have found her
- llttl watch T
1 "rx
. V-;' Tiiiiu)
4 3 :
(Continued ) '
. Idaho Carey Act trends.
?COW open for entry In the choicest
agricultural section of the northweot.
The Snake Illver Valley. Southern Idaho.
ftate Government Supervision.
For fie Information or. Irrigated Lands
write V.. B. Hunt. Boise. Idaho.
WHEN. writing to advertisers, say "I
saw your1 sd hi The Bee."
FOR "ALE Some fins farm. 90 to 320
seres, In soutnesst Kansas; good soil; fair
Improvement!"; plenty water: at low price
and on reasonable terms. Long Bros., Fie
donta. Has.
121) ACRK8 well Improved land. Ited
River Valley. Minnesota. Nothing better
on esrth, $43.9' per sere. F. J. McMabon,
Kndlcotl. St. Paul. Minn. '
1 mile southwest of cltv limits of Flor
ence, known nn the Chapman farm, new
3-room house and lrn, 4 acres fine fruit;
l.iu apples, urn DiacK Ddrrics ana rapDerries,
J grnpes and fine patch of strawberries.
ONLY $3,W0
M2 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 604.
870-ACHK bottom farm In Barton coun
ty. Mo.; fine Improvements; her Is a bnr
Kaln; pric. I..0 per acre; on ea-y terms. In
vestors Kvnlty Co, Aurora. Mo.
l2rt ACItFH timber land "In Taney county.
Mo ; blK snap; for fiulck sale, S .'fl per arte.
Jiuewtois Itcaliy Co., Auroia, lo.
Koata Dakota.
ROCTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral anil
timber land for iale or irart. l.fcOO acres,
part Irrigated farm, fine Improvements, ona
mile esut of Hapld City In Rapid Rlyer
valley for sale or Hade. Harpaln. Tell ns
fully what yovi wish to buy. sell or trade,
Come west; make nioney In land. Rep
resentatives wanted, farmers preferred.
Farrar & Jepsen. Rapid City, 8. 1).
Remember It only takes a stroke or two
of the pen to mention the fact that you saw
the ad In The Bee.
prize. , . . -
FARM AM) HAXCtl I, A .1 1).
M eVs.
OOOD New Mexico lands. 3 to 10 per
acre.' In tracts of 4.0O9 to Jon 000 acres
Water for Irrlaation. Bslse all kinds of
grain and fruit Also Irrigated farms In
Colorado, and safe money-maklns; Irriga
tion projects. The HaKsdnrn Investment
Company, 16Lt Tremont Si , Lenvr, Colo.
1100 to HO.ODO made promptly. T. D. Wead.
Wead Bids., llth and Farnara.
IM0 TO 18.000 on homes In Omana. O'Keef
Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Doug, or
to lor.n on
Omaha dullness Properly
Room 1. Nw York Lif Rid
MONET TO LOAN -Payne Investment Co.
OARVIN BROS. ll N. Y. Life. Sft t
l20Q.00v on Improved property. No delay.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Kaniam St.
WANTED City loans. Peters Tiusl Co.
Private money, f,00 to li.OOOi low 'ate.
8KCOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated.
Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat I bank Bldg.
Bell Phons Douglas 131V
LOWEST RATES Eemls. Brandels Bid.
WANTED 1 large safe, with geod size
book capacity. Address M 27 L Bee.
BEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture, carpat. clothes ana shoes. Tel. Doug,
BEST price paid for 2d-hand furniture,
stoves," clothing. W. Rosenblatt. Tel. 1). 54"1.
WANTED TO Hl'Y-A house. within
moving distance of Fortieth and Dodne
sis., apply at 4203 Dodge St., after 6 p. m.
BALTIMORE 2d-hand tor pays best
price 2d-band furniture, clothes, etc. D. 45.
WHEN you reply to advertisement which
appear In these Went Ad. columns kindly
.mention the fact that yoi s.w tneir an-
WANTED-Sltuatlon. by young man of
2o; good habits; am employed but wish to
channe. Would like a plnce in Kenerai
store. Am willing worker; speak low Ger
man; can play bond Instrument. Address
L box 342, 8loux Center, Ia.
. WANTED An excellent room. with
batb. for single gentleman ; slate whether
house, apartment or private family. Ad
dress B 3ut, care Bee,
John D. Crelghton and wife to Zer
lina Urandeis, part se. V, 25-16-12.... $13,687
K. M. Jones to S. V. Johnson, south
60 feet lots 1 and 2, block 7, Lincoln
Place 300
Dundee Realty Co. to William 8. Hll
lls. lots IS and 20, block 80. Dundee
Place 1,300
William S. Hillls to May U. Rlale,
same 1,430
Lydlk Knudsen and wife to R. J.
Jensen and wife, part lots and 10,
block "B," Prospect Place 2.450
Addie E. Cook to Mary D. Watson,
lot 8, block 12. Clifton Hill 476
Phllukleiphla Mortgage & Trust Co.
to Carl Swenson, part lots 10 and
U, block 1, Park Place 1,100
Carl Swenson to Anna O. Swenson,
same ,. 1
Laura M. Andrews, et al., to B. J.
Newlon, south 27 feet lot 23, Hlme-
baugh Place 1,400
Luoy M. Falrlle and husband to
Clarrsse L. Mathlen, part lots 31
and 32, Harlem Lane 100
" dHl. .0-J )-sCS2wm ' wm wm wm wm
Elisabeth M. French and husband to
same, part lots 83 and 84, Harlem
Lane v.. 106
United Real Estate 4b Trust Co. to
John E. Guyer and wife, lot 1, block
3, Maxwell's second addition 700
Christ Troslev and wife to same, lot
iz, Mia t ity 325
John E. Marsh, executor and trustee.
to John '. cortey, lot 7, block L
Marsh's addition 1.200
Sven Wlckman and wife to David
Carlson, part lots 5 and 8, block '
"X," Khtnn's third addition 1.676
James 8. Gilbert and wife to S. R.
Elson, lot 8, block 105, Dundee
Place KfiO
Wllhelmina Helse to Charles Helse,
10 acres In nw. "4. 3-16-12...., 1,000
Boulevard Park Improvement Co. to
Hiumer & cnase go., south 30 feet
lot 7 and north 10 feet lot 8, block 3,
Boulevard park 1
Bma to same, lot 6, block 11, same... 1
Shinier & Chase Co. to Charles Fors-
lund, part lot 6, block II, Boulevard
park 7R
Same to Olaf Anderson, part lot 5, '
diock li, uouievara park 376
Total .....$28,470
office of Indian Affairs, Washington,
D. C, July 7, li09. Healed proposals for
letting District No. 1, to the Crow Creek
Indian Reservation. South Dakota, for
grazing purposes, either under a lease or
by permit, will be received at the office of
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash
ington, D. C, until I o'clock p. m., oa
Monday, August 8, 1908, and will be im
mediately thereafter opened in the pres
ence of such bidders as may attend. Maps
allowing the location of th district and
all necessary Information may be obtained
on application to the superintendent of th
Crow Creek Indian School, Crow Creek,
South Dakota. R. Q. Valentin. Commis
sioner. Jld26t
office of Indian Affairs, Washington,
D. C, Staled proposals for letting
District No. 2. In tho Cheyenne River In
dian Reservation. South Dakota, for gras
Ing purposes, either under a lease or by
permit, vill be received at the office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash
ington. D. C until 2 o'clock D. m.. on
Monday. August 30. 1908, and will be imme
diately thereafter opened in the presence
or am n bidders as may attend. Maps
showing the location of the district and
all necessary information may be obtained
on application to the Superintendent of the
Cheyenne River Indian school, Cheyenne
River Agency. South Dakota. R. G. Val
entine; Commissioner. Jy21da0t
office of in linn Affair, Washington,
D. C, Sealed proposals for letting
gracing privilege on the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation. Montana, under the permit
system will be received at the office of
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Wash
ing, D. C. until t o'clock, p. m.. on Mon
day, August 90. l;0i, and will be immed
iately thereafter opened in the presence
of such bidders as may attend. Maps
showing the location of the reservation
and all nrcersry Information may b ob
tained on application to the Superintendent
of the BlacUfcet Indian School, It, owning,
Mont. R. U. Valentine, Commissioner.
, terniaster, Fori. Mackeiisle, Wyoming,
July I. Jii9. Scaled proposals, in triplicate,
will be received at this office until 10 a. m.
(mountain timet. August 4. lHos. for .inlng
concrete reservoir, near Fort Mackensle,
Wyoming. Plans and kpeclficaiions may
he obtained at offices chief quartermaster
Otnah,a and Denver and at this office, at
which latter place all Information may be
obtained L'nllcd States reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all proposals,
proposals shou'd be enclosed in sealed en
velopes marked "Proposals for Lining
Resorvoir," addressed t"apt, E. S Walton,
18th Inf., Constructing ijiiartermaster
Office of Indian Affa rs. W dshlnuion. l.
C, July T, 1'U8. -Sealed proposals for letting
District No 1 In H e IUd Lai Indian Res
ervation, Minnesota, for grating purposes,
cUher under a Icaie or b; cern l; w il be
received at the office of CommlsH oner of
Indian Affairs. WR-hlrg'un. D. C. until
1 o civxk p. ni en Monday. August 8. 1M
and w ill be Imnv dtal'ly ihtresfter opened
In th presence of svtch bidders as may t
tenl. Maps showing the h.cniU.n of the
district and all necessary 'nf urination may
be obtained on application to the superin
tendent of the fled I ske ln.lh.n Srhnnl
1UU Lake. Minnesota,' R. G Vslnins.
Commissioner, JyltdXat
Retire ( ftorkholdera Meeting.
To th stockholder br THE MISSOURI'
In roformlty with th requirements of
th Constitutions and laws of the states
of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws " of the Company. Vol! ARli
HEREBT NOTIFIED that by resolution of
in Board of t'lrenors of The Missouri
Parflc Hallway Company duty adopted at
a meeting of said Board on the Jbih day of
May. A. D., Lot), a meeting uC the stock
holder of Th Missouri Pacific Railway
Company has ben railed to be held at the
office Of the Company, Room "0 Missouri
l aclfic Building, in th City of St. Louis,
in th Stat of Missouri, on the sixtn day
f August, A. D. 18v. at nine o'clock In th
forenoon. v
(1 For th purpose of considering a Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the 2J-th day of May, lOj. heretofore
made and entered Into by and on behalf of
i he Misouii l aciflc Hallway v-ompatiy and
the following named corporations by order
of their respective Board of Director:
Th Kansas and Coioiado Pacific Kali
way Company, a consolidated corpoiallon
of the Mate of Kansas;
The Cjntral Branch Railway Company, u
consolidated corporation of the Mate of
The Rooks County Hallroad Company, a
corporation of the State of Kansas;
Yhe i Nevada and Minden Railway Com
pany 'a corporation of the state of Mis
Nevada and Minden Railway Company of
Kansas, a corporation of the Siate of
Kansas Ci(y and Southwestern Railway
Company of Missouri, a corpoiation ol tic;
State of Missouri;
Kansas City and Southewestern Railway
Company, a corporation of. the State of
The Fort Scott Central Railway Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of the
Slate of Kansas;
Kaneooiis and Kansaa Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the Siate of
Th Kansas Southwestern Railway' Com
pany, a corporation ul ibe Stale of Kansas,
The LeRoy and Canoy Valley Air Line
Raliroaa Company, a corporation of the
otaie of Kansas.
U) For the purpose of voting upon the
question . wuethT such Contrast ' and Ar
ticles ot Consolidation, so made and su
lci ed Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted ano. such consolidation
consummated or whether such Contract
and Articles ot Consolidation shall be re
jected; (3 To consider and vote upon th adop
tion of a resolution accepting the provi
sions of Article 11 of Chapter 12 of the Re
vised Statues of til Stat of Missouri,
119, and to authorise the filing thereof,
all as required by Section numbered 1UC8 of
such Revised Statues in the case of con
solidation of railway coiporations; and
whereby all or any of said corporations
and Th Missouri Pacific Railway Company
have agreed to consolidate in the whole,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
spective companies making. auch consolida
tion, and to form and make under and pur
suant to the law of the States of Missouri,
Kansa and Nebraska, a new, consolidated
corporation, to be known aa The Missouri
Pacific Railway Company, owning, con
trolling, possessing and bringing under one
management all and singular the lines ot
railroad and other, properties, real, personal
and mixed, powers, rights, privileges. Im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
of the oompanies making such consolida
tion, upon the terrri and conditions fixed'
and stated by said Contract and. Articles of
(4) To take any other action rn the pre
mises, and to transact any other business
that may properly come before the meet
ing. Such Contract and Articles of Consolida
tion will be submitted t.t the meeting of
the stockholders so called for examination
and . every stockholder attending will be
furnished with a printed copy thereof, and
at any time before such meeting any stock
holder will be furnished with a printed
copy of uch Contract and Articles of Con
solidation upon application therefor during
business hours to the Assistant Secretary
of the Company, at the office of th Com
pany In th City of St. Louls'Missourl.
Dated May 28th, 1S0. ' ' '
President of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Secretary of Th Missouri Paclflo Railway
Company. . J3toA
Sealed proposals will De rdWVd by th
State Board of public Lands"' and Btrihr
Ings, at the offict of Geo. C 'J urt Kin, 'Sec
retary of State, State Capitol, -Lincoln,
Nebraska, 'on the 1st flay -of September,
1909, until 12 o'clclock, noon, for the erec
tion and construction of . the "following
One fireproof cottage building for girls
and one fireproof cottage building for boys
to be erected on the grounds of the' Insti
tute for Feeble-Mlndd, Beatrice, Neb:
On fireproof cottage building to ' be
ereoted on the grounds of the Hospital for
Insane, at Ingleslde, near Hastings, Neb.'
On brick hSrn building to be erected on
the grounds of the Beys' Industrial School,
Kearney, Neb.
Plans and specifications for ' trie various
buildings can be seen at the office of
the Secretary of State, State Capitol Build
ing, Lincoln, Nebraska, or at the offices of
the superintendents of the Various institu
tions, or at the office of Geo. A.' "Berllnghof,
Architect, Rooms 601-4 Security Mutual Life
Building, Lincoln, Neb.
Plans and specifications for private use
may b secured from th architect by mak
ing a deposit of $50.00 for each building,
of which $&00 will be returned to the de
positor upon receipt of th plans and
specification at his office In good order..
Each bid must be accompanied with a
certified check on some bank doing busi
ness in Nebraska In the sum of 2 per cent
of bid, for th purpose as provided under
paragraph No, 19, page t, of the technical
Bids must be mad out on bidding sheers
furnished by the architect. Bids made out
otherwise will not be considered.
The Board of Publlo Lands and Build
ings reserve the right to rejeot any and
all bids and to waive defect in same.
.. . AldlOt
Chicago A Northwestern
Leave. Arrive.
Omaha-Chicago Spe'L.a 6:02 pm' a 7:40 am
Colorado-Chicago a 6 r0 pm a 3 2 pin
Pacirio Coast-Chicago.. a 6:06 pm a. 3:26 pm
Chicago Daylight Spei.a 7 :40 am all:&pm
Omaha-Chloago Local. ,al2:u6 am all:35 pm
Los Angeles - Portland - .
Limited a 9 10 pm all 86 pm
Overland Limited all;60 pm a 7:16 am
Fast Mall a 8:04 am
Fast Local, Cedar
Rapids-Omaha ,., a 3:35 pm
Omaha-Carroll Local . ..a 146 pm a 9:30 am
Twin City and Dakota
Daylight a 7:45 am al0 20 pm
Minnesota and Dakota. a 7 00 pm ,
Twin City Limited OOpm a 7:05 am
Sioux City Local a 1:46 pm a 1:241 pm
Dakota-Sioux City-
Omaha .......... a 9:30 am
Minnesota-Sioux City
Omaha all 00 am
Norfolk-Ronesteel ......a 7:50 am al0:30 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine ....a 7:60 am all 0 am
Norfolk-South Platte. ,.b 1:15 pm b 6:80 pm
Hastings-Superior b I 15 pm b 1:80 pm
Deadwood-Hol Springs. 155 pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander a 1:56 pm all 00 am
Framani-Alhion ,.b 5:30 pm b 1:35 pm
Chirac, Mllwsskr St at. Paal
Chicago and Colo. Spec. a 7:86 am all 40 pm
Cal. and Oregon Ex. ...a 6:00 pm a I 25 pm
Overland Limited ...all:4Hpin a 7:15 am
perry Local b 6:15 pm bll:56 am
Chicago, Hock Island Pacific
... EAST. . -' . :'
Rooky Mountain Ltd. ...a 1:10 am all 03 pm
Iowa .Local a 6:40. am a, 4 30 pm
The Mountaineer a 7 42 am a 2:55 am
Ixs Moines Local a 4 00 pm all 80 pm
Iowa Local bl0.35 am b 8:55 pm
Ohicauo-KaMern Ex. . . , 4 40 pin a 110 pm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. 6:08 pm a 8:06 am
The Mountaineer a 3:00 am a7;36ara
Chicago .Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln) ,.a 8:30 am a 6:47 pm
Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20pm a 4:10 pm
Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4 40 pm ' a 1:00 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. . .all :U pm a I do am
Vnloa Pacific
Overland Limited a 7:30 am alliO pm
Colorado Express a 1:50 om- a 6iO0 um
Atlantic Express a 9 20 am
Oregon fc.xpi a 4:10 pm a 6 VO pui
Los Angeles Limited a 12 55 pin a 1:50 pm
Fast Mall a 7;20 am a 6:45 put
China and Japan Mail, a 4 uu pm a 6:46 pm
North Platte Local. .. .. .a 8:16. am a 4 4ft pin
Colo. -Chicago Special... all 10 am a 7.05 am
Beatrice Stromsburg
Local bl3:40 pm b 1:40 pin
Valley Local (motor via
Lane Cul-off) ., glO OO am 2 45 pm
Valley Local t motor)., . .a V:l t.fn . a ( am
Hastings-Superior b 8 15 pti b 6:20 pm
Local I'UNscnger not carried on trains
No. 1 and 1
. ontinaed
Mllnei Central
Chlcsgo Expres a 7 IS m a S 45 prw
Chicago Limited a $ 00 pm a 7.1A am
Minn. -St. f'eul Exp b T.1A am
Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a I tiv pm a 7. nam
Omaha-TL l'odge Ixvc b 4.15 pm bll.JOam
( bleaao Great Westers
St. Paul-Minneapolis t so pm 8 IT. am
ft. Paul-Minneapolis 7:.10 am 8 . pm
Chicago Uraited $ 10 pm 8 li am
W ahnah
6L Louis Ex s, 6 30 pm a 8.25 am
ii. Louia Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 8.00 am all 15 pm
Stanberry Iocal (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm M0. 16 am
Mlsaonrl Pacific
K. C. and St. L. Ex a 9.00 am a T OO stn
K. C. and St. L. Ex all lS pm a 6.50 pm
a 410 pm
a 4 10 pm
a 4 10 pm
a 8 45 pm
a I 10 pm
a 610 pm
a 7:06 am
a 6 10 pm
a 12 15 pm
a 6 10 pm
b 9 08 am
a 7:M pm
bl0:20 am
a 8 50 am
a 2 (0 pm
a 7:05 am
all pm
a 3 66 pm
a 8:00 am
all :0 am
all 30 am
a 6:45 am
a 6:10 pm
Denver and California..
Puget Sound Ex........
Black Hills
Northwest Ex.
all 50 pm
a 8 20 am
b 1:20 pin
a ;15 am
Nebraska points
Lincoln Fast Mall.:
Nebraska Ex
Lincoln IOcsl
Lincoln Local
Svhuyler-PjRttsmotith .
Bellevue-PIttsmouth .
Colorado Limited
Chicago Limited
Chicago E. .,
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
St. Louis Ex
Kansas City and St. Jo.
7:25 pm
b 8 05 pm
a 9 18 am
,812:30 pm
all 50 pm
a 7:25 am
a 4:20 pm
a 8:30 pm
a 9:15 am
a 4 40 pm
10:45 pm
a m
Kansas City aod St. Jo.
Kansas City and St Jo.
a 4:40 pm
f'hlraa-n, at. Paal, Minneapolis A
Umlhs- .
Leave. Arrive.
Plonx. City. Express b 2:0 pm bll 45 am
Omaha Local...,, c 6:20 pm
sionx City Passenger b 9:20 pm
rwin vity t'a.ssepger D 6::w am
C" ..... 'fit.. T I 1) 1-
emu,, ny ijikhi c p mil
Emerson Local b B:55 Din b 9:10 am
MIssoiirK I'nclfle
Auburn Local :.- b 1:50 pm bU;30 am
m. amiij. u mil) exief'i uiiiiay. K ouil
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
r . i , . . . c Twit - M. c.
Twelve Victims of Spokane Electric
Car Collision.
R. L. Dixon of Norfolk Suffers
t'ompoand Fraetsre of
Seventy-Five People Are
SPOKANE,. Wash., Aug. 2. The number
of the dead as the result of the head-on
collision of two electric train on the Coeur
D'Alene .and Spakane railroad Saturday
totals twelv and the number vt Injured
about 76.
The wreck occurred at Coldwater, Idaho,
a small station twenty-five miles east of
Spokane. Many persons from eastern states
were on the trains, having come to Spo
kane to register for the Indian land open
ing. The official list of dead and Injured,
was" given out tonight.
Tli dead:
1. 1st of the Dead.
W. J. HOUSE, Scotia, Wash.
A. P. WHITLEY, Memphis, Tenn.
WILLIAM WARD, Wenatchee, Wash.
JOHN VERN1E. Springfield, Mo.
DALL1K GOLDEN. Spokane. Wash. '
W. A. DAHLWUJST, -EsierviHe, ia. .
J. C. CQX, Medical. Lake, Wash.
A. B. O'DONNEI.L, Drumnionit, " Mont. '
MRS. A. B. O'DONNELL, DrUmmond,
FRED IT. M'GARRY, Spokane. Wash.
Mat of the Injured.
Daniel Carmondy, 4619 Union avenue,
Chicago, fracture of the leg and Internal
P. M. Waters, Pleasant Lake, N. D.
Guy Tombleson, Mulienvllle, Kan.
Arthur Marvin, Victoria, Mont.
Charles Osborne, Freeport, III., ' bruises.
Mrs. Charles Osborne, Freeport, 111.,
scalp wounds and knee hurt.
C. P. Van Sandt. Hariisonvllle, Mo., knee
E. L. Dixon, Norfolk, Neb., compound
fracture of left leg.
Carl wllson, Missoula, Mont., severe
bruises of legs and body.
Eight-Year-Old Robert Svrnn I
Badly Hart as Result of
A" west side Hansoom park car struck
Robert Swan, the 8-year-old son of Harry
L. Swan, local representative of The Aeso
olated Press, late Sunday afternoon and in
flicted serious Injuries to the boy. The
accident occurred on the west side of Hans
corn park, where the little fellow had been
spending th afternoon with his brother a
year older , than himself. The boy was
crawling through the fence along the track
and had Just stepped on the edge of the
track when the car appeared suddenly and
knocked him down. It Is apparent that the
m'otornian did hot gee the boys either hefort
or after the accident, as he did not stop his
car. The injured boy was found a few
minute later by persons driving along the
street and he was removed to hi home
Physicians say no bones were broken, but
th boy' back Is seriously Injured.
Ussalsral Death Are Making Mr.
Ilea fey 'a Life a Little Bit
The coroner's Jury found that the un
identified .man. killed by a Missouri Pa
cific train Saturday afternoon, came to his
death accldently. The body will be hold at
th morgue until Tuesday afternoon, when
It will be burled.
An Inquest over the body of Marshall C.
Hamilton will be held at 10 o'clock Tues
day morning. No inquest will be held In
the case of. Gartano Fasano, the Italian
scissors grinder who waa found dead at
201 North Ninth street Saturday nlKht.
,At Heafey'B undertaking parlors In
South Omaha an Inquest will be held at
7 p. m. today over the body of the man
found In the Missouri river' Sunday after
Those Who Attacked Young Battoai
Are liable to Be
NEW YORK, Aug. 2 Five West Point
cadets, font of whom are said to hav
been concerned In tb. recent haxlng . of
Cadet Sutton, a brother of the late Lieu
tenant Sutton, whose death at Annapolis
I being Investigated by a court of In
quiry, will be sent to their home ac
cording to a special to the New York
Times, ther to await final action by the
president and eecretary of war on ' th
recommendation of the superintendent of
th. academy that they be dismissed.
Spirit IBs Malt Show larrraae at
Office of Internal Revenue
The receipts of Internal revenue for the
Nebraska collection district for the month
of July; ' 1!M, were X MS 77, as against
JlM.stsi.iiO fuf -the - corresponding, month 0t
last year, showing an Increase for July,
lwW, of $11,941.87. The. Increase is largely
1 in spirits. There Is also a slight increase
Inthe beer tax, .which Is considered of In
terest because of the daylight law.
Polish Catholici Lay Cornerstone for
New Church.
Many Societies Join tn the March
to Attend the Ceremony I'uder
the Outdance of Blahoo
The Polish Catholic residents Joined In
th ceremonies of laying the cornerstone of
th new St. Frsnces church at Thirty
second and K streets yesterday afternoon.
The new church has been planned for a
year or more. Since that time $16,000 ha
been subscribed and part'of the church will
be completed. The building w ill be enclosed
with a temporary roof, and so used until
the full amount of money required by the
plans Is raised. It Is the Intention to spend
$.000 before the Structure Is complete. This
will mean on of the finest edifices in the
Most of Ihe Polish population of t,he ciy
attended the ceremonies of the afternoon.
The exercises were largely ritualistic after
the custcm of the Catholic church.
One of the most Impressive parades seen
ia the dity. In which all the Polish orders
of Omaha and South Omaha Joined, passed
through the principal streets. The-march
was from Twenty-seventh and L streets to
Twenty-fourth, from there to O street. nn,1
thence westward through the Union Stock
Yards over the O -street viaduct. Franek
band and the Oale City band furnished the
music. A special guard of forty men In
Polish national uniforms accompanied the
carriage of the Right Rev. Bishop Richard
Soannell of the Omaha diocese. At least
seven orders participated, wearing their
full regalia and displaying their emblems.
At the church the first ceremony was
the dedication of . the chimes. Th riles
were pronounced by the bishop, and he was
supported by Fathers Stanowskt, Krxyckl,
Morlarity, Flannaghan, Chundolak, Mugan,
O'Callahan and Aherne.
Following this the corner-stone ' was
blessed and the stone placed In position.
Father Volaw, Krsyckl of the Polish church
of Omaha made a short address and the
ceremonies concluded most auspiciously. . ,
The first Presbyterian church of- Smith
Omaha Joined In the ceremony of dedicating
the new churcft site at Twenty-third and K
streets yesterday morning. The Service at
the old church was brief. The congregation
marched- in column ot twoa from there to
the church site,' singing "Onward, Chris
tian .Soldiers." The One Hundredth Psalm
ma sung at the ground. Dr. Wheeler an
nounced the objects of the dedication. The
session broke the ground for the church
by each turning a shovelful of earth. Each
of the elder offered a snort prayer. The
congregation repeated the "Shepherds'
This ceremony marks the opening of the
campaign to create a fund for church erec
tion. It is proposed to raise $26,000.
Watchmaker Is Stabbed.
A. Ceoha. a watchmaker who live at 123J
South Thirteenth street, Omaha, was cut
and seriously Injured early Sunday evening
in a brawl with three men Carl Llnqulsl,
Norman Naflund ' and John Olsen on the
West Q afreet road.
, Cecha met the three men, who had been
attending a Swedish picnic near Seymour
park, on West Q street, near Fiftieth street.
An altercation- ensued and Cecha received
a cut which extends from the middle of
his back several lnches .ground .the,, right
side, exposing tb ribs. .
He wa treated by Dr. W. J. McCrgnn;
who says his condition Is serious.. The
three men were arrested and are held at
th police station. Each of the men accuses
the other of using the knife.
Maglo City Gossip.
The city council will meet this evening In
regular session.
Miss Ceclle Lyon has returned from her
Vacation In the. eastern slates.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
C. C. Hettrlck is reported 111. He Is be
ing cared tor at his home, 2528 V streut.
The South Omaha Board of Education
will meet this evening at th high school.
K. N. Shevlln was the guest of South
Omaha friends yesterday. He came up from
m. josepn eaiuraay evening.
Mrs. Lillian Hald, Mrs. Will and Mrs.
Broadhurst will spend th balance of the
summer at Bell Fourche, 8. D,
Levi Proudfoot pent Sunday In Des
Moines. Ha was called there Saturday by
the serious Illness of his brother. -
Miss Lottie Schroeder has returned from
Seattle and other western points, where
she has been visiting for three or four
Lee Smith underwent an operation at
the South Omaha hospital recently, since
Tihlch time he has been recovering safely
rom appendicitis.
A,, large delegation -of the Woodmen of
th .world attended the function at Sey
mour Laka Saturday afternoon. The South
Omaha drill teams were out In uniform.
Each Month Thl .Year So Far Main
tain the Progressive Ratio
for Omaha.
Receipt for th month of July by the
Omaha Grain exchange show another gain
over tho same month of last year. So far
In 1909 each month has been larger than
that of the year previous. A In June there
Is a slight decrease Jn receipt of wheat,
which 1 mora than made up, however, by
the gain In com.
Comparative figures ar as follow:
' Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat .......v B38.X00 2H6.0O0
Corn -J.919.5uO 1.657.0UO
Oat S40.M0 . 602.500
Rye 6.O11O 6 OrtO
Barley 7.000 6.0U0
..'..8.111,100 2,S64,S0Q
Receipt. Shipments.
Corn .
Oat ..
Rye ...
..1,1.10 400
444 0U)
.. M4,u0
.. tM.snO
.. l.Oud
Caught In the Act
and arrested by Dr. King' New Life Pills,
bilious headache quit and liver and bowels
act right. 25c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co.
Th Bee' Llttl Want Ad Booster will
keep your business on th run. j
mother-s shapeliness. All of this can be avoided by the Use of
Mother's Friend before baby comes, es this liniment prepares the
body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of ner form.
Mother' Friend makes the danger of child-binn less, and carries her:
safety tnrougn tnis critical
period. Thousands" grate
fully tell of the ben nt and
relief derived from ihe use-
of this remedy. lX
Book mailed f me to all ex vtan mother.
AUaata. C.
Cardinal Gibbons
Comes Vcdnesday
Head of the Rotn.n Catholic Church"
in United State. Will' Yiit . '
Omaha for Few Honrs. - -
Ills Eminence. James Cnrdlnal Gibbons, '
head of the Roman Catholc. church In the
(iiited Slates, will be n Omaha on Wednes
day and will spend several hours here, the
guejt of Rt. Rev. Richard Siaitnell. bishop
ot the diocese. .
Cardinal Uihhons Is on s . tour 'o,f. th
west, which will Include Sl,t Lake,, per-,
haps Denver, the Yellowstone Nation!
park and other points. IU. If traveling In
a special csr as the guest. o( Mr. and Hs..
E. O. McCormlck. Mr. McCormtck is as
sistant traffic director of the Hrrlmin
lines. Bishop Foley of DetrAit-alan-1 4
the party and It Is believed th papal dele-,
gat is one of the members of ht fr'y
of eight.
Recollections of KiUnwfr on'
Admiral's Nhtp Itt' Stehll
- . . Buy.. . ' . '. ..."
Henry Wright of SpHngf feld. Mass., ru
calls some interesting e'xpeilerice while
serving as a jtuniy-r with AdmlraJ .Farr.4
gul on the flagship Hartford at Mobil hay .
during the three years' vervlc in th navy
In the civil war. '- "'"
Mr. Wright, who saw Fgrragut lshfl
to the mast, was prisoner for-a tint- In -Llbby
prlkofl, did-' blockade ditrj'.' partici
pated lft the. engagements .at, Chesapeake,
bay and Hamptoa Roadn and .waa In- th
foreground at thr Mobile bay-' fight.
He enlisted In Mie federal havy In Aug
ust, 1S62. and waRmiistered out of the ser
vice In Hoston thtee years later In N-
verflber, U62. he was on th Daylight, a
blockading steamer, off the North -Caro--llne
coast, w hen a, mH bhvk. runner
was forced ashore, and was a piember. of
one of three boat crews detailed t to fcilrn
the schooner, but all three VeVe ,capsleil
by th heavy waves and forced to, give up
the attempt. ' . ' ; i ,
Just before ihe baftle of Mobil .hay he '
wa transferred to the Hartford, and after
that engagement he. wa. drafted to the
Seminole, on which he. remained until the
expiration of his term of. enlistment. In
those days mines and torpedoes were far
from being perfected and bunnerjHon the"
warships fought behind wooden Instead of
Iron walls. . - '..',- - ' . .'
Mr. Wright saldf "Strang to relate none"
of our guii crew Was InJVfrd'.at MoLlle In
tho fight which lasted Irom 7 a. - m. , tj 2 .
p. m., although there' Were Vnapy losuos
In tbe gug t rews on each aide of us. ' I
happened to witness a Inost-peculiar fa-'
tallty. A shot from, tii Tennessee wrnt
through the side of tti Hartford, burst,
and cut off both leg of Tom ClarV, a
powder boy. He thre- up his hands as he
fell and a smaller shot severed both arm.,
above the elbow.
"Another shot from the Tennessee hli
a quarter .gunner,, .who,.. Iiappejied , to 0
stooping. and cut away a targe part ot
his body, and then dnstroyed .our. po. .
gun. i - '
"The men of the Hartford were uni.e
fire most of the time, for the uiitiiy kite
that Admiral I'm 1'agjal.. w an pn our snip.
The- Tenni s.-nx's guiv inude. leiikde. ..o. U
of us, but e Mere ii nn hit) u ,nue"muc
of an Impression uu ft as Its snu vtrs
armored with' railroad iron 'weven in.rit-j"
thick. ' . ' :'' '',' ' ',' ',
"V always thought itiaj(V 'weic . gf
gu aided somewhat by thc'-ancoi cn.nb.
wiilch, to a certain extent' scWcii u ...e
sides of the Hartford and kept many uu(
from putting our bullets out of com. ills
Ion. The enemy lay, us a..ii '
tried persistently to ram us, ,'bul , we
thwarted its attempts by .meeting tt pow
"I once saw Admiral Fanagut lashed to
the rigging of th Hartford, where he could
command un unobstructed view. ACl seenu
that some time before the battle a rtiboer
hose with 4 1 tin mouthpiece at . each end
wo lashed to the must and hung" from the
top to the deck. Il was to be Usui as
speaking tube, aa we supposed, by ihe C
mlral from aloft.
"Just prior to the battlo.howeve'r, a un
was placed In the top, so the admiral, not
wishing to be In the way of the guuntis.
stood In the main -rigging Just below tlin
top, where he could be close to Freeman,
our .pilot, .' ' ." .' ' 1 ''
"John Gallagher, one of 'the petty officers,
and not Dick' Knowles, s history' has If,
was the man who lashed the admiral to "the
rigging-. -Captain Drayton ordered Knowles
to secure th admiral to the riggi-ni; for
tie feared that he. might fall J.n the strum
ot battle, as he was mor than 6u years
old at that time.. As Krtowles ' w-ent to
carry out the order h found, Gallagher In, .
the rigging, Just below the admiral, -and'
told him that Captain Drayton Wanted th
admiral secured. I. happened to b cpfnlng
along th quarterdeck and- Knowles told me '
to bring him a gasket, which I 'did,' an
threw. It up to him. Gallagher then wo
ceeded to lash the admiral .to the rigging.
'' "When Fapragul untied hlmsel' "tb ga-'
ket fell into the pool pf iilood wher yqiuig
Clark and the quarter gunner lay. After
the fight I ' washed the rope, according to
rula on shipboard, and laid IV away in. a
locker. At that time we nevec dreamed-1
that thl llttl Incident or theitinning oiild '
mak' Farragut mora fajiuHui. 1 than any
other event In his life as d fighter." Bos
ton Globe. " ' -
If - you hav anything to aetl or trad -and
w ant quick action ( advert hi it la
The Be Want Ad columns. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Sand' Wood bridge hav
gone to Lake Okobojl for a ten day' out
ing. . . - r: . '
United State District Attorney Charles'
A. Gos has gone to California for a
month's outibg. Ha will Join hta family
wlille there, who .have beep, visiting on th ;
coast for several weeks.
Mr. Esther Woodard. formerly of Omaha,
Is visiting her brother, rlir. A. B. Butler
of 1017 South Twentieth street. Mr. Wood
ard and son tiuy recently returned frorn--Genva,
S Itserland, where- her son has
been studying the violin for th last four
years. Mr. Guy Woodard 1 at prssent ia -Chicago.
Every woman covets a shape?-
figure, and many of them
deplore the loss of their girl
ish forms after marriage.
The bearing of children is
often destructive to the