Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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l,VTiet Openi Strong Because of Some
t Light Offering
( TAeakens lt HkMl a4 lib.
rr I fash Offering; Break tkc
Market KwfltU Hm
4 Stead.
OMAHA Aug. l&f.
V. heat ripened lrong owing to light offer
Irge due to ex-peeled damage report In the
'"W;rltf wheat district. Theae report!
Tailed to ahow any material or general
gamage hy black rust and the Increase In
the visible supply brought out heavy Bell
ing. t orn weakened with wheat and liberal
cash offering broke the market. Receipt a
are heavy and arc expected to hold ateady
from now on. 1
- Wheat tin lowAr after an early bulge,
which did not hold aa batter reports were
. received rrom lha northwest and receipts
are atlll liberal,
felling on general toward ttie close
owing to a decided Increase In the wond's
visible supply.
Corn was weak and unsteady under pres-
iure of heavv offerlnas which were not
taken, the demand being slow and buyers
ware backward. Receipts were heavy and
a early movement to primary polnta from
now on is expected. ..,.
, Prlmaij tiiirii ireclpts- were 1 472.000
k-hels and shipments nusneis.
T afalnst receipts last year of 1.711 000 bush
es srd shipments of 80000 bushels
Com receipts were f.44.000 bushels and
nlpments 72 004) bushels, against receipts
last ti of ttfi.COO bushels knd shipments
cf IT? 000 hushels
Clearances were none of -corn, none of
ots. and wheat and flour equal to 1:4.0c)
Liverpool held "no session today. It heme
.a holiday.
. Local range of options:
Articles. Open. High.! Low. Close. Sat'y.
Co- n-
Pept .
' Kept
fiec .
97'al MV Mji
I , 94
i I
S2',' 2' 2'
hi l olW
SS'.' '4 s'!
. . i . 4Hll
Umah Cask jPrlcas.
U HEAT No. t hard.' 11.01'fH 024; No. 2
hard. Sc'J101; No 4 hard: 7gFWc; No. S
sfulng. tt0IH$1.0:i.
CORN No. 4. tUtl6tc; No. t. 3',irC; No. 4.
uijjhJ'.ir. no grade, tWalc; No. 2 yellow.
t.',finlc; No. 2 yellow, Mc; No. t white,
7'ii7c; No. 2 white, 77V.c.
OATS No. 2 mixed. 4J'Vl42c; No. 2 yel
low. 4JJ4c; -No. . 2 white, 4:0Sc; No- 4
while. 4142e.
RYE-No. 2, 7272c; No. S, T0ff7Sc.
(arlot Reeelta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
: Chicago 23K 203 102
Minnespolla. ,240
Omaha .; S 1M 4
Uuluth ,. 6?
. . . . j
Wheat Market Affece"d Br Ideal
Crop Malarlag; Weather.
CHICAGO. Aug. 2.-The w heat market
was bearlshly affected today by Ideal con
dltions for the rapidly maturing irou in
the northwest anJ prkfs declined more
;han lc on all deliveries At the close the
net losses were. Tc to ''iglc. Corn and oats
also cloicd weak, but provisions were
A moderate ahow of atrangth waa dis
played In wheat early In the session
i owing to hot weather In the northwest
which. It was claimed, might aid In the
spread of black rust, opening quotations
ware a shade to above Paiurday, Ofit
tamber ranging fi. el.041 to $1.0b'4. As
the session ad anu. however, (ears of
, any great damage to the new crop by rust
were largely dissipated by numerous re
ports tailing oi ins lavoraDi ouiiouh iui
a "bumper" crop. Sellers became more
aggteaslve. which resulted in material de
ciines during the final half. The Oklahoma
report, which estimated the total yield of
wheat 'or that state at n.vuu.uw nuaneia,
4.OU0.UU0 bushels more than shown by gov
ernment statistics, wa 'an additional weak
s ' enlng Influence. Export demand waa also
Ontremety dulti and hta prompter further
selling. The range tor the day on Septem-
ber was tl.ftS to 11.06V. The market
closed weak., at almost the bottom, with
Keptember at 21.0J1.
A startling deterioration of 2 points In
the condition of the corn crop In Oklahoma
during last month, aa shown by the state
report, had a bullish erred on the corn
mat kit ral ly In the session, but senti
ment later became bearish, owing to a
weakening of southwest cash markets. The
close was veak. at almost the bottom, fi
nal quotations beleg VSc to Sc below
Oats were weak throughout the entire
day, owing to liberal sales by country
dealers. Inspired mainly by the heavy
leids being reported by threshers. At the
close prices ware V to l'io lower than
Haturaay's final quotations.
Provisions were firm all day on buying
prompted by a -falling off In receipts ot
Vnve noga at.areateen packing centera. At
the i lose prices wt unchanged to 171 Vic
t hlghar.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcleg.l Open. High Tlow. J CloggTlTiiTyT
1 ec.
1 'CO.
Laid -
I - I I I I
1 06V 1 9Si 1 0Z 1 OHV, 1 0H
t (JH'ii 1 U3S. 1 l,kl 1 1 W41
1 Uti-tki 1W i 1 U ,1 UJ4
I . - I
oi-i '
64', MVeSi
'rriji rv.'
S7 iTOVotOi
1 1 :
,)Si'S.: 4;i
90 ' 5
1 7b
SO 67U 20 M 20 VMj
tti tusii it 7& 1 so
1 1?4)
1 U 27H; II U I 11 27S: 11 ifC',,, n 20
I iu sv ill u.vs jo s in
L i5 11 Ut 11 :'-"x, U 82V
I 10 M , 1) 00 1 10 DO i II 00 111 024
I 10 tSS. 10 H7Vi, 10 bl'-sl 10 2i; 10
No. t
C.ii quotations were as follows:
FLOCK-Easy, winter patents. 6.3o
40; straights. $iV00jt.a; spring patents,
M OOP .'.; straights. 14 wti3.6: bakers. 13.M
4). 36. '
BAULKY Kerd or mixlnf, 74c; fair to
choice malting. iVKftoOe.
Eli-l-Klax. 'o. 1 southwr stern. tO$Mc;
Xo. 4 northwestern, fa. 41. Timothy. IW.tsi.
Clover. Ill 2T
PROVMSK1N8 Mess noi k. J0 42Sfl30 4ft.
Lard. IUS2H. iShort rlhs, sides iloosei,
Ill.OO'dll.lO; short clear suits, (boxed),
Total clearancea of wheat and flour ware
equal t IM.OU0 bu. Primary receipts were,
1.4;i,0M bu: compared with 1.711.000 bu.,
the corresponding day a year ago. The
visible supply Of wheat In the United
States Inereaaad 1.S75,On0 bu., for the week.
The amount of breadstuff on ocean pas
sage decreased 160,000 bu. Estimated re.
ceipta for tomorrow: Wheat, ii cars; corn,
2C4 cars; oata. 124 cart; bogs. 14.0U0 head
BITTTER Steady; craamerlea. Stf.Uc;
daisies. kJll3Vc.
EOtiS Hteady ; receipts. 1.048 rases, at
mark, cases included ISc; firsts, 21 4c;
prime firsta. tlto.
CHEESE "irong; daisies. l.'.filnVc:
twins, lIUtiHHc, young Americas. ibttf
. liWe: long horns, liifrll'iic.
POTATOKK Weakf choica to fancy.-SOit
g?c: fair to good. big67c.
POl'LTRY Steady; turkeys, 14c; chick
ens. 13c; springe, lie.
VEAL Steady, f0 to hO pound weights, ,
P-; U to K pound weights, Wt'tc 86
to 110 pound weights, Wrl0c
. .ia Geaerat Market.
track, Nn t red, eash. 1 OrWrl ot; No. t
&rd. t1.C1.1'; September. $1 OlSlJl
pecember II D1V
CORN Lower I track. No. 1 cash. (7QSc;
fepf ember. 4'c; I 'ec ember. I7'c.
0S Lower; trsck. .No. 1 cash. Kllf
IT'-M ' September. 4c; December. 66S0;
No t white. 4'4S.
PTK Nominal It He.
FLOl'R 8teadyi red winter patents. IS JO
440: extra fan-y and straight. H7CVP.5 U,
hatd a Inter cleara. l.iV"4 . -
SKKP Tlmothr. II 3S
CO R N M K A L W- 40.
RRAN-l.ower: asekj-a. 'east track. II
4J1 4
HA V Steady ; timothy llltOejlT io; prai
rie 9WtillM.
n;i iVISION'S IV' !. Mgher: Jobbing.
tJf to t arrt. higher rime steam, lit..
Vr- a.i moan (,.edt extra shorts
111 to'; cl-a r:b Ills.",, shoil clear
I11.7R. Parnn fhoxedi, extra short. tUtT:
clear fib. 12 short 9I..75
POfl.TRT Siesdt ; chickens. 12c: spring,
14Sc: 'u'kets, ',e; dorks. 10c; g". 4c
IH.'TTER Lowei ; cremry, Vo-
EGOS Steady at 1V
Receipts shipment
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu..
Corn. b'i...
ots. bu....
... Vitrtt
32... ion
I oo
Mabt Ikswert, I. oral In latere, and
Perhaps ooler.
OMAHA. Aug 1 lfO.
Within the last twenty-four hours light t
snowers were scatierea over inr nvt m
west, throughout the centrsl valievs ana
the eastern states. Rome heavy rainfalls
nccuir'd In southwestern Nebraska Satur
day night; a fall of 2.26 Inches was re
corded at Rioken Po and 1.09 Inches at
Holdrege. tienerally clear weather prevails
throughout tne central alleys this morn
ing, hut a barometric depression of consid
erable energy Is moving down over the cen
tral valley from the western Csnadlan
provinces, snd this depression will probably
cause local thunder showers In this vicinity
tonight or Tuesday, with allghtly cooler
Record of 'emperature and precipitation
compared vlth the corresponding day of
the lust threw years:
ions 190. ifi7. l0V
Minimum temperature ... 73 70 65 M
Precipitation 00 ,00 .00 .:,7
Normal temperature for today, 7 degrees.
Iieflclency In precipitation sine March 1.
0.71 of an Inch.
Excess corresponding period In 1908, 1.12
Ieficlency corresponding period In l.'07,
4 42 inches.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Cora ssi Wheat Region Balletla.
For Omaha, Neb. for the twenty-four
hours ending at ft. a. m., 75th meridian
tlm. Monday. August J, IDC):
Temp. Raln-
Statlors Max. Mln. fall
Pt. cloudv
P: . cloudy
Clear '
Clear .
Clear- .
Ashla.n1, Neb ... 91 70
I M '
Auburn Neb. .... l
Broken Row Neb. t)
Columbus. Neb... 9
cuthertaon,. Neb.
Falrbury, Neb.... M
r'alrmont, Neb. .. 7
C,i'. Island. Neb.. W
llartlngton. Neb. 0
Hastings, Neb.... i
Holdrege, Neb... ei
Oakdale, Neb !
Omaha. Neb Si
Tekamah, Neb... VI
Alta. Ia 9
Carroll. Ia Rl
Clarinda. Ia I2
Slblev. la .. 0"
Sioux City. Ia... R
Minimum tempeiatura for twelve-hour
period ending at S a. m.
No. of Temp.
Central. Stations
Max. Mln. Inches.
Chicago. Ill 2
Columbus. 0 17 '
s rs .on
M 4 T
to W .M
RR 64 Oil
W 70 .08
Rfl R4 T
90 M .10
90 6 .00
Des Moines, Ia 14
Indianapolis. Ind.. 13
Kansas City, Mq., 18
Minneapolis. Minn. 30
Omaha, Neb 19
St. Louis, Mo..... 18
A rainfall of 1.84 Inches at Falrbury, Neb.,
was the only precipitation reported In the
Omaha district during the last twenty-four
hours. Light but appreciable showers oc
curred In the Kansas City and Chicago
districts. L. A. WELSH,
ixcal Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Qaolatlona of the Day Varloaa
NEW YORK. Aug 2 -FIXJCR-Recelpis,
15.142 bbls.; exports. 2 8i bbls. Quiet and bar
ley steady. Minnesota patents,
Minnesota bakers, aft. 3546. do: winter pat
ents, o.76ft4V2ii; winter straights. I5.tj0tffo.75
Kanr-as straights. lu.2V(i5.&0; Rye flour,
barely steady, fair to good, 14.354.60
cnotce to fancy. 4
COKNMEA I Steady : fine white and yel
low. l.6fel.70; coarse. ll.6cyfrl.dU; kiln dried.
13 7(1.
RYE Dull; No. i western, 83c, nominal,
f. o. b., New York.
BARLEY Dull; feeding, 7677c; c. I. f.
New York.
WHEAT Receipts. J4.S00 bu.; exports.
Sj,809 bu.; spot, irregular; No. 2 red, old,
nominal; and new, 1.I8. in elevator; No. 2
red, ll.ltiV middle August, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 naf thern, Uuluth. old, SL40, nominal,
f. o. b., afloat; No. i hard, wlrttfer, new,
I1.1&H, f o. b., arioat; new, I1.16H. t. o. b.,
arioai. Black rust news caused an open
ing advance in wheat, but a large visible
supply increase, favorable weather and
prospects for heavier receipta at Chicago
tomorrow caused subsequent unloadlna and
a sharp reaction, last prices being Vi to Kc
net lower. September, ll.11Hdl.UVi; closed
at ll.ll's; recember. ll.OS'(jl.lOH: closed
at 11.094.; May. ll.HHtil.l2-4 : closed at
CUKN Kecelpts. 1.500 bu.: spot market.
taay; No. 2. old. 80c, nominal. In elevator,
and 82-ic delivered, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2
new, tu'tc winter shipment. Adoption mar
ket was without transactions, closing Sc
lower. September closed at 74Vic; December
closed at 6uVto.
OATS Receipts. 79.215 bu. ; spot market,
steady; mixed. 2832 pounds, fAe. nominal;
natural white, 2&U.12 pounds, 4&Mc, clipped
white M'aii pounds, MOOc.
HAY-8teady; No. 1. S00mM.
HIDES Firm; Bogota, i-JdjiScj Central
America, 23c.
PROVISIONS-Reef. ateady; family, 114 00
614 60; mess, 111.00011 M); beef hams. 24 OOtf
JI.OO; packet, r2.4Wflil3.00; city extra Indian
mass. fc'O.liOVu 21.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled
bellies. 112.60613.00; pickled, hams. 1 12 (Oft
12.7o. Lard, steady; western, lll.65.'jll.75;
refined, firm: continent. 112(10: onth
American. 112.75; compound. 17 log7.TS. Pork,
ateady; family, 2160$22 00; short clear,
:1.00(?22.S0; mess,
TALIX)W-steady; city, 6 -lc; country,
t 5-19,0 10-lo.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
Srtc; Japan, nominal.
HOPS Firm; state, common to choica.
1, ihoik, iw,, nominal; faciria coast.
11(Jlbc; 1907. 84312c.
B I "TTER Barely steady; craamery, tpe
clals. 27e; official prlca. 27c; extras. xic:
third to firsta. ViSJc; process, common
to special, 32Vtjif2oc; western factory, 190
CHEESE Easy; receipts. 171 pkgs ; state,
full cream, specials. II'ITICc, fancy, 14c;
common to good. lOVJuuWc; skims, full
to specials. lOt.C'llVaC.
EOGS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby aetected, white, hennery, K3i32c;
fair to choice, gathered stock. 23ij30c;
brown and mixed, fancy, hennery, S&e; fair
to choice, gathered stock. 24'JJ7e; western,
extra first, ISVitfCSc; firsta. 22tf25c; seconds,
30i21c. ' , i
POCLTRY Dressed. firmar: western
chlclvein. brollirs, labile; fowls, 16'ra lnVic ;
lurne) s, ill xu.
Haaisaa tlly Gralat and Provlslowa.
ehan;ed to lc higher; No. t hard. 1 Ai'rt
No. J hard. ll.OOl.Os; No, red, 11.07;
No. 3 red, ii.usni.w-t.
CORN' I'nchanged to ',e loeer: No. t
mixed, 63c; No. 1 mixed. OOfrtSIHe; No. 2
whltfl. tiif; no. wnne, m'tc.
OAT3 -Nominally unchanged; No. I white,
49'uolc; No. 3 mixed, 41ji4oc.
UAY Cuchanged to 26c lower: choice
timothy, llu.&Ofl 11 w; choice prairie, 7.i0.
choice alfalfa. 12.0"8 13.6O.
Bl'TTER Ormr . extra. 25',c; firsta.
23' 4c; seconds. 21'rc; packing stock. lSc
EOUS Emtras. tte; firsts. 10c; current re
ceipts. K'tc, seconds and dirties, 14c.
, . Reo-ipm Shipments
Wheat, bu 38vsl IWOD
Corn, bu 12"..0,i 30.000
Oat, bu ri,fra h fmo
Kansas City options closed aa follows:
Open. 1 High. I Cow. Close.
Whetvt- i I
Sept &4tfS
leo....'. I 98",
May 1 01SH
Corn . I I
Sept I 60(
Dc 4&S
May USB.
V 7S 971,47s
: r 1 97V,
I 01S I OOS 1 00V.A
OS 6.T . nTt
ii't 49Sj 4S
61V,, 61', 81V,
Mlaaearolls Ora 1st Market.
tember, $10JS; iHicember. $lt)p,; cash. No.
1 hard: $1 SrV No. 1 northern, tl AS; No
I northern, p.J6S; No- northern, fi 21S4
BHAN In J00 lh. sacks. flO 6V
I LOUR Ftist patenis. fiJ(f 10; second
patents, fi fcflK 00; first cleara. $4 9SW6 26;
aeennd clears, f3 pr.7l.bS.
reoria Market.
Aug 2 CORN Lower; No. 2
yellow. 69c; No. f yellow. 9'c; No. J
Si . No 4. kSUc, no grade. .vc.
OAT9- Ui. No. I white. 4m42c. Stan
tit 1(1 41141'
No. t white, 41c. No. 4 wU'
j .k tij&'tM.
Vigorous Strength it Shown By South
ern Pacific Stock.
Heavy Kales Made In Realise Profits,
are One of Oar'a Featnre Mack
hlftlnax Vsrlosi Specu
lative llolrtlnas.
NEW TORK. Aug. 2-The general ob
servers of the stock market In the finan
cial district today agreed as to Its evi
dence of great underlying strength and
Increasing breadth. In spite of the Irregu
lar, and. at times, reactionary movement
In prices.
There was obvious evidence that very
heavv sales to realise profits were con
ducted througsout the day. The absorp
tive power or the market ana uv--cess
which this gave to the ffor' to
garner profits was remarked on all sides.
The slight movement of prices in some
quarters and the repression uno-i "
rr,..u. ....... i art were for that
reason regarded as more convincing of the
iiiidertonn of the strength in yi " :
than a volatile upruah of prices would
have been. . ... . v..,,
It is a proverb In Wall street m.i "...
msrkets culminate in furious activity ami
excited advances. The absence of sue
appearances today reassured ',h,"r. lJ "J
disturbed sentiment. There waa palpably
going on a shifting of speculative hold
ings rrom Old tone quariT. ..
ket. Houses which have been conspicuous
in the operations In the stocks which have
led ti e market recently were concentrated
buvers todav of stocks which ame to the
front In the day s upward movement
The most potent racior m ."V"1-""""
i .,. ,h he v real zing mrs
todav was the vigorous strength shown by
Rotithern Psctfic. This was the "" co""
splcuou. figure on the strong side of he
market. Pennsylvania. ...
sme t ne. the railroad
equipment group and some other particu
lar stocks made up me '"fi"' "" -
Southern Pacific movement.
The effectiveness of these .Im
paired bv the heavv tone with later re
?nvery on In.on P.c f lc Inlted Mates
Steel. New rorw rn mi ,
P.eadlna. which were mo ir.mir. .
week s s.rong showing. Southern racmc a
high price today ecllp-ed all PrJ"'1?
orlcea by liberal marln and Inlted
States Pteel tacked a fraction to is recoiu.
The government rrimu . ,
..I .w. Immiirment of
w iinsrsnuins . " -.u nt
conditions Indicated for the mon h or
Inly was accepted with languid Interest.
The percentsge of the condition figures is
the lowest on recoiu
he ve.r and the curtailment In the total
crop report thus foreshadowed must make
a heavv inroad on the aggregate ont
"urn for the year of tha country s agri
cultural wealth. ,i
The more hopeful promise of the grain
crops was preferred for contemplation and
the sharp decline In the condition of corn
reported by the Oklahoma authorities and
hi reports of damage from black rust in
he norThwest did not affect
the sublect. Another reduction In trunk
line Import freight rates and 'he proa
nect that the contention may spread to
other trafTIc was received with trangull
H Money and exchange conditions were
not materially changed. Bonds were .ir
regular. Total sales, par value "-4.2'0-United
State, bonds were unchanged on
Number of sales and leading quotations
S.I... High Lo 1
40 6T'
ll.tnl ki MS
J.M 44H 4k'
a.cOi 4'a 4t',
6M US'
lli . SUH '
1 HIj 74
12.100 4ia 'I"
. U 14H
in," . .-'
Jt.iO 9S MVa
114S 114 -.a
;uo ii4 m
l.i'io I4a li
... 1' 1"IV,
Ikr) Va
i. I'JU 4 4
ss.l'io :ii H
4a lim liHS
1.000 IJ4e 1-14
11 llS'u "S
'l.'ino si's
17.101 1 1
3,40l ,8ei ttw
84 S
AUIt-Thalmsrt pfd
Amaliamstad Copper ....
Amerioen Agricultural ..
Am. Beet auajs'
Am. Cd pfd
Am. C. r
Am. Cotl'in Oil
Am. M. I- '
Amarlotn Ulnaeed
American Uxxmiotlva
Am. 8. R
Am. ft. M
Am. iugar Reflnlni
Am. T. a T.....
Am. Tobacco pfd
AmarlCJLn Woolen
Anaconda Mlnlnt Co
Atchtaon .
Aiibtaon pfd
Atlantic Coi Una
Baltimore A Ohio
Bal. A Ohio pit
Botnlenem itacl
Brooklyn Rapid Tr..
Canadian Pacific
Central Uathtr . -i'
Cantral Leathar pfd. ....
Central of Naw Jeraey '. .
Chtaapeake aV Ohio.......
micast A Alton
Chicago ot. W
Chicago N W. ......
C, M. St. P
C. C, C. A it. L
Colorado T. it 1
Colorado Bo
Colo, a 80. HA pfd.
Colo, at 80. td phi
ConaolhUted Gat
. m.srsj is at
aw ioh ir' KVt
INO n4 11
l.lfw S 7a ,7'
1.S00 1 4k
i0 II. 1U
11 i' isa 16
1,100 7.A .'S
8. 1'JU 41 4; H
47 V,
l.XS) -
11 V
:.jw m 1 14: ic:t,
J.100 l'e tb i.
corn Products
Dataware A Hudson
Dsnver Rio Grande...
U. R. O. pld
Dlatlllers' gecurtliM ....
brie lat pfd
Kris 3d pfd
Ganaral Elacliio
brawl Northern ptd
timt Hurthern Ora cits-
llllnela Central
Inlet-borough Mel
Int. Mel. ptd
lulernallonaJ Harvester .
Int. Marine pfd
iniarnatlonal Paper
International Pump
lows Oantral
KUisu Cltf Bo
K. C. 80. pfd
Louisville A N
Minn A St. 1
m . at. p m ..
Mtteourl Paclle
M., K. A T
M . K. T. pf
Kaciool Blaoult
National LmI
M. R, R. of M. lat pld.
J.l-iO lf,a It7"
l.euu 4S 49
46' il'k
1.100 1701- 17"
31.100 I'etv US '''
n.kou 'is
IU, lis ins
'.64 111
164 li
1.. '
1. WoO
2, SO. I
1,700 147 14rS 144s
100 la'i 44 U
300 144 '-t 141 HIVi
... I. 75S 1
... 21, I'M 43 43- 43V
0 74., 74 74
lOtf l'"J UH-4 1"4S
...102,3uO ! "XI
61 S
... 1."0 141 S 111
... 2. Hod 6I7 at els
... 4.01 c.4 h 6w
... - 4O0 S 4S It
... ) IUk 1:4 lo
... 3.K US ai l.
... 40. TOO 14iS Bfl '"S
... I.OUO iliW 114S lit
... I.U0U IMS ' MS
... lo,ot s:s 4 . a.s
lou 1I7S liS
... J..V0 OO 4I.S 4'(
...123.:uu lttf ws
New York Central
N. Y., O. W
Norfolk W
North Amerloan
Ni. - itre reel f Is
Paclflo Mall
People's Gu
p , c, c. Bt. 1
Presael gtsot Car
Pullmea Palace Car
Railway Steel Spring ..
Kepuftho Steel
hepublle Steel pfd
Rock laland Co
Rotk laland Co. pfd ...
St. L. B P. M pfd .
it. Louis 8. W
l. L. H. W. pfd
Bloe Sheffield s. A i .
Southern Pacific
Sout here Railway
So. Railway pld
Tciirieeaeo Oopper
Teaaa Pacific
T . St. U A W..
T . 414. U A W. pfd ...
tnlon Pacific
L'nioa Pacific pfd
li. 8 Reslty
li. S. Rubber
V. S. Steel.
U. S. Steel ptd..
Utah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical
Wabaah pfd
Western Maryland
W c.llnjOuUBe gieotrtc .,
Westeru L nloo .........
V. heeling L- E
Wu..oiiain central ......
... ;s 3S
. ... l.tov :us io4
.... I4,yoo J .a 4
!i) 17 7s
too it aos
31 .
. .lou,f) 'ins IMS is
a 1
41 s
1u,7( sols iuus 'S
roo iu4 id, in
ert I3S -a JS
.. ll.;.a 44 , it it
..10311 74S 7V 74S
l.,oo 12S U k l-'S
l.uitf it t 61S eov
1. 7'JU
I, ,
7 la
a ,
it .
Dost, mocks and Bond.
BOSTON. Aug. 2. Money, call ioana. 2'-,
01 per cent; time loans. 3V(jJ per cent,
closing quotations on sloe and bund
wei as follows:
Alcklson aJ - s trioni Com. ..
do 4a -1014 Atlantic.
lira Central 4 4 bun coalition
. 10
. la
. 34
. us
.. s
- s
. II
. 44
. 24
. .14
. 41
. Its
Aunteon H. R
do pfd
Boeion Altwni...
Boatea a Maine ...
B aion Kievated ...
flUbkurg pt
N V . N. H. A H
Cnies Patfit
An Arse, cites .
4a pfd
Aa Pneu Tufca
Aaaer. Susar
do s?d
Amer. Woolen
do pfd
Com I. A
Ediaon Illu..
Maik. tiertrle
do pit
Maes. Oaa
tailed Fruit .......
( nited M
de pfd
V t Bteel
do pfd
unseal. A Arieona.
.1" lal. A Hetl ...
.110 Cenlennlal
..I Copper Kange ..
..12S I 'air Waat
. .lJOSFrauiklis
.171 Oralis
HeUreene tSnanes
. . t laie kovaie . . .
.10 Mae Miuing ..
.. Mlchlsas .
. ItiVMokawk
. .L-tto Nevada
. .143014 Liominloa ..
.. ets '!
. .tots Parrs
. too Shannoa
. . I2 1 amarks
. . It Trtnitf
te I nited Copper .
VHI Miuing ...
.. so I on
.. tt'S ' h
.'. 7S Xit lorla
..llts W'-nona .. ..
. 4iS ''" Butte . .
. io
. It
. to
. ts
Treaeary Bialesaenl.
WASHINGTON. Aug i. -The condition of
the 11-tBtur.. ai i';e oestiui'i of l.uinii
..('orlav a.-, follows
j Trust FUnus -ejolil u.n, $-.'; . l,6i. iltn
dollsis. $S7 on fc. stiver dollars of 1Mn.
4tyi. iler certificates outstanding.
v; it one.
General r'tinrl Standard silver dollar In
entsl fund. $.". i:V 124 . current liabilities.
$:... 41. ttorklng l3lance In tresurv of
fices. $.V.,i?i.02: In hsnk to credit of United
States treasurer. Rno' t-'I. Btibsidisry silver
coin. t-TkiTLin; nilnor coin. l..4S0i7, total
balance In genual fund. $106,437,754.
ew York Maner aarkrt.
NEW YORK. Aug 2. MONEY On call,
easy; li2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 pe'
rent, closing bid. I per cent, offered at
I pw cent Time loans, very dull and
film; sixty days, iGi" per cent; ninety
days 244i2 per cent; six months, 34
per cent
per rent.
actual business In bsnkers bills at t W,Vjj
4 S.,40 for slxtv day bills and at wo lor
demand Commercial bills. 14 fUV,4 Sf'.
SILVER Rar. tc; Mexican dollars. 44
HON 1 S Government, steady; railroads,
I'h. sing quotations on bonds today were
aa follows:
V rf. U, nt .. 10 Int. M. M. 4
6o cnupon 'Hj!i.n 4 V?1.
V 8. ts. M 1"'. lo 4Vt 4H
do coupon Il K C. So 1st US
V 8. 4a. reg 117 b. 4t IW1 . S
r rmipon II''L. N unl. 4s... 100V4
AIMl-rbsl. 1st I ... ' M . KITH 4. . 10'H
Am. As Hi l"t do 4',i US
Am. T T. r. It . ! Pirlflr 4i
Am. Tobacco 4s
-. ft. R. rf M. 4a. 41
do 6
Armour A Co 4'i
A . hlson sn 4s. .
do ct. 4a
du ir. fa
At. ('. L. It 4a ...
Bal. Ohio At .
do S
do S. W :....
r-k. Tr. cv. 4a
On of Oa hm
'V,. taihr
l'C N T C I IS' 2
. .4j dn de 4 41
10 M. T., N H. a H
e. ts 1M
ll'i'V W. 1t con. 4a rs-a
. do ct. 4a 101
,lv No Pacific 4a IMi
. v, do 3a J4
. tru 0. R. b. rfd 4a. .. . 4
i Prntl. -. lH" 1116 .. tl4
1rio 'do con. 4a 10414
'.- Readln n. 4a tdO't,
8t. L. ft 8 F. f a lV
IV e-f .1.
Cr. St Ohio 4t
d i ret. Sa
' h.cB0 & A. iva.
" fc Q J. ta . .
l'H do gen. 5a
;'il'48l U R tv. e. 4
:. do con. 4a
,lo lal sold 4a .
. 7W
. se
d. 4a
''4 V seaboard A. L. 4a
H. I S P. 1 i. a 1. 3o. Pac ific col. 4a
C R. I a P. c. ir . H do tr. 4a
iln c..l oa f do lat raf 4a ..
.lc r(ok la.... . Ro. Rallnar 6a...
C 1 ... 1 net 5a v: & do sen. 4a
" 1. 1. Mid. 4. . .. I'nlou Pacific 4a..
C. A- 5. r A ia it , do ri. 4a
. ass
. eat,
U. II .. 4a lti do 1st a ref. 4a
D at It. I! 4 . .
do ref. t,a
riatlllera' f
E'll p I. 4
di. S'n 4a
do tv. 4a ner. A
do aerlea n. .
Cfn. Koc. it. 5a.
Int. Met. 4i,a .
Bid. offered.
J7 I' S. Rubber ta
t'. 8. Steel 2d at
. 1iVi .(l-o.. Cham
(a.. ii
... Ill
. v aDen ibt ot. . .
, ; do lat A ei 4a
. T Weatern Md. 4a ..
'r Vt'ett. Elec. cr (a
l. Wia Central is...
. M
Local Secnrltlee qsotatlesa.
Quo'atlnn- fumlahed by Samwel Burna. Ir.. C14
New York Life building. Omaha 1 aid. A teed.
Alma. Neb.. Municipal aa ' I'M
Armour A Co. ma Hit 44 16
u'lahy Parking Co tft 10
Columbua, Neb., E. L. Se !: 14.4 S
tlmalia Kire Knalno 4a l-' 10014
Omaha Pacing 4a It 8 IOO14 1004
Omaha Renewala 4a 1M4 11 Vl-i
Kirn National Bank. Co. Bluffs 12 W
Kanaaa City Ry. (a 1HS IT, M
Nehbraaka T A P. a HJ3 m 100
Neb Tele. Stork V'c : 1-10
Omaha nae ta 1917 47
Omaha R L. P Co aa 19 10 MH,
Omaha A C. B St. Ry. 5a 101 1 101
Omaha eV C. B. St. Ry. (a 1D2I
Omaha A ('. B 81. Hy. ptd i
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. com. i
Omaha A C. B 81. Ry A B. pd 4.
Omaha Water Co ia 1444
Swift A Co. la 't14
So Omaha Sewer 414a 1424
Sioui city Stork Tarda pld
Inloa Stock Varda. Omaha,
Mj lot)
t'l 1414
70 75
H314 11 'i
14 M
101 101 H
1'WVu 101
M to
H tJ
News York MlntntT Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. -Closing quotations
n mining stocks were as follows-
I.eadvllle fen.
Llllle Chief .
, 4Si
. 7
. to
. 76
Drunewlck Con
Com. Tunnel atock. .
do bonda
Con. lal. tt Va
Horn Silver ;
Iron Silver
Offered. Aaked
Or-hlr ."
i-i - Standard
ISO Yellow jacket
Bank Clearing!.
OMAHA. Aug. 2 Bank clearings for to
day were 12. 105. 174.89 and for the corres
ponding date last year fl.S12.691. 72.
Cotton Market.
NKW YORK. Aug. 2-Tha cottbn market
opened firm at an advance of 413 polnta
011 continued expectations of a bullish gov-eiiiim-nt
report at midday, out met with a
good deal of realizing during the early
trading as a result of indications for bettar
weather In Texas, and aa a protectlonary
measure preceding the actual Dubllcatlon
of the: report. After reacftut to- within
or 1 jiomis 01 caturoay s iinais, nowever,
the market firmed up to about the Initial
figures on continued covering and while
nervous held pretty steady during the mid
dle of the morning.
Kutures opened firm; September, lZ27c;
October, 12.36c; November. 12 43c; Decem
ber, 12.43c; January, 12.43c; March, 12.44c;
aiay. li.i.c.
Futures closed barely ateady; August
II.m.c; September, ll.iic; October. 12.h0c;
November. 12.00; December, 12.63c; Jan
uary, ll'.fflc; February, 12.62c; March. 12 6ic
April. I2.6S0; May, 12.66c.
3d Ad Wall
Market closed quiet. 30 points higher;
mincinng upmnas. 13 10c; middling gulf,
lo.iic; sales. 604 balea.
ST'V.OflS. Aug. 2-COTTON-Higher
middling, 12Sc; no sales; receipts, 302 bales;
bhlpmenls. 216 bales, stork. 1.?K4 bales.
Nominal. 6-16c higher; middling, 12Vkc:
sales on the spot, y?o bales; to arrive,
none. Futures opened steady at a net
advance of f to 10 polnta on covering by
enui IB.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Aug. 2.--M ETALS An ac
tive business reported In standard
copper hy the New Vork Metal exchange
today, sales being 22 i tons. Including twenty-five
tons spot at fl27S. Beventy-flve tons
for August delivery at fi:.76fyl!.S6 and 126
torn- for October delivery at 12.76 1X.00.
The market closed firm, with spot at f 12 90
OT12 80. August at f 12.76i2.k5. Feptember at
fl2.8fVci 12.90 and October at tl2.9r.ftle 06. The
London metal markets were closed owing
to the holiday. Tin was firm and higher,
with spot at f29.45fi2.iW. Iiead waa firm
at 4.3rVT43V Spelter was a shade lower,
but ruled firm at the decline, with spot at
$o.S54ti.4S. No charge wss reported locally
in the iron market. No. 1 northern foundry.
17 25ru'17.50; No. 2. tl.7.V7 17 25; No. 1 south
ern and No. 1 southern soft. 517.754? 18 .26.
ST. LOLIS. Aug. 2. M ETA LS Lead,
lower at f4 17'. Spelter, strong at f6.37',.
Oils and Roflu,
NEW TORK. Aug. 2 OI LS l'etroleurn,
steady; refined. New York. fS 25; Philadel
phia and Baltimore, fx. 20; Philadelphia and
Baltimore. In bulk. $4 70. Cottonseed oil.
i 1 steady: prime crude, nominal; prime yel
lo. fj.jO-.iti.eO; September. f.i.6K'tf5.70; yel
low. $7i.aoV.42,,; September. f6.42'a5 43.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Aug. 2. Oedlt balances
$1 6S. Runs. July 30 and 31, 194 443 bbl-c;
average. i;.o,u pdis.; snipmrnis. July 31,
151 4 bbls.; average. U6.345 bbls.: August
1, 127.312 bbls.
Firm, 4MeH issc.
ROSIN-FIrm; B. $L'10ff3o0-, D. $3.16; R,
.: F, $3.CSf3.70: G. 3'0; H, f4.10; I, $4 16
4J4.30. K. f496: M. 5.0iK(5.15; N. fo.J.Va5.40;
'AG, f5.70; WW. f d 00.
I'hlladrlphlit Pro laon Market.
Steady and In fair demand: extra western
creamery. 2'c; extra nearby prints. 30c.
EOOS Firm and in good demand; Tenn
sylania and other nearby firsts, free
cases. 24c at mark; Pennsylvania current
receipts, in returnable cases. 12c at mark;
western firsts, free cases. 24c at mark:
western current receipts, free cases. 21
23c nt mirk.
CHEESE Firm and in fair demand;
New York full creams, choica. 14SWI6c;
New York full creams, fair to good, 14
Visible Supply ' drain.
NEW YORK. Au. 2 The visible aupplv
of grain In the United States .Saturday,
lilt 31 as comnlled l.y the New York
Produce exchange was as follows: Wheat.
7 tVt'j.rtO bu.; Increase. 1 173.iJ bu Corn.
2.7e.OoO bu.; increase. 242 ono bu Oats.
8 800 000 bu.: decrease. SOS.eoO bu. Rve. 93.000
bu.; decrease. 43.000 bu Barley. 273.000 bu :
decrease, 106,000 bu. The visible supply of
wheat In Canada last Saturday was 1 622 0n0
bu . a decrease of 4kf.0U0 l u.
toffee Market.
NEW ORK. Aug 2 -fOFFEE-Market
for futures closed quiet, net unchanged
to 10 points lower. Sales were reported
of S 2i bags. Including August at 4 16c;
Septenilier. J75c: Notember. Stor; March.
6 46c. Mac. 6 4;,?i5 5fie. Spot, quiet; Rio,
No 7. 7St?74c; N 4 Santos. c. Mild,
dull, i'ordova. !Sijl."c.
naluth Urain Market.
4'II.I'TH Aug 2 WH K AT September,
I M ,. lire. 11. her. f0l. Mat. II Ot-S; No.
ji northern. II. .''a. No t northern. $124',
1 'ATf ISc.
Cornfed Beerei Ten Centi Higher,
Rng-eri Steady.
Fat heea) tra4r with Fat
aw el Roth Feeding Sheep and
I .a nabs gtroaaer la Fare of
l.arne Rwn.
SOLTH OMAHA. Neb, August 1 1K
Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Estimate Monday -m if
10 .1.4
Same dav last week 4 743 0M
Ssma day 2 weeks ago..J S"l I
Same dav 1 weeks ago. .o.b.T7 3 si
Same day 4 weeks ego.. 1.2 .6 1
Dame day last year 7.674 3.V.7
The following table shows trie- leceipta of
rattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for
the year to data, compared with last year:
IK'S. lW. Inc. Dec.
Cattle ol.b74 485 2M1 JI.M4
Hogs l.&M Wa l.fW6 4r.7 111114
Sheep 7M.71K 787. S96 27.101
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at ouih Omaha for the last
several das. with comparisons:
Date. I 1901. IMS. :1907. 1908. 11906. '1904. :i903.
July 20...
July 21...
July 22...
July ...
July 24...
July 2...
July 2...
July 27...
July 28...
July 29...
July SO...
July 31...
Aug. 1...
Aug. 2...
7 74 IH'IU I 47 I 69, 6 03; 4 22
T 70 I I 27 I I 48, I 61 S 10; S 22
7 IfiU 12 I SS, I I 48, i 071 0 21
7 67V 34 5 2 I 4 94 t 2o
T 67 ll b 94 , 8 65 S 47 I 6 18
1 24 S 95 8 62 6 65, I 04; S 06
7 0V I 6 99 8 501 6 Wi I 111
7 4f.'. It IS1 6 971 8 441 6 W 6 It1 4 98
T 36i I 07 1 8 46 i 5 611 6 19; 4 H9
7 27 I 8 14: 04 5 60, 6 lli 6 W
7 40 1 8 24 6 OS 8 JJ( 6 t (
7 44; 6 41, 8 01 8 32: 6 f.8 I 6 02
I I 44, 6 2 8 lfil 6 89; 4 9 4 s
5 91 1 6 111 6 73 4 2
The official number of cars of slock
brought Inloday by each road was;
catiic. jiuh. ."neep
C. M. Ar St. r 1
1 1
9 19
21 13
4 '1
I'nlon Pacific 30
C. a N.-W., east 1
C. A N.-W., west 114
C. St. 1". M. & O
C. B. A Q., east 1
C. B &. W , west 72
C. R. I. A P., east 2
Total receipts 240
38 40
The disposition of the day s receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of lead Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
tswlft and Company
Cudahy l'acklng Co 1
674 6:0 1,002
617 710 m
340 63:4
.141 90k
100 ...
367 ... 3.114
Atmour ft 4.0 1
8chwartg-Bolen Co
bchwartschild A H b g r.
Cuddh, from Ft. W...
Ley ton
W. B. Vansant Co
Benton Vansant A L,..
I x)bman
Stephens Bros
Hill & Son
K. B. I-ewis
Huston and Company...
J. B. Hoot & Co
It. Bulla
U F. Hun
I,. Wolf
McCrtarv A Carey....
8. Werthelmer
H. Hamilton
Sullitan B1011
Mo.-Kas. Cattle Co
Smith & Caultiey
Other buyers
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morn
ing were fairly liberal and the bulk of the
arrivals consisted of rangers with quite a
little sprinkling of cornfeds. The market,
as a whole, was In very satisfactory con
dition so far aa steer stuff was concerned,
but cow atuff was lower.
Packets evidently wanted fresh supplies
of killing cattle with the result that they
bought desirable cornfed ateera around
10c higher than last Week, pretty good
cattle bringing $6 90. Western beeves were
also pretty good sellers at good firm
prices some Sand Hill cattle bringing f6.40.
The most of the fat cuttle changed hand
In fair season, the mat ket, aa a whole, be
ing in fair condition.
There were about 100 cars of cowa and
heifers on sale and outside of a few of
the best kinds the market was pretty gen
erally 10c lower than last week. As Is
apt to be the case under such circum
stances, the trade waa a little slow, buy
ers taking their time In filling orders.
Desirable kinds of feeders commanded
steady prices, but Inferior grades wore
slow and weak, no one appearing to want
that kind.
Quotations on rattle: Rood to choice corn
feu sieet s. Ki olVfi i.OO; fair to good cornfol
s'eers. o.. 0; common to fair cornfed
ateers. l4.76-fl5.20; good to choice rangers
f6.OOtjS.60; fair to good rangers. 4..srtf6.01;
common to fair rangers. f3.7if4.M; good to
choice cows and heifers, f4.0Uig6 20; fair to
good cowa and heifers. f3.2Mi4.00; common
to fair cowa and heifers. S1.7bj 3.2K; good
to choice stockers and feeders, f4. 2635.26;
fair to good Blockers and feeders, 13.764)4. 26;
common to fair Blockers and feeders, $3.00Vji
3.76; stock heifers. 11263.66; veal calves.
f3.6tk37.00; bulls, stags, etc . f 76tj4. 76.
ill .
A. fr. Ko. A. r.
1511 I 3i il 1440 I
1M 76 4i 1430 I 10
13 5 at 13 NT I U
....... Ill t li
M I SO 120 I 09
Ill I 26
7M I 06 11 Ml I 71
14 cowa 02 2 95
4 cows 1000 t 40
8 calvea... 424 I 40
1 calf SsO 2 50
22 steers.. ..1072 4 46
7 calves... 211 4 66
10 cows 820 1 15
12 feeders.. 661 I M
22 steers.... 946 4 30
6 cows 94 2 76
8 cows 876 $ 16
30 cowa 743 t 90
4 cow s 770 t 25
42 ateers.. ..1208 S 15
23 heifers... M 4
8 cows 1010 2 90
18 calvea... 148 ti
23 steers.. ..1166 S 40
24 steers.. ..1M 4 66
7 feeders.. 7N0 1 so
S cows 837 2 75
13 feeders.. 550 4 30
42 at. 6V hB..1119 4 66
7 heifers... 860 t 60
1 bull 1040 I 10
cowa 906 $ 00
13 ateers.... 1067 4 60
17 steers.... M 4 60
23 cows 928 3 10
16 rows 951 t 40
17 cow a SOD t 71
R. M. Lee. Nebraska.
36 ateers.. ..1162 4 86
Z. Goodwin, Nebraska.
28 ateers.. ..1082 4 80
George McOlnley, Nebraska.
91 cs Ahfrs 1043 4 60
F. W. Short. Nebraska.
1 bull 1620 , S 45 cows 9V) 3 46
1 cow 930 S 00 16 feeders.. 906 4 25
2 feeders.. 750 8 75 22 steers. ...1168 i 00
C. J. Anderson. Nebraska.
43 cowi 8S5 S 25 4 cows S3 S 25
B. E. French, Nebraska.
26 heifers... 648 2 90
Nels F.nglebrecht, Nebraska.
16 steers.. .1150 4 60
1 bull 1370 3 20 8 calves... 287 4 SO
23 calves... 217 8 00 22 heifers... Wvt 3 46
31 cows 647 2 75
Johnson Bros . Wyoming.
43 ateers ...1191 6 00 118 steers. ...1185 S 00
3S steers... 1116 4 W 13 cows 5-.3 2 90
34 cows 978 3 50 7 heifers... 48f, J 20
4 cows 102 8 46 6 cows 918 t 43
7 cows 1126 3 46 Scows 974 196
HOGS Pad. ers evldentlv wanted a few
bogs this morning and they paid prices
that were 5e higher and in some- case, as
much as 10c higher than last week's cloo.
This meant that they j-ald $7.4517 7.50 for the
most of their hogs, whereas on Ssturday
t ery nearly half of the lecelpis went at
$7 0 On the other hand, shipper" were
not such stronaf buyer as they have been
on most days of late, but the pild Uriely
7.Vrr7 85 for good shipping grades, and on
up as htTh as 1,' tiO foi a choice load, whim
was fully steady. Receipts were I'ght snd
pretty much everything was sold early
In the morning, the bulk of all the sales
bringing $7.4f-t' 7.
Representative rales;
tc ..
tn .
A. lb fr
No A Sh Pr
TI II' It I 47 S
t tat . 1 ITS
,1 ft tO J 47S
47 K4 120 7 41S
41 at . t tn
14 i7 to 7 to
,2 tn to 1 to
M in . o
rt tM to T art
V Ill . 1H
e Ill M tin
; ... .11" t 7 ias
17 14 a 1 11s
at !7 M lit
4" is tn 7 tt
It t't 1'0 1 it
r. :it uo 7 te
It !4I . 7 14
f! Id tM It
!M ... 1 I"
.111 . . 7 4
.11 . . 1 40
..r.) ... 1 4t
.M . I 4e
..lit 140 7 l.
. I2t 40 T IS
..nt ... 146
14 . T 44
.in iw ;ii,
. 20 li t 47-,
lit 40 7 47s
111 to t 41S
. 'iVt ... 7 ITS
. ;ct . . 7 47
.141 0 I 47 s
. m i iti
. in us
.i7 . . 1 :s
til ISO 1 17s
MiKEP Under the Influence of liberal
receipis packets donned Ihelr sheepskins
at the 01, t,it.y this ino'nlrg snd a .om
porativelv .o trade lesultrd Sellers were
una tiling to cram ant concr anions. ho -
ever, and after a rr,,m,,,srv se1.m of
dickering, mpr'les In 1 llllrg sheep rlmrge"!
hjnd at genet ally sieadv prl.-es. In on
01 ta.i In mincts triile. In roTinmn stock
Ictkeil to 1... a trlflo easier perbsp but
un weakness rtlsolaved In this clss of of
ftnncs wss iffset by a good "trong t uie
to .Ifsnable killer, iliml tuslltv fit sheep,
as s tiMiiill,' the ea tnove.1 more resilliy
than the poor" itrad.- After the ball iie l
one been oiHi rrV the genersl inrtik"t liv
1 ncd up romewhat S'tri pens were cl-are-l
1 In fait ly rnod season Mortatt.4 wrilicts.
the kind thai legisuied st II 7". Iat we. k.
made the fain, notch today, nrd omlt.i
wetlieis hiotight I1..M1. I
r'at lambs, if snytMng. appear-1 u be a j
littl- Mionirer. the l.r-st Mahos h re rell
ing I7.2.V A poslilvt- advance on young
killing stock would hr difficult 10 call for
the icaxon that onlv a llmltrd numlirr
v Inc Itirla il In receipts
Feeder Mock as rret with a good
demand, and anything that possessed uial
Itv realirfd prices thst tver- ireenly
hiolier sKie, as compared with lest
w.-ek. ate Miadv to strongei. A string of
particular! cultuMe feeder catlings nisde
V 10. but thru- bftve been but ery tew
yearlings on the feeder market lately, with
wl.tch to Ust values, so that till cMctit of
the advance - tloiilnf til.
Thf bulk of today s receipts consisted if
f-heetp sinfl from V'yonili,g. Idnhn and
Montana .antres. with a small consignment
from South Dakota.
Quotations 011 lat sheep and lambs: tlocl
lo choice spring Icimbs. $7 cinoyT 40, fair to
good Fpring Istnbs, li J. '; gool to rholm
yearlingj. S C"?! j 3."., fail to good yearlings.
S4.7o'(.".00; tood lo iholcc wethers. $4
4 8.1; fair to good wethers. 14 t.'-O. gooJ
o choice w es, 84 21'n-4 50; fair to good
ewes. JU.OVdH "". guotalions on feeder
stock: Fall t) choice Isnibs. lj.2i4f.iX1,
fnlr to choice rat lings. I4 3i3f0.1& fair 10
cholee sheep. ftin IV
Representative sales:
821 Montana wethers 116 4 7R
I18 Voming ewes 96 4 00
b Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 2 90
43 Wyoming ewes, feeders 78 3 00
16 Idaho awes, culls W I no
9."i Idaho ewes, breeders 94 4 61
92 Idaho ewes, breeders 10;) 4 10
49 Idaho wethers 103 4 Sf
116 Idaho lambs, feeders M ti 00
10 Idaho Isnibs, feeders 44 6 00
i Mouth. Dakota lambs, culls.. 40 6 01
40,i Wyoming wethers 102 4 60
2o Wyoming yearlings, feeders b' 6 00
30 Idaho ewes 10 4 10
278 yomlng wethers IIH 4 50
313 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91 16
6"0 Wyoming yearlings, feeder. h9 6 10
145 Wyoming yearlings feeders. 63 6 10
21 Wyoming y'l gs, f d'rs. culls 62 4 10
Story ot Dar'a Trading! In tattle.
Hogs and Sheep.
CHICAGO. Aug. 2. CATTLE Receipts.
20.000 head; market strong to 10c higher;
steers. I3.C0U7.7O; cows, f3.60iio.60; helfe.-s.
f3.60a4.00, bulls, fl 4034 86; calves, I3.OM1418.UO:
stockers and feedets, f3.75ti6.1&.
HOUS Receipta. 21.000 head; market
steady to 10c higher; choice heavy. fx.OOii
8 15; butchers. 7.Wi8.10; light mined. $7 (W
ft;. 75; choice light, f i'.mi8.0U; packing. 17. oO
Sj7.M), pigs, f6.6o4j7.65; bulk of sales, I7.00t
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000;
market steady to strong; xheep. 11016.25;
lambs, $6 0U"ui.; jvarllngs. fi.0OU5.&0.
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
Recelpts. 14.000 head. Including 6,000 south
erns; market steady to 10c hlgb-r: choice
export and dressed beef steers. tti.3.Vii7.40;
fair to good. f4 26ji6.25; western steers, f4.00
ft.;. 16; stockers and feeders, t3.:Hi0.3U;
southern steers, f,; iVito Ti; southern cow s,
$2.7Mi4 00; natle cows. J2 2,V(i4.75; native
heifers. f3.2r',q6 86; bulls, f.t.oo-y 4.15; calves,
f3.Fy. SO.
HOUS Receipts. 4 000 head; market 6c to
loc 11 ik ner; 100. fT.ui; bulk ot sales.
7.70; heavy, f7.7U'y7.MI; packers and butchers.
fT.oodi.Kv; light, i.Si4l7.70; pigs. fiino-gTBi;
8HEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, 2,000
head; market steady; lambs, I5.SO&7.UO;
yearlings. f4.rAa5.25; wethers. t4.O0'5OO;
ewes. 3.a04j'4.86; Blockers and feeders, f2.75
St. I.nnla Live Slock Market.
ST. LOl" IH. Mo.. Aug. 2 CATTLE Re
ceipts. 7.200 head. Including 5.5U0 Texans;
market steady; native shipping and export
steers. f6.10.'y 7.00; drexsed beef and butcher
steers. f6.4t66.25; steers under 1.UO0 pounds.
I4.254i4.76; S101 kers and feeders, f 3. 2S'o 5.00 ;
cows and heifers. f34O4i6.50; canners, fl.5i'f
2.60; bulls, f3.30itjo.00; calves, t:..,Oji7.73;
Texas and Incltmi Meets, f3.&0(it).60; cows
and heifers, f2.3,j4.H0
HOOS Receipts, 4.100 head; market 10c
higher; plga and lights. f5.757.i5; packers.
f7.50.S7.80; butchers and besl heavy, f7.86fi;
7. 96.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.300
ncaa; market steady. Native muttons. f3.2o
!y4 60; lambs, f6.76'fi7.O0; culls and bucks,
(2 2.Ki24.75; stockers. f:i.25i 4 00.
St. Joseph l.lve Slock Market.
ST. JOSEPH Aug. 2. CATTLE Receipts,
2.0C0 head; market steady; steers, f4..WB7.00;
cows and heifers, f2.6Oj4 60; calves. f,i.60u,
HOCiS Receipts, 3.500 head; market sieadv
to "c higher; top, $7.75; bulk of sales, 7.iO
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1,500
head; market ateady; lambs, $5.5037.25.
Ions lily 1,1 a Slock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Aug. 2. (Special T. le-
gi am.) CATTLE Receiple, 2.(00 heal; n ir-
net bieaay to easier; beeves. 4.2.a6.Vj;
grass cows. ft.Ou'n 4.2i; feeders, f3.75'u4.t)0;
yt-aiiinKS, 13.0f? 4.00.
HOGS Receipts. 2,200 head; market 6c
higher; range of prices, $5.20Vj7.a6; bulk of
sales, $7.3O&7.40.
Stork In Sight.
Reoelpta at the six principal western mar.
kets yesterday were:
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
6,283 2. ,505 10.144
2.000 3.500 1.600
2.000 2 200
, 14.000 4 000 2,000
7.200 4.1O0 4.300
20.000 21,000 16.000
South Omaha.
St. Joseph
Sioux City
Kansas City..
rit. Ixuls
....61.463 87.306 33.S44
Staple and Faster Proetwee Prices Par.
ntsbed by Borers anal Wholesaler.
BUTTER Creamery. No. I delivered to
the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 27c; No.
1, In 60-lb. tubs, 27c; No. I, In 1-lb car
tons, 26c; In 60-lb. tuba, 24c; packing Block
19c; fancy dairy, tubs. 21tj22c; common
till, fresh made, UjjlsVt. Market changes
every Tuesday.-
EGGS Fresh selling Btock. candled. 21c.
No storage stock In Omaha market.
CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream
twins. 15c; Young Americas, 4 in hoop'
16 Sc; favorite, 6 In hoop, 16c; daisies, 20 lii
noop, Use; cream brick, full case, 16c:
block Swiss, 15c; full cream llmburger 16c
POULTRY-Broilers. Xc; alive, springs'.
13c; hens, 10sc; cocks, V,c; ducks, fcc
geese, 6c; turkeys, loc; pigeons, per doz '
5c; guinea fowls, per doz., $2.50; sguabsi
per dog., $2. I n ested hens. 11c: springs
lwtt2oc; cocks, "sc, ducks. Uc; gewse, llinc:
FISH Fresh caught, almost all at
dressed: Halibut, 6c; buffalo, 9c; trout
13c; bullheads, 14c; catfish, 17c; crappiea'
sunflah, a'tf9c; black bass, 2oc; whlieflsn'
13c; pike, 12c; salmon, 14o; pickerel, loc:
frog legs. Sic. Fresh froien: Whitefish, No'
1, 10c; round, 9c; pickerel, dressed and
headless, 7c; round, tic; pike, dressed in, -
round, 9c; red snapper, ic, Spauiah mack
erei, 10c; native macaere.. jac each.
FRESH FRUITS Florida pineapple,
:o tsa, $2.76 per crate; grape fruits, 34 alz.
per uox. tii, 46 aise. laU- 64 sue. as: i.'
nanas, fancy select, $1. Uixi.uU. apples, noine 1 trustees crrtalti steaks It trust for a bene
giown, ir bu. basket, sue; market baakei, I fli'lary. but that If the settler In htt last
4uc. ' I will and testament should aevte oilier
MEAT CUTS No. 1 ribs, lSc; No. Jibropertv on trusts for the benefit of said
ribs, 13c; No. 3 ribs, 9V, Nc. 1 loin. 17c, bnieflclarv. then the trusiees named in the
No. 3 loin, 14c; No f loin. 10-,c; No. 1 1 deed of trust, should hold said stocks of
chuck, luc; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No.. 3the terms named In the will for the bene
chu'k. 4',c. No. 1 round. 10c; No. 1 round, fit of the beneficiary. Held, that although
Sc; No. 3 round, ssc; No 1 plate, tfeu; trie trustee In the deed of trust resided
No. 2 plate. 6c; No. $ plate. 4c. ' I T New Yoik and had manual possesion
V EG1 a BLEU Kanaaa aweel polatoea. of ssld storks at the time the settler died.
$2 76 per bbl. celery, Michigan, 26c bun. n. yet If the settlei did make a provision In
smaller, M. caobage. home grown. Is ., will as aforesaid that the benlflclarv
per lb. Wisconsin rle.-l ;inbe onlona. V l in the ded of trust must trace her su-
per id vaiiioriiia .amino er. f 4 00 pe.
trate. Tomatoes Tennesee. 4 baskets, i'j
60c; crate, $4 00. Lettuce, per dos , 30c. Par
tnlps. turnip, carrots. 7c per dozen. Fioi
Ida new beet, variola, parsnip, turnip,
etc , per doz., 76c.
POTATOES New, lie per bu.
HIDES No. 1 green, 10c; No- cured. Uc.
Iniar and Mnlaase.
NEW YORK. Aug 2. Sl'tiA R - Ra w.
film- fan- refinlnir 1W,-: , n l r , f 1 10 u I
test. 8.98c; inolasres ugsr, 3.7c. Kefiued
steady; No. . 4 4ic; No 7. 4.4K-: No. 7
4 4ur; No. . 4 25c; No. . 4 30c; No. 10. 4 25
No. 11. 4 isle; No. 12. 4.15c; No 13 4 lOt
In. i, t inn art nuirre .a. i&' . nioilio
A, 6 30c; rut loaf. 6 75c: crualnd. 6 6.c; pow
dered. 6iV-; granulated. 4 kot; tubes, ij:
MOIASSES Steady ; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 2iU4.
Dry Good Slarket.
unexpected low condition report on
cotton bioughf trading In cotton goods
and yarn almost to a standstill In the
it imtry market. Mills are ,v.
.(.I..., ,-n int- . inn viii ami tucre St..
not bid sn.ihli g near the nulls' Ideaa af
tallies. The Jool-mg ttarte opened aith
good promise snd many buyers ate Iti
.on. Iirrss goods ate selling steadily,
rine coltotis are In a.tlta demand tor
MlltTankrr -tain Market.
northern, II ,:1, .no 1 northern. 11. IS. cp
1 ember, J1 iDUitlA.S
h. KLK1 -.-tandirti, I0ri 71c.
Toledo Meed Market.
TtM.KI K 1. V.. Auk. I Sl".r'.lS dot ei .
cash. !.!;-; tcto.ri. i3'.'s. pecemnei.
I iiS: Nisi 1 11. ," 46 llmoth. pi line, 1. uv
Alrike. ptinif. Is 3v, August. 3u.
Wool Market.
ST. l.ol'IS. Aug I VMM it,-Mcad , ier
rttory and wesn-in mediums. i4t ; tin
mediums, Jl'ulic, tine, llnls'sc
IOIkIk Halter .Market.
KlAilN. in.. Aug 2 -Ul TTKIt Firm at
.'h:. Sales tot the wt-ck. ie.4tJ lbs.
17.714 Chapman aitlnxt Ciiy of Lloooln
Appeal. Lancaster. Affirmed. Fawt-ett. J.
1. The ciiai'u-1 of the city 01' Lincoln, giv
ing the mayor and count il supervision and
control of all public hirhva and public
ground within the city dors not authorise
them to enact 01 dltiancra for the leasing of
space on the stieets or sidewalks In front
of Ihihiuo house? for use by produce
dealers or other merchant!, such use of
the streets and sldwalkit being unlawful
and constituting a nuisance per se.
2 Whatever space In a public street of
a city Is set apitrt for the use of the public
as a sidewalk, the public have a right to
use tn us entirety, from spy and all un
authorized obstructions, snd It Is the duty
of the mayor and city council to see that
It Is kept in thai condition.
3. It ts 110 defense to a party who Is
being proceeded agalnsi by a tlly for un
lawfully obstructing a sidewalk thst others
are obstructing the walks In like mannei.
4. Nor Is the city estopped by reason of
Its past failure to enforce lis ordinances
against the obstruction of sidewalks from
subsequently removing all - obstructions
t herefrom.
16717. Ross against Craven. Appeal,
Holt. Affirmed. Root. J.
1. The contract of an agent In the name
of his principal for the mle of lands In
Nebraska. Is void under the statute of
frauds, unless the former s authority Is In
2. A letter written by a land owner to a
real estate broker stating the terms upon
which the former Is willing to sell his
land, does not clothe the latter with au
thority to execute a contract In the form
er's name for the sale of such real estate.
3. An acceptance of a written offer to
sell land must conform strictly to the
terms of such offer to create a contract.
4. If plaintiffs case Is based upon a
contract, which he claims was executed
by defendant's authorised agent, for the
sale of teal estate in Nebraska, and the
answer Is a general denial of all allega
tions to said land, defendant Is entitled to
the protection of the statute of frauds.
17-., ai. Illoointlelil against linn. Appeal.
Kearrey. Afilrmed. names, J.
1. After Instructing the Jury as to the
Issue presented tor their determination.
It is not error tor the court to refer them
tr the pleadings for a more specitlc state
ment, and allow them to take me pleadings
when mey retire to consider their verdict.
i. The court In paragraph two ot ntn
Instructions told Hie juiy nat the plaln
tlif was it-guiied 10 prove in order 10
letovei. Alio 111 anotnrr paiagiapn In
tin meet them w nat would be a complete
defense lo the matters mentioned in toe
toinici paras, ret PH. 11.10, that tnis did not
rentier tue tjatHKiupiiH inconsistent aim
men other and tnai hen considered to
getnti mey piopciiy stated me law ap
iiiaoie to the tacts of me case.
A. An instruction not technically cor
rect, Dut wnicli Is more favoiaoie to tne
complaining paily loan to Ins opponent,
aifoiUH hum no giuutid of reversal.
4. in an action iui Hiaiiutr 11 is proper
foi tne planum to 11111 ounce evidence of
the speaniiia; ot Maiiuemus woros oih.i
man , nose set out ill I lie pi In. on. bui o
similar import, both beiole anil alter tun
coiiiinencetociit 01 tne suit wiit-n malice id
a tact in issue aim 10 snow uie extent ot
me publication nut nol 111 agki a ailon ot
0. An instruction by which the Jury were
tool mat mey no; lit cuimitiri aucn state
ments lor me pui pose 01 snowing mailer,
or 111 tae,ki avatiou of uaiuagcs, ts not
technically culicci. mil where It la ap
parent Hum tue wlioie record, incluuing
me amount ol Ln letuvoiy. that Ui.juv
wtre 1101 iniiutiueu Oy inu use of tti
Moras or 111 uKiatatlou 01 daiuaava." 111
at 1 it nig at into 11u1ci, ih giving ot
bucn an insiiuttion is t-i ror without fueju
aice. it. It Is proper in such a case for the
tuiiii to li.uiiii.i me jury that In 1U111
Hie amount ot uamages they may take 1111
cuiiMuei ation inu i-icoeui and future 111
j ill y lu l plaintilf.
1. v nt re a pai t nas requested the sub
mission 01 sp.tiai giiisiions to tne Juiy
lu be annuel, a u tnein, and tne tntweu
returntu are sustaiuta by the evun-nce,
lie cannot oe licaiu lo compiain ol su u
6. Held upon the facts disclosed by the
Icloiu, ma. tne veiuict ill una case U
1101 excessive.
liiMi. Canon SKuiiisI Dalley. Appeal,
Ital ian. Allll tilt u. L.ellon, J.
1. a majuniy 111 interest of the owners
resident 111 tins state of any contingunus
bouy ot swamp or overflowed lands In one
or more counties In lilts state may sign
articles of association lor tne formation of
a diatnage ulstrici under isecllun &jobl,
annotated statutes, 1907.
2. '1 he words "resident owners" aa uaad
In said section held to mean "owners real
dent of thle state."
3. The district court may refuse to brder
the formmion of such a district If none of
the petitions for the district reside within
the county or counties in which tba tiro
posed diHtilct Ilea. ; 1
Moor against Keck. Appeal,
Suundeis. Affirmed. Dean. 'J. '
lnl68. In re application of Sullivan. Writ
denied. 1-ctlun. J.; Fawcett, J. not sitting.
1. "In this state the receiving or buying
of stolen goods, with Intent to defraud the
owner, Is not an accessory, but a substan
tive offense, and a conviction may be had
without regard to the person who stole
the gooda. or from whom they were re
ceived." I-evl against State, 14 Neb. 1.
2. The charge of buying stolen horses
in this state, knowing the same to have
been stolen, with Intent by such buying to
defraud the owner, states an offenae, even
though the charge further recltea that the
horses were stolen In South Dakota.
Io700. Douglas County against Kountse.
Appeal from DouglaA. Affirmed Hoot,
J.; lotion J. Concurring separately.
1. If this court assumes jurisdiction on
an appeal for an order appointing an ap
peals r to ascertain tha amount of ar In
heritance tax alleged by tha authoritlea to
be due. It will go no further than to ascer
tain whether there waa any property eub
Ject to such appraisement.- ,
2. The beneficiaries In a vbhinlarf deed
of settlement made by a resident of the
slate, who was domiciled therein at the
time of his death, which provided that a
foreign trustee should 'hold certain stocks
of a Nebraska corporation, yielding the
profits therefrom to tha settler during his
lif. and upon his death to tranafer stld
stocks to the first named beneficiaries, are
subject to t lie payment of an Inheritance
lax upon the transfer of said stocks to
- I tliem- Bnd trustee la alsu personally
nauie tnereior. - , .
". The aforsald set tier' provided In said
1 deed that hi trustee should, upon the
I death of the settler, transfer to two named
, ,-e-sion through ald will and that she wss
subject to pa an Inheritance tax for which
the trustee "as also liable
Ronseelt at Scotch Ihnrek.
NAIRuiil. (irllish East Africa. Aug. 2
Theodor Roosrvlt estcrday attended th
Scotch Church of Nairobi and made a
' donation to th local Young Men s
i Christian Boclat1on Tonight he w ill t-
" n function ai the M tsonlc Institute
. ' ' ' . " " '
; j
Herbert E. Gooch Co.
Brokers and Dealers
Osaka Offloai tlO . T. Ufa lg.
Bell Tlibo. Doaglaa ML
Iavaat, t-llll a4 A-ll
Oldest and Largest Hwuee la t Vate.