Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
oni imrra om aa
0U Be te a U atae Mrtti
Davis, drug.
CORRKJANS, nndertakera. 'Phone 1.
W'oodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
Lewis Culler, funeral director. Thone 37.
faust beftr at rooers- buffet.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, use The Bee.
-erln binder and mowers. Epearllng
a. Trlpielt, 227 Broadway.
Evergreen ctmfc Royal Neighbors of
America, will men this evening.
Wanted a boy to carry a Bea rout.
Apply is Bcott street, Omaha Bee.
undertakers. 'Phene tB, N. Main St.
Dr. W. W. Mag erel optometrist, moved
to 206-203 City National bank building.
Lily camp. Royal Neighbors of America,
will meet In regular aesslon this evening.
Star chapter. Royal Arch Masons, will
meet In regular convocation this evening.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Board of Education t scheduled for this
Fred Garrett and Christina Alice Haley.
bojrh of Craia. Mo., were married In this
yesterday by Justice J. K. Cooper.
. O. Smlili. city ticket agent for the
ireat Western, will leave today for a trip
to the Yukon-Alaska exposition and Pacific
coast points.
J. A. Smith, who filed suit for divorce
from his wife. Gertrude Smith, last Satur
day, dismissed the casa yesterday. Smith
is said to hava rc traded the chargi-s made
against his wifa In his petition.
Rev. Henry PeLong performed tha mar
riage ceremony yesterday for Ludvlk
Boukel of South Omaha and Julia Madson
' of Fort Madison, la., and for Victor V.
Cone and Valla M. Denson, both of this
Word has been received here of the deith
at his home In Pasadena. Cal.. of V S
Marshall, an Instructor in the Iowa School
for the Deaf from 184 to 1897. Mr. Marshall
was 72 years of age. His death was dun to
Injuries received in falling from a street
Daniel Skinton. aged Kt years, died yes
terday morning at hia home. 8 East Waxh
lngton avenue. Ha Is survived by his wife,
seven daughters and two eons, one of
whom, Frank Fklpton, is- a member of the
police force. The body will be taken today
to Wlota. Ia., for burial.
The body of David Oleon. the farm hand
who Is believed to have commuted suicide
by drowning In a pond on the farm of
R. A. Smith In Garner township, was yes
terday sent to his former home In Forrest
City, la. The father was nimble to come
nere for the body, as ha had expected.
, Charles A.' Clausen, charged with the
theft of a parlor suite of furniture and
several articles of Jewelry, the property
of Mrs. Helen Campbell, waived preliminary
examination in police court yesterday morn
ing and was bound over to await the action
of the grand Jury. His bond was fixed at
IVX), In default of which he was committed
to the county Jail.
Mrs. Msrle Petersen, wife of A. S. Peter
sen. f2 Sixteenth avenue, died Sunday
evening from lung trouble nfler an illness
of one vcar, aged 24 years. , She la survived
ny her husband and two sona. The funeral
will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Danish Lutheran church and
burtnl will be In Falrvlew cemetery. Rev.
J. P. Heeds will conduct the aervlcea.
John Scanlon, a harvest hand from
Misachuetts, who has been working In
Nebraska, was In police court yesterday
morning for drunkenness, and declared he
had been Tolled" for 140 while making the
rounds of the saloons Saturday night.
Scanlon was In a bad fix, na he was with
out money, and his companion, who could
not be located, had their two tickets for
Houx City. Scanlon's fine was remitted on
his promise 'o proofed on hla way
Girls '-ranted.
Girls who can work all fall and winter
will be given empldfcmfnt wrapping Wood-
ward's pure sugar stick candy and Wood
wards real butter scotch. John Q. Wood
to ward A Co.
Heat Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee August 2 by the Pottawattamie Coun
ty Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Solomon Goodlier and wife to A. A.
Clark & Co.. part nw"4 nw1 of 36-
7. w. d $ 126
James L. Psxtnn and wife to John II.
Mickey, lot 2. In 2-7ti-44. q. c. d 1
C. N. Houg to Frederick A. Morgan,
lots 1 and IK and the eV of lots 2
and IS. block s. Bryant A Clark's
addition, w. d 1.600
F. J. Sohuorr and wife to Sole
Murohv. lot 8. block 12. Stutsman'a
V second addition, w. d 1.5"0
eonaid Kverett and -Mary L-
Kvcictl, executors, to Frank Hunt
and Maud Hunt, west 25 feet of lot
4. hlock 19. Hall's addition, w. 800
Kdward Dowllng and wife to J. P.
Knudxen. lot S and lot 9. block I,
F.van'a bridge addition, w. d WO
Kvt'llne J. Melton lo Klla M. Melton,
undivided one-half of lots 10 and 11.
Mock 2 In McClelland, w. d..J 1
Kvt line J. Melton to Ella M. Melton,
lots 9 and 10. Petersori'a aubd. of
part nut lot D, McClelland, w. d ... 1
Frederick N tenia n and wife to A. L.
Preston, lot 8. bloek 30. Avoca, w. d. 6.000
A. K GiHtidJian to P. M Ruleau, lota
o and 7. block 13. Bentley, w. d.... 6,000
MarKaret L. MeUee and husband to
Sarah IC. Pusey, lot 4, auds. aubd.
i.f west 4 feet of out lota 2 and S.
Isckson's addition, w. A .600
W A. Mauier and wife and W. S.
Keeline and wife to Afiastaslos C.
Pulopuloa. part of lot 4. block 2.
Bavlifs' first addition, w. d 3.000
Mary L. Everett to Jessica J.
Sledentopf, twenty-three lots. Ben
son's first addition: Ferry addition;
Twin City Pls.e addition, w. d 4V
Total, thirteen transfers $22,313
Camers" ard Photographic Supplies. C.
E. Alexander. 3SJ Broadway.
' Carriage Licenses.
Licenses to iwd were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name jand Re1denre. Age
Luavlk' Boukel. bouth Omaha 84
Julia Madson, Fort Madison. Ia 22
Victor V. Cone. Council Bluffs a
Vella M. Deuson. Council Bluffs j
Fred Garrett. Craig. Mo j
Christine Alice Ilslev. Craig, Mo 13
i. : 24tti and, Ball x.
Specials for Tuesday
No. 1 Haws, per lb
No. 1 Bacon, per lb
Pot Roast, per lb.
Rib Rout, per Jo-
Sirloin Steak, per lb
Porterhouse) Steak, per lb
Pea and Tomatoes, per doien can
Headquarter always fpr Quality.
Eiecutive' Council Report, on Assess
ments in Pottawattamie County.
Total Is Bet i.T41.42 More Than
Last Vear Pacific F. press
Company Only line to
Have Increase.
The assessed valuation of the railroads
and express companies In Pottawattamie
county, according to the official statement
received yesterday by County Auditor In
nes from the state executive council, la
22.746.42 greater than that of last year. Of
the total Increase, 22.6X0.02 ia In the assess
ment of the railroads and I'K 40 In the
assessment of the express companies.
The biggest increase la in the assess
ment of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal
Railway company, which has, however,
only half a mile of track in this county,
which haa been raised from $7,030 to 210.0.50
per mile.
The number of miles of track and the
assessed valuation per mile, as fixed by
the atate executive council of each railroad
in the county, are as follows:
Omaha Bridge and Terminal, .10. $10.0:0;
Chicago, Burlington yulnry. Red Oak
Atlantic, l.Wt;, $4,100; C, B. & y., Has
tlnga A Avoca, 6 244. 11,600; C, 11. A y .
Kansas City, St. Joseph A Council Bluffs,
S.2S. $10,239; Chicago, Hoik Island & Pa
cific, Iowa division, 45.0S, $11,371; C., R. I.
P.. Carson branch, 17.73. $3,700; C, K. 1.
& P.. Harlan branch, 1.15. $3,700; Wabash,
Omaha A St. Louis line. 11.22. V.01S. Iu
bii'iue A Sioux City, Omaha district. 19.72.
$4.2!S; Union Pacific, main line, 2.06, $l2i.4J.',
I'. P., Union avenue line, 1.72, $10,000; Chi
cago & Northwestern, main line, ''.".0:.,
lo.HS3; Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul.
Chteago 6t Council Bluffs division. 2 ;.!,
$U.03i; Chicago Great Western. Mason CUy
&. Fort Dodge, main line, 28.364, $4,891.
In addition to the Increase In the assess
ment of the terminal company, the follow
ing slight Increases ate noticed:
C B. A y., Kansas City. St. Joseph A
Council Bluffs. $119; C. R. I. A p., Iowa
division. $3; Union Pacific, main line, $lii;
C, M. A St. P., Chicago A Council Ululf.-i
division, $1.
Express Company Assessments.
The mileage and assessed valuation of
the express companies is fixed as follows:
Adams Express company, 17.58, $615 29;
United States Express companv, 92.."4.
J3.2is.90; Pacific Express company, 13 2S.
23WI40; American Express company, 41.34,
$1,663.60; Wella Fargo A Co.. 30.44, l,fti4 i4.
The only increase over last year Is in
the assessment of the Pacific Express
company, which Is raised from $332 per mile
to $398.40.
According to the notice received by the
county auditor the state levy for 1909 will
be 3.9 mills, made up as follows:
General revenue, 3.4 mills; state unlver
slty, .2 mills; Iowa College of Agriculture
and Mechanical Arte, .2 mills; Iowa Normal
school, .1 mill.
Contracts for painting figured by us will
be carried out to the letter. Our men are
all regular, first class painters, not smear
men, and our knowledge of painting and
equipment enablea ua to thoroughly satisfy
every customer we contract with. We
want your work. II. Borwlck, 211 S. Main
City Executive Returns from .Vaca
tion With String; of Baas.
Mayor Thomas Maloney arrived home
late Sunday night from his outing at
Jefferson Lake, Minn., where his family
will remain for the balance of tha sum
mer. The mayor enjoyed some excellent
fishing and Instead of some big fish stories
brought home with him a number of large
bass which ha distributed among his
friends, political and otherwise.
"I had a most enjoyable time," sale'
Mayor Maloney yesterday morning at his
office In the city hajl while preparing to
take up the burdens of chief executive of
the municipality again, "and I wish I
could have stayed there longer. It was
nice and cool, the finning was good and
there was no Indian creek to bother one.
Now that I am home I Intend to at once
take up thia Indian creek problem and
hope to have some proposition in shape to
present to the city council by next Mon
day night."
I do first-class work reasonable. I make
suits for $15, skirts $5. I also do altering to
ault. Would you give me a trial 7 The
Fashion, ladles' tailoring. R. H. Emleln,
proprietor. Late fitter Ork'ln Bros. 31 S.
Main St.
Our entire stock of wall paper goes on
sale Monday at a big discount. No stock
bought for this occasion. Everything re
gular atock. up-to-date patterns, all new
peper. Come in and see for yourself. C.
Jensen, Masonic Temple.
Henry Salts Celebrates Anniversary
nt Home of llanahter.
Henry Suits, residing at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. H. W. Payne, 2310 East
Broadway, celebrated his 104th birthday
anniversary yesterday. Mr. Suits was
born in New York state on August 2,
lROTi, and moved to Harrison county, Iowa,
in 1S54, coming to Council Bluffs six
months later, and haa resided here ever
ainre. Hla wlf died about forty years
ago. Of the six children born to him
three are living. They are hla daughter,
Mrs. Payne, with whom he makea his
home; John Suits of this city and L.
Suits of Oshkoeh, Neb., who is here visit
ing his father. He has twenty-three
grandchildren and thirteen great grand
children. In his early days in New York
Mr. Stilts drove a government mall stage
and for a number of years after locating
In Council Bluffs waa engaged in the
the bear..
1S11, Ind. A -851 1.
17 . 0
. 15
.... SX.IO
teaming business. Despite his extreme
age Mr. Suite la in good physical con
dition, has never used a cane In walking
or used glasses and is able to read with
out difficulty.
Hide for Half Million Kqaare Feet of
of Sidewalk Opened.
Bids for about 600.000 square feet of ce
ment sidewalks ere opened by tha city
council last night, and after being read
were referred to the city engineer for
tabulation. The sidewalks on which bids
were Invited are divided Into twenty-three
aectlons, each section designed to consti
tute about $2,000 worth of work, as provided
by the new sidewal ordinance. The work
of tabulation, owlg to the different prices
for grading, wllbe tedious and City En
gineer Etnyre stated that he expected it
would take at least a week to complete It.
The bids ranged from 8.1 cents to 11 cents
a square foot, with varying ratea for grad
ing, which might be necessary. Wickham
Is thought to be low bidder on at least
ten sections, while Peter Nelson appears
to bo the low man on most of the others.
The bidders were J. J. Hughes, Peter
Nelson, E. A. Wlckham, James P. Wick-j
ham, Council Bluffs Concrete company,
Miracle Pressed Stone company of Minna-1
apolls, Stephen H. Conner, Kimballton
Construction of Kimballton, la. Some of
the bids covered all of the work for which
contracts are to be let, while others In
cluded only part of the proposed work.
The entire work will aggregate about
The matter of enforcing the pure milk
ordinance waa brought up by Councilman
Jensen, who wanted to know how soon
It was going to be made operative. City
Solicitor Kimball suggested that before
putting the new measure into force rules
should be adopted by the local Board of
Health, as provided for In the ordinance. A
committee consisting of Councllmen Jen
sen, Moixan and Olson was appointed to
act wlih the city solicitor In formulating
such rules ancr report to the Board of
Health a$ si on a? possible.
Councilman Younkerman Introduced his
ordlniiui e providing for the stringent reg
ulation of "dry cleaning" establishments,
and k committee composed of himself and
Coiincilmen Morgan and Jensen was ap
pointed to confer with the proprietors of
such establishments with a view to agree
ing upon an ordinance.
In accordance with the auggestlon con
talned In a letter from President Wlnchell
of the Rock Island road to General E. V.
Test, relative to the proposition of a union
depot in Council Bluffs, Mayor Maloney
appointed a committee consisting of Coun
cllmen McMillan, Rldgon and Olson to
act with a committee which the Commer
cial club will be requested to name, with
a view to arranging a date for a meeting
in this city of the heads of the several
railroads centering here. The matter of a
union depot has been agitated in some
quarters, but It ia understood that the
Illinois Central and Some of the other
roads do not care to entertain such a prop
osition at this time.
Councilman Younkerman brought up the
matter of requiring owners of automobiles
used for hire to pay a license, the aame
aa ownera of hacks and express wagons
are required to pay. City Solicitor Kim
ball suggested that it would be necessary
to pass an ordinance, and will draw up
City Physician Tubbs, during the discus
sion, suggested that all vehicles be re
quired to carry a rear light at night, but
Mayor Maloney declared he would refuse
to sign such an ordinance.
"I am now working on an ordinance to
require all pedestrians to carry a light at
night," said Councilman Jensen, with an
expressive wink, and this put a quietus on
the city physician's suggestion.
Complaint was made that the North
western railroad had not carried out Its
agreement to keep the Mynster Springs
road In proper condition for traffic while
carrying out its Improvements In its yard
and the city marshal was directed to stop
the railroad from using this thoroughfare
further until It fulfilled its promise.
The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company, In a communication, signi
fied Its willingness to comply with the re
quest of the council that It erect a guard
rail along Its track adjacent to Indian
creek on East Broadway, where the bank
has become dangerous after the recent
floods. At the suggestion of Councilman
Jensen the work ia to be done under the
supervision of the city engineer.
City Auditor McAneny received tha fol
lowing communication relative to the Ind
ian cieek problem yesterday from Charles
P. Chase, a well known consulting engi
neer of Clinton, la.:
Dear Sir: I note an article In the Omaha
Bee In regard to Indian creek and think
thx stand you take Is the proper one. This
work can be done under the law for chang
ing watercourses. (See sections 794 to 800
or the Iowa code of 1907.) Clinton did $166,
500 of work under this law and had three
litwsuita on the question and won them
Big discount on refrigerators, lawn
mowers and hammocks. From 20 to 2JH
per cent discount. P. C. Del Val Hard
ware company.
Ward's Confectionary Store Raided
By Constable Baker.
The automobile belonging to Sherman
Humphrey, Janitor of the county court
house, was Impressed Into the service of
the state of Iowa again yesterday after
noon, when Constable Baker from Justice
Coper's court made a raid on a confec
tionary store conducted by W. M. Ward
at COS Sixteenth avenue.
The search warrant waa Issued on an In
formation filed by Sheriff MeCaffery, com
plaint having been made to him that cash
slot machines were b?lng operated In vio
lation of the law at Ward's place.
Two cash nlot machines were seized
b the constable and together with Ward
were hauled to Justice Cooper's court In
Humphrey's auto. Ward gave a cash bond
in the sum of $100 for his appearance and
was released, but the slot machines, with
their contents, remained In tne custody of
the court.
LIQUOR CO. 61 8. Main. 'Phones $323.
Addition to Postofflee.
In the opinion of C. F. Cramer of Clev
land, o., superintendent of construction
the Treasury department inmi
on I
the addition to the postofflce bulldin will
ba commanred liv funMmhu 1 v... I
' ... . . i . trainer
arrived In the city yesterday and will stay
until the completion of the addition and
the remodeling of the. Interior of the pres
ent building. He expects his family to
Join him here the latter pan of the week
or the beginning of next.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. F-170;.
Dr. Cutler Little Better.
Dr. Morgan Cutler, bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Culler, who' was seriously Injured
In an automobile accident near Florence
Saturday night, was removed early yes
terday morning from the Swedish hospital
In Omaha to the Jennie Edmundson Me
morial hospital in this city. Although Dr.
Cutler had not, up to a late hour lot
I'tkiit, recovered consciousness, lii cundi
i.uii was slightly ove J.
Secretary of Pharmacy Commission
Says He Has Not Resigned.
Governor Carroll M ill Hold Hearing
Angast 2-1 to Determine Its
Distribution Many Ne
groes Arrested.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DES MOINES. Ia., Aug. 2.-Specll Tel
egram.) C. W. Larcon of Red Oak denied
a rumor that started In the state house
today that he had resigned as secretary of
the Pharmacy commission to take effect
August 7, but refused to say but that lie
might resign some time soon. The state
law makes It necessary for him to reside
In Des Moines mlille hla drug store at Red
Oak demands his time, and he cannot do
the Pharmacy commission work there.
Reward In Trimble Case.
Governor Carroll has set August 25 as
the date for hearing claims as to distribu
tion of $300 reward offered by the atate for
the capture of William Winter, the mur
derer of Linn Trimble. The reward of
$1,600 raised by the citizen of Union and
Hardin counties will probably be decided
In the same proportions.
Big Yield of Alaska Wheat.
John Cownle of the State Board of Con
trol today returned from Cherokee with
samples of Alaska wheat claimed to yield
as high as 2o0 bushels to the acre. Some
was grown on the Cherokee State farm
this year and the yield is twice that of
ordinary wheat. Mr. Cownle is enthusi
astically for It.
The Des Moines city Jail Is full of
negroes arrested as part of a band oper
ating in Omaha and Dea Moines. Fannie
Burton, a negress relieved Joseph
Andrews, a white traveling man, of a roll
of $110. He complained and the arrest of
forty-four negroes In both cities resulted.
The Des Moines arrests were mostly mad a
in an opium den.
Calf Attacks Farmer and Tramples
Him Badly Before Help
MASON CITY, Ia., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Crazed by the Intense heat, the yearling
heifer owned by Andrew Loekwood
pounced upon him as he entered the yard
to water the herd, and for a time It looked
aa If he would not escape with his life.
The Infuriated beast knocked him down,
bunted him with Its hornless head and
trampled the powerless man with Its feet.
The daughter heard his cries and went
to his assistance, but the herd had to be
driven from the yards before the heifer
would leave the prostrate body. When
picked up he was unconscious, with one
arm broken and several of his ribs torn
lose. He was also Injured internally.
Clayton J. Bailey, Manswglnar Editor
of Tribune, Answers Sad
den Summons.
SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. t Clayton J.
Bailey, managing editor of the Sioux City
Tribune, died suddenly In Minneapolis to
day. He was a well known newspaper
man In the northwest. ' He worked on St.
Paul and Minneapolis papra for a num
ber of years. ' ' "
Samuel Doran Serlonaly Wounded By
Two Hold-uo Men.
VATERIX0, la., Aug. 2.-t.Special Tele
gram.) While returning to his home Sun
day night at 10 o'clock Samuel Doran waa
attacked by two masked robbers, who shot
him twice In the leg, and made their
escape. Doran had no monev with him.
The work was evidently done by amateurs.
The police, attracted by the man's cries,
made diligent search, and several arrests
followed. The victim tg 45 years old and
unmarried. He was taken to a hospital
and physicians are trying to save tha limb.
Property Valued nt 1,000 Destroyed
Near Iowa, City.
IOWA CITY, Ia., Aug. 2 (Special Tele
gram.) Fire at 4 -o'clock this morning de
stroyed $10,000 worth of outbuildings, ma
chinery, hay and grain on the John Meadd
farm, two mlle8 west of tlie city. The
fire was due to spontaneous combustion
In a hay barn. The buildings were among
tha finest In the country. The loss is
fully covered by Insurance. A draft stal
lion worth $1,000 was also burned.
I.aeer Family 111 Fated.
CRESTON. Ia.. Aug. 2-(Speclal.)
Within the last few weeks three members
of the Lacey family at Bedford hava sus
tained serious accidents, the latest one
reported being that to Thomaa Lacey, who
was severely Injured several days ago by
becoming entangled In the lines when a
load of hay upset with him as he was
entering a barn. Dr. Peter Lacey recently
sustained a broken shoulder in an acci
dent, and in the high water of several
weeks past James Lacey and wife and
child fell through a defective bridge
twenty feet to a stream below and Mrs.
Lacey barely escaped with her life.
Teachers at Estbrrvllle.
ESTHERVILLE, Ia., Aug. 2-(Special .)
the Thirty-sixth annual session of the
Emmet County Teachers' institute will be
held in the high school building In this
city this week commencing today. An ex
ceptionally large delegation of teachers is
anticipated owing to the able corps of in
structors which have been engaged, who
are as follows: Prof. A. H. Porter of Chi
cago, 111.; Prof. A. F. Benson of Minne
apolis, Minn.; Miss Myrtle M. Robeson of
Lohrvllle, Ia.; Prof. A. P. Hargrave of
Armstrong. Ia., and Superintendent J. L.
Mlshler, Prof. E. E. Strawn and Vashti
Wilcox of Esthervllle, Ia.
Big Crowds at Ores ton Chautauqua.
CRESTON. Ia.. Aug. 2 (Special.) A
crowd estimated at 3.400 made the opening
day of the Creston Chautauqua Friday a
big success. Frank Dixon, speaking on
"The Square Deal," was the speaker of
the afternoon, and the Maupin Band and
orchestra gave a full concert in the even
ing. E. H. Moore, the Arkansas Traveler,
was on the program Saturday and yester
day. Ir. DeWltt Miller delivered a pa
triotic sermon, "The Self Sufficiency of
the Republic." Dr. A. L. Henderson lec-
Lclfcrt's'Sratax Lenses
CmsjisI Csuauit Uses a is Wssrert el Causa
en ma xfcT r- w
aa sarr IM
tured In the evening on "The Ood of the
Immensities." Sunday afternoons crowa
was the largest of the assembly thus far.
Bounty on Rattlesnakes.
't.axsixo. Ia.. Aug. 2 (Special ) Alla
makee county Is now paying 60 cents
bounty on rattlesnakes. This has brought
a number of professional snake hunters
Into this locality. One man from Virginia
i.i-niirht in twentv-three one day and re
ceived bounty of $21.50. The second day
he came In with thirty-nine. The largest
nn hsd eishteen rattles, and from that
it is figured that it was twenty years old.
He caught twenty-nine Inside of a quarter
of a mile. He Is a professional and
charma the anakes and then kills them.
Major Jepson tines to Austria.
FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 2 -( Special Tel
egram.) Governor Carroll's appointment of
Major William Jepson to go to Buda
Pesth. Austria, to attend the gathering
of military surgeons of leading European
nations, has been received by Colonel W.
T. Chantland of the Fifty-sixth regiment
and as a result he has appointed Captain
Frank J. Murphy of Sioux City to assume
charge of the regiment medical depart
ment during the coming campmeetlng at
Chauffeur Haa Blood Poisoning.
BOONE, Ia.. Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.)
Claude Hunter, a chauffeur and racer,
la critically 111 from blood poisoning, the
result of a mashed hand while repairing
his machine. He may lose his dexter
E. E. Hughes' auto party returned to
night from a 8.000-mlle auto trip to the
Atlantic coast and through Canada. Only
70 cents was spent for repairs.
Four Drown Near Darenpnrt.
DAVENPORT, Ia.. Aug. 2 (Special Tel
egram.) Four drownings occurred In this
vicinity today.
John Hogan, father of Rev. Henry Hogan
of Fairfield, Ia.. fell off the ferry dock
here to his death. Danny Defednough
was drowned at Bellendorf, Ia.; Harvey
Gregg at Mollne, III., and F. N. Dlercks,
near Toronto, Ia., while bathing.
Iowa News Notes,
CRESTON The Fifty-fifth Iowa Infantrv
Athletic and Amusement association will
be organized Wednesday when the mem
bers of this regiment of national guards go
Into caniD at Chariton. The purpose will
be to provide social amusement and ad
vance amateur athletics among tne en
listed men.
KENT A fifteen thousand dollar busl-
To the Parents of
Clever Children
Your boy
or girl
can win
a prize
The plan is simple any bright girl or boy can
grasp it. "We want short, interesting, stories, the
plots of which have been suggested by a Bee want
ad. An advertisement for a lost coin, for instance,
might be the framework for a little romance of
an odd piece of money that someone had carried
for years. A room for rent could form the basis of
the story of a widtw struggling to pay the mort
gage on her little home. There are scores of Btor
ios hidden in the want ad pages of The Bee. A
little imagination and a little pleasant work are all
that are necessary to dig them out. and win
a prize.
Suppose you help your boy or girl discover a
romance, a tragedy or a comedy in today's Bee.
Just give them a little 6tart get them interested
you'll be proud of the stories they can write.
Help them find the want ad on whch the story
can be built, but, remember that the composition
of the tale must be all their own work.
The best story each week wins THREE SHINING
The-second best story each week wins TWO SHIN
The third best story each week wins ONE SHINING
The next four win Interesting Books.
Your home as an asset
The man who owns his own homo has n valuable asset in time
of trouble.
Prepare for trouble while you are young. The young man of
today has easier sailing and more opportunities presenting them
selves than the man of '25 or 50 years ago.
Thursday's real estate columns will have a great number of
easy term home bargains for the young man's consideration. Fuy
while you can get the low prices.
Thursday is home day.
ness change was effected in Kent last
week when C. H. Thomas disposed of his
lumber yard to the Hawkeve Lumber com
pany of Creston. Mr. Thomas will not
leave Kent but will devote his time to his
hardware atore and to his interests in the
Kent bank.
We Move In Two Weeks A flur
ried Half Price Clearance
"Half Price" buys most anything In the
house very few llnea excepted not a dol
lar'a worth of present stocks to be moved.
Watch papers. See windows. 'TIs to be a
Removal Sale that will go down In local
1515-17 Douglas St.
Plan Yonr Trip Now.
summer tourist farea to New York City.
New Jersey sea shore. New England and
Canadian resorts In effect dally via the
Foldera and Information free. Let ua ar
range all the details of your trip.
City Ticket Office 1S24 Fsrnam street,
F. A. Nash, General Western Agent
Bee Want Ada are Business Boosters.
A Poor Weak Woman
Aa ah is termed, will endure bravely and patiently
ejfonies which a afron man would give way under.
The fact ia woman are more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every womn ought to know that she may obtain
the mot experienced medical advioe frti tf ckarft
and in attain cinfijtHC and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, U. V.
Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce
has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and haa had a wider oractical exnerienoA
in the treatment of women' diseases than any other physician in Shis country.
His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The moat perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli
oate women la Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription.
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed fret on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay coat of mailing . Address aa above. '
If yon have a boy or girl, below tha second year
in High school, read all of thia advertisement,,
The Bee is giving seven worth-while prizes,
each week to the children who vrrite the seven beet
stories based on Bee want ads. Aside from th
chanoe to win a few dollars or a good book, this
contest is oertain to benefit your children by
teaching them how to use their powers of observa
tion and how to write for publication.
STORY EDITOR. Omaha Bee, Omaha.
We Move In Two Weeks r Hur
ried Halt Price Clearance
"Half Price" buys most anything in the
house very few lines excepted not a dol
lar's worth of present stocks to be moved.
Watch papers. See windows. . 'Tls to be ,a
Removal Sale that will go down in local
history. '
1515-17 Douglas ttt ' '
Ac Economical Ynratlott.
Round trip tickets at figures but slightly
In excess of one way fares to a hundred or
more resorts in Canada and New; England,
also to New York City and Jersey Coast
Resorts, will be placed on sale on various
dates after June 1. 1309.
Full particulars and dates of sain, limits,
stopovers and descriptive literature can bo
obtained by writing W. S. Cookaon, A. O.
P. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System, 13."
Adams street, Chicago.
Mexican Mills Burned.
EL TASO. Tex., Aug. 1 News has -Just
reached here of t he total destruction by
fire at Parras, state of Coahula, Mexico,
of Las Estralla. one of the oldest and lam
est cotton mills In Mexico. The loss is
estimated at $600,000.
Study these rules
Any bey or girl below tha eaoopd yea.'
In High school can take part In thia can
test without cost, whether or not you
live in Omaha, but you must observe all
the conditions or s to rise will not bn ooo
Your story must be baaed on a, want ad
appearing In Tha Omaha Bee of the week
current, and must oootala HOT MOM
than (00 words.
At the top of tha flat page write plain
ly your full name and addreea, our
tatlier s or mother's name, tha trade and
school you attend, your taachar'a nam
and your own age.
Neat below pasta the Bea want ad en
which your story Is based. When the
storlea are published any names or ad
dressee in the wajit ada will be left out.
Next write tha title you hava given yeur
Writ neatly on en atde of the Sheet
only. )torl will ordinarily be judasd
entirely on their merits AM MTOnXMt, but
In casea where two or more are of about
equal merit, then penmanship and neat
ness, according to aga, will be considered.
Do not roll your manuscript fold 11
and address the envelope to
w-AJa-Tf AO ITOkT XXUTOm, Omaha, Be.
If mailed, see carefully that it post
age la fully palcl or, leave It at the busi
ness office of The Be. Do not anuleae
stamps for return, aa no atorie will be
Storlea must be received at The Be
offloe not later Thursday noon of
each week. The prise-winners will be an
nounce anil the prlsa-storles published
In l he Bee wf the second Sunday follow,
You may ewbmlt only one atory a wk.
r to.
eeaei ssrrs, la