Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1909, Image 2

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Btu, Donr. .i Mora raoajrjs trnci all dlmi. iiimi
Fine Waists In Tailored ani Lingerie; Styles
All at Hall Price and Less
Tlu-rc rp still liurulreils of d.'iinty, pretty shirt waists
for your !'Iodinn, $5.'hj wiiits for $2.00. ;
All tlio fine lawn tailored wnists, open in front, trim
med with embroidery, regularly sold nt $4, now $1.23.
. Choice Wash Fabrics at Greatly Reduced Prices.
15c Batistes
lo. Swisses,
io l iqm s son sale 10c Yard
L'oc Swiss Apliques. .1
'J5c Voiles . . t
50c all linen suitings at 23c per yard.
40c Imported Chevron suitings, 25c per yard,'
' Remnants of 10c, 22c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c wash fab
rics at, per yard, 5c.
King of England and Russian Czar
Have Meeting.
Preraatlnna to finard Kmpfror From
Dmigrr Milk Hint m Almost
I.Ike ' Pfhontr of
Karpy county. Ruby W. Coleman, vice
S. H. Bryan, resigned; Foole, Buffalo
county, William R Eldrldge, vice A. .
Kit., reetmed. Rural earrlers appointed:
Iowa: Curlew, route No. 2, Edgar I).
Kaston. carrier, Nellie M. Kant on, subsli
tuie. South Iwkota: Lanfford. "route No. 1.
((scar Nelson, ' carrier, LeOnllna Nelson,
Foote of this city, and- nephew, Ed Gay
lord of Herman. He wu Identified With
much of the early history of thl oourrty.
The body will be sent to his old home
In Connecticut for burial. " ' '
(Continued from First Page.)
lower tile license fee for circuses from $300
to 1100.
Subway la Acceptable.
A resolution wu .presented granting J.
I.. lliandela & Sons the right to construct
a subway seventy-two feet wide under
iMiilli Seventeenth street to connect Its
pr sent office and store building with the
new- theater bultdjng now In course of
cnst ruction. The cnuncllmen expressed
themselves as being In favor of the propo
sition, but advised the firm to present
nn ordinance instead of ft resolution. The
firm guarantees rot to disturb any pipes
In . the street, to replace .the street paving
and to put up an indemnifying bond to
safeguard the city from any accidents
during the existence of the viaduct.
Aire of
Aliened Wife; Deserter In Jail.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) Joseph Becks was brought here
today from 8outh Dakota on the charge
of deserting his wife, Jennie Becks. At
his hearing this evening he waa held -to
the district court, and in default of a $700
bond was lodged in Jail.. The family haa
resided near Clatonla for years.
Corporal. Who, Killed' Captain Ray
mond, Will Be Tried By
DES MOINES, la.. Aug. 2. After a con
sultation at Fort Des Moines today be
tween t'nlted States District Attorney M.
L. Temple and "Colonel Frank West, com
manding officer at the army post, It' was
given out tonight that Corporal Lisle Crab-
tree, slayer of Captain J. C. Raymond,
would be tried by court martial. This de
rision, however, is still subject to approval
of the War department. For a time ar
rangements were being made to try Crab-
tree by the state or federal courts. There j
is a strong feeling against Crabtree among i
COWES. Aug t The first official visit
of the Russian emperor, Nicholas, to Eng
land was most Impressive and spectacular.
King Edward, with most of the member
of the royal family, put out this morning
on the royal yacht, Victoria and Albert,
and met the Imperial yacht Standart, and
the squadron of warships accompanying it,
off. Splthead at noon.
Emperor. Nicholas Immediately went on
board Ihe British royal yacht, where he
was greeted by King Edward, and after
the monarchs had partaken of luncheon
th.c Russian squadron, with the Victoria
and' Albert leading the wny.wlth their ma
jesties reviewed the British fleet. , . .
threat naval Display.
The British had IV) ships aligneid
in three file between Cowes and
Hpithead. . There were twenty-six
battleships, of whtch seven were
Dreadnoughts, .sixteen armored cruis
ers and eight other cruisers; forty-eight
torpedo boat destroyers and shoals of sub
marines. Besides the submarines there were hun
dredj of yachts of all types, from the laig
esfc jtoamer to small sailors at anchor. All
were drtssed In flags, arid when the Rus
sian squadron started Its cruise of inspec
tion the warships fired a salute of twenty
one guns,, which made a tremendous din
and covered the waters with a haze of
blue smoke.
, The Russian squadron was made up of
the Imperial yacht Standart and. Its con
sort, the Polar Star, and the big lead-colored
cruisers Admiral Makharotf and
Rurlk, and two torpedo boat destroyers. British .sailors and marines manned
ship " as the Inspection squadron passed
through. the Jines, All the British bands
played the Russian national anthem, and
the crews of both nationalities gave three
cheers for each other.
Many Utgrnltarlea Present.
King, Edward, Emperor Nicholas, the
prince of Wales and Admiral Sir John
Fisher, chief naval aide to King Edward;
Reginald McKenna,' first lord of the Admi
ralty and a tvumber of lesser offlcals were
on the bridge of the Standart. The salutes
from the warships seemed to have had
their effect upon the lowering clouds, for
rain was falling when the royal and Imper
ial yachts anchored off Cowes at 5 o clock
scene along the Bhre was as in
will remain aboard ship during his -visit
except for a brief trip ashore to the Cowes
naval school Wednesday morning.
American Virkli There.
Cowes week will be tu busy one socially.
Three American yachts are In the harbor,
Morton F. Plant's lolanda, Allison Ar
mour's I'towann, with Mr. and Mrs. Jor
dan Mott aboard, and Anthony J. Drexel's
Maighuerlta, which Miss Leeds has char
tered for the Week. Each of the American
boats in entertaining a large Anglo-American
party. Sir Thomas Upton's. Erin and
the Empress Eugenie's Thistle are con
spicuous among the flotilla
Tonight the emperor and empress dined
with King Edward and yueen Alexandra
and the member of the British royal
house on board the Victoria and Albert.
Sir Edward Orey and M. Iswolsky, re
spectively, British and Russian ministers,
attended the function. All the ships In
the harbor were Illuminated tonight.
Diaper Brtlllaat Affair.
The dinner aboard the Victoria and
Albert .was. a. brilliant function. The
dining room vti beautifully decorated with
red roses and on the table was a magni
ficent display 'of gold plate. Beside the
king and queen and the emperor and em
press the guests Were the crown prince
and crown princess of Sweden; the prince
and princess of Wales, the ' duke and
duchess of COnnaught, Premier Asqulth,
Sir Edward Grey, Reginald McKenna and
M. Iswolsky. ' King Edward In proposing
a toast to the Russian monarch said:
"I am glad that you have had the op
portunity of seeing - the most powerful and
the- largest fleet ever assembled, but I
trust your majesty, will- never' look upon
these ships as a symbol of war, but on the
contrary as a protection to our coasts and
commerce and above all as a means for up
holding the Interests of peace."
The king also referred to his pleasure at
recently meeting a number of members of
the Russian duma and made allusion to
Emperor Nicholas' former visit to Eng
In responding Emperor Nicholas said that
the magnificent naval review he had wit
nessed bore full testimony to England's
greatness. It was a grand sight and nao
deeply Impressed him. His majesty said he
always would remember the days he had
spent with the beloved and venerated
Queen Victoria.
In concluding the emperor said:
"May the friendly welcome given by your
majesty and the queen and the people to
the members of the duma, and in the
winters to my squadron, be a .token of
cordial relationship between our two coun
tries, founded on common Interest and
mutual esteem."
Physician at Asylum Describes His
General Conduct.
Testimony She liave to Save lllm
From Electric (hair Is Quoted
Against lllm By
army men.
K. H. (iaylord Paaaea Away at
HH Year.
BLAIR.' Neb.,' Aug. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Hon. E. 8. Oaylord, a retired capl-,
tsllst. aged 88 years, died at his residence
here this afternoon after only a few min
utes' sickness. Mr. Gaylord was born near
Norwalk, Oonn., and came to this county
In 18H7. locating on Belie Creek, near Fon
tanels. . He was a member of the Ne
braska legislature In 1X76 aiM came to
Blair In ltM, , where he was associated
wit)) A. C, Jonea In the elevator business
for qeven years and a member of the
city school board fur twelve years. For
a number, of years be had been a, stock
holder in the Blair National bank and at
his d ath was one of the directors of the
MY; Gaylord was never married and the
only near relatives are a niece, Mrs. Harry
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Clarance R. Dodds of Omaha and
Mis. Nola K. Smith Were united In mar
riage at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Kate Smith, In this city yesterday
by Elder Peter Van Fleet o( Lincoln. ' A
number of relatives and friends were
present at the marriage. After the cere
mony they left for California, where-they
will spend their honeymoon, and On their
return Will make their home at OmaW.
The bride Is a very' popular young woman
and has been the stenographer for fhe
Great Western Cereal company for aom.
terestlng as that afloat. Crowds lined the
water front for miles, and all the houses
were draped with bunting and flags. The
yacht races, which had been going on
for some time, lost their interest, for
everyone was absorbed by the visit of the
Russian Imperial family.
liar Almost a Prisoner.
The measures taken to safeguard Em
peror Nicholas make him seem like a prisoner-of
state, when compared with other
royal personages who have visited Cowes
during regatta week. The Standart
dropped anchor between two battleships of
the Dreadnought type which are eur
rounded by other naval vessels, while
small boats patrol about tho visitor con
stantly. '.. ......
'Scotland Yard has 100 detectives at
Cowes and the Russian police department
haa an equal representation.? The emperor-
Mra. Maria Tyler Belt.
Mrs. Maria Tyler. Belt, 78 years old, died
Monday morning at St. Joseph's hospital
nt fncor of the stomach'. She will be
buried at her old home in Frederick, Md.
The funeral will be private and no flowers
are requested. Mrs. Belt was the mother
of W. B. T. Belt, general superintendent
of the Nebraska Telephone company.
Rev. John O. Bntler.
WHITE FI-A1NS. N. Y., Aug. 2 How
Harry K. Thaw conducted himself at the
Matteawan as lum for the criminal insane,
a phase of his life not gone Into In the
past, was descrilieit touay oy it. aihus iv
Baker, first assistant physician ol the in
stitution, the only witness caueu dj- ims-
trlct Attorney Jerome, at the continuation
of the hearing by which Thaw hopes to
obtain his release. The examination of Dr.
Baker had not been finished when ad
journment was taken.
Aside from his testimony a two foot stack
of canvas bound books. 'abeled "The Peo
ple versus' Harry K. Thaw"-records of the
murder trial-furnished all the evidence In
troduced by Mr. Jerome today. Mr. Jerome
-.... thrmnh with the slate's
alienists tomorrow and Charles Mors
chauser, Thaw's laywer. will put his client
on the stand, possibly late tomorrow after-
Mother's Testimony Against lllm.
Mis. Mary Copley Thaw, as she sat in
court today heard Mr. jeromu i.m..u......
. 1.,.,. hi.. a.-tn teatlmonV She had Wlll-
Inrlv Klven heretofore to save his me. io
dav It was seized upon by the state to
vi I,,.. n It Included her account
of his nervous temperament, as a child
materially valuable to Thaw when no was
In danuer of the electric chair, nut now
menacing the hope of proving nimseu
sane. One thing quoted by the district at
torney was her statement about
Thaw, "that his body was too puny for
his head, and before and after the measles
he had St. Vitus' dance.
Dr. Bakcr testimony was read by him
self from his "case book" ana aescrmu
Th.w'a conduct, botn normal aim
nnrnslnns from February 1, ViOS,
the date tf his commitment, until June
of the present year.
Believes Thaw to Be Irrational
While some of these notes described the
patient's acts as "Rllly" and while the
witness said that In his belief that Thaw
was Irrational now, Thaw's attorney made
kim mii ihn riurlne the first three
months of the patlenfB stay at Matteawan
w ..koM-vM no Rluns of narenola. After
that Thaw, by his counsel's advice, re
fused to let himself be examined or
on.wer ouestlons asked by the , hospital
When Thaw reached Matteawan on th
day the Jury acquitted him of the mur
der of Stanford White on the ground o
Insanity, almost his first statements, ac
rnrdlmr to Dr. Baker, were "expression
of amusement over the clever work of his
lawyers and alienists."
schauser had sent her. and his "Insolent
and domineering artlons toward the phy
sicians and attendants."
Last fall the prison airthoritles 'searched
Thaw's pockets when he was asleep. an1
the next day he offered .M reward for
the detection of anyone tampering wit It
his clothea. Tha fruits of this search ap
peared In court today when Dr. Rsker
handed In as evidence about thirty news
paper clipping. They Were not read, but
Mr. Jerome explained that all were on
lexttal topics. Mr. Morschauser weakened
the force of this exhibit by making the
witness say that In alt he had found neatly
200 clippings lii tbe pockets, and that they
were on various subjects. H had brought
the thirty to court because he thought
they were all that had bearing on the
rase. Justice Mills told Mm to fetch the
(Continued from First Page.)
When adjournment was taken for the
ay Mr. Morschauser was trying io in
!r. Baker admit that a muslcale at the
hospital not long ago was arranged for the
iirpose of letting Thaw make a fool of
Imself. Thaw refused to attend the af
We Move In Two Weeke-A Har
ried Half Trice Clearance
"Half Price" buys most anything In the
house very few lines excepted not a dol
lar's worth of present, stocks to be moved.
Watch papers. . See windows. . 'Tls to be a
Removal Sale that will go . down In. local
. . . 1515-17 Douglas St.
Memorial church and one of the most
prominent Lutheran ministers in .the
l.'nlted States, dropped . dead from, heart
failure In his home .today. . He was 5
years old. ...
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. J.-Rev. Dr.
John O. Butler, pastor ot the Luther Place j He flad frankly, according to Dr. Baker
that his acquittal was obtained oy ex
roratinr certain Incidents and putting
In testimony Jerome was not able to re
fute, because he had not the facts.
Th. itnB described Thaw's manner
at moat times as "silly" and "pompous,
He said he quarreled with the other pa
nnt who tilaved cards with him, calling
them "stupid donkeys."
Incidents of Ilia Conduct
From his notebook he told of varlou
Incidents- including Thaw's refusal to ac
m rri.1l addressed to him. his refusal
m .mi hla wife until told that Mr. Mo
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
I part of the city. Telephone No. 8. .
, .Desperate, "hooting;
pains In the chest require quick treatment
with Dr. Klng'a , New Discovery. Prevents
pneumonia. 60c and JIL Bold by, Beaton
Drug Co.. .
VZ 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 II 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 242526 27 28
0itB$ i IB'
ove over
1520 Farnam St., the location made famous by "Balduffs" confectionery
and restaurant, will soon be remodeled and occupied by The Benson &
Thorne Co. with the :most unique "Young Peoples Outfitting Estab
lishment" in the entire Hvest. Watch papers for future details---in the
meantime attend the 'most stirring "Removal Sale" ever offered in
Omaha. See windows'irom day to day.
4 V
Will be in force immediately. Not a dollars's worth of pres
ent stock will be moved. We must "clean up" in two weeks
off all young men's new suits
off on latest of boys' suits
V2 off small women's suits and dresses
1 1 -f-f rail W t 1 1 VrSt C1 A t C OUT Clrflf4JS
uu an oiitaii yuiiilu a iit'VT wjun j
all girls' coats and dresses
all infants' bonnets, etc.
boys' and girls' underwear
many lines of infants' attire.
girls' muslin underwear, etc.
off women's automobile coats, etc.
All stocks to
off all season's odd trousers
off all new hats and caps for young
men, misses children and boys
Immense reductions on shoes for
ladies, misses, children and boys
off all "seasonable" lines
two weeks
Wken settled, Th
Btntoti & Thorn C:
will prv' a "bright
epot" lh hiart of
the thoppinf district.
1 1 1 h w tv 1 i v r b
1 r 1 tern .M
so 111
IialihijT" Candy
and Soilautpartnunt
will bt operate I bj
Tht BeixsoiaS: Thorn 0
Co., commencinj o
awl' i
111 1 asiaa
Hara Boot Print Xt.
George O. Ooekrell for Justice. '
Omaha Eleotrto Works repairs elevators.
Binehart, photogrrapnery 1 stu & Farnam.
Beys, photo, removed to litth & Howard.
Investors seeking real estate loans, see
E. H. Ambler. (16 Bee bulldina.
Equitable tlfe policies, Bight drafts at
maturity. H. D. Ncely. manager, Omaha
Keep your money and valuables In the
American Safe Deposit vaults in the Bee
building. Boxes rent' from II to 116.
Savings Accounts in tha Nebraska Sav
ings and Loan Association earn six per
cent, credited semi-annually. One dollar
starts an account. 16CJ Farnam.
Colonel - Welsh'. Otttlnr Colonel L. A.
Welsh of the weather bureau announced
Monday morning that he was about to
take thirty or more days off. Then he
tore the July sheet off the calendar.
Thayer Building- is Bold The Voegele
4 Dinning company, has bought of K. A.
Thayer the building on Jones street be
tween Thirteenth,-and Fourteenth, which
it has occupied as a tenant. The consid
eration Is 131.000. -
Speeder rreed With Warning' F. W.
Noble of Thirty-fifth' and Hawthorne
streets, who waa arrested Thursday night
for speeding on his motorcycle, was "dis
charged by Judge Crawford Monday morn
ing, but was warned to go slower on hi
wheel or elte not I Ida at all.'
Who Haa That Big Bed Cart Some
where in this world someone is running
a big red touring car that was stolen
from Lake Manawa Sunday night. The
machine belongs to Sperling and Trupplett
of Council Bluffs. It is an Inter-State car
with the number D-202 on a yellow card.
Parent. Looking; (or Boys The parents
of Klmer Smith and George Blank of
Council Bluffs, are looking for these boys
who disappeared from, their homes Sunday
morning. The Smith boy is 9 years of age,
and lives at 1009 Avenue A, and the other
boy is three years older, living at 1U21
Broadway. . .
liUoky to be Deaf lie was unable to
hear Judge Crawford's questions, so Chris
Kvans, a deaf fellow, arrested for being
drunk, was discharged from police court.
When asked his name he had to write It
on a sheet of paper. That was all the
Judge needed to show him that he had no
time to hear the man's case.
On. Building Permit A permit was Is
sued Monday by City Building Inspector
Wllhnell for the erection of the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, to cost 170,000.
The church' will be built at Twenty-fourth
street and St. Mary's avenue, and will be
of brick and stone construction. The
ground space to' be covered is $3x126 feet.
JUdg. Eastman Closes .hop On ac
count of Uie serious Illness of his wife,
Judge W. W. Kaatman, Justice of the
peace, has closed his offioe In th. Barker
block for the month of August and his
dockets are In the hands of Justice George
C. Cockrell. Mrs.- astman has been ill for
several weeks and slight hope, arc held
for her recovery.
Tie. the Beoord for Birth. Birth, for
the month-of July, 1909, broke even with
the record for the same month last year
226 each month.' Of those born In July this
ear 114 were males and 112 ar. females.
Five negro boys and two negro girl, were
born during the month. There were 139
deaths during July, 1909, as against loi
deaths during July 190K
Auto Tlotlm I. Improved The condi
tion of Uuat Drahos, who was injured In
the automobile accident , at Thirty-fourth
and Hainllton streets Thursday noon, is
reported a. .lightly Improved. The full
extent of hi. Injuries haa not yet been
determined. Ills case.U. still regarded as
very serious one, and be 1. .likely to
huve a relapse at any time.
Excavation for B.w Baak Excavation
for the New City National bank building
at Sixteenth and liarney is expeciea io
begin Wednesday or Thursday and will be
done by the general contracting firm for
the building, the Black Masonry and Con
structiun company. It is now planned to
add one more story to the building wbioh
will make It sixteen stories high.
In Bankruptcy Court A petition ha.
been filed in th. United Slate, district
court asking that .the Sims Fickle and Pre
serving company of L.lnoln may be de
clared bankrupt. -The petitioning creditors
are Gabriel Klllnger, C. U. Gurney and
Cauline Kllingrr, all of Lincoln. Dis
charges In bankruptcy have been granted
Frank J. Murphy and Squire Cox of
Mother Must Show th. Court Mrs. Me
llrnitt Jones, who lives at Twenty-sixth and
l- strut, in houth Omaha; ut accused of
bringing up her 'ohtldren 'In 'improper ur
loundlngs For arrunatlons. however. Mis.
M..llndii 'doesn't care a M raw. and when
il, pmhmton officer aervid her wilh a
u minim, she advised htm to take a J.urney
.,r lu health.. Judge Kerjiedy lucd.a
.ui.L..w.iT"t -I" bur and she will be
liken . U-f..i.u l" lrtnce tu exj;.un tat
ill. fc''d li' rfltcl . -
had written. Th. president as'-fl
letter that the . leather , and l)lde -schedule
as adopted by the conferees was Jus! as
he hud understood It.
He ssld that his understanding' w s'tht"
the reduction on leather goods should be
made on those manufactures, of the hith
erto dutiable hides and should not Include
manufactures of hitherto free hfdes.
Continuing, the president argued that
farmers wear shoes made of the kind of
hides that would pay the low duty and
that practically all harness Is made from
dutiable leather, and therefore -would be
reduced Io the 20 per cent d valorem. -
Frealdent OMIrlsee' Senafntre.
In th. Brown letter the 'president Is said
to Have added a rather rVIlrAl Criticism'
of legislators constantly "flhdlrfg Jotters "
Appeals were made to both senators' to'
support the conference' report. The con
tention of the "range" senators Is that '
the president Is In error, both as to the
hide, from which farfners' shoes are rriade
and concerning harness.' Aher fhe 'West-'
erner. had departed th. conferees discussed
way. of meeting the situation.
Ilepresentatlv. McCall of Massachusetts
opposed applying the low rates b'h boots
and shoes to "products other' thali" those
which would b. affected by the afiolltlOii
of the duties on hides. Others' argued that
the westerners had been embarrassed fy
the misunderstanding to such an extent
that they could not be expected to give
their support to the report on terms other
than those generally understood at the
time It was agreed to make hides free.
It was realised that these senators, aug
mented by th. "progressive republican.-!
opposed to the bll, could defeat , the report
If they were so inclined. ... .
It was conceded that. In order to. secure
the passage of th. report by, a safe .margin
the low rates on bouts and shoes and har
ness would have to be applied tg calfskin
products as well to leather, from a class
of hide, that are now dutiable, but whlcji
are how mad. free by. tbe conference, re
port , . . .
No Conelaelon Beached. ,
No program has been reached positively
. to how these results shall be accom
plished. Th. plan favored Is to make an
agreement with th. western .senators, that
this will be don. aftor th. passage of the
report by th. adoption of a concurrent
resolution Instructing the enrolling clerks
of the two houses to make alterations in
the paragraph relating to hides. . " ,'
Error, have been discovered In. the
maximum and minimum provision and such
a resolution must be adopted to make cor
rections. It is proposed to make the rtso-
lutlon cover the paragraph relating to
hides a. well as the administrative mat',
Efforts .re now being made to Induce
the Massachusetts representatives not to
oppose the preferred settlement.
Democratic and Isiar.est Opposition
Find Voice.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2-Beglnnlng its
consideration of tho conference report on
th. tariff bill by the tedious reading of that
document, which was Insisted upon 'by' the
senators who propoFed to see that,. undue
haste Is not exercised In the final pnssac;
of the measure, the senate dragged along,
during nearly seven hours today without
accomplishing ny Important results': ' '
Numerous conferences were held a mo Kg
senators on both sides of the chamtSer.
Developments in respect to the framing of
the. leather schedule In conference called,
forth more .Interest than did the proceed
ings of the day. Senators spent much time
discussing the language and effect of that,
The debate on the conference report wss
opened bv Senator Daniel, w ho claimed-that
the democratic errators on the finance
committee had been dealt wtth unfairly In
not being permitted to vote In committee
on the adoption of the report. He 'claimed
that an agreement for that purpose entered
Into by the chairman, Mr. Aldrlch. had
been violated. Any Intentional . violation
was disavowed by Mr. Aldrlch, who Said
he could nut acree with Mr. Daniel as to
what had occurred between them. -.'
Senator Brlstow of Kansas denounced
the tariff bill as a violation of the- re
publican pledges and announced that 'he
would not vote for It.
In order to fix the responsibility of th
two parties In the passage of the-bill an3
for framing Its several schedules, ' Senator
Bacon prei-ented an analysis of the 1TI yea'
and nay votes that had been taken during
Its consideration. This list of vote, the
senate agreed to print In the record. - , -
Pert. ArrlTts. StlUc.
NEW YORK C4lil.... .
New YORK..... RottMm .
NKWTOKK M WuhlDgtoB...
Ut'CBN8TOWN..Arsblo Camptala. . . ...
IX)NDON Mount Korl
John Says:
"I never kaew bow
clever" Z was, aatil an
army of . Imitator
bad te rak. Bp - cab-bag-,
"would a.", sub
stitute, tor tny all
Bavana ', (f
cigar at ....VIw
Central Cigar Store
321 South Sfreef.
' Oar PMteurUei Bu turning
ref reahiDf. "
ASta HMtf U
Paraam. I'
Always Op a 1
BOYD'S, tha COOL Thaler
performances, 1 O'clock to (. j
Night Performances, T O'clock, to 11.
"txb aixsBT dbamaA .'; . , '.
Positively the beat moving picture,
exhibition in the city theater cool
snd alsolutely fireproof. ' Noto-ln-'
flammable films used. -
Prlo.. 0o Children Aooompa&td p
Parent., 60. . .
hil,lman st;ock .o. '
;.MThe mIm"6I the 'HIir
Meat Week Sherlook Holmes la "A, ttUy
IB Bearlet. '
Aemlesloa. 10. aag gOa.