Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Retailer tr.d Wholesalers Come to
j j' the Annual Convention.
i ..
Dlate fiet to Talking Politic
Tkeif Arrival mad Archibald
t. 1s Bvoatni for Re-F.leet loa
Retail Jewelers, wholesale jMfflri, prewl
ents and vice presidents r,f watch com
panies nl official, of other manufactur
ing companies in the trade all poured Into
Omaha Mohdsy 6 attend the fourth annual
convention of the American National Re
tall Jeweler' association.
In every respect the convention has al
ready proved to he the largest In the his
tory nf. the organization and the number
In attendance will near the 1.000 mark.
All the officer of the association. In
elaain FrisMent J. P. Archibald of Blalra
vllle. Pa . are already onthe ground, ex
cept R. CVBernaiT the official treasurer.
ha will iot be present, for he la traveling
In Oermany. '
Delegates began to talk politic as soon
as they arrived and lines were drawn for
a livelycontest for the presidency. Presi
dent Archibald's friends are boosting him
for a second, term- Another candidate will
ba tha present first vice president, A. E.
Pagl of Minneapolis. The contest will
ba a friendly on, however, as Is proven
by tha fact that the two men are occupying
the same hotel room.
' Many Firms' Represented. .
Thar are nearly 250 firms already ex
hibiting wares In the. Rome, which is the
official headquurters of the Convention.
Ths convention has attracted the presi
dent or v president of every big watch
company In tine United States, the
Waltham, Howard, South Bend, Ingersoll,
Rockford, , lgln, Hamilton, Appleton,
Tlusbsr and JJannytine companies being
r presented.
There, arc, too, agents of chain companies
by Hie don and representatives of fine
china and other wares. All of these were
busy Monday laying out their samples. The
wnoia second floor 0f the Rome and the
main dining room on the first floor have
bfto glvtn over to exhibits and there in a
glitter and sheen of precious metal. -through
these looms.
"The preliminary arrangements have been !
can led out lu re in Omaha with great sue
c .-a." mid President Archibald. "The at
U nuance of delegates Is already largo,
ujjh the convention has not yet opened the number of Jobbers and manufactur
ers' represented is greater than at all the
previous conventions put together.
Bon f Peace.
"Th convention will, we hope, do much
to cement good relations between manufac
tuivr. wholesaler and retailer. Promotion
of this' is the keynote of the meeting.
"I should like to go on record as saying
that we have never had quarters for meet
irlg and for display equal to these."
The local committee In preparing for the
$:.000,000 display that will be made in the
hotel dining room to invited guests Thurs
day evening, has carried out a scheme of
gold and silver decoration for the booths,
which will harmonize with the metals and
gems that will be in the cases
Here ts the program for today:
9:00 Registration of delegates.
, 9:30 Music.
10:00 Call to order. Invocation by Rev.
T. V. Loveland.
10:10 Address of welcome by Mayor
iff mm
1 K5sssssss5cs5Ct
i vi i i i l i i 4V . n vi iirii 11 m iz . i
I ru mm m m j m mm u jam mm i t I wi ' I
j otice zsss, zsysJ
1 &fcf
-Ml U
E. Paegel, Mlnneapo-
10:10 Hesponse, A,
10:60 Appointment of committee.
11:00 Report of National Secretary
Calllson, Iowa.
11:1V Keport of National Treasurer
C. Bernau, North Carolina.
11:80-Address, "Why Are We Here?" C.
H. Williams, Oregon.
12:00 Announcement and adjournment
for lunch.
. !; Report of credentials committee.
2:00 President's address, J. P. Archi
bald, Pennsylvania.
i:J0 Address, "Trials and Tribulations
of a Country Jeweler." Senator Henry
Zllllken (Jeweler), WellHburK. W. Va.
3:00 Address, "The Retail Jeweler as an
Advertiser." R, I. Worrell, Missouri.
1:30 Address, "The Social Life of the
Rstajl Jeweler." A. F. Jalinke, Richmond
:00 Address, "The Financial Advantages
of Local Jewelers' Clubs." John C. Pier
lck. Springfield, III.
V30 Address, "The Value of Horologl
cal Education and Horological Laws." T
L. Combs.
&:00 Question box. (Two-minute talks.)
i to Announcements and adjournment
Wyoming; Cltlsen Hlarabrrs On While
His Bedmate Steals His
J. C. Vhuk of Basin City, Wyo., fell
In with, a -thief ii,,,! noW he Is shy JS8 and
a gold watch.
Whaley arrived in Omaha Saturday after
noon and met Stephen Champion. The two
ngaged a room at tha Retreat lodsing
house., 602 South Sixteenth street, but did
not retire until early Sunday morning.
They both slept in the came bed and
Whale? had an unusually drt-p slumber,
apt, a. wakening until -lute Sunday morning.
When dll Open his eyes he found that
his companion had departed. A search of
hl olethes revealed the loss of his money
and his watch.
Our Highest Class Seasonable Goods at Just Half Price,
(or Less Than Half.)
Women's 85c and $1.00 Wash and Sateen Petticoats at 39o
Striped grejr and blue all sizes some have cluster tucka Tt
and others have embroidered bottoms regular price 85c m Mt
and $1.00, Magnet sale, price .' JJ
Our Mc Black Moire Silk Velours, silk dept., Magnet al prlije 39
All Our BOc Dotted and, Plain Banzai Silks, Magnet price, yard..25
Women's $1.00 Black Lawn Waists with Dutch Necks These waists
- are in all sizes and are made with lace edged collars and, cuffs 50
Women's 7 ,c Handkerchiefs, plain white and colored borders, at3
8rc Dutch Xeck Collars at 15c Also sailors, jabots, stocks, etc., lace
and embroidered, worth 35c, at 15
10c French and German Val, Laces "and Insertions, Magnet price, yd. 5
15c medium and wide Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, Magnet price
t 7H
Women's $2 embroidered bottom white Petticoats, Magnet price 08
Women's imported lisle thread Hosiery, double sole and high spliced
heel, worth 35c, at 17H
Women's Summer Underwear, Vesta and Pants, worth 35c, at 17H
Women's $4 Oxfords, patent leathers and tans, all sizes, at, pair $2
Any child's Washable Suit in the house sold up to $5, at. . . . $1.50
Men's and young men's suits, small sites only, up to 38, formerly sold
at $10.00 and $7.50, at , $2.50
5 hemstitched all pure linen sets, 8-4 table cloth and napkins, Magnet
price 82
$1.25 full size crochet Bed Spreads, Marseilles pattern. Magnet price, -j
at 69 ;
25c Stamped Linen Scarfs and Shams, Magnet price, each. 10
26c Satin Pillow Ribbons, at, yard '. 12H
Tffistir End Sale Offerings;;
Shop Early Tuesday
We Close at 1 O'clock
it 's our half-holiday. We close every
Tuesday at 1 o'clock during August.
Goods ordered Tuesday delivered same
A Furore at the Hosiery Counter
Tuesday Morning
Two lines of Summe Stockings for women sharply reduced. Both
lots are baring a big sale at regular prices. To bring out a large throng
of shoppers Tuesday we offer them this way:
Women's gauze llele hose, full fashioned, with garter tops; choice of
black, pink, sky, hello, tan, champagne, lavender and Copen-
hagen; all fine 35c values, at, pair iDC
Women's allover lace hose. In black or white; our price 2.0c f A
regularly some stores get 25c; Tuesday, at, pair 1UC
LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES for BOc Tuesday Did you see them in the
window? Cunning little Jumper dresses and other low neck, short
aleeve styles, light and dark colors; all new 85c kinds 50
. We Close at
5 P.M. Except
at 10 P.M.
Mail Orders
Daily Ads.
Big Skirt Purchase on Sale Tuesday
cturer's surplus utock of Wash Dress Skirts an
, secured by our New York buyer at a great bargain;
on sale at Ijess Than Half,
Wash Dress Skirts In plain
white, and fancies, all latest
styles; values up to $2.50; on
sale at, choice .95c
Wash Underskirts 500 in the
lot; ginghams, chambrays, etc;
actual values to $1.50 on sale
at, choice 37c
25c Sofa Pillow Slips, at 12 H
Magic Curlers, 10c cards for. . 5
Featherstitch Braid, 15c quality,
at : 7H
15c Dress Shields, pair. ... 7H(
Any fibre Rug In stock! at half
, price. "
9-12 size Rug. $12 value.. $Q
7- 6 10-6 size Rug, $9 val., $4.50
8- 3 10-6 size Rug, $10 value. . $5
6-9 size Rug, $7 value .. $3.50
Bridget Sweeney
Will is Overruled
by Judge Leslie
Last Testament of the Hermit Does
Not Pass Master of the
v w
t CeatvscsXe System
v. ' ' V. ESectxxaVVy;
v; I , &wq Co$poQT;
Arts xvaWraXVy acAsrAy as
'v. ' N aLaxaYWft.
! BJorI1cTVoxivcuatvdCKat
to get Vs brc5Vta eUecU
SI IPAMtll m
F10 Syrup Co.
0" XI Crty. refutar price 50 per boUle.
- I
MITCIP DomesUc Sdtnce,
IflUUlU Art, Expression.
KmmT 8pclal Counts. Kormal
uisct lui Tcsihoia. itl Courx-s Icadlnc to
TtM B iBstrurtloa. ReasoDsbls RaWa.
' Wltalul au4 Hriplul Collrga Hurroandmas.
.lTauLa'a CoIIeje. tx 2 JttiMsriik. el
The will of Ihe late Bridfet Sweeney has
been overruled by the decision of County
Judge Leslie and will not be admitted to
probate. The property of Mrs. Sweeney,
which was left to Mrs. Peter O'Malley of
Twenty-sixth and California streets, will
escheat to lhev state. .
Mrs. Sweeney and her husband, were
found by the police two years ago In a
shanty In- the south part of town,- starving
and half crazed, but with 18.000 In the cel
lar. They -were both ' put Into a, hospital
and Mr. Sweeney: died. Mrs. Sweeney was
under medical care at St. Joseph's and
Edward F. Leary was appointed by the
county court to act as her guardian. The
O'Malleys offered te take her into their
home and the guardian allowed them 144 a
month for her care. After she had been
there three months a bill for 1300 was re
turned by Mra. O'Malley, which the court
refused, and (160 was allowed Instead.
More than $1,000 which was added to her
property was turned over by her attorney,
J. J. O'Connor, and Mrs. O'Malley was Im
mediately given possession or this. May 6
Mrs. Sweeney died and a will was found
which had been made after she entered
the home of the O'Malleys, and it turned
over the bulk of the 18,000 to Mrs. O'Malley.
Judge Leslie held that Mrs. Sweeney's
mind never was clear after the time she
was first taken Into custody, as tha dis
ease from which she was suffering had
gradually Impaired her mental faculties
and for that reason she was Incapable of
making a legitimate will. As she had no
legal heirs the property reverts to the stale.
Is active in religion, he Is a hypocrite, and
If he takes no Interest In religious matters,
he Is a hardened sinner. If he shows af
fection he is a soft specimen. If he shows
none, he Is a cold-blooded proposition. In
order to be entirely healthy he must eat
nothing, drink ' nothing, smoke nothing,
and see that the air Is properly sterilized
before breathing. So what the h 's the
use of worrying?''
Just for Tuesday
Until 1 O'clock
Summer Footwear for In-
Dj fants and Children at and
y4 Actual value.
Bring the little folks In and have
them fitted. 300 pairs only of
White Canvas Oxfords and black
kid slippers; the coolest and most
sensible shoes for aummer wear.
Every pair 76c or $1.00 value.
Be early 300 pairs
can't last long with A.mO.
price down to . . . . t . . . .
For Women Who Wear
Cj Small size Shoes, Almost
We are cleaning up a goodly as
sortment of splendid soft velvet
kd and patent vamp strap slip
pers. These are all excllent
styles but larger sizes have been
picked out. We have
2 to 4 only $1.75
quality, at, pair
(And double stamps.)
Shukcrt Wants
Money or House
Demands Back Sent on Hanson Cafe
and Hay Bring Suit to
Get It.
6. E. Fhukert, owner of the building In
which Hanson's cafe Is located, declares
that In the event his rent ts not paid at
once, he will start proceedings to gain
possession of the building. It Is said that
Shukert Is negotiating with parties to oper
ate a restaurant on the premises when he
gains possession.
There Is 12.600 in rent coming to him. the
sum being for three months. By the terms
of the original agreement with Tolf Han
son Shukert would get the building at the
end of ten years, during which period
Hanson held a lease.
The basement continues to be run by the
receiver, with the upper part closed. The
emploj es of the cafe part of the establlsh
tnev . were all dismissed Saturday
"I " paid off Monday afternoon.
Sun of Hope in
Eclipse for Kelby
Dark Side of the Old World Wheels
Around for Mr. Hill's Bright
Moved by the heat James E. Kelby, gen
eral solicitor of the Burlington, grew pes
simistic and dashed off the following com
mentary on the futility of things terrestrial.
Others have written in similar vein, but
none more skillfully than the following: ,
"Mr. Man: Man's Ufa Is. full of trouble
and temptation. He cornea Into this world
without his consent, and goes out of It
against his will. His journey through life
Is rocky and beset with strange and con
tradictory experiences. When he Is little,
the big girls kiss him. and when ha is btg,
ths little girls kiss him. When he Is a
boy, he wishe he were a man, and when
he la a man, he wishes he were a boy
again. If he raises a large family, ha la
a chump; If he raises a check he la a
thief; If he Is poor, he is a poor manager;
and if ha Is rich, he is dishonest. If he Is
In politics it Is for graft, and if out of
politics, you can't place him, and ha la no
good to his country.
"If he gives for charity, It Is for show,
and if ha doea not give, be is a stingy
cuss. If ha dies young, there was a great
future before him. and If ha lives to an
.old age, he haa aoUaed bla cUlngv It he
Tired Searching
foi His Wife
Elkhorn Man Grows Calous to the
Flights of His Emtio
80 many times has H. M. Smith's wife
left him that he has become tired of
searching for her, and now he has decided
to let her g her way, providing he can
secure the cuatody of hla two chlldreu, who
are now with their mother.
" Smith and his family lived at the Elk
horn hotel in South Omahu. It was from
there that she repeated her disappearing
act ( Sunday afternoon. Smith does not
know where she has gone, but he has asked
tha Omaha police to help him find her that
he 'may get the children. One of them la
a girl S years of age, and the other a boy
i years old.
Smart yet
Bennett's Big Grocery
Bennett's Reliable Coffee, nound
Rennet's Corslcan Blend Tea, for Ice tea, lb.
Bennett's Teas, assorted kinds, pound
Helnz's Dill Pickles, dozen
Ice Cream Salt, per pound
Sterling Gloss Starch, S-lb. box
Rub-No-More .Washing Powder, C for
Dried, Grapes, 10c quality, pound
Armours Chipped Beef, No. 1 Jar.
.30 and SO green stamps
.80 and 60 green stamps
.48o and 60 green stamps
.8O0 -and 20 green stamps
. . lo
.83c and 20 green stamps
.aao and 20 green stamps
. .4o
84 and 10 green stamps
$1 Muslin Gowns Tuosday 50c
Several hundred sample gowns, trimmed with laces, embroid-
eries and dainty pin tucks all cut extra full and long any
of them well worth $1.00 on sale, to close, at, choice. . .50c
Skirts, worth to $2.00, nt 98c Skirts, worth to $5, at $2.98
Extra Specials for Tuesday
8ttc axtra havy unbleached Mualin,
yard wide, at 6H
8V4c Bleached Muslin, yd. wide 54
Mill ends of Outing Flannel, the 10c
quality, light colors 7
10c Bleached Cambrics, 36 in. wide,
18c French Batiste 13 Hs
25c Arnold's applique Swiss .. JO
59c Half Silk. Wash Goods....
Rug Specials
$16.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels
Rugs 9x12 size, big range of
patterns on tale Tuesday
at v--$11.08
$13.T5 Seamed Tapestry Hrnssels
. Rugs -9x12 size, 12 patterns to
select from; on sale Tuesday, at,
choice 59.65
$1.98 Prunella, all colors.. $1.25
$1.98 French Poplin....... SI 25
$1.60 Alt Wool Taffeta 7 (jw
85c All Wool Batiste .... 59X
19c Drapery Satina 13 H
15c Silkoline 10
85c Silk Drapery 59
75c. Silk Drapery 49
Ten other specials not advertised.
Furniture Specials i
Springs and Mattreesea Tneaday
75 Springs for wood and Iron beds,
slightly damaged In shipping
on sale at less than half.
BO Mattresse Slightly damaged,
all sizes, will be closed at less
than Jialf pric. .
Ice Cream. Powder, sssortcd; X pkgs. for t..88o and 10 green stamps
. Genesea Tomatoes, gallon cans 30o and 10 green stamps
Pumpkin, gallon cans :..30o and Id green stamps
Rice BlsClrits, pkg. loc and 6 grenn stamps
L hemes, gallon cans BOo and SO green stamps
fnuira uiivti, quan jar wo and iv green stamp
Martha Washington Wheat Flakes lOo and 6 green stamps
Woman With Gun
Makes Negro Thief
Do as She Says
Farmer's Wife Covers Robber with.
Pistol and Marches Him from
Hey House to Sheriff.
Mrs. Henry Melslnger, living on a farm
two miles east of Springfield In Sarpy
county, proved herself a brave woman by
defending her home against a desperate
negro who entered her house while her
husband was absent and she was in the
She frustrated his attempt to rob the
house by pointing a revolver at him and him a short distance to a neigh
bor's house, where he was held until Sheriff
11. H. Spearman, of Sarpy county took him
away and brought him to tha county Jail
In Omaha.. He gave his name aa William
It was early Sunday afternoon that the
negro went to the Melsinger farm. Mrs.
MeUlnger did not see him approach the
house, but she heard him Inside and run
ning to the kitchen door she saw him In
the front room emptying two of her pock-
etbooks. She went into the kitchen and
grabbed up a revolver, hidden there, and
surprised the negro In the act of stealing
the money.
When the gun was pointed at him Wil
liams made no effort to escape from the
woman, but submitted to her commands
and she had no trouble In getting him to
her neighbor's house.
Williams had taken $56 from the pocket
books when stopped by Mrs. Melsinger.
He says he Is from Birmingham, Ala., and
was on his way to Lincoln. He Is supposed
to have been walking along the Rock
Island track, which Is two miles from the
Melsinger place.
He has but one arm, the left one, he
says, was amputated to prevent his death
from blood poisoning.
Groceries Groceries
A whole carload of extra fancy Mountain Bartlett Pears and
Yellow Crawford Peaches. Put them up now. These are extra
fancy fruit, and will not be this cheap again this season, for this
quality of fruit.
Bushel boxes fancy Mountain Bartlett Pears, for this sale per
Tbox $1.98i
Large boxes fancy Yellow Crawford Freestone Peaches, per box,
at - : $1.10
This is the biggest snap of the season.
20 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar .S1.00
Monday's prices on all Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Butter,
Cheese and Crackers.
Mason Jar Sale, for your fruit Quart Mason Jars, with caps and
rubbers, per dozen 45c '
Hiss Amy Hobert is Knocked Down
and Badlr Hart by a
As Miss Amy Hobert, a telephone opera
ator, was leaving work at tha main office
of the Nebraska Telephone company
Seventeenth and Douglas streets, where
she was an operator, she was struck by an
automobile, No. 6000, belonging at either
Lincoln or Lyons, and very seriously In
jured. The accident happened at Klght
eenth street and Capitol avenue shortly
after 1 o'clock, and Miss Hobert, who lives
at 2622 Maple street, was quite seriously
Injured, so that an operation was neces
Injured in a Fire
or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores, eczema,
piles. Guaranteed. lie Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
Short Lines East
Low Round-Trip Fares
To New York and Return
To Jersey Coast Resorts and Return
if For Particular Information
Tleaae address W. H. ROWLAM. Traveling Passenger Agent,
' 213 Board of Trade Building, OMAHA, NEB.
Every Day
Durinf months of
August and September
Benson & Thorn e
Take Balduff's
Lilliputian Bazaar People Secure New
Quarters on Famam Street
for Their Store.
The firm of Benson Thorn will take
possession of th Balduff restaurant in
th Paxton block this morning and
remove their business there. Th candy
stock of Balduff has been sold to th new
Incumbents of the premises. The restaurant
has been operated by a trustee for the
creditors rlnce lb Balduff buins went
lam baoaruytcYj a m
0 GtfZG
zprsss In a Mmltd degree only, th magnlfleane of th
scenery la th Csnadlan Rockle vlwed anrout t th
6topovr without srtra charg at th famous resorts;
aaaff Xk X.onls TUla Olacist.
This "Land of Enchantment" Is reached only by th
Canadian Pacific Railway
Through trains t Seattle from St. faul dally at 10:S( a m.
. Low kaouirsioa raxes from all places to Seattle and all Pugs.
Bound cities and return.
Alaska and return from Vancouver ISS. by Can. Paclfl
immf Tickets for sale ly agents of all railway
Send for literature and information.
A. CO haw, General Agent Chicago.
Is Our Guide I
-&Mtirfi y i rv $1.25
3 $3.85
IT j i
Drexel's August - 1 j
Clearane Sale ol I J
Oxfords K
At all grocers
nronn milling coupant, omaha.
Th Beat Farm Paper.
One Dollar Per Year.
ta th iraopplBg
11th aaa
MoOee. oa
r.tii!:siii fnr"
3 I -
Hotel Kuppcrg
llth and afcO, H
Kansas City. Mo.
ta th Bboppls; District.
Hear all th Theaters.
OO Beautiful Boosts,
loo Private Batna,
Hot aad sold water la all reoma
kyacloa lobby, parlors.
- Telepboa la every roosa.
Beauuial Cafe, Perfect Culaia
41 lo 52.50 Per Day
Vuropeea Plaa,
P. A BIB BOM", at.
We have been busy getting
Men and Women's Oxfords,
because of the wonderful
values that we are offering
this sale has been a great
success. Note the . famous
makes that we are offering in
the sale.
For ten line of Hanan Clapp
ana Boyaen is.oo and
Men s Oxfords.
For fifteen lines of Hanan.
MacDonald and Klley to. 00
and fb.bO lien m Oxfords. .
OA For fifteen line Howard
6.v Foster and Tilt II OA and
Foster and
11.60 Men's Oxfords.
$2.55 eou".
twenty line miscei-jn-1
make of 1 3 60 i s
or miss' and
For fifteen line of Hanan.
Fester and Wrlrht Ar Peters.
Jo. 00 and 6.6 Women's Oxford.
For twenty lines of th cel
ebrated Irmitronc 14.00
Women' Oxfords.
t? 55 F"or fifteen lines Klppendorf
& Belby Pho company $1 60
vrpmen s uxioras
f9 95 For ten line of mlarelaneous
wmw makes of 13.00 Women
Oxfords. '
SB Per Oent Off
child's oxfords.
85 Per Coat Off of our misses' gen
uine RuhbU cslf angle Strap pumps.
35 Per Cent '-Off of all our boy',
youths' end llttl gent's oxford In
the store.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Street
Taft's Oental Rooms
uecaaar ta Dr. R L. Rr..-t-
Hinan arxATB
Of floe am4 BtoepltaJ, ano
Call Promptly Answered at Ail
imm maraay wty.