Omaha Daily Bee The WEATHER FORECAST. For Cooler. For Iowa Cooler. For weather report nee page S. THE OMAHA DEE fOft to the home ( r4 by the women !! goods for avdraftlserg. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 41. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1009 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. SPAIN REACHES CRITICAL POINT Trades Unions Declare General Strike as Protest Against the War. :ewspapers are suspected Government Seizes all Telegraph Telephone Wires. KING ALFONSO IS DEPRl Army Officers Protest Against P. Censorship as Foolish. EDITOR SHOT WITHOUT TRIAi Irmklitri of Pfr and Order Sh eared at Barreloaa Br SIaos;h tee mt Thousands, Ac cording to Report. UATONNE, France, Aug. ! Reliable news regarding the situation In Spain re ceived here this morning from San Sebas tian reports condition as grave there throughout the northern part of the coun try, where all the trades unions have given notice of the beginning of a general strike today. The government has seized all the tele graph and telephone wires In the affected provinces to prevent communication among the leaders of the strike movement. The transmission of newspaper dispatches has beeen shopped entirely, forcing a suspension of a majority of the Journals. The greatest excitement reigns among the working classes. Reports received here direct from Madrid say King Alfonso Is greatly depresseed over the Interior situa tion. He desires to throw his personal popularity In the scale, and It was with difficulty that he could be dissuaded from going to Barcelona In person. Premier Maura told him It would "be equivalent to suicide to enter that hotbed of anarchy. Some of the highest officers of the army are protesting vigorously against the main tenance of the censorship. They regard this restriction as foolish and useless and giving place to the wildest and most ex aggerated stories. Thoasawds Reported Slain. PARIS, Aug. J. -The facts as to the sit uatlon at Barcelona still remain somewhat shrouded, as no correspondent haa yet reached the city, which Is isolated by land and sea. Nevertheless It appears certain that General Santiago has restored a sem blence of order in the city and today i serious effort to resume work will be made. At the solicitation of the authorities the employers of Barcelona have agreed to offer a premium of a week's wages to t ery person coming back to work. At what cost fh life and property com paraiive tranquility has been restored in .Barcelona,. -A9ft4'X Ml. remain unknown. Refugees arriving at the frontier speak of the "terrible slaughter" and estimate the dead at thousands. Whether or not the ringleaders who were captured and tiled and condemned to court-martial have actually been executed Is not yet clear. ' It is known that Kmlllano Eglistla. editor 3f Hie l'lonres.o, was shot without trial in :he fortress. But if- order has been restored at Bar- ' ;?lona It seems equally certain the outlying country, especially the district north of the city, still Is In the hands of the revolution aries and the task of reducing the remain der of the province probably will entail much additional - fighting and bloodshed. Kvin the official dispatches from Madrid speak of the necessity of restoring order In the Interior of the province and the difficulty of dislodging the "anarchists" who have taken refuge Jn the mountains. Koine reports that a republic al reJy has been proclaimed and that a regu lar Junta Is directing the operations of the revolutionists. Meltlla Situation I'sekssged. MADRID. Aug. 3. According to official dispatches received here last evening, the situation at Malllla remains unchanged. There are still strosg bodies of Moors hid ing in the gorges. Mount Guruga, the Moorish stronghold. Is being constantly bombarded by the Spanish artillery. At Atbucemes, the Spanish Island fortress and prinon settlement on the Moroccan coast, the Moors have opened a rifle fire on the town. Order at Barcelona. BARCELONA, Aug. 2. Order Is today al most completely re-established In Barce lona proper, but the trouble continues on the outskirts of the city. Railroad com munication with Barcelona has not been re-established. Among the victims of the military court- martial are two members of the Chamber of ivputle and eight aldermen of Barce lotia. HENRY CLAY PIERCE WEDS i MRS. BURROWS IN LONDON t rremony Takes Place at St. t.eorge's t'aarch la Hnn- tittr Square. LONDON. Aug. I. Codr a special license secured at Canterbury, Henry Clay Pierce of 8t. Louis was quietly married today at St. George's church. Hanover Square, to Virginia Prickett Burrow, daughter of Major William Prickett of Edwardsvllle. 111., whose former husband died four years ago. Beyond the church official only four per sons witnessed the wedding. The bride was attended by her daughter, Virginia Burrow and given away by H. R. Ander son. Baron Pino Da Morpuhgo supported the groom. The only other member of the ' wedding party was Mr. Mary C. MltcheU, a relative of Mr. Pierce. St. George's church, which 1 among the most fashionable In London and the place where the marriage of many Americans have been celebrated, was prettily deco rated with flow era The brld carried a beautiful bouquet of ore hid a The cere ony wa performed by the Rev. D. An- H Jerson. After a quiet wedding breakfast, Mr. n4 Mr. Pierce left for the continent. WATERWAY DATES CHANGED New OrUasi Convention to Bo Held riret Throe Days la No vember. NKW ORLEANS, La.. Aug. I-It was announced her thl afternoon that No vember 1. t and S had been definitely de cided on as the date of the Lakes-to-the-gulf deep waterway convention to be held In New Orleans. The change Is msde In order to conform with the plan of Preei fteal Tail, who arrive her October SL Plan Combine M. P. Lines Into Single System Stockholders Said to Be Considering Reorganization and $150,000,000 Bond Issue. NEW YORK, Aug. 2 A special of the Missouri Pacific stockholders will be held on August 7 to rote on a consolidation of some twenty-one different companies now comprising the Missouri Pacific system, ac cording to the Evening Post today. It is roposed, ths paper continues, to form u '-. iw company, also to be called the Mls iri Pacific Railway company to own and hold these properties and to Itself capl- at $240,000,000 In stock. will then be proposed to authorise a , t mortgage on all the properties sg- ng 1150.000.000 and possibly more. Of .uls authorised under such mortgage ,-jout tM.000.0O0 will be reserved for refund ing. The remainder would be available as the source of new capital. It is under stood that a syndicate of bankers has In dicated Its willingness to underwrite H6. 000.000 of the new bonds. Show Fight Proves Fatal Negro Dies After Six Rounds Before Moving Picture Machine. PROVIDENCE. R. I., Aug. 1 "tt was not a prlie fight or a boxing bout, but an exhibition for a moving picture ma chine." said Admiral Seaton Schoeder in referring to the death of Hanson H. Foster, a colored mess mate on board the battle ship Vermont last night. A committee of officers was appointed this morning to make an Investigation. Those who saw the exhibition say the men went six rounds and then as pre arranged, Foster took the count. The next morning the negro complained of pains In his head and last night he died. The autopsy revealed the fact that Fos ter died of cerebral hemorrhages, caused by a blow or a fall. Hay Rack Rides End in Deaths Two Young Women of Des Moines Killed in Different Accidents. DES MOINES, la.. Aug. 2. Two young women are dead at Albia tonight as a re sult of two hay rack rides taken into the country today. Miss Agnes McGulre. aged 22, was a member of a crowd of twenty-five which had spent the day at a nearby fishing re sort. On the return trip the horses pulling the hay rock laden with, girls . became frightened at a train and threw their load off. Miss McGulre fell In front of a Northwestern train and wae ao mangled that she died shortly afterward. Mlxs Louise Shrope, aged 24. member of a picnic party returning from a similar trip, was crushed to death by being thrown against a tree when the team drawing the wagon ran away. Strike Threatens Chicago Cars All Surface Lines May Be Tied Up Soon by Action of the Unions. CHICAGO, Aug. . A strike on all Chi cago surface street car lines seemed nearer today when heads of the local unions met to draw up resolutions to be presented to the men at meetings tonight. The resolutions In general will demand an increase of wages and will also, It Is said, provide for the taking of a strike vote not later than Thursday. The em ployers already have refused the advance. They suggested arbitration, which the men in turn rejected. .. -. . ENGLAND ORDERS DIRIGIBLE Gives Preference to Rlrid Type of Balloon for the Xstr. LONDON. Aug. 2. The ubeommlttee of the Imperial defense committee appointed to consider matters of aviation waa given a verdict In favor of rigid dirigible bal loons for naval purposes and non-rigid balloons for the army. The aeroplane committee considers that these machines possibly may become valuable to the army, but says they must be able to as cend to a much greater height than has been achieved before they will be safe for reconnoltering purposes. In consequence of this the admiralty had ordered a rigid dirigible of the largest type from the Vlckers, and the govern ment factory at Aldershot haa begun the construction of three non-rigid balloons and two aeroplane for experimental pur How Two Champions of Free Silver Get Rich I hue my free silver, but oh you gold bagx! Thus might the silvery-lipped champion of that sacred ratio sing and In his song of prosperity might the fluent editor of hi Commoner Join without asking the pardon of any other man on earth. It' a long span from the calamity days of old to the present piping times of peace and plenty, and it' a far cry from the old Bryan who toiled out his daily bread in ths ordinary grind of a newspaper office. But the story of Mr. Bryan wealth la an old one. Interest now center on the splendid prosperity of Richard L. Metcalfe, the man who stood beside and behind Bryan from the day of Infancy la hi etarrial chase for the presidency and who ha been first and foremost In preaching the doctrine of the Peerless Loader. Hew these two men marched from the obscurity of poverty to the limelight of affluence cannot be told without bringing boldly to mind how fickle is fata fryin went from the office of an Omaha dally to begin hi life-wots, ut run old for WESTERN S0L0NS BLOCK THE BILL Alleged "Joker" in Leather Schedule Arouses Ire of "Range Senators." SOME DUTIES NOT REDUCED President Taft, However, Stands By Conference Report. WRITES LETTERS ON SUBJECT Denies Emphatically That "Joker" is in Measure. CONCESSIONS ARE DEMANDED Statesmen, Interested in Hide Datlea, Threaten Defeat of Bill If Leather Rate Is Xot Cot Lower. WASHINGTON. Aug. 2-Tariff legisla tion has been delayed again by the hide and leather question and as a result the conferees were called together once more today. Western senator complain that the leather schedule, as arranged by the con ferees, with the approval of the presi dent, is unfair to the states Interested In protected hides. It was agreed today that some action must be taken to conciliate them If the conference report I to be dopted. Without thought of serious obstacle In the pathway of the conference report, 8enator Aldrlch caused the report to be taken up today as soon as the senate met As Is usual, the senate leader and his associates moved about to ascertain whether there had been any change of sentiment. They were not long In learn ing that the charge that there was a "Joker" In the compromise hide and leather question and upset the comfortable ma jority they had previously counted for the adoption of the report. The difficulty appeared to be a lack of understanding between the conferees, the president and the western senators con cerning the condition under which the latter consented to hides being placed on the free list. Canse of the Kick. The westerners claimed they had been led to believe that all boots and shoe of leather were to be dutiable at 10 per cent and that all harness wa to be dutiable at JO per cent. When the con ference report was Issued It appeared that the reductions applied only to article manufactured In chief part of the class of hides which were to be made free of duty. The reductions would not apply to shoes, the uppers of which were made of calfskin Or to harness, the chief value of which was calfskin. Some of the western senators were ex tremely bitter In their condemnation of the compromise. They said they had been foold..that the president had been fooled and that the trick played on the consumer was nothing short of bunco. Finding that the westerners were not amenable to argument some of the senate leaders and some of the dissatisfied mem bers hurried to the White House. There all were Informed that the president had not been fooled. He wa reported to have told all hi callers that he fully under stood the character of the compromise. It was declared by the conferees, In de fense of their action, that the course pur sued was necessary from a parliamentary standpoint. To have reduced all boots and shoes, they said, would have compelled the resubmission of the question to the house. In confining the reductions to articles manufactured from hides resubmission of the paragraph was not necessary, for the tearon that the hide paragraph was in controversy between the conferees with a range of action from free to a duty of Id per cent. President Xot Fooled. Senator Aldrlch was among those who called at the White House. When he re turned to the capltol he Issued a call for a session of the conferees, including the house republican members. They assembled 820 P m- The western senators were ushered Into the conference chamber singly , or in pairs. Audiences were given to Sena- tor Heyburn. Warren. Carter. Sutherland. Brown. Borah and Bourne. Invitations had been issued to Senator Dixon. Burkett and Clark of Wyoming, but they did not accept. Senator Aldrlch and Representative Payne stated unequivocally that the language used In adjusting the hide controversy was not a "Joker." An effort was made to reach an understanding with the men from the cattle raising states. They said that the word hid gone out over the west that free hides had been given for cheaper shoes and harness, and that their constituents w-ould not be satisfied with any other bar gain. Conferees Meet Again. Senator Brown and Borah both had let ters from the president bearing upon the alleged "Joker." The senators read these letters to the conferees. The letter to Senator Borah was In response to one he (Continued on Second Page.) president The rest of the tory is an old one. Mr. Metcalfe went from the same of fice to edit Bryan's Commoner and write books. Here Is part of the sequel a told by the Lincoln Journal. The green-roofed bungalow located snort, distance northwest of Falrrlew is being built by Richard L. Metcalfe. Mr. Bryan editor. It la of more than passing interest to know that the house and ten acres of land around It, representing an Investment of more than lle.OOO. will be entirely paid for by Mr. Metcalfe's book Of Such I the Kingdom.' Twenty-one thousand copte of thl work hav been old. and ths demand continues so strong that Mr. Metcalfe will undoubtedly be able to use hi own automobile and avoid the walk of half a mile to the College View car line. The place la called 'Verbena Lodge,' from the profusion of wild verbena found on the land when Its present owner purchased it. Mr. Metcalfe now has a second book entitled 'Bishop Sunbeams.' In the hands of the printer. Like It pre decessor It will be entirely produced mechautcaiiy la Lincoln, From the Washington Evening Star. THREE PER CENT FLAT RATE Occnpation ( Tax Finally Agreed on By City Council. SLIDING SCALE IS CUT OUT City Attorney Bnrnam Advises Coun cil That This Peatare Weald Xot Stand Test of the Law. Three per cent flat on the gross re ceipts will bo the smowt of the occupa tion tax on public utility corporations oc cupying the streets of the city of Omaha. This was decided upon Monday afternoon by the city council committee of the whole. The proposed sliding scale whereby the tax would be increased from time to time as the receipts of the affected companies increased wa eliminated on the advice of City Attorney Burnam, who told 'the council men that the "sliding scale" fea ture would not stand a test in the courts. The second set of ordinances will be placed on file and the original ordinances drawn and Introduced by former Council man Harry B. Zimman. who started the occupation tax movement, will be those passed, 3 per cent being substituted for per cent. When Councilman Berka, chairman of the Judiciary committee, reported on the ordinances In the committee meeting, Councilman Bridges offered a motion that the tax be made 3V4 per cent flat. Coun cilman Schroeder seconded this motion. Councilman Johnson then offered an amendment that the tax be made S per cent and this was seconded by Council man Sheldon. A vote was taken and Councllmen Burmester. Brucker, Davis, Funkhouser, Johnson, McGovern and Shel don voted . for 3 per cent. Councllmen Bridges, Berka, Hummel, Kugel and Schroeder voted for ihi per cent. The tax will be assessed without any regard to the royalties paid by the light ing companies, though the royalty paid by the Independent Telephone company will be deducted from the occupation tax. In the discussion prior to the vote the councllmen expressed themselves a. being tn favor of increasing the tax later If It la found the companies can afford a higher tax. The corporations affected by the occu pation tax are: Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company, Omaha Electric Light and Power company, Omaha Gas company, Omaha Water company, Ne braska Telephone company. Independent Telephone company. Western Union Tele graph company and Postal Telegraph com pany. The ordinance will come up tonight for final passage. O. K. Cow Ordinance. The committee at Its Monday afternoon meeting also recommended for passage Dr. Connell's ordinance requiring testing of all dairy cows for tuberculosis or the pas teurising of all milk sold in Omaha; placed on file an ordinance requiring the signa ture of the mayor, license Inspector and clerk to circus licenses, and declined to (Continued on Second Page.) Do you want a girl for housework? T'phone Douglas 238 and get one. That is the "Want-ad Num ber." If you are without help, go do it now. No use drudg ing this hot weather when you can get help 60 easily. Girls looking for work know that The Bee publishes practically a com plete list of people who want help, so they look to the Bee Want-ads when looking for a place. Better etep to the phone and Dut in the ad. BACK TO THE MINORS. Auto Accident May Be Fatal Concussion of Brain Threatens Life of Dr. Morgan Cutler of New York. Dr. Morgan Cutler of New Tork. son of Coroner Lewis Cutler of Council Bluffs, may die of concussion of the brain as the result of an automobile accident. Cutler, who 1 interne at the Metropolitan hospital, New Tork. and Dr. Carl West of Council Bluffs were going north on- the Florence road when about 1:1 in the morning their auto plunged into a large hole In the road. The Impact smashed the machine and threw the men out. Cutler striking on his head with great force. Dr. West was not seriously Injured, though cut about the face and bruised. Cutler was rendered unconscious. The men were taken to the Swedish hospital, where Dr. Paul H. Ellis treated them, and, later, Dr. West, with Coroner Cutler, took the letter's son to the home of his parents In Council Bluffs, where he was visiting. He Is atlll uncon scious and may die. The accident occurred at a point ln the road opposite the Stroud home and about four blocks from the Rome Miller resi dence. A great hole had been washed out evidently and a lantern had been left to mark the place for travelers, but when these men encountered the hole the danger signal wa not there and they had no mean of perceiving what they were run ning Into. REPORT CAUSES COTTON RISE Alleared Bad Condition of Crop Leads to Sensational Advance In New York. WASHINGTON, Aug 2. A cotton crop condition of 71. per cent of a normal on July 25 wa announced by the Department of Agriculture today, against "4.8 a month ago, 83 a year ago and ten-year average on July 25 of S0.6. Th. averaire Knnitlllnn nt mltnn !a 19W waj Rnd ofJ July lm NEW YORK, Aug. 1. A very excited ad- vance in the price of cotton in the New Tork market following the publication of the government crop report today. January deliveries sold up from 12.2oc to 12.70c In side of ten minutes, or about 32 per bale above the closing prices of Saturday, and within 14 points of the high record for the season, made early last month. The gov ernment report of 71.9 per cent represented a deterioration of 2.7 per cent from the month and wa a low record for this season of the year. SUFFRAGE WAR BY TROLLEY Company of "Votes-f or-Women" Mla stonares on Tour of Mini, chasetta. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 2 A company of women suffragetlsts started by trolley from this city today to make a tour of the slate In the interest of "votes for women." MOTOR WRECK HURTS TWENTY One Man Jumps Thronsh Window of Car When Arcldent Happens. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Twenty persons were injured, five of them seriously, when the motor of a street car at Ninety-sixth street and Ewlng avenue burst here today. One man Jumped through a window. Man Lynched in Missouri; Mob Entered Jail by Ruse 6T. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 1 A special to the News-Pres say George Johnson, white, who murdered John W. Moor, a farmer near Platte City, Mo, June 20, wa lynched at Platte City at t o'clock thl morning. Feeling ran o high t the time of the killing that Johnson was taken to Kansas City for mX keeping. H trial was to EAGER TO HEAR THE WOlAN Law Officers Believe Mrs. Philips Will Tell Facts at Investigation. IMPORTANT STORY IS EXPECTED Wife of Supposed Slayer of M. Hamilton Delayed at Grand Is land on Way to Omaha. Mrs. James Philips, wife of the supposed murderer of Marshall C. Hamilton, who was exDected to arrive tn Omaha from St. Paul vesterday afternoon, failed to ge here, and It was reported that she was taken suddenly ill at Grand Island and had to remain there. When she comes she Is expected to render valuable testi mony, probably of a salacious sort. Her story of the relations existing be tween Hamilton and herself and between Hamilton and Philips, her husband, is greatly desired by the sheriff that It may be told to the coroner's Jury, which meets this morning at 10 o'clock. At the depot yesterday afternoon to meet Mrs. Philips wa the mother of the sup posed murderer. She was accompanied by Edward Davis, a farmer who has lived a neighbor to the Philips' family for years. Mrs. Philips refused to discuss the case. She was asked where her daughter-in-law might stay In Grand Island and replied she did not know. She said the woman had no relatives there. She had received no word of the reported (linens of her son's wife. Davis wa asked what he knew about the relation between Hamilton and Mr. James Philip. He said he thought they were altogether too Intimate. He had ob served several thing which he believed would have made any man Jealous of his wife. Philips Is still at large. Sheriff Brallcy and hi deputie are persisting In their scarch for him and believe him to be esconced somewhere In or about Omaha. They believe friends are aiding In his con cealment. The officers at first thought the body of the floater found In the Missouri river might be that of Philips, but this theory waa exploded when the great dis paragement in the sixes of the two men be came known. There Is a theory that Phil ips and his brother crossed the river and escaped that way. PLAN FIVE MONTH'S CRUISE Parifle Squadron Will Visit lnla and Two Chinese Porta. Hono- WASHINGTON. Aug. 2 Admiral Se bree's armored cruiser squadron of the Pacific coast, eight vessels, will be ab sent from the Vnlted States on It com ing cruise to Asiatic waters, a little more than five months. It will visit Honolulu and the ports of Hong Kong, Kobe and Yokohama. Only two vessels, however, will go to the Chinese and Japanese ports, except that the whole squadron will as semble off Yokohama January 19, on which day It will start home. INCOME TAX BILL PASSED Alabama House Endorse Amendment to National Con stitution. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 2 The house today passed the bill agreeing to an In come tax amendment of the constitution of the United State. begin today and he wa returned to Platte City Sunday afternoon. About 2 o'clock this morning two men took a third man to the Jail, representing him to be a prisoner. When the sheriff opened the Jail door the three overpowered him and fifty other men soon appeared and bat tired down the door of Johnson cell. He was taken to a tree opposite the Jail and strung up, where lb bod hung until (.30 a. ro. , , WORKING F0K DISAGREEMENT High and Low Tariff Senators Com bining to Defeat Confer ence Report. EACH SIDE EXPECTED TO GAIN Radicals of Both Sides Want An other Vote in Senate. ALLEGED JOKER IN LEATHER Rumor Set Afloat That it is Capable of Two Constructions. TAFT WRITES SENATOR BROWN President ay Section 1e Wot Am- fcla-noas and That It Means What It Says Proposition to Re construct Phraseology. (From a Staff Correspondent i WASHINGTON. Aug. 2 -Special Tele gram, i An anomalous situation has arisen over the tariff bill, on that can hardly be understood unless close tab has been kept on the bill by those either Interested from a pecuniary stsndpolnt or from a viewpoint of education. Certain low tariff men and certain high tariff men are en deavoring to get together to defeat the conference report In the senate from dla- metrlrslly opposite points. The low tariff men Insist that the tariff on certain com modities like coal, lumber, tobacco, boots and shoes and woolens are too high. The high tariff men on the very same commod ities are Insisting that schedules are too low. Hence the effort for radicals of either wing of the republican party to get together. Senator Scott Is up In arms and fighting mad over the coal schedule. Certain New England senators are disturbed over the tobacco rates and are openly fighting the corporation tax amendment. Certain of the Rocky mountain senators, and In cluded in that category are Warren of Wyoming. Sutherland of Utah and Her burn of Idaho over duties on lumber and hides. In the case of Senator Warren the hide schedule Is prohably largely senti mental, but he la madder than a March hare over the conference report and Is threatening all kinds of dire things even to the extent of voting against the bill unless the boot and shoe schedule I made to say In so many words what waa In tended. Working for Disagreement. The high tariff men. hoping for help from the low tariff contingent, believe that If they can get the bill back Into the senate by a disagreement to the conference report they can force higher ratea. The low tariff men want the bill back In the senate for radically opposite reason, that they may secure additional cut on aom of the present schedules. There I a vain hope, however, that either will be suc cessful, for President Taft occupies the best position and It Is believed If he Is satisfied the bill a agreed upon In con ference is the best bill that can be ob tained, he will pet votes enough when the time comes to ratify the conference report. It has been widely rumored today, espe cially in senatorial circles, that Senator Cummins is out with the administration, hence his antagonism to anything that the president may desire. Senator Dol llver to trying to overcome Cummins and the outcome is being watched with much Interest. Alleged Joker Not a Joker. The boot and shoe schedule which cer tain representatives and senator bellev contains a "Joker" Is really a serious proposition. So serious that an effort will be made by a concurrent resolution di recting the enrolling clerk to change the present phraseology of the bill so that there can be no doubt about the Intent of the conferees in fixing the duty for some grades of boot and shoes. So strong was the criticism to the reading of the schedule that Senator Brown took it upon himself to call the attention of the presi dent to the charge made by a number ol newspaper men that ther was a "Joker" of large proportions in that particular I schedule. It Is understood that the presl- ! dent wrote a letter to Senator Brown, a he also did to Senator Borah of Idaho regarding the duty on boots and shoe, tn which he emphatically stated that ther was no Joker In the schedule and that the 10 per cent duty would not be tech nically construed by court to mean any higher duty than stipulated. That ther were newspaper men paid for the purpos of finding Jokers that had no existence. whatsoever. In fact or words to that effect. May Reconstruct Paxaraph. Senator Brown, however, believe tht It would be the part of wisdom to recon struct the paragraph o tht there could be no doubt about leather and ahoe of all grades paying a duty of 10 per eent, for this duty was first Insisted upon by Presi dent Taft and tt Is hi particular creation. It Is thought that If this schedule can be reconstructed without throwing tho entire leather schedule into the senate to be kicked and butted about like a foot ball recourse will be made to a concurrent resolution, thereby placating some of tn "t-hort grass statesmen" in the Rocky mountain section. Tonight Senators Brown and Borah wer guests at the White House for the purpo of talking over with the president the somo what ambiguous phraseology used In th boot and shoe schedule. Just what course to pursue will probably be disclosed during the session of the senate tomorrow, which meets at 10 o'clock. Two Pension Examiners. On recommendation of both Nebraska senators. Dr. K. J. McRae haa been ap pointed pension examining surgeon at Al bion, Neb., vice Dr. M. V. Burns, re signed, and on recommendation of Con gressman Wood. Dr. J. H. Shipley wai appointed pension examining surgeon at Jefferson, la., vice Dr. H. E. Lovejoy, resigned. The acting secretary of the Interior has va cated order of withdrawal In connection with the irrigation project in Nebraska and re stored 1.2M) acres of land to public domain where not otherwise withdrawn, reserved or appropriated; also vacated order of with drawal in connection with the same project In Wyoming and re.itored to public domain where not otherwise withdrawn, reserved or appropriated II 9J res of land. Set tlement may be made on said lands on and after October y, and entry filing or se lection November 25. at Alliance, Neb., and Cheyenne, Wyo . land offices, resaoctlvely. Nebraska pceUQasiers PtK?intHU alalia.