The Omaha Daily Bee The omaiia dee eton. rtrtlaMa ttwF.r that la admitted to ek ana Terr bom. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Cooler. For Iowa Thunder shower. For weather report nee pg 3. -J VOL. XXXIX NO. 40. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1M9-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TARIFF CONTEST ENDS THIS WEEK Conclusion of Long Struggle Expected Within the Next Few Days. Floater Pulled From the River By Small Boys MOB DECLARES NEWJtEPUBLIC Revolutionists at Barcelona Proclaim Intention to Upset Govern ment. HAMILTON SHOT IN COLD BLOOD Lumberman Wakened at Midnight by Man Who Murdered Him with Deliberate Purpose. Seven Little South Omaha Lads Rescue Corpse of Drowned Kan from the Missouri. TMnwm ma m vjv5- SENATE TO ACT ON REPORT Some Statesmen Will Make Speeches Explaining Votes. NO FILIBUSTER IS PROBABLE Bailey and Daniel Will Voice Demo cratic Opposition. TAFT IS AWAITING RESULT As ft noil mm Bill Become. a I. aw He Will- Hastea to I overly foe Fire Week Ilefor Trip. WASHINGTON. Am. 1. Unles some thing happen to provoke heated discussions of a political character, the new tariff bill bould be enacted Into lew and the extraor dinary session of cod M adjourned be fore the end of thu k. Inquiry among rf Jn opposed to the adoption of the conference report on the Tayne-Aldrlrh bill Indicates that the debate will not be as extended as It threatened to be before tlif conferees reported. The senate ill meet at 10 a. m. tomorrow. The svsxlon probubly will begin at that hour eu li day and will continue until ( or 7 o'lliiU p. m. dally until the report Is adopitd. If it is found that more senators desire to speak than have already given notice it is possible that evening sessions may be held. Aldrlch Is In a Horry. Senator Aldrtch is determined that the conference report shall not be carried over into next week. He doea not expect to occupy very much time himself. He said today that he would not speak longer than an hour or two, and that other members of the committee would occupy compara tively little time. It la probable that senators who were op posed to the placing of hides on the free list will have something to say on that sub ject, and that all of the republicans who voted against the bill when It was on Its passage In the senate will take occasion to xplal ntheir action. Some of these senators will speak for the adoption of the confer ence report, and some of them are expected to vote In the negative. No Filibuster Probable. Senator Culberson, leader of the minority, Is authority for the statement that the democrats will debate the conference re port thoroughly, but will not filibuster against Its adoption. Senators Daniel and Ha lie y, members of the committee on fins ncc. will speak at length against the adoption of the conference report, and take tl od . Jn eiuU -democratic opposition to' the new tariff bill. Rome of the senate leaders predict that a vote will be had on the conference re port as arly aa Thursday and that the tpecial session of congress can be brought to a close on Friday. rlana of President. President Taft will not leave Washington until the tariff bill becomes a law. After signing the bill the president will leave for Beverly, where he will have a stay of something more than five weeks bfore stsiilnrt on his long trip through the west and sou'.h. The senate having retained the appro priatlnti of 125,000 In the urgent deficiency bill for the president's traveling expenses, only one obstacle remains as a possible bar to the strip. That Is Mrs. Tsft'a health. If she continues to Improve as steadily as she has dono since taking up her residence at Peverly. the president's trip will be assured. No Sunday Rest for Busy Farmers Work of Harvesting Big Crops Goes on All Day in South Dakota. FIOVX FALLS, S. P.. Aug. 1 Spe clal.) Although today was Sunday the day ef rest there waa no relaxation on the fBLt of the farmers of South Dakota In the work of harvesting the abundant crop raised In the state this season. The severe hall and windstorm which swept over Hushes. Beadle, Sully, Douglas and other counties on Friday afternoon spurred them on to get their crops out of danger from similar storms. In some localities there Is .a' decided shortage of harvest hands, and In these localities ' the wives and daughters of farmers have not hesitated to abandon their household duties so fur as possible and aid their husbands and fathers in the work of getting grain Into the shock and beyond danger from hall or wind. The harvesting of barley and early oats rnw la completed In the greater pa it of the state and Is nearlng completion In other sections. The cutting of wheat has com menced In the southern counties and before the close of thla week, with favorable weather conditions, will practically be In progress In all portions of the agricultural part of the state. Crops generally In sec tions which have not been swept by hall and windstorms -are reported In fine con dition, with well filled heads and plump berries. In some localities barley Is reported to have been damaged about SO per cent, by excessively hot weather at the critical period of Ita growth end by high winds, which cauaed much of It to crinkle down. jl theae localities blndei-c were at once put to work and the crop waa put out of the way of further damage. All reports agree that corn la In fine condition and a week or tn days farther advanced at present than It waa at this time last year. The first woman harvester to be Injured In the etate, o far ae reported, la Mrs. Andrew Rongley. wife of a farmer living rear Rutland. While operating a hay-rako for bar husband the horsea became frightened and ran away, striking an ob struction and throwing the woman violently to the ground. Her light arm was broken tin two place and eh was otherwise In lured py bei&f out and bruised, .. t r South Omaha boys, all under 11 7. "cued the body of a drowned the Missouri river yesterday at voys saw him floating In the a foot of Missouri avenue and ' Ne water to be quite shal low th ut to him and at last by Joining . s i were able to reach and ore. Morgan Heafey re. and It lay all of g Identification In Heafey's under took the b- s, Sunday aftet ' the parlors ot taking establish . When found the body had no clothing upon It and the appearance Indicated the man had gone In bathing. There were no marks of violence. The body had lain In the water not more than a few hours. It Is believed the man must have gone bathing Saturday evening. He was cleanly shaven, nearly six feet tall and weighed nearly 200 pounds, athletic rn appearance and had a square Jaw, eyes were slightly discolored but thought to be brown, hair was black, rather thin, but not from bald nes, and had been newly cut. The man was about M or 27 years old. He had five vaccination marks on his right arm, the first and last were small and the three between quite large. The boys who found the body told the coroner they had seen a body float down the river ahead of the one they secured. When questioned closely they were not so sure of this. The boys who found the body were Ray mond, Kdward and Walter Paulson, S34 North Twelfth street; Olen Wiggins. 72S North Twelfth; Grant Froeley, 738 North Twelfth; Arnold Tangeman, Eleventh and M street, and Cashmer Sledx, 832 North Twelfth. An Inquest will heheld at South Omaha this morning at 9 o'clock. Slayer of Consul is Bad Celestial All the Police Can Learn of His Record is to His Dis credit. NEW TORK, Aug. 1. Wong Bow Cheung as he has been identified, or Matuda Woung as he Insists on being named, the undersized Americanized Chinese cook who shot and killed his vice consul, Dr. Luk Wing yesterday, was arralnged before the coroner today and committed to the Tombs to await the result of the Inquest to be held next Wednesday. He slept soundly and ate well, but seems depressed and refused to answer questions. If he has friends, none called on him, to day and he haa asked to see no one. With . the scanty Information Uie police can gather about him la wholly to his discredit- The average Chinaman Is frugal and Industrious, but Wong had the repu tation in Chinatown of being a hard drinker, an unsteady worker and chroni cally in want of cash. Wingahlu S. Ho, the Chinese consul here, cannot believe that Dr. Luk Wing, whom he knew as the most gentle and pains taking of aides, ever treated the prisoner harshly or did anything to excuse the as sault. Doors Locked at Hanson Cafe Receiver Shuts Up Upper Floors, Allowing Lunch Room to Con tinue in Operation. Hanson's cafe was closed by the receiver, Euclid Martin, at the end of the business day Saturday. The lunch room In the basement was, however, continued In op eration. "The lunch room will be run for a time, anyhow," declared Mr. Martin, "that we may discover whether It paya or not. It was hardly possible to say that the lunch room by Itaelf waa doing well until sup plies for It were bought separately." What the next atep In the cafe Insolv ency will be Mr. Martin was unable to say. That the cafe will be reopened la exceed ingly doubtful. RAIN DAMAGES THE CROPS Severe Storms in Vicinity of Broken Bow Include Wind and Hall. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Aug. L (Special Telegram.) The severest rain storm In yeara awept this part of the country late yesterday afternoon followed by another this morning. Nearly three Inchea of water fell In little over an bour. Wind and hall accompanied the storm. Much damage Is reported to crops In the northwest part of the county. C'hiraa-o Girl C limbs Mountain. GENEVA. Aug. 1. Helen Bauer, aged 30, of Chicago, has accomplished the feat of climbing Mont Blanc. Mimic Game of Warfare Will Engage Thousands BOSTON. Aug. 1 Not since the daya of the civil war has Massachusetts seen such a gathering of armed men aa will partici pate in the war game of August 14 to 21. The troops defending Boston and endeev vorlng to stem the invasion of 10,00 men of the New York. New Jersey, Connecticut and District of Columbia National Guards will consist of 7.000 members of the Massa chusetts Guard, augmented by three troops of regular cavalry from the "Fighting Tenth," the colored regiment at Fort Ethan Allen, Va. The scene of the maneuver la expected to be confined to the southern eountlea of Bristol and Plymouth. The Invaders are conceded the strategical ability to land their forces, when they will attempt to tight their way through the state, but th defenders assembled In Boston will be notified promptly of the debarkation a"d rushed to the oeoe. Th further man euver are problematical. Th dispatch of the defender will be so FORTRESS FIRING ON THEM Forty Rioters Reported Hanged Without Any Trial. EDITOR AMONG THE VICTIMS Publisher of Republican Organ Exe cuted by Military. INSURRECTION NOT CRUSHED Fierce Fighting; Between Troops and Revolutionist Contlnoea In Street of Barcelona Fears for Safety of Foreigners, Bl I.I.ET1X. LONDON, Aug. L A dispatch recetved here by a news agency from Cerbere, France, reporta that the revolutionists have proclaimed a republic In Barcelona and that the fortress Montjuich Is con stantly firing upon the districts occupied by them. CERBERE. France. Spanish Frontier, Aug. 1. Late news received here from Barcelona Is to the effect that fighting between the troops and the revolutionists continues fiercely. It Is reported that forty revolutionists have been shot without trial at the Montjuich fortress, among them being Kmlllano Igleslas. editor of the Progreso, the organ of Deputy Leroux, chief of the republicans in Barcelona. The situation In Palamos, the center of the cork Industry, Is reported to be alarm ing, and fears are expressed for the safety of foreigners there. Says Situation la Better. PARIS, Aug. 1. The Marquia del Muni. Spanish ambassador In France In an inter view today, declared that he had most reassuring newa from Catalonia and Melllla. He Insisted that only 200 men had been killed and 600 wounded In the fighting In Morocco and that the rebellion In Catalonia had been completely mastered. The am bassador denied categorically the existence of the alleged text of a secret Htspano Franco treaty of 1904, which was published In Germany and under the conditions of which France agreed to lend Spain Ita assistance In Africa. Marquis del Mlnlsa said that neither the Carllats nor the separatists were Involved in the movement in Catalonia, aa It was Impossible to conceive that they would league themselves with anarchists to burn convents, assassinate monks and sack churches. NEW PATENT TREATY IS MADE t'nlted States and Germany Conclade Convention Advantageous 10 Both. WASHINGTON. .Aug. l.-A reciprocal patent treaty between the United States and Germany, which is of far-reaching importance to the commercial world, was simultaneously promulgated at noon today by President Taft and the emperor of Germany. ' The agreement is Immediately effective, and Is to remain In force until the expiration of twelve months following notice of termination by one of the con tracting parties. The effect will be that foreign manufac turer will be relieved of the existing re quirement that. In order to sell products In Germany, they must manufacture them on the basis of patents In Germany, which called for Investments of large sums of money In maintaining duplicate plants. Inventors will greatly benefit from the fact that the treaty relieves them from the German restriction under which their pa tents have hitherto been forfeited If not actually worked In Germany within three years under the new provision It will be sufficient to protect patents In both coun tries If they are used for manufacture In either. BOY HIT BY A TROLLEY CAR Elght-Year-Old Robert Swan la Badly Hurt as Resalt of Accident. A west side Hanscom park car struck Robert Swan, the 8-year-old son of Harry L. Swan, local representative of The Asso ciated Press, late Sunday afternoon and In flicted serious Injuries to the boy. The accident occurred on the west side of Hans com park, where the little fellow had been spending the afternoon with his brother a year older than himself. The boy was crawling through the fence along the track and had Just stepped on the edge of the track when the car appeared suddenly and knocked him down. It Is apparent that the motorman did not see the boys either before or after the accident, as he did not stop his car. The Injured boy was found a few minutes later by persons driving along the street and he waa removed to hla home. Physicians say no bones were broken, but the boy'a back Is seriously Injured. arranged aa to deploy the 7.000 troop over a frontage of mor than thirty mile. Ma jor General Leonard Wood, U. S. A., com mander of the Department of the East, aa alsted by his staff and other expert, will act aa umpire. Th problem of defense will be engineered by Brigadier General William A. Pew, Jr.. of the Second brigade Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. The task of ferreting out the channels of success ful invasion will be superintended by Gen eral W. W. Wltherspoon and will be actu ally commanded by Major General Taaker H. Bliss. The march of both armies win necessarily Involve damage to property. Fences will have to be torn down and gardena Invaded Behind each of the two bodies will be a special corps of adjuster, who will de termine upon the amount of damage done and compensate the affected person for their loee. A sum closely approaching S500, 000 will b required to cover Uie coat oZ th SECOND VOYAGE From the New York Herald. OSAKA BADLY DEVASTATED Hundreds of Injured Persons Crowd Into Hospitals. PROPERTY LOSS IS ENORMOUS Over 20,000 Building; Are Baratd W'orld-Famona Buddhist Temple Fall Victim to the Flame. OSAKA, Japan, Aug. 1 Confusion still prevails here as a result of Saturday's disastrous fire. Thousands of persons are homeless and hunger Is staring many of them In the face. A system of relief has been organized by the municipal authorities, but it Is Inadequate to aupply all needs. Outside cities and towns are sending In contribu tions to be used In alleviating the suffer ings ot the homeless and destitute. The number of casualties has not yet been determined, but hundreds of Injured persons are crowding the hospitals. Twenty Thousand Buildings Burned. The latest estimates are that 20.000 build ings were destroyed, these Including banks, the Stock exchange, the museum, govern ment edifices and factories. While at present it Is Impossible accurately to state the losses, these are given roughly at several million yen. ft Is -feared that some of the Insurance companies- will fall as a result of the heavy losses they will have to pay. The conflagration lasted more than twen ty-five hours and today the burned sec tion presents a deplorable sight. The streets of the city are very narrow and the houses were mostly of wood construc tion. Under a strong breexe. therefore, the buildings were easy prey for the flames, which Jumped from one to an other with great rapidity. Once hope was almost abandoned that the conflagration could be arrested. The firemen fought valiantly against the odds of lack of water and high wind and many of them fell un conscious while working bravely at their posts. Had not the watersupply been curtailed by the existing drouth It Is be lieved the fire would have been quenched without great damage. During the fire the greatest confusion prevailed among the spinning girls In the factory quarter, but fortunately no seri ous loss of life occurred there. Property Piled la Reaps. The belongings of the people who were ble to save anything from their burning homes are piled In great heaps along the railroad tracks from Osaka to Kobe, where they were removed early Saturday morn ing when the fire broke out. In the gray of Uie dawn of Saturday thousands of persons heavily laden with household ef fects, were to be seen fleeing across the numerous canal bridges and away from the fire zone. When they had reached places of safety the burdena were laid down and the able bodied members of families returned to the city to assist In fighting the flames, leaving the old people to guard their ef fect from thieves. All day long Saturday and far Into the night the male popula tion assisted the firemen and the troops In quenching the conflagration. Buddhist Temple Destroyed. An area of over four mllea square, con taining some of the city' handsomest structures, Including the Buddhist temple, the largest In the world, was entirely burned over before the fire was brought under control. Many touching sight were to be seen during the fire. The women were terror- stricken, and fled hither and thither with their children, some of whom were cry ing plteously for food that could not be obtained for them. The emperor is deeply concerned over the disaster and It is believed that he will make a generous donation to the re lief fund, and that his action will be quickly followed by gifts from charitable people and institutions. The man who doesn't want your trade enough to ask for it won't do much to hold it Advertising la an invitation to you to buy from the advertisers. You will find It pays to buy exclusively from advertisers. These are the firms who sell the moat goods and at the cloaeet prices. Under the head of "An nouncements" are half a hun dred small ada that are of interest to buyers. Road them. Have you read tie want ads yt, today t. kdWWTr 1 m to aW , --17. A' 1 HA, r f, I .III I V Cvs OF THE HALF MOON IN LIGHT Brothers Sec Boy Drowned Homer Viele, Son of Police Officer, Perishes in Missouri River. Homer Viele, the 8-year-old son of Of ficer W. D. Viele of the Omaha police force, who lives at 407 Dorcas street, was drowned in the Missouri river about 7:30 o'clock last night In the presence of his two brothers. Young Viele was In swimming and was about fifty feet from the bank when he was cought In an eddy, opposite the footh of Martha street tand drowned before help could reach him. Clarence McFadden, 1237 South Fourteenth street, who Is employed at the Brandels stores, was not far away and heard the shouts of Vtele's companions and rushed to the rescue, but reached the spot Just as Viele was going down for the laat time. The police station was at once notified and Officers Morgan, Bausnlck and Viele, who was hurriedly called In from his Far nam street beat, went to the place In the police automobile, but were not able to find the body. Thomas Adams was further up the river In. a motor boat and' was soon notified and hurried down the stream, but no trace of the body could be seen. Sergeant Patsy Heavy of the police sta tion notified Plattsmouth and Nebraska City to be on the watch for the body and It is hoped that It will be recovered. Two Take Their Lives at Lincoln Wife of Neligh Bank Cashier Hangs Herself and Young Man ires of Life. LINCOLN. Aug. 1. Mrs. Thomas S. Paxton, wife of the cashier of the Atlas bank of Neligh, Neb., committed suicide by hanging herself in her rooms In Lincoln's sanitarium today. She had been In 111 health and despondent. Her husband visited her yesterday, and intended to take her to her home next week. Edgar Stahley, one of the best known young men In the county, killed himself near Lincoln this morning. Ho left a note saying he did not care to live longer. DRY FARMING GREAT SUCCESS State Institution In Wyoming; Show Good Result In Various . Line. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 1 (Special ) Persona who do not believe In dry farming, or who are Interested in irrigated farming, were yesterday given a setback when twenty-five leading Cheyenne citizens went to the state dry farm, two miles east of the capltol, and Inspected the crops of grains, grasses and vegetables. The farm Is conducted by Prof. Cooke, the dry farming expert. The cttlsena were astonished at what they saw, for In addi tion to the grains and grasses, there were laree fields of peas, corn, beets, etc. Work men were harvesting the second crop of dry land alfalfa, which went nearly two tons to the acre. Congrress of Aviator. PARIS, Aug. 1. It Is reported that France Intends to call an International conference to discuss the question ot aviation. American Yacht Owners to Be Mulcte4 by Tariff Law WASHINGTON. Aug. l.-Sailing in palatial foreign-built yachts will come p. ty high to American millionaires who own such craft. If a provision in the new tariff bill becomes effective. Prominent Americans suih as George J. Gould, the Vandrbllta, Mrs. Robert GOelet, Jamea Gordon Bennett, Joseph Pulitzer, Morton F. Plant, C. K. G. Billings, A. J. Drexel and many others will have to help swell Uncle Ham's coffers. On the other hand, auch prominent Americans as E. H. Harrlman. J. P. Morgan, James J. Hill, Howard Gould and others owning yachts built by American lbor, will not be af fected by the tariff provision referred to. The new bill provldea that forelgn-bullt pleasure yachts now or hereafter owned or chartered by American citizens shall be annually taxed a sum equivalent to a tonnage tax of 17 per gross ton. It Is pro vided, however, that as an alternative to the annual tax, the owner of a forelgn- bullt yacht may pay a du'.y of 33 per cent ad valorem and secure an American OF THE DAY'S NEWS. JEWELERS TO START TODAY Delegates to National Association Convention Expected Early. RECEPTION BY THE PRESIDENT Handshaking Affair at Rome to Pre cede Journey to the Den, Where Samson Will Welcome All Hand. Delegates to the national convention of the retail Jewelers will begin to come Into Omaha today, and by Tuesday morning the formal business sessions will begin. This evening from 7 to 8 a reception will oe held by the president, J. P. Archibald of Blalrsville, Pa., in the lobby ot the Rome hotel. The women will be entertained by a special committee after the reception and the delegate will go to the Den for intro duction to Samson. The registration will begin Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Besides the 415 delegates who will come with ,thelr wives and friends, the repre sentatives of wholesale firms and heads of manufacturing establishments will number ISO. A. A. Stange, head of the Travelers' Equality club, an organisation of traveling aalesmen, is already In the city planning for the entertainment of the representatives of the exhibitors. The whole second floor of th Horn will b used by the salesmen and a special entertainment will be given for them probably at Manawa. For the Big; Exhibit. The local committee In preparing for the $2,000,000 display that will be made In the hotel dining room to Invited guests Thurs day evening, haa carried out a scheme of gold and sliver decoration ,for the booths, which will harmonize with the metals and gems that will be In the cases. The ex hibitors who are already here have expressed themselves as delighted with the arrangements and decorations. "This convention," said T, L. Combs, president of the Omaha association, "will be probably the greatest assemblage of Jewelers ever got together in the United States.. It is the fourth since the organiza tion of the association, and this year in stead of sending representatives, a great many of the executive heads and owners of the great jewelry firms are going to be In attendance. Nearly 250 firms will be repre sented, and a number of sample lines will be displayed besides the exhibitions in the fifty booths that we have arranged. We expect the exhibitor to begin coming In Monday and they will begin to. unpack their goods Immediately. The moat valuable ot the collections will be kept under guard until Thursday night, when the public will come to see them." South Omaha Man Drowned Earl Clark, Son of Postmaster, Loses Life While in Swim ming. UTICA, Neb., Aug. l.-(Ppeclal Tele gram.) Earl Clark, aged 22, son of Post master Clark of South Omaha was drowned at Marysvllle mill this afternoon at 4 o'clock In twenty-five feet of water. With three conpanlons, he was In bath ing. All were good awlmmers, but his friends could not reach him when he was seized with cramps. The body waa found at 6 o'clock and taken to Staplehurst. The young man had been working in the har vest fields. registry, exempting the vessel from further federal taxation. The value of these yachts ranges from 150,000 to SMO.O0O. Heretofore forelgn-bullt yachts owned by Americana, on their first arrival In the United States, have been aubjected to a tonnage tax at the rate of $1 a net ton, amounting In the case of the largest yachts to about M0, and on subsequent entries from a foreign port to a tax of only 60 centa a net ton. The provision In the new bill was drawn carefully on the lines of the act of con gress of July 6, 1794. That old statute levied an annual tax of 110 on every coach, th on every chariot, (6 on every phaeton and 12 on every othe rtop carriage. Ita conatltu- tlonallty was sustained by the supreme court In th cas ot Hilton against the United States. Beside th palatial yacht of well known owners, Americans own about fifty smaller foreigs-butlt yacht on which the annual tax will range from 175 to $200, amounting in all to about $236,006. JAMES PHILLIPS IS ACCUSED Tmck Gardener Believed to Hare Fired the Shots. JEALOUSY MOTIVE FOR MURDER Phillips Said to Have Suspected His Wife and Hamilton. SIMPLE STORY OF THE CRIME Chnrlea Tate, Who slept with Ham ilton, (ilve Detail of the Shoot lag, Which Was Partic ular!)' Atrocious. One of the most cold blooded murders in the history of Douglas county occurred at 13:30 o'clock Sunday morning, when Mar shall C. Hamilton, manager of a sawmill on the Missouri river, n-ar the line betwetn Omaha and Florence, and one of the best known citizens In that section, was shot In his sleep and almost instantly killed. James 1'hllllps, a truck gardener and small farmer, who Uvea only a short dis tance from Hamilton's home, Is accused ot the crime, for which Jealousy of his wife is believed to be the prime motive, and the officers of the law are bending every ef fort to rapture both Phillips and his younger brother, who was present when the crime was committed. The place of the crime Is a sawmill, lo cated at the north end of Sixteenth street, on the river bank, on a atrip of ground be tween the llmtta of Omaha and Florence. Hamilton ran the mill and slept In the mill office, a one-room building only a few feet from the mill. Charles Pate, a distant relative of Hamil ton and employed around the mill, slept lc the office also, both men taking their meala with Charles Hamilton, a brother ot the murdered man, who Uvea only 100 yard.-i south. Awakened to Be Shot. Hamilton was sleeping on a cot and Pats was sleeping on the floor with his head near the door when, shortly after midnight, the latter was awakened by two men rap ping at the screen door. The man outside asked If Hamilton was home, saying he wished to speak to him about a bill ot lumber. Pate unfastened the' screen and one, of the men stepped Inside and as he did u Pate remarked, "It'a Phillips, Isn't It?" to which the man replied, "Yes, Its Phillips." He walked toward Hamilton's rot and Pate stepped outside on the porch. As he did so. two pistol shots were fired Inside. Pate ran In his bare feet to the home of Charles Hamilton and as he reached the house three more, shot svere fired. . Th brother was Instantly .aroutied, and both men returned to the office, to find Hamilton lying on the ground at the side of the porch and not more than twenty feet from the river bank. Alarm Given at Once. No one waa sin sight and without wait ing to examine Hamilton's wounds the two men started for Florence, more than a mile away, to give the alarm. Ctty Marshal Marr was first notified and he In turn noti fied Deputy Sheriff Thompson, who lives in Florence, and the coroner. All the men then returned to the mill, where Hamilton was found dead with two bullet wounds in his head. The first shot was evidently fired as Hamilton lay In his bed. The bullet en tered through the lower Up and passed back Into the head, the revolver being held so close that there is a large powder burn on the chin. Another bullet passed through the right ear and Into the base of the brain, the latter probably being fired after Hamilton was outside the house. In all five shots were fired, two Inside and three outside the house, but an examination of the body made last night by Dr. Dunn showed but the two wounds In the head. Search for Thllllp. Within a short time Coroner's Assistant T. It. Jameson and Sheriff Brailey arrived, and almost from the first suspicion began to point to Phillips. His house waa visited, but was found to be empty, the neighbors stating that his wife had gne away two weeks previously, taking w&h her their child. It is said there had been trouble be tween the two and It haa been the Im pression of those living In the neighbor hood that the two had separated, but thla Is denied by Phillips' parents, who live at Thirty-third and Lake streets In Omaha They claim that Mrs. Phillip I In St. Paul, Minn., on a visit, and that the la expected home on Wednesday of thla week. Both of Phillips' parent refuse to discuss the case and could give the sheriff little information, but from a remark of his mother to the effect that if her son did the deed he had cause for It, it la be lieved that she knows of strained relations between her son and his wife and that Hamilton's name haa been mentioned be fore this by the woman's husband, Search for Phillip. As yet little is known aa to Phillips' movements Saturday night prevloua to the time the crime waa committed. He was seen In Florence about T o'clock In the evening and was next seen there about 11:10 o'clock, about an hour before Hamil ton waa shot. Sheriff Brailey Is personally directing the search for the murderer and waa out all Sundar and last night with Deputies Flannlgan and Dohson from Omaha and Deputy Thompson of Florence. A number of the Omaha police who know Phillip by sight have also been detailed to work on the case. It is not thought that either Phillips or his brother have gotten away and It Is the theory of the officers that they are In hiding either in Omaha or In the nelg horhood of Florence. Hamilton' Friends Defend Him. Friends of Hamilton in Florence, where h has lived all his life and where he has been held In the highest esteem, re fuse to bellev there ha been any ground for Phillips' Jealousy. He hsd been mar ried, but his wife died some yeara ago. His father came to Florence In 1M9. and for many years was one of the best known of Missouri river pilots. Charlea, the brother, was slo a pilot, and the murdered man ran on the river during steamboat days. He .was aoout M year of age. Th body was taken in charg by th coroner, who will hold aa lno,t th first part of the weak.