Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. RATTTiPAY. .1UTA 31, 1000
I UT closs at p. M. daring July and tnfirt Bxcept Saturday at St30 F. at.
Vacation Time Sale
Doors Open at 8 A. M.
TTow many more wpoks till summer ends? About five according to the calender eight or ten relying on what the
weather prophet pays either way the time is sufficient to wear Summer Apparel which will he priced considerable under
regular in this
Annual Vacation Time Sale
There's plenty of fashionable merchandise here which you will want and they must leave our shelves soon, as new fall
goods are on the way and will want display as soon as they are here.
More Than 500 Waists in the
StfiBfr $1-00 and
In announcing this grand Clearing Sale of "Waists we beg to say that this is an opportunity to buy lovely high class
waists only slightly soiled, at a fraction of their real value.
So that there may be no misunderstanding in regard to this great sale not every waist will be sold at this extraordi
nary reduced price, only the garments specified.
30 slightly soiled waists, ' consisting of tail
ored linens with colored hand embroidery. Most
ly In ftfze 38, worth up to $7.60; vacation tlraa
sale price, $1.00 each.
Thso waists were made by the Opera, the Herald Square and the Lenox manufacturers. This is a guarantee of their
high quality.
Just Half Prico 75 Handsome Man-Tailored
Skirts in the Vacation Time Sale
50 Off Saturday
Vacation Time Sale of
The hair is women's crowning glory. truly enough, and
nothing contributes more to her attractiveness than a becoming
coiffure. A visit to our Hair Goods section reveals a wonderful
assortment of the best " Yvette" quality hair goods, at prices that
cannot be duplicated in this city. Here every accessory may be
found to conform with the present styles of hair dressing.
Hair Puffs and Bang?
Coronet Puffs, 4 to a set, special
Coronet Puffs, 6 to a set, special a"i ia
Coronet Puffs, 8 to a set, special cq
Psyche Puffs, 3 to a set, very special Vi oa
Cluster Puffs, 10 and 12 In each set, special li'll
Triangle Puffs, for this sale, ftnly i
Single Puffs, large line, at, special , aa
Klnsl Puffs, in rrev $1.00
Vacation Time Sale
$.1.50 Eaeh
"Yvette" Wavy Switches Straight ' Yvette" Switches
20 Inches long, natural wavy
hair, special $1.98.
24 Inches long, natural wavy
hair, special $2.89.
16 and H-lnch all Ion hatr switch
value 12.00. Sc.
V-IllVIl VII . .
value I3.B0, $149. , .
J-lnch all Jong: hair Bwltoh
value 13.50. (1.08.
200 dainty lingerie waists with the new hand
embroidered gold trimming, also the lovely Col
ored hand embroidered waists worth up
to $8.o0, great clearing sale price, $1.60 each.
Nearly all sixes In this lot.
300 dainty lawn waists, tailored styles with
stiff collars, all buttoned In front. Lovely em
broidered fronts, very slightly soiled. All sices
from 34 up to 44; regular price $4.00, sale
price $1.25 each.
Pompadours and Transforma
tions Pompadours, suitable for moun
tains or seashore, very special, natural
wavy hair, on wire or net 4 9c up.
Transformations for all around the
head, to be worn on the outside or
underneath the hair, very special $5.98
Sanitary Hair Rolls
24-lnch extra heavy hair rolls worth
$1.60, special 7 5c.
4 inch grey hair rolls axtra heavy
worth $1.60, special 76c.
'Yvette" tourist neU, large size
15c each, two for 256.
"Yvette" auto nets, the largest size,
special, at 23c.
Free Our illustrated catalogue shows the latest styles In Hair
Ooods and prices. Mailed free to any address.
Mall orders filled. Send sample of hair and money order.
Third Floor.
Out of the thousands of skirts we have made to
order during the past season we have left about seventy-five
skirts. They are our best man-tailored
skirts made of the most stylish material In the newest
models. Many of these are the model skirts from
which we took orders. All to go into Saturday's
great sale, black voiles, panaraas, black broadcloth,
Herringbones and shadow stripes. Saturday Just
half price. All to go on sale at Dress Goods Depart
ment. Main floor.
Vacation Time Specials on Our Second Floor
Read These Items Carefully-Bargalns In Princess Dresses
3 White Net Princess Dresses, slightly soiled; 2
size 34.' 1 size 40. Regular price $16.50, Saturday
$2.50 each.
2 Lavender Princess Dresses, embroidered fronts,
1 size 40. 1 size 44. Regular price $10.60. Saturday
$2.60 each.
1 Gingham Princess Dress; size 40. Regular
price $7.60, Saturday $2.50.
2 Pink Lace Trimmed Princess Dresses; size 36.
Regular price $15.00, Saturday $5.00 each.
6 White Lingerie Dresses; 2 size 42, 1 size 44, 1
Blze 38, 1 size 34, 1 size 40. Reglar prices $15.00,
$13.60, $8.50 and $7.50, your choice Saturday $4.75
All Coats and Jackets at Vi price.
Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to men
tion in Cloak Department Saturday,
All the Silk Messallne Petticoats at price.
Vacation Time Sale in Our Curtain Depart
ment. Lace Curtains at Half Regular Price.
See Howard Street Windows.
$1.50 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at 76c a pair.
$4.50 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at $2.25 a pair.
$2.25 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at $1.13 a pair.
$1.75 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at 88c a pair.
70c White Lace Curtains, Saturday at 3 6c a pair.
$2.76 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at $1.38 a pair.
$1.35 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at 68c a pair.
$3.50 White Lace Curtains, Saturday at $1.75 a pair.
10c Curtain Rods, Saturday at 6c each.
25c Curtain Scrim, white, cream or ecru Saturday,
at yard 12 He.
Vacation Time Sale of Handkerchiefs at the Bargain
Square in Basement
If there Is any one time of the year that a person needs plenty
of handkerchiefs it Is now. Lay in a supply during this sale.
Men's all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, regular 15c value
in this sale at each 10c, or $1.00 a dozen.
Women's all linen embroidered handkerchiefs, regular 20c value
In this sale, each 10c.
Come Saturday Another Lot of
$1.35 Imported All Silk Pon
gee, in the Vacation Time Sale
at 98c a Yard.
Many were disappointed during the last
npeclal sale a the quantity was so quickly
exhausted. Here ls"mor of the same
beautiful silks for Saturday, probably the
last lot this season. Better como early,
8c a yard.
Vacation Time Sale at the Bar
gain Square, in Basement
Nickel plated Safety Pins, most all
sizes, at, a card, 3c.
Linen finished, three cord Basting Cot
ton, at, 4 spools for 6c. '
Pure, silk Taffeta Ribbons, 25c quality,
at, a yard, 15c.
Fine assortment of Val. and Torchon
Laces, at, a yard, 6c.
$1.60 Kimonos, at, each, Mc.
Special sale of White Wash Skirts.
Women's Underwear in the Vacation Time Sale
Women's gauze cotton vests, low neck and sleeves, regular 25c
value, at each 15c.
Same as above, 20c value, at each ltMc.
Women's mercerized lisle vests, regular 50c value at, each 35c,
or. 3 for $1.00.
Women's Swiss ribbed Union Suits, regular 85c, $1.00 and $1.25
qualities, at each 75c.
Women's Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, regular $1.65 and $2.00
Qualities, at each $1.25.
Dressing Sacques in the Vacation Time Sale
All of our white and colored Dressing Sacques will be placed On
special sale Saturday at quick clearing prices.
60o Dressing Sacques, Saturday 39c.
65c and 75c Dressing Sacques, Satur
day 49c,. ...
86c and $1.00 Dressing Sacques, Sat
urday 69c.
$1.25 Dressing Sacques, Saturday 75c.
$1.50 Dressing Sacques, Saturday,
$1.00. .
$3.00 Dressing
$3.75 and $4.60 Dressing Sacques, Sat
or 8 for $1.00.
Dressing Sacques, Saturday
Dressing Sacques, Saturday
Sacques, Saturday
It Is "Easy Enough to Keep Cool If You Find
The Right Place
Some people, dread summer shopping on account of th
close atmosphere which pervades most stores. First find the
right store and you will enjoy summer shopping. This store
hu earned the reputation as Omaha's moat comfortable simp
le ping place. Here we have pure air, pure, water, wide aisles,
pleasant resting- places and the service Is prompt, courteous
aud quiet. . During this Vacation Time Sale you will find
many special lots at much less than the usual cost. Come to
the Summer Comfort store Saturday and share In this great
Vacation Sale Time at the Infants' and Children's Wear Department
Many articles that the children are needing right now will be sharply re
duced for Saturday. .
All of the colored wash dresses with low neck and short sleeves or high
neck and short sleeves, in 1,2, 3 and 4 year sizes at greatly reduced prices.
Children's Straw Bonnets that sold regular at $1.60 in Saturday's sale at
each 39c. ' ......
Children's Straw Bonnets, regular $1.76, $2.00, $2.50" and $$.00 qualities,
your choice Saturday; at each 98c.
Children's Wash Bonnets, regular $1.60, $1.76 and $2.00 qualities, your
choice Saturday, at each 98c.
One lot of Children's Rompers, sizes 2 and 3 only; regular price 50c, Sat
urday, each 25c.
Saturday Candy Specials
Tlalduff's delicious Maple Nut
QooOles. regular price 60o a pound;
special all day Saturday and evening,
at, a pound, 20c.
Thompson, Uelden At Co's special
Chocolates, the larg flat kind, regu
lar price, 60c a pound; special all day
Saturday, M. a pound, 26a
Special Demonstration of
Metalography Saturday
Every woman will be Interested
In this new Hammered Brass
Work. Come Saturday and see
the special demonstration 3 to 6
p. m. Third floor.
Vacation Time Sale of White
Saturday morning we will
place on special sale all our
50e "White Piques at, per
yard, 25c
Vacation Time Special at the
Wash Goods Department
15c Linen finished Shrunk Suit
ings, white ground with colored
stripes or dots, absolutely fast col
ered. Vacation sale price Saturday, at
a yard 7Vc.
Remnant Square in Base
ment Remnants of Wash Mater
ials, values up to 20c per
yard, 5c.
Manicuring in Connection.
Gloves for Vacation Time
A pair of silk gloves makes the
most "Comfortable Vavatlon Glov."
For- Saturday's Vaoatlon Sale we
have specially priced some long silk
gloves In bla-k, white, tan and navy,
worth $1.25, at, per pair. 76a.
. ell Dong. 611 BOTH PHONES) 11ACR AI.X. DBPTB Ind. 1-1111
Travelers Finish Long Tour With
Hardest Day's Run.
Onlr KIM Out of Thlrtr-two F.ntrlea
Hare Perfect pore Technical
Examination Regis
KANSAS CtTT, Mo.. July SO, (Special
Telegram.) Over rain soaked roads tht
aitdden, Hower and Ielrolt trophy cars
struggled Into Kansas City late this after
noon after the hardest and last days run
of the tour. Charles J. Olldden, doner of
the principal trophy for the tour Is author
ity for the statement that road conditions
were worse today than on inf previous
tour not even excepting that day on the
W07 run. between Toledo, O., and Pouth
Rend, Ind., which resulted in the death of
one contestant and Injuries in several
Rain commenced to fall at Sallnn, Kan.,
the starting point of today's run at 3
o'clock this morning and continued until
after the starting time, SO a. m. The
cars were, accordingly started at 7 o'elocs
on the run of 212.8 miles over good roads
the tourists, It Is thought, would have
gained on their schedule of ten hours and
thirty-nine minutes at least two hours.
As It was the first cars In, the four Plerce
Arrowa, were Just half an hour ahead of
the time set for their arrival. They had x
travelled together all day through the
sticky gumbo and were greeted by the
cheers of at least 2,0u0 people who had
gathered about ths Coates hotel, the of
ficial headquarters.
Many Cars Penalised.
The day brought more than the usual
quota of penalizations. Two of ths cars
to succumb were the Chalmers-Detroit
runabout and the Lexington in the Hower
contest, which had coma this far without
losing a point. .Several other cars were
penalised also.
But eight cars of the thirty-two that left
Detroit as contestants for ths three
trophya have perfect scores. In the
Olldden contest the perfect score cars are
Premier, Webb Jay; Premier, H. Ham
mond; Marmon, H. C. Marmon; Fierce
Arrow F. S. Deyko; Fierce-Arrow, W. F.
Winchester. For ths Hower trophy the
clean road scores have been reduced to
three. They are Molina, J. A. Wlcke;
Fierce-Arrow, John 8. Williams; Plerce
Arrow, Charles Schofleld. No clean score
cars are left in tha Detroit trophy con
test. The gumbo roads today made travel ex
ceedingly hard. There were not the num
ber of bad washouts that were encount
ered the day before, but the roads were wet
and sticky for the entire distance. The
mud was of the kind that stuck to ihe
wheels of the cars, and It was necessary
for the drivers at times to stop the .-ars
to chop the caked mud away. Beta were
made In Kansas City among those familiar
with road conditions that not a contesting
car would reach Kansas City tonight before
6 o'clock.
Pilot Car Damaged.
For the first time since the tour started
both the Studebaker oonfettl cars were re
placed by others. The Becond car lost its
rims but a short distance from Hal In a. The
first car, carrying Pilot Dal Lewis, kept st
Us tssk until It was overtaken by 'he
chairman's Premier. As tha Plerce-Arrows
were close on the latter, he deemed it best
to take ths confetti In his car and, acord
Ingly, transferred the pilot to It, while S.
B. Stevens, In the tonneau with Charles J.
Olidden, distributed the confetti.
Tomorrow morning at S o'clock the tech
nical examination of the cars will be begun
by Joseph Tracy, Henry S. Souther fend
Charles Kicker. It is freely predicted hat
scarcely a car will come through '.his
ordeal without penalization. The ears aro
parked tonight at Convention hail.
(Continued from First Page.)
daring passengers a "good speed" on their
perilous trip.
Climbing up as It were on the air, mount
ing higher and higher, Orville brought the
machine at great speed once again fully
around the field. Then, with a short turn,
he swept about almost over the lada of
the closely banked spectators andrstarted
straight southward over the center of the
drill field.
Like a giant fclrd. circling tha sky until
It marks Its pray and then darting straight
for Its objective, this man-bird swept un
swerving down Its course. Ths revolving
propellers encouraged an Illusion of swift
winged bird flight.
Unwavering, It kept Its course straight to
the south and It seemed to be rising aver
higher as It passed over the diverse and
heavily wooded country In the distance.
Smaller and smaller It grew until it became
a mere speck against the pearl sky above
the horizon.
Airship Lost to View.
Those who had glasses saw the aeroplane
turn, first to the left and then to the
right above Bhuter hill. Suddenly the
speck was lost to view and as the seoonds
passed a silence grew uopn the crowd, a
silence that spoke of deep concern. Wilbur
Wright, standing with levolled glasses be
side his sister, strained his gaze In effort
to catch sight of the aeroplane when It
should again rise above the skyline. The
seconds seemed minutes, and as tha In
terval became seemingly alarming great
beads of perspiration stood upon his brow
and his agitation was evident.
Suddenly the speck came In sight again.
j over the distant hill. A cry swept over the
watching crowd.
"There tt is," everybody said, and the
sigh of relief was plainly adulble.
Onward the machine came, growing with
the seconds, and seemingly swerved from
Its course by a westerly breeze. It grew
and grew, until almost every detail of tt
was visible. Boon the aerial navigators
were home again over the drill ground;
flying very low. Orville stered straight
across the field and at a height of about
twenty feet swung around again to the
southward and landed easily far down the
field. The task was done and In triumph.
Crowd Goes Wild.
It Is needless to describe the deafening
cheers which welcomed th rturn. Despite
the notice that nobody would be allowed
on the field, there was a rush of th crowd
which almost eluded the cordon of mounted
men on guard, alloplng horses brushed the
people back, however, and th lines ware
Katherlne Wright, who had shouted as
loud as anybody, ran down th field with
her friend and grasped her brother almost
hysterically, dancing with glee. Wilbur was
more selfcontrolled and began calculating
the speed Of the trip, which, after he had
consulted with Lieutenant Foul is, he fig
ured at 2 miles.
"V were making eighty miles an hour
oomlng back," were almost the first words
of Foulls as he left his seat Asked how
It !elt to fly, h replied:
"It's good enough for me."
I -Why pay $5? We still sell La- f
S . . , - , a L
uio actual 4?cs j vv uuulo cl i ictacsir
tomorrow will witness a clearance of the entire remainder of S
the huge lot recently purchased by us from the New York maker
who had been too late in making up these shoos for
Marshall Field (Si Co., of Chicago
here indeed,
ia a shod
worth while
they're ladles' low shoes, all of
them, la sizes S to S, la widths AA to
D. Lot tnolades black suede Sollps
tie slippers with kirk suede covered
Cuban heels s pateat lsather turned
sols tl oaf ords ; Brown sued' ltather
Walt poinps wttk aakl straps an 4
others as geod. livery pur every
boa -stamped with ths asms of
"Marshall Yield ft Co., OMoago," fot
whom they were aaad up.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick action advertise It in
The Bee Want Ad columns.
Tennis Play at Peru.
PFRTT. Neb., July 80. (Special. )-The
Peru tennis tournament ended. The finals
In ladles' singles, mn's doubles and ladles'
doubles were played today.
Mies Wilson and Miss Morton, both of
Stratton, Neb., fought for final honors In
the ladles' singles. The match was very
even and Interesting throughout, the latter,
however, being the winner.
Mr. Williams and Mr. Meyer, both of
Peru, defeated Mr. Manna and Mr. Stod
dard of Auburn in straight sets. Hrore:
MIhs Wilson defeated Miss lilies, t-4. 6-4.
Miss Morton defeated Miss Wilson, t-S,
3-6. 6-3.
Miss Kennedy and Miss Blankenshtp de
feated MlftS Hllss and Miss Turnis. 6-2, 6-3.
Studdard and Hanna defeated Lee and
Spafford. 6-4. 6-3.
Meyer and Williams defeated Bostder
and McAdams, 6-4. 6-1.
Meyer and Williams defeated Stoddard
and Hanna, 6-3, 6-0.
r Trti f7i
UI9-IM7 Doudlas Street Omaha-nr.
store closes
at 5 P. N.
Weekly Shoots at Benson.
Weekly shoots very Friday from now
until Labor day Is the program f the
Benson Uun club, which has just ben or
ganized. The club range is opposite Krug
park in the old baseball grounds.
On Labor day an all day shoot will be
held and after that date meets are
scheduled on Friday, daturday and Sunday
of ech week. Th event are open to all
Chrlitt Lycke is manager of th new club,
F. T. Lovertng. secretary, and lan
Whitney, treasurer.
(Continued from First Page)
Broken Baw Brats Ravenna.
HFIOKKN n)W, Neb.. July . Speclal
Teleuram.) In a orie-sidrd game between
Hroken How and Ravenna, the home team
won out by a scoro of 10 to 1. Catcher
gmlth of Broken Bow received a broke
ankle at second base by making a sevvre
stumbl. On of lb flavcnnu bvys wu
alto U-Jured.
yar after a aeries of bitter articles against
the government he was condemned to two
years' Imprisonment, but fled to Brazil.
Desplt his condemnation of the repub
licans he was re-elected to Parliament at
the last election and Is now on his way
home again to assume leadership. Th gov
ernment has Issued orders that h be ar
rested immediately on landing on Spanish
Grnand Covered with Corpses.
MRLILLA, July The Moors hav
withdrawn from ths outskirts of this city.
It Is believed they are concentrating for
a neu effort. They burled hundreds of
their dead whom they were unable to
carry off. '
After the tribesmen had retired the sad
work of burying the Spanish dead, which
already were rotting In the sun, was hur
riedly accomplished in the ravine where two
columna of Spanish troops were ambushed
while trying to rescue a convoy. The
ground was covered with heaps of corpses,
many of whom were mutilated after death.
The bodies have been stripped of their
arms. In order to prevent an epidemic the
bodies were dumped Into holes.
The steamer Mouilla has arrived here
with hundreds of tons of shells fur tin
artillery and cartridges for tli fcoldlei
who ammunition was running low.
The greatext confusion reigns at the army
headquarters. The overworked staff seem
demoralized. Exact figures of tha dead
and wounded since the heavy fighting broke
out with the Moors sre refused
No Intervention Yet.
PARIS. July 30 There Is no confirma
tion of the report that Queen Wtorla of
Spain and the queen's mother, Christina
have left Pan Sebastian for Bayonne,
France, but there would be no surprise
If such a trip had been taken, aa the
members of the royal family are con
stantly making automobile trips from Pan
Sebastian to the nearby points In Spain
and France, Including Bayonne, Biarritz
and Pau.
LONION. July JO Th Associated Press
Is officially authorised to stst that there
is no truth In th rumor that King Kdward
Is asking France and Germany to Inter
vene In Hpsln, nor in another rumor that
it has been suggested that a ml zed force
of French, British and Ocinian troops
should be sent to cooperate with the
Spaniards in Morocco.
Confidential messages, however, accord
ing to the Pall Mall Oasett describe the
position of the Spanish forces at Malllla
as untenable unless promptly and heavily
Pear of Matlay In the Field.
It Is predicted that as soon as th
troops In th field are aware of the rising
In Spain they will mutiny aqW embark for
home, In which case the prestige of Europe
would b ruined In Moorish eyes and lead
to the reopening of th whole Interna
tional discussion regarding tha mainte
nance of peace and order In Morocco,
thus precipitating a European contro
versy. MALAGA, Spain, July SO. A dispatch re
ceived her from Melllla dated July 2S,
"The Spanish forces were today de
feated by th Moors. Th Spaniards lost
twenty officers and 800 men killed."
This report Is believed here to relet to
the fighting of July 77 and not to a new
Miss Minerva Oarner, daughter of Mr.
Virginia Oarner, and James Barrett, all of
Florence, were married Thursday evening
by Rev. Charles W. Savidg at hi resl
lenc. Th bride's mother accompanied
Graaam Miners Strike.
FORT PODGE, la., July 30.-(3peo,lal Tel
egram.) All gypsum mines except the Iowa
Hard Plaster mine In this city are now
closed and the Acme company mill workers
have struck with the miners and cageis.
The Mineral City (Iowa) Hard Plaster, Ply
mouth and Sackett Plaster Board company
are now affected and must close down
when the reserve supply pf gypsum Is e-
austed. The companies do not intend to
meet the demands of the strikers.
Coroaer latest litates Salelde.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. July .-fpeolal.)-Mrs.
Richard Ibens, who relatives said
kcame to this city from Milwaukee with
brulsea covering her body which her hus
band had Intllcied, committed suicide her
at the home of her parents yesterday by
taking strychnin. Relatives forcibly re
sisted for a tlm the order" cf th coroner
that the body be removed to an under
taking establishment while th cause of
death was investigated. An autopsy and
Inquest will be held.
Alliance Team Continues to Win.
ALLIANCE, Neb., July 30. -(Special Tele
gram.) The business men and citizens sre
much elated over the success of the Al
liance team In defeating all comers on their
trio this week. They first defeated Bruah.
two straight; then took a double-header
from Sidney, the first by a score of 4 to 1.
and this was followed by a 10 to 1 finish.
North Platte also fell a victim to their
prowess yesterdsy by a score of 9 to 4. A
second game will be played there today.
Sidney comes to Alliance Sunday.
Races at Goodwood. ;
OOODWOOD. England, July SO. The' Chi
chester plate, a handicap of 260 sovereigns,
distance five furlongs, was won today by
Foxcote. II. P. Whitney's Bobbin II also
Our Pasteurized Buttermilk Is!
X1S raraam. 14041 Donrla.
Always vpen.
Nebraska Traction A Power Co.'s
Soymour Lake
Through trains now running between
14th and Howard streets, Ralston and
Beymour Lake Park.
I-ZATrg 16tb and Howard 7 A. M.,
A. SC., 11 A. M., 1 P. M., 3 P. M., 8 P.
at., T P. at., S P. M., 11 p. at.
I. HAVES Balstou 6 A. M., U A. at., 10
A. M., 1 at., 8 P. at., 4 P. M.( P. M.,
a p. ac, io p. m.
Local service between 44th and Q Sis,
South Omaha, and Ralston every 34
minutes, beween 6 a. rn. and 6:15 p. til.
Every 15 minutes between i. in. and
11:41 p. m.
BOYD'S, tha COOL Theater
Performances. 1 O'clock to t.
Night performances, 7 O'clock to 11.
Positively the best moving njcture
exhibition in the city theater cool
and absolutely fireproof. Non-ln-flammaiiie
films used.
Prtoe, 10 Children Aeoompaulsd
Paxsnt, 6c.
Air Dome
Admission, lOo aa 90c
ext Week "Th asald tt th JtUL"
Ozaab' OsJy Bamnisr Boreitj,
Brown s Hof-s; liatxv Hlggli.
(ioodwInAV'Kaics ', Hazel fowl
:s ;
isr; Travelogues; lllu bonus
Big Pipe oigan, PUturea.
inny i io t; i io 11. (
New show funds