Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1909, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Clouiljr.
For weather report see rR
a clean, reliable newspaper that Is
sdmlUM to each and every bom.
Kain Body of Barcelona Revolution
' isti Surrender and Situation
W. O. W. Put
New Building
On Old Site
resident Wins Fight for Tariff Re
vision Downward in Redemp
tion of Promise.
..V .oJ
He Fulfills Governme.
passes All Previa
Council Decides to Move the Present
Structure Back and Build on
Its Lot.
Half of Population Hat Been Wild
With Blood.
Shooti Down Rebeli Amid Cheers of
Angry Populace.
nn Declnre Knropf Molt Kff
- hrlstlan Spain" Against Monri
(.rnrral Islam I p.
rising Feared.
nri. July SO The captnln e'nfnl
' -irrclona has telegraphed to the Ren-
-: stuff at Madrid that tho revolution-,
Is's have surrendered and that he Is now
the mpster of the situation. The number
nt Mcilms an result of the "Ightlng In
tho ptreets Is very high. Twenty-three
building were destroyed by the artillery
Tho leaders of the rebel are now being
tiled by military court martial and sum
marily executed. There Is no train ser
vice between Barcelona and Madrid.
Barcelona has been a perfect hell. Half
the population Is terrorized and the other
half mad with blood. The troops of the
Karrlxon, amid shouts of approval from the
mud. repeatedly rose to fire on the people
and the work of repression fell on the po
lice and civil guard. These charged the
revolutionaries and used their firearms
fieely everywhere, but numbers were
acain.U them. As this dlRpateh Is sent the
struts are in possession of the barricaded
Insurgents. The destruction of property
has been great. Harcelona la completely
tM'iah'd and running sho't of food.
Official Feeling Better.
MADRID, July 30. The news from Barce
lona that the cavalry and troops have
named the upper hand and captured the
main body of Insurgents and that only
Isolated band are holding out In the
suburbs, creates the gratest relief In offi
cial circles here. The work of repression
will rapidly be followed up throughout the
Calalonlan captaincy general.
Late last night It was officially an
nounced that the cavalry engaged at Barce
lona had succeeded In driving Into St.
Martin's square the principal band of revo
lutionlHts, against whom the artillery
opened fire. After fighting desperately and
successfully for a long time, the revolu
tionists were surrounded. Many persons
wer killed In the fighting and the sur
vivors surrendered to the troops.
No. figures are given of tl.e casualties at
General Marina, commander of, the Span
ish force In Morocco, reports that there Is
momentary unlet outside Melllla, but no
details of the situation of the army at
Melllla are given out. except that Spanish
reinforcements, with a new commanding
Kenrral. have arrived there.
Pear Islam Uprising".
PARIS. July 30. The news of the terrible
defeat Inflicted on the Spanish forces by
Moors at Melllla and the confirmation of
thu extent of the Insurrection In Spain
causes apprehension here. The triumph
of the Moors In the Riff country perhaps
will Inflame all of Islam and lead to an
uprising In Algeria and the Soudan. The
attack upon French troops at Colom
Bchar the other day is now regarded
here as a direct result of the events on
the Riff coast. Some of the Paris news
papers, therefore, boidly suggest that In
f If-Interest It is the duty of Europe to
come to the rescue.
Th Eclair says it is Impossible for
Europe to bow before the insolent, tri
umphant Moors, and that Christian civil
ization cannot afford to allow Spain to be
beaten. Un the other hand, many news
paper declare that the Melllla disaster
It-calls the muddle and Incapacity of every
department In the Spanish government
durlnii the Cuban war. These newspapers
advlt-e the government at Madrid to make
a virtue of necessity by promptly ending
the advmCurc, as otherwise it will put an
end to the Spanish government.
The Aiariiuis Del Muni, the Spanish am
kwstador at Purls, has transmitted a not
to i lie Frrnt'h government, formally de
claring that the Klff campaign was not
undertaken with the object of conquest,
tut nolely to punish th Moors for their
attack on Spaniaids and their affront to
the Melllla garrison.
The Spanish ambassador In an Interview
today attributes the upheaval at Barce
lona solely to the anarchists, and he Is
confident It will be promptly suppressed.
He explains that the government Intends
to satisfy the popular demand regarding
obligatory military service and that It ha
a' ready introduced a bill In the senate for
that purpose. 1
Wumra riaht nllk Furr.
CL'HKRB. France tvla r.panlsh Frontier),
July 0. All the report received here fiom
Stain confirm the terrible fury of the
women throughout Catalonia. At Uaice-
laua they fought behind the barricades
with lha men, urging them to fight to the
death. Everywhere they resisted searches
b the gendarmes for recruits for the re
s' rw. barring the doors of their house firing at th soldiers from the win
dows. At Casa da La Salva th population
;iu., ounded and disarmed th civil guard
a.iU locked up th officials In the barracks.
Nut only at Barcelona, but throughout th
province, church property was the special
onje.-t of the popular fury. Horrible sto
r si recounted of th merciless fashion
In which th churches and convents wer
cacku and burned. Th Inmate of th
itiMttmiona wne driven Into th field to
files of "Down with the church."
At Granollirs. iUen mil from Barca-
two convent were burned.
At Anier the Carmelite convent was
burned and looted.' The slaters narrowly
escaped with their Uvea.
Th Madrid authorities fear the arrival
"f Alejandro' Leroux in Spain, who la on
'' way to Europe from Braxll to plaoa
h !'..elf at the bead of th revolution. H
- " 1b th workmen' organisations In th
I How of his hand. While a member of
" Cortes in l'iO Sei.or Leroux broke with
' arty because It joined with the Cata-
an solidaJlals. which included th Car
1 n. a ho he on Dosed on th around that
li e,- ttood for th matntananc of th mon-H-h
st reglm and clerical action. Last
CeaUQutd. pa coal f
The new Woodmen of the World building
will be where J. C. Root wanted it, on
the site of the present building at Fifteenth
and Howard.
The old building will be moved due east
and a court for light and air will extend
between the two. The new building will
Include offices and will prohahly have a
row of atore on the Fifteenth street side,
which will be the front of the building.
The vote to remain on the present site
was an exceedingly close one and another
site, not given out, was first voted for.
Later this action was reconsidered and a
majority of the council secured for the
scheme whloh went through.
"Serious consideration was given to most
of the sites named," said J C. Root. "Fif
teenth and Farnam and Thirteenth and
Farnam, Harney west of the Young Men's
Christian association. Sixteenth and Jack
son, the Coad corner on Harney, and Nine
teenth and Famnm. Thi; Dewey hotel
corner and tl- Fifteenth and Farnam
corner came the closest to bring chosen."
The council, which did not reach a con
clusion until 6 p. m. yesterday, also voted
to approve a contract ror moving the old
building. The cost will be about $;.000.
The plan of turning the building around
so that the present Fifteenth street front
will face on Howard was given up and the
building will be moved back as It stands.
The council will have another session this
morning to consider details of the new
building and will adjourn at noon until
Moat of Degree! Conferred are fur
Graduate Work Daring Summer
IOWA CITY. Ia., July 30-Speclal.)-The
1'nlverslty of Iowa midsummer con
vocation was held today at 11 o'clock and
marked the formal close of the summer
session of six weeks In length. The con
vocation address was given by State Su
perintendent Johr F. Rlggs and twenty
one candidate were awarded degrees. Most
of th degrees conferred were advanced
degrees and were given to students who
have completed their post-graduate studies
during the current session. The library
training school has also just closed after
six successful weeks.
Tennessee Clan Send Notice that
Work on New 41uilllns
Most Cease.
BETHPAGE. Tenn., July 30. To demand
that work on a school house being built
near the Kentucky line be stopped and
that a member of the county school board
resign is the new role assumed by night
riders In this section. A letter to a local
storekeeper yesttrday requented that an
accompanying notice, with the Insignia
of the clan, matches and a loaded car
tridge, be posted.
Western Federation Will Do
With Grip nnd
Paaa Word,'
DENVER, July 80. At the convention of
the Western Federation of Miner today, It
was decided to do away with th ritual,
thus abolishing all use of grips, signs and
passwords for entrance and admission Into
Ageat for Dea Moines Insurance
Company Killed In Little
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. July 30. J. Garnet
Wood, general agent of the Des Moines
Llf Insurance company, fell from the
eighth atory window of th Southern Trust
company building at an early hour today
and was Instantly killed. He had spent the
night in his office and all indlcaton point
to an accident.
French Coart Deride It la Jfot Pro.
terted By General
PARIS, July SO. Th French court has
ordered th dissolution of the trade union
which the postal, telegraph and telephone
employe formed during the strike In Paris
last May, holding with the law of 1884 as
Its authority, that workmen's unlona do
not apply to atat employe.
Colonel Roosevelt and Kermlt at Din
ner ClTea By Steward of
Turf Organisation.
NAIROBI. British East Africa, July SO
Colonel Roosevelt, his son. Kermlt, and
Frederick J. Jackson, acting governor of
Britlnh East Africa, were guests last night
at a dinner given by the stewards of the
East Africa Turf club.
Graves of Old
E. A. Parmele of th office of the
chief quartermaster of the department of
th Missouri has returned from a trip
along th old Bozeman trail In Wyoming,
from old Fort Reno on Powder river west
ward to old Fort C. F. Smith, where he
was snt under th direction of th govern
ment to locate th (Tavea of soldier who
lost their Uvea during th Sioux Indian
war of IS-fa. Mr. Parmale was at Fort
Reno during a greater part of that period.
H succeeded In locating th old military
cemetery at Fort Reno. Fourteen grave
wer found there, which wer sufficiently
marked with stones for their identification,
though th names of th men occupying
th grave hava long alnc been obliter
ated. Another grava of a soldier of th
Fifth United State cavalry was found
bout U nil Iron lha H fort. Xbis
Makes Ten-Mile Trip at Forty-two
Mile Rate.
At Times He Attains Altitude of
Nearly 500 Feet.
lie Send Message of Warm Congratu
lation to Koreesafnl Airship
Inventor Large Crowd
Get Wildly Excited.
WASHNIGTON. July 30.-Orvll1e Wright
this evening attained the xenlth of hard
earned success. In a ten mile cross-country
flight, In the famous aeroplane built
by himself and his elder brother, Wilbur,
accompanied by Lieutenant Benjamin D.
Foulls, an Intrepid officer of the army
signal corps, he not only aurpassed the
speed requirements of his contract with
the government, but accomplished the
most difficult and daring flight ever plan
ned for a heavler-than-alr flying machine.
Incidentally, he broke all speed records
over a measured course and established
beyonn tlspute the practicability of the
aeroplane in time of peace and In time
of war.
Wright's speed was more than forty-two
miles an hour. He made the ten mile flight
In 14 minutes, and 42 seconds, including
the more than twenty seconds required for
the turn beyond the line at Shuter Hill,
the soathern end of the course. He at
alnted a height in crossing the Valley of
Four Mile Run, of nearly 600 feet, and the
average altitude of his practically level
course was about 200 feet.
Taft Sees Final Flight.
President Taft, who has become an en
thusiastic spectator of the aeroplane trials,
although two years ago, when secretary of
war, he Is said to have expressed to army
officers profound skepticism as to tha ac
complishment of such a feat as that of
which today he witnessed the completion
arrived upon the parade ground at Fort
Myer Just in time to see the areoplane
land and to participate in the wild demon
stration which welcomed the triumphant
aviators. He sent Colonel Treat, com
mandlng ' officer of the artillery at Fort
Myer to bear his congratulations to the
A terrific wind and rain storm early In
the afternoon seemed providentially pro
vided to clear and quiet the atmospheric
conditions Jn 'preparation of the'-fllght.
whtch was delayed only by the failure of
the army field telegraph line to Shutter
Hill, depended upon for communication be
tween the two ends of th course. It was
still out of commission when Orvllle
Wright, selling the moment of the best
weather conditions he had yet had for the
speed test, had the machine placed on the
starting rail and gave the motor a final
Tha engine worked perfectly, and the
crowd seemed to realize that an epoch-
making moment was at hand. They
pressed forward against the lines which
held them back, breathless and eagerly
watching every movement of the aviator
and his machine. The signal corps men
hoisted the great weight in the starting
derrick, which gives the machine Its Initial
Impulse. Miss Katherlne Wright, the avi
ator's devoted sister, excited and anxious,
was on of a group which crowded so
close to the machine as the crucial mo
ment drew near that Wilbur was com
pelled to ask them to step back.
Takea Paasenger Aboard.
Lieutenant Foulls, wiry and brown. In
hla khaki uniform, climbed Into the pas
senger seat beside the motor. Wilbur
Wright and Charley Taylor, the Wrights' ok their place at the propel
lor. Orvllle turned on the sparker of the
motor as they whirled the blades around.
The motor picked up the Impetus and
Orvllle turned on full speed. For the first
time the propellors of the aeroplane were
whirring at their maximum capacity.
The smooth and even song of the engine
aroused the crowd to excited cheering.
Wilbur ttjok Tils place at the right (Ip of
the plane and Orvllle clambored Into his
seat beside Foulls. He gripped the levers,
and nodding to his brother, slipped th
cable which released the starting weight.
The aeroplane shot down the track, rose
before It reached tha end and skimmed over
the surface of tha ground for 100 feet or
A If drawn up by Invisible powers, the
whit winged man-bird rose higher and
higher, reached the end of the field, turned
at a slight angle and came about, facing
tha madly cheering multitude.
Spectators Wildly Excited.
Hats and handkerchiefs were waving
automobile horns were tooting, some over
wrought spectators even wept, as the great
whit creature turned again southward at
tha starting tower, and everybody in the
crowd seemed Intent upon giving It and its
(Continued on Second Page.)
Are Relocated
grave was mad soma time In UTS and Is
fairly well preserved.
It was thought that gravea of soldiers
might b found at several of the old-time
campa and creek croaslngs that were al-
waya the scene of mora or lesa Indian
fighting and where a number of aoldier
had lost their Uvea, but all vestiges of
thee grave were lost and ven th loca
tion of th old campa had been torn-
pletely obliterated. It waa tha cutom to
bury th dead of the skirmishes In th
road and then driv th wagon over the
gTavea In order that th Indians might not
find them and dig up and desecrat tho
bodies. It waa Impossible for Mr. Parn.e
le to locate any of these Isolated gravea.
It la tha intention of th War depart
ment to Uk up th bodle of th four
teen men at Fort Reno and rebury them at
th National cemetery on th Custer bat
UeXii4 ta lb JJtu Bl Hers-
From the New York World.
New Smokestack is Blown Off Peo
ples Store.
Number of Board are Torn from
West Sidewalk Near Center of
Structure Dost Storm
Precede Wlud.
The rain which came about 9:30 o'clock
lust night and gav a delightful coolness
to the air was preceded by a high wind and
a duststorm for a Bhort while made the.
streets unendurable.
The wind caused several minor mishaps,
although no damage of a serious nature
was reported. A new smokestack In process
of erection over the Peoples sluie was
blown down and fell with a crash which
thoroughly frightened persons In nearby
buildings. The stack, which is of sheet
iron, was high enough to overtop the New
York Life building and when it went down
with the scaffolding around It, several In
the Boston lunch thought the building was
falling and In the Brandels building It was
thought a serious accident had occured.
About the same time the wind loosened
and blew away a number of boards In the
sidewalk of the Sixteenth street viaduct.
The damage was done on the west side and
about midway of the viaduct. The police
station waa notified and an officer was
sent to guard against accidents while red
lights were being placed about the opening.
Heavy - Dsmage to Cropa at Huron
and Pierre.
HURON, S. D., July 80.-'Speclal Tele
gram.) Reports of damage In the country
by thia afternoon's wind, rain and hall-
storm come In slowly, all Indicating severe
damage to crops. Hundreds of acres of
wheat and oats are leveled and corn and
flax seriously damaged. Th wind at
tained a velocity of sixty mile an hour
and shade trees, telegraph and telephone
wires are prostrated throuehout the coun-
trjNand city. Small buildings were blown
down and chimneys toppled over. At the
state fair grounds the buildings in count
of construction were damaged several
thousand dollars, but will be ready for
the fair in . September. The storm cam
from the northwest and was the severest
experienced here for several years.
PIERRE, S. D.. July 30. (Special Tele
gram.) A destructive hailstorm swept
through Sully county about noon today,
practically wiping out the crops In a strip
from two to three miles In extent and of
unknown length. It covered the country
where the best crop of years was Just
ready to harvest and the damagewlll run
Into thousands of dollars. The heaviest
specific damage is reported from the vi
cinity of Okoboji, the storm moving from
southeast to northwest. About the same
time a heavy hailstorm swept the coun
try about Blunt, .doing heavy damage in
that vicinity.
Please bring your
Sunday Want-Ads
in as early as pos
sible Saturday.
They are received for Sunday aa
late as 8:30 p. in. Saturday, but
It la beat to K''t thorn In early to
Insure proper claasUicatton'.
If you cannot come down
town use the telephone.
Call Douglas 238 and ask
for the .Want-Ad. Department.
Noah Marker
Goes Back
to Tipton
Man Charged with Carrying Away
$60,000 is Given Reception
by Business Men.
TIPTON. Ind.. July SO.-Noah R. Marker,
assistant cashier of the First National
bank;' appeared at his horn' In this ity
early today after having been missing sine
last Sunday evening, when It la charged
he carried away with him 160,000 of th
bank's funds.
Marker's family and friends at once
gathered about him. On the advice of his
attorneys, neither he nor his brother, Wil
liam H. Marker, until lately cashier of the
bank, would discuss tha allegations of
Noah Marker would only say he had
been In St. Louis. A crowd of towns
people assembled at his home and he held
a reception on his porch. Friends and
acquaintances shook his hand and con
gratulated him in his return. Many busi
ness men assured him of their support.
Marker awaited the coming of United
States authorities.
Marker was arrested here this afternoon
by a deputy United States marshal, ac
companied by several secret agenta of the
Treasury department, on the charge of
having "fraudulently taken a sum of money
from the funds of the bank."
Forty Miners Are
Overcome by Gas
Some One Deliberately Checks Ven
tilation in Mine at Pitts
burg, Kan.
PITTSBURG, Kan.. July 30. Forty
mlnera were overcome by gases In th Cen
tral Coal and Coke company mln No. 81
here today. All but fifteen wer quickly
placed out of danger. Twelve were seri
ously and three perhaps fatally hurt.
Nearly all are foreigners. An Inspection by
the state mine Inspector Indicates that
someone had deliberately checked the ven
tilation, evidently for revenge.
Mexico Stop Gambling oa Grounds
Across Border from
Saaft Dleo.
WASHINGTON. July M. Horse racing on
the track at Tla Juana, Lower California,
sixteen miles across the International
boundary line from San Diego, Cal., will
be prohibited after October 1 by the Mexi
can government. This action follows repre
sentations made by the United States. The
location of a track at Tia Juana followed
the prohibition of race track gambling in
Missouri Woman Acquitted of Murder
Charge Held Irre
sponsible. MONTGOMERY, Mo.. July 30 -Mrs. Alice
Arnold, clmrged with the murder of her
child, was acquitted by a Jury today. Th-J
Jurors held the young woman Irresponsi
ble. The child was found dead in a trunk.
Oklahoma Missionary May -Have
Been Robbed and Killed
FORT SMITH. Ark.. July SO.-That Rev.
Jamea Burka, a Presbyterian field mis
sionary was robbed and murdered la the
belief of friends who are scouring the
country in th vicinity of How, Okl., In
a search for th mlsstng man. Yesterday
&(. Buka atfli li big ajruuau at h
Chairman Payne Makes Summary of
Increases and Decreases.
Shows Increaaea on Import Valued
at 852,000,000 and Decreaaea on
S 4,9T8,O0O,000 of Importa
tion Schedule Chansrea.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Mr. Payne's
statement comprised an analysis of the
new tariff bill, showing both Increases and
decerages, and the detailed presentation
was preceded by a general summary In
which he undertook to show the extent of
revenue increases and decreases according
to schedules.
Acordng to this showing the total In
creases wer on consumption value of lm
portations valued at IS62,512,625, and the
total decreases on Importations amounting
to (4,978,122.124.
In this preliminary statement Mr. Payne
said that he had had made an investigation
based on the census returns of 1K5, show
Ing the amount of domestic consumption of
articles upon which duties have been raised
and also the articles upon which duties
have been lowered by the bill aa finally
reported from the conference committee.
This had been done because comparisons
have been based upon the amount of lm
portations, he said.
"Duties," he said, "have been lowered
where they were too high under the present
law, sometimes prohibitive In character.
and for that reason the importations were
comparatively small. On th other hand
they have been raised in some Instances
where the tariff waa Insufficient for pro
tection and the Importations were very
Table of Increases and Decrcaaes,
He then gave the following table, which
shows the consumption value of articles
on which rates of duty have been Increased
and decreased In all cases where the
amount of protection could be ascertained
Agricultural prod'ts
Wines and liquors.
Flax, hemp, Jute....
Paper and pulp
Duty Dec. Duty Inc,
4:,C.0f9184 S 11.1U5,H20
. U8 4.U.732
. 666.870.8fd 31.280,372
. 1,248.200,16 11,432,2
. 300.9ri6.953
No change
No change.
7.947. 51 '
. 1.719.428.069
31. 486.46
Totals M.9"8.123.124 $862,512.5:
Of the above increases the following are
luxuries, being articles strictly of volun
tary use:
Article. Duty Inc.
Chemicals, inciuung perfumeries,
etc t 11. 105.
Wines and liquors W OH J
Silks 10s.742.6M
Tot.J t.r.79.8M,32!
This leaves a balance of Increases not on
articles of luxuries of 272,6fi2.2:i3.
Mr. Payne gav assurance that in prepar
Ing this table the experts had used all of
the available Information from the census
office and other sources.
"But all of these," h said, "are not suf
ficient to present the total consumption
of either class of articles. If the tota
amount of consumption were available the
contrast between the amount of goods on
which duties wer lowered and those In
creased would be still mora striking."
Taking up th schedule In their order
(Continued on Fifth Page )
hotel at How to prepare
Mena. Ark. When he did
for a trip to
iiui i apprai
In a reaaonabl. time an attache of the
hotel went to th room, found a partially
arranged trunk, but Mr. Burka had d:s
Evral person who action aroused
ttiUMa fea,v baoa, JUkeQ Uil custody
Measure Now Before Congress Has
His Endorsement
Senator Burkett Voices Sentiment of
State Delegation.
Cam m I its, Dolllvrr and Three of
the Representatli e Will Vote
Against the Conference Re
port a Presented.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July 30 (Special Tele
gram.) Prewldent Taft's slunal victory to-
ay. In which he won substantial and Car-
reaching reductions In the tariff bill, hits
ery materially changed tho feeling of tho
representatives and senators toward 'he
measure. While there Is considerable criti
cism of some of the schedules, particularly
on the part of those who failed to maintain
their advantage In either house, the con
census of opinion Is that the bill as pre
sented by the conference committee Is con
siderably better than the Dlngley bill and
s, as President Taft insisted it should be,
one of revision downward.
Nehraakana for the Bill.
While the Nebraska representatives in
congress had no formal meeting, like their
bretheren from Iowa, they had heart-to-heart
talks over the bill, and It seems safe
to predict that Nebraska republican. In
view of President TaCt's satisfaction with
the measure, and the resolutiolut adopted
by the state republican convention on Tues
day, will vote for the conference report In
heir respective houses. Senator Burkett
said the bill had been Improved very much
In conference and that President Taft hud
won a notable victory. He said there were
some things In the bill that he was not In
favor of, and that did not suit him, but
that it was u very much better bill "nan
could have been expected some time ago;
that in view of his Instructions from the re
cent state convention he could do nothing
more than support the hands of the presi
dent, who had brought about so many ma
terial reductions over that of either house.
Judge Norrls, who has been ' one of tho
strongest leaders against "Mtand-patlsm,"
said tonight that, while he had not com
pleted consideration of the tariff bill as
reported by the house conferees, he was
Impressed with Its downward tendency, and
believed that the bill was lmmeasuraoly
better than when It passed the senate, and
very considerably better than bs It passed
the house. While he would not commit
himself to vote for the conference report.
It Is confidently believed that the entire
republican representation from Nebraska
will be found voting for the measure on lis
final passage.
Iowa Delegation Divided.
The Iowa republican delegation held a
meeting this afternoon In the rooms of
Captain Hull, chairman of the committee
on military affairs with a view of ascer
taining Just where they stood on the con
ference report, and, as predicted, they
split but somewhat differently than was
expected. Senators Cummins and Dolllver
and Representatives Hubbard, Haughen
and Wood will vote agntnst the conference
report with Kendal, doubtful, but very
likely to vote in Its favor. Six votes from
Iowa will be for the bill, as follows: Ken
nedy, Dawson. Pickett, Goode, Hull and
Smith. Those of Iowa delegation to the
opposition to the bill InHlsted that It waa
not In compliance with platform pledges
of what the Dlngley bill, and In the di
rection of platform, and therefore prefer
able to the Dlngley law.
It Is expected that the South Dakota
delegation will be unit In favor of the
measure, as will Wyoming. Senator Clark
of Wyoming, who- waa very considerably
dlseuested yesterday with the way con
ferees were making battledoor and shuttle
cock of lumber, hides and coal, waa some
what moillfled today by the small advance
on lead, and the reduced duty on bouts and
shoes. While he Is by no means satisfied
with some of the provisions of bills, he
believes that It will be acceptable to th
American people.
New Kngland llenvr Loser.
Just how far the opposition of New
England to the boot and sho schedules,
the Steele schedule on part of Pennsylvania
republicans and of Lucius Llttauer, the
glover from Gloversvllle. will go la not
known, but the republican whip. Repre
sentative Dwlght of New York aald tonight
that there were votes enough assured ta
adopt the conference report. Rumor aaya
that Senator Bailey proposes to break, out
In the siiate on Monday or Tuesday, and
with the help of insurgent on the republi
can ride hold congress here until jjext De
cember. There are those, however, who
believe that enticements of Texans stock
farm in Old K.-ntuek will b the alluring
for him to carry out thla rumored threat.
One thing Is certain, tha president la very
greatly (atlsfled over the fight that has
been made, and ht will sign the bill when
it comes to him.
Discussion of It May Be Completed
Thi Afternoon.
WASHINGTON. July 30-Enterlng upon
the last stages of Its consideration by con
gress, the tariff hill as reported by the
conferees was submitted today to the house
by Chairman I'ayne and ordered printed
In the CongreSKlonal Record. Discussion
of the conference report will begin at 10
o'clock In the morning, the Indications be
ing that a day will suffice for Its adop
tion. Three hundred and fifty of the 390 mem
bers were in their seats when Chairman
I'ayne passed up to the speaker's dei-g
lie hnlUi' H, ,fn miit nl,lrl. ItaH r.o,iiit,14
j the attention of contjrehs fur f'iur and a
jliiif months ui:d then the republican
; i
I out into loud a;ji.Hn)c. Mr. I'ayne
in t,,iiir.i row'M i,riM eflliiL.'M u lth &n
I .. h;lUBtlve ,taI( rm.Ilt , explanation of th.
,,,. vh UlR conference rnort out of
,or Ul Um be th, bo
nearly an hour
and a half wrangled
Continued fu i'lXtU i'a.t