8 Want - Ads A d wXln) an ta for the want a raJaaaaa will na taken antll II n. tka e-rnalaa; edition and nntll SiSO a. an. far tka learning tender tte. Cask al nrders for ul i4i aad a advertisement will be aaeented far laaa than BO flrat laeartlaa. Rata apply ta dlktr Tfc Dally IiiUf Baa. Caasblnatlaaa af Initial ar aambrr eoant aa aaa wr4. AJ war taut els words fa llae. OtlH aVATKI FOR WAJT ADS. IMVLiR rLASRiriCTIOIt Oaa laeartlaa, 1 t- mil per word a ad 1 eaat a w-ard far rack eabseqeeat Inanitlm. Eaeh Inaertloa made oa odd darn, 1 1-1 cents per word I 6)1.80 par lao par aaoatk. Wan I ada for Tko Bee mar Irft at mmr tka foUawlaa dri( atorea oaa la pavr "earner drnMlet" tkey aaa aJI krnaxk afftoea for Tke Bee aa'.rvw ad wUl bo laserted Jaet aa praaavlrfak4 mm tka aame ratea aa at tka n-TiTn i la Tka Baa Balldlac, avtaceptk aaa Faraaai atreatai Albncaj, V. C. rh gnd rarnam. Beraaek fl. A . 1408 B. 16th Hu Beeht JTiarfnief. Benson. Nob. Bemts Srti Pharmacy. 33d and Cumlnr. Flaa Pharmacy. 2P Sherman Ave. CougMJn. C. R.. lh and Pierce Sts. Clifton HDI Pharmacy. MIS Military r. Cona, J. B.. Hat Ave. and Farnam ,t. Crlaaar Pharmacy 4th and Like Sta. Cmnak, Emll, 1204-6 S 13th Pt. Ehlera, P. H.. 2802 Leavenworth St. Foatar V Arnold!, X18 N. 35th 8t. Freytag, John J.. 1H4 N 24th St. Ftorenoe Drug Co.. Florence Neb. Ornenouch, O A . T.624 6. 16th St. Hanacora Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th St. Hayden. William C, 3020 Farnam St. Hnlet, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L., t?4 Leavenworth 8U King. R. 8.. 2U8 Farnam St. KoL-ntae Place Pharmacy. 21 N 54th St. Lathrop, Charlea B . 1324 N 24th St. ratrtck Drug Co., 1902 N. 24th St, Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts. DBATR AND FUNERAL NOTICES. QtTEALET Patrick J., 78 yeara, at his home, 124 S. 27th St. Funeral Friitay morning at St. Peter's church at :M a. m. Interment at 8t. Mary'a cemetery. South Omaha. FRT Frances Grubei, age re years 10 day a. Funeral from residence, S09 Woolworth avenue, to Forest Lawn, 2 p. m. Friday, July SO. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Births Morris Turncll, 1417 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Charlea Pasga, 1116 South Fourteenth, girl; William Larsch, ilti Evans, girl; Alfred Mltlenourg. Wise Me morial hospital, boy; James J. Glnen, z."5 touB Tenth, boy; Nathaniel berry. 1620 Nona Twanty-tlrst, boy. Deatne Mrs. Mathilda Lemon, 8708 North Twenty-fourth, 90; George ueibolt, ,uu North Sixteenth, li. Patrick J. Wually, :w4 iSouin Twenty-aeveuth, 78; Joaeph Hof sieter, UK2 South Fourteenth, 11 months; Aleska Poleoky, t624 Marcy, t. ANNOUNCEMENTS MULTIGRAPH DUPLICATING CO., 6U Brandela Bldg. Telephone Douglaa 411. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a specialty of fire escapes, shuuers, door and safe. G. Andreen, frop., 102 S. luth. PLUMBING A. W. McVea, 816 N. 40th. rccetit city plumbing Inspector. A-8107. HUL8E As RIEPEN, funeral directors. Bucceasors to Harry B. Davis, 704 6. lth. SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa DAVID COLE Creamery Co. REMOVAL sale monuments. 1417 S. 11th. OLIVER A. HALL, architect engineer N. X. Llia; designer of modern buildings. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass Co., ail glass, mitre cutting, beveling mirrors ol ail klnda, resllverlng and tramlng. orflc and taciory 114 Cuiplng Su iioin phones SHOES called for and delivered fre. Standard Shoe rtepalr Co., IsM Farnamf BOSE'B lRTrr8aTn?i tha price others charge. 1621 DODGE it about halt 1,817 COUPLES have been married by the Rev. C. W. 8avldge, ana he la praying to marry 2.0W0. If you want him to marry you call Webster 3444 or B-1430. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug, as 644. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Life Time. 307 N. 17th. Phone Red M4. T r BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE DE. k POSIT VAULTS la burglar and fire r proof. Better be safe than soiry. Vraement Omaha Nat l. bank. 210 ti. 13th b. HATH cleaned and reblocked. Schmarse'a Hat Factory. 606 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 66-. ABOUT LIQUORS. " Wa sell whisky, alcohol, etc., for' medi cine only and every day in the week, but, mind you, only for medicine. People who need liquor for medicine only get sick on Sunday as wall aa any other day. If your druggist will sell you liquor on week daya, but not on Sunday, tnera la something wrong. Scbaefer Drug Co. HEFLIN, expert locksmith, 1616 Douglai St., upstairs. Doug. 2914 or A-4266. PICTURES framed artistically. Prompt work. Megeath Sta. Co., 16th and Farnam. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. B. Stevenson Hoofing Co.. gravel and composition roofing, 6 axton Blk., 16th and Farnam 8is., Omaha. Tela., Douglas 2 1, a. A-17M; Rea.. Web. 2M. FIREMEN'S tournament at Newman Grove, Neb., August 26 and 26. Wanted, i attractions and concessions. Address E. G. Da his tram. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c box. BELL DRUG CO. Missouri fillers made and sold. 1310 How. E. W. FITT, mechanical and consulting engineer, drawing, designing, estimates. 610 Bae Bldg. "FOR GOOD TAILORING" go to J. A. Kervan. 608 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 7X74. ' LAWN MOWERS sharpened by special machine, 81; called for and delivered. A. ' Jenson A Sen, 1830 N. 34tn. Both 'phones. OMAHA PA8TE CO. now located at TA So. Uth St., Douglas 3760. ' ROD AND GUN CAFE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. FOR watohes and Jewelry repalra see ' Gustafsoa 4t Hendrlckson, 301 No. 16th St. I W. J. MURPHT makes cement sidewalks, steps and basement floor constructlona ; Phone Douglas M7. 1616 Davenport Bt "COLBRIX,." new pkg , keeps Waterloo brisk, loa cream, hard, 3 hours. 1617 Howard J. D. BULGER, painter and paperhanger; paints and olla 1447 8. Uth. Ioug 6660. PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons $160, $$. Ramser, practical hatter, 220 8. Uth. HAY RACK PARTIES Call us up Are prepared at any time. ROSENBLATT. Both Phones. 1223 Nicholas St. ALAMITO buttermilk, retail. Both phones WOOD. Dr. O. 8 . 521 N. Y. L. Homeopath Jamas H. Craddock. architect, room ( Wead Bldg., 13 ta and Farnam. Red 6374. RUOS and everything cleaned with the Duntloy vacuum cleaner. Lagerstrom, $118 Leavenworth. 'Phone n -tau. . WWa writing to advertisers remember It oeUy take a atroke or two of tha pen ' t& manalim tka fad tnaA warn aaar Lka ad B ta ANNOUNCEMENTS (OanMaoajU HID ellThe Otnah Bona Otnah and Vrtip dow Cleaning Doi any ktci of olaanln. PHOTOGRAPHIC Inatrootloa all ir. any branch; flnlahtnf for ameteera: re touching for tha trad. Lulu BU Hunt, Jt Cuming Bt. TL tiurair uw. COMBS. ISM bouglae. expert aye fitting. Violin Tfinrhrir IIANO tuner. vioun xeacner, ch(irl u Flihi uu Burdette St Tel. Wabater If. AUTOMOBILES STORAGE, centrally located, oppoalt library, lill Harney St. Brick P. Kuhn. RAMBLERS New, 4 and l-cyllndera. 10 per cent dlacount. Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 Farnam fit. SEND for our Hot of aecond hand car. DERIQHT A t'TOMOBlLE CO., 1S14 Farnarn St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT TOU WANT? We hava farms, ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with you. Come In and aee ua. Nowata Land and Lot Co , suite 624. N. T. Lifa Bide 'Fbone Red 1&0 Omaha, Nab. Open evenings. FEED store and 10c feed yard for sale or trade for land. South Auburn, Inquire Frank Whltmore. FOR EXCHANGE Fine half eeton im proved farm In Brown county, South Da kota, for good clean stock of general mer chandise, or clothina and shoes, or ladles' ready-to-wear garment, not to eacead IU.0U0. Address T 361, care Bee. FOR SALE, or trade, for Neb. land, acres Mo. land; good improvements; good spring water; $40 per acre. W, Ryock, Knob Lick. Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of buslnees call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-8387. PLACE FOR QROCERY. Best In city for live, energetic man. dense population, money spenderi Fine room. Rent right. Will lcaee. See owner, 1101 N. ISth St., 9 to 5 o'clock. FOR RENT Store room, just vacated. In Madgctt building: all modern and up to date; size 22x60. William Madget, Hastings, Neb. FOR SALE Drug stock at Naponee. Neb. This is one of the best small business towns on the Republican valley. Only drug store In the town. A snap for some one. A. B. Johnson, Naponee, Neb. FOR SALE. Best one-man printing office In north east Nebraska, for sale on account of editor's health. Must be sold at once; $700 takes it. Don't waste stamps unless you have the money and mean business. Ad dress Box 3d. Belden, Neb. Come and look the plant over. FOR SALfc: JTtn equity in 4-room cot tage, In raplilly growing community, one blDck from car Tine; clsht young fruit trees, stiawbetry patch, nice garden and yard; large lot. If desired will take six months' leac on place as part payment. Atldrefs L 270. care Bee. MEAT MARKET. Store room for tent, right spot to do good business. Owner, 1101 N. 18th St., 9 to t o'clock. FOR 6ALE An exceptionally clean and well-selected stock of Jewelry In Bloom field, Neb.: no better opportunity In state. Write to E. W. Pohlmann, Bloomfleld, Neb. IK YOU HAVE 81,600 we will start you on the road to happi ness and Independence in the famous Bit ter Hoot Apple valley on the Pacific slope; stop slaving; be a man and producer; see It enroute to the Seattle fair; the best op portunity open to the man with large or small capital. Write for booklet. Special proposition for high-class representatives !n touch with solid Investors. Write today for exclusive territory. SUNSET ORCHARD LAND COMPANY, Pioneer Press Building. St. Paul. $30,000 CHOICE of common or 7 per cent preferred stock offered for Investment to one or not more than four desirable parties by Manufacturing Concern In Omaha. F 12. Bee. 10-CENT feed yard for sale. North Auburn. Inquire Frank Whltmore, South Auburn. FOR SALE The best located hundred- barrel flour mill and grain elevator In the state, present owner being In business 26 yeara and wants to retire. Address Y 346, care of Bee. FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dise; located center of town. Miller & Wacker, Loveland, Colo. WE6TERGARD can help you get In or out oi ouHiru?BS. ij isee mag. Tel. D. 344K. FOR SALE The best and largest plumb ing, heating, pump and windmill business of southwestern Iowa. Have several con tract loos on nand now. win sell at in voice. Address Y 181 care Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery tn gooa toun. A. c. Adams. Doniphan, FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dise; location center of town. Miller & Wacker, Loveland, Colo. I WANT a bright young man aa a part ner In my drug business; will learn vou h business in one year, and In 16 months place you In complete charge of one of my stores; must be able to Invest $3,000 and furnish best of references; Investment fully protected; no debts whatever. Ad dress K 166. care Bee. FOR SALE Half Interest in Fidelity Loundry; good business. F. T. Bowden, Fremont, Neb. RESTAURANT BARGAIN This Is a money maker. Come and Investigate. Cheap rent. Price $2i0. GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. MILLINERY STORE In a lively town of about 700 Inhabitants: located about 40 miles from Omaha: very good reason for selling. This is a splendid proposition for any one who wants a business of this kind. .Price $375. GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. INVESTIGATE Confectionary, fruits and Ice cream business. Must be sold at once on aocount of sickness. See GANG 8TAD, 404 Bee Bldg. CHIROPODIST See Monhelt Treatment on feet, 1411 Far. DR. ROT. 1505 Farnahl St. Douglas 6497. J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber shop, 1202 Far. LfENTISTS TAFT'S dental rooms, 1517 Douglas St. BAILEY A MACH, 3d flcor. Paxton. DIMS. DR. FICKE8. 217 Board of Trade, doesn't hurt like others." "He DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2SJ2. Omaha Det. Ag'y. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319 DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A257 EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES CCl. LEGE Enter now for complete training In all commercial branches, including bookkeep ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway matl and all govern ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon requet. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. Both 'phone. Official training school for U. P. R. R. Telegraph Department. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 19th and Farnam. m M. G. ROHR BOUGH. Pre. E A 2U.RTMAN. Vlce-Pre. - SUMMER 8CHOO L, Now open. COURSES. All mercantile. SESSIONS. Day and night. FALL TERM Opens September 1 to i. Inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER. Sen., free. CATALOGUE. 9 page full of Intareat free. Phone D. La or A-ZlsV. Addxaaai ai. a Stourboutfa. Prea. A . 1 4 . j ; 1 ,-ci .- u EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SHAMPOOING, halrdreaslng, massage and manicuring; home appointments. Eclipse Halrdreaslng Parlors, 222 Neville Blk. CHINA decorating; order work a specially, LaeeoDS Tuesday, Tnursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Haturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. SM Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 646. LADIES wtahlng to obtain the latest dress cu'.tlng system. Learn cutting. Call 2412 Dodge St. "Phone Douglas 7012. big Discount A-iLES!1' iul.15. store (10 days.) Wa will make a 20 per cent amcoum on ail nair gooaa, swuciieB, iiulib, transformations, etc.; all goods marked in plain fixurea. Hobson's Beauiy bhop. i;.08 Douglas bt. Entrance through millinery store, BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglas (894. Instructions In china and water colors at SPECIAL RATES during the summer months. M. R. Emlg 6tudto, 9M N. Y. L. 50-CENT RIBBON NAIE FILES, O, HAINES DRUG CO., 1S10 Farnam" CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and beat. Only one office 1M3 Jones Pt. THE PANTOR1VM. "ALWAYS THE BEST," Harding's lee cream, Wedgewood creamery butter. The Harding Co., 8th and Harney. Douglas 87. ARTISTIC FRAMING At prices just as others charge for the other kind. A. HOPPF. CO. DOT TOLAS ST. The West's Greatest Art Store. CAKES THREE LAYER WHITE 30c Orocerlee and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. CANDY that's good is hard to get at most places in the summer time, as It soon gets hsrd and lose its flavor. We make a specialty of fine candy, especially Balduff's "Made in Omaha" and order It, fresh every day. Ba sure and see that it comes from Schaefer'a. Guaranteed fresh. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKS. Tel. Best work; prompt servlea. Both LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 1!W0. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from Im porters: save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney. Phone Doug. 22K and agent will call. FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA, 1418 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglaa 1258. 1518 Farnam. FRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16th street entrance, Bennett's store. FURNACE REPAIRING Repairing and resetting gas-leaky fur naces. Experts on remodeling furnaces to obtain more heat on a fuel saving basis. We Install new furnaces. Omaha Stove Re pair Work. 2K-H Douglas St Both 'phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Ladles, at once to copy let ters at home; eaally earn 810 to $20 per week: send 10 cents for particulars. West ern Specialty Company, Bloomtngton, 111. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and stenogra pher; moderate aalary. Apply Room 26 U. S. Bank Bldg., Uth and Farnam. Factory and Trades. HELP wanted In all departmenta. Evans Laundry Co.. 207 S. Uth. EXPERIENCED cholocate dippers. Apply Balduff Pure Candy Co., 1116 Farnam St. Housekeeper and Domestic. WANTED First class cook, 88 per week to right person. Call at once, 3302 Wool worth Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. Ap ply to Mrs. L. Kroloff. 721 Fifth Ave. WANTED A cook. 3416 Dewey Ave? WANTED Competent girl or woman to take care of children. 823 So. 26th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. 8. Welttell, 3322 Harney St. Miscellaneous. LEARN halrdresslng; tt pays you; can easily earn $15 to $26 weekly: full course taught. Brandels Halrdresslng Dept. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Young woman to enter for a 2-year course of nursing; also undergrad uates taken who wish to finish their course and earn a diploma. Credit riven for previous hospital training. Address Supt., Kearney Pub. Hosp., Kearney, Neb. TWENTY-FIVE girls wanted at once: steady work and good pay. Bemls Omaha nag co. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, Solicitor and Baleamen. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit suoscripiions. .au ana see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED An experienced man to han dle the sale of our stock and securities. Make written application to C. H. Parker, Fiscal Agent for Middle Weet. Henshaw Hotel, Omaha. Neb. United Wireless Tel egraph Company. Baye. WANTED A good delivery boy with ref erences. 822 Douglas St. Factory and Trades. DRUG store and jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED First-class marker and sorter man. $70 per month. Union Steam Laundry, Lead. 8. D. WANTED Competent steam fireman and Janitor; all year: apartment eulidlng. Stat experience. Address K-249. care Bee. Mleeellaneoaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers, examinations In Omaha. Nov. 17; prraratlnn free. Frank lin Institute. Dept. SS D. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A first class Implement man as superintendent of factory; fair salary; permanent position; must be willing to In vest a reasonable amount: a good invest ment that will bear investigation. Address Y 358, care Bee YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam. WANTED Government clerks at Wash Ington: $76 00 monthlv Examinations In Omaha. September 21. Coa-hlug free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 115 Y. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks, city carriers postofflce rlerks. Government examina tions In Omaha November 17 Free scholar ships. V rite government civil service In structors. Dept. 40. Rochester, N. Y. CIGAR SMOKERS will find rare value tn our "INSIDE CIGAR:" all the expense of making and selling this brand Is "IN SIDE" this cigar, instead of on bill boards, etc.. as we have this rlgar made to order, and sell it at 6c 6 for 26c. or $1 76 per box of 60. at the Eehaefer Drug Store. irstKK Rmnlovment Dept. Business Lfcten a A' a-; 09 fea. Call 827 B. of T. Bldg. THE BEE i 0MAIIA, FRIDAY. JULY SO. 1900. I I Mill II al a aajraTTIIanajrjCM-TMra I " iniiiu. .1 i Positions of all kir. arc looking for competent men and women. Better yurelf bj Answering Want Ada HELP WANTED MA LB AND VKMAL1C WANTED 2S city solicitors. Indies and gents, experience unnecessary, good money. Call at the office of The Medical Chemical Co.. 416 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn rear Millard hotel. D. 4096 ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage. Stanhope and harness slightly soiled. If you want one or all now at leas than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. OATS 66c per bu. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. REAL BARGAINS Drummond Depot waon. fine condition; alo runabout and harness. Address 8 172, Bee. STILL In the wagon business; charges reasonable. Harry Frost. 14th and Leav. GOOD candy wagon, painted. $05. Glass side station wagon. $30. Baker electric car, bargain, $".V). DRUMMO.VD. lth and Harney. NEW and second-hand wagons for sale. A. J. Jewell. 1724 N. 24th St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Billhook, containing draft for $128 50 and $10 bill. Return to Bee office for reward. FOUNTAIN pen (Coaklin self filler) In lesther case. Harry A. Stone 818 N. Y. Life Bldg. FOUND Small pocketbook, containing money, U. P. train No. 12. July 26. In quire Union station master. LOST A mortgage on a Clifton Hill lot (Incompleted.) Flf-ase notify notary, whose name appear or Wm. Fleming, 211 So. 18th, or 'phone Douglas 179. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton's Medical college. 14th and Davenport Sta; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college profeasora 'Phone Doug laa 1167. Calls answered, day or night. CONSUMPTION I can cure or stop any acute disease In one day. Prof. Johnson, 14th and P Sts., South Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. 6 on diamonds. W. FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. LOANS, half rates. S29 Board of Tiade. Nebraska Loan Co. Opposite Postofflce, Suite 7 Crounse Block., 16th St. and Capitol Ave. IF IT IS MONEY YOU WANT SEE US If it Is easy terms you want, come to us. We will pay up any other's loans you have. We will advance you more money. - We will pay your rent or any other bills. We will extend you courteous treatment at all times. Ask Us for References. ' Investigate Our Method of Doing Business. ' PRIVATE OFFICES FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE AH business strictly confidential. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock, Horses and Wagons, Real Estate, Etc. Both Phones: Douglaa 1356, Ind. A-1366. Call on ua for any financial assistance. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security: easy pay menta Offices In ti principal cities. Tolman, Room 613. New York Life Bldg. LOWEST RATE LOANS on furniture, pianos, etc, quickly and con fldntlally arranged by the oldest estab lished loan company In Omaha. Get our terms and save money. THE "OLD RELIABLE," Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 2295. 808 So. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1S92. Vacation Money Everyone needs tt, and this la the place to get It. Don't let money stand in your way when It can be so easily obtained on your SALARY. FURNITURE. PIANO, WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of value. Our special low rates are still In effect. We advance money quickly and confidentially, and . our offices strictly private. DEAL WITH THE BIGGEST AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. 3d Floor, 807-8 Paxton Block, N. E. Cor ner 16th and Farnam Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 1411 and A-141L S Money for Vacations f $ $10-1200 M $$ Do you need money T We are go- $$ $$ lng to loan our surplus cash to all $3 $$ worthy applicanta at the LOWEST 8$ $$ RATES EVER OFFERED In the city $ $$ on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIAVna $$ SALARIES, etc. Paymenta weekly or $$ U mummy 10 iuii your convenience. It $$ will pay you to see us before cettln u $$ money elsewhere. Everything strictly $$ $$ confidential. Open till 6:80 p. m. Tele- 81 $$ phones Doug-las 2036 and Ind. A-3036. $$ " umana t inancial Co., g U 601 Brown Block. Opposite Brandels. $3 16th PI. Entrance. fl. HfmmmtlfmHWWHniwWHNmWIllN PRIVATE monev to loan on rhui.i.. i Interest. WILLOWS. 664 Brandeis Bldr. MOVING! AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port at., warehouse 3207-08 Izard St. ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and rlAr.LiL.ING 8AFE8 A SPECIALTY E. J. Davis, 1813 Farnam Telephone, Doug. 863. Residence, Ind. 6702. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau Music teacher wanted on a guaranteed proposi tion. Address 204. Old Boston Store Bldg. GUS TURNER, graduate of Lelnslc. Ger many Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap, t el. Ked ujoZ or drop me a postal at J, ivjr 01. iiu a win ciui gu you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rnaa EAST and south side room with board reasonable tales. 21a t. 3oth 8c. DEWEY European Hotel. Uth and Farnam. SINGLE room and board in private fam ily wanted by young man: give price, par tlculara. Bell Douglas 6.1H. Ind. A-24U4. 1110 Farnam. ST. JAMES HOTEL, 416 8. Uth. Am. plan; $126 day; $6 week up. Big mea.a, Ac THE GEORGIA. 1043 Georgia Ave. H 661. THE ALDEEN. 26th and Farnam. H 2634 DODGE HOTEL; modern; ateam beat. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board, summer home; fine lawn. 123 S. 36 Lb Are. iL J OFFERED FOR SALE Boarding- and Rooms Continued. THE ROSE, 1030 Harney, rooms; good board; rates reasonable; meal tickets. TWO connecting rooms with board, to permanent couple ar two gentlemen. In modern home, referencea 1918 Cass. 'Phone D. 1476. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade, with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 3404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4758. WANTED One or two young men to take large south room with a young conple; with breakfast or dinner: every conven ience. Call Tel. Harney 2001. COOL south rooms; board if desired; everything new. Tel. Douglas 6512. Faralakcd Reaaaa. GOOD rooms. $ per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluff. ENGAGE rooms In nice, airy, shady cot tage, 2g)th and Leavenworth; furnished or unfurnished; will be newly furnlahed In a few days. Mre. Field. 8UITE of extra fine rooms, fine furni ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest corner 20th and Chicago Sts. No sign on house. APPLICATION for rooms In The Bel mont, 1618 Dodge St, are now being re ceived; gentlemen only; everything newly lurmsnea ana decorated throughout. Ap ply to R. T Ver Mehreo, Mgr. Doug. luiL FURN'IKHir.n mom. close in. mrul.m Chicago St. DESIRABLE room, private family. 3403 Harney St. SUITE of rooms or sinale for one or two gentlemen. Uo ode St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in private family for one or two young men. 2019 Webster St. WANTED Refined gentleman or couDle to room in strictly first class apartment; hot and cold water, steam heat, electrie light, etc. Very refined place, centrally lo cated. Inquire 322 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 3972. LARGE, cool, newly furnished room with private family. 2662 Jones St. Tel. Doug las I hi. FURNISHED room by the week: ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oma Hotel, 15th and Jackson Sts. FURNISHED rooms, house new. nlentv of hot water. 316 N. 19th St. TORY desirable room: fine location! walking distance. 218 S. ?th St. ROOMS for transients, 1707 Dodge. r. 7330 SALVATION ARMY Worklngmen'i hotel. 418 S. 13th St. Phone Red 8348. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. Z4U& Harney. MODERN front room, nicely furnished, reasonable, 2602 Dodge t. NICE single or suite of rooms, with board if deelred. 3016 Pacific St. 1822 CAPITOL AVE., new. clean, mod ern, close in, south front. NICE cool room, all modern: cheao. 712 N. 19th St. Tel. Red 5336. TWO large, front rooms at 2222 Howerd. FRONT parlor, suitable for two. 2427 Dodge. LARGE, cool, nanlv fn rnlnVtarl ) I located room for rent. 2667 Bt. Mary'a Ave. Apartment and Flat. 8'6H N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall. 433 rtamise mug. ?om pnonea. NEW St. Louis flat, all modern, tile bath, oak finish, nice lawn, walking dis tance, half block to car; to adults. 241 Poppleton Ave. VCT DCVT B 1 1 i- . . v. ..-..-. x riuuiu ui ivn parimem, all modern and new, corner 16th and Lake. In quire 1923 Clark St. Phone Web. 2696. AT 30TH and Farnam. new 5-room flats. strictly modern and convenient; $30 per monin. i eiepnone Harney 2029. APARTMENTS Vw ... . . with private bath and gas range. Will give free rent to August 1. Only small fam ilies. Prices, $14 to $18. THOS. W. HAZEN, 106 S. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 1300. TO T.TTT 8 mnHern hrlnl. flats tn k. m,. into one large dwelling for a high class family hotel; fine location, walking dis tance: 30 moms: rnnri nnnnrtnnltv f ca llable party. Address J 268. Bee. 3 A 4-R Apt., mod. 816 So. 23d. x-fr,fiiLr k.i. ,1., . .11 1. j finish: tiled bath; laundrv in cellar au 60S S. 22d. TJafarals&.sd Boom, t rooms, modern, Improved, 2336 So. 12th Bt UNFURNISHED rooms; references. 2667 Douglas St. Hoaeekaeplna; Raansa. FURNISHED or unfurnished room fur housekeeping, in modern flat. 616 8. 29th St. ONE large room, all modern. 18U Cali fornia. Tel. B 1375. Vnmlsned Ran. FOR RENT New, strictly modern house, t-rooms, elegantly furnished, for winter. Inquire at house. No. 3716 No. 24th St.. (24th and Manderaon.) Hoarse and Coitaaea. S-ROOMS. bath room, ail in fin condi tion, $20. Near Thirty-fifth and Leaven worth streets. Bemls. Brandeis building. Fine, New Houses SPECIAL LOW PRICES. I have a few choice bargains to offer for rent. Call In at once If you want a fine home at a low rental. New 8-room flat. 24th and Harney Sta., $52 60. New 2-story house, corner 33d and Har ney Sts , oak finish, fine mantel, tiled bath. $40. New 6-ioom St. Louis flat, very choice, easy walking distance; 2316 Howard St. A regular snap at the price, $37. SO. 2313 Dewey Ave,, new 6-room modern brick attached house, $30. New 6-room cottage, walking distance, modern except heat; 2418 Indiana Ava; $26. 910 Hickory; 6 rooms, partly modern, $1660. ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. L. Doug. 1472 t-ROOM modern house at 2629 Seward St. A good home. Lot 60x127 (eeu Phone Webster aXL FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 S. 29th St., one block east of Park avnue car line: modern In every reapct, with 4 bed room on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ve. ttbul on first floor Inqulr at 1609 S. 29th St. Tel. Harney lnt. FLEGAN1 (-room flat, located at 610 a 27th. all modern, prlc. W Bamia. Brandeis Bldg. HOUSES. fle.ta Garvin Bros. 318 N. T. L OMAHA Van Lid Storag Co.. uck. move tor H H. guod; atorehouse, 1UO-24 N Din. office 16u Farnam. Tel. Dug. 1661 8-ROOid house. 830 per morn u. modern except heat. 3:,:'0 Burt at., S hlock from Harney and Cummlngs street car line, in quire 2216 Burt su, or tl Harnty 2-. OFFERED FOR RENT Haaeen and CaMaa Coatlnn! 8018 Franklin, one and one-hslf story. 6 rooms, city wster. nice yard. $lf. C. M. RIUM'EK, i- 1. i.lflv HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Parker Blk. CENTRAL, no equl for solid comfort, all modern, 4 or 6-room flata Apply iM N. 23d. 6-ROOM. modern house. 718 Hickory St. Inquire 307 So. 17th St. 7-room. strictly modern house 2016 N. 22d St.. $20 00. 6-room. strictly modern house, 22d and Grace. 8T0O0. 10-room. modern house. kw farnam, sj. ltf, X-rooni. strictly modern houe. nlcelv furnished to rent to small family, 3716 N. 24th St.. M- w. o pnrlver. 19?3 New Tork Life Building. FOR RENT 6-rcM m cottage fU N. ITd St.. modern except heat. $25. to small family. Also 6-toom ground flat, close In, all modern, low rnt, to choice tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. If7 PACIFIC ST., 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish. $40. A. O. Klllck. 602 Bee Bldg. MAOOARD Van A Storag Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. CENTRAL 6-room flat. 7-room. attached house; 8-room detached house. 230 N. 23d. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, city water, sewer and gas; $18 per month. 2104 S loth St. W. J. DERMODY INVKMMf..M ltl Douglas MOfi: A 2033. -ROOM modern house. 2627 Patrick Ave. Tel. Webster 1265. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded: onnp imgni rirv, iuu.iui na loriug. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 391 TirtTTQITC! In all part of the .-ItT nUUOLO Creigh Son A Co., Bee Blig. FOR RENTi (-room modern St. Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 713 N. 23d St. $80. troom rnodern brick hour; 2009-2011 Wil lis Ave $25. C. M. BACTfMANN. 436 Paxton Biock. HOUSES Patera Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. Building; s. 908-910 JONES ST.. 6 stories and base ment 44x132 ft.; large elevator, steam heat, trarkage on south, good shipping yard on north. Rental 83H0 per month, lease five years. THE REX BUILDING. Near 16th and Ieavenworth Sts. Substantial 3-story and basement brick building. 44x66 ft., good office room, facing on lth St. Fireproof basement, fine ship ping room, electric elevator. Lease three years, $166 per month. ON DOUGLAS ST. Two-story and basement brick building. electric elevator, room 33x182 ft. 1116-18 Douaias St, Rental $16 per month. GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam St. tore. PCARGO Blk.. South Omaha, 620 N. 24th, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg.; both 'phones. GOOD store room. $12 B. 18th St. Fine office In Weed Bldg. F. D. WEAD. 1801 FARNAM. STORK ROOM for rent at 206 S. 14th St.: ready for occupancy Aug. 15. Apply at onoe. Palace Clothing Co., corner 14th and Douglaa. 618 S. 16TH ST., near "500" .block, about 22x60 ft.; new attractive front and steel ceiling; will be decorated to stilt tenant. 1611 Howard St., attractive new front will be Installed at once. This room Is very close to the corner or lfitn and Howard and a splendid retail location. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. 1 , one. OFFICER In Webster-Sunderland Bldg.. at very low rent: space 600 to 1.200 sq. ft. each: good light, heat and elevator service Sprinkler system reduces insurance pre mium to about one-fourth regular rale. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. 8x5 CARD CASE. Solid oak case, made by the Library Bu reau Furniture Co. This is exceptionally well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Bee office, 17th and Farnam. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, sold and rented, rent applied; easy terms; shipped anywhere for examination. Write for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Swanson Co., 417 S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. DRTTGft at rut nrlre fraietit niM nrt all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Cosh register and safe. Ad dress J 679, care Bee. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Bruns-wick-Balke Collender. 407 8. 10th St. Scholarship If you intend taking a course In business college, see us about a scholarship. We will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 85, care Bee. x SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. FOR RENT. For Sale and Furnished Room cards, 10c each. Corey A McKensie Printing Company, 112 8. 14th St. BARGAINS 2d-hand pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting, rip saw, forge, boxing ma chine, blacksmith tools. A. Murphy A Bona. 2 HOUSES at 1914 and 1916 Farnam St.; must be taken away; make offer. THE BYRON REED CO., Phones Doug. 297, A 84. 212 S. 14th St. at laeelLaneona. Second Hand Boilers Wa will aell two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building. They are each 175-horsepower return tubular boilers, 78 Inch diameter by 18 feet long. They have 18 C. I. tubes. 8 Inches b18 feet. Work ing pressure 150 pounds per square inch. Heat surface 19.009 aquare feet. Grate area 32S square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar gain, ir taken at once. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 17th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrela which we wtll sell at 60o each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at presaroom Be Publishing Co. ABOUT 400 or 600 large dry pine boxes: will make excellent kindling; bargain If taken immediately. Booth Fisheries Co.. 1306 Leavenworth. For sale, a hot water heating plant, good condition and new Inlaid linoleum for store. Call at Lefferfs, 409 Broadway Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Cheap, fine office enclosure; heavy glass sides. H. Hardy Co., Arling ton Blk. FOR SALE Ijirge .traveling man's trunk; also one C B. Kohn trombone, with leather case; ladies' diamond brooch; rea sonable. 211 S. 12th St. PATENTS D. O. BAR-NELL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red ml. HUFFMAN. 31$ Nevlll Bldg.. Book fre. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner 111 U. S. Patent Office. N. Y 1. Bldg D. 9u OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS . 413 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 16. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 60S N. Y. L. Hldg. PERSONAL OMAHA Stammer Ins.. Ramge Bldg Mrs. Ames of Wash.. D. C.. manicuring maaaag, 3ii2 Dod. Parlor, basement. PERSONAL (Continued.) THR SALVATION ARMT solicit rlothlnt: in fact, anything you do not i We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Sf . for cost of collection to the wor poor. Call phona Doug.aa 4136 and wtfj lll can. DR. F.GGERS; prl 1616 Martha St. el rlvata confinement noma, ' Douglaa 6230. HALL'S safes, new. Id-band. 1811 Farnam. TRIVATB home during confinement babtea adopted. The Good Samaritan 8aai tarlum. 70 1st Ave.. Council bluff, la. f AOKT.".TTP treatment. Him Smith, 621 8. lth St., third floor. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electiin, vibrating and Swedish maasage. 808 Old Boat on Star. YOUNG WOMEN corning to Omaha Vs stranger are Invited to visit the You Vl Women's Christian association, 17th aid Howard Sts , where thev will be directed t suitable boarding placee or otharwlaa as sisted. A deaconess representing the aaso 1 elation meets trains at the Union station aa travelers' aid. ... n.a,-,, Brums, etc., ai lowest price, at SCHAF.FER DRUG CO. V T i . . " tnan any outer drug firm In this western country, PROF O. K. DINJIAN, EXPERT MASSEUR, restures health, make you look nice and plump, removes narvouaneaa. put your stomach, bowels, llvr and kid neys In good order; Improve the blood elf culstlon by massage. Have you tried lit wurrn-. uiasnaga especially conductive to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. D. 83. MAGNETIC treatment. 2319 S. 16th. Doug. K1R6. Emmelin B 1, PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. gin- I"' N. 24th. Tel. Web. 3T.69, Ind. PRINTING THE Quality Press, artistic commercial printers, have moved from 312 8. ISth to 121 Harnty St. Douglas 664L HOLLAND printing Co.. no S. 17th St, CASTLEMAN Printing Co.. lf.ll Cap. Ava PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing Lyngstadt Printing Co. 16th A Capitol Ave. WATERS PRINTING CO.. 522 8. 13th SU HOLLANO Printing Co. 117 8 Kth at. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS .Stenog., notary public. Hutri Loyal. Stenog.. Hotel Henshaw, promot service REAL ESTATE eVrrcng. J Sst. jssg; prompt 1710 Farnam St. J REAL ESTATE DE REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. service; get our prices. GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. AYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Llta BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 4,77 Brandels Bldg' REAL E6TATF TlTLE-TRUST CO. i CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPEIIT Y FOR t A 1. 81. Owner Says Sell EASY TERMS Non-resident owner ha three houses across the street from BEMIS PARK. 6-rooms each, fully modern, renting 'ft each. Choice of two for 83.000 each and one for $3,100. A good home or Investment. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Ground Floor, N. Y. L. Both Phonea. 86TH and Farnam; home; good, 8-room all modern home; fine east front lot; about $2,000 cash, balance terms. W. L. Selby, 436 B. of T. Bldg. BIG BARGAIN 27 lots with a 6-room house. Isrge barn, chicken house, well and windmill; 10 fruit trees; just east of Krug Park. Price $6.6CO. Kellev Investment Co. 220 Neville Bldg. LOTS FOR SALE j Smith front lot on Burdette street, near 16th, lot 60x132. A good lot for store, on 24th street, near Burdette, lot 4Sxl30. Lot on Farnam street, near 41st street good lot. 60x124. On Florence boulevard. 20th and Laird streets, east rror.t; cement warns; gooo y lot, 50x124- , p'S Good lot. 50x124. 29th and Indiana Ave, Four south front lots; no imp'ovementi. but the lots are good; each lot 44x137. For prices and terms see Creigh, Sons & Co., Tel. Doug. 300. 606 Ses Bldg HOMES ON SMALL CASH PAYMENT DOWN $150 Cash Balance About the Same as Rsnt will buy th 4-room cottage No. 4O20 Bln nev street, which ha recently been painted outside, also papered and painted Inside. Thl house is in good repair, large lot. mith front, close to school, good high ground. Price, $1,150. $250 Cash Balance About the Same as Rent alll buy the 6-room cottage located at the northeast corner of 33d and Larlmore. Is strictly all modern except furnace, south front lot, high ground, close to Monmouth Park school and car line. Prlc, 32,160. $350 Cash Balance About the Same as Rent will buv either one of the two new south front cottages on Ames avenue, which ar strictly all modern, with the exception of furnace. On ha 4 rooms downstairs and one upstairs and the other on has 6 rooms on first tioor. 1 na price 01 Ames avenu Is $2,360 and 3336 Ames avenue la $2,376. These are located right on car line, good high ground and close to school. $400 Cash Balance Same as Rent will buy the $-room house. No. 2561 Webster avenue, ahlch is sll modern with the ex- ceutlon of heat. This la a good house for a large family. Webster avenue Is 4 blocka north 01 on airaei. i-nca, i,suu. $750 Cash Balance Same as Rent will buv tha nw 7-room. strictly all mod ern cottage. No. 1411 Madison avenu. This house has entry, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and bath room an first floor and two good-slsed bad rooms on the second floor. Lot la 4fcxl feet, on a paved atreet, psvtng all paid. Prica, $3,260 HASTINGS A HETDEN, 1614 Harney Street. Omaha J'eb. $1 250 BEAUTIFUL LOT IN CREIGHTON'S 1ST ADD. 32D AVENUE i Between Martha and Caslellar street. M 1 the east side of Bid avenue, we have two fine ightlv lots In fact, two of tha nteeat lota In this addition Offered for eale by owner, nho 1 going aay. at the low price of $1 260 each. Will sell separately. If you w am to gt a lot where you can bulla a fine home, this Is a good proposition. HASTINGS a liZYDE.N. lAi Harnty If 1 ..t t J v V