Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Omaha Defeats the Lincoln Bunch: Cubs and Pirates Both Win; Low Scores at Flossmo
rst f
Skipper Puts One Over Fence in Ninth
and Ends Tie.
Bandera and Jonrt in Battle Reral
latll Fatefal Wallop br Schlpke
( Bp tain Fraark Oat of
Omaha, 2: Lincoln, 1.
Hchtpke did It with his little bat.
Slugger- Fill Schlpke hit the ball over
the left field fenca and won the irame,
which waa all tied up at the time. He
was the first man up for Omaha in the
ninth, and after letting a high ball go by,
he saw one comlnic about welst high and
made a vicious swing. He landed squarely
and the ball went sailing-. Danny Oreen
had nothing to do but stand by the fence
and watch It aoar over his head with the
hit and run which won the arame.
War-field Banders and Schoolmaster
Jones engaged In as - pretty a pitchers'
duet as ona would wish to sea. Both used
the same tactics and each waa about
equally snocessfal until that ninth, when
the skipper happened to land on one. Two
runs had been made earlier In the game,
ona by each team, and up to the ninth
Inning three hits had been made off Ban
ders and four off Jones. Jones passed but
twe men and struck out four, while San
i dere passed two and struck out two. They
both pitched the same kind of a ball, and
neither put many baJls over the center of
the bag during the entire game. Neither
has sny speed, but both rely on head work
and perfect control.
Omaha made the first run In the open
ing round on a long hit by Fisher, which
permitted him to . perch on third base.
Pendry died trying to help him home and
King hit one to Oagnler, who threw a
little wide to , Thomas. St. Louis Jack
had plenty of chance to get the ball, but
he chose to try for It with one hand and
dropped It. Fisher would have scored,
anyway, on the play, whether he had
dropped the ball or not.
Fosy Foi Steals Two.
For six Inning Sanders did not allow a
Prohibitionist to make a hit, but kept
them all hitting little popups and rollers
Into tlje diamond. In the seventh the
core was tied by Foxy Fox, who led off
with a single over second. Re stole sec
ond and then stole third. Cadman threw
wild to catch him at third, and Fox scored
with the run that tied the score, "ox
had the fans on the anxious seat In the
last' Inning, when he tried to repeat his
performance of the seventh. He beat out
a grounder to King, and when Waldron
laid one down toward Schlpke, scooted to
third on the sacrifice. It looked bad. but
Sanders kept a, stiff upper Hp and pulled
through. Thomas hit to Schlpke and Gog
nit r hit one In the air back of first. It
looked as though there might be a mlxup
which would let In the winning run, as
Kane, Pendry and Welch were all closing
In on the ball. Pendry yelled the loudest
and the others gave way and let him have
the putouf.
Then came Pill Schlpke to bat and won
the game. H Is surelv Singer mil.
C'antnln Frnnek Ont of Gnnie.
Cnptaln Frnnrk did not play In the came
os he 'end Pa Rourke have been havln?
some trouble. The owner of the club fined
FrnrcU h refused to accept the fine.
sayln that he would not play for Omaha
again. He did not appear at the pnrk and
Fa took KIs i laee On'the bench, pulled King
Into short and sent Hollenbeck into the
center garden.' Both performed with eclat.
Holly took , five chances without a wabble
and one was as protty a run and scoop
with one hand ac one would wish to see.
Klne made one error by throwing a little
short to first on one orcnslon. Telegrams
have , been, flying thick and fast around
the Smoke house and it Is rumored that Pa
Is trylnr to trade Franck off for soma
other players.
Todav will be the last appearance of the
Rourke family for eight doys. It will be
ladles' day and Lincoln will be the attrac
tion. Score:
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Fisher, If 4 110 0 0
Pendry, 2d....; $ 0 0 R 2 0
King, ss: 8 0 1 0 t 1
Welch, rt... 4 0 0 0 0 0
Kane, lb 4 0 1 12 1 0
Schlpke, Sd 4 12 16 0
Hollenbeck, . cf S O 0 4 1 0
Cadman, o 3 0 0 3 0 1
Sanders, p S 0 0 0 2 0
Totals "5 K 27 14 2
AB. R. H. O. A. B.
Hogrlever, 3d 4 0 0 1 0 0
Fox. 2d 4 1 2 0.2 0
Waldron, rf.. 3 0 0 6 0 0
Thomas, lb 4 0 0 8 0 1
Oagnler, ss 3 0 0 I 1 0
I'avldson, cf 2 0 2 0 0
Oreen. If S O 0 2 0 1
Sullivan, c 3- 0 1 6 1 0
Jones, p 2 0 1 0 S 0
Totals 23 1 4 ?4 7 2
None out when winning run was made.
Runs 10000000 1-3
Hits 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-5
Runs 00000010 0-1
Hits 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 14
Three-base hit: Fisher. Home run:
Schlpke. , Bases on balls: Off Sanders, 2;
off Jones, 2. Struck out: By Sanders, !;
by Jones, 4. Left on bases' Omaha, 7;
Lincoln, 4. Stolen bases: Fisher, Fox (2).
Double plays: Schlpke to Pendry to Kane,
Hollenbeck to Kane. Sacrifice hits: Sanders,
Waldron. Oagnler. Time: 1:3R. Umpire:
Glenalvln. Attendance: 700.
Notes of the Game.
Schlpke must be a pinch hitter.
Green beat Schlpke out of a pretty hit
when he pulled one from the fence in the
fourth Inning.
Hollenbeck covers a lot of ground when
he plays center field. He took five field-
- X
rniiiuriu batti rnTirrr
dej'a'otes mefiotrlrew.
I Insist on having it.
r tmi
ll ruB3 lmtm mil. IMF
' ""f y '' jy p '
-"a ..--a.xx-.' "..
Ing chsncee and neither Welch nor Fisher
had any.
Senders etrurk Orwn out with, three
called strikes on threw balls thrown.
Own la not used to the raise of the
gTound In that garden and fell down In
noli: back after Cadman's hit.
The Texas leaguer which Hollenbeck
railed would have IK Just bark of eecond.'
M mad a pretty run and nailed It from
Just above the ground with ona hand.
Omaha came close to scoring In the fifth
Inning, when Cadman waa (riven a life
by Green's error. He continued to second
on the error and wm sacrificed to third
by Sanders, but was caught at the plate on
I Fisher's Infield grounder. Fisher stole
second, but neither Pendry nor Kins oduld
furnish the hit which would do the busi
Home Team Falls to Tilt A dame at
Critical Times.
WICHITA. Kan., July 29-Superb pitch
ing by Rick Adams proved the stumbling
block which kept Wichita out of the first
division today. He won his game easily,
7 to 1, by refuaing to allow a hit In a
pinch after the first Inning. Twelve men
left on bases and ten struck out tells how
effectively he was working. He was
backed by errorless and at time brilliant
Wichita's run In the first was the result
of Oole's single and PenneJl's twe-base hit.
Denver scored one In the second on two
hits and a sacrifice fly, two In the second
on Lindsay's double, a base on balls and
Thompson's triple, two in the sixth on
singles by Lindsay and Thompson and
White's errors, and two In the eighth on
Jones' single and Stankard's home run.
Fast fielding by Mlddleton, White, Jones
and Mos-g were the features. Score)
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Cole, cf....... 4 11111
White, ss t 0 I I $ 2
Hughes, lb 2 0 0 2 10
Penneil, lb I 0 1 12 0 0
Westerill. lb .. 4 0 0 2 2 0
Mlddleton, If 1 0 0 4 0 0
Pettlgrew rf 2 0 1 0 0 1
Weaver, c 4 0 0 4 0 0
Brennan, p 1 0 0 0 0 0
Altchison, f 10 10 10
'Armstrong .... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 34 1 7 27 U 4
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Maag, lb 5 0 0 14 0
Belden, If 4 0 110 0
Cassldy, rf 5 0 110 0
Jones, cf 6 0 2 6 0 0
Lindsay, lb 6 12 10 0
Stankard, 2b 6 t 1 1 0 0
Hartman, ss 110 0 10
Thompson, c 6 1 I 10 0 0
Adams, p 6 0 1 0 0 0
Totals 42 7 It 27 6 0
Batted for Altohtson in ninth.
Wichita 1 0000000 01
Denver 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 07
Hits: Off Brennan. 7 In three Innings.
Struck out: Altchison, 2; by Adams, 10.
Base on balls: Off Brennan, 1; off Altchl
eon, 1; off Adams, 4. Hit by pitched ball.
By Brennan. Maag ; by Adams, Hughes,
Pettlgrew. Balk: Altchison. Stolen base:
Cole. Sacrifice fly: Belden. Two-base hits:
Penneil, White, Altchison, Belden, Lind
say. Three-base hit: Thompson. Home
run: Stankard. Left on bases: Wichita, 12;
Denver, 12. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Haskell.
Attendance, 000.
Champions Win from Des Moines
Losing; Tram Makes Nine Errors.
SIOUX C1TT. July 29. Blersdorfer and
McGregor pitched erratic ball today, both
twlrlera passing eight men and allowing
ten hits. The fielding behind them was
of the yellow order, the team making
nine errors. The Champions scored in
every Inning except one, winning, 11 to 4.
Freeman pitched fine ball, allowing but
four hits. The four run were made be
cause of his wlldness in the fourth. He no
doubt made a record by throwing sixteen
straight balls not over the plate, forcing
In a run. Lewis followed with a lucky
Texas leaguer and two more scored. The
last run came over on a fielder's choice.
The fielding of the Champions was ex
cellent and featured the game. Score;
. I
Campbell, If...
Hunter, lb
Smith, ss
Andreas, 2b...
Towne, c
Edmonson, cf
Welch, 3b
8tovnll. rf
Freeman, p...
6 I
11 10 27
AB. R. H
Dalton, If
C'olllgan, ss
Bnder, rf
Mattick, cf
Dwyer. lb
Niehoff. 3b
Williams. 2b...
McManus, c...
Lewis, c
Blersdorfer, p..
McGregor, p...
... 6
... 6
... I
... 2
... 2
Totals 33, 4 4 24 14
Sioux City 3 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 11
Des Moines 0 004 0. 0000 4
Two-base hits: Campbell, Hunter. Sac
rifice hits: Towns, Andreas, Hunter, Ed
inondson. Home run: Edmondson. Stolen
bases: Edmondson, Smith. Andreas,
Hunter, Campbell. Bases on balls: off
Freeman. 6; off Blersdorfer, 4; off Mc
Gregor, 4. Struck out: By Freeman. ;
by Blersdorfer, 1; by McGregor, 1. Wild
pitches: Freeman. 2. Passed ball: Lewis.
Time: 2:10. Umpire: Clarke. Attendance:
Bunch Their Hits In Sixth
and Seventh.
TOPEKA. Kan., July 29.-Topeka took to
day's game from Pueblo, 10 to ii. The locals
got to Bnnno in the sixth tor three singles,
a double and a home run. Then In the
seventh thiee scratch hits In a row and his
own error put him on the bum and Walters
did the tossing Score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
..4 0 2 2 0 0
-.4 0 1 4 0 0
.. I 0 1 1 0
.. 4 0 0 .'; 0 0
..4 0 0 010
.. 3 0 1 2 3 0
.. 3 0 0 1 0 0
..3 0 11 0
.. 2 0 1 0 2 1
.. 1 0 0 0 1 0
Curtis. If
Spencer, cf
Clark, lb
Miller, rf
Cochrane, ss
Walters. 2b
Prltchett, 3b
Welsart, e
Bonno, p
J. Locke, 2b
31 0
AB. R.
7 34 11
A. E.
1 0
Wooley, cf....
Geler. rf
Kunkle, 3b
Fenlon, If
Kahl. 2b
Kerns, e
Henry, e
Abbott, lb
Downie, p....
Kauffmann, p
Totals 32 10 13 27 18 0
Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Topeka 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 10
Home run: Kerns. Two-baee bits: Curtis..
Kahl. Kunkle. Sacrifice hits: Kunkle.
Kauffmann. Stolen bases: Spencer. Bases
on balls: Off Kauffmann, 1; off Honno. 4.
Struck out: By Kauffmann. 4; by Bonno,
1. Double plays: Wooley to Kahl to
Downie. Itownle to Kahl to Abbott. Left
on bases: Topeka, 4; Pueblo, 6. Hit by
pitched ball: By Walters, Downie. Hits:
Oft Bonno, 10 In six Innings. Time: 1:46.
Umpire: Mullen. Attendance: 300.
Deratsr Easy for Lyons.
LYONS, Neb., July 29 Speclal.) In a
game of base ball today the Lyons team
easily defeated the Decatur team by the
score of 9 to 2. Basslnger pitched a good
game for Lyons, striking out ten men and
allowing only five hits. Score: R.H.E.
Lyons 1 12O6O00-MI
Duoatur 00000002167
Batteries: Lyons. Baselnger and Hoff
man: Decatur. Matney. Leslie and Htgglns,
ilauiey. Struck out: By Basslnger, 10;
by Matney. 3: by Leslie, 4. Time: l:txi.
impiit: Thompson.
Game Transferred to Slonx City.
LINCOLN. July 29 (Special Telegram.)
The Lincoln-Stoux City game scheduled
for next Sunday In the Nebraska capital
has been transferred to Sioux City, where
a double-header le te be the bill. The Lin
coln management had originally Intended
to transfer the Sunday game to Omaha,
Brown Pitches Great Game Under
Pressure for Chicago.
MoVen Forced Oat of the. Box In Ihe
Middle of Seventh Inning After
Belna- Hit Foor
ST. LOUIS, July 2!.-Brown pitched
great ball when under pressure today and
Chicago defeated St. Louis. I to 1 Bebee
was wild and the visitors hit freely in the
opening Innings. Score:
B II O A S B.H. O.A.E.
Fers. H t
Sherkird. It.. 4
Bhult, rt ... I
rrtir. lb...
1 I OBvrne. KM.... 4 0 I I
0 t
1 10
V OEIlla. If 4
1 I
1 "Phelps, c 4
1 4
t 11
I 1
0 1
1 1
0 1
0 0
OKonetrhr. lb. I
0rini, rf 4
Or.elrhint?, lb 4
IShaw. ft I
lrharlAa, m. .. 4
ArVheti, 4
".teuiteldt, Sb 4
llofman, ef... 8
Tinker, is.... 4
Archer, ... 4
a I
"Irtish 1
II I I 10 1
TotAls IS 10 IT It 1
Batted fer Byrne In ninth.
St. Loots. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ft J
Chloago I 01000100-4
Two-base hit: Sheckaxd. Three-base hits:
Hoffman, Archer. Sacrifice hits: Schulte
t2), Evers, Konetchy. Double plays: Dele
hanty to Konetchy; Ellis to Phelps. Stolen
bases: Schulte, Chance, Hoffman, Shaw.
Hit with pitched ball: By Brown, Phelps.
Wild pitches: Bebee. 2. Bases on balls:
Off Bebee, I; by Brown. 2. Struck out:
By Bebee, I; by Brown, 7. Left on bases:
St. Louis. ; Chicago. 4. Time: 1:64. Um
pires: Kane and Klem.
Pirates Defeat Phillies.
PITTSBURG. July 29 Pittsburg won to
day by bunching four hits In the seventh
Inning. Moren quit In the middle of the
Inning and was replaced by McQuillan.
Miller knocked the ball over the left field
fence, the first time this has been done
on Forbes' field. Score:
B H O.A.E. 3.H.O. V.V..
Clsrlie, If...
stork, lb...
Lrh, cf....
Warner, n. .
Miller. :b...
Abrteln, lb.
Villon, rf...
Olbaon. c...
Phllllppl. p.
rirbu ...
t I 0 OOrsat. Sb 4 1 I
10 4 t. ( 112 0 0
011 fntua. rt 11144
0 0 1 (Vtaes, If... t 0 I 4
t 1 0 oeranafl!4. lb I 1 I 1 0
1 U 0 lWard, lt-M.. 4 0 1 0
4 1 ODooln, e 4 0 110
0 10 Moron, p t 4 1 i 0
0 0? OM-Qulllsn, p. 0 0 II 00.
0 0 0 0Martell 10)00
10 0 Totals II 7 24 li 0
0 0 0 0
Brandom, p. . 0
Hytt 1
LeTr, p 0
Totaia to fn :t i
Batted for Brandon In seventh.
Batted for McQuillan in ninth.
Batted for Phllllppl In ninth.
Ward hit by batted ball.
Pittsburg o 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 4
Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 03
Two-base hits: Bransfleld, Ward. Home
runs: Miller, Grant. Sacrifice hits: Titus.
Magee, Bransfleld. Stolen bases: Bates,
Titus, Magee. Double plays: Wilson to
Abateln; Leach to Gibson. Bases on balls:
Off Brandon, 1; off Leever, 1; off Moren, 1.
Struck out: By Leever, 2; by Moren. 1.
Passed balls: Gibson. 1: Dooln, 1. First
on errors: Philadelphia. 2, Left on bases:
Pittsburg, 3; Philadelphia. 6. Hits: Off
Phllllppl, ( in five Innings: off Brandon,
none In two Innings; off Leever, 1 In two
Innings; off McQuillan, 2 In two and one
third Innings. Time: 1:35. Umpire: CDay.
Senators and White Sox Break Even
In Double Header.
WASHINGTON, July 29. -Washington and
Chicago broke even In the douhleheader
here this afternoon, the locals winning tha
first game, 3 to 2. and losing the second,
2 to 1. Johnson's pitching was the feature
of the victory, while a timely triple by
White, scoring two runs, featured the de
feat. Score, first game:
B.H.O.A K. B.H.O.A.K.
brown. If.... 5 ton OAltltar. rf.... t 0 I .
Dunobue. lb.. 4 110 OParent, cl-aa. 4 1112
illr. rf 1 l i iiiaball, lb.... 4 II! 11
tnglaub. rflb I 1 0 ODouthertr. If I tf a 10
Deiabanty, 2b 1 0,7 t'tuitall, lb... I 0 I j I
Milan, cf I 4, I V OWhlte. cf 1 0 0 tl 0
Conroy. lb... I 10 1 ITan'blll. islb 4 10 4 0
'". e 4 1.0 OAti, lb 4 2 4 4 0
McBtlda, ss.. I 0 J 4 lOwans, e.,,.,.1 1110
Johnson, p... 4 0 0 . OBurna, p 4 0 0 1 0
Totals K 10 17 t 1 Totals 14 ! It 4
Two out when winning run scored.
Washington 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 13
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 02
Two-base hits: Conroy, Isbell. Sacrifice
hits: Unglaub, 8. Stolen base: Dougherty.
Double plays: Atx to Isbell to Tannehlll.
Delehsnty to McBride to Donahue. Left
on ba.-fs: Washington, 10; Chicago, 7.
First bae on balls: Off Johnson, 2; off
Burns. 4. First base on errors: Washing
ton, 4; Chicago, 2. Hit by pitched ball:
By Johnson. 1. Struck out: By Johnson,
W; by Burns, 1. wild pitch: Johnson.
Tims: 1:55. Umpires: Kerln and Evans.
score, second game:
B.H. O.A.E. B H. O.A.E.
Altltor, rf.... 4
0 10 0 Browne, If.... 4
Oil ODonohua, lb . 4
1 14 1 Ol'nglaub. rt. . 4
0 0 0 0Dlhant. 2b 4
0 I
Parent, as.... 1
If bell, lb 4
Dougherty, If I
White, cf 4
Tannehlll, lb 2
Ati, lb 4
Sullivan, e. .. 4
Kraiib, p 1
110 OMtlau. cf
0 0 0 Oconroy, lb
2 11 OStraul, c...
Oil ORlank'ahlp,
0 10 OMi-Brtda. a
.. I
.. 1
c 4
.. t
.. 1
.. 0
.. 1
.. 1
Oherlln, p.
a t 27 14 OOhl. p
Clymor ..
Miller ...
Batted for Street in eighth
11 t 17 16 1
Batted for Oherlin in eighth.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02
Three-base hits: White, Delehanty.
f?iV: PU oberlln. 6 in eight Innings; off
Ohl, 0 In one Inning. Sacrifice hit: Dough
erty. l,eft on bases: Washington, 1; Chi
cago b. Bases on balls: Off Oberlln. 4.
rlrst base on errors: Chicago, 1. Struck
ou': ?berlln- l: by Smith. 2. Time:
2.10. Umpires: Evans and Kerln.
it. Loala Defeats Boston.
BOSTON. July 29.-St. Louis scored a
victory over Boston today in a poorly
played game by a score of 6 to 3. Wolte'r
was batted freely In hln first few inning
Errors by the visitors partly offset Bailey
pitching. Score:
H. O.A.E
10 0 1
14 10
I II I tl
0 10 0
0 110
0 0 10
0 0 0
T 17 14 1
0 1 0-0
1 0 0-1
Hartial, t 111 1 Nllai. rf....
Stona. rf. ..-.. 10 0 OLort. lb
McAlewsa. of. 4 1 10 OSioaker. cf.
Orlgga, If ... I
0 2 Hooper, If...
1 OWagaer. . .
4 Oglahl. lb...
0 1 French, lb..
1 ODonohua, c.
1 OWoltar, p...
Jonaa, lb I
Williams, tb. I
Parrla, lb.... 4
Crlgar, c I
alisy, p I
Kargor, p....
Totali 14 UH I 4rarrigan ..
Batted for Karger In ninth.
St. Louis 2 1 2 0 0 0
Boston o 0 0 0 1 1
Two-base hit: McAleese. Thr.K.u y.i.
Griggs. Hits: Off Wolter, 2 In one and
one-nilrd Innings; off Karger, 9 In seven
and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice hits
bailey, Jonee. Stolen base: Williams
Double plavs: Stahl to Wagner, Crlger to
Jones. Left on bases: St. Louis, 7; Bos
ton. . First base on balls: off Woltors
3; off Bailey, 1; off Karger, 1. First base
on errors: Boston, i. Struck out: uv
Karger. 1; by Bailey, 4 Time; 1:6s. Um
pires: Connolly and Egan.
Hleihlavndera Beat Tigers.
NEW YORK. July 23,-The American
league leaders were routed by New York
today, the score being 11 to 2. Wlllett of
Detroit was knocked off the rubber In
three Innings, and Works, who succeeded
him. wss Ineffective. Score:
B H O A B.H.O A-E.
Mamm, or,, i i s 'Jonas, ef 1 I a
Kolar, rf ... 110
Chaa. lb t 8 I
Ei-gla. II I 8
KlbartaU, as. I 1 1
Laporta. lb. ..618
Austin, lb... 4 2
Swauay. s. . I 0 I
Deria. P I 0
S 0 Buab, as 4 0 0 1 0
OCravtar. lb. 4 1 14 1 0
OCoBb. rf 4 14 1
I 1 Mclmyrs. If . I 0 0 4 o
1 0 Monarlty, Ik. 4 1 1 I 1
1 IKIIIIfar. lb .. 4 0 1 I
1 Itchulst, 0. .. 1 1 0
owMnwn, c l s v i
wiiiatx, p.
..II M IT t I Wort, p..
- 1 110
14 14 1
Tata la u I 14 14 I
,...J 0 0 0 0 1 0 1- 8
S (14 110 0 -u
Chase. Three base hits:
Crawford. Home runs:
New York
Two base hit:
Cobb, Keeler,
Engle. Cobb. Sacrifice bits: Keeler i2.
Demraltt. Sacrifice fly: Engle. Stolen
bases: Demmltt, Austin. Left on bases:
Detroit, 4; New York, 3. First base on
errors: Detroit. 1: New York. 2. Struck
out: By Doyle. 2: by Wlllett. 1; by Works.
1 Bases on balls; Oil Wlllstt, 8, otf
Standing; of the Teams
W.L.Pct I W LPtt
liou City... M M Milwaukee ,.W 48 .M8
Jmahs, 60 17 .R7AMlnnespolls M 47 .644
fes Moines.. 49 38 .RMi Louisville ...64 49.524
Denver 42 41 . Columbus ...62 61.."04
Wichita 44 45 .4SK. Rt. Paul 4S JO .4W
Topeka 41 43 .4WToledo 47 62 .476
Pueblo M .;w Kan. Clty....4 67 .49
Lincoln XI 64 .373;indlanapolls 47 67 .4f2
W.L-Pct ! W.L Pet.
Pittsburg 34 .72 Detrolt 59 32 .R4S
Chicago K 29 .6691 Philadelphia 64 87 .iM
New York....M 34 ..WS Boston 62 42 .S33
Cincinnati ..44 44 ..'.OO Cleveland ...4S 42 .S.U
Philadelphia 39 47 .463'Chlcago 44 .4S9
St. Louis 35 49 , 417i New York... 41 49 .4M
Brooklyn ....32 65 .SiW St. Louis 39 61 .433
Boston 3T, 62 .2S7 Washington 204.289
Western League Lincoln at Omaha, Des
Moines at moux City, Denver at Wichita
Pueblo at Topeka.
National League Philadelphia at Chi
cago, New York at Pittsburg, Brooklyn a
Cincinnati, Boston at St. Louis.
American Leasue Chicago at Washing
ton. SL Louis at Boston, Detroit at New
iorK, C leveland at Philadelphia.
American Association Minneapolis at In-
aianapolls, St. Taul at Toledo, Kansas City
i xouisviiie, Milwaukee at Columbus.
Works, S; off Doyle. 1. Hit with pitched
bsll: By Wlllett, Austin; by Works. El-
Deneia. Hits: orr Wlllett, 4 In three In
nings; off Works, in five Innings. Time:
1:46. Umpires: Perrlne and Sheridan.
Athletics Win Donble-Hender.
PHILADELPHIA. July 29. -Cleveland
was defeated in both games of a double
header here today. Philadelphia won the
first came by sensational fielding and
timely stick work, while the second game
me nome players nit me ball hard and
won easily. Score, first game:
B.H.O.A.K. B.H. O.A.E.
Haltmn'lsr. If I
0 6
I OFIiek, rf...
0 0 Bill, si
4 0 Rtorall, lb.
1 0 Ujoli, lb..
. 4 I
Oanley, cf...
0 0
1 0
1 I
0 1
0 11
1 1
1 4
1 0
. 4 1
. 4 0
. 4 1
Colllna, tb.
Baker, lb..
Murphy, rt.
Darls. lb...
Barry, is...
Thomas, e..
Morgan, p..
0 0 Uamla.
0 0 Hlnrhman. If 1 1
4 0 Ptrrlns. lb. .10
1 OBIrm'ham, cf I 1
1 0 Berasr, p I 0
Sltton, p 6 0
17 17 14 0Katerlr .... 1 0
Doolls 1 1
Totals II 7 84 13 0
Batted for ' Berger In eighth.
Batted for Ball in the ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Hits: Off Berger, 7 In seven Innings: off
Sltton, 1 In one inning. Two base hits:
Stovall, Flick. Three base hit: Morgan.
Double plays: Heltmueller to Davis to
Stovall; Ball to Stovall. Stolen bases:
Davis, Bemis. Struck out: By Morgan,
2; by Berger, 2. Left on bases: Phila
delphia, ; Cleveland, 4. Bases on balls
Off Berger, 3. Time
O'Loughlln and Hurst,
1:60. Umpires:
Score, second game:
. B.H. O.A.E. B.H. O.A.E.
Hellm'ller, If 1 8 0 lFl. k, rf I 0 10 0
Ocnler, rf.... (810 0tll. ss I 0 0 4 0
Collins, 2b... 4 4 8 1 0 Stovall, lb... 4 3 11 0
Baker, lb I 1 1 3 0 Lijola, 8b. . . . 4 1 1 3 1
Murphy, rf... 4 1 1 0 0 Easterly, c.,.4 1 4 1 0
Davla, lb 8 1 12 1 0 Hlnrhman, If 8 1 3 0 1
Barry, ss I 0 I 1 1 Perrtng. lb... 4 0 0 8 0
Thomas, o 4 3 4 3 OBIrm'ham, ef 4 1 4 0 0
Coombs, p.... 4 3 0 0 ORUoadea, p... 3 0 14 0
"ta1 SI 14 IS 8 Totals 18 I 14 14 2
Philadelphia 1 1 0 3 3 2 0 0 9
Cleveland 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 24
Two base hits: Coombs (2), Hlnchman,
Murphy. Three base hits: Ganley, Sto
vall, Esterly. Sacrifice hits: Collins,
Ball. Sacrifice fly: Hlnchman. Double
play: Barry to Colllna to Davis. Stolen
bases: Collins, Stovall. Struck out: By
Coombs, 4; by Rhoades. 8. Left on bases:
Philadelphia, ft; Cleveland, 6. First base
on balls: Off Coombs 1; off Rhoades, 4.
1:37. Umpires: . Hurst and O'Loughlln.
First base on error: Cleveland, 1. Time:
Loolsvllle Defeats Kansas City In
Ninth Inning; Rally.
LOUISVILLK, July 29 Louisville won
the third gauae of the series today from
Kansas City bjf e ninth inning rally.. Two
bases on balls, -a sacrifice and Sullivan's
single were responsible for the winning run.
Selby was put out of the game for arguing
with the umpire. Thielman relieved him
and proved effective In the pinches. Both
teams fielded fast. Score:
BH. O.A.E. B.H. O.A.E.
Dunleayy, rt.. 4 I 7 0 OBhannon. cf . I 1 I 0 0
Woodruff, ef. I 1 4 0 Oghay. as 4 1 0 I 1
Dclahanty, If. 4 0 0 1 0 Berkley, lb.. 3 0 18 1 0
Sullivan, lb.. 4 10 3 OHallman, rf . . 4 I 0 0 0
Olson. 2b 8 8-8 8 OLots, If I 0 I 0 0
Quintan, as... I 1 3 4 OHetllng, lb.. 4 1 1 8 0
Pell i. lb 8 10 OBraahear, lb.. 41300
Hughes, c.,.4 0 1 1 0J. Sullivan, el 1 3 0 0
elby, p 0 0 0 0 OEialrk. p I 0 1 4 0
Thielman, p.. 10000
Totals 10 74 15 1
Totals 21 liTll I
Two out when winning run scored.
Louisville 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 14
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 03
Stolen bases: Dunleavy, 8. Sullivan.
Shannon, Woodruff. Sacrifice hits: Dun
leavy, Selby, Olson, yulnlan. Sacrifice
files: Woodruff. Becklev. Two-base hits:
Hallman, Hetllng. Three-base hits: Pelts,
Snay. Double ploy: Lssick to Beckley.
Struck out: By Selby, 1; by Esslck, 1; bv
Thielman, 1. Bases on balls: Off Selby, 4";
off Esslck. 7. Hits: Off Selby, 4 In four
and a third innings; off Thielman, 3 In
four and two-thirds innings. Left on bases -Louisville,
7; Kansas City, 4. Time: 2 00
Umpire: King.
Indianapolis Wins Game,
MINNEAPOLIS. July 29 Rain prevented
Indianapolis and Minneapolis from playing
but five Innings, the former winning, 2 to 1.
B.H. O.A.E.
rbadbo'rne, If I 4 0 ORyler. as..
2 0 3 1
M'ctiean'y. cf t
Hayden. rf. . . 8
Wakefield, lb 1
Burke, lb.... 3
Shaw, e 3
Willlami. 2b. 1
Hopke, ss.... 1
Graham, p.. . . 8
0 OQulllen, rf.
0 0 Downs, lb..
0 OO'Nelll, cf.
0 OCravath. It.
0 0CIII. lb
3 OColltna, lb.
1 0 Block, c...
I OA It rock. p..
Toula 17 8 15 8 0 Totals
II 1 16 I 1
10 10-2
10 0 0-1
Three-base hit: Burke. Struck out: Bv
Graham. 1; by Altrock. 1. Bases on baHs:
Off Altrock. 2; off Oraham. 1. Sacrifice
nus: mci nesney, cravat n. Time: l;tw
Umpires: Hayes and Guthrie.
Columbus Defeats Mllwankee.
COLUMBUS, July 29.-Columbus helped
to tighten the American association race
by winning the third straight from Mil
waukee. 10 to 6. Six timely hits, four of
Schnelberg's six passes and three hit
batsmen were combined In four innings.
Jack Warner caught a part of the game
for the visiting team. Frlel's hitting and
Moriarlty's accurate work at short fea
tured. Score:
B.H. O.A.E
BH. O.A.E.
O'Roarke. lb. I
1 2
lltrunk, cf.... $
0 Parry, If 4
OMrOann, lb.. 5
0 Randall, rf... I
OCIark, lb I
1 Robinson, ta. I
OMrCorm k. lb 1
0 Moran, e 8
0 Werner, e. .. . 1
Clarke, if ... 8
Kruger. cf... . 4
Jamea. e I
Congalton, rf. I
Odwell. lb.... I
0 11
1 1
Frlel, lb..
Ccyer, p..
Toula. .
1 0
Schnelberg, p 1
M I 17 12 1 Wacker, p.... 8
Totals K I -.4 :i t
Columbus 0 1 2 1 6 0 0 0 10
Milwaukee 0 100120105
Stolen bases: O'Rourke, Odwell, Morl
arlty, Frlel. Sacrifice hits: Clarke, Od
well, McCormlrk. First base on balls:
Off Geyer. 5: off Schnelberg. 6; off Wal
ker. 1. Two base hit: Clarke. Two
base hits: O'Rourke, Frlel. Double plavs:
Morlarlty to Odwell; Morlarlty (unas
sisted). Hit with pitched ball: Odwell,
Morlarlty (2). by Schnelberg. Moran.
Struck out: By Geyer. 2. Time: 2:02.
Umpires: Conahan and Sullivan.
Usme Postponed.
At Toledo Toledo-SL Paul gams post
poned; rain.
Close Victory for Poses.
PONCA, Neb., July 29. -(Special. )-The
ball game between Walthlll and Ponca
waa played at Ponca today with the tem
perature 95 degrees In the shade. It was
a good game, with the following score:
Walthlll 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 04
Ponca 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05
Two-base hits: Pevey, Simon.
Colrrldtre Wine In Thirteenth.
LAUREL. Neb.. July 39 tSpeclal.) In a
hard-fousht thtrtarn-innlng game here
Wednesday Laurel was defeated by Cole
ridge with a scors of 4 to 8. Batteries:
Laurel. Nicolls and Flint; Coleridge. Bal
lard and Woods.
Youriff Benyon Wins First Race He
Drives on Grand Circuit.
Geers' Entrr Breaks Radlr. tint
Finally- Settles and Takes Second,
Third and Fourth
DETROIT. Mich.. July 29 James E.
Benyon, the 18-year-old son of Ed Benyon,
made his debut as a grand circuit driver
this afternoon when In the 2:17 trot h
piloted Fair Margaret home first In three
heats. Racing did not begin until 3.4
o'clock because of the condition of the
track following last night's storm. It was
safe, but slow and three events were de
cided. Esther Bells was favorite In the 2:17 trot
on her Sprlncfleld victory, selling 2 to 1
against the other seven. This mare led
Into the stretch, the first time everybody
going wide on account of the soft track
next to the fence. Young Benyon drove
through this part with Fair Margaret and
landed her an easy winner. He came from
behind In the next two heats, drove ex
cellent finishes and had plenty to spare to
beat the favorite.
Walter W., favorite In the 2:15 pace broke
In the first heat, but George rallied the
gelding and won handly after that.
The' 2:12 trot was a gift to Bob Douglas
that was a futurity star in his day. Alice
Roosevelt made a strong bid for the second
mile, but failed through a break.
Weather permltlng the program of five
races will be finished tomorrow to allow an
early shipment to Kalamasoo, where the
grand circuit races will be held next week.
2:15 pace, purse 81.000:
Walter W., b. g., by Little Frank
(Geers) 1
King Cole, b. h. (Dodge) 1 5
Ceclllan King. ro. h. (Cox) 2 2
Ora Jackson, b. m. (McMahon).... 6 4
Idol Star, b. m. (Hopkins) 3 6
Greatest Line, br. m. (Clark) 7 8
Heir At Law I. blk. h. (Dean)..
4 dls
Time: 2:11. 2:094. 2:11-4, 2:12V4
2:17 trot, purse 81.000:
Fslr Margaret, b. m.. by Reel
(Ed J. K. Benyon)
1 1
2 3
7 2
3 6
6 4
4 7
6 5
Esther Bells, br. m. (Dlekerson)....
Little Red. b. g. (Hopkins)
Howard, b. g. (Colby)
Joe Onward, b. r. (McDonald)
Frazee, b. h. (Geers)
Vlllema, br. m. (Cunningham)
Time: 2:174, 2:12. 2:14Vi.
2:12 trot, purse 31,000:
Bob Douglas, gr. h., by Todd (Mc
Alice Roosevelt, ch. m. (Murphy)
Montella. b. h. (McMahon)
Mabel Mack, b. m. (Loomts)....
Harry Banning, b. g. (Burns)..
Time: 2:144. 2:13.
L. S. Cram Wine the 3i30 Trot In
Fonrth Hent. .
COLUMBUS. Neb.. July 29.-(SDeclal Tel
egram.) With the best and largest string
of horses ever brought together for a race
meet nere, tne tirst two days or the races
were spoiled by rain. Thursday morning
was clear and a force of men were at
once put on the track to get it In shape,
but In spite of all efforts the track was
six to seven seconds slow. Over 2,000 peo
ple were In attendance and the four days'
program which had been crowded Into
three will be continued to include Satur.
day. The races were fully up to the ex
pectations of the crowd and ,the time1 fast
considering the track.
The home race, which Is always the event
of the meeting, was pulled off this after
noon and for this all the business places
In the city were closed, the Interest in the
result being equal to any during the week.
The races began promptly, but It was after
7 o'clock before the last heat was finished.
Tomorrow the track will be In excellent
condition and horsemen predict that records
will be lowered. Summaries:
2:26 Paoe
Tom Lam son, g. g. (Bandy) 1
Fox, s.s. g. (Douglas)
Minnie Oneida, b. m. (Wurse-
backer) 2
Sunny Jim, b. g. (Robare) 7
Bora Bertwood, b. m. tNorth)..4
Boney, b. b. m. (Austin) 3
Gold Frod, g. s. (Smith) 5
Seemlly. r. m. (Sholles) 8
t 1
1 2
5 5
8 8
7 dr
4 4
Time: 2:26, 2:22H. 2:244, 2:25, 2:22.
2:30 Trot
L. 8. Crum, chg. (Brown 2
Belle Tolus, b. m. (Rhodes) 1
1 1
2 7
t-innorn noy, s. g. (Douglas) j
Ask Me Not. b. s. (Sholles) ,
.3 8 3
4 3 2
Homer Allerton, b. s. (Williams). ...8
6 4
4 6
6 6
7 8
Prince Edward, k. s. s. (Chavls)....6
Iewls Cameron, b. g. (Bennett) R
Dallas, b. r. g. (Pern-) 7
Time: 2:2414, 2:2M4. 2:29, 2:25.
2:12 Pace
Kewanee Rllev. blk. s. (Rnndalnl
Ginger, br. a. (Brown)
Gottel, g. s. (Harrison)
Fred H., br. g. (Robare)
Time: 2:18. 2:174, 2:19.
Home Race, Half Mile
Denver Dick, br. g. (Rhodes)
Crechus b. s. (Daggett)
Harry Johnson, s. g
Cyclone, g. r. g. (Kennedy)
Time: 1:09. 1.10.
Running race, half-mile dash
pr.. iirsi; Alice Campbell, b. m., second;
Don Alvaro. third; Lady Entry, b. m..
fourth. Time: 0:51. Nettie C, Gold Nug
get and Nancy B. Lues also ran.
Davenport Defeats Deeatnr In Ten-
lenlnar Contest.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. July 29,-Henrlchsen
was the hero of a ten-Inning game todav,
fence Th. has been made th . season and
scorlnw n. i.k .i.. .7Vi" .on"a
Davenport ..0 00001000 12 8 1
IX'catur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0
rll,rJM: fmlth "d E. Smith; Loomls
and McNamsra.
DUBUQUE. Ia., July 29-Bloomlngton
lost a rambling game to Dubuque today, 5
to 7, Owing to the Illness of Shortstop
Hauser the Dubuque team was realigned
today. Score: R.H.E.
,UDllfU 1 0202200 0-7 10 3
Bloomlngton ...0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 06 7 3
Batteries: Qurney and White; Llmrlce.
Steen and Smith.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia. July 29-Peorla de
feated Cedar Rapids today. 6 to 0. Havellk
hsd the locals at his command all the
time. Score: R H E
p5ri 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0-8 11 i
Cedar Rapids. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 2
..B,at,r!',: Engman. Malcot and Rohrer;
Kellv, Havellk and r.eynolde.
ROCK ISLAND. III.. July 29-Sprlngfield
lost to Rock Islard today, making its only
run on the home team's errors. Score:
Rock Island. ...0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 6 7 5
ppringneia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 5 2
Batteries: Wilson and Jacobsen; Maloney
and Johnson.
Game at Happy Hollow Diamond.
The Happy Hollow ball team will meet
the Baker Bros, nine Saturday afternoon
n ine iormer s grounds. The lineup
Happy Hollow
Baker Bros.
Catch Qulgley
First Pearson
. Second Baileau
..Third Doughertv
Short Keliy
Left Blgelow
.Center Faulkenwr
Rlht Baker
. Pitch .' Bruggeman
Beatrice Umm (euipasy Wins.
BEATRICE, Neb.. July 29. (Special.) In
one of the prettiest and cleanest bail
games of the season the Oas company
nine won from Harden s Hatters by the
score of 2 to 1. Harry Miller received an
ugly wound on the head by colliding with
another player. The score: R H K.
Gas company 2 6 4
Hatters 1 I
Batteries: Gas company. Miller, Ruli and
Hummer; Hatters, Dearlng and Whltcomb.
Geneva Defeats Eseter.
GENEVA. Neb., July 29. (Special l-The
ball game here yesterday between Ihe
Trl-County league teams. Geneva and Ex
eter, resulted In a score of 4 to 3 In favor
of Exeter In the fourteenth Inning.
President Mlddlekamn Reatana and is
Sncreeded by C. B. Carlisle.
Pl'KnLO. Colo, July 29.-Speclal Tele
KTsm.l K. G. Midillekamp resigned as
president of the Pueblo Ball club on ac
count of criticisms of his condition of the
club. Following his resignation C. B.
Carlisle, formerly secretary and vice presi
dent of the Western league was elected
president In his resignation Mr. Mlddle
katnp admitted he was not a base ball man
and was willing tc quit for the best In
terrsts of the club. A fund Is now being
raised to help the directors and Pueblo
will finish the season.
Red Clood Wins In Ninth-
RED CLOUD, Neb., July W. (Special
Telegram.) Red Cloud won an exciting
game from Hastings In the ninth Inning
today by a score of 2 to 1. It was any
body's game until the last Inning, when s hit by Carroll, a bunt by Clark
and an error by Hastings' second baacinau
let Red Cloud have the winning score,
t'lcpg and Richmond both pitched good
ball. Ciegg holding a slight advantage.
Pore: R.H.E.
Red Cloud 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 & 3
Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 4 3
Batteries: Red Cloud. Clegg and Carroll;
Hastings. Richmond and Schoonover.
Struck out: By Richmond, 6; by Clegg. 5.
Bases on balls: Off Richmond, 4; off
Clegg. 2. Left on bases: Red Cloud, 5;
Hsstlngs, 4. Stolen bases: Ruck (2), Orant.
Two-base hits: WaJl, Harris. Carroll,
Wayne Defeats Norfolk.
WAYNE. Neb.. July .-(Ppedal Tele
gram. One of the hardest-fought games
of ball ever witnessed on the home diamond
here occurred thts afternoon between
Wayne and Norfolk, the battle waging
eveniy to tne iinisn, wayne winning by
score or n to iw. score ty innings:
Norfolk 0 0 8 0 0 3 2 0 210
vayne 2 0 1 0 0 0 4 4 -ll
Batteries: Wayne. Skeen and Sahs; Nor
folk, Totenaugh and Good.
Men's Seml-Flnnla and Doahlet Are
Completed In Tournament.
CHICAGO. July 29 Despite the rain
which interfered with the play severe!
times during the afternoon, the semi-finals
in men's singles and doubles were com
pleted today In the western chempionshlp
tennis tournament at the Ontwentsla club.
Lake Forest.
It Is expected that the finals will be
played Saturday In all the events and the
challenge rounds will be on Monday.
The present champions are Nat Emer
son and Miss Carrie B. Neeley.
The most interesting feature of the play
was the victory-in doubles nf R A HaM
Jr.. of Cincinnati and Trux Emerson of
Cincinnati over Nat Emerson and Harry
waidner of Chicago, the western cham
pions. The score was -4, 5-7. 7-5. 7-5.
In doubles also Fleet of Culver Milltarv
academy, Indiana, and Bally, the Okla
homa chamn on. defeated Rramhsll and
Goodbody, the eastern experts, 8-2. 6-3, 6-2.
In singles Holden defeated J. T. Janes
of California, 6-2. 8-6.
In the semi-finals for the women's sin
gles Miss Miriam Steever qualified bv de
feating Miss Katherlne Waldo, fl-2. fi-0.
airs. Charles Beard defeated Miss Edith
Hoyt, 8-6, 10-8.
Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. Board will nlav
tomorrow to decide upon Miss Steever's
opponent Ih the finals.
T. C. Bundv of California defeated M V.
McLaughlin of California, 10-8, 4-6. 8-6.
M. H. Long, the Pacific coast chamnlnn.
defeated Walter Hayes, Illinois state cham
pion, 0-3, 6-4.
Sherwood and Wearerllnsr Will Meet
In Finals Today.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July 29 (Special Tel
egram.) The state tennis tournament is
nesting a close, but the finals In singles
ana aounies remaining to be played. To
day's scores were as follows:
Singles, third rounds Weaverllng of
Beatrice beat Howey of Beatrice, 6-3. 6-4.
Strunk of Beatrice beat Tack ley of Paw
nee City, 6-3.- 6-4. r
Harder of Pawnee City beat Smith of
Smith of Orleans beat Raynor of Beat
rice. 6-2, 2-, 6-1.
Semi-finals: Weaverllng of Beatrice beat
Smith of Orleans. 6-2, 6-2. 6-4.
Sherwood of Beatrice beat Marsh of Or
leans. 6-3, 4-6, 9-7.
Doubles, semi-finals: Hassler and Bas
comb of Pawnee City defaulted to Weaver
ling and Howey of Beatrice.
Sherwood and Young of Beatrice beat
Marsh, and Smith ef Orleans. 6-4, 6-2. 6-3.
This leaves Sherwood snd Weaverllng In
the finals and Sherwood and Young against
Weaverllng and Howey in the doubles
National Association Makes An
nouncement as to Opening.
NEW YORK. July 29 The National Lawn
Tennis association announced tonight that
the national championship tournament at
Newport, R. I., beginning on August 17,
will open with the doubles challenge match.
Frederick B. Alexander and H. H. Hackett,
holders, will defend against the winning
pair of the Chicago ties. In which south.
Pacific coast, eastern and western cham
pion pairs compete.
William A. Larned will defend In sin
gles. All entries must be In on or before
Saturday, August 14. I
Delay In taking Foley's Kidney Remedv
If you have backache, kidney or bladder
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ruptured people have accepted these terms during tbe pea. 18 years and all are com
pletely satisfied. Write or eeUi fer furUter IstCvrate tfea. PS. TM.XMX 3JL Via;
so4) Bse BtllAimg, Osaaha.
Edwards Covert Coarse in Morning
Bound in Seventy.
Man Defeated Wednesday Makes rine
Score In Consolation Round
Edwards, Sackett. Evans,
FLOSMOOR, 111., July 2.-The third
round of the western amateur golf cham
pionship today resulted as follows:
Kenneth P. Edwards, Midlothian, de
feated Robert A. Gardner, Hudxle, 6 up
and 5 to play.
Albert Sackett, Riverside, defeated D. F.
Sawyer, Wheaton, 4 up and 3 to play.
Charles Kvans. Jr., Exmoor. defeated Lee
Maxwell, Hinsdale. 8 up and 2 to play.
Paul Hunter, Midlothian, defeat, Ralph
Hoagland, Riverside, 8 up and 1 to play.
In the morning elghteen-hole play Ed
wards set a new competition mark of 70
for the course. This was duplicated by
Warren McArthur of Beverly in the elrr;
mi fV -iwaifl
een-hole qualifying round of the ronK
tlon. The game played both by Edv
and Wood Is rld to have been the best
ever seen In a western tournament,
Edwards had comparatively It lie trouble
In defeating Gardner, who had put Warren
K. Wood out of the running yesterday.
The record-breaking "0 made by Edwards
In the morning round gave him a lead of
6 at the end of the first eighteen holes.
Edwards won the first hole In the after
noorC but Gardner took the second. The
next three holes were halved in 4. Gardner
won the sixth, but Edwards won the
seventh and eighth, making his advantage
6 up. The nith went to Gardner, who
made a brilliant 2 against a bogey i. The
tenth was halved In 4 and Edwards won
the eleventh. The twelfth and thirteenth
were halved In 4 and 5. respectively, Ed
wards winning by 6 up and 5 to play.
The cards:
Edwards Out.... 5 1 3 4 4 1 3 4
Edwards In 3 4 4 6 2 4 5 4
Gardner Out 4 6 4 6 4 4 3 4
Gardner In 6 5 6 5 4 s 4
Ed words -Out.... 4 6 4 4 4 S 2 4
Edwards In 4 6 4 6
Gardner Out 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 6
Gardner In 4 6 4 6
3 Si
Bye-holes not played.
Summary of Day's Racing; Program
at Empire (it),
CITY, July 29 Summaries:
First race, maidens, mile and one-six
teenth, selling, 8400 added: Aunt Jule (102.
Lynch, 9 to 2, 7 to 6, 3 to 6) won, Danger
(112, McDanlel, 8 to 1, 6 to 2 and even)
second, Miss Popular (107, Austin, 9 to 10.
2 to 5. 1 to 5) third. Time: 1:47V Mr.
Jorrockl, Faultless, Bandello and Brycea
also ran.
Second race, six furlongs, VH) added:
Prince Ahmed (117, Tuplln, 2 to 1, 1 to 2,
and out) won. Colloquy (105, Page, 8 to L
8 to 6, and out) second, Rose Uueen (120,
powers, 7 to 10, 1 to 4, and out) third.
Time: 1:11. Bat Master son also ran.
Third race, mile and one-sixteenth, 1H
added: May Rivers (99, Creevy, even mi
out) won. Foot Pad (104. Page. 5 to 2. 1 tof
2 and out) second, Bobbie Kean (103, Du-
gan, 6 to 2, 1 to 2, and out) third. Time:
1:46. Three starters.
Fourth race, the Arrow stakes; IL000,
selling, six furlongs: Besom (106 Taplln,
13 to 10. 1 to 2, 1 to 4) won, Spooner (10s,
Oreevy, 11 to 6. 4 to 6. 1 to 3) second. Pan-
htoufle (108, Bergen, I to 1, 3 to 5, 8 to 6
third. Time: 1:11. ids, D., Home Crest
and Personal also ran.
Fifth race, 2-year-olds, selling, six fur
longs, 8AO0 added: Madeline L (93. Mo
Cahey 3 to 1, 7 to 10, and out) won. Even
ing Song (97. Creevy. 7 to 10. and outl sec
ond, Love Matches (105, Scovtlte. 15 to 1, 6
to 1, and even) third. Time: 1M
Zephyr also ran.
Sixth race, 2-year-olds and upward, sell
ing, mile and one-sixteenth, 200 added:
Campaigner (99. Page, 30 to 1. 10 to 1, 6 to.
1) won. Kllllecrankle (92, A. Smith, 60 to 1.
20 to 1, 10 to 1) second, Rys (102, Dugan, 8
to L 3 to 1, 7 to 5) third. Time: 1.47. Wil
ton Lackave, Orphan Lad, Bad News,
Klllochan, Fond Heart, Acrobat, Monocle,
and Lord Stanhope also ran.
Races at Olenwood.
GLENWOOD. Eng., July 29 The Hal
naker plate of 200 sovereigns for 2 and 3-year-olds.
distance five furlongs, was won
today by Galatlne. Persuade was seeond
and Faraday third. Ten horses started,
including H. P. Whitney's Blue Girl colt.
Colored Man Thinks Jeffries Condi
tions Will Be "Impossible."
DETROIT. Mich., July 29 In an Inter
view here tonight Jack Johnson, the col
ored heavyweight pugilist, ssid that he
considered a fight with Jeffries an Im
probability; that he anticipated that Jef
fries would make conditions which he
would find it impossible to accept. He
stated that he would not stand for any
guaranty, but would demand straight win
ner and loser division of the money.
Engineers Want Gamea.
The boss ball team of the city engin
eering department, mould like to schedule
a game of ball for Saturday and for any
following Saturday, with any amateur
team In or around Omaha. Address R.
Allen. Harney 3210 between e:84) and 7
pleasures uve simple uia