TOE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUT A' 30, 1909. i Council Bluffs Minor Mention f JU flte ful Staffs Offlee Mk m ta M IS Pevla, drugs. CORRIOANB, undertakers. Thone 1. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 333. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 87. FAUBT BEER AT ROGERS BUFFET. When you want reliable want ad edver tlpi. use The Bee. TrVrlng binders and mowers.' Bpearllng s Trlplelt, 37 Broadway. Wanted a boy . to carry a Bee route. "Apply H Scott street, Omaha Bee. BAIRP. lOlfOBNKCKER A BOLAND. Undertakers. 'Phone 13, N. Main Ht. Df W. W. Magarell, optometrist, moved to IOS-20S City National bank building. Nntice F. O. K., 104. you must have your uniforms ordered by Aug. 1. (orders througn job nmitn or Metcair av Lo. t. U, lenel, chairman. , The last week of our tO per cent disonunt sale on our entire stock of up-to-date shuns, all well-known brands. 21 8. Main M , liuncan 8hoe Co. Joseph W. Smith arrived home Wednes day night from. Los Anieles, Cal.. where )f was me sole ablegate to the Elks' nd lodge meeting from the Council .'iff! lodge. ames 8. fltandeford. a former traveling: aAesrnan residing on Third street, was yrsieraay aajuaged insane and ordered committed to the state asylum at Clar- inan. ii 10 os years 01 age. Alice Clara, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. . E. Kitamlller, 121 Twelfth avenue, died yesterday morning, aged lo months. Tha body was taken yesterday to defiance, la., where tha funeral will be held. Announcement was made yesterday that the construction work on the extension of the street railway to the Iowa School for the Ieef would soon be completed and I hit nmrm u.111 piiimlnn ... afe, n , . ...... ..... HH iiitiii, V,B i.iit. vg August 15. City Solicitor Clem F. Kimball arrived home yesterday morning from an extended eastern trip, during which he visited New York, Washington and other points. While away Mr. Kimball attended the na tional convention of the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan at Ashevllle. Mrs. Carrie Bushel, living at tha Ogden hotel, lost about $10 from her pocket book wnne in tne ornce or ir. -R.--0. Williams, a dentist, Wednesday afternoon. Bert , Deeds and Joe Pmitt, who ware In the vwaltlng room of the office, are suspected W taking the money and are under arrest. They ate to have a hearing In police t court this morning. Charles Roadman, the special agent of the Great Western railroad who shot and seriously wounded Charles Mandel, a one armed youth In the local yarda Wednes day morning, furnished a bond In the stim of f 1.500 Inst evening and was released thouifh siifferlna: considerable nstn from his wound, was reported last evening to he doing nicely with every prospect of f his recovery. Thomas O. Wright and Emma P. Wright, who stated they had been di vorced In Douglas county, Neb., about seven months ago, secured a marriage li cense In this city yesterday and the cere mony of reuniting them was performed bv Rev. Henry DeLong. They both gave their residence as Omaha. "I hope to be able to hold her tight this time." re marked the groom with a smile after the ceremony to Rev. Mr. DeDong.. The condition of John A. Johnson, the rarmer living east of this city who was trucK and severely Injured by an auto- fst'ione owned and driven by George W, Adams of Walnut, nreslilent of the Inai. and Omaha Short Line company, Tuesday rvrninn st nnarovir and Scott street, was reported ypsterday to be serious. In 1 aonmon to a fractured arm end severe i calo wounds Johnson Is stated to have suffered a dislocation of the hip and his chest was .badly crushed besides. DRAY LINE OP FIVE RIOS; EVERY THING BRAND NEW; TEAMS CON TRACTED; OOOD REASON FOR SELL ING. ADDRESS OR CALL, A. A. CLARK & ft). i.. ...,,. - SHORT MR APPRAISER'S REPORT .Nearly Ten Thousand Unllira tnr I The Jury of appraiser appointed by the sheriff In tha right-of-way condemnation ' proceedings Instituted by the Iowa & 1 Omaha Short Line company completed Its . deliberations yesterday. A total of $9,703 P for lund and crops on the ntrlp sought by the ra'lwuy company for Its rlght-of- jjj vay In awarded by the Jury. Forty-sixth k mid nitic-tcnihs sen's of land wera Inverted in the eleven condemnation proceedings. It a.H aimed yesterday that the rlght of wuy puichasejl without condemnation lihoc td riK cost about 12.000 less than IMllt h hud lo hi nciiilre thrmiah V, r..-.,, tl .tiitintion procfcdlnas. This would hrlns J tlie total cost i f the ritfht-of-way between JTrcvror and the point where the road la lo cunneci v. Ilh Hie Wabash tracks at i n uk to aouut iio.uuo or approxi mate fl.tou per mile. Tho Jury of appraisers awarded the own- fin cf the land the following amounts: V lllsni J. Damltz snd Herman Damlts. 1 1 1: acr e. ..); uostave C. Hlumer, l. j ucif, .:t; rjut Montgomery, 4 J7 acres, I wu.i)i J. Nuaser, 4.82 acres, H45; J'llins Kurgan. 4.03 acres. $810; W. A. ti.IT acres. 1.40; II. P. Knowlrs SJ t il .''.- Ir.1,,1 (' UAU t1 .OK. tClllt.. Lr iiu , , m rr. rnvsi); Ktortenbecker ea 'tatc, ,.tH acrrs. $800: Frtderlck llobus. 1 il i 'eter . f 1 ,l n tnan. nn .KA . 1nnnl. fr.rm. a"av.ld $u0 for damages to c. o.', ui-.U Uuam A. Lewis, tenant oa 't l-isir Montgomery nar(l(,i i o. was tmar kr our i anilci .it ni'K Ju-. i? arance sale of i.auicd p:.:Sints, pyrography sets, etc. Soe our rct.itiun! o .plctura mouldings. Alex anders, Broadway. Mtirrlas I.tfrnaea. Llcentita to wad were Isrued to tha follow Ing: N'sma and Residence. Herman 11, 1 anocti. Avoca. la. Lotta Verne button. Shelby, la... Thomas O. Wright, Oirmha KrntMu i. Wrt;ht. Omaha " IL xierday Aga. -i a u Let us llnire your contract on painting. We know w can satlafy you. II. Ber wick, til Routa Main street. hi WmWmWmmBmBmmjnmmX' COUHCILjj E. WELCH 24tti and Farnum SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR FRIDAY Cremnery Butter, per pound. . . . 30c Fresh Eggs, per dozen 20c Peas, per dozen cans $1.10 Corn, per Uoezn cans 90c Tomatoes, per dozen cans $1.'1.3 No. 1 "Whole Hams, per pound 15c No. 1 Strips Bacon, per pound X7lAc STIBYTKraTO FTT QfAJ.ITT, CUBA AaTO TSE1H. Vhoaea. Bell . 1M1, lad. A-asn. f Cou ncil Bluffs MORE MIRES ARE IX COURT Three Petitions Tiled by Alleged Victims of Big Store Gang. BOXING MATCH IS NEW DEVICE Jeeepra W. l.eloea of Menominee, Sllch., tlnaltfled as Stakeholder Pnttln tn IO.OOO Tales of Other F.sir Marks. Another Installment of three petitions In the suits brought In the district court at Council Bluffs by "Mikes' against J. C. Maybray and other alleged members of the swindling syndicate were filed yesterday by Attorneys Wadsworth and Crawford. Of the twenty-two suits brought by these at torneys on behalf of the alleged victims of the "big storo" gang, original notices of which have been served, eight petitions hava now been filed In the district court. The plaintiffs In tbo three suits In which petitions wcro filed yesterday are: Joseph TV. Ielsen of Menominee, Mich., who" claimed to have been bunkoed out of $10,0) on June 7, 1907, on a fake boxing match. Joseph P. Walker of Denver, Colo., who claims to have dropped $5.? on a fake horse race on July t, 19W, and to have been robbed or a diamond stud valued st $mo by one of the gang of "conspirators." lis sues for $4,106. J. E. Harrington of HarUel. Colo., who says he was swindled out of $4.0UO on a fake horse race on August 20, 1U0S. The defendants who are the same as thosa named In the petitions filed last Saturday in the other five sulta are Ben jamin Marks, alias No. 7ft; First National bank of Council Bluffs, Ernest E. Hart, Ernest E. Hart (Incorporated), John J. flplndler, James C. Maybray, alias J. C. Gordon, alias No. 66, alias 'B." alias J. T. Barnes, alias B. S. Ansel; John K. Dob bins, alias Becky DobblnB; Frank O. Scott, alias Frank Maxwell, alias George Wilron. In the petition In Joseph W. Lelsen's case no alleged "steerer" Is named as one of the defendant;. In Joseph P. Walker's case. Frank Adams and George Ryan are made defendants as alleged steerers. In Harrington's case, W. H. Coon Is named as the steerer and Is made a defendant. Fake Bexlng Match. Tha petition In the case of Joseph W, Lelsen, the "Mike" from Menominee, Mich., who claims to have been separated from $10,000 by the gang Is somewhat dif ferent to tha others, as Lelsen says he was bunkoed out of his money at a fake boxing match Instead of at a horse race, as most of the "Mikes" were. Although not named as one of the defendants Harry Lewis Is alleged by Lelsen to have Induced him to come to Council Bluffs to osten sibly act as stakeholder at a boxing match between Lewis and a man named J. C. Gordon. The stakes were to be IM.OOO a side and Lelsen had to show that he was a man of means In order to officiate as stakeholder. As evidence of his finan clal standing Lelsen brought $10,000 with him to Council Bluffs. He returned home without It. The boxing match, Lelsen says in his petition, was pulled off in a building at the southwest corner of Broadway and Blxtecnth street. After a few rounds one of the boxers fell to the ground and pre tended to be dead, while blood gushed from his mouth and nose, tha same trick of the bladder containing blood from chicken was made una of In the fake horae races. The members of the "Millionaires' club" became acared when the boxer fell and Lelsen was at once told of the neces sity of flight to escape arrest. He fled and In the excitement Lewis, who had held lelsen's $10,000 forgot to return htm his money. This fake boxing match la alleged to hava been pulled off In June, 1907, a year before the gang made Council Bluffs its headquarters. Walker Loses Diamond Stad. Joseph P. Walker of Denver alleges that In addition to being bunkoed out of $o,306 on July 3, 1908, on a fake horse race near Manawa, one of the members of the gang robbed him of a diamond stud valued at $800. Although not so stated In the peti tion filed yesterday, Walker, when relat ing hla experiences with the gang to Postofflce Inspector Swenson, accused George Ryan, a saloonkeeper at Hot Springs, who was arrested a few months ago, with taking his stud. Walker told Mr. Swenson that Ryan stepped up to him and cooly unscrewed the stud from his, Walker's, shirt front and put the Jewel In his own pocket. Red Leo and Abble L. were the two horses w'.tch figured In the race which cost Walker his wad. The same trick of one of the Jockeys dropping from his horse and spitting blood was employed In Walker's case, as In many others. For the horse race which cost J. E. Har rington of Hartsel, Colo., $4,000, a horse named Bullet was matched against Abble L. Charles Murphy and Tom Wilson are named as having been the Jockeys In tho race Instead of Charles Barrett and Tom Rosers, ho figure In so many of these fake horse races. The race 1n this case was run like the others near Manawa and the usual stunt of one of the jockeys falling and spitting blood was pulled off. Sntor Amends Petlttou. ftamuel Sutor, tha hotelkeeper of Cass Lake, Minn., who was the first "Mike" to bring suit to recover the money out of which he claimed to have been fleeced by the Mabray gang, yesterday filed an amendment to his petition In the I'nlted States court in this city. 'The amendment is for the purpose of correcting an error in the name of one of the defendants. In the original petition Ben "Marsh" Is named as one of the defendants. Tha Council Bluffs Iowa . III 1 amendment shoes that tha Individual meant Is Hmjamln Marks of this city. Besides correcting the error In the name the amendment specifies that all the allegations, charges and aocusations con tained In the original petition ara applied to the defendant B. Marks. MRS. Kt.MOBD A"KS DIVORCE Man (hnrsred with shooting; De fendant In Another Bnlt. Charles M. Sanford under Indictment on a charge of shooting and wounding Claude R. Gano, who was surrendered by his bondsmen and lodged In the county Jail again Wednesday, and who Is to have a hearing today before the commissioners for the insane as to his sanity was yesterday made defendant In the second divorce suit brought by his wife. Mrs. Lulu B. San ford. Mrs. Sanftrd filed her suit for divorce on April 22 of this year and this suit has never been dismissed. County Attorney J. J. Hess appeared aa attorney tor Mrs. Sanford In this suit. Mr. Hess Is at present out of the city. In the suit filed yesterdsy Thomas Q. Harrison appears as attorney for Mra. Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford were married In Chicago on March , WS, and hava one daughter, aged 4 months, the custody of which the mother seeks. Mrs. Panfffrd eharges that her husband treated her In a cruel and inhuman manner and that on July 27 of this year he choked her and threatened and attempted to take her life. Mrs. Sanford asks temporary allamony and suit money In the sum .of $300 and Judge Wheeler yesterday ordered an at tachment under which George Hill, the county Jailer was garnlsheed. Tha return showed that Jailer Hill had In his charge $27.42 of Eanford's money. Under an at tachment Issued ot tho time of the filing o fthe first suit for divorce wages due San ford by the Burlington railroad were garnlsheed to the amount of $2'5.45, but this money was absorbed by the attorney and court costs. There Is also pending against Sanford In Justice Gardiner's court a charge of as sault with attempt to kill a man nemed Martin. FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY VSE BUY YOUR LIQUORS AT ROSENFELD LlyUOR CO. 519 8. Main. 'Phonea S323. Mrs. Helen Campbell Arrested. Mrs. Helen Campbell, living at 160 West Broadway, who recently filed In the su perlor court an Information charging Charles Clausen, said to have been a former roomer at the place, with the theft of a parlor suit, a diamond ring and other articles of Jewelry was herself arrested yes terday afternoon on complaint of the Iowa Loan eorrlpany, which held a chattel mort gage of $!.99 on the goods which were missing. The charge against Mrs. Campbell Is disposing of mortgaged goods. In de- fault of bail placed at $200 Mra. Campbell was committed to the County pending a preliminary hearing before Justice Gardiner, Prior to filing the charge against Clausen in the superior court Mrs Campbell com plained to the police that her apartments at 160 West Broadway had been entered during her absence and tha parlor suit and Jewelry carried away. Blue white three quart coffee pots now 49c Tea kettles 4c. Dish pans 4c. P. C. Da Vol Hardware company. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee July 29 by, the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Frank Richardson, unmarried, to Frank B. Blanchard. let 8, block 12, Crawford's addition to Council Bluffs, w. d $ Charles E. Phillips and wife to H. L. I.tnrit all of Mock 72. Railroad addi tion to Council Bluffs, w. d X Sheriff to lsaao Erickson, lots 1, 2, I, 4, 6 and 21 block 28, Railroad addi tion to Council Bluffs, sher. d 587 Henry W. Hazelton and wife to Her man Roach, lot 20, block 14, Mill addition to Council Bluffs, w. d S.MO Total, four transfers $4,312 N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. r0. Night, F-1702. I Automobile Turns Turtle Joshua VanSandt of Madrid, Iowa, Seriously Hurt in Midnight Accident in Dei Moines. DES MOINEB. Ia.. July 29. An auto mobile driven at a furious pace by a young girl and containing another girl and two men at midnight turned turtle on a steep hill In the fashionable district, throwing the ncoupants out and seriously Injuring Joshua Van Sandt, of Madrid, la. He Is a student at Still college In this city. His shoulder was Droken and he sustained In ternal Injuries. Gus Nelson, another oc cupant also suffered contusions. All ef forts to establish the identity of the two young women were frustrated though It Is known they were not seriously hurt. ' Will Incorporate Mew Road. IDA GROVE. Ia., July 29. (Special.) R. H. Baldwin ot Chicago, the engineer who made the preliminary Investigation for the backers of the proposed Sioux City, Climbing Hill & Ida Grove Inter urban, says that the road will be Incor porated In a short time under the name of the Sioux Oky A Eastern Traction com pany. He Is now selling stock to the farm era along the line who will be benefited by Its construction, and says he is every where meeting with support and enthu siasm. This project Is entirely distinct from the proposed Des Moines & Sioux City road, which aUo passes through Ida Grove, and whose officers are also very enthusiastic as to the outlook for the construction of the road. With so many electric railroad projects on tap Ida Grove feels certain ot getting one road built without fall, and hope to get both. Threshers Are Boosting; Prices. IDA GROVE, Ia., July 29. -(Special.) As tha result of general high prices, the owners ot thirty-six threshing machine outfits 1n Ida county have formed a com bination and Issued a statement with a new schedule of prices. The schedule per bushel for threshing will be: Wheat, I cents; rye. ( cents; barley, S cents; oats, 2V cents; timothy, 15 cents. The threshers claim they have not made a cent In the laat five years and that the Increase lu prices will only give them a fair profit. From 1 to 4 cents a bushel has been the ihaige in the past. 5iew Instrartor at I nlverslty. IOWA CITY. Ia.. July 29. -(Special. ) Howard Barnum, Instructor In the Ithaca Conservatory ot Music and director ef the band and orchestra ef Cornell univer sity, has been elected to take the place in the school of mualq of the state university made ujtcant by the departure of Prof. II. G. Cox. This Is only part of an almokt complete reorganisation ot the school which has taken place this summer. FIGHT FOR AUTO FACTOR! Waterloo Seeks to Secure Mason Plant, Now in Dei Moinei. MATTER MAY GO TO COURTS Waterlee Men Pnrrhaae Controlling Interest Des Moines 8tack holders Raise Law Point. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Ia.. July 29-(Speclal Tel egram.) After a hot pace of weeks between Waterloo and Des Moines over the loca tion of the Mbson Automoblla works. Which are now located In Des Moines, tha Waterloo people secured, or thought they had secured the locstlon of the pro posed new and enlarged plant by pur chasing a controlling Interest In the stock. Today Des Moines stockholders consulted attorneys and claim that the plant cannot be removed without the unanimous con vent of all stockholders and they Inter pose objection and will Institute suit to prevent the removal. It Is alleged that the supreme court had decided that where ar ticles of Incorporation name tha place of business ot a corporation an unanimous vote la necessary for a change. Waterloo has tha majority of stock, but Dea Moines claims It jrtll keep tha factory. Senator Maytag of Newton recently purchased controlling Interest In the plant and was planning to enlarge It. He sold hla con trolling Interest to the Waterloo people. Four Overcome by Heat. Four persons were overcome here by the heat today, which at I o'clock registered 91 by tha government thermometer. Those overoome were James Willis, a prisoner in the county Jail; an unidentified man on tha street; James Risser, an employe of a lumber yard and Emmet Burger, a city employe. ' Half Million. It was announced today that In order to make the Improvements counted on next year Des Moines may have to Issue bonds to the amount of $600,000. Crofford Pardon Meld l Governor Carroll has not acted on the Crofford pardon aa yet, and the Intima tions from his office are that he will not be hasty In acting. The pardon was rec ommended to the governor by the State Board of Parole largely because of the evidence of Dr. Brown of this city, whose testimony establishes the nature of an alibi for Dr. Crofford. If Dr. Brown'a testimony Is true Crofford could not be guilty. Some of the newspapers In the southern part ot the state In Decatur county, especially where the crime was committed, are criticising the action of the board of parole in recommending the pardon, and seem inclined to doubt the word of Dr. Brown. Besides persona op posed to the pardon of Crofford are urg ing the governor not to grant the padon. Recnre Patent Attorneys. The Municipal Protective league has se cured TV. R. Lane of the firm of Orwlg & Lane, patent attorneys, here, to contest the suit of the Cameron Septic Tank com pany for Infringements of patent In the erection of septlo tanks In many of the cities of Iowa. Located In Nevada. C. J. Burroughs, wanted here for a num ber of forgeries, has been located by the police In the state penitentiary Jn Nevada- women In Piurade A parade at the state fair ground and demonstration Is being planned by the equal suffragists of Iowa. The organiza tion has for years maintained a cottage on the grounds from which literature was distributed.-' This year It Is expected to make the campaign attract more atten tion, and following the parade It Is pos sible that speaker of national reputation will speak. Senator Shirley Gillllland of Mills county has Issued a challenge to Rev. Miss Von Petsold of England for a joint debate in Mills county. They debated at the chau taqua here on suffrage, and It was the general agreement at that time that Rev, Miss Von Petsold had tha best of the argument. Balld New Hospital. As soon as a location Is decided upon the work of erecting a $00,000 hospital will be commenced in this city. It will be put up by the homeopathic Interests of the city, may citizens taking stock In the concern. The new company will be Incor porated In a few days. It will be on the cottage plan, several small two-story cot tages being connected by glass sub-rooms. Western I'nlon Answers, The Western Union Telegraph company has answered Secretary Hayward's offer to file their articles and accept the fee and waive the resolution of the company's board of directors. The company questions his right to waive this formality and re fuses the fee of $125,000 which it was hoped to receive, on the ground the company's federal charter allows It to do business without paying such fee and on the fur ther ground that the company was doing business In Iowa prior to ISM, and so la exempt from such fee by the Iowa law, The letter from the company's attorney seems to end all hopes of a peaceful agree ment between the sta'te and the company, and the next step will be to try the case out In the courts. - Coramaader-ln-Chlef Carroll. Governor Carroll made his first appear ance as commander-in-chief of the Iowa National guard today at Independence, where he reviewed the Fifty-third regiment In camp there. He was accompanied by his military staff. Motte for Iowa Boostera. IOWA CITY, Ia., July .-Speclal.)-' In God We Trust" did not look good to the advertising committee of the Iowa City Commercial club on its recent search for a phrase to advertise the city, and Instead of giving the $0 prise to the man whj made the suggestion the committee hua warded It to Miss Antonla Stober of Brook lyn, la., a teacher In the local high school. Miss Stober submitted aa the best ad vertising phrase, "The Iowa City Way Wins." This sounded good to the club and will be used In a big -electric sign to bi put up at the passenger depot, where all passing tourists may read it. Traction Line Beys Coal Land. BOONE. Ia.. July 29.-Ppeclal Tele gram.) General Manager J. L. Blake of the Fort Dodge. Des Moines ft Southern Interurban company today announced the purchase of extensive coal fields north and south of Ogden. this county. The com pany owns over t.OuO acrea of the best land In the county and will develop the largest coal field In the state. " HYMENEAL Glfrora-raln. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. July If. (Spe cial Telegram.) Edward 8. Gifford. em ployed by William Murphy company, wholesale grocers of Omaha, and Mrs. Sarah Cain were married at Jefferson yesterday. Mr. Gifford Is a former retail clothier of this city. He ar1 hla bride sre visiting here. Asilik.Psmmreslsg. Miss Mfta Pommrenlng, daughter of Fred Pommrenlng of Clinton. Minn., and Joseph Amlsh of -Iowa City, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldge Wed nerday evening at his residence. GIRL SAVES LITTLE PLAYMATE Pinnace Into Swollen Stream nnd Draa-e Ont Fonr-Yenr-Old Child. SIOX'X FALLS. S. D., July 29. (Special ) The 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pobunda, sr., well known residents of the little town of Tabor, re cently proved herself a heroine of no small degree by rescuing a 4-year-old girl from drowning. The little girl with some playmates had been playing on the bank of a creek, which flows through Tabor, when she lost her balance and fell Into the stream. The water was running like a mlllrace, and the little girl was car ried through a cluvert thirty feet long and four feet square, and finally lodged against a barb wire fence, which became entangled In her clothing and held her. At this Juncture the Pobunda girl plunged Into the swollen stream and went to the rescue of tho child, and after some effort succeeded In bringing her safely to shore. The rescued child had no sooner recovered herself than she asked for her "little whip," which she had dropped when she lost her balance and fell Into the stream. Dog Ba-res Lite of Girl. SIOUX FALLS, 8. t., July . Speclal.) To the sagacity of tha family dog Is due the saving of the life of the little daugh ter of Gus Jones, a well known rancher of Meade county. While playing on the banka ot Kim creek near her home the little girl missed her footing and fell Into the stream at a point where there was a deep hole. This was at some little dis tance from the house, and the parents failed to hear the screams of the child. But the dog did hear and Immediately started to the rescue. The first knowledge the parents had of the accident and nar row escape of their daughter was when they chanced to look toward the creek and saw the dog emerge from the water drag ging the little girl In Its mouth. The dog had grabbed the chlrd's dress between Its teeth and pulled her from what would have been certain death. The dog now Is a "star" boarder at the Jones' home. DEATH RECORD. Conrad Ilclsel. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. July 23 (Spe cial.) Conrad Helsel, a pioneer citizen and the first miller in Nebraska, passed away in his home In this city last evening. Mr. Helsel was born In Hessen, Darmstadt, Germany, April 24, 1830, and came to Platte mouth In 1856, where he had alnce resided and for something like thirty-five years was engaged In the milling business. He was united In marriage to Miss Emeli Pauline Rublemann In 1353. He la sur vived by a widow and three sons and three daughters. The funeral services will be held at the home Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Kirk Ilelmer. SEWARD, Neb., July 29 (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. Nick Helmer. who died here yesterday morning, waa buried this morn ing at 10 o'clock. She leaves a husband and a small son. She was a member of several lodges. Charles Tarner. SEWARD, Neb., July 29.-(Speclal Te'e gram.) Charles Turner, a pioneer of this county, died today at Bee. He has re sided In the county more than thirty years. Death was the result of a long Illness. He was an uncle of Dr. H, U Cummins of the State Board of Health. If you have anything to sell or trade and want quick action advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns. Loyal Woman Tells Yankees of Omaha's Glory Mrs. George N. Peek Gets Ammunition from Commercial Club for Cape Cod Campaign. The fame of Omaha has spread to all points of the compass, but . there Is one region wbich needs education. Down In the Cape Cod district of Massachusetts, where the only Inhabitants ara summer hotel keepers and Yankees of tha nasal accent variety there seems to be a dearth of Information about the Market City. Mra. George N. Peek, wife of the secre tary of the John Deere Plow company, has been staying at the Nobscusett hotel, at Dennis, In the Cape Cod region, and as loyal Omaha woman she haa determined to better matters. Mrs. Peek has accord ingly written the Commercial club for printed matter regarding Omaha, which will be dispensed to the Cape Cod folk. Mrs. Peek will be bountifully supplied. "Some Yankees seem to think that Omaha Is Just a little western village," declared Z. T. Llndsey, back from the same region. i "They are shrewd enough men, but need posting about this western metropolis." One la reminded of that atory of the Boston girl who mot a westerner and politely discoursed about the country he came from, "No I have never been west," said ahe. "But father has. Father's been to Buffalo." rnnn rnu ervena sssa a ww v wbo rind their pi bo find their power te -wjp vrc work and youthful vigo laXJ aone aa a result of ever work or mental exertion should take GKAY'b NiKVk: FOuD PILLS. Tfaty will make you eat and sleep and be a inea M l Boat a boxes aa.00 by mall. BKXBlCAJr Si KoCOaTsTEU BKX7Q CO Car. lata aad .-;age Streets, OWL BSVS OOntrASTT. Cor. ltta aae Barnes arts. Oaaeaa. Bek Lcllert's XHZSl LnitL GmsJmI Cesjlsrl Eeewe is Wears) el i ,Lmx-rs, SM-naa. jtdZS Sans mm kr e TRUANT WIFE IS OVERHAULED Ions Falls Woman Rana Away frosa llasbaad, bet Is taaght In Omaha. . D. Wolfe, foreman of the press room of the Sioux Falls Press, came to Omaha and found his wife at the police station. where ehe had been confined since Wed nesday afternoon, when she was arrested on Information by Wolfe. Over five days ago Mrs. Marie Wolfe ran away irom her nusuana at pioux Falls, taking her S-yrar-old girl. She came to Omaha and was arrested. Wolfe said there had been no trouble be School. AN Colleges r !,;.( ,n i. , ...r,rt 1 SLJIJimiJ 31, I L III ill t) If if rltM NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding; School Home for manly boyg. New fireproof build lngg, splendid location, forty acres of campus, one Instructor for each tea boys. Academic. Military, Manual Training, Business Courseg. -prepares for college or business; school accredited by the University ot Nebraska and North Central Association of Small boys' de partment from 8 to 14 years. Number limited. School opens Septem ber 16th. 1909. For lnformaton or catalogue address, 11. 1). IIAVWAHD, Superintendent, Office 14th and U Sts. Lincoln, Nebraska. Full Term of the Mosher-Lampman Business College Begins September 1 Our course In 20th Century Bookkeeping and general business studies will fit you for a first-class business position. A course In Mosher Shorthand snd Touch Typewriting will prepare you to hold the best stenographic positions In Nebraska, Thorough courses In Business, Kngllsh-and Special Penmanship. Plenty of good positions for graduates. Our teaching Is not done by advanced students, but by the most exper ienced and skilled corps of Instructors in the west. Our little booklet, entitled "GUARANTEED STATEMENTS" Is brimful of valuable Information regarding business education. You should get one right away. It contains some of the finest specimens of penmanship ever published. Cut out this ad and mail It to us and we will send you "GUARANTEED STATEMENTS" free. If you do this at once we will credit your account with 11.00, payable to you In bonks and stationery when you enter our school. It will pay you -to read this booklet before you decide what school to attend. Work lor Board A place where manly boys are mode i seml-mllltary discipline. Prepares ttlon healthful and building fire proof. with Location H n bsSSBinMnnswsssHsMM write far lUnstratsd catalogue. HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebraska. Wentworth Military Academy Oldest and Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision. Highest rating by War Department. Iniantry. Artillery and Cavalry Drills. Courses ol study prepare for Universities, Government Academies or for Business Lite. Accredited by North Central Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separate Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, aJaress The Secretary. nV A. Lesinfiton. Me. HASTINGS COLLEGE Hoistings, Nebraska TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 7 A. LIVE COLLEGE FOR YOU MO MEN AND WOMEN isr It IIIHnnir VV KBICI (siiuiui j , i i i a. Y m I 1 Six modern ii. . .. . - .n,i.mA nnri mliltirv deDartments. Highest tinns. Rated Class "A" by War Department. ally Immediate application advisable, B ROWNELL fTTTALL OMAHA NEBRASKA M ,58 Rt. Rev. Arthur LHilllams.L L D. President of Trustees. ansa mabsdiot, wbibcital. Certificate admit without x amlnatlon to WeJlesUv. Smith. Vaaaar. University of Chicago and high eastern Institution. College preparatory, academic and collegiate, courses. Native French and German teachers. Experienced instructors-' lu music, all educated lu Europe. Ex cellent advantages in Fine ArU. Thorough courses in domestic economy Sewing, Cooking, etc. Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports under professional supervision. "- Illustrated year book sent on application. YOU won't find a bette school for your boy than Racine College. Our wonderful success in de veloping character is the best reason you can have for sending your boy to us. Write for par ticulars. Racine College. Racine, "Wis. Summer camp affiliated. Xdaoola, sTsbraaka. A kifk (rmd school emlsiiU4 r s irons la'ulir and figuring (or ta M positions I4l lor.ttom. Mo Mloon. In Lincoln. Kail osonlsf Hoik. 1. Sinto for kooutilol ou. k-cvo. Aoom W. M. kiiui, rm,, lo.) 0 SU-ool UawilD, si.s, GOOD POSITIONS AWAIT 0H C1AKATES ' tween blm end his wife ami )c did no know why she left home, lie said he did not care if he wlsh.-d to leave him; ho would let her go; but lu wanted the child and that was the rrnson he followed her to Omaha. He thoucht his wife wo on' return home lth him now thnt she hai seen the ways of the world wire cold and cruel. rtrwamtt Wrecks Hatldtnata as completely as cough and elds wreck lungs. Cure them quick lth Dr. King's New Discovery, 60c and $1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters. D s mrriV.iMitl 1 "71 r if ' tnj i - k MR Address. MOSHER. a LAMPMAN. 17T1I AND FARNAM STREETS, OMAHA, NEB. Into manly r for all colleg All athletics, a men. Home lire combinea and Tor business life. nd all carefully supervised. . -m v Upper Alton -n,w- e. Illinois buildings. Fire proof Barracks. Exoex- accredlted college rsla- Athletics encouraged. waltlng list arum- COX AXBBBT K. JACXBOB, A It, Bapt, BUSINESS COLUEQE THOUSANDS of our cradnates establish ed 1884) are filling- highest positions ot trust ana prom, w put yem n? men and women In tha way of true success in life. Ours Is a thoroughly equipped, working school with a school atmosphere ana adran taes second to no other. Practical, thorough. All courses.' 000 students. No saloons. Write for prospectus. limooui busmiss conies ae swa is is arM l !, ee. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning the ad vantages, rates, extent of cur riculum and other data about the i best schools and colleges can be obtained from the .School and College Information Bureau of the Omaha Bee All information absolutely free and Impartial. Catalogue of any particular school cheerfully fur nished upon request. FOREST PARK jvJg? 49th Tear. College and College repertory. Certtftcato aauilts to Welleslsy, tiinllh, Vussar and Mt. Holyoke. 14 Instructors. .WronVpt ate UNIVERSITY tlon necenaary. Hoard Villillll I and tuition $266-26. KU, AJrnA BaTEZD CAlTllf Prest ST. LOUIS. atO. MIIQIP omtttk Science, lYlUajiVs Art, Eipreuion. " """ Sperlsl Courses. Normal Cuuiki lor TekcDrrt. Full Courses leadlug to liplinas. The Best Inntnirtlnii Ressonsble Rataa. rlealthlul snd llclplul College Hurrouiulhigs. Woman's College, Bet 26 JscWstUU, UL PennsylTajila, Xeroereburf. Mereersborg Academy lor Boyi College Preparatory Courses Person.! Interest tak.'n, with aim to inxplre In pupils lofty Ideals of scholarship. sound Judgment ad Chrtstlsn manliness. For catalogue William Mass Irrtae, Ph.