Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie Omaha Daily 13e
Entered at Omaha postoffice as second
class natter.
Dally (mtthciut Hundsy) one year.. MM
Dally Hee and Sunday, one yar Ml
Pally Bee (Including Kunrtav), per week. Kit
Dally Bee (without flundavi. Dr week .10
Evening Bee (without Hunday). per week c
Evening Hm (with Runriav) ner week..!''''
Sunday Bee. one year IW
Saturday Bee. one vear I n't
Addreaa all complaints of rreu!sritls In
delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Bluffa IS Feott Street.
Lincoln MIA Little Building.
Chlcaro 1M Marquette Building.
New Tork-Rootna 1101-1102 No. 4 West
Thlrtr-thlrd Street.
Washington-" Fourteenth Street, N. W.
Communication relating to newa and edi
torial matter ahmild be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft. express or postal order,
payable, to The Be Publishing Company
Only I-cent atampa received In payment or
mall accounts. Personal checka. except on
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Stata of Nebraska, Douglas County. ;.:
George B. Tischuck, treasurer of The
Bee. Publishing Company, being duly tworn.
saya that 1ha actual numnar of full and
complete ooplee of The Dally. Mornlnr.
Evening and Sunday Bea printed during the
month of Jane, Isn. was as roiiows:
41, ew
Total. .1,347.300
Returned. Coplaa 0.880
Nat Total 1,838,080
Dally Average 41JW8
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this 1st day of July. ux
(Seal) M. P. WALKER,
Notary Public
abscrlbora leaving: the city tem
porarlly saoald htri Tke Bee
taalled to tkens. Addreaa will bo
King Com Is on third with nobody,
Now for the final tug of war on the
tariff bill.
Omaha real estate values continue
to manifest a decidedly bullish disposi
tion. Tho corn crop of Nebraska now as
sured is the real deposit guaranty
The colldown which President Taft
gave the tariff bill appears to have had
ItB effect '
The Indiana banker who skipped
out with all tho funds appears to have
holed In one.
Indiana officers are hunting for a
man with f 85,000, which does not
alarm us as we can prove an alibi.
The Chautauquana should cheer up
they may have a chance to hear
some of that senatorial oratory yet.
At fl a word former President
Roosevelt should drop the simplified
spelling and at least give full meas
ure. The governor of Georgia has named
fifty colonels on his staff. At that
rate the raw material will soon be ex
hausted. Anxious Inquirer No, lt'a the
editor of the World-Herald, and not
the editor of The Bee, who la running
for office.
A contract for thirty locomotives to
be delivered in ninety daya is going
some, but a firm of American builders
has agreed to do It.
It has been explained why the pro
posed war In South America petered
out The war correspondents were
away on their summer vacation.
A Boston man shot his wife think
ing she was a robber. Exercising the
right to search her husband's pockets
entails some dangers upon the wife.
While all stocks are advancing in
price, the western railroads are the
leaders. Investors can see the long
string of grain laden cars coming up.
Reports are frequent of automobiles
turning turtle. If the drivers would
only pattern more after the turtle's
speed tho accidents would be fewer.
A little more of the energy ex
pended by the Spaniards In fighting
among themselves directed toward the
Moors might accomplish better re
sults. Lincoln newspapers have more mind
readers on their reportorlal staffs, who
Imagine things that are not so, than
the newspapers of sny other city In
tho country.
The Salmon fishermen insist fhat
the catch this year has been small.
Will those salmon fishermen never
learn to be real sports and tell a good
story once In awhile?
A new Russian turban, which is
said to be larger and uglier than the
peach-basket hat, is reported to be on
the way. Perhaps, but most of us
will have to be shown.
Only 160,000 people are after the
(,400 claims to be allotted in the
Idaho land drawing. But at that it
Is a better chance than the. Investor
gets U SB oat jet-rlch-qulck lotteries.
Tendenciei in City GoTernment.
An article contributed to a recent
number of the Outlook and being cir
culated by the National Municipal
league on the "Short Ballot" Is elicit
ing quite widespread discussion in the
newspapers, which generally Indicates
approval of the author's contention
for a short ballot In munk.pal elec
tions to fill the fewest possible cumber
of offices. The gist of the argument
ls that our huge ballot makes Intelll
igent Judgment of the voters Impossi
ble, even by those who are fairly well
Informed, and prevents the focusing of
public attention on the really Impor
tant positions on wMch good or bad
city government depends.
What Is desired i a simple organ
ization of municipal government, with
only such officers elective as should be
really directly answerable to the peo
ple on matters of government policy,
while the officers whose duties are
clerical or professional should be ap
pointed and held to account to those
who are elective. We think there is
no question but that this Idea is com
ing Into steadily greater favor with
those who have made a study of city
government and set about working for
reform of existing municipal misman
agement. Unfortunately, here In Omaha this
movement, which was manifested in
the consolidation of certain city and
county offices, including those of treas
urer, tax commissioner and comptrol
ler, received a check In the late demo
cratic legislature which took a back
ward step by repealing the act consoli
dating the two comptroller offices, and
Instead of shortening the ballot by re
ducing the number of elective offices
lengthened it by making several city
offices elective that had previously
been appointive. What has been done
in this direction may not, of course, be
Immediately undone, but It Is well to
draw attention to the direction In
which the reform of municipal gov
ernment Is headed throughout the
country, so that in future changes In
Omaha's charter we may again get on
the right track and go forward Instead
of backward.
Crops and Prosperity.
Ever since planting time in the
spring financiers, railroad magnates
and manufacturers have been pro
claiming that nothing was lacking to
make certain an era of prosperity
equal to, if not greater, than any the
country has ever known except an as
surance of good crops. The small
grain crop la now either harvested or
so far along that nothing endangers It
and the yields have been large and the
quality good. The season has been
propitious for corn and that crop Is so
far advanced that the rains of the last
week have assured a good crop irre
spective of weather conditions from
now on, and there Is no indication
that rains will be lacking to bring it
to its highest perfection. The rail
roads which penetrate the grain belt
may, therefore, expect business which
will tax their capacity and spell pros
perity for them.
In addition to the magnitude of the
crop, conditions assure a good price
for the product, which means millions
poured Into the west which will be
Invested In Improvements and In pur
chasing manufactured goods. If there
Is a single sign which indicates any
thing but trade expansion it has es
caped the eye of careful observers.
With the assured demand for manu
factured goods and the immense
activity in the building trades there
seems no reason why the closing
months of the year should find any un
employed In the country, and the put
ting to work of the many who have
been idle since the 1907 panic alone
will add millions to the consuming
capacity of the country.
Financial conditions are no less en
couraging than the cropB. There la
plenty of cheap money in this country
and Europe Is also largely supplied
with funds seeking investment, while
the large amount of undigested stocks
which partly caused the strain of two
years ago have either been placed or
discarded as worthless and eliminated
from the situation. With peace at
home and abroad, a spirit of optimism
on every hand, the outlook In the
United States is certainly encouraging.
Kern Charges Bribery.
It Is a familiar democratic cry,
"We will win this tme If they don't
buy us," and, if his own word is to be
believed, John 'V. Kern of Indiana Is
the latest victim. The late democratic
candidate for the vice Dresidenev
openly charges he was defeated for
United States senator from Indiana
by bribery In the democratic caucus.
Democracy always poses as the party
of purity and reform and as consist
ently charges, every defeat to bribery.
Where there Is a briber there must be
a bribe-taker If tho crime is accom
plished. The continued cry Is an ad
mission that the party following Is for
sale, but In the Indiana case the entire
transaction la within the democratic
party. Either the democratic pretense
of political purity and reform is a
sham or John W. Kern Is making
false charges against his fellow demo
crats. While politically the row Is within
the democratic fold and does not con
cern the republicans, It has a wider
aspect. If Senator Schively, Mr. Kern's
successful competitor, holds his seat
in the United States senate by pur
chased votes he should be promptly
expelled. If Mr. Kern can prove his
assertion he owes It to the country to
submit the evidence that the senate
may purge Itself. No better oppor
tunity will ever be offered Mr. Kern
to do his country a service. On the
other hand, If the defeated candidate
is simply talking to let himself down
easily he has done a monstrous wrong.
It is generally admitted that some
shrewd politics had been played by
Mr. Kern's opponents, but this Is the
first time, so far as observed, that the
charge of bribery has been made in
that connection.
What a happy family democracy Is,
Somethiner for Nothing-.
The army of people who seek to get
something for nothing or at a fraction
of Its value Is the largest In the world
and never lacks for recruits. The
greatest number of victims uncovered
for some time Is the fift-cent suit club,
which by the endless chain route
promised to give each subscriber a $.10
suit for a 50-cent Investment. The
Postal department raided the rooms
of the concern In Chicago and ar
rested the schemers, tn the office was
found letters showing the victims ran
way up Into the thousands and ever
since tho malls have been burdened
with contributions, which are returned
to the victims. How any person of
common sense would Imnglne he was
going to get what was promised Is be
yond comprehension, but thousands
bit, Just as they do on every cleverly
presented scheme to separate a man
from his money. This and other dis
closures Indicate that the tribe of
Mike" is the largest in the world
and, what Is stranger still. It Is not by
any means composed of people or
dinarily classed as ignorant. Bankers
and business men who by acumen
have accumulated fortunes bite as
readily as the laborer on the streets
and men who would not loan a dollar
without carefully Investigating the se
curity will put large sums Into a game
of heads the manipulator wins and
tails the speculator loses. If there is
any more fruitful field for the Investi
gations of the sociologist than the
"Mike" tribe It has not been located.
Amending the Commodity Clause.
When the United States supreme
court upheld the right of the govern
ment to forbid common carriers from
dealing In or transporting coal or
other commodities produced by them,
It declared that the act as worded did
not prohibit them doing the same
thing Indirectly by owning stock in
the producing company. The object
of the law was to prevent discrimina
tion by carriers against Independent
producers, either in rates or facilities.
Senator Cummins has prepared a bill
covering the feature supposed to have
been contained in the original bill, but
which the court failed to find there.
Some idea of the extent of the inter
ests involved may be formed from the
150 per cent dividend made by the
Lackawanna Railroad company as a
result of disposing of its coal proper
ties, which came under the prohibition
of the existing law. Other railroad
companies, notably the Pennsylvania,
are even larger coal operators, but
hold their property through stock in
the mining companies. While the
necessity should be plain to Justify
legislation disturbing business inter
ests bo vast and of themselves legiti
mate, yet if they are operated to
strangle legitimate competition or pri
vate enterprise the magnitude of the
task should not deter congress from
applying the remedy.
Omaha has the entertainment of
several big national conventions ahead
of it and should omit no preparation
to acquit itself with credit when its
guests arrive. Omaha's compensation
will come when the delegates and vis
itors return home singing our praises
and advertising our hospitality and en
terprise. And now we are told by scientists
that It was not luxury and dissipation
which sapped the vitals of the ancient
Greeks and left them a prey to invad
ing armies, but the mosquito. What
is the use of buying histories for the
library when they are teaching us
error all the time?
The readjustment of our county
charities may not be of Immediate
urgency, but if we are to avoid costly
mistakes and prevent unnecessary ex
travagances we should have a plan to
work to and make whatever changes
are required from time to time con
form to that plan.
The democratic platform contains an
admonition not to vote for democratic
candidates on the state ticket this year
because they are democrats. All
right, then, don't vote against the re
publican candidates because they are
We move that the plank of the pop
ulist platform relating to the deposit
guaranty law be referred to ex-United
States Senator William V. Allen, the
only populist from Nebraska who ever
held a seat In the United States senate.
It takes nerve forNebraska demo
crats to hoist the Initiative and refer
endum signal within three months
after Nebraska's late democratic legis
lature knocked the initiative and refer
endum Into a cocked hat.
King Peter of Servla is reported to
be dying. If he dies a natural death
while still holding his royal office he
will be the first ruler of that country
to do so. His predecessors who have
not died in exile have been murdered.
Bishop Quayle assert that a man's
street car manners are a test of his
Christianity. The mm who can hang
on In the second row on the step of
an open car and not say something
ought to pass muster.
John W. Kern declares that he was
defeated for senator in. Indiana by
bribery In tho democratic caucus.
What, bribery In the holy of holies of
the great party of purity and reform?
Pressing tke rhllely F)ata.
Kansas City Journal.
Any further advice that Colonel Pryan
may feel It his duty to give President Taft
will not. doubt be accepted and acted upon
with the same eager promptness aa his
suggestion regarding the election of sena
tors. Canada .Needs the Profit.
Hoston Herald.
Canadian banks, tinder plan devised
by the finance department of the domin
ion government, are to begin at once
the collection and deportation of United
States frsctional silver coin now circu
lating In large amounts tn that country,
The government wants seigniorage profit
on the minting of Canadian coin.
Eqnal to Any Task.
New York Sun.
Two autormihlle tourists hsvlng been
held up and robbed by girl bandits near
Denver it Is only proper to call attention
to the fact that women have the ballot
In Colorado. Whether women rosd agents
produce woman suffrage or woman suf
frage makes women road agents we shall
not attempt to say.
ultlit Ont Oplnm Trade.
Philadelphia Ledger.
., The Vnlted States, through the Ktate
department, has extended Invitations to
nine other governments China, Oreat Brit
ain. France, Germany. Japan. The Nether
lands. Portugal, Russia and Slam to take
part In an opium conference. The con
ferees are those that met at Shanghai
last February to consider measures for
the restriction of the opium trade. India
has agreed to reduce her Importation of
61,000 chests a year by 6.100 chests annuall
for ten years.
Virginia's leader.
Springfield Republican.
The country may not know that the
state of Virginia for some time past has
been waiting to hear protests from any
quarter against the acceptance of a statue
of General R. K. Lee for Statuary hall In
the national capltol building at Washing
ton. Virginia offers two statues as her
contrlbutlon-a Washington and a Lee. If
tho Lea Is rejected, Virginia will with
draw both. Thus far not a single objec
tion has been heard; and It Is to be
hoped that none will be.
Benefits of Hallroad Hrfnlatloa.
New Tork Evening Post.
Despite the drastic anti-trust, antl-rall-way
and antl-corporatlon laws popularly
attributed to Texas, the raiiroads of the
Lone Star state seem to have done sur
prisingly well In the last fiscal year
Freight earnings Increased over the pre
ceding year by 11 per cent, and passenger
earnings by nearly 6 per cent. The total
increase amounted to over 9 per cent,
while operating expenses fell by almost
t per cent. The total net earnings sum up
to the handsome figure of $20,873,246. an
increase of over IR.000.000. or almost two
thirds as much again as In the year pre
ceding. The outcome Is due In large part
to the Industrial revival, but Is also
evidence of the fact that reasonable reg
ulatlon and publicity are not fatal to cor
porate enterprise or profit, as some of
the recent Jeremiads of railroad kings
would seem to say.
Mr. Bryan's "Get There Flrot" Booat
for Income Tax.
Kansas City" Journal.
An amusing but thoroughly characteristic
example of Mr. William J Bryan's super
ficial habit of mind tn' considering public
questions Is afforded'-Sy his latest advice
to the democratic parry regarding the In
come tax amendment. He says that demo
cratic governors In states having demo
cratic legislatures ought to call extra ses
sions at once and secure Immediate ratifi
cation of the amendment. He urgea also
that Income tax clubs ought to be formed
Immediately In every county nonpartisan
clubs, to pledge members of the various
legislatures to vote for ratification. He
declares In dramatic tones: "Now Is the
time to act."
Wo must confess an utter inability to
sea what good Is to be accomplished by
this hasty action on the part of democratic
governors and legislatures. Such action
can not hasten the adoption of the amend
ment, or Its operation as a law, by a
single moment. The amendment can not
become a law, of course, until It Is ratified
by three-fourths of the states In tho union.
The legislatures of some of the states do
not meet until 1913 and until the last one
has acted the matter will still be Incom
plete, even though three-fourths of the
states had ratified tho amendment before.
If Mr. Bryan had addressed his advice to
the legislatures of all the states, republican
and democratic, alike. , It might have had
some pertinency, however little weight.
But to confine the scope of legislative ac
tion to the small minority of atatea which
are under democratic .control would seem
as illogical and inadequate aa have been
the cheerless leader s counsels concerning
the many other public questions upon
which he has been ao ready with unasked
adlvce since his entry Into the arena of
professional politics. At this rate the mus
of history will have to credit the Nebraska
colonel with tho hair-trigger tongue but an
exceedingly alow-flre Judgment.
The honest brakeman In New York who
turned In $.10,000 In diamonds received a
vacation, $100. two suits of clothes and a
life position.
The only American department store In
London rose to the occasion In true Yan
kee style In promptly securing the Blerlot
monoplane as a department store exhibit.
The old English firms are still rubbing
their eyes.
Mrs. Joseph Nowalskl, who lives near
Vmeennee. lnd., drove a reaper all night
and completed the cutting of ten acres of
wheat which she had begun In the after
noon. Her husband had become suddenly
III and had to leave off work.
The Minneapolis fellow who haa been
taking snapshots at street costumes so as
to deliver an Illustrated lecture on the
Indecency of women.' may be within hi
rights, but the exposure of a plcturo por
traying the condition of .bis own mind
would bring the police on the run.
Eugene Clarke, long known as a lead
ing tenor with Clara Louise Kellogg, died
In New York from diabetes. Hha was (7
years old. Mr. Clarke appeared In the
original production of "Pinafore" as the
Captain, with Thomas Whiffen as the
Admiral, under the management of Wil
liam Henderson. At the time of his death
he was connected with the Tenement
House commission.
William L. Rlordon. author of "Plunkltt
of Tammany Hall," and noted for years an
editorial writer on the New York Evening
Post on politus. municipal and other, died
two days ago In New York, at the age
of 48. He waa a native of Richmond. Va..
worked on Washington and New York
papers, on political subjects, and Joined the
Evening post staff In lfc'l. His book above
named was actual history, being based on
articles concerning the career of George
W. PlunV-itt, a well known district boks.
state senator In 19C6. ' It should be remem
bered that the phase "honest graft" iamc
into vogua ihrougu Riordon'a articles.
Around New York
Blpplea ea the Current of Life
as stoea la the Oraat American
Metropolis from Say to Say.
Fate plays soma; queer pranks with
some of the world's heroes. When the ex
cursion steamer General Slocum with Its
load of women and children burned to the
water's edge and sank near Hell Gate six
years ago, Lawrence Halloran, a dockmnn,
rescued slxeteen women and children. In
his seal to save life he Went so close to
the burning ship that his hair was burned
off and his face blistered. Two medals
for bravery were awarded him. In com
pany with a friend Halloran was returning
from Rockaway beach last Sunday, riding
on the rear platform of a car. On the
trestle over Jamaica bay the wind blew
off his hat and In striving to catch It lost
his balance and fell Into the bay. When
the train returned to the scene of the acci
dent, the hero of the Slocum tragedy was
dead, drowned In two feet of water.
At a point In Brooklyn, eight miles from
Long Acre square, Manhattan, by the
usual route, Oscar Hammerstein Is to
build a new opera house costing $1,000,000.
Brooklyn already has one opera house
more brsutlfnul than the Metropolitan,
which her regard for precedent has named
the "Academy of Music."
An opera house "on the Surrey side" of
the Thames In London or the Quartler
Latin side of the Seine In Psris would be
more unthinkable than almost anything
eise except two opera houses. But In sit
me world there Is not other suburb like
Brooklyn, saya the New York World.
There Is no other nearly so large. As
a olty Brooklyn was the rival not of Bos
ton and Baltimore, but of Chicago and
nun ,, m. .
1 ine vote that Joined It to
New Tork was enthusiastic In the larger
city; in the smaller one close and hesitant
Lower taxation was the bait. Manhattan
now pays nearly half the tax money spent
in Brooklyn, jet local "autonomy" Is a
cry so popular that It keeps In power i
boss unrepresentative of the community
xjrooKiyn people even have the
temerity to advocate municipal divorce,
ri i.i .
"",UM nas an art museum which
snaps up a collection of Sargents the
Metropolitan would have liked. It pro
poses a Brooklyn university, to be formed
like the vast University of London, by
grouping .present Institutions and adding
to them. It plans for a confident future.
No longer famed for great lawyers or
great clergymen, It Is a borough of quiet
homes. The road from the tenderloin to
Coney Island passes through and leaves It
unchanged. It has a society of its own.
constantly drained to Manhattan and as
constantly renewed.
sex discrimination In the privileges of
getting off at a railroad station might seom
to be carrying courtesy too far. but that is
the custom at one place not twenty-five
miles from New York. At both ends of the
shed platform are large signs. In the ap.
proved yellow and green railroad stvle
which bear In large letters the words:
from the looks of the country round
about, this limitation Is no deprivation.
however. A mine, quarry, and sawmill are
the only things to be seen. These are all
worked by Italians, who live In the shacks
Just above. It Is supposedly fear of moles
tation by the workmen that leads to the
forbidding signs. .
Any shirt-waist girl knows how easy It
Is to lose the safety pin Jigger that hontcs
up the rear terminals of waist and skirt.
It Is apt to come unfastened and fall out,
producing a solution of continuity that has
to be nursed very careftillly until home and
mother are reached. Well, that's a femi
nine Borrow that the Hudson and Manhat
tan Railroad company and President Wil
liam G. McAdoo are doing their best to
The New Jersey girls found that out
very quickly, and there was a grand rush
for the Hudson terminal. All you had to
do, If you were a flustered young woman
hustling from Manhattan to Jersey City
by way of the new tubes, and your waist
had fetched loose in the back, was to ap
ply to the McAdoo company for a free
aafety pin.
President McAdoo, Inspecting the con
course several weeks ago while the painters
and decorators were at work, looked in
the women's restroom.
"What have we got for the women?"
asked Mr. McAdoo.
"Oh, the usual things." said the superin
tendent. "I guess we had better do a little more
than that," said Mr. McAdoo. "Give 'em
face powder and hairpins and safety pins,
and things like that."
And they did as Mr. McAdoo ordered.
The hairpins are not the flossy things, of
course, but plain, substantial pins that
will keep a puff or a rat or a "phony curl
nailed down.
For a nickel a girl can get an Individual
cake of soap and a towel. The company
doesn't furnish manicurists and masseuses
free, because they are classed as luxuries,
while shirt-waist pins and hair anchors and
face powder belong to the necessities of
life, as everybody knows.
A well-dressed man hurried into one of
the prominent restaurants on Times square
a few nights ago and seated himself at
one of the tables waited on by Dave,
otherwise known by reason of his digni
fied featurea and portly bearing as "The
"I'm In a greafhurry," said the stranger.
"How long will it take to get me a broiled
"About fifteen minutes, sir," replied
"Well, all right; but hurry It up."
Dave started for the kitchen to give the
order, but had not gone twenty steps when
the stranger aummoned him back to the
"Get me a telegraph blank, and ring for
a messenger boy."
When Dava returned with the blsnk the
stranger was feeling In hla change pocket.
"I haven't any change." He starttd to
reach into his vest pocket. "Get this bill
changed no, let me have a quarter. That
will save time."
"Now, hurry with that broiled lobster,"
commanded the stranger, beginning to
write his telegram.
When Dave returned with the lobater.
nicely broiled, the atranger was gone
also Dave's quarter.
Jodlrlal Oalraara.
Baltimore American.
'The reversing of a Judgment by an
appellate court on the ground of a mere
technicality when substantial justice lias
been administered Is an outrage," says
Justice Brewer of the supreme court of the
United Slates, the highest legal authority
In the world. This Is a confirmation of
the public Ideal of law as the conserva
tor and defender of Justice and of tech
nicality as the form by aliiih U irejei ved
i he sptrU
A Meal For Six People
Fifteen Cents
Ladies, can you beat that for economy? And it will be, as well, the rVi
meal you ever tasted the whole family will vote you the best caterer thrv
ever knew.
Cold, a Delightful Luncheon PorK and Peas Hot, Satisfying Dinner
Lakeside Pork and Prat is not only the best dish the most delicioui, toothsome,
mealiest, wholesome dish you ever ttnted, but the can it a r7 iig eant generous ran.
It contains sufficient for six personi with generous appetites.
Lakeside Ptrk and Peas you knoiu, is the successor to Pork and Beans. It's not an imitation
however, in flavor it distinct better and more delicious than anything you have ever
dreamed of. If you like pork and beans, you will like pork and prat better. Even if you ii
not care for beans you will be deliehted with this better dish, and it will agree with you
because the skint are tender and delicate and easily digested.
Buy a can of your grocer today and prove it.
All Rssdy to Servo. Enough for m rarnlly of Stat, Remsmbtr,
Fifteen Cents Everywhere
Packed only by
The Wisconsin Pea Canners Co. Chicago
Feukert if tkt Fsmtiu Lmkttid Brand Peat and Beam.
On Demonstration at The Bennett Co.
Wants the Sucoolent Mescal Variety
the Great Father Outlawed.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Congressman J. P. Latta of Nebraska
demands that the Winnebago Indians of
his state be given back the privilege of
chewing mescal beans which the govern
ment ruthlessly deprived them of some
years ago.
The mescal bean grows down on the
Mexican border, and the Indian experts
say that Its narcotic quality makes it as
dangerous to the noble red men as whisky,
chloral, morphine or any other drug.
The noble red men, however. Indignantly
deny the allegation, and declare that it .Is
a part of the Winnebago religion to chew
those beans and thus hold direct communi
cation with the Great Spirit. .
Congressman Latta, occupying a middle
ground upon the question, argues Uiat
they are not so bad and that the Win
nebago Indians were Just as well-behaved
when they had the habit as they are now,
when a paternal government forbids It.
It is a difficult situation. When one
thinks of the barren spiritual state In
which the Winnebagoes claim to be on
account of the lack of beans, It seeum a
shame to enforce the prohibition. . No
doubt many have fallen into evil ways
when a few beans might have saved them
to become consistent drawers of rations
and a pride to the tribe.
It ia not a pleasant thing to think of
the agony of a Winnebago parent forced
to see Ills son go to work or descend to
something else equally criminal according;
to the Indian code for the lack of the re
straining moral Influence of a bean or two.
However, when one reflects that the con
tinued cult of beans might possibly en
gender an almost Boston provincialism
among these noble Indians, hesitation be
comes a duty. This danger Is, of course.
remote, tiut me mere Idea that such a
disaster could possibly befall any of our
carefully preserved aborigines Is enough to
stir all the humanity that is In us.
We would advise Congressman Latta to
make it perfectly clear to the authorities
that there Is an essential distinction be
tween the effects of these two kinds of
beans. He will thus clear away probably
the chief objection, leaving the charge that
the mescal beans are baneful narcotics
the only obstacle to be overcome.
If he could show that Winnebago pew
rents have also slumped fearfully on ac
count of this withdrawal of religions In
centive, he would make his caae still
Bank President (to 'Rastus. emnlovd
about the house.' Why don't you put your
money in our bank, 'Rastus, where It will
draw Interest?
Hastus Not much, aah! Dat bank's onlv
workln' six hours a day an' only five days
an' a half at dat. When Ah puts man
money any place It'll be aomewhere dat It'll
oe womin an oe time, sah. Judge.
The Imported dancer had hn irruod
for Impropriety of raiment.
Well. I guess I'm a star all rlo-lit '
she said, gleefully. "Show me another
sinuous and wriggly specialist with a
whole police force aa her press agents."
Of course nobody could PMisdeii.hia
Friend Why do vou enrnnrave th
woman's suffrage meetings? Sureiv von
don't approve of thenr?
Husband Approve? With alt mv heart!
I can come home as late as I like now
without finding my wife waiting to ask
questions. Kansas City Journal.
His Wife T ordered a bathing suit vs
terdsy and it has Just arrived. Do you
want to see It?
Her Husband No. T guess not. If It Is
anything like the one you had last sea
son there isn't much to see. Chicago
"You expressed yourself with arest feel
ing In your recent speech." said the ad
miring constituent.
"Yes." answered Senator Roighum.
coollv. Tou see I didn't have time to
compile any definite Information on the
subject we were discussing, so I was
slmoly obliged to get emotional." Wash
ington Star.
"T think the statement of the press
agent of those performing aviators would
Our product and reputation are the
best advertisement'we can offer
, A. t Krt. Ul. UtO-tm rtWard St Ossaka
bear a little more detail as to why then
last ascent was unsuccessful."
"Why so?"
"When asked about the failure lie
merely said the aeronauts had a faUinc
out." Baltimore American.
Baltimore American.
The consumers came down like mad wolves
on the fold.
And their red gleaming ees were jit
fierce to behold.
They came in a pack that told thousand
by ten.
And on they kept coming, and came et
Their white sharp teeth shining llk. lust
whetted knives.
All ready to tear out our hearts mid nui
And we shudder to see that nmd Ion
In their eyes.
As they bsrked out. "Where Is It that
downward revise?"
They reached us. unreckinft of friend o
of foe.
If Ballej or Aldrlch or e'en Vn le Joe.
All ready to bite the first one thnt tliev
And In desperation our safety we so-itrht.
We ran to escape them, and faster we iv
But -still they gained on us. till sudden
one man
With presence of mind, yelled. "Hiveit in
whole psrk !
Throw Aldrlch or stay; Pitch the tariff
bill back!"
We to.ssed out the bill; with one velr
wild rsge.
They all fell upon It, their wrath to s
iney tore up the schedules, framed
with such skill
j As though thev could never ha,ve mm
oerous rill;
They bit coal. wool. iron, wlih one thun
derous crunch.
And then started in to make rags of the
As our offspring's hones cracked, what
sight It did seem!
Oh, spsre me again such a horrible dK'arn:
Superintendent Davidson's Hygienic
Idea is to be "Second J
by the A. Hospe Co.,
Eminent medical lights hae tal ;
"The easiest way to tranaefer disease
is through the public, drinking cups "
The A. Hospe Co., to further a san
itary Idea will tomorrow morning give
away absolutely free, 20,00 colltsps
able drinking cups which may be car
ried In one's pocket for Individual use
and for individual use only.
The cups In question are an Im
ported production made in Germany
and are consiructel of a water and
germ proof fibre.
The idea of possessing cups that
"never touch another's lips." has gain
ed strong ground in Germany, and
Superintendent Davidson's propotel
crusade against the public cup in
Omaha schools is one that should be
taken up favorably at once.
The cups are to be given away com
mencing tomorrow ( Friday ) morning at
9 o'clock, and will be given to adults
only, excepting In cases where parents
have written signed orders for chil
Don't expose yourself to countless
diseases through the first drinking cup
you encounter csrry your own ani
let no one else use it use it foi' your
self only as you would your tooth
brush, and guard against a possible
contamination from the lips of others.
These sanitary cups are decidedly
worth carrying they fold easily into
one's pocket and you are welcome
to one at the store of the
A. HOSPK -CO., -1513
Douglas St.