10 ' THE BEE: OMATIA, FKIPAY, JULY 30, WflJ. PUSHING WORK IN PARKS Park Board Will Hurry Along Some Improvement Flam. DREDGING LAKE AT LEVI CARTES Bottom Will Be Barked Oat of Call Oft la Order to Make Weer Oronad In the Law Place. Every Day Interest Increases in the Great MILL END SALE more Oloees tors fmmmmammaanumKmmmmmm Advices have been received by the. Hoard of Park Commissioners from the concern constructing the large hydraulic auction dredge for work in the lake la rrady to be art up. The parts are being assembled In Chicago, but will be sent to Omaha "knocked down" and aet up on the phorea of the lake. Bhlpmenta will begin In about ten daya. The contract calla for dredging work to begin October 1," said Colonel Kd P. iir-rryman. president of the Board of Tark Commissioners, "and It la our purpose to keep the big dredge going until freea Ing weather. Thla work will be resumed next spring aa early aa possible, and there will be no letup next year. Under a clause In the contract, the firm building the dredge will operate It for thirty daya." The Board of Park Commlsslonera met In regular monthly aesslon Thursday morn ing, but little was dona other than to audit a number of bills and receive re ports from the superintendent as to work dona in several parka. I'alnaj Artesian Wells. The artesian well In Miller park Is now down 435 feet and the contracting firm believes water will be secured soon. The well In niverview park is 1,130 feet deip, but a flow Is expected nearer the surface In Miller park. Under the contract the board will pay IH per foot for the first TOO feet and $3 GO per foot after that depth ia reached. Superintendent Adama was Instructed to devise sum plan whereby the animals In the Klvervlew park aoo can be watered from the artesian well and thereby save buying city water. The Omaha Water com pany Is charging M a month for water furnished the park while water from the artesian well which coat (4.300 flowa Into a lake and thence to the river and no use Is derived from it. Charlea R. Foster, secretary of the Playgrounds association, appeared before the board to aak that some provision be made for playgrounds. No public play grounds were provided for the children this year on acount of the land formerly used for thla purpose being taken for building operations. The board designated a block of ground near twenty-seventh and Burt streets and another plat containing .learly one block near Thirty-fourth street and Poppleton avenue for public play grounds. Mr. Foster said it was too late to do much thla year, but next spring steps will be taken early to equip the playgrounds designated. Two female elk will be bought by the board for the Rlvervlew park aoo. - Big Demand for McKeen Motors Factory is Going; Fall Time in Ef fort to Keep Up with the Order. The McKeen Motor Car company has shipped a splendidly equipped motor car east for use on the Erie railroad around New York. The Lake Shore officials asked permission to ship the car free of charge from Chicago to New York over the rails of that company that some offi cials might accompany It and inspect lta workings. The car waa No. S which the company has turned out The McKeen company haa 425 men em ployed and Is now working on car No. 65 with material enough on hand to make eighty cars. Railroad men from all over the country are anxious to secure these cars and work la being pushed aa fast as the limited apace will permit. The Northern Paclflo has bought one of the curs and other roads have their ordera In. He Certainly Must Look Bad Man Arrested Twice on Suspicion is Finally Son Oat of Town. Arrested by one detective, sent out on an errand from the police station, and ar rested a second time before he could com plete the errand waa the experlanoe of Hi:$h Richards, ; who waa In police court Tli u red ay morning. Detective Van Dusen arrested Rtcharda as a auspicious character and took him to the station. Before putting him in jail It waa decided to send the fellow to a tailor shop after a package. He went out to do the errand and was picked up by Deteotives Ring and Murphy on suspicion. In police court Thursday morning he was discharged and told to get out of Omaha. NED C0PELAND IS A SUICIDE , 1 s Former Oman Man Take Poison Un der Sensational Circumstances at Denver. Word comas that Ned Copeland, for many years connected with the Paclflo Express company in Omaha, committed suicide Wednesday night In a hotel In Denver. Mr. Copeland, 40 years old, wsa a member of a prominent family of Santa Anna, Cel., and has been proprietor of a hotel at Espcrnasa, Mex. Copeland left his young wife sitting In a theater, aaylng that he waa faint and was going outside. He went to his room and took some cyanide of potassium. He haa been afflicted with a nervous trouble for acme time, and waa not well when he left Omaha a doaen years ago. He haa frequently threatened to commit suicide. His widow was for merly Miss Grace Schlckstans of Omaha. 10V.BC m0mmmmmmmmmmmJr br. G reat Bargains Fon 'Remeaai Day Friday will be another day when every woman in Omaha can save money by buying at greatly reduced prices. Sample Strips j Remnants oi Laces Irish crochet laces and insertions, Oriental insertions, net top laces, Point de Paris and Plat Vals, cluny laces, real linen torchons all kinds worth up to 50c at , 5c-9c-15 Remnants ol Embroideries at 74 c .- 19c Yd. 18-inch flouncings, skirtings, corset cover embroideries. medium and wide edgings, also insertions and headings all kinds two big squares 1 1 l worth up to 40c yard- A jr(J and OC &t French and English Vnl. Laces and Insertions neat designs many to match worth 5c, at. yard 2c FOULARD Every yard of Foulard in stock will be closed out Fri day regardless of cost. One lot printed jac quard, pretty pat terns and good colorings, f C at, yard. .. Foulards Dots, stripes and small figures and geo metrical effect: go at yard . . . 25c Finest spot proof foulards, sold for merly at $1.25 per Sri.T....69c Remnants and Odd Lots in Basement Summer Wash Fabrics 15c Flaxette Batiste, natural colored linen grounds with neat figures, stripes and checks 45 inches wide, gradu ated bordered Batiste, regularly sold at 25c yard, beau tiful colored Dress Swisses, worth 18c ( a yard all high grade wash goods on bargain square in full bolts at, a yard yard, beau- 6k FORENOON ONLY Various grades and lengths sum mer lawns, percales, shirtings, prints, etc. Friday 9L forenoon only, yard . . . . M2K AFTERNOON ONLY Beginning at 1:30 remnants of bleached muslin In. long mill lengths on bargain square, at, yard 3ic Next Saturday GREAT SALE, Men's Pants All the Men's Pants, fe worth up to 3, at. .$1UU All the Men's Pant, PA worth up to $5, a.t.p,DJ SWEETLAND Is Alwrxyi Cool Ioe Cream Soda pure fruit flavor, glass 5 Nut Sundaes at 10 The best Ice Cream made in Omaha. Quarts 25c. Pints ISc. Will keep hard an hour. Take homo a brick. CLOSES AT 5 P. 11 SATURDAYS 10 P. M. BRANDEIS STORES Banks May Get Boost from the State Board Assessor Shriver Says He Thinks it likely the Assessment Will Be Slightly Raised. CIVILIAN DRAWS A PENSION Hcarr Hoar Is Hecos;nlse4 by tke Goveraaaeat for Services Wki Not a Selatcr. Henry Hoar died a rew days aco In Sa lem, Ind.. of wounds received durlna; the civil war. Hoar waa the only civilian who drew pension for1 service during the war while not being a soldier. He did not enter the military service at all. but did render valuable services as a civilian during the Morgan raid through Indiana and Ohio. He actsd aa a volunteer scout ahead of Morgan's command, and was subsequently captured by Morgan la Ohio. While attempting to escape be was hot July 10, k3, and has been a helpless cripple County Assessor Bhriver Is of the opinion that the banks of Douglas county will find their assessments raised I or S per cent when the State Board of Equalisation gets to work on them. The board has notified Mr. Shriver that he will be expected to give some reason why the assessment of Douglas county should not be raised, and he expects the Increase to be borne largely by the banks. An Increase of 20 per cent on horses and mules In Douglas county Is also contemplated. The Douglas County Board of Equalisa tion allowed the banks a S per cent reduc tion on bad notes and loans, and thla may be overruled by the state board. Mr. Shriver protested against It as such reduc tions have been overruled before and It is his opinion that thry are unduly favorable to the banks as actual losses on bad loans do not amount to so much. The banks are also In danger of having their assessments raised beef use of their practice of not returning any value on secured Interest on bills receivable. Re ductions are allowed for loss and deprecia tion, for accrued and unpaid Interest on time deposits and on unearned pro rata portions of discounts on notes or bills re ceivable. Included In undivided profits. These reductions decrease the book value of their property by almost 50 per cent. Partly to balance this they are expected to make return on accrued Interest on bills receivable, which would make a difference of from 1 to 1 per cent. Most of the Omaha banks make no re turn on this Item and may be forced to suf fer a revision by the state board. Mr. 6hriver will go to the conference at Lincoln, August ft. Many, people with cnroulo throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief fa Foley's Honey and Tar, as It cures stub born ce-gtgha after other treatment has failed. I M. Ruggles, Reasnor. Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I bad consump tion, and I got no better until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It stopped the hemorrhages and pain In my lungs and they are now as sound aa a bullet," Sold by all druggists. Army Notes Bids will be opened at the office of Major D. E. McCarthy, chief quartermaster De partment of the Missouri, Friday for forage for the several posts of the department for the period beginning October X, 1909. and ending June 80, 1810. The proposals call for 82.307.000 pounds of oats, .2.421,400 pounds of bran, 44,935.000 pounds of baled hay and 10.804,000 pounds of straw or hay for bed ding. The oats are to be equal to standard oats as recognised and established by the Omaha Grain exchange, to weigh not less than twenty-eight pounds to the measured bushel. Preference will be given to upland prairie hay of equal standard. The payment of the troops for the De partment of the Missouri for the month of July will begin at the several posts Friday. Major William P. Burnham, who will suc ceed Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Evans as chief of staff of the Department of the Missouri, will arrive In Omaha about Au gust 15 to enter upon his new duties. In the meanwhile the office of chief of staff will remain vacant. Colonel Evans al ready haa been relieved from that duty and will sail for the Philippines August 5. where he will become chief of staff of the Phil ippines division. MORE LIGHT FOR CITY STREETS Plaas Ineobatlns; for Additional llln. mlnatlasr la the Down Town District of Omaha. When the warm weather has gone by somewhat the Commercial club will take up the project of lighting Omaha brilliantly from the Burlington depot to Sixteenth and Kamam streets. The Omaha Electric Light and Power company stands ready to Install all the lights necessary If given a contract for the current. There are two ways in which this can be brought about. One la by a contract with the abutting property holders on Tenth and on Farnam street, and the other to get the council to declare a special lighting district Sixteenth street men will wish the spe cial lighting carried farther south along that thoroughfare and there will be a de mand from Farnam above Sixteenth street. 1 i u 9 A Viper la the Stomaeh Is dyspepsia complicated with liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all such cases or no pay. Mc Sold by Beaton Drug Co. ijj f f We Close at 6 o'clock; Saturday at 10 P. M.M I if i i 1 I Tuesdays at 1 P. M. Purine; Julj and August. J A ll Thr tTscx rmpn RnvAr Tt r1nrc Print rJ The Garment Buyer Reduces Prices to a Mere Fraction of Rcsxl Values Friday Is the day we take to clone out the odd lots. There Is no regard for what goods are worth, the object is to make a quick clear ance and we willingly take the losses. ONK-P1ECK WASH DRESSES FOR STREET WEAR Two tables heaping full, very effective styles, made up from fine lawns, madras, Anderson Scotch ginghams, etc., fancy and plain effects, beautifully made, high and low neck styles, values $7.95, for 3.50 PERCALE LOW NECK HOTSE DRESSES Here's a real treat. One-piece dresses, all white ground percale with neat figures and border trimmed, low square neck and short sleeves, all fresh and new excellent $2.00' value $1.25 WHITE AND COLORED WASH SUITS About a dozen smart styles, mostly plain shades, blue, green, rose, hello, gray, also white there are a few striped effects Included our Friday price $7.50 CHILDREN'S WASH HATS, worth up to $2.50. These are pretty summer hat of embroidered white material, but soiled, easily laundered. Buy any of them In our Friday clean-up for 2 5c. INFANTS' LAWN CAPS Large miscellaneous lot of styles, worth 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00, soiled, choice 10 WHITE WAISTS. WORTH $1, $1.25, $1.60. Charming styles, most of them newly unboxed, fresh and clean, lace and embroidery trimmed worth double and more, 690. CORSET COV ERS, DRAWERS Purchased specially for our July sales, and many are worth $1.00. Fine materials with elaborate lace or embroidery trimming. 69c 50c 25c SILKS Another Friday opportunity to buy 50c and 75c silks for 29c. About. 100 pieces, all colors, Including 27-inch China Silks, 27-lnch Pongees, Printed Fou lards, Louislnes, Her ringbone weaves, Lining Taffetas . LAWNS One of the best bargains In town" Is this lot of pretty lawns at 6c. There's a big table full, light colored floral lawna f and batistes, worth DC 10c, at 29c Embroideries, Flouncings 5c 200 pieces embroidery edges, bands and Insertions will be of fered Friday at a very low price. The goods are all new and would easily bring double and more. Buy all you need, at 27-INCH FLOUNCING Just the kinds many are buy ing, for making combination undergarments, for skirts, dresses, etc Beautiful, showy patterns. Imported to sell at 36c to 60c, now 17c DFMlNIiUMTQ WHITE GOODS All odda and ends, mulls, diml EVLLlllliill li3 ties, madras, India Llnons, Etc., worth to 19c, 5 ailmljas, unDieacnea, heavy bc quality, lengths 3 to 16 yards, at, yard 5H 16c Pillow Cases, size 42x36, to close out, at 10f wnfiri The Buyers' and Managers' Sale Continues Friday Two Special Lot at Omaha women fully appreciate ttyp fine bargains this week's sale makes possible. The crowds have been enormous. We have sold al most 75 dozen corsets of these lots, yet plenty more are here. They were specially purchased for this occasion and the values are unsur passed. Styles are all new and worth up to $1.25. The sale is draw ing to a closej Don't miss it. Friday, last chance at 49c and 69c. A Friday Clearing -MEN'S PANTS ALMOST HALF 200 pairs only, good, serviceable worsted and cassimere pants, In stripe patterns, values to $3.00. Have every size up to 42 waist bands. Ought to sell every pair Friday, at $1.65 Clearing Sale Reductions Hardware Enasalware .clean-up. Every piece goes, large sauce pans, worth to 89c. at . ... v Bo Large Berlin Kettles and Sauce Pans, at 16o (arge Milk Pans lOo Soap Dlshea . ; 100 I qt. enamel Cups lOo Enamel Bread Pans lOo 12c and 16c Pe Plates for 6o 15.60 Challenge 16 Inch Lawn Mower, at $3.8S $12.50 Philadelphia Lawn Mower at S6.7S 17.00 High Flyer Lawn Mower 4.TB 11 60 galvanised Garbage Cans 88o 11.75 galvanised Garbage Cans fl.Si Rubber Hose (50 ft. length), fu 8o 12c cotton covered Garden Hose So 1 6c Wilson Bread Toaster ISo 73c Bread Boxes 89o 10c hoe, shovel and rake seta.... So raxBTTs Columbia and Liberty house paints 40c quart cans at 89o !5c quart cans 16o Carters White Lead, 100 lbs. f 7-85 Double Stampa on Paints. 1 Dennett's Serve You Best in Groceries These items as advertised for' Friday and Saturday. Grocery bills reduced to the minimum If you supply your needs here. Flour Bennett's Pride, per sack and 40 stamps at 8180 Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds for Bennett s Best corre, pouna Llptnn a TPa, pound can SOXTBI.S STAMPS OW I Marrowfat Yeas, Mia OKABTUIiATED nonette brand, ( 90c bUOAJU J dozen, can 80 .91,00 and 100 green stamps . 3So and 30 green stamps 60e Corslcan Blend Tea. for Iced tea 48o and 80 green stamps Rice. 10c quality, four pounds aoo Pnlldet Imported Sardines, 20c cans 16o Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 5 lb. can $1.00 and 100 green stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. 1 lb. can 84o and 20 green stampa Snlder's Tomato Catsup, No. 3 can. aoo and 20 green stamps Select Queen Olives, pint 9 So and 10 green stamps Clam Chowder, per can lOo and in green stampa Dried Grapes, pound Vanity Tomatoes, No. 2 csn 7c ( Prt I It. nes, 12 We qual . lb So ninmnnd C. Roan. 10 bars for 8Bc 111 . . . nan . lrtev Bennett's Capitol Corn, 2 "cans". aoo ami 10 green stampa Charm Table Syrup, bottle ... Poppy Brand Condensed Milk Eddy's Mustard, two Jars for . . Hippo Washing Powder, six for Tskoma Biscuits, three pkgs. ... Assorted Cookies, pound vnttarmllk Ire cold, served free Saturday in butter dept. CHEESE Full Cream, lb aoo and 10 green stamps h Brick Cheese, lb soo noqueion c;neese, id tva ISo and 10 green stamps . lOo and 6 green stamps lOo and 10 green stamps 86o and 10 green stamps 15o and 10 green stamps iao "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESOBT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Best Climate and Medtrtnal Springs Is America. First Class Hotels, llospt tsls snd Beta Houses. Write to Secretary Commercial Clas, Sot prlaxa. So. Das, AD CLUB AFTER CONVENTION Will Ask National Oraanlsa t ion to Come to Omaha Next Year. Ten live members of the Omaha Ad club have volunteered to attend the con vention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America at Louisville, August 25, 26 and 27, at their own expense and do all in their power to land the 1910 meeting for Omaha. A movement Is already under way to secure sufficient funds to open head quarters for the Omaha delegation at one of the leading hotel. The Commercial club and the Ad club have each sub scribed 100 for this purpose and leading business houses and hotels have signified a willingness to help the project. The money subscribed will be used entirely for the legitimate expense of entertaining and boosting Omaha and no for the personal expense of any Omaha' delegate. The convention of ad clubs draws from 1.600 to 2,000 visitors from every part of the United States, Including the leading national advertisers and publishers. In ad-1 dltlon to working directly to secure the 1910 convention the Omaha delegates in tend to advertise this city and Its many attractions in an aggreualve manner. They will distribute souvenirs and booklets fur nished them by any business house, and are making special Sjirangamenta to boost j the Corn show. So You Must Store Your F uriuture? Then call us today. We have the place you want We have the facilities you appreciate. We have the vans and the men to relieve you or every detail. OMAHA VAN & STOKAGE CO. 1609 Farnam St, Doug. 1559 Tnd. A-1559. HOTELS. In the Shopping Dlstrlot. 11th aad MoGes. oa rsttlooet t,aae." Hotel Kupper llth and XcOee. Kansas City. Mo. In the Sbopplsj District. Hear all tbe Theaters. 00 Beautiful totau. 100 mvate Bet&a. Slot aad ooU watei la all rooms. Speoieue lekby, parlors. Tslepheae la every room. Beautiful Cafe, aerfec Oalataa, $1 to $2.50 Per Day arorepeaa Flaa. KUPPER BENSON HOTEL CO. r. a BaarsosT, stgc 1 SEE THE RUQ BARGAINS. PJI i'L ME JYJS THE RELIABLE STORK DON'T MISS THE FURNITURE BARGAINS, Friday Is Remnant Day All the mill ends in the mussed and shorter lengths rill be sold out Friday. Over 50,000 yards of all kinds of new goods, Wash, Goods, Flannelettes, Fercales, White Goods, etc., will go, at,' Pr yard t . .3VC 5c 7l2C 8V4c and 10c Sheetings, Muslins, Towelings, etc., in mill ends, at yard 5c 7ltC 8VC 10c and 12V2C Genuine Indigo Blue Frints, yard 3VaC Linens, fine goods, mill ends, at 19c 25c 39c 49c and 59c High Grade "Wool Dress Goods, worth up to $3 a yard, at, per yard 15c 19c S5c 39c 49c 59c and 75c Specials called off every hour. Come early. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 48 in. wide, 10 patterns to se lect from, $3.50 val- M nn ues, choice, pair . .M JO IRISH POINT CURTAINS Also CABLE NETS uanneue, worm ifo.uu per pair, at, choice $3.98 Five Rousing Silk Specials 85c Quality Pongees in natural and bamboo color, 26 inches wide, at, yard 49c 75c White Habutia Wash Silk, just five pieces in this sale, at, per yard 39c $2.50 Quality Black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide, heavy double faced gloss finished, at, yard ".$1.50 25c White Jap Silk, 20 inches Long Mill Ends Taney Silks, wide, at, yard 17c values to 75c yard, at , ,19c Friday's Grand Notion Sale Bargain Offerings Prices on fancy and Staple Notions cut 50 per cent to 75 per cent for this day's sale. Here are a few items: N Pearl Buttons, per dozen 3V&C 10c Fine Combs, each . . . .4V2C 15c Dressing Combs, each 4V&C 5c Gold Eye Needles, at, per package lc Cotton Tapes, all sizes, roll lc Shoe Laces, per pair ..... . .lc Best Fast Black Darning Cot ton, for .lc Tooth Brushes ..3Vc and 9c Hair Brushes, each TVC Back Combs, each 5c Scores of Other Articles at Proportionate Bargain Prices. BED ROOM CURTAINS Ruffeled Net and Swiss, val ues to $3.00 a pair, on sale at, per Q pair Wis fatal ODD LACE CURTAINS Big assortment for selection, on sale Friday to close, at JUST HALF PRICE Friday's Special Underwear Bargains Ladies' Knit Underwaists, taped arms and neck, values to 25c, at, each 5c 10c and 12Hc Corset Covers, and Drawers. handsomely trimmed, values to $1.00, choice 25c Fine Gowns and Skirts, big as sortment of styles, values to $2.50, at 98c FOR GROCERIES, IT'S HAYDEN'S FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. The Greatest Money-Saving Grocery Department in the West. 20 pounds best Pure Cane Oranulated Sugar for 11.00 48-pound sack Highest Patent Flour. 11.65 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 26c 5 pounds best Pearl Tapioca or Sago 26c 6 pounds choice Japan Rice 25c The best Cornmeal, per sack 16c The best Corn Starch, package 6c The best Bulk Starch, pound 6c The best Cold Water Starch, pkg 6c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg...8Hc Alaska Salmon, per can 12 He 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c Seeded Raisins, package 7Hc Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 8Hc Teas and Coffees We Import Slreot. Choice Bun Dried Japan Tea, per lb.. 26c Fancy Oolong, Ceylon, Basket Fired Japan or English Breakfast Tea; special sale price, per pound 18c For Ice Tea, try a pound of our Execel- lent Blend Tea, per pound 85c Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. 16c Fancy Marlcatbo Blend, per lb; 18c Fancy Porto Rico Blend, per lb 20c Fancy Ankola Blend, per lb 25c Tresh Vsgetables at Less Than Market Prloes. Sweet Corn, per dnien 8o 8 bunches fresh Onions ...6o 8 bunches fresh Radishes 5o 4 bunches fresh Carrots la 4 bunches fresh Beets 6a 8 heads fresh Cabbage .....60 2 large Summer Squash 6o Fresh Cucumbers, each lc t bunches freHh Parsley So 2 lbs. fancy Wax or Green Beans. ..... 5c Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck 25o 8 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 6o Fresh Peas per quart 6o Large Grape Fruit, each 6c Boat Tortet the Big reach and rear Bale. A whole carload of the delicious fruit for this special sale. Bushel boxes extra fancy California Pears the finest grown for canning on sale, per box a.SS Large boxes extra fancy yellow Crawford California Freestone Peaches. These are very fine, per box ..fLaS OOITT FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO SUIT CASES TO SUIT ' THE PURSE We carry the most complete line of trunks, traveling bags and suit cases In the city. Our line embodies the best quality In. all the different grades. Our prices are low because we can afford to do business on a economy to deal with us for the reason good gooas man ia aaKCd lor 9 small profit. It Is that we charge no more for cheaper grades elsewhere. Matting Suit Cases, up from. ... $2.00 Suit Case $1.35 $135 Our Own Make Trunks. .$3.50 to $70 Omaha. Trunk Factory 1209 Farnam Street. Tel. Douglas 1058 Aro You Going Wost to Got a Farm? Three Big Reservations Now Open. The Spokane, north of the city of Spokane, has about 50,000 acres. v The Coeur d'Alene, just east of the city of Spokane on Coeur d'Alene lake has 200,000 acres includes timber lands. The Flathead, in the heart of the Montana Rockies, has 450,000 acres of fine agricul tural and grazing lands. A government reclamation project will make a large part of it very productive. fl UNION PACIFIC "THE SAFE ROAD TO TRAVEL" Electric Block Signal Protection. Dining Car Meals and Service "Best ia the World." Dustless Roadbed Perfect Track. For descriptive literature and full Information relative to rates, routes, etc., call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST., Omaha, Nebraska. 'Phones: Bell, Doug. 1828, and Ind., A-3231. I Bee Want Ads Boost Your Business