Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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ciTr rnorEHTv for sai.f..
(Continued )
v ... .... .. .
Hnuth front lot on- Burdette. street, firm
ifilh, lot GOxlU
A good lot fnr"te,rc, on Jlth street, neat
Burdettc, ot 4xl. !"'..'
-.ot nn Famatrj street, near 41st street,
-..'"1 lot, 50x124.
On Florence" bqup.vnls: yi(h and La ltd
treets. esst frot.t; cerucrit waJks; good
lot, tf'Xlii. . - -.
Good lot, 50x124. 291h and Indiana Ave.
Four south frmit lots; no Improvements,
but the, ln(a .Br riH ;' each lot 44x1.17.
For pi Ices and inmi .e
igti, Sons & Co.,
Tel. Doug. SOO. .
608 Bee Bldg.
$4,150 TO '$3,800 ' i
For larefl corner lot, with cnttaite. 7
rooms and JJath. loom, located southeast I
corner of .aiid Charles pits; plenty of j
room for two or thrve more houses. If I
yqv want ,t,L,ts property, act utilckly. V.
If. Griffith. -Owner. 2T.2S L'hlcuKu St, Tel.
Douglas 4l:tH , . I
MODE UK 1 10 IISK F()lfLAN I) ;
On a paved, street; car line; all modern I
conveniences. eu ruvm.,; want piece of
lana; mum i goou and at right price.
"W. T, Graham
Wew, elegant, all modern -room rexidence,
In Went Farnam ?!t. district.. Pi ice $i,.jni.
Owner wtlt- taltq "Hniajlcr htune In . ood
location. a sort paytucnx, .uot. to exceud
. Echane Oipt,, 1614 Harney St.
Jaa( norOt-xf Amei Are., close to r-ar
and paving, water and taa in aireut; fine
view, on STth St,
V4 Uea Bldtf.
. 'OK SAU-l-'KxCepnonally -i II hunt tt-
I'HMB mouevn eaitaaef in tii north part of
the city. 1 block from N. IMth street car
nmi: nice-Innte eetlar. asphalt- sidewalks.
cortihlnuUoir-Kaa and elevtrical fixtures, cx
cpiiMte bath "roiim -: nandRomcIv decorated
llvlnjf R.d hed rooms with hlnh celllm;s;
Convnlent nl well ihfhted pantry: oean
' it til shade teecs' ftnd Jaw'n; nn Ideal home,
nl a ssrr fjee. Avply -!W21; t'timlns.
FIX1-; home, In ptKxl repAIr; four lots:
t-rom housr-.-'Addresir, UoX STil, I,oun City,
A Tjiis Story Won a Prize in
; - Week's Contest
Uy iluzel lluld.r. 7lf North l.exnicion
, venue. HastlniiM, Neb. Father, J. M
'- Holder. N'lltli 'Irinte. l!;.SMl:.t H K.l
w'.'"".-- Ayid 18 Vcaia. Kiigllsli Teacher.
Miss Pun Prai h.
CI l. L Fi 'KPK w ants position ' ruiitiinx
Car in city. tlrst-dass references.
Address - , care Uee.
"No, Jack. I will , not marry you. Ono
muwon Ik. because you ure so dependent
' on your father. Just because he Is iallhy
- thafa no reason why you should hi- s
Iay. Why don't you do soniethinft? I
Should think you would be ashamed of
-yourself." So spoke a beautiful duik
eyd tflrl of about l'J.
Bh wa tall and slender and one could
- tell by her oft southern accent that she
Tajr a native of th south.
Her name was Julia lelmar and sho
the only daughter of rich pa run is,
her taUiei1 beinu; a banker.
Her companion was a handsome young
man of about 20, whose name was Jack
. ,As Jack drove down to his club his mind
waa busy trying to think of omo way to
win Julia, whom ho loved dearly.
. At last a happy thought came to him.
He- would' be a chauffeur for some one.
He knew all about an automobile, and
mt-' would be pleasant work, too. So,
. accordingly, the next morning the above
appeared In The Use, which he well
knew was the best paper for advertising.
Ia the afternoon he went down to tho
.-office , of The Hae to see If there were
-' any answers to his ad, and as he was
'"looking them over he suddenly gave an
exclamation of Joy, for there was a note
tt oin Miss Julia Kelmar saying she was
KreaUy n need of chauffeur, and would
ho please call at street.
"SO, disguised as a chauffeur, he ap
' peared at her home the n. xt morning.
! ANfr looking at his references (which he
, had borrowed from his owu chauffeur) she
decided that he would do.
It was now about three months since the
morning Jack became a chauffeur, and
tbtkt afternoon he was to take Julia out to
! Grant'a lovely summer home to a
lawn fete.
Soon Julia appeared, a beautiful creature
dressed In light blue of Rome soft niatrla.l,
""with" hat, gloves and oilier accessories of
the same shade.
- On the way they hud to cross a 'river.
The bridge being witr.out a railing made
N Jack think what a bad place thai would
be to cross at night.
When they started home night had
" closW In, and the sky being cloudy, It
'M fo dark that the auto lights could
only penetrate the darkntsa for a short
distance In front of the car.
; Jus"t as the car reached the botrtim of
," lnvline it gave a lurch and they weie
plunged head-long off the bridge into the
Jack caught Julia in his arms and swain
to shore with her. She had fainted, so he
carried her to a nearby farm house to
revive her.
As he laid her down on the couch she
opened her eyes and reoognlied htm. She
- gave. a Joyful cry of Jack! and sank back
In -bis arm. ...
1'ITV IMloi KH i V Klin SI.F..
l 'o'l'l-lU' J
Fine Home Bargains
n Harney St. near J2d Si. we have for
sale a very fine N-room uirtly modern
home on a Vl-ft. p.ncd meet, cement
walks, furnace, combination lish'e. full ce
mented basement. Whole piece inside and
out In fli) condition. This Is n vn V nice
home wth every convenience. . Th owner,
who Is l"v1ng flic city. I.iis Instructed us
to make the pi Ice $4..V") The lot In this
fln- neighborhood is worth Put lei's than
i-:r Johnston c).
I'hone Doug. I-'."-. Mil Farnam St.
it-Room colt aire nir 27th and
BurrtcPe. It ce $1 ton Terms.
70;i N. . L. I ldi;. Both Phone.
fi-room house, In good shape. It's cheap.
Better look at It.-
2502 South 20th Ave.
Suite i-'l N. V. I .Iff Itldx ., Omaha. Neb.
Phone Red l.if.t.
2 six-ioom t-ottces mid one five-room
cottage .11 lTth niul CastcllHi S:, corner
lot 7Svl1i feel: houses newly pointed and
papered Inside hi.i painted outside;' prop
erty hi fine hape hihI rent fur mak
ing a 12'a per cent iiive.- tinent. Price ti.Z-n).
V. R. Homan,
3J'i Hoard of Trade.
NKW ti-rootn. one iirnl one-hulf story
house, cltv Mairr. .V:07 Norih 27th -Ave., jut
north of Fori stieet and three hlocks :iMt
of Port Omiiha. $1 h!Kt; only down hihI
monthly payment ther'aftf- "'iiie as rent
Kev second door north. Hetnls. lirandelx
HlrtX. ...
laiKe grounds, on Florence
hoiilt :i rd. Price. $7 i W. .
p. o nif.i,sicn & co..
Ttfl N. V. I., lihlx. Hoth l'liones.
Brick lionwe. full lot.
Lesii than half the co;a Ux bnlld the house.
Kasy ttrtiin; better, louk '.his tip.
Suite r,24 N. V. Life Ktdg.
'Phone lied lfj-j. guiaha,' Neb.
FIX1-: XKW HOITKK, $3,C(i0
In new Patrick addition; i Mock from
21th St.; nice vie v hou.-.i ; 7 rooms, finishi-d
In birch, maple floors; lull hasenient; fur
nace; cumhinai ion Lchls; every conven
ience and good loratioiij v-'iUO and payments.
V. T. Graham,
UOI lice Uldtf.
Hoi"i.::vai;i hm st. i"t ..nh' rtii si..
t rooms inodtni, only J2.i00 Thoma
lirei.l aii, Itoom I Nw York Lit UldK.
You Can Make More Money
on Land in Colorado Near
Denver and Greeley
Than any other part of the country, on both Irrigated land,
already under a ditch and reservoirs or on some that Is coming
under a ditch, or take It a little farther In the eastern part of the
state, where they do farming without irrigation. We of course
would recommend buying the land already under ditch, which,
la without any question the safest Investment. The crops grown
on this land are enormous. Anyone going out to look at the land
and crops cannot help but want to inveBt at least a part of their
The prlco on the irrigated land near Denver Is from 100 to
$150 an acre. The difference in price depends on the distance
from town. The terms have, been made so easy so anyone can
buy If it is only 10. 20 or 40 acres. One-tenth cash, balance one
tenth each year. The price of land coming under ditch, range
from $20 to $35 an acre.
Have some about 25 to 30 miles east of Denver, good level
land, but not under a ditch, from $8. 90 to $12.50 an acre.
We are sure to satisfy you and will make you money, If you
will only go out to see what we have to offer. Very low rates
of $17.30 for the round trip, good for stop over and return limit
October 31st. x
Send for advertising matter, regarding Irrigated land.
1614 Harney Street.
West Farnam District
Huilt by day labor. 7 rooms, hall, parlor
dining room, kitchen downstairs; 3 bed
rooms and hath up: oak and hard pine fin
ish; combination fixtures; hot water heat;
full cemented basement: laundry; lurge
lot; permanent walks; blocks to Far
ii. mi car; close to schools and churches.
TF.KMS. 1.-1,200.
Real Estate
9 Brandeis lildg. Douglas 298.
7 Rooms, $1,800
Good house Uj block to car line; full lot,
south front; nice location; 45th and Lake
W. T. Graham, .
604 Bee Bldg.
LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d
and Cuming Sta (IS) SOD
Clifton Hill and Lake Sis., 7 rooms,
half value. Il.tOO.
W. T. Graham,
604 Bee Bldg.
On 20th St.. between F.lm and Oak Sts. ;
all improvements In street and paid for.
This would make a fine location for a
few brick fluts and would be cheap at
till per foot, but owner needs money at
once and will consider any reasonable of
fer. . C. M. Kylandcr, K32 N. Y. Life.
3009 Charles St.
Four-room cottage and full lot, 50x127 ft.,
JU0 c,ah. balance monthly; city water,
new cement walk on Si. Mcf'ague Inv.
Co., IMi lode St. Oouglas 416.
7-Room, All Modern
Hot water heat; a new two-story square
house, less than a year old, all nice large
rooms; fine full basement; barn; fine full
south front lot: half block from 24lh St,
a little north of Ames Ave. This Is easily
worth $4.uu0. but it must be sold at once;
will auhmlt offer of $3,500; on reasonable
terms; might consider smaller property in
exchange; don't fail to investigate this
bargain. Call.
CS9-91 Brandels Bldg. Doug 1003, A 2B53.
Get Out of the Rut
Every Dollar in Kent is Lost
SOUTH FRONT, Xtd and Lafayette Ave.;
7 voms; modern; parlor, dining room,
kitchen, bedroom and bath downstairs; j
bedrooms up; hardwood finish; nlcelv dec
orated; cistern; large lot; shrubbery und
trees; paved street; block to car.
TERMS. $3,900.- f
FT5-T7 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 2SM.
Seven-room. new. oak finish on first
floor, three large bedrooms and baih on
second;' full basement, south front lot, 50x
125. paved street, permanent walks; posi
tively the best north side bargain at 4.tiu0;
terms can be arranged.
Kloko-Heatlley Investment Co.
&01 N. Y. Life. Both phones.
$10 Down, $5 a Month1
This Is your chance to get a lot In )
Summit or Levy's addition. Fine-large
lots, only short, distance from schools,?
churches, two car lines and twenty!
lurpA In hnrini rtlnvln a Innut.l... I
This is the cheapest property be
tween Omaha and South Omaha. Don't
put off buying a lot any longer buy
now In Summit or Levy's addition,
between Gold and Frederick Bta., and
29th and 30th Sts. Take west si 'Si
Park line to 32nd and Gold Sts., walk
east one block, south one block, then
east one block to 30th and Elm.
Prices $250 and up. 5 per cent
discount for cash. Phone or call for
Suit) Saturday, July 31, 1909, 7
a. ru. until dark.
The Byron Reed
Phones Doug. 297. A-3834.
212 So. 14th St.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick action advertise It In
The Lice Want Ad columns
Omaha, Nebraska.
Idaho Carey Act Lands.
Now open for entry In the choicest
agricultural section of the northwest.
The Snake River Valley, Southern Idaho.
State Government Supervision.
For free Information on Irrigated Lands
write C. B. Hurtt. Boise. Idaho.
330 ACRKS well Improved land. Red
River Valley, Minnesota. Nothing better
on earth, $4.1.00 per acre. F. J. McMahon,
Kndlcott. St. Paul. Minn.
near Harrlsburg, Banner county. Neb.;
practically all level. Write A. K. Ltnd
strom, Yankton, 8.D.
FOR SALK An Improved 80-acre farm, 4
miles from Moorefleld, Neb.; 40 acres level
farm land, balance pasture; all fenced;
price. $2,400, If sold In the next 30 days.
Address owner, F. D. Tatmap, Moorefleld,
Oklahoma. .
One Firm Produced 2,442,478
Bbls Oil
Sold 2,117,482 Bbls. in Juno
in Xowata Co.
4S9 1,040 acres of rich valley land, all
smooth and part of same Is In a high
state of cultivation; this land Is located
within three miles of Watova, Okl., and
six miles from Nowata, Okl ; 8.000 acres
of it Is practically in one body and 240
acres Is located three miles soutn; the
land Is well worth S2S an acre; an excep
tionally good bargain at $26 per acre.
We have land In Nowata Co., In any slase
tract you may desire from 6 acreB up at
prices ranging from $10 to $'? per acre.
There are 4.500 flowing oil -wells In No
wata Co. Natural gas Is sold at 2c per
1.000 cubic feet. You might get an- oil well
with your land. . . .
Average rainfall in Notn "county." SB
Inches per annum; average "morn March 1
to October I, 24 inches, and distributed Just
as needed.
Good water Is found from 20 to 40 feet.
Find Nowata county on your map."
The Oklahoma & Cherokee' Central R. R.
east and west through this county Is a
certainty. Land will probably double In
value within two years. You can't afford to
miss this opportunity. Ask Mo. Pac. ticket
agent about low rates to Nowata. Come
In and see us. or write
Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Thone Red Omana. Neb.
$10t to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg.. lata and Farnam.
$600 TO $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
ARVIN BROS.. 81$ N. Y. Life. UV ta
$200.0u on Improved property. No delay.
WANTED Cltv loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith i Co.. 1330 Farnam fit.
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
Private money, $i00 to $5,000;, low rate.
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiate-!.
Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Bell Phone Douglas mi.
LOWEST RATES-Bern's. Brandels Bldg.
HEAL estate purchnse money, mortguKes
and contracts botieht. Antelope Invest
ment Company, Old Boston Store Bids.
WANTED to buy for cash,, retail lumber
yard, doing good business, In central Ne
h.aka; will make u,uiek deal for good
proposition. Address Y 037, cute Omaha
BEST price paid for second-head furni
ture, carpets, clothes ana sboes. Tel. Doug.
' ,..... .... i.u.iu luiiiiiure.
stoves, clothing. W. Rosenblatt, Tel. D. Mul.
BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best
price 2d hand furnituie. D. 42u6.
HIGHPST nrios naiii f.,r lnui,.a.,na n..o
cles In old line companies. The Putnam
company, jvew- york Ufe.
V ANTED To rent, small collage, per
manent If reasonable. Address R 9.
Crdunse block. Tel. Ind. A 3M9.
WANTED Desk room for local agent,
out of town firm. Telephone service and
stenographer. Address or 'phone Hnom 612,
Henshaw Hotel.
Short notice. Omahi Employment Bureau
121 N. lilh Su Tela. Doug. 1112. Ind. A 2111.
office of Indian Affairs. Washington
D. C... July 7, 1MDI. Sealed propusals foi
letting District No. L In the Crow Creek
Indian Reservation, South Dakota for
giaxtng purposes, either under a lease or
by permit, will be received at the office of
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash
ington, D. C.v until X o'clock p, m., on
Monday, August . 1S09. and will be Im
mediately thereafter orxned in the pres
ence of such bidders as may attend. Maps
showing the location of ih. district and
all necaai y Information may be obtained
on application to the superintendent of the
Crow Crenk Indian School, Crew Creek
Soulh Dakota. R. O. Valentine, Comrn s'
iyuer. jiidat
Omaha, .Nebraska, July 1, 19UU. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be receled
here and by quartermasters at the pos.s
named herein, until 10 a m., central stan
dard time, July 30, 1.. for furnishing
oats, bran, hay and straw dutlng the
period from October 1, lixv. to June 30, 19 HV
at Omaha y. M. Depot, Foria Crook.
Omaha and Robinson. Nebraska: Forts
Leavenworth and illley, Kansas; Forts D.
A. Russell and Mackentle. Wyoming; Fort
Pes Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meade, South
Dakota. Proposals for . delivery at other
places will not be entertained. ' United
Slates reserves right to reject or accept
any or all proposals or any pari thereof.
Information furnished on application here,
or to quartermasters at stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should he
marked "Proposals for Forage" and ad
dressed to Major D. E. McCarthy. C. y. M.
flee of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C.
Sealed proposals, for letting Districts No.
L 1 I i and (. In the Crow Indian Reserva
tion, Montana, for graslng purposes, either
under a lase or by permit, will b. received
at the oftice of the Commissioner of In
dian Affairs, Washington. D. C . until 1
o'clock p. m . on Monday, August i. 1901,
and will be Immediately thereafter opened
In the presence of such bidders as may at
tend. Maps showing the location of the
districts and all necessary Information
may be obtains on application to the
superintendent of the Crow Indian School,
Crow Agency. Montana. R. U. VALEN
TINE, Acting Commissioner. JyJ DJOt
office of Indian Affairs. Washington,,
D. C, . Sealed proposals for Jetting
District No. 2. In the Cheyenne River In
dian Reservation. South Dakota, for grat
ing purposes, either under a lease or by
permit, will be received at the office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash
ington, D. C, until 2 o'clock p. m , on
Monday, August 30, 1909, and will be Imme
diately thereafter opened In the presence
of such bidders as may attend Maps
showing the location of the districts and
all necessary Information may be obtained
on application lo the Superintendent of the
Chevenne River Indian school, Cheyenne
River Agency, South Dakota. R. O. Val
entine. Commissioner. Jy21ds0t
Office of Indian Affaire. Washington, D.
C, July 7, 1W9. Sealed proposals for letting
District No. 1 In the Red Lake Indian Res
ervation, Minnesota, for graxlng purposts,
cither under a leae or by permit, will be
received st the office of Commissioner of
Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, until
1 o'clock p. m on Monday, August 9. 1909,
and will be Immediately thereafter opened
in the presence Of such bidders as may at
tenl. Maps showing the location of the
district and all necessary Information may
be obtained on application to the superin
tendent of the Red Lake Indian School,
Rd Lake, Minnesota. R. G. Valen'lne.
Commissioner. Jylfid25t
office of Indian Affairs, Washington,
D. C, . Sealed proposals for letting
grazing privileges on the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation,. Montana, under the permit
system, will be received at the office of
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash
ing, D. C, until 2 o'clock, p. m., on Mon
day, August 30. 1909, and will be Immed
iately thereafter opened In the presence
of such bidders as may attend. Maps
showing the location of the reservation
and all necessnry Information may be ob
tained on application to the Superintendent
of the Blackfeet Indian school, Browning,
Mont, R. G. Valentine, Commissioner.
Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Nebraska,
July 8, 1909 Sealed proposals, in triplicate,
subject to the usual conditions, wilt be
received at this office until 11 o'clock a.
m., central standard time, July 30, 1909,
and then opened In public, for the con
struction of eave troughs and downspout
drains around balloon house at Fort
Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information fur
nished on application. U. 8. reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes
containing proposals to be marked "Pro
posals for Downspout Drains" and ad
dressed to Captain George S. Glhbs, Con
structing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha. Ne
braska. J j-9-10-12-13- 28-23
Notice of Stockholders Meeting;. .
To the stockholders or THE MISSOURI
In coformity with the requirements of
the Constitutions and laws of the stales
of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the
by-laws of the Company, YOU ARE
HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of
the Board of Directors of The Missouri
Pacflc Hallway Company duly adopted at
a meeting of said Board on the 29th day of
May, A. D., 1U09, a meeting of the stock
holders of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Company has been called to be held at the
office of the Company, Room 706 Missouri
Pacific Building, in the City of St. Louis,
In the Slate of Missouri, on the sixth day
of August, A. D. 19U9, at pine o'clock In the
(1) For the purpose of considering a Con
tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing
date the 29th day of May, ItHh, Heretofore
made and entered into by and on behalf of
The Misuurl Pacific Railway Company and
the following named corporation! by order
of their respective Board of Directors:
The Kansas and Cvioiado Pacific Rail
way Company, a consolidated corporation
of the State of Kansas;
The Central Branch Railway Company, a
consolidated corporation of the Slate of
The Rooks County Railroad Company, a
corporation of the State of Kansas;
The Nevada and Minden Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the State of Mis
souri; Nevada and Minden Railway Company of
Kansas, a corporation of the ttiate of
Kansas City tind Southwestern Railway
Company of Missouri, a corporation ut tho
Slate of Missouri;
Kansas City and Southewestern Railway
Company, a corporation of the Stale of
The Fort Scott Central Railway Com
pany, a consolidated corporation of the
State of Kansas;
Kanopolls and Kansas Central Railway
Company, a corporation of the Slate of
The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com
pany, a corporation of the Slate of Kansas,
and ,
The LeRoy and Cancy Valley Air Line
Railroad Company, a corporation of the
Slate of Kaiutua.
Vi For (he purpose of voting upon the
question w helhor such Contract and Ar
ticles of Consolidation so made and en
ured Into, shall be ratified, assented to, ap
proved and adopted and such consolidation
consummated or whether such Contract
and Articles of Consolidation shall be re
jected: (i) To consider and vote upon the adop
tion of a resolution accepting the provi
sions of Article 11 of Chapter 12 of the Re
vised Statues of tiie State of Missouri,
18.-9. and to authorize the filing thereof,
all as required by Section numbered 105 of
such Revised Statues in the case of con
solidation of railway corporations; and
whereby all or any of said corporations
and The Missouri Pacific Railway Company
have agreed to consolidate In the whole,
and to consolidate the stock of the re
spective companies making such consolida
tion, and to form and make under and pur-,
suant lo the laws of the Stales of Missouri,
Kaiiu and Nebraska, a new, tounojldated
coipuration, lo be known as The Missouri
Pacifio Railway Company, owning, con
trolling, possessing and bringing under one
management all and singular the lines of
railroad and other properties, real, personal
and inlxid, powers, rights, privileges, Im
munities and franchises, belonging to any
of the companies making such consolida
tion, upon the term and conditions fixed
and slated by said Contract and Articles of
(41 To take any other action In the pre
mises, and to transact any other business
i hat may properly come before the meet
ing. Such Contract and Articles of Consolida
tion will be submitted lo the meeting of
the sio. kholders so called for examination
and every stockholder attending will be
furnished with a printed copy thereof, and
at any lime before such meeting any stock
holder will be furnished with a printed
copy of such Contract and Articles of Con
solidation upon application therefor during
business hours to the Assistant Secretary
of the Company, at the office of the Com
pany In the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
Dated May 29th. 1909.
President of The Missouri Pacific Railway
Secretary of The Missouri Pacifle Railway
Company. JltoA
Mary C. Hsnley et al to Kmma J.
Mihol. lots 4 and K block 6. New
port $ 1
A. O. Krute and wife to John A.
Cavers. eS w wV. 17-15-11 1.000
Hastings Heyden to lda Voss,
lot s. block 4. Hlildnle 175
Victor O Intry et al to Mude
K. J. I-ntry et al., lots I and t,
block 42, Florence 1
W. 8. Ross and wife to James Con
ley, lot tt. block 2. Rush Selhy s. 85
Edward Glsln to J. A. Russell, part
lot $. block t. Boulevard Terrace.. 1.100
William F. MrFarland and wife to
Wary E. trim. H sw swt,. 9-ls-U. 400
E. F. Learv to William J. Dermndy.
lots id. 17, K block 1. Avondale
Park 1
Frank Dlnuszo and wife to C W.
Martin, lot 4, block 4. Sulphur
Springs 1
C. W. Martin and wife to Maude
Dinuzro. same 1
Katie Wsgner and husband to Erie
B. Rrown. lot 1, block 8, Matthew's
sub 1
Mery McBurney to same, lot IV block
2. McOavock A OKeefe's Add 1
H. A. Wagner and wife lo same, lot
20, block 6. Matthew's sub 1
John H. Ijevy nd wife to Michael
Kelser. east 20 ft. s'fc lot 5. block
"U." Lowe's Add...... 4U
R H. Morehouse to Josephine H.
Morehouse, lot 4K, Lenox J
B. C. Fowler and wife to Provident
Real Estate Co.. lots 6. 7. 12. 13. 19.
block 2 and other lotr.. Pruyn Park 1
Ir M. Morton to Silas Johnson, part
lots 16 end 17, Pelham Place 2.F.0
Thomas 8. Boyd and wife to John
L. Valentine, lot Id. block 2, Puryn
Park 100
Provident Real Estate Co. to same,
lot 19, hlock 2. same 2i0
W. H. Anderson to Andrew- Anderson,
lot 8. block 8. Patrick's 2d 1
Margaretha Schntz to H. J. Schatz,
lots 10. 11. 12. block 11, Millard 800
George P. Bemis Real Estate Co. to
Adolph Ho)x and wife, lot 20, block
4. Bowers' Add IV)
Adolph Holt and wife to George P
Bemls Real Estate Co... lots 8 and
20. block 4. Bowers' Add 1
L. M. Bowers and wife to same, lot 8.
block 4. same 1
Hannah Lundherg and husband to
Louise B. Iiauklnson. south 6 In. lot
19. Twentieth and Ames avenue sub. 1
F. M. Congdon and wife to Raymond
Woodrum and wife, lots 18 and 19,
block .. Halcyon Heights 2.2.V)
Jennie Barber and husband to Mary
C. Jefferson, lot .1 and east 8 Inches
lot 4, replat block 8. Hrmls Park.... S.W0
County treasurer .to N. 8. Mercer, lot
8, block 21. Walnut Hill
N. 8. Mercer to The S. D. Mercer Co.,
same 1
Midweek (in me la Token by Hard Hit
ting; of the Horsehlde.
The All-Stars shut out the Signal Corps
team on the Fort Omaha grounds Wednes
day by the Score of 8 to 0. The All-Slars
team Is composed largely of college youths,
home on their sumnfer vacation, and they
expect to make a trip through Nebraska,
reaching as far west as Chevenne. Hamil
ton held the soldiers , to four hits, while
the Stars batted the two Signal Corps
pitchers for fifteen safe ones.
The score:
Kelly, lb ... 4 I 1 I Afluthrln, K...4 J I 0 0
Kol, If S 2 1 0 IMppr, lb.... 4 0 I I 0
McOresry, s. 4 I 0 I OBhsrer, r 4 0 7 0 0
F Qalsley, cf I 1 4 0 lb-p...l 15 4 0
Krlkson, ' rf..l 0 10 nnrrwer, b. .. 4 1 I 0
Sweeney, rf:. 1 0 8 0 -swells, p-m... I 1 0 I 0
CaiMdy, c . 4 111 (M'lrirh, ai-lb. I 1 I I I
W qulglsy, lb 4 110 CPei klm. rt . J I 0 0
Qlbon, Jb...4 8 1 OCIurk, cf I 0 10 0
Hamilton, .. 4 I .0 I 0
ToUl. 3. 4 17 II 1
Totals...... U 15 27 12 0
All-Stars 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0
Signal Corps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-Dune hits: Gibson, MoCreary. Stolen
bases: Kelly, Gibson, Fox. Base on balls:
Off Hamilton, 2; off Wells, 1. Struck out:
By Hamilton, I; by Wells, 2; by Cass, 3.
Sacrifice hits: Erikson, Brewer, Cass.
Umpire: Jamleson.
Dabnque Beats . Bloonilngtton
Dant-hing Its lilts.
DUBUQUE, ' la., July 2. Bloomlngton
won handily today from Dubuque, 6 to 1,
by bunching hits in the sixth and ninth
innings. Score: R. H.E.
Dubuque... ....0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 6 1
Bloomlngton ...0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 36 8 2
Batteries: Dubuque, Ferrlas and White;
Bloomlngton. Davidson and Smith.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., July 28.-Cedar
Rapids shut out Peoria today, 4 to 0, by
fast playing and errois of the visitors.
Score: R.H.E.
Cedar Rapids 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 04 0
Peoria OOOOOOOOO-O 7 6
Batteries: Cednr Rapids, Spencer and
Rohrer; Peoria, Nercer and Hlgglns.
ROCK ISLAND, 111.. July 28 Springfield
won a fast game today from Rock Island,
1 to 0. Pcore: R.H.E.
Rock I1(nd 00000000 00 8 2
Springfield 00010000 0-1 5 2
Batteries:. Rock Island, Hardin and
Etarke; Sprlrrfleld, Daly and Johnson.
DAVENPORT, Ia July 28. Davenport
played an errorless game today and won
from Decatur, 1 to 0. Score:
R H B.
Davenport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -l 7 0
Decatur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 1
Batteries: Davenport, M. Smith and E.
Smith; Decatur, Ruby and McNamara.
United States Golf Association. An
noaneea Program and Prises.
NEW YORK, July 28.-The United States
Golf association announced today the pro
gram and conditions of play for the ama
teur golf championship of the United
States, which will be played at Wheaton,
HI., September 6 to 11 of this year. The
winner of the championship will receive a
gold medal, and a silver medal will be
given the runner-np. Bronze medal will
be given to -the other seml-f Insllsts, while
the player making the lowest score In the
tmallfylng round of thirty-six holes will
receive a special prize.
The tournament will open September 6
at eighteen holes medal play, sixty-four
players to qualify. The thlrtv-two players
having the best score for the thlrtyrslx
holes shall qualify for the championship,
"Bllly' Sunday Umpires.
TECUMSEH. Neb., July 28 (Special )
The Tecumseh base ball team played the
Falls City team a twelve-lnplng game at
Falls City Tuesday. The evangelist. "Billy"
Sunday, who was lecturing at the Chau
tauqua there, umpired the game up to the
close of the ninth Inning, when he had to
leave to eatch a train. At the close of the
ninth Inning the score was 9 to S, In favor
of Teoumseh. A Falls City man was put
In to umpire the game out. and at the
close of the twelfth inning Falls City had
reversed the tide and won by the score of
to 10. . '
Weeping; Water Forfeits Game.
iOUIRVILLE. Neb., July 28.-Speclal
Telegram.) Louisville defeated Weeping
Water today at Weeping Water by the
afore of 8 to 0. The score stood 4 to I In
favor of Louisville In the eighth, when
Karr of Weeping Water hit a foul twenty
feet out of the line and refused to re
turn to bat after being ordered to do
so by both umpires. The game ended
with the above result.
Batteries: Ixiulsvllle. Connors and Pank
onon; Weeping Water. Klepser and Karr.
Posrs Defeats Walthlll.
PONCA. Neb., July 28.-(Rpeeial.)-The
first game ef ball was played at Ponca to
day between Walthlll and Ponca. The fol
lowing Is the score:
Ponca 0 1040000 T
Walth'll 0 0 0 1 0 S 1 0-6
Two-base hits: Powers and Dr. Dave.
Three-base hit: Mohr.
Beilrand Evens I with Eastts.
BKRTRAND, Neb., July U. (Bpeclal .)
The Bertrund ball team evened up with
the Eustls team yesterday by shutting
them out, 4 to 0. The pitching of Strlckler
was the feature, who held the Eustls boys
helpless gt all stages, allowing but one
hit. This makes seven games won of ten
played by Hem and.
Ran from OkoboJI.
Ralph Duff nf Nebraska city drove up
in iront oi ins Aisrcnanis vt e.lnennuy
noon, having made the run from OkoboJI
In his automobile. He was accompanied
by Hurst Sarbent of Minneapolis and Pele
WUheliny of Nebraska City.
Margin Vlas at Detroit.
DETROIT, July -2K Margin, driven by
Alouzo McDonald, won the $10,000 Mer
chants and Manufacturers stake for the
$.21 class today,
1 " ..
Department of Missouri Makes Sest
Record on Opening- Day's Shoot.
Western Soldiers Make High Hee
ord Among All of Vncle ama
Varksmen Who Are Com
peting for llaaore.
The regular army marksmen of the De
partment of the Missouri are making a
good showing at the northern rifle compe
tition at Fort Sheridan. 111. Tba record for
the first day out of lO contestants from
all departments of the army gives th De
partment of the Missouri first ple., and a
record high up among all the contestants
for many other marksmen of the depart
ment. The records;
No. Name and Regiment. Ave,
1 Private George D. Mellott. Company
E. Eleventh infantry 23
2 Corporal John l. Crlka. Company I.
Nineteenth Infantry 22
4 Sergeant Chris Dlsetng. Troop Bi . -Eighth
cavalry 161
8 Sergesnt Joseph E. MeNnbb. Troop
K. Eighth cavalTy.
9 Sergesnt Joseph Yndlteky,' Troop F,
Fifteenth cavalry '. ?-V '
10 Sergeant I. B. Turlatte, Troop E.
Seventh cavalrv... 27
11 Private J. F. NeelAn. Company I,
Eleventh Infantry 2TT
13 Sergeant W. B. Davison, Troop F, -Second
cavalry.. 2S0
14 Sergeant J. C McOowan. Company
F, Sixteenth InfBntry ; .
15 Sergeant : John J. Rtaha, Company
L. Pleventh Infantry......... 2T4
17 Sergeant Jerome Grabengch, Troop
H. Fourth cavalrv -... V6
22 Sergeant Julius Mlhtilka, .Troop -M,
Seventh cavalry.... HI
A Second Lieutenant Clarence L. Stur
devant. Engineer corps 272
B Second Lieutenant -W. . F. Nichol
son, Seventh cavalry... 267
D Second Lieutenant James A. Mars',
Second cavalry 2V1
P Captain Earle W. Tanner, Eleventh
Infantry .' 268
H Captain A. N. McOlure Fourth cav
alry 254
1 Corporal Crlka.
S Sergeant Mlhulka ...v............
4 Sergeant Dlsslng
. S70
6 sergeant John Clark, Company A.
Eleventh Infantry .'.
7 Sergeant Orahenzch. . ......
9 Sergeant McNabb ,.
11 Sergeant C. A. Webber, Troop D.
Seventh cavalry Si5
12 Quartermaster Sergeant Elmer
Wolfe, Company F, -Elevehtn Infan
try 1 Sergeant Davison 366
16 Corporal Horace Cunningham, Troop
B, Second cavalry 3K2
19 Sergeant Luther Allan, Troop E.
Fifteenth cavalry '. 358
24 Sergeant W. H. Lewis, Troop O.
Second cavalry 3M
26 Private Mallott 852
27 Sergeant Bernard Connolly, Troop
A. Eighth cavalry .....!kl
29 Private John J. Neelan, Company I
Eleventh Infantry
SO Sergeant Frank Ryba,ckl, Troop- M
Second cavalry..;
A First Lieutenant J. A. Pearson, Sev
enth cavalry ;r....
C Lieutenant' Nicholson.......;
D Lieutenant Sturdevanf.
E Captain Tanner. .'..'.....
F Lieutenant Mars........
I Captain McClure.....
J First Lieutenant Otho E. Mlchaells.
Sixteenth Infantry S50
Long- Pine Beats Valentin.
LONG PINE, Neb.. July 21 (Special
Telegram.) Long Pine . out played and
won a fast game from Valentine today
by the score of I to. 1. . Score by tu
nings: . " -
Long Pine 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 01
Valentine ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 91
Batteries: Long Pine, Desllvla and
Happy; Valentine, Losey and Sanaa.
I.aarel Shuts Oat Bloornflrld.
LAUREL, Neb., July ' 28. (Special.) It'
was a fast game here today when Laurel
shut out Bloomfleld with a score of 7 to
0. Peck and Woods did the battery work
for Laurel and Dllts and Busby for Bloom
field. Peck, Laurel's southpaw, struck out
eight men and allowed but one hit. Dllcs
struck out eight and allowed five hits.
Umpire, J. R. Durrle. Out of thirteen
games played I-uurel haa won ten. -
To Knjoy
the full 'confidence of the WeUelnformei
of the World and the Commendation of
the most eminent physicians it was essen
tial that the component parts of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be
known to and approved by, them; there
fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub
lishes a full statement with every package.
The perfect purity and uniformity of pro
duct, which they demand In a laxative
remedy of an ethical character, are assured
by the Company's original method of man
ufacture known to the Company only.
. The figs of California are used in the
production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but
the medicinal principles are obtained from
plants known to act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the CaU
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
iy all liuling druggists.
Quality Is Our Guide
At all grocers