10 TTTE BEE: OMATTA. TTTTRSDAT. .TTLT 20, 1000. Thursday's Big Sale of 25c Handkerchiefs Ea. 8V2C Direct from a Belfast, Ireland, Mfgr. About 100 styles of the finest handker chiefs for women and men; imported Irish embroidered, Shamrock lawns, pure Irish linens, initial and cross bar effects and scalloped edges some very fine sheer linen also men's large size pure linen and silk finished mercerized handkerchiefs, with f fnnnir I , rtrrl a 1' -M R Positively Worth up to 25c Each at, each 2C Ribbon Sale lit! Heavy all Bilk Ribbons, in widths up to No. 40, whites, blacks and all colors, plain taffetas, all silk moire, fancy Drpsdens, etc., very fine for hair bows and many wide enough for sashes, worth as high as 25c at, yard 7'c-10c WASH DRESSES ONE-PIECE LINGERIE OR JUMPER STYLES There are 300 dresses in this great lot. Most of them are odd and sample garments from a New York manufacturer. One-piece lingerie summer dresses and wash dresses, in all the popular shades of blue, tan, lavender, pink, etc many are beautifully trimmed. Worth up to $10.00, at r $fl! and $o 21 J WOMEN'S WASH COAT SUITS "Women's wash rep suits in the most popular colors for summer, all sizes, worth up to $ t98 $7.50, at Women's Wash Skirts White and colors all sizes two great groups, at 98c and $1.50 ERANDEIS STORES I Farmers Grabbing Men from Roads Railroads Complain that They Can not Keep Track Hands During Harvest Time. Railroad are up against it for men for ork In the writ along the different lines tn the grain belt. The farmers are taking their men away from them as fast as the railroads can transport men Into the coun try to use In the building of double tracks and for section work. The farmers need the men to help In the harvest and are willing to pay more than the railroads will pay. Monday some farmers saw a gang of fifteen men at work on the section and by the Inducement of (3 a day and a keg of beer took the. men away from the Union Pacific. Some f aimers In emergency pay ns high as 5 a day for good men who will work long hours and help put the crops out of danger's way. : 7? is satisfaction. You buy right when you buy the' Always well done" oueJity of cuts. HARVEST WAITS ON THE RAIN Wet Weather la ' Keeping Farmers Oat ( the Wheat Fields . I tha North. "Wet weather In the northern part of the state has delayed the wheat harvest," said C. Kupp, a cattleman of West Point. "Near my town the farmers have harvested about half their crop, but have had to stop this week because of, rain. "There Is a big crop In our section of the state, though, and I believe It will harvest more bushels to the acre than any season for the last five years. Corn prospects are excellent. In fact. I never have seen bet ter looking corn tn Nebraska than there Is this season. The farmers are practically assured of a banner year." 8 AmBROtowiNcCtt j An American Kin( Is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New IXscovery. the quick, safe, sure cough and cold remedy, 60o and $1.00. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT1 HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Best Climate and fcfecrirtnal Springs la America. First Class Hotels. Uos(u tsls and Bath House. Write la eoretar Ooaunerolal Clan. Mot asiijLs. he. Bah, OTTO MUELLERJS IN OMAHA Keataaraat Man from "an Frmnelsoa Is Visiting Mer with Old Friends. Otto Mueller, now residing In Pan Fran cisco, where he runs the Bismarck, one of the leading cafes. Is visiting with relatives and friends In Omaha. He was entertained at luncheon Wednesday noon by Colonel Charles Grotte. Mr. Mueller Is a son of Frlti Mueller, one of Omaha's pioneers, who formerly resided on Vinton street and afterward operated the Bchllti on the Mid way at the TransmUsisslppl exposition. Mr. Mueller followed the big expositions of the country for some time and was tnl formly successful until he permanently lo cated In an Francisco. PLAN TOUn TRIF NOW. ' Take advantage of the low SO-day summer tourist fares to New Tork City, New Jer sey sea shore. New England and Canadian resorts In effect dally via the. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE at ST. PALI". RAILWAY Folders ar.d Information free. Let us ar rang all the details of yo ir tilp. City Ticket OtnaITM Farnara i . Omaha. F. A. Nash,' Central W 4 j ar 4 Agent. SPECIAL SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bottled in Bond Whiskey Livingston Rye, full qta..f)Ot Golden Raven, full qtg...0 We are agents for The Calwa Wine Co., San Francisco, Cal. C. SCHLANK Zt CO. 1807 Douglaa Street. Omaha. THIS IS THR TRAVELING. SEASON Let Ui ill (o,i dul with field (lasses, binoculars, auto goggles, etc Complete Line at Reasonable Prlcea WritN OPTICAL CO. Bight ea the Southwest Oorast ISth aad raraasa aHs. PUBLIC MILLIONS IN BANK Collections of City aad Coaatr Tun Are Plllaa- Up at Rapid Fset. Collections of city and school taxes has reached the highest mark In the history of the city. City Treasurer ' Fursy reporting that ha. has on deposit In the city banks tl.V3.Mli.65 of city and school money, County tax money amounts to tb53.349.SS, but this Is qot tb high mark In county tax collections. -' - v'.i..CV'v. j! I promised Iproved! Writing advertising' oopy for a merchant spending hi money for him is ticklish business if a fellow doesn't know how.' Bis months ago X arrived here a stranger the first week I was given a try out" the second week I was busy, and ever since I have bean as rushed as the proverbial 'cranberry merchant." I M AJDB GOOD every one of my first clients Is my ollent TOOAT making money thro' my "IS years of know how." A busy man "doesn't have to advertise" If you put It In that light, bat X hop X am sensible enough to exhibit u; own medicine. On cannot tell what MAT happen that's the reason X am advertising Jus keeping In touch with the public Many a maa would be con tent with my lengthy list of clients, but X am not. Maybe perhaps X could manage to squeeze In Just ons or two MOBS ollents If tbey do not compete with what X already have. X already serve a ladles' and children's outfitting estab lishment, a clothier, a shoe conoern, a jeweler, a typewrit er man, a sheet music pub lisher, an art store, a olgar conoern, a cycle and phono graph honse, a bird store, a moving picture film exohange, a wholesale photographlo sap ply honse, and a whole lot of "extras" all the while. But twill do no harm to have a talk with m whether we get together or not, for advertising Is a mighty In teresting subject. Bo hare's the nam and ad dress. T. Toby Jacobs Prod near of Prlntetd Persuasion Advertising Writing for Newspapers, Eta. 1012 N. Y. LIFE BLDC. Foot Comfort Shoes 1LW sm STORE CLOSES AT 8 O'CIiOCK. rdays at 10 P. M. Tuesdays at 1 O'clock . Q Buyers' and Managers' Week This semi-annual sale again wins new laurels. It's been splendid success from the first day. The power of low price has made this week tJie most active of the summer selling. In every aisle price placards feature the bargains, showing how earnestly the managers are working. New bargain lots every day. You don't buy right unless you buy at Dennett's this week. House Drosses We will spII Thursday two-hundred new, neat, dressy one-piece house dresses of gingham, chambray or percale, blue and brown effects, also white ground with small figured designs, border trimming, values to 3.50, sale price $1.95 Silk Messaline and Foulard Dresses ey are; $10 That's what they call our cushion sole Bhoes. - And those who have worn them say: "There's more real comfort to the square Inch in a pair of these shoes than any kind they ever saw." It's the only real cushion sole shoe on the market hand sewed, which makes it flexible and easy made on a broad foot form last, which allows the foot to rest squarely on the sole as it should, and not on the up pers as most so-called cushion sole shoes do. We have them for both men and women Men's $5.00 Women's $4.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam Street Every one is being forced out now. You know how popular they are; they will be JtiBt as well liked for fall. Take your pick of our prettiest ones, plain and fancy effects, that sold ur to $22. 5b; any one now for . . . The Sale of Long Coats Three lines long linen and silk coats for less than we paid for them. IJXEN COATS Strictly plain tailored full length semi fitted garments, will be on sale, at LIXKN COATS Natural shade, with black satin trimmed turned cuffs, and black satin inlaid collars, at SILK CLOTH OF GOLD COATS In natural pongee shades, some handsomely trimmed, values to $29.50, reduced to . . . CLOTH Sl'lTS We continue to offer choice of any tailored Cloth suit in our stock, our best styles worth to $35, for . . $5 $10 $15 $10 A RIBBON OPPORTUNITY Wide Messaline Taffeta and Moire 25c lUbbons, yard See this grrat offering on the tables Thursday. Fine, all silk qualities in Nog. 60 and 80 widths; choice of white, cream, blac-k and about twenty-five good shndes. The. taffetas and moires are spe cially desirable for hair bows and sashes. The messallnes are the soft, satiny finished kinds that are put to innumerable uses. Every yard is a big 25c value. A spe cial purchase brings them for 15c. REFRIGERATORS Clearing at liberal price reductions entire stock on hand. BEIiSIxrQ'B one-piece seamless porcelain lined BETBIOEBATOBS (not enamel ed) white oak casing. 32x19x41. Ice compartment door on side. Regular price $34.75, special, at $27.75 LOWSHOES Stylish yet Comfortable Always Complete Stocks. Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 18c and Dennett s Teas, assorted, pound 58o and Best Black Pepper, pound U5o and Galllard's Olive Oil, basket bottle 3 So and Bonheur Sardines, can 90o and Highland Condensed Milk, 3 cans 95o and Franco-American Soups 36c and Rub-No-More Soap, six for 35o and Hippo Washing Powder, seven for 8So and Bpratt's Pupby Cakes; pound lSVfcO and Bpratt's Pog Biscuits, pound 8o Hartley's assorted Jams, Jar B8o and Hartley's Marmalade, small Jar So and Beat we Have Supar Beets, regular 18c cans for 12o Martha Washington Wheat Flakes, 3 packages BSo and Helnz's Stuffed Mangoes, 3 for lOo and Helnz's Dill Pickles, dozen 30o and Helnz's Sweet Onions, pint SOo and Helnz's Sour Mixed Pickles, quart SBo and 10 green stamps 60 green stamps 10 green stamps 60 green stamps 10 green stamps 10 green stamps 40 green stamps 10 green stamps 10 green stamps 10 green stamps 20 green stamps 5 green stamps 10 green stamps 5 green stamps 5 green stamps 20 green stamps 20 green stamps Reliable Dentistry AT Tad's Dental Rooms HOTELS. IB th Shopping District. 11th aad VcOtt, oa "Vettlooat XjSBS." Hotel Kupporl , llth aa4 MoO. . Kansas City. Mo. ra th Bhopplss District, Msav all tb Thtra. SOO Bsantlful Boaa. 100 Vrtvat Baths. Bot aad cold wafer ta all cozaa Spurious lobby, parlor. TsUphoa la avsry room. BoauUXul Caf. Vcrfact Oalalte $1 to $2.50 Per Day Are You Going West to Got a Farm? Three Big Reservations Now Open, The Spokane, north of the city of Spokane, has about 50,000 acres. The Coeur d'Alene, just east of the city of Spokane on Coeur d'Alene lake has 200,000 acres includes timber lands. The Flathead, in the heart of the Montana Rockies, has 450,000 acres of fine agricul tural and grazing lands. A government reclamation project will make a large part of it very productive. UNION PACIFIC "THE SAFE ROAD TO TRAVEL" Electric Block Signal Protection, Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World." Dustless Roadbed Perfect Track. For descriptive literature and full Information relative to rates, routes, etc., call on or address CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST., Omaha, Nebraska. 'Phones: Bell, Doug. 1828, and Ind., A-3231. ifi ,vmv:;.ir.4;."..mv.v.v;i..sTO 3m if ! Ii Street. "WhCmM tut: $2 $3'52 r Shoe Co. ti wi utu.v.vtvitt : w i . .ftyjiS KUPPEB BENS0N HOTEL C0 V. A BBBSOB. Mgl. TTITTTWai BirV .TftMII.MMllliim'JIaVi TIP RT SnRllPY nFNTT.ST aJtWAM ITSKT, IT yars Crowns, up from 92.50 rartlal riatas, ap from $2.00 ralalas Xxtraotlng soo rulings, ap from 60s ?rcslala rtUlBff. ap from tl M sam of lies. rhal S. 176. Brldg Work, p tooth, ap from gS.SO Slsrvas rsmovsd with out pala. aLTliOblB WOII A BFEC1AI.TT. Wrk rurtitMd ta years MILL EfD SALE BARGAINS nnn T7rrirn special y SPECIAL VALUES IN FURNITURE. THE .RELIABLE STORE VALUES F IN RUGS. Marvelous Bargain Offerings on Small Lots of Women's Garments Secured by our New York buyer from the manufacturers at practically our own price: PRETTY WASH DRESSES Actual values to $4.00, at, choice $1.69 ; WASH SUITS AND DRESSES-That would sell regularly at $10.00, while they last, at, each $3.39 100 FINE WOOL TAILOR SUITS, all calors and sizes, newest style, on sale Thursday at less than half price, each $10.00 50 TAILOR SUITS Regular $10.00 to $15.00 values, greatest snap ever at price . .$5.00 LONG COVERT COATS -Values to $15.00, on sale, at $5.00 PONGEE COATS Large sizes only, to $25.00 values, at $10.00 JAP SILK AND NET WAISTS-A11 colors and sizes, values to $5.00, Thursday, at, each $1.39 i w (Km $3.00 LINGERIE WAISTS, all sizes, on sale, at $1.50 PRETTY LAWN WRAPPERS, well made, great snap, at 95c FDNE CREPE KIMONOS, 50 dozen of them just received, all sizes 34 to 44, on sale, at $1.98 See the Advance Display of New Fall Suit Styles. N inree treat nusim underwear uaraains -.10 TO 11 A. M . Skirts with deep lace and embroid ery flounces, values to $5.00 on sale, choice -8 TO 9 A. M , Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, Skirts and Chemises, values to $1.00, choice 25c .9 TO 10 A.M.- Gowns, Skirts, Chemises ard Combination Suits, values to 2.50, choice 69c $1.50 25c Embroideries, Thursday, 7c 20,000 yards of the choicest values in" 5 and 6 yard mill strips of Embroideries, Bands and Insertions ever seen in Omaha at any thing like the price. They will be sold only by the strip, and none will be sold to dealersat, yard W 15c and 20c LACES will also be placed on sale Thursday, at, per yard Extra Specials Dresmland Sheets 81x90. fine heavy muslin made to sell for 85c each, on sale, at, each G3t A 42x36 Inch Pillow Slip made of the best muslin, for, each 10f 12V4c new Fall Flannelette to start the season, yard 10J High Grade Wash Goods Department 5 eases of the New English madras for skirts and shirt waists, regular price Is 39c yard, to start the sea son, yard 25 7c igh Grade Wool Dress Goods One case of the best 75c " Batiste, made all colors, Thursday only, at, yard 59 The best $2.00 all wool Poplin made, all colors, to start the season, st, yard $1.25 Draperies and Curtains The best $1.50 Curtain made for 08 The best yard wide SUkollne mad", for 10 10 other specials not advertised. FOR GROCERIES, IT'S HAYDEN'S FHtST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. The Greatest Money-Saving Grocery De partment in the West. 20 pounds best Pure Cane Oranulnted Sugar, for $1.00 48 pound sack Highest Patent Flour 165 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 2 tic 5 pounds best Pearl Tapioca or Sago 26c 6 pounds choice Japan Rice 23c The best Oornmenl, per sack 16c The best Corn Starch, package 6c The best Bulk Starch, package 6c The best Cold Water starch, pek 6c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg. ,.IHc Alaska Salmon, per can 12Hc 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can ....4c Seeded Raisins, pkg 7c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 8'iC Teas and Coffees Ws import Direct Choice Sun Dried Japan Tea, per lb. 25c Fancy Oolong, Ceylon, Basket Fired Japan or English Breakfast Tea, special sale price, per pound 38c For Ice Tea try a pound of our Excellent Blend Tea. per pound 36c Oolden Santos Coffee, per pound ....18c Fancy Marlcalbo Blend, per pound 18c Fancy Torto Rico Blend, per pound 20c Fancy Ankola Blend, per pound 2c Fresh Vegetables at Zia Tbaa Market xrioas. Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, per doien..7Vic 8 bunches fresh Onions 6e g bunches fresh Radishes 6o 4 bunches fresh Carrots 6o 4 bunches fresh Beets 6o 3 hesds fresh Cabbage 5o 2 large Summer Squash ...6u Fresh Cucumbers, each lc 3 bunches freh Parsley 6c 2 lbs. fancy Wax or Oreen Beans. ..... 6c Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck 26c 3 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c Fresh Peas, per quart 6o Large Grape Fruit, each 6o Doa't rorgst the Big ron aad Fear Sal. A whole carload of the delicious fruit for this special sale Bushel boxes extra fancy California Pears the finest grown for canning on sale per box S3. S3 Large boxes extra fancy yellow Crawford California Freestone Peaches. These are very fine, per box 91.35 DOftT FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO .Schools AN D CblloifoB BUSH TEMPLE COHSERVATORV NORTH CLARK STRICT AMD CHICAGO AVai, cmicahv -WIN. LINCOLN IUSH, Founder KENNETH M. BRADLEY, Dirscltf The management announces tha exclusive teaching engagement ot tne following weii Boo " Zr in the faculty of over 40 teachers of national reputation! a ML JULIE Rlv-KINa The World-Renowned Pianist WM. A. WILUTT Eminent Singer sod instructor M. KALLMANN .Orchestral Conductor EDWARD DVORAK Director School of Acting- THE LEADING W CIP ACTIWU AND SCHOOL OF IllUdl V LANGUAGES Teachers of International repatsrloo In sll departmenti. 1 0 f ree an4 swrtlal scholarship. Vail term bclus Kept. Uih. Catalogue tree on application to K. ttchweaker, aecretaxx. When writing state department In wtiicb you are inieretted. , ,. The Bush Temple Conservatory uses the Butb 4 Gaits Pianos. ' Are You Looking for a Good School? Tos will W sluc4 wllk tha Woman's College at Jacksonville, 111. WhrotMioCUeofWon? Heie s fall Cellcia v4 Pipillor Covrict, n tlx nnU la Malic, Alt. Dontttlc cln. Il.ftMMD. tipenlel i.Mon.bli. uliouniirit krtUBtul. Homt Mm Ull. UkxIm tenli.l la Mlaal Wan. V.r confaalcnt la ..r a.rt ot laa Mlaalaaipal Vailar. StaSeatt tioai Ml ISaa lani lata. Caulof.a ia. AaaiaM Prcsldemt Barker, tos 3. JxaaM.MIa. III. A KimbaU HalL American ssfc Conservatory Taa LaaiD traeol el Miulc tn4 Dlaaiill Art. sa.aa.tr aaila.at iaitruclon. fa.r?ah4 touaia ol ltu4r. 1s caar'i Traininf lieaauntol. fafcl'c Scaool Mn. Eleca. lion, Pkralcll Culrwa. Mo4rrs l..nfuJf School of Acting-Hart Conway, Director. M toy Frit Aivnffl. 10 ft" SikoUrtitpt Awtrdtd (a Itltnltd tupih of limtlti Mums. Htk .Saaiaa Ml luu TkutUtj. V- C.dUIrt t'H Appittttt. JOXK J. HA I I SrAtDT, Pmiacoi. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Kara rawer. Oat lXUajp rr YaaVa i r