Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Monday Horning Session Heart a
Trio of Cases.
Ilahr that Vu Jelectd at a Beard-In-
HmM ill Mother Who DIs
rlpllard Ifrr Off-prlag.
riilltp TTarl folder, a K-yrar-nla" boy, was
brought Into Jnvnll court on the char
of shooting up a children's party In a most
approved wild went fashion and sending
one of his playmatns. Joseph Klnllrka of
1921 South Twelfth street, to the hospital
for several weeks. The boy found an old
revolver, cleaned It and got a cartridge
for It. A chlldren'a party wa going on at
the Prague hotel at Thirteenth and Will
iam streets, and he went there with his
gun and tried to frighten his friends. The
Klnllrka boy received a wotind In the abdo
men that camo near proving serious, filnce
the two boys were still friends In spite of
the affair, and his mother promised to
make tlje best restitution possible, Philip
was released on a promise to conquer hit
paslon for firearms.
InvextlKHte Rabies Hoarding Honae.
Teddy Itlatz. 2 years old, possessed of an'jj smile and an evident disregard of
the fact that ihe rtate Is concerned over
hi welfare, was broucht Into Juvenile
court with Mrs. Jack Wetmore of 1210 Nort'i
Twenty-fourth street on a complaint that
he In bolng neglected. Teddy's father and
mother have sepora'ed and his mother, who
In working In an Omaha hotel, placed him
at Mrs. Wotmore's to be taken rare of. as
Mrs. Wetmore has made a business of
boarding bahles. One of her charges died,
and as a result It was discovered according
to evidence brought against her In court
that they were being left poorly fed, un
Vempt and uncarert for. It was said that
Teddy was found lying on the floor In
filth nrol dirt, annoyed by filet and III from
niiilnuti Itlun. Judg Kennedy turned him
over to the Detention home and Mrs. Wet
n.oro'n home will be Investigated.
);i Neighbors' Complaint.
Left to take care of the three smaller
children. 13-ycar-old Fannie Fiedler of 819
North Seventeenth street ran away from
homo the other Ouy and when her mother,
Mrs. Morris Fiedler, returned from work,
she found the battles crying and the house
In disorder. As a result Fannie was chased
through the house and down the street to
the grocery store, where her mother struck
her with a stick and dragged her home.
The neighbors complained to the probation
officers and Mrs. Fiedler was brought Into
Juvenile court on a charge of abusing ber
children. The child admitted that she had
made considerable noise to avoid a whip
ping and her parents were released.
Safety Guard
Rail a Puzzle
Many Omaha People Do Not Enow
Just What to Make
of It.
The safety guard rail on. one of the Far
tiam street care has proved to the etreet
car conductors that to many people In
Omaha some of the Inventions of this age
are new things. '
Since the rail was put on some passengers
have tried to got off the car before the
guard was lifted; others have tried to
stand on the outside of the rail and still
others have gone to the other tide of the
car, thinking the one on which the rail
was attached was closed. Probably the
most comical situation developed Saturday
night, when an old man tried to board the
car for the first time since the rail hat
been put on.
He waited at Seventeenth and Farnam
for the car. Under his left arm he carried
a small package. The car rumbling up,
stopped to let him on; the motorman pulled
the lever that controls the guard and shot
It upward. The old man, who was stand
ing very close to the car. seeing the rail
conio out at him, dropped his bundle and
clutched excitedly at the rail, catching
hold of It and stopping It when It waa half
way up.
The conductor yelled at him to let go
ant) the old man fell back, suddenly real
izing that he had made a foolish mistake,
"1 thought the old thing waa going to
hit mo In the fuce," wat hit only comment
as he stepped Into a teat.
Politics Makes
Traveling Mates
Republicans and Democrats Will Go
to Linooln on the Same
Burlington Train.
Republican and democratic delegate! to
tho state conventions from this county will
go to Lincoln today on the same train
the lturllngion which leaves at 8:16 thla
morning. The republican! have ninety
five and the democrat! fifty-four delegates,
but a special train will not be run. Extra
couches will be attached to the regular to
ai'coimnoUato all.
Myron Learned, member of the repub
lican state loininlttee. laughed when asked
if he thought there would be any danger
of the two delegations getting mixed en
route and said he thought not, and Tom
Klynn of the democrats said that close
watch would be kept of his contingent to
sue that none strayed away.
Both conventions are called to meet at 1
o'clock in the afternoon.
Another Edict for the I .ads Who Take
Pleasure In Cat-Off 'a Tempt
ins Waters.
Email boys In the habit of swimming in
Cut-Off lake near Locust street must
either wear bathing tultt in the future or
go swimming in bath tuba.
This order has gone forth from the
juvenile officers, to whom complaint was
made by Missouri Pacific officials, who,
in turn, received complaints from passen
gers on their trains. The railroad official
notified the probation officer! that small
boys delighted in cutting capers when
trains were passing and that their undig
nified antics were not conducive to the
peace of mind of the paaaengera,
If the lads are unable to get bathing
tultt el jew here the probation officers will
tee that they are provided It application
U made.
Iw Eicsriluu Hatee t Seattle Dally
Via the Northwestern Line.
Splendid train kervtoe via St. Paul and
Minneapolis, through a country of the mott
magnificent and historic interval Liberal
return limits and atop-over prlvilegea.
Choice of routes. T lea at office; 1UB-M
JTaraaua aire. .
Sixth Wookly
Magnet Sale
Hi ill
Great Special Bargains All Day in Every Department.
Look for the Magnet Watch for the Green Cards.
WOMEN'S $2.00 WASH SKIRTS at 98c
Plain and striped reps, ducks, Indian Head muslins white,
blues, tans, old rose, etc. button trimmed, O
strapped and in coat skirt style, worth $2 14
One-piece white and colored jumper and lingerie dresses
in new styles regular $4.00 values; Magnet CI Oft
price vDl.0
French Valencienes Laces and Insertions Many to
matcn, up to 1 ins. wide, worth 5c, at, yd.
Elbow Length Pure Milanese Silk Gloves Black, PQ
white and all colors, worth $1.50 pr., Magnet price. )JG
15c Embroidery Edgings and insertions Medium n l
and wide edgings and insertions ;Magnet price, yd. 2 C
Our 29c Princess Satin for Linings Also adapted for petti
coatsregular price 29c a yard Magnet price, f P
at, yard ltC
85c Jacquard Printed Foulards, at yard 15c
25c and 29c Wash Dress Fabrics, at, yard 12V.C
15c All Silk Taffeta Ribons, all colors, yard. 6c
Women's $15.00 Black and Colored Wool Tailored Suits,
for $7.50
Women's $1.00 White and Colored Waists 50c
25c Aprons Black sateen, gingham and white lawn, 12V$C
Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose-r-Wide gartre tops, double soles, high spliced
heels all colors, pair
Women's 69e fine ribbed lisle Union Suits lace trimmed'. 'umbrella style.' In
cluding extra sites a9o
I5o Side and Back Combs, at. iaHo Stocking Feet, at, pair!!.'!.'!!!!!!! 60
6c Curling Irons .SHo 5e Hooks and Eyes, three cards for.. .60
Sample! of Ingrain Carpet worth 50c yd. Magnet price, each 860
100 fine leather Suit Cases regular price $7.00 Magnet prloe $3.60
One lot of Men's and Toung Men's Suits S3 to 88 only, small sixes all from
our regular stock, accumulated from odds and ends good working suit or
or dress suit at a saving from 15.00 to $7.60. worth up to $10.00. at.... 3.60
$0o Khaki Knickerbocker Pants . . a So
$9o Romper Play Suits 15o 75n Wash Suits In basement !.!! 860
Women's White Horse Hair Untrlmmed Hats, rolled on one side, worth $8 8
t, each g1-80
Importer's sample pieces all kinds fine laces; lengths 1 to 4 yard,
worth up to $1.60, at, yard 9 15 20t 59
Desirable Offices
There are very few opportunities to secure office space In The
Bee Building. At this time, there la but One room vacant. On
August 1st there will be an opportunity to secure some particularly
desirable space In the building. Although It is not a pleasant time
to move during the warm weather, we suggest that any one desiring
an office would do well to take advantage of the opportunity.
South Front Office
On the sixth floor, large corner office with vault, having south
and west light. This very desirable location now available. This
room Is partitioned, providing for a general work room and a private
office. Price $40.00 per month.
For Rent August 1st.
Suite of two rooms on sixth floor, number 616 and 618. These
offices are 13x20 and 9x22 feet in dimension; are outside rooms and
have good light Price $33.00 per month.
Rooms 417 and 419 will also be available on August 1st. They
are 8x14 feet each In size and are court rooms. The light In these
offices is equal to that In outside rooms, and the ventilation perfect
Price $20.00 per month.
Room 617 is 8x14 V4 feet in size, and faces on the court. This
room will be ready for occupancy the first of August. Price $10.00
per month.
R. W. BAKER, Superintendent.
Bee Business Office.
Ball Game for
Blood in Sight
Live Stock Exchange Challenges the
Commercial Club and Trouble
Starti at Once.
All the amateur garnet of the season past
and prospective are thrown Into hopeless
obscurity by the coming contest between
the Live Stock exchange of South Omaha
and the Omaha Commercial club. .
The former issued a defl Monday which
was token at once and things are now
simply teething. W. E. Reed of the Clay-
Robinson company laaued the challenge in
behalf of the Maglo City playera. Mr.
Reed will captain that nine and Lysis Ab
bott will head the near-Rourkea. Mr. Reed
has not divulged his lineup, but some of
the doughty opponents are known. Loom
ing large among these Is A. W. Jefferla.
He and Abbott used to play together on
the University of Michigan nine.
Another glittering batsman and fielder is
Frank Crawford and it li said that Ed-
ard Crelgbton has " been signed. Tom
Crelgh. E. D. Brando and Ouy Pratt will
also play for Omaha.
The game probably will be pulled off at
the field clus at a date yet to be set.
Approved by Nation and State. Best
Climate and Medicinal Springs Ik
America. First Claas Hotels. Hospi
tals and Bath House. Write te
eeretaxy Oosnmarclal Claa,
St 01 Kcrinca. So. Baa.
Van or Wagon,
When You Want It
We attend to your moving orders
not at our convenience, but yours.
For quick action call us. Our facili
ties for moving or storing household
goods are unsurpassed.
IOOO Farnam St.
Doug. 1559 Ind. A 1559
Grt 8. A II. fipwii Trading Stamps in all
your purchases. We give them in all depts.
We Close at 1 O'clock
The Bennett store closes every Tuesday
atl O'clock during July and August Its
a half holiday for the employees. Shop
as early in the day as you can, please, r
Purchases made Tuesday morning will be
delivered Tuesday afternoon as usual.
New Bargains
Every Day.
Only a Few of
the Many
Special Values
Can Be Men
tioned Here.
In Our Busy Cloak Department
Thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of women's and children"
outer garments on sale at HALF AND LESS THAN HALF ACTUAL WORTIL
500 Handsome Tailor Suits, choicest
styles and colors, on sale at JUST
Children's White and Colored Dresses,
values up to $4.60, at, choice 81.30
Silk Jap and Net Waists, values up to
14.00, on sale Tuesday, at.. $1.08
Heatherbloom Underskirts, values to
$3.00, on sale, choice $1.85
Linen, pongee and white serge Coats,
nearly 200 on sale at JUST HALF
100 Rubberized Rain Coats, sizes 34 to
44, on sale, while they Inst $4.05
Crepe Kimonos, values to $4. .$1.08
Our Sixth Great
Buyers' aivd Managers' SaJe
The department managers are given carte-blanche this week in
operating the Bennett business. All of them have summer goods to
get rid of and they grasp the chance to sell them at any price they
see fit. Sales totals go soaring, for bargains are big and almost with
out number.
Greatest Dollar Sale
Women's Low Shoes
We continue Tuesday morning to sell the balance of
our big purchase summer oxfords and slippers. What
ever you do, don't overlook this Bale. Never any
thing In town like it before. Fine, nice new, velvet
kid and patent vamps, also tan kid and
tan calf oxfords and strap slippers,
worth more than double as long as
they last, at, pair
Tuesday Morning's Hosiery Sales
The hosiery man is determined that this week's sales shall touch
the high water mark. To create a lively Interest he offers two well
known lines dangerously close to half.
15c and 20c r
yard values, '1 f
Zion City and Elyria A f& ST tf
Cluny and Torchon 1 14 g -g" Jfc
Nottingham, Val. and Linen on sale at.
Beyond question the best lace values that have been shown
in Omaha this season. Come early.
EV3HI End Remnants
Thousands of Mill Knd Remnants from Arnold's, ljwreme & Co.,
geng Co. and other leading piece goods manufacturers.
Mill ends 120 Flannelettes. . .7
Mill ends of 1214c Outing Flannel,
at 7Hs
Mill ends 12 Vic Percales 7H
Mill ends 15c White Goods... 7ttt
Mill ends 19c White Goods. ... 8H
Mill ends 25c White Goods.. 12s
Mill ends $1.50 Broadcloths... 50
Seconds of $1.00 Sheets. 81x90, 5f)
Seconds of 85c Sheets. 72x90.. 4)c
60,000 yards on sale of all kinds of
mill ends.
Three Rousing Hosiery Specials
Ladles' Imported Silk Lisle and Lace 1 Ladies Fine Maco Jiose. black and
, . . . . colors, rose, reseda, tans, lavenders,
Hose, In every wanted shade, actual 8moke etJ 10 va,up8 ftt
values to 75c, choice 2tS I pair 12 H
Children's School Hose, the regular 19c quality, at, pair 12
As brilliant in finish as real silk,
and with the silky "feel" of $2
kinds choice of black, tan,
bronze, taupe, hello, and green,
BOc quality, 29c
LISLE HOSE Imported, full
fashioned and with garter top,
double sole and high spliced
heel, 35c quality, black, pink,
sky, helio, green, oxblood, tan,
gray, champagne, in
pair J
In ihe Grocery Tuesday
Orders given Tuesday morning delivered
Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound
Lipton's Teas, one pound cans OOc
Pickling Spices, pound 25c
Hartley's Pure Fruit Jams, assorted.... 23c
Van Houten's Cocoa, can 15c
Beauty Baked Beans, can 5c
Heintze's Baked Beans, can 10c
Bran tpr bread, pound 5c
Snlder'S Tomato Catsup, 25c cans for. . 20c
"And 20 Stamps.
Helntz's Vegetarian Baked Bans 15c
And 5 Stamps.
Stuffed OllveaT Mason- quart Jar
same day.
. . . . 20c and 30 Stamps
Poppy evap. Milk, 10c
10 Stamps.
Toasted Rice Biscuits,
at 10c
10 Stamps.
Hippo Wash Powder,
6 for 25c
10 Stamps.
Pineapple Cubes, large,
at 20c
20 Stamps.
..40c and 10 Stamps
MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS Values up to $5.00 C 1 yf 0
250 Elegant sauiple skirts with deep lacG flounce of wido
embroideries; splendid assortment for selection; actual values
up to $5.00. You cannot afford to miss this great snap.
Can Your Peaches and Pears How
A whole carload of the delicious fruit in for this special sale.
Bushel boxes extra fancy California Bartlett Pears, the finest grown tor can
ning Tuesday's sale, .per box , JJ2.25
Large boxes extra fancyyellow Crawford California Freestone Peaches. These
are very fine, per box ' $1.25
Monday's prices on all fresh vegetables, groceries, butter, cheese and
It's Money Saved by Trading at Hayden's.
p Y P1 e 'oot '3race and relieve the strain VNhS 1 1
' fut at this tender point. They give a bracing, restful Vy7
p sensation that puts new vim into your walk. "jjj
To New York and Boston
Via the
A delightful 30-4&.J vacation tour with diverso routes
east of Chicago, interspersed with lake, river and ocean
trips, relieving the monotony of an all rail journey. Liberal
stop-overs throughout the east. Let us plan your trip and
arrange all the details. For rates, routes, eto., call at
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1524 Farnam St, or Write.
F. A. Nash, Oen. Western Agent. Omaha, Neb,
Here Is Relief at
If there Is a woman in
Omaha or Nebraska, for that
matter, who has tender feet
or who Is bothered with
bunions, we have a message
of relief. We carry a spe
cially constructed shoe for
women which is made one
size smaller at the Instep and
two sizes wider at the sole,
which throws the foot in its
natural position, encouraging
elasticity In the walking and
real comfort for the wearer.
These shoes are made of fine,
soft kid leather and they are
very soft and flexible.
We have them In lace only.
The Prices lUnge:
Turned Boles $3.50
Welt Soles $4.50
Drexcl Shoe Co J
1119 Farnam Street
Taffs Oental Rooms
The paper that goes to the
homes brings advertisers the
beet returns.
In tli Shopping k ixta sad
Dlstrlot. rv VrcO... on
I I TsttlMBI
Hotel Kupporl
11th ut KcO.
Kanias City, Mo.
In th hopplBj' Dlstrlot.
Mas all ths Th.atars.
tOO SMStllBl Koosks.
100 rrtvau Baths.
Hot and oold witr In aU rooms,
Hpadoua lobby, parlors.
T.l.pnons In Twy rooao.
fcaaauiol Ca!a, torfoet Calais
$1 to $2.50 Per Day
Snropoaa Flaa.
F. A BEBBOhT, Mf r.
DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST "2toto?. ."ViVa!""
Crowns, up from 93,60
Tartial Platas, np
from $2.oo
Falnlssa extracting- BOo
rulings, np from boo
Paroalala rUUngs,
np from SI .30
Bridsr Wark, pa
tooth, ap frota ta.BO
Bsrvss romovsd with,
oat pain.
a iraoLax.Tr.
Work guaraatoad taa
Bee Want Ads
roduce Results
EL WFMflil
Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th St., NEW YORK.
In tht Ctntn of
Shopping and
Theatre District
JlnmkwWAnM CpmpW. In all Hi appoint
Rooms $1.50 per day and upwards.
CCORGC W. 8WCENCV. Faata.iTaa.