B TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 25, 1909. )' 11 'J t IS ANNOUNCEMENTS " Advertise Your Business j There Is nombody omhfr that la Interested tn your proposition. A TRYOUT FOR LITTLE MON'KT. .A TEN-IXJI.l.A H NOTE FOR A FLYER will carry a 26-word classified ad Into a million homei one time In entire Hat. Boaton Herald. Buffalo Kipreiia, Hhlla. North-American, R-hlfr Ieniorat, Irracuaa fWall. Omaha g. Plttahura roeratrh. Naw Haan l.ei'ler. at. Ixitila OI'ta Pra., Waahlnrton Poat, Vllwaukaa Pr Praa, f Inrlnnatl Knqtilrar, VinnMpolla Tribune, Detroit Frae Praaa, ProTMan-e Trihune, Cleveland tafler, raa Milnaa R A tiler, PnT Repehltran. Ran KrmrKiero t'hrnntal, Atlarita Conitttutton, Pallaa Nawi. t.'hlraa,i Heaord-Hrral. Kanaai rilir Journal. lndlaoapolla Newa. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL. POCKET GUIDE FREE. RUDOLPH (1UENTEK, 113 BROADWAY, NEW TORtC Reference: Any paper on above Met. Advertising campaigns outlined. MULTIGRAPH DUPLICATING CO, Brandels Bldg. Telephone Douglas 4311. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a apeclalty of fire escapes, shutters, doois and tafes. G. Andreen, prop., 102 9. 10th PLUM RING A. V. McVea, 5 N. 40th Recent city plumbing lnapector. A-3107. RADIUM WATER NATURE 8 REMEDY Try a gallon, $1. It la wonderful. No wata Land Lot Co, finite i24, N. Y Life Bldg , Omaha. Neh. 'Phone Red UJ. Open evening!. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 04. Hulse & Rlepen, fun' 1 director, suc cessors to Harry B. Davis. 7 8. 10th St. SIGN PAINTING H. H. Cole, 1301 Douglaa. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. REMOVAL aale monument. 1417 S. 11th. PIG BALK Coat and pants to order, $15. MacCarihy-Wllson, 304 So. lotn i - OLIVER A. IIALI- architect A engineer. N. Y. Life; designer of modern buildings. DMA II A Mirror and Art Glass Co.. art glass, mitre cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllverlna and framing. Offloe and factory 1614 Cuming St. Both phones. SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam. K. W. FITT, mechanical and consulting enalneer. drawing, designing, estimates. Ho Bee Bldg. Missouri filters made and sold. 1310 How FOR ROOD TAILORING" go to J A Ksrvan. 60S Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red T374. pnOltlQ ART STORE. 1621 DODGE IVUo.Ej O u Framing at about half th prlca others charge. 1,817 COUFLES have been married by th Rev. C. VV. Savldge, and he is praying to marry 3,000. If you want him to marry you call Webster 3444 or b-m. r- BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE DE CK posit VAULTS la burglar and fire PJ r.roof Hettar be safe than sorry Basemsnt Omaha Nat'l bank. 210 8. llth 8L LAWN MOWER8 sharpened by special machine, $1; called for and delivered. A. J.nsun & Bon, 2820 N. 24th. Both 'phones. WANTED Concessions for Sarpy County Old Bettlers' plclnc at Springfield, Nt., August 19 RED 612 The Omaha House and Win dow Cleaning Co.; any kind of cleaning. COMBS, 1620 Douglas, expert eye fitting. HATS cleaned and rebloeked. gchmarse's Ht Factory. 606 N. 16th St. Tel. D. 6960. Qulok Action for Your Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. ABOUT LIQUORS. We sell whisky, alcohol, etc.. for medi cine only and every day In the week, out, mind you, only for medicine. People who need liquor for medicine only get sick cn Sunday as well as any other day. If your druggist will sell you liquor on week days, but not on Sunday, there is something wrong. Schaefer Drug Co. HEFLIN. expert locksmith, 1616 Douglas St.. upstairs. Doug. 2974 or A-42C6. PICTURES framed artistically. Prompt work. Megeath 8ta. Co., 16th and Farnam, OMAHA PASTE CO. now located at 718 So. 13th St., Douglas vreu. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson, Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. 638 Paxton Blk., 16th and f irntm fits., umana. ieia., uuui 2176. A-1792; Res., Web., 294. RUGS and everything cleaned with the Duntlev ucuum cleaner. Lagcrstroin, 8118 Leavenworth. 'Phone H. I4'.i0. ROD AND GUN CAFE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. For watches and Jewerly repairs soe Oustafson Hendrlckson, 201 No. 16th St WOOD, Dr. O. S., B21 N. Y. L. Homeopath James II. Craddock. architect, room Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Red 6374. "COLBRIX." new pkg. keeps Waterloo brick Ice cream, hard, I hours, 1617 Howard J. D. BULGER, nalnter and paperhanger paints and oils; 1447 8. 12th. Doug. 860. HAY HACK PARTIES Call us up Are prepared at any time. llObNMI,Al 1, Both Phones. 1828 Nicholas St. PANAMAS bleached, new Stetsons $260, 83. Ramser. practical hatter, za o. mn. ALAMITO buttermilk, ratail. Both phones. W. J. MURPHY makes eement sidewalks, step and basement flour constructions. Phone Douglas 6397. 1M5 Davenport SI QUA DING CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received foi excavating for new City National Bank building, lolti and Harney bts. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1jU1 Farnam St. ATTRACTIONS wanted for PUger earn! val and atreet fair, September I, 8, 4. J. 8. Outhrldge, Sec y.' WANTED Parties having street fair nd carnival attractions plfaa write Chairman of Concession Unminlttee. Alexandria, Neb. for date of August 2. lyot. 3000Si;$1.25 any wording; two colors; positively guar anteed; any atxe to lxl i nones. CHAS MFG. CO.. Pittsburg, Pa. Box 706. PHOTOGRAPHIC Instruction given In any branch; finishing for amateurs; re touching for the trade. Lulu Bell Hunt, 4202 Cuming St. Tel. Harney 1339. BIG SALE Coat and pants to order, $18 MaeCarthy-Wilson, o04 So. ltith St. MID-SUMMER Festival Colt Show Au gust 26. 27. For concessions address Secre tary Stella Commercial Club, Stella, Ne braska AUTOMOBILES STORAGE. centrally located, opposite library. Ult Harney St Brick P. Kuhn. RAMBLERS New, 4 and l-cyllnder. SO per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 044 Farnam St SEND for our itst of second hand cars. D IC RIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. U14 Farnam Hi. a ill mei als, including aluminum ana lrt Iron, can b perfectly welded with th Beitser-Delcatnpe ox acetylene process. A repair shop for the repair of broken auto cylinder, crank cases. tc, can easily make $300 a week. No other machinery required. Communicate with The J. it. Deppeler Agency, Union Bldg, Newark, N. J At'TOAioolLE owners. garagamcn, chauffeur, beginner and experts valuable books; engine, 26c; carburetor, 15c; mag neto, 10c. E. F. Cassleman, X2 Rand Mo Nelly Bldg.. Chicago. POPE WAVERLY electric, fine shape; full leather top; $400; worth double. Call Douglas 2U25. If you have anything to sell or trade a.nd want qulok action advertise It In aUa Bee Want Ad column. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT TOU WANT! We have rarma. rancors HOMES IN OMAHA. W will trad with you. Come In and us. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. ault 624. N. T. Llf Bldg. 'Phone Red kill. Omaha. Neb. Open evenings tit ntx-Nrn A na renin If taken at once Nine room house, walking dlatanr-e, address B-175. care Bee. FEET) store and 10c feed yard for rale or trade for land. South Auburn, inquire Frank Whltmore. FOR EXCHANGE a mt it . . i-i A wn,.aa altnated on f line writ ijiiiinii", , - K .v. ..r.ota in the cltv: all I modern and up-to-date. Want good wild I land or Improved farm. Will aasume or pay cash dlf. I. N. HAMMOND, 81 Board of Trad, BIG rale Coat and pants to order, $15. MacCarthy-Wllson. 304 So. 16lh St. 110 000 stock general merchandise, paying .(GO per year. No trading stock. Want land and money. Two thoroughly modern pressed dock houses. 8 rooms each, well rented. In Chi cago. Want Omaha Improved. Large saw mill ana storg or lumoer in Arkansas on Oklahoma line, plenty of tim ber. Want Nebraska land or Omaha prop erty. , 14.000 acres land. Z.MW heaa came, tu neaa horses; Irrigated, houses all modern, in Colorado. Want Improved cltv property. NOWATA LAND IAJT t o.. Suite 6?4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1!9. Omaha. Neh. FOR EXCHANGE T-and tn southeastern ! Nebrasks for merchandise. C. E. Barge, Central City, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Ba Bldg. Tel. D-3367. INVESTMENTS One of the oldest, largest and most suc cessful sawmill companies In the south wishes to sell at par a limited amount of stock In tuelr company. They own 66.000 acres of timber land, two first-class sawmills, planing mills, logging road, stores, etc. This stock pays monthly dividends and there has not been a month during the last twenty-five years that the business has not shown a profit. The reason for selling this stock Is to enable the administrator to settle up the estate- of the vice president, who recently dlrd. If you are looking for a first-claas, per manent, profit-paying Investment, call and learn full particulars. 840 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. iron witnt Ktors room, lust vacated. n Madgett building; all modern and up o date; pise 82x60. Wm. Madgett, Haa- to tings. Neb. HOW to Make Money In the Pacific Northwest," a pamphlet published Dy me best authorities In the west, together with a map showing the location of all the Important Industrie, mauea 10 dree upon rcelpt of II. Thl Includes a list of 100 opportunities. A chance for you whether you have money to Invest or not. We have nothing to son. i n is is uu. nformatlon only. Address w. a. to', Maple Valley. Wash. ivrnmi aTtnM WANTED Regarding Investment opportunity where few thousand dollars could be profitably Invested. Wish to hear from anyone naving aiucn ii In Industrial or mining proposition. No liquor proposition considered. Address by mall only. George H. Currier, Room 78-D, 46 West Monroe St.. Chicago, 111. 16-room rooming and boarding houe, In come about $iiO0 a month. Will exchange for land or city lots. OANGa.31 AU, 404 uee iog. BIG BALE Coat and pants to order, $15. lo. 16th St. MacCarthy-Wilaon, 304 J u-rin bat. re Driia- stock at Naponee, Neb, This Is one of the best small ousineus towna on the Republican valley. Only drug store in the town. A snap for some one, A. B. Johnston. Naponee, Neb. M-tru TTOR GROCERY. Best In citv for live, energetic man, dense population, money spenders. Fine room. Rent right Will lease. See owner, U01 N. 18th St., 9 to 6 o'clock. WOULD YOU Invest $10 00 to $SO0 00 If guaranteed 10 per cent, with chance to make 100 per cent. Bank references and security for every cent Invested absolutely no risk. HULL. 202 Franklin St, New York. ICE manufactured at 76 cents a ton, sell $8.60 a ton on Bridge, output Ml tons aa-uy large dividends, sena ior pruniiis. PEOPLES, 99 Boulevard, Bayonne, N. J.' QAT.ATtY 1 1 K 0 0. TREASURERSHIP of old established company doing good business Is open to f.ni,i man or woman who will loan $6,000 at 6 per cent. Security given. P. O. Box 7, Station . new xora. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A BANK 7 no YOtI WANT TO BUT A BANK? We Invite correspondence and personal Interviews, from anyone who wishes to h,w or ..It a h.nh. WESTERN INVEST ment t'o.. Finance uiag.. mm u im Baltimore avenue. Highest References. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED To sell an up-to-date mov ing picture show, doing good business, bet location, tteaaon ior selling, vuivi nesa. Address U-180, Bee. utekt KK'lTRir.n OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and liat of Inventions wanted, free to any aaares. Patent secured by us advertised iree in World's Progress; sample copy free. Evana Wllkens & Co., 6S8 F St, Washington, D. C. rk TNDF.PRNmr.NT: flftv Improved Hllo Peanut Machines will earn you $1,200 a year. Write Hllo Gum Co., Inc., 1Z1 Mar ket St.. Chicago, ill. SPLENDID opportunity for small Inves tors In British Columbia; buy stock In the Mohican mine; adjacent property Just sold for $3,000 ooo. write for particulars, l.. m Oliver, Vancouver, B. C CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors, commission basis. Sam uel Graham & Co., Celling Brokers, New York Life Building, Montreal, Canada.' FOR SALE Only millinery store, at sacrifice. In eastern town of LO00 Box 20, Emerson. Neb. A NEW LAW In Delaware; charters Wo a 31,000: return man; our fee small; every thing furnished: stock guaranteed with government bonds: collateral and sold on commission: beware Imitator with no tea tlmontals. Lawyers' Title and Trust Co. Wilmington, Del. SMITH'S FINANCIAL REVIEW. Tell what stock to buy, what to let alone; 8 page Illustrated: mailed on re ouest. Clarence M. Smith, 64 Wall St.. New York IF INTERESTED In etocks. bono an grain and enjoy reading something bright, snnpy and niversirieniy original In it make-up. send 6 cents postsae for e cop or out Knge noinings. putiusnM ny Frank Howell, 88 Broad St., N. T. City REAL mining pav better than anythln else; chance to get In on ground floor: rich ore: mine all paid for; monev needed for machinery. H. Happe. Ford City, Pa. HONEST, capable and Indnatr'nu vnit" or mldd'e-aaed man to buy 810 000 or $16,000 Increased csnltal stock In flrt-e'ass mer csnttle establishment doing $700 000 yearly; best central location Denver. Coin. Nw lease Just secured This Is an extraordi nary opnortunltv for th rlirht rartv. w. r. o.. box ira, oenver. ioio. HAVE vacant lot. close In and money to exchange for legitimate and well paving business Interest. Glv full particular. Address N 101. Be. I WILL SELL the furniture of my a-room flat, which Is in first class condition and located In the best rooming district on Douglas street at a great sacrifice. For further particulars, address O-102, care Bee. 1'P-IiO-DATK little grocery tor doing rood business, good location. About 82.100. Th O. O. Jone Co.. SuS Brandels Bldg. PARTNER, with $160 cash and ervlee. young man only; profitable business; no chance to lose. For Interview addroa E 171, Be, BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) Private Industry Private parties who hav their homes or other property for sale and wish to sell same In a nulet. private , and avoid the usual annoyance of curious Individuals, display signs, etc., will get the best at tention and quick returns by placing their property In my hands. The above Is also tme for the Investor; If you want to buy property of any kind, whether for home or Investment, I am In a position to get you the bet for your money in large or small investments - Individual attention Is given to this class of business I get together both seller and Investor, In quiet, businesslike manner, and will be pleased to talk with you privately at any time, or will call and see you. I have a large list of very desirable homes for pale and on practically your own termr All business Is treated strictly confiden tial, and if you want to buy or sell, I will be pleased to have you cull and tell me what you want F. II. DRAKE, Tel. Red 5236. Mb Brandels Bldg. FREE to homeseekers and land Investors. Our new publication, "The Homeflnder," absolutely free fur sis. months; Just full of valuable information for th land buyer and farmer; special attention given to the gulf coast country of Texas. He sure to send us your nam before you decide to in vest in land; carefully compiled Informa tion about cost of fencing, plowing, farm Improvements, when and what to plant. etc.; a five-acre fruit and truck farm, $10 down and $5 monthly; no interest; no taxes Address The Provident Land Co., Dept. 80, Kansas city, ftlo." FREE inside Information, free plans, par ticulars and valuable free advance advices on golden opportunities for everyone, every where, Including fre money-making busi ness openings. manufacturing chances, cheap farms, lands, lots, houses, buildings. Inventions, stores, factories. Investments, etc. Everybody write. No fake. All ab solutely free. Postcards answered. Asl for copy greatest buyers' and sellers' mag ailne on earth free. It Is a thing of beauty. Address Everyday Life Magazine, Dept. 71 Chicago. 111. STOCK, bond offering, mining, eleetrle. Industrial or railway company, wanted for sale; commission basis. Address full partic ulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 10R8, New Tork. RESTAURANT In a llvelv town of 1.800 innnnuanis ror sale ror X336. This Is a harealn for some one. Also a dandy place in villain uir uooa reasons lor sell ing . UANIiESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. $20000 CHOICE of Common or 7 ner cent 'referred Stock offered for Investment to one or not more than four desirable par ies, by Manufacturing Concern In Omaha. I, nee. BIG SALE Coat and nnnts to order. US luacv-anny- w nson, o so. 16th St. 10-CENT feed vard for sale X'orth Au burn. Inquire Frank Whltmore. Bonlh Auuurn. MEAT MARKET. Store room for rent, rlirht snot tn An rood business. Owner, 1101 N. 1Mb. St. 9 to 6 CIOCK.- PROFITS paid on the 1st and 15th of eacn month on Investments by our method Address i". o. Box Z(g, New York City. CAPITAL furnished for meritorious entfr- prises stock and bond Issues sold on com mission; companies organized; loans ne gotiated: address with full particulars Metropolitan Investment Co., 131 La Salle Di., inicago.' M per cent Is often promised Investors can i promise this much, but have conservative Investment with exceptional prospects. Write for particulars. Box 813, morwaiK. onto. POOL and billiard hall for sale. If In terested. call on Frank Dvorak. Madison. niCD. FOR SALE The best located hiinriritH barrel flour mill and grain elevator In the state, present owner being in business 28 years ana wants to retire. Address Y 846, care oi use. FOR SALE A stock of arenerai merchan uise; location center of town. Miller Wacker, Loveland, Colo. DRUGGIST AND PHYSICIAN inl.4 Partlea with canltal to nut l n drne- stork Address Edwards & Bradford. General oiore, coone. Neb. WESTERGARD can help you get In or out vi uuBuiess. am Me tiiag. Tel. D. X443. IF YOU want to buv a hotel mimrini rooming nouse or any kind of business, ca on t,i:tSJU uAnucDiAu, eut nee is lag, FOR SALE-The best and lararest nlumhinir heating, pump and windmill business of soutnwsirn lowa. Have several oon traot Jobs on hand now. Will sell at In voice. Address x 131 car Bee. ON account of other business will ari coai ana reea Dullness cheap. Address R, oouin umana uee olllc. FOR SALE Drug stock and fixture, t amount of about 13.000. Good cl.n .tn,-k Only store. Reasonable rent. Part raah r wouia consider land In payment. Address iom c. u tonnor, Jackson. Neb. DALiE-nfiliaurHnr onfl C.onrnflnn, ryJn ood Jown- A- C. Adams, Doniphan, FOR SALE Fourteen thousand h.r.. n me ureal uncle Sam Oil Co. stock. Thl stock is now off the market, and It will soon be worth 60c. Will take 85c. For particulars, write Y-wr car Bee. CHIROPODISTS Se Monheit Treatment on feet, 1411 Far. DR. ROY, 1605 Farnam St. Douglas W7. J, W. Scott, at Neb, barber shop, 1202 Far. EDUCATIONAL. FALL TERM OF THE Mosher-Lampman Business College BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1. Our course In 20th Century Bookkeeping and general business studies will fit you for a first class business position. A course In Mosher Shorthand and Touch Typewriting will prepare you to hold the, very best stenographlo positions tn Nebraska Thorough courses In Business, English and Special Penmanship. Plenty of good positions for graduates. Our teaching Is not done by advanced students, but by the most experienced and skilled corps of Instructor In the west. Our little booklet entitled "GUARAN teed STAT EM ENTS"ls brimful of valu able Information regarding business edu cation. You should get one right away. It contalna some of the finest specimens of penmanship ever published. Cut out this ad and mall It to us and we will send you "GUARANTEED STATEMENTS" free. If you do tills at once we will credit your account with $1.00, payable to you In books and station ery when you enter our school. It will pay you to read this booklet before you decide what school to attend. $$111111111 $ $ $ Work for Board $ $ $ $ $ I $ $ I I $ $ Address, MOSITER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA, NEB. 8UMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLE9 COLLEGE Enter now for complete training In a'J ommercWI branch. Including bookkeep ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, Ivll errtce, railway mall and all govern ment grade subject. Handsome eatalogu furnished free upon request Add' H. B. Boyles, President. Guiana. Nab. Both 'Phones. Official training school (or U. P. R. R. Telecraiib Department EDUCATIONAL (Continued FALL TERM OMA II A I 'O M M EHCIAL COLLEGE Nineteenth and Farnam B F.i? INS SEPTEMBER . This school stands comparison. Send for FREE Jtf-page catalogue. Tells a true tory. Business, Shorthnrid, Telegrsphy. av and night sessions r r. official school of telegraphy. Both 'phones. Address M. U. Hi tohrbough, Pres. DENTISTS mi F1CKES. 217 Board of Trade. "He oesn't hurl like others." BAILEY & MACH. 8d floor, Psxton. D.10S6. TAFT'S dental rooms. 1517 Douglas St DRESSMAKERS FASHIONABLE dressmaking. Tel. Red 6088. MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A 2577. TF.RRY College, th and Farnam 8ts. DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER, 617 Karbach Blk. D. 2S32. Omaha Pet Ag'y . 428 Paxton Blk. D. nil EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SHAMPOOING. halrdresslng. massage and manicuring; noiue appointments. Eolipse iiairareaamg c&iiuia, rswiiie Bla.. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. L,eSBOnS lUCHai, a uui n,ij nu CAlur- Oays Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, &4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 64(W. GREAT reduction sale of ladles' suits, worth $.0 and $0. to order, only $.15. Workmanship guaranteed. L. Fox, tail Leavenworth St ARTISTIC FRAMING At prices just as others charge for the other kind- .... A. HUSrB t.:o.. inta in'iiijLAa di. The West s Greatest Art Store. CANDY that's good Is hard to get at most places in the summer time, as It soon ,rat. hurd and loses Its flavor. We make a specialty of fine candy, especially Bnlduff's "Made in Omaha" and order It fresh every day. Be sure ana see mat it comes from Sohaefer's. Guaranteed fresh. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from Im porters; save dealers proms. t-iaruey, Phone Doug. am. ana ageni win can. instructions in china and water colors at SPECIAL RATES during the summer months. M. R. Emlg Studio, 936 N. Y. U FRENCH DRY CLEANING WKS. Both Tels. Best work; prompt service. 60C RIBBON nail file, 25o. Haines Drug Co., ItilO Farnam. Rio- nirnrmt on nalr ood8 during pig .U1SCOUI11 the remodeling of the store (10 days). We will make a 20 per cent discount on all hair goods, switches, puffs, transformations, etc.; all goods marked in flaln figures. Hobson's Beauty Shop, 1508 (ouglas St. Entrance through millinery store. CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best Only one office. 1513 Jones St. THE f AMUK1UU. 'ALWAYS THE BEST," Harding's ice cream, Wedgewood creamery butter. The Harding Co., sin ana Harney, oougias 87. CAKES THREE LAYER WHITE gQg Groceries and Meats bottom prices. JOHNSON at GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 1360. FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 126s. 1619 Farnam. BRANDIES' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department, 16th street entrance Bennett's store. FURNACE REPAIRING Repairing and resetting gas, leaky furnace. Experts on remodeling furnaces to obtain more heat on a fuel saving basis. W Install new furnaces. Omaha Stove Re- pair Works. 1206-8 Douglas St.. Both phones HELP WANTED FEMALE Agent aad Salesladies, WANTED Lady canvassers: salary paid, Address G 800, Bee. $2 60 DAILY-Reflned lady, of good ap pearance to act as demonstrator; experi ence unnecessary. Liberal pay and steady employment. Write C. W. Smith, State Manager, lowa CHy, la. Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER to act as private sec retary, $i& or better. Stenographer, splendid position, $60. Stenographer, insurance exp., $65. Stenographer, good future, ti&. Stenographer (Smith Premier,), $7. StenograDher. Mfg. firm. $i4. Bookkeeper, who can operate machine, I'M. Clerk, fruit dept., Express checker, hotel, city, 40. The demand aa never greater for cx pertenced stenographers. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. WE HAVE a number of desirable open ing for stenographers and bookkeepers. See us at once If seeking a position or betterment. THE CANO AGENCY, 438 Bee Bldg. 8TENO. and clerk, Insurance, out of town, isy WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. INC 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. LADIES Copy letters at home, spar time: good pay; cash weekly: send stamn, Carmol Manufacturing Company, Detroit, Mien. Factory mm Trade. HELP wanted In all departments. Evans Laundry Co.. ZU s. uih. LADIES and girl can make good money at noma spare time decorating sura pu lows; experience unnecessary. Call fore noons. 207 So. Thirteenth St. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip pers. Balduff Pure Candy Co., 1116 Far nam St. WE want several ftrst-rlass operators on power sewing machines to make shirts, In an Illinois city of 40.0O) population. A modern up-to-late factory and a steady position with good wages to good operators. Answer by letter. W. H. Meyer, care The Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Hgawkcrseri aad Domestic. WANTED Flrt class cook. t$ per we -k to right person. Call at one. 8202 Wool worth Av. GIRL for general housework. 222 Dodg. WANTED Girl for general housework in small family. 4204 Harney t. SMALL girl to help with housework who can go home evenings. 604 S. ?lth St. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Take West Side Hanscom Park car, get off at Woolworth. 1321 8. 36th Ave. GOOD girl for general housework; no washing nor Ironing' two In family. Call 16UH Dodge St. Room IX Mrs. L. R. Savage. ELDERLY lady for light housework. 1S31 N. 24th St. WANTED Competent housekeeper In family, four adults: good wages, good home. 1612 N. 26th St., South Omsha. GIRL to help wlah light housework and care for children; no waahlng and r.o cook ing; good home; good wages. R. Kula kofsky. 2304 Fowler Ave. Tel. Webster 1314. COMPETENT girl for general house work;; no washing, lira. j. C. Colt, $648 Harney SU HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper and Domestic, Cos f?0 S. 29TH AVE., girl for genersl house work. H 2424 WANTED Olrl to assist In housework. 2211 California. GIRL for general housework: no wash ing or Ironing. ISO S. 36th St. Harney 8T4. GOOD girl for general housework. Ap ply to Mrs. U Kroloff. 721 Fifth Ave. WANTFD Girl for general housework. Mrs. William Baxter, 81.20 Burt St. WANTED Girl. general housework: light work; good wages; good home. 1V2 N. lith St. WANTED Girl for general housework. f.18 P. 20th St. WANTED A nurse girl. !5th Ave. Call at 208 S EXPERIENCED girl for general house work In small family. 2108 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 8. GIRL for general housework In family. 332.1 Harney St. small GIRL for general housework, tol Ave. 1X18 Capl- WANTED Washer woman for Thurs day. 'Phone D. 6041 Residence, 2062 St Mary's Av. YOUNG GIRL wanted for house work, go home nights. 2410 Cass St. A GIRL for general housework at Oko boll lake for the summer. Good wages and railroad fare paid Call at office of J. H. Humotit & Son, 106 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED A cook. 8416 Dewey Ave. Bllacellaneoa. LEARN halrdresslng; It pays )'Ou; can easily earn $16 to ib weekly; full course taught. Brandels Halrdresslng Dept. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or adJrts.i al once Good rich Drug Co., Oman. Neb. WANTED An experienced maker and second trimmer for exclusive millinery store, for out of the city. Arply 6.3 South Sixteenth St. TWENTY-FIVE girls wanted at once; steady work and good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. LADIES Make bibs In spare time; t7 to $14 weekly; material and Instructions sent. Addressed envelope brings particulars. Lamb. Manager, 46 N. 12th St., Phil adelphia. WANTED Lady to travel In Nebraska; good pay and tailor made suit free in 90 days; experience unnecessary; rename firm: write for particulars. J. E. Mc- Hrady Company, Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, Solicitor) sued lalesnca. waktrd- A rents to gell maps and globes to school districts. A. Stocks, Box 608, Lincoln, jncd. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive tnrougn me country ana solicit subscriptions. Call and se cir culation manager Th Be PubiUthlng Co WANTED Agents to sell genuine minia ture flvlner machines that fly. Sell on sight. Big profit; catalogue free. Territory rights. A. Furber, granatin iag., Minne apolis, Minn. JUST Datented. Young's wonderful but ton-hole gauge knife. One agent sold 107 In one day, made r irteen otner rapid sellers. A. M. Young, 423 Young s Bldg., Chicago. AOENTS Anybody can sell our house hold specialties; show 'em, that's all; now man: each II you invest produces u quick. Cordes-watson. in waDasn, unicago. SALESWAN ' Wanted Experienced, am bitious man capable selling to best trade bv Kansas City wholesale house. Appli cant must submit convincing prooi or competency. Fine opening. Permanent Position will pay ngnt man nign wagea State experience fully. References. Ad dress, Manager, (34 Midland Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS Wonderful Invention. Big money selling Canchester Incandescent Kerosene lamp, burns with or without mantle: 10 times brighter than electricity, gas or acetylene at one-tenth cost; burner fits all standard lamps; saves 75 per cent oil; no trimming wicks. Beware of Imita tions. Outfit free. Canchester Light Com pany, 26 State St., Dept u, Chicago. ROYAL Flreless Cookers 100 per oen nrnnosltlon: retails $1 60. $2.60. $4 60. Granite aluminum kettle. Agent's sample, tL Battle Creek, Mich. MAN or woman, you can make a good living selling "Hold Thresd-Fast" needles to housewives, dressmakers, embroiderers milliners and tailors; a little one-minute demonstration makes the sale; everybody calls for more: free outfit Write now for free samples. Smart A Schomburg, S96 Broadway, New yorK Clty, WANTED Agents; legitimate substltvt for slot machine, patented, sells on sigh for $1. Particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson Ind. SELL our Play-Ball picture; funniest ever: sells to every fan, cigar store, ga loon, etc.; sample prepaid, 10c. or S for a miarter: you get 25c each. Be first In th field; coin $8 to $12 dally, riavroi Co., t Louis, Mo. AGENTS $85 per month, Introducing 10 piece combination dipper: experience un necessary: outfit free. i. 1 nomas co, Desk 839, Dayton, Ohio. MANAGER wanted, every city an county. handle, best pnvlng business known, legitimate, new, exclusive control no Insurance or book canvassing. Address Charles Halstead, 43 West 84th St., New York. WANTKD Salesman, experienced In any line, to sell general trade tn Nebraska;; a unexcelled SDeclalty proposition; vacancy after August 1: commissions with $"iS weekly advance for expenses. The Contl nental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. TRAVELING SALESMEN earn $1,000 to $10,000 yearly. Write for free book. "How Salesmen Succeed," and secure position with reliable firm. Bradetreet System Dept. 86, Rochester, N. Y. WE POSITIVELY have the fastest pell Ing household patent on the market. Wool verln Co., Pittsburgh, Fa. AGENTS Here's the chance of vour life time: something entirely new; $50 weekly easily made; sells In every home; write fo particulars. Dexter Supply Co., Caxton Bldg , Chicago. NEW FIELD 200 per cent profit, wanted In stores, factories and homes; agents tel egraphing for good. Writ for territory; no deposit required. James H. Stewart. General Manager, Toledo, O. AGENTS WANTED To sell cooking utensils, specialties, etc.; big commissions: 117 .SO a week sure; some territory yet open. For particulars write at once. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Dept. A., Lemont, 111. $75 PER WEEK Isn't bad. Is it? You can earn that and more. We want capable men In everv locality to handle an honest, straightforward proposition. Telegraphic Mall Company, 220 Broadway, New. York. SALESMEN wanted to sell grocers, drug gists and confectioners: $100 per month and expense. California Cider and Extract Company, St. Louis, Mo. CITY salesmen wanting a good side line, hardware and automobile trade, please write Adams Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Salesmen from 40 to 60 years old for staple line heavily advertised to country merchanta. Permanent position, worth $100 weekly to producers. Holiday season. EE, Box 413. Iowa City. la. SELL Rogers tableware aa aide line, $lu dally easily made, iai per cent commission. Pocket samples, elegant Una. Century Mfg. Co.. i'Jl Souih Keduie, Chicago. BOY AND GIRL AGENTS Sell 24 eay selling articles at 10c each and receive a good camera or watch ire. bend no money. Worth Specialty Co., Decatur,, 111. specialty salesmen-Two ao- aualnted with groceries, dry good and gen eral trad; holiday line; easy; Jobbers and talallera. Address X $44, oar !. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED SALESMEN Now residing outside of Omaha, to srll a gencrnl line i.r rlctlv hia-h irailf arocetles to hotels. farmers and stockmen and other large con- umers; our goods are guaranteed to cotn ly with the national as well as all sta'e ure food laws; no Investment; commissions dvanced: experience tinnecessat y : liberal come assured honest. energetic men. Write today for particulars. John Fexton Co. Wholesale Grocer. Lake ana tranK- n Sts , Chicago. AGENTS You can make quick sls ami g profits with our new solf-lightlnn. Indnroof Docket cigar lighter- every moker buv on sight: sell Itself. Rathbun fc Co., Indlannpolls, Ind BIG SALE Coat and pants to order, $15. MacCarthy-Wllson, !W4 So. 16th Pt STATE AGE N'T. Ith effective organliatlon and $1 .ooo for the "North American A. B. C." Temple Court Bldg , New York City. Revolution ising 20th century railway and tourist ulde. Applications treated confidentially. AGENTS, salesmen and mall order people nd those desirous of Improving their financial conditions. Join the Mutual gents' league; send 10c and receive the latest and moat profitable business proposi tions, also 8 months' membership certifi cates, two Issues Booster magazine 5 per ent discount certificates, agents friend nd other benefits. Send your little dime t onoe and get on the right track. M itual Agents' League, 86 Plymouth Place, Dept. Chicago. . AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle ur brand new household specialties; big profits; easy sales. Write at once. Bevol Sales Co., Davenport, la. A LARGE corporation, with millions of a sets and the strongest endorsements ever Iven any enterprise, can use a few high rade successsful salesmen In placing its merest bearing securities, not mining or Insurance; small salary paid, but opportun- y given for very large contingent profits; positively only men with good records and favorable acquaintance in their respective towns need apply. Address, giving refer ences, experience, etc., "Secretary," 4'.'3 Qulncy Bldg., Denver, Colo. CAPABLE salesmen to cover Nebraska Ith staple line: hluh commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S OWN AC COUNT OF HIS AFRICAN TRIP will sp- pear exclusively In Scrlbner's Magazine commencing with the OCTOBER NUM BER. Extraordinary opportunity for get ting subscriptions. Thousands of orders will be placed. AGENTS ARE WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN AMERICA. Here Is an opportunity to make money. Act at once. for full particulars as to liberal cash commissions, extra prizes, agents' outfit and sample copies, address Desk 40, Scrlbner's Magazine, liG 6th Ave., New- York City. WE WANT GOOD AGENTS to sell our orange, fig and truck lands In 10-acre tracts at Magnolia Place, a sub division noar Houston, Texas. This Is a strictly high class proposition and these tracts are an Ideal place for a home. Price $60 an acre on small monthly payments we give purchasers Immediate possession and guarantee absolute satisfaction. We allow liberal commissions and furnish splendid outfits to responsible agents, Send for our Illustrated booklet. Magnolia Land Company, Muskogee, Oklahoma. SALESMEN to renresent us In the sauth and middle west; best selling proposition on the market; $200 a month and expenses. Address Wholesaler, 706 Houser Bldg., St. ajOUIS, AlO. AGENTS Perfection Noodle Cutter: new. lightning seller; low-priced; big profl's; sample free. Forshee Mfg. Co., B 618, Day ton, O. MALE OR FEMALE Resident salesman to sell g high grade of braids to ladles, tailor and dressmakers; must have other lines in connection with same. Harry Colin, noi. xruaway, new xorg ony. SALESMAN Wanted On commission or $76 and up per month, with expenses, as per contract; experience unnecessary. Premier Cigar Company, Cincinnati. O. 6ALESMAN wanted to handle an ex ceptionally attractive real estate and timber proposition, which can be sold on annual, semi-annual or monthly Install ments, We furnish Inauiiie and b,wv4 strong literature. Capable, aggressive and energetic man can make a very desirable connection with the largest and strongest house In Its line In the country. Sacra mento Valley Improvement Company, St. uuuib, mo.- EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN WANTirn TO Sell factnrv line of mn'a nUa an A McKays in Iowa and Nebraska. Rtate In first letter amount of yearly sales and lines previously carried. Only such appli cations will be considered as are received irom men wno are now traveling and sell ing snoes on the rosA. I w rn.. f. u., i nun vine, jenn." SALES managers wanted for this city. Rest electric vacuum machine, price $ 0. t.iectric Renovator, 160 Washington St., ii jv,g,gu. AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our new household specialty; big profits; easy sales; write for particulars telle Jobbing Agency, Dept. F, 842 N. 53d Ave. Chicago, 111. LEARN to make raised letter sluns: mastered In 20 minutes: enormous nroflts- $5 booklet of Instructions 10c; other big propositions free. Green Sales Aaencv. Chicago. CIGAR salesman wanted In this terrltm-v experience unnecessary; $110 a month and It a day expenses. Maumea Wholesale Cigar Co., Toledo, O. W ANTED Salesmen calling on butchers grocers, hotel and restaurant trade; side line of high-class cooling rooms and refrig erators. Address National Refrigerator and Butchers Supply Co., Memphis. Tenn SALESMEN Make 600 per cent profit selling our Gold Window Letters, Novelty Signs and Changeable Signs; 800 varieties enormous demand: catalogue free. Sullivan Co.. 406 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality to represent us; experience unnecessary $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis Mo WANTED Salesmen to sell the most up-to-date general lino of Imported and do. mestla art advertising calendars, noveltlee and leather goods in Nebraska; liberal commissions; exclusive territory. Write nt once. Address United States Calendar Co. Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS get husv: sell nur hnnhnM speolnllle and mske liberal prnf'ts; cl"c'i to sell: essv to handle: write todnv Ti, J. Williams Co., Box 82, Wheeling. W. Va. V r, want w salesmen hefore Aiiir 1ft. prefer men with experience with the hard ware, nrnes ann general store trade must have first-class references with ad miration or no attention will be pa,l United States Whip Co.. Westfleld, Mass AGKNTS I2S to IHO ner week Bl nro- rus. r.asv ssies. Msnv repest order" Fre particulars. Davles Co.. Station I Seattle Clerical aad Office. BIG SALE Coat and pants to order. $13 v AN 1 ED Bookkeeper w ho Is experi enced; none other need apply. Address wnn references, y care Bee. IF YOIT ARE I.OOKINO FOR A POSI TION AS MANAGER. CASHIER, BOOK KEEPER. STENOGRAPHER. COLLECT. OR. GROCERY CLERK. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US CHAS. M. GORDY, MANAGER, NATIONAL KEF. & IXV CO., 674 BRAN DEIS BLDG. WE HAVE a large number of very de- sirauie openings ior salesmen, bookkeepers stenograpnera. oirice cirrus, collectors am solicitors and other miscellaneous lines be us at once for a iioaltlun. THE CANO AGENCY. 432 Bee Bldg WA NT ED By wnoiesale house, young man, la. to assist in orrice work. Mu have good habits. Good place to right party Address In own handwriting, atalina axe. experience and salary wauled. Address 8-VJi. cat !. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad 4f f lreCetlad. TRAVELING salesman for local manu facturing tionse; goid line; established tei ntotv, $l& and expenses. Bookkeeper and stenographer. $78. Stenographer, railroad experience, $75. Bookkeeper and cashier. $. Manag'-i- loan department; must be thoroughly experienced and good account ant; $,0u to start. Also hae sevetal openings for cfflra manager, salesmen at salaries from $76 In ll.it'. which require an Investment of from $1.(100 to $10,000. SPECIAL ATTENTION given 10 all out- of-town applicants. Call or wide for a complete list. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC., 711-22 N. Y. Life Bldg WHY NOT see us If out of employment We get many calls daily, paying good sal aries. Bookkeeper, Implement exp., $78. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $V)-$04. Stenographer, good house, $t-$i'-6. Stenographer, R. It.. $tfl. Stenographer, real estate, I50-IT& Meat salesman. $76-$l00. Oil salesman, $1,200. Registered drug clerk, $5. Heal estate salesman, $75. Stock clerk, plumbing supplies, I1'. Stenographer, Mfg. firm, $. Clerk, It R. experience, $:i0. Collector, $12 and commission. Stock clerk, Implements. $40. The above are for Immediate eons. dera tion. Call or write. SEE US FIRST. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 476-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory aad Trades. WANTED A-l Job printer, at once; peimanent poslilon to right man. Beatrice Express I'ubllshlng Co., Bestilce, Neb. WANTED A first class tinner and hot air furnace man. Address Y 707. care Bee. WANTED 50 brick-masons, at onoe; all season's work; MINI MUM wages 65 cents per hour; no labor troubles. Address II. A. Maine, Sec, Builders' Associa tion, Des Moines, Iowa. DRUG stcre and Jobs. Knlaat. Be Bldg. CARPENTERS to build couple plain, small houses, using old material. Call at once, 1201 Farnam St., 10 to 1$ o'clock RIG SALE Coat and pants to order, $15. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 So. 16th St. WANTED Good second hand motor power printing press. Address L. R. Par kin, Edgemont, 8. D. WANTED First class all around black smith. Wlckershsm Bros., 18 Scott St.. Council Bluffs, la. UlMtlUM.lt. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post of'lce clerks, carriers, examinations In Omaha Nov. 17th; preparation free. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 88 D, Rochester. N. Y. MANY YOUNG MEN find life In the navy attractive, with opportunity to save money and get practical training. The navy needs mechanics of all kinds; men experienced In clerical work. In hospital work, as well as seamen. This nation Is building a powerful and efficient navy, and an enlistment means a definite plan now and a definite future. There is an Incentive tn ret at the ton In the naval service. Ambitious men have every encouragement to Improve them selves. A man Is assured of continuous employment at good nav. and advancement as he becomes more proficient. i ne government prefers to train young men at Its own expense at naval training stations. The recruit Is placed on the pay roll mo aay ne enters, practical Instruc tion, Intended to fit the young man to go on board Bhln In a few month' time and do the work required of him. The Navy department doean't urge young men to enlist, but suggests that they In vestigate and decide for themselves whether the opportunities are worth con sidering. Applicants accepted between 17 and 28, or, If possessing a trade, if tinder 85. Boys under 18 muat furnish written consent of parent and guardian; and under 21. must furnish birth certificate, or statement of age, signed by parents. Apply, or write to Navv Recruiting Station, Postoffice Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Government clerks at Wash ington. $75.00 monthly. Examinations In Omsha, September 21. Coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 116 Y, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks, city carriers, post office clerk". Government examinations In Omaha, November 17. Free scholarships. Write government civil service Instructors, Department 40, Rochester, N. T. $3 000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real estate business; no capital required. We will teach you the business by mall, appoint you special representative of lead ing real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success. A thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for 62-page book, free. It will be sure to Interest you. The Cross Company, 81 Reaper Block, Chicago. WANTED An assistant window trlmmrr. Must have moderate Ideas ami be able to write cards. State salary desired snd reference In the first letter. Apply, The Pelletler Company, Sioux City, la. CIGAR SMOKERS will find rare value. In our "INSIDE CIGAR:" all the expense of making and selling this brand la "IN SIDE" this cigar, Instead of on bill boards, etc., as we have this cigar made to order, and sell It at 6c, 6 for 26c. or $1 75 per box of 60, at the Schaefer Drug Htores. WANTED Young men experienced In general merchandising. Hayden Bros. FOR SALE Coat and pants to order. $15. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 So. ltith St. WANTED Man to mow lawn; apply 2403 No. 25th St., Sundays or after ( p. m., or call Tel. Webster 4477. MEN Learn barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Shop experience and wages while learning. Tools, demon strations, examinations and diplomas given. Dig demand for Moler graduates. Call or write. Moler Barber college. 110 S. 14th St LABORERS wanted, night and day. I7tn and Douglas Sts. Thompson, Starred Co. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's A is n. ; no tees, call i-i is. oi jraaa mac WANTED Experienced man for meat $.i0 to si art. No 1. A. Lownes. market in country town, booser. Give reference. Veidel. Neb FIREMEN. $110 month; brakemen, $X0; motormen, $75; average salaries. Men wanted to prepare for these and other rail road positions. Many openings. Write to day. V. C. Wen the. Secretary, Dept. 77, Fieeport, 111. GOVERNMENT Positions Examination held soon in Omaha. Circular 231, giving full particulars as to salaries, positions. dates of examinations, sample questions previously used, etc., sent free by National Correspondence Institute, Washington, D. C WANTED Young man who worked for Wendell Moore, In Michigan, December IHOH. Send for mall, General Delivery Omaha. PHYSICIANS wanted for offices In either III., la., Ohio or Mo. Will consider only thoroughly experienced or post-grad-Uitea In G. I', diseases, and good case takers who are sober and reliable. This Is an unusual chance for physicians who are suitable. Hyde, lot! Schiller Bldg., Chicago DRAFTSMEN structural checkers, ex perienced men, American college gradu ates preferred; position permanent, with vacation and advancement; salary $130. Write at once. Assistant Manager, 6U-84 La Salle St., Chicago WE want to get In touch with a live local representative who can place bonds of a thoroughly well established Mexico mining company. The proposition is exceptionally attractive from the Investor's point, being a high-class Investment hearing the strict est investigation, naturally the bonds are easliy placed by any active pemon. Re sult: quick money. For full particular address Secretary, 11(15 Singer Bldg., New York WANTED Omaha representative; control staple line; laige commission ; position worth $2.6uO yearly to man with business acquaintance or to hustler. Consolidated Manufacturing, Coinvan, Rocheglax( M. Ji- r r a I- B 1 0 ... l d I 1 tl II t H' IV n c eil : Hi I h I'' St n 1