v; TTTE BEE: OMATTA. TITOSTUY. .TtTLY 22, 1000. 3f REAL ESTATE CITY PHUrKHTV TOR iALI tConllnued ) T rT" A FIVE OR TEN YEARS WHEN YOU WISH YOU HAD SOME Irrigated Land Near Denver w Now In the time to bur: you vill never be able to buy land In the Denver district anv lets. It Is bound to be worth two or three tlmpg as much as It U now. The noil Is rich, the water supply under the GREAT BTANDLEY wrsERVOIIt 8Y8TEM la without doubt the brst Irrigation system In Colo rado. The markets can not be equaled; 4l healthful that can be had any nlace in be seen plainly from all of this land any TWENTY " Is til one family should try to take rare of If you want to get the most ..ot It.- The surest and boat all around crop Is sugar beets, potatoes and alfalfa. Then you can have noma fruit, such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, gooseberries, currants, apples, etc. The price of this land Is from 1100 to 1125 an acre: from 12 to 30 miles from Denver, and some Is within one mil from smaller towns. The terms are only one-tenth down and the balance It' one-tenth each year until paid. If You Only ft to look at this land you will surely want to Invest part of your savings as there Is nothing better in the world to put your money Into. The round trip Is only $17.60. On July 27th we will have a special rate of $15.00 for the round trip, Including sleeper. For particulars call or writ us. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street Conservative Building. We Loan You the Money IF YOU WANT MONEY FOR ' PAYMENTS ON LOTS, furni ture or an other bills we wilt ( furnish it to you. We lojin on furniture, pianos, live stock or any other security you may have. ... IF TOU CAN USE ANY "MONEY SEE US. You can re :pay us in small weekly or "monthly payments. ALU BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. If you can't call, write or telephone, we will bring the money to you. Both 'phones: Douglas 1356, Ind. A-135G. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Oposito Postoffice, Suite 7, Crouuse Block. FIVE room cottage, modern except heat; P. O. NIELSEN A CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. LIST your property .with Chris Boyer. 82d ana turning i U) 808 This Story Was of Its Class HOW A "WIDOW AND ILER DAUGHTER RECEIVED A HOME. Anna Henrieh, . 1'lalismouih, NeuT Hog $26. Daughter of Jaoob Henrieh. , First grade of High school. Principal, Mr. Brooks. Age 14 years. WANTED Cook and second girl, WIS Dewey Ave. Tel. "Oh, Dear! I don't know what wa will do next, for we have only a few cents left." These were the words a poor widow said to her only daughter as they were sitting together one day. "Mamma. If 1 could only get a place to work. It would help us along nicely," said Alice. "But, my dear, you can't stand It, work ing all day. for you are too small yet. I would rather go myself than sending you. "Oh, mamma! Something lias come to my mind. I have heard so many people praising The Omaha Bee want-ads, for they bring such good results. Why not let us try and see If we cannot find a place where we can work together so we will not be parted? If you have a nickel, give It to me and I will go and buy an Omaha Kcc. and we will try our luck. Her mother gave her a nickel to buy a paper. Alice ran as fast as she could, while her mother was anxlou for her re turn. She soon came back, and they sat side by side, glancing over the want-ads, to s-e if they could not find one suitable for them. Soon Alice read one aloud which made them both happy, it was the one as written above. "That will just be fine." said her mother, "we can both be together and earn enough to make us happy." Early the net morning they telephoned to the above number. The ipeople, being without help, took them at once. They were well satisfied with them, and were very fond of Alice. During the winter they sent her to school and gave her an education. She would help her mother be fore and after school. They now were happy and, Alice espe cially, for having an education, which would have been Impossible If they would not have read the want ada. IF YOU CANT WRITE A STORY LIKE THE ABOVE, PER- - HATS YOU CAN WRITE A HUMOROUS STORY, TRY YOUR HAND. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTY KOH SAI.B. (Continued TTT7 A TV and the climate Is certaiply the most the country. Mounalns and snow to month In the year. ACRES Take A Trip "WHERE CAN YOU FIND PRICES AND TERMS LIKE THESE t 110 CA8H-86 per month for a beautiful $r00 lot. Will build a house for y ou after havlnir raid a small amount on the lot $1.0 CASH 110 per month for good 4-room cottage on north side, If.0. 876 CASH $16 per month for good 5-room cottage, partly modern, walking distance, ll.SiiO. 8100 CASH IIS per month, large S-room cottage, best condition, north 27th St., ll.ftt) $150 CASH $M per month, 5-room cottage, partly modern, full lot, close In, J2.1.0. $175 CASH 125 per month, s-room house, partly modern, close In, $2,680. $2fi0 CASH $30 per month, 12-room modern house, 13 blocks from P. O., $5.2M. NEAT 6-room cottage, best condition, full lot, near 26th and Sprague, $1,600, very easy terms. uoorj 6-room cottage, water and sewer. N. 27th St.. $1,660: rental terms. FIVE-ROOM house and full lot. city water. K. Rivei-vlew park. 8ou0 for aulck sale. , EXCEPTIONAL bargain In new large G- roiira modern cottage, nicely terraced lot, built for a' home, hut must go at once for $2 ;i00. your own terms. V1SHY desirable 8-room all modern resi dence, full lot, choice location, near &d and Davenport, $3,7W); very easy terms. l no aDove are but a rew or tne large number of similar properties, prices and terms we are offering for special sale at this time. Call at office and let us find the home you want and on terms within reach. RUSSELL & McKITRICK, 432 Ramg Bldg. 15th and Harney. BEMIS PARK $4,200 for 123 ft. of frontage In one of the choicest loca tions on Lincoln boulevard; fine shade trees. For further Information see Geoiye & Company, 1601 Farnam SL Hanscom Park Brand new bungalow, five rooms, all modern, finished In oak. birch and maple; Dest of plumbing, combination mission lighting fixtures; cemented basement, ce ment walks; lot 49x133, east frent; Just south of park and close to car line. Price $3,000; $S00 cash, balance easy, or 6 per vein on lur an casn. BENSON & MYERS CO., 412 N. Y. Life. Phone D. 746. Considered the Best Last Week. REAL ESTATE CITY rHOI'KHIY KOH a AI.K. (Continued.) Farnam District 135 NORTH 35TH STREET Only new house In West Far ram district at a moderate price. Large living room across emir front, large ves tibule, good dining room, kitchen, refrigerator room and pantry on first floor; finished In oak and birch; 3 bedroom and bath. tth good closets, finished In white enamel and birch, on aecond floor. Full basement, bricked up. with ce mented floor; best of furnaces, plumbing and combination fix tures. House haa window shades and Is papered through out. Lot 60xl.1. with perma nent walks, and yard sodded. This Is an opportunity to get In West Farnam district at a moderate price. Owner asking t:!.', hut wants offer. Terms, 8;n0 cash, balance monthly. Kloke-IIeadley Investment Co. A-3245; I. 1150. 801 N. T. Life Bids. $3,500.00. will buy an S-room modern home at 4:41 FHrnam 8t., 4 rooms and hall on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on secona noor, large laundry and dry room in cenar, pave street, cement sidewalks, nice lawn, shade trees, etc. $2,250.00. will buy a 6-room strictly modern home on 22d, near Orace St., 3 rooms and hall below, 8 rooms and bath above; Immediate possession; 83u0 cash, balance IJ0 per month. O. W. SM RIVER, 102S New York Life Bldg. New House Beautiful Shade Trees On Florence Boulevard 2 blocks north of Ames Ave., opposite Rome Miller's home, we have a substantial and comfortable house Just completed. It has hot water heating system, dull oak finish and has large living room; 7 rooms In all; the lot is "S feet cant front; overlooks Carter park and the lake and is covered with forest trees; not like the ordinary city lot, but like a park. Price $7,mX; ready to move Into. Harrison & Morton, 712 and U N. T. Life Bldg. Both Phones. NINE room modem house; large corner lot; paved streets; on WKST 1AKNAM. A very nice home. Ask us. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. BUSINESS LOT ONLY $2,200 Size 40xi!6 ft., only 4 blocks from postoffice, room to build two stores, specials In and paid for, only $66 per front foot. See us at once, as we cannot hold this price good but for a short time. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam St. BOULEVARD HOUSE. 248 North lth St.. I rooms, modern, only $2,500. Thomas Brennau, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. For aulck iturns. list your real estate for sale and exchange with me, no sale. no pay. W. W. Mitchell, Board or Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAA C M L. U FOR gAI.K Canada. FOR SALE ICO acres of land In Canada; for particulars address J. C. lngling, Kud- dell, ttaak., Canada. Iowa. . IOWA CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS. 320-acre Improved farm, 4 miles from town, $66 t)tr acre. lw-acre improved farm. 4 miles irom town, $65 tier acre. 120-acre Improved farm, i nines irom town. ii per acre. MX-acre improved rarm, 1 nine irom town, $fii.50 per acre. (ts-acre improved itrm, i mnes irom town. $6f per acre. 320-acre unimproved larm, nines irom town, $40 per acre. lHo-acre unimproved iarm, t mnes irom town. $40 per acre. tiOO-acre unimproved farm. S miles from town, $40 per acre. 7uO-acre unimproved farm, half mile from town, $60 per acre. Cut this out and write to H. L. CRAVEN & CO., Onawa, Ia. 500 ACRES of splendid land In Harrison Co., Ia., near town and school, rural free delivery, phone, etc; well Improved; in fact a fine home and money maker, being suit able for either stock or grain; worth $76 per acre. The owner having retired, de- Ires to sell this farm ahd will consider about one-half purchase price In good clear Income property and take mortgage back on farm for balance of purchase money. This must be seen to be appre elated. Address Owner. Lock Box 63, Missouri Valley, la. Idaho. Idaho Carey Act Lands. Now open for entry and settlement In the choicest agricultural section ot the north west. The Snake River Valley, Southern Idaho State Government Supervision. For free information on Irrigated Lands write C. B. Hurtt, Boise, Idaho. Nebraska Farm Near Omaha and only ten mile west of South Omaha stock yards; half section, well Improved eight-room house, new windmill, etc.; ma ple grove, large orchard. U. P. motor car makes two round trips dally, stopping a the farm; paved road to Omaha within half mile of land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. Y. Life. Omaha, Neb. $1,600 Acres About 17 miles west of Dalton, In La retice Fork Creek valley, one of the finest places in Nebraska for a stuck and grain farm, mostly valley land, well sheltered and an abundance of fine water at 16 to 46 feet. Price, quick sale only, $7.M an acrj. 1UUKM. Zl uoara ot jraae oiag.. umana. ATTENTION. STOCKMEN! STANDARD CATTLE RANCH, contain Ing 700 acres Nebraska s best land, 45 miles west of Omaha, In Platte valley, full eauloped for raising and feeding stock, having nouses, oarns, mean, corrals, eie- tor, scales, artesian water, etc. trice, IMS OoO: IhO.OOO. five years. 6 per cent, bal anc cash or part trade. Write for olrcu lar. Dean-Andrew Co.. ai N. I. L. Omaha. FOR 6ALE Fine laO-aere farm, good buildings, fine water and windmill in An telope Co.; price $40. Address Owner, Box 41. Route L ClearwatMr. Neb. WANTED Someone who wants to buy relinquishment to a good 640-acre Klnkald homestead: new. little house and a-ond well miles from town; price. $300. Write me at once. Bos 152, Wood Lake. Neb. FOR RALE AT A BARQAIN 480 acres near Harrlsourg. Manner county, rt. ; practically all level. Writ A. E. Llndstrom, Yankton, 8. D. REAL ESTATE LOANS llOt to lis. 000 made promptly, r, D. Wead, Wead Bldg., Utn and Farnam. BF.AL estate purchase money, mortgages and contracts bought. Antelope Investment Co.. Old Boston Store Bldg. 600 TO V.OOt on homes la Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., lOul N. t. Life. Doug, or A.-UU REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued-! FIVi: PER CENT MONEY lorvn on Omsha rtuslness Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. 1 Room L New York Life Fldg. OARVIN BROS.. ' 818 N. T. Life. to 8t00.0OU on Improved property. Is'e delay. WANTED Tity loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnarn St. MONKY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. PAYNE, ROSTWTCK CO.. N. Private money. 8f00 to 15.000; low T. Ufe rat. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Douglas Sill. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 8-room house. a 6 room house and a couple of vacant lots. NOWATA LAND AilU LOT t'OMPAHl, Suite 2 N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. PbotiS Red. im Open evenings. SHORTHAND REPORTERS F. J. SUTCL1FFE. D. 1M6. R. 628 Bee. WANTED TO BORROW 8600 on first mortisage. Improved 160 acres. Address, J-148 cars Bee. WANTED-T0 BUY BEST nrlca Dald for second-hand furnl- ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Loug. Kill. BEST price said for Id hand furniture. toves. clothim. Wm. Koaenblatt. Tel. Douglas M0L HIGHEST prices paid for Insurance poll les In old line companies. Ill Putnam Company, 604 N. Y. Life. WANTED TO htNT WE are getting Inquiries for well located ousce. Must have sole agenoy. Nowati Land ai.d Lot Company, suite (24 N. Y Life Bldg. Phone Red. 19b. Omaha. Neb, WANTED Good room and board, by oung man. with private fatally; must be n good location, with modern conveniences tate In first letter amount desired per month; must be reasonable. Address Bee, 302. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED German glazier wants po- itlon now or later. Address Norfolk Cm schau, Norfolk, Neb. LEGAL NOTICES A otic of Stockholders Meeting;, To the stockholders ot THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY: In conformity with the reoulrements o the Constitutions and laws of the states ot Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska and the by-lawa of the ConiDany. YOU ARbl HEREBY NOTIFIED that by resolution of the Board of Directors of The Mimoui Pacific Railway Company duly adopted at a meeting of said Board on the 2th day of May. A. D.. I'M), a meeting or the stocK holders of The Missouri pacific Railway Company has been called to be held at the oiflce of (lie Company, Kooin iUe Missouri pacific Building, in the city ot at. iouis. in tlio Klale of Missouri, on the sixth day of August. A. D. UM. at nine o'clock in the torcnuuu. (1) For the purpose of considering a Con tract and Articles of Consolidation bearing date the 29th day of May, VJU. oeretofor made and entered into by and on behalf ot The Missouri Pacific Hallway Company and the following named corooralions by oruer of their respective Boards oi directors : J lie nansaa und Colorado racuic nan way Company, a consolidated curpjrauou of the state of Kansas; T)i Com ml Hrnm-ii Railway CwnDinr, consolidated corporation of the btate of Kansas; The Hooka County Kallroad Company, uurporatlon of the State of Ki; The Nevada and Mlnden na.ay wm pany, a corporation of the Btate of Mis souri; Nevada and Ulnden Railway Company ot Kansas, a corporation of toe biale of Kansas; Kansas City and Southwestern Fallway Company of Missouri, a corporation of tu Stale of aliasourl; Kantas t-'liy and Southwestern Railway Company, a corporVtloa el the elate of Kansas; The Fort Bcott Central Kauway o'- pauy, a consolidated corporation ei iu btate of Kansas; Kanopolis and Kansas Central Railway Company, a corporation of the State ut Kansas i The Kansas Southwestern Railway Com pany, a corporation of tne btate of Kaunas, and The LeRoy and Caney Valley Air uni Railroad Company, a corporation of the btate of Kansas, 12) For the uuroose of voting upon tne aueatlun whether such Contract and Ar ticles of Consolidation, so made and en-. tered into, shall be ratified, assentea to, ap proved and adopted and suon conaouoauua consummated or whethei such Contract and Articles of Consolidation shall be re- JtedI. .. . to consider ana oie upon mi aaop tion of a resolution aooapting the provis ions of Article 11 of Chapter U of the Re vised Statutes of the btate oi Missouri. 1M, and to authorise the filing thereof, ail as required by Section numbered lift) of such Revised Statutes In the case of con solidation of railway corporations; and wherebv all or any of said corporation and The Missouri Pacific Railway Cumpa:i have agreed to consolidate in tue wnoie. and to consolidate the stock l the i speotlve companies making such consolida tion, and to form and make under and pur suant to the lawa of the btates of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, a now. consolidated corporation, to be known as Tb4 Missouri Pacirio Hallway company, owning, con trolling, possessing and bringing under one msnaaernent all and singular the lines of railroad and other properties, real, personal and mixed, powers, rignis, privileges, im munities and franchises, belonging to any of the companies making such consolida tion, upon the terms and conditions fixed and stated by said Contract a4 Article of Consolidation (4) To take any other aotlon In tbe pre mises, and to transact any -"ir business that may properly com beuoTS the meeting. Such Contract and Article f Consolida tion will be submitted to the meeting of the stockholders so called for examination and every atookholder attending will b fur nished with a printed copy thereor, and at any Mme before such meeting any stock holdei will be furnished with a printed copy of such Contract and ANlclea of Conso lidation upon application therefor during business hours to the Assistant Secretary of the Company, at tbe office of the Com pany in the City of AU Louis, Missouri. Dated. May 2th. ltOS. OKOROB J. GOULD. President of The Missouri Paclfle Railway Company. A II CALEB" Secretary at The Missouri Paciflo Railway Company. J2t0AI PROPOSALS PROPOSALS WILL BE received by the Board of Publlo Lands and Buildings of the Mate of Nebraska for 'lie furnishing and installing of the following machinery: One 12x12 engine, direct con nected, with 60 K. W. generator, at the Hospital for Insane at Norfolk. Neb. One 10x10 engine, belted, at Soldiera and Sail ors' home at MUford, Neb. One 10x10 en gine, belted, at the Hospital for Insane at Lincoln, Neb. One 60 K. W. generator at Norfolk, Neb. One 2u0 h, p. water tube boiler at Norfolk, Neb. All common labor to be furnished by the state of Nebraska and such other labor and material as may be agreed upon between the board and the contractors. Plans and specifications now on file In the office of the secretary of state at Lincoln, Neb. Proposals must be received not later than July SO, Wu9. OEO. C. J UN KIN, Secretary Board of Public ands and Buildings. Lincoln, Neb., July 20. lisjg. TO PAVING CONTRACTORS PEALKD bids will he received until July 27, li, at the office of the Forest Lawn Cemetery as sociation, 622 New York Lite building, for 13.000 square yards, more or less, of macadam pavement with Tarvia "A," to be laid in Forest Lawn cemetery. Specifica tions at the office of the secretary of the cemetery, 22 New York Life. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the association. Jyl7dl0tMEAS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS COM plete plumbing system for school bouse will be contracted fur July 2H. IWH. For plans specifications and further in formation write J. F. DALY, Secy., Wlsner, Neb. J21-d 4t GOVERNMENT NOTICE: I'Kl'AHTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OF flee of Indian Affairs. Washington, I. C. Sealed proposals, for letting IMatrlcts Nos. 114 6 and 6. In the Crow Indian Heserva lion. Montana, tor greilng purposes, either under a lae or by permit, will be received st the office of the Commissioner of In- sn Affairs. Washington. i. c . until I clock p. m.. on Monday, August I. 190S, nil will be Immediately thereafter opened In the presence or gucn Dinners as may ai- end. Maps snowum mc ii'isuon VI in lstrlcts and all necessary lntormation may be otKaineo. on application 10 wie uperlntendent of the t row Indian School. Crow Agency, Montana. K. O. AL.ti.N TINE, Acting Commissioner. Jy3 L)30t DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Allans, nasninaiou. D. C, July 7, ltHJf. s-caled proposals roi letting District No. 1. In the Crow Creek Indian Reservation, r-outn inmuia, ior r.Tinr iMiitmsrs. e ther tinder a lease or r ... . , . . i . r i . . I by permit, will De receien m ine uiuri- vi he Commissioner oi inoian aiihiis, u- InKton, V. C. until z o oiock p. m., on Mondav, August . 1SK, and will be im n,i.ilv thereafter nnrnrd In the pres ence of such bidders as may attend. Maps tti ih. loration of th district and II necessary information may hp ouibiihu on nnnllrntlon to the Ktiperlntcndent of the Prow Creek Indian School. Crow Creek. ro Booth Dakota. R. Q. Valentine, Commis- sloner. J Kid Ail DEPAHTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Oftice of Indian Affairs, Washington, 1. C. July 7, lmis. Sealed proposals for letting District No 1 in the Itnl j.ahe inoian res ervation. Minnesota, for grasing purposes, tithT under a lae or by permit, will De received at the office or commissioner oi Indian Affairs, Washington. 1. C, until I o'Li.ick p- "i on Monday. August 9. 1HW, and will he Immediately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders as may ai tenl. Maps showing the location of the district and all necessary Information may be obtained on application to the superin tendent of the Red Lake Indian penom, Itnl Lake. Minnesota. It. U. vaien'ine. Commissioner. Jyl6d2Kt DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR. office of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, . Sealed proposals for letting grazing privileges on the lilackfeet Indian Heservatlon, Montana, unner me periim system, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Wash ing, I). C. until 2 n clock, p. tn.. on Mon day, August 30. 190K, and will be Immed iately thereafter opened in the presence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location of the reservaiion and all necessary information may be ob tained on application to the Superintendent of the Blackfeet Indian school, Rrownlng, Mont. R. U. Valentine, Commissioner. jyziajui DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Affairs. Washington, p. c., . Sealed proposals for letting Dlstrlrt No. 2, in the Cheyenne River In dian Reservation, South Dakota, for gras Inar mirnnses. either under a lease or by permit, will be received at the office ot the Commissioner oi inoian fliiair, vaan- ln-rtnn. D. C. until 2 o clock P. m.. on Mondav. Aueust 30. 1909, and will be Imme diately thereafter opened in the presence of such runners as may aurna. showing the location of the districts and all necessary Information may be obtained nn annllcatlon to the Superintendent of the Cheyenne River Indian school, Cheyenne River Aaency. tsoutn x'aKota. jn. u. val entine. Commissioner. Jy21d30t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOTH AND MASON Chicago A Northwestern NORTHWESTERN LINE EAST. Leave. Arrive. Omaha-Chicago Spe'l...a 8:02 pm a 7:40 am Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm a 3:28 pm Paciflo Coast-Chicago.. a 6:06 pm a 3:2S pm rhim.n navllaht Soe'l.a 7:40 am all:35 pm Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:05 am all:36 pm Los Angeles-Portland Limited a 9:10 pm all:J5 pm Overland Limited all .60 pin a 7:15 am Fast Mall a :04 am Knur Local. Cedar Rapids-Omaha a 3:36 pm Omaha-Carroll Local. ..a 3:4G pm a 8:30 am NORTHWESTERN LINK NORTH. Twin cttv and 1 afcota Daylight ...a 7:4R am al0:20 pm Mlnneu.ou and Dakota.. a 7 .00 pm Twin City Limited .a :0U pm a etc am Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a :28 pm Dakota-Sioux City Omaha :30 am Minnesota-Sioux City- Omaha all :00 am NORTHWESTERN LINK WEST. Norfolk-Bonestee! a i :60 am al0:80 pm Lincoln-Long Pine ....a7:0am all:00 am Norfolk-South Platte...b :15 pm b 5:20 pm Haatings-Superior b 2:15 pm b 6:20 pm Deadwood Hot Springs a 3:66 pm a 6:20 pm Casper-Lander a 8:55 pm a 11:00 am Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm b 1:85 pm (hlcaao, Milwaukee A St. rami Chicago and Colo. Spec a 7:36 am all:40 pm Cal. and Oregon Ex. ...a 6:00 pm a 3:26 pm Overland Limited all:48 pm a 7:15 am Perry Local b 6:15 pm bll:66 am Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific EAST. Rockv Mountain Ltd... a 8:10 am all:06 pm Iowa Local a 6:40 am a 4:30 pm The Mountaineer a 7:4 am a 2:65 am Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm Iowa Local b 10:35 am b 9:0b pm Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4:40 pm al:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:0S pm a 8:06 am WEST The Mountaineer a 8:00 am a 7:85 am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. (for Lincoln) a 8:30 am a 6:47 pm Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:20 pm a 4:30 pm Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:40 pm a 1:00 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd..aU:18 pm a 8:0i am Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 8:48 pro Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:14 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp b 7:16 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a-7:16am Omaha-Ft. Dodge Local. b 4:16 pm bll;30 am Chicago Great Western St, Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 8:15 am St. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am 8:20 pm Chicago Limited 6:10 pm 8:16 am Wabash St. Louis Ex a 6:30 pm a 8:26 am bt. Louis Local . (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all:15 pm Stan berry Local (from Council Bluffs) b (:00 pm bl0:15 am Union Paclfle Overland Limited a 7:30 am aU:40pra Colorado Express.... ....a 8:60 pm a 6:00 pm Atlantio Express a 8.20 am Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. .. .aU'66 pm a8:60ptu Fast Mail a 7:20 am a 6:46 pin China and Japan Mall. ..a 4:00 pm a 6:46 pm North Platte Lccal a 8:16 am a 4:46 pin Colo. Chicago Special.... al2.1o am a 7.uiaiu Beatrice & biromsuurg Local b 12 :40 pm b 1:40 pm Val ev Local (motor via Lane Cut-Off) alO OO am a 1:45 pm Valley Local (motor). ...a 6:30 pm a 9:0uam Hastings-Superior b 2:14 pm b i:20 pm Local passengers not carriea on trami Nos. 1 and X Mlsaonrl Pacific K. C. and St. L. Ex a 8:00 am a 7:00 am K. C. and bt. L. Ex all iipul a 6 60 pm WEBSTER STA 15T1I A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Panl, Minneapolis A Omaha Leave, Arrive Sioux City Express b 2.00 pm bll:46 am Omaha Local 0 6:20 pro Sioux City Passenger b 8:20 pm Twin City Patscnger...b 6:30 am Minus Cltv Local O 6:36 am Emerson Local b 6:66 pm b 8:10 am Missouri Paciflo Auburn Local b 8:60 pm bll.JO a Bl'BLIKQTOX STA. lOTU MASON Barllngton Leave. Arrive. Denver and California.. .a 4:iu pm a 4:46 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4. ID pm a 6:10 pin Black Hllis a4:l0pm a 1.10 p Northwest Kx all 60 pin a 7:05a Nsbraaka points 111111 a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Man b 1:20 pm al2:16p Nebraska Ex a 6:1s am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local b :IM k Uncoln Local a 7:25 pm a 7:60 ' Hcnuyier-i'laitsmouth ..b 3 05 pin blO 20 am Plattutnouth-lowa ...... .a 6:18 am a 8:60 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth u.Npm a 1.40 pm Colorado Limned. all 6e pin a 7:06am Chicago Ltd a 1:26 am all :85 pm Chicago Ex a 4 20 pm a 3 55 pin Chicago Flyer a 6 30 pm a 8.00 am Iowa Local a 6:16 am all 30 am St. Louis Ex a 4:40 pm all SO am Kansas City and St. Jo alO 46 pm a 6 46 am Kansas City and Bt. Jo. a 8.16 am a 6:16 pm Kansas City and SL Jo. a 4.40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Bun day only. A Daily except fcatmday. THREE PER CENT IS THE TAX Occupation Lerj Fixed by Council in Committee of Whole. ALL MEMBERS VOTE FOR IT street Railway rays l.araest Amount and Postal Telegraph l.oert A II KranrbUrd Corpora tlons Are Affected. The local occupation tag will be S per rent on gross receipts. This will be the per rent of the tax to be assessed at the outset. Later when the receipts of the affected companies slio.v an increase, the tax will be increased pro portionately. The maximum tax will be t per cent. . This figure was decided upon by tile I city council in special session as a com j mlttee of the whole Wednesday morning The action taken so far amounts merely to a recommendation to the council that the ordinances be parsed Including the S per cent flat tax. and the sliding scale after the receipts increase. There are six of the occupation tax or dinances and they affect eight public ser vice franchlsed corporations In Omaha- the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail ay company, the Omaha Oas company. the Omaha Water company, the Nebraska Telephone company, the Omaha Electric Light and I'ower company, the Independent Telephone company, the Western I'nlon Telegraph company and the Postal Tele raph company. Under the 3 per cent tax the eight com panics will pay tn nearly lloO.OOO this tax ranging from MK, to be assessed against the Postal Telegraph company, to $G,L!4.S7, to be assessed against the Omaha A Coun cil Bluffs Street Hallway company. W hat Kacn Will Pay. All the companies but the water and the ostal Telegraph furnished the council with certified statements showing the receipts for 1908. The tax will be based on these statements, estimates of receipts for the two delinquent companies being made. The gross receipts of the various companies and the tax which each will be required to pay are as follows: Gross. Rects. Tax. treet railway $z,304,l!.2 $ 9,124.trt Oas 7;to,4t;i.70 21.U14.00 IN, 000. 00 Water 000,0110.00 60,Vtjl.29 6M,mi9.27 61.026.19 17,!M5.t6 KuOO.OO Nebraska Telephone .. 17.4M.fc4 16.X14.28 ' 1,630.78 638.37 r.lectnc Light Independent Telephone Western Union Postal Telegraph 4j.OO Total Tax 8146.646.44 The entire morning was consumed in discussing the per cent of the tax to be levied. Judge Berka proposing the sliding scale arrangement, and Bridges opposing. ormer Councilman Zlmman, who Intro duced the original ordinances, supported Bridges. Funkhouser injected an occasional remark, but aside from these three men, none of the other councllmeii had anything to say on the ordinances, except to vote 'aye." Berks, Opens Discussion. Councilman Berka opened the discus sion by proposing the 3 per cent flat rale on all companies, and nothing was said anent making this flat rate either higher or lower. In his original motion the sliding scale contemplated Increasing the tax one- half of 1 per cent when the receipts of the affected companies should show an increase of 25 per cent over the statement of receipts as now returned by the com panies. This was objected to by Bridges and Zlmman, and the motion as passed provides for raising the tax one-fourth of 1 per cent when the receipts of the com panies show an Increase of 12V4j over thoso as now returned. This did not exactly suit Councilman Bridges and Mr. Zimman, but it wag accepted after two hours of debate. Mr. Zlmman advised taking the course sustained by the state supreme court, and assessing a flat tax on each company, and raising it one-half of 1 per cent each year, no matter the Increase In company receipts. in tissesslng the occupation tax a certain leniency is shown the Independent Tele pnone company and the i per cent It Is Nebraska's Municipal Problems The Commercial Clubs and similar organ izations scattered over Nebraska must be not only the directing force but tbe business custo dian of the mnuicipality. Organization is the chief impulse of this century; the achievement of any given purpose with the least loss of time and energy. Our cities are too young to have yet meas ured the chief real obstacles to bo overcome in their development. ,We have not yet evolved a coherent public opinion through which the state as a state can "find voice." We aro de pending largely upon economic accident, and personal initiative, for our progress along these channels in which we have all a common interest. The quickest and the cheapest way to build a state is to build it by associated effort. When that is realized it will be acknowledged that the first step is the federation in some form of the commercial clubs of Nebraska. Such a commercial federation would have to be developed as expediency suggested. It could start with no cut and dried program. But it would begin, and labor, and be guided by a mastering idea. Such an affirmation would foster a watch ful spirit of state pride, an active conception of civic honor, a respect for tho state, and the cities of the state, equal to the respect we cacu feel for our family and our home. Civio pride lies at the bottom of the city beautiful. Every promoter is a booster. Few boosters are promoters. "The Story of Nebras ka," is being continued each week in The Sun day Bee and from time to time will speak of the different commercial clubs of the smaller cities, what they have accomplished and what they hope to accomplish. NEXT SUNDAY POLK COUNTY now paving (or Is upposeil to pay) will be deducted, leaving it to pav only 1 par aent ns occupation tax. Councilman Rerka, who made this tnollon. said Hint when the com pany gets on Its feet then the council can change the tax. The Omaha Klectrlc Light and Power company and the Omaha ties company are both paying rovnliy, but they will be as sessed the occupation tax In the full amount of S r'r cent above the royalty. The gas company was the only corpora tion represented at the meeting and lis representative. Will H. Herdman, attorney, offered strenuous objection to this pro cedure. Afier the adoption of all the ordinances Mr. Zlmman addressed the council briefly and thanked the members for the courtesy they (iad shown him. lie said lie was highly gratified with the action taken. All the councllmeii were present at the meeting. E. J. Cornish and Mrs. Levi Carter Arc Married Wedding Takes Place at Bedford, Pa., in Home cf the Bride ' Niece. E. J. Cornish and Mrs. Sallna Co Car ter, both of Omaha, were married at noon yesterday in Bedford, Pa., at the home of Mrs. Carter's niece, Mrs. Lydla Carter Egols. No one was present but Mr. and Mrs. Egols ahd Mrs. Egols' parents. Dr. and Mrs. Moses Carter of Belleville, 111., who are visiting there. Mrs. Carter Is the widow of the late Levi Carter and evidences of her benefactions are to be seen all over the city. Less than one year ago she gave the money with which to buy Levi Carter park, surrounding Cut-Off lake, and at odd times since has added to the original gift which enabled the board to buy more land and to provide machinery for improving the realty. Many drinking fountains in varloud parts of the city are herjilfts. Since her husband's death, Mrs. Carter made her home at the Faxton hotel In this city. Mr. Cornish is president of the Carter White Lead Works, the concern foundid by the late Levi Carter. The company has plants in East Omaha, Chicago ami Montreal, Canada, and since becoming tho head of the .company Mr. Cornish has spent much of his time but of the city in looking after business affairs. He has been a member of the Board of Park Commlslsoners for a number of years and has Invariably taken the lead in mat ters which have come before that body. Other members give him the whole credit for securing the new Levi Carter park, tho largest in the city, and he Is primarily re sponsible for the boulevard system In this city. A brother of Mr. Cornish, A. J. Cornlnh, is a Judge on the district bench at Lin coln. FAIRFIELD SUES L S. REED Get Writ of Attachment to Secure Note of Five Thousand Dollars. Judge Troup has Issued an order against Lewis S. Reed, vice president of the Reed Bros. Real Estate company, which gives E. M. Fairfield an attachment against his real property to the amount of 85,000. Mr. Fairfield haa filed a suit in district court against Mr. Reed alleging that a note which he holds for 86.000 against him Is over due and he asks Judgment for that ambount. The note Is said to have been given In payment of a purchase of some land In Custer county. It was alleged be fore Judge Troup that Mr. Reed had dis posed of part of his property and for that reason the writ of attachment was issued. Mr. Reed started for Italy Monday evening and has not been heard from. The Bee's Little Want Ad Boosters will keep your business on the run. (7