8 ITfE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 21, 1909. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) i : i I Want - Ads Knrtknuli far the wast ad wtll to takes wtl II a. low tho oroavtaar tuitll SiSO . . for the Be era last susd Inter odU tloaa. Caafc BBart MfMfiir all eilm fee u as m ao adrertleenseat will ho aaoeated for IrH tku SO eeate (or flret Ineertle. Rate aly either The Dallr iHtef Boo. Coeafciaatloaa ( lalttal or aomher roaat aa oao wor4. Alwaya toul el wirfi to a llao. CASH RATES rOK WANT ADS. BEOt'LA R CLAgilFICTION 0 Insertion-, 1 1-1 eeate per word a 1 ml aor ward for each o)eee.at lnartloa. BSaoh laeortloa Blade odd dara, 1 1-1 ooata r word 1. par llao per as oath. Waa ada for Tao Bear ho at aar of the followtaa: ing stores uaa la yaar Mrarmf p dra-starrst i they aro aJl hraach of flee for Tko Boo aad roar ad will ko taeerted Jaat a promptly aad oa tko aaiaa ratoa aa at tho aaaJa office la Tko Boo Balldla, oatooatk aad Faraasa atrootai Albaok, W, C, 40th and rmira. Hnranek, 8. A.. 1408 8. 18th fit. Beoht Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Pemts Park Pharmacy, 88d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, I8SS Sherman Ave. Coughlln. C. R., ILh and PI area Sts. rilftoa Hill Pharmaor. till Military Ave. Conte, J. B., Hat Ava. and Farnam Bt Crlssey Pharmacy, Mth and Lake Bta. Cermak, Emll, ltrt-8 8. Uth St Ehlera, P. M.. 202 Leavenworth St. Foster at Arnoldl, IIS N. 26th fit Freytag. John J , 1914 N. Mth St. Florence Drue Co., Florence. Neb. Snyder Pharmacy, loth and iake St. Oreenough. U. A.. 1634 R. 10th St. Hayden. William C. 8010 Farnam Bt. Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Hanaoom Park Pharmacy, 1401 S. 29th St Klnf. R. H, 2838 Farnam St. Kountie Placa Pharmacv, Vm N. 24th St Iathrop. Charle E.. 1334 N. Mth St Patrick tru Co.. 1802 N. Mth St DEATH AND FCJCEBAL NOTICES. M'BRIDE Rev. Andrew, July II, 1909. aged 66 yeara, 8 montha and 16 daya. Funeral iervlcea will be held from family residence, 4911 Capitol avenue, Wednesday, July 21. at I p. m. Interment, Prospect 11111 cemetery. Friends Invited. SCOTT Mrs. Oretehen Emery, at Los An geles, Cal. Funeral from Kountse Mem orial church Thursday, at 10 a. m. MARRIAGES LICENSES. The following marriage licensee have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Carl A. Johnson, Omaha 23 KM her llagstrom, Omaha 22 Christopher Fox, Omaha 48 Henrietta Reed, Omaha 47 DIRTHS AND DEATHS. Joseph Balda, 2j20 South Twenty-sixth street, girl: Charles B. Watson, 8320 Myrtle aenue, girl; Albert Lantenegger, 1612 South Twelfth street, boy; J. Richards, 1110 North Twentieth street, boy; Samuel Bow yer, l"i06 South Twenty-ninth street, boy; William Ovlts. 410 Mouth Twenty-seventh avenue, boy; Joseph Pa;eR, 1920 South Four teenth street, Kid; Hans P. Peterson, 1306 South Thirty-first street, boy; Joseph 8o becyk, 2921 Oak street, girl; Joseph Fulton, 2tt Fort street, boy; Lony Hemelryt, 1159 Sixteenth street, boy; Reml Hogard, 1221 California street, girl; William Cooper, Flfty-Hlxth street and Poppleton avenie, boy. Deaths Mrs. Mary Cook, Wise Me morial hospital, 36; John L. Harrington, 418 South Thirteenth street, 40; Eva Brown, 142J Kmmet street, 52; W. A. Lipe. 2r10 South Tenth street, "4; Naney Jean Anderson, 412 Nor.h Twenty-f Igluh avenue, 1 month. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors mid safes. Q. Andreeu. prop., 1UI 8. 10th. RADIUM WATER. NATURE'S REMEDY. Try a gallon, It It la wonderful. No wata Land Lot Co.. Suite CM N. Y. Life Bldg", Omaha. Nab. hj. opcu evenings. Food Red DOUGLAS Prlntlag Co. Tat Douglas m. HULSU & HI B PEN, funeral directors, suo ceksora to Harry B. Davis. Jul 8. 16th 6L B1UN PAINT1NO-& U. Colo. U03 Douglaa. DAVID COLS Creamery Co. REMOVAL sal monuments. 1417 8. UthT OLIVER. A. HALL, architect di engineer, N. Y. Life; designer of modern bulldlngh. UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau, 204 Old Boston btore flldg. Muslo Indexing cabl neis. OMAHA Mirror and Art Olaas Co.. art gUvs mitre cutting, beveling mirrors Of all kinds, rcsilvering and framing. Office and fa-lory ldl4 Cuiuing St Both 'phones. EllOKS called for and delivered free. EtundarU dtioe Repair Co.. ISO "arnam. E. W. F1TT. mechanical and consulting engineer, drawing, designing, estliuates. (ill Be Bldg. MlsHourl filters mad and sold, 1210 How. "FOR GOOD TAILORING" go to J. A. Kervan. 60S Brandeia Bdlg. Tel. Red 7174. KOSE'S ART STORE, 1621 DODGE llKJioiU O 8U Framing at about half the prlca others charge. L617 COUPLES have been married by the Rev. C. W. bavldge, and ha Is praying to marry 2.0U0. If you want him to marry you call Webster 2444 or B-14S0. & r BOX AT THE OMAHA SAFE DE .I 1 POSIT VAULTS, la burglar and flre priHf. Belter be safe than sorry. Basement Omaha Nat'l bank, 210 i. 13Ui bt. TRACY Bros. Co., gives a coupon wlih every purchase. 1415 Douglas. STILL In the wagon business: charges reasonable. Harry Frost, 14 in and Leaven worth. COMBS. 1620 Douglas, expert eye fitting. HATS cleaned and reblocked. Schmarse'a Hat Factory, 006 N. Uth St. Tel. D, lilHiO. THAT PRESCRIPTION will be filled and delivered promptly, aame as everything else In the drug line, by buhaefer'a. 'Phone 146 Douglas or 747 Douglas. Omaha, or 1 or 11 South Omaha, it you live lu that Magle City. WHEN tired and thirsty and you feel like enjoying a good, wholesome, clean drink at a aoda fountain, try Schaefer'a Drug Stores. HEFLIN, expert locksmith, 1511 Douglas St., upstairs. Doug. 2;4 or A 4M4. PICTURES framed artistically. Prompt work. Megealh bta. Co., Uth and Fatii.ua. OMAHA PASTE CO now looated at T1J So. Uth bt.. Douglas 1764. GRAVEL ROOriNd. J. R. Stevenson Roof ing Co., gravel and composition roofing, b. Pax tun Blk., ltith and Farnam Sis., Omaha. Tola., Douglas 2176, A-1TV1; fees.. Web. XX. FOR watches and jewelry repair see Ousiafson A Hendrtckson. 201 No. 16lh St WOOD, Dr. O. a. la N. Y. L. Homeopath James H. Craddoek, arohltect, room Wead Bldg., ULh and Farnam. Red M74. MCLTIORAPHDUPLICATINO CO., 7I Brandeia Bldg. folephoue Douglas 411. "COLBRIX", pkg, keeps Waterloo brick ice oream. hard, I hours. U17 Howard liAY RACK PARTIES Call us up-Are prepared at any time. .ATT. otk Phones. Ual Nicholas St RUGS and everything cleaned with the ruatley vaouutu eieaaer. Lageretrom, till Loavonworth. Phone H. 4M PANAMAS bleeched. new Stetsons IJ 60. 13. Ramser, practical hatter. 230 6. 14th. ALAMITO buttermilk, retail. Both phonea. AUTOMOBILES STORAGE. centrally located, opposite library. 1K11 Harney St Brick P. Kunn. RAMBLKRS New, 4 and I-cyltnders, 30 per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 Farnam tM. SEND for oor list of second hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1214 Farnam HL BARTER AND EXCHANGE WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! We have farms. ranches, HOMES IN OMAHA. We will trade with you. Come In and pee us. Nowata Land and Lot Co., suite 624. N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Red 113, Omaha. Neb. Open evenings CITY PROPERTY WANTED. For 040 a. land In the Oreetey district ot Colorado; under the new government Irri gation project; near railroad, surrounded by Improved farms; price 120 per aore; will divide and trade 160 a. or 820 a. for small house. IRA L. BRUNK. 1604 Farnam St., Id Floor. Omaha, Neb. Tel D. 1229. FOR EXCHANGE A 11.200 equity In a nine room modern house, In good looatlon, for a vacant lot Address K-132 Care Bee. HAVE I-cyllnder Rambler; equipped with top, new tires, new engine and transmis sion and 2600 to exchange for a good 4-cyl-lnder car. Address Y 341, care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGE3TAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D-SSH7. INFORMATION WANTED: Regarding Investment opportunity, where few thou sand dollars could be profitably Invested, Wish to hear from anyone having stock for sale In Industrial or mining proposi tion. No liquor proposition contsldered. Address by mall only, George H. Currier, Room 71 C, 48 West Monroe St, Chicago, HL FOR SALE A BUTCHER SHOP; A FIRST CLASS SHOP IN A TOWN OF 4,000; ONLY TWO OTHER SHOPS IN TOWN; NO COMPETITION, AS THEY HAVE UNIFORM PRICES. DOING A BUSINESS OF FROM IW PER DAY UP. WILL SELL FOR 21,600; OWNER RE TIRING. ADDRESS Y 70. BEE. FOR SALE Hotel fixtures and lese; lo cated In central Iowa town of 6,000 people; 27 sleeping rooms, sample rooms, electric lighted and city heated; rates $2 per day, and doing good business. If taken by Au gust 1 will sell at sacrifice. Address Y 326, care Bee. FOR RENT Store room. Just vacated, In Madgett building; all modern and up to date; size 22x00. Win. Madgett Has tings. Nob. FOR SALE First-class restaurant and bakery In Wyoming town of 2,000. Splendid opportunity. Will sell cheap and will sell on part time. Address Y 224, Bee. RESTAURANT for sale. Division point of C. B. O. railroad. Location southwest Nebraska. Good rooms for transients. Ac count of wife's health, must sell. Can give long lease on building. Com. Box 27, Curtis, Neb. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham A Co., Selling Brokers, New York Life building, Montreal, Can ada. A SNAP. For Sale vAn established general mer chandise business In one of the best cities In eastern Nebraska. Inquire of Thomas Dugher, Wlsner, Neb. FOR SALE New skating rink; livery stock; furniture and undertaking; restau rant, and Nebraska farms. Address Hlbbs & Totton, Fairfield. Neb. Our business Is to Incorporate your busi ness correctly. For full particulars ad dress The Merchants Mercantile Incor porating Co., 302 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. WESTEROARD can help you get tn or out of business. 402 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. X44I. FOR SALE AN OFFICIAL COUNTY SEAT NEWSPAPER IN ONE OF THE BEST COUNTIES IN NEB. MUST BE OWNER HAS OTHER BUSINESS. L. E, HVAftS JMLUJNOWI, NEB. TWO-CHAIR h.rh.. ..I.. I . location In best town In the west; good rea son for selling. Write or caU Joe Zednek, 664 Main St, Deadwood, S. D. r -k SAi-ine best and largest plumbing, heating, pump and windmill business of i . iri I, j u .v a. xi t a eevorai con- tlfLOt lot il. nn lianjt raw Will -.11 i voice. Address Y 1S1 care Bee. FOR SALE One of the best coal and Ice business In one of the best towns neax Lincoln. Everything In fine shape. Ad dress Y 842 care Omaha Bee. OM nrnn n t nf nth., Vin.ln... jn i , coal and feed business cheap. Address R, ouuiu isiiin i?ee 01 1 ice. 10-ROOM, modern rooming house, within two blocks of P. O. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Address H 147, Bee. WANTED To sell an up-to-date mov ing picture show, doing good business, best location. Reason for selling, other busl ness. Address O-UO, Beau DENTISTS He doesn't hurt like others." BAILEY MACH, 2d floor, Parton. D.1086. TAFT'S dental rooms. 1517 Douglas 8t DRESSMAKERS IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Ind. A 2677 TERRT College. 20th and Farnam Sts. CHIROPODISTS See Monheit Treatment on feet 1411 Far. DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St Douglas tefl. J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber ahop, 1202 Far. EDUCATIONAL. BUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES COLLEGU Enter now for complete training In a'.l eorainerouU branches, including bookkeep Ing, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway mail and all govern ment grade subjects. Handsome catalogue turniahed free upon request. Address H. B. Boyles, President Omaha, Neb. Both 'Phoues. Official training school for U. P. R R. Telegraph Department FALL TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL . COLLEGE, Nlnteenth and Farnam. BEGINS SEPTEMBER 6TH. This school stands comparison, bead for FREE M-puge catalogue. Tells a true story. Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Day and night scions. U. P. offlolal school of telegraphy. Both 'phones. Address M. G. Rohrbough. Pres. DETECTIVES Omaha Pet. AQ., 42g Paxton Blk. D. 1US. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SHAMPOOING, hairdressing. massage and manicuring; home appointments. Eclipse Halrdreaoing parlors, ixt Neville bifc. CHINA decorating; order work V snoolalty Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and biiur daye Firing daily. Children's claaeee Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Huaaeie. KM Brandeia Bldg. Tel. Red Utk ARTISTIC FRAMING At prices just aa others charge fur tao other alnd. A. HOSPB CO.. 1S12 DOUGLAS ST. The Wests Greatest Art blurs. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN tContlr.ued.) PiiROXIDE CREAM Is the best ever for tan, sunburn, rreckles or chapped skin, and for that reason It Is aold at Schaefer's. where GOOD THINGS are sold. CLEANING1 and dyeing; biggest and best. Only one office, IMS Jones St. THE PANTOHIUM. GREAT reduction sale of ladies' suits, worth 160 and 6. to order, only 2.15. Workmanship guaranteed. L. Fox, 222 Leavenworth St Bic Disoonnt on h,r a"000,1 during store 00 days). We will make a 20 per cent discount on ail nair goods, switches, puffs, transformations, etc.; all goods marked In plain figures. Hohson's Beauty Shop, 150s Douglas St Entrance through millinery store. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at half retail prices. Buy direct from Im porters; save dealers' profits. 1214 Harney. Phone Doug. 2268. and agent will call. "ALWAYS THE BEST." Harding's Ice cream, weagewood creamery hutter. The Harding Co., 8th and Harney. Douglas 97. CAKES THREB LATER WHITK 30o Groceries and Meats: bottom prices. JOHNSON' GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WK& Both Tels. Best work; prompt service. 60C RIBBON nail file, 250. Haines Drug Co., 1610 f arnam. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dally from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1268. 1619 Farnam. BRANDIES' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department Wth street entrance Bennett's store. FURNACE REPAIRING Repairing and resetting gas, leaky furnaces. Experts on remodeling furnaces to obtain more heat on a fuel saving "basis. We Install new furnaceH. Omaha Stove Re palr Works. 1206-8 Douglas St.. Both phones HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED Experienced salesladies, cloak and suit dept; also In ladles' furnishings dept. Hayden Bros. Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER at once. Insurance of fice. 166. WESTERN RTCF. & BOND ASS'N., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. FIRST-CLASS, experienced stenographer and typewriter; woman with references. J. A. Griffith, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R., Uth and Farnam. factory aad Tradea. HELP wanted In all department. Evans Laundry Co.. 207 S. Uth. Hoaeekeepera aad Oosaeattea. -i rrT- s.n M . 1- uuuu uirvu lur Knurl iiuudowuii, mi family of two. 3613 ackson St COMPETENT girl for housework. Mrs. Bufflngton, 2S10 California st WHITE washerwoman wanted. Call 1602 North 20th st GIRL for general housework, 2226 Mason st A GOOD girl for general housework. W per week; no washing. 634 So. 26th, GIRL at 208 S. 33d st; two in family. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. O'Neill 702 N. 40th st. Tel Harney 806. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work can obtain good position at 611 Park ave. GIRL for general housework at once; no washing. 1329 S. 31st. WANTED Reliable girt for general housework; four in family; good wages. Apply 2602 Poppelton Ave. GIRL for general housework; family of three. R. W. Grtffls, 4608 N. 20th St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Tel. Harney 3136. WANTED First class cook, 18 per we.-k to right person. Call at once, 8202 Wool worth Ave. GIRL for general housework, good wages, 1008 S. 30th Ave. 'Phone Harney 2614. GIRL for general housework. 2G22 Dodge. GSIR for housework, good place; no washing; 601 So. 33d Street WANTED Young girl to assist with housework mornings. 'Phone Harney 2149. WANTED Girl for general housekeeping; small family ot three. Call at 8112 Leaven worth St. WANTED A housemaid. Apply 201 S. 83d St., Omaha. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in small family. 2108 Blnney St TeL Webster 3. WANTED Good cook. Mrs. Rome Miller, 4623 Florence boulevard. Tel. Web. 870. WANTED Girl for general housework tn small family. 4204 Harney st Mlaeellaaeoae. LEARN halrdressing; it pays you; can easily earn 116 to 826 weekly; full course taught Brandeia Halrdressing Dept. HEAD WAITRESS, 135; waitress, South Dakoo; 8 waitresses, Iowa; cook and wait ress, lawu, t6; cook and helper. 214 a week, room; restaurant cook, 860 to 800; six cham bermaids 16 to 836 ; 8 waitresses, west, free pass; helper on steam table work, 8H a week; 3 couple for farms, $35 to 160; 7 wait resses, 226 to 13.".: cook and helper, 60; 6 kitchen women, $25 to $35; 5 pantry women. $30 to $36; cook. $45. MARTIN k CO., 1BU Capitol Ave. TWO ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. Call or adJrj at once Good rich Drug Co., Oman, Neb. WANTED Expert designer and brimmer at Mrs. Husters Millinery. Loyal Hotel Bldg. WE teach halrdressing, including all branches; complete course; ( weeks; charges reasonable. MONHEIT S lEst. 1890 ), 1411 Farnam. CHAMBERLAIN. Good wages.. Apply to matron, Omaha General hospital. HELP WANTED MALE AgeaU, flolleltore suad taleeaaeav. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see, cir culation manager The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Reliable and energetic man to sell our specialties to wagon and auto owners, makers and repairers In Omaha and adjacent cities. No fake. Good prop osition to right man. State age and quali fications. Vehicle Specialty Co., Uen. Del., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED A live up-to-date, man that can sell good If he bai the quality be hind him. 'NO DEAD ONES' need apply. To represent us In your city and close by towns. Give all Information in first letter. Chamberlain-Myers Milling- Co. 1830 Grand avenue, Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS, our brand new household spe cialty sella. You oao make $8 to $le par day. Write at onoe. Tat Co.. U6 Ox. ford Ave.. Dee Holnee, la. WANTED Experienced fvroiture sales man. Hayden Broat A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in Omaha will be found on this page HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Ralesmea Coatlaaed. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S OWN AC COUNT OF HIS AFRICAN TRIP will ap pear exclusively In Scrlbner's Magaslne commencing with the OCTOBER NUM BER. Extraordinary opportunity for gel ting subscriptions. Thousands of orders will be placed. AGENTS ARE WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN AMKKICA. Here Is an opportunity to make money. Act at once. For full Particulars as to liberal cash commissions, extra prises, agents' outfit and sAmnte conies address Desk 46. Scrlbner's Magaslne, 165 Fifth Avenue, New York City. WANTED Six house to house canvassers ior cuy ana rota worK. irw proposition. $2 to $4 per day. Boose fighters and Taken keep away. Call after 9 a. m. J. L Hough ton. 626, Paxton Building. Clerical and Offleo. TRAVELING salesman, Neb. territory, iw. Traveling salesman, $75. Stenographer, wholesale. $r8. Stenographer, manufacturing concern, 175. jeiiger clerk, . WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., IC. ni-a in. 1. 11 1 e rung. WANTED Young man for position In Montana as cashier and bookkeeper for coal company. State experience and salary wanted. Address L-133 care Bee WANTED Young married man for gen eral office work and collecting; references required. Nebraska Loan Co., Room 7, crounse bik. Factory aad Trades. DRUO stcre and Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED t good cornice men and three tinners; steady work. 1724 St Mary s. WANTED First class wagonmaker to take charge of shop; no .rent Address C, W. Thorp, Fremont Neb. WANTED Baker; $10 week, room, board, Apply at once. Ulysses Bakery, Ulysses, Neb. TEAMS wanted. 17th and Douglas Sts., 66c per hour. Thompson-Starrett Co. WANTED A first class tinner and hot air furnace man. Address Y 707. care Bee. GENERAL Blacksmith wanted. Will pay top wages or ecu cheap. J. ti. Eavis, Chappell, Neb. Sltacetlanowae. LISTEN If you need a truss, an abdom inal supporters or a syringe or suspensory, go to Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers, examinations In Omaha Nov. 17th; preparation free. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 88 D, Rochester, N. Y. SECOND cook. west, free fare: man and wire, cooks, see party here, $60; man and wife, cooks, Wisconsin; elevator man, $45; baker, west, $50 a month and room and board; engineer, hotel. ttiO: man and wtr farms, $35 and $40, etc; 13 farm hands, $35 nu iv; ariver, siz a week; Ml railroad laborers; man and wife, laundry, $23 a week; Watchman. Institution: nastrv rook' man and wife, cooks, $r(0 and 175. MAiuiN & CO., 1611 Capitol Ave. Country cluh. Tnnutr c 'a tLfi.H cn..u . . v, . .,v.,vi , uumu Omaha. WiMTtrn A man n-l V. . - - - - ' ..'"it njjii mm ii iiiuw small patch of ground. Call Hunter, busi ness office Bee. Douglas 238. WNTFriU. l.o. v.a -w .. .... .. ' 'J ' " u.i uri iidtic, Practice furnished by free work. Careful Instructions by experts. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given. Board secured. Ex- Barber College, , 110 S. 14th St Call or write ' ' - - -.' .h v. 1 . . n ITHU Inrton. XTS 0(i mnnthlv TTvnmfnntlA... Omaha, September 21. Coaching free, brariklln Institute, Dept. 115 Y, Rochester, FREE Employment Dept Business Men's 11., iiv ice,, ctui an 43. 01 traae riiag. der electric licht anH nnn,., ,,i.nt r? ence required. Address P. P. Mason, Vil lage cierk, Pender, Neb. WANTED Spanish scholar. comDetent to translate legal Mexican documents. Call or address Room 306. First Nat. Bank Bldu I HAVE a first class steadv nnalttnn at good wages for a good man who can fur nish $160.00 cash security. Call 1724 Dodre St. WANTED ExneHenceil man tnr tneat market In country town. $50 to start. No hoOKee. fllu. r.far.no. I A T . r, u Verdel. Neb. Nebraska town of 16.000 population. Must be comnetent from a to mitat fumiaK best of reference and be of good habits. ttalary no object to right man. Address Y 339 care Bee. Small farm. Man tn Art ..n r. 1 far m wni-lr and must understand horses. Woman to cook for two. H. H. Hardy, Chappell, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vealelee. ELEGANT Cabriolet carnage. Stanhone and harness slightly soiled If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. OATS 65c per bu. Wagner, 801 N. Wth. SECOND-HAND landaus. hrniihma rockaways, hearses, surreys and business wagons. A. J. Simpson dt Son., 1409 Dodge. STILL In the wairon business: rood work: charges reasonable. Harry Frost Hth and Leavenworth. LOST AND FOUND LOST Elks tooth cuff button. Reward given. 716 So. 16tb St Liquor house. LOST On Farnam St.. between 13th ini 16th, small purse containing- currency: suit able reward for return. Telephone Doug. 372. LOST Eastern Star Din. circled with pearls. Tel Web. 632. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man, Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman 4k McConneii Drug Co., Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creigblon'a Medical oollege. 14ih and Davenport Bis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super, vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las U7. .Calls answeivd. day or night MONEY TO LOAN ALAUV A-ND CHATTELS. Vacation Money Everyone needs It and this Is the place to get II. Don't let money stand In your way when It can be ao easily obtained on your SALARY. FURNITURE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RECEIPT, or anything of value. Our special low rates are still In effect. We advance money quickly and confidentially, and our offices strictly private. DEAL WITH THE BIGGEST AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. 2d Floor. 207-8 Paxton Block, N. K. Cor ner 16th and Farnam Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 1411 and A-141L MONEY on furniture, pianos, live stock ' u , 1 or any security. Before mak ln ga loan see us. Both phones 168. Busi ness strictly confidential. Low rates; small payments. Nebraska Loan Co., lih and Capitol Ave., Opposite Postufflce, 1 'iUlJ. I MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Contlaeeel. $$$$$$$$s$t$8$$$$$$$$j$$$$tt$mf$$$m$$$$$ -g Money for Vacations 8$10-$200 U Do you need money T We are go- $1 $$ Ing to loan our surplus cash to all $$ $$ worthy applicants at the LOWEST 11 1$ RATES EVER OFFERED In the city $$ $$ on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS, $$ $$ SALARIES, etc. It will pay you to $ It see us before getting money else- $$ $$ where. Everything strictly oonflden $1 $$ tlal. It $$ Open till 8:80 p. m. Telephones $$ $$ Douglas 2036 and Ind. A-2036. $$ !! Omaha Financial Co., g tt 501 Brown Block, Opposite Brandeia, $$ $$ lftth St. Entrance. $$ m$$$$w$s$$$um$m$m$u$itt$$$$$j$$$$s MONET loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In ft principal cities. Tolman, Room 511, New York Life Bldg. 6 on diamonds. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. PRIVATE money to loan on chattels; low Interest WILLOWS, 864 Brandeia Bldg. VACATION MONEY or money for any other purpose makes no difference. What you are Interested In most Is a place where you can make a loan at reasonable rates and where you can nsai confidentially ana wii: get a square unui. imii wnai we nave Deen doing ikii- Bevcnteen years. OMAHA MnHTnARP! tIAM rYl 119 Board of Trade Bldg. "Phone Doug. 2295. entrance 8. 16th St HERE SINCE 12. LOANS, half rates. 829 Board of Tiade MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port kits., warehouse 2207-09 Izard St. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES GUS TURNER, graduate of Lelpsio, Ger many Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel. Red 5036 or drop me a postal at 2u74 Harney bt. and 1 will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT BoardlasT aad Uooma. TWO connecting rooms with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen. In modern home; references. 1918 Cass. Phone D. 1476. ROOM and board, close In. Large front room with alcove, suitable for two or three persona, either furnished or unfurnished, 114 So. 19tH St. Phone Red 4038. EAST and south side rooms with board reasonable rates. Zll b. 26th St. DEWEY European Hotel 13th and Farnam, NICE, cool room, for two gentlemen; private family; walking distance. Tel. Douglas 1092. MODERN furnished rooms, with board. Use of phone. 1916 California. FINE, cool furnlBhed rooms and board: single or en suite; walking distance. 624 N. 19th St Famished Boosma. FURNISHED room; house new: plenty hot water. 316 N. 19ih St TWO nice cool rooms. 2304 Davenport Bt GOOD rooms. $2 per week: free bath. Ogden Hotel, Co. Bluffs. YOUNG man to share comfortable fur nished room, 2702 Farnam St., Harney 2673. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, all modern, $12 per month, 2019 Webster St TWO large rooms with board: reduced rates during summer; meal tickets. 2109 Douglas St MODERN FRONT ROOM. 2007 ST. MARY'S AVE. ONE large room with board, new flat 212 N. 24th St. Tel. D. 4707. LARfjE parlor, nicely furnished, with board for one or two; reasonable, 2707 Far nam St NICE corner room In modern heme to permanent couple; also single room to gen tleman, wis cass St Phone Douglas 1476. SUITE of extra flnn rooms, fine furni ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest corner 20th and Chicago Sts. APPLICATION for rooms In The Bel mont, 1518 Dodge St., are now being re ceived; gentlemen only; everything newly furnished and decorated throughout. Ap ply to u. t. ver Mehren, Mgr. Doug, luit TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping. 2115 Spencer St. Tel. Webster 2069. FRONT room with or without board. 718 N. ISth St NEWLY furnished south room: low price. 2414 Burt St LARGE front room. r30 Capitol Ave. ONE large furnished front room. 201 S. 26th St NICELY furnished front rooms, slnrle. double or suite; strictly modern. 101 S. 26th St FURNISHED rooms with or irlthnul light housekeeping privileges. 1810 St Mary s Ave. SUITE of rooms or single for one or two gentlemen. 2045 Dodge St. NEATLY furnished rooms. 1921 Chicago St Single room, modern, $5. 2215 California St. Tel. H. 4479. LARGE south rooms, walking distance. 26644, Douglas St IARGE room, gas, bath, 'phone. 601 N. 18th St. TWO nicely furnished rooms, on first floor. 2224 Chicago St ROOM suitable for one or two ladles: modern. 1M9 Capitol Ave. ROOM for transient. 'Phone Doug. 7330. 1707 Dodge St NICELY furnished parlor. 211 S. 20th St. CLEAN, quiet room. $2 per week. 208 N. 22d St. NICELY furnished front room. $1.50 per week. 1406 S. 11th St. NICE cool room, all modern: cheap. 712 N. Wth St Tel. Red 5338. AIRY front room, modern, for four gen tlemen, eighty-five each. 2601 Dodge St Phone Harney 3647. LARGE front northeast room. cool. 224 North 26th St ONE front and back room tn private family for gentlemen. References. 504 N. 20lh St 622 N. 19th: large front room, seoond floor; small rooms also. LARGE, cool, newly furnished and well located room for rent. 2M7 St. Mary's Ave, NICELY furnished front rooms, all mod ern, screened porch, shade, lawn. 2122 California St NICELY furnished rooms: all modern. 416 N. 25th St. Phone Doug. 5472. NEW House, strictly modem, partly finished In oak. eight rooms, six closets. Will vacate In September. Will lease fur nished for one year or more. Phone Har ney 1369. VERY desirable room: fine location: walking distance. 218 S. 25th St LARGE, cool, newly furnished room with private family. 2662 Jones St Tel. Doug- a r,si. FURNISHED room: all modern. 606 S. 20th St Coatlaaed. TWO large front rooms at 2223 Howard. NICE. cool, lovelv furnished room, back parlor, lavatory and phone. Also one nice cool bedroom, strictly modern home near high school. 213 N. 20th St FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 606 V4 N. 17th St. F.I.EOANTLY furnished rooms for gen tlemen with private family; an modern; references exchanged. 122 Capitol Ave. A NICE room, suitable for two working girls or students. 677 8. ZSth St. LARGE, nicely furnished front room. close In; reasonable. X2 Dodge rit FURNISHED five-room apartment fot nouseaeeping. zujb i. aiary s avb, NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dls tance. 2406 Harney. NICE single or suite of rooms, with board If desired. 2011 Pacific St Aaartaaeate aad Plato. THREE and 8-roon. nets, Poargo Bldg., S-BH N." 14th St., South Omaha. Hall, 432 Ramge Bldg. Both 'phonea. FOR RENT 6-room apartment In Uintah. Tel. Doug. 18K6. the FOR RKVT. TWO apartments, one of five and one of six rooms. Completely modern, beauti fully finished, every convenience, neat and janitor service rurnlshed, close in, on South 26th Ave., $46 per month. BENSON A MYERS CO., 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone, D. 748. HoaeekeeplaaT Roonae. EXCELLENT furnished rooms for house keeping; first-class street and neighbor hood; close In. Dr. Fribbenow, 2574 Harney St. Tel. Red 6036. NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 711 S. 16th St Jd floor. PARLOR for one or two gentlemen, or housekeeping for man and wife. 831 8. litth St. LARGE front room for housekeeping. 207 N. 23d St FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; ref erences. 2114 Chicago St. NEWLY furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern; walking distance. Phone Douglas 3427 ; 2662 Harney. TWO or three connecting front rooms, furnldhed complete for housekeeping; no objection to children. 309 N. 26th St FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close tn. 1614 California St NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2117 Webster St. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete. 2223 Leavenworth St THREE elegant, strictly modern, private, half basement rooms. 320 N. 20th St HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent. 1912 Dodge. THREE rooms for rent, modern except heat 2326 S. 12th St. DESIRABLE modern room furnished complete for housekeeping; gas for cook ing. Close in. 1914 California St TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2608 N. 20th 6t Hoaae and Cottag-es. FOR RENT Brick house at 1611 S. 29th St., one block east of Park avenue car line; modern In every respect with 4 bed room on second floor; large parlor, dining room, Kitonen, outtery, large hall and ves tlbul on first floor. Inquire at 1509 S. 29th Bt. Tel. Harney. 1608. NINE room modern hntiu; lA.rffe enrner iui; pavru streets; on WK8T rAKNAM, A very nice home. Ask us. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phones. 1CLEGAN1 8-room rtat, located at 610 & 27th. all modern; price, $35. Bemla, Brandeia Bldg. HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros. 218 N. Y. L. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. store rt. ri. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. HOUSES. Insurance. Ring-wait Parker Blk, CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort, all modern. 4 or 6-room flat. Apply 220 N. 23d. California Sts. ; modern except heat; $25. Apply 607 N. 19th St. F1VR room cottage mM.rn ..fn hat- walking distance. $2,500. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phone. A MODERN, 6-room brick house. 1118 N. 23d St., $25 per month. Tel. Harney 980. HOUSES Peter Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR RENTi T-room. new, modern house and large re ception room; hard wood finish, combina tion fixtures, east front beautiful lawn; 704 N. 23d St $40. 6-room, new, modern St Louis flat com bination fixtures, reception room, hard wood f'.nlsh; 714 N. 23d 8t.-$3t 6-room modern St Louis flat reception hall, combination fixtures; 712 N. 23d St $80. 9-room modern brick house; 2009-2011 Wil li AVO.-825. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. FIVE room cottage, near 43d and Lake St Large lot. $1,700. P. O. NIELSEN CO., T03 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both Phone. 6-ROOM modern house. 2627 Patrick Ave Tel. Webster 1266. ITOTTSRS In ParU ct tn cltv. UUUOIjO Crelgu Son A. Co., Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS paoked, forwarded; cnesp ireigni rates; moving and storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. Sit 4. 2W7 PACIFIC ST.. 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish. 840. A. G. Klllck. 602 Be Bldg. MAGGARD Van 4k Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, hou.e- noia gooas. I-KOUM nouse. $30 per month, modern except heat. Burt st, 4 block from liarney ana cummings street car line, In quire 8216 Burt St., or tel Harney 24M. 6-ROOM. modern house. 718 Hickory St. Inquire 807 So. 17th St. FOR RRNT-i.rnAm fir. flftr NIa lth St., city water, toilet, $12.60 a'nd water rent. C. M. Bachmann, 436 1'axton Blk. FOR RENT Neat 8-room cottage 1 block from 10th St. car. 2740 S. th; Inquire 823 8. 26th. Tel Harney 1660. torea. BCARG4 Blk., South Omaha, 620 N. 24tH Hall, 488 Ramge BI4g. ; both phone. GOOD store room. 812 8: 18th St Fine office In Wead Bldg. F. D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM. Offleee. Desirable office Karbach Blk-. 15 Doug. OFFERED FOR SALE 8x5 CARD CASE. Solid oak case, made by the Library Ci reau Furniture Co. This Is exceptionally well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Bee office. 17ih nd Farnam. Ptaaoa aad Bf aalcal Iaalrameate. $400 Kranlch A Bach piano, practically new. Must sell. Make offer. Hesk-tt, Violin Maker. 3ul old Boston. FOR SALE $326 mahogany upright piano for only fa); leaving city, mini sell; would consider part cash, balance easy pay menu to Catholic party. Call evenings. 3116 S. Uth St WHEN you reply to advertlaemente which appear In these Want Ad. eeluaana kindly mebiioa the fact that yaw, an thai ad- Farplaked Booses T tgj w RTTFRW Any make all fa mm an4 ranted, rent applied! oasT ti ir shipped anywhere for examination. Write for large bargain list and offer. R F. Swanson Co., 417 8. Uth St, Omaha. Nea. Mleeollasiooe DRUGS at out prioaa, freight paid tifl nnlra' nittlnrut free, r her an McConnelt Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR RAl.n-Ntw and tnd-haad Millard and pool tables. We lead the world la v cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Brune 1c Balks Collender. 407 & 10th t Scholarship If you Intend taking a oouree tn oolBeo college, see us about a scholarship. We y 1 will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O ffi, care Bee. FOR SA LB Cash register and safe. Ad dress J 679, care Bee. REND us your malt order for drug1"; freight paid on $10 lot. Myere-Diilqa bruit Co., Omaha. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels whloh we will eell at 60a each. They are fine for rain water or eehea. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been la use at the Bee building. They are each lis-horsepower return luoular boilers, 78- tnen aiameter by 13 leet long. They have. 168 C. I. tubes, 8 Indies by 18 feet Work- Ing pressure 160 pounds per square Incii. f Heat surface 19.00U square feet Urate ara SKH square feet We are very anxious to dispose of these -boilers Immediately and will sell at a bargain. If taken at once. THK BKE HUILD1NU COUPANT 17th and Farnam Sis... Omaha. Neb. ' Remember it onlv takes a stroke a. tn of the pen to mention the fao that you saw me aa in 1 ne lice. FOR RENT. For Rale and FnrnUh room cards. 10c each. Corey A McKenxle Printing Company, 112 S. 14th St. Flftv noiinHa of tYim h.t kiniii.. ...1 'or $4.15. CARL C. LUMRY, 254 Farnam. FINE clears. Get our nremlum -.ii,o- Hundreds of useful articles free. Tou gi a coupon. Tracy Broa. Co., 1415 Douglas. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 418 N. Y. L. TL D. 16'A Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa. (08 N. Y. L. Uldg. PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit. cmMtntt clothing; In fact anything you do not need. we collect, repair and sen ai 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worth poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagon win can. Mrs. Ames of Wash.. D. C. manicuring. magnetic massage, brs. 10 to 10. 1718 Dodge. DR. EGGERS: private confinement home. 1616 Martha St. Tel. Douglas 6230. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. Tb Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council bluff, la. MAGNETIC Treatment. Fmmelln Brott 2319 8. 16th. Doug. 616. magnetic ssrrjffiiSsia YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association, 17th and Howard Sts., where they will be directed (o suitable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets trains at the Union station as travelers' aid. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN From this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Ada B. Mo Cann. c E. M'CANN. PROF. G. K. DINJIAN, EXPERT MASSEUR, restures health, makes you look nice and plump, removes nervousness, put your stomach, bowels, liver and kid-' neys In good order; Improves the blood clr- ' culatlon by massage. Have you tried It? Correct massage Is especially conductive to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. D. 861 MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. 808 Old Boston Store. A DRUG STORES use lots of drug, you know goods well bought are half sold, and we do the rest Try Schaefer's next time. COUPONS given with purchases of cigars at Tracy Bros. Co. Cigar store, 1415 Doug las, are exchangeable for articles In their premium list. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bldg., Book free. PRINTING THE Quality Press, artistic commercial printers, have moved from 812 S. Uth to 1218 Harnfy St Douglas 6641. HOLLAND printing Co., 110 8. 17th 6t. CASTLEMAN Printing Co., 1611 Cap. Ava PHONE IND. A-2820 for good printing Lyngatadt Printing Co.. 16th St Capitol Ave. YAFFE PTG. Co., 807 Boston Store Bldg WATERS PRINTINO CO.. 622 8. 12th 8t HOLLAND Printing Co.. 117 8. 17th Bt REAL ESTATE REAL K8TATH DEALER!. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est 1858; prompt service; get our prioes. 1119 Farnam St GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. Jtf7. JaTNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandeia Bldg. REAL E8TATF TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPERTY FOR IAI.B. $3,500.00. will buy an 8-room modern home at 4241 Farnam St., 4 rooms and hall on first floor. 4 rooms and bath on second floor, large laundry and dry room In cellar, paved street, cement sidewalks, nice lawn, shade trees, etc. $2,250.00. will buy a 6-room strictly modern home on 22d, near Grace St., 2 rooms and hall below, 8 rooms and bath above; Immediate possession; $360 cash, balance IM per month. O. W. SHKIVfclt 1023 New York Life Bldg. IXQUIUK ABOUT THIS Five-room cottage, nicely located In good neighborhood; south front, nice lawn with shade trees: just nl e dlstanoe off South Omaha car line on Martha St OALLAOHEH & NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'HUFFMAN A MUIR, 218 Neville Blk.. have burguln properties; $100 cash, bal ance easy terms. ljbr your property with Cbrt BoyJ. 224 HQ vuining Bta tl nt run balk A house and three of the best lota on Ave. A. at a bargain; on car line, ten minutes' ride from Omaha; house almost new, five rooms finished, siiare upstairs for two more large rooms, electric light, bath room, city water, good cellar, young fruit and shade trees and two lots for garden ground. J. D. John son, 204 Sapp Blk., Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE A house In Walnut Hill, 4038 Heward. Nine rooms, modern. High and sightly. Price $3,700. No agent. BOULEVARD HOI'KK tt North ltth St. I rooms, modern, only 12.600. Thome Rrenuau. Room I New York Life Bldg. ' For quick return, list your real estate ' ) ior ai ana exenange witn nee, ao sale, no pay. W. W. MlicheU. J at Trad siug, voitpa, neek ?1 I I . 1 7 Ail