THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 21. IMP. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska ( &DJUSTBC TI1E VALUATIONS Bute Board of Equalization is Fix ing Up Astetsors' Figure. GO OVER LIVE STOCK SCHEDULES nine Coaatles Raised and Some Lowered aad Notice of HrarlasT Seat the Officials laterested. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July K).-(Speclal.) The Flats Board of. Equalisation spent the afternoon dlocuaMng the valuation of live stock In the various Bounties.' The board propoaed several ehancVK, but before theee change. can become official the officer of the counties affected will be notified and given a -chance to protest. The following: are the proponed change upon the average valuation of live stock: Cattle, Increased Keith, McPhemon, Per kins, 10 per cent. Decrease Hamilton and Nuckolls counties, 10 per cent. Morses, Increase Batler, 10 per cent; Col fax, 5 per cent; Deuel, 80 per eent; Dodge., 10 per cent Douglas. 20 per cent; Hooker, 10 per cent. Decrease Dakota and Hamil ton, M per cent, r- Mules, Increase Butler, Knox, Wheeler, 10 per cent; Deuel, to per" cent; Douglas, 20 per cent; Hookey, 100 per cent Decrees) Hurt,- ClaV aivt' Hamilton, 6 per cent; Da kota and Nemaha, 10 per cent. Hogs, Increase Hooker, 100 per cent. . The assessor returned this property at the following average value per head: Cat- '" Horses. Mules, tie. Hogs, Hamilton $19. 0 J22.75 $5.29 $1.84 Nemaha lot Nuckolls 4 "0 Otoe M 'awnee tU Perkins IN Phelps 10 Ilerce $ Platte - 1 .to Polk aw Knl Willow 1-44 Hlchardson i Rork 1 61 Hallne til Sarpy 4.49 Saunders 4 11 Srotts Bluff Seward Sheridan ... flherman ... Hloux Stanton .... Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Honker 4.00 Keith .K Mol'herson' ........... 6.61 Perkins 14.25 Nuckolls liutler. ... Colfnx ... Douel .... Dodge ... Douglas . Knox ... Dakota . Wheeler . Hurt Clay ... M.U ... M.20 ... 15. M ..." ... 15.10 ... 13.29 ... 12. 4R ... ... 12.0S ... W.4S ... 17. 7 4.00 11.76 S.23 11.22 22.81 IS. 12 17.10 fi.lfi IS. 7:1 14 52 13. S7 20.71 11.46 21.92 23.90 25.15 1.9S 2. S3 2 f 2.73 5.32 3.87 4.18 2.8S 4 34 K.39 3.75 4 06 4.39 4 76 4.50 4.94 .96 .40 1.20 1.77 1.88 1.02 1.70 2 21 1.38 1.20 ISO 1.77 1.78 1.33 Nemaha , 18.69 Assessed Valne of Cattle The followtng table shows comparison of the average assessed value of cattle; t or 1908 and 1909: .(.. . . .- 1908. 1909. Adams . 13 78 K03 AnteloDe 4.12 4.54 Banner 28 3.,. .... 1.35 Unone 4.25 4.36 Ilni Butte 1 247 Hovd 1 8.91 414 Brown :.., ,1.64 Buffalo 1-72 414 Burt ..;4.10 4 76 Butler 8.73 1.87, Cass r..... 4 47 64 Cedar ............-. 8 87 .0S Chase. 4... 8.48 8.33 Cherry 8.70 8.92 Cheyenne 8.39 8.12 Clay 8WS .4.50 Colfax 8.76 4.18 Cuming 4.40 4.75 Custer 8.64 Dakota 8.86 Dawes 8.69 Dawson 4. OS Deuel 8.89 Dixon ' ..... ... ... ...... . 8.76 Dodge 4.55 Douglas ... 661 Dundy- '.....fe.t.M ..... 8.86 Fillmore 8.93 'Franklin .a...............'... 8.52 Frontier '.. .... 8.32 ' Furnas ,...iiVnh , 8 77- Oage 4.02 Oarfleld. .. 4... 8.77 Gosper ..-'... 8.T5 Qrant I 378 (treeley .............. ........... 4.18 Hall 408 Hamilton 4.78 Harlan 3.81 Hayes t 8.35 Hitchcock 3.38 Holt 377 Hooker 3.35 Howard 4.67 Ji-ffersnn 8.54 Johnson 4.35 Kearney 8.47 406 3.85 4.28 3S6 4.48 4.36 639 3.31 8 93 4.01 3 36 4.N in 3.78 Keith Keya Paha Kimball .... Knox Lancaster . Lincoln .... Logan ...... Loup Madison ... McPherson Merrick Morrill Nance ...... 1.35 8.54 8 92 8.69 4.62 1 28 a 13 8 49 8.85 310 4.74 "in 3 4 76 6.29 3.85 8 16 800 8.66 1.95 3.54 4.49 8 97 87J 8 83 8 46 856 3.75 4 28 J.29 29 4 10 368 4 84 878 TEH YEftRS OF SCULP ERUPTION Tiny Pinhead Pimples Filled and HurtTremendous v Tried Every thing in Vain His Daughters was Crusted Both Found Scalp SIMPLY SURPRISING CURE IN CUTICURA " It it a fraat pleasure for me and I consider it a duty to inform you what Cuticura has dona for ma. Aboisl twelve years ago, I contracted an erup tion of the scalp consisting of small pimples, about the sis of a pinhead, which filled after a few days with pus and whloh hurt tremendously. I tried everything, but in vain. Finally, I washed my head with sulphur and ap plied a carbolic ointment. After a few days the pimples disappeared, only to come back again in a week. This I suffered for ten years and then I saw an advertisement in the paper of the wonderful cures by Cuticura. I bought cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuti cura Oictsnent and a bottle of Cuticura Ulls and after three weeks I had used only half the Soap and Ointment and mv head was as oleaa as ever before. After the first application it was simply surprising how it improved. "Mr daughter used Cuticura Soap and Ointment for scales on the scalp and after having used them three times her head was clear and the hair became as soft and fine as silk. Since then she uses nothing but Cuticura Soap for shampooing. "In consequence of my having used Cutioura Soap for shampooing, I no ticed that my hands whloh almost al ways were cracked from handling un ctaMaed wood, lime and stone, became bite' and velvety. Formerly I used glycerine but one night's treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment does more for ray hands than a week's treat ment with glycerine. I hope all suf fering people will st least try the Cuti cura Remedies. Herman decker. Ki ll eld, Wn, November , 1V08." 4.94 t-tl 4 8.73 3.96 400 388 . 8.68 "i'io 3M 4 60 3.90 361 3 96 4.31 871 8.71 3 91 3.96 3 4 01 4 24 4.71 3 78 8.M IH 871 a.,...... l 1 89 4.60 4 48 4 76 Wayns 4 13 4 40 Webster M - 1.78 4 60 Wheeler 1.80 4.39 Tork 4.73 4.(3 Railroad Pretests Tases. M. A. HarUgan, tax agent of the St. Joseph Grand Island railroad protested to the board of equalization thla morning against the value placed upon Its property In the following cities j Hastings, Grand Island. Edgar and Fairfield. At Hastings Mr. Hartlgan said the value of the property of the company was fixed at 164.860. This practically Is the same figure as returned In 1908 and which the board reduced to 844.408. He asked that the same reduction be made thla year. At Grand island the assessor placed a valuation on the company property of 811,226 the right of way or land valuation being 81,070. The land of the company therefore was valued at 8200 an acre while other land was valued at 866 an acre. At Edgar the right of way of the com pany was valued at $10,000 or $624 an acre. With the exception of two blocks next to the right of way the land In Edgar, Mr. Hartlgan said was valued at 850 to $150. At Fairfield the railroad right of way was assessed at $620 an acre while land adjoining this property was assessed at $75 to $125 an acre. Both Edgar and Fair field said Mr. Hartlgan are small towns and the railroad property does not Inter cept the main business district of either. Lower Rates en Pmllmmns. , The state railway commission Is about to secure a reduction In Pullman rates In Nebraska on Its own Initiative without waiting for a formal complaint to be filed. The commission compiled a. sched ule of rates and then sent for represents tlves of the company to see what they thought about It. H. B. Clement, general ticket agent and O. 8. Fernald, assistant gereral solicitor, both of Chicago conferred with the oommlsslon today and agreed to send back a schedule shortly containing reductions along the lines suggested by the commission. The seat rates will be fixed on a mileage basis at about one-half cent a mile, while the rates for berths will - be decreased about 60 cents. The representatives of the Pullman, company - ware not satisfied With the, rates of ,the commission and they wens given permission te propose a ' re duced rate schedule. halenberarer a, Cka1aia Speaker Governor Bhallenberger returned to his office this morning, after a speaking tour which took htm through Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota. The governor was filling the date of Senator La Follette, who was de tained in Washington. The governor talked democratic politics In all of hts speeches. At Abilene, Kan., the governor ran across a cyclone, whloh not only de stroyed thousands of acres of corn by cutting the stalks off close to the ground, but .which tore . the tope of. practically all of the big trees In the city. No dwellings or bustness housea were damaged, the wind evidently being too high to touch them. As a result of the storm In that county, the governor said the prospects were corn would be only aboot one-fifth of, the usual crop. Governor ShaHenbergT has been invited to speak at the irrigation congress at Spokane, Wash., on the 13th. This Is Gov ernors' day, and Governor Bhallenberger will stop ever In fipakane with his staff while on his way te the Seattle exposition. Oorsieratlona te Ft, It was reported at the State house today that a collection Is being taken up among certain corporations that object to the occupation tax levied under a law enaoted by the recent legislature. The report says that each corporation Is expected to eon tribute one-tenth of the tax levied against It to the fund to employ counsel te fight the law. Hearing; Before Haselse Board. The excise board this afternoon took evidence In the case wherein B. A. Moore charged Chief of Police Rickard. Detective Jim Malone and Officer Cody with having abused htm. Moore said he represented an oil burner company and gave demonstra tlons at his place ef business. That the officers arrested him without warrant and kept him In Jail a day and a night and then ordered him out of town. He left and now comes baok to prosecute. He claims the officers abused him and he was sub Jected to many indignities, and that his private letters were confiscated by the po lice. More evidence will be taken Thurs day morning. Boy Drewaed la Salt Creek, Lawrence Barrett, aged 14 years. drowned while swimming In Salt creek this afternoon. He was the son of James Barrett, 3155 South Eleventh street. Coke's Cemmissloa Restored. The action of former Governor Mickey in revoking the notary oommlsslon of Max Conn of Nebraska City was reversed by District Judge Cornish this afternoon, and the commission ordered it given back to Conn. The revocation of the commission grew out of litigation In Nebraska City, out of which also grew the disbarment proceedings against John Watson. FATI1ER MURPHY WINS FIGHT Court Dissolves Order Ret training Him from Acting m Priest. SUPERSEDEAS BOND REFUSED HUB e Beaaeaaa Will Appeal, Bat la Meeatlaae the Priest Will Ce tlaee His Work At Vlyases. SEWARD, Neb., July 80. (special Tele gram.) Father Murphy, priest of the church of the Immaculate Conception at Ulysses In court today scored another point in his contest with Bishop Bonacum of the Lincoln diocese of the Catholic church. Borne weeks ago Bishop Bonacum ap peared before Judge Dungan of the district court at Hastings and secured a temporary order restraining Father Murphy from preaching or acting as priest at Ulysses or at any other place In the Lincoln diocese. The order was aimed more particularly at Seward and Ulysses, at both of which (laces Father Murphy had officiated as priest In charge. The case was set for hearing at Seward and yesterday fixed as the date. All of yesterday and most of today was consumed In taking testimony and making arguments. This afternoon Judge Dungan rendered his opinion, refus ing to make the temporary order perma nent. The suit was dismissed and the re straining order dissolved. Attorneys for Bishop Bonacum at once announced that an appeal would be taken to the supreme court and asked to be al lowed to file a supersedeas bond. This would have the effect of continuing the temporary order until the supreme court has passed upon the appeal and Judge Dungan at once announced that he would not permit It. After the decision hundreds of friends of Father Murphy who had come to town to listen to the proceedings, gathered about him, shook him by the hand and gave him a regular ovation. During its progress he announced that he had no hard feelings against anyone and that It was simply a question of right prevailing over wrong. He then stated that next Sunday regular services will be held In the church of the Immaculate Conception In Ulysses and that be will be in charge, say mass and preach the sermon. t Millions of women throughout the world use Cutioura Soap and Ointment for ecaetnaa, rashes, itchiogs, irritations, Inflammations, chaflngs, Dimples, black. ' beads, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, sanative, antiseptio cleansing, ana for the toilet, bath and nursery. Ceutora Remceias sM tkrovuhwa Mm rl. PiMMr Drue k fbtia. Ourp. Sol rmiia . IM rtoluuk bw Am. BuMoa. Hm mr Cuticura fVwiiri, uilwl tr, 1M4 all you rMM to kjww about iu bum u4 lniwl et Uimm t Uw SMua, ess. Held for Violating Eight-Hour Law Contractor on Government Buildiir at Grand Island Placed Under Arrest. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July . (Special Telegram) O. M. Evans, contractor on the government building here was arrested by Marshal Sammons on charge of violating the eight hour law on complaint of E. K. Wllklns, Inspector for the government Evans was brought before United States Commissioner Ragan, at Hastings this morning, waived examination and was bound over to the federal court at the January term here. Mr. Evans alleged that It ,1s a case of spite work on the part of the Inspector and denies his guilt. The action of inspector has been much criti cised by the public NEW DEPOT FOR MADISON SURE Unloo Paclfle Gives Asanrsvnee It Will Begin Work at Once. MADISON, Neb., July 20.-Speclal.) Word has Just been received by Senator Allen of this city from the Nebraska Railway Commission that the Union Pa oiflo Railway company has advised the commission that It will begin the construc tion of a new station at Madison, In the Immediate future, which will be adequate for the traffic and afford the traveling publto the comfort to which it Is entitled. As evidence of the company's Intentions, it has notified the proprietors of the ele vators on the company's right-of-way that the same must be removed as the company desires to extend and rearrange Its siding in order to make room for the new station and freight depot. Some weeks ago at the invitation of the Madison Commercial club a member of the railway commission visited the city and investigated tba needs of a new station. Shortly after the com panys attention was called to the matter In an official way, and recently a number of prominent Union Paciflo officials have been here and Investigated the conditions, with the result that a new depot will be built in the near future, which will be a credit to both' the city and the com pany. JUDGE MARTIN IS DEAD Falls City Attoraey Satcennabe te Lows I liar u -Well Kaewa Tkreecfc tat. FALLS CITY, Neb., July 80. (Special Telegram.) Francis Martin died at his home here this morning at 7 o'clock of Brlght's disease, after an Illness of sev eral months. Judge Martin had not been strong since he suffered from a severe Ill ness nearly ten yeara ago, but alnce March had grown rapidly worse and for the past two months had been barely alive. Judge Martin was well known In south eastern Nebraska, having been state sena tor from this district Ha was also pro bate Judge at one time and for the past twelve or fifteen years has been one of the leading republicans of Richardson county. He was known as an upright and conscien tious man, an honest and able lawyer, a loyal friend and he will be greatly missed by all Falls City. Judge Martin was born In Dublin April 3, 1S44. He leaves a wife, one daughter, Helen, and four eons, Frank Martin of Omaha. Thomas Martin of Hope, Indiana; John and George Martin of Coun cil Bluffs Iowa, and two grandcblldrea. Tha funeral will be held from 8t Francis Xavler church of which Mr. Martin was a member, and the Interment will be In Steele cemetery. Filings la Adams Ceaaty, HASTINGS, Neb.. July 80. The following candidates havs qualified for the forth coming primary: Treasurer A. C. Hull, republican; Ernest Hoeppner, democrat. County Clerk W. F. Gardiner, repub lican; George U. Mlsen, Maynard R. Jones, August H. Blnderup, democrats. County Judge VV. F. Butten. republican; V alter irow, oemocrai Sheriff George P. Klein, republican: J J. Hlmmerlng, A. J. SUger, Jamea C. Mo- Cleery, i. (.:. Bignor, democrats. Recorder of Deeda J. C. UlLmore, B. E. Howe, J. L. Sprung, republicans: L. G. Kettht. John H. Uerllng, Charles W. Foots, democrats. Coroner J. V. Pegatol, republican; Dr. Amy Koblnson. democrat. Superintendent of Public Instruction Parlon u. Graves, republican; L. R. Willis, democrat. Supervisor, District No. 8 T. G. Whiting, uuncan, ,. a. vvoooworm, aemocrat. re put Sue pervlaor. District No. 4 F. E. Veraaw. UP ill t: 1 m 1. Supervisor, District No. R. V. Shockey republican: A. K. Deffenbaugh, John Fahr ney. democrat. Surveyor O. A. Heartwell, republican. Robert Ratcllffe of Ayr Intended to file for county clerk. He failed to get here until late Saturday night and then didn't succeed In getting his papers filed. Chaataaana At Fallertoa. FULLERTON. Neb., July 80.-Speclal.) The tenth annual aesslon of the Fullerton Chautauqua assembly will open In Fuller park, August 11 The park comprises about 100 acres of beautiful scenery only one mile from the city of Fullerton. The management this year offers a new at. traction In a recreation department under the control of George M. Plnneo, physical director of the Lincoln T. M. C. A. base ball, calisthenics, a field meet, and a tennis tourney are but a few of the fea tures of this department. Appropriate re wards will be given to the winner in all these events. If people with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realise their danger they would without loss ef time commence taking Foley's Kidney Pills. This great remedy stops the pain and the irreguiarl- Uea, strengthen and builds up these organs and there la no danger et Brights' disease or other serious disorder. De net elaraar.i tha early symptom. Sold be all Aniggista Ac Worn wJ0 vt FJ ""I j rvS w..-'V --.s p&f-fZ. , ;v r -TI f I y&mm Everybody of all classes, acres and sexes vou and vour friends nnd your friends' friends whenever you're hot, tired, nerve worn, thirsty or just simply crave something delicious to drink, DRINK X 1 Wholesome, cooling, refreshes brain, body and nerves; thirst-quenching and extremely delicious. 4s The Satisfactory Beverage GET THE GENUINE 5c Everywhere Whenever vou see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. StaflaCtoallaCa0, Eo I o 1: A Official Glidden Fattifincler ThU Qir; and Studebaker E. M. F. "30" Glidden Tour Confetti Car Will Pass Through Omaha and Council Bluffs, Wednesday, July 21st. See Them. "VV V S1.250 F. O. B. FACTORY 30 Horse Power. 5 Passenger. 5 Lamps. Horn. Magneto: Only Extras: Top, Windshield, Speedometer "The best value for $2,500 and under,. on the market An output of 12,000 cars this year made this price of $1,250 possible. An output of 18,000 cars next year will make the car better for the same money. The Studebaker E. M. F. 30 Pathfinder is the Official Pilot Car of the 1909 Glidden Tour. The work this car did as Official Path finder in routing the Glidden Tour established beyond a doubt the fact that the Studebaker E. M. F. 30 is the peer of the medium priced cars. This car is the sensation of the year. It jumped to first place in three months and stands there today both in volume and performance. The entire output of 12,000, including Kansas City's allotment of 1,100 cars was sold three months ago and will be delivered by September 1st After September 1st the output will be 18,000 cars and Kansas City will positively get and deliver 3,000 of them. We are closing agencies daily and want a live one in every county. 835 of next year's cars are already sold. tadlcelbailkceips Call or Write Today at Rome Hotel, Omaha, or Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa, where our General Traveler, 0. A. Whitaker, and Neb. Traveler, Mr. Burbank, Will Be July 19-22 to Close Contracts WithNeb. Dealers. 1620-1G22 Grand Avenue, Kansas City lVIo. The Bee for Rll the Sporting News TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tee rsve tamt Rasvekee fate r erasers ea Uve Itit Mt, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tee Best Oat Delia as Tear,