Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report se PK" 3.
The omaha dee
a elaa. rIUt1 wgpapor that la
admitted to fach ana very kome.
VOL. XXX IX -NO. 29.
is mm AIRED
Board of Inquiry Begins Investigation
Into Death of Late Lieutenant
Relatives Succeed in Causing" Case to
Be Reopened.
First Witness Testifies That He Was
Trying to Kill Him.
Jndsre Advocate Says Case Will Be
rrubrd Until All the Pacta Bar
rounding It Are Laid
ANNA POMS. Md., July 19 The openl
session here today of the court of Inqulrj,
which Is conducting a second Investigation
Into the death of Lieutenant James Nuttle
button of the United Stales marine corps,
was replete with dramatic situations.
Lieutenant Robert F. Adams, Sutton's for
mer classmate at the academy and one
of the principal actors In the midnight
f lirht .which cost young Sutton his life
nearly two years ago, occupied the witness
stand during the entire session, and told
a Kinphtc story of the Incidents leading
up to Sutton's death.
With nervous demeanor, momentarily
confused at times, and yet almost defiant
under the severe cross-examination of
Henry F. Davis, counsel for Mfc-s. Sutton,
mother of Lieutenant Sutton, Adams sat
fa-ing Sutton's mother and sister during
tils i.xaminr.tton. Ills brother officers.
Lieutenants llevan and Osterman, flanked
by Ailnms' two lawyers, sat farther down
the imjiilry table. Major Henry Leonard,
U. 8. M. C, the Judge advocate, and the
three members of the board, completed the
Impressive sitting, In their white service
unlf irms. At one point In his testmony,
Leutenant Adams and an orderly enacted
the struggle wth Sutton. The witness
was still under cross-examination when
the Inquiry waa adjourned until tomorrow
Dlscrepencles ia Story.
Mr. Davis succeeded In bringing out a
number of discrepancies In Adams' testi
mony today, compared with his version
of the tragedy at the former Investigation,
when the board of Inquiry found that Sut
ton died by his own hand. How Important
they may be, and what bearing these con
tradictions may have on Adam's future
position In the case, la expected to develop
more clearly as all the facts are gradu
ally unfolded In court.
A ride to the marine camp In an auto
mobile with Sutton and two-other officers
of marines, Lieutenants Utley and Oster
man; an altercation between Sutton and
the witness, '. and "a .deferred encounter
when the senior officer Interfered, as the
automobile was stopped short of the camp
with the intention of avoiding being caught
returning after hours; a later accidental
meeting of the witness and Sutton, on the
border of the woods near the barracks,
and the fight between the two men, with
Sutton, armed with a revolver In either
hand and tiring five shots, the last of
which he directed Into his own head while
lying on tho ground, these were the points
In Lieutenant Adams' testimony.
The witness said he had risen from the
prostrate Sutton whom he believed to be
exhausted, and stood a few feet back of
him when he saw Sutton raise his right
hand, and fire a bullet Into his own head.
Just previously some one of the officers
who had come upon the scene had cried
that Lieutenant Eaward P. Roelker had
been killed, the witness said. Adams had
made no attempt to take the revolver from
putton s nana wnen he croKe away, or
was pulled away from him, he said, In
reply to Lawyer Pavls' often repeated quea-
tlon. Sutton had prevlouly threatened to
kill him and was generally avoided by
the mailnes, because of his wild talk and
actions, according to the witness.
Not l.ooUInx for Scapegoat.
After tl. tes ion today Mr. Davis said
that It was not his Intention to fasten the
res; onslblllty of Sutton' death on any one.
but that every effort would be made to dis
credit ar.d refute the suicide story.
Hoelker Is an Important witness who has
not yet been located. Ilia mother accepted
service of a subpoena for him In Wash
ington, It Is said, but his whereabouts Is
not known, lie left the service soon after
the Sutton tragedy. Mrs. Sutton's coun
. sel said tonight that Miss Margaret Stew
art of i'lttsburg, the young woman who
was with Sutton most of the evening be
fpie he met his death, mli,-ht be i ailed a
a witness. Her testimony would be mater
ial In refuting the theory of suicide, he
Miss Stewart is now In Canada, but Mr.
Pavls said bar father had recently gone to
ace her and talk over the advisability of
her returning and testifying.
Omahan Crazed by
Fear of Pursuers!"
Christ Johnson Jumps from Moving
Train, Declaring Black Hacd
is After Him.
FT. LOUIS, July 19 (Special Telegram.)
Chrisi, Johnson, an employe of the Union
Paelflo at Onisha. Jumped off a moving
Fennsylvant train at Liberty. III.. Sun
day afternoon, but waa unhurt. He com
plained that he waa being pursued by a
Black Hand gang and could not escape.
11 brought to eU. Louts and placed
In City hospital observation ward. He
says b had Journeyed from his home to
Columbus, O.; tbsnce back to Indianapolis
and as far as Liberty when his imaginary
pursuers forced him with revolvers to
Mlsa Marian Carpenter, Daughter of
Chart Carpenter, Dies In
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. July 1. (BoeolsJ
Telegram.) Marian Carpenter, daughter of
Charles Carpenter, park superintendent,
died here yescerday, aged 19. The family
formerly Uv4 ia Ontaoa, where ah was
Base Ball and
Railroad Men
Meet Ak-Sar-Ben
Busy Session At the Den Last Even
ing Sees Some Extra Stunts
Pulled Off.
Jack Pen dry put Samson's base ball
fame out of business at the den Monday
night by knooklng down four deuces In
succession. Edmondson, who also had
perfect control followed and landed on
three ten cent cigars for a nlckle, and the
entire team showed the classy form It dis
played Monday afternoon when Denver
was beaten In a perfectly played game.
Harry Welch broke the piano with his
terrific playing and Kane surprised all by
the remarkable baratone voice he dis
played when called upon to sins.
It was railroad and base ball night at
the den and , 'ans were out In full
force to ylVr.-'''-k raion and his merry
crew . i would do to Pa's
, didn't do a thing to
'"When that pirate king
. with the bunch it was a
nt and Buckingham waa glad he
sent home.
Each night shows great improvement In
the redltion of the opera and the lyrics
and tunes are rendered In such approved
style that they are worth going miles to
hear. They will soon be In shape for the
dramatic critic and the musical editor to
cast their eaifle eyes over. Conductor Paf
fenrath handled the difficult choruses with
a magic wand and the "oprey" went with
a swing which was good for sore eyea on
a hot night
"For the last twelve years during which
time I have lived In this city I have
watched the wonderful good Ak-Sar-Ben
has done for Omaha," said W. A. Rourke.
president of the Omaha base ball team.
"My business takes me all over the coun
try and I want to say that nothing gives
Omaha as much good, healthy advertising
as does Ak-Sar-Ben. We hear of It
everywhere we go and people ask about
"I believe that Omaha, with the help of
Ak-Sar-Ben will soon be one of the great
cities of the country. It has been good to
me and I appreciate It and will do what
I can to return the many good things It
has done."
"Twenty-elftht years of railroad life have
changed my Ideas concerning a railroad,"
said William T. Penny of the Union Pa
cific. "I believe that Hill and Harrlman
and Mohlcr have high ideals, and If not
harrassed for the next ten years will work
wonders for the good of the entire coun
try. I believe that the railroads are in
a large measure responsible for pushing
the ralnbelt further westw ard."
John A. Dolan. traveling passenger agent
of the Brie, spoke of the wonderful ad
vertising Ak-Sar-Ben is doing for Omaha
all over the country.
Three rousing cheers were given at the
end of the exercises for J. P. Weaver, one
of the leading workers In Ak-Sar-Ben,
who la about to leave Omaha.
Grand Mufti Herring announced .that
Samson reported 975 paid admissions, Whlc9
la seventy-two more than at this time last
year. Next Monday night will be Fremont
night at the den and a large number have
signified their intention of coming from
that thriving burg.
As a specialty in the "oprey," Captain
Buck Franck waa given a new bat a foot
wide and In swinging at the ball which
was pitched to him he broke the ball.
Black Evidence
Against Woman
Indications That Mrs. Sayler Held
Husband Down After Dr. Miller
. Shot Him.
WATSEKA. 111., July 19. A woman's
dress, with the bloody imprint of a watch
chain on it, has been discovered, hidden
under the carpet in the room of Mrs. J.
B. Sayler, whose husband was shot and
killed last week by Dr. William Miller.
The prosecution aBserta that Mrs. Sayler
sat on her husband's chest and held him
down after Miller waa shot.
The sealed packet which Mr. Sayler left
in his bank has been opened. It contains
among other things a letter from Miller to
Mrs. Sayler, couched In endearing terms. It
also contained his will. It left a substan
tial sum to his wife. The will, however,
cannot be probated, because It was signed
by only one witness, while the law requires
A special grand jury has been Impanelled
to Investigate the tragedy. It will begin its
sittings tomorrow morning.
Leaders of Recent Turklsk Re vol n
tlon Are Hxecnted By Court
CONSTANTINOPLE. July 19.-Thirteen
perrons who were concerned In the recent
revolution were hanged here today. They
Included Cherkessa Mehmed, Tusuf Pasha,
the former commander of the troops at Er
j'Tunm, and Sheik Valefllti. The court-
martial acquitted the proprietor of the
Jurors Free Ella Gingles
But Discredit Her Story
CHICAOO. July .-Ella Gingles was
cleared tonight from the charge of -stealing
laoe, but the story sbe told on the witness
stand of being a "white slave" victim was
denounced as untrue by the Jury that
freed her. This was the form as read by
the clerk.
"We. the Jury, find the defendant not
guilty, and we the Jury, further find that
Jie charges made against Miss Agnes Bar
rett were unfounded and are untrue."
Tbe basis of the defense made by the
Gingles girl, who was on trial for stealing
lace from Mlas Barrette, was that Mlsa
Barrett and others had attacked her and
mistreated her In the Wellington hotel on
two occasions last winter, and that the ob
ject of these attacks, and the anlmua back
of the theft charge, was the attempt to
sell her to an unnamed man in French Lick
Springs, Ind- The Jury reached a verdict
after nearly seven hours deliberations. The
court room was nearly vacant at the time
the Jury came In.
A few wouiea who bav stood by tbe
Detailed Reply is Made to Criticism
of Estimate of Wheat
They Had Financial Reason for Dis
crediting Figures.
If Anything, It Was Declared, It Was
Under Estimate.
Head of Agricultural Department
Stands Sponsor for Answer to
Attacks Made on Ills Ad
ministration. WASHINGTON, July 19. In answer to
criticism of the bureau of statistics of the
Department of Agriculture because of al
leged Inaccuracy of its report of March S
last on the amount of wheat on farms,
statement was Issued today by the bureau
in defense of Its estimate.
The bureau estimated that there were
about 144,000,0tf0 bushels of wheat on farms
on March 1, 1909. This was challenged aa
being much too large. The statement la.
in part, as follows:
"In considering this question, account
must be taken of the apparent suplly and
distribution of wheat during the four
months from March 1 to July 1, 1909. To do
this It Is necessary to assume aa approxl
mately correct official trade estimates
which have been generally accepted with
out serious question, and to ascertain, first,
tho average monthly domestlo consump
tion of wheat exclusive of seed require
ments; and, second, the approximate total
quantity of wheat, In all positions, In the
United States on March 1, 1909.
Supply and Distribution.
"Assuming that about 40.000.009 bushels
. , , .
per month were consumea, exclusive m
seed, the apparent supply and distribution
of wheat during the four months from
March 1 to July 1, 1909, was as follows:
rvim.flHn rnnsumntlon. four months.
estimated ltw.wsi.ww
Spring wheat seed requirements,
estimated 25.OnO.On
Kxports, including flour lb.OOO.OOM
commercial stocks. July 1. 1909. In
cluding flour zs.ww.ww
Farm stocks, July 1 19.000.000
Total supply and distribution,
months (ouantlty in United
States on March 1. 244.000,000
"Of these 144,000,000 bushels about 74,000,
000 bushels are accounted for by an ac
cepted commercial statement of reported
stocks In second hands (mills and eleva
tors); Including the wheat equivalent of
flour, on March 1, 1909.
Under Estimate Probable.
-"The remainder- lW.MO.OO bushels, must
have been on farms and In unreported
stocks In second hands on the date named.
The estimate of wheat on farms on March
1 (about 144.000,000 bushels) would leave
about 26,000,000 bushels as the unreported
amount in second hands on that date
But this is more than the amount esti
mated as having been so held, such amount
being approximated as 20 per cent of the
total quantity, reported and unreported,
then in jsecond hands the reported stocks
being regarded as embracing about SO per
cent of the total.
"Twenty per cent of the total stocks
would have been about 18,000,000 bushels
unreported, which indicates that the quan
tity of wheat on farms on March 1, 1909,
waa more likely to have been under esti
mated than over estimated by the bureau
of statistics. "
The statement, which has the approval
of Secretary Wilson, says in conclusion
that the widely published attack on the
estimate waa inspired solely by the dlri
of speculators to gain personal financial j
profits at the expense of the general i
Bob Leans. Convicted of Smascllng,
Allowed Another Chance for
CHICAGO. July 19.-Motlon for a new
trial for Bob Leung,, the Chinese merchant
at El Paso, Tex., found guilty of conspiracy
In connection with the smuggling of China
men across the Mexican border, was
granted today by Judge Landls in the
United States district court. The court
declared several of the counts in the Indict
ment under which Leung waa convicted
were faulty. The date for the new hear
ing was set for September 30.
Non-Union Engineer Who Killed Two
Strikers Acted ta Self.
CLEVELAND. July 19.-Jamea Q. Purvis,
the nonunion marine engineer who killed
two strikers, injured another and was
menaoed by strike sympathisers last Satur
day night, waa discharged by both the
police and county coroner today. It was
shown that he acted In self defense.
Irish girl since the day her story became
public were there. They arose and clapped
their hands and screamed when the words
"not guilty" were uttered, and It was some
time before they realised the Import of the
last half of the verdict. Mlas Gingles. who
remained the coolest of the lot walked up
to the Jurors and shook hands with them.
Juror Thomas Mackay, the oldest man on
the panel turned to the girl and aald:
"Now be a good girl, Ella. Oo back to
your home In Ireland and be a good girl."
The girl nodded her head and turned
"What are you going to do nowT" ahe
wa asked as she was leaving the court
"I am going to tell it to the grand Jury."
she answered quickly.
When she was asked what aha waa going
to tell, and reminded of the faet that the
Jury had said that It did not believe her
story, ahe appeared a little discomfltted
Before ahe could talk any more her at
torney and tL women, hurried her away.
From the Washington Star.
Board of Education Asks for a Higher
Tax Levy.
Effect of Eight O'Clock Law Causes
An Iseroue In Assessmentto
Be Raised Br Direct
The Board of Education in session last
night decided upon a levy of 16 mills to
raise the amount required for school pur
poses for 1910. Last year the levy was 14
This makes the proposed levy in Omaha,
exclusive of the levy yet to be made for
county, state and national taxes, 76 mills.
Last year the total city and school levy
waa S7.S mills. The incre aae this year
cornea in adding a levy of "i S mitts for
general purposes, the estimated levy of 13.5
mills for the Water board, and the 2 mills
added to the school levy.
The It mills levy ordered by the Board
of Education Is expected to bring In
441,140. This Is based on a valuation of
127.671, 27t Other estimated receipts will
make a total of 1700,690, the amount deemed
necessary by the board to run the schools
during the year. Receipts of 1200,000 above
the tax collections Is expected to come
from liquor and miscellaneous licenses,
state and normal training opportlonments.
the sale of supplies and Junk and other
Estimate of Receipts
The estimated receipts Toured by the
finance committee of the board are as fol
lows: '
Interest on funds $ 2,000
Liquor licenses ! 200.000
Miscellaneous licenses 10,000
Non-resident tuition 2.M0
Normal Training apportionment Sf0
Police court fines 6.000
iprtVonment 'Y.V K.M
Tax collections 441,140
Loaned books not returned lno
Rentals 1.600
Loss and damage 300
Sale of Junk, etc 200
Sale of high school supplies.... 1,500
Totat J700.iWO
Estimate of expenditures S702.590
In these miscellaneous receipts the com
mittee figured the board would lose $60,000
in liquor license moneys, or about 25 per
cent. This Is due to the operation of the
S o'clock closing law, aa explained by John
L. McCague, chairman of the finance com
mittee, making tho report. Mr. McCague
said that the committee had gone over the
situation carefully and soma had even es
timated the falling off In saloon business
would be 60 per cent, others 33 per cent and
still others estimated it aa low as 10 or
16 per cent.
Last year the board received $2.jf,000 from
liquor licenses, and the 1 mills added to
the levy will raise the exact amount esti
mated loss in liquor licenses, said Mr. Mc
Cague. The committee also figures sto lose about
$2,000 In police court fines.
Increase of salaries of school teacher
amounting to nearly 15 per cent will make
the expenses of the school district higher
the netx year than heretofore.
Estimate of Kipendlt ares.
In figuring the expenditures for the
(Continued on Second Page.)
If there is one en
terprise on earth
that' a "quitter"
should leave sever
ly alone, it is adver
tising. To uiaue a success of advertising,
one must be prepared to stick like
a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He
should know before be begins it
that he must spend money lots of
It. Somebody must tell him that
be cannot hope to reap results com
mensurate with his expenditure
early la the game.
Advertising does not jerk;
it pulls. It begins very gently
at first, but the pull is steady.
It increases day by day and
year by year until it exerts an
irresistible power. John
Changes Made
in Faculty of
State University
Board of Regents Makes SiX Ap
pointments, Three Promotions and
Accepts Four Resignations.
i(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 19. (Special Telegram.)
At a meeting of the Board of Regents of
the State university tonight the following
resignations were accepted: T, R, Sears,
assistant professor of civil engineering;
Edna M. Barkley, dean of the women's
college; H. B. Ward, dean of the medical
college, and R. E. Stone, assistant pro
fessor of agricultural botany.
The ' following appointments were made:
J. F. Stevens, lecturer in charge materia
medlca; David A. Hilton, quia master In
anatomy; J. Stanley Welch, quia master In
pathology; E. W. Rowe, quia master ma'
terla medlca; C, A. Robbing, --professor of
law, at a salary of 2,000 a year; S. J. Tut
tle, professor of law, one-fourth time, $000
a year. Dr. H. W. Orr was raised to as
sistant professor, as was Dr. W .M.
Poynter. W. L. French was made assist
ant professor of dairy husbandry at a sal
ary of $1,200 annually.
The following committee waa appointed
to secure a deed to the land upon which
the medical college will be built and to'
make a contract with the Boston archi
tects: Dr. Olfford, Allen, Whitmore, New
branch. The committee has full power to
act. ,
The regents located the two substations,
one at Sootfs Bluffs, on the government
site, under the provisions of the Bushee
bill, which appropriated $5,000, and one at
Valentine, under the Carr bill, which ap
propriated $16,000. While there Is some
doubt of the legality of the appropriation,
that does not interfere with the location
of the stations.
Chancellor Avery was made the official
reporter for the board.
Employe of Adams Express Company
Confesses Steal In a" Package Con
taining: flO.OOO.
CHICAOO, 111., July 19. Clayton T. Zlm.
merman, the 20-year-old son of a street
car conductor, who was employed In the
"out money" department of the Adams
Express company, confessed tonight that
he stole the package containing $10,000,
which disappeared July 12, while being
shipped through the express company from
the National Bank of the Republic of this
city to the Second National bank art Mon
mouth, 111.
All but $10 of the stolen money waa dis
covered by the detectives. It was found
wrapped in a newspaper, concealed behind
the moulding In the bathroom In the Zim
merman home. Zimmerman put It there
few hours after he took it. Zimmer
man, who was arrested yesterday, at first
denied that he knew anything about the
money. After being , questioned for more
than an tour the young man broke down.
He said that he took the money on the
spur of the moment because he was daz
zled by the thought of having so much
to spend. His salary, he said, waa only
STjO a month.
Violence and
BUTLER, Pa., July 19 Following the
advice of cooler heads, the striking em
ployes of the Standard Steer Car company
abandoned acts tending to Incite violence,
and during the next 24 hours will endeavor
to bring about a termination of the strike
by legal and quiet means.
This decision was reached today after
the strikers had teen refused permission to
hold a mass meeting. For a time after
the men had been curtly told by the
mounted troopers of the constabulary that
no meeting would be tolerated, it looked
like serious trouble was Imminent. At
torney Levi M. Wis and Father Bacxew
ski, a Cathollo priest, however, prevented
a o rials by calm counsel. The heartngea
of the arrested strikers scheduled for late
today were postponed on motion of the
district attorney, agreed to by Attorney
Wise, appealing for the men.
PITTSBURG. July 1. With the five
thgusM4 slrUU&f etuplore of lb yras4
James Rollins, 16Q9 Nicholas Street
Shot By jess bmitn.
Murderer, Who Says He Is from
Colorado Springs, Enters Dlvls
Saloon on Twelfth Street and
Began Shooting-.
James Rollins, colored. 1H09 Nicholas
street, was killed and J. F. McGinnlty,
Seventieth and Center streets, whtte, was
wounded when a white man who gives
his name as Jess Smith and his home as
Trinidad. Col., ran amuck about 5:30
o'clock Monday afternoon In Frank Divia'
saloon, Tenth and Capitol avenue.
Smith, who so far as is now known, Is
a stranger in Omaha, entered Dlvls' sa
loon about B o'clock and is said to have
become so ntsy and quarrelsome that be
had to be thrown out.
About half an hour afterward he re
turned and. entering the place through a
back door, commenced shooting at Rol
lins and two other colored men who were
members of a small orchestra which fur
nished music for the place. 1
Rollins was struck in the right hip, the
bullet ranging upward. McGinnlty re
ceived one of the bullets in his right leg,
Just above the knee. It passed entirely
through the limb, but made only a flesh
wound. It Is though that McGinnlty was
hit by accident as It Is believed Smith was
after the colored men.
Smith Captured.
After he had emptied his revolver, Smith
started to run but was followed by Davis
who was formerly a member Sof the police
force, and overpowered and he was taken
to the police station by officer Frank
Murphy who heard the shooting and ran
to the place.
Rollins and McQInnlty were taken to the
police station where Police Surgeon Harris
gave them emergency treatment and placed
them In the police automobile and took
them to St. Joseph's hospital where Rollins
died Just as he was being placed on the
operating table. McGinnlty'a injuries are
not thought to be serious unless infection
should develop.
Coroner Heafey took charge of the body
and at once commenced an investigation
of the circumstances. An examination of
the body will be made, and an Inquest will
be held as soon as possible.
Among the witnesses to the shooting
were B. F. Drox, 2421 Dodge street, and
A. H. Holts, 622 North Twenty-third street.
The other men are said to have seen
Smith load his revolver a few blocks from
the scene of the shooting and to have
heard him make threats against the col
ored men, but the names of these wit
nesses had not been learned last night.
Smith Is said to have had a companion
with him, but he haa not been found.
Another Shooting) Scrape.
The police are inclined to believe that
Smith and his companion are the same
men who engaged In the trouble on
Twelfth street between Farnam and Doug
las streets earlier in the day, when Henry
8. Jordan of Hutchison, Kan., waa set
upon by two men, beaten about the head
with the butt of a revolver and shot
through the cheek.
The gunshot wound Itself Is not serious.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Disorder Are
In Butler Strike
steel car company clinging to the hope
that the courts will take action on the
matters at issue between themselves and
the company, tomorrow and compel re
sumption of operations at the mills pend
ing the arbitration of all existing differ
ences, the day of the strike at the McKees
Rocks plant passed today, unmarred by
even the slightest dlxturbanee.
Judges Thomas J. Ford and Marxhall
Brown of the court of common pleas have
act tomorrow at 1 p. m. aa the time for the
hearing on the application of the public
defense association tor a double injunc
tion restraining both strikers and em
ployers from acta caloulated to aggravate
or prolong th strike and on the decision
rnderd at that Urn will depend the
futur of tlx conflict. It Is said In labor
circles If the oourt declines to paw on the
merits of the disputes the men now holding
tbe suiksrs In check will find It Impossible
longer to exert Oil Influence and Ua4 rloi
wl bkiu44to4 sU afcaiu rtl
Many Signs of Revolt Against His
Tariff Program in Both
"Raw Material Senators" May Com
bine Against Him.
Cummins and Bristow Voice Their
Objection to Plans.
Speaker Intimates that No Special
Rule Will He Reported la House
for Adoption of (on.
ferees' Report.
WASHINGTON, July 19. All of the re
publican members of the tariff confer
ence have been Invited by President Tafi
to take dinner with him on Wednesday
night at the White House. The Invitations
did not say whether there was any pur
pose In the gathering, other than sociabil
ity, but It is assumed that he expects to
be ready to report progress In getting
votes for the abolition or reduction of
duties on raw materials.
Senator Crane spent an hour with the
president today and later talked with
Senator Aldrich. He endorsed the atti
tude of the president on the question of
reducing duties on raw materials. Speaker
Cannon visited the tariff conference cham
ber immediately after the adjournment of
today's session and he had a long talk
with Senators Aldrich and Crane. The
speaker had been at the White House
earlier In the day In company with Re
presentative Dwlght (rep., N. Y.), the re
publican whip.
Dark Hint from Cannon.
When Speaker Cannon left Senator Aid
rich's room tonight he said that the con
ferees must frame the program for pass
ing the conference report through the
house and the senate, and that tbe repre
sentatives of the two branches would have
to assume responsibility for their actions.
This was understood to signify that a
binding rule could not be looked for to
carry an unpopular report through the
house. When pressed for an explanation
the speaker merely smiled.
There was no indication of a lack of
understanding between the leaders of the
; senate and house,
The speaker exhibited
Ms usual good nature, and talked freely
with the newspaper men about every sub
ject except that which they desired to hear
him discuss, benator Aldrtch left the office
building with Senator Crane fur the pur
pose of considering the possibility of put
ting through the senate a conference report
providing for free Iron ore and f r oil
and reduced duties on coal, lumber and
Hard Task tn Senate.
If the mutterlngs of dissatisfaction heard
about the senate offices today may be
taken as a criterion, the senate leaders are
confronted with no easy task. Strangely
enough, many of the protests against tho
free raw material program are coming
from the progressive republican fuctlon,
who fought hardest for downward revision.
Many of the progressives come from
states Interested In cattle raising and the.'
are opposed to tree hides, or even to a
reduction In the duty. Other Insurgents,
notably Senators BrlBtow and Cummins,
who are not particularly interested in the
question of free hides, iron, oil or coal,
expiessed the opinion that the president
should bring his Influence to bear tn a
movement looking to reductions In the
duties on wool and woolen goods, cotton
goods and other articles which enter into
wearing apparel.
Borah Inclined to Revolt.
Senator Borah stated today that If the
free raw material program was adopted
some of the western senators would be
afraid to go home, and could not expect
to continue representing their states In
Washington. He Is thoroughly In sym
pathy with President Taft's attitude on
the question of downward revision, but de
clares that It should not be confined to
raw material. The Idaho senator is au
thority for a report that there Is ia proo
ess of organization a combination of sen
ators who will be pledged to defeat the
conference report It It should provide for
free coal and free hides. These men are
not concerned over the proposition to place
oil and iron ore on the free list
Circulating about the capltol today was
a persistent rumor that the president Would
not be satisfied with free iron or and oil
and reduced duties on coal, hides and lum
ber. Many senators sppeared to believe
this report and expressed the opinion that
he would insist upon hides and coal being
placed upon the free list. Senators who
visited the White House did not confirm
the report upon their return to the cap
ltol, but at the same time they wer unabl
to contradict It.
Can valnK Taft's Intentions.
The more conservative senators pointed
to President Taft's statement Issued fol-(
lowing a visit paid to him a few days ago
as further evidence that ha would not de
mand all of these article should be made
free. In this statement the president de
clared at the outsnt that he was not com
mitted to the policy of free raw materials,
but that he was for a revision of th tariff
downward. The conservatives argued that
the compromise program that haa been
under Informal discussion since Saturday
wax directly In line with the statement.
No one suggested the possibility of a veto
In the conflicting views of the prldnts
position exchanged at the capltol today.
Among tho older members of the senate
and house who have had long experience
in harmonizing differences between the
two branches of cones, or betwOn con
gress and the executive, It was predicted
that the president would demand every
concession possible to obtain without en
dangering the adoption of the report.
Thei-e conservative members asserted that
the president realizes now how difficult
it would be to get an agreement lu the
senute if all of the principal raw ma
terials are made free. When the conferees
meet about the White House board on
Wednesday night It is probable that the
president will be infotmed Just what con
cessions can be made without Jeopardizing
the passage of the conference report.
Corporation Tax Adopted.
Today tb conferees devoted their aften
Uoa mainly 1M t& tevlitod OytyrAUua lass