Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Loses
Eourk" Batters Hot There When Hit
v Ueaiit Bans. .
Wlt Ita Tw Ckaim to Drlr la
Haas, tntt Fmm na Om Oaeaaloa
Foal Oa Maay
Omaha, 3: Paeblo, 4.
Omaha, 7; Puablo, .
And Pueblo took tha both.
When the hoodoo of th thirteenth cam
(eatened ltaaJf on tb Rocrk family tt
tuok and remained all through th
floabla-beador played ytrday at Vinton
atrt park. Tba mambara of tha family
cxyuld not hak off tha jonah and Puablo
won boUi game quita handily, although
ear aort of hi ok or ptaob. hitting would
bava won althar or both ganaa for Omaha.
It la an uHexpiatnabl propoaltion that
whan tha Rourko family ahould bo on Ita
good behavior than It aota the worat.
Soma time ago oartain notad acouta oama
to Omaha to aaa tha boya aot up and thay
playad Ilka a lot of buahara. Sunday a
largo orowd gathered on Pa'a lot to aaa
good ball and again did the team play
ball far from ohamplonahlp oallbra It
rnuat ba that thay are a baahful lot and
are aolaad with atage fright at juat tha
time when thay should aot their prettlaab
Anyhow, tha team want all to piecea
while Pueblo oqftped two nlee fat game.
Senders and Swift were opeoaed In the
first and. whUe Bandera waa hit eaiely
fourteen timed and Swift but five, atlll
' Omaha had eereral good opportunlttaa to
brace up and win. Both of Omatia'a rune
; ware made by Bandera, who waa driven
.home each time by a three-aaoker from
the bat of Jaok Pendry.
Welch Weak la Plaehee.
Welch waa up neat and with Pendry on
third, Weloh failed to deliver the good.
Once he atruok out and one be fouled out
to Clark. In the alath Kan heat out a
bunt and etole aeeond with on out, but
neither King nor raaock oM help him
along. In the aeronth Inning three baa
on belle were laaued by Swift and atlll no
one aoored.
Pueblo made enough rues In tha flrat In
ning to win by pounding Sander all over
tha lot for five hit. The Pueblo boya
retuaed to quit hitting- and limply forgot
all about the Inaida gam and lined out the
ball. '
Tha ' aeeond gam waa aotnafMtm flare.
Rourk sent In Edmundaon and Manager
TV altera decided to try out a new battery,
Klllingsworth and Rutherford. Kill lasted
two-thirds of an Inning and If ha had
atald much longer Omaha might have won
a game.
Pueblo made three ran in the flrat to
ning. Miller made the first by knocking
tha ball until It rolled under tha buU and
wa lost until he circled tha base. Spen
cer grounded out. and Clark waa given
a life on Franca' fumble of a grounder.
Miller drove him Jjome with a doubl
and scored himself on Ioek- single.
Then came Omaha also with three. KJU
got away aU right wldt the first two men
who faced him, but then hie trouble
began. Kan and Pandry bad each sub
aided whan Welch walked. Khig put a
hard on to Corhan. which th shortstop
aocommodaUngly fttmbUd and Kill filled
tha baeua by hitting Sobipka. ' H Toroed
In a run by hitting Holly and waa then
driven to the stabi to maM room for
Locke, a brother of . th third baawman.
Locke did not hav a nhanoe to warm op
and he forced In two run by paostnf
Franck and Cadman. Bonundson atruok
Edmundaon lasted a couple of lnjrtnj.
while Pueblo plied op a taw more ana
then Captain Franck trotted out hi new
find, MoOee. who pitched not good ban.
but a couple of baeea on balls aod Bom
errors allowed Pueblo to make enough
runs In th sixth so that Omaha could
not overcome the lead. In tha fir timing
MoGea pitched, b waa hit safely but four
times and atrwek out flvv
Denver cornea this afternoon for four
Score, first game:
All. R.
... 1 0
Flaher, If......
Hollenbeek. If
PefHlry. lt....
... 4
Welch, rf...
k dmundaun,
Oadman ..
tM-h!pk 3b.
Kane, lb....
K ing, cf
Franck, aa.
Oondintc. e.
binders, P-
Total ' ..
... a
....... 4
k. 4
11 I
AE . R.
I 1
4 0
....... 1 1
....... 6 J
t 1
....... 3 0
4 0
, 4 0
6 a u
Curtis. If......
Bpoacer. cf....
Clark, lb
Mliler, rf
Cortiaa, aa,...
Locke, lb
PrHchett. 2b..
MiLxff, e.......
gain. p.
1 1
Totafci JB .4 14 ti U
Batted for Wetrfi ta seventh,
Omala-ltani 0 0 10 10 0
ll)i , 0 0 11110
Pwblo Run .... 3 4 1 0 0 0
HUB I 1 t 1 1 1 0
I 0 i
0 a.
1 114
Two-oeM hlta: Curt la, Mliler. Spencer,
LocVe. ltvree-4a hit: Pendry (1). Baae
on balls: Off fcandera, 1; off bwlA. k lilt
by pitched bail: By Swift. -L Struck out
liy bamlera, 1; by Bwtft, a Left on baae:
Omaha. . luebtu, IX. Uioien base: Kane.
lMHe. Sacririoe hlta: Kane. Clark. Pritch-
n. Wait: Umpire: uaskeu. Attend'
anoe: o,UUl
bcur. aeeond game:
AH., R.
H. O. A. B.
14 3 1
110 0
0 10 0
0 16 0
10 0 0
0 T 0 0
1 0 1 0
i n u t
h. a A. E.
s t 0 0
0 4 10
0 110
0 0
4 0 0 0
10 4 1
0 6 0 0
0 0 10
10 11
11 17 U "t
0 1111-1
0 0 1 0 0-1
0 0 11 1-11
Miller, Curtis,
Kane, Xb..
itmuo, I'j
W Oiuh. Tt
Klnh. oi
tcnvLM. St ,
llullrnbet-a. it
lt alien, as
Caiiman. c. ........
imurKL9ua, p...
McOae. p
... 4 V
... 4
... 4
... 4
AB. . R.
Curtis. U. i
biriocr, cf
Cutrk. lb..
WaJtera. lb
Miliar, rf.. ........
Curhan, as........
Lceka, Sb M.
Prtichcrt. tb
ltulDarrford. o
KLUiitfswcrth. p.
Lucke. p
. 0
Totals 40
Kuiis 1 0 0 1
Hit U 0 0 4
Hon 1 0 11
li-JH 111
Two-base hits: Hollenbeek.
. Curibk Baae on balls: Off Edmundaon. 1
; off etetioa, r. off KJlltiigsworth. i; off
' Luck, a HU with pitched ball: By Uo
- u. li ay Jumiitfswurta., a Btruok out:
; ly tSdmnndaun. I; by MoOw, a; by Locke,
4 Left en baaee: Omaha, 11: Pueblo. LL
pootl play: tiuencer to Lock. Stolen
' taaaa: K-ano, w. Lok, Upenoer CO, Miller.
, PaoriAae hlu: Pendry, Cadman, Corhan.
1 ri 1 ... a.A , 1 . . it . . . . .
Sataa at tha
Mode had everrthlng and waa aot afraid
o ua II, U n naa not teen ror tn er
ror bark of kftn ha woald hav mad a
treat record. Two of tha tour hlta wart
Two; Topeka and Sioux
Standing of the Teams
W.L.Pct. W.UPot.
Sioux City. ..4" M .Mil) Minneapolis 60 43 .&'
Omaha 4334 .KM Milwaukee ..4 43 .621
Ie Molnea.. M 34 .tM Loulivllle ....47 41 .(23
Denver M 14 . Inrtianapoll 46 .4X
Wlehlta S 3 .DOO Columbu ...46 4T .4RJ
Topeka W St .40iPt. Paul 41 44 .4M
Pueblo 30 43 .411'ICaneaa Clty.41 46 . 47T
LInooln tt .1W Toledo 41 48 .401
Ptttaburg ...68 tl .717; Detroit U 18 .n
Chicago 60 17 .4 Philadelphia 46(3.617
New York... 46 t Boaton ..48 34 .OK
Cincinnati ..40 .BOfll Cleveland ...44 34 . 63
Philadelphia 33 41 .4341 New York.. ..36 46 .471
t. IXUl 11 43 .439! Chicago ...... 86 46 4S8
Brooklyn ....M 60 .3MI St. Louie... ..36 47 . 497
Boaton n 64 .! Washington 14 63 .811
Western League Denver at Omaha-
Pueblo at Dea Molnea Wlohlta at Hioux
National Leaaue Cincinnati at Ronton.
Chicago at Brooklyn, St. Loula at New
York, Pltuburg at Philadelphia.
American League Waahlnaton at Chl-
oao. Philadelphia at tit. Louis, Beaton at
Cleveland, New Tork at Detroit.
made after Kane's error cut thlnara to tha
bad in th seventh Inning.
Denver today. Ladles' day.
Fourteen hlta off Bandera, and only four
Five hours of baae ball for one Brio of
admission. ,
Kllllngsworth only naaaed one man and
hit two In the part of an Inning he worked.
Sohlpke made the star Blokun of tha dav
when he ended that bad seventh by a one
handed pickup of a hard driven ball.
Now that McQee. the anMl.r nltV,
shows signs of making good, Dlofc Qrott
olalma tha credit of discovering; him.
Visitor Win Flrat and Horn Team
the Seeonfl.
SIOUX CITT. Jul -M Clln. -(.
Topeka broke even In a double-header her
waay, ui uooleyite winning th flrat
gam I to 1 and th Champ tb second
7 to 4. Pltoher Wright waa an enta-ma to
the home team's Bl lira-era. In tha flrat
gam Edmonoeon's kit ovr th oentr field
lenoo proaneea ue only run made off the
big t wirier, AMarmab. nitohad enrol hall
except In the fifth Inning, when a two
bagger, an error and two singles brought
in two runs, enough to win.
Tnomanon-B wlldnesa and timely hlta by
the locale tn th fourth, fifth and ninth
Innings of th seond came nv th.m
enough run to win. From pitched a fairly
Huua game, out snowed sign or weakness
guring th seventh inning. - His relief
tanked the visitors for the remainder of
th game. Boor, first gamei ,
AB. R. H. . a. m
campneii, it.. t t
Hunter, lb I 0
Smith, ss. I 0
Andreas, Sb ,4 0
Edmondaon, cf 4 I
Welch, 8b 1 0
I 1
Stovall, rf 4 0
Shea, 0.... 10 0 4
Alderman, p. 3 0 I 0
Town ; 10 0 0
Holme i 0 0 0
Total 1
. AB. R.
. 0
Wooloy, 0.... ( 0
Qeler, If 4 1
Kunkls, tb.... 4 0
Fenion, rt...., 4 D
Kahl, 3b... : 4 , 1.
Henry, 0.... 4 1
Abbott, lb 4 0
Downey, as. 4 0
Wright, p 4 t
Total 17
s 10
Batted for Shea tn the ninth.
MBatted for Alderman In th ninth.
Campbell out on bunt strike.
Sloux CTty.. 0 0 01000001
Topeka 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0-1
Two-baa hit: Kahl. Home run:' Ed-
tnstidson. Saoriflo hit: Kunkle, Stolen
bases: Huntrr (2, Smith, Andreas, Kahl,
Henry. Flrat baa on bails: Off , Wright,
ti off Alderman, L Struck out: Uy Wright,
li by Alderman, a Hit with pitched ball:
Welch. Tim: l.DO. Uirfctre; uienalvtn.
Attendance, 4,000.
boo re, second game:
Aa R.
h. a A. E.
0 6 10
1 10 0 0
0 110
t 1 0
0 10 0
0 10 1
0 10 0
J tl I
" n u 1
H. O. A. E.
110 0
0 10 0
10 8 0
, 0
0 ' 1 8 0 0
0:7 10
'16 0 0
11 0 0
1 0 1 0
11 14 0
1 0 0 1 7
gampball. If
unter, lb
SnUth, aa
Andrews, lb..
of. ,.
Welch, lb....
Btovuu. rx...
Hhea, o
Froma, p t
Chabek, p. 1
.......36 7
AB. R.
Waolert o
Ueler, If
Kunkle. lb
Fehtou,' rf......
Kahl, lb..
Kern. 0 '..
Abbott, lb......
Downey, ...,
Thotnaaon. p.
t t
1 0 II
Sioux City
A a' A
1 1 0 0-3
Hoot run: Kunkle. Two-base Tilts An
drea, Abbott, ThomaaoQ. Sacrlflo hlu:
Hunter, Welch (2), cRovmu. stolen baae:
Downey. Double play 1 Fentoa to Kahl. In
nings pitched: From. Tl Chabek. 2. Hits:
Off From, ti off Chabak, 8. Was on balls:
Off Thotnaaon, I; off From, L Struok out:
By Thomaaon. (; by From, 4. Hit by
pitched ball: Campbell, 1. Time: 1:15. Um
pire: Glenalvln. Attendance, 4,000.
Dwywti Mew Fall ta Bit Olms tea
aaa Are Shat Oat.
DBS MOINES. Ia.. July It. Dea Molnea
didn't get a man to aeeond base in today's
game, while eight Grlaallea completed tha
circuit. Olmatead waa invincible, paaatng
no one, and allowing; but six scattered bit.
The overworked Lang as hit hard at
vital m omenta. A catch by Belden and his
and uaiton batting were the leatvrea
of tha gam. Scot:
AB. R. H.
Dalton. rf....
Colliaan. aa.
0 ,
Bader. If
MatUck, cf..,
Dwyer. lb,,.,
Nlehoff. lb..,
William. IB
Dewta o
Lang, p ,
Clarke, p
Total 13 0
' AB. R.
0 17
Caasldy, rf t 2
Jonae, ci a 1
Stankard. lb... ,. S 0
Bobannon, lb. , 6 0
Maa. lb... 11
Belden, If I t
Hartman. a , 4 0
Thompson, o... 4 0 '
Olmatead, p 1
Total ...
Da Molnea
I 11
0 0
1 0
0 0-0
0 0
1 0
0 0 0
I 1-1
Two-baa hit:
Belden. Baae on ball: Off
Dang. 1; off Clark. 1 Struck out: By
Lang, 0; oy ciarae, 1: cy uimatead. ft.
Stolen base: Jones, Maag, Caaaidy 2).
Hits: Off Lang, 7 ia si innings; off Clarke,
4 in three Inninga Sacrifice hit: Belden.
Time: 1:00. Attendance. 1,800. Umpire:
Prahlhltlamlata Beach lilt la th
Faarth aaa Fifth.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 18- A Sunday
?am tranarerrea from Lincoln to this city
ell Into the hopper of Lincoln by a score
of t to I Wichita had the better of tha
argument In th hitting, but th Issiea
played a loose fielding gam and their
blunder enabled the Llnka to win.
Two-baa hit by Fox and Gagnler drove
four of Lincoln's runs to the piata The
crow rooiea loyalty xor Lincoln and
hooted Mulltn throughout th game, after)
ne aeciareo tnat a hit which seemed to b'
a foul had fallen Into safe territory. White
drew two baeea on the drive and two run
scored on the play. Holland s muff of a
foul lost the contest for Wichita, aa Oag
nler immediately followed with a rlgl,
field liner that scored the winning runs
vVlnnebago Johnon helped to win his own
Same by knocking down three alssltng
rives with hi gloved hand, retiring the
runner at flrat. Fox and Gamier fea
tured In the fielding- with fast doubl play.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Hogrtever, tb
Fox, tb
Waldron. rf..
0 1110
1 1 1 3-0
10 10 0
1 1 11 1 0
0 1 t I 1
0 0 10 0
0 0 10 0
1 0 4 0 0
1 1 0 t 0
::::::::: I
Thomaa, lb...,
uagnler, ss...
Davidson, cf.
Jude, If ,
Buinvan, c
Johnson, p....,
r t
6 17 11
AB. R.
Cola, .of
Hughes, lb
Pennell, If
Mlddleton, If
Westersll, lb
Pettlgrew, rf ,
White, ss
Holland, lb
Shea, o ...
Aitchleon. p
Brennan ..,
. 1
Totals 84 t 8 24 U 6
'Batted for Altohison in ninth.
Lincoln 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-0
Wichita 1 OOlOOOOO-l
Two-base hits: For Oas-nlar. Pattlirraar
White. Lett on baaea: Lincoln, 4; Wichita,
T. Double play ( Fox to Gagnler to Thomaa.
Htruck out: Bv Jnhnunn hv Altohtam
L Bases on balls: Off Johnson. 8: ufi
Altohison, a Tlmai D60. Umpire: Mullen.
Indtanapolia and Loalarllle Break
Hvea on Oerlea.
INDIANAPOLIS. July 18. Indlananolls
defeated Louisville by a score of 6 to t In
an exciting gam today, thereby breaking
even on me series. Three singles and two
triple la the fourth inning decided th
contest. Boor:
Williams, 3b. I 1 1 4 0 Rlllr. el.
0 I
Davldioa, at. 4 0 4 0 0 liunlaiTT, If. 1
Hr4n, rt... 4 14 14 WooruK, U. 4
Crr. lb 1 111 I i T.t. Tt 4
1 0
MoChaaa.r, U 4 i 0 4 0 Olaoh, as 4
3 0
Howlw. a..
t 1 t 1 1 Imuran, lb,, 4
Cram, as..... 1114 1 liuakai, .... 4
Hnpka. 8b.. 1. till 0 FWU. lb. I
Okrnar, B,. 3 1 8 4 0 Paokard, p. 4
Tetals 37 14 3 TotaU "t H l t
Indianapolis 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 6
LoUlavllI 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 01
Three-baa hits: MoOhesney, Hopke.
First base on balls: Off Cheney, 4; off
Packard, a Sacrlflo hits: Carr, Cheney,
Pteta. struok outt By Cheney, 61 by Paok
ard, a Stolen bases: Howley, Kusrhe.
Doubl playt Williams to Cross to Cam
First basa on errors; Indianapolis, 1;
Louisville. 1. Left on bases: Indlananolls.
4t LoMlsvllle, 7. Timet 1:46, Umpires:
Owens and Eckman.
Butcher Beat Brewer a,
KANSAS CITY, July U.-Flve run off
a many hits In the seventh inning ffava
Kanaaa City the gam from Milwaukee to
day, 1 to 7. ine locals played a ragged
gam In th field. Each club uaed tore
pltoher. Soore:
Rallmaa, rt.,1 M 0 gtnink, tt.... I 11 It
Rhannon, of., t 1 1 0 0 Birrr, If 6 1 1 1 0
Sullivan, lb,. 6 1(0 I MoOann, lb.. 4 1 I 0 0
Hvtllng, lb.. 4 3 1 1 4 Randall, rf... 4 1 1 0 0
Braihaar, It. ll II t dark. lb..... 4 0 3 1 0
Bolaa, la.... 3 0 1 t Roblnnn, aa. I 0 t 8 0
rarlrala, U... 3 4 1 0 1 MoCorai'k, lb I 4 0 I 1
a.,... 4 V Mnran, 0...., 4 v i 3 0
EaUok, p..... 14 0 1 4 M.naka, p.... 1 0 1 0 0
Dornar, p.... I I 1 I MoOlrna, p.. 1 4 4 4 4
Carter, p 1 4 0 4 4 RarraU ..... 0 4 4 0 0
Lev ........ 4 4 0 4 4 Waaler, p.... 1 0 0 0 0
Total. UUtT 1 4 Totala. tt 34 14 1
Batted for Mansk In th third inning.
Ran for Dornar.
Kansas City 10001 0S0 9
Milwaukee 1 I I 0 0 0 0 1 7
Two-base hlta: MoCormlok, Sullivan,
Shannon. Hit: Off Esslok, I in two and
two-thirds Inning; oft Dornar. 1 tn four
and one-third innings; oft Manaka, 2 In two
lnMngs; oft McGlyan, t in five Innings;
off Carter, I In two Innings; off Waoker,
1 In on Inning. Three-baa hit: Dorner.
Flrat base on error: Kansaa City, 1; Mil
waukee, 1. Saoriflo hlta: Sullivan, Clark.
Bolea, Carlisle. Saorlflc Fly: Hallman.
Stolen baaea: McCormlck. Love. Left on
bases: Kansas City, 6; Milwaukee, 14.
Struok out: By Esslok, 1; by Dorner, 4;
by Carter, 1; by Manske, 1; by MoGlynn, 1.
Passed ball: Rltter, Moran. First base
on balls: Off Esslok. 6: off Wacker, );
off Dorner, 1; off Carter, 1; off Manske, 1;
off MoGlynn, 1 Hit with pltohed ball: By
Manske, Cartysle; by Carter, Mundsli; by
Dorner, McGann. Time; 2:16. Umpire:
Columbus Win from Toledo.
COLUMBUS. O.. July IS. Columbus got
enough runs to overcome Toledo' 4 to 2
lead after two were out In the sixth. ' Con
galton doubled, James waa passed delib
erately, McCarthy' wide throw for Ort
well filled the basea, Foster hit Morlarlty
and Frlel scored two more with a single.
Hlnchman muffed Link's fly, with West
pitching, and two runa came over. Toledo
oould not touch Link except In the fourth,
when, witn two out, h teaman atartea a
rally for four runs. Congalton'a home run
and a catch by-O'Ryurke were features.
Clark., If.... 8 4 8 4 0 MrCartby. aa 6 0 I I
O Rourka. 8b. 4 8 4 1 0 Brnoot, cf.... 4 14 0
Kruaer, of... 8 4 4 0 4 PraamaB. lb. 4 111 1
Conaalton, rf 4 I I 0 0 Hickman, If.. 4 14 0
amaa, 8 3 7 4 1 Hlnchman, Ib I 4 1 8
Odwall, lb... 4 114 4 Abbott, e 3 0 8 3
Morlarlty, as. 3 1 1 1 4 Klw.rt, 3b... 3 1 3 4
Frlai, tb 4 1 4 1 1 Land, rf 8 13 0
lank, p, ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Toner, p...,. 8 4 4 1
Wait, p 1 o 1
.11 in 1 1
Totals tt ( 31 14
0 1010600-
....... .0 00400000-
Toledo ...
Sacrifioe hits: Kruger. Land. Baae on
ballet Off Link, t; off ' Foster, 2. Two-
base hits: Congalton, Hlokman, Smoot
Horn run: Congalton. Doubl playt Mc
Carthy to Freeman to Elwert. lilt by
pltohed ball: Morlarlty, by Foster; Hlnch
man. Struck out: By Link, 6; by West,
L Hits: Oft Foster, t in five and two
third innings; oft West, I In two and one
third Innings. Time: 1:44. Umpire: King.
St. Paul Win In Eleventh.
BT. PAUL, Minn., July is. Before a
orowd of 16,000 wild fans St Paul won the
linai game 01 the aeries arter eleven In
nings of fast ball. O'Nell'B error of Kar-
fer'a hand drive In the eleventh allowed
wo runs to cross th plate. Score:
AB.H.O.A.K. AS H O. A. B.
rimn, lb.... ( 1 U 1 0 Qulllen, sa... (14 14
Llaaa, If I 1 I 4 4 Pickering, rf. 4 4 1 4 0
Murrar. rt,... 8 1 1 4 I Mini, ,b.... ( 8 4 8 1
Darn, 01 . I 1 O'Nalll, cf... 4 14(1
O'Brlan. as. .. 3 4 3 1 4 Cravath, If... 8 14 4 1
Cockman, Ib. I 1 I I 0 0111. lb 4 4 18 I 4
Wriatar. lb.. 4 1 4 8 4 Colllna, Ib... 8 I 1 3 0
CariKb. a.... (8(44 Block, c 11(84
Kara.r. p.... 4 0 1 4 3 Young, p..... 4 4 14 4
S 'dOal N mM Totals 14 3 SI W 8
Two out when winning run scored.
St. Paul 0 OlOOOOOOOt 1
Minneapolis ...0 00 0 001000 12
Two-base hits: Carlsch. Downs. Block.
6tolen base: Downs. Double Dlavs: Cock-
man to Flynn; Davis to O'Brien. Base on
balls: Off Karger. 4; off Young, 1. Hit
by pltohed ball: By Young (Murray, 2)
O'Brien (2). Struok out: By Karger, 6;
by Young, T. Paased ball: Block. Sacri
fice hlu: Karger, Pickering, GUI. Collins.
Left on basea: St. Paul, W: Minneapolis,
4. Thne; 2.10. Umpires t Conahana and
Cub Wla at Try,
' ALBANY, N. T., July 18. Th Chicago
National laagu team defeated the Troy
State League team in an exhibition game
today. 1 to a Rain tell after Chicago had
scored two runs In tba first half of tha
eighth Inning and th gam waa called.
Scor: RHE.
Troy 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1
Chicago 0 1040 01 4 1
Batteries: Swormatead and Conray; Pa
gan, Ulgglnbotham and Needhaxn and
Moran. Uniplr: H after.
Many peopl with chronlo throat and
lung trouble hav found comfort and relief
In Foley' Honey and Tar, a tt cur atub-
born coughs altar other treatment has
failed. L. M. Buggies, Reasaor, Iowa,
write: "Th doctor said I had consump
tion, and I got no better until I took
Folay' Honey and Tar. It stopped the
hemorrhage and pain In my lung and
thay ar now a sound as a bullae" Sold
by all druggist.
City Break
Jmith Holds Washington Player
Down to One Lone Hit.
All Three of Ita Rons Are Made In
First Iaalna- an One Hit
Other American Leaae
CHICAGO, July U.-Smlth held Wash
ington to on hit today and Chicago won,
3 to 0. Tb visitor played poorly In the
first inning and Chicago scored three runs
with only one hit. Score:
Altlier, rf..,. 4 14 0 4 Drown. If... 4 3 0 0 0
Parant, as... I 0 4 4 8 Milan, cf.... I 0 1 t 0
loball. lb 4 t 11 Lallvalt. rf.. 3 t 1
I lnuh.rtf. If 3 1 4 0 l'nflaub, tb.. 111(4
Whit., cf.... 3 4 ( ( lKinobua, lb. 3 ( ( 0 1
Tann.hlll. lb 4 1 0 I ( K.lier. lb... I 0 0 8 (
AH. lb 4 4 1 4 ( Colllna 1 ( 0 4 0
ulllvan, e... 10(8 4 Conrar. lb... 4 ( ( 0 (
Smith, p 4 4 8 4 MrBnda, aa. , I 4 1 I 4
- Httat, a 4 4 7 ( (
Totals S) (87U 3 Jobnuon. p .. 8 0 0
Diaaaanabrn. 1 v W v
Total. 81 1U 11 I
Isbell out, hit by batted ball.
Patted for Kelley In the eighth.
Batted for Johnson In th ninth.
Chicago t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Saorlflc hits: Parent. Dougherty. Stolvn
base; Tannehlll. Double play: Unglaub
to MoBrlde. Left on bases: Chicago, 7:
Washington, 1. Baae on balls: Oft John
son, Struck out: By Smith, 6: by John
eon, 7. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Hurst and
O'Loughlln. t . ,
Detroit Wine In Thirteenth.
DETROIT, July 18. Detroit had to use
three pitchers to win a thlrteen-lnnlng
game from New York today. Five clean
hits In tha seventh off Wlllett gave New
Tork three runs and a tie soore. Kllllan
was taken out In the tenth, with men at
third and first and one out, and Mullln,
who had pitched yesterday pulled the team
out and finished the game. Cobb made his
100th hit of the year, a double In the
fourth, and followed it by scoring from
second on an infield grounder. A wild
throw on Mullln' bunt In th thirteenth,
following Schmidt's single, led to the win
ning run. Score:
Mclntyre, If.. ( 4 4 0 4 DammlU, of.. 71400
Bu.b, as. ( 4 4
T 0 Auatln, lb... i
4 4 Thaaa. lb.... I
18 4 4
a i( 0 0
Crawford, of. 8 8 I
Cobb, rf (18
Roaaman, lb. 8 8 10
Morlarltf, lb. I 1 1
0 0 Elb.rt.U, aa. ( 1
0 0 Kaalar, rf.... S 1
( 4 Craa. If ( 1
1 4 Laporta. lb.. 4 1
I 0 Kl.lnow, o.. 4 3
8 4 Mannlns. D . 4 3
Brhfr, lb., 4.
gflhmldt, 0... (
Wlllatt, p.... 8
1 1
1 8
0 3
jviuan, p..
Mullln, p.
4 0 4
8 0 0
0 0
1 0 Totali (1 1418 10 1
Jonas 1 0. 0 0 0
' Totals 44 80 4
Winning run scored with two out.
Batted for Wlllett in eighth.
Detroit ....1 00100000000 14
New Tork.O 00000100000 03
Hits: Off Wlllett, 10 in eight innings;
off Kllllan. 1 In one and a third Innings; off
Mullln, 2 In three and two-thirds Innings.
Two-base hits: Crawford. Cobb, Demmltt,
Manning. Sacrifice hitsi Bush, Cree.
Stolen base: Chanr. Bases on balls: Off
Wlllett, 1; off Mullln, 1; off Manning. 2.
Hit bv pitched ball: By Wlllett, Keeler.
First base on errors: Detroit, t. Left on
ujes: Detroit, 6; New Tork, It. Struck
This Car and Studebaker E. M. F. "30" Glldden Tour Confetti Car Will Pass Through Omaha
: ' and Council Bluffs, Monday, July 19 th. See Them.
$1,250 F. Q. D. FACTORY
30 Dorse Power. 5 Passenger. 5 Lamps. Horn. Magneto: Onlj Extras: Top, Windshield, Speedometer;
"The best value for $2,500 and under on the market'
iAn output of 12,000 cars this year made this price of $1,250 possible.
An output of 18,000 cars next year will make the car better for the
same money.
The Studebaker E. M. F. 30 Pathfinder will be the Official Pilot
Car of the 1909 Glidden Tour. The work this car did as Official Path
finder in routing the Glidden Tour established beyond a doubt the fact
that'the Studebaker E. M. F. 30 is the peer of the medium priced cars.
This car is the sensation of the year. It jumped to first place in
three months and stands there today both in volume and performance.
The entire output of 12,000, including Kansas City's allotment of 1,100
car$ was sold three months ago and will be delivered by September 1st
After September 1st the output will be 18,000 cars and Kansas City
will positively get and deliver 3,000 of them.
We are closing agencies daily and want a live one in every county
835 of next year's cars are already sold.
Write Tofoy or Call at Rome Hotel, Omaha. Where Our General Traveler. C. A
Hhltaker, and Neb. Traveler, Mr. Burbank, Will Be July 19-22 to Close Contracts With Neb. Dealers
1G20-1G22 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, IVIo.
Even; White
out: By Wlllett, 1; by Manning, 1 Double
play:- Flherfeld to Lapnrte to Chase.
Time: 1:90. Umpires: Egan and Connelly.
St. Loala Wlaa ta Eleventh,
ST. LOUIS, July 18. St. Louis took to
day's game from Philadelphia In the elev
enth Inning, when, with the baaes full and
none out, Crlas hit the aeeond ball Bender
pitched to the flag pole In right center.
Krauae loet control and waa charged with
the defeat. Score:
Hartiell. aa. 1 4 8 I Hirlal, rf .. 4 0 I 4 4
lona. rt I 1
1 Q oanii-r, cf.
( Tolllna, tb
4 ( Oldrlna, If.
1 0 Davla. lb...
4 0 nk.r. lb...
4 4 liarrr, aa..
I 0 Thfttnal, 0. .
8 0 Kriuu, p. .
0 0 Dtndar, p. .
0 3 0
Hoffman, rf.. 1 4 1
8 I I
I 10 0
MrAlaaaa. cf. 4
Urlni, If.... (
Jnnca. lb I
Wliilama, lb. I
Karri,, lb.... 4
1 I
0 11
1 1
I 4
1 0l
4 I 1
Sttpbana, a.,
Powell, p...,
Vaddall, p...
Pattaraon ..
4 4 7
4 0 0
4 0 4 1
4 4 4 0
0 0 0 4
II 10 10 I
1 A 0 0
Tout. u 10 11 14
None out when winning run scored.
Batted for Stono In eighth.
Batted for Williams In eleventh.
St. Louis 0101000010 86
Philadelphia ..0080000000 1 4
Two-base hits: Bolter, McAleese, Crlss.
Three-base hit: Collins. Hits: Off Powell,
4 In two and two-thirds Innings; off Wad
dell, 4 In eight and one-third Innings; off
Krause, 9 In ten Innings; off Hentler, 1 In
one inning. Sacrifice hit: Jones. Stolon
bases: Ganley, 1. Double plays: Harry, Col
lins and Davis; Stone, and Jones. Left
on bases: St. Louis. 7; Philadelphia. 4.
Base on balls: Off Powell. 1; off Waddell
1. Hit by pitched ball: Hy Powell, 1; by
Krause, 3. Struck out: By Powell, 3; by
Krause, 6; by Waildell, 4. Time: 1:4a Urn
pi res: Evans and Perrlne.
Looal Team Falls to Hit Kansas City
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 18. (Special
Telegram.) Grand Island lost to the
Kansas City Red Sox team today, owing
to Inability to hit Schroeder. The three
Glade brothers, Captain Schuff and Pitcher
Rlohter quit the game with today, tho
latter to Join the Central City team and
the four othera, all local men, giving all
of their time to their business. The Glades
are tho proprietors of the local mills and
the marketing of wheat and resumption of
milling on full time Is the cause of the
change. It Is not expected that any effort
will be made to reorganise for what re
mains of the season. Score: R.H.E.
Red Sox 000040000-460
Grand Island.. 100010000131
Batteries: Red Sox, Schroeder and Gib
son; Grand Island, Rlchter and El ling.
Fremont Defeats Wahoo.
FREMONT, Neb., July 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Wahoo was badly beaten by Fre
mont this afternoon. The Fremontors be-
?an to slug Anderson In the first and then
ollowed It up through the rest of the
game. Wahoo s errors were costly. Cook,
a 276-pounder, caught for Fremont and did
Borne effective work at the bat. Score:
Fremont 221000004-6 14 t
Wahoo 0 00002000-3 6 6
Base hits: Heln, Cahoon, Bmertsch, Mar
tin. Struck out: By Anderson, 6; by
Koepenlck, 2. Batteries: Fremont, Koe
penlck and Cook; Wahoo, Anderson and
Johnson, .
Wlsner Defeats Dodgre.
WISNER, Neb., July 17.-(Speclal Tele
gramsSome good stick work and the ex
cellent twirling of Schwarts defeated the
Dor'gc team here Saturday, 9 to 1. This
was the second game with - Dodge, the
former being played Thursday, when Wls
ner defeated them by a score of 8 to 4.
Batteries: Wlsner. Schwarts and Kacek;
Dodge, Spollman and Young.
li 0 1L.O
Official Glldden Fattifincler
ujicdl cetbai Iks ips-
Sox Shut
Signal Corpi Nine Wini from Council
Bluffi Nine.
Heavy llltflna and Raaaed Fleldln
Characterlse flame, Which Is Set
tled 11 to 9 Other Amateur
Oamea of Day.
The Signal Corps defeated the Outlaws
of Council Bluffs Sunday afternoon. 6 to 1.
Cross Ditched a first-class game for the
Signal Corps and was given flrst-clasa
support. The game was witnessed by a
good slxed crowd. Score:
Outhrl., If... 4
1 1 0 A Srhn.lrlr. lb 4
Till Umt.a th 4 4 0 8 0
K.pp.r, .....
Bherer, 0. . .
r.a. p. ...
llrlrh, lb...
rl.rk. lb....
Slmcoi, rf . . .
prrklna, cf. .
I 4 10 0 0 Outl, lb 4 4 18 0 4
4 0 0 1 4 Kranlnaer. c. 4 1 4 I 0
1 0 0 4 1 Peterauii, a... 4 0 8 0 1
4 1(00 lundo, If 41000
4 110 1 Scarr. cf 4 0 0 0 0
I I 1 0 0 I ttrrbark, Tt 4 1 I 0 0
10 4 0 0 Smith, p.... 1 0 0 4 4
Total. 17 111 U I Total. (4 4 14 II 1
S.Kiial Corps 0 0300010 -6
Outlaws 0 0100000 0-1
Struck out: By Cass, 10; by Smith, 0.
Three-base hits: Schider, Guthrie, Clark.
Two-base hits: Guthrie, Nepper, Slmoox,
Utterback, Krarringer. Umpire: Holbe.
Crane fc Co. Nine Taken Into Camp
by 11 .to O Score.
In a game of heavy hitting and ragged
Holding the Maseppus beat the Crane 4
Co. nine by a score of 11 to 9. Thomas of
the Mazeppas was v, lid and retired In favor
of Kane In tha eighth. Kane was Invinci
ble. The Cranes used three pitchers.
Drummy. with a triple, double and wo
slnglos. was the star with the stick. Score:
AB.H .U.A..B., cf-p... 4
1 4
1 8 Rrina'br, H P I
1 1
1 1
C'ahlan, ns-ot &
McLean, c. ... 4
Drummjr, 3b.. 4
Oraner, lb. .. &
Thoma., p-a. &
3 4
1 10
4 0
I 10
1 Elliott, p-l
1 Hill, lb...
0 0
0 Saa. 0 (
0 CIomuo, ib. .. (
0 O'Nall. cl-M. (
4 6
I 1
Joliea, rf 4 0 1
Sun., lb ft I 4
Hlnrlck., If.. S3;'
0 P'-hu, ll.rt. If. ( 4
1 Jonet, p-cf... 8 1
8 0
1 1
4 P. !, rf... I
0 0 1
Total. 41 11 It U ( Totala 41 1 27 13 4
Iwo-lias hits: Drummy, Graner, llaln
schrlber. Three-base hit: Drummy. Home
run: Jones. Stolen bases: Coughlan (2),
Drummy (2), Thomas (2). McLean (2),
Stlne. Struck out: By Thomas, 6; by Kane,
3; by Jones, 1; by Kelnschrlber, 2; by Elliott,
2. Bases on balls: Off Thomas, 6; off Kane,
1. Hit with pitched ball: McLean. Umpire!
Matthews Ha Fraternal Batter at
HI Mercy Throughout.
The Florence team defeated tb Royal
Aahates at Florence park In a one-sided
game by the score of 6 to 0. Mathews had
the Achates at his mercy, allowing three
hits, and only two men reached third base.
Raln.'bar, cf. I
a 1
1 1
1 4
0 .0 Cr.t. 8b I
MrOUIRan, lb I
Elliott. Sb. ... I
Pnaplchal, lb. 4
Brown, 0 8
O'Nalll, rf... I
I 1 ThompMtt, aa I
I 1 Brown, lb.,.. 8
8 0 K.nnadr, 0,. 4
1 0 Bak.r, 2b.... 8
4 0 Litton, cf.,., 4
0 11
0 1
1 0
Out Senators
Ltors j
. II. 1 0 tfctf
a... 8 114
4 RanhaMt,
P.rr. If..
4 0 10
r.navan. rf.
p. 4 I 1 I
4 Woodward, p. 8
p. 1 0 0 1
To:. 1. Ki 117 14 3 Totals 10 114 11 (
Flounce 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
Achates 0 00000000 0
Sii'len bases: Helnschrlber, McQuillan.
Tw-hse hits: Relnschrlber, jMcUuigun,
Barney. Home run: Mathews. Struck om :
by- Mathews. 6; by Woodward, a. Wild
pitches: Woodward (2). Umpire: Mlko.
Sprlnafleld, lllouuiltnr and
Win Two Each.
SrHINOFlELl), July 18 -Spring-field In-
creased Its lead In Hie pennant re or by
taking a double-header from Cedar llaplris
today. Daly was In perfect form In th
first game and the visitors never had a
chance to score. In the second game John
son's home run won the game in the tenth
Inning. Soore, first name: R H E.
Springfield 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 3 t
Cedar Rapid. ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 t
Batteries: Daly and Johnson;
and Rohrer.
Score, second game:
Springfield ..0 00001001
13 7 1
Cedar Raplds.O 10010000
0-14 1
Batteries: Grsndy and Johnson; Hoeffer,
Mnllcoat and Hohrer.
I'ECATl'R. July 18 Ruby, who ha been
playing the outfield, was taken from the
lert garden 10 p
Davenport, 2 to 0.
itch today and defeated
Score: R.H.E.
.1 0010000 fi 0
Davenport 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 0 .
Batteries: Ruby and McNamaba; Flvi , J
and K. Smith.
ULOOM1NUTON, July 18. Bloomlngton
took both games of a double-header from
Dubuque today In easy fashion, the first In
I to i and the second, which only went
soven Innings, 7 to 2. Score, first game:
Bloomlngton ..0 2007000 9 9 4
Dubuque 0 01000003411
Batteries: Steen and Smith; Wilder and
Score, second game: R.H.E.
Bloomlngton 0 14 0 1 7 10 1
Dubuque .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-t 1 8
rtslterles: Koyer ana smiwi Hall and
PEORIA, July It. Peoria beat Rook
Island in the thirteenth Inning of a hard
fought contest, R to 4. and then repeated
the operation In eight Inning, 1 to 1 Scorn,
first game: R.H.E.
Peoria 100010000000 1 S 11 1
Rock Island 1 01000001000 04 11 2
Batteries: Gilbert and Hlgglns; Wilson
and Starke,
Score, second garnet R.H.E.
Peoria 1 000000 0-1 41
Rock Island 0 000000 11 48
Batteries: Rogers and Hlgglns; La a ft
and Starke.
GrUsltea Open Quadruple Bnsre
saant with Rosrk.. Today.
Denver will come to town today tVir a
fotir-davs' encasement at Vinton street
park. Today will be ladles' day, and It H
needle to say tnat a targs numour or
the gentler sex will be on hand to give
the Dfenver bove th glad hand. Th Den
ver team has mad some change since it
was In Omaha last and the Grlaslles are
playing good ball. The llneupt
Omaha. Denver.
Kare First Llnday
Pendrv Peoond , Stankxd
Pchlptte.... Third Maag
Franck Short Hartman
Fisher Left BeMnn
King Center Jones
Weli'h Right , Caslilv
otidlng. ... .Catrh ........ .Thompson
Cadman...., Catch Clasaon
Sanders Tltch ............ Olmsted ,1
Hollenbeok Pitch Adams
Iwer P'teh Fod
Klv TMtrh WmenTi
Kdmonston Pitch Rohannon
MoGee Pitch
66 fiDflS 99