Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
la tba noit powerfal basinets
grttar la tha tnt, becaooa It goes
to tb homM of poor aad rich.
For Nebraska Showers and cooler.
For Iowa Fair.
For' weather report bo page 8.
Ten Lives Axe Lost When Schooner
Bearing; Excursion Party it
at Lead Struck
by Lightning
Claimant to Throne of Spain Dies
in Lombardy After Long
' Illness.
President Will Probably Sig-n the
Perfected Measure Early
Two Men Instantly Killed and Thirty
Next Week.
or Forty Injured, Five of
Them Seriously.
Party of t Two Wa Returning
4- W
Drowning Persona Av apt to Get
Posieuion of Beer Case.
Twelve of the Excursionists and Part
of tb Crew Are Picked I'p
Six Drown Willie Bwlm
aslna;. NEW YORK, July Sixteen persons,
five of them women, met death by
drowning In the waters either surrounding
or In the vicinity of New York today. Ten
of the victims perished after the capsizing
of the excuralon sloop Roxanna, carrying
twenty-two passengers, which was struck
by a sudden squall In lower New York
boy, midway between Coney Island and
I logman, late this afternoon.
Mns C. K. NudBon of Brooklyn la In such
a serious condition that she will probably
die. Her two daughters were drowned.
Six others by drownings were persons In
The dead:
L1,LA OLKEN, Klathush. L. I., and the
follow In fiom Brooklyn:
14 and 11 years old.
Caplaln Samuelson of the Roxanna and
the twelve survivors were picked up under
great difficulties In a rough and choppy
sea by the tug Lamont.
Story ef Disaster.
The Roxanna was chartered at Ulmer
Bench, Brooklyn, for a sail across the bay
to Midland Beach, Staten Island, and back.
The first leg of the voyage waa made
w ithout mishap and all hands piled ashore
to make merry. Some of the survivors
could give but a haiy aooount of the acci
dent. All the afternoon there waa a stiff breese
from the southwest, which left a heavy
cross sea. Toward 4 o'clock the Roxanna,
reeling homeward across the bay under
all the sail god Judgment . would permit
.to be carried, slipped Into a squall and
before the captain could slack away his
sheet the Roxana waa botton up and the
water waa black with bobbing heads. . In
another minute the Roxana had vanished
and: oce. jMt.oue, the, steads began to fol
low It.
Fortunately the tug Lamont was keeping
a sharp lookout. Captain Keeya saw the
sloop heel over in the gust and fall to come
back. Instantly be headed fof the spot
where the Rexana had been, but before he
could reach It, ten of the passengers had
gone down. Life lines and buoys were
thrown to those still afloat and, after a
few minutes of brisk and anxious work,
all In sight were taken aboard the Lamont
The survivors, thoroughly exhausted and
half daxed, were taken to a hospital on
Ktaten Island.
Fight for Beer Case.
Miss Thora Hendrlckson of Brooklyn, one
of the survivors, said: "When the boat
sank we were left with nothing to keep us
up except some empty beer cases and some
boxes that floated to the surface. I was
lucky enough to grab the edge of a beer
case, which kept me up until I waa res
cued. Everybody that did not sink both
men and women were fighting and trying
to hold on the case. Time after time men
and women piled on top of me and we
sank, but 1 managed to keep my grip on
the case.
''Captain Samuelson was a real hero. He
waa about the only person aboard who
could swim and he did his best to save us.
If there bad been two or three other men
like him everybody would have been saved.
At one time he held up two women at
Peter Bergland, 'another survivor, said
that Samuelson was the man who gained
fame in 18M by sailing across the Atlantic
with his brother, Frank N., In a small
sloop. Uergland declined to discuss the
attitude of the men towards the women
The lo little girls who perished, he said,
were in the cabin and had no chance to
escape. All the victims and most of the
survivors were members of a Scandinavian
social club of Brooklyn.
John Brown, Shot la Fight Among
tloldnp Men at Culgubii, O.,
Is Dead.
COLUMBUS, O., July 18. A man under
nildule age, jiving his name as John Brown
and his home Nebraska, who said he had
been tramping over the cohntry for years,
died in St. Francis' hospital today from a
bullet wound sustained at midnight In
quarrel with two confederates In a street
holdup which had occurred a short time
before. They had scoured a watch and a
mall amount of money and had gone to a
rear room of a South Side saloon to divide
their vpolla. John Nolan, a bartender, who
tried to head off the two flying men after
the shoting of Brown, waa himself
wounded. Brawn was told at the hospital
that he wat dying, but he refused to give
the names of his confederates.
Ten Thousand Dollars Enron te from
Chicago Bank to Musmestk,
CHICAGO. July 1S.-A package containing
llOtfCO, being conveyed by the Adams Ex
press company from the National Bank of
the Republic of this city to the Second
National bank of Monmouth. 111., la said
to have disappeared from a Burlington
through train some time last week. The
peokag la said to have been taken from
the train somewhere between Oalesburg,
III., and thla city. Assistant Oeneral Agent
Oeorge Hutchlnkon of the Adams Express
company icfuntd to discuss the story to
day ai.d other officials of the company
wars equal'.? raiment
Rolw.-t H. McKlnccy, cashier of the Na
tion I Bank of the Republic also refused
to discktw Co matter.
LEAD, 8. n., July IS. (Special Tele
gram.) During a ball game between teams
from Dead wood and Lead on the Lead
grounds this afternoon. In the last half of
he fifth Inning a thunderstorm passed
over the grounds, and lightning struck the
wire screen on the left field fence, passing
from that to an umbrella held by John
Butler, striking him unconscious and pros
trating from "thirty to forty people In the
Immediate vicinity, and killing two.
The dead:
The seriously injured:
Abe Oliver.
John Butler.
Isaac Snane.
Charles Rosslo.
William Reome.
Doctors and voluimers on the grounds
succeeded In saving the lives of all with
the exception of Fry and Harvlson. For
a time a panic ensued In the crowded
grandstand and It was some time before
anything like Intelligent assistance could
be given those rendered unconscious by
the bolt
Money Orders
Arc Popular
Number Issued Increases Over Two
Million, While Total Value '
Shows Large Decrease.
WASHINGTON, July 18.-Money order
transactions In the postofflces of the coun
try have grown to so large an extent In
the last year or two that It Is now neces
sary to maintain a force of 750 accountants,
bookkeepers, assorters and examiners In
the office of the auditor of the Postofftce
department. During the first three-quarters
of the last fiscal year, ended June 30,
there was an Increase of 2,089,000 In the
number of money orders Issued, as com
pared with the corresponding period In the
preceding fiscal year. The value of the or
ders Issued, however, was $28,846,000 less
than for the corresponding period of last
The average value of domestic money or
ders Issued during the quarter ended March
31, 1909, was $6.61, and the average value of
the International money orders during the
same period was $30.68. That an immense
amount of money Is sent to foreign coun
tries and the balance Is heavily against
this country Is Indicated by the statement
of Auditor Chance of the Postofflce de
partment that the International money or
ders Issued In the United States and pay
able In foreign countries exceeded the vatwe
Of orders drawn tn foreign countries and
paid In this country during the fiscal year
Of 1908 by $66,000,000.
Haller Named
for Regent
Friends Send Petition to Lincoln Sug
gesting Him as Candidate on
Republican Ticket.
Friends of F. L. Haller sent yesterday
a petition to the secretary of state putting
his name on the ballot as a candidate for
the republican nomination for regent of
the University of Nebraska to fill a va
cancy. Mr. Haller, aa president of the Llnlnger
Implement company, director of the Na
tional Corn exposition and an active mem
ber of the Commercial club Is well known
as one of the most useful cttlxens of
Omaha. He has been president of the State
Library commission for a number of years
and as such directly In touch with educa
tional, matters. -
No Renewal of Strike Trenble Which
Canard Fatal Fight Satnr
day. CLEVELAND, O., July 18-After an In
vestigation lasting throughout the day,
Chief of Police Kohler tonight said that
James Purvis, the nonunion engineer of
the steamer Centurion, who shot and killed
Richard Brown and William Woods, pallors,
here last night, was Justified 1n his action
The men attacked Purvis, said Chief
Kohler, and tn his opinion the engineer
had a right to defend himself. Purvla,
who Is held at one of the precinct police
stations on the formal charge of murder,
believes he will be exonerated when ar
raigned tomorrow.
The shooting of Brown and Woods caused
much excitement about the workers' head
quarters and the docks today, but there
was no trouble between the strikers and
nonunion men. Both sets of men are re
maining on their vessels, fearing that at
tempts to land might cause violence.
Nations Will Consider
Opium Traffic Problems
WASHINGTON. July 18. -International
co-operation for the suppression of the
trafflo tn opium aa well aa cocaine and
other habit forming drugs la being sought
by the Btate department The hops now
la that soon a conference will be held
at The Hague to consider the question of
placing the entire production, manufac
ture and trafflo In opium under Interna
tional control, which control, which will
lead to the final extinction of Its uaa ex
cept for medicinal purposes.
A program for the expected conference
la being prepared. In which Hamilton
Wright, one of the Americana serving on
the recent opium commission, which met
at Shanghai, la assisting. Legislation also
la being prepared at the State department,
which, if enacted, will place the manufac
lure of and Interstate traffic In habit form
ing drugs under the Inspection at least of
the bureau of Internal revenue. From the
enforcement of euch legislation by the
general gwreramaut the slate would have
Title Based on Old Law Made by
Philip V.
Carlists Controlled Part of Country
for Few Years.
Alfonso XII Takes Throne and Since
Then There Haa Been Number
f Abortive Carllat
ROME, July M. Don Carlos of. Bourbon
the pretender to the Spanish throne, died
today at Vareze, In Lombardy. He had
been 111 for a long time and the latest re
ports Indicated that he was suffering from
apoplexy, with the accompanying paralysis,
Don Carlos, duke of Madrid, who claimed
under the special law of succession estab
llshed by Philip V to be the legitimate
king of Spain, with the title of Charles VII,
was born at Laybach, Austria, March 30.
1848. His father, Don Juan, was the brother
of Don Carlos, Charles VI, known as the
Count de Montolln, In support of whose
claims the Carllst risings of 1M8, 1856 and
I860 were organised.
As Charles VI died In 181 without chll
dren, his rights devolved upon his brother.
Don Juan, who had married the Arch
duchess Maria Teresa of Austria. Their
son, Don Carlos, married on February 4,
1S67, Margaret De Bourbon. In October,
1868, Don Juan abdicated In favor of his
son, whose standard was raised In the
north of Spain In 1872 by some of his parti
sans. Don Carlos himself, after address
ing a proclamation to the Inhabitants of
Catalonia, Aragon and Valentla, calling
upon them to take up arms In his cause,
made his entry Into Spain on July 16, 1873,
announcing that he came for the purpose
of saving the country. Then followed the
"four years' war," which ended In Janu
ary, 1876, when Tolosa, the last stronghold
of the Carlists,. fell and Its defenders
sought refuge on French territory. In the
meantime the republic came to an end and
the oldest son of ex-Queen Isabella re
turned to Spain as Alfonso XII. Alfonso
XII died In 1886 and the fight for the suc
cession now raged between Marie Christina
of Austria, the widow of the late king, and
Don Carlos. The posthumous birth of the
present king In 1886, however, kindled In
the nation a feeling of loyalty which has
continued to exist up to the present time.
rTlthtn recent , years there baa been " a
recurrence of the Carllst agitation In" Cata
lonia and other districts which was at
tributed to the Influence of Don Jaime,
the only son of Don Carlos, but these
movements have proved to be of little Im
portance. Wreck on the
Monon Railroad
Two Men Killed and Six Persons
Seriously Hurt in Smashup
Near Manchester, Ind.
CHICAGO, July 18. While rounding a
curve south of Manchester, Ind., early to
day passenger train No. 3, southbound on
the Monon railroad, jumped the track. Two
trainmen were killed and six passengers
were Injured. The mall clerks, the con
ductor and a baggageman were slightly
The killed:
N. BTRN. engineer.
N. AUSTIN, fireman.
The Injured:
Moses Aaron, Cincinnati, wrist sprained.
K. Bernstein, Nashville, shoulder and side
Mrs. Margaret Bosh, Chicago, wrist
Mrs. L. Ogleeby, Chicago, slight rut on
Mrs. George Richards, Chicago, shoulder
bruised. ,
Mrs. Stockery, Chicago, shoulder bruised.
Seven cars left the rails, but only the
baggage car and engine turned over. All
the Injured passengers were taken to a
hotel In Crawfoidsvllle, Ind.
Omahnna on Cincinnati.
NEW YORK, July 18. (Special.) Among
the cabin passengers who sailed for Europe
Saturday on the Hamburg-American Una
steamer Cincinnati were the following: M.
Sachs, Dr. A. Sachs, William C. Sunder
land and J. G. Rallsback, Omaha, Neb.
Five Yeara tor Trooper.
HONOLULU, July 11. via San Francisco,
July IS. Five years at hard labor with
dishonorable discharge from the army was
the sentence Imposed by court martial at
Schofleld barracks upon Private R. C.
Cunningham of Troop K, Fifth cavalry, for
annoying two Hawaiian girls while on
sentry duty.
available Information making It easy for
them to administer more successfully their
antl-oplum laws.
It Is pointed out that judging from state
ments and editorials tn the public press,
apparently some misapprehension exists as
to the objects and accomplishments of the
Shanghai commission. The work of that
board was one of Inquiry with directions
to study the opium problem and to report
aa to the best and most feasible means of
solving It. That the evil should cease was
the unanimous view of the delegates. In
the eighteen months during which the cor
respondence between the government which
resulted In the appointment of the commis
sion was In progress, every one of them
made soma move, either by proclamation
or by legislation, to curb the opium traffic
between the meeting of the general body.
The Url'ed 6it(s and the Philippines have
enact, d prohibitory legislation, while other
governments have taken action, which It is
hoped, wW wipe out lbs trafflo,
' I
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Rumor that Strikebreakers Were in
Plant Causes Attack.
Later the Mob Attacked State Con
tabnlary and There Was a
Fight One Man Fatally
company entirely by surprise, a detach
ment of state constabulary arrived here
today from Punxsutawney late this after
noon to guard the company's property at
Lyndora. The strikers, angered by the ap
pearance of the constabulary, gathered
around the plant, and In a clash with the
mounted troopers one striker was probably
fatally shot, two members of the crowd
were wounded and more than ten Injured.
Fifteen alleged strike leaders were arrested.
According to a report current here to
night, the constabulary had been expected
here since yesterday, despite the statement
of the car company to the effect that out
side police protection was not desired. The
entrance of 600 employes of the Standard
Wheel company, a concern manufacturing
pressed steel wheels, Into the ranks of the
2,500 striking men of the Standard Steel
Car company, makes the situation at But
ler ominous. The wheel company's em
ployes refused to remain at work today.
The men on strike at both plants are unor
ganised. The principal contention of the
striking men Is that both the car and wheel
companies are working full capacity, but
refuse to pay wages In proportion to the
amount of work turned out.
Attack on. Plant.
The strike situation a tthe car company's
plant became serious today following the
attempt of half a thousand strikers to tear
down the car company's board fence. The
strikers. It Is reported, had been told that
two boxcars had been taken lntb the plant
yard loaded with strikebreakers. A rush
was made upon the gates, but the heavy
doors refused to yield. The members of
the mob armed themselves with railway
ties and with these heavy batterlngrams
tore through a fifty-foot section of the
fence. The boxcars were searched, but
were found to be loaded with material.
The crowd then dispersed.
BUTLER, Pa., July 18.-Taklng the strik
ing employes of the Standard Steel Car
The approach of the mounted constabu-
(Contlnued on Second Page.)
If there is one en
terprise oh earth
that a "quitter"
should leave sever
ly alone, it is adver
tising. To make a iticceBS of advertising,
one must be prepared to stick like
a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He
should know before he begin It
that he must spend money lots of
it. Somebody must tell him that
he cannot hope to reap results com
mensurate with his expenditure
early In the game.
Advertising does not jerk;
it pulls. It begins very gently
at first, but the pull is steady.
It increases day by day and
year by year until it exerts an
irresistible power. John
Wannamaker, - "jj
Resume Their
Travels Today
Visit Made .to Lakes . and. Country
" Club Sunday Today'. Run to
Mankato. .
MINNEAPOLIS, July 18-(Special Tele
gram.) This was a day of pleasure for
the Gliddenitcs. At S o'clock this morning
they were taken In autos by the Minne
apolis Automobile club to Lake Mlnne
tonka. Chartered boats were watting and
the tourists had a two hours' ride about
one of the most beautiful lakes lri the
northwest and the great summer resorts
of Minneapolis. Dinner was served at the
Tonka Bay hotel following the boat ride
and the Gliddenites then motored to the
Automobile Country club. The festivities
there were purely social aftd were followed
by an elaborate buffett luncheon at 6
Tomorrow morning they will be off on
the long grind again. Monday's run to
Mankato Is the shortest of the tour, but
132 miles, with a running schedule of six
hours and thlrty-stx n Vines. The roads
are reported to be good for that section
of the country, but rain tonight would
make them very hard going. The first
eighty miles Is largely gravel, with a little
clay. The last fifty miles will give the
tourists their first whirl at the much feared
gumbo. This sjretch Is pretty nearly it",
gumbo, with a little clay. In fact, from
Mankato through to Denver gumbo will
be the Jonah of the cars which do not
thrive In the mud. Rain has kept away
thus far, but no one expects the weather
to be clear all the way Into Denver, and
rain means mud will pile a foot deep on
the wheels.
The two days' rest In this town has been
very welcome, but the drivers are all
anxious to be on their way.
They want to see the finish of the long
grind and the first leg they know has
brought up but a few of the troubles they
are likely to encounter.
James Street.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. July 18. (Special.)
"Uncle" James Street, a widower, who
had lived in Tecumseh for a number of
years, died Friday evening after a long
sick spell of asthma and dropsy. He was
about 65 years old and had no relatives.
The funeral was held Saturday afternoon
and burial waa In the Tecumseh cemetery.
Four Killed, Twenty Hurt
in Panic on Berlin Track
BERLIN, July 18. Four persons were'
killed, more than twenty severely Injured
and a dozen others slightly Injured as the
result of the explosion of a motorcycle and
a fire which followed it during a cycle
race at the old Botanic Gardens this even
ing. Thousands of spectators had gath
ered around the track, which was opened
for the first time a few days ago. The
first race was over and the second event,
an endurance race was on, some of the
best known cyclists. Including Stellbiink,
Contenet, Ryser and Biol, participating.
After a few laps the tire of one of the
pacemaker's motor cycle burst and the
rider lost control. The benzine exploded
in a burst of flames, the machine leaped
Into the air and hurled Itself against the
barrier, which broke down.
The rider was thrown off and fell against
otiiei cojnpcUV9J) Tt9 WW Pltsbed. hi lb
William A. Shaw of Omaha Office
Caught by Inspectors.
. . :
One Opened and Money Removed,
Other Fastened Up Sleeve by
Robber Dand Shaw Saya
William A. Shaw, for three years a clerk
In the mailing department of the Omaha
postofflce. Is confined In the city Jail under
the charge of pilfering from the malls.
He was arrested at the postofflce at 9:30
Saturday night by Postofflce Inspectors H
S. Grogan of Lincoln and Frank FrayBer
of Kansas City, who have" been working
on the case for several days. Two decoy
letters were found on his person, with some
of the marked decoy money.
Shaw, when confronted with the evidence
of his crime, undertook to treat the matter
lightly, but confessed to taking the letters,
saying that he did so just to put up a
Joke on the inspectors, as he knew they
were decoys. One of them he had already
opened and abstracted the money contents.
The other was fastened up his sleeve with
a rubber band. He maintains that this Is
his first offense, but the postofflce Inspec
tors have reason to believe that he has
taken about 1G0 letters and packages In
this way since January L
Shaw was employed In the outgoing mail
ing department and had general charge of
the distribution of packages for the out
going malls, though for a short while
during the evenings he threw some of the
outgoing letter mail. His alleged pecula
tions are confined to small amounts and
the aggregate value of them has not yet
been determined, though reports are mado
on about 150 pieces of missing mall.
Arrest Prostrates Wife.
Shaw Is about 85 years of age, and has
been In the employ of the Omaha office
Phn" three years. He was formerly a
member of the Twenty-second United
: infantry and waa at one time sta
tioned at Fort Crook, subsequently serving
with his regiment In the Philippines. His
record aa a soldier Is good. He Is married
and Uvea at 8023 Emmet street with his
wife and S-months-old child. His wife Is
nearly frantlo over his arrest. The post
office Inspectors are satisfied that she Is
wholly Ignorant of his peculations, and
thur far no effort has been made to search
his home for letters or packages.
The attention of the Inspectors was first
called to the frequent loss of outgoing
packages and letters containing small
(Continued on Second Page.)
track, several of them being severely In
jured. So terrific was the speed of the
motorcycle that It continued on Its coutse,
hurling spectators right and left and setting
on fire several women's summer dresses.
Two women were Instantly killed and their
bodies, saturated with flaming benzine,
were burned to cinders.
The wooden stand caught fire and the
flames flashed In the face of bystanders,
who, with clothing ablaze, rushed about
shrieking with pain and fear, until cool
headed onlookers threw them to the ground
and smothered the flames.
A panto ensued In which a great number
of persons, Including children, were badly
trampled. Eighteen men and four women
were seriously Injured, two of the men
having since died. The hospital surgeons
say that several others art ta bopelsts
ognOUloji, . .. -
Duties on Lumber, Coal and Hides to
Be Reduced.
This Will Probably Be Last Consid
ered by Committee.
Expectation that It Will Be lib.
mltted to Both lloiin Lata tn
the Week Points of Dif
ference. WASHINGTON, July lrf.-The republican
conference committee Senators Aldrlch,
Burrows, Penrose, Hale and Cullom, and
Representatives Payne (N. Y ), Dalxeil
(Pa ), McCall (Mass). Boutell (111 ). Cald'M'
head (Kan.) and Fordney (Mich.) is now
near the end of Its deliberations on the
tariff bill and Its report IS expected to be
completed by the latter part of this week.
How long It will take the senate and the
house to pass finally upon the work of the
conference committee and what will be the
ultimate fate of the measure as a whole
is tho subject of varying conjecture, but
the general Impression In quarters usually
well Informed Is that the report of the com
mittee will be adopted by both houses and
will reach the handa of the president early
next week
Most people here expect that President
Taft will sign the bill. He, himself, caused
a flurry throughout congress last Friday
night by the Issue of what amounted to an
informal message to congress, In which he
reiterated his conviction that tho national
platform of the republican party meant,
and the sentiment of the people as a whole
demanded, a bona fide downward revision
of the tariff.
Free OH and Iroa.
In all probability the five subjects which
have received President Taft's personal at
tentionIron ore, coal, oil, hides and lum
berwill' be taken up by the conferees dur
ing the latter part bf the present week.
There are a number of paragraphs In the
bill which cannot be disposed of until rates
are determined for the subjects named. Pro
ceeding on the assumption that Iron ore
and oil will be placed on the free list, and
that existing duties on coal, hides and 'um
ber will be materially reduced, the con
ferees are preparing amendments to be
offered on articles related to the foregoing
raw materials. In consequenoa all of theso
subjects may be disposed of Immediately
after duties have been determined : (of the
mere Importan( subjects. ' s -
Division Over FTint Paper. '
Outside of tho questions which aro re
ceiving the personal attention of President
Taft, the greatest difficulty anticipated
relates to the wood pulp and print paper
schedule. On account of the statement of
Representative Mann, who waa chairman
of the special committee while Investigat
ing this whole subject and reported reduced
rates to the house, that he would vote
against the conference report unless the
views of his special committee were recog
nized, the conferees have delayed dispo
sition of this schedule.
The house rate on print paper was fixed
at S2 a ton. The seats rate Is ft a ton,
as against the existing rate of $ a ton.
The general Impression Is that the senate
conferees will offer to compromise with
the house by agreeing to accept a rate of
$3. ' Senator Hale la opposing any reduc
tion of the senate rates; therefore, the
subject Is likely to be one of the last
Women's Gloves.
The paragraph affecting women's gloves,
on which the house advanced the existing
rate is among those on which action has
been deferred. The senate conferees are
holding out an amendment restoring the
Dlngley rates. A compromise haa been sug
gested which puts Schmashen gloves on
the list. This Is the cheapest glove made
and Is not made In the United States at
11. They retail at about 75 cants a pair
and It Is said the effect would bo to re
duce this retail price to about 50 cents a
pair. The Schmashen is recognised as an
Inferior article. The compromise contem
plates leaving the . rates on the higher
grades the same aa they were fixed by
the house.
The senate conferees are Insisting upon
the increase made In duty on lemons. The
existing rate Is 1 cent a pound. The house
Increased this to li cents and the aenata
to a quarter of a cent more In the Interest
of the California growers. This Is one Of
the questions to be taken, up earijr this
Horn Meets Today.
The house will be In session tomorrow
and will probably adjourn until Thursday,
The senate meets Tuesday and may ad
journ until Friday unless thora appears
prospect of a report from the con
ference committee by Thursday. Nothing
of Importance except the emergency bill
Is before congress. This measure may be
passed by the house tomorrow, but If It Is
not It is planned to have a senate session
on Tuesday.
Statement Mado of Their Condition
at Close of Business oa
Juno 23.
WASHINGTON, July 17. An Increase of
I102.S4S.820 in total resources, between April
28 and June 23 last, an Increase of S7&7,
to. 263 since July 15 a year ago, and total
resources and liabilities of 3,471.78J,6 rap
resents the position of tho national banks
of the United States as announced today.
The statement gives the reports to the
Treasury department under the call of the
comptroller of the currency for a state
ment of conditions of the banks on June
23, last. Their loans and dlsoounts, ac
cording to the complete returns, Increased
by f72.772.KI7 since the date of the last call.
In April, and HJ0,2O7,9S5 since July 16, ISO!
Schooner Roxanna Is Capslsed tm
Bay of City of New
NEW YORK, July IS Ten persons were
drowned down the bay thla afternoon by
the capsizing of the schooner Koxaana,
The victims were goanfllEvls9a tfrlAibf
la Sreokjyfe -..