Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 2, Image 20

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Mil C
(Copyright. 1909. by Frank O. Carpenter.)
. .
g isALNY, Manchuria. l!K.-Speclal
Dl Correspondence of The Bee.)
I I am at the southern terminal
of the Transsiberlan railroad.
The trains, starting here, go
nnpthnirrf fVir-r-m.rVi u.nrthii.ia
-"'-- v'b
to the main line at Harbin, and thence
on via Moscow to St. Petersburg. The
, lM luiitrn ui uit m iu.
It covers about 6,000 miles, and Is made
in comfortable cars. The South Manchuria
Una W.. nnan. In 1QAO 4,... . U
... ...... ... .uuui m
before the war between Russia and Japan
began. It was closed for a time, but sine.
then the service has grown better and
w... fn-- . . .
"y n go irom wainy to
" " buuui rei. veil uava, ino 1 11 c aie-
tance to Iondon can be covered In less
than two week.'. There are fast steamers
running from here to Shanghai, and the
road has brought that city and Nagasaki
within sixteen days of London,
loath Miscksrtsn Railway.
During my stay In Manchuria I have
taken a number of trips over the southern
nd of this railroad system. It has been
greatly Improved by the Japanese, and
I doubt If there Is another road so good In
East Asia. The tracks and cars are far
better than those of Japan, and they com
pare well with the best railways of Amer
ica. . .
no wny noiT iney are almost alto-
gether American. When the Japanese
r.bullt the system after th. war. they
.. ..,. .....
standardised it
ana DUt new American
uuiii. bivck upon me wnoie line. Tiiey
l)ouht 60.000 ton. of steel rails and 7,600
tons of bridge materials. They purchased
also over M0 American locomotive., sev-
enty-two first and second class cars and
also 1.000 or 1,000 box cars, flat cars, gon-
dola cars and cabooses.
During th. last few month. number
of our modern sleeper, hav. been added,
In going to Mukden the other day I rod.
ln an up-to-date Pullman, which had been
sent out here knocked-down and was put
together at Dalny. The car wa. lighted)
with lncandeacent electrlo globes, made in
Cleveland, O., and .vary b.rth had It. In
dividual light. It wa. cooled by electrlo
fan. from th. sam. establishment! Our
engine was from th. American locomotive
work, at Richmond, and It hauled u. over
rails made by th. United State. Steel
Trust. Ths car had a reading room, with
the latest Asiatic papers and American
and Endlih Journals. Connected with the
train was a 'diner," ln which, for 62 cents,
I got a better meal than I have ever had
on any American train, and th. service,
" " "- ""'v"i
In general, was superior to that on our
best trunk lines. .
,..n!8 un n!" f'
. . ,, ,. ,,
""f "w -unmans. i ney
dust them Inside and out. at almost .very ot the last case and of th. former .ucce.
s.op. They even wipe off the wheels and fuI ca treated similarly;
rub up the brasses, again and again, dur
ing each trip, treating the cars like so "Owing to th. many inquiries from my
many n.w babies, brought out for display. Professional brother, as well as laity, from
The road from Dalny to Mukden ls now strangers as well as frie.ds, I feel a few
being double tracked and the new line will l'es regarding the death of Gustlna Goet
he substantially built. ler from lockjaw or tetanus In the chill
room at the Krug Brewery would prove
Railroad In Manchuria. of Interest to many who ar. anxlou. to
Th. Japanese are nnod railroad construe- know tn history of th. case. Th. girl cut
tors. Tney are putting up magnificent th '' 'e on her right foot with a
bridge, with th. finest of ston. work pleoa of a"1'". Wednesday, June 30th. I
abutments, and ar finish. ug them wltn "aw her 'or tne ,lr8t time on Wednesday,
steel work msde In Amerlra. The roads Juy 'tn- l ' m - J"t twenty-four hour,
ar. ballasted with uusrti and other hard befor. har death. She reached the chill
rook, broken Into pieces the site of a sugar rooni at the Krug brewery about noon
lump. All along the line from Port Arthur Wednesday. July 7th. Was In the chill
northward quantities if this ballast are to ro,im between twelve or fourteen hour,
be .een. It ls ct rded up in'o muu'nds and before her death. Dr. Porter, who saw her
rectangular piles, carefully smoothed over, acarcely more than twenty-four hours be
The piles are painted at the corners anJ fore her death, tiave her the first injection
they have thuu numbers in white paint of anll-tetanlc serum Wednesday morning,
on top. and so ananged that if any of the Thee Injections of serum were continued
I. on. l.ould be stolen, it could be detected every four hours until within two hour.
Thin stone is broken by the Mati-huriau before her death; so notwithstanding the
Chinese. They cover the face, of th. hills fourteen hours In the chill room and th.
Ilk. blu. ants, hammering the rocks into four Injections of antl-toxlne, as well as
places. They break them up at soma dls- every attention, death claimed the llttl.
tanc. from th. road, and carry them down patient at 1 a. m. Thursday the 8th. Th.
In baskets slung to poles which rest on period was entirely too brief to -do Justio.
their shoulders. The earth for the em- to the cold air treament for tetanus,
bankment to transported In the sams way. "I am as positive as ever that th. benefit
Ther. ar. no .coops and steam shovels; 0f the cold air treatment will some day
and Chinese cheap labor seems to serve be called Into the medical profession. Th.
quit. a. well. Th. stations ar. well made, trouble in this case was that the diagnosis
v.Uh platforms and stone facings; and all made in the last stage of the dUeaea,
th. Improvemtnts seem built to stay. after the cervical muscles were stiffened.
i the spine rigid, th. Jaws locked and con
Around th. World la 88 Days. vulelona established, with practically no
When Julea Verne a rote his story, preliminary treatment, which ahould hav.
"Around th. World In Eighty Days," it com. at th. inception of the wound, to
appealed to th. Imagination as th. most ward off the advance ot th. tetanus bacll-
visionary of Impossible voyages. It wa lua.
like th. remark ef Puck, the fairy, when ..Thl, ca i,monstrates without doubt,
h. said he would put a girdle round th. how anU.Utanlc ..rum 1. aft.r thl.
arm in. tony minutea uotn ot tne.a
fc.ts hav. bean more then accomplished.
By th. telegraph and cable, e can out
distance Puck; and by means of th. Trans
slbeiian and South Manchurian railway
can cut th. Urns of Phlnsss Fogg down
more th.n one-half. The trip around the
world bas been made in forty days; and
by th. latest tlm. table. Just instituted on
thto aart of th. Trana.lberlan .y.t.m, it
can be don. In thirty-eight. Let m. tak.
you oa a thlrty-el,ht-day trip around the
world. W. .hall .tart In th. Pullman
deeper her. in Dalny at t a. m. Monday
awning. On TuusJay w. tiui ouiMlvas
Busy Developing the South
f. t". .
r.v., .VvA.v J
at Harbin, and go east on the International
train de luxe for Moscow. We reach mere it
in eleven days and twenty-one hours, afler
starting, and take another sleeper across
Europe for Calais and London. Wa are
there Inside fourteen days, or Just two
i. . i . i ... .... ....
ncrni iiuiil UJO lliuo w. 1CL mill I'll III.
train. Allowing six days for crossing the
Atlantic we reach New York In twenty
aays. i" lve more take us to Seattle or
Vancouver, and from there a ten-day
voyage on a fast express steamer will bring
us to i oKOhama. JiDin. we can cross
the Island of Hondo to Shlmonosekl hv
rmlI ln twenty-four hours and there aet
.teamers which in two dav. will take u.
Steamers WOlCn in IWO OayS Will laita US
back to Dainy, our .tartlng point
In every part of this trip we have
had as good meals as at a first-class
Amerlcn hot'' nd we at 8a'e "
You can now go rom Peking to London
In on. mnr. ,h.n n.inv
In one mors day than from Dalny to
London, and the comforts- are equally
treat. The Peking trains traverse the
province of Pechlll and cut through the
great Chinese wall where It runs down
Into the sea at Shanhalkwan. , Theiice
they cross Manchuria to Mukah, where
connection Is made with the South Man
churlao system.
The first-class fare from Mukden to
Peking Is under US. and from Dalny to
-. a. a. ..... oA n.-
"J . ju.i .-u.
'r to Moscow 1. ua ,n0ludlng th.
lPln berth fee., an th. meal, on
. 1-. . 1 . . . ...
mo umcr are inrai mill-mg o.iiib 10 a
u.r, wim erjr iuw B crmo rica.
One can hav. a full dinner at a fixed
pnee. or give order, for portion, at the
following rate.: Soup, twelv. cents; fried
fish and potatoes, twelve bents; beef-
stek. to ord.r. fifteen cents; chicken
cutlets, twelve cents, and curry and rio.
the same. Salad costs only ten cents,
bread and butter five cents, and tea,
coffee and chocolate may be had at a
nickel a cup. I give the., price, that
- ' '
13 W T UnTP A 'MM rtt Rrttltli
flm.h. ..n. h. fnlln.lm
v.'.na.B wuuw ...v .w.'wn....
MiminiinlrftMnn In at.f.nae nf his
thsory of cold air treatment for
tetanus, or lockjaw, which treat-
ment recently was employed
in the case of Tina Goetler at one of
a.. vai ui. iiuo uoeuer at one oi
the local breweries. He Is not willing to
yield a point In conflict with his method of
treatment, and maintain, that th.
- .--
ment ls scientific w .ni.m. nm..hin
stage of th. disease ls reached, or In any
well developed case. From the first hour
th. child waa In th. chill room, sb. cou
tlnually stated that ah. waa feeling better,
and If th. cold air treatment 'did nothing
else but relieve her, and at the .am. tlm.
keep her free from th. violent convulsions
which usually attend such cases, and 1st
h,r Pceful and quiet death, with
clT b,r mntl quallUe.
a-00 t( within a few minute, of har death,
It certainly did wonder, and to worthy th.
further consideration of my profeaetonal
ta-.tbtuo. No ea. wbo ever wKaeased ib
Terminus op the south manchurian railwat at dalnt.
they may b compared with thft rstraordi- loramhtt like Washlnfton. or parti of dock ISO feet lone, with repair shops at-
narjr charge of our American diners. Parla, the centers of the webs forming; tached.
$ circles. The circles ars usually on hlh The Jnner harbor Is protected by a break
City f Mansions. rround and the streets run out from them water of stone and eoncrets more than a
If you could lift up 111 of the finest wUl1 croM trt cutUnf mils lon. This rises ten feet abova the
villas on the outskirts of a European 1 "f anles. highest tidewater, and the deep water area
city, gardens and all. and drop them n thMe ch"cle8 th bMt of ,h new nBl" r- Iurtnc tha war the
down on the slope of a hfl! overlooking buildings are being located. Central circle breakwater was partially blown tip. but It
a beautiful harbor, you would have one h" ,ne new DU,Illng 6f the Yokohama a now being repaired. It Is made of blocks
section of Dalny. This famous city of Specie bank, the civil administration build- of stone and cement, soma of which weigh
the csar, built by the Russians at the Ing and other fine structures. The British fifty tone.
southern end of the Transsiberlan sys- consulate haa rented some land on this At many of the harbors of the western
tern, to more like FHirope than Asia, circle, and our American consul has aluo Pacific the passengers have to be landed
The administration section, devoted to secured a lease, which, under Uncle Sara's ,n Punches. This Is so at Yokohama and
the rallwar offlclala. la made tin of new nnllcv nf ownln his consulates In the N'Miasakl and also at Taku and Shanghai,
magnificent dwellings of brick and stone,
running along
rounded by a
wide streets, each eur-
garden There
is no Atlattc architecture In
thin tinrt
of tlio city, and as one drives through
... ..
lie cannot reaiire tnai ne is in me
wild of Manchuria. The streets are as
clean as the boulevards of Paris, they
are llchted by electricity,
na me nouses
re all large and made after a uniform
There is an administration building, with
scores of offices; a Greek church, which
ciiihiiuuw mum inu uu
l hotel, which is one of the best of the
This hotel Is now managed by
i ,1 11... .. . .. 1 . I
"ulu 'l"ul .
comfortable throughout. The rooms are
heated by great Russian stoves, built into
th walls, and double windows aid to keep
ine wans, ana aouDie winaows aia 10 seep
out the cold. The meals are served In
French style, but the waiters are pretty
Japanese girls, clad in kimonos and long
white aprons. Japanese boys take the
place of our chambermaids, and the serv-
" ''Sf" ' ."La'e. Tnd
eventeen 1ea". " Lnlted 6tte. and
he speaks English well.
Hew Daisy,
- . - ... ,. h ml .
lAlL- .-ITJ"!- 2:7 x,
.lan. lZn , Im-hin- ikV t2fl ooo floo in
I,rlT.,h r in
f1"'.' "",!". "".JIT
Tbnto VJV lS v2rt of the
When tne war ciosea a large part or tne
i.-j k.i . n-u.
' . " . .
nmA men uihiicUi uw ivwg .no
ofr many or the houses. The Chinese had
carrlea away th. door, and window., and
nad even tried to stMl the Russian stove..
In the res rlxncii a awl Inn the mnst of thase
damages have since been repaired and a
new town 1 rlsine; between that place and
the harbor. There are fifteen brickyards
now making building materials, and hun-
areds of Manchurian masons and carpeu-
ters are working away.
Dalny lie. right on the harbor, running
up a slope which ls backed by hills 800
feet high. It goes around the sea, its
streets being laid out along the lines of
two or three spider web. In this it to
wl.laait unnvilldnna atiff.Bn .naf .arnnv
1ai K.v.. ..Ih In . ..t t.t.n...
J... w.via w... . .. wbu w .vvn.iwB,
0111M hut wnnal.r .t th. calm anI ..nil.
approach of death ln this child. It only
serves to strengthen my faith In the posl-
tlve benefits obtained from the cold air
treatment when it can be applied th a
treatment wnen it can db appuea in a
more systematic way and devoid of all
dampness and noise, of machinery, which
.i. nivaaiv. LIUOCI ill VHtlKHUOQ, A
Bia Life Wu Saved by Cold Air Treat meet
Wbaa buIrUig Iiwuk l.isnii..
r-T -
far east, may form the alte of an Amerl-
can building. The matter haa been sub-
... . . . . .
mi,ted to the State department, but has
... .... . ....
tlon could be selected It was the Nicholas
nun coiuu ue pcitcira. 11 wbb me nitnuiM
rircl of the Russian, and thev considered
u one of thlr b
- . ...
New Town. The magnificent residence
eertlnn whlti T have slreadv ri eem-thed
- -
lias farther Inland, over a great railroad
cutting which Is now crossed by a fine
stone Drmge. reminding one somewnat or
the nw Connecticut avenue brldgo
acrol!g Rock creek , -WMhlngton. although
v.,. m..n. . i.r. ti,. T,n
, , . . .
W compo-ea or poor buildings,
constructed by the Russians. These are
K.lnr n nhal.nllal hn,,.o. .n
eln "Placed by substantial houses and
stores, all built upon the Russian plan
Kree Fort
The Japanese officials tell me that the
dr" f "
churla. They hav. followed the Russia.
example ln that the town Is a free port,
and they expect to make It a great "busi
ness city. They have one of the finest
"""" cuy- n"vo on" ol ln ,,ne"
harbor" on ,he western Paclf,- " free
from ,c" ihe Twi- "hlp iT-
,hlrtT feet can enter at low Ude- Th'
can land at th. Immense docks and pier,
cars. Tallenwan bay. upon which the
nsrhnr la slIUBtart rnmnrlsea minv anuare
1 r- 1
or IB luiuaieu. compnBes many square
. . . . .
mues. ana me aeep water area is Dig
enough to handle the .hipping of all China.
The harbor ha. granite wharves with
. I. v.,
t lr water Thrm .hirvu .re mnre
.v. - 1 .
,v.r. .,m.. . .-nmmi.,in
. t , 7 .
P" Up orart" 01 twenty-two feet. The
narrowest of the wharves are about 400
feet wlde and the rallwy track, run out
upon them- The wharves are lighted with
electricity and the channels by gas buoys,
Steam cranes move on tracks up and down
th. wharves and ther. 1. a granite dry
by Cold
..a th. a... In nah n-w n.ll.nt. .....
in -hill
aia 1111, ( JJ it II.
"Hi a f n.r. th.f th. . . r . num.
ber of cases of lockjaw occurr between
the ages of 10 to 16 years, the number of
male, being much larxer than the females,
A tabulated report of &1 cases shows 778
a taouiaiea report or wi cases snows na
were males and 203 females. Thl. sam.
report lv.. proof that July furnishes a
18, 1909.
Manchurian Railway System
th' la"r pr be'n up J?"' .",nl
miles from the Yangtse. When I left
Chemulpo for Dalny I was towed ont to
... ... . , .... . .rV
" -.c..i mm nunvcu
1. A .kin V. TrnAnn . n 1 1 V, . ...
elr(cra,t u aftr .lhd ty,e ' he
Venetian vnndollers. In lnndlnir at Hulnv
"".T.. . " . ' " . Z. '.
we came right to the pier and stepped
from the ship Into the city.
People of Dalny.
The population of Dalny Is a queer mix
..r. r1 h 1 n lan.nM a .... i. --.
IT -ninese, Japanese ana loreigners
,. ,'" "AJv".!. i'll.
There are 40.000 of
them and they constitute the chief work-
lnr force. Thev dr ve the droachkies left
large siores ana are cna&iceu iu vne im
by the Russians, they carry the bricks .rt nort trade. There are five or
. .. . . . . ... .
na al" u,oa ln DU"aln na ule' lorm
the largest portion of the mechanic. They
do the market gardening, all the peddling,
an In avMonn. vrt.h.r Th ll.i,
and are ln evidence everywhere. They also
have nvsnv stores, anil ma nv rlrh men.
There are Chinese policemen and some
Chinese civil officers
Chinese civil officers.
The Japanese are the aristocrats of the
town. They bos. the Chines, and a. a
rule, do but llttl. of what Is known as
coolie work. Many of them are officials,
who dress ln European clothes, and not a
few are merchants. Ther. ar. altogether
about 18.000 Japanese.
Outside this population of 68.000 of the
Mongolian race. ther. ar. Just flfty-.ix
European. and Americans. composed
chiefly of th. consul, and their employe,
told, Just three cltU.n. of th. Unlfd
" . .. n
cutteB. uw Ol mese la miser o. ureeiie,
.! VI. I. . vn man
- ' "
ho was brought up ln Japan, and who
f"r a tlm wa ln char f our con"'"
. ,1 . . xt . .1.1 1 .... 1 ... . A
'"v i -oai... uavci uii uo nini. v -
Vladivostok, and from there waa trana-
ferred to Dalny.
Mr. Greene apeak, th.
JPnese language fluently, and h. 1. a
valuable man for this province. The other
two American are Rev. Mr. Winn and his
wlfe They ar, missionaries, who came
her, from western Japan, where they had
been doing work for more than twenty
years. At the close of the war. when the
Japanese took possession of Manchuria,
ome of th. Christians among th. officials
Dry Air
M., t . ... V .1
.i . ,u- t ....
n,i..tin . . . .. .... it.i,.j a...-
Nebraska shows a very small percent of
deaths from tetanus. From 1870 to 1UO0,
sixteen cases are renorted ltnwever I da
not feel this is a very accurate report, for,
not reel this is a very accurate report, for,
to my knowledge, Omaha and South Omaha
can cover that number in the last ten
year, alone. Upon closer Investigation. I
. ... . ,, . . . . , '
learn the child had taken no nourishment
for three days and not a drop of water
or fluid of any kind while ln th. chill
"Th. most prominent case over which I
have had direction ln which the results
of the cold air treatment were successful
was that of Francis McKeon, at present a
healthy and vigorous young man of this
cuy. i was summoned In his case Sep-
tember t, 1304. The Infection wa. due to a
splinter In the foot. All the usual symp-
torn, of tetanus were present.
"All ordinary treatment proved unavall-
Ing. Oil September 6, when the con-
vulslons were at their height I had the
boy taken to the cooling room of a brew-
ery. He showed marked improvement in
an hm,. Thi. .... . a n i. i .
an hour. Thl. wa. at p. m. At 1 a. m..
September 6 he recovered con.c osneM
and begged to be taken home. His par-
ents. against my wishes. Insisted on faking
him home. Within twelve hours all the
symptoms returned in aggravated form. I
again prevailed upon the parents, and the
boy was placed ln the chill room a second
time. This time the same response and
Improvement followed. In all this you
could hardly believe the prejudice and op-
position I encountered from the parents,
On September U he had recovered suffi
ciently to be removed from the chill room.
In four weeks all effects ot th. dlseas.
' vanished.
To my medical brethren I would say that
I firmly believe the poer of the lung, to
eliminate poison has been .-really under
estimated. It has often beeen demonstrated
that medicine injected by any of the meth
ods can within a f-w moments be detected
ln the breath, showing the willingness of
this great organ to relieve the sy-tem of
any aDnormai substance, i old air, as i
maintain, robs the tetanus of Its vitality,
and I would Include the bacilli of pneu
monia, meningitis, icholera Infantum,
typhoid, yellow fever and malaria, and
other Infectious fevery.
"I am positive the dy Is not far distant
when cold, dry air will? be our chief weapon
with which to combat lall this clas of dls.
case. It ls simply a tetter application ot
,. . ,,,, , , ' . ...
th. trinity of healer-water, sunshine and
. . , .
air. Water and ne have an eslab-
.v.i..uuie ii. vo
llshed pis, ln medlcuj ueatment. It re-
niaiiia lur a scienurio appucaiion ui air
tempered to the various needs ot the case,
attempted, to accomplish healing in quit,
as wade a field a. by water and saasUne.'
: 'L I t-v 'i
f:.i IVW
til I .....I'li I'll I. 1. IIIM.Il...l.l1l.l..l...lll,lH..H..l , . .1, ,. 1IH .Mill III!
requested the wmns to start a church at
. -
Dalny- iia . and tne Japanese
. . 1 . m .1
" i.
ground on which the church stands, but
subscribed about one-third of Its building;
fund. The church Is a brick structure In
the heart of the city. It Is not only sup
ported by the Japanese, but they are carry
ing on considerable Christian mission work
byTh. Cl. They hav.
, ... . .v.. .
The greater part of the business of
' "
six Japanese bazars, each of which con-
a score or so of men and women
rn(,rchs,rltll wno .,t ln ttie booths under
. . . .
irivrciianu, wno bit, in nine wuiim utiuor
. roof wllh tnelr pUex, ound
.. .. . . v i.
mem or jaia upon bii.atoh . v ui ukk.
Th.ra ls - ,..,, factory and several
There is a Japanese factory ana several
laige bookstores, some of which will com-
" favorably with any In a city of the
u'ued States'of ilm.larM.c
What the) Japanese Read.
And Just here I would like to tell you
something about th. book stores of this
part of the world. Th. awakening of
Asia ha. started the people to reading.
There are big book store, ln all the cities
of Japan, and also In those of Korea and
Manchuria. I have before m. a list of
libraries of Toklo during on. month. At
- hk... h.r. . nvr t.n
- . . .
...-. -
Ihmilknil anDllcaUOIi. TOr COOKS. Our
" .v . , .,..,.
thousand of th... cam. from tudnta.
vr hr" thousand from bun" m"
u,n th.nBan.A frnm children ana six nun-
dred from wom.n.
Quaint Features of Life
Maa-rnder Tribe of Mlsso.rl.
N INTERESTING family party
was recently held at th. horn.
of Alpheus B. Magruder of
Whiteside, Mo., th. gathering
having been called to celebrate
th. reunion of five brothers-
Eila. Magruder of Hunter, Okl.; George
W. Masruder of Clinton. Ky.; Isaao M.
Magruder of Wlnfield. Mo.: David M.
MnarrulAi arA Tlmmu f- Xfaffnirlaa. nf
WI.IImMh Thl. xi 1 the flint tlm. In
" " " " .. ..... ....... ...
more than twentv-flve vears the brothers
nave a11 be,n together. Many of the de-
scenaants were present, maKing in
bout 100 In the party. Th. Magruder.
nav bMn at've In the development of
- - w.
Uncoltl county. After a dinner many old-
faBhloned " ere Played. The chief
'por a" V0Prk,,P.P'nr f1?1- . rand'
mother, and grandfathers vied with the
. . ,.,,. ,, ,. . ....
. , , . .,
youngsters ln the pastime. The eldest of
the brothers 1. years old and th. young
est 06.
ly Rat. Kill Tartle.
Attacked by a .warm of rats, a big land
turtle belonging to Frank Singleton of
Darby, Pa., put up a desperate battle with
the hungry rodents for Its life, but the
rats proved too many tor tne turtle, wnicn
finally succumbed to mere force of num-
bers. That the turtle fought gallantly
or lt" 11,8 and av the mor than
thelr sha,e of the battle there to no doubt.
Tne act that lhe turtl Wtt almost Im-
Prnable In his shell, but finally sue-
cmte'1 befole ,heir onslaught, Indicate.
at "'V" ' ne tha'
the rodenu waited their opportunity each
UM u cautlougly ,tuck out , Uaiher-llke
Tn fact that thr., cl,anIy ftveTpA ,ront
Wgt ot ,he rodents were found beside the
0(a(1 turtle in the cellar prove, that th.
vioiini maimed many of Its enemie before
n wa8 killed Itself.
Singleton had kept the turtle ln his eel-
lar to drive away the rats, and believes
that this was a concerted attack to rid
themselves of their enemy. After killing
the turtle the rats ate off Its head.
Trapping a l.lar.
"Doctor, do you over do .nything for
charity? I am an awfully poor -woman
and hav6 heart trouble. Won t you please
examine my htart with th. X-ray fre. of
This plea was made by a poorly dressed
woman of about tu to Dr. George Her-
m.nn of Corryvllle, O. Happening to look
a little lower than the heart, he dlnr.overed
two i20 eold nieces In a chamcla bas under
Ule womari . Kajlnent.
"How la my hesrt, doctor?"
"Vour heart t. pretty bad," he ejaculated,
with a ting, of sarcasm.
Is there any hope for me?"
"Not If you keep this way," he declared
as the third f2u gold piece came Into view.
"I really mer.n that you had a bad heart,
You lied when you said you were poor.
Tane rhstmoney out of your waist and
P8 m 5 " v
The woman nesrly collspsed, but she
. ... . ,, , .
took out the ln gold ar.d from another
. . ,
rt f h raimtnt drew out a purse con-
ulng bllla
Her Apple fie Got Ulna.
"Mak. your vto crust rloh. .lire your
apple, tun, put La plenty ut thsia, and
- .. ... ..
uunni tna same montn at me ieyno
library In ToWo 8a000 books were taken
out. and th. moBt of these related to
literature, mathematics and medicine
The calls included something like 10,000
histories and biographies, 1,000 books on
social and political economy and 10,000
volumes on engineering and the Industrial
arts. The demands under literature and
language probably include fiction, and
. "" V. wTTtTuo
over 19,000. There are now In TokJo
00 book-lending shops which reqnlre a
deposit and charge from one-half to one
cent per book per day, according to the
value of the book and the time It Is out.
. . - . . ..all.rl trr sr. tMnn
"y " th" .,'h fo r, trvl
. . , . ..... ,-.. . Tin
,U and bloTaPn,M- uch a" tho, of Lln
Garfield. Gladstone. Bismarck. Na-
. ' . ,M .
poln an(1 Rovelt. are ln demand,
Roosevelt'. Ut. to. I understand, very
Among th. books now most read by th.
young men of Japan are Sarnu.l Smiley
"Self Help" and Marsden'. Success.
r ranees noogson uri . .in i-
Fauntleroy" has been translated, as well
" "The r.
Island- and 'Three Men In a Boat" Th.
Japan... read the best work. In English.
.Ine. on many subjeots. I "naerstand
that an lntelleotual awakening of a some-
.,,,.- n..,,,. l. !,,. h.nnln. In
. .... .......
Wllt. ..-v-.w 4 . .
rhin and that th. celestials ar. now
"".m o many W.U kn0wn
r'nLn boks 01 m y
luuropeau uuubb.
u.e lot. of sugar." said Mr. T. W. S.y
mour, th. -n-year-oia oriae 01 justice ot
th. Peac Seymour. aea TO. ox jaajwooa.
Mrs. Seymour won th. heart, hand, and
fortune of her husband by making him
luscious pies, and ah. av. a detailed
recipe for the benefit of other widows who
n'lt the .am. aort of ln-
rier apple piV .171 iri
aid Judge
appl. pie.
BeymOUT. 1 .IW.y. QIQ liae apple pie.
but I never did get real appl. pi. until t
aU heT PPl Ple-
Effective Plea for Father.
.,n,,.c..r. th. n and th.
younK.Bt 5 waiKed Into the office of
Sheriff Rhodda at WllkeHbarra, Pa, Each
washed clean, each wore ragged
i . w .anh no- himrrv .nil th.v
. . mii.a
nad walked five miles,
Ltwuirn, . ' i " - ' - -
Please, I want to see th. sheriff," .aid
the oldest.
Sheriff Ithodria went to them. Somewhat
frightened, but bravely, th. oldest boy
stammered out:
"Mr. Sheriff, I want you t gat my
fatner' out of Ja. Tney put h!m , a wm5
ago, and we've eaten up everything In the
house. I've worked and bought some
tread and meat, but that', all gona W.
aln.t haa nothing to eat .inc. last night,
and w4 want father to com. home. I
washed and dressed the children and we
au waiked here from Port Orlffllh to ask
you. please, Mr. Sheriff, let him out."
iqury revealed the fact that the father
waa John Rummage, a mine worker, In
Ja" ,n dMfault of baU on th chara ot
threats and assault and battery. Th.
mother Is dead.
-r M
.M to a,t,nd to th. chiian, and a fsw
hours later the father was released,
The Offended Bride.
Senator Crane, discussing a tariff argu-
ment last month, said:
"Well, I was misunderstood. I was a.
badly misunderstood as the Glouoest.r cl.r-
"A Gloucester clergyman wa. filling out
a marriaue certiorate. rorgetting tn.
date, he looked up, pen in hand, and said
to the bride:
" Let me see, this to th. Mventh,
Isn't It?'
"The bride, whose marital adventure.
naa prt-n iiikiiuuiu, hubiivq nuiijr mna rv
" 'No, It's not the seventh.
the fourth.' "
Melf-Foretf ol.
It's only
President Taft 1. fond of chtldr.n, with
wnom ne is a ravorite. A charming .lory
on thl. head come, from Cincinnati,
One, when a pretty Cincinnati girl wa.
a ch"n of r 7. Mr. Taft, calling at her
house, found nohodv home excepting her-
self. She entertained him a little while,
and when he rose to go he stoopsd down
and kissed her.
"Here's one," he said, "for th. baby.
Here is another for little Jim. And ber.
ls a third for Billl. boy."
Th. llttl. girl, drawn. g herself up, said
haughtily she had been reading a novel;
"Mr. Taft, you forgot youraalXI"
He bent down again.
So I did," he laughed. -Well. har.-.
one for. myMlfl"-Su Louto OlobaOino.
i .