n THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 18. 1000. MONEY TO LOAN ItLiKT AHO CUATTELI. Vacation Money Everyone needs It, and thl Is the place to get It. Don't let money Hand In your way hrn It can be so easily obtain! on your S ALA RY, FURNITURE. HA NO, WAREHOL'SH RECKlPT. or anything of value. Our special 'w run re till In effect. We advene money quickly and confidentially. nd our offices strictly private. ULAb WITH THE BIGQE8T AND BEST. Reliable Credit Co. 2d Floor. $07-8 Paxton Block. N. E. Cor ner 16th and Fartiam Sts. 'Phonea: Dougl 1411 and A-1411. mmiwnimwmwim!mi$twm$T H Mnnev for VnnAtinn $ V ' " . 110 i0 U II Do you need money? We arc go- It II Ins to loan our surplus cash to all $1 1$ worthy applicants at the LOWEST M It ItATKS EVER OKFliRKI) in the city 1$ on HOUSEHOLD OOOU3. PIANOS. $8 SALARIES, eto. It will pay you to $1 sea us before getting money else- If It where. We are prepared to accomtno- f lldate PA LA HIED PEOPLE. Every- it II thine Is strictly confidential, it VI Open till 6 30 p. m. Telephone !$ II Douglas 20-.6 and Ind. A-2033. Omaha Financial Co.. II 01 Brown Block, Opposite Brandel. 1 II 11th St. Entrance. 11 MOXT'Y on furn'lure. pianos, live stock Jiv;.ilj J or ai,v r.ruruy Before niak In ga loan see us. Both phones 1356. Busi ness strictly confidential. Low rates; small payments. Nebraska Loan Co., ltjth and Capitol Ave., Opposite Postoffice. MONET loaned salaried people and others without security; easy pay menta. Office In iC principal cities. Tolman. Room 413, New York Life Bldg. i Jn diamonds. W. FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. PRIVATE money to loan on chattels; low Interest. WILLOWS, t4 Brandeis Bldg. VACATION MONET or money for any other purpose makes no difference. What you are Interested In most Is a plnrc- where von cull make a loan at reasonable rates and where you can deal confidentially ami wll! get a square deal. .That's what we hats been doing for t-eren'een vears. OMMH MORTC.AOE LOAN CO.. Ill Boa id cf Trade Bldg Thone Doug. 233. Entrance 106 8. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1W LOANS, half ratea. 829 Board of Tiade. MOVING AND STORING 1!XP, iiellvcry Co., office 16th and Deven pori fcts.. warehouse 2207-01 laard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; Haoaaa. TWO connecting rooms with board, to permanent couple or two gentlemen, In modem home; references. 1811 Cass. Phone U. 14i. ROOM and board, close In. Large front room wltn alcove, suitable for two or three persons, either furnished or unfurnished, 114 So. l!th fit. Phone Red -4033. EAST and south side rooms with board reasonable rates. 212 S. 26tb St. LEWET European Hotel. Uth and Farnam. NICE, cool room, for two gentlemen; private family; walking distance. Tel. Douglas 10I2. ROOM and board In a new. all modern flat for man and wife or gentlemen. Every thing neat and clean. 631 S. lth St. Phone First prize Story FOUND HER LONG LOST SISTER Joeephme Uavln, Omaha, Daughter ot K A. Gavin. Jb.,0 Cbarl Street. Sixta t.rade Walnut Hill School. Teac-tier, Mlws Emma Elsworth. Aged 11 Years. WANTED Middle aged woman to car for invalid lady and assist with house work; references. Call at Ave. Miss Orace had been with Mrs. Bemls five years, and had cared for her as If she were her own mother. It was very hard for her to tell dear old Mrs. Bemls that she was going to leave her to take up a claim! Yet she knew that she would have to leave Saturday and she could not go without giving a few days' notice. It was Thursday morning that Grace was going to tell her; but the breakfast and hurry of work kept her mind quite busy until she had forgotten It. About 11 o'clock: the postman left a letter for her. It was from the home feud agent, stating the special train on which she was to leave was to bo delayed until Monday. "Now Mrs. Bemls will have time to get somebody before I leave," aald Orace to herself as she went upstairs to tell Mrs. Bemls cf ber plans. Mrs. Bemls waa very much disappointed and said she feared are would not be cared for her as Grace did. Then Grace reminded her of .the Utile want ad In The Bee five years ago, which she answered. "I'll tell you what we will do," aald Grace, "I will eall up The Bee and have an sd put In for tonight's paper." "All right," said Mra. Bemls. So the above ad was 'phoned The Bee office. The next day about 4 o'clock a lady called. She waa a sweet-faced, middle-aged lady with silver gray hair. ' She was neatly dressed In white. She talked with Mrs. Bemls for a while. Then Orace showed her the house and told her the care Mrs. Bemls required. She seemed to like the place very well and Mrs. Bemls seemed to think that she was Just fine, so she told her to come Monday. Grace felt very happy now, for she knew that her kind old friend would be happy. She left Monday just a little after Mrs. Thayer (for that was the future care taker's name) arrived. About a month later Grace received a letter from Mrs. Bemls telling her how happy she was and that Mrs. Thayer was no stranger, but her husband's long lost sister. As Grace finished her next letter to Mrs. Bemls she sdded the P, P. We know what those little Bee want ads hava don and what they are doing. Orace receives The Bee every other day at her far away little shanty twenty-fiv miles from a postoffice. THE BEE AWARDED FIRST THIS STORY AND THREE SHINING SILVER DOLLARS WERE SENT. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) rarmlahe tlo NICE, airy room, private residence; lawn, trees; terms reasonable. 2115 Farnam FURNISH FD room; house net hot water. 318 N. l.h t plenty VERT deslrabla room; noa walking distance, ill fe. th bit location; FOR rent, for sale and furnished room Cards. 0c each. Corey A McKenai Print ing Company. Ill 8. 14th Bt. GOOD rooms, tZ per waek; fraa bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. SAMPLE SHOES. $2 50-Alexnder, Pat ton Block.' TWO elegantly furnished rooms, private house, no other room", good board near. 1019 South Thirtieth Ave. TOUNQ man to ahars comfortable fur nished room, 2702 Farnam St., Harney 278. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, all modern. 12 per month, 2019 Webstar St. TWO nice cool rooms. 2304 Davenport St. I MODERN FRONT ROOM. 2U07 ST. MARY'S AVE. TWO large rooms with board; reduced ratea during summer; meal tickets. 2109 Douglas St. ONE large room with board, new flat. 112 N. 24th St. Tel. D. 4707. LAltriE parlor, nicely furnished, with boajil for one or two, reasonable, 2;o7 Far nam St. NICE corner room In modern home to permanent couple; also single room to gen tleman. . 1914 Cass St. Phone Douglas 147(. SUITE of extra Tine rooms, fine furni ture, fine lawn. Private family; southwest corner 20th and Chicago Sis. LARGE south from roam for two. at 420 Miami St. Call FURNISHED room, private family; gen tlemen only. 2607 Farnam. ONE nicely furnished front room. North Uth. (10 NICELT furnished, modern front room. 411 North llth St. NEWLY furnished room. St 2303 Douglas TWO connecting rooms, newly fur nlahed; private family. 204T Dodge St. APPLICATION for rooms In The Bel mont, 1618 Dodge St.. are now being re celved; gentlemen only; everything newly rttrnisnea ana decorate! throughout. Ap ply to R. T. Ver Mehren, Mgr. Doug. liiL NEWLY furnished room. 2221 Dodge St. FURNISHED room, with board. 1624 Maple. Private family. Tel. W. 1792. FRONT parlor, suitable for two. Dodge. 2427 NICELY furnished room In new modern home, private family, Park Ave., near Leavenworth; gentleman preferred Tel. Harney 715. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished front room, strictly modern flat, close in; rea sonable. 629 So. Uth St. TWO front rooms, furnished oomplete for light housekeeping. 2116 Spencer St. Tel. Webster 2059. NICELY furnished rooms. In new flat; walking distance. 320 N. 26th St. FURNISHED five-room apartment for housekeeping. 2008 St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished front room In new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. 240u Harney. NICE single or suite of rooms, with board If desired. 3016 Pacific St. PRIZE TO THE WRITER OF OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ROOMS 205 3. th Aft. I'af nrnlshed Roosaa. FOUR unfurnished rooms; references. 2667 louglas tt. Apartaaeat aaa Plata. THREE and I roorw flats. Scargo Bldg., $'6 N-14th Ft . South Omaha. Hall. J Ramge Bldg. Both 'phonea. FOR RENT COLLINS' FLATS NEW modern 4-r. apartnens. oak finish, wth private bath and gas tan. Will glva free rent to August 1. Only small families Pri.-es. 114 to IU. TIIOS. AY. HAZEN 105 So. 16th. Phone D. 1300 BEAUTIFULLY finished 4-room. steam- heated apartment, with bath: right down town. Apply suite 8. Davldge Bldg., be fore 4 afternoon Monday. FOR RENT 8-room apartment In the Uintah. Tel. Doug. 18S6. FOR RENT TWO apartments, one of five and one Of six rooms. Completely modern, beauti- tuiiy nniBhen. every convenience, neat and janitor service furnished, close In, on South JSth Ave.. Hf per month. BENSON St MYERS CO.. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone, D. 746. FOR RENT Six-room cottsge, modern except furnace, near 27th and Hpencer Sis., 816. and water. One 7-room and one 8-room flat, 846 and 860; walking distance. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I AND 4-ROOM Apt., modern, 81 8. 22d. NEW 8 room brick flat, all hard wood finish, tile bath, hot water heated, laundry In basement, paved streets; four blocks from court house, 1,03 s. 2L'd St. Red 44S7. Housekeeping nooias. EXCELLENT furnished rooms for house keeping; first-class street and neighbor hood; close in. Dr. Prlbbenow, 2674 liarney St. Tel. Red 6086. NICE, cool fmnt and back rooms for light housekeeping, cheap. 2218 Leaven worth St. TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 714 South 16th St. TWO cool front rooms for housekeeping, modern. 620 N. 18th SL NICELY furnished front rooms California St. t 2024 ROOMS for housekeeping; gas and bath. 604 N. 17th. Doug '4668. TWO light housekeeping; vacant July 13- ana cnicago at. TWO rooms nicely furnished, modern. 2406 Capitol Ave. ONE furnished room for light house- Keeping.. to n. zatn st. THREE furnished rooms keeping; all modern. 632 S. for 2th. house- NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 711 S. 16th St. 3d floor. LA ROE front room for housekeeping. 207 N. 23d St. PARLOR for one or two gentlemen, or housekeeping for man and wife. 631 S. 19th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; ref erences. 2114 Chicago St. NEWLY furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern: walking distance. Phone Douglas 8127; 26S2 Harney. ., , TWO or three connecting front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; no objection to children. 809 N. 25th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close In. 1614 California St. . NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2117 Webster St. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete. 2223 Leavenworth St. THREE elegant, strictly modern, private, half basement rooms. S20 N. 20th St. FOUR-ROOM apartment, handsomely furnished; south-east front. 604 So. '2?th St. HOUSEKEEPING 1912 Dodge. rooms, cheap rent. THREE rooms for rent, modern except heat. 2.126 S. , 12th St. DESIRABLE modern room furnished complete for housekeeping; gas for cook ing. Close in. 1914 California St.' TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2603 N. 20th St. THREE elegant, extra laree, alrv front rooms, and porch; modern. 320 N. 2uth St. Hornsea and Cectaes. FOR RENT Brldk house at 1511 S. 29th 6t, one block east of Park avenue car line; modern In every respect, with 4 bed room on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves- tlbul on first floor. Inquire at 1609 S. 29th Bt Tel. Harney. 1509. 2824 LEAVENWORTH, n. e. cor. Georrl. Ave., 8-r., $36. 8625 Davenport. . c. cor. 87th. 8-r.. with extra large lot $36. Both decorated to suit tenant. O'KEEFE . REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2162. RLEGAN'l (-room flat, located at 610 a 17th. all modern; price. $36. Bemls, Brandela Bldg. 4 room house, 706 N. 82d, $12.60. k room house, 3233 Evans St.. $12.60. i room house, 70s N. 22d., $10. t room house, modern. 2409 Lake, $2L J. II. Parrotte. Board of Trade. FOR RENT 971 N. 2Sth St.: all modern. Cistern, barn; $20. The Putnam Co., 604 N. Y. Lit. Tel. Doug. 8S7. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros. 118 N. T. L. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. Store H H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth. office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. IBS. BOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort. II modern. 4 or 4-roora flats. Apply 224 N. 2M. HOUSES Peter Trust Co.. N. T. L Bldg. ( rooms, modern, in Davldge Bldg., $36.00. 7 room, modern house, 3u02 Mason St.. $30.00. 7 room, modern, 641 S. r7th St.. $30 00. 8 room, modern except heat, 2042 Daven port. 100. rooms, I4tn and r arnem pts . jx,.oo JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 Farnam St. THREE-ROOM, also a 4-room house. SMh and P Sts., South Omaha, (free rent for part July), renting at $6 and IS. 2722 Howard hi., 8 rooms, all modern: new paint; walking distance $30. 307 Railroad Ave.. South Omaha. I-room house. $5. Seven-room house. 25th and Caldwell: all rooms newly painted and papered. Rents for 8M REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., ' Ground Floor. U01 Farnam St. FOR RENT. 868 S. 2Sth, 10-r., all modern, $35. 1049 Park Ave., 8-r . all modern. (35. 1HJ0 9. 84th, 8-r., modern, ex. furnace,. $25. IV. 16th, s-r., modern ex. heat $22 60. 2710 Parker. 6-r.. part modern, $18. 2124 N. 16th, $-r.. modern. $16.50. 222 N. 84th. -r., part modern, $18. 2-1 Wirt -r., all modern, $35. 1116 Pewey Avt., -r., all modern. $40. V17 Mason, 10-r.. all modern, $31.50. THE BTRONv REED CO.. Tels. Doug. 297. A 334. 212 8. 14th FOR RENT Cottage, six Ruggle St., $12 50. room. 8324 $12.50 4-r. cottag. part rood., 70S N. Diih Are. $16.00 4-r. mod. apartment, 1904 8. lOtb, 3t $18 00 6-r.. mod., cor. 10th and Center St. $31.00 10-r. bouse, part mod., nlc rooming . house. 1618 Ohio Bt. $27 60-7-r., mod., 1121 Paciflo Bt. $10 00 7-r.. all mod. house, 3613H Capitol Av. . $35.00 i-r. all mod. bouse, 17(1 Davenport Bt. . ROBINSON ft WOLT. 431 Paxton Block 8411 Parker street, ( room, $17. S. W. :'ith and Mundersun. modern, $25. JOHN N. FKEN2ER, Both phone. OFFERED FOR RENT It noses and ettaes Continued. FLATS AND ROOMS H'V-rrtl Psc-lflc. choice brick. 9 rooms, modern. 84-S4?l Irwey Ave . one of the most de sirable corner fists In the Weft Farnam district; 8 rooms, modern brb k, nearly new and In first-class condition. H2 6" Ms S. 27th, near'y new -room St. Louis flat. 6M S. 2Hth Ave., nearly new 6-room Ft. Louis flat. 132 o 118 s 10th, good 10-room brick flat, on car line. 824 21 8. Z4tn. new 4-room brick apart ment, modern, gas range. Janitor service, hent furnished, walking distance. 8182011 Miami. 6 rooms, modern except hent; splendid repair. I'S l.V 8. Nth, .-room modern Tat. $12 .V-2T19 S 16th. -room flat. $12-623 S. 29th. 4-room brick flat. $10210 S. 2Sth Ave.. 4 rooms, first floor; will repair. llOUPEP AND COTTAOES. $."5 2701 Davenport. 10-room brick house, modern, corner lot. 8T-S44 N, 24th St.. rooms, large lot $--1121 Pacific, S-room house; modern except heat. $1KM12?03 Caldwell. 5-room cottage. $3.50201!) Martha, S rooms. GARVIN BROS., 311 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 962 FOR RENT. FINE 12-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. 5 BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL. BEST DOWN-TOWN LOCATION; PARTLY FURNISHED; REFERENCES RE QUIRED. THE PITNAM CO., 504 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. FOR RENT West Farnam district New- all modern home, partly furnished. 7 rooms, bath and reception hall. Owner. young attornev, unmarried, will take room and board as rent. Call 711 N. Y. Life Building, or 'phone. Red 3400. NEAT 6-room cottage one block from 10th St. car. 2740 S. 9th St. Inquire 823 8. 2Sth St. Tel. Harney 1660. NEW 5-room house, entirely modern, oak finish downstairs. 4224 Grant St., Clifton Hill, $31.50. Webster 893. SEVEN-ROOM modern house. 155S N. 16th St. ' i Peven-room modern flat, 3d floor, 2310 Cuming St. 8!x-room modern flat, 2d floor, 937 N. 24th St. O. C. REDICK. 1517 Farnam Ft. FOR RENT 2715 Dewey Ave Inquire T. 3. Fltsgerald, 830 Board of Trade. 5-ROOM, sewer, water, pas. toilet: In fine condition; to good tenant only $16 60. 3108 S. irth. F. C. BEST, 1008 N. Y. L. ' FOR RKNT-3622 Grand Ave., 118 ; nice 6-room cottage, with porcelain bath ' and toilet; large cemented cellar; sink and hot water tank In kitchen: location high and slghtlv. Call Ind. B-1724, or C. U Vance, Doug, on. A Real Pick Up In a building lot located at the southeast corner of 30th and Corby Sts. Only $350; adjoining lots held at $500 and $OX. See It at once. . Our "For Sale" sign Is on the lot. First party making a deposit Mon day or Tuesday will secure this snap. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sales Agents Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1715. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 4641 N. 41st St., $12. Six-room, new, mod., 4313 Seward St.. $30. Six-room, mod., 2S14 Dodge St., $27.60. Six-room, part mod.. 123 N. 37th St.. 818. Seven-room, mod. except heat, SK Grand Ave., $2.60. . . FLATS. Five-room, mod.. 2219 S. 29th St., $25. Seven-room. mod. except heat, 2621 N. 24th St., $20. Eight-room, mod . 614 N. 2th Ft., iw. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 6-UOOM cottage; small family; 22d and California Sts.; modern except heat; $25. Apply 607 N. 19th St. FOR SALE OR RENT. Peven-room cottsge. -modern except fur nace; rent, (25 Located southwest .cor ner of 26th and Charles Sts. Price for house, together with large corner lot, 4.lf0; $2,650 oash, balance mortgage 6 per cent. W. H. Griffith. 2623 Chicago fit. Tel. Douglas 4598. II ANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE Nine rooms, modern; will repair to suit tan ant; 1305 S. 31st.; shady lawn; $35. Phone S. A. Seorle, Harney 1525. TWO DANDIES 2504 pt Mary's Ave., 7-r., strictly all mod.; hardwood floors gas and electric light; nicely pHpered; close In; only $40. 5. S. 28th St.. 6-r..- strictly all mod.; pol ished floors; nicely decorated; close In. A bargain at $36.00. Payne, Jiostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. LJfe. , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. 210 So. 28th St., 6-r.. cl-s In, $15. 2619 Indiana Ave., 7-r., -city water, sewer and gas, $17. 4AU No. 29th St., 6-r., modern, ezoept furnace, brand new, $18. 18184 St. Mary's Ave., 6-r., city water. Sewer and gas, close in, $20. 2429 Franklin St., 6-r., modern, except beat; fine location, only $22. 3403 jaexson et, s r., an modern, izj &o. 1710 So. 16th 6t.,' 7-r., modern, except heat. $23. . 2916 - Farnam St., 6-r, all modern, $-6; steam heat in winter. 2o89 Parker St., 8-r.. modern, except heat nice location, 602 So. 3oth Ave.. 7-r.. all modern, fine location; $30. ':;"'4 Farnam St., fine 7-r., flat close In. only $30. 3208 Poppleton Ave., very choice, 8-r.. strictly modern house In Field Club dis trict, only $a.50. 812 No. 22d St.. 10-r.. strictly modern, close in. $40. 2106 Cass St., beautiful 9-r, strictly mod ern home, up-to-date In every respect, close In, $T!.50. 304 So. 38th St., fine 9-r.. strictly modern. in West Farnam district, newly decorated and In fine shape, 860. We have a large nnmber of new 4. 8 and S-room apartments, close In, that we can rent at reasonable prices. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO.. Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. 10-ROOM8. ALL MODERN. 666 South Ja.U St., every room newly papered, everything nice and clean; Clot- to the city; fine neighborhood; open plumb ing; gas and electric light. Reduced from $46 to $35. No better bargain In town. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO, Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. FOR UEXTi 1-rwn, new, modern nous and large r oepttot room; hard wood finish, combine tlon fixtures east front beautiful lawn; 704 N. X3d St m 8-room, new, modem 8t. Louis flat com bination fixture. reception room, hard wood f'.nlsh: 714 N. 23d St (V.l S-room modern St Louis flat reception halL eoinbination fixtures; 713 N. 13d St $30. 8-room modern brick house; 2808-2911 Wil lis a.-t. 8 rooms ;h apartment Tat' 1911 Clarke. $3. $ rooms In ap&rtn.ent flat; 1917 Clark Bt. 18 60. 4 rooms, 1734 Po. l'th t -111 C. M. BACHMANN. 46 Paxton Block. VERY CHOICE 2101 Pinkney St., fine 7-r., trlctly mod. house, on comer; finished in oak down stairs; maple floors upstairs; fine combin ation gas and electric light fixtures; f.ne largtt porch on two sides of house; full bafcement. with laundry; close to Kountze park, schools, churchts, etc. This house can be rented to the rlcht tenant at $40. If you wtHh to see it today, call np Web ster 3048. ' Payne, Bostwick & Co., 8ol Agent. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. SNAPS. 2418 Indiana Ave., new (-room cottage, modern, Ji. 2318 Dewey Ave., new (-room flat, oak finish, eay walking distance, very choice, nap for th money. $30. ON FARNAM HILL, on corner of 83d and Harney, new modern house. ( large rooms, osk finish, fin mantel, tiled bath; nic- lawn; to first clasa tenant only $40. ERNEST 8VEET, 111 N. Y. L. DOUG. 1471 (-ROOM modern houge. 1637 faxa Av Tel. Webster J& OFFERED FOR SALE Tys write ra. SPECIAL SALE OF TYPEWRITERS WE SAVE YOU $'2o.O0 TO $75.00 ON ANY MAKE LARGE STOCK OFVISIBLE WRITERS TO SELECT FROM. During the Coming week we are specially pricing all our high grade, slightly usd and rebuilt tgood as new) machine". Many of these, nre as good as new and haven't been injured $5 worth. Every one sold covered by our broad two year guar antee. Below we list a few of our specially good bargains. No. 2 Monarch, visible back space, kev model, like new V 00 No. 2 L. C. Pmlth A Pros. Vls.ble, sllgntly used 00 No. 4 Underwood Visible, thoroughly rebuilt po No. 5 Oliver, tabulator model, never used f.W) No. 8 Oliver, slightly used, like new 33 00 No. 1 Monarch, thoroughly rebuilt. A-l condition 46 P0 No 7 Bllckensderfer. like new, $.'0 machine ti.'O Postal Visible, never used; like new 15 0 Sun Visible, like new; a puod. low priced michlno 20 00 No. 4 arid No. 5 Underwoods, uced onlv few weeks; No. 2 Pmlth Premiers, 130 to $40; No. 6 and No. 7 Remingtons, $32.C0 to $46; New Century, $26; Densmore. $22 60: Chicago. $13.76. W carry In stock over ."00 machines of every make and can save you money on any typewriter you wish to buy. Call and incpecl our stock ami let us show you what we have, or write for complete list.. I B. F. Swanson Co., Inc. Est. 1904. 417 South Fifteenth St., Omaha, Neb. STORES AT OMAHA, LINCOLN AND DES MOINES.' OFFERED FOR RENT Hsam and Cottages ton tinned. ITnTTFC! I" " parts of the dry. UUUOrjO Crelgh Sons ft Co., Be Bl-ig. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 34. lf7 PACIFIC ST., 8-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish, $40. A. G. Elllck, 141 Bee Bldg. MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. A MODERN, 6-room brick house, 1118 No. 23d St; $25 per month. 'Phone Harney 90. NEAT 6-room cottage one block from 10th St. car line, 2740 S. 9th St Inquire 1C3 8. 2Mb St. Tel. Harney 1660. 4-ROOM, city water; barn. 1518 No. 16th. 3-ROOM modern house, walking distance, $30. 7-rooin, modern, $27.60. Cottage, $7.50. McCugue Co. Stores. BCARGO Blk.. Bouth Omaha, 620 N. 14th. Hall. 488 Ramga Bldg.; both phone. GOOD store room. 812 S. 18th St. Fine office In Wead Bldg. F. D. WEAD, 1S01 FARNAM. TWO-STORY and basement brick build ing, 33x132 feet; electric elevator. 1116-1118 Douglas. Trackage. Newly fitted basement, 1510 Harney St. O. C. REDICK. 1517 Farnam St. Offices. Desirable office. Karbach Blk.. 15 ft Doug. NOW IS THE TIME to rent a good cool office in the U. S. National Bldg. We have a ground floor office facing Farnam St., renting at $.10 60 per month. All convenience; free Janitor service. We also have several smaller offices, ranging from $s.25 up. V REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE af tsccllaaeoM. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE New and 2nd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Bruns-wicw-Balke Collender. 407 8. lOtb, St Scholarship If you Intend taking a course In business Ann. iia fthnnl a scholarshln. We will seil you one at a saving to you. Ad- drees O 86, car tsee. FOR SALE Cash register and safe. Ad dress J 679, care Be. BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which w will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or an he. Call at pressroom Be Publishing Co. Remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. Second-Hand Boilers W will sell two boiler that have been In us at the Be building. They are each 17-horepower return lUDular boilers, 78 inch dlaiieter by U leet lung. They have U8 C. I. tube, 8 lnche by 13 feet Work ing pressure 160 pounds per suuar inch. Heat surface lt.OOJ square feet Orate area S2Vt square feet We are very anxious to dispose of thess boilers Immediately and will sell at ( bargain, if taken at once. THE RLE BUIL'JLN'G COMPANY. 17th and Farnam Sts.. OmaAa, Neb. We have several loads- of buttermilk per day Farmers bring your barrels and get It cheap. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1811 Farnam St., Omaha. COW coming fresh In Octoher, giving nine quarts now. Inquire 4032 Decatur St. $5 VALUES In shoes for $2.60. Alexan der, the sample shoeman, Paxton Block. F. D. VAN PELT of Omaha, the only licensed and bonded auctioneer in Iowa and Nebraska. FOR SALE Twelve foot counter for sale cheap. Suitable for lunch counter 2sl3 Franklin street TWO fine cement block machines, outfit. Oeo. Harr, 2il7 Caldwell. with ALMOST new 3 drawer National cash register; cost I45J. Make me an offer. Ad dress with stamp, Y 334. care Omaha Bee. MOTION picture films, machines and supplies for sale or rent, cheap. St. Paul Film Exchange and Calcium Light Manu facturing Company; 22 E. 8th St., St. Paul, Minn WANTED Dlsb washer, South Omaha Country club. Inquire C. A. Melcher, South Omaha. TrsMfrltrn. TYPEWRITERS Summer Prices Now Is the time to pick up a bargain. 80 different makes of rebuilt typewriter, two-year guarantee with each. L. C. Smiths $35.00 Monarchs 36.00 Remingtons 15 00 Olivers 26 uO Underwoods 86.00 Smith-Premiers 20 uO Bllckensderters 10 00 Hammond 20 00 Iensmotee ; 13 00 Suns .' 10 UO All makes fir rent. Repairing don on any kind. Writ for full list. Central Typewriter Excliangv, 14V7 Farnam St., Omaha TYPE WRITERS Any make, all prices, sold and rented, rent applied, easy terms; shipped anywhere for examination. Writ for larg bargain Hat era offer. B. F. Swanson Co.. 417 B. 16th St, Omaha, Neb. OFFERED FOR SALE raraltstr. 8x5 CARD CASE. Solid osk case, msde by the Library TJ reau Furniture Co. This Is exceptionally well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Bee office. 17th and Farnam. F. V. VAN PELT, the Omaha auctioneer, 1614 Farnam St. Pianos and Maslral Instruments. $400 Kranlch Bach piano, prsctieally new. Must sell. Make offer. Heektt, Violin Maker, 301 old Boston. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS.. 1 N. T. L. Tel. D. Dr. Katheryil Nlckolas. 60 N. Y. L. Hldg, PERSONAL - DOES HE DRINK? Free book on liquor, drug and tobacco addictions. Every lady Interested should read this book. Written by Dr. Elders, a noted authority on these subjects. Ad dress. Dr. Elders, 701 N. 6th St., St. Joseph, Mo. ITCHING, dandruff, etc., positively cured. Describe trouble. Dr. Chance, Scalp Specialist. E-3:6 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Minn. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee, Bldg. A LADY with highest social connections In Europe, wishes to communicate with a wealthy American young lady (Christian) or her guardians, with the view of arrang ing a trip abroad and Introducing her Into the most exclusive circles. References ex changed. I. A., 405 Lexington Ave., New York. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell at 134 N. llth St., for cost ot collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. SEE Alexander, the sample hoe man $5 values for $2.50. Top floor Paxton Blk. Mr. Ames of Wash.. D. C, manicuring, magnetio massage, hrs. 10 to 10. 1,18 Dodge. DR. EGQERS; private confinement home. 1516 Martha St 'lei. Douglas 6230. HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. SUMMER OUTINGS, clubs of 10 or mole, anv locality In America, board and lodg ing $2.60 to $3.50 weekly. Address I.T. p. Outing Co., Schiller Bldg., Chicago.' PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The uood bamarltan Sanl- tarlum, 746 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. MAONETIC Treatment. Fmmeltn Brott 2319 H. 16th. Doug. 6186. f AnNF.TTfl treatment. Mme. Smith, liAUiNrjAxv m a 18th fit thlrd f0or't. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association, 17th and Howard Sts., where they will be directed to suttable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets train at the Union station a travelers' aid. PROF. o! K. DINJIAN, EXPERT MASSEUR, restures health, makes you look nice and plump, removes nervousness, put your stomach, bowels, liver and kid neys in good order; Improves the blood cir culation by massage, Have you tried It T Correct massage Is especially conductive to good health. Call 406 Bee Bldg. O. 868, MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. 3U8 Old. Boston Store. A DRUG STOKES use lot of drug, you know goods well bought ar half sold, and we do the rest. Try dchaefer' next time. . Here Is An Opportunity to Double Your Twloney i 1 i tir ft 1 I 2 r n dLH 3JZ We offer block 220, In Florence, containing 13 fine building lotg at acro. age price; this property U within 20 minute ride of the retail business dis trict of Omaha. To the roan that baa an eye to business, wbo will start this block off with bis own cottage, he will be able to easily double his money In fide of the next year, and, without doubt, do much better. This block right today could be retailed out In single lot at nearly double It not double the price that e are asking. All the 13 lota are full size and within a block of the street car. This Is a great bargain and will be snapped up soon, the pries for the entire block of 13 fine lots Is only, (on easy terms), $2,100. See u Monday and we will show you the property. Shimer Chase Company Real Estate. Insurance 1609 Farnam Otroct, Doll 3867; Ind. A3G42- PERSONAL Contfnued TO WHOM IT .AT CONCERN From this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted bv mv wife Ada B. Mo Cann C K. M VANS PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Faston Blk. Tel. Red Till. HUFFMAN. $18 Neville Bldg. Book free. PRINTING THE Qualltv Press, artistic commercial printers, have moved from 811 S. Uth t 1218 Harnev St Douglas 6641. CASTLEM AN Trlntlng Co., 1611 Cap. Ave. PHONE TND. A-KJ0 for good printing Lyngstadt Printing Co.. lth A Capitol Av. YAFFE PTQ. Co.. 897 Boston Stor Bldg. WATERS rRlNTINO CO.. 6tl llth St HOLLAND Printing Co.. 117 8. 17th St. WANTED-T0 BUY BEST prlc paid for oond-hnd furni ture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. fc-71. BEST prlc paid for Id-hand 'urnltura, stoves, clothing. Wm. Rosenblatt. TeL Douglas 6401. HIOHEST prices paid for Insurance poli cies In old line companies. The Putnam Company. 604 N. T. Life. PELL everything at auction. Van Pelt, the auctioneer. See F. D. REAL ESTATE LOANS Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand snd for sale in amount from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYER ' 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., llth and Farnam. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO., N. T. Llf Private money, $600 to $6,000; low 'at. REAL estate purchase money, mortgage and contracts bought. Antelope Investment Co., Old Boston Store Bldg. FIVB PER CENT MONET to loan on Omaha riuslness Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg. OARVIN BROS.. 818 N. T. Llf. $60$ to $200,00u on Improved property. No delay. WANTED City loan and warrant., W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1330 Farnam Bt. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED "Hty loan. Peter Trut Co. $600 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keef Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life. Doug, or A-21S3. SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Douglas S318. LOWEST RATES Beml. Brandeis Bldg.' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FIVE acres In Florence with 8-room house and outbuildings. The party who rents at. one will have benefit of some crop. $12. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS fur a 6-room house, a 6-room house and a couple of vacant lots.'. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite 624 N. T. Ufa Bldg , Omaha. Phone Red. 1999. Open evening. 1 CASH for property, any kind, anywhere. If you want to buy, sell or exchange, ad-. dress Northwestern Business Agency, Mln-' nrapoiiB, minn.- WANTED TO BUT-I have $7,000, to ln vest In city improved property; must b close In. Will consider no proposition from agents. Address J 80, Bee. SHORTHAND REPORTERS F. J. SUTCLIFFE. D. 1906. R 628 Be. WANTEDTO BORROW WANTED-$2,000 private money; good curlty. Answer at once. Address It 96, car Be. $600 on first mortgage. Improved 160 acre. Address, J -14 care Lee. WANTED TO KENT WANTED By young lady, room In a good location near car line. Address A. 68, car Bee. YOUNG lady wishes to spend August with congenial people at Cut-Off lake. Ad dress at once, M 184, Bee. WE are getting Inquiries far well located house. Must have sol agency. Nowata Land aid Lot Company, suite 634 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red. 199. Omaha. Neb. WANTED SITUATIONS CHAUFFEUR want position running car In city; ha first-class reference. Address N 169, care Bee. SITUATION WANTED by a chauffeur and n pair man: three year experience on gasoline car. G 78, care Bee. i ill! ill t! 1 1 1 i -1 i ML J) IIl.-, t j ' j i i I 4 1 ii iT ii I i 1 1 r i -1 1 "-- 1 i ji I m J j 1 u I tt 1 st 1 m I - L 1 1 1 1 1 1 r J. I 1 'I; f